IC New Tokyo City

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For the second time that day, Kofi scooped them up, as easily as one did with a decently sized purse or a book. Cem giggled, having already lost their spot on the couch so soon after sitting, but they wouldn't complain. Her guest claimed that he was skipping steps just to get on that precious bean bag in her room (she'd thrifted that and deep cleaned it, it wasn't that luxurious). Though she knew better, she only continued to laugh. The room was definitely small, with just enough length to have her single bed rest against the wall, but she made it feel less claustrophobic with all the soft pastel paintings. A tiny desk jutted out in the corner, beside the esteemed beanbag, with various notebooks and her agenda, all ready to be made of use for her day to day life.

"Sometimes, I do feel like I'm above walking, so it's good that you humour me." Cem snickered, as the door was closed behind them and she was carefully deposited on the bed. They sat up, crosslegged, atop the immaculately neat, fruit-themed sheets, watching Kofi continue to do all the work for them, a devoted and willing servant with his hands toiling away so that the two of them could share a smoke.

"Eh. Alriiiight. I won't argue with the guy rolling me a blunt." the merfolk waved him off with a casual grin, keeping themselves busy by beginning to methodically pluck out their hair accessories one by one, gently tossing all of the clips and bows onto their desk as an exercise in organization for later. "You know how I feel about big things in my mouth already, Kofi." she tutted with a near-dramatic roll of her eyes when he asked, but she did pause when he made eye contact with her, his tongue snaking out to lick the blunt shut.

Coolly, a glint of something less silly and more hungry in their eyes, they made a slight incline of their head towards Kofi. "Go on. Light it."
Code by Jenamos

Kittie pulled the door of her well-used fridge open with the toe of her beat up orange converse shoe, a large bag of groceries in her arms, a bagged loaf of bread hanging from her mouth, and her shoulder propping her phone up to her ear as she frantically started shoving her groceries in.

" Okay-Okay! I'll start cooking now and you guys can head over whenever you want! I even hung up decorations." She stated proudly, shooting a proud thumbs up to the singular faux skeleton dressed as a wizard that sat in the corner of her kitchen and the group of pumpkins she bought for them all to carve.

After putting away the refrigerated foods she spun around, tearing open a bag of candy with her teeth and dumping the contents into a large bowl on the counter. " It's gunna be so fun, just a small little hangout for the band."

" You don't have to wear a costume but bonus points if you do." She added in a sing-song voice. " I have hard apple cider and a bottle of peach moscato, so bring booze if you don't want those."

Code by Jenamos
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Orion was nothing if not dramatic and overdressed. During his years of being a hermit, not so much, but ever since he'd started going out in public more, he'd returned to his roots of dressing the way he loved: sharp and harsh blacks and reds, distressed fabrics and over accessorizing. Even for a trip to the grocery store, he over dressed.

Today, dressing for the Sudden Revival Halloween party after Kittie's call was only slightly different. He'd swapped out his typical attire for a silly Cupid costume, fitted with a plastic toy bow and heart arrows, looking quite ridiculous during his drive to Kittie's place. The white fabric was cheap and scratchy, fitted asymmetrically to hang onto one of his shoulders and end at his thighs in a one piece. He couldn't remember the last time he'd worn so much white. Still, he hadn't forgotten to add a black choker to his outfit, a sign that it was still him when paired with his halo of red highlights.

Parking his vehicle and dropping his keys into his tote bag, he ambled up to the doorway, sending a message in the group chat so that he could announce his presence.

ORION: boo, open the door kittie 😈

When she did get it open for him, Orion waltzed in, setting his tote bag on one of the few empty spaces on the counter, before turning around to face her with a flourish. "I brought cherry vodka." he said triumphantly, a boyish smile on his lips. He leaned back, half-sitting on the space beside his tote, "And spicy Takis."
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Gideon snorts at Cem's shouted reply. "Sounds like a blast!" he calls back in the vague direction her voice had come from. Honestly, a burger does sound pretty good right now. He hasn't eaten since noon, so his stomach is beginning to get a little empty.

Officially finished with mopping, he oh-so-carefully moves over the wet floor in the direction of the storage closet to put everything back, ears and snakes perking as footsteps sound behind him. Likely Cem coming downstairs to leave. Sure enough, she calls out again to him. "Yeah, you t-"

Music Man:
Can't complain beyond the people around me being annoying.

He chuckles despite himself, closing the closet door and heading back upstairs to his desk to grab his things.

Music Man:
I was planning on visiting this month…way to ruin the surprise 😛

He nearly trips on the last step as his phone reads the text to him, face warming and smile rising to his lips unbidden. His snakes snicker at him, so he flicks one at random to shut them up. He pulls his coat from the back of his desk chair, slipping it over his shoulders. He fumbles as he puts his laptop away in his messenger bag, eager to reply to his friend.

I hate surprises, but I'll make an exception for you. What time?

Tossing the bag over his shoulder and grabbing his walking stick, he hurries down the stairs as fast as he can, eager to lock up and be done with the damned place for the day. Fate apparently has other plans, though, as the bell above the door jingles. "Sorry, we're closed," he starts, trying not to let his irritation creep into his voice. The last thing he needs is to waste several minutes talking to some pushy client refusing to leave.

Turns out, this conversation is weirder than expected. He raises an eyebrow at this woman's (assumedly, given the voice) stuttering introduction, scanning for any memory of it that might explain why she seems to be here for him personally. Nope, he can't think of anything. This 'Ziggy' confirms their lack of acquaintance, which makes this interaction all the stranger. "Sooo... do you make a habit of popping into random shops and asking strangers out for drinks?"
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  • According to Plan
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Kittie scrambled to the front door, phone in one hand as the other hand was pinning a space bun in place with a Bobby-pin.

She swung the door open, hair bouncing as she jumped around. Kittie beamed excitedly, greeting Orion with a gleeful squeal. " Yayyyy! Orion's here!" She announced to the empty house, holding the door for him and curtsying deeply. "Welcome, welcome." She mused, soft giggles leaving her lips here and there.

She let out a gasp as Orion loaded the vodka and chips on the counter, grinning from ear to ear. " Oh shit!!! Thanks, Orion! I'll get some mixers out." She said, skipping into the kitchen in her re-used metallic gray alien costume.

" I bought stuff for a shark-cuterie board, and I think I'm making some pasta with pumpkin vodka sauce for dinner! Sound good?" She chirped, tilting her head to the left and smiling.
「 」
Code by Jenamos

There was not much in the world that Cyrus liked more than a good party! Loud music, great food, and plenty of drinks! What wasn't there to like? There were always so many people that were also having their best time and Cyrus sure did love when others were having a great time! He could do his best to contribute and they could all have fun together!

Of course, strangers enjoying the night were never quite as fun to hang out with as his band buddies. Kittie's parties were the best parties. There was no beating them. The only hard part of the evening had been in picking out a costume. Going traditional and old school, he dressed himself head to foot in black all donned with bones like a proper spooky skeleton. The only problem was the eye holes. Covered in black, they obscured his vision a little (was he supposed to have cut them out bigger?), but he still somehow managed to find his way without crashing into too many things and looking like a complete doofus. Banging his face against a wall or a telephone pole might make a good, funny story later, but it sure would give him a headache and kill his mood for tonight!

With a haul of food under one arm and the other held out before him as a guide (yep, definitely should have cut out the eye holes better in his mask!), he found the right door and knocked loudly, waiting for entrance. "Oh god!" he whined to no one, "Send help, I'm blind." This really could have been easily remedied by actually just taking the mask off, but that thought just never occurred in his head. It was full costume or no costume!

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While Knox loves Halloween as a holiday, he's never been particularly good about picking out costumes. Usually, he forgets and has to find something last minute, or it just doesn't look as good as he'd imagined. This year, he'd thought ahead, though you wouldn't be able to tell by looking at him. It's just a simple black cloak with a moth head-shaped hood meant to resemble Mothman. Really, it just looks like a wearable blanket.

Because of the heat, he wears shorts underneath, leaving his calves exposed in a way that has him feeling slightly self-conscious. But the only people at Kittie's party will be his band members, and they've seen him much worse between his bedhead hangovers and sweaty aftershow cooldowns. Plus, for all that he's looked disheveled, he's seen them even unkempt.

He's rifling through his fridge while he keeps Kittie's group call on speaker on his kitchen counter, pulling out a case of water bottles. He trusts his friends to bring an irresponsible amount of alcohol, but he doesn't trust Kittie to have water readily available for when they all get too shitfaced. Well, besides the tap water, of course.

He carries both the water and his phone (still echoing with his friends' voices) into the apartment complex's hallway, pausing to lock the door behind him before continuing down the stairs to Kittie's apartment. He'd originally been hesitant about living in the same apartment complex with his bandmates, afraid of what they might see or how much they might demand of him with him only being a couple of floors away. But it hasn't been so bad, and it certainly makes meetups much easier. He moves the water onto a shoulder, ending the call on his phone before his neighbors get cranky about the noise, then proceeds down the stairs.

When he gets to Kittie's floor, he spots Cyrus moving down the hallway, guiding himself with a hand on the wall and muttering to himself. Concerned, he quickens his pace. When he gets within earshot, he can hear him complaining about the reason for his odd behavior: his mask. He snorts, coming up behind the man and pulling said mask off his head. "I hope you didn't do this on the stairs?" he asks, voice soft but chastising.
@Lyrikai | @peach
"Sooo... do you make a habit of popping into random shops and asking strangers out for drinks?"

Ziggy couldn't help the slightly awkward chuckle that escaped her lips. Asking strangers out for drinks was something Zig thought she'd swore off when she asked her last two exes out on a date.

"Well, I usually do and it doesn't go too well. But I figured what could go wrong when it comes to meeting family I guess? Sorry for just popping in, I don't know what made me think it was a great idea!" She shrugged with a small smile. Zig wasn't sure if just springing it on him like that was the best case scenario, but there was no taking it back at this point.

"I can explain more later; but I'm telling you, a drink is in order when it comes to the whole story." Ziggy wasn't sure what she expected to go down when it came to this meeting, but she did know that it felt kinda nice to actually meet her half brother in person. Even if the circumstances were very awkward and somewhat less than ideal.

"I've only been in town for a couple weeks, so I don't know many places around here, but wherever you wanna go and whatever you wanna get, it's on me."
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He stiffens involuntarily as the word "family" drops from this stranger's mouth. He's tried to distance himself from those who would call himself such, yet here they are, following him despite his bitterness. But this woman doesn't sound like any cousin he can remember. No, more than that, she'd mentioned that they don't know each other, so probably not a cousin. At least, not one that he knows he has.

The ball is in his court now, but he has so little information to go off of on who this person is or if he should trust him, so he feels rather stupid, just standing there and frowning. Family, huh? What does "the whole story" mean? She sounds nervous, which could just be that she's worried he won't fall for her trap, but he doesn't get malicious vibes from her.

He sighs. "There's a bar a few buildings down." He'd be a moron to invite this potentially deranged person into his own home. He heads to the door, walking stick clicking rather impatiently across the floor.

He makes sure to lock the door behind him once he hears this Ziggy step up behind him, then continues silently toward the bar, guided by the rowdy shouting of drunkards and the smell of spilled beer, fried food, and the unpleasant underlying scent of vomit that worsens when he steps through the building's threshold.

"You can pick the seat." It sounds courteous, but really it saves him the embarrassment of trying to find an empty table. Once they've settled, he cuts to the chase. "So, Ziggy, who exactly are you and why are you here?"
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Kittie was something like the embodiment of a little sister. Though Orion had never had any siblings to speak of, Kittie's rounded cheeks and doe eyes couldn't really strike him any other way, especially when her first reaction to him showing up at her door was squealing that he could hear before she even opened it. He'd met her curtsy with a silly little bow, following her toothy grin all the way to the kitchen. Her plan sounded good enough and he was sure it'd be enough food for all them, especially since the others were on route with their own contributions to the Halloween feast.

"Sounds delicious. Can't wait." he praised, only to be immediately interrupted by a knock on the door. The others had gotten here mere moments after him. "You work on that, I'll get the door."

At the doorway was a skeleton (Cyrus, he noted, after hearing a voice complain before he'd even swung the door open) and Knox, who was seemingly ready for bed. There was goofy approval in Orion's eyes despite Cyrus' whining, but joking contempt reserved for Knox, even as the other pulled the mask right off of the lead singer's face. "Hey, hey. Cyrus is dressed, but you're not, Knox. Booooooo." he tutted and shook his head, before stepping aside to let them in.
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'Surprise!' Zig can't help but notice the anxiety basically permeating off of Gideon at her mention of the word 'family'. She also knows the disappointment all too well.

Despite him not being able to see it, Ziggy gives a sheepish smile, gritting her teeth a little at the interaction. He could say no and she'd just go back to being "brotherless" all over again; although, most people would be at least a little interested if a stranger came into their place of business saying they're family. She only hopes Gideon is most people in that aspect. "Hell yeah!" Ziggy exclaims, basically jumping in the air in excitement as the Gorgon agrees.

Their walk to the bar up the street is silent except for the sounds of hype drunks partying and throwing up in the streets. So this was California.

"Uhh," Ziggy looks around the crowded room, spotting an empty table not too far from the bar. Made for easier access to alcohol. "Let's sit there, up ahead and to your left," she leads the way, chuckling at Gideon's bluntness. So they were really related after all!

"Well, to be honest, I moved from Black City to find better work and like you, to get some distance between myself and my parents," Ziggy starts, settling back in the booth a little more comfortably when a waitress comes by, asking if they'd like any food or something to drink.

"I'll take a mango margarita with sugar, an order of mozzarella sticks and whatever he wants to get." She gestures over to Gideon across from her, continuing once the woman goes off to get their orders.

"Anyway, as not to bore you with the details, I'll make a long story short. Your dad had an affair with my mom and she got pregnant with me," she sits up, resting her elbows on the table and her head on her hands before continuing, "my mom's a dumb bitch that thought it'd make him leave your mom. That didn't happen. Anyway, I'm your half sister." Ziggy said nonchalantly. There was probably a million other ways she could've explained, but hell, better to get it out of the way.
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His eyebrows lift into his hair at Ziggy's statement that she'd moved away like him. Just how much does she know about him? Where did she get this information? He's not one for social media; though he has some accounts, he rarely uses them. If she's actually family, has she been in contact with his parents?

He crosses his arms and his legs, foot tapping against the air restlessly. Before he can respond, they're interrupted by who he assumes is their server as she asks for their orders. "I'll take a whisky and some onion rings," he says because it's the first thing he can think of and every bar is guaranteed to have both options. The woman's footsteps start to fade, though they don't recede entirely before Ziggy's voice cuts through.

He stiffens at the sudden admission, though he actually isn't all that shocked to hear it. "I see," he starts slowly, syllables rolling on his tongue like he's tasting a fine wine, searching for the lie that can grant his father an alibi. Not that he has any particular desire to defend the man. "I can't say that's all that surprising given how much my parents hate each other." They hadn't always, of course, but the tension between him and his parents growing up had led to an environment of total toxicity that soured their relationship as much as theirs with their son. Grief has a wide reach.

"How old are you? You don't sound particularly young. No offense. I just mean that this must have happened a long time ago, longer than I might assume. And how did you find me anyway?"
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"I would never!" Cyrus lied. He had absolutely been wearing his mask since the moment he left his own apartment and had not at all thought about the repercussions of not being able to see a damned thing because he hadn't clued in right away on how masks were supposed to work. But that didn't make him dumb! Did it? He just forgot, and now it was too late.

Well at least he could see now! That was a good sign! Everything was fine and dandy and he was pleasantly nodding, hands on his hips. The door had been opened for them and he was grinning like a total fool. "He is toooo dressed up!" he defended, "Don't listen to him, man, you look aaaaawesome! Sick costume! I love the cute little hood!" Reaching out to touch the hood, he was giggling, "It's so cute and spooky at the same time." He flailed a hand through the air. "Really, how can you say no to that? It's such a cuddly cute moth that'll probably eat your head or something, I dunno."

Happily strolling through the door after, he was so ready to have the wildest time here! "Kittieeeee, I love the decorations!" He immediately hurried over to check out the cute skeleton wizard in the corner. "Lookit this little guy! Fucking adorable." He gave the decoration a pat on the head, beaming. Better than any of his decorations really, which bordering the line of absolutely nothing.

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Ziggy sighs again at the intensity of the conversation. It was strange to say the least; a stranger finding you out of the blue and letting you in on the secret sibling your parents never even told you about. Oh and they're the secret sibling.

She almost laughs at his response. Ziggy could never understand how two people that hated each other could stand to "make things work" despite their constant threats and toxicity. Usually in an attempt to hold onto something they should've given up on a long time ago. "Like each other enough to still be together, but hate each other enough to still see other people behind their backs. That's love I guess."

With a chuckle she asked, "Didn't "Dad" ever teach you not to ask a lady her age?" Her chuckle turning into a light laugh before she continued. "I'm 27, on my way to mourning my twenties," joking to take the edge off of things always made her feel a tad better. But only slightly.

"Our parents still see each other from time to time and "dad" tries to keep up with you a little bit. Must be guilt from you not talking to 'em or something." Zig shrugs, her eyes getting as wide as her stomach as the waitress comes back with their drinks and food. Faster than expected, but it's also not like they're hand-breading their cheese sticks back there.

After indulging in a marinara covered cheese pull, she takes a swig of her drink. "Also, I'm a young-adult female with the internet, I'm sure you can put two and two together. We're like the FBI sometimes." When would be a good time to tell him that she also kinda knows his boss?
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The last time Lynx had been to one of Kittie's parties he was pretty sure he had left with alcohol poisoning. That or he has a really low tolerance for the stuff in general. Whatever the case was, it played the biggest role in his decision not to bring alcoholic beverages to their little get-together. The others would surely bring enough of that and that combined with the drinks Kittie already had on her counters would be more than enough. They would be inebriated out of their minds, slurring and giggling in no time.

So, Lynx opted to bring food. Everyone loved food. And more than that, everyone loved Mexican food. Kittie would surely be pleased to have something extra dishes set out for everyone to dive into. It would mean less cooking for her and more playing around with the rest of the group. And being her official and recognized best friend, he had been given the heads-up hours before the call. That gave him all the time he needed to spend his time slicing, dicing, and frying up his part of the meal.

The other half of the time he had left was spent getting his costume together. A costume he put way too much effort into, but Lynx rarely ever took the easy way out of things. He enjoyed dressing up and applying makeup to his face. Smoky eyeshadow, black sharpened eyeliner, white mascara, his face painted with lines that illusioned cracks and gold flakes and liner that appeared as oozing ichor. His cheeks still held a blush and his lips a rouge and bruised color. He wore an all black suit with a mesh shirty beneath his belted blazer, and laced boots. He topped it off by slipping on his black feathered wings and crowned his head with a gold halo circlet.

One look in his full-length mirror, and he was feeling himself. Maybe a little too much. But Gaia, he would stand out if he was over-recessed amongst the others. It was a little party for their bandmates and not them going out and hitting the city or preparing to meet fans or perform. But damn, his makeup was on point, he could have easily made a TikTok page dedicated to his style and skill. But time was short, so he took more than a couple of selfies and full body shots to edit and upload to his Instagram later.

He wrapped up his food, Birria soup, the taco making pack, chips and dip, and Jarritos. The only beverage he would bring. The rest of the food he would have to finish prepping at Kittie's. He bagged them and carried them out the door, though slowly as it was heavy and his arms were toned due to drumming but not very strong. He had to set the bags down to lock his door after exiting and twice on his way to Kittie's door.

Curse cooking for five people. Where were the big guys when you needed them? He set his bags down and knocked on the door a little harder than needed, but their group could get loud so as far as he was concerned, it was necessary. "Kittie it's me, I brought food. And Jarritos! And also cupcakes." If he remembered to bag it. Luckily his apartment was only a few doors down.

Twenty-seven. So that means his dad had the affair when he was ten, though it's possible it'd started even before then with no evidence of his adultery until he got unlucky one day. "Not long after they mutilated me, then," he says, knocking some of his whiskey back. As a kid, his throat would burn when he talked about the incident, heartbreakingly disappointed in his parents' poor decision and furious at what they took away from him. Now, he just feels empty. Let them feel the scorch of it, he's suffered enough.

With poor timing or perhaps impeccable timing, the waitress returns and sets their plates down in front of them. "Yeah, I'm sure he does," he snorts, bitter. He reaches a hand out, subtly feeling for the paper-lined basket holding his onion rings. Hopefully Ziggy grabbed her mozzarella sticks before he accidentally puts his hands on them.

When he's successfully retrieved his onion rings, he munches gratefully, pausing only to blow on the scalding fried treats. He snorts with actual good humor at Ziggy's joke. "Can't say I've hung out with enough women to be fully aware of your frightening sleuthing skills," he admits. Hell, he doesn't hang out much with enough people in general. "But I'll take your word for it."

He locates his napkin to wipe the grease off his hands before reaching for the rest of his whiskey. "So, then, why are you here? Sounds like you're as fond of my father as I am, so why are you seeking out his son?" Her brother. Huh. That's... weird.

He'd wanted siblings when he was growing up. Being an only child is lonely enough without also being blind and hating your parents who did it to you. He was an angry and violent youth, though, so it's probably a good thing that there were no other children in the house for him to harass. He'd like to think he would have been better with the company, though. He couldn't blame a sibling for what happened to him, and he could have used the support. He didn't really have friends back then, either.
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'Mutilated.' It sounded ghastly when he put it that way, but that was exactly what his parents did to him. It was heartbreaking. She didn't want to ask, but she was almost certain they hadn't even considered his feelings on the matter; let alone ask him to make sure he was happy with the decision.

Ziggy didn't even have children, but she knew they had feelings and opinions that should be taken into account, especially when it came to something that could — I don't know — harm them! She couldn't fathom how someone could treat their children so horribly. Some people just didn't deserve to be parents. Hers included. Or should she say theirs?

She lightly chuckles, turning it into a light laugh once Gideon snorts at her joke. "At least you know to be a tad scared of them," she giggles then takes the opportunity to wash down a bite of dry cheese with her drink.

"Hmm," Ziggy settles back into the booth. Resting her hands across her stomach, she briefly stares past Gideon, zoning out in thought at how she would answer his question before she looks back in his general direction. "Uh, because you're not your dad, I guess," The inflection in her voice going up along with her shoulders.

"I might not like him," she continues, "but you're still my brother — half or not — and I don't think I should shut you out just because they're pieces of shit." She shakes her head a little as she takes another sip of her now empty drink.

"And, I don't know, we've kinda been through the same thing in a way. You shunned your parents and my parent shunned me; so we've both got no family left that isn't shit, except each other really," Zig shrugs, gesturing towards their empty glasses she nonchalantly asks, "did you want another round?"
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"Technically, you can't shut me out if I never knew you existed," he chuckles, sticking another onion ring in his mouth. He considers her words while he chews. While he doesn't know her, the notion of togetherness that she's suggesting does fill his chest with... something. Sympathy, perhaps. "Maybe I'm a piece of shit, too, though," he suggests with a smirk, only half-joking. "You don't know me enough to say, right?"

He remembers his drink as Ziggy refers to it, quickly tossing the rest back. "I could use more," he admits. "But this place will wring you dry if you let them. I have some liquor at my place." They'll need boxes for the rest of their food, though.

He purses his lips, hesitating. This is always one of the most awkward daily interactions; trying to locate someone in a room full of people. He can't just stick his hand in the air and snap like the waitress is a dog, although there have been times he's had to resort to that when his server was being particularly neglectful. Luckily, he has someone here today. He clears his throat to hide an embarrassed laugh. "Can you, uh, flag down our server for boxes?"

When they've successfully gotten their to-go boxes, and Silas has slapped his card down to pay before Ziggy can beat him to it, they head outside. "The bus stop is across the street," he says, like she's the blind one. He stops as he starts heading toward the crosswalk. "Unless you drove here? I can give you my address."
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Zig chuckled, although he was technically only half correct. "No, no, I could've just knew you existed and continued to not give a damn! But I didn't wanna do that, because I'm a good person." She laughs, playfully waggling a finger at him.

There was a time after Zig found out about Gideon that she couldn't have cared less. She was maybe around the age of thirteen or fourteen. It was one of the few times her mom attempted to show Gideon's dad "she could be a good mom", although Ziggy could never remember a time she was ever able to call Morgana that. It was a miracle she even called her mom.

'You have a big brother, Zig! Isn't that exciting?' Morgana said over dinner, to which Ziggy replied, 'No. Am I supposed to give a shit?' Then Morgana yelled at her that she was being disrespectful and the two of them went back and forth until Ziggy eventually just stormed out. But was she wrong though?! Her mother expected her to care about a grown-ass man who probably didn't know or care she existed, just because they were "related"? Fuck that. But now that she wasn't an angsty teenage POS, she could see the appeal of having a big brother.

"Oh, yeah man! I know your whole life; basically everything about you! FBI remember?" she teases with a laugh. "I guess we can all be pieces of shit when times call for it," Ziggy starts with a shrug. "But I highly doubt either of us are blind your kid or abandon 'em for a man you barely know pieces of shit."

While the bar atmosphere can be nice and she doesn't mind spending the money sometimes, Gideon is right. Little bars like this know how to give you a run for your money. It does warm her heart knowing that despite only having met her twenty to forty-five minutes ago, he trusts her enough to let her into his home. And life for the time being.

"Oh yeah of course, dude!" Zig beams, more than happy to help out. God, she couldn't imagine not having her sight. Especially after being able to see for years beforehand. No wonder Gideon didn't talk to his parents. Spotting their waitress clearing dishes a few tables away,

Ziggy wave her hand in the air a little, adding in, "Excuse me, love. Could we get a couple of to-go boxes?" She makes the universal box sign everyone made with their fingers when asking for boxes. "Yeah, hun! I'll be right back with those!" She says a little too happily for someone who was just getting them food to-go.

Once she got back with the boxes, Ziggy took it upon herself to pack up hers and Gideon's food. It was the least she could do when he'd so swiftly slapped his card on the table to pay. Even though she could've sworn she said things were on her.

"Yo, that was supposed to be on me, asshole." She teased. "Nah we can take the bus. I took an Uber."
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