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Be it Sci-Fi worlds, Fantasy Countries, or even in present time - every government or group of people have a style of negotiations. This could be at it's most basic level, negotiations from person to person on daily things like trading farm grown veggies for furs, or the buying and selling of animals. Or at it's highest levels of governments negotiating peace treaties, or alliances between countries.

In this exercise you are going to describe how your location and/or people handle NEGOTIATIONS.

For some comparison, we have a link to 25 Charts of Negotiations!


  • Do negotiation styles differ depending on the subject of negotiations?
  • Does the government handle negotiations differently from the common people?
  • Are there special rules or rituals that must happen for or during negotiations?
  • Do they value getting their way more than what is good for all parties?
  • How flexible are they during negotiations?

Don't forget to list things that are missing, or that you feel are important!
  • Do negotiation styles differ depending on the subject of negotiations: Not very much, It almost always goes one of the same ways.
  • Are there special rules or rituals that must happen for or during negotiations: No cheating, lying, or tricks. If you are caught doing those in any official negotiation where both sides benefit you lose your benefit and the other side gets theirs anyway.
  • Do they value getting their way more than what is good for all parties: Well yes but they won't risk tricking others because of the risk of what I previously said.
  • How flexible are they during negotiations: It really depends on the situation, demands can be met if they are acceptable and if the deal is important enough but some people won't bend.
  • Do negotiation styles differ depending on the subject of negotiations?
  • Does the government handle negotiations differently from the common people?
  • Are there special rules or rituals that must happen for or during negotiations?
  • Do they value getting their way more than what is good for all parties?
  • How flexible are they during negotiations?
  • Do negotiation styles differ depending on the subject of negotiations?
  • Does the government handle negotiations differently from the common people?
  • Are there special rules or rituals that must happen for or during negotiations?
  • Do they value getting their way more than what is good for all parties?
  • How flexible are they during negotiations?