Naruto - Rise of the Red Cloud - OOC

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Gundam Meister
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Mecha, Superhero, Anime, Adventure, Magical
In-Character Thread: Naruto - Rise of the Red Cloud - IC

Long Ago after the end the first great ninja war many hidden villages were made in an attempt to bring together shinobi of significant quality. Ninja from all around the world flocked to the new villages in order to protect their families, and earn a fair living. Only a handful of shinobi did not do so and soon the samurai had grown few in numbers reduced to wandering wastrels in the Iron lands. These hidden villages were soon able to grow in power, and become massive backers to the lands Daimyo. These villages included the Hidden Leaf, Sand, Cloud, Stone, and Mist. These giants produce ninja of astonishing quality. Monsters that earn titles renown throughout the land. It is a frightening prospect that some ninja are capable of turning entire platoons of shinobi to dust, or slaughter an entire town without anyone knowing until it was too late. Some of these shinobi...they have abandoned their villages. Abandoned their way of life as heads of their villages. It was a frightening prospect to say the very least. These rogue shinobi wander the land now under their own ambition without a figure head to control them. However...a rumor on the winds.

A new power rising taking shape in no-mans land areas. A small group of mercenary rogue ninja. The Akatsuki. Their names are only rumor but this group is said to contain startling, and frightening power. It is unknown if they actually exist or not...but the world will be aware of them...soon enough at least. In the Village Hidden in the Rocks they gather together waiting, and plotting their eventual goal. Though some may have ulterior motivations for joining the group. The Village is known for being a gathering spot for rough, and dirty rogue ninja. Though it is not officially under control of the Akatsuki it serves as a make shift hub for the moment. At the moment the Akatsuki is a small faction led by an ex-police force jounin ninja from the Hidden Leaf Shina Uchiha, as well as a ex-sand village jounin as well. The world at large is currently in a state of pseudo peace though no nations are officially at war many ninja have been on edge since the remnants of the Village Hidden in the Sky attacked the Leaf during the chunin exams ten years ago. Many fear that this is just the start of a terrorist war.

Using this state of cold war the Akatsuki will branch out...and grasp their world for themselves.


NPC Roster:
Shina Uchiha - VanceXentan


1. All basic roleplay rules apply including meta, power, and god gaming.
2. There is to be no tailed beast holders as members. This is due to the fact that those specific people are highly coveted by the villages and are unlikely to be able to break out due to that.
3. Long dead clans such as Kaguya are not allowed due to them possibly breaking Uchiha, and Senju Clan Lore.
4. Jutsu need specific chakra natures to perform otherwise extensive training is necessary.
5. Jutsu will be gained, strengthen, and learned as the rp goes along.
6. No KG of the following: Blaze Release, Dark Release, Dust Release, Kurama Clan's Kekkei Genkai, Rinha Clan's Kekkei Genkai, Ryūzetsu's Kekkei Genkai, Sakon and Ukon's Kekkei Genkai, Swift Release, MG Sharingan (at the start at least) , Rinnegan, Tenseigan.
7. If you are unsure of something message me.
8. Keep in mind this is a japanese styled rp please use Japanese names for characters.
9. Players will be expected to work with, and team up to players to make their own stories. We will have stories which we will end up working together as a whole unit but I will not be making each individual story. I will help make them, and I certainly will make sure to keep them cohesive, and make sure they don't screw with the narrative we're building.
Character Sheet:
Rank: (Regarding your rank, if you had one, before you left a village)
Chakra Natures:
Weapons/Items: (optional however if you don't have something listed that isn't basic then you can't just magic it up mid fight.)
Kekkei Genkai:
Name of Kekkei Genkai:
Description: Link for Canon versions of KG

Canon Jutsu
(Links from wiki can go here)
Custom Jutsu
Name of Technique:
Type of Jutsu: Nin/Gen/Tai
Range: Close/Mid/Long
Nature Type:
Name of Technique:
Type of Jutsu:
Nature Type:
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Name: Kaito Honda
Nickname/Alias: The Black Iron Destroyer
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Birthplace: Hidden Sand
Clan/Bloodline: Kazekage Clan
Rank: Jounin
Chakra Natures: Wind/Earth
Having sort cut smooth black hair, and dark murky brown eyes one could assume Kaito was an average everyday ninja. Kaito makes sure to shave often in order to look like a unassuming every day person. He has the pale white skin his clan is known for as well despite living in the desert. Not regarded as particularly handsome one could call him average. He is not particularly tall either but he is not short by any means once again his body is very average among shinobi of his age. Underneath his akatsuki cloak he still wears his Sand Village Armor, and gear though its been painted a different color, black. He wears varying shades of grey underclothing underneath that. Though depending on the weather he may discard the armor. His old headband is strapped around his right arm.

Personality: Though many would call Kaito cool, and calm Kaito in truth is more of a well adjusted sociopath than anything. He has no real interest in romance, love, friendship, or any real relationship. He also cares nothing for honor, or insults he does however have an appreciation for a person who respects, and keeps their word. He tends to speak in a very passive, but direct manner. He tends not to be overly aggressive even in combat rarely ever acting out in any real emotion Kaito tends to easily hurt anything that could prove a problem to his end goal.

Born in the Hidden Sand Village to the Kazekage Clan he was one of the inheritors of the Magnetic Release Kekkei Genkai that the clan was known for. Born to the 3rd Kazekage's brother, Roku The Golden Shinobi, he was expected to become a strong ninja. From a young age young Kaito was known to be a quiet, and usually docile baby, and child. Often he listened, and he learned rather quickly. His KG being quickly manifested in him first appearing around the age of 5 when he started to attend school. Regarded as a smart, and talented shinobi the Sand Village hoped he would become a ninja that they were able to hold up on a pedestal. His uncle Masumune often regarded Kaito as a prospective pupil, and often got preference over other kids. However this soured Kaito to a degree as he wanted to earn his merits on his own.

He was quickly able to learn jutsu, and found himself to have an aptitude for ninja training, and combat. A natural learner, and a masterful wielder of Magnet Release Kaito was known to have little issues cooperating with most of his fellow students. He was not a great leader but he was a competent one able to help out, and coordinate other genin he was teamed up with by the time he graduated from the Sand's Academy. His sensei Akuma Sasaki, often belittled Kaito for not letting his other students learn on their own often helping them. However Kaito regularly ignored his sensei's tendency to insult him because he simply wanted to help his friends grow stronger.

However as he grew older, and his squad refused to be sent to the chunin exams to become an official shinobi due to Akuma's insistence that they weren't prepared for it he steadily grew a reputation in Sand Village for being a vicious fighter, and a cunning shinobi. Despite this he was hard to get along with he was often rather quiet when talking, and he wasn't able to connect with others on a personal level lacking charisma. His power may have been something to reckoned with but there were many who said he was simply too reliant on his blood line to fight on which he made little excuses that he was indeed reliant on it. It wasn't until he completed a B rank mission with the help of another squad, other than his own, that he was sent to the ill fated chunin exams.

He barely managed to scrape by the initial tests but found himself quickly able to defeat other ninja including the future Raikage 'C' during the first round of the ending of the exams. However when the ninja from the defunct Village in the Sky attacked the Hidden Leaf he attempted to help quell it but found himself lacking. He ended up doing little work by himself, and vowed to fix it.

As he grew older, and was granted the rank of chunin due to his performance in the exams, he was sent on missions to help pacify the remaining members of the Hidden Sky with members of the Leaf, and Mist Village. Though they survived many of them were killed in the hunts. After which he was assigned to many different squads over the years finally settling down later into the Black Ops Teams of the Hidden Sand.

He was used as a blunt instrument, and attacked rogue ninja, and bandits alike. Eventually his father managed to get him passed onto Jounin. This was when he entered the Sand Village's jounin officially. He became renown as a dangerous ninja known as 'The Black Iron Destroyer' after he killed a group of highly talented rogue ninja by himself during an expedition to the borders of the Land of Fire.

However after his uncle passed on the 4th Kazekage Roshi Tazaki ascended amidst some controversy revolving around his uncle, and affair with a Hidden Stone Shinobi shortly after his mom passed away mysteriously. Finding himself sent to more, and more dangerous missions he eventually found out through his allies in the village that the Kazekage was intentionally trying to get him killed. After learning this he attempted to quell the feud, and bad blood between his clan, and the new Kazekage which only resulted in him getting nearly assassinated by an old friend of his. After this he attempted a coup with a few allies but failed, and was forced to leave the village.

Shortly after this he established the Akatsuki after coming across an old rival, Shina Uchiha of Military Police, who herself had abandoned her village after an attempted coup by a Senju against the Root ended badly for them unable to quickly surpress, or kill all of the corrupted ANBU leaders in it she was forced to flee after her ally, and friend lied dead. They established the Akatsuki after finding a few shinobi who were like them in search of either a dream, or a village of their own. Wanted in his homeland, and hunted by many Kaito had decided he was now willing to do whatever it took to secure himself a new home.
Black Ops Protection Vest, Short sword, large gourd of iron sand, bandages, basic ninja gear (kunai, paper bombs, etc)
Kekkei Genkai:
Name of Kekkei Genkai: Magnet Release
Clan: Kazekage Clan
Description: Magnet Release

Canon Jutsu
Black Iron Fist
Iron Sand Clone
Iron Sand Drizzle
Iron Sand Gathering Assault
Iron Sand Marking
Iron Sand Weaponry
Iron Sand Wave
Iron Sand World Method
Magnet Release: Conserving Bee Twin Blades
Blade of Wind (Lesser version the attack is less lethal, and is composed of smaller 'blades' of wind)
Vacuum Sword
Wind Release: Air Bullets
Earth Release: Earth Wave Technique
Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall

Custom Jutsu
Name of Technique: Iron Sand Galvanized Prison
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: A
Range: Close
Nature Type: Magnet
Description: The User encapsulates the enemy targets in a large wave of iron sand in order to immobilize their bodies in the heavy substance. The user is entangled from head to toe in the sand. If needed this can be used as an offense technique by suddenly using the iron to crash, and pierce the captured person's body.
Weaknesses: The attack is rather straight forward in the fact that the person needs to be caught in enough iron sand to actually reduce their movement. Though it is extremely difficult to get out of once caught it doesn't actually paralyze the person and they can still fight back with ninjutsu if they can form hand seals.

Name of Technique: Iron Sand Gathering of the Black Sea
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: S
Range: All
Nature Type: Magnet
Description: This jutsu allows the user to quickly, and rapidly dissolve minerals in the ground around them regardless of the circumstance to use as a component for the jutsu. By generating iron sand the user can gain a steady growing advantage over their opponent.
Weaknesses: It takes awhile for large amounts of iron sand to accumulate in the early, and mid fight the resources are scarce, and it requires chakra so it prevents the user from using too many other jutsu in tangent with this one. Water style jutsu that dampen the ground cause it to take even longer as minerals become more difficult to break down.

Name of Technique: Iron Sand Blood Spike
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Range: Close
Nature Type: Magnet Release
Description: The Jutsu allows the user to quickly project iron spikes from sand nearby him allowing the user to quickly form a defense when needed to combat close quarter enemies.
Weaknesses: It can't be used at longer ranges, and is usually limited to the extremely close vicinity of the user.

Name of Technique: Iron Sand Black Iron Armor
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Range: Close
Nature Type: Magnet
Description: The user coats themselves in a shell of iron sand similar to the owner of Shukaku, the one tailed beast. This jutsu requires a steady amount of chakra to be used to keep it on them however it protects them from most blunt, and piercing objects as well as some ninjutsu.
Weaknesses: It is a jutsu that requires a steady cost, a steady amount of iron sand to prevent it from decaying after multiple hits.
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Name: Tsubasa Mototsugu
Nickname/Alias: Ikegami no Mototsugu "Water God Mototsugu"
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Birthplace: Tori no Kuni, between the Lands of Wind and Earth
Clan/Bloodline: Unknown, Natural Sennin
Rank: Genin (formally), Jounin (practically)
Chakra Natures: Water, Wind, Earth (somewhat)

Mototsugu is a calm individual, unnaturally so. It is pertinent for many reasons that his demeanor stay as level as possible. He maintains this state through herbal sedation and other such natural medications of his own concoction, so he could also be called patient and dedicated. He is a studious type of man that is not often moved from something that he has already set his mind on. While not lazy, he is a pacifist and does not (finds a way not to) participate as often as he is asked to when it comes to ninja-related missions.

The true name of his clan has been lost purposefully to time as the war forced them underground. Or, at least, the majority relegated themselves to such seclusion after heavy battle losses and traumatic involvement in some of the most gruesome, casualty-heavy fighting of the uprising.

Of course in such cases there is always a remnant few who refuse to uproot themselves.

It can be assumed that Mototsugu is a progeny of these happy few. If asked, the man can only vaguely recall the the name "Ryuchi" before trailing off in a look akin to forced indifference. He's been this way since he was a child, found aimlessly following the winter-thaw tributaries in their creeping patterns, presumably towards the ocean.

As dirty and frail as he was, no one could even guess how long the boy had been on his own, let alone how he had survived. It was a sad truth that the war left many orphans, even in the large ninja villages. There was no account for the poor unfortunate souls scattered across the lands in nameless townships. The only thing that could be certain was that he was not the first or last child who had been left to fend for themselves in the elements after the destruction of his home.

As a matter of fact, he certainly would have been left to continue taking care of himself if he had not shown aptitude for ninjutsu. After all, he had been following the small brooks in the best way possible... walking atop the water itself so that he would not lose his way. And his savior? A humble but no less impressed member of the Tsubasa Clan, a simple and large family enjoying relative piece in the Land of Birds as tenders to the many aquifers, who seeing his control promptly offered him a bit of his water and lunch before whisking him away home to present to his clan elders if only because he was curious whether or not the young child of no more than six could be kept.

In war without a seeming end, the compassionate man was not about to let a small child simply waste away into the wilderness. And this boy once tested certainly showed promising strength, despite Tori no Kuni's lack of a ninja village. His will to survive was obviously significant, and the Tsubasa were always pleased with strong additions. So he was adopted and given a fitting name Mototsugu, the origin of success. He would go on to do his clan proud with his talents being routed into therapeutic ken and taijutsu. There were no great secret techniques within his adoptive clan, but they had reason to dabble with water for the sake of making a living.

In this easy going way it was discovered that Mototsugu was possessed of a relatively unknown bloodline limit. His kekkei genkai was volatile and hard to control at times so much so that the boy was soon likened to a flame in the wind. There was no way to tell which way he would turn, but one was sure to be burned if an attempt was made to contain him. Of course, fire and water don't mix all that well.

And Mototsugu himself could only be uphauled. He reveled in the commendation of his new family, and such failure and lack of ability coming from himself was the bitterest pill that could be dealt to a boy who had already lost one family. So much blood and hardship on his hands left him crying out into the night and afraid of his own shadow. He often checked it in fact just to see he was normal... To see if his body remained the same from one moment to the next. How else could he protect the family members that were showing more disdain and fear for his berserker nature with each passing day.

Like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde he was both a sweet-faced boy and a demon most foul. The bipolarity was basically uncontrollable for him or any of his senseis. It was eventually decided that he would need to be sent away lest his strange power be turned against Tori. The mission did not end well for anyone. The escorts were to take the boy toward the nearest ninja village in Tsuchi no Kuni. Despite his faults his family did care for him and thought the heat of Sunagakure would only agitate the boy into more frequent episodes of rage.

Once his training was completed he would be welcome to return home. However he nor his company ever made the trip being disrupted instead by landslide. The boy would survive the tragedy using the skill that had vexed his clan in the first place. The conflicting emotions of relief and anguish would decide his fate. Mototsugu... once again alone to wander the earth and waterways aimlessly, would carry not only the tragedy of two lost clans but also the leering beast of his own blood-stained psyche. He would not cause trouble for others a third time.

By the time he found some semblance of control he had grown used to his hermit lifestyle, and thankfully wandered so far from Tori no Kuni that his bloody past could be left to fester in someone else's memory for a while. He took up apothecary amongst other studies, having spent a great deal of time testing plant life on himself when meat was scarce. He learned his spastic inclinations were do to senjutsu of all things. However, he was hesitant to seek out a teacher for such a thing, lest he harm one of the few learned in the difficult style. Mototsugu's conscience would truly break if he harmed anyone else, let alone someone who would be definitely important, a sage. He would face the uphill task of understanding senchakra on his lonesome.

In this mindset, he naturally learned to equilibrate his sensitive mental state and fostered a love of healing. He would not risk someone else's life for his sake. And instead chose to teach himself as best he could. Many failures would gradually mark his body. His skin would grow pale from incidents of life energy outpouring from unbidden and red would ring his eyes. Like water his dark hair grew long yet always glossy as if perpetually sodden. He grew quite fond of water actually. It reminded him of home, and Mototsugu focused on its nature above all others, finding the ebbing/flowing style of chakra manipulation to suit him just right.

Determined to cleanse himself once and for all he left his adopted name behind completely, becoming simply Mototsugu, or to any fortunate enough to observe his quiet, pendulous dance for sanity in the waters of the wilderness, Ikegami no Mototsugu, the water God.
Weapons/Items: A rather specific and potent stockpile of rare and cultivated herbs to suit his needs, although a few are vicious poisons when dosed incorrectly, senbon, sword (on occasion, he does not own one, but knows how to use it properly because of training in his youth)
Kekkei Genkai: Passive Senjutsu
Name of Kekkei Genkai: None
Clan: Other
Description: Nature Energy (Shizen enerugi)
Jūgo's Clan
Canon Jutsu:
Sage Mode
Sage Transformation
Cellular Regeneration Absorption
Cellular Regeneration Ejection
Multiple Lotus Nonself Connected Cannons
Water Clone Jutsu
Drowning Water Blob Technique
Several water-based genjutsu
Senjutsu (manipulation of natural energy such that organic objects bend to ones will; for Mototsugu this is only accomplished with water and earth; wind to a very limited extent)

Custom Jutsu:

Name of Technique: Sage Art: Steam Machine
Type of Jutsu: Sen, Nin
Range: Short to Mid-range (timre-related)
Nature Type: Water
Description: Mototsugu can use natural energy to heat up the water particles in the air and earth around him creating the effects of an ambient sauna at the least and a human-rice cooker at its most lethal.
- Wind-release could clear out any humidity lowering the effects of the jutsu
- Dry Climates like that of Sunagakure are not conducive to such a technique
- Loss of focus disrupts the proficiency of Sage mode which would disrupt or lower the effects of the technique

Name of Technique: Sage Art: Tar Baby
Type of Jutsu: Sen, Nin
Range: Short
Nature Type: Water and Earth
Description: Mototsugu can mix hot water clones and earth to create "sticky" opponents. These sticky clones can be used to bind, hinder, and generally incapacitate opponents in the midst of battle, which can aid him or his allies in defeating them. Every second counts after all.
- Water release can wash away the earth or disturb the sensitive mixture and negate the sticky effect, making the clones normal for all intents and purposes
-Fire release or lightning can harden the earth and turn the clones into statues before anyone can get stuck
Name of Technique: Water Release: Water Blade Hydrolysis
Type of Jutsu: Sen, Nin
Range: Short - Long
Nature Type: Water and Wind
Description: Mototsugu can modify the water into fine but highly pressurized sheets (think fire hose power in a smaller jet), which typically spurt from the beds of his nails but can also be made to come from other specialized point of his body such as hair or feet. (He tries to work with small points with large surface areas. In any case, these sheets of water can act as improvised senbon or regular blades when he finds himself weaponless. They are sharper than any metal due to the fact that water can never dull.
-Fire Release can cause the water to evaporate although its not likely he has chosen to use this technique while fighting with fire.
- This attack is more a burst more than a sustained weapon, and it can't be any other way. If it were constant, the pressure would horribly damage whatever body part was controlling the jet.
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@Impudimp Fury doesn't have the pre-required jutsu and its too powerful regardless its basically a pain level village nuke that needs a charge time. I'll check the rest when i get home.
Character Sheet:
Name: Takashi Furui 崇 古い
Nickname/Alias: The Old Gatekeeper
Gender: Male
Age: 53
Birthplace: Kusagakure
Clan/Bloodline: Furui
Rank: Jounin
Chakra Natures: Earth, Fire

Takashi's hair went grey long ago, now shoulder length, worn with a middle part. At times unkempt, and often not how he wanted to wear it on a particular day. He long ago gave up on having it look amazing, but it's doable. Eyes as brown as rich soil. A beard as grey as Takashi's hair, rather short, but dignified. Takashi often forgets to trim and keep up his beard so there are times when it can look rather shaggy and unkempt, but he does know how to maintain it when the occasion strikes.
Takashi's wears simple mesh armour underneath his robes. Takashi likes wearing his akatsuki robes with the collar parted, but otherwise all closed up.

Takashi is a careful, older, and wiser character. He prides himself on his calm demeanor and wanting to be as wise as he makes himself off to be. He still cares for wisdom, logic, and honor. Wanting to do things the right way, whatever that may be. However, he is known to some outbursts when his temper gets the better of him. While wise Takashi is also known to be stubborn.

Originally from Kusagakure, Takashi was proud of his village. Raised by his parents who provided him a sound model of what a ninja should be. Takashi grew up along several brothers and sisters, and while not extroverted he did have many friends among him in the village. While not raised in one of the major ninja villages, Takashi thought that perhaps he could lead Kusagakure to greatness one day, at least that's what his boyhood fantasies lead him to believe.

As most did, Takashi entered the ninja academy and eventually graduated near the top of his class, but was by no means the best, good was a word to use. Eventually he earned an assignment as gatekeeper, a dull position to most others, but Takashi excelled in the post. Inspired he quickly went about learning more barrier style jutsu than he already knew. Thinking that the best gatekeeper should excell at defensive, barrier, and wall style jutsu. Over the years he would come to have quite a few in his repertoire. As years passed Takashi grew into quite a local celebrity earning him the nickname Gatekeeper, never before had Kusagakure had such a talented ninja guarding its gates.

Sheer talent was not the only way Takashi improved, years of experience went into crafting the ninja that he became. Takashi worked long and hard to get to the level where he was at, years of work went into achieving his level of skill and eventually earning him the rank of jonin. After which time he helped train many other shinobi, and lead squads, while still maintaining some role as a gatekeeper. After years of training had in the end paid off, as Takashi's knowledge of Jutsu was rather impressive, focused mainly on barrier and defense style jutsu while still maintaining several offensive ones as well. He would not be caught defenseless, neither should he be caught weaponless.

After many failed romances and crushes, eventually Takashi was able to find the one, and soon married her. They were together for many years and even had a son, however one night Takashi's wife died without explanation, and his son vanished. Kasugakure was is no better shape, corruption ate at it, and it was no more a great village than the day Takashi was born. Political gridlock also overtook the village with factions popping up. Eventually Takashi became disillusioned with how Kasugakure was going, and his council to the village was not heeded. Takashi feared that his village would never truly appreciate him, and never break out of the corruption and gridlock that had taken the village captive. Thus, feeling lost feeling like he had lost his family and his village, Takashi took away in the night, vanishing.

He spent the next several years traveling around and visiting many of the other hidden villages, honing his jutsu and working to remain on top form. He seemed to adopt the policy that the best cure for ills of the heart was travel. If he ever overcame the saddness of his family and leaving behind his village, it is yet to be known. While traveling He was able to expand his knowledge further and learn more jutsu, it gave him not only time but also the ability to study many different peoples and cultures. During his travels he spent a lot of time writing mainly poetry and hermitage literature. Though published he is rarely read, and is not a popular author at all. Still he picks up the brush, though a bit saddened by his unpopularity.

Eventually, his travels lead him to the Akatsuki, where he was able once again to find focus, reason, logic, and purpose. He found the cause that he long wanted to dedicate himself to. Here he would help the world far more than he ever would have in Kusagakure. With the Akatsuki Takashi believed that he could create the village of his dreams, the one he so long desired to make Kusagakure into. He found new loyalities, new hope, and a modification of his old boyhood dream.

Weapons/Items: Kunai, shuriken, blank scrolls.
Kekkei Genkai: None
Name of Kekkei Genkai: N/A
Clan: N/A
Description: N/A
Canon Jutsu
Earth Release: Earth Flow River
  • Earth Style: Mud Wall
Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall
  • Earth Style: Shadow Clone
Earth Release: Shadow Clone
  • Earth Style: Hidden Mole Jutsu
Earth Release: Hiding Like a Mole Technique
  • Earth Style: Multi Mud Wall
Earth Release: Multiple Earth-Style Wall
  • Earth Style: Stone Plate Coffin
Earth Release: Bedrock Coffin
  • Earth Style: Earth Dragon
Earth Release: Earth and Stone Dragon
  • Earth Style: Rampart of Flowing Soil
Earth Release: Earth-Style Rampart
  • Earth Style: Iron Prison
Earth Release: Iron Fist Prison
  • Earth Style: Stone Pillar Prison
Earth Release: Rock Pillar Prison Technique
  • Earth Style: Earthen Corridor
Earth Release: Earth Corridor
  • Earth Style Barrier: Earth Dome Prison
Earth Release Barrier: Earth Prison Dome of Magnificent Nothingness
  • Fire Style: Fire Dragon Bomb
Fire Release: Fire Dragon Bullet
  • Fire Style: Fire Dragon Flame Bomb
Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet
  • Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu
Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique
  • Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu
Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique
  • Fire Style Ninja Art: Fire Run
Fire Release: Running Fire
  • Five-Seal Barrier
Five-Seal Barrier
  • Sealing Tag Barrier
Sealing Tag Barrier
  • Summoning Jutsu: Rashomon
Summoning: Rashōmon
  • Summoning: Triple Rashomon
Summoning: Triple Rashōmon
  • Summoning Jutsu (foxes)
Summoning Technique
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@Lewis the Elder While i'd like the bio to be longer I'd see no other issues with the character I'm fine with accepting him.
Thank you, I may go back and add more detail to the bio to expand upon it some.
@Impudimp Mixing Jugo's clan with Suiguiestu's clan is a bit of a stretch. Please pick one, or the other please. If Jugo's clan was a part of the Hidden Mist we'd have probably known about it.
Mmm, fair enough. I really do like Jugo's clan as a basis. However, there really is no specified region to go by. I'll see what I can come up with. Any recommendations are appreciated.
@VanceXentan - did you take an uchiha character? I planned on making one. Just want to make sure it's not taken before i come up with one
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@VanceXentan - did you take an uchiha character? I planned on making one. Just want to make sure it's not taken before i come up with one
Shina is an npc and the police chiefs daughter she raided the root and lost which caused her to be banished so we have an uchiha under technicality but I will allow another Kairi is my main character for intents and purposes. Shina is just a bring over from another to I never got to get her to this stage in her life (she was an npc there as well here she is serving the konan role so to speak)
@Mytzonia That's fine but remember that the leaf has gone through a coup as of recent rp, and the sky village bombed their chunin exams about ten or so years ago like the shippuden movie. Also the sharingan will be nerfed with its copy ninjustu example because not only is it used every blue moon outside of Zabuza's arc, but it also pretty much just lets an uchiha steal jutsu.

@Impudimp If you want to keep it in the mist that's fine I'd personally just make the character a person from a backwoods village, or perhaps the Hidden Stone but that's just my personal preference. I am not trying to screw with people's character design just trying to keep everything in fair balance. The reason I said fury for example is because it's pains level of one of his rinnegan's ability. An ability that almost nuked the whole leaf village and the only reason it didn't was a split second last move by the hokage.
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Name: Makoto Uchiha
Nickname/Alias: The Surgeon
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Birthplace: Village Hidden in the leaves (Konoha)
Clan/Bloodline: Uchiha
Rank: Jounin
Chakra Natures: Fire, Water, Yin, Yang


Makoto has long black hair in a bushier style in a similar style a Super Saiyan 3 and has dark eyes. He has an athletic build, and is very much a swimmers body. His shoulders and waist are in near perfect "V" proportion. He has long slender feet and big strong hands. His face is well balanced and symmetrical- many girls, and even some guys find him quite attractive. He's 6 feet tall. Underneath his akatsuki cloak he wears chain metal around his body. On top of that he wears jet black scrubs with the uchiha crest inscribed into the back. Makoto also carries his medical tools, a katana and the Uchiha Gunbai across his back. His old headband is strapped around his waist and hangs loosely in front of his waist.


Makoto's personality is mostly balanced. He's usually very calm, cool and collected. He's a deep thinker, a compassionate person, and will do anything to protect things, persons, and ideals he finds to be important to him. Although he's never quick to anger, once he becomes angry he becomes quite explosive even to the point of recklessness. As a Medical nin, he works really hard to understand people. How they work, what motivates them, and how he can help- or hinder them. In battle, Makoto is fierce, direct, analytical and cunning. He prefers to use genjutsu to try to stop an enemy from attacking him, or using offensive medical ninjutsu to simply hinder them from further engagement. He hides his charka enhanced strength as much as possible because he hates killing people.


Makoto was born in konoha under the strict guidance and tutelage of Urakabe Uchiha, who is the current acting chief of the police. He and his twin-sister, Shina, were instilled with the pride of the Uchiha by their parents from a very young age and were taught that only strength was the key to success in the ninja world.

Before entering the Konoha ninja academy, Makoto and his sister Shina trained diligently on the Uchiha clan compound. By the age of 8, both of them were able to learn the signature Uchiha Clan fireball justu, earning them recognition as full fledged members of the clan. Due to their advanced training, both Makoto and his sister graduated the academy in one year, and were assigned to different genin teams. It was there that Makoto met his first crush- Asia Haruno. Asia was a medical-nin and was far superior to Makoto when it came to charka control. Makoto was fascinated by her. She had crimson hair, fair skin, green eyes, and was a very skilled shinobi. After many failed attempts, he convinced her to become his girlfriend.

Asia and Makoto spent a lot of time together and they began to share techniques and skills with one another. Makoto taught Asia how to sharpen her battle senses, how to use a katana, some taijutsu techniques, and how to perform the fire ball justu. Asia, with her excellent charka control, began teaching Makoto how to store his charka, how to use his chakra more effectively, and some simple healing techniques. The two of them, along with their third member - Kenshin, became one of the more formidable genin teams. They became known as team 9.

One day, on a mission with their sensei, Jet, to escort a group of merchants to a neighboring sea town, a group of enemy mist ninja attacked their team as they were after their riches and weapons. Team 9 fought well as they fended off the attack, but Asia was captured by the enemy. Kenshin stayed behind to watch over the merchants, while team captain, Jet and Makoto pursued the attackers as they were trying to get away with Asia. Makoto was pissed. He attacked the mist ninja furiously, but they were able to dodge his sword and fireball attacks. Asia, herself, was knocked out under the spell of a genjutsu. The fighting raged on and the mist shinobi were backed into a corner. It turned out that Asia had secretly on the brink of mastering the seal for the Creation Rebirth technique, and she carried the sacred justu formula in her ninja tool bag. The mist weren't interested in the merchaIt's at all. While they were on the brink of defeat, Asia awoke from the genjutsu against free Captain Jet released it. She confessed her love for Makoto and tossed him the ninja bag containing the justu formula. Angered that they would never get the chance to steal the formula again, and fearing the backlash from a failed mission and the wrath of the Mizukage, the remaining rain ninja set off and exploding water clone killing himself and Asia. Grief stricken, Makoto awakened his sharingan for the first time in a fit of rage.

After a while, team 9 sat for the chunnin exams. It was during these exams that Makoto would face a second great loss in his life. After Asia's death, Makoto began picking up where Asia left off with her medical training. He continued his regular ninjutsu training, but focused hard on the arts and techniques his girlfriend taught him. He became quite skilled in medical techniques, and his newly awakened Sharigan helped immensely. The ability to see how charka moved inside a person's body really made him advance quickly and he became a volunteer nurse at the hidden leaf hospital in his spare time while training for the Chunnin exams.

Everything changed when the hidden sky village attacked during the middle of the chunnin exams. During the attack, the hokage issued an official declaration that all hidden leaf ninja participate in defense of the village. Makoto rushed back to the Uchiha clan compound to check on his family. When he returned, he came across a ninja fighting his mother. He screamed out to her, begging her to allow him to help her fight. She refused. "You're still my baby," she exclaimed. "It's my job to protect you." Just as she said that, the sky ninja impaled her with a Kunai. She dropped to the ground and blood began gushing quickly out of her body. Makoto's third tomoe in his sharingan awakened. He grabbed the nearest tree, uplifted it form its roots, and smashed the sky ninja. He died from the force of the impact. He rushed over to save his mother, using the medical ninjutsu the learned from his beloved Asia. It was too late. Mother had already bled out too much and she took her final breath in his arms. Makoto screamed in agony at the loss of his mother. He vowed to never let any of his loved one's die in his hands ever again.

His sister and father took a different path. They became big shots at the village police force. Makoto, eventually mastered Asia's just formula, and unlocked the Creation Rebirth seal and the diamond sits in the middle of his forehead. He is now a young surgeon at the leaf hospital. He spends his days training and saving lives. Sympthizing with the rest of the members of his clan at the loss of his mother, Makoto has vowed to aide his sister in her efforts to formulate the akatsuki.

Weapons/Items: Katana, Senbon, Kunai, Uchiha Gunbai
Kekkei Genkai:
Name of Kekkei Genki: Sharingan
Clan: Uchiha
Description: Sharingan

Canon Jutsu

Genjutsu: Binding
Genjutsu: Sharingan
Genjutsu: Demonic Illusion-Tree Binding Death
Great Fireball Technique
Phoenix Fire Jutsu
Fire Style: Great Fire Annihilation
Shadow Clone Explosion
Summoning Jutsu (Turtles & Turtle Shells)
Mythical Palm (Healing)
Chakra Scalpel
Chakra Enhanced Strength
Healing Wound Technique
Strength of 100 Seal
Creation Rebirth
Water Bullet
Water Severing Wave
Shadow Clone Jutsu
Ninja Art: Poison Fog


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Obito was never alive in this timeline most story important characters aren't because people dont like that. Ting and yang release aren't normal chakra natures so there better be a great reason for having them
Obito was never alive in this timeline most story important characters aren't because people dont like that. Ting and yang release aren't normal chakra natures so there better be a great reason for having them

Okay- I guess I"m a little confused because the OP says certain clans aren't allowed due to breaking senju/uchiha lore- but at the same time many members of the uchiha clan never existed. I think it's hard to create an Uchiha or Senju character without some reference to the original members, since both clans are a rarity. Perhaps you have some idea of how Makoto can be related to your NPC to assist with his backstory?

As far as Yin-Yang release, I'm not sure how that's not normal. My understanding was that actually all ninjutsu techniques use it?

"Yin relates to one's spiritual energy and Yang relates to one's physical energy, and it's necessary to utilise both of these in order to mould charka for ninjutsu. As such, the basis of simply kneading chakra and using techniques is based in Yin-Yang Release."

My purpose for using it was for medical ninjutsu. My character design is a sharingan enhanced medical-nin.
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Timeline is similar to our own except major characters have either just been swapped out for a nameless equivalent the leaf is only on its 4th hokage so even if canon characters were allowed obito would still only be roughly a teenager. My intent was to allow players to create their own histories for their village and or focus primarily on their character on the current age. What I meant by lore break is that if kaguya still had an existing clan then senju and uchiha wouldn't exist. Just because hashirama didn't technically exist didn't mean his equivalent didn't do similar things.

If you want to somehow relate your character closer to shina you'd be her direct relative and son of the police chief. As for ying yang release ill let it go then if its just for medical jutsu.
Ah okay. Then he'll be her son. I will continue on with editing. Should be able to wrap up the bio soon.

Thanks for clearing that up
@Mytzonia It would be brother. Shina is only in her Mid twenties, your character would be a genin. Brother would be more applicable. The father, Shina's, is Urakabe Uchiha who is the current acting chief of the police and a very strict father in terms of what he expected from his child, Shina, and that would probably extend to you. Mom died in the chunin exams surprise attack.
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