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| Ahab and the White Whale - Part III |
| Imperial Sworn Sword - Yamada Suzu |
| Trade City of Havnav, Saemund Territory, Lightning Country |
| Part I, Part II |
He awoke with a start, the world swimming into view as his eyes strained to cut through the gloom. His head throbbed something dreadful as he tried to get his bearings. He shifted his gaze from right to left with little to take away from the actions as the dark all but swallowed his surroundings. He went to try and move through the dark only to find himself unable. He could feel it now, the rope scratching at his wrists and ankles and the strain on his body as hung suspended where ever he was.

The air around him moved softly as he struggled in his bindings and he fell still as he felt the presence of another close at hand.

"Who's there?" he asked meekly to the darkness, his head shifting from side to side in a futile attempt to catch a glimpse of anything. "What do you want?" he asked, this time a hint of desperation creeping into his words as he continued his useless searching.

The wind moved and he felt a hand brush along his side and around his back, his head following the movement to his opposite side as he awaited some sort of answer.

"Are you really in a position to be asking questions?" came a woman's voice in reply.

He felt his heart quicken as everything came back to him. He'd met a woman just as he'd left the guild, she'd seemed lost and he'd offered to help her back to the wharves. Her name… Her name was

"Tove please!" he cried out as he remembered, "I've a family! A child! Whatever this is it doesn't need to happen!" he pleaded with the woman as the wind of her movement slowly circled him.

"Now now," Tove's voice began, "we both know that's not true. Your wonderful wife came clean while you were still at the guild… Though she held out for quite some time." the voice circled him faster now, "I was caught off guard," she admitted as the wind stopped just in front of him.

"Your daughter though." the woman made a disappointed noise as he felt her hand run down his chest. He grimaced as Tove's hand cupped his face, roughly wrenching his head from side to side, "She really was yours wasn't she?" Tove stopped moving his face and he could feel her breath on his ear as the woman came close to him, "that's dedication. On both of your parts. Two unwilling parents, agents of their nation, and their true daughter. It's a fantastic cover." the voice seemed almost impressed as his face was released.

He felt dread come over him like the crashing of a wave and his breath took on a sharp staccato as he struggled where he hung.

"What did you do to her?!" he demanded as Tove pushed him, the sensation of swinging adding to his disorientation even more.

"I did nothing to her." Tove answered, mocking innocence in her tone, "Well… I didn't kill her." a small laugh echoed in the room as he heard Tove shifting, "I'm sure the ocean took care of that for me. No no, I only tossed her in. Small thing her, really didn't take much to weigh her down." silence crept in as Tove finished her words, an achingly long silence in the black of his confinement.

"You really didn't prepare her at all, did you? Just raised a normal child. Safer that way," Tove stated "for you." she added almost as an afterthought.[/hr]
[ Kirigakure, Kimi's --- REDACTED | Jirou Authority ]

[ Kimi Iomsaki | REDACTED ]

[ Intrigue and pen pals. ]

The situation was getting intriguing. Kimi's gaze was locked on the test subjects ravaged by the test. The various people in the caged surrounding were quite agitated - due to the injection of multiple brews and tonics being put in their food. A few test subjects were in the corners, showing hostility to anyone even remotely glancing at them. A few of the test subjects were in a fierce fight involved, with a confident brawny man remaining the dominant force.
"That's going to hurt tomorrow... or well, now," Kimi muttered as she watched how the large man's hands clasped around another subject's head and slammed it on the floor. The soft sound of the skull cracking went together with the groaning and screaming from various throats. Intrigued by how easy it was to force people to return to a more volatile stance towards others and even themselves, Kimi wondered about some matters. There were various tests on amplifying one's physical being, enhancing it to perform feats that would be otherwise difficult to achieve. Of course, multiple drawbacks made it a matter of consideration. More brute strength could be beneficial, but it wouldn't work that well on the field if the test subject were enforced to a mere primal behaviour.

"Clear it up," Kimi instructed one of her underlings as she turned on her heels and walked away. Ignoring the bloodcurdling screams echoing through the nearby halls as the test subjects were mercilessly put down, Kimi wondered what else could occupy her.
The whole situation regarding the clans and these so-called 'Shadows' was of little intrigue. Sure, it was fun to see who had the guts to kick the shins of the Great Clans. It was just also quite foolish to make an enemy out of them. The three great clans of the Authority were sleeping giants that didn't disturb anybody as long as nobody pissed them off. However, now the three clans were awake and quite grumpy. Funny but not the best scenario.
Reaching her office, Kimi would open the door and spot Nami. The girl held a few letters in her hands, patiently waiting to hand them over to Kimi.

"Thank you," Kimi said as she took the letters and gave a playful wink to Nami. "Once you deliver the letters, how about you take some days off? You have earned it." The girl bowed her head and remained silent - much to Kimi's approval.
Taking a seat, Kimi went through the first few letters. The letters had details on various operations ongoing. Everything seemed relatively going well without any incidents alerting other foreign entities to learn what she and her agents were attempting. Then a soft knocking emitted from the door, provoking a 'come in' from Kimi. An ANBU operative came in and presented a box. A pretty red bow was tied around the box, causing Kimi's eyebrows to rise. A subtle gesture from Kimi motioned Nami to take the box and inspect it as the woman focused her attention back on the letters she was already reading and replying to.

Nami eventually approached the desk Kimi and offered the box. Kimi gently took it and inspected it before checking the inside.
"Ah, this little beansprout," Kimi mumbled as she went through the letter. The lips of Kimi didn't form a smile as before when reading the letter of Alsanna. Instead, a frown would form on Kimi's brow as she then decided to respond after finishing her other work first.
Before Kimi did proceed with writing a response to Alsanna, the woman inspected the fungus. "Curious," she mumbled as she examined the fungus before placing it down.

Big A,

It is good to read that you're doing well. I have received not many worrying rumours from the war front with the Rongese enemy. I have wondered what the enemy is like. What drives them to continue fighting without any desire to gain respite from being battered. I already have read and heard some theories, but I wish I could indulge more about them myself.

Ah, yes, our delightful deal. I don't recall why I didn't include a question for you. I can think of various reasons, but I can't determine the real culprit. I do find your question quite funny. What side of the revolution did I support? That is a rather silly question if you think about it. Why ponder about a matter that is already resolved? But fair enough, let me give you an answer.

I did not support any side. The whole ordeal of being loyal to a political commodity of some sort is a nice thought. I don't consider myself the courageous hero of freedom, defender of the oppressed or guardian to the traditions and all that.
I already am guessing my answer won't sate your curiosity and that you may want to question further. I am not that much of a big deal. However, my role and vocation during and after the revolution were quite dull.

Let's see. What should I ask back? I could ask why you are interested in what side I supported in the revolution. But I find that rather dull. It was in the past, and I already know what you did. I see no need to inquire about the history, which is buried and can only haunt those who partook in all of that conflict.
Instead, I want to know what you think of your team. How is the dynamic between you and your team leader? Your peers? Do you state you want their files and medical records? Making your job easier? Elaborate that. I may be persuaded to ask a few friends to see it happening. You are stuck with your observations and questions until then, Big A.

Politics are so dull, my dear. It is always the same old song. People tend to know better and easily question or provide 'possible solutions'. I have seen and heard enough individuals that find it easy to oppose those in charge, merely as some guise to vent their frustrations and irritations. But put those same fools in order, and the wheel doesn't change. That same damned wheel keeps spinning. Your statement of keeping the aristocrats where 'they were' is just proving how little of an insight you have. Try to understand the beast that is politics better before pointing the finger at it and calling it ugly. That is my free advice to you.

And an abode in Bagalan? I am satisfied that my previous gift has inspired you to do so. If I find some other literature that can provide helpful insights, I may be in a good enough mood to ship it over. Your insights in these matters are entertaining, allowing me to harbour some hope and salvage something out of our adorable friendship.
I would need to know more about these relics you speak of. While I have some connections, I can't and won't provide you with easy solutions even as I am pretty entertained and intrigued by your responses. You are a curious little 'pumpkin', but I already have some favourites. And they would be pretty upset with you if you start to steal my attention and my endorsement away.

A medical license? I could pull some strings. But first, get me a legitimate recommendation. You already stated that you could get those. And you can understand I would desire to be sure you deserve it. If I could, I would put your skills to the test myself. But humble little ol' me can't venture eastwards. I fear that my stomach can't endure such a lengthy journey, sadly enough.

I am already looking forward to reading what you can conjure with your next reply.

Yours truly,
Little S.

The letter would be delivered similarly as before. With discretion, no evident tracks were left behind. This time, the note would be simply packaged in an envelope with a red wax sealing it.​
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[ The 3rd Imperial Division Encampment | Sevudia, Eastern Continent ]
[ Hylli Hyuzu | Chuunin of Team 8, member of the Axebiters ]
[ Aiko's Water Scrolls ]

The day had started quite early for Hylli. Seated in front of the tent, she 'enjoyed' her breakfast. Despite the food being relatively bland, it didn't bother her today. Hylli's focus was entirely fixated on the small scrolls that Aiko had given her. Whereas Hylli had thought that Water release techniques were focused on changing the environment to overwhelm the opponent, there was much more to that. The idealogy that the basic chakra natures were inferior to the more rare and advanced kekkei genkeis was wrong; she came to realize with Aiko's scrolls.
The basic chakra natures could threaten even the rarest bloodline ability with the right approach. What made them dangerous was the application and creativity of the jutsu caster. Which made things quite nuanced, Hylli mused to herself.

As such, Hylli had decided to spend the day that she wasn't tasked with any mundane chores or jobs to train and expand her understanding of water release.
According to the scroll she studied, water release could be used in various ways. One of the 'basic' ways was to mould and create 'water' using one's own chakra. This method isn't considered as efficient as using a natural source. But at the same time, it can allow various tactical implications.
Intrigued, Hylli wished she had some notebook to pen down her thoughts and ideas. Because if a source of water could be utilized for a technique, how did that then go for a used technique of one's previous water technique? Mulling over the thought, Hylli finished her breakfast and made her way to the training fields.

Today, the fields weren't as occupied as per usual, which made Hylli gain a small smile as she took a part of it for herself. Placing the scrolls on the ground, she crouched and studied the same scroll again. Already, she had learned and gained reasonable control over two somewhat basic water techniques. But what she wanted to do was to advance them further.
Rising from her crouched stance, Hylli brought her hands together. Weaving the required signs, she inhaled deeply. Once Hylli exhaled, a stream of water was shot from the Hyuzu towards the ground. The water went with a high velocity, enough to produce a ferocious sound as it spread over the water at a rapid speed.
Taking a second to relax, Hylli inspected the newly created water source. From what she could deduce, the liquid seemed just like regular water. Kneeling next to the fluid, Hylli wondered for a second if it was possible to use and transmute chakra to create water, thus never fearing to dehydrate truly.

Deciding to move on to the next stage, Hylli's hands moved to each other. A rapid shift took place as the water seemed to become denser. The clear and calm water rippled with the change, the cover already betraying the new effect. Pulling her hand out of the changed water, Hylli grinned as it became much harder to do so - the water resisting against Hylli's hand being pulled out. Hylli then finished placing her left hand on the water's surface through the following sequence of hand signs.
Satisfied with the results, Hylli returned to the open scroll on the ground. Humming a soft tone, she kept reading through the contents.

First, Hylli continued. The technique that was being explained was the Water Prison Technique. It wasn't perhaps a technique that seemed too intriguing. If Aiko recommended learning this technique, she imagined it was valuable. The mere aspect of imprisoning someone in a sphere of water was quite lovely - restricting their movements and weakening them as they couldn't continue breathing. So if all went fine, eventually knocking them out or even killing those inside the sphere.
Of course, there were various ways to escape and disable the technique if one was caught in it. Trying to understand why Aiko had noted some weaknesses, Hylli then figured that she could prepare for such matters.
" I wonder," she mumbled to herself as she turned back to her creation, the large puddle of sticky substance.
Returning to the edge of the odd sticky pool, Hylli placed her right boot on the surface.
" Snake, Ram, Horse, Hare, Ram, Horse, Hare, Snake, Ox" Hylli mumbled as she went through the hand signs - the pace slow and controlled. Clapping her hands together, she would focus on the build-up chakra.

The liquid swiftly moved in the middle of the pool and formed a sphere. It was large enough to contain an adult person, and it seemed to function as the scroll had explained.
Releasing the technique, Hylli pulled her boot out of the puddle and frowned. The drawback of her experimenting and figuring out what Aiko's scrolls taught her was that she had to spend some time cleaning her boots, as the thought of having the gummy liquid at her boots wasn't entirely pleasant.
"Okay, next one for today." Hylli told herself as she went to the scrolls. Storing away the scroll regarding water prison, Hylli took another and laid it out in front of herself.

The scroll detailed a different water technique. Hylli wondered if the Water Clone technique derived from the Shadow clone technique or if the water elemental technique had been developed first.
Studying the scroll's content, Hylli already understood and mastered the concept. Compared with the Shadow clone technique, the significant difference was that the Water clones are more restricted. One difference was that the water clone could only contain a tenth of a user's chakra pool. And once damaged enough, the water clone reverts just back in water. That alone made Hylli think for a moment.
If she already could modify water originating or mould by her chakra due to a previous technique. Could that mean she could trap a water clone?
Intrigued, Hylli imagined that to be the case. Certainly with the fact that the previous experiment had pointed that possibility out. While already figuring out how the technique worked, Hylli still gave it a try.
Forming the necessary signs, Hylli watched how a perfect copy of her came out of the water. Inspecting the clone briefly, without stepping in the sticky liquid, Hylli nodded and then dismissed the water clone.

Only one scroll remained, making Hylli feel a pang of sadness. Storing the previous scroll, she then opened the last one. " Intriguing," the word left Hylli's lips as a mere whisper. The technique that she studied was vastly different. It allowed someone to hide in a source of water, allowing the caster to go unnoticed and provide a way to surprise an enemy.
Realizing that she owed Aiko quite something, Hylli made a mental note. She would make sure that Lady Cho would be receiving a gesture of gratitude in return.
[ Down by the ponds | Kirigakure, Training Fields | Jirou Authority ]
[ Sugi and Miyoshi meeting | A collab written between @BlueFlameNikku and @Autumn Song ]

[ Miyoshi heads over to meet with a member of Team Mika. The meeting, however, seems to provoke the start of a competition between Sugi and Miyoshi. ]

Deep in the training area of Kirigakure there resides a spot that's dotted with a dozen small ponds. It was a small circular open area that was then surrounded by the treeline. From above in the trees that surround the area they appear as they are a blemish upon the soil. Dragonflies zipped back and forth just above the watery surfaces and the occasional frog croaked as it rested on a lily pad. It was now the middle of the day but prior Sugi had been hard at work setting up this meeting spot.

The place was out of the way so no passerbys should be nearby, there were plenty of bodies of water and Sugi had the means to set his traps here. Mika said to impress whomever arrived to talk about the mission regarding Kayleen's escort so that could mean two things. Either she really meant for him to behave himself and just talk respectfully or...he'd have to use more physical means.

In the time leading up to the meeting Sugi drew upon the knowledge of his usual pranks while at the academy; but with a more deadly touch. The young man set up a few sets of kunai launchers rigged with tripwires bending back branches, two shallow pitfalls, a few assorted ninja tools tucked away in the holes of trees and a smoke bomb mixed with red paint. He made sure none of these were set up on any of the easier paths into the place just in case.

As the time for the meeting drew closer, Sugi finished his preparations. He made a water clone from the neighboring ponds and set him up in the open area while the real Sugi stayed in the tree line just in range of the technique. The chunnin further prepared the area by weaving the signs for the hidden mist technique, thinking the mist so that someone could just barely see to each end of the clearing. With all of that set in place all that was left was to wait.

Heading towards the meeting spot, Miyoshi was both amused and confused. The Yuki had grown amused as the previous studying of Team Mika's profile had allowed her already some sort of edge. Not that she reckoned she was going to need it. Being, however, knowledgeable on what each individual could do would be in her favour though. What confused the ANBU operative was the meeting spot. Of course, the whole tension between the Roju and the Great Clans did warrant some secrecy. Yet, the spot being deep in the training area wasn't what she would have picked.
Nevertheless, Miyoshi made her way over to the spot - following what had been conveyed on how to find the meeting spot.

Miyoshi's pace was calm as she hummed a soft tone. But both her pace as humming came to a sudden halt. Rapidly Miyoshi blinked several times before she crouched. Detecting a wire across the path she was required to take, the ANBU operative frowned.
Perhaps this was meant to test her? But Miyoshi didn't consider that from Mika Hayashi. If anything, her profile had dictated her as a direct person - not one to test others.
Sucking on the inside of her left cheek, Miyoshi would rise and simply step carefully over the wire.
"Need to do---"

Taking a few more steps Miyoshi felt how the ground caved in, gravity suddenly pulling her down as her balance was lost. Dust and dirt fell down to the bottom of the pitfall as Miyoshi had just been in time to latch on to the edge - a soft hue of blue chakra surrounding her gloved hand. The calm expression shifted, radiating sheer annoyance and frustration on Miyoshi's features. Climbing out of the pit she glanced around but didn't detect anyone.

Once out of the pit, Miyoshi's hands moved together to form the Rat sign. Moulding her chakra rapidly she would utilize her sensory technique. Scanning the area, she could detect two chakra signatures. Half closing her eyes, Miyoshi wondered what this was about.
Deciding to bottle up her anger for now, Miyoshi carefully proceeded. Making her way over to the meeting point, she had to nearly activate two more traps. And with each trap that she discovered, the ANBU was more in the mood to repay the 'favour' tenfold.

Nearing an open area, Miyoshi frowned. A mist hung in the area and if anything, she could detect the two chakra signatures again. One was out in the open while another was at the treeline. Thinking of something, Miyoshi drew up her own plan.

After a few moments of preparing, the ANBU entered the open area. The distinctive gear would likely inform Sugi immediately of her occupation as rank. The white mask of Miyoshi resided on the left side of her head. Approaching the water clone of Sugi, Miyoshi's head cocked to the side as the mist made it anything but easy to gain a good bearing on his appearance.
"Masageru Sugishimo," Miyoshi said, pausing briefly, "not who I expected. But I assume that Hayashi-san has sent you? Instructed you as well to place traps around the place?" The last question asked with some evident displeasure in Miyoshi's tone.

The real Sugi stayed in his hiding spot, observing. Before the arrival he'd heard the trigger of one of his pitfalls. He cursed in his head that his placements must've been off. Nothing was supposed to be triggered yet. Once he caught a glimpse of the contact through the mist Sugi was not prepared to see an ANBU mask speaking to his water clone. Much to his surprise as this was he wondered how the hell an ANBU triggered one of his traps? They had to have done it on purpose right?

As she spoke, Sugi looked over her gear at a glance before his water clone began to reply. "Yeah, Mika asked me to take care of this meetup." He decided to start off playing dumb about the traps given the clear displeasure in her tone. "Traps? I didn't place any traps. Mika was clear that I was on my best behavior after all." His clone kept cool, all those years fibbing about his pranks helping to soothe his words without stuttering. "Maybe some team forgot to clean up after themselves but that's beside the point. We're here to discuss the details regarding Kayleen." He left the last part vague on purpose to make sure this was the correct person for the meet up. He couldn't believe Mika wouldn't have mentioned it would've been an ANBU showing up.

Miyoshi's eyes narrowed ever so slightly upon hearing that Hayashi had indeed given him the task to meet up with her. The excuse that followed made Miyoshi's lips part as she was about to say something. Only for her to immediately close her mouth and just stare at Sugi.
"We indeed are. Kayleen of the Akechi is the priority. Her being returned to the Akechi clan is of great importance," Miyoshi said, her tone becoming milder. "I take it that you and the team are acquintated enough to work together? I don't think there will be much of any kind of hurdle posing a threat on the journey to the Akechi capital. But I would appreciate any new information you can share. Though, hang on."

Miyoshi's head turned in a certain direction. A second went by as an eerie silence covered the area. Only for Miyoshi's voice to sound again, as a mere whisper.
"Try to cloak your chakra signature next time," the ANBU's voice would instruct the real Sugi. Situated on a tree branch, looking down on Sugi, Miyoshi scoffed before dropping to the ground. "You don't need to know everything. But I know how to track people quite well. Now, if we can put aside the whole series of traps, clones and what not, I would appreciate it. A lot."

Sugi felt a chill go up his spine when the ANBU appeared above him and whispered. His head shot up to her position on the branch before letting out a sigh. "Noted." After that the young man simply nodded as he let the mist recede to it's thinner state, and the water clone dropped as a puddle on the ground. "Call me paranoid, but I had to make sure you were the right person. Mika didn't exactly give me a description let alone a name." He stood up properly now, dusting himself off.

"In regards to the team, yeah, we don't see eye to eye on much but we don't let it get in the way of the job." Sugi leaned back against a nearby tree as he continued. "Kayleen used to be a part of our team, seeing how this is going it'll probably be our last mission with her."

Sugi raised a quizzing eyebrow. "By the way, willing to share your name? Ya know, since you're going to be working with team 14 presumably."

Dismissing her own water clone Miyoshi's eyebrows perked up slightly. This was why it was both necessary and more productive to discuss matters; the profiles and records didn't state the dynamic between the team members. That didn't mean she had anticipated that there was a bad dynamic. Deciding to not question that aspect, Miyoshi decided to answer his question.
"Yuki should suffice for now," she replied, "Unless you want to know my codename. Or can think of a good one." Miyoshi further added.
Considering something, Miyoshi decided to return a question.

"How come that you're actually here? No offense but it isn't regular that a mere genin meets up with an ANBU? I didn't really imagine Hayashi-san as a prankster, from what I could learn," Miyoshi decided to ask. "And no worries about being paranoid. I have to deal with way worse on a regular basis. Working with a regular team is quite the nice change of pace."

"Alright, Yuki." Sugi relaxed his shoulders as he got a closer look at this Yuki. Despite the gear and mask leaving much up to the young man's imagination he could see the athletic build she sported; fitting for an ANBU. The white hair was certainly interesting."As much as I'd love to embarrass myself more than I have already in front of an ANBU operative coming up with a random codename...I think I'll pass. But since we're being oh so transparent here, for your information I was promoted to chuunin recently." Sugi crossed his arms and sighed."I know in the grand scheme of things I ain't much to brag about but at least some people might take me seriously."

Sugi looked away shyly. "Also don't go assuming Mika's been doing anything bad. I'm the one with the bad rap sheet I'm sure. She wanted me to take care of this to see if I could handle more responsibility alright." He'd look back at Yuki with a stern look. "Hell, what I'm tryin' to say is if you've got a problem with your first impressions with the team you can take it up with me."

"Hey, easy," Miyoshi said, raising a hand as if the motion itself had the influence to make him stand down. "I will certainly take it up with you. But so far, I have yet to find a reason to file a complaint. Besides," lowering her hand, she seemed slightly amused, "it isn't every day that someone like me gets to work alongside the person who brought the last Mizukage low. Anyhow," pausing for a second, Miyoshi flashed a smile.

"Congratulations on your promotion. I will try to take you seriously, how about that?" Though the tone gave away that it was half-hearted. "But now it does make some more sense. On why you are here instead of Hayashi-san, that is." Deciding to become a tad more serious with the whole exchange, Miyoshi's tone started to reflect the shift.
"But alright. Right now, we don't have to fear much or many. It is highly unlikely, or well, would be highly unlikely that anybody is stupid enough to target the daughter of a Great Clan leader. I am not sure if you have heard, though, but there seems to be some kind of unrest brewing with the Great Clans. A group has made a move and even murdered the daughter of the Mizuno clan lord. And then threatened the other two Great Clans to back off. So while the chance might be small, we very well might get problems with this group of renegades."

The red head did relax himself a bit more at the gesture, though his eye did twitch at the half-hearted promise. It reminded him of how the teachers at the academy treated him. The part about the Mizukage brought a sudden life to his eyes however. Was she talking about Mika? His lips parted but nothing came out as the true business of why they were meeting started up. Sugi's demeanor changed as well as Yuki starting sharing information. His eyes narrowed at the ground as he listened.

"No, I don't really keep up with clan politics." He said with a hint of venom. "So whoever's done this once already has shown their hand, probably willing to do it again then." The chuunin walked over to a large tree root and sat down in contemplation. "It's understandable to expect problems given the circumstances, the highest chance being these renegades as you said."

Sugi stayed still as he tried to think things through. "We're to get Kayleen back to the Akechi, simple enough. But put yourself in this group's shoes..." He slowly retrieved a kunai from his pouch and started to aimlessly play with it as he went on. "If the renegades are the highest chance of threat we should know what kinda game they're playing. They want the Great Clans to be afraid and keep them that way for whatever goal. Keeping these things in mind might help in our mission. Maybe it'll give us some inclination of what areas or people to be wary of enroute. Do we have a route in place already?"

Watching how he just sat down and started to go on a long train of thought was surprising. Once more proving that profiles really didn't hold all the information. Remaining silent, Miyoshi just listened until Sugi came with a question.
"Mhm, it is shortest by just sailing straight to the island where the capital of the Akechi clan is located." Miyoshi replied, curious to what he would conjure as a plan, "Afraid is perhaps one goal. But they don't shy away from violence, threats or even executing murder. They already managed to get through Mizuno security to succeed in an attack. I doubt it will be any harder to launch an interception during our travels."

There were a few options that went through Miyoshi's mind. But that didn't take away the fact that they still had to travel by ship. And there was no known intel on how much resources the renegades had at their disposal. "Also, not that it matters much but I take it that you got some bad blood with clans?" Miyoshi decided to ask, referring to how he had responded at first. "Cause you can imagine how suspicious that now appears. With the whole mess ongoing, right?"

Sugi listened intently to the responses and gave his own accordingly in order. "We shouldn't take a direct route then, if we're to expect the worst it'll be the most obvious. Some form of indirect sailing route to the Akechi capital, maybe a less used fishing route." He paused for a moment to breath and compose his words. "Fear alone is rarely a goal in itself. Historically fear has always been a tool to gain something. Support...land...wealth...the list goes on. Excluding the joy the derange deprives from the fearful." His eyes grew colder as he continued. "On the way we shouldn't trust Akechi security until we reach our destination, if the Mizuno have proven inadequate against this group who's to say they haven't infiltrated the ranks of the other Great Clans."

The young man's cold eyes shifted to Yuki when she pointed out his suspicious tone. He was a good deceiver but whenever the talk of clans came up, Sugi's sharp tongue always seemed too dull. "I won't deny I'm not fond of the clans." He admitted coldy. "They're histories are drenched in more blood and turmoil than a fresh pig in a butcher shop. But..." Sugi finally stood and turned to face Yuki. "Let me challenge your suspicion. I've been in the same team as Kayleen for a few missions. One of which was far away from any strong republic military presence. You think Mika was with us all the time? If I truly wanted to make a great clan suffer why wouldn't I have just slit her throat in her sleep? I could've even made her death look like an accident considering everything that went down on that mission. Dragon turtles destroying the ship we were on and an enemy that made even Mika worry." He stopped there, letting everything he said sink in with the seriousness of his tone.

Whistling softly, Miyoshi remained silent for a few seconds afterwards. Of course, Miyoshi didn't believe all he said right away. But there were some points that she or her sarcasm couldn't ridicule.
"I suppose that is fair, for now." She began, a tad slower than she had spoken before, "But you are opposed to the Great clans because of their bloody history?" Miyoshi slightly tilted her head to the right as she posed her question. "You are aware that this country is formed by shedding the blood of those who revolt against it? If anything, the clans are not that much worse. Nor all clans that bad," Miyoshi further added to her response. "It is all fine though. As long as you don't give cause for the Akechi to turn hostile, you can have your opinion. I just found it, hmm, curious."

Deciding to focus somewhat more on the mission again, Miyoshi considered the possibility of taking a detour. It would perhaps throw the Shadows from their game and avoiding an ambush was preferable than to risk fighting against an overwhelming force. But taking more time to just escort one individual wasn't a big preference for the Yuki.
"Good point on that they could have infiltrated the other Great clans. Of course, that would be more of their problem than our issue. Unless the Roju decides to assign us the following task to linger around as a support element. But I sincerely doubt a team of regulars and one single ANBU will be suffering such a fate." Shrugging as she folded her arms out in front of her chest, Miyoshi opted to ask a question once more. "I am just not entirely sold on taking a longer route. It may actually pose a bigger threat if the renegades catch us by surprise."

"I'm well aware of this country's bloody history… I've been reminded many times over. That's why I don't fully blame the clans despite how I sound. What's most to blame is…" Sugi stopped himself before changing his tone to be more lighthearted for a moment. "But who am I to talk about this shit right? I'm just some boy from the ports." These words were laced with sarcasm. But it was simply a means to throw Yuki off from what Sugi really despised. He was talking to an ANBU after all. Speaking outright against the government to her was like asking to get executed.

Sugi took in the counter argument regarding what route to take, they seemed to agree on the rest of the details so he focused here. "You wouldn't be looking for a confrontation with this group of renegades by chance would you?" He challenged, supporting his chin with the same fist still clenching the kunai. "Using Kayleen as bait?" He added before explaining himself. "As I understand it, the sea is a big place. Whether we take a direct route or one more out of the way they'll likely be the ones to surprise us either way. So we're either picking the route where we expect to get attacked or maybe. Most would choose the road that has even the slightest chance to avoid a conflict even if it is out of the way...unless they stand to gain something." Sugi smirked as he went on.

"I'd say it wouldn't be a stretch for the higher ups to want some more information on these dangerous renegades. Capturing and interrogating one tends to be a way to go about that. Though do please correct me if I'm wrong."

It amused Miyoshi that he decided to not pursue the topic of debating the current and past regime. She could understand why. And in any case, not blame Sugi for not desiring to continue that with her. The reputation of ANBU wasn't certainly allowing anyone to feel safe to say negative about the regime. Not in their country, she imagined.
"If I wanted a confrontation, I wouldn't want to rely on chuunin. No offense," she flashed a smile that had a certain hint of sarcasm to it, "I just wouldn't want to see you getting hurt for my own gains. Or be there just to babysit you. As for using the Akechi as bait? Hm," Miyoshi became silent for a second as she genuinely considered the usage of such a tactic. But then she shook her head.

"No. My mission isn't to lure out these renegades and hunt them down. I prefer to avoid a confrontation." Miyoshi said as she gestured at Sugi. "But if you believe the brass is plotting something like that, how about we go ask them? I am quite sure they would love to hear about your theories." Miyoshi replied, already half turning as she nodded to the direction of the city. "Have you ever seen the inside of some government complexes? I am sure a boy from the port would find it a special kind of experience. Trust me," her smile turned into a grin, "or I have the feeling you don't trust me at all."

Sugi didn't offer much of a reaction about her not wanting to rely on chuunin nor what words followed. He didn't believe much aside from not wanting to babysit him. The young man's attention peaked though once Yuki went on about heading to the government complex and asking the brass themselves. Even the thought of going about what was suggested made Sugi's stomach ache.

He didn't like the game they were playing here. So much so he wasn't realising he was glaring at her with a stone cold expression, still clenching that kunai in his left hand. What only lasted seconds felt like minutes as the red head blinked, snapping himself out of it. His shoulders slumped as he slowly put the ninja tool back into its pouch as he spoke in a softer tone. "No, that won't be necessary." He continued to almost speak in a defeated tone. "We'll sail straight to the Akechi capital as you said. You are an ANBU after all." He didn't like it but it's how things are, how they've always been here.

Letting his visible irritation leak out a little, Sugi put his hands in his pockets and proceeded to walk past Yuki without looking at her as he spoke again. "If that's everything then I guess we'll see ya at the port someday soon." He desperately wanted this little meeting over and done with. It's been awhile since he's been this ticked off and he's been able to only just manage most of it. As far as situations go he felt more intimidated at this moment than he did when that giant sea serpent emerged.

Miyoshi's body language didn't betray that she mentally readied herself for a potential clash. She recognised various features in his body language that he was getting frustrated or angry. Her eyes darted her gaze only for a second at the kunai that was still clenched in his hand.
"A shame. I would have even volunteered to show you a touristic route," Miyoshi said as a response to him declining to venture to various complexes. "I indeed am an ANBU, yes." Her tone shifted subtly but enough to radiate that she indeed considered herself as outranking him.

"Going so soon already?" Miyoshi said, placing her hands on her hips as he walked past her, causing her to turn half in order to still face him properly. "Do you have any estimation how long you and the team need to prepare?" A frown grew on her brow as she continued on. "Aside from being an ANBU, I prefer to communicate rather than to use anything to pry an answer loose from you. Works better for both, trust me. So what time?"

Sugi stopped and tilted his head back over his shoulder to look at her. "Two days should be enough time to charter a boat, prepare equipment, ready any documents and allow our VIP to pack accordingly for her move. Early morning on the second day we'll ship off. The fishermen will be out and about but not much else." The young man half turned just as she did to face her more properly.

"Communicate huh. Call me a skeptic but I could've sworn that prying answers loose from others was an ANBU specialty amongst other things. But if you're so keen on what you say then let me communicate something to you." Oddly, the young man began to smile rather wickedly in fact. "Did the file on me mention my specialty?" The chuunin made the release hand seal as any of the traps hidden within the tree line still in Yuki's line of sight appeared to fade away. The tripwires primarily vanished without a trace. The pitfalls reveal their true nature of only being a mere foot or so deep. "I was telling the truth, I didn't set up any real traps. I'd never hear the end of it from Mika if I harmed the person I was meant to meet up with. I hadn't masked my chakra on purpose, it kept you focused on finding me instead of looking more closely at the lies surrounding you."

Miyoshi's expression rapidly shifted from confident to skeptical when Sugi revealed a smile. Her eyes widened slightly when he revealed that the traps were nothing more than genjutsu. For a mere second, the ANBU's eyes narrowed and hinted at her displeasure. But then she stifled a laugh away while shaking her head gently. "Nice. Okay, I got tricked." Miyoshi friendly admitted. "And roger on the two days. See? It is just that easy. Although, now you have started the game. I will not forget this and you can count on that I will get my revenge." The ANBU seemed to ponder about something. "Know what? No, I think this suffices. Try to stay alert, Masageru. Never know when an ANBU decides to claim revenge."

Sugi continued to smile, pleased with the series of reactions playing out on Yuki's face, happy with his handiwork. He took a few steps closer to the ANBU, closing the distance more so to what it was before. The young man tilted his head to one side, showing his confidence. "I'm honored to have caught the ire of such a deadly flower. But if I took the easy route I wouldn't have gotten such lovely reactions out of you." He said so accompanied by an over the top theatrical bow. But when he picked his head back up he was looking straight into her eyes now. These were people Sugi knew he'd have to face one way or another but a part of him nearly got lost in light blue eyes like a small boat in a frozen sea.

The young man snapped back to reality, his smile softened from the devious smirk it had been. "I'll be sure to keep our little game…interesting. Oh and don't worry, I won't tell anyone you got tricked by me. It'll be…our little secret. Just like the more private part of our conversation earlier." He gave her a wink before turning away on his heels and walking away. A little shiver crawling up his spine at what was to come. He'd have to be on his game more than normal and more aware than ever before; a true test worthy of his aspirations.
[ Fortress of Bagalan | Sevudia, Eastern Continent ]
[ Northlings and Potions | Alsanna's Abode! ]
[ A collab between @DeliciousFood and @Autumn Song ]
[ Ottome is assigned to a rather mundane and dull task, which has her arrive at Bagalan. As supplies are being handed over to the Jirian Garrison, Ottome's curiosity is piqued by something rather unusual. Only for her curiosity to lead her to a very intriguing place. ]

The New Moon Boutique
Where The Night's Secrets are Made Delectable!
Love, strength, success, peace …
We have something for all creeds and nationalities*.
Come on over to Balagan's Eastern Block and Meet the Benevolent Witch.
We promise she doesn't bite!

The few alleys that composed the innards of Balagan were littered with used pieces of paper, ranging from old notices to decommissioned paper bombs, that had a similar message inscribed onto them. There were some variances, some merely giving directions, others advertising something specific such as a 'revolutionary' aphrodisiac or sleeping brew. A recent endeavour to be sure as most of them hadn't been ripped off yet and the childish sketches were still vivid with colours despite exposure to the growing cold and winds in the area. Although said winds were generally obstructed by the high walls of the fortress, making way for a more gentle gust that sporadically graced the busy populace.
Other than a light freshness also came an out-of-place odour. Had one not been exposed to any sort of more traditional medicine or unique forms of alchemy, it'd almost come off as otherworldly. To some pleasant, to others a vile stench. Ultimately it made the overall greyness of Balagan gain a degree of nuance. There was more than just a war effort going on here!
At the very end of one of the alleyways, leading up to the desolate section of Balagan that had marked the last stand of the Boggarts, an oddly 'intact' building stood amongst the shattered edifices neighboring it. Light could be seen from the windows and the cracks of the sealed, wooden door and a big sign reading 'New Moon Boutique' rested proudly just under the second floor's only window. It was otherwise a rather simple building, barring the increasingly powerful aroma that had been taking the fort.

The 'journey' towards the fortress had been one of excitement and some wariness. The soldiers and few shinobi present seemed less excited and more or less annoyed. A few jokes were shared among those present about the 'Rats'. Some of the jokes were funny enough to provoke a snicker from Ottome. A few jokes were too profane and Ottome wondered briefly how bad the 'Rats' were.
Arriving at the large fortress, Ottome didn't hide her curiosity. She made sure to look around and not be intimidated in any form by the looks of the Jirians that caught sight of the Northerners.

When the cart came to a stop, most of the Northerners would hop off and start to haul the sacks and bags. A discussion was ongoing between two officers, from the 'Rats' and Northerners, regarding the supplies that were being shared and brought. But Ottome didn't find it intriguing enough to pay any more attention to that exchange than she had done.
Letting her gaze go over her current environment, Ottome then frowned as she sighted a flier. Just as she wanted to hop out of the cart, she had to wait as one of the Northerners came back. He mumbled something about 'damned Rats'.
Once it was clear, Ottome jumped out of the cart and approached the wall where the flier was attached to. It was something amusing and somehow fell completely out of place. Turning half around, she picked up a scent that also was strange. Shrugging, Ottome took the flier from the wall and walked back to the cart.
The labour intensive work was still done by the select group of men. Waiting for one of the men to return, Ottome showed him the flier. It provoked a chuckle from the soldier as he stated he didn't know about the place.
Slightly disappointed, Ottome was about to throw the flier aside until some odd aroma penetrated her noise in a most gentle fashion.

Turning her head, she tried to detect where it was coming from. Spotting an alley, Ottome's eyes slightly widened. Instead of running off immediately, Ottome waited till the same soldier was back. Informing him that she was going to investigate the place, she just earned a shrug from the soldier as he mumbled a curse due to being handed a heavy bag.
In a casual pace, Ottome headed over to the alley. The building from which the aromas came from also stood out. Many structures were in dire need of repair while the one in front of Ottome seemed to do just fine. An ominous omen, Ottome mused yet didn't prevent the girl from opening the door.

A sudden wave of warmth flowed out of the now opened door, bringing along a far purer take on the aroma that had festered throughout the fort. It was strong, yet even those who found the odour unpleasant wouldn't be overwhelmed, and instead their sense of smell would be quickly dulled by what could now be identified as some sort of incense, the burning smell was evident. Little lanterns hung from the ceiling and remained dimly lit, perhaps to provide a certain air to the shop or maybe to save on whatever fuel utilized, or maybe both. Still, nothing was obscured, and the array of peculiarities were visible to all that stepped in. Tonics of various colours were arranged in rows on a few shelves to the west, while the east was dedicated to what seemed to be the counter with an adjacent room connecting to it behind that counter. There would be an idle, Jirian male with his back turned to any guests that may step in, and the impromptu 'Hello' would go ignored by the older man. Other oddities such as dried flora and packaged goods were placed at random to the North and centre of the shop, looking as though not everything had been unpacked or stored just yet.

"Remember, three hours. Close it." a feminine voice charged with dry authority coming from the other room called out, which prompted a non-verbal reaction from the Jirian soldier, "Yeah, yeah. Just, yeah." he certainly seemed in a hurry. Emerging from the backroom was a rather energetic Alsanna. Her attire was far more casual than the average shinobi's, with only a sleeveless, beige top with a few multi-coloured stains on them and standard military legwear with weathered boots. In her hand was a bottle, no longer than her thin forearm, contained a gaseous yet still liquid-like purple substance. The product was placed in a brown bag and passed over to the supposed customer, which he'd hastily seize. He'd then make his leave, which Alsanna responded with the most casual of waves with one hand while she admired the pretty, Gold coin held between her digits on the other. There'd be no consideration from Ottome by the departing customer, bumping into her if she wouldn't move aside and downright sneering at her direction no matter her disposition. A pleasant Jirian indeed.

The shop owner was not oblivious to such bad manners, however, "Hey, dickweed! Practice the asshole routine elsewhere, yeah?" that same waving hand then aggressively gestured in dismissal as she shook her head. The bout of indignation would end with the 'witch' eventually beaming toward Ottome. A wide, bright smile that failed to hide its symbiotic nature it had with the ominous environment she provided. The golden coin had since been set in what was some sort of makeshift cash register, "Ah! Welcome, welcome!" quickly making her way around the counter, the female Jirian rushed to close the door behind the questionable man as to prevent the cold air from entering, "How may I help you, love?" she inquired as she turned to face the Northerner, hands clapped together and her blue eyes oozing of enthusiasm. With her head tilting slightly to the left, one could notice her large, black mane sagging to the side and over her shoulder. Many months worth of hair indeed!

Moving aside, Ottome would barely show any concern about the Jirian that left the establishment. Ottome's head slightly cocked to the side as she witnessed who ran the establishment. More and more did the place attract her curiosity and slightly pique her wariness. However, Ottome wouldn't keep gaping at the interior. Stepping inside, the Northling threw a look around before settling her attention on the likely assistant or perhaps even the owner of the rather odd establishment.
"Hey," the difference in accents, despite both speaking Taika, likely becoming evident. Hooking a thumb behind her belt, Ottome whistled softly. "I didn't expect you guys to have such a place in a dull fortress." Pausing, Ottome wanted to inspect some of the wares but reminded herself of proper manners.

"Just browsing though. Not a local of some sorts. Well," a wry smile crossed Ottome's expression, "more or less a recent one. Anyhow, yeah, just looking around." Ottome then seemed to realise something. Raising an index finger and casually pointing at the other, Ottome's expression betrayed her curiosity. "Though, what are you? Local yourself or Jirian?"

Both of Alsanna's hands rose to shoulder level to exaggerate a shrug, "Now, now, the fortress isn't too bad. Have you seen some of these wondrous, grey blocks they used to make the main building?" a chef's kiss, "Peak artisan." the same gesturing hand offered Ottome to move further and explore whatever her eyes may land upon. Alsanna kept a comfortable metre of distance between her potential prospect and herself, hands behind her back and posture straightened, "M'hm, m'hm, among the newcomers. Although I'm sure you can tell by now, I'm no Rongese."
A few steps backwards eventually got the young store owner to bump against her counter, which she'd quickly vault over to then lean over it, her hand supporting her chin, "Anything catch your eye? Or maybe you're hoping to find something in particular? I can assure you, if we don't have it, we can probably make it." she paused for a moment pupils rising up and her head tilting ever so slightly to the side, "Or something close, anyway. Do you have a name, love?"

"Oh yeah. So far the most impressive pile of stones and wood I have seen so far," the tone giving away the playful sarcasm as Ottome placed both hands behind her back. Looking and inspecting the various wares on display, she had no idea what any of them were - other than what they looked or the faint aroma that possibly could emit from them.
"Ottome," she introduced herself to the other, turning around to politely face them. "And just looking around. I will be honest, but," gesturing to the various wares on display, "I have no clue what most of, nah, all of them are. But if you would like to inform me, you have a pair of willing ears to listen." Ottome further said as she threw another look at the wares. The thought that they could make stuff on demand made her curious. Only for her then to subtly to slip a hand in a front pouch - inspecting if she had any currency on person.

The energetic yet sly little serpent narrowed her gaze into a foxier one when the oh so glorious sound of coins rustling came to be. Obviously she didn't keep the face, but she was a merchant! When guidance was requested, an index was raised as she first appeared to kneel under her counter and search for something. No more than a few seconds later she'd emerge with a little key she'd pocket in her pack pockets before joining her customer once more, "Ottome. Ottome." she mumbled a couple of times, "Has a slight Southern tune to it. Are you sure you're from the North?" the jest was evident with that toothy grin of her's plastered on her visage. First, her wiggling fingers sought out a potential example to start things off, "Do you like good food, Ottome? As in, are you one for quite the culinary delights? Delicious tastes?" her hand had been hovering at the direction of certain bottle, but then veered to another direction, "Or are you more of the restless type, seeking maybe a means to relax among all this ceaseless noise in the camp? Or maybe the contrary! You're constantly bored and want to be a bit more productive, hmmm?" she opted to seize the bottle that had nothing to do with any of the options offered, being the same she had sold to the man who had stepped out, "Don't hesitate to share any ideas you may have~ We do take requests, as I said. Though for a price, of course!"

"Born and raised there, yeah," Ottome replied, slightly confused about the question. But she didn't question in return why the other doubted that. Perhaps some of the jokes of the others were correct or hid a sliver of truth between the profanity?
"That is a silly question, ain't it?" Ottome said, amused. "I do like good food, yeah. More so since I am dealing with the given rations from camp." The Northling did halt giving answers as she realised that the other was about to offer her wares and what they could do. A bit of wariness rose but Ottome remained where she was, observing and listening.
"Eh, so what is it then? Booze? Grog?" Ottome asked, her right eyebrow rising slightly as she shifted her attention from the bottle in the Jirian's hand to her features. "I don't like to drink, sorry. As for ideas? I think you are asking the wrong person. I don't know a single thing about stuff like, this. Unless you asked me when I was way younger. But I learned the hard way that mixing mud, random leaves and water don't produce any sort of potion."

Folding her arms just in front of her stomach, Ottome sized the other up for a mere second. "So you run this store by yourself? You don't really seem that old. Lot younger than anybody that I have ever seen owning a store or any type of place like this. What's your story?"

"You'd be surprised," she swiftly answered as she peered into the gaseous substance she was holding in her hand, "Loads of people eat just to stuff their faces. And some just don't care. They …" she mused for a brief moment, "Usually have other needs. Which I do try my best to provide." the energy had mellowed if just a tad, as she'd pose the item back onto the shelf, "Oh, no, no, no, Ottome. I don't expect anyone to know much at all about my art. Otherwise I'd be out of a job." with a quick twirl she'd be facing her potential client, one hand directed toward the item she had just placed and the other passively pointed toward the Ottome's person, "Say you have a crush on someone. I'm currently offering a solution for, errr, those that have gone beyond that, I suppose." a brief moment of word-fumbling and re-formulating as she sought the right words while gesturing the hand pointed at the potion, "Well, in that case, this potion wouldn't be optimal! And thus, your suggestion could be, ahem, 'Would there be a potion to make me more attractive to Sir Dreamy?'" she even tried to imitate the accent, which was pretty close without being some gross exaggeration, "And so! I'd use that as an opportunity to make a new product, knowing full-well I have a demand." she retreated her hands to keep them together, with her frame now more parallel to Ottome's.

With explanations done, she could address the next bit, "Not alone, no. I do have some help. But, I do own this humble abode, m'hm." she nodded before wiggling her pointer finger, "Well, the business. I only occupy this building because until very recently, it was just as sorry as the other buildings." with all that said, a weak titter escaped Alsanna's lips as she gaze had become avoidant for the briefest of moments, "Hah, I'll take that as a compliment. Although you can thank the lack of competition. Or any business for that matter. But my story?" lips puckered out, each of her digits pressed against one another as she pondered the notion, "Guess I'm just some little witch that likes to make little potions in her little home!" she smiled.

If Ottome couldn't deny one thing it was that she was amused. Ottome's gaze kept shifting in a lazily speed between the somewhat bubbly owner and her wares. "So these are just matters that speed up a process?" Ottome posed the question, gesturing to the various potions and whatnot. "Is that what you Jirians tend to favour? Shortcuts, eh?" Ottome further questioned, though her tone and body language marked it clear that she wasn't judging. "Sounds rather… eh, weak."
Cocking her head to the side, Ottome narrowed her eyes as she glanced at the potions. But it was clear that the Northling didn't fancy taking a closer inspection.

"A witch? Interesting." Ottome half turned to the other, her tone staying the same. "That isn't a job I knew was, well, never mind." Ottome once more threw a cautious glance at one of the potions. "Alright, humour me. I invest in one of these potions. What then? No drawbacks? No kind of lingering addiction?"

It took a moment for Alsanna to take in the feedback, her posture shifting to a more defensive one with her arms crossing and her lips ever so slightly parted. Her eyes had narrowed a tad too, far less foxy than before as if she was vexed and ready to say something. Her maw opened a tad more before she stopped and went for a composed exhale instead, "This is no snakeoil, Ottome, if that may be your primary concern." her features relaxed, arms uncrossed and her hands reaching for the green-tinted flask further into the shelf with her thumb flinging the cork in one, smooth motion, "Make no mistake, these tonics do as they say, and like anything you put in your body, do have caveats." her free hand gestured toward the other to bring her something, "Would you kindly pass me that little garlic clove in the basket, there?" she inquired, nudging her chin toward said basket, where there was an assortment of various, dried plants. They seemed normal, and there were indeed husks of garlic grapes with a few cloves scattered around, "Drink too much water, and your kidneys give out. Eat too much salt and your head is ready to burst. There's a risk, a drawback, a condition for my wares too, yes." the more whimsical tune of her tone had been abandoned for her more neutral, scholarly speech, "I wouldn't call three hours of ceaseless sexual stamina a shortcut, by the way." she so casually added while sniffing the now opened bottle, looking content with the result.

Glancing at the requested basket, with garlic, Ottome didn't immediately move to do as the other asked. "Yeah, but a sip of water doesn't tend to make one addicted. Too much of everything is always a nuisance or worse," Ottome said as she would step forwards to the basket. Taking the basket up, she would turn to the other and shrug lightly. "It just sounds all like a way to get things and then that is great. But I don't need even half of what you proposed," she said, walking back and offering the basket.

"No offense to your craft. I am curious and it sounds beneficial. I just tend to like things a bit more, old school? No need for potions and the like. Hard, dull work is the way I was raised to go with." She stated, flashing an apologizing smile. "But if you like to spice up your love life, hey, all power and glory to you. Count me out though."

Alsanna's hand kept hovering idly as she waited for that basket, waiting so patiently as she posted the potion over the counter. From Ottome's position, it wasn't easy to get a whiff of it, although if she ever got close, it actually would smell like garlic, oddly enough, "Then good thing for your wallet if you don't want half of all of this," she flashed the other a smile, her energy somewhat returned, "then again I've yet to meet a customer that doesn't usually have a, errr, specific need or wants more than one product. Feel free to inquire as much as you want." with the basket in hand, she nodded, "Thank you, love."

The desired clove was picked out and the basket set aside as she got to work. Whipping her pocket knife from her back pocket, the clove was crushed and the edges cut off. The garlic was then parted into a few pieces before she'd go on to apply a little drop of the green fluid onto each little piece. Now the smell was stronger, as if something that had been cooking with garlic and maybe even onions was ready to be served. She gestured with her knife in an inviting manner as she'd help herself with a small portion herself, "Try it, at worst it's just bland garlic without anything else." hell she'd go for seconds. If Ottome were to try it, it'd certainly taste better than raw garlic, as if it had been turned into more of a crisp or a garlic bread made miniature. It would feel strange, given it wasn't normal, but the illusionary texture was there, and a very garlic-y breath was inevitable.

"Hah," Ottome chuckled after the first comment of the still unknown individual. "That doesn't happen too many times, that my wallet is being saved from growing lighter because I invest or buy products that aren't of any need to my job or whatso ever." Ottome once more threw a look around her before settling her attention back at the other. The invitation was once more met with a certain caution as the Northling seemed to debate the options in silence.

"I am wasting your time. I suppose it won't do anything bad. And if it does, then eh," reaching out, Ottome took the offered piece of garlic in her hand. Not right away did she put it in her mouth but observed and even sniffed at it. "Hmm," the frown that appeared hinted that there were second thoughts about if she should give it a taste. In a somewhat sheepish fashion did Ottome place the piece of garlic in her mouth. Chewing it, she subtly nodded and seemed content.
"Not bad. Certainly better than what I had for lunch." She concluded, certain confidence evident in her tone. "You Jirians know taste, judging from this, at least." Ottome then gestured at the other individual. "Still don't know what to call you though. Makes it a bit easier to converse, I wager."

"Mmm!" Alsanna nodded as she chewed away, almost in sync with her customer as to maybe share some of her joy with a growing smile, "Gotta be at least a little honest with my guests, now, yeah? Especially as my first Northerner." with that came a slightly exaggerated bow followed by a display of a lack of discipline and she just snacked on another garlic sample, "That and I wouldn't want the General to bitc- Errr, get moody. Yeah. Moody." she cleared her throat with her mind wandering away for a moment.

Then she snapped back to reality, eyebrows furrowed and eyes brought to a squint, "Eh? You d- Oh. Ohhh." forehead meets palm, "Right, first Northerner. I tend to assume people know me by, cough-Reputation-cough, or by name. Or they call me Witch." pocketing her knife, she presented her hand, "Name's Alsanna. Feel free to make up any nickname you'd like. I'm used to them."

"Nah, Alsanna just does fine for me. Nicknames aren't needed," Ottome replied, briefly wondering if that was perhaps another Jirian tradition that she was just unaware off until now. "Witch does have a rather odd tone to it. What have you done to earn such a nick? Is it because of your potions? Or are you Jirians just having a different kind of idea of witches?" Ottome asked the questions, more curious about this matter than the offered wares that had been advertised before. There was the fact that Alsanna had brought up a general of some sort. But if something had been made clear to Ottome, it was that she didn't need to learn or experience what the brass was like. Asami was enough for her. And sometimes, Asami was even too much.

"And I am your first Northerner? Huh, not sure how I should feel about that. Eh, nothing too important anyways. There is a whole lot of us that differ from each other, anyways." She said, slightly amused about the prospect of being someone's first-ever met 'Northerner'.

Slowly retreated her hand, somewhat awkwardly, though she did her best to not allow her smile to falter, "Fully earned. And short answer-" she made her way around the counter, bending over for a second before standing up to carry a stool over to sat it near the other, "No. I actually picked up this hobby-turned-hustle after the moniker, which was acquired in Sevudia, actually." she gestured for the Northling to take a seat while she'd use the counter itself as her little respite, "A few unusual methods here and there, boom, I'm the wicked witch of the front! Nearly cost me my life. Like, twice." she leaned her back, using her hand to support her frame.

"Luckily, I'm not entirely surrounded by oafs. Which allowed me to, y'know, make this." a lazy, all-encompassing gesture gave attention to her comfy commerce before hastily returning to support her position, "Very new, so I mean, the first Jirian was just a couple of days ago. Good on you to have the guts to explore Balagan, though~" she smirked, "I'd assume reluctance from your people. So much so that I felt like I made my whole currency system for nothing."

"Thanks," Ottome responded as she placed her bottom on the stool. Listening to Alsanna, Ottome had more questions. But the story was kept short and did what it needed to; explaining the red line. Sated with that Ottome decided to not further inquire for the details.
"You assumed that we Northerners are too shy?" Ottome's tone once more betrayed that she was amused. "Not entirely wrong. But it just depends on what kind of Northerner you're experiencing. I guess," she became silent for a second as she then casually shrugged.
"But I am here with a few others. Bringing and sharing some of our supplies with you Jirians. Sign of good will and what not, seeing we do have the same enemies. This time, at least." Ottome smiled, as if the gesture itself placed an emphasis on the statement. "Of course, now I am intrigued how you nearly lost your life twice. Are you Jirians that scared of witches or is it something else?" She decided to ask.

The amusement felt in the exchange resonated between both parties it seemed, with Alsanna very much showing chuckles and nods when evident humour was injected, "Ah yes, maybe tomorrow we'll be sworn enemies and I'd have to chug raw garlic without the magic juice, huh?" a little wink followed that one as she went for her final mini-snack, "They definitely don't like witches. But then again, what is a witch to Jirians? Seems like some odd term to describe some nasty tart! Am I nasty?" exaggerated outrage was as evident as her amusement.

"Though I'll admit to … Some little bads. But to go no-bullshit, it comes down to my preferred methods to doing what I do best and the form some of my works take." she leaned forward, elbows over her thighs as she supported her chin with her palms, "So much about me, though. What of you, Ottome of the North? What brings you to the merciless shithole that is Sevudia? Especially lovely delight such as yourself. Almost as outrageous as dragging me here." she kept quite the cheeky grin.

"Huh, thinking of it, I would rather fight a potion brewer than a… well, not important," Ottome replied, the last addition being barely audible as she raised a hand to gesture a dismissive wave. The returning curiosity didn't do much to warrant wariness from Ottome. "I suppose duty is the answer, if you want the short story. The slightly more interesting answer may be that I decided to go on serving as I wanted an adventure. I guess it is true that I couldn't anticipate how much shit I dove in. Yet, I do see it as a good challenge. That and the open air tends to smell better than the city. Sometimes," she briefly smiled. Briefly a thought did emerge to bring up Asami. But perhaps it was better not to?

"So yeah. I suppose I wanted an adventure and to do some good. Only to find myself in a war, fighting people that are more whacked than your usually disillusioned highwaymen. And that is the slightly more extended version on how I got here." Ottome finished, deciding to wait to see if Alsanna had more questions.

An eyebrow was raised toward Ottome's tempered response, the missing bit clearly catching the shopkeeper's attention. That sly look had briefly returned, though she didn't capitalize, instead indulging in the answers being provided to her questions. Alsanna was certainly humoured by the answer, with frequent chuckles and titters giving mixed signals as to whether she found it funny or perhaps even looked down at the answers given. Nonetheless, her good mood remained intact, "Adventure. Aren't you just precious." the cork of the bottle was seized and the tonic was sealed, "I expected adventures too. Well, misadventures. I didn't exactly get much of a choice on what endeavours I was to take. Which leads to …" her azure pupils passed through the room to indicate what she was talking about, "Sub-par conditions for my various works~"

After a sigh, she straightened her posture by sitting upright, "So, you essentially do missions and confront things far spookier than yours truly. Perhaps what I have to offer could be of use in making these, errr, 'Adventures' a little more, how should I say …" her index twirled about as she looked for words, "Digestible? Maybe even enjoyable? A couple of customers often manifested crap sleep during these, or the contrary, a hard time with keeping watch. I helped them both." she didn't let her tone slip into something too serious, or the contrary, too artificially familiar. It remained consistent the whole way, even if the intent was clear.

"You didn't?" The question being posed as Alsanna stated that she didn't have much of a choice. Ottome wondered if the Jirians were more pressed into service. The questions that Alsanna then posed were weighed by Ottome, who didn't feel the need to answer everything right away.
"You could say that. Though, I doubt that you have something to make it more enjoyable." Ottome remembered her team members. Shaking her head, she once more spoke up. "That is quite handy. But no thanks. I have my own ways of dealing with nightmares and the like." A cold shiver ran past Ottome's spine as she didn't like the course of the exchange.

"Besides, that doesn't really get the problems to become less problematic. I will manage, one way or another." Ottome attempted to assure Alsanna that she didn't require such a potion. "What about you though? Just civilian work or seen your share of fighting? From what I heard is that you Jirians had to be carried by others. Imperials? And now I and a whole bunch of Northerners are here to aid you guys further. Had a tough time or?"

Alsanna jerked her head back and gave the other a puzzled gaze, "Someone who can't sleep being given the solution to sleep isn't solving the problem?" her eyebrows were kept risen for a few seconds and she had paused a few seconds before continuing, "Although nightmares are a different beast. Huh. That does actually give me an idea." her index had come to brush some strand of hair over her ear before she redirected her stare toward her guest, "But, doubting lil' me? Hah! For an adventurous lass you sure forgo the vast potential this strange shithole can offer! I don't like it, but I did find my niche, after all."

With the subject as much an Alsanna as it was on Ottome in this exchange, the black haired Chuunin took her time to ponder when she had to give answers. Or at least decided to answer them, anyway, "I'm fairly certain we took this fort without that many issues." her head shifted from side to side while she recalled, "I also recall taking down three Boggarts with just the General. They're melted a couple of houses to the South." her gaze fixed itself onto Ottome's frame, her tone slightly more solemn, "I would suppose there'd be a show of weakness for banding up, but then again, one side's outside living in tents, and the other is comfortable behind walls they've conquered." her head tilted ever so slightly, but then a jump in radiant delight emerged from her tone, "Though, then again, my government was never known for being efficient~ Bureaucratic restructuring does take its slow, redundant toll on all of us." she scoffed lightly.

"It is hard to explain. But no worries. Even nightmares don't tend to do well against a true devil," the cryptic line was all that Ottome wanted to bring up. And even that made her quite hesitant if she should have said that. The statement that the Northlings were currently residing in tents and not enjoying the luxuries that the fortress could offer, Ottome scoffed but in an amused fashion.
"We are Northerners. You guys can have all the forts you want. We simply thrive in the open. After all," a more cocky stance was adopted as Ottome slightly raised her chin, "we didn't need Imperial steel to beat up and kick out Rongese out of a country. But hey, if you guys are happy to just take a single fortress, good for you guys. I can imagine why the allied leadership decided to send down a batch of us Northerners to make sure you guys wouldn't take forever with yet another fortress, heh."

Trying to remember anything noteworthy about the Jirian regime, Ottome couldn't really come up with anything. She had never been intrigued by politics. Foreign politics and schemes were even more alien to her interest. "That sucks. Explains some of the jokes I overheard about you guys though. But, at least, you got a roof over your head."

Alsanna snorted, "Now that's some interesting coping mentality." she addressed the first portion, involving the open and Northerners preferring it, and the Shirafuji was going to add some sort of joke or addition to this banter, but Ottome added another layer. An amused smile mellowed into a subtle one, only to then become a downright frown. She didn't look upset, but the air around her had lost quite of bit of its warmth, "Banter and misplaced national pride is one thing, Ottome. Pushing it beyond that in my little Jirian world is slightly irritating. As you can see, I'm far more cynical in regards to my own nation's methods," the solemnity had returned with a level of dryness to her tone that came with her more elevated voice, "so don't be a twat, especially in my comfy abode. Silly ethnic-based sass is reserved for the feeble minds, dear. And you started so delightfully." lips pursed, she crossed her arms under her chest and sighed.

It took her a few seconds but she then raised her hands to brush her hair back some as a sign of relent, "Y'know, I'm not offended. I just have to wonder why there's always this odd emphasis on 'we' and not 'I', like the collective chaff matters here. I certainly do not care about your WE, but I'm intrigued about you, the 'I'." with a snap of a fingers, she finger-gunned toward Ottome, "So tell me about that devil thing. That's certainly more interesting than hamfisted national-pride." her body language and voice made come off as more authoritative than normal for her shopkeeper gig.

"I tend to have interesting mechanisms, for a variety of things," Ottome replied, her body language hinting that she was relaxing a bit more than before. When Alsanna stated misplaced national pride, Ottome did frown but didn't say anything right away.
"It isn't misplaced. I firmly am loyal and believe the North is quite alright. Sure, got some flaws but it is far from horrible." She would state, then again realising that the other probably never visited or even knew much about the far-away nation. When Alsanna stated that she was more intrigued about her, rather than the collective North.
"Huh, never had a Jirian be intrigued in me," Ottome replied, the comment flavoured with a certain tone that seemed as a gentle jab, "but sorry, I won't talk about the devil thing. I don't feel like it," she explained with a light shrug. "Perhaps another time. Honestly, the less you know the better."

Rising up slowly, Ottome once more glance around. "That and as much as I don't mind to hang around, I rather not give cause for the guys to worry or start an incident with other Jirians, cause I didn't return."

"The fact that you thought of flaunting it to some Jirian tart made me think otherwise." an eyebrow was cocked, but Alsanna otherwise seemed to relent on her more stern reaction, "Well, flaunting might not be the word. Regardless, this is very much a humble, Jirian household~" arms extended out with a light bow following that statement.
With the announcement that Ottome was pondering her leave, Alsanna tilted her head and raised her index, "Well, if we won't be having storytime, then maybe I could suggest a little part-time job? I am in quite the need for folks that can hold a conversation. That and you do get a discount on my store for the help~" with that side, she seized a short cane from under the counter and reached out for a rolled up poster to drag it down and unroll it, displaying the current conversion rates and potion prices. They were certainly not free, "Also having a Northerner around could probably embolden the shy others and broaden my clientele!" snapping her fingers, she wagged her index finger to signal for Ottome to wait. A small vial was taken from the same place she had gotten her cane and poured some of the green fluid she had enhanced the garlic with, "There. A sample for your buddies. I'm starting to think the posters may give a weird impression with how much … Creative liberty I took with some."

Raising both her hands, Ottome shook her head. "Ho there, speedster," despite the initial decline of Ottome, the girl's tone gave away that she was amused by the others. "I will give it a few thoughts. I don't think yet I have a solid cause to work for you or with you. Even if your abode is picking my curiosity, I would rather be sure that I will be able. That is just the most honest approach for both you and I, ain't it?"
Lowering her hands, Ottome made no attempt to take the small vial - though she eyed it with a curious glance. "The best I can do now? Just tell the others and see what happens. But I am far from someone with much gravitats… or whatever the officer called that expensive word. Some posh word for influence, I believe. Anyhow, yeah, that is so far what I am willing to do. Perhaps if things go swimmingly and my interest grows, I won't mind discussing a possible partnership with you."

"And I do pay. Just keep that in mind!" the coin she had obtained from the previous customer was flipped from her thumb and caught into the same hand that had picked it up. A Gold Dragon, which was worth far more than the singular bottle he had seemingly purchased when he left, "You don't need much clout to spread a good word and share a little culinary joy, no? Besides, play to your strengths!" a finger snap to finger guns pointed right at the other's visage, "Lads fall flat for a cutie with a pleasant smile. No matter how much, mmm, 'Gravitats' she may have." a pause then occurred with Alsanna staring blankly for a moment before raising another point, "Oh yeah, no more than a drop per serving. Highly addictive. And can damage your tongue in the long term. So, y'know, temperance and all that junk."

"You pay," the two words were phrased with a mixture of amusement and some doubt. "I never thought that I would be offered a job by, well, you know," gesturing subtly towards Alsanna, a wry smile crossed Ottome's features. "A Jirian. I will give it some thought. But currency has limited usage where we find ourselves. Although I thank you for the compliment, I suppose," Ottome further stated.
Upon hearing that the vial contained something that was both highly addictive and could damage one's tongue, Ottome certainly made no attempt to reach out and accept the small object.
"Thanks but nah, I think I would rather not have that. Just to prevent that someone will point fingers at me bringing that around." Ottome replied as she would half-turn towards the door of Alsanna's abode. "But perhaps you can convince someone else to aid you with, well, spreading that kind of stuff around."

"Why not? I don't think Jirians are that bizarre or stingy. Or weird. They've always felt … Kind of all over the place, given how our cultures have fluctuated so frequently." she was left to muse for a moment, though she'd quickly snap back to reality when it was clear Ottome was making her leave. Alsanna rose up and made her way to the door, which she'd so graciously open for the soon-to-be departed guest. Bit rough around the edges, all in all, but she tried, "You sure you don't want the sample, even for private use?" the vial was still on offer right over Alsanna's palm, "Yeaaaaah I'm not too convinced there'll be that much mingling between North and South unless I push for it. So! As I said, I do pay. And money talks everywhere, even here, should you get crafty enough."

Ottome opted to not say what she thought so far about the Jirians. It was fine to disagree, after all. When Alsanna once more asked if the sample wasn't desired, Ottome shook her head as well raising her right hand - indicating that she didn't need it.
"No thanks.I am fine without such a produce, no offense of course." Ottome replied, "And I will consider it. Right now, I am doing just fine with what I got and have. I suppose I come from a more simple folk. But anyways," flashing a friendly smile, Ottome would take a step outside and turn half towards Alsanna. "I am going to take my leave. Maybe I will see you around or I will try to drop by next time. If I have more time, I will bring you some Northern cuisine actually. And then we can indulge in some stories, perhaps."

Fingers curled around the rejected vial with Alsanna's expression melting into more of a poker face, "Right." lips pursed, it seemed as though she wanted to say something but kept a tight lid on that mouth. With the vial pocketed in her work pants, she nodded while keeping her hand on the door as to make sure it didn't close on the other or some gust of wind caused a problem, "The boutique's always open so long as the lanterns are on!" some vigour did return to Alsanna, with a smile somewhat forced on her visage but her tone vivid enough to sell it, "I've yet to taste such cuisine. Here's hoping Sevudia can allow such a prospect." a light bow was conferred to the other with Alsanna's now idle arm gesturing in a similarly graceful manner, "Do take care, Ottome of the North. And be mindful of the Boggarts~" a light giggle escaped her as she waved goodbye while slowly closing the door of her shop. Once sealed back into her domain, Alsanna sighed and let her facial features relax. A quick shift of her jaw from side to side prompted a few cracks while her gaze became nothing but dull. The pocketed vial was whipped out and she'd give it a look while mumbling to herself, "Could've just sold it if you didn't want it. Oh well." it was back to the usual grind.

Boggarts? Was that some kind of Jirian boogieman? Ottome decided to not question it as she cracked a smile in return. Instead of a bow, a curt nod of her head was given in return. "You as well, Alsanna. I hope your abode will indeed be around if I manage to get around next time."
Finished, Ottome turned around and started to head back to the location where the other Northerners were waiting. Their officer was still discussing something with a Jirian officer. Most of the other Northerners were just waiting for them to be allowed to return. A few were playing a sort of word game and one was actually taking a nap in the waggon - despite the luxuries to allow a comfortable position.
Releasing a sigh, Ottome joined the band of Northerners. At least, she had experienced something of interest today.
[ Operation: Crying Rock ]
[ Sevudia | starting from the 3rd Imperial division encampment ]
[ A collab between @BlueFlameNikku , @FrostedCaramel , @RedFox and @Oetje ]

[ Being assigned to a mission, Meilin is tasked to lead a temporary formation. The briefing is rather simple; to pursue and hunt down some Red Cloaks. However, there seems something off about this operation. ]

Part 1

Meilin chewed on a bit of an apple. Leaning against the palisade at the southern entrance of the encampment, the jounin stared at the distance. The ambience of the bustling camp with its activities, people and animals were faintly registered. Instead, Meilin just went over her entire journey. It had been a crazy ride to where she was now. The fact that she hadn't received a real mentor or been able to enjoy one wasn't really bothering her anymore. It seemed things were going rather well, she mused. Or was it that things just could go a lot worse?

Scoffing as she glanced at the apple, Meilin tossed it ahead of her. Her mind went over the details of today's mission. The fact that she was supposed to lead a diverse group, that wasn't her squad, made her slightly wary. More so that she wasn't able to read profiles or know what she was really working with - save it for some just some brief summaries.
But that was just how things were, Meilin thought to herself as she rolled with her shoulders for a second or two.

Idly rolling a pair of iron balls in her hand, Aoi approached Meilin where she leaned against the palisade with a grin on her face. "Seems it's just the two of us for the knowns here huh?" she scoffed as she took up a piece of the wall alongside Meilin to lean on herself, "Any idea why that is? Why we, and the others, are split like this?" she asked as she joined Meilin in staring into the distance, all the while the pair of spheres gliding quietly around her palm.

Once Junko knew her gloves were tightly wrapped around her scarred hands she made her way over where she was told. It was strange how the groups have been split up but it was merely a passing thought. The pale genin approached the two women with a mute expression and an empty stare in sharp contrast to Aoi's grin. Looking silently at the blue haired woman twirling iron balls then at the dark haired one. She gave them a formal salute with no verbal greeting.

All Junko knew was that these two were jounin from the information she was granted prior. That alone demanded she give them the same respect she gave Kyoi, even if neither appeared to be near the status of a Hyuuga. She spoke to them in her dry tone of voice, introducing herself. "Junko Shiroi, genin. I'm at your disposal." She would hold the salute and the thousand yard stare into Meilin's eyes until instructed otherwise.

There's no need to fret, Masami. Really. Just give it your best and it will work out. Or will it? She shook her head as she finished strapping her shortsword hoist to her belt and left her tent to head to her next mission. A frown was present on her face as she made her way through the camp that was buzzing with activity. She threw a sideways glance at groups of soldiers passing her left and right and greeted higher ranking officers with a polite bow of her head. Am I going crazy, or do I really look forward to leaving this place?

It was true. Masami felt trapped after their last victory, for reasons she couldn't understand herself. She wiped the frown from her face as she approached the spot they were to meet at, replacing it with a polite smile." Masami Hyuuga, reporting in." She gave all of them a polite bow of her head before making a few more steps, standing right next to Junko, giving her a small smile with a nod, turning to Meilin afterwards.

Meilin flashed a smile towards Aoi. When Aoi brought up questions, Meilin had some hunches. However, there wasn't much time for them to discuss it openly. The first of the newcomers was the genin; Junko Shiroi. The girl made Meilin feel wary. The way Junko presented herself made Meilin click with her tongue softly as she made a mental note. However, Meilin subtly gestured to the girl that she could rest at ease.
Then Masami of the Hyuuga clan reported in, allowing Meilin to eye the Hyuuga.

"Good, we are all here. That means we can start," Meilin simply began as she crouched. Pulling out a knife, Meilin would carve markings on the ground and use the tip of the knife to point at some of the markings.
"This is our encampment. We will travel this direction at a normal pace. The idea is that we reach our destination before it gets dark. Apparently, our targets are excavating some kind of place. The report made it clear that they are only operating and moving in the dark of the night. Which obviously means that they are hidden during the day. Obviously," Meilin's gaze lifted to inspect if every single one of them paid intent attention, "we could try to snuff them out. But if their activity is more active during the night, I want to use that to our advantage. So far, we are aware that the enemy has roughly double our numbers. Surprising and overwhelming them will be a must or else the fight might turn really ugly."

Rising Meilin would sheath her knife again and place her fists against her hips.
"Any questions?"

Aoi returned an uneasy smile to Junko as she saluted Meilin and her, the salute lasting awkwardly long as the girl seemed to await some sort of instruction to drop it. Finally Meilin set the girl at ease and Aoi felt physical relief as her distant eyes found something new to fixate on that wasn't so close to her. The second to arrive was far more personable from the outset, and Aoi had no issue giving the girl a smile as she fell in alongside Junko.

"As long as we get a chance to snoop around whatever they're digging up after we're done with cleaning up, I've no real questions." Aoi offered with a shrug, a cut and dry elimination mission from the sounds of it, which made the Miyazato content as she stood over the crude image of the operations plan.

Junko returned Masami's smile with one of her own empty ones. "I'm...It's good you didn't die, Masami." The clearly socially awkward genin having trouble knowing how to express joy for one's well being. She paid little mind to the discomfort she put upon the two jounin. Even after the salute was dropped Junko continued to stare, though primarily at Meilin as she went over the details of the operation. Everything seemed clear enough. "Are all the Rong-roaches to be eliminated?" One social thing she did pick up from her father; how to dehumanize an enemy by giving them insulting names.

That's a new one from Junko. But yeah, I'm also glad you're still with us, she thought as, nodding at Junko." That makes two of us. Glad you're still with us, Junko.". She knelt down to look at Meilin's planning and listen to her instructions. It promised to be a Search and Kill mission - a simple one where plenty of things could go wrong." If we're to strike during the dark of the night, the advantage will definitely be on our side." She spoke these words, giving Meilin a confident look. They'd have a hard time hiding from her eyes, and everyone present knew it. She frowned as Junko asked about taking prisoners, hoping the other members of the team won't give her a hard time.

The first to respond was Aoi, who received a smirk from Meilin.
"It would be extremely dull if we wouldn't take a look what they are trying to keep from us. So snooping will be most certainly be something I plan on doing afterwards," Meilin replied. The next one to speak was Junko, who's responses were quite… peculiar. Not that Meilin's expression or tone betrayed her growing wariness.
"Rong-roaches?" The eyebrows of Meilin slightly perked upwards but she wouldn't tarry too long before responding. "Yes, we don't need to take prisoners. Seeing we may transport goods back, it is best if we don't worry ourselves with prisoners."
The last to speak up was the Hyuuga. Meilin clicked softly with her tongue. The Hyuuga's dojutsu could provide some advantage. But Meilin had other plans for the presence of the Hyuuga's unique eyesight.

"Perhaps," Meilin shrugged in a most casual way, "we have obtained some victories against our enemies. But they have the nasty habit of showing new tricks and tactics. It is best to keep our guard up and not consider ourselves to have any advantage until we can survey the situation."
Pointing at Aoi, Meilin spoke further. "In case that I can't give orders, then you will follow Aoi's orders. I aim to survive but it is best to not uphold any illusions. Don't underestimate these guys. We have lost enough to them already."
Pointing at herself with her thumb, Meilin continued on. "I will take the lead. Masami, you will take the rear. Junko, you take the left wing of our diamond formation. Aoi, you take the right wing. No objections? Good."

The travel roughly lasted an hour as Meilin led the unit into the woodlands. The pace was fast but it was clear that Meilin kept an eye if someone became too exhausted. Upon reaching a certain point, Meilin landed on a thick tree branch and raised her left hand as a fist - signalling the others to halt.
"This is where we will start. You three will make your preparations. I will scout ahead and see what the enemy might be up to." Meilin half turned to face the group behind her. "I won't be gone for too long, just stay put."
Seemingly, Meilin fully turned to the group as she embraced the pull of gravity. Falling backwards, the young woman vanished in the darkness.

On her own, Meilin conducted her scouting. She was still quite wary for revealing her own abilities to others - comfortable with just having a very few able to know how she would scout. The scouting was relatively done in a quick time as Meilin would appear from the darkness again. Scaling the tree, the jounin swiftly moved back to her position as she signalled the others to pay attention.
"Okay. I have been able to count up to roughly nine to ten enemies. All Red Cloaks, which is not too great seeing our own numbers," Meilin informed the others. "They are busy loading what seem to be books and scrolls in containers, in a wagon. Seeing they are quite cautious, I reckon high command will be pleased if we can deliver those books and scrolls back. So it is best if we try to launch an ambush and take out the sentries first."

Explaining that the enemy was located northwards from their current position, Meilin further stated where the sentries were. Four were located in various positions - having a clear sight on a small entrance of what seemed to be a burrow or a sort of cave. A wagon was present with two horses while two more Red Cloaks guarded the wagon as others loaded the books and scrolls in it.
"That is roughly the situation we find ourselves in. Judging we are with four, we each can attempt to take out a sentry. The moment that we attempt this, we need to act fast. I have no idea if they got a sensor at the ready to keep watch over the sentries. So Aoi and Masami, you both take care of the sentries. Use shadow clones or something to speed up your process. Junko and I will take up a position to ambush the Red Cloaks at the wagon. In case that there is a sensory alerting them, we can try to raise the kill count and, hopefully, even the fight. Any questions?"

It was good to hear that taking prisoners wasn't necessary, keeping operations at an extermination level kept things simple for the genin. All other clarifications were clear enough as well. On the journey there admittedly Junko did start to lag behind, nearly falling back to Masami's rear position. Yet another moment showing her lack of field experience. Though after noticing Junko picked up the pace exerting herself just a bit so everything wasn't slowed down on her account. She'd have a subtle worried look on her face like a child trying to escape punishment until she caught back up into the pace with everyone else again.

When Meilin went off to scout, Junko did as she was asked. She checked her gear and tools taking care not to pull any out for fear of any reflective metals giving them away up in the trees. That's what it appeared she was doing anyways. With her back turned to Masami and Aoi, the genin was really working on catching her breath. Fearing to reveal any sign of inadequacy.

On the squad leader's return, Junko had no questions nor any complaints. Simply standing near Meilin, ready to follow her lead and do as she was told.

With a shake of her head Aoi noted the lagging of the strange genin Junko and turned her attention back to Meilin as she left to scout. There was time here that Aoi could have said something, time to address the two genin, bring about some form of cohesion or camaraderie if she could, but she couldn't. She knew too little about them both, and the situation wasn't right for such a thing. Instead, she turned to watch the forest around them, the iron spheres once more rolling in her palm as she allowed her mind to drift into a familiar autopilot of scanning and rescanning the same tracts of land for anything out of the ordinary.

Once Meilin returned and relayed her findings and plan, Aoi couldn't help but to feel relief at the fact that Junko would be with Meilin, leaving the very likely far more capable Hyuuga as her partner in taking down the sentries. "I think we can manage that, though I'd take care moving on the wagon. If they don't have a sensor, then we can assume they won't know we've removed their sentries. In which case it could be better to wait for us to regroup after, and commit as four rather than two against the unknowns in that cave system." she offered, though there appeared to be no commitment to her suggestion beyond allowing thought on the situation.

The journey went by quickly for Masami, her eyes scouting ahead far beyond what her teammates could see. She noticed Junko slowing down at times and frowned at the sight. Let's hope they won't give you a hard time, Junko. I know you're trying your best, she thought to herself. Their travel was uneventful and they reached their destination without a single enemy contact, causing Masami to smile a bit. As Meilin told them to make preparations, the best she could think about was to check her gear. Finding everything in order, she silently waited for Meilin to come back. She kept observing Junko, throwing glances at Aoi. The wait, while short, seemed excruciatingly long to her. With a sigh of relief, she noted Meilin coming back, initiating their briefing.

Their situation was tricky, to say the least. Lieutenant Cho sure makes it feel like a winnable one, Masami thought to herself. She nodded off and listened to Aoi making her remark." I second Aoi's notion, Lieutenant Cho. We can handle the sentries, no problem. If there's a sentry among them, I think I'll be able to pick him up. The call is yours, Lieutenant. I'll be ready."

Meilin listened to Aoi. Considering the option and weighing some of the risks, Meilin subtly nodded.
"Very well. Junko and I will take position and await how you and Hyuuga take care," Meilin replied. "I assume that your eyes will be able to be a good asset in tracking and seeing what is going on. If things go awry, try to alert us with something audible. For now, you two can go ahead. Junko and I will relocate closer to our goal. Which is roughly two to three-hundred meters to our west," Meilin instructed as she briefly pointed out the direction.
"Good hunting," Meilin told Masami and Aoi while beckoning Junko to follow her.
Last edited:

[ Sevudia | Jinsan Fortress ]
[ Hikari Torimoto | Chuunin of Team 11 / Hirashima ]

Hikari experiences life as a liason in the Jinsan Fortress, and continues learning a bit about the people there.

Part 1

Part 2​

It was another afternoon in Jinsan, and Hikari had finished her work for the day. Today, she was being followed by Bao. The day went as most days had gone so far, and now she was sitting with Bao outside of the barracks she was staying at. Since Bao's Taika was on the more simple side, she couldn't ask him too complicated questions. They also seemed to confuse him more often than not. So she decided to ask him about something else she noticed in her time there, and he was willing to oblige.

"This," Bao said, before doing a thumbs up "Very good. This too." He tugged on his earlobe "And this means poor, bad." Bao showed her his hand, pointing outwards with his index finger and a raised pinky. Looking at Hikari as she observed, he lowered his hand "Understand?"

Following the gestures, Hikari was quite grateful for her photographic memory at the moment. When the question was brought up, she nodded "Yes. Understood." She replied, before looking at her hand and repeating the gestures. She moved her gaze back to his hands "Anything bad or very bad? To avoid?" She asked.

Taking a moment to understand what she asked as he repeated the question, Bao nodded "Few." He first said, before looking around. Only after making sure people weren't looking at them, he turned his gaze back to his hands "Only show one time. Watch." He stated, before making a quiet, soft whistle. This was followed by a wink, before stopping yet again and looking around.
Once he made sure no one was watching, he quickly held up his fist, before quickly bringing it back down. And finally, he put his thumb between his index and middle finger, before quickly shaking his hand, seemingly offended by his own actions "These. I hesitant to show again." He told her.

The little show from Bao made Hikari's eyebrows raise some. She did manage to catch everything, but she was rather surprised. All of those were rude or offensive in some way. And she was used to seeing them under a different meaning. When hearing what he said after, Hikari nodded. If there was one thing she noticed on her own, was that the Qinjing didn't use the word 'no'. Rather they showed their reluctance or disagreements with things in other ways.
"Thank you Bao." Hikari said, switching to Rén as further show of gratitude, before thinking on something "Didn't Han use a whistle to call you the other day. Weird to think he'd use a rude gesture." She muttered to herself in Taika.

"Or maybe Han did that because he was in a rush to get to where he was supposed to. When certain orders arrive, proper manners get thrown out of the window." A voice spoke from behind her. Moving to kneel next to the two of them, Han gave a stern glance at Bao "I don't know what you've been telling her, but now you're both with me." He spoke in Rén, before raising up "Come."

The sudden voice of Han made Bao freeze briefly, before his gaze moved to follow his fellow Qinjing. Nodding, he quickly stood up "Sorry Han. She simply asked about which gestures not to do. Considered rude or offensive." He explained, sticking to Rén.

Han's sudden arrival was surprising, but welcomed in Hikari's opinion. She hadn't had a chance to speak with him for a couple of days now. Standing up, she nodded to acknowledge his instructions, before beginning to follow Han into the barracks. Her own Rén was still rather basic, so she only understood certain words as the two soldiers continued their exchange, with Han's tone clearly not being overly pleased with Bao's actions.

Only took them a couple of minutes to arrive at the dining hall, and then a couple more of waiting before each of them got their own meal and they all sat down with their meals. As Bao and Han started to eat, Hikari seemed to contemplate something. Noticing, Han sighed "Spill the beans Torimoto. What is on your mind?" He asked in Taika, and Bao glanced upwards at the two, seemingly trying to follow the conversation.

Han's voice seemed to disrupt Hikari's thoughts, and she turned to look at him "Sorry. I've just been thinking over the differences in cultures, and what I've seen so far. Quite a bit is different from what I grew up with. And everyday I see more differences. And it is a lot to take in." She explained.

"Then why not just quit? Just wait the remainder of your time, until your people arrive back here and don't bother keeping up with your efforts. It isn't like you're even trying to push up the chain." Han said, taking another bite of his food.
Bao seemed to want to say something, only to stop short of speaking up as he seemed unsure of how to say it.

"If I quit now, then I basically wasted my time here. And then even if I cause no trouble and do nothing, I would've disappointed myself. And prove something to others that I wish to disprove." Hikari stated, looking at the plate of food, before finally taking a bite.

"Then keep go." Bao suddenly said, making both Han and Hikari look at him. His cheeks flushed a bit at the sudden attention, before he shrugged "Keep learn. Yes?" He asked, trying to make sure he was managing to follow the conversation.
Han nodded "You got the right of it Bao." His gaze turned back to Hikari "Stop being bothered by it. You keep thinking about those things, and you will only hinder yourself."

Hearing the two of them, Hikari nodded, before tapping the table with two fingers.

Surprised, Han turned to look at Bao "Been teaching her more than just rude gestures to avoid huh?" He asked him in Rén, to which Bao just nodded before continuing to eat his food as a way to avoid talking further about what he taught her. Han turned his attention back to Hikari "So what else has the youngster been teaching you? Hopefully nothing that I should report to my superiors."

Hikari shook her head "I don't think there would be anything like that. Mostly just gestures overall. I did have some more questions about another topic, but since Bao's Taika isn't exactly the best, I didn't want to stump him with questions he might not be able to answer." She said.

"Well, Gestures are fine, I suppose. As long as he hasn't demonstrated the more offensive ones against anyone else." Han said with a glare towards Bao, who stopped eating for a moment, before Han continued speaking "Another question though? About?"

"What do you believe in? Your religion, in better words. I didn't see any signs of any structures in this outer circle that are designated to anything like that." Hikari said, taking another bite of food.

Having finished his own food, Han looked at Hikari in silence for a moment, before beginning to speak "You won't see a temple in this circle because this outer circle of the fortress only contains military structures. Temples aren't exactly something that is essential for soldiers to keep a fortress secure." He started answering, before putting his hands together in front of himself.
"In your language, our god is called 'The Maker'. A god that is willing to accept all, to love all, regardless of where they come from. So it would include you. The Maker helped shape the world by doing small acts that helped push the right people onto the right paths."
Glancing at Bao for a moment, Han contemplated something, before exchanging a few whispers with Bao. The young soldier's expression turned serious, and the quiet words went between them a bit longer, before Han looked back at Hikari "If you make it to any other city of ours, pay heed to circular structures. They slightly stand out compared to the average building, but still not that big. Those are our temples."

While her curiosity was piqued by the sudden silent exchange, Hikari nodded as a response to what she was just told. Once more, she tapped the table with two fingers.
Continuing to eat in more silence, she glanced at Bao. His expression remained serious, and also a bit upset. Clearly, whatever the two talked of, he didn't like it one bit. Once she finished her food, she looked over at both Han and Bao, the latter of which still seemed a bit upset.
"Bao, thank you for today." Hikari told him in Rén, smiling "You helped me a lot."

Hearing his name, Bao turned his gaze to Hikari. The smile and show of gratitude surprised him, his expression shifting into a happier one "Of course! You're very welcome!" He told her , offering a smile in return.
Seeing the exchange, Han shrugged a bit, before speaking in Taika "Excuse him, he hasn't learned how to properly keep his emotions in check yet. But at least you cheered him up a bit. So," Han went and tapped his fingers on the table, nodding once towards Hikari.
"Now, we might still have a bit of time, but I believe Bao needs to head off. He has to wake up early tomorrow." Han turned to Bao, before smacking the back of Bao's head and very quickly telling him something in Rén. Realising what Han meant, Bao stood up, and offered a nod to both Hikari and Han "Rest well, Torimoto, Han." He told both of them, before heading off.

Hikari nodded to Bao, and watched him quickly go and put his dishes in the dirty stack, before vanishing out of the dining hall. Turning to look at Han, Hikari tapped lightly on the table "Can I ask you another question? From something I've noticed in the time I've spent here." Hikari asked.

"As long as it isn't about my family, writing or books." Han told her, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

While she was disappointed to hear that, Hikari nodded "It isn't about any of those. I noticed that your people never say no. In a direct manner, at least. I was even confused to see once that someone said yes, but then it seemed like it was understood as no. Is it another rude thing to do? Say it directly like that?" She asked.

Nodding, Han moved his gaze to her finger, still tapping on the table "It is considered rude to say it directly, yes. So we have other ways to convey it. Something that I gather is unusual for your people if you ask me about it. I personally find it just mean to outright say no."

"I see." Hikari stopped her tapping, and appeared to ponder on something for a moment "Only one more question. Do you have any hobbies?" She asked. Each time she tried asking a single question about him, and most times he didn't answer.

When the question about him was brought up, Han sighed "Well, at least it isn't about my family. I don't have any particular hobbies. I don't have enough spare time to consider taking one up. And even when you're gone from the fortress, I doubt I'll have time. But if I could take one up, I'd try my hand at painting." He answered, before standing up.
"Right, let's get you back to your room. I'm going to be looking after you tomorrow, and I know both Wen and Xue are gonna have work for you." He told her.

Taking this as a sign that Han was done answering questions for today, Hikari stood up and started following him, until they arrived at her room "Thank you" Hikari first said in Rén, before switching to Taika "for answering my questions."

Han simply nodded once, before removing his glove and offering his right hand to shake "And thank you for not causing trouble."

Removing her glove as well, Hikari shook his hand with her right, while offering a nod of her head as well. Once they both let go, she also offered him a small and polite bow "Good night." She said in Rén.

"Good night." Han said in return, watching as Hikari entered the room. He wasn't going to follow in as it was a female only room, but Hikari was under supervision in there by other women.
Walking away, Han sighed "I need to smack Bao again. Teaching her even handshake etiquette." He muttered to himself.
~ GM Post ~

Events in the known world.

This GM post serves to bring news and rumours of what happens in the world. While some events might be vague rumours, twisted by the many mouths that spin the tales into something unimaginable, many more occurrences will impact the clans and nations across the known world. Some events might be orchestrated secretly or openly by nations and clans to weaken neighbours or rivals. At the same time, some events result from decisions (or lack thereof) in any shape or form.

The current year is 477 ADS,
The current month is September,
This GM post is not without plots and secretive actions of others.~

* ADS = After the Death of the Sage.

In the West.

[ Sayyadian Kingdom ]

Bitter anger and cold dudgeon flow through the leadership of the Sayyadian kingdom. The news of the Galassian horde approaching the border with the Akinian Empire led to some relief and hope. Many Sayyadian leaders hoped that the vicious barbarians could do a number on the Akinians and weaken them. But the news of Akinian troops cooperating and guiding the Galassian horde into the empire has led to much confusion and surprise, only for that confusion to mould into bitter anger. Some of the younger and fierce leaders within the Sayyadian political sphere demand blood. They voice their frustration on what the Galassians have caused, and allowing them to venture into the Akinian realm peacefully is a disgrace.
However, these demands are met with silence as the more experienced and wise within the Sayyadian realm know better. Even as they desire to swoop down on the combined force of Galassian and Akinians, the Sayyadians have refocused their attention with the clash against the Fang.

The arrival of the Jirian forces has been welcomed in a modicum of respect and politeness. But the general populace isn't that thrilled with the late arrival of the Jirian taskforce. Seeing that the Galassian situation is coming to an end, the Sayyadians have started to suggest that the Jirian force could perhaps aid in the fight against the Fang's legionaries. As a token of friendship and trust.

[ The Earth Country ]

In the last weeks, the battles within the Earth country have renewed. The bloodshed is occurring at a rate that has amazed even the most optimistic leaders within the conflict. But of course, neither the Dragon's Servants as the Dragon Mother's faction desire to halt and surrender. According to some individuals, the presence of foreign forces has contributed to a more considerable amount of casualties. Still, no suggestions or actions have been taken yet to dismiss any foreign troops.

In the northwest of the country, there have been several key-battles within the heartlands of the Hyuzu clan. The forces of the Dragon Mother have been able to retake essential sites of both military and economic importance. With consolidating her power, the Dragon Mother's faction has been able to gain some legitimacy as they control the ancestral dominion of the Hyuzu clan. While this is a good sign and spreads like a positive omen, the trouble for the Dragon Mother's faction isn't over.
The amount of destruction and bloodshed has reduced the revenue coming from these lands. The imminent arrival of autumn doesn't bring much hope either for the common folk that their suffering will come to a halt.
Utilizing the borrowed finances from the Akinian Empire, the Dragon Mother's faction has started to import more food from other countries. This decision has alleviated the rising unrest and provided some sense of security as hope for many to live through the coming winter.

Most of the ground is taken over by the Dragon's Servants in the south. Their focus had been on conquering the vital settlements at the coast - to regain a possibility to trade and gain support from their benefactor, the Dominion of Lightning.
However, the Tokugawa force's presence has deterred the Dragon Servant's from enacting several assaults. The more disciplined and professional Tokugawa force has wiped out several contingents of Dragon Servant's troops. Much to the Dragon Servant's concern, it seems that the Tokugawa force has dug themselves in a few positions with enough supplies to last throughout the winter - possibly till the following summer. According to the Dragon's Servants, these positions have been taken as the Tokugawa poisoned the water sources of various settlements. During one of these attacks, the Tokugawa attempted to capture a high ranked general. Sadly, during the fighting, the general got grievously injured and perished before the Tokugawa could try to keep him alive. This nasty action weakened the garrison and caused some panic to spread.

A few leaders within the ranks of the Dragon's Servants have presented the plan to direct another force at the Tokugawa; the Northern Aid.
The force of Northerners present has, after all, proved their worth multiple times already. Their ferocity and mobility have surprised several enemy regiments and taken them out completely.
But desperation and fear for the coming winter are already settling in, seeing the action of various emissaries travelling towards the Iron and Rice country to establish some import of food and produces.

The answer from the Waterfall country has stirred some unrest within the ranks of the Dragon's Servants. The refusal of the Waterfall to provide supplies and food import has been met with cries of outrage. Furthermore, what has caused fury to arise within the Dragon's Servants ranks is that the Waterfall has blockaded any supplies from the Iron country - who have been contacted as well and agreed to export food.
This development has created a dynamic that many considered a new powder keg. Some theories are going around that the Waterfall isn't desiring to allow supplies going through, upsetting the Akinian Empire to their south - who support the loyalists, the Dragon Mother's faction. Another theory is that the Waterfall country's leadership is considering using this blockade and excuse of neutrality to prohibit any backlash - stating that they supported neither the loyalists nor usurpers.

With tensions rising again, many within the Earth country prepare for the worst as the days soon become shorter.

[ The Empire of Akino ]

The arrival of the Galassians has caused a wave of confusion and curiosity. Many were expecting to hail their Empress as the defender of the realm, coming back victorious with the spoils of battle. Instead of appearing bloody upon her mount with a red-stained blade, she arrives at the head of the Galassian horde trickling in the River province. The presence of Imperial troops has deterred any possible hostility between the Galassian and locals, also providing a quick and organised direction to the destination.
For nearly weeks on end, the western sphere of the Empire has been holding its breath - fearing that the Empress would lead the Galassian horde to settle in the Imperial province of Rain or River. But instead, the Galassians have been guided further into the largest region of the Empire - straight to the heartlands of the realm.

A wave of unrest did surge when a large area was being 'cleared out'. The residing populace within the various regions of the Imperial fiefs was being informed that they were being relocated. This outcome was initially met with heavy resistance as some locals were outraged. In a few rare instances, locals even desperately armed and barricaded their homesteads - refusing to leave their land.
The unrest flowed away only with the promise of being compensated and aided by the Imperial Crown. Disgruntled and frustrated, the relocation of the local populace went without any form of bloodshed or violence. A few who decided to stay would do so at their own risk.
Not long after, the first Galassians were introduced to the fertile land. Various camps were constructed and guarded by Imperial forces - to provide some security and aid for the settling Galassians and deter any hostility towards the new subjects of the Akinian empire.

The settling of the Galassians has caused some interest and disgust of various Akinian clans. The Uchiha clan has requested a clan meeting to discuss and understand why the Empress decided to invite Galassians in the Imperial Fire province. While the request has been approved and the meeting arranged, it is still unclear what other clan is vehemently against the Galassians. Some other clans have indirectly voiced their interest in aiding and making contact with the Galassian people.

[ The Hyuuga Clan and Unkei Clan | The Tatetari Region ]
@GlitchyBugger | @Autumn Song

The turmoil that has been stirred has received the attention of the Hyuuga clan. Initially, the Hyuuga managed to establish peace and order successfully. Instead of placing heavier security on the region, the Hyuuga have approached the people of Tatetari about what they desire in the relationship; what has caused them to think they have been pushed too far.
This gentle approach has calmed some groups and settlements. However, an incident has reduced the potential of Hyuuga's approach.

A border skirmish broke out between the Unkei clan and the Tatetari. Sadly, a few deaths occurred on both sides, with the Unkei angrily demanding that their losses be compensated. A few of the Tatetari nobility have refused outright and urged the Hyuuga to step in. A small minority is already arming themselves and mobilising a small force - a desperate act to prepare if the Unkei clan decides to shed more blood.
This action hasn't gone unnoticed by the Unkei, who have accused the Hyuuga of stirring the Tatetari population.

[ Yamanaka Clan | The Fief of Bellenau ]

The Yamanaka clan has focused on putting the unrest down with a gentle hand. A few incidents have taken place, but instead of acting with force, the Yamanaka clan has organised various meetings to hear both sides of the angered populace. This approach didn't lead to much initially but is now providing results. The unrest is ebbing away.
With the unrest primarily dealt with, the Yamanaka enacted various actions. Neighbours of the Yamanaka governed fief are gaining reports of increased Yamanaka patrols - in more significant numbers. This development has caused some questions to rise, but none daring to approach the Yamanaka or request them to halt their increased military presence.

What also has surprised quite a few is the Yamanaka exchanging wardens with the Miyazato clan. The exact reasoning behind this action is unknown, but the Yamanaka seemingly provide the best for their newfound political guests.
More sightings of Miyazato and Yamanaka encounters have been sighted, but nothing else indicates a closer growing bond between the two.

[ Miyazato Clan | Matsukotan, the Miyazato clan's heartlands ]

Work for the common folk is never over. It is a never-ending cycle, no matter the occupation. But for the past two months, the Miyazato clan has invested heavily in the construction plans of various mines. A cautious approach has been adopted, but the foundation of various promising mines has become a reality. With the labour force not being too large, there is still a supply of quality ore coming from the iron and tin mines. The success of these mines has impacted the local population. There is no true industry or likelihood of one originating, but subtle signs are arriving as Miyazato's iron and tin reach a market with enough buyers and interests, revenue increases.
Some have suggested the idea to use some of the revenue to invest in professionals - that can apply their experience and knowledge to expand the capabilities of the mines. Or perhaps even hiring some outside force to aid in the labour of the mines.

Infrastructure also has been an ongoing project. While many grumbled and cussed at the seemingly never-ending road projects, causing some inconveniences, trade is flowing steadily through the region. Perched on the trade flow from and towards the Uchiha clan lands, the local population profited from commerce. A small influx of immigrants from nearby Imperial fiefs have even migrated in the hope of also benefiting from the increasing wealth.

A small envoy has been sighted, travelling towards the capital. Speculations were whispered, but it became clear that the Miyazato desired to offer their thanks to the Imperial Crown for their decree of permanently assigning the fiefdom to the Miyazato.
The arrival of the Yamanaka wardens have raised some questions, but with the ongoing projects and peace as prosperity, only a handful of grumpy individuals have the time to question or grumble at their Miyazato governors.

[ Scylding Clan ]
@Aliceee | @Oblivion666

The heartlands of the Scylding clan are not the most travelled region of the Akinian Empire. And not many have an active relationship with the Scylding clans to notice any shifts. The relatively cold attitude of the Scylding towards most outsiders hasn't fostered the best of relationships. But concerning reports have reached various neighbouring clans. Any spotting or reports of sightings regarding Scylding patrols are rare; the Scyldings rarely leave towards any Taika dominated adjacent area. And their expertise allows them to go quietly about their affairs.

The Scyldings haven't yet announced anything outside, and nobody has approached them. Any attempts to approach the small Scylding patrols have been met with silence or the Scylding vanishing in apparent thin air. Some people in small settlements speak of shadows moving in the night, that whispers from the dark might be the Scyldings that grow restless. Because of this, some anxiety is rising, but nothing has given any reason for significant concern.


[ Uchiha Clan ]

The Uchiha clan has prospered. The announcement of Hirasuke Uchiha becoming the heir of Lord Uchiha has been a small shockwave. While some supporters have claimed that this isn't a strange decision and meant to strengthen the clan, many individuals with a strong sense of tradition have frowned upon it. A strong response of disapproval hasn't emerged, but it is clear that there is some shock about this rather unorthodox decree.

The silent approval or tolerance does once more radiate the loyalty and trust that Lord Uchiha has fostered. A festival is being organised within the great city of Kanazawa - with a suggestion to make it the location for the next Imperial clan meeting.
The announcement has attracted some attention to the Uchiha clan. Various noble and minor clans have already announced that they would feel honoured and desire to attend the grand festival.

In the North.

[ The Dominion of Lightning ]

The decrease in temperature heralds the imminent arrival of the colder seasons. This warning of the shifting seasons is nothing strange to the Northerners accustomed to the severe cold. In nearly all places, preparations are taking place to prepare for the leaner months. But it doesn't mean that the North isn't without any exciting activities.

The projects of improving the infrastructure in the North is once more paying off. Merchants are reporting to have increased revenue, and increased patrols have reduced banditry and culling dangerous animals that prey on travellers. The lack of conflict among the Northern clans has contributed to an increased sense of safety and unity. Altogether, the North is prospering as it hasn't done before. Many people give their thanks by uttering the name of their current Daimyo.
But underneath the surface, shadows loom, and dangers seem to lurk about. Reports regarding missing or possessed people are rare but have alerted some people of authority. Rumours of various mythical creatures appearing and killing or kidnapping individuals are becoming more present.

Sightings of riders travelling across the country, with bright red cloaks and attire, are becoming more prominent. The knights and brothers of Lion's Fury are gaining more notoriety, aiding remote villages with their work. So far, Lion's Fury knights and brothers have been welcomed with a reserved or awkward approach. The only reports that have led to some cold shoulders and refusal to allow them further have been infrequent exchanges of Sanosuke and Lion's Fury subjects. A few incidents have already occurred in which the Sanosuke or Lion's Fury is accused of inciting unrest or violence.

[ Alaricus Clan]

Rumours and whispers are running near amok in the heartlands of the Alaricus clan. Ever since the arrival of the various trade vessels of Hon origin, the subjects of the Alaricus clan have been wondering what it could lead to. Some optimists hoped this could lead to some reconciliation and perhaps a regular trading partner down south. Those with a stricter look at the world and remembering their history find it bizarre. Any friendly actions with the Hons are like spitting on the graves of their ancestors, who fought and got massacred by the same vicious bastards.

The sighting of a small fleet of Alaricus ships setting sail for the south has been followed closely. They bring tales of the Hons receiving them politely and respectfully - offering honest commodities with decent luxury. The revenue from the business has sparked the interest of some merchants, who have presented the newfound potential of trade business with the Hons to the Alaricus leadership. Their return with trade wares and currency has confirmed many's suspicions; the Alaricus leadership saw fit to return the gesture - sending a trade fleet towards the Hon heartlands. No sort of sketchy deals or actions were detected.
The dissent for this budding trade and tolerance has grown ever since. A small faction desires that the Alaricus leadership immediately halt this affair.

[ The Sanosuke Clan ]

It is not strange to experience harsh winds and storms once the leaner months are about to arrive. But instead of cold winds, the people inhabiting the coast at the northern coast of Ulalic aren't terrorized by just the temperatures and rough waves.
In the span of a few days, a large portion of the Ulalican coast has been set ablaze. The shadows couldn't be seen at first, but eventually, panic settled as a rough storm brought a host of Sanosuke warriors ashore. The gentle pitter-patter of rain and the howling of the wind was soon overwhelmed with the shouts of excited Sanosuke warriors, mixing with the locals' cries of anger and agony.

The exact numbers of Sanosuke are unclear. Their goal and why they decided to perform such a brutal attack isn't clear either. Rumours reach the allied forces through the supply lines. Many are grateful for the sudden attack, expecting to open up another front with Rong. But without a real chance of establishing communications, it isn't sure what the Sanosuke are doing. Some individuals have expressed their worries, for the Sanosuke are merciless in their attacks, and if their numbers are truly remarkable, there is no telling what kind of damage they will leave behind.

This news has become a morale boost for the Sanosuke units that serve in the eastern campaign. Excited with the prospect of their relatives being brave enough to challenge their Rongese foe it is clear that the Sanosuke in service are eager to prove their worth as well.

[ The Saemund Clan ]

The Saemund clan has shifted in a more active stance. The Meistari has sent more soldiers to investigate the matters in Havnav, the main trade centre of the Saemund clan and an important trade city within the Northern Seas. Many questions have been raised on why the Saemund have tightened their security, but a rather brutal report has impacted Havnav's population. The corpse of a girl has been washed ashore, and more grim matters have been uncovered. It isn't clear who or what is behind the deeds. However, not much unrest has risen due to the Saemund clan being on top of the case.
Only a tiny part of the foreign traders have decided to leave Havnav to set sail for their homelands - especially most of the Sanosuke and all of the Framians vessels present within the port-city.

Rumours are also spreading of shadows moving through the mist and snowfall. No vessel has been harmed by these shadows or anything else odd. It is, however, clear that a tangible tension starts to arise in the Snow Country.

Another occurrence that has given the Saemund some attention is that an envoy has been spotted, travelling southwards. Reaching the Waterfall country, the Saemund attempted to establish a trade deal. Setting this trade arrangement required some time but was rewarded with a reasonable understanding between the Saemund and the Waterfall. The Saemund also attempted to offer shelter for civilians seeking refuge from the fighting. But this offer was immediately turned down, for no severe conflict occurred within the Waterfall. The Saemund envoy was then requested to take their leave, which they did.

In the South.

[ The Jirou Authority ]

An odd situation has gripped the nation as if it is holding its breath for a terrible outbreak of violence. Various minor and noble clans have held an assembly of their own as the Great Clans haven't responded to the demand of the Shadows. Some people suspect that this is simply the silence before the storm. More optimistic people have stated that no news can also be good news. But these individuals have so far found themselves in small numbers.

The news of the Sayyadians requesting the Jirians to aid with the sent forces, fighting the Fang to end the conflict sooner, has reached the capital. The information has spread further, and there isn't a clear indication of what most people are thinking. Likely, it isn't considered a threat or even something significant due to the distance. Then again, the majority of those forces are Mizuno clan troops, numbering up to a total of 2.000 soldiers.

Not much else has reported back. There have been some sealed reports, meant only for the higher-ups of the Jirou Authority. Still, seeing that the Jirians arrived when the Akinians started to guide the Galassians into their border, nothing is likely important.

[ The Great Clans and the Shadows ]
@Lesli | @Oblivion666 | @Aliceee

"You have chosen for this. Now reap what you sow."

The blood written letters are the only heralds for the following happenings. Various lower-ranked nobles of the Great Clans have been assaulted in clear daylight. Some of these nobles died in the assault, whereas most assailants also died in the disgusting ambushes. A few escaped while a minority got captured. Interrogation verified nothing useful or any links to anything or anyone. To top it even further off, various arson crimes have been committed. These attempts have even damaged important structures meant to store and house food supplies.
The response from the common populace as the nobility of the Great Clans are livid, to put it mildly. The mere audacity shown is seen as an affront and declaration of war.

With the Southern Vassals not standing down, it seems to be heading towards bloodshed - many consider more of a bloodbath if the Great clans descended upon the southern vassal states. The southern vassal states have reached out to the Roju to halt this all before mistakes are being made.

In the East.

[ The The Joint-military campaign against Rong ]

The consolidation of the terrain won on the Rongese occupation of Sevudia seems to pay off. Minor skirmishes are a daily occurrence all over the entire theatre of war, with the allied forces so far beating back the Rongese attempts. But with each passing day, the Rongese troops seem to become scarcer. Some officers have voiced their wariness, stating that the Rongese military is amassing more and probably better troops to grind the allied armies to dust. Not much evidence has been found, but a few other curious events have happened.

The Northern forces have made contact with the Onmossian resistance all the way north. The odd jungles have deterred most of the Northerners to advance further, but with the aid of the Onmossians, the conflict in Onmossia has started to flare up.
In the 'centre' of the war theatre, the Imperial forces seem to ready themselves. Various Rongese elements have either fled eastwards or taken up fortified positions to either stall the Imperial advance or perform some unknown action.

What has piqued some interest is in the south of the war. The Jirian and Northerners have made contact with the People of Qinjing. Both allied and Qinjing forces have been wary of each other but come to a sort of understanding. Cooperation against Rong drives them to exchange information and make plans slowly.
As such, Northern scout parties have ventured out as the Qinjing report something truly worrisome; the usual large force of Rongese troops that would lay an almost never-ending siege on the fortress of Jinsan have just vanished. The presence of the allied forces and their victories could give reasoning why the Rongese left. But the Qinjing representatives firmly believe that this must be a ruse - nothing out of place when dealing with Rong.

A curious find would be reported when a Northern scouting party returned to their fortified encampment. A library of some sort had been uncovered. Dead Rongese soldiers and Red Cloaks were founded, but nothing of those who could be responsible. The scouts briefly investigated the location before returning, stating that there must be hundreds of books, tomes, and scrolls within the underground library. Even as the Northern leadership hasn't decided what to do with this knowledge, the information has found its way to the Jirian army as well - who just lack the location, for now.
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[ Sevudia - Balagan ]
[ Alsanna Shirafuji / Many Recipients - @Lesli @Oetje @Oblivion666 @Nim ]
[ You've got mail! ]


It was time to close shop with a Gold Dragon cashed in for the day. Had this been the singular fruit of her labours, Alsanna would have likely been far more whiny, but the encounter with a certain foreigner had at least made the afternoon a bit less of a chore. Things were happening and some degree of self-fulfilment could be remarked from this not-so-chipper individual. She was tired and was eager to find her tent. A far less comfortable abode than her storage room turned boutique, but it felt familiar. And was where she got all her mail and deliveries.

Speaking of, she'd find just that. Three letters, two of which came through standard means, and the third was the one she expected. Ultimately, the more 'regular' ones were what alarmed the teen the most. The first was merely a notice regarding some regulations in the medical ward. Generic, nothing to be concerned about, she tossed it over the crate that served as her singular flat surface in her tent. The second letter, on the other hand, was far more informal. A mere sheet of paper with regular handwriting on it.

As she gave it a passing glimpse, her expression melted into something emitting nothing but discontent as the initial skimming quickly led to a second and third re-read. She took a seat over her 'bed', reading the paper for a fourth time with her eyebrows furrowed and eyes squinting at the contents. Both her hands were seizing the piece of paper, and with every revisit of the same lonely paragraph and signature, she'd clenched it a little tighter, until the sheet was completely distorted.

Breathing only through her nostrils, one could almost think she was hyperventilating. No, she was seething. This was no freakout after being drenched in cold water, nor was it some outburst of the general 'tude she gave to others. This time it was genuine fury. Lips parted, her teeth showing and gritting against each other. When she stood, the paper was balled and she just violently hurled it to the ground before the tantrum began.

First came the kicking, with her useful crate being broken. The force she put in it got her to then growl at the rise in pain coming from her foot. It did not stop her, and she was just about to scream. She had to bite something while her unrestrained breathing could be heard by some passersby right outside her tent. Of all the things, she'd go for a pair of pants she had put up to dry, and she just bit into them. They would not be usable after this. But it wasn't enough. She had to SCREAM. So the pillow it was, face diving right in it, and she screeched for a good two minutes. Blood curdling, but muffled to limit its reach. Some peered at the witch's little hut, wondering what unholy things could be happening there. But they knew better than to question it.

"FUCK!" she shouted, as a final dot to her tantrum. Her foot was aching, her teeth felt tenter and her throat was fried. Alsanna would do so much more if she could, but reality had set in rather quickly when she passed a brief glimpse to the more unusual correspondence. The one she didn't read yet. And she would not read it this evening. It was not the time.

She was a mess. But not enough of a mess to handle all of this. Nor did she have the willpower to deliver what made her so furious. Nonetheless, she did reach for a paper, and lacking a surface, she used a book instead and wrote over her sheets. It was quick, barely any effort put into the calligraphy and the folding was shoddy at best. A virgin envelope was employed to seal the thing away, as she was keen on never seeing that message anymore. But she wasn't done. There was one final step to this that she just couldn't bring herself to do.

And that's when she heard it. The brass had indeed announced a little soirée to celebrate their growing victories or whatever excuse they used to party. Emerging stiff from her tent, the echoes of singing and joy gave her the scent she needed to find her way to her solution. Alsanna was still a mess. Her hair in particular, looking like a dead animal. She'd fit right in.

Booze, a lot of it. Some dancing. Some slapping from questionable touches. But mostly drinking. Not enough to pass out, but enough to put her lucidity into question. All things considered, it seemed like a net improvement, from a stiff and tight bundle of anger, now her dysfunctional look was at least fitting. On her way back, she had actually dedicated half an hour to just tracking some random stick-bug near an alley, only to then lock it in some container she reserved for her flora collections. Giggly and uncharacteristically chipper, she'd lied down on her bed, silent beyond a few snickers as some joke kept rewinding in her head.

Then suddenly, she'd reached for a scroll under her pillow, activated the singular seal in it, and prompted a sachet filled with coins to manifest. There were nine Gold Dragons in total, with ten from today's income. Despite the heavy inebriation, the reluctance was there. But she caved, and the coins were dropped into the envelope, and the whole thing was sealed.

"Hah." her head tilted oh so lazily toward the final piece of mail. It looked like responsibility. So professional. She did not want any of that. But in her hazy, drunken mind, she still felt some responsibility to write a letter. So she did. To quite a few people. With questionable handwriting of course, and even more questionable drawings.

Hey Turd,

It's me, ya' girl.

It's super boring here. And I caught a little stick-bug. His name is Deng. He's going to be your roommate now. Make sure to feed him leaves.

How is whatever? Does it have hot springs? Please tell me it has hot springs. I need a good bath. I'd sell a- no, TWO Jirian Chuunin for a bath.

I opened a shop. Lotsa dough, lotsa pervs too. I'd send you something but I gotta do my bitch routine. Hard to be me, I swear. Did you know that I once made teriyaki for the daimyo? I bet you like teriyaki. Haven't had fish in so long. Do you think there are some fish in hot springs? That'd be cool … Or hot.

Now unfortunately with you gone my coolness feels off because Nishi overshadows it and there's only silly Yuyuko to balance it toward the dork side. Completely unacceptable.

Much Love,
Big A.

There would indeed be a small container with holes that had a stick bug in it. I had gone through half the leaves already, and it was just there. Unmoving and looking very cute.

General Lava Yuuki,

You're pretty cool. Or fiery. I don't know. I liked the lava. Less on the big guys, but it was neat. Very exquisite, I would cook dinner over it.

Wanna hunt more big guys? Can do the same Bait'n'BurnInLava, except without completely destroying them. Here, I'll even draw instructions


It'll be a fun adventure. Break from boring General stuff and … What else do old folks do? Anyway you can also visit my Boutique! We're having an auction soon-ish. I don't know when.

Also, do you like potatoes?

Big A, Or Alsanna, Or That one tart that lured that big Boggart thing, Or some Witch.

Wanna eat something nice? Shop is comfy. And I'm hangry. Come by tomorrow?

Also our team motto is very lame. We need something way more awesome.


Big A

Alsanna posted them all in the camp's postal service, although not before entering a fit of laughter that lasted another ten minutes, barely able to walk straight, and revoking any chance of her rescinding any of them. The addresses and names were written decently enough for there to be no issues, though the awful ink-work would make anyone raise an eyebrow.

It'd be very late in the morning. Alsanna had overslept and was likely to get a chewing for now attending maintenance duties. Not that she was too concerned, there was something she had put aside. First, lemon tea. Then came the reading, along with the newspaper coming at a timely manner. Which also had some unfortunate timing as it did create some new angles even she could consider in regard to the little thesis she was defending in the letter, "Well shit." she chuckled while rubbing her temple. The hangover was a bit rough, but the tea was doing the trick.

Little S,

I am surprised to see there isn't some little present, especially with these reports and my own gift to you. Not that I'm a greedy girl, just a remark on these changing patterns. First a lack of question, then a lack of addition to this correspondence. Is everything alright, my friend?

Regardless, I suppose I'll return the favour, but not out of any sort of pettiness. Things have been slow over here, and the delay between our exchanges has been shorter. My focus has been on this shop idea I have since established. It is going, even if slowly. Unfortunately currency and reagents aren't always easy to acquire for anybody, even me.

I suppose I'll address your inquiry regarding my team and my intentions. First off, I plan on establishing a proper profile on each of them. From history, to behaviours, to abilities, etc. I then aim to assess their potential and optimize progress via means they likely wouldn't be able to formulate by themselves. Cf. Takeda's Storm as an example, even if she wasn't initially on my squad.

If you're curious as to why I care, then I will answer you too. I'm stuck with them. I will depend on them. The more efficient they are at their jobs, the better our success rate will be. It also gives me an incentive to care about their cases and invest myself in the team without some low-effort team-building exercises. I get to do what I like to do, and they benefit. Probably.

-Nishi Hirashima: I like her. A lot more than I do many others. I called her a lousy teacher, but she's adapted to me far better than even my own father could (Bless his heart). With the information you've given me and the presence she holds, it was clear to me that her potential had been realized at some point, and was squandered by bad habits. It wasn't too hard to tackle these issues. I turned the notion of quitting into a game where she'd have more to gain than I did, while using the rapport we had created over time to give her a reason to care beyond just having me lose. She's looking a little better. We've also developed a new ability together, so evidently one's potential is never FULLY realized.

I'd call her a friend, but it isn't appropriate, now is it?

-Hikari Torimoto: On our first mission, Karuko nearly killed me if it weren't for Nishi. In my surprise and reptilian brain-induced paralysis, I was blessed with Hikari's mucus-charged wonder-salve right to the face because my creations were off-putting. Luckily she isn't too slow in the brain and repented, though I've yet to be convinced that she isn't going to fall into bad habits. She's apparently some lower-noble gal? Her recent suggestions pointed toward that, as well as some vague stories we shared.
Her abilities are honestly still a mystery to me. Or rather, I don't know where she's headed. A fire jutsu user, but no notable fire abilities to be seen. Practices Tanto-arts, but claims to be somewhat sub-par. Has the most experience among us as a Chuunin, but doesn't really hold a unique spot among the team since Nishi is the boss. No support abilities like medical ninjutsu or Genjutsu. She has many tools, but masters none. Unfortunately I cannot make up a path for her, and only when she figures herself out can I get a glimpse of that potential. For now she's on some solo-endeavour, somewhere.

-Yuyuko Takeda: A fresh addition to the team and thus the one I have the least experience with despite undergoing an experiment that is still ongoing. I've yet to see any results. However, her mental fortitude leaves me to wonder what I can actually do with her. From perceiving her sword as some sort of valued individual to the point of getting violent over someone touching it to just a lack of proactivity, I do not know where I can lead this. I understand that her goals are as standard as they get- The usual getting strong and becoming some big shot shinobi. If that is the case, then perhaps she won't mind if I tinker with her brain a little. Remove pesky little thoughts that may make her act irrationally. She wants to be a remarkable soldier, and soldiers don't need to be burdened with illogical quirks such as eye-blocking masks and over-valued swords.
I'm just poking at some notions, I'm not yet decided on her case nor can I see I've had enough exposure to the lass.

This is my team and some plans I have for them. Unfortunately there aren't that many given they're all still in the larval stage for the most part, while I'm finally feeling this pupa shed itself into quite the vile wasp. Which brings me to my recent promotion. I'm officially a Chuunin, and officially the team's medic. If that isn't enough of a recommendation then … Well I fucking hate bureaucracy.

The artefact I'm the most invested in is a fingerbone serving as a means to create portals, essentially. It uses chakra from the wielder and through intent can create a two-way portal. That's all that we've been able to discern, and I'd like to investigate further. I cannot make a proper report beyond this as no other tests beyond ONE have been done.

You are correct to say I have minimal insight on politics. Mostly because someone like me doesn't usually need to care. I'm the sort of person these 'aristocrats' and 'leaders' utilize to get power. I'm sure that precious metal the Akechi scam others with was made by a genuine genius or a group of smart folk, but somehow the unremarkable lot that share some degree of blood with them reap the rewards because a few dickweeds managed to hoard wealth and influence.

I do not mind people having power. I don't mind power imbalances. In fact, I firmly believe this is the right way to do things. The deserving should have, and the undeserving should not have. What I detest are the talentless and unimpressive telling me what's what because a few good things lined up and they can arrange a few words together to sound nice. They don't create anything, and I'm sure some other, far more deserving chap could make better super-steel if given the chance. Although of course, you know how these lobbies work, right? Such bright lights would be snuffed out to preserve their interests. Just as you'd likely snuff me out if I ever became a threat, as you so like to allude to more than once during our correspondence.

I may be useful, but I am replaceable. Everyone is. But you know full well some are more than others, Little S. And I do hope you are more than these rats that thrive off the talents of others to uphold some fragile dynasty that could crumble at any moment. Because that would mean there's probably some other talentless individual ready to one-up you, and I'd be sad to never hear from you again.

Well! This got long and slightly venomous. I haven't had a good few days. As a mitigation, I'm sending you a bottle of each of my new products. Nothing you've never seen, I'm sure, but they do have that 'Sevudia' spice to them. The stickers should have the dosages and everything you need to know.

Now for my question: Is there someone dear, and actually dear to you, you've lost, Little S? And, I'll add a second question, since I didn't get a neat treat. Would you value the ability to talk to the departed, in some shape or form?

Big A.

P.S. Okay, so I got the newspaper. Holy shit. Things are as intense at home as they are here, it seems. Cool beans. And fresh out of a revolution too, let's eat some more of our own. I can't say I have much of an opinion on the matter, but I'd be down to getting a bit of insight on it all. Educate me, Little S. Enlighten me on the complexities of politics and clan feuds. This all got a little too real!

With this letter came a heavy box with a bottle of each advertised potion from the New Moon Boutique. All properly sealed and with the appropriate information on the stickers.
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[ Sevudia | Jinsan Fortress ]
[ Hikari Torimoto | Chuunin of Team 11 / Hirashima ]

Hikari experiences life as a liason in the Jinsan Fortress, and continues learning a bit about the people there.

Part 1
Part 2

Part 3​

The skies were partially cloudy, and the day was rather dim. Hikari had finished her work for the day, and she was waiting by one of the tables in the dining hall. It was already past lunch time, and a few of the people working in the dining hall today were in the process of cleaning the room. Hikari observed them as she waited for Han to arrive, while another soldier was looking over her for the moment. She didn't know his name, and he didn't seem to want to introduce himself to an outsider that he just met.
So all she could do was perform her work throughout the morning, and now wait for Han to arrive.

"You can go. They're expecting you at the gate." Han's voice came from behind Hikari, speaking in Rén to the other soldier. Coming to a halt next to Hikari, Han put on the table a few papers and a couple of pencils. After watching the other soldier depart, he took a seat next to Hikari.
"Congratulations. Someone up there deemed it alright for you to learn how to read and write Rénese. So I'm going to be teaching you. Basic words, just like with the speech. Both reading and writing. The more we need to go over different words, the less you get to learn. Am I understood?" Han asked, giving her a strict look.

Hearing the news, Hikari's eyebrows rose. She got permission to learn how to write and read Rénese. That was a big step forward in her opinion. After being presented with the term, she nodded "Understood. Let's get started then." She said, grabbing one of the pencils and preparing herself to do as he said.

As Hikari showed her eagerness, Han took one of the papers and the remaining pencil, before turning his glance to the paper "Going to go over the words I know you learned. So I'll be saying each word in Rén as I write it." He explained, and without waiting for her response, Han started writing the first word, saying it for Hikari to hear at the same time.

Following as he wrote it with her eyes, Hikari waited for him to finish, before moving her gaze to a paper that she placed in front of her. Repeating his motions without any mistakes, she whispered the word to herself a couple of times as she wrote it, clearly to better connect the word and what she was writing. Once she was done, she presented it to Han "Like this?" She asked.

Han gazed quietly at Hikari, and upon being shown the word, he nodded, before proceeding to the next word and repeating the process as the first word. If she didn't have any issues with progressing like that, all the better.

Three hours later, and they went through a few of the papers already. Han also had Hikari write words from earlier again, to make sure it wasn't a one time fluke. And Hikari showed him that she repeatedly wrote the words and remembered their meanings without any issues.
Before they continued forth with the teaching, he put his pencil down and took the paper, looking over it "Can't say I've seen many people who can learn how to read and write as efficiently as you. Even among our own people." Han sounded the same as always, but there was a hint in his voice that was impressed. Putting the paper down, he looked at her "All of you Jirians are like that?"

The compliment didn't get any immediate response from Hikari, who just looked over the papers a moment longer "No, that isn't a quality that all Jirians have. Ever since I was young, I was able to recall things I've seen to a near perfect degree. But I don't really get to utilise it that much. Not like I get to read a lot of things, nor have I been on missions that required me to memorise anything. Though then again, my team doesn't really know of it." She explained.

Han listened to Hikari, and once she was finished, he sighed "Youngsters. You got a gift right there, and you aren't putting it to use. When you see your team again, tell them. Keeping such gifts to yourself is preventing yourself from ever trying to fully help others." He told her.

"Some days I wonder if it is just a gift." Hikari muttered, her gaze briefly turning down, before she shook her head a bit and looked back at Han "I'll tell my sensei to start with." She told him.

Another sigh came from Han, before he shrugged [color-cyan]"As long as you tell someone. But whatever you do, it is your life at the end of it. The Maker can only help you nudge the right way if you are willing to go that way."[/color]
Taking a new, blank piece of paper, he moved his gaze to it "Let's carry on. We still have a couple more hours before they start preparing the hall for dinner. And then we need to go outside." Han told her.

Nodding quietly, Hikari grabbed the last piece of paper available to them, as she started to watch Han write down more words once more. And then started repeating the process she had done before again.

After being told to leave the dining hall, Hikari was going over the papers, comparing how she wrote the different words, and how Han wrote them. While they weren't identical one to one, Hikari was glad to see that she was able to write the words so that they matched very well.
Glancing at Han, she nodded "Thank you for teaching me all those words today." She told him.

Taking the papers from Hikari and looking over them, Han shrugged "Just doing what I was told, same as always. Though if you were to study from books, then you'd probably make one heck of a student. Not that there is an intention of giving you access to any books." He glanced at her, before handing her the papers back "You can keep those. In case you want to go over them again."

As another soldier approached Han, he exchanged some words with him, before glancing at Hikari and then walking away. Gazing at Hikari, he raised an eyebrow "Seems someone is thinking of you. You got a letter, with a small container. Both were checked before being cleared, so don't be surprised to see the envelope open. Come."

Upon hearing that someone sent her a letter and a small container, Hikari's own eyebrows rose, before beginning to follow him. It was definitely not something she expected. Nishi didn't seem the type to write, and she wasn't exactly friends with anyone to think they'd write. She also asked her mom not to write to her, only writing back once in a while.

After a few minutes of walking, they arrived at a building next to the gate. The two of them entered, and then Han proceeded to talk to the soldiers that were there. A couple of minutes later, Hikari received the letter and small container. Before she could take a look inside of either, Han escorted her back outside.
"No reason to open your personal letters in front of others who need their silence and space." He told her, walking with her to the side of a building, before walking with her back to the barracks.
Once they were back by the barracks, Han led them to the side of the structure, where Hikari would have a bit more privacy "Now you're free to check them." He let her know.

"Thank you." Hikari nodded to Han, before taking the letter out of the envelope. Reading the first two words was already enough for her to understand who it was from, and she folded it back. It wasn't exactly enjoyable in the fortress, but at least it did give her a break from Alsanna's antics.
Shaking her head a bit, she opened the letter again and continued reading. At the mention of a stick-bug, Hikari's gaze moved to the small container. She gave herself a mental note to just release the bug in a more appropriate place, before continuing to read.

By the end of the letter, Hikari started to wonder if Alsanna was drunk when she wrote it. The unsteady handwriting and complaining that she was, in some manner, missing her presence? Both seemed unlikely for her. And the thought of her opening up a shop just made Hikari ponder what she was even selling.
Folding the letter, Hikari just put it in her bag, before opening the container and looking at the stick-bug, who was apparently named Deng. Shaking her head, she closed the container, and looked at Han "I'm done." She let him know.

"Good. Now let's go eat dinner." Han said, maintaining a neutral composure as he started leading her back inside.
It took them a bit longer than usual to get their food, as they arrived a bit later than when they normally did, and then sat down by one of the tables. Han looked around a bit, before looking back at Hikari "At the pace we've been going, you won't take too long to go over all the words you learned to say. You're definitely learning it faster than the pace it took you to speak them."

Nodding as she listened, Hikari ate slowly "And afterwards?" She asked, hoping he'd say that she would start learning more words.

"Afterwards? We stop. Like I told you before, you were permitted to learn the basics. And I'm showing you the basics once. Not that it seems like you even need anymore." Han answered with a clear tone that stated 'don't push it'.

Silently nodding, Hikari continued eating her own food. She was a bit disappointed, but it was clear. The boundaries were kept there on purpose. She wasn't in a position to ask for more, only accept what she was given. But at the very least, Hikari didn't think of it as simply accepting things for nothing. She was still working there to earn her stay there. And so far, no one seemed to complain about her, so at the very least, there was that.
Once she was done eating, Hikari glanced back at Han "So, I haven't had a chance to ask you or Bao. What about introductions?"

Han was mid-bite when she asked the question, and his eyes moved to look in her direction, stopping short of actually meeting her own gaze. Finishing the bite, Han seemed to ponder on the topic "Well, you were already taught some mannerisms." He muttered to himself.
"If you're already being introduced, don't introduce yourself. And then we have a few rules. First it is the young introduced to the elder, female to male, inferior to superior, and guest to a host. To show respect towards the latter in each of those. So the elders, the males, the superior and the hosts get a show of respect. That covers it." Han explained.

Nodding as she listened, Hikari moved her gaze to the table "So if me and my sensei were to meet one of your commanders, then first I would be introduced to your commander, then my sensei to your commander, and finally the commander to us?"

As the example was presented, Han followed carefully "That seems right. Unless your sensei is older, she is a female, inferior in rank and a guest in the fortress." He said, before shrugging "But if you are talking to more common people, then they aren't as strict about it. But keeping those rules in mind is always good. Helps leave a better first impression." Han said.

"I see. Thank you for answering that." Hikari said, tapping her fingers on the table.
A few more minutes passed, before Han and Hikari departed from the dining hall. While she had more questions in mind, she decided to not push too hard. Even if Han was impressed with her memory, she got a sense that he wasn't too happy to be teaching her how to read and write.
So she got escorted back to the room she was sleeping in, where a female soldier was ready to take over from Han. Looking at Han, Hikari offered a small, polite bow "Thanks for the lessons today."

The polite gesture would get a nod as a response "Just keep up the good work." Han told her, before heading away from the room.

Watching Han leave, Hikari entered the room and sat on her bed. Taking out the small container, she opened it and looked at the stick-bug "Idiot. What were you thinking." she muttered to herself before putting the box away.
[ The Grogging | The Third Imperial Division's encampment | Sevudia, Eastern Continent ]
[ The Axebiters Company | A relative short collab between: @Oblivion666 , @Nim , @Aliceee , @FrostedCaramel , @RedFox and @Oetje ]
[ After the victory of the battle of Jinseong, the 11th Imperial brigade introduces some of their members to a particular tradition. While being formally welcomed as combatants of the brigade, the participants discover that it isn't a welcome with a sweet taste. ]

The blue of the sky started to darken as the camp prepared for the night. Sentries were replaced with fresh guards, patrols returning while others were readying for their tasks during the darker hours of the day.
In the part of the camp where the 11th were stationed, several large bonfires were sanctioned to conduct a particular ritual. Large kettles were used to brew a beverage that had a strong alcoholic scent as large groups of people gathered and performed a ritual of some sort.
Not much was being shared by the veterans of the Axebiters, who grinned and laughed whenever someone dared to ask what was being planned. Eventually, however, Meilin's platoon was guided to one of the bonfires as captain Eòin seemed to stand beside a large kettle. His hands were put on his back, a soft smile adorning his features.
Once Meilin's platoon was standing in formation, the captain nodded several times.

"Fellow Axebiters," Eòin began, an eerie silence echoing as the captain introduced a short pause, "We have much to celebrate. Our first major victory against our enemy. Our first grand victory together. As such, it has been sanctioned to commence the Grogging ritual."
Several of the veterans seemed to ready mugs, only to fill them from the kettle. A faint steam seemed to radiate from the beverage's surface, hinted that the concoction was warmed up. The scent that came from it already betrayed it was heavily alcoholic.
"To welcome you who have shed blood and bled alongside us, you are to endure the Grogging. Let the taste of this night forever stay with you," the captain said, his smile turning in a grin as more mugs were handed out to the present members of the platoon.
"Now drink, brothers and sisters in arms!"

Dagrún was most curious about what kind of ceremony was being held. Venturing with the others, she seemed to grow a tad wary but a grin spread over her lips as she could smell the faint scent of alcohol. Listening to the captain of the company, Dagrún remained silent.
Once given a mug filled with some warm grog, Dagrún raised her mug and slightly turned to her companions.

Putting the mug to her lips, Dagrún seemingly started to down some of the drink. But her body language betrayed that she was immensely suffering. The typical bold woman physically cringed and after a few seconds moved the mug away, coughing and leaning forward as her facial expressions were a mix of disgust and amusement.
"Fookin' hells," escaped her lips as she kept cringing and coughing.

Curiosity had driven Hylli to partake. She had no clue what was going to happen but assumed it wouldn't be anything bad. With the night approaching and them gathering, Hylli felt a bit of pride surfacing when the captain addressed them. The painful aching at her stomach hadn't completely vanished but the physicians had told her that it was going to just leave a scar - no worries for the future regarding organ damage.
Taking the mug, given by a fellow member of the 11th Imperial brigade, Hylli sniffed the surface. The powerful odour of alcohol filled her nostrils and caused Hylli to flinch.
However, it became clear that they had to down the drink, so Hylli mentally shrugged and proceeded.
The grog flowed over her taste buds, causing the girl's eyes to widen. It took a second or two before the realization hit her but the girl nearly dropped the mug as her system revolted by the taste that her tongue suffered.
Hunching forwards, Hylli felt her head becoming light before her stomach decided it had enough. Vomiting her lunch out, Hylli barely registered what occurred around her anymore.

While this was mandatory, Kuni was hoping it would also be a good chance to get to know more people. She wasn't sure about what they were doing, aside from gathering together. She could smell a scent that wasn't familiar to her, but it smelled like something strong. Once they were all together, Kuni listened to the captain, as she was also handed a drink from another member of the 11th Imperial brigade, with the scent of the alcohol hitting much harder then. It was definitely a strong smell, one that felt like it could give quite a punch.
Looking around, she saw others began drinking the mug, before she looked and started to down her own mug. Kuni felt how warm it was, and how strong it was as she continued to drink, feeling like she should finish it in one go. About part way, Kuni just dropped it to the ground and put a hand to her mouth, before letting out a strong belch. Covering her mouth again, Kuni blinked a few times as she also coughed a few times.

Happily led to stand before Captain Eòin, Aoi couldn't help but to smile as a fierce pride washed over her as her superior spoke of their victory together. The smile, however, was short lived as another officer came by and placed a mug of something vile into her hands. Aoi felt her gorge rise at the scent of the concoction in the mug, some unholy mix of all things alcoholic warmed to a fermented cup of revulsion. But she couldn't help but to feel like she was part of something bigger as the Captain spoke, and that this mug of hateful liquid signified that bond, that unshakeable loyalty to a group that had finally found its way into her heart.

"To hell with it." she sighed as she watched the expressions of the others around her as they partook in the drink. With a deep breath she brought the mug to her lips and tilted her head back, being careful not to smell the revolting mixture before it touched her tongue and quickly swallowing it back best she could. Somewhere between the top and the bottom of the mug she had to come up for air, a disgusted gasp escaping her lips as she tried her best not to taste whatever was still left in her mouth. Her stomach churning she shook her head and brought the mug back up, determined to finish it before she could think any better of the action.

Why could no one ever let him simply lounge around peacefully? He was happily relaxing before being taken for a "mandatory celebration". Just that alone was enough to make him already dread what was to come, and sure enough as he got dragged along with various others. The closer he got the more he could begin to smell Alcohol. Now he was a good few hundred feet away so the fact he could smell it, terrified him. He was then brought to the destination along with a lot of people but seemed his friends weren't safe from whatever this ritual was.

Grog. Mugs were starting to be handed out to each individual there. Eventually his mug came to him but he had already seen the damages. Hylli puking, Dagrun practically dying, Whatever her name was letting out a disgusting belch, and Aoi basically gasping for air. He stared at the liquid and took a sniff before reeling back quickly. He could feel tears forming at the stench. "Holy fuck I think I regained sight in my eye after smelling that." Madoc reported as he lifted his eye patch and wiped away tears that were forming. More were drinking and dying in the process, taking a deep breath he simply looked at the others. "Leave it to Madoc to show you all up again." He said before bringing the mug and liquid to his lips quickly. He took quick gulps, his throat was one hundred percent melting. No way this was meant to be something you actually were suppose to drink. Slamming his fist into his leg repeatedly trying to make his brain focus on the pain but to no avail. This was pure agony, yet he was not going to be shown up. He was this groups alcoholic and damnit he was going to show it.

Slamming his mug down he would let out a yell as he wiped his face and hunched over. "Merciful fuck I think getting my eye sliced open was actually fucking more enjoyable." Madoc said before resorting to swearing in Yakimara.

There wasn't much that went through Meilin's head when they were brought in front of the captain. His words surprisingly did little to sate Meilin's earlier desires of crushing the Rongese. After all, sure they had gained a victory but she didn't feel any closer to achieving her goal.
When the drink was dealt in mugs to her platoon Meilin's nose wrinkled by the mere registration of the scent. The dark made it hard to really observe the colour of the beverage but she would take a gulp regardless.
The horrendous taste made her nearly spit it out. Her complexion became paler as she forced herself another gulp. Only to feel her stomach protesting. Holding it down by mere willpower, Meilin slightly hunched forwards.
Coughs escaped her as she couldn't think straight. Attempting to bring the mug once more to her face, Meilin felt her body revolting from the mere idea of having more of the dreadful stuff going down her throat - which felt like it was on fire.
Placing the mug against her lips, she tried to chug it downwards but ended up spilling some on her clothing before she leaned forwards again. Coughs were interrupted by Meilin throwing up some of the fluid.

Just when I thought I could get some rest, a weary thought crossed the Senju's mind as he was leaving for tonight's event. He spent - he actually had no idea how long he was sitting alone at that campfire, just staring into nothing. But now he knew he could spend the rest of the evening there. He did his best to suppress all the feelings that were twirling along in his mind. I wish I could just turn off - what is this stench? His thoughts changed as the vile smell filled his mind. As he approached his squad mates and closest comrades, he shot an angry look at Kuni and gave the others a wave, coupled with a nod of his head. Listening to the Captain calling the nightmare they just survived a victory made his stomach churn. As he was reaching for the mug being handed to him, he noticed a slight shake on his bandaged hand - he took the mug with a forced smile and looked at the others. He noticed as glances and cheering words were thrown around, but he couldn't do either, so he just raised his mug.

He made the mistake of breathing in as he was doing so, and his stomach revolted just from the smell, causing him to gag. Trying again, he forced the cup to his lips. Opening his mouth, he took in as much as he possibly could. His taste buds were brutalised and burned out, and the second the liquid arrived into his stomach, he felt he would throw up tomorrow's dinner. Lowering the mug, he spat out the saliva building in his mouth and took deep breaths to keep it all in his stomach. He hated this beverage with every cell of his body, but than a thought crosses his mind. I don't want to lose my face in front of my friends. I have to do it - maybe - maybe, they will like me more. With this thought he raised the cup for another round, but as soon as he swallowed it, he leaned forward and threw it all out, taking the knee as he was gasping for air.
[ Balagan | Jirian Army, Sevudia ]
[ Nishi Hirashima | Jounin of Team 11 ]

[ "Do you believe there is something worse than dying?" ]

The sky had already become darker when she joined the meeting. Nishi was greeted with an even darker sky upon leaving the tent where she and some officers had discussed the upcoming mission. The change of the heavens made her sigh, and she wondered how long that briefing had lasted.
Heading towards her tent, she couldn't help but ponder what had occurred these last few months. Then again, she hadn't gained any time to settle down and contemplate the ongoing developments. Nishi's boots gave a faint sound that echoed somewhat hollow throughout the area at a calm pace. But aside from the subtle ambience of the soldiers and shinobi continuing to attend to their duties, it was quiet. Usually, that was a desire for the jounin; to bask in silence and drive away from the chaos of tending to a shinobi team.
But not this evening.

Throwing a glance to the side, Nishi recognised the alley where Alsanna's newest residence was set up. The Jirian army was using nearly all buildings within the large fortress. Coming to a halt, Nishi stared down the dark alley. There was no sign of life or light this late.
The ends of Nishi's lips curled down as she gained a thought. Only to realise that she hadn't ever considered checking up on a pupil. Her way of mentoring wasn't to pamper and sugarcoat things. In Nishi's viewpoint, the world would rip that off and toss any naive idiot in the dark. All to see if they would swim or drown.
Despite this personal belief, Nishi couldn't shake it from her mind. The door that she had kept locked and barred was giving in and crumbling to a subtle pressure that brought whispers of the past. A past that Nishi wanted to keep out with all her might.
A heavy sigh was produced before Nishi continued onwards.

To make matters worse, she briefly thought of Hikari. The girl had volunteered to act as a liaison. Not necessary a dangerous vocation as the Qinjings and Jirians were cooperating. But did that girl understand how the world worked? She had shown some fire before, but Nishi wavered if it was still ongoing. Despite everything, Nishi couldn't think that Hikari was a lost cause. She was lost and lacked the proper guidance to flourish.
A twang of guilt surged through Nishi. She knew that she was partially responsible for the lack of guidance. Not everyone could thrive on the way how she had managed the team. Knowing where these thoughts came from and who had instigated them, Nishi couldn't help but roll her eyes slowly.
"Such a turd," she muttered underneath her breath.
Approaching a section of the fortress where tents were set up, Nishi noticed some Jirian troops. They were huddled around a small campfire. There was no laughter or singing. No merrymaking with the addition of light booze or the scent of supper.
Solemn tunes came from various small instruments as a few individuals played together, a rough harmony composed in a sombre atmosphere. A perfect reflection of what this war was; a sad affair. A tale of blood and violence that didn't seem to have an ending at the horizon yet.

Standing still for a few seconds, Nishi then snapped herself out of it. Heading to her tent, she opened the flap and crouched down. A quick inspection, as per usual, followed. But there was nothing of value or interest among her possessions.
Unsheathing her tanto, Nishi's thoughts moved her attention to the newest addition. Yuyuko Takeda.
The chuunin had some intense love for her weapon. It wasn't odd for people to grow attached to heirlooms or consider their weapons unique. But naming it brother? To believe it is living?
Twisting the small bladed weapon, Nishi could see almost a reflection of herself in the steel. The idea brought disgust up in the woman. All she could see was a way to end one's life and likely in a horrible way. The ideology that weapons could rival the presence of someone breathing, laughing and talking was absurd.
Sheathed the weapon and placed it next to her pillow; Nishi found it quite ironic. People viewed shinobi as weapons. Living and breathing beings but weapons to be utilised or sacrificed. It was in any regard better than being considered husks of potential demons, as some of the common folk saw them.

Nishi skims her hair by producing a brush out of a simple brown bag. The soothing experience drove some of her sombre thoughts away. Nishi tried to focus on the upcoming mission. The many questions she didn't all receive an answer to. And even the few questions that had an answer were far from satisfactory.
Putting the brush away, Nishi could still hear the faint sound of tunes coming from nearby. It was still not accompanied by laughter or cheers, which Nishi was half-thankful for. Perhaps it was an omen for a peaceful night's rest.

Opening her eyes, Nishi saw her own hands. The tanto that she had inspected before was tainted with red. The gloves that embraced her hands and fingers were stained with red. Surprised and confused, Nishi looked up.
She stood in a room which seemed to be in a bad state. Furniture was shoved and showed scars of violence. Some dark stains coloured the walls as Nishi was met with an eerie silence. The dim light provided by some candles gave off an ominous atmosphere, producing an even more harrowing experience.
Then it dawned on her. Slowly closing her eyes, she tried to focus. To wake herself up. A soft breeze flowed past her, and while it was gentle, it just seemed to reinforce that there was no escape.

Opening her eyes again, she saw another room. A body situated in front of the bed collapsed as a dark liquid seemed to grow from the motionless body. It also was wrecked with clear signs of violence.
Nishi felt how her body started to move. She resisted and wanted to plant her nails in the wall or anything to prevent herself from going forwards. She didn't need to see the visages again. The delicate sensation of tears rolling down her bloodstained cheeks did little to comfort Nishi's growing anxiety and guilt.
Her body moved without much effort to the body. Now from closer, Nishi saw the various cuts that had ripped through clothing and flesh. From multiple places, was it clear that the wounds were meant to kill but lacked the usual precision with which Nishi launched her attacks. It was way too sloppy.
As her body crouched, Nishi wanted to scream. Her lips stayed on each other, forming a thin line on her face. Her hands turned the body around - the pale face of a young woman. The fair complexion was stained with crimson spots, and her eyes were wide open. Blue eyes without any hint of sentience or life. Just two cloudy eyes were staring at Nishi.
"I am sorry."
The whisper originating from Nishi did little to stem the pain from flooding through her. It was no physical pain. It was far worse. It refused to go and ebb away, sticking to Nishi's core and tormenting her.

"Thanks for answering. I figured a war colleague but, that is indeed reasonable. Guess that's why I'm the favourite, huh?"

Nishi frowned as the face of Chinami moved. The lips of the supposed dead girl acted, only giving away that it was a nightmare. A regular one at that, but hearing Alsanna's voice out of Chinami's throat made Nishi blink rapidly. Opening her eyes, she stared right at her pupil. The clear difference between Chinami and Alsanna visible.
"The fuck..."

"It's all bullshit."

Once more, Alsanna's voice resonated, although clearer than before. The girl's right hand trembled and raised itself towards Nishi's cheek.
"I suppose I just kind of like you. And I do believe friends do these sorts of things, yes? Uplift one another..."
The voice of Alsanna ebbed away as Nishi tried to search for signs of life. The confusion paralysed the jounin, who wanted to find some reason in her nightmare. "Stay with me," Nishi whispered, using her left hand to pat against Alsanna's bloodstained cheek gently. A soft smile crested on Alsanna's lips as the light in her eyes dimmed, her body growing limp.
A silence plagued the room as the dim light of candles conjured large shadows.

A tear fell on Alsanna's pale face as Nishi wanted to scream again. To vent her emotions that were bottled up. Only to feel the air choking in her throat. Laying the vision of her pupil on the bed, Nishi blinked again. Instead of Alsanna, she stared at Chinami.
Half turning around, she could hear some soft curses across the hallway. She was throwing a last look at Chinami's body before walking out of the room. The hallway also suffered signs of aggression. A few shuriken and kunai were burrowed deep in the walls as shards, splinters and other debris was spread over the ground.
Stepping over some debris, Nishi headed towards a room from which more light shined. Standing in the door opening, Nishi allowed her gaze to travel over the room's interior in front of her.

A man was kneeling on the ground, holding a woman's body tightly against him. Whispers were interrupted with loud curses as it became clear that there was no longer life within the woman's body. Her body was limp and lacked any sentience. Nishi's gaze tried to avert from the sight, but her body had taken the reins once more.
"You," the word was growled out of the man's throat as he carefully placed the woman's body on the ground. Rising to his feet, the man turned around. His features seemed striking, similar to Nishi's, being more masculine. But without a doubt, the serious expression and near-constant frowning seemed eerily close to that of Nishi.
"You did this?"

Nishi remained silent. Her eyes were fixated on her father's, refusing to look away. Her right hand clenched tightly into a trembling fist, the soft creaking of leather ignored as her father spoke again.
"Look at you, a disappointment. Fallen low, beyond the point of no return. A slave to ambition and power. A monster of rage and murder. Are you feeling happy now? Fulfilled? Is this what you desire?" His voice was hard and cold, yet audible cracks as he took a step closer to Nishi.

"I held you after your mother birthed you. I gave you a name. My name. Blood of my blood, what a joke. You are a joke. A sad, pathetic joke. And know what is worst? I will part to the afterlife. But my words will haunt you."

Nishi's lips curled downwards as she felt anger building in her chest. Her breathing became heavier as she also took a step forwards. A soft hissing originated from her clenched fist. Just as her father seemed to ready himself for the imminent clash, he spread his arms and had a mocking smile on his face.
Screaming, Nishi lunged forwards. The soft hissing turned loud and menacing before she drove it in her father's chest. Pulling her fist out, she kept bashing him over and over. The blood spurted out of the wound and would mix with the tears crossing her cheeks from Nishi's actions. Raising her bloodied fist again, Nishi screamed. Anger diluting and blurring her vision.

Instead of slamming it down on the corpse, both her hands shot to her temples as she hunched forwards. Her forehead buried itself against the bloodstained body. The wailing that followed was something she couldn't stop anymore. The whimpers to make the pain stop wouldn't grant her any reprieve. The guilt that she tried to escape had found her, again to remind her. Closing her eyes, Nishi's lips parted as she unleashed another scream.

"Do you believe there is something worse than dying?"

She felt disgusted. Opening her eyes was something she had to do but didn't want to. The cold atmosphere didn't bother her. Looking at the back of the Mizukage, Nishi had an answer ready what she wanted to tell from the bottom of her blackened heart.
"There are worse things than dying. But I wake up most mornings, still, hoping for it."

That or moving forwards. To vault over the desk and plant a knife in the man's neck. The whole reputation that the Mizukages or Suzu's were some hyper lethal fighters or killers was absurd. She had seen them in a fight. They bled like any other fool. They did worse: they valued themselves invincible. Naive bunch of cocky twats, Nishi mused to herself.
Her gaze slightly moved to the side, subtly glancing at the present guards. If she attempted to kill the Mizukage, she could be within his range within a heartbeat. The next heartbeat would be driving a knife in his neck, ripping skin and flesh. Slicing the artery would be enough to sentence the man to a gruesome but fast enough death. The guards? Nishi wagered that she wouldn't live to see the sunset if she attempted.

"I don't know, Lord Mizukage. I," Nishi spoke, pausing only for a second. "I suppose failing my duty."
The words of Nishi caused the man to half turn, a smile descending on his features.
"Well said."

Shooting up, Nishi breathed heavily. Swallowing, she looked around as the dark waited for her. Her right hand already clenched the hilt of her tanto, the soft glistening of steel seeming eager for bloodshed.
Calming herself down, Nishi realised she was alone. Alone with the demons of the past.

[ Sevudia | Jinsan Fortress ]
[ Hikari Torimoto | Chuunin of Team 11 ]

Some notes from Hikari's mind and journal.
(Inspired by @Oetje recent post)

She could feel the cold winds. Hear the fighting around her. Feel as people slightly bumped into her, as she made an effort to stick to the rest of her team. And yet, as she was fighting to stop a man from getting a hold on her, she barely registered what her own teammate was saying. What she was about to do.
A few seconds was all it took, and the battlefield shifted into a sinking ship, and everyone who was above board started to abandon ship. She could hear Nishi's shouts, but she didn't comprehend what was being said. She turned her gaze, and there, she saw it. The ice that doomed the Junyo. The ice that came from her teammate. The ice that trapped all those sailors. Two hundred sailors. Two hundred lives, trapped, screaming, while the intense cold from the ice also caused the ship to start to tear apart.

All other sounds seemed to fade away, as the only things she heard now were the screams of all the trapped sailors, trying to find a way out, attempting to break the ice from below, and the ship as it cracked and broke. Her gaze continued as she remembered, jumping overboard and beginning to swim after Nishi's silhouette, the sounds slowly faded away. All she could feel was the cold of the water, the weight of her own gear trying to bring her into the water.

And unlike what she remembered, Hikari felt the weight of her gear becoming bigger, and bigger, until she could barely keep her head above the water. As she was pulled down, her gaze moved to her gear, and she saw hands. A chain of hands, all pulling her, dragging her to the depths. All coming from the direction of the Junyo. She started struggling against the hands, trying to release herself, to swim upwards. But it was hard. Their grip only tightened around her.
Hikari then watched as many pairs of eyes started to glare at her from the depths, as if wanting her to come and take her spot, amongst them. That she did not deserve to stay above the water. Upon seeing those gazes, Hikari seemed to hesitate for a moment, allowing the hands to slowly bring her deeper into the water. It was slowly becoming harder to breathe as they did.

"From this day on, you lot won't be fighting and bleeding for the glory of the nation. But to earn redemption."

Nishi's voice came, causing Hikari to slightly perk up. That was right. She still didn't redeem herself. Ignoring the grasp of the hands, she turned her gaze up, to the surface. She started to force herself to swim upwards. As hard as it was, she tried. And she continued to try and try, but she found herself at a stalemate. She could not reach the sea's surface, but nor did she get pulled any further below.
As she continued, she could feel herself running out of breath. Slowly things were becoming darker, until she could see nothing, and hear only silence.

Her eyes opening, Hikari started breathing deeply. She could feel herself sweating, and she slowly rose in the bed. Looking at the window of the room, it was still the middle of the night. The other soldiers that were present in the room were all still asleep. Putting her arm over her forehead, she let body calm down for a couple of minutes.
Silently sitting up, she reached into her bag and took out a small notebook and pencil. Opening it to a marked page, she briefly stared at over 100 markings, counting something that was not written in the notebook. Adding another marking, she got up and walked closer to the window. There was a clear night sky, and the moon gave off a bit of light. Just enough for Hikari.

Turning to a different page, she looked at a sketch of a ship. The Junyo, as she remembered first seeing it, before they got on board. She mostly spent time scrubbing away during the days, but during the nights that they were guarding, the moonlight gave the Junyo a sort of glow. Although now, Hikari wasn't sure if that glow was a sign of what was to come or just a figment of her imagination.
Looking at it, she sat down on the floor, just beneath the window. Flipping to a different page, she stopped and briefly looked at what she had written last. Three days since the last time she had experienced this recurring dream, or nightmare. Either way, it wasn't letting go of her. Not since it happened. The intervals between how often it came seemed to change depending on if she was busy or not. And each time it happened, she would add another mark, then write about the day.

Going back through the pages, she stopped at the first time she wrote in it. The first time that they were afforded to rest after it happened. She remembered waking up, feeling as though she had actually drowned. And yet, when she woke up, she felt no wetness, no water that came into her lungs.
Only after it had happened a couple more times did she start writing it down. And counting them. And she told no one. Nishi was always distant, cold, and ever uncaring. Yukimi, if she ever considered trying to connect with her, the thoughts were gone after what occurred on the Junyo. And the other two, Claire and Himiko. Despite all three of them experiencing it together, she still felt as though it did not affect them as much as it did her. And Hikari wanted to scream at them for that.
But if there was one thing she was trained to do even before starting her shinobi training, it was maintaining control of how she felt. For noble wives, as her grandfather always said, were expected to support their husbands, not run wild with emotions. So keeping herself from showing signs that something was on her mind was easy. Even more when they were on a mission.

But the nightmare kept on returning. And it started to feel as though it will never let go.

Done with the work on the ships, they had a short reprieve. To return home. To see the mess that was in Kirigakure, with the plague. All the people that her mom hosted, separated from their families. And Hikari did not share what she was going through with her mom. She didn't want to burden her. It was not something that her mom should ever learn of. Let her mom focus on helping others in need.
The time spent between then and until their deployment to the east had numerous times of the nightmare occurring. But Hikari also started to develop a habit of not letting her body overreact. Simply opening her eyes each time, taking some deep breaths, and letting her body relax. Mostly to not alert anyone from her team, she would close her eyes quickly after waking up. And for the most part, it seemed to have worked.
And then the deployment time had come, and her two teammates showed their true, cowardly natures and just quit. This only served to strengthen Hikari's belief that the choice she made regarding them was the right one.

The trek to the east was long, and with only Nishi as part of her team for the trip, Hikari kept at it. Nishi kept her distant, cool demeanour, and Hikari kept what was haunting her to herself. And then the douche joined the team.
Alsanna Shirafuji. Also known as Asshole Dickwad in Hikari's mind. A person who delved into medical ninjutsu, and some forbidden arts too. She started off wary at Alsanna, especially with her behaviour, and then changed to repulsed upon seeing her techniques in action, before realising she let her own emotions slip and changed to regretful. Now, she mostly felt apathetic towards her. And it seemed for the most part that Alsanna returned the lack of any feelings. Or so she thought.
Taking out the letter from her pocket, Hikari opened it and glanced over it. To think that the dickwad would write her a letter, and complain about her coolness being off because Hikari wasn't there. Folding the letter, she stuck it between a pair of pages of the notebook and continued flipping it.

The Balagan Fortress assault. Right after it, she felt there was another point that she had lost her own cool and along with it, most of the respect she had for Nishi. Even if she kept playing as though she was fine, Hikari had started to ponder if she wouldn't be better off being under anyone else aside from that drunkard jounin. It only irked more to see that she had seemingly had something going on with Alsanna, despite the fact that the two of them had been through much worse.
So much for going through some shit to help them bond in any way.

And then, another recruit to their team. Yuyuko. She still didn't know what to even think about her. Then again, she barely got to spend any time with her, considering how Hikari practically jumped on the first chance to spend some time away from the team. From Nishi. From Alsanna. Just spend some time by herself, with strangers from another land.
What did it say about herself, that she would rather spend time with people she knew nothing about, then her own team that she had spent some time with? Went through a battle for a fortress and through some other shit with?
She figured it didn't say anything good about herself. Perhaps she wasn't meant to bond with any of them in any way. Heck, she figured she did a better job learning some things about the Qinjings in the short time spent in the Jinsan fortress than learning about her team in a longer time.

Finally, she arrived at an empty page. After the last entry from the last time she experienced the nightmare. Taking the pencil, she started writing in the notebook about the last three days. About the letter she received from Alsanna. About learning how to read and write Rénese. And about some more experiences she went through with Han and Bao. After about half an hour, she closed the notebook and leaned her head against the wall.
What time was it by then? Looking up at the window, it was still mostly dark, but there were slight signs of change in the edge of the skies. She was probably up for some time. Standing up, Hikari silently returned to her bed, put the notebook back in her pack, before laying back in her bed. She doubted she'd fall asleep again before they needed to wake up, but at the very least, she could let her body rest some more.
[ The Girl, Beast and Devil | Sevudia, near Balagan Fortress ]
[ Northern Army, aiding the Jirians ]
[ A collab between @ChromeHound and @Aliceee , with @Lesli poking in!]

[ Asami and Reyna spend some quality time. However, it seems that this is no game being played. The result is that Reyna and Asami come to a certain understanding as a certain third party surface. ]

The journey south hadn't been comfortable. It could have gone a lot worse, Asami was aware of it. Sharpening one of her axes, the woman's mood seems as per usual: annoyed or frustrated about something.
In her opinion, she found it ridiculous to aid the Jirians. The 'Rats' were nothing but incompetent bastards that had a too high opinion on themselves. However, she did accept that these days her role was different. And despite her desire to see different decisions to be decreed, Asami was also happy with some newfound freedom.

Inspecting the handiwork, Asami could spot herself in the reflection of the axe. For a brief moment, Asami's lips curled up in a slight smile before returning to the stern expression that seemed so natural with her being. Sheathing one axe, she started to work on the other axe.

The travel had allowed time for Reyna's scratches and scrapes to heal, though the cut across her cheek was still evident by a stubborn pink line. The girl was not sure yet if she'd be left with a scar, her Lightning Aura usually kept her free of such disfigurements. Every so often she found herself pressing two fingers against the line, feeling the slight variation in her skin, and her mind would travel back to the battle.

When Asami had asked her to meet, Reyna worried she was going to be sent back home again. She had not exactly been the most effective on the battlefield and, despite her efforts, she feared she might be more of a liability than a help to her teammates.

Approaching the fiery-haired woman, Reyna noticed the axe in her hand and gulped. Y-you called for me Asami Sensei?""

Using the whetstone to sharpen the edge of her second axe Asami would halt the motion upon being approached by Reyna. Lowering the tool as well the weapon Asami directed her attention upon her pupil.
"I did, indeed," the strict tone being no surprise for Reyna. "And now that you finally showed up, we can perhaps be productive." Sheathing the second axe, Asami gestured to Reyna subtly. "So, we have now faced several battles and are now entrenched in this piss poor situation. What do you think of your skills so far?" Asami posed as a direction question.

Relieved when the woman put down her second axe, Reyna swallowed again. Thinking back to her actions in the previous encounters, she chewed her lip before looking down. "I think I still get overwhelmed too easily and am reacting far more than I am actually initiating." Her cheeks flushed, and the girl glanced up, "I… I haven't been as scared as I was before, but everything still happens so fast and it… it's hard for me to keep track of."

"You get easily overwhelmed," Asami repeated with a neutral tone. The stern expression betrayed little of how Asami received the answer. A silence briefly echoed after Asami's repetition of Reyna's answer.
"You are a chuunin but you have yet to show any solid skill. You are an embarrassment. What truly sets you apart as an operative? As a combatant? Nothing but what I know. And even that makes you a liability." Asami harshly stated as she shook her head lightly.
"In most cases, I would have made you resign and leave the military. You are still fighting and yet I have to gain any faith you won't cause me to worry."
A frown appeared on her brow. "What do you think will help? To make you truly get past the whole incompetence you are suffering."

She knew Asami enough to know her words would not have received an encouraging response, but Reyna still felt herself flinch at the harsh truths from her sensei. When the woman had finished with her assessment and asked her question, Reyna took a long moment to think. She didn't want to give the wrong answer and risk Asami getting even angrier with her.

"I think," she began, taking a breath to steel her nerves, "I think I need to train more in combat maneuvers." Trying her best to meet Asami's gaze, Reyna only managed to hold it for about a second before looking away again.

"I was trained since I was young in how to heal and how to defend myself, but I've never really been shown how to be the aggressor… How to take the fight to an enemy. I think that's why I'm always so reactive and have a hard time figuring out what to do next unless someone attacks me first..."

"Combat maneuvers," Asami once more repeated the answer of Reyna. This time, the features betray that the answer of Reyna disappointed Asami. "Are you even serious about wanting to fight? To try to do some good in defending others, so that they don't need to fight? Or were those words hollow?" Asami asked without any hint of mercy or compassion how her questions would land.
"You are answering like a meek rabbit that awaits the hunter's trap. Do you even have a fighting spirit?"

Gritting her teeth, Reyna clenched her fists, feeling the familiar tingling sensation of electricity shooting through her veins. I'll never be good enough, not for Asami, not to protect my family, not to prevent the monster inside me from taking over… She thought, small sparks beginning to jump between her fingers as her anger grew.

It's not fair

Looking up, Reyna's face was contorted in anger. "YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE MY TEACHER. SO WHY DON'T YOU TEACH ME SOMETHING FOR ONCE?!" She shouted, her anger reaching a boiling point. "ALL YOU DO IS TELL ME HOW MUCH OF A FAILURE I AM!" The sparks were arcing around her hands now as her Lightning Aura reacted to the surge in emotion.

Scoffing, Asami observed the angry pupil with a mixture of clear amusement and disappointment. "You? Just hear how you sound." Asami raised her hands to her eyes, a mocking gesture following as if she was crying.
"Uh nu, Asami-sama is mean-ie-ie to mieeee. Boohoo! I can't take it! I yell-yell now!" The woman said, warping her voice to 'replicate' Reyna's in a quite childish one. Lowering her hands, Asami scoffed again.
"Know what? You would have done a service to most if you had remained obscured and hidden. Failure."

The bolt shot forward from her outstretched hand before Reyna even realized she'd raised it. SHUT UP!"" She screamed, lightning now fully enveloping her hands in a swirling mass.

Glaring towards Asami, Reyna's voice grew quieter. "I may be a freak because I have a monster inside me, but what's your excuse?"

Asami's eyes half closed as Reyna spoke louder.
"I can, at least, not make a fool out of myself." The woman replied, spreading her arms slightly as if she was inviting Reyna in a mocking embrace. "What? Think a few bolts of lightning and your shriek yelling is going to intimidate me? Is this the best you got? Man, even when I allow you to be an actual brat, you are absolutely shit at it."
Pausing, Asami raised her chin slightly.
"I bet even Midori is happy she doesn't need to endure your embarrassing presence around."

Reyna charged forward, her Lightning Aura fueling her body and enhancing her speed. She did not have a plan, nor was she even thinking straight. She just wanted to hurt Asami like the woman seemed to enjoy hurting others.

Swinging wildly, Reyna let out all her rage on her teacher.

No attempt was made by Asami to dodge. Reyna's fist did land against Asami's skin but nothing that seemed to further impress the woman. For in a rapid motion Asami blocked the first strike and slammed a tag against Reyna's stomach - the impact meant to deliver a nasty blow to the girl. In a near instant, the lightning vanished and fatigue would mix with Reyna's anger.
"Come on then." Asami said, taking a step back as she invited Reyna to try again with spreading her arms out again. "Cause if you disappoint me again, I will end you. And then Midori. Anything you will hold dear for wasting my precious time, freak."

The counter hit Reyna in the stomach hard and the girl stumbled back a step, feeling as her Lightning Aura was deactivated unwillingly. She grit her teeth once more and snarled. Reyna didn't dare show how much that single counter attack had taken out of her. Instead, she pulled a kunai and gripped it tightly, her eyes narrowed in anger.

Charging forward again, she knew this time she'd need to have at least somewhat more of a strategy. Feigning an attack with the kunai, Reyna twisted and sent a vicious kick towards Asami's knee, hoping to knock the woman off balance.

Stepping aside, Asami didn't even launch a counter-attack. "Pitiful," was the only verbal response as Asami made it clear that it wouldn't do. "All this time, all these fights. And you are no better than an angry brat that can't accomplish anything on her own. You needed that shit Midori. You needed me to carry you through the civil war. Who is next after me, hm? Your options are running out, freak."

Undeterred, Reyna continued in her assault. Launching a flurry of kicks and punches, she was so focused on her attack that she didn't keep an eye on her footing and Reyna felt herself tumbling forward as she stepped on a slick patch of grass.

Landing on her hands and knees in the dirt, Reyna felt her knuckles split open and winced. There would be no healing until she was able to remove whatever Asami had put on her and get her Lightning Aura back up.

"You are nothing but a blabbering little piece of shit. Someone that can't get anything done because they don't know what true hard work is when they are confronted with it." Asami said as she would step forward. One of the woman's hands shot towards Reyna's neck and moved in an attempt to grab a handful of the girl's hair.
"Remember this feeling, keep it bottled up and memorize it--"

Before Asami could finish, Reyna brought her free hand up launching the loose dirt and pebbles she had snatched up when she had 'fallen' into the woman's face, hoping it would be enough of a distraction. At the same time, she brought her kunai around slashing towards Asami.

"You fu--" Asami cursed as the dirt was thrown in her face, blinding her. The sharp pain that followed cut her cursing off. The sharp steel of Reyna's kunai slit Asami's skin with ease, carving a short line before Asami would respond. In a quick and fluid motion, the woman would slam Reyna down on the ground. Hissing as the sharp pain continued to flow, drops of blood would fall on Reyna and the ground.
Using one hand to keep the girl down and her weight to pin Reyna further, Asami squeezed and pressured Reyna at the back of her head.

"Think you're smart? You will pay for that."
The words were mere whispers, heralds of Asami's rising anger. But no punches or other retaliation would come immediately. Instead, Asami released the girl and stepped away in order to clear the dirt from her visage.

When her blade made contact, Reyna had felt an odd mix of satisfaction and then sudden fear. Before she had a chance to do anything further, she was shoved face first into the dirt. Reyna felt a sharp pain as her nose hit the ground and her eyes welled up with unintentional tears. Fearing what was about to come, the girl didn't dare move until she felt Asami let up her grip.

Turning, Reyna scrambled back on all fours, getting a few feet between her and the likely murderous woman. Quickly reaching up to wipe the tears that had gathered when her nose had made contact with the ground, Reyna felt another sharp stinging and winced. Looking down at her hand, she saw it was covered in blood and couldn't tell if it was from when her hand had scraped against the earth, or if it was all coming from her nose.

Staring at Asami for a moment, Reyna tried to decide what to do next. She could still feel her anger blazing, but the exhaustion was taking its toll and her fear of what Asami would do was beginning to eat away at the rage. Slowly, shakily, she got to her feet. Holding the knife out in front of her, Reyna could see her hand trembling, but she didn't care. With her other hand she wiped away some of the blood that was still leaking from her nose.

"Is that all you got?" she muttered quietly, narrowing her eyes at Asami. Her tone was defiant, but it betrayed her exhaustion and how unsteady she felt.

Rubbing still out of her eyes, Asami's motion halted upon Reyna's 'question'. A tension started to erupt, heavy pressure dawning from all angles upon Reyna. Lowering her hand, Asami's eye was irritated and half open - glaring right at Reyna.
"You are pathetic." Asami said with a sharp tone, her hand pointing to the direction to the nearest point of leaving the camp. "Now in that direction. I am not going to make a mess here. Move, it." The woman ordered as she clenched the hand in a fist. "Or I will make you."

Reyna could feel the weight of the situation crushing down on her. It was hard to even stand let alone maintain her attempt at being intimidating... not that it was much of an attempt to begin with. When the woman called her pathetic once more, Reyna could only let out an exasperated sigh. Turning her head to look where Asami pointed, the girl hesitated. Was Asami going to take her somewhere quiet to dispose of her?

Turning back to stare at her teacher, Reyna wiped the blood from her nose once more before beginning to make her way out of the camp.

Asami glared at her student but made no attempt to attack her, as they would make their way out of the camp. Nobody seemed bothered or dared to ask questions to the duo. Perhaps due to the tension that radiated between the two or simply because of Asami's rank or reputation.
Once the two were out of the fortifications that seperated the camp from the plains, Asami turned her head and spat on the ground.

"Now we can let go. Come on, you brat," Asami said, raising her right hand. Her fingers forming the Seal of Confrontation. "This was coming, one way or another."

She was relieved when Asami didn't immediately strike her dead as soon as they had left the safety of the camp, but the woman's reaction didn't exactly inspire a lot of hope in Reyna as it was made clear that they were going to spar. Her head was still pounding, making it difficult to think clearly. Not to mention how exhausted she felt and the fact that she couldn't even mould her chakra right no-

Something was nagging at her and Reyna closed her eyes for a moment, trying to focus. The tag! Reaching down with one hand, her fingers brushes against the tag Asami has slammed against her stomach. Feeling for the edge, Reyna grabbed it and ripped it off. It stung for a moment, but that was quickly replaced by the sensation of energy rushing through her body. She wouldn't have time to activate her Lightning Aura, so she'd have to make due here without it.

Opening her eyes and throwing the tag on the ground, Reyna stared back at Asami before also forming the Seal of Confrontation. Making a silent prayer, the girl's mind flashed to the crazed beast inside her. For a tiny moment, she wished she could simply call it forth and use its power to teach Asami a lesson. The thought faded, however, as Reyna remembered back to when she had allowed the evil being to take over the first time and it had slaughtered her opponents. As angry as she was with Asami, she didn't really want the woman dead...

Asami's other hand moved to the one she had already raised. Performing a rapid streak of signs, Asami's lips parted. Inhaling deeply, her eyes narrowed once more. Lowering her hands slightly Asami leaned forwards. Exhaling, an odd mist seemed to spread from Asami's being, starting to envelop the area rapidly.

Jumping backwards as the mist started to fill their surroundings, Reyna bit her lower lip. This was not good. It did not take long for the mist to reach where she was standing and the girl was not sure how to react. If this was the Hidden in Mist technique, it meant Asami would be able to see her but would be nearly invisible herself. As the mist continued forward, Reyna made a decision and nicked her thumb against the blade of her kunai. If she summoned Akuto, he could potentially burrow under the earth and sense where Asami was via the vibrations through the earth. It wouldn't exactly allow for instantaneous results, but he could report back to her as Asami moved around.

Preparing to slam her open palm against the ground as the mist enveloped her, Reyna was interrupted as a searing pain filled her body. Screaming, she leapt backwards once more, jumping clear of the mist and continuing to make distance. Whatever this was, it was not the Hidden in Mist technique and it was even more dangerous than she'd feared. Though she was clear of the odd mist now, she could still feel the stinging against her skin and desperately wished she had her Lightning Aura active to take care of this.

"And once more you prove how much of an idiot you are," Asami called out as the light mist kept expanding. "You don't think. You are nothing more than a disappointment." Asami's voice further called out.
Still in the same spot, Asami's hands once more weaved a few signs. Focusing her chakra, two silhouettes started to rapidly form.
"So this is the best you can do? Where was that anger of before? Already down the drain, like your potential?"

"Fuck you!" Reyna shouted back, the pain and Asami's cruel words only fueling her anger further. Despite her defiant shout, Reyna knew she wasn't in a good position. Thankfully the mist had not seemed to get too much closer to her new position, but without her Lightning Aura, she was at a serious disadvantage.

Taking another step back, she slammed her palm into the earth and a small cloud of smoke appeared, along with a curious looking armadillo. "I don't have much time, sorry. Can you keep her busy?" Pointing in the direction of the mist, Reyna hoped Akuto would understand. The armadillo stared for a moment, concerned at the state she was in, before nodding and burrowing beneath the earth.

Reyna bit her lower lip once more and began focusing her chakra.

"Is that all?" Asami's voice resonated, far from impressed. "I should extract that beast from you. And just let your pathetic friends know that were your last words. Fitting, seeing how much of a waste you have been."
Despite taunting the girl, Asami plotted her next move carefully. Her clones were fanned out, spreading the mist towards Reyna in a wide radius. The problem was that it took a bit of focus to make the mist not too dangerous and control two boiling clones at the same time. Remembering Reyna's arsenal of techniques and abilities, Asami spoke again.
"You fear it, don't you? To let that beast out? Don't worry, freak. I will make you truly fear something far worse. Something that will haunt you and those you cherish after this."

Asami's words cut deep, but Reyna didn't want to let the woman know that. Instead, she continued to focus her chakra, keeping an eye out on the mist that was expanding to block off the areas around her.

"The only beast here is you!" she spat in response. "Maybe that's why you've never had any friends, so you have to ridicule others who have what you never will!"

As long as she could keep Asami talking and far enough away from her, she had a chance to get her Aura back up.

Below the earth, Akuto's concern grew. He could feel the vibrations of four individuals. One was obviously Reyna, but the other three he did not know. Two of them seemed to be moving away from the third in opposite directions. The third remained stationary, and the armadillo could feel additional vibrations coming from that spot. Making up his mind, Akuto continued burrowing, picking up speed.

"Oh boohoo," Asami replied. "Try better. For where are your friends right now? They abandoned you. Or soon will be dead cause you couldn't do anything to prevent them from fighting. Wasn't that why you wanted to join me?"
The two boiling clones continue to move the mist towards Reyna. The erosive mist was blockading any escape path, threatening to close in on Reyna from all sides.
"I wonder. Your ability allows you to regenerate from wounds? I am going to consistently damage you till your chakra runs out. That will--"

Asami's eyes widened as she heard the cracks of earth, a short warning and herald of Akuto shooting out of the earth. Raising her arms, Asami did attempt to move aside but the creature's speed didn't allow her. Pain shot through her arms as the armadillo slammed against her. Grunting, Asami managed to stay standing.
"Filthy shit stain," the profanity escaped her lips as her right hand moved to slam against the shell of the animal - desiring to grab and hold it in the erosive mist.
She could feel her anger growing, and soon sparks began arcing around her hands and eyes. Finally! Her aura was back up, not at full strength, not by a long shot, but she could continue building it as long as she could focus and mould her chakra.

She opened her mouth, prepared to fire another response back at Asami when she heard the grunt and sudden cursing. Akuto had found her!

Realization hit her as she looked around and noticed the mist had completely surrounded her now. It would only be a few seconds until it enveloped her once more. Forming two handseals quickly, Reyna focused and more lightning began arcing around her body. She doubted her Lightning Shield would do too much to protect her from the mist, but if it would buy her enough time, perhaps she could get to Asami and disrupt the technique somehow.

With her shield up, the girl charged forward through the mist, heading towards the voice.

After he had burst through the earth, Akuto intended to reverse his spin and tunnel right back into the ground. He felt something connect with his shell, however, and the armadillo cursed. His metal shell protected him somewhat from the mist, but he could still hear a small amount of sizzling as it made prolonged contact with him. Making a decision, Akuto unravelled himself swiftly and attempted to bite the woman's hand, hoping it would cause her to release him.

"Yeah, fuck you too," Asami hissed as she witnessed the creature's attempt. Retracting one hand, she would use her other to grab the animal's tail. Gripping the armadillo's tail tightly, she clenched her fist firmly - readying it to batter the summoning with punches.

Noticing the decision of Reyna to move through the mist, towards the original Asami and Akuto, one of the Boiling clones would attempt to intercept her. Weaving distinct signs, the clone inhaled and would spit out various balls of searing fire towards Reyna and the pathway she attempted to take. The second clone would attempt to use the distraction to place herself between Reyna and the original Asami.

She could feel the burning sensation across her skin as she made her way through the mist, but Reyna gritted her teeth and pushed forward. When the first fireball streaked towards her, Reyna barely had time to react, tucking herself into a roll as it seared past her. The ball managed to impact against her Lightning Shield, sending her controlled roll askew and she tumbled as the remaining fireballs flew past. Picking herself up, Reyna winced. The pain was vicious, but she could make it, she had to.

Trying to gain her bearings, she saw a silhouette ahead of her. Heading toward it, Reyna focused her chakra and sent a surge of lightning forward. The mist made it easier for the lightning to spread outwards. Not wanting to give Asami a chance to escape, Reyna threw her kunai towards the shape and then withdrew her whip-swords.

Akuto snarled as Asami grabbed his tail. Wriggling, the armadillo tried to pull himself back into his ball form. Closing his shell would at least protect him from the mist and whatever else the cruel woman was planning.

Despite Akuto closing his shell, Asami didn't pull her punch. Pain shot through her knuckles but it didn't deter her from punishing the critter. A wicked grin crept over her lips as she held the animal high by the tail.
"How about this? If you don't stand down, I will increase the erosive nature of the mist. Your little friend doesn't have your lightning to rely on, does it?" Asami called out. She had witnessed the flash of fireballs whistling past some sillouthets. Alerting her where Reyna and her boiling clones were.

The boiling clone that had taken a position between Reyna and the original Asami was about to make her move. But the lightning surged too fast and managed to dispel the clone - before it could do any harm.
The remaining boiling clone at Reyna's flank would inhale, moulding her chakra as she unleashed a few more balls of fire towards Reyna.

As the clone in front of her poofed from existence, Reyna extended her swords into their whip form. Beginning to twirl them in circles at her sides, the girl continued forward, trying to ignore the searing pain against her skin. When Asami uttered her threat, Reyna froze, the horror of the situation dawning on her.

"Leave him alone!" She shouted back. Running forward, Reyna was desperate to reach Asami before the woman could harm Akuto further. "Let him go and fight me you cow-"

The impact of the first fireball sent Reyna flying off her feet. Her arm and part of her shirt were engulfed in flames and the girl rolled desperately, trying to extinguish them before they could cause further damage. Two more fireballs impacted the ground beside her as she rolled and Reyna cursed.

Getting back on her feet, she tried to raise both of her weapons once more but could only bring one up fully. The arm that had been caught in the flames was numb and refused to move. Biting back tears from the pain, she continued forward in the direction that she hoped the real Asami was standing.

Hearing Reyna, Asami didn't in fact let the annoying pest go. The girl's voice together with the fireballs was enough to tell Asami where the girl was. Scoffing softly, she would move from her old position.
"You mean to call me a coward? Oh, you little freak." Asami's voice resonated from a very different place. "I am a kunoichi. I don't give a damning shit about if you think I am a coward or not." Asami continued to taunt her. "This is the best you can conjure? Now I understand. Why Midori didn't want to continue with you. Why your old team is probably happy to be away from you."
A soft laughter echoed as Asami's voice seemed to move, yet nothing indicating that she was swooping down on Reyna.

"You are nothing."

A sudden sensation of being pulled down would captivate Reyna. Time itself seemed to move rapidly slower to the point that the girl was able to notice small details. Perhaps adrenaline surged in a huge volume through her body but a certain voice made clear who or what was behind it.

"You suck at this. Let me go at her," the familiar voice of the Sanbi howled through Reyna's skull, the tone being demanding but an odd undertone of some forced friendliness - as if the beast had decided to ponder and utilize a different approach. "You don't like her. I don't like her. I can kill her. We can kill her." The voice continued as it urged Reyna to give in, letting control go. "You won't lose that shell thing. I can kill. I will kill her. Just her, yes. Kill I can. Can you?"

Yelping as she felt herself being yanked downwards, Reyna collapsed to her knees and dropped her weapons; her hands splaying outward to break her fall. She could feel blood dripping from her palms, but the pain was the furthest thing from her mind right now.

The voice inside her head had sent cold shivers down the length of her spine. It was back.

"No!" Reyna shouted at the monster, "I can't trust you, you're evil!" She tried to sound brave, but it was unconvincing. Mostly she just sounded afraid and exhausted.

Asami's words spilled out from the mist around her and Reyna looked around, confused. She had lost track of where the woman was. Feeling tears well up behind her eyes, Reyna dug her fingers into the dirt as her anger grew once more. "I don't like her, but I need her. You can't kill her…" The girl was torn. The monster had helped her before but she remembered how it gleefully tore through her enemies while she watched, helpless, trapped behind her own eyes.

"You like her."

A clear confusion was present in the Bijuu's voice, the loud volume screeching in Reyna's head as if her head was just adjacent to the demon's jaws. "Why not? She hurts you. She fights you. You don't like her. Reasons to kill. I could kill. Maybe I should kill you? I don't like you. You fight me. We fight and kill." The insanity of the beast started to surface again as it was mixed with loud laughter. Bubbles of red chakra started to appear around Reyna's visible skin.
"I can fight. I can win. You can't. Why can't you? You are weak. I am not. Weak dies and strong survives. My brothers and sisters are strong. They kill. They live. You… don't." A searing pain started to shoot through Reyna's body, but quickly numbed her to the effects of Asami's mist. A loud laughter erupted in Reyna's mind as the bubbles of red chakra started to become more prominent, allowing a sense of dread to flood Reyna as control over her body started to diminish.
"I will kill. I will survive. You are weak. I am not. I have the final word. I will find him and show him. Why is he upset? He doesn't need to be. We will be free. Yes. Free."


The word would cut through the laugh as a hot blade through butter. A sharp cold would overwhelm Reyna, driving away from the malicious presence of the Bijuu that seemed unstoppable. The echoing laughter dimmed away as a cold, soothing silence took over, followed rapidly by pitch-black darkness.
It didn't seem to last long as the blurry vision of the world surfaced back to Reyna's sight, a hazy combination of colours being shown instead of a clear vision. A mess of colours seemed to become more dominant as faint sounds mixed together, creating a confusing mess.


The word sliced through the confusion, loud but not unpleasant. Despite the coldness, it washed away a great part of the blurriness and confusion from Reyna's sight and hearing. Then the world seemed to tremble and come crashing down upon the jinchuriki; the sounds and colours of the world appeared vivid, all at once.
Asami looked down at Reyna, the hostility vanished as she had dismissed the erosive mist. The Boiling Clone was at a distance, appearing to focus on something and yet facing the direction of Reyna. The Red Devil of the North seemed calm as her posture didn't hint towards any violence or spite; only the corner of her lips tugged slightly down but that seemed just ever-present with Asami's neutral expression.

"So it is still watching. Present." Asami said, her eyes half closing as a soft sigh escaped her lips, "And you got nowhere control over it, do you? That is bothersome." Now it would become clear that Asami wasn't directly talking to the girl but merely voicing her thoughts.
"Don't get up too soon. Take it easy. Your small friend is also fine." Asami said as she shot a glance at the armadillo that had rushed immediately over to Reyna, the mere moment that Asami had released the animal - when the Sanbi started to take over. "I would apologize but I have achieved what I wanted. You are a jinchuriki for how long exactly? And no sign of control. Without Midori able to counter-act as an opposing jinchuriki, you are currently a danger to everyone that doesn't have a good grasp on sealing ninjutsu."
A painful silence followed before a more painful truth would be stated.

"Making you a ticking bomb and a danger to all."

The pressure inside her head was overwhelming, drowning out all of her other thoughts. She was trying to fight it but Reyna could feel herself losing control over her mind and body.


All at once the sensation of burning was gone, replaced with a freezing wave that washed through her whole body. The maddening laughter was gone, replaced by absolute silence. She was surrounded by darkness and for a moment, Reyna knew she must be dead.

Then everything hit her at once. Reeling from the sensation of everything rushing back, Reyna felt her stomach knot up and instantly retched, vomiting on the ground in front of her.

Asami's voice rooted her back to reality somewhat and Reyna pushed herself back, trying to catch her breath and not hurl once more. Blinking rapidly, she tried to clear her vision but it didn't seem to be getting much better. Asami continued speaking and Reyna fought back another wave of nausea, wiping her mouth and chin. Slowly, very slowly, her sight began stabilizing and the girl could see Asami standing in front of her. She felt something at her side and glanced down, seeing Akuto nuzzling against her, trying to make sure she was alright. Reyna put one hand on the armadillo, scratching his shell weakly.

"I can't control it," she finally said, her voice soft. "You don't understand, it… it's crazy. Nothing it says makes any sense and all it wants to do is kill. You, me, it doesn't seem to matter to the monster."

When Asami finished, Reyna could not hold back any longer. Her shoulders began shaking as tears flowed uncontrollably and pooled on the ground below her. "Why?" she finally managed, her voice breaking. "Why did you pick me? I've been a screw up my whole life… I can't touch anything without breaking it and I clearly can't even look after myself." Finding the strength to look up, she tried to meet Asami's gaze through the tears. "Why would you choose me?"

"Stop crying."
The harsh tone and the blank expression revealed nothing of what Asami thought about the scene of Reyna crying. "I am not going to sugarcoat things. I am not going to hold an inspiring speech or tell you that things will get better."
Crouching, Asami brought herself slowly closer to the height of Reyna's. The eyes of the Sanosuke were cold and hard, not breaking in the sight of tears and despair. "If I could pick someone else, I would certainly done so. But the harsh truth is that you're now the jinchuriki of the Sanbi. Only way that can be changed is with you winding up dead."
Allowing a pause to follow, Asami released a soft sigh. Her expression softened slightly as she shook her head. "I am not going to inspire you with some sob story. This whole endeavor relies on you and how much you can push or carry. If this is your limit, then I can't help you. The seal will erode gradually and the Sanbi will break free. That is bound to happen if you give up. That or you fight back. You seemed more than eager to even square up against me. Not many brats tend to have the guts for that."
Rising slowly Asami looked down on Reyna.
"So what is it going to be? Giving up and die? Or in any case give that big bastard a fight if it tries again?" Extending a hand towards Reyna, Asami waited.

Reyna lowered her head once more, trying to reign in her tears. Shaking her head, the girl was disgusted. Not with Asami this time, instead, she was disgusted with herself. She was sick of being weak. She was sick of being scared. And most of all, she was sick of being helpless, and a burden to those she cared about. Taking a shaky breath, Reyna steadied herself as much as she could, clenching her fists to feel some sort of control over herself. Truth be told, she had been hoping Asami would have given her some greater reason as to why she'd been chosen. Some larger purpose that she'd been destined for. She realized with growing disappointment that she had once again been looking for the easy answer.

"I'm tired of being a failure," Reyna said, finally looking up. "I want to fight. I don't want to be afraid any more."

Looking at Asami's outstretched hand, Reyna paused, "I need you to help me though…" Taking Asami's hand, Reyna pulled herself up, still feeling the stinging all over her body as the Lightning Aura was trying to do its part to heal her. "I… I will put in the work, but I don't learn like this. All this yelling, insulting me and trying to provoke me… I need to learn how to actually defend myself and how to fight properly. Not how to fight stupid and angry."

"I wasn't trying to teach you, actually," Asami casually stated, referring to the spar and provocations."I needed to see if that thing would wake up. Now that I know it is still there and not dormant, I know that I have to be still on guard."
Considering what Reyna told her, Asami planted her hands against her hips. "First, take a breather." The Sanosuke then scoffed, though it lacked the usual disappointment and disdain. "Fighting stupid? You actually used your clumsiness against me. That was nasty but a well executed move." Pausing, Asami frowned slightly. "Although, why not use this break to inform me how you then learn and progress? If you want headpats, I fear that we might have a problem."

Wincing as she straightened to her full height, Reyna knew her wounds were going to take awhile to heal, even with the Lightning Aura supporting her. She took Asami's advice and spent the next few seconds catching her breath. Despite still feeling like crap, Reyna cracked a small smile when Asami brought up her trick during the fight. She held a small amount of pride for the maneuver as it was the only time she actually seemed to surprise the Jounin.

Shaking her head as Asami finished, Reyna chewed her lip before responding. "When I was learning medical techniques, I found that I learned best by studying the theory and the methods and then practicing them myself. That's also similar to how I've learned most of my fighting techniques so far as well." Glancing away, a little embarrassed, Reyna continued. "My family is quite skilled in the use of our secret techniques and I learned by studying from them and practicing. I… I've never really created anything myself, nor have I been particularly good at improvising new techniques or… or anything really."

Taking the information in, Asami simply nodded. The subtle gesture was followed with a sigh. "I can work with that. For now, though," Asami seemed to eye Reyna. "You need some rest. I will also need to think of something. Because," a faint hint of a smile seemed to dawn on Asami's features, "if that beast is going to be a problem, I just have to show it that I don't play around. From tomorrow on, I will investigate your seal and keep it intact. Preventing it from clawing its way out. And we will work on your skills. In a way that suits your way of learning."
Enlisting a short silence Asami nodded as if she had just decided for Reyna. "You'll have to create your own techniques. I never mastered lightning," Asami bluntly stated, "but you'll not be alone."

Reyna was taken aback at first. Was Asami actually being… nice? The girl was hesitant to believe it, thinking maybe the jounin was simply trying to lull her into a false sense of security before pummeling her again. But no attack came, nor did any cruel words to cut down her confidence again. Instead, it appeared as if Asami was being genuine.

Folding her arms across her chest, she finally responded "T-thank you Asami-Sensei. That means a lot and… and I will try not to let you down." While she was a little disappointed the woman could not directly help her with her lightning release, the fact that Asami told her she would not be alone went a long way towards resolving her immediate fears. Reyna was also relieved that Asami was going to help her with keeping the crazy turtle monster contained.

Thinking of something, she looked down before sheepishly asking, "Do… do you have any way of stopping the monster from talking with me in my dreams…?" her cheeks flushed red, and Reyna was embarrassed to be asking more of the jounin. She just wanted the nightmares to go away.

Reyna's words did initially little to impact Asami. Her thanks almost seemed ignored if Asami's eyes didn't shift the woman's gaze towards the girl. Her request, however, seemed to soften Asami's expression - even if it was ever so subtle.
"I can try to think of something," Asami answered, already revealing what she was going to say next, "but I don't know if I can." She admitted. "For now, try to bear it a little while longer." The Sanosuke added, shrugging lightly. "Just for a little while."

Nodding slowly, Reyna shrugged, "I'll… I'll be okay. Thank you Asami-Sensei." So far the jounin had proven quite capable of stopping the monster, so Reyna held onto hope - even if it was a longshot - that Asami would be able to help her with the nightmares. For now though… it appeared she was still on her own.

"I should probably go clean up and return to camp," the girl said quietly, realizing the horrible state her clothes were in. She could only imagine how badly the boiling mist must have damaged her hair and Reyna was not looking forward to having to deal with that cruel reality. Picking the armadillo up from the ground, Reyna held him against her chest and looked back at Asami in case the jounin had any final orders for her.

Asami didn't respond to the thanks of Reyna. Her expression remained the same as the jinchuriki stated that she should go back to camp and clean herself up. "You should tend to yourself. I think this was enough for today. I will prepare for training soon enough, to improve some of your current skills. And to test something else out," half raising her right hand, Asami subtly gestured that Reyna should remain calm, "without the provocation and pushing. Rest assured, we will do things the way you prefer. For now, rest easy."
[ The Fortress of Balagan | Sevudia, Eastern Continent ]
[ Merry Dinner | A collab between @DeliciousFood and @Oetje ]
[ Part 1 of 2 ]

[ "Imagine that. The Witch of Sevudia is still human," ]

[ Alsanna wrote Nishi an invitation during a drunken episode. Yet, Nishi does shows up and joins Alsanna for dinner. The two enjoy a rather pleasant supper and time with each other. ]

In a bit of drunken stupor, Alsanna had prompted something that was irreversible. She had invited Nishi to dinner, and her small but comfy storage room-turned-abode was adequate for it. Especially with the front furthering its course soon, now was the time to get anything of the sort going. The day following that letter-sending, it would only be thanks to Aristede's literal rewind of the events via its whispers that the new-Chuunin could actually recall in vivid detail just what she had done. Needless to say, it made her a tad grumpy.

But as food was made from various pieces of venison and plants she had scavenged thanks to her new book, there seemed to be enough for a little feast. By the generous portions, they were going to have more than what was reasonable for a military camp crutching on rations. However to expect this scholar to care was clearly a foolish expectation. That and, well, she had a few coins to spare if needed with recent sales. The shop was closed, though the door was left unlocked with the lanterns off with the exception of the makeshift kitchen/dining room. It was well-lit, smelled of food with garlic and onions, and had a small table with a couple of wooden chairs.

Over the table would be the usual utensils, plates, glasses with a jug of water left at room temperature and a loaf of bread in the centre. It was cut into slices. Alsanna herself wasn't exactly dressed for an occasion, sporting her usual sleeveless, white top and work pants, though they were at least cleaned. Her hair had also been straightened and some improvised eyeline emphasised her optics. It all seemed rather cosy. For now, she was just stirring away at the miniature cauldron she had cooking over a fire.

The sounds of Nishi's boots resonated as she walked towards the place. Even as the day came to a slow end, the ambience of military life decreased as many were granted some rest, there was still plenty that was going on. A simple fact that didn't bother Nishi in the slightest. During her stride towards the place where she was invited for dinner, Nishi took the sights in of Jirian soldiers and shinobi doing their job. The sight taken in by the jounin, allowed her to find a certain calm in it.
Taking a turn, to venture in the necessary path that led to Alsanna's place, Nishi's eyebrow formed a frown on her brow. The calm pace came to a halt as Nishi inspected the outside. At least, Alsanna had been busy. Now Nishi wondered how many had fallen prey to the plans and schemes of her student.
Pushing the door open, Nishi didn't announce herself immediately. Closing the door behind her the jounin's gaze wandered around. Granted, she wasn't sure what she had to expect. Perhaps some sort of semblance to the schemes and attitude of Alsanna, reflected in the interior. But that wasn't the case.
"Hm," with near silent motion did Nishi go to one of the shelves on which the girl's wares were placed. Almost did her right hand move forwards in order to pick up the bottle and inspect what was inside. "Intriguing little nest you have built," Nishi decided to say out loud, placing her hands on her back as she turned around and to casually inspect some other wares on display.

A dark shop greeted Nishi, Alsanna's few wares on display over some abandoned bookshelves and some pallets. Mostly bottles filled with odd fluids, although her advertised solutions were definitely low on stock. The smell of cooking came from the door behind the counter where light could be seen escaping the doorframe. The door was slightly opened, making sound audible to both sides. The boiling coming from the metal pot was made more evident as Nishi progressed inside.

"Hey, you break it, you buy it." she called from the other room, busy with her stirring. Alsanna's body turned as to allow her to gaze upon the door Nishi would inevitably come from. The Jounin would find a cupboard that the younger female had been using as a surface and a storage unit for all the cooking tools and containers. There was already a large place with two steaks. By the smell, it was likely some deer with some seasoning applied before it was made to sear, "You fine with medium? I can get it well done." she inquired before taking a sip of the tomato soup she had been cooking up. There was also a salad bowl with, well, a green salad with some leftover tomato that wasn't used in the pot, "It is quite comfy, though, yeah. Bit small. Couldn't get a proper table but this is fine. I uh, also used hunting knives for uhhh, knives. Most here just use their own personal knives when eating, I'm pretty sure."

Halting in the door opening, Nishi did little to hide her surprise. Whatever went through her mind wasn't vocalized as she simply walked in the room. The question that Alsanna posed didn't gain an answer right away from Nishi.
"Medium is fine, thank you," the voice of Nishi hinting that she briefly felt out of place with the sight of Alsanna preparing dinner. When the girl apologized for using the lack of actual knives used for dealing with dinner, Nishi raised her right hand and produced a dismissive gesture.
"Don't worry about it. I am more so curious where you managed to get that food. But today has been quite long and I suppose I will go without my interrogation habits. Just for this once," Nishi further said as she looked at the pot before throwing a look around in the room.

"So, how has the settling been? And business," Nishi decided to inquire, only to point to the room she had came from with a thumb, "seems you are doing quite alright."

"Traded. Some leftovers from rations. And nearby forest." she answered as if it were all clockwork, her focus on the soup that seemed about ready. The pot was then dragged away from the fire and the liquid cooled down a bit. Then, the salad bowl was brought to the table, set next to the bread with a couple of large, wooden spoons to get a better grip on the contents. The vinaigrette seemed pretty standard, although with a lack of mustard it was a bit more oily than usual. There was very much some garlic however, quite a bit. Alsanna gestured invitingly toward one of the chairs, "Please, sit. Standing while eating gives you the shits more often, apparently." she took a seat as well, and commenced serving some salad as an appetiser.

First Nishi was offered some, and then she served her own, "Water's a plenty, don't hesitate." she said mid-serving. With her food before her, eating habits were now exposed, and this one's approach seemed to be very little bits at a time, cut up and made to be about as large as the fork's width, "I mean settling's the same, but if you mean this? It's uh … Okay? Got some regulars. Had some Northern gal stop by. Cute face, decent at conversation. I tried hard to not be weird." munch, she took a couple of bites from her salad, "And what are you doing? Or rather, how are you? Like, what do you do when work isn't calling?"

Taking a seat at the table, Nishi seemed once more slightly surprised but no usual banter or jab towards Alsanna's address came. Placing her arms on the table, Nishi slightly leaned forward as she eyed the food. Upon hearing that it was traded and the nearby forest, Nishi's lips parted again. Only for her to remind herself what she had said not too long ago.
"Oh? Making friends?" Nishi asked, not holding back her curiosity. The question of what she did when not on duty, Nishi leaned back in her seat.
"I honestly am never really off duty. That is the whole problem of people starting to rely on you or when you have climbed the ladder a bit." Nishi replied, considering what to tell Alsanna. There seemed oddly enough nothing that made the jounin wary, which indirectly was creating a sensation of serenity as giving Nishi's mind a strange reason to be wary.

"I actually just enjoy some peace and silence. I would say that I like to read or even try to draft something of my own. But with the current situation? It is rather hard to do so." Nishi explained, not holding back or covering up with the familiar cynicism. "Aside from that, I am okay. Just busy. A lot of planning and discussions are happening right now. Nothing too exciting, sadly," she finished, reaching for the water to pour Alsanna some first and then herself.
"I did hear some talk about folk getting some useful stuff. Of course, I did suspect that you were up to something. But honestly," taking a bit of the served up food, Nishi first chewed and emptied her mouth, "I am quite happy that you decided to indulge in this. In hindsight? Not a bad idea to keep yourself occupied and who knows what kind of connections you can gain from this kind of endeavour."

"Dunno about friends. Bit quick to yammer about national blunders and pride or whatever. Still better than most around us, though." her elbow rested over the corner of the table and her hand supported her cheek while she continued to indulge little portion by little portion, "If you want chopsticks, I got some too. Just prefer this for steaks." she added as an aside, her blue gaze finally directing itself to the other before her. Her fork-wielding hand released the utensil for a moment and seized a slice of bread which she used to clean some of the vinaigrette from her plate and eat off the slice, "Reading. What do you like to read, Nishi? If it's some extra juicy stuff, I'll even consider making desserts extra special." she smiled a toothy grin.

A light burp had already escaped her, though she did contain it, and downed the moment with a bit of water she served herself, only to then offer some to Nishi non-verbally, "I always try to keep busy. I never liked standing still. Stagnating." her eyes focused on her food again as she indulged, and despite her nibble-pace, she seemed to cover quite a bit of grounds, "I did some tats in prison, was also a permanent ward in the infirmary five days a week. Also cashier for cigs during my cellmate's betting B-S." she gestured her fork while speaking, with her sentences punctuated by a quick bite of some salad, "I was hoping we'd have such an outing in a less shithole-like shithole, likely at the house I lived in all my life, maybe, but seems we're stuck here … Indefinitely? Are we REALLY that essential?"

Much similar to Alsanna, Nishi's portions were quite small. A certain grace accompanied the motions that were utilized by the woman as she enjoyed the food prepared by Alsanna. The burp provoked a glance from Nishi, but that would be all from the jounin. Once Alsanna was done questioning if they were that essential, Nishi first cleared her mouth.
"Perhaps 'we' aren't. If you still desire to be send back to the Authority, I can attempt to provide some passage for you." Nishi calmly stated, allowing a pause to follow as she took another bite from her food. A subtle nod followed, already emphasizing Nishi's approval of the dish.
"I like it. What you made," she elaborated before opting to answer the other topics brought to the conversation before by Alsanna. "I like to read a lot of things. Drama, poetry and all that sort. I even used to try to dabble in creating some of my own. But sadly, I got none with me. So you just have to be patient and survive this whole ordeal for me to share some with you. If I want to by then, of course."

Once more indulging in the food, Nishi made it subtly clear that she was enjoying it. Such as a soft grumble that clearly sounded positive, Nishi cleared her mouth once more. Raising her water, she weighed the cup and its content.
"I can only approve that. Not wanting to stagnate. Sadly, it is a state that many will eventually find themselves in. But to each their own, I suppose." Taking a sip of her water, Nishi would put the cup down. "I do want to ask. Why did you write me a letter? When you could have simply searched for me? I honestly doubt I am that hard to find these days."

"I don't want to go." Alsanna answered immediately after, her tone somewhat drier but conveying nothing more than a plain answer. Then, she just ate. One, two, three bites. Which left her plate mostly empty. With that, she stood and brought the bowl to the singular cupboard, to trade it for two small bowls that she'd fill with the slightly cooler but still hot soup, "I just want to understand what the logic is. I'd assume we have the manpower to rotate people. Or maybe we don't. That'd be unfortunate news." she spoke while preparing the next course, which would be two normal bowls on a platter with her tomato soup in it, one for each, "You've only had the salad, this is where the compliments should pour in." she smirked, allowing Nishi to take in the soup before her. It was viscous, far less watery than some may find in rations, as if it actually had matter in it. There was a strong onion-taste and evident garlic too. But also traces of carrot bits and some potatoes too. All very healthy. She herself dug into it quite quickly, taking bigger spoonfuls relative to the small bits she took for the salad.

Her throat was cleared when the notion of letter sending was brought up over simple, every day exchange. She stopped her eating and had a long 'uuhhh' linger for a few seconds, "Full honesty? I got hammered. Because bullshit. And I maaaaayyyy have sent more than a few letters via birds. Yours was the tammest mind you. Heh." awkward, flustered and very much amused despite all of it, she couldn't help but giggle, "Never pegged you for the artsy-type, though. Here I thought you kind of just … Worked out or something, like a lot. And then had a very secret hobby or whatever. Which I'm suuuuuure you do." she tilted her head, as if expecting a reaction from Nishi.

Nishi didn't respond to Alsanna stating that she didn't want to go back. Nor on the statement that she wanted to understand the logic. There were various reasons that Nishi could provide but she doubted that would take away the frustration from Alsanna. Or in any case provide any change, so Nishi decided that it was better to let the girl air her questions or thoughts.
Being served the next dish, Nishi used her wooden spoon to go through the bowl of soup. The scent that came from it was alluring, more so than the usual food that was served.
"Hm, alright," Nishi mumbled as she dug in herself as well. Already after the first bite, the woman's neutral expression rapidly shifted. Clearly enjoying the soup, Nishi's portions still remained dignified and small. Overhearing that, Alsanna got hammered and decided to write letters Nishi didn't reply once more instantly.

After a few bites, Nishi placed the spoon down and intertwined her hands. The woman's gaze fell on Alsanna. The usual frown and scepticism was present as Nishi decided to question her pupil further.
"You got hammered and then wrote letters? To whom, aside from me?" Nishi asked, finding that more intriguing than the possibility of sharing more of her hobbies or personal passions.

Alsanna eyed Nishi's body language, and in turn adjusted her own posture to straighten it, though she would not abandon her enjoyment of the meal before her, "You." she started off the list, her head tipping slightly to the right while her cheek inflated on the same side when she took in some soup. Slowly she 'masticated' it before swallowing and then tipping her head to the opposite side, "Hikari." then to the left, along with another soup serving, "The General." to the right, "Someone … I knew in prison." to the left, although this time her head craned back a little and she didn't store some soup in her mouth this time, "And a friend I've made. A pen pal!" she finished, setting herself properly once more.

"And why do you care? Some things I've sent were silly but certainly not offensive. I'm actually less of a cunt when I drink, apparently." her expression showed some surprise when she brought up that fact, "Am I in trouble for sending basic correspondence?"

The mention of Hikari didn't provoke anything from Nishi. But when Alsanna stated she had written the general a letter, Nishi let her head hang for a second or two - a clear indication on what she thought about that action. A heavy sigh preceded Nishi raising her chin and throwing a slightly disappointed look at Alsanna.
"It depends on what you send. But," picking back up the spoon, Nishi didn't finish the dish right away, "you are a chuunin now. It is time you learn how to take care of your own mistakes." After her response, Nishi calmly continued on and finished the dish.

Placing the wooden spoon in the bowl Nishi seemed quite sated with how the food had tasted. Taking the cup with water the jounin leaned once more back in her seat. "Now I only wonder about why you decided to get hammered. You don't strike me as the type to just indulge in alcohol because 'fun'." Pausing for a second, Nishi seemed to consider a question.
"Why did you start to drink?"
"If the General kills me over some silly letter, please. PLEASE. Turn him into a ghoul in my memory." she chuckled, pushing aside her nearly finished soup to the side, with her leg now setting itself over the other. The steak was still behind her, but it was maybe time to take a breather from eating. There was no hurry, and water was important, "But I don't drink. Nor do I have a habit like you. I detest the loss of control." her posture tightened itself just a tad, with her arms almost folding only for her palms to just rest over the drapes that covered the table, "So yeah, something did happen."

A few seconds followed, the usual avoidant gaze with her lips pursed indicated some mauling of ideas and words, "Just some shit news from the jailhouse acquaintance. Well. Shit because of my dumbassery." arms stretched upwards, which prompted a nervous yawn from the teen before she'd concede and actually fold her arms right under her chest, "Like you with some probably quite cheesy poetry and novels, I do have my own quirks that don't exactly align with what I prefer to project. It does come down to something I have a particular fondness for." her tone had calmed itself, she was composed and her azure eyes were fixed on the other, "Some would say it's a weakness. Wouldn't disagree. Still, I can't help it."

Despite Nishi's doubt that the general would do such a thing, or even care much for whatever Alsanna would write, her request was met with a soft chuckle. When Alsanna did state that something happened, Nishi's body language shifted. She leaned forwards once more and seemed genuinely interested in what would follow.
As Alsanna stated that she had received some 'shit' news, Nishi didn't try to fill in the blank right away. Allowing Alsanna to talk further without any interruption, Nishi's eyes seemed to search for something as she kept her gaze on her pupil.
"Imagine that. The Witch of Sevudia is still human," a lighthearted tone was faintly present as Nishi continued, "it is fine though. I don't judge you. What was this person like? Did you guys share like, I don't know," shrugging lightly, Nishi seemed for some reason intrigued by the whole concept of Alsanna having friends in or from prison, "share stories? Or have some sort of bonding experience that made you two close? Or did you, well, like-like them?"

"Of course you judge me, it's also human to do so. I'm not too concerned over that. It's more so a me-thing. We are our harshest judges yaddee-yadda, you know it." she gestured in dismissal, a clear attempt to downplay, as she again stood and switched up the soup for the final course before desserts: The meat! Two nice steaks of venison surrounded by sliced potatoes and garnished with some Jirian seasoning. Of course she took her own and proceeded to eat in a similar manner to the salad, albeit slower. She started with the fat of all things from the slice of steak, "Mmm. She wasn't some cellmate. No, that one was a true dumbass but she had clout, so she made a good friend. She got out not long after me so no letters." shaking her head, she rambled a bit while favouring the vegetables over the meat.

"No, there is something that I've had issues accepting about me. Or rather I feel like it's just unfitting of my nature. I suppose." with that beating around the bush, she actually reached her fork for one of Nishi's potatoes and essentially stole some, as hers were running out, "I have this adoration for children, or even younger teens to an extent, that makes me sound far, far too motherly for the cunt that I am." her eyes were never once going to meet Nishi's when she admitted this, with her facial features very much stressed but her voice regular, "Naturally, there'd be some younger ones in the prison I was in, given I was barely fifteen. Unfortunately with the revolution and all that crap, institutions were undergoing many overhauls, which in turn led to many administrative screwups. Which then leads to little, innocent tarts ending with the more … Unsavoury gals." her tone was charged with many inclinations, as if she was telling some sort of tale, "One of these little tarts was barely twelve, and already desecrated by the colourful nature of this pretty world I thrusted myself into."

Nishi took another sip of her water, instead of responding to Alsanna right away. Allowing the girl to say what was on her mind and explain why she cared so much about the other person, Nishi's features subtly softened. Even allowing Alsanna to steal some of her potatoes without any 'resistance'. Picking at her own dish, Nishi noticed the change in Alsanna's demeanour. And this time, she didn't seek anything behind it.
"So what did you do?" Nishi just asked, inviting Alsanna to ask further. Spotting that she had one potato remaining, Nishi sliced it in half and shoved one half towards the plate's side - a subtle invitation for Alsanna to enjoy it.

"Nothing, at first. You don't mess with other people's affairs in prison." she replied outright, and went for a sip herself. A silence reigned afterward, her mouth and hands busy with cutting up quite the chunk of medium rare she'd slowly savour, "There were a few like that one. Not that there were loads of predators of the sort in our wards, they were usually in the adult wings. But as I said," a second potato was stolen, even if she still had some on her plate, "Slip-ups and inefficient bureaucracy. Also too many prisoners. Anyway." chewing away, she even talked with her food still in her mouth, foregoing some manners.

Alsanna's eyebrows furrowed as she recalled more and more, "This one, though. I mean twelve is minuscule. And she was going to be caught between my cellmate's and the bitch that was pawing her's beef." speaking of beef, she took another big chunk of her steak and masticated rather loudly, "So I pulled a favour from said cellmate, given the rivalries I could probably get away with this." she was still chewing and gestured with her fork twirling in the air, "She didn't remind me of anyone, nor was she any more puppy-eyed than others. I suppose the rumours about the kid and how she presented herself despite, well, what was up, gave me the impression that there was some mental fortitude I could admire." swallowing, she sucked in her cheek, "I was slightly wrong there. But nonetheless, I did take this tart under my wing. It made the stay a little more distracting."

That accounts for a lot of situations, Nishi mused to herself as Alsanna answered. The silence that followed wasn't in any way awkward for Nishi. She even caught herself being curious to learn more, to have Alsanna speak and open up. An odd revelation but not an unwelcome one.
"You took her underneath your wing," Nishi began, her tone radiating her curiosity. "How did that go? I never went to prison, so I have no clue how something like that can work in there," Nishi half-lied, deciding that it could help Alsanna to continue on. "What was her name though. Of the tart."
Questioned further, Alsanna did not seem in a hurry to answer everything. The steak was left aside as she returned to her nigh-finished bowl of soup, and just drank directly from the bowl before she'd provide a verbal response, "Never been captured either? I do recall we've been cellmates for a good … Hour? I'm sure it wasn't the first time for you." a chuckle escaped her as a rag next to her plate was taken to brush her lips clean, "Her name's Sayaka. Pretty standard in the mainland-island-thing, unlike Alsanna. Gods did she always ask questions about my name." an exaggerated roll of eyes followed that comment, "It went. It just went. I actually owed two favours since I had to get her moved to another, closer cell. The amount of tats and drug-slipping I had to do." a quick tilt of her head displayed her annoyance, "The positive was that she listened. And followed me, like a dog. It was cute at first. But given her evident upbringing, it did not stay healthy for long." she paused, pupils rising as she thought for a second, "Well, as healthy as it gets in some neglected prison, completely at the bottom of a freshly revolutionised country known for its more brutal aspects in the past's priority list."

Nishi frowned but it was evident that she was amused. "Ah yes, our time together in the same cell was bliss. I already am looking forward to the next time when we are in such a situation again. Maybe when we pick up Hikari, we will find ourselves once more locked in." Nishi replied as she took in the new information as well. The amusement of Nishi increased upon hearing that the 'tart' was quite curious and asked questions. Something that seemed quite ironic, given their usual dynamic, Nishi thought to herself. When Alsanna finished, Nishi decided to pose a more direct question.
"So what became of this Sayaka?" Nishi wanted to add something to it but judging by the fact that the news regarding the 'tart' had driven Alsanna to drink, she already assumed it wasn't in any sense positive.

"Yeah, gonna do the dirties for some favours toward the mighty Yuyuko Takeda, Kingpin of Shithole County Prison?" she snickered, pushing her plate away as she'd rest her elbow over the edge of the table and rest her chin over her palm, "Speaking of Yuyuko, you do know she's a nutty girl that's too spineless to confront you, right? May wanna establish some things, and maybe boundaries." sucking her in her cheek, it took her a few seconds to continue, "Boundaries, actually, were the first thing I had to teach Sayaka, given how out of hand certain advances and questions were. Made me feel uncomfortable and would get her killed if she got bold enough now that I had her back." her lower jaw shifted, prompting a light pop from the joint.

Alsanna let her back sag against the dining chair, looking a bit bloated, "But yeah, she got out before me. Arrested for being some drug mule or something, nothing major. But-" she needed an extra sip of water for this one, "Old habits die hard. The same fucker that got custody of Sayaka, her half-brother I believe, and probable dealer-slash-pimp, sent me a gracious letter." venom oozed from her tone, her voice getting almost raspy, "My little protege was made to 'recuperate' from the 'vacation' taken in Os', which means she'd die there when inevitably caught, which got me in a very, VERY bad mood." her fork was stabbed into the meat, nearly piercing the ceramic plate under it, "Y'know, I actually grew to really like that tart. And she knew it. And thus he knew, because she told him everything, like the little obedient creature she was raised to be." the fork was let go, as she'd brush her hair back, over her ear, "I was essentially blackmailed. And I capitulated. Much to my anger-induced tantrum I threw for a good ten minutes. Ten gold dragons, Nishi." her lips parted slightly and her mouth remained agape while she slowly nodded. This was not a happy Alsanna.

"That is just something I didn't need to hear," Nishi said, shaking her head as she visibly showed her disgust to the comment, "And is she?" Nishi's stance became slightly more businesslike when Alsanna stated that Yuyuko was too afraid to seek a confrontation of some sorts. "I could perhaps find some time. Granted, I do guess you are right. It is best to establish some understanding. Even if I have some reservations about her. Non important though," Nishi said, dismissing to further talk about Yuyuko.
When Alsanna explained what happened to Sayaka, Nishi's features hardened. But her opinion or thoughts didn't leave her lips or were betrayed by her expression. Only for her lips to form a thin line, while listening further to Alsanna.
"Hm," Nishi remained silent as she eyed the remaining food in front of her on her plate. Her fork gently played around with the cut up bits, driving them together and forming some odd patterns, only to be broken in a calm gesture of some arbitrary decision as Nishi mulled over something.
"When did you lose the money? And where did you send it?" Nishi calmly asked as she drove her fork in a slice of meat, raising it but not moving it towards her lips.

Alsanna raised an eyebrow, "Reservations? Over the girl that thinks a sword is like a brother to her? How unreasonable of you." she had cooled off a little now, the frustration in her evident but her posture was a little less stiff. There was no more picking of her food, it seemed as though she was done, "I didn't lose it, I just gave it away to the half-brother, by sending it to the capital. I mean, I'd need Aristedes to tell me the exact address if that's what you want." her hand rose up to brush her folded forehead, her exhales were more forced and pronounced, "They'll likely try to milk more. And, well, I don't intend to be a paypig."

Standing up, she'd take her place and offer to take Nishi's as she sought to clear the table, "So I'm developing a little memento for my blackmailing friend. Problem is whether I have the time for it or not, or even the ability to." she rambled on, placing the dishes into a water bucket while the leftovers were put in a specialised container, "Anyway. All that to say, Nishi, I have a few things to go back to. But at the same time, I'm uncertain if I truly want to."

"Now now," Nishi began, "I agree. To hold such an obsession for a simple sword is strange. But we have been raised differently. We hold and experience different perspectives of the world. Although, yes, it is somewhat strange to call a mere weapon brother. But I will see what I can do with that bit of knowledge," Nishi stated. When Alsanna offered to take the plate, Nishi took the last bite and then gave it. Chewing on the last bit of good food, Nishi nodded to gesture that she understood what Alsanna meant.
"I somewhat understand, yeah. Or I think that I do," the words being spoken in a calmer, slower pace as it was clear that Nishi weighed them carefully. "It is a shame that the capital is so large and populated. Else I would have offered some tips and tricks on how to reward someone for keeping you updated." Nishi further said, seeming genuine about her words. "But what else? Want to stay here in the east, even if the whole conflict will end?"

"Fuck no." Alsanna answered to Nishi's question, turning her head to face her teacher while she dipped the rest of the utensils into the improvised dishwasher, "I'll probably return, if this place has nothing else and I'm not compelled by some force somewhere specific." with most of the dirty items in water, Alsanna actually left the room for a brief moment, and returned with a small bottle containing a similar, blue drink that Nishi had tasted last time, "Although now you know I'm actually somewhat of a human being, I think it's time I figure out if you still feel something too." the Roshesh she'd set before Nishi, along with a small glass, was definitely 'purer' than the last batch, as it was a sample from the big drink she had been advertising.

She took a seat, and served herself some of it. A very small amount, barely shot-worthy, and she just took mini-sips, "You told me about your sister. A tragic tale. What of your other relatives? Significant other? You've already told me about the poetry, so at this point no reason to feel a modicum of shame." she snickered with a toothy smirk.

Relaxing, Nishi didn't rise up or ask where Alsanna was going. But when Alsanna came back and posed her questions, Nishi wished silently that she had. Leaning back in her seat, some of Nishi's warmth and the softness present in her features ebbed away. Replaced with the usual mask of a cold neutral that refused to lay open.
"Other relatives died. An accident took their lives. I was away when my family died." Nishi said, her attention briefly darting to the Roshesh before back at Alsanna. "I never had the time to have a significant other. Sure, I had crushes. But being a high ranked nin means you have more responsibilities and less time to attend to such pursuits." Nishi elaborated. "Certainly when you have a power hungry Mizukage at the helm. Or a paranoid one. Work just never ends in that kind of situation."
Becoming silent, Nishi averted her gaze and flexed the fingers of her left hand. Her lips parted ever so slightly but then formed the same thin line that seemed plastered on Nishi's face. Briefly, the ice cold mask seemed to crack as guilt seemed to hint at something.
"I don't like to talk about my family. It is a tad too personal." Nishi decided, turning a calm look back at Alsanna. "What I told you was already more than enough, no?"

The absolute bummer of a response left even Alsanna just speechless, merely blinking and awkwardly peering to the side. First her lips pursed, then they opened only to utter nothing. It'd be when she began drumming her fingers over the surface before her that she'd just say, "Right. Sorry." addressing both the tragic piece of information and the discomfort Nishi felt over discussing it. Alsanna's voice was made somewhat mousy when she sheepishly offered the smallest of condolences.
Clearing her throat, the host of this soirée tried to shake off some of the nervousness accrued from the change in tone, going from a slight drama without a definitive conclusion to a cold tragedy. She thus somewhat clumsily addressed something else, "Soooooo, you've never been with someone?" a somewhat judgemental but clearly more teasing expression than anything reigned on her visage. Leaning in a little, she pushed a little more, "Not even a little kissy-lovey partner at the wee-age of yours truly?"

Nishi anticipated that Alsanna wouldn't let it drop that easily. Slightly surprised at the apology that followed, instead of a protest or more questions, Nishi slightly raised her right hand. "It is alright." The words combined with the dismissive wave, hopefully allowing some of the previous tension to flow away.
"Perhaps one day I will tell you. It's just a lot to take in. And a lot to talk about it." Nishi explained, feeling a bit sorry aside from the guilt that she tried to push to the back of her mind.
"Oh, I have. But a true lady won't kiss and tell," Nishi replied, slightly amused as her pupil steered the subject. "As I told you, I never went to prison. And the occupation I had wasn't really allowing much of a free or personal life, if you catch my drift. But I did have some romances, yes." The woman shared, sizing Alsanna up. "Now I would ask you the same thing. But judging your feisty attitude and rather, boldness, I already fear what kind of victims you made or going to make. Then again," her lips curled upwards in a faint smile, "as long as you don't decide to pick a tool or weapon and start to fawn over it."

"Some romances. Right. That sounds so weird." arms were crossed under her chest, again, as Alsanna gave a squint of suspicion, "Tell me about the best one, then. The romantic escapade that made your heart throb an extra beat." another mini-sip from her Roshesh was taken, "And why do people assume every facet of me is weird and depraved? As if I'm some sort of psycho! So far, I'll tell ya', all oddities I may have shown had rational reasons behind them." slightly indignant, her eye roll came with quite the whiny tone.

"It is all about how you carry yourself, Alsanna." Nishi responded, the smug phrasing accompanied by a slight amused tonation. "It isn't weird or depraved. I used feisty and bold. Good attributes, for sure. But they can intimidate the majority from daring to approach you. Or even consider you as a romantic interest." The woman elaborated further, filling her cup with some water. "But the romantic escapade that makes me sigh and desire for more? Hmm," pausing, Nishi seemed to visibly ponder on the matter - her visage turning to a blank stare as her lips curled slightly in a smile.
"None." She would conclude, the smile turning into a faint grin. "I haven't met my prince charming yet. My romantic interests have been brief and originating from a desire, if we keep our language civilized. But I don't have a desire to pursue anyone. Perhaps I learned and adjusted too well to being independent and not being chained to someone. Even though I am well aware of how people can perceive that as a positive, being chained to someone else."

"Pfffttt. I'm fine if others see me that way. I'm just surprised you used these qualifiers. For all you know, I could be a fragile flower~" as she went for another Roshesh sip, her idle hand so gently set itself over her own heart in a dramatic fashion. Alsanna didn't stop with one sip, and just finished her glass before posting it on the surface before her, "Not even in prison did I get an advance. And I wasn't even scary or that bitchy there. Mostly kept a low profile, actually. I almost felt offended."

Alsanna rested her back against her chair, one leg over the other and cheek just barely leaning over the closest shoulder, "Just flings? Really? Only primitive and carnal desires? How absolutely …" she paused with a disappointed grimace on her face, "Boring! Giving yourself to nothings. Tsk tsk. You'd think after specialising in this field it'd lose its magic, but nope." her hanging foot began to draw circles in the air which prompted a light hiss after a few spins, "Only sought out even more meaning from it now that I grasped just how unappealing the process, in all its glory, truly is."

"Are you really? With how you have been, with the team? Or are you perhaps seeking someone to actually make an advance?" Nishi questioned in return. A soft chuckle escaped the woman as her pupil announced that her answer wasn't up to her desire. Taking a sip of her water Nishi wouldn't entertain Alsanna with a fabricated story, after all. When Alsanna stated that investing so much, the spark of a certain specialism would lose its magic, Nishi casually shrugged.
"It is different for everyone. I am content with most things in life. I don't need to find something exciting or to give myself an adrenaline boost. I suppose even someone as me can be a bit dull and grey." Nishi responded. She took a second to observe Alsanna before the grin dawned again.
"But don't worry. If you desire to seek out romantic adventures of your own, go ahead. I don't genuinely worry too much from what I have seen and understand of you or the two others.And else? I suppose it is a bridge that has to be crossed if we ever set foot near it." A mischievous wink following the words as another amused scoff escaped Nishi.
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[ The Fortress of Balagan | Sevudia, Eastern Continent ]
[ Merry Dinner | A collab between @DeliciousFood and @Oetje ]
[ Part 2 of 2 ]

[ "We're friends, right?" ]

[ And with dinner out of the way, there's nothing like pondering the gloomy, cold nights near Balagan, and let the unseen rear it's head. ]

Alsanna squinted at the other's direction, grimacing further, "Who the fuck is there to make an advance on me? Y'know, the fact that nothing happened in prison made me realize that I probably had little to fear in an even bigger shithole." exhaling loudly from her nostrils, she opted to drink some water now, with the liquor now downed, "Besides, nobody here keeps up with yours truly anyway. Some would say I'm wild, or something. I'm any but, buuuuut, you did say it, it's how I present myself." she checked out her nails during the coming humble-brag, "Also, y'know, very little can match this noggin. It'd get boring soooo fast!"

Remarking on some filth under her nails, she now had a little fixation on cleaning them while pursuing the exchange, "You don't care for adrenaline boosts but you sought out adrenaline boosts via flings with people not worth more than fifteen minutes in some dingy storage room." looking around, she raised an eyebrow, "And by that logic it seems I've beaten them all with just food-play." both eyebrows raised as she made a purposefully silly face, "So you've never loved anybody. Then, have you ever hated anybody?"

"Indeed, so very fast," Nishi seemingly agreed, though the tone betrays that she was half mocking the statement of her pupil. Not that she saw any usage in providing her own view further. It wasn't her life, anyways.
"Hm, I never said anything about the locations. Nor do I find it necessary to inform you about my experiences," Nishi's tone slightly growing less amused. "But sure, I will amuse you. In my loveless and oh so dull life, I have actually felt some, hm, extremes. Such as hate, yes." Nishi paused as she glanced briefly at the cup with only a slight bit of water in it. "I used to imagine myself stabbing perhaps one or two Mizukages. To rid myself of them or their proclaimed influence. Even if the Suzu claimed that they could become ghosts and be the most powerful assassins, they all went down in a shitty way. I did have a plan. But as we both know, the Suzu and Mizukages are dead. Without me risking my own life to see some sort of glee-laced vengeance being enacted. Other than that? I don't think I have felt strongly negative towards someone else that I could describe as hatred."

Frowning in return, Nishi raised an index and pointed at Alsanna in a direct fashion. "So what about you? You innocent, sweet summer-virgin. Who had the mere audacity to call the wrath and fury of Alsanna, hm?"

"It was a joke." her index did a little spin as her hand rose up, "Because we're in a storage room. And- Yeah. Now I have to explain it. Good job, ya' turd."that same hand gestured in annoyance in dismissal while she let an exaggerated sigh escape her. Then she burped, very softly, like a little creature that had eaten far too much, and she had hastily covered her mouth. Then a couple others came as if she had hiccups.
"Bleh. Anyway. Yeah. So you hated your bosses. Didn't you also hate that student of yours that messed up royally? And that Hikari feels super-ultra guilty over? Yeah, that royal screwup that I'm definitely not going to bring up a few times." she snickered, but kept it brief as to not have it go beyond the more laid back territory she was trying to maintain, "But me? Uhm- Wait. Fuck you." she even flipped off the woman before her, "I've probably seen more action than you've ever had. In all its revolting details." clearing her throat, she continued, "But hating people? Yeah. A few. Well, maybe not personally. I hate the fucker I told you about. I hate … Hmm. Just, things, I guess." she scratched her nape.

"I aim to please. Mostly myself," Nishi replied to the banter. The burp did provoke a frown once more from Nishi but nothing verbal. "Sure you have, it explains your excellent approach and taste, I can't question that.' A soft honeyed tone only hinting towards the further mockery of Alsanna's romantic experiences.
When Alsanna questioned if Nishi didn't hate Yukimi Yuki or the fact that Hikari felt super guilty didn't elicit any immediate response.
"If I have to compare my 'hate' towards my 'previous bosses' with Yuki or Hikari? No, I would just say a strong dislike. But I always disliked incompetence. Putting it as hate is perhaps too strongly formulated." Nishi responded.

"How dull, to use your own word." Nishi would reply, after Alsanna's own answer. "I figured you had a stronger opinion on people and things. Or at least, that is how you act and present yourself. Then again, you also showed some apathy towards people." Clearly observing Alsanna, Nishi made a subtle gesture; slightly jerking her head upwards before posing her question. "So what things do you vehemently dislike then? Aside from seeing potential science projects being scorched, despite them being ugly threats."

A large, exaggerated shrug was Alsanna's response to the back and forth, "Yes, call me doctor love now. I can give you all the glorious details as to why your immaculate conception is the least wondrous thing ever." and then they lazily fell down, hitting the table with a loud thud. The glass would nearly fall, too, though she'd react quickly enough to avoid a catastrophe.

"So, do you still dislike Hikari? Or is that phase over?" the arm that stayed on the table had its elbow press onto the surface and the hand support her own chin, "Because, realizing it now, she was but a peewee. With you as a guide. Ultimately, punishing her for it beyond the guilt factor is a bit excessive. Besides, it sounds like the actual issues has been excised."

Alsanna's fingers drummed over her cheek as she took a moment to think, giving time for Nishi to address what she had said, "A lot of things. Bureaucracy, that's a big one. Telling me what's what when you don't match my skills. That's common. Rare meat. Raisins. Sand paper. People with artsy identities, Gods I actually hate those so much. Actually I dislike any people whose personalities are just one crappy thing. This one lad made blacksmithing his whole identity and he was just the dullest, more uninteresting person to exist." rambling on, her idle hand was quite busy gesturing, "I dislike cheese. Uh, I also dislike taxes. They found me out partially due to that, even if taxes weren't being paid during these times, sort of. Revolution and all. Narcotics. Booze, most of the time. Unless I make it. Corn. Urchins. Hmm …" she stared longingly at nothing in particular, to Nishi's right, "I do hate a couple of people personally, actually. But, eh. It'll put me in a foul mood. Fouler than usual."

"I dislike Hikari for wasting her potential. And perhaps slightly for not being more, greedy," Nishi decided to elaborate, "let us take you for example. You are constantly trying to improve yourself. Or try to engage with what you can. I support that. Hikari has, however, been too tunnel visioned. A sort of stagnation, for the lack of words. I dislike that but it is simply the curse of those who lack a good drive to reach further."
It was tempting to probe the girl further with questions. To turn the tables and inquire why she hated those 'couple of people', what they had done. But Nishi decided to not push it. This time.
"You alright? Perhaps a more cheerful topic should rejuvenate your spirits." The jounin had some topics in mind but one did jump out. "Of course, what I could tell is very classified. But I have acquired some details on what our next mission will be. Perhaps I should inform you, so that you could perhaps prepare yourself. Seeing that you are the esteemed scholar of us all," Nishi finished.

"Your assessment of her isn't off the the mark." her absent gaze had returned toward the other, regaining some life and lucidity as Alsanna re-focused her attention, "But she's shown some initiative as of recently. Stagnation may not be the appropriate term anywhere. Disoriented, maybe? I feel as though she's never carved a place for herself. Maybe this can be a gateway?" any sort of jest, venom or snide tone she could have seemed to have evaporated as she got halfway in her explanation, as if she were discussing some sort of project or objective as thoroughly as she could, "In any case, may I recommend you, err … Obligate? A form of specialisation? As a Chuunin, I do think it's about time she has her own identity. Yuyuko is clearly some swordsman, close range speedy-gal. Simple, which fits her simplicity. Now we need Hikari to know her place."

Alsanna nodded as to the question whether she was fine or nod, raising her hand and gesturing in a passive manner to manifest dismissal, "I actually wanted to bring up the notion of information from the start, but kind of got carried by the moment." in turn, Alsanna was the one pointing toward Nishi, "I don't have an issue with being lied to. Or keeping the other two in the dark, but," her head leaned every so slightly to the side as her posture straightened, "I don't want asymmetry of information between us, Nishi. It is a complete waste of my abilities to just have me DO things. I want the why. Even if it's confidential, just … Give me something. That way I can shut the other two up when they inevitably whine or blindly trust you like idiots when you're occupied." she pursed her lips for a brief moment, "I think I've earned that privilege. And it would just be a boon to us all."

For a moment it appeared as if Nishi weighed the decision. Only for her to lightly shake her head. "I could yes but I won't." The short answer wasn't immediately followed by anything that could serve to provide insight on why Nishi decided as such.
"Specialisations are something you need to choose for yourself. Yuyuko's example is quite simple but efficient. She focuses on swinging a sharp metal rod around. That is all fine and fair. But imagine if you had to try to teach her medicinal knowledge or worse, the difficulty of applying said knowledge in the field. Her interests may not be there. Her talents not adhering to what we desire. Or simply, for the sake of the example, what you desire. It isn't just going to happen with me teaching a specialisation to one of you guys. If there is no interest, it will be a waste."
Once more it seemed that Nishi's usual calm mask cracked, a genuine but yet faint smile settling on her lips.
"Of course. Though I do have taken a liking of having two dumb puppies follow me. I wouldn't mind if they were a tad more pleasing to look at but that is just the subjectivity of beauty, I fear. Anyhow," crossing her legs, Nishi paused to remember what she had been briefed about. "It seems that some interesting developments are taking place. Remember the previous mission? We were informed then that we had to be wary of any Rongese troops being in our way. It is why I had the bone finger artefact with us. The odd part is that there were no signs of any living Rongese forces to bar entry towards the Qinjings. Such a fact has been quite unsettling. According to what we have learned from the Qinjings is that there should be a quite large force. Those don't tend to acquire the habit of vanishing in thin air. It is why things have been taken a bit slower. But I suppose you aren't intrigued in the affairs of military or warfare as much as what I am going to tell you now."

Allowing a moment of silence to pursue her words, just to tease Alsanna and hype up the bit of next information, Nishi even softened her voice - as if they were about to plot the demise of the Roju himself.
"Northern scouts have found something unsettling. Dead Rongese and what appears to be an underground library. If we can assume that the Northerners can actually count, then there are several dozens and more books, tomes and scrolls there. We are to investigate what an underground library is just doing in the middle of nowhere in Sevudia. Cause either the Qinjings don't know or they are lying. Either way, I am to get you guys ready once the green light has been given. Then we will get to do some investigation on that spot."

Alsanna raised her index finger as if interrupting Nishi, though she only did so when the adult had finished her lecture on specialisations, "Don't choose for her. MAKE her choose. Every Chuunin specialises in some way, even if their speciality is general and dull. With that established, we can work on team dynamic." she seized the small towel she used as a handkerchief during the meal and brushed her side of the table before she stood and began clearing Nishi's side as well. Glasses and plates that remained were neatly piled and stacked over her free hand, "We're too reliant on you right now. It's not good. You and I have the most cohesion, but we're a four-man team. If the other two aren't useful, they're burdens." everything was brought to the water bucket, where she commenced cleaning.

"Y'know, warfare's actually super cool. The issue is none of you are ready for my methods. Until the enemy releases a 'devil' like these Northerners like to describe." she paused and turned toward Nishi, "I actually need to check out what they meant by that, actually. Yes, out of massive curiosity, but we've much to gain to know what the fuck they have hiding, right?" with that said, she continued to clean up while the exchange continued.

"A library. Can you read their language, Nishi? Will we have someone who can translate?" this time she didn't confer a glance toward the other, focusing on all that scrubbing, "I do not have my blue bird. Which would make rudimentary translation difficult. Although, I won't hide the fact that if we get past the boring language barrier, I am actually getting the mega hots already."

The jounin didn't deign a response to the statement of Alsanna about the team. Leaning from the table to allow her pupil to clean the table, Nishi had her own thoughts and opinion. And she would just allow the chuunin to state her opinion, that was enough for now.
"A devil," the two words pronounced with a slower pace than normal, indicating that Nishi's curiosity was piqued. "What do you mean a devil? Unless they are talking about a bijuu, there are only a few other names that could have that meaning," Nishi said, frowning as she then decided to await what Alsanna could elaborate on the matter. If the Northerners had a jinchuriki in the vicinity, Nishi wasn't sure how that would pan out. That could lead to some bad as well as interesting scenarios.
"In a way, yes. But not too much. I can reason with the general, to a certain degree," the last few words gaining an intonation that clarified that Nishi wouldn't keep throwing herself for Alsanna's wellbeing or antics. "The Northerners? If you pick too much and they get bothered, you are on your own. I hold no influence with them, whatsoever. Besides, some secrets are best kept in the dark," Nishi finished, shaking her head lightly as if she had to dismiss a certain thought.

"I can't actually read or speak their language. It is why I requested that they return Hikari to us. If Hikari has gained any knowledge, she can perhaps allow us some inkling in what is written. What I find more intriguing is why someone would murder Rongese troops and then just leave. I don't actually suspect a wild creature, seeing most animals don't leave corpses with stab wounds."

Alsanna shook her head rapidly, "No, they mentioned encountering a 'devil', and I'm just using their term here. I'm unsure if we can meet a Bijuu around there parts, or at least I wouldn't get why they'd call it a devil and not the appropriate term." with every plate cleaned, she'd set them on the surface next to her, and once most were done, she went on to dry them with a different towel, "It was a customer of mine, actually, that told me. Refused to go into details. Regardless, Bijuu or not. Northerner crap or relevant. I do think this warrants a look-into. Just in case WE encounter a devil ourselves. At least then I'll have some insight." a degree of grump could be heard from her tone. That and some grunting from the extra exertion put into all that bending over to do the dishes.

"Oh." Alsanna raised he eyebrows, "So we're getting our personal translator. Makes more sense now. Guess she does have her spot after all." soothed a tad, she handled her manual task with a bit more grace now, "There are creatures in this world, Nishi, that don't exactly fit nature's little wheel of food chains and self-preservation. There are aberrations. There are, errr, devils." just as she brought up the outliers, as if it was all planned, what was once just a spare, metal bucket over a weathered table had taken the form of a red avian that so happened to want to stretch its wings for a brief moment before standing perfectly still, staring at nothing in particular, "And, with the little I know of this land, I do think we should expect the unexpected. The self-righteous rulers of this land do not seem above using methods that may even outshine my own in terms of … Errr, questionable ethics."

"Encountering a devil, huh." Nishi pondered further on the regard. "A bijuu is out of question. The presence of a roaming bijuu would be picked up by now." The nose bridge of Nishi did wrinkle as her expression changed, showcasing a dislike. "I would rather not look too much into it. Northerners can be so superstitious and all. I wouldn't fret more about it than what scout reports can bring back." Nishi said, dismissing the thought of investigating it more, just based on what a simple Northerner had told Alsanna.
"We will see what we will do. Preparation is fine but to overburden ourselves is something I disagree with. If we come across something that is going to be a challenge, we simply fall back and observe our options. That is all," the jounin decreed. "I am not going to jump into a pit of roaring beasts that can swat me again across the yard. And I have the faint hope you won't do such a thing either."

"... But that's the thing, apparently they have that devil. Probably killed it and got the body. I'm unsure." Alsanna stopped what she was doing and turned around. She let her back lean against the stone wall behind her while her arms crossed. Her hands were damp, and getting quite cold, so she slid them under her pits, "If we can learn pre-emptively about anything the enemy has, Nishi, I think we should take it. Picking and choosing what risks we take is not something I personally subscribe to. That and weird things are part of my 'I like' list, in case you were curious." a bit more rubbing of her hands under her arms was necessary, she definitely didn't like the cold, "Y'know what? Every time something weird is found, it should be a rule that I get to check it out! Because, of course, I'll find a way to use it~"

"Yeaaah, no."
The resolute answer was paired with an odd mix of amusement. The expression similar to her tone. Crossing her arms out in front of her chest, Nishi leaned back in her seat.
"I am not going to risk that, no matter how interesting it can pan out. You are still a chuunin. And a freshly promoted one at that." Nishi reminded her pupil. "And devil? Come now, even if they got the body of some 'devil', there is no way either you or I can get access to it." Nishi replied, "I have no connection or influence with them, as I told you. And I highly doubt that they will even be willing to talk about this. I could try to contact them but still, no high hopes," Nishi replied as her eyes narrowed.
"There is also a chance there is not even an enemy but someone… but you won't likely know her."

"Doesn't hurt to ask, though, right? Worst case they get a little suspicious. Oh well, maybe they shouldn't have Devils around." she remarked, while nabbing a clean towel to brush herself off, "Could also just ask that Northern girl. Get all friendly." with a shrug, Alsanna set her hands on her hips. A quick survey of the small room left her with a satisfied smile, "You liked the meal, yeah? Wanna burn off some of the venison with a stroll? Been cooped in here all day, craving some fresh air." she suggested while immediately reaching for her coat. Nothing more was added to her look beyond it, as it really wasn't THAT cold out, "Huh?" blinking a few times, the Chuunin squinted over at the Jounin, "Who? Who wouldn't I know?"

Rising from her seat, Nishi seemed to consider something.
"Hm? I enjoyed it, yeah. All and all, you aren't such a bad cook. Should have considered taking cooking as a vocation. Not too late perhaps," Nishi replied, at first, a twang of amusement clear in her voice, "I wouldn't mind. A bit of fresh air can do wonders." The jounin would put on her coat as she then shot a look at Alsanna. There wasn't an answer given right away regarding who Alsanna didn't know.
"You haven't been given a bingo book, so you probably could not learn of the Red Devil." A scoff followed as Nishi closed her coat and pocketed her hands.
"Worst is that you would probably find her intriguing. Come, I will tell you about what I know of her. Although, take it with a grain of salt. I never met her. Let alone fought her, which I am thankful for."

Waiting for Alsanna to be ready to head outside, Nishi ventured outside first. A gentle breeze just passed by, the cold leaving a biting sensation for a few seconds. Once Alsanna seemed ready, Nishi began to walk at a calm pace.
"You are smart enough to know that I am not the only jounin with a specialism in seals. The Red Devil is a notorious Northerner, who has assisted two Raikages, at least. The reason why I know her name by heart is that she is reputed to be someone that easily rivals my skill. To put it in your perspective," the ghost of a smile landed on Nishi's lips, "Karuko? I could face him with confidence. The Red Devil? Divine, no."

"Culinary arts?" Alsanna exaggerated her stagger at the suggestion, "And get yelled at by some old, bitter chef that can make a five day old frog taste okay? Bleh." progress was made to the exit of the shop, where Alsanna opened the door to let some fresh, nightly breeze get in the stagnating air of the interior, "Red Devil. So many devils among the Northerners, huh? Why Red? Did that person discover what an Oni is but didn't know the name?" she snickered, guiding both outside in the midst of the ruined section of the fortress. They were to venture through more obscure passages, veins that would inevitably lead to the main hub area that led to the stronghold's maw.

Sliding her hands into her pockets, Alsanna seemed keen on getting out of the safety of the walls for a more 'natural' feel to this excursion, "Suckle suckle. You sure have a crush on that Not-Oni thing from the North." she smirked, peering over at her walking partner while digging her hands into her coat's pockets. It was cool enough to have steam erupt from her mouth when she spoke, "Fuinjutsu master. Fancy Name. But, Northerner. Okay. What made that person so famous other than good calligraphy?"

"Cause me threatening you is so much of a better alternative?" Nishi replied, although the phrasing revealed she meant it as a joke. The jokes of Alsanna didn't provoke much of a laugh, let alone a smile from Nishi.
"I don't know the exact reason. There could be a multitude for why that specific colour. But if she is the devil your little 'friend' spoke of, I am certainly not intrigued to have you and her meet." Nishi calmly stated, "After all, I have jumped in enough to save you. I think it is high time that you repay the favour by making my life a tad easier. By not poking at people who can be a threat or take away our wages. Entirely." The tonation speaking volumes as Nishi deemed it necessary to remind Alsanna of a certain previous action.

"Although, it does make me wonder if I should get you a bingo book. Perhaps it can help you to learn some interesting names. And learn to not poke at people." Nishi seemed to think more out loud than actually mean to convey it straight to Alsanna. "Hm, perhaps."

"Hey, HEY!" stopping dead in her tracks as they were getting further and further away from any encampment, an accusatory finger from Alsanna was directed right toward Nishi's chest, "I paid you back with a VERY FINE dinner! And a thank you! And being cool. Okay, not THAT cool, but still. You'd hate this job so much more without me!" there was some finger wagging, and a quick de-escalation of her tone as she explained herself. The walk could now continue, the more lighthearted tone very much established, "... And if shit hits the fan, I won't take ya' down with me. Maybe Hikari. She's an alpaca turd still. But not you." facing forward, they were entering a more wooded area.
"I mean, if she's some super genius, don'tcha think I could learn a thing of ten?" again, she turned her head with a smirk, facing the other while keeping a regular gait, "Now if you give me a book with loads of colourful and unique folks …" that smirk suddenly got toothy and her narrowing optics conveyed the obviously sinister undertones she purposely emphasised.

Nishi took a few more steps before she came to a halt, half twisting herself to throw a look at her pupil. "Ah, yes. A dinner to repay me from saving you from the general doing much worse." The present cynical tonation giving away what Nishi thought about the repayment. "Though it was a very nice dinner, I can't argue against that."
Waiting for a second, Nishi would walk beside the younger kunoichi. The undertones of Alsanna weren't wasted on Nishi, who sighed. The woman's eyebrows slightly perked up as she decided to give it a different approach.
"Uhu. You are going to convince someone being nicked as the Red Devil to teach you? No offense, sweetheart, but I sometimes even have doubts of empowering you. Like I said, if there was a chance she would want to meet us, there is no third time that I can save you. Not from someone that could likely do a lot worse than I can." The jounin did doubt that her words would have the desired impact.
"And okay. Like that," raising her left hand out of her pocket, Nishi pointed with her index finger at Alsanna. "That right there. I have seen some disturbing stuff in my career. Whereas some dumbass would grow excited to fight and try to beat some notorious names, I have learned enough of you to assume you have way more disturbing thoughts."

For once, Alsanna held her tongue as the back and forth regarding saving and repayment reached a more present time. Her expression didn't show defeat, instead her lips puckered and her eyes conveyed a foxy but amused smile. She kept quiet, as the Red Devil was discussed, keeping that same look that would only change ever so slightly when she'd look forward to seeing where she was going. The deeper they went, the more they became reliant on the moon and stars of illumination. Luckily, it was quite a clear night.
"You'd save me again, huh?" she suggested in a teasing manner, though her voice was kept more mousy, "I'd save your ass. Because it's also my job. Aaaaand." she deviated her gaze to keep her attention forward, "We're friends, right?" with that, she ended with a giggle.
"I don't want another teacher, by the way. I just wanna see what makes that person so special, even to you." her tone was a little drier, the sly smile not fully vanished but certainly not as pronounced, "I don't need to have my hand held to grasp notions, especially those I'm familiar with." she ended with a sigh, the path they were taking seemingly leading to a clearing they could kind of see a good stretch away still, "Hey, doesn't mean I wanna MEET the colourful folks, yeah? Maybe if they're in a cell, ready to be studied …~ I'm no bounty hunter, though. Hah." a gesture of dismissal followed her shrug, "Though maybe one day I could hire one. Or …" she tilted her head, her gait slowing just a tad, "Make one? That'd be fun."

Nishi's eyes half closed, radiating her suspicion surfacing as Alsanna provided a reply. Pocketing her hand once more in the comfortable coat, Nishi threw a look around as they continued on their walk.
"Yeah," the words slowly produced as Nishi continued, "we are friends." The reply lacked any hint of sarcasm.
"And that, right there." Nishi twisted her head to throw a look at her pupil. Both of Nishi's eyebrows briefly perked upwards. "That kind of stuff really, really makes me doubt that I should introduce you to some 'colourful' people. Unlike you, I rather not seek any thrills. Certainly if the risks are too high. Which,"' the last word added with a certain pacing that alerted Alsanna without a doubt that Nishi wasn't going to budge on the imminent aspec, "they will be."

After a few steps, Nishi did speak up again. "And good to know. That I am your favorite jounin. Truly does bring some warmth to that cold, bitter heart of mine." The jounin once more gained the small hint of a smile on her lips, "For what it is worth. You so far have both made my job interesting and an absolute pain."

The dark was convenient, it was hard to notice things even from keen eyes. Both the women here were perceptive, and yet Alsanna's more nervous smile would be missed by anyone after Nishi's reciprocation. It was brief, and it clearly stressed those cheek muscles, but she felt the lightest of cramps there, lingering as a harmlessly shameful reminder, "There …" she started to speak, though the pause would come with her stretching her maw for a moment, "Is always risk. Your job is to make sure I learn how to handle them. Because I'll be getting into risky situations. As I'm sure you did. And that's likely without my more … Needy cravings."
When they arrived at the clearing, they'd find that they were actually at the edge of a cliff with quite a few trees that had been cut down, likely by something big but not exactly organised or with tools. Maybe a Boggart? There were free logs, though, and Alsanna would be quick to seize one for a little time out sit-down, "If it was that painful, I'd smell booze in your breath more frequently and my Roshesh would have been downed faster." she said in a mundane, passing tone as if she were just answering to some routine small talk, like it was all common sense, "I mean, you've only to compete with a guy that tried to murder me." a dull stare was dedicated to the older female now that Alsanna had comfortably rested her rear, "So Jounin wouldn't be the word. Try person. Loads more of comparisons to make those feefee's extra warm."

Nishi didn't respond. A short silence settled gently between them as they arrived at the clearing. Nishi stood still, observing the terrain in front of them before joining Alsanna. Taking place upon another log, she allowed her gaze to move over their view.
"Hm, not the worst competition I suppose," Nishi began, turning her gaze back at her pupil, "but okay, person. I think I don't have much competition either, do I now? I have yet to spit in your face. I have yet to allow you to place a curse mark on me." The gentle undertone betrays a mixture of amusement and some wariness regarding the last topic. "In fact, I have yet to hear anything from your guinea pig. She seemed most frightened to lose control of your mark." Nishi decided to bring up. "Perhaps I should investigate it? Alter it, just ever so slightly if I feel nice enough."
It was evident that Nishi was joking by her tone and the woman shaking her head lightly. "But go on. You were entertaining me. I am a person, yes. And such a wonderful teacher that has shown patience and admiration for your intellect. What more can you say about me, my dear 'friend'?"

"You can do whatever with her." her response came with an equally unenthusiastic tone, "Just leave the failsafe clone seal I left. She'll inevitably mess up, somewhere, and I can spawn one of the uglies to maybe save her." the log was tall, her legs could thus dangle as they did over the wall the last time they had been so isolated. Both Alsanna's hands set themselves over the frosted bark she sat upon, her attention taken by the clear, night skies above them, illuminating the acres of forest before them.
When asked about some thoughts on the other, perhaps in a comedic tone, perhaps with serious intent, Alsanna kept quiet for a moment with her blue, slightly almond eyes just staring at the horizon. It was cold, the trees were rustling in the wind, and the eerie silence would make anybody feel a little nervous. But she was just calming overlooking the land, "I feel safe with you. Not just because you've saved me." finally, she'd look over at the other, no smile or frown, with her pupils descending ever so slightly downwards without fixing anything in particular.

The answer revealed that Nishi was likely joking, the surprised expression briefly visible only reinforcing the theory. But as rapidly as the expression surfaced did the calm usual self return to Nishi's facial features. Placing her elbows on her knees as she leaned forward, Nishi averted her gaze again.
"Ah, okay." The neutral toned answer followed by a short silence. "That's good. You're not that half-bad either." The slightly awkward answer caused Nishi to glance at the night's sky, only to turn back at the horizon where nothing of interest could pique the woman's interest.
"I guess I will try 'person' more often then," Nishi concluded, her visage once more shifting. A more genuine smile appeared. "Know what? If we make it out alive of this mess, my treat on something not alcoholic. Or perhaps, hm, something alcoholic."

The burst of awkwardness from Nishi had a surprisingly low effect on Alsanna, as she'd just returned her gaze to what was forward in a similar manner that the Jounin did, giving the sky itself a check before just pondering nature. Without an ounce of discretion, the teen scooted over, until both shoulders met and any semblance of personal bubble was popped, "Show me your favourite place back home if we don't die for the dumb cause." she answered with a neutral, barely fluctuating tone, "Somewhere a little less cold. I was always one to have, like, three bed sheets during winter." there was some change in her tone. Amusement from a happy memory, "Do you miss them? Your comrades and family."

Nishi's lips tugged downward as Alsanna posed her question. She didn't hide her sorrow and guilt, although her eyes avoided Alsanna's. "I do," the two words uttered with a softer voice. Her lips parted, more words and emotions wanting to escape Nishi. Only for her expression to harden and a small smile creeping on her lips.
"Perhaps I will introduce you to some that I consider my friends. There is this teahouse in Kirigakure. A modest establishment where we met. Even trash talked about students."
Allowing her eyes to lock on Alsanna, Nishi pocketed her hands back into her coat's pockets. "I even befriended the jounin that first mentored Yuyuko. Seems that all this time, Yuyuko hasn't changed that much. If I am not mistaken with remembering the criticism of her first mentor." Pausing, Nishi sighed softly. "Now that I think back, I do wonder what became of them. I haven't heard from them in a while. Granted, they are or well, were stronger than me in a direct confrontation."

Silence reigned as Nishi's answer was uttered. Simple but powerful, it kept the scholar from showing any signs of going any further. Both Alsanan's hands set themselves over her thighs, legs tight together and body made a little smaller as to keep herself warmer, "Jounin friend-group, huh?" she smiled with a light chuckle escaping her nostrils, "Sounds like a miserable bunch. I'd gladly meet 'em." a quick glance was dedicated to Nishi to make the subtle amusement more evident. Eventually, the younger female's head began to tip a little, and ended up resting over the older one's shoulder. Her eyes were still open, her focus unchanged, and she'd even talk, albeit the tranquillity of her being was all the more emphasised in how relaxed her tone was, "I hate mint tea, by the way."

"As miserable as jounin can be, yup," Nishi said, the smile of before growing on her lips. "I think you would find them quite 'colourful'. They achieved quite some feats that I have yet to rival," she further stated about her 'miserable' jounin peers. The statement that Alsanna hated mint tea was memorized but Nishi opted to inquire further.
"You hate mint tea," the words slowly leaving Nishi's lips, "what more? No, in fact. What do you like? Dishes and the like."
The weight of Alsanna's head resting against her shoulders provoked Nishi to throw a sideways glance. It took roughly two seconds before Nishi shifted and very carefully allowed Alsanna to have a more comfortable sit.

With the shoulder shifting, Alsanna's cheek nuzzled the more comfortable surface, settling herself comfortably. Her gaze was half-lidded and her grin difficult to discern in the dark and in the angle her head was tilted, "Sounds so miserable. I can hardly fathom it." her voice was a little more nasal, as if her nose got a little runny. Most of the teen's side would be leaning against the Jounin's, "Think I told you some. But." a little sniffle, probably due to that reddened nose of her's, punctuated her upcoming list, "Shrimps, I love those. And Salmon. I'm dying for a dish called a Paella they say is a speciality in an island not too far from home."

The motion was slow and betrayed some hesitation but finally Nishi wrapped an arm around the teen, allowing the girl to rest against the front of her own shoulder. Nishi's gaze was still averted from looking at her pupil, but was visibly softened instead of the usual serious expression that tended to stick to Nishi's features.
"Paella," Nishi reproduced the name as it had a familiar ring to it. "Shrimps are nice. I like them too," the woman said, her gloved hand resting against Alsanna's shoulder and gently squeezing it. "I also like unagi. You know? Grilling the eel after it is flavoured."
It felt odd to talk about food and huddle so close together, it was surreal with the thought that tomorrow could send them off towards some lethal skirmish. Or worse.
Pausing, Nishi stole a glance at the younger Jirian. "If we get the chance, we will get some paella or unadon."

"M'hm," she answered, her eyelids gaining some more ground while Alsanna's eyes just kept focused on the bright, white moon shining before them. To what exactly she answered, it wasn't clear. Alsanna took in this odd, new feeling. The warmth, the contact, the smells. She herself smelled like her shop, with her natural musk concealed behind so many different odours, but she could capture the physical essence of Nishi just fine. Clearly it soothed her, as her eyes were barely open, at this point, "I'm tired." she mumbled, her body practically nestling itself against her mentor now that she was pulled into such an embrace. By then her eyes were closed, her breathing a bit louder but proper and both her hands sought to sneak between the two figures to maximise their warmth. It looks like she had a very long day.

The blissful ambience seemed to take over as Nishi became quiet. The statement of Alsanna that she was tired made Nishi steal a glance at her pupil, who seemed to make herself comfortable. Staying still, Nishi listened to her surroundings. But nothing indicating that they needed to be on guard. And judging on how Alsanna's breathing got, Nishi wagered that her pupil was soon to fall asleep. Allowing the younger kunoichi to find some rest, Nishi stared at the sight out in front of them once more.
"Goodnight," Nishi whispered, a smile gradually growing on her lips.
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Reactions: Aliceee
[ A Team 8 training | The 3rd Imperial Division's encampment, Sevudia ]
[ A collab between @Enigmatic_Entity , @Nim , @Autumn Song , @Oblivion666 and @Lesli ]

[ With the newest addition, Homura Unkei, being introduced to the respective units he is in, Aiko decides to organise a good ol' team training. It becomes clear that some members have progressed since they last were put up to some of Aiko's tests. But some surprises are laying in wait for the participants of Aiko's training. ]

[ Part 1 ]

It had been quite some time since she had organised a team training. Granted, with the whole occupation as a brigade general, it was no surprise that such tasks were rather delegated than being done by herself. Today, Aiko had decided to break the flow - if only by a bit.
The spacious training field had a corner that was now taken up by Aiko, who had her fists planted against her hips. Various practice dummies were set up as she had already some training in mind. To further try to implement a feeling of regularity, she had sent out an order for her 'official' team to meet her.

As the sun started to climb higher in the sky, it's warm rays illuminating the world, Aiko considered some last decisions. However, it wouldn't take too long before the first few of the small group were going to arrive. And beside that, she reckoned that the current setting of things wouldn't disappoint her.

Heading to the field as she was ordered, Kuni wondered what was exactly planned for them. She heard that Aiko summoned the team, but she never actually got to meet her teammates, as far as she knew. She had learned a bit from her recently, but hadn't made any progress with learning sensory techniques, aside from learning some of the basic theoretical matters about sensory.
Arriving at the field, Kuni offered a small wave as she approached Aiko, while also noticing the training dummies. Stopping a few steps away from Aiko, she offered a small bow "Yoshikuni Sadako, reporting for duty!" She smiled at Aiko.

When he received orders that Lady Cho was waiting for him out by a practice field, there had been both a combination of excitement and nerves. He had never met his squadmates before, and had only met his squad leader days prior. But the thought of meeting up and training with his official team was something he dreamed of since the academy. Fantasies of going on secret missions with squadmates that he came to care for, the euphoric feeling of brotherhood. Life of a shinobi wasn't to be romanticized, he knew that already and felt guilty every time he did, but it was hard not to romanticize that he dreamt of for so long.

He was the third person to arrive on the scene, second of what he assumed was his squadmates. His long hair was tied in a tight ponytail, and he was dressed with his regular military gear minus the helmet. For once it was fairly decent out, he thanked god for that. He smiled and slightly bowed towards the familiar Lady Cho and the much younger looking girl, "Homura Unkei, reporting in."

Heading over to the training field and where they were instructed to meet up, Hylli wasn't sure what to think of it. It was actually great to have another chance to train and be mentored by Lady Cho. But she remembered an earlier team training, when she had been a genin. Together with the aid of Hiideki and Mamoru, if she wasn't mistaken. They hadn't even been able to make it anywhere difficult for the Cho during the tasks given.
Approaching the site, she noticed the woman and another familiar face. The corners of Hylli's lips tugged slightly downwards as she recognised Kuni. The sighting of an unfamiliar individual made her pace slightly slower, the young woman considering her approach. Deciding to give it a chance, Hylli advanced towards the others.

Raising her right hand, dressed in a fingerless glove, a brisk salute would be given towards Lady Cho with a curt nod of Hylli's head. Dressed in her own mission garb, the Hyuzu turned to the other two, a friendly smile briefly flashed.
"Hey. Hylli Hyuzu," the young woman stated as she then wondered about something. The question was on the tip of her tongue but Hylli opted to wait and see if her question would be answered anyways.

Under normal circumstances he would have declined this training, but it was a request from his sensei. To which he understood the lingering implications behind it. He would however be the last to show up and was slightly confused by whom two of them were. Well the female looked familiar anyway, the male though was very much someone he never met. Hylli though was a familiar sight and she already understood that once they were done here they were setting off right away. He would give his sensei a respectful bow before looking at the others.
"Sensei already knows me, but for the new ones today. My name is Kazumo Scydling."

One by one they join her. Aiko waited till everyone was gathered and even then allowed a small silence flow after the short greeting and introduction of Kazumo. "Good, now we all gathered up. I know it is a bit unorthodox these days to organise a training like this one. But I figured it wouldn't hurt." Aiko stated as she gestured afterwards to Homura. "We have recently gained Homura of the Unkei clan as a reinforcement. He is a graduate from the Academy. If you would honour us, Homura, you can introduce yourself. And I want to invite everyone else to say something about him or herself as well," Aiko continued, her tone remaining friendly.
"Afterwards, we will start with the training. It will consist out of some basic abilities and showcasing your abilities. We will then continue with a sort of spar to truly see where we all are at."

He looked about as the remaining squad members arrived. Quite the cast of characters, all varying in appearance. He couldn't help but smile as he looked around at all of them, faces to all of the names he had remembered from his previous conversation with Lady Cho. Kazumo Scylding was the bookworm, much like himself, and on top of that a Jounin - with some pretty stylish hair. Hyuzu, the girl with the metal release - that was a fascinating thought, he'd love to see her use it in person. Sadako, the girl from Amegakure, young looking. Most of them had been there, he was unsure if this was all of them, but it was definitely most of them. Team eight.

Once the silence had been broken by Lady Cho, he obliged by introducing himself. He took two steps forward and turned around so he could face everyone. With a genuine smile he took a deep breath and said, "As Lady Cho said, my name is Homura Unkei. I am a noble member of the Unkei clan. You can call me Hidami or Mura, a nickname given to me by my close friends and family, or Homura if that's what you prefer. I enjoy learning about new cultures and people, and this is my first time travelling outside of the empire. I'm still a little new to all of this, so please bear with me." He bowed once more and shuffled back in place. He could feel his cheeks growing warm, but he ignored the tinge of embarrassment.

Hylli's head tilted to the side, if only slightly. Listening to what Homura said, Hylli waited a few seconds before she would fold her arms in front of her stomach. Taking a step to the side, to properly face Homura and some of the others within the gathering, Hylli spoke.
"I am Hylli of the Hyuzu clan. Currently ranked as chuunin," she began, her lips tugging a smile for a few seconds, "I don't really have an established nickname. I think? Anyhow, I know how to play the rebec. And," visibly pondering about something, Hylli enlisted a pause before she continued, "I am trying to specialise in a few other fields. But nice to make your acquaintance, Homura," Hylli decided to finish, not entirely comfortable with spilling all the beans about herself right at the start.

Homura's introduction was nice, even offering nicknames, and Hylli also introduced herself briefly. Taking a step forward, Kuni made sure she could see everyone "I'm Yoshikuni Sadako, or you can call me Kuni for short. I don't hail from any clan, just from Amegakure." She started introducing herself, pausing as well briefly to think on what she wanted to present forth "I'm Chuunin ranked, currently seeking to learn more about the Sensory field, and I have experience in earth ninjutsu and taijutsu. And it is nice to meet you, Homura." And with that, Kuni stepped back. She figured that was as good of an introduction as any.

"Sure you do." Kazumo said as he ruffled Hylli's hair. "You are the Storm Dragon." He said with a teasing smile before looking at Homura.
"Well I already said my name so we will go with a little about me. I enjoy reading and hunting. I also recently learned how to use Obsidian Release, other than that I specalise in Genjutsu, and Earth ninjutsu. I also know a little in fire and water ninjutsu. My rank is Jounin."

Amused as Aiko was due to the introductions, she would not let it linger onwards. Snapping her fingers to gain the attention of her pupils, the woman gestured with a hand towards the dummies. "This is an exercise I have done multiple times with some of you. Throwing a weapon and hitting a practice dummy isn't difficult. However," without even turning to aim or face the dummy, Aiko brandished a kunai and casually threw the weapon in a fluid motion. A soft thud resonated as the steel tip burrowed the weapon in the dummy.
"I am going to make it more difficult. There are three targets. For each target, I want you to hit them from this distance, where I am standing. You can make your trick shots as flashy as you like them. The goal is to basically show what you got or how much you improved from last time." Aiko explained as she gestured to her students to take the stage, taking a subtle step backwards.
"So, who wants to go first?"

Placing the palms of her hands on her hips Hylli sucked on the inside of her cheek, watching how Aiko landed a perfect hit - without evening facing the target. It was inspiring and terrifying. Glancing sideways at the others Hylli decided to step forwards as nobody else seemed eager or excited to showcase how they would handle the exercise.
"Time to redeem myself, I suppose," Hylli muttered underneath her breath. Facing the first target, she remembered how she had tackled this before. Pulling a knife from its sheath, Hylli's eyes narrowed slightly - focusing on the idea that she had.

A soft blue hue flickered and imbued the steel blade of the knife, betraying the moulding of chakra. Inhaling slowly, Hylli would toss the weapon upwards as she then readied herself for the next action. Once the knife started to descend to the ground, Hylli had already taken a few steps backwards - creating a small distance. Suddenly sprinting forwards, Hylli jumped up and twisted her body to allow herself to land a powerful kick against the descending projectile.
The knife itself was launched with a vastly more powerful speed towards the dummy and embedded itself deep in the fabric of the dummy - sinking deep enough to nearly reach the end of the hilt.
Landing on her feet, Hylli already focused on the next dummy as she flexed the fingers of her right hand.

Debating the approach for the second, Hylli pulled two knives and started to spin them in her hands. The trail of the blue chakra surrounding the steel blades became visible, even hissing faintly as the Hyuzu fixated more chakra around the weapons.
Throwing the weapons in a quick succession, the trajectory seemed quite strange. From the onset of the weapon's surging through the air it appeared that Hylli had aimed wrong, causing the weapons to fan out in a wide range. Rolling with her shoulders, Hylli turned around and shrugged as she folded her hands together.
The knives then suddenly moved as if an invisible boost pushed them mid-air, causing their path to become even more irregular. Only to end up in the dummy from two very different angles.
"Okay, last one." She announced, half turning towards the last dummy target. Raising her hands slowly up, Hylli placed her hands at the back of her head, the fingers interlocked with each other. "Hm, last time I made two knives hit each other to reach this distance." She said, sounding as if she was contemplating on how to go about the last target.
A sound of fabric being torn would become a reality as one of the knives tore through one of the nearby dummies and slammed itself in the last target. The other two knives would follow in quick succession, also hitting the target from two different angles - one even from the back of the dummy.
Turning to the group, her hands still at the back of her head, Hylli shrugged lightly.
"That went better, I guess." lowering her hands she would make space for who wanted to follow next.

He enjoyed the introduction of all of his squadmates, and was actually surprised at some of their ranks. Specifically the ranking of Kuni, perhaps that description slipped his mind when Lady Cho had told him about her. A chuunin that looked a couple years younger than himself. He made a mental note after that to no longer judge people off of their appearance, he should have learned his lesson when he met Lieutenant Cho.

What came next caught him a little off guard. He was decently advanced when it came to taijutsu, but if he were to have to grade himself on the way he uses kunai it would be mediocre at best. He didn't feel any better when he saw Hylli go up first, leaving him completely star stuck. She did it with a form of grace that was both deadly yet dignified. Unsure on how the others would perform, and feeling hesitant he decided to get his turn over with.

"I'll go up next," He nodded, hiding his nerves behind a strong poker face. He stepped forward and reached into his pouch for the three kunais he would use. He grinded his teeth and made sure he would be leaving his best move for last. He formed up a number of signs, and could feel his body temperature building up. For the first dummy he formed another set of signs, and from a couple meters above himself a number of kunai were fabricated seemingly out of thin air. They all came raining down towards the dummy, all of them disappearing except for one that thudded into the dummy's chest. He traded out his descending hell technique, and instead of using a giant ball of flame for the illusion he had used kunais. Simple enough.

He took another deep breath, he was sweating now and it felt like a warm fever on the corners of his temple. With his second kunai, he pulled his arm back at an angle and decided he'll just bite the bullet with this one. It might not be flashy, but it would get the job done. He threw the kunai with as much strength and speed as he could, with a curving trajectory. It slammed into the side of the dummy's head.

At this point the heat coming from his body was almost unbearable, so without wasting time he grabbed the sharp portion of the kunai tip and it hissed as heat met metal. He held it until all the heat from inside his body transferred over to the metal of the kunai, and then threw it towards the final dummy before it would burn his own hand. This is where his mediocre skill started to show, because he missed the mark he was aiming for and instead the kunai thumped into the dummie's arm. Rather than embedding itself into the dummy, it melted right through and out into the other side. He twisted his face in disappointment from missing the mark, and silently turned around and lined back. Surely this failure would haunt him until he perfected the skill.

Hearing about which training exercise they would be undergoing, Kuni felt it was familiar. But if she did go through it, then it was some time ago. Looking at Aiko's example throw, the throw without looking, impressed her a bit. She always liked seeing what everyone was capable of, but she also felt like that was a basic trick for Aiko.
As Hylli went through her routine, Kuni's eyebrows rose. She definitely had quite a bit of talent and an interesting way to get things, and the way she hit the final dummy was a cherry on top for the whole demonstration.
Homura, on his side, already showed some potential for someone fresh off the academy. The fact that his final kunai made a whole through the dummy made Kuni wonder just how hot he made it be. And if Aiko would consider a hole as a hit, considering it didn't just hit the mark, it went through it.

"I'll take the next turn." Kuni said, moving to stand on the spot. Looking at the distance, Kuni seemed to take a moment to ponder on something, before taking out a kunai and throwing it upwards as high as she could, in a slight curve, before proceeding to form a chain of six seals, holding the Snake seal at the end.
Before the kunai would hit the ground, it would be grabbed by an earth hand, one that extended a few meters from the earth, and proceed to do a few circles with its arm, before finally letting go of the kunai, throwing it at the left dummy, and hitting it in the dummy's upper body.

Taking out two more kunai now, She bent downwards and pierced one into the ground, at the very edge of the spot they were meant to throw from. Sinking a bit into the ground with the second kunai in hand, she closed her eyes and seemed to focus on something for a few moments, before smiling "Gotcha." She stated, before vanishing into the ground, with only the tip of the kunai appearing from the ground.
The kunai would not stay still, however, before it would proceed to move backwards, away from the spot, and then turn to face it. With sudden speed, as if the ground was nothing more than water, the kunai rushed forward, and upon reaching the spot, the tip of the kunai would start to grow, having been released, and then appear completely out of the ground, with decent speed, making its way to the middle dummy. It would manage to pierce the lower center of the dummy.

Coming out of the ground, Kuni briefly glanced at the result of her second throw, before moving her gaze to the third. Grabbing the kunai she stuck in the ground, she pondered yet again, taking a moment to herself.
Once she made a decision, she allowed herself to sink into the ground yet again, this time only until her legs were completely in the ground. Closing her eyes, she took less time to focus on something, before her arm came closer to her body, as if she simply prepared to throw the kunai.
However, before she would throw, her body would begin to rise out, while spinning. And slowly, the speed of the spinning would grow. The pace of her ascending wasn't fast, letting the spinning repeat quite a few times. If any of the others would pay attention, they would see glimpses of her clicking her tongue, as if counting something.
When her feet were almost out, she threw the kunai, aimed at the right dummy. The kunai wouldn't become stuck like the other two, instead leaving a scratch across the dummy's side, before becoming stuck at a tree behind it.
Coming to a halt, Kuni kept her eyes closed for a moment longer, before opening them and looking at the dummy. Upon seeing her result, her expression turned a bit disappointed. She was certain she got the count right. But perhaps she was slightly off, she figured as she moved away.

Well Hylli certainly improved from the last time he was part of this with her, the other two weren't horrible, not terribly great but not horrible. Then again he never really liked being super flashy about things like this. So Instead he would do something that only one person would catch onto more than likely. Once Kuni was finished he stepped forward as he weaved some handseals.
Once he finished the last one, he reached into his pouch and instantly threw the kunai imbued in blue energy puncturing through the first dummy. Nothing too flashy anyway, cause the next one was even more boring of a hit. He simply pulled out his bow and took aim at it, releasing the arrow and hearing a resonate thud of the arrow into the center of the dummy.
Then the third dummy, Kazumo tapped his chin a bit considering all three had to be different. He put his hand onto the ground as he made shape of a black arrow. He carefully notched the black arrow before releasing it. It fell faster than the other arrow for sure, yet at a certain point Kazumo made a release sign and the arrow burst sending black shards into the third dummy.

Kazumo gave a small shrug before joining Aiko, only once he reached her he transported right back to where he was with everything playing out the same way again, almost like he had never done it yet. It would once again end on the black arrow exploding with him walking towards Aiko, just to again repeat the same event.

Aiko observed each of them partaking in the small exercise. The first was Hylli, who took the lead. Remembering how she had attempted it for the first time, there was evident progress as her current display made something quite clear. Noticing the subtle movements that hide the Hyuzu's release sign as well displaying enough experience and capability to utilize movement at the same time, to hide the actual technique that was being utilized. For a moment, Aiko wondered about something as her gaze moved sideways towards Kazumo.
When Homura took his place, Aiko was curious how the genin was going to go at it. Granted, her expectations weren't high. Genin usually didn't do anything groundbreaking, for they had to be taught and nurtured before being able to do so.
Yet, as Homura performed, Aiko made a few mental notes. And despite not betraying it through her features, Aiko was content as slightly impressed. The expression of disappointment that flowed on his face afterwards caused Aiko's eyebrows to rose but her lips remain sealed upon each other.

Kuni was the third that performed. Much as Aiko anticipated, the Amegakure native performed with the usage of earth release. There were some things that Aiko had in mind but she would wait patiently, wanting to see what Kuni would attempt first. Upon noticing that the girl closed her eyes and tried to land a hit with spinning in the earth, Aiko's features subtly shifted. Yet, she remained silent.
The last to perform was Kazumo. While she paid attention to Kazumo, Aiko wondered about something. His performance wasn't bad but she knew better. He was holding back. Not disappointed, Aiko waited till he was done.

"Alright. Time to review what I saw and know now." Aiko started as she settled her attention on Hylli. "Very nice. You have attempted to hide your release sign and it is clear that you have improved. I was expecting more metal release techniques but I am content with your development." Flashing a friendly smile, Aiko continued. "Also quite happy that you didn't decide to blow them up."
Turning her attention to Homura, Aiko's head slightly tilted as she introduced a short pause.
"For a fresh graduate, Homura, you did quite well. The lack of access to your profile means that I can't really study how you performed during your time at the Academy. Don't be too tough on yourself. You already stated which two fields you excel at. I decided on purpose to test you and the others on this exercise first, to see how you would perform. And I am quite content."

Turning towards Kuni, Aiko's smile didn't vanish. "I had expected you to use earth release, wait, one second." Aiko slightly twisted her head to look at the repeating image of Kazumo performing the exercise, now for the fifth time. "Kazumo, be a peach and dispel your genjutsu. It is starting to become a tad distractive."

"Oh alright." And where Kazumo stood in the field he now stood beside Aiko.

"Thank you," Aiko replied in return to Kazumo before once more settling her attention to Kuni. "I do think that the third usage was a tad strange. Never close your eyes when you are facing a target. A bit strange as I can hit a target without looking at it. But I suppose that is where the gap in experience and skillset come in. So the fact you missed is slightly due to some miscalculation and perhaps trying to make it too hard on yourself. And then you," Aiko turned towards Kazumo with a sideways glance. "You are a cheeky one. I was hoping to see more Obsidian release. But I suppose I could have been clearer. So you get away with it this time."

Once more Aiko became silent, if only for a mere moment to allow her words sink in and consider her plan for a second exercise. "I suppose it won't hurt now to do a small spar. I was first considering you three," gesturing to the chuunin and genin, "to face Kazumo. However, I think I have a better idea. Kuni and Homura," Aiko turned her attention on the two respective pupils, "you two will face off against Hylli. The rules are quite simple. Clear communication and teamwork is the goal. And remember that this is a spar. So no need for excessive force. Your task is to subdue, not to kill." Turning her attention to Hylli, Aiko continued, "Hylli, same counts for you. If you manage to capture or subdue one, to force the other to stand down, you 'win'. However, the actual goal is to understand how the other fights. Meanwhile, Kazumo and I will be reviewing your spar as well as staying on standby to prevent any unnecessary wounding. Any questions?"

Kazumo would raise his hand. "Did you really want to see me using Obsidian? I can do an actual turn if you want." Kazumo said with a small smile, slightly happy at his genjutsu but same time feeling bad that he robbed Aiko of seeing something.

The smile of Aiko grew slightly but she shook her head, already emphasizing her answer. "No, it is alright. I will have a chance if these three won't exhaust themselves." Aiko replied, before turning her attention back to the three.

A wry smile spread on Hylli's lips. She had hoped to keep the release sign hidden with the use of different motions or else hiding it with subtle deception. Of course, it was Aiko who was watching and Hylli didn't feel any shame or disappointment that the woman had figured out the tricks.
What did come as a surprise was the second planned exercise. A twinge of disappointment became visible on Hylli's expression upon hearing that they wouldn't be facing off against Kazumo. But that disappointment quickly became replaced with surprise as Aiko stated that both Kuni and Homura would be facing off against her and only her in a spar-setting.
"Hmmm," eyeing the other two, Hylli shook her head, "No, I am fine with it. No questions on my part."

Now she actually thought about it, Hylli remembered something. Already turning away to create some distance from the other two, the Hyuzu had to calm herself. She had forgotten the mere fact that one of the two had something coming for her - due to the lack of involvement and support during the last battle against the Rongese force.
Once some distance was created, Hylli rolled with her shoulders as performing small jumps to warm herself up. Appearing to be ready, she would place her hands on her knees as well leaning forward - her gaze set on Homura and Kuni, a plan already hatching in her mind.

He was content in regards to how Lady Cho analyzed his performance, well content enough not to beat himself up about it. He still knew he wanted to perfect it eventually, but for now he could store that thought away. He was also impressed at her abilities to analyze their movements, being able to decipher things he would never have noticed. She was the head of the squad and the entire brigade for a reason after all - but he was very impressed nonetheless.

What came next felt like an uppercut to his stomach, the familiar twinge of nerves. He would be teaming up with Kuni for a sparring match against Hylli, both well ranked and experienced. From what he's seen so far from Hylli, and if her skills against the dummies were any indicator she was fairly advanced for a shinobi. On top of that he couldn't recall her mentioning what she was skilled at when introducing herself. It was a good imitation of how combat would be like against an unknown assailant, nobody tells you what they're capable of outright in battle, but he'd be lying if he said it didn't make him tense.

He observed her as she created some distance, and wondered what she had under her sleeves. He could recall times in the academy when he would face other students that were far more advanced than himself, and at times he would come on top. But this girl was a Chuunin. Unlike in the Academy, he wasn't alone, he had another Chuunin on his team as well. He turned to look at Kuni, gave her a slight smile and looked back towards Lady Cho, "No questions here."

Teamwork was the key. As he walked a couple paces backwards to create a little more space between the two of them and Hylli, he would ask Kuni, "Any ideas?"

After listening to the input about her performance, Kuni nodded slightly. She thought about explaining her choice a bit, but figured there could be a time for that later. But overall, she understood what Aiko meant.
Listening to what the next stage of their training will be, her gaze moved to Hylli. Aside from what she demonstrated, she didn't really know about Hylli's capabilities. And neither did she know about Homura's capabilities either. And they needed to work together against Hylli. Nodding to Aiko as an indication of understanding the upcoming bit, she turned and walked away a bit, while seeing from the corner of her eye as Hylli stepped in the opposite direction.

When Homura approached her and asked about her ideas, Kuni looked at him "Several, but they are all oriented towards my own capabilities. Hard to formulate a plan when we don't know our opponent's capabilities, or my own teammate's too." Kuni said, moving her gaze to Hylli "What's more, the way she moved the kunai in her performance made me suspicious of something, but I rather not go off guesswork. A good strategy to begin with would be agreeing on a signal. If we want to go for attacking in turns, then serve as a switch signal, and one for performing a large scale attack, if you have any. I'm thinking of using that name Kazumo mentioned. It seemed to get on her nerves a bit. Storm Dragon, simply putting emphasis on a different word depending on the action." Kuni whispered to Homura, her gaze going back to him.

"Of course, any ideas you have, feel free to share them. I'm not really the best strategist anyway. I'm more of a 'try things on the go' type of person." Kuni explained.

Observing the two, Hylli's eyes narrowed. She couldn't catch on what the they were saying but that was fine. Straightening her back, her hands shot to each other. Speeding through the required signs, Hylli inhaled deeply. She saw no need to let them take the initiative.
Holding the last sign, her eyes further narrowed before she would exhale and unleash a large wave of water towards Kuni and Homura. Launching the strong wave of water upwards, it would be similar to a sheet being thrown upwards and intending to crash down on the two from above - with spreading out to minimize their ability to dodge it.

"Right, sounds good. Perhaps we can- ," He paused in the middle of his sentence as a towering shadow consumed the two of them. As he turned his head to see the host of the shadow, it swallowed him whole with almost zero chance of him escaping. For a couple of seconds he found himself spiraling out of control under the riptide, his head breaking the surface, and getting tugged back under until finally the wave washed out.

Staggered from the sudden wave, he slowly rose from the ground and realized Hylli may be coming for either himself or Kuni directly after the wave. To make the situation worse, he had zero idea of where Kuni was and had little time to check for if she somehow countered the wave or washed up on the opposite side of where he stood. He hurried into a defense position, unsure of which of the two she would be targeting.

Starting to listen to Homura, Kuni moved her gaze upwards at the shadow that came from something above them. With no time to spare, she started to sink into the ground, before the water hit her, pushing her away from where she stood before. Letting herself fall deeper, she'd eventually vanish into the earth.
Understanding that Hylli wasn't going to let them have a moment to spare, she quickly rose from the ground behind Homura, until she stood completely behind him"Buy me a moment." She whispered to him, while starting to form a few handsigns.

Watching the water hit Homura, Hylli felt a twinge of guilt. She remembered how Aiko had utterly washed out her during the first team training. But the matter wasn't done yet.
Weaving a new streak of handsigns, Hylli advanced forwards and would slide to a halt. Crouching, Hylli placed her left hand on the water's surface. Her chakra would slither with a high speed through the already chakra created liquid. The water transmuted in a sticky substance that would barely give in and restrict the movements of Homura and Kuni.
"I give you two a chance to surrender," Hylli calmly spoke out, her free hand forming a release sign. "My next part is going to be quite painful. And Homura can't phase through the ground, nor can you in this state," Hylli called out, her head slightly tilting to the right as she observed the two.

He had little to no time to react to Kuni's commands until Hylli was already on them with her next trick. Homura was both shocked at her speed and mystified by the abilities of both Chuunin; Kuni's ability to react in a split second and escape the wave, but Hylli's aptitude to speed and commanding her next move. Within the split seconds he had to think of his next move, he was humbled to see his skill level at the academy didn't measure up to a Chuunin quite yet and fired up to reach their level of skill.

His arms were out in front of him, but they felt heavy and hard to move. He thought over what he could do as she demanded their surrender, going over every possible plan. Perhaps using Delirium would melt this stuff off, but that would require forming hand seals and at this rate he wouldn't be half way through before he was fried. Same thing goes for any of his other Jutsus. Moving was out of the picture, and even if Kuni were to be able to go through the ground there would be no escape for himself. He gritted his teeth, "Damn it," the sound of defeat and shame plagued his voice, "Sorry Kuni, I surrender."

As her own movements turned slower, Kuni glanced at Homura's back. She heard Hylii's call and still kept at it. She only needed two move handsigns. It was becoming increasingly harder, but if he could just buy her enough time, she could get them out of this situation. Forming the sixth handsign, she started to form the seventh, only to hear his response. She still formed the seventh seal, before sighing "I would've hoped you could put a bit of faith that I had some kind of plan." She said to his back, before raising her voice "I suppose I surrender as well." She called out to Hylli.

As she said it, Kuni would still activate the technique, as she was still in contact with the ground, and cause the earth beneath the two of them to raise a meter "Could've tried to separate us from that mess." She said, slowly bringing her hands apart, before the ground would return to its spot "But you also judged your own options and made a choice. So at least we can tell those gears are working up there." She said with a pat against his back.

Taking a step forward as he gave a small applause to the three. "Well you certainly improved from last time Hylli, so well done there. For Kuni and Homura though, your biggest flaw was you knew her rank but nothing else really. As such in combat situations against the unknown. You should put the pressure on them quick and fast, the longer you think and devise a plan. Mostly against one who just witnessed what you two could possibly do. Well you just gave them the time they needed to best you."
Kazumo stated before giving a smile to Homura. "I do respect though that you understood your predicament. Could your ally have possibly salvaged the blunder from earlier? Maybe, maybe not. Yet instead of risking that you picked correctly and opted to not risk your life."

Kazumo then looked at Kuni, "The biggest mistake was you chose to go to where your ally was. It's commendable to care about your ally, yet would have lasted longer if you instead opted to attack Hylli. The pressure from that could have rallied Homura into recovering from the initial attack. Yet going to Homoura sealed whatever would have happened to him, to you as well." Kazumo would finish before looking at Aiko to give her piece. Then remembered something and looked back at Hylli. "Also little Storm Dragon, you already won. So put those away now." Kazumo said pointing at the knives floating in the air.

Allowing Kazumo to speak up first, stating his thoughts and giving tips to the team, Aiko didn't say anything to add her piece. Her gaze lazily went back to the floating knives that Hylli had used before - likely a threat from an unknown angle if Homura and Kuni hadn't figured out one of Hylli's techniques. When Kazumo finished, Aiko made a subtle nod.
"I agree with Kazumo," Aiko started as she looked at Homura first. "I imagine that this isn't the best start. But you already show more maturity than most genin tend to do. Knowing when you should stand down can actually save lives than to proceed to fight further. Of course, nuances exist and make every situation different. But you certainly scored points for having such good insight," Aiko then shifted her gaze back to Kuni.
"While you dodged the technique, I think you made a tactical mistake. By briefly abandoning your ally, you left him open for Hylli's plan and actions. I know what you can do and if I had been you, I would have tried to counter the initial attack of your opponent. Being defensive or using something that seems too excessive can be good, if it prevents your ally being trapped. But we will work more on your tactical plays," Aiko then paused as she looked at the Hyuzu.

"You are growing fast. I would have loved to see what you would do next. While your plan was quite good and you executed it well. I do have to note that you should be cautious. Utilizing one technique after another can leave you drained. Something that your opponents can use against you." Aiko gave a tip to Hylli, nodding as she glanced at Kazumo.
"Of course, this means that I am at an impasse. I had hoped that this spar would do more than serve as a reminder how tactical insight is a vital skill. Now, I could do two things. Well, three." Aiko looked back at the two chuunin and Homura. "Either we shift this around. Seeing that Hylli is already able to outwit a genin and chuunin, it is perhaps good to see how a chuunin goes against a newly promoted jounin. Then have you two," Aiko gestured to Homura and Kuni, "observe and then announce your notes. Or," a light shrug followed, "we can have a round two. I imagine that you two now have learned from your mistakes. Of course, I will make it a slightly different challenge to keep you guys on your toes." Aiko finished, the pause that came after evident that they could voice their desires.

Throwing a sideways glance at Kazumo, it was clear that the Hyuzu didn't like that the Scylding had seen the sneaky attempt with her knives. Granted, Kuni decided to go on with casting another technique while being warned. Slowly, Hylli raised her hands as if she also surrendered. The gesture made the floating knives fall harmlessly to the ground as the Hyuzu straightened her back.
Listening to the feedback from Kazumo and Aiko, Hylli nodded lightly to emphasise that she understood what was being said. "Thanks, Master Scylding and Lady Cho," Hylli said, turning her head to throw a look at Kuni and Homura. Sucking on the inside of her cheek, Hylli debated on if she should use her first water technique to perhaps rinse them from the sticky substance. But Aiko then gave them options on what they desired as following up exercise.

Near instantly did Hylli's gaze rest on Kazumo. Her right hand itches and causes Hylli to flex her fingers, the desire to finally test her mettle against Kazumo surfacing.
"I would relish a chance to spar against Master Scylding. However," she raised a thumb and pointed towards Homura and Kuni, "I will leave the choice up to them. I am fine with either option, really."

Taking in the input from both Kazumo and Aiko, Kuni listened intently and nodded along with their words. Aiko's words, in particular, stung as she heard them. Abandoning her ally, which was essentially the same as how she acted in the battle. Her gaze moved to the ground as she then heard Aiko start to explain the next options.
Hylli spoke up and gave her opinion, making her gaze turn to her. Hylli left the options open, making her briefly ponder, before she looked at Aiko and Kazumo "Thank you both for the notes. I'll memorize and work on improving my tactical thinking." Kuni said with a nod towards Aiko. Her focus then shifted to Kazumo and Hylli "While I would like a rematch, I don't often get to just watch more experienced people spar, often being in the spars myself. So I think getting to see things from the sidelines can help us learn some more. So I choose to see Kazumo and Hylli spar." Kuni stated.

Homura listened keenly to both the words of Lady Cho and Kazumo. They made great points, and while this wasn't the ideal start he wanted to present them with, he was satisfied in knowing he didn't put his own life at risk or that of his allies. He felt that much better about his decision when he noticed the knives come crashing to the ground. He couldn't help but grin and shake his head, he was screwed from the second he was taken by the wave. Hylli had every move worked out - as Lady Cho mentioned she had the tactical insight the duo lacked.

He bowed, slowly due to the sticky substance, in the direction of Lady Cho and Kazumo, "It definitely was not the way I wanted to start out, but I value the insight given from both of you. The next time we hold training like this, I'll use your teachings Kazumo and waste no time. And Lady Cho, I assure you my performance will improve from here." He stood up straight, and nodded as Kuni spoke, "I agree. I'd like to see the skill set between these two, perhaps learn a thing or two."

He smiled and bowed towards Hylli, "Thank you for the sparring match, it was quite humbling, best of luck against Kazumo."

With the choice being clear, that a spar between Kazumo and Hylli would take place, Aiko beckoned Kuni and Homura to come towards her. "It is best to stay close. I reckon that this will become messy," she said, only to realize that the two were still soaked in Hylli's syrup like technique. "Ah, first, I suppose I could clean you two."
Utilizing a technique to summon water to gently clean the previous substance from the two, Aiko flashed a smile. "Alright, you two know the rules. No need to go all out but just acquire one to surrender or well, first blood is also fine, I suppose." Aiko told Kazumo and Hylli, her curiosity evident as it now came to the Hyuzu and Scylding to duke it out.
[ Kirigakure | The Jirou Authority ]
[ Master Akechi, Master Mizuno, Master Hayashi and Jirou Kanbe ]
[ A Collab between @Oblivion666 , @Lesli , @Aliceee and @Nim ]

[ Jirou invites the three great clans to discuss the matter of the Shadows that keeps plaguing their clanlands. ]
[ *Note: Takes place before the most recent GM post. ]

Standing in the large hall, Jirou looked at the setting. The large, spacious hall, once held the meetings of the senate, had much of its interior changed. There were a few long, rectangle tables in the outer parts, with a circular table in the middle. The circular table had four chairs next to it, with each seat having a banner hanging from it. One for each of the Great Clans, and one for the Jirou Authority.
The hall was decorated with paintings that represented different aspects of the Authority, and had a number of the Authority banners hanging around the hall as well. The tables were all kept clean, but only the circular one currently had a white cloth with gold trimmings. Several guards were standing within the hall, staying near the walls, and a few other workers were standing by, ready to serve beverages and more should anyone desire so.

Moving to stand by the chair with the Authority's banner, Jirou turned his gaze to the hall door. He had invited the great clans to come meet him and discuss the recent developments. Jirou had already heard of the Shadow's most recent actions, how they kept showing up in the Great Clans' lands and their apparent threat towards them. To stand back from the vassals and to retract any claims they may or may not have regarding the vassals. While he wanted to act, Jirou knew that it would be best to go above board with this. Especially considering how the Akechi currently viewed him in a less than favourable light.

The first of the Great Clan's representatives would be from the Mizuno. In a calm pace did the young man stride forwards. His hands were concealed by the long sleeves as his long robe detailed both high quality as the Mizuno crest proudly.
Entering the hall where the meeting was held, the Mizuno representative did little to acknowledge or admire the decorations that were put up. Even the presence of the Roju did not seem to impress the Mizuno representative as he made a short and yet elegant bow before proceeding to his respective chair.
"Kida of the Mizuno clan," Kida introduced himself in a rather neutral tone before taking his seat.

The sound of wood tapping against the cold floor resonated, heralding the imminent arrival of the second representative. But instead of being alone, two individuals would show up. An old man that leaned on a cane and a young lady escorting him - at least, appearing so. The delicate silk wrapped around the man's eyes would prevent the staring blind eyes. The two wore clothing that were of great quality and the crest of the Hayashi clan made it clear who they came to represent. The old man whispered something to his aide before they continued onwards.
"Arisuke of the Hayashi clan," the old man stated but he made no effort to bow. His old frame would certainly object if he was going to attempt it. Being guided to a chair by his aide, Arisuke would grumble something underneath his breath.

The last to arrive would be the representative from the Akechi clan, with the man who was starting to grey would make his way to the hall. His lilac purple robes were enough to indicate his allegiance with the Akechi clan. The man simply looked at the Roju before taking his seat making no sign of showing the man respect in the slightest. "Masamune of the Akechi clan."

Watching as each of the representatives arrived, Jirou kept a neutral expression, while offering a respectable nod and small bow to each of them. Once all three were sitting by the table, he sat down as well. Once he did, a few of the servants approached the table, putting down a glass of water next to each of them, before offering a hot drink to be served to each.
"Allow me to begin by thanking you all for attending. I know none of your clans currently have the highest opinion of me, so it is good to see your lords and ladys were still willing to send you all here." Jirou began speaking, moving his gaze between all three of them.

"While I do hope your travel here was calm, I hope you will excuse me if I do not ask specifically about it. Matters are not as best as they can be back in each of your homes, and that is why I have asked you all to come here." Jirou said, his tone turning more serious "These Shadows. They have plagued you for a while, and there appears to be no end in sight to them as of yet. As such, I desired to offer my assistance in investigating them, before more lives from any of your clans are lost to them. And I am aware of their recent demands."

Jirou leaned forward, his expression stern "Such a demand is not something I intend on tolerating, no matter who is posed to. But," He paused for a moment "I believe we need to uncover the source of these shadows, and properly take them down, before any more rash actions are taken. So I offer my assistance, specifically, my own operatives, the Silver Immortals, to aid in your investigations."

"A generous offer," the Mizuno representative voice resonated through the hall, "but I fear that Lord Mizuno can't be coerced to accept that. Any highborn Mizuno's life can't be safeguarded by those that have no oath directly to the Mizuno leadership." The man's neutral tone still dominated but there was a certain chill undertone being present.
"As for the Shadows, it is clear what their goal is. To see us driven and humiliated. It is out of the question that the Mizuno clan will submit to the demands of murderers and terrorists. But due the vagueness and elusive nature of these brigands and cowards, I doubt that it is unfair to say that Lord Mizuno's list of those who he can trust is small. And I have to add that you, Roju, are not part of that list so far."

"The Akechi will decline your "Silver Immortals". Lord Akechi still hardly respects you, nor would he trust your men who failed us before to aid in any way." The man's more rough voice stated before he would shake his head in disproval.
"Indeed it is clear yet we continue to get asked questions. The answer is plain too see who these Shadows are. They let slip their disguise just enough during our isolation. It's the southern Vassals, who were all too eager to bite away at the Akechi when we showed them no hostile actions. So I believe the answer is you punish these upstart vassals before someone else does it for you Roju."

"It is a kind offer, Roju. But we Great clans haven't survived by mere pity or allowing outsiders to do the work we entrust to our inner circles," the voice of the trembling old man was firm and seemed quite friendly, as if he was speaking down to mere children. "I for one don't doubt your elite operatives. These 'Silver Immortals'. But accepting them is disgracing our own people." A wry smile crossed the wrinkled face as the blindfolded man turned his head towards Jirou. "Besides, uncovering rogues with kicking doors with elite operatives isn't what I deem necessary. Or effective. These renegades have been capable of infiltrating past high security clearances. I do agree with the Master of clan Akechi. It is most suspicious that the Southern vassals were at the ready to intervene. Did you order them?" Despite the polite phrasing and question, there was already some clear wariness present in both tone and body language of the old man representing the Hayashi clan. "In any regards, I am also quite intrigued to learn what you have even planned for these Shadows. If we, the Great clans," the old man motioned with a wide gesture, nonchalantly directed at the other representatives, "are to be respected, we demand them to be handed over. Their acts of terror and violence should be made an example out of. But what if they have had good cause? I learned that you intend to bring change to our nation. Will you appease us and allow bloodshed to continue? Or dishonour us and go through with your words?"

Listening to the words of all three representatives, Jirou was not surprised that all three had elected to reject his offer. He did not do much to earn their respect, indeed. But to simply act in the manner that they desired, which is to let them act freely in the southern vassals was not something he desired either, as it would serve as both a show of weakness on his side, by allowing the Great Clans to do as they desire, along with risking upsetting more than just the southern vassals.
"First, I will ask that you do not twist my words, Master Mizuno. No one is forcing anyone to take upon my offer. It is simply that, an offer. One which I will keep open still." Jirou stated, before turning to look at the Akechi "And was it that clear, master Akechi? Your clan performed a sudden retreat to your lands, securing it further than before. If anything, it would've been harder for them to try anything, along with the troops of the Mizuno that had also come to your borders. For them to act up then would've been a foolish act in many aspects."

Turning his gaze to the Hayashi representative, he nodded "Of course, you are correct that simply kicking down doors is not the way to go. However, I did not give a single order to the southern vassals. They acted on their own accord, and thus, they will answer for their decisions."
Looking across the table at all three, Jirou remained silent for a moment, before making a gesture with his hand. All the servants that were present in the room before left the hall, before he spoke up again "All three of your clans desire blood. And I would be a fool to simply act up against you. However," He glanced across the table "Right now, you act up, with my approval or without it, and the country will be set ablaze. Both the Noble clans, as the common folk will likely rise up against all of us. So, instead of simply delivering the vassals on a silver platter, I will say this." Jirou put his hands together, in front of him.

"Should proper evidence arise, more than speculation, that the vassals were behind it, then it will be presented to all to see, and you will have the full backing of the government in shedding the blood of the vassals. Until such time, no backing is offered from me." Jirou said, his gaze meeting each of the three "With that said, in order to find such evidence, you do still need to do investigations of your own. So, you have my approval to go investigate within the southern vassals. I will inform them that this is the result of their own stance against the Akechi borders." Jirou paused, pondering on something, before looking at Master Hayashi "Whether justified in their eyes or not, blood has been shed. And those responsible must be brought to face judgement. But should the action of an extreme group cause the burning of a nation? No, I do not believe so. Of course, if you find evidence that everyone in the southern vassals were involved, then far be it from me to stop you." Jirou leaned back in his seat. This was what he had to offer. If they did not wish to take it, then he would need to stand against them and condemn their actions. And he was well aware of that.

"Roju," the title was pronounced with a certain caution present in the Hayashi's voice. "I honestly think you need to reconsider your words. For if a more eager kinsman of mine was seated here, you would already find the Southern vassals ablaze within a week." The thin lips formed a straight line, the wrinkles and lack of seeing his gaze making it hard to gauge Hayashi's thoughts or emotions.
"It is sometimes wise to step aside. And while I can certainly see wisdom in allowing us to conduct these investigations, you must also understand that the vassals will not like seeing Great clan forces present. In no matter if it is a uniformal force or a squad of operatives, searching for the truth." The old man tapped the floor with his cane as he raised his chin slightly, radiating a certain pride.

"And while I am old, I will proudly announce that the Hayashi won't accept anything but the truth, the mere moment that the Southern vassals will obstruct us in any way? We will do more than demand blood, Roju. The consequences will be dire." The fragility of the Hayashi seemed to fade away with the stern, near cold anger that surfaced to the man's tone. "If you desire to see this resolved and your Silver Immortals deployed? Why not conduct and invest effort as resources? This allows us, Great Clans, to preserve our forces and make sure that no harm shall befall upon our kin. For now, that is what I consider the most mutual advantageous proposal yet stated here. Without a blood feud established between us and the Southern vassal states. Cause once the sword is unsheathed, there is no telling how much blood will be spilt. And that blood will be on your hands as well, Roju."

"You sure do like avoiding details." Masamune said with an aggravated sigh. "So allow me to fill you in on the details that you choose to ignore. When we went into isolation to make you answer, we showed no hostilities. We gave clear warning that anyone trying to sneak into our land would be dealt with. We gave respect to all, so they didnt make any silly mistakes. During this the southern vassals raised arms, and at first the Mizuno was actually reinforcing them. This however was due to our slight that since then Lord Akechi apologised to lord Mizuno for. Only then did the Mizuno reinforce our souther area only because those vassals wanted a fight to happen. Our troops there weren't reinforcing themselves nor organising anything."

Masamune then shook his head again as he rubbed his forehead. "Oh yes, great idea. Warn the vassals of an investigation, not like they wont use the time to get rid of any evidence, or as master Hayashi here says. Hinder us. You claim the noble clans and common people will all be against us, yet I can assure you. You are incorrect on this assumption, some of the noble clans would probably aid us if we three great clans made a choice. The common people sure they would be upset, they however want a leader to keep their title for more than what a few months? So more so the people would be more irked by you passing or stepping down, maybe anyway." Masamune said as he folded his arms staring at Jirou.

The Mizuno representative, Kida, remained silent as the others spoke. His irritation was visible but no words left his mouth as the Roju and other representatives spoke. When the representative of the Akechi was finished, Kida's lips parted as he spoke up.
"I agree with Master Akechi. It is one thing to allow us to conduct an investigation. But the whole point of trying to figure out if they are innocent or not is reduced to nothing if the Southern vassals are warned in advance." Kida's tone radiated a certain anger but one that didn't seem all-too dominant. "I do wonder though. You speak of the fact that we demand blood. And that you won't stop us if the Southern vassals were truly behind it. But much like Master Hayashi, I am most curious. I rather have things spoken directly and understood without a flaw. For it will be most troublesome if we start the punishments and you decide we somehow crossed a line." Gesturing to the representative of the Akechi clan, Kida's eyes narrowed slightly. "And as Master Akechi put it. You took the mantle of leader when you decided to behead senators and took it up to promise a better tomorrow. I now wonder how that tomorrow will look like. Bloodied or pacified."

And now things started being a bit clearer. Despite their so-called 'call for blood', they wished to spare the lives of their troops if they could find the truth beforehand. Or at the very least, that was what Jirou got from their words, which at the very least, the Mizuno seemed to reaffirm.
"First of all, thank you for your elaboration of how matters went, Master Akechi." Jirou offered a nod of his head to the Representative "And yet, I also doubt that a reign of bloodshed, by my hand or of another, is something that is desired by anyone in the country. It has seen enough of that."
He added, before turning his gaze across the table once more.
"Indeed, my own actions that raised me to power were bloody. And as for my promise, I already took some steps to help better the country. I made some mistakes, and I am still learning, as I am not a natural politician. I am a military leader. So my solutions and my words can likely rub off many the wrong way. However," Jirou paused for a brief moment "If it can be avoided, then I would have no bloodshed. I only brought this solution as all three of you immediately decided to not accept my own initial offer, and came bearing threats of either losing your backing, or risk losing the respect of the country. Pray tell me, if something like that happened on a smaller scale, under your own leaders. Something that threatened to rip your clan in half. How would you react? Would you try and find a solution that benefited all? Or one that benefited only those that hold the most power in your courts?"

Looking at the three, Jirou sighed "I will concede, I am not one to come up with more elegant suggestions. But if your desire for the truth and to avoid simply sending manpower is as you say, Master Hayashi," He turned to the older representative "Then I will offer this. The three of you agree on a period of time. During which, my men will go on an immediate, unannounced investigation of the southern vassals. Investigation for the truth. Reports of the progression of the investigation will be delivered to your lords on a regular basis. During this time, you will not move against the vassals. Once this period has concluded, we will reconvene again, discuss all the findings, and together choose how to proceed."
Jirou's expression and tone turned more serious "These are my men I will be risking, not yours. And my own resources. All I ask is time. I do not wish for the populations of the southern vassals as a whole to suffer for the actions of a single group. That much I have stated before. And along with that desire, I also wish to conclude the matter of the Shadows as peacefully as possible. But of course, it is impossible for me to do without your cooperation."

The blind and old Hayashi remained silent after Jirou's words. His eyebrows formed a frown on his wrinkled brow. "How would we react," the old man's voice rang clear in the room. "Immediately with decisive actions. As we have done. Communications were set up and a clear protocol was designed. One Great Clan doesn't have the resources that the Authority possesses but yet, and I can only speak for the Hayashi, we did what was necessary. Respond and intervene. No chaos and unrest has gotten out of hand. But to answer what the Hayashi would or already has done? To do the right thing." The voice of the old Hayashi became sterner and sounded disappointed.
"Some people will benefit and some won't. What the Hayashi have done is to do what is best. Not waste time by worrying who benefits most or least out of it. If you aspire to be a leader, you ought to make a decision that provides security, progress and stability. Your fretting is unbefitting and frankly tiresome."
Shaking his head lightly, the old man grumbled something. It was clear that his meeting was starting to irk him, greatly.
"Fine. If that helps this troublesome discussion to end. I long for some rest." Arisuke of the Hayashi clan stated, a displeased expression plastered on his weathered face.

The Mizuno representative remained silent as Jirou spoke up. The question directed at them was completely ignored. When the Hayashi representative spoke up, a subtle nod was only given by the Mizuno representative. A clear indication that he agreed with the old man.
"Very well. I hope you will keep to your word, Roju." Was all that the Mizuno representative gave, the cool tone likely enough to hint at his own mood regarding the meeting so far.

Much like the Mizuno representative, Masamune also kept quiet while the Hayashi representative spoke. When he finished speaking airing what any sane leader would do. Then for the most part agreeing with the request to end this whole charade, as did the Mizuno representative with a underlying tone to his words.
Masamune just sat silently for a moment while staring at Jirou. Sighing he would wave with his hand almost dismissively. "I suppose that will be fine. So are we done here then?"

Hearing the response that accepted his proposal, Jirou nodded to each of them "As it is agreed upon, then yes, we've concluded this discussion. As soon as you step out of these doors, I will begin instructing my operatives to begin their operations." He stated "I had intended to offer that we discuss any topics you may have wished to bring forth, but I can tell you all wish to conclude the meeting. So, I will say once more, thank you for attending." Jirou told them.
[ The Rift | Accessed from the 3rd Imperial Division's encampment, Sevudia ]
[ Meilin Cho | Jounin of Team 4 | Lieutenant of the Axebiters, the 11th Imperial Brigade ]

[ "Help." ]

[ Meilin access the odd realm of the Rift, through the secretive technique utilized by the Cho Guard. Usually, she uses it to train and hone her skill as time progresses slower in the Rift. Allowing her to spend longer and without any disturbance. But lately, something has bothered her. ]

The world was frozen. The sight of everyone stuck in sudden suspense was still surreal, no matter how many times she had witnessed it. The dimly lighted sky is coloured grey and dotted with many floating islands. The surreal feeling that she had entered a domain that wasn't meant for humans, yet here she was. With a calm and slow pace, Meilin walked through the encampment. The Rift once more perfectly replicated the scenery, as if it was some sort of odd painter that required a Void Walker to conjure images.
Halting in front of a young soldier, Meilin observed the facial expression. He carried a small box and seemed frustrated. Rightly so, for it wasn't an easy vocation to be young and in service within a military camp. Waiting patiently, Meilin tried to spot any subtle signs that the boy was moving. Perhaps even seeing her. Of course, she knew the damned answer but there was something restless. Something that had disturbed her training too many times when she had jumped into the Rift. As if someone had been watching and observing her.

Her first thought had been Kazumo. She knew that he could portal himself or others to the Rift. It had been a surprise but not a big one once she had connected the dots. The favourite of Lady Cho meant that one was bestowed with some intriguing abilities if they could harness them. There were others that could make the jump. Without a doubt, there were Cho Guards present. Watching and guarding Lady Cho, Meilin suspected. Perhaps they had been present? Watching and observing her?

She continued to walk. Observing and inspecting people that were frozen in the Rift, not showing any sign of life or the ability that they saw her. Yet, the feeling remained. That feeling of being watched, followed or perhaps even worse: haunted.
Unsheathing her longsword, Meilin placed the sharp edge against the throat of a laughing soldier. His gear betrayed that he belonged to the 12th Imperial Brigade. He was laughing about watching a comrade slip and fall in a puddle of mud. Nothing betrayed that the presence of Meilin's blade was registered. He was nothing more than a simple statue, so far she could see.
Removing the blade from the man's throat, Meilin cussed out loudly. She paced around the soldier. His expression didn't change. His eyes didn't follow her.

This process repeated itself several times. And each time, the burning sensation of being watched increased. It was maddening.
Looking around, Meilin tried to find hints, something that could make sense. But there was nothing that she could detect. Nobody made a move or gave a hint of what caused the feeling. Her instincts were telling her to go away - to 'jump' back to the world she belonged in. But her curiosity refused. She wanted to know. Needed to know!
Her pace increased as her breathing became hoarser. Tightening her grip on the hilt of her sword, she felt the urge to start swinging and hacking. To make sure that nobody or nothing could watch her anymore.

Suddenly, Meilin's heart skipped a beat. Coming to a halt, she stared directly at something that fell out of place. A raven stared at her, tilting its head as it observed her back. The fact that it moved was amazing, bizarre but amazing. Her understanding of the Rift was nothing could live here. She hadn't seen any animal ever be present and able to move. What did raise Meilin's hair was something else. One of the raven's eyes was piercing blue. A few feathers seemed also to radiate a blue hue as it caw'd at her but didn't make an attempt to fly away.
"What are you?" Meilin whispered, cautiously stepping closer in a deliberate motion.

No answer came.

The raven turned its head, observing Meilin with the odd-looking eye. Then a soft whisper radiated in the young woman's mind. It was soothing but she couldn't make sense of it. What was being said felt familiar but yet unknown?
Halting, Meilin narrowed her eyes. Slowly, she sheathed her weapon. The action itself confused her. She didn't feel safe or wanted to put her weapon away. Yet, she felt compelled.
"Who are you?" She decided to ask, her voice being louder than before.

The raven spread its wings, the gesture appearing as if it welcomed the new question. Once more it caw'd at Meilin, provoking the soft whisper to soothe Meilin's mind again.
Her breathe halted, her eyes widened. The shadow of the raven was much larger. It revealed a figure, slender in form and gestures.
"By the gods..."

Suddenly the raven spread its wings and beat them, jumping from the shoulder it had been perched upon. It closed the distance rapidly and passed Meilin.
Turning rapidly around, Meilin was frozen in a moment. Her mind tried to connect the random dots. All kinds of theories shot through her mind, but each conclusion terrified her. Then she gave chase.
Evading and vaulting obstacles, frozen people and more, Meilin managed to keep up with the raven. It caw'd, in a sort of playful way as it continued to fly.
"Please, stop," Meilin replied. Her hands shot together as she tried to perform one of her techniques. But instead of feeling the rush of the raven technique working, all she felt was some energy surging through her.
"What," the word escaped her as she had to vault over a crate and kept pursuing the odd raven. Her eyes desperately sought for the shadow on the ground, hoping to catch sight of the figure of the shadow. But there were so many individuals frozen in the Rift, so many tents and whatnot, that she couldn't catch sight of the raven's odd shadow.

Coming to a crashing halt, Meilin had to balance herself. Nearly had she plunged herself in the endless void that awaited all that decided to jump. The torn island that she was located on was one of the countless within the rift.
Immediately Meilin sought the raven. It took her a moment but then she saw how it graciously moved through the air. Landing on a very small island. It was out of Meilin's reach, no matter what she would do.
Then her eyes widened, any colour from her face withdrawing quickly.

On the small island was nobody other than Aiko Cho-Hon in the usual suspense that people seemed to be stuck in, painted and conjured by the Rift. She was on a knee, her hands tightly holding a small knife. Peering as good as she could, Meilin saw that the weapon wasn't made out of steel. The blade was long and very thin, yet jet black of colour. What was weirder was that the red-haired woman seemed to hold the knife pointed at her chest. But there was something wrong, something amiss.
It seemed as if she was attempting to push the knife away but to no avail.

The raven landed on Aiko's shoulder. It peered back at Meilin with a gaze that brought the previous whisper back.
"Please, I," Meilin began as she then heard somebody else.

The single word made Meilin's vision blurry. She had to blink rapidly in order to drive the blur away from her vision. Only to witness that Aiko's head was slightly twisted, looking straight at her. Her expression radiated stress and desperation.
"By the Gods," Meilin whispered as she stretched a hand out towards, wanting to reach out. Perhaps even signal that she had seen the other woman. Only for a heavy pull to cause darkness to rapidly surround her.
The whispering voice tried to tell her something.

Shooting upwards, Meilin breathed heavily. She quickly looked around, trying to make sense of where she was. Only to see that she was in her tent. As swiftly as she could Meilin went out of her tent. Bewildered and confused, she looked around her. The familiar ambience of the encampment was back. People were on the move and performing their duties.

"What in all the fucking," Meilin whispered, her heart racing as she could recall what she had seen. Licking her lips, she turned around. Seeing a raven perched on the top of her tent.
It lacked the oddities that she had seen with the raven in the Rift. Immediately, Meilin tried to look at the raven's shadow but it also seemed normal.

The raven cocked its head to the side before it jumped and flew away. Meilin considered following it but something in her gut told her to stay. To wait and prepare.
But for what?
[ Sevudia - Balagan ]
[ Alsanna Shirafuji / Yuyuko Takeda - @DeliciousFood @Sakayanagi Selko ]
[ Yuyuko wants more of that Alsanna-produced extra power and enhancements. What she gets is not quite that. At all. ]

Oil and Water

It was a quiet and uneventful day or so as Yuyuko checked her tent in the main camp along with her stuff as she placed her sword Fuurai into the traveling bag. From what she remembered, the general would need some time to figure out the details of the army's movement at least while coordinating with the Rebels where Hikari was stationed along with any following missions, hence with that, Yuyuko breathed as she considered what to do.
While wanting to get in some training on lightning release, her thoughts returned to her seal and Alsanna's warnings on too much usage of lightning release might trigger her seal, so after some consideration, the chunin went to look for where she last remembered Alsanna should be, apparently at a new boutique with weird items that she begun to question if Alsanna was a ninja by any sense of it or a merchant with training of being a shinobi. After a while, Yuyuko arrived at the front of the boutique as she leaned inside pushing her questions out of her mind...as she entered carefully.
"Umm, Alsanna chan, are you there, it's Takeda san?"
Yuyuko called as she peered into the boutique cautiously.

The boutique in question was permeated with a peculiar odour, one from an incense. It almost had some sort of burning smell with a hint of nuance behind it. The inside was otherwise well-lit, with dim lanterns hanging from the ceiling, shelves with rows of potion bottles, some filled, some not. Most of these shelves were at the opposite side of the shop to where the counter was. And in the center was a pile of various goods that had yet to be put away. Over said counter was a leaning Alsanna, indulging in a reading session over a book that had been set felt on the counter. One hand supported her cheek while the other kept on the page she was digging into. She was wearing her usual work-outfit, a sleeveless beige top with many coloured stains on it, more weathered military legwear and old boots. Her hair was tied into a bun this time around.

"Huh? Yeah? Come on in." a mere glance was dedicated to the newcomer as she continued to keep her nose into her book, "Don't have to call me Chan or whatever. That's what kids do." she answered dryly, her gaze only gracing Yuyuko when she turned for the next page, "Whatcha need?"

Yuyuko on her part shook her hand near her head to fan some of the odour away from her as she went in carefully tho internally noting how she may probably never want to get used to the smell noting all the amounts of books, items and other things.
Luckily Yuyuko was wearing a rather light attire which helped her navigate the place without worrying about making a mess or crashing into any of the items present. "ummm, right. Umm, Alsanna, I hope it won't be too much to ask if while I do my lightning release training, that you can help oversee it. Partially I admit it is because I worry about triggering your seal needlessly as I admittedly have had little to no real opportunities to test it...that and I want to try to push the upper limits of it. However since the Jonin and most don't know how it probably works...at least i dont think i do, I figured it maybe best to ask for your help….that is if you don't mind..and if you are ok with it.' the chunin asked cautiously breathing deeply praying that Alsanna did not hold any disgust or dislike over the threats Yuyuko made at the rebels or the extent of how much the chunin valued her katana Fuurai...well one can always hoped, she thought
"of course, I will try to make this as worth your while as possible." she said quickly adding that at least to hope that Alsanna would agree and hopefully can understand or at least tolerate Yuyuko's ethics on her items, or rather just her personal ethics on how she wanted her sword,Fuurai to be used.

"Little to no opportunities …" she repeated Yuyuko's words, eyes back on the book she was reading. Alsanna's voice didn't give off any hint as to how she may be feeling, but she very much too her time to get to the point, "Is Nishi not available? She certainly seems very much present when I need something. And she is a better sealer than I am." for a moment she pushed her pupils upwards to ponder, "Well, maybe not Juinjutsu, but your seal is simple enough to be dealt with by Fuinjutsu masters too." she said in a passively dismissive tone, her digits once again passing the book she was clearly enjoying.
"There are also those of the literal Lightning Nation outside of the fort you can probably bribe into working with you." Alsanna reached her foot backwards to drag the nearby armchair, which she'd then sit herself onto with only mild peeking being dedicated to the other, "You have the wrong person for any sort of ninjutsu training. Hell, what do you do during your time off, anyway?" now she squinted toward Yuyuko, very much judging, "Though now I'm curious, what could you possibly provide lil' me?" back to the piece of literature, her disinterest and laziness made very much apparent, "If you wanna buy something, by the way, you can try negotiating a discount. You're at least sort of likable."

Yuyuko winced as she heard the comments from Alsanna and thought to herself wondering if those suggestions were ideas she could do...even if they were valid options...though for starters, she did not want to interact with any outside the fort...at least for now while they were in enemy territory..or at least so near enemy territory.
""I am….not sure if i want to bother Nishi sensei…...just yet at least and plus with our last mission, while I will admit we have differing ideas on how things can be done and how we treasure items, I at least can say that Nishi's plan does not inspire any...confidence nor trust that i would put to train me without having me feel on edge. Sure I heard some rumors floating around you are not exactly savory...but the seal you gave me along with its results speaks for itself….so..." she says thoughtfully as she heard Alsanna list other possible options.
"I mostly train my Taijutsu and kenjutsu since i admit i have some fear of your seal atm, no offence...especially after last time, but on what I can provide...I am not sure about much besides what you think we can push with the seal...and admittedly, if I can seal a jutsu into Fuurai that i can use upon a specific action, it would be a boon as while i like that sword a lot, almost like a brother, I also believe that swords like Fuurai are made not to be put on a display cabinet, they made to be used and should they get lost or destroyed in battle, they at least lived honorably. And I wish to get stronger..so I figured I learn from you...at least I can trust that you want to test experimental jutsu and I want to be able to see if that jutsu can make me stronger for my parent's sake. But for items, I of course am considering what I would need since with no information on the next mission at the moment, choosing what to buy from you is not easy..." Yuyuko admitted as she glanced at the items considering what she can or should buy for any upcoming missions.

During Yuyuko's long winded explanation, Alsanna kept her nose in her book. Head tilted sometimes, hair brushing habit another time, only occasionally did Takeda receive a glance from the shopkeeper. After all of the other's detailing of her needs, the medic peered up after a minute, "Oh. You're done?" she inquired, blue eyes slightly wider than before, "Let's first decompose what you've said here, Yuyuko Takeda." and then a loud slam announced the sealing of her book, "Let's start with Nishi, your teacher. Why would you have reservations for seeking her guidance? It's quite literally her job. If you're unhappy with her methods, then tell her." with a degree of method, she'd bring her book to the shelf behind the counter before she'd take her time in moving around the surface to lean against it, arms crossed, "And so you expect me to pick up the slack because I gave you a fancy tattoo. Pretty silly."

Alsanna exhaled from her nostrils, her eyes returning to a squint, "Then you tell me you've never even bothered to experiment with my little gift to you. But want more?" her torso leaned forward, the pushy nature of her interrogation becoming obvious, "Getting stronger … So that's your only real drive? Just some Shinobi drone that thinks chunks of metal are worthy of being considered individuals?" and now she started pacing, her boots' steps echoing loudly over the stone flooring, "You are one strange person that's feeling a little risky, Yuyuko. A little too risky. You have easy answers to your issues and don't even seize them. Double silly."

That pacing slowed down as she circled around the team 11 newcomer, arms stilled crossed and those serpent-like blue eyes scrutinizing every detail of the other, "All without anything to really offer me. We've already done one experiment, and you've failed to give me anything of substance. Not even an injury from just how dangerous that seal can be." when she was to Yuyuko's right, her gloved, left hand swiftly raised to snatch the other Chuunin's cheek, pinching and cupping it as to force the other's visage to face Alsanna's, "The VERY least you could do is buy one of my wares, after subjecting me to such silliness, don't you think? It'd be Triple Silly otherwise." she shook her head, "Tsk tsk, you don't want to be a triple silly turdy, Yuyuko." and then she released Yuyuko's chin with a light shove, "And don't bad mouth Nishi again without her around. Rumours are discreet for a reason, because she'd probably carve any fucker, Jounin or otherwise, if they tried to act mighty around her."

Yuyuko nods as she heard Alsanna, shrugging slightly considering what her team-mate said and admittedly she had not fully thought very far on that regard, but then again, it felt as though there was something akin to an invisible barrier for her asking Nishi, perhaps after how she switched senseis from Kukiko to Karuko to Kuwata and now Nishi...at least that is what it seemed to her though as she focused on answering Alsanna's first question.
"I...well….i guess it is more of a I am not sure how far to go from where i was…..with my only indicators being lightning jutsu and trying to figure out the full details since it would be rather stupid if i discharge a bunch of lightning release jutsu in camp for no reason….at least..and sure, getting stronger is my drive...because i need to, at least so my parents can have an easy retirement to a quiet life and then….whatever happens after that point happens, and so i guess forgive me if i really want to find a way to get stronger as quickly as possible…..i just dont want to accidentally use your gift outside what is normal and knock myself out of any missions...or even hinder this war unneededly. Like how i dislike Fuurai being used by anyone outside my team-mates, especially enemy soldiers" she said as she tried to relax slightly while Alsanna grabbed her cheek, not really fighting it.
"on the other two points, I came with this shop with all the intention to buy at least some of your wares, among other things…that was never in doubt. And for Nishi..I have reservations for a number of things and I do not appreciate playing that dangerous guessing game last mission as it is a level of trust that I have doubts giving even my father,much less a sensei who I only got to know on my first mission...at least compared to you who I, at least, knew from when you gave me my gift, plus for rumors, I only heard the ones about you, I have no intention of bad-mouthing Nishi sensei to anyone, mostly just telling my concern as it is to a team-mate since if i had to guess, you, Hikari and Nishi have a team-dynamic already for awhile, so if i bring it up just because, it might affect the team-dynamic when i should try to fit her style and that among other things is something I don't want to say anything yet due to how new everything is."
She said as she mentally went over in her head any items she was lacking so she could buy some of Alsanna's wares.

"Then do it outside camp." Yuyuko was immediately interrupted by Alsanna when the notion of causing a mess in camp was brought up. The young shopkeeper had since turned around and started tending to her wares and other miscellaneous items that were scattered about without conferring a glance toward the other. But she allowed the rest to flow out without any more intervention on her behalf. Once everything was uttered from the swordsman's side, Alsanna started to hum to herself. Her usual, forest-y tune as she continued to tidy up. Almost a minute of awkward silence reigned until she spoke up with little fluctuation to her tone, "So you want to get strong fast, because you think some basic-ass, lightning-wielding little tart can stand out among top Shinobi like Nishi Hirashima or Karuko? Hell, even that teenage Jinch of that whatever clan?" as she spoke, her tone slowly raised while her hand gestured slightly more aggressively.

Exhaling from her nose, she'd turned her head to barely get a glimpse of Yuyuko from the edge of her eye, "I will not teach you how to use a tool I've handcrafted for you. It is not a gift. It is a curse with its benefits and caveats. The fact that your body hasn't started adapting to it disappoints me." clicking her tongue, she pointed her index toward one of the shelves while the idle one had reached for a bottle as she was looking for some place to set the item, supposedly, "If you want to get strong fast like going on some fad diet to be less of a fat-fuck, then go to those that actually have attained this level. The shortcuts I provide will NOT benefit you, I can promise you that." clearing her throat, her tone lowered itself to more of a mutter, "No shortcuts for me too. Sucking up to customers, getting some of that Northern good word … Fucking fuck." Alsanna shook her head, her hand resting against the shelf's surface, "As to not make this encounter wasteful, however. I do have an experiment that may be of some use to both of us, Yuyuko Takeda."

Yuyuko on her part noted Alsanna's words as she can see the logic behind what her team-mate was saying, all things considered as the chunin shook her head while internally considering what she should buy at least for wasting Alsanna's time and probably to begin figuring out what tests she could do for the seal and by all accounts Alsanna reminded her, is a curse before it is a gift….if it even can be considered such a thing.
As Yuyuko heard Alsanna go on and begin fixing the wares in her shop, she chuckled to herself that at least Alsanna is honest about the curse and direct......for whatever that is worth considering what to do as the chunin looked at a number of the wares,trying to make out but not touch the items unless she was sure she wanted it as Alsanna's last part caused her to perk up her ears.
"I am all ears for it and would love to do it,at least so that it would benefit both of us. At the very least i can use it for coming up with ideas….for later."

"Good." twirling her figure to orient herself toward the other, Alsanna slowly pressed the tips of her digits against one another while foregoing the thumbs in this methodical gesture, "Go around the shop, and prepare your sword. We'll be conducting a couple of tests at the back." the meticulous posture she had was broken as she raised her index, "You will be using chakra, mind you. Just not the one enabled by that fancy mark I've left." with that said, she gestured toward Yuyuko to depart while the shopkeeper prepared for the upcoming 'session'.
The shop's lanterns were closed and the appropriate equipment was brought, which consisted in a box filled with small, squerical bottles. All of them contained a white, maybe slightly yellow-ish substance that released a lot of gas or smoke. There was a liquid in there, a darker yellow than the near-white fog over the fluid, with slight variations in tones depending on the bottles. They were all similar, but someone with Alsanna's expertise could tell not the same ingredients composed each bottle, "You're going to be practicing that chakra flow ability you sword users love to swing around. And I'm going to dose you with this like kids egging houses of people that didn't capitulate to their reasonable demands. Ready?" with very little time given to the other Chuunin, Alsanna was already holding one of the bottles and prepping it to be hurled toward Takeda's direction.

Yuyuko on her part raised her eyebrow slightly as she heard Alsanna's words of preparing her sword as she did carry Fuurai and at least a few knives. While she did contemplate just using her kunais, she decided to prepare Fuurai as if it really broke, she at least had the hilt to reconstruct it later...at least and it will at least improve her sword if anything...well hopefully. "Alright, I will get Fuurai ready."
She said as she prepared her sword and readied it.
Not long after doing so, Yuyuko noted the bottles as Alsanna came over and explained to her what was going to happen, the chunin breathing in as she reminded herself that the experiment was to help her improve. With that, she considered putting her mask on but thought better of it as she moved slightly away from her things holding only Fuurai as she got into a stance focusing on the bottles and senses to prepare for what was going to come.
"Ok, go for it"

Sucking in her cheek, Alsanna checked out Yuyuko for a moment while she idly tossed the bottle over her hand as if it were some toy ball. Then, she took a couple of steps back before setting both hands on the glass to cup the entire thing while raising them up over her head, "May wanna, uh, lace chakra around that weapon." she suggested right as she went for a nasty, fast-ball special right toward Yuyuko's being. The other could do a few things, like dodge, block, parry/strike or tank it. In every scenario the bottle's fluid would explode out if any impact on Fuurai or Yuyuko's being was made, and if she dodged, it'd hit the wall right behind her. The end result would lead to a yellow gas cloud that easily enveloped the area surrounding Yuyuko, ranging to about twelve meters in diameter in its wake and remaining static in its shape and flux.
"How do you feel?" breathing the air was definitely nauseating and causing vertigo, while the lungs desperately wanted to expel the toxins. It wasn't deadly or even that damaging, but Yuyuko would be covered ENTIRELY in an oily substance had she been in the cloud even briefly. And most of all, Fuurai would not behave as it should. Any chakra on it was starting to act strange, needing more chakra to work and something just flickering like it was downright malfunctioning, "I'm going to throw another one riiiiiight at your face~"

As Yuyuko noted the bottle in Alsanna's hand, it was not very difficult for her to charge Fuurai with chakra as she did so, more or less when Alsanna begun stepping back, an indicator she was going to throw the bottle of liquid as Alsanna gave her warning, that signal being enough for the chunin to sharpen her senses along with focusing on the chakra she was charging around Fuurai to the Samurai chakra sabre technique that she had been practicing with the chakra being laced with just regular chakra at least to prevent her seal from triggering unneededly.
With that, Yuyuko reacted like how she normally would if such an object were to fly at her as she in the precious few seconds, gauged the bottle hurtling towards her as she tilted Fuurai and swung it sideways in a wide swing while using that motion to position her right shoulder towards the bottle to in a sense minimise any glass shards slashing any vital parts on her as the bottle exploded as part of Yuyuko's right side was most certainly covered in substance bit she was at least smart enough to shield her face. However she then coughed as the toxins in the cloud at least was very unpleasant "cough cough….fine...i think for now….but my...cough, chakra…."
She says trying to decrease her breathing in an effort to reduce the effects but the oily substance that covered her as she was more or less in epicenter of the cloud. She also noted the effect it was having on Fuurai as she nodded towards Alsanna trying to ignore the effects while trying to adjust her chakra input into the jutsu as though trying to relax it and decrease to amount of chakra used to maintain her jutsu to the absolute minimum before repeating what she did earlier for the second bottle, using her right arm and side to shield her in the swing when the bottle would fly towards her from Alsanna's throw.

Squinting toward the other, Alsanna abstained from furthering her sadistic ploy and instead lowered her hand, though didn't release the bottle. Lips pursed in growing frustration and her head shaking side to side, the medical professional finally called out, "You can get out of the gas, y'know. Before you suffocate." Alsanna was not oblivious to the changes in Fuurai, but then again, the results didn't seem to fascinate her. Should Yuyuko actually leave the cloud, one could find that the flow was indeed quivering, but the oil itself didn't do all that much. It had some very light obstruction but it was otherwise easily shrugged off by the blade with enough focus. What affected the flow was Yuyuko's composure being compromised by inhalation of toxic gas and the haziness imposed on her vision and mind. Sighing, the conductor of the experiment crossed her arms, "Yeah, you're not going to control chakra if your lungs aren't working and you can barely focus properly. Get out and get ready for another dose." bossy as ever, she ordered Takeda to move out, and with little time to lead the other recuperate, she'd hurl the next, slightly differently tinted tonic toward the other with the exact same cloud being formed upon the bottle breaking. This time, it smelled far, FAR worse, but the effects were barely different.

Yuyuko on her part coughed slightly as she heard Alsanna's words and quickly made her way out of the cloud to at least get into some sort of breathable air. "Thank you...i...cough, hope the test showed some good results" Yuyuko spluttered as she checked Fuurai a.d her jutsu,noting the difference and flicked the blade to at least rid it of the oil that was covering it.
Luckily in that time, she at least recovered enough to compose herself as her blade was rid of the oil after a few flicks while Yuyuko took some deep breaths to compose herself and try to prepare as it was soon time for the second test. With a quick heads up from Alsanna, Yuyuko repeated what she did for the most part but additonally taking a deep breath to try to reduce the effects but she soon breathed and coughed again trying to deal with the gas and checking if her jutsu on Fuurai was still working as she should still be trying to maintain to maintain the technique.

The oil was difficult to purge, because it was not only sticky, but had a slight corrosive effect on Fuurai. Nothing severe, but it did affect its more pristine surface. A few flicks got rid of a lot, but some persisted. Although regardless of the outcome, Alsanna would just toss the next bottle, and like the previous, exploded into a cloud of gas. It had an even fouler smell, and this time the oil was particularly thick when it accumulated on a surface. On the Fuurai, the oil would actually have a far more corrosive effect than usual, downright creating rust on the blade, although not actually damaging it. The toxicity of the gas was pretty awful too, giving a slight burning sensation to any and all exposed mucosa to those exposed. Breathing it would be particularly gross and unpleasant.
"So far, so good, Yuyuko! Try to use your technique now, and try to cut down some stones over there!" Alsanna smirked, while pointing at some debris nearby. The jutsu would be far less effective than usual, but after cutting into the stone, it would quickly regain some of its vigour and the rust would begin to fall already.

Yuyuko on her part coughed as she waited a few moments between the different tests trying to hold on as long as she can before stepping out. For all that was worth, the stench was horrible even despite being prepared for it as the chunin noted it but kept on before breaking out of the cloud of smoke. At least this time she managed to at least keep it together...somewhat as she checked the blade noting the effects whicu meant that later, Yuyuko would need to do maintenance on Fuurai to get the blade back to it's proper order..somewhat."Alright Alsanna, just let me catch my breath and clear my throat." she said as she let out a cough before heading to the debris, clearly the smoke having an effect on her and Fuurai as the chakra blade seemed to feel alot weaker.
With that, she took a deep breath while internally dreading that she will need to use her sharpening stone afterwards and slashed at the rocks.
Upon impact, the blade caught in the debris with a hard thung and Yuyuko felt the force of the blade being stopped. She then withdrew the blade and noticing the effects repeated the move a few more times, each time cutting a bit more deeply as the effects of the cloud begin to wear off.

Alsanna pushed her lips out as she examined the results, "Hmmm." at this point Yuyuko was just covered in disgusting, hard-to-wash oil and the mild hampering of chakra was growing slightly unpleasant. Still, it didn't truly block chakra flow so much as it made it more difficult, and even then, it only lasted for so long, "Tsk. None of it is sticking. Figuratively." the substance itself simply didn't have much in terms of limiting chakra and was used up quickly, "I'd need a better catalyst. And the main component too …" biting her thumb before she picked out another bottle, the conductor of this experiment seemed to mostly throw away any concern for the lab rat in this situation.
Then, she just tossed some more bottles, though she barely passed a glance toward Yuyuko. Just made her eat gas cloud after gas cloud until she was more oil then person.

Yuyuko on her part shook her head as she continued the test further and further as she herself knew well...a reason on why the test needed to be done. However as the test wore on, by the 7th pt 8 more bottle, it jjst became more and more tedious and harder for Yuyuko to breath as she felt even her chakra beginning to pull on herself in her mind, the chunin trying to be as helpful as she could as the tests continued, howeber each giving no real results to show and Yuyuko's cough getting more and more worse. With that, Yuyuko raised her hand as she avoided another gas cloud and headed over close to Alsanna, coughing. "Maybe it is just my weakenss or something….cough...but can we perhaps take a short break and see the changes and results...cough...i really like to continue...but i at the very least need a moment to catch my breath and at least eat or drink something...maybe it is the gas that is getting to me but really…." she said as the chunin let out a very bad cough aimed away at Alsanna but even then, she seemed rather sickly from all the coughing that she had to go through and yet still seemed to be trying to force herself to stand have a normal conversation despite the situation being anything but normal..

"Uhm." Alsanna was barely even paying attention, as the bottles were yielding similar results and shortcomings. Some were more foul, some even did the contrary effects and washed right away. With a final, probably pointless bottle hurled to the pleading Yuyuko, Alsanna nodded, "Guess you're right." she said, before turning on her heels with a mental note of the little experiment that had just occurred. Without giving Yuyko a checkup, leaving the swordsman with a nasty cough for a little while, she'd already make her way to her shop, "Oh, yeah, roll on dust and dirt if you wanna get rid of the oil." she said with a slightly stronger voice, hand in the air to wave in the test subject's attention.

Yuyuko on her part nodded as she continued to cough, taking deep breaths to try to at least stop the coughs from actually getting worse while at least getting past the final bottle, herself at least a good deal worse for wear but at least not completely feeling like crap as she used decided against the dirt opting to use her hands and try to coat them with chakra the same way as she did with Fuurai to then rid her of at least some of the oil.
"Ummm right...i guess that should be fine"
She said trying to will herself to resist the urge to cough and made her way as well to Alsanna's shop to buy some cough drops among the other things like some cleaning oil, medical supplies and maybe any oils or things that can be used to improve either her or Fuurai...well one of the two, hopefully praying that she at least managed to break some limits and that Alsanna had not wasted her time to part her actually did consider it...before she pushed it out of her mind..at least to reassure herself that it would serve to help the team later.