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[ The Isle of the Rún, Whirlpool Province | Empire of Akino ]
[ Under Assault | A collaboration between @Oblivion666 , @Lesli and @Aliceee ]
[ Aya visits the oracle known as the Whisperer. This exchange goes rather decent until something seems off. Before Aya can attempt to gain control of the situation, an unknown force disrupts Aya's meeting. ]

This was certainly interesting. Aya looked around at all the flowers smiling as she spotted some that her sisters would have loved. It was a beautiful sight to behold, in fact she could have easily been distracted by them if it wasn't for the fact as she walked these whispers got louder and louder. Almost annoyingly so as it did keep her mind on the pathway and not the flowers that ran along the pathway. Well if this was one of the downsides then she guessed it was alright if it meant she got an answer.
Her walking would slow a bit as a cave was coming up which seemed pitch black, which made sense but could have sprung for some torches. As she entered it indeed was dark as could be, making her walk extra carefully in case anything was sticking out of the ground. It certainly didn't help that these whispers plagued her in the darkness. Almost like a bad dream trying to get to her.

Eventually though a light was in the distance getting closer and closer. The sight of sunlight made her pick up her pace a bit as she was eager to be rid of the dark cave and hopefully the whispering. Which so far seemed to be working because as she got closer to the light the whispers did indeed come to a halt.

The light would eventually reveal a spacious round room. On the walls numerous glyphs, runes and other signs were drawn into the wall. The red stone room was illuminated by various candles placed in various locations that provided a pleasant atmosphere. There was some furniture present that provided some comfort for whoever dwelled in this site. Interestingly enough, in the centre was a pillar that seemed to support the whole room. Around the pillar one could see various altars being placed. Some had the same unknown signs and symbols that adorned the wall. However, Aya would be capable of recognising a few that belonged to one of the two dominant religions that was present within the Jirou Authority, that of Miku's Light.

A cough would resonate from behind the pillar as an old woman came into sight. Her expression betrayed irritation but it was unclear if her discontent was with Aya's arrival or the hamperings of old age.
"Aya Oda," the old hag muttered, just audible enough, "intriguing," the old woman approached the young girl, sizing her up, as if she was nothing more than cattle to be sold and purchased on the market.
"Normally, my visitors come alone. And they don't bring one of those," the old hag pointed at the girl's stomach before waving it away - as if it all meant nothing anyways.
"Take a seat sweetie. I sure need one." The oracle instructed with a firm tone as she took a seat of her own, waiting for Aya to do the same.

Well this was a peculiar site indeed, Aya thought as she looked around the room and admired all the glyphs. In fact this was a pretty diverse room as it seemed it had a little bit of everything to it. Aya however as she was looking around would get spooked a little at the sudden cough followed by the old woman whom the cough came from. Aya had a smile until it quickly went into confusion when the woman knew her name and that Saiken resided within her. Well so far either she was the best mind reader ever or she was indeed what she was proclaimed.

Giving a gentle smile she would take a seat as she looked at the older woman. "You knew my name and that Sluggers is sealed within me. Well so far I'm starting to believe everything that was said about you so far. Granted I could have sworn someone said you weren't a woman, but that doesn't really matter."

"I would be a horrible oracle if I don't know things, child," the old woman retorted, not hiding her dismay that Aya didn't catch that detail, "And maybe I am not even human. You simply see a form of me. But I doubt that you'll understand it. I know about you and your desires." Frowning, the old woman shook her head, "Revenge clouds your mind and makes you predictable. Boring, I even need to say. Which is a damn shame, seeing what you have brought here. It has been nearly a century since the last of your kind came to visit me. And then it is a mere child who I can read like a damn book."
Placing her hands on her knees, the old woman leaned slightly forwards.
"So, what questions do you hold? You are aware that I can't answer everything? Some matters require you to pay a price. If you are even willing to learn the answer to them and understand what those answers can mean."

Aya was a bit silent when the older woman started speaking, it was true if she had these powers then, who's to say she couldn't use whatever form she wished. She bit her tongue when the woman said revenge clouded her mind. She kept silent as she spoke, staring slightly at the ground, and simply nodded to her own question. She knew she couldn't answer everything and that some had bigger prices.
"I so badly wish to ask about Kiro. I really do. Yet at the same time. I want that to be figured out by myself. I hate him and want revenge on him but… I will figure that out on my own." Aya would sigh as she looked around almost like she was about to be naughty asking about something.
"I know it's a waste of a question… Yet honestly I never really needed answers… Well I mean I want answers yet I feel even if you gave them they wouldn't be simple fixes. I'll still have Sluggers sealed inside of me. I'll still be hunted down. So…. my question is..."

Aya would shuffle her feet slightly as a small smile formed on her face. "Will Mika ever be truly happy again? I know she's been through a lot, and she's helped me a lot. So… I want to know if one day she will be truly happy and with no burden."

The old lady grunted as she listened to Aya's words. When her question finally came, the Whisperer was silent. She simply stared at Aya, almost as if the words hadn't registered or been processed properly by the oracle. Then she shook her head slowly.
"You are a silly girl. A sweet but silly girl. You desire to know the destiny of someone else? That is possible. But you still need to pay a price. Are you willing to pay a price to know another person's destiny?" The old woman asked, her eyes narrowing as she was visibly curious to what Aya would decide. "The price might not be to your liking, child. Nor may the answer. So think carefully. Cause once the price is set, it can't be haggled or changed."

"Of course, I was going to pay a price anyway right?" Aya said quickly before rubbing her arm. "Well that usually what a price means huh? I know what paying a price means. I've done it with people I'm supposed to trust, might as well do it with someone that might not even be a real person. As for the answer…. Well even if it's bad news that gives me hope I can maybe change it. So come on then. What price am I offering? Part of my life? Blood? Hate to break it to you my money sank when the ship got destroyed by the cutest turtle."

"Not always right away," the old woman replied, "that isn't up for me to decide. I am simply a messenger of some sort, child," the old woman answered, in a more calm fashion than before. Though she seemed slightly amused by Aya stating that she indeed may not even be a real person.
"Ah, you must be careful. Changing one's destiny isn't without risk. Many tried or still try it. Merely out of fear or desire. But sometimes, one destiny is bad by their own design and can't be changed by outsiders. Take that in child," the oracle stated before she coughed and required a pause.
"The price is decided. If you want to know your mentor's destiny, I will require your blood. But you may not like it. For it can damage the seal that keeps that beast inside of you. Damage that can't be easily fixed by others," frowning, the old woman looked at the entrance before back at Aya. Something seemed to disturb the oracle but she didn't voice it.
"If you agree with this payment, present both arms, child. This price will be heavy."

"I know but if I can possibly change something from bad. It's worth a shot." Blood was her price but apparently that could damage Saikens seal. Which could also mean that it might not be fixable, at least easily. Aya saw her frown and look for something which caused her to gaze back but she saw nothing that would warrant anything.
Then she was told to extend both her arms as the price was going to be heavy. Without hesitation she extended both of her arms towards the older woman. "I suppose I'm ready as I'm ever going to be….. oh" Aya then remembered her bandaged arm which she would quickly undo. It felt a bit weird exposing her burned arm, she wasn't fully sure why she still bandaged it. It was healed, just her skin bearing the scar of that day. Once again she extended both arms.

The old woman scoffed, her amusement most clear in the gesture when Aya mentioned that it was worth a shot to change a bad destiny. Calm and gentle, the old hands wrap around the wrists of Aya. The touch of the old woman was surprisingly warm and comfortable. Her thumbs gently rubbed over the girl's wrists, as if she had to calm her down.
"That is a nasty burn," the oracle mentioned softly as she seemed to observe the scarred skin. "It is unfortunate that the person responsible is likely still incompetent. But let us focus on what is to come," the old woman stated as she locked her eyes with Aya. "There won't be any pain but the progress will be… difficult. Just remain calm and don't try to fight it."

Releasing her grip with her right hand, the oracle's right hand slipped to her side. A slim dagger was brandished by the oracle as she would bring the blade close to the girl's skin. Something seemed to give cause for the oracle to once more glance at the opening and frown. It stayed silent and there wasn't anything or anyone that seemed there to disturb the imminent ritual.
When the old metal seemed to reach for the girl's skin, the oracle halted once more. Frowning, she would release her grip and seemed to be incredibly disappointed, judging by her features.
"I don't commit to the ritual when more people are brought into the sanctuary. You need to leave."

Aya gave a slight scoff considering he can't be incompetant anymore, but it was nice to hear those words. Her eyes widened as did her heart rate increase, still she did her best to calm her nerves before the ritual could happen. Wasn't much of a mood changer when she stated there wouldn't be any pain. taking a deep breath she readied herself until… it never happened. She wouldn't commit to the ritual when others were brought to the sanctuary. Aya looked very confused as she looked back at the entrance, one of her group followed her? But why?! They were told to come alone and…… Aya just stared at the entrance before looking back at the old lady, like she wanted to protest that she didn't bring them. Yet she didn't need to be an oracle to know where her answer would reside.

Aya softly nodded as she stood up. "I'm sorry…. I didn't think any of them would follow me. Downside of being a Jinch I suppose." Aya spoke as she gave a polite bow to the lady before walking back to the entrance, her hand tightening into a ball. She had a chance for answers and they were now ruined, so now she was going to get the answer on why they ruined this for her.

"No need to be so sad."

An unknown femine voice said as a hand moved out of Aya's shadow and clasped around her ankle. In a swift motion, a sword followed out of Aya's shadow and the sharp tip was placed against the girl's back. A masked individual slowly seemed to grow out of the girl's shadow, crouched and sounding quite friendly.
"Though, if you make another move, I will have to sadly stab the girl," the masked individual stated.
All the while, the oracle watched with a blank expression as the events unfolded within her sanctuary.

Her walk halted as did her balled fist. Much like when the dagger was before her, her eyes widened as a hand clasped her ankle while a sharp sensation was up against her back. Aya could only move her head and see a masked figure. Aya's look then went to Oracle before it went back to the ground. "How….. There should have been no way to track……. me.." Aya spoke before the realization dawned on her. Her sword. Given back by a foreign state. Fucking incompetant dictator didnt throoughly check it?
Aya fists once again clenched as she tried to think of what to do, yet in this circumstance?

Slowly, the masked individual rose up. The tip of the sword was still pressed against Aya's back. "Don't worry. Your fate won't be a gruesome one. Just comply." The masked individual's head slightly tilted as she seemed to look at the entrance. "Not to mention, tell your dear mentor to please stand down. It would be a horrible change of event if I had to skewer you right here and now."

Aya looked back at the masked woman as if she didn't believe anything she just said. Her attitude perked up slightly when she was told to tell her mentor to stand down otherwise she got skewered. Aya peered towards the entrance trying too see if she could see Mika's face but the darkness wasn't helping. Aya just stared at the darkness for a few seconds before speaking. "Mika…. I'll…. I'll be okay. Just get Sugi and Kayleen home. They are my longest team so far and I kind of want it to stay that way. So…. don't Mika. Just don't do anything." Aya stated as she glared at the masked woman.

"I comply and you don't hurt her or them right?" Aya mumbled to her.

Slowly, a person seemed to materialize out of thin air in the opening. Mika's expression betrayed her disdain towards the current situation. Whereas she had been comfortable to remain out of the ritual and matter what happened in the Sanctuary of the Whisperer, something had ticked Mika off. When she had come to investigate, the appearance of a masked individual did little to improve Mika's mood. The request of Aya seemed to only increase Mika's hostility as her eyes narrowed. But the jounin didn't jump into action. Glancing from the masked individual back to Aya, there seemed to be some sort of relaxation going through Mika as she slowly started to vanish again.

The Oracle remained where she was during the whole exchange, her arms crossed out in front of her chest. The masked individual snickered softly, yet audible enough for Aya, as Mika appeared and then vanished again to confirm she would comply with Aya's request.
"I won't hurt anyone if I don't need to. Just comply, dear. For I am not someone who play as nice as the previous playmate that you had experienced," the masked woman stated. With Mika vanishing, the masked individual pressed the tip of her sword further - to motion Aya to start walking forwards.
"Slowly, dear. Don't try anything funny, please. I didn't plan to cut your legs or arms. But if I have to, I will. Oh," the masked face slightly turned as she raised her other hand to wave at the Oracle. "Apologies for the intrusion. I will take my affairs with Aya outside."
The Whisperer just remained where she was, observing the whole situation.
"Now, slowly keep walking so we can both leave this place in peace, hm?"

Seeing Mika appear made Aya smile briefly, she really did provide a sense of security. So she was glad that she listened to her. Aya simply remained silent as the woman spoke about being more mean than the last one. So this wasn't the crystal lady then? Well that meant she had no idea how to combat this even if she could have now. feeling a prick she frowned as she started walking forwards while the woman made sure to put some threats out there if she were to resist in any way.
"You know if you are going to abduct me. Then at least don't try to small talk with me. Just say walk or stop."

"Come now," the masked woman said as they started to walk. "Just because I am going to take you somewhere, likely against your and others desire, doesn't mean we have to be hostile." The friendly tone seemed to have something disarming to it. Placing her free hand on Aya's shoulder, the masked individual spoke further.
"Besides, I do speak the truth. You won't be hurt if you comply. And you won't be forced to hurt others. In fact, who knows? If you behave, it will be over quick and you can return to do whatever it is you want to do."

Aya would raise an eyebrow at her, because she was being taken against her will…. didn't mean they had to be hostile. "I… I think that's exactly what that means actually." Aya mumbled as she simply shook her head at what she said next. "Oh yes I'm sure you created a pain free way to do whatever it is you plan to do. Certainly no repercussions, and I even get to do whatever I want after?" Aya said, faking some marvel before her face went back to frowning.
"What's your next bit? I'm going to get a nice boyfriend and live a nice happy life? Listen you don't give one fuck about me, I'm already complying so why try to say words that probably won't be true. Besides if I do go back I can assure you the only thing Im doing is punching our leader of the country in the face for not checking a stupid fucking scabbard!"

"Seems it is true. You are quite feisty." The kidnapper said, not hiding her amusement as they would exit the cave and stand at the path, leading back to the nearby village.
"Honestly, I speak because I want to kill some of the silence. It is a long voyage and I dread to imagine what it will be like if it is just silence," the masked woman said as she pushed Aya forwards to indicate that she had to walk.
"But very clever to figure out how I managed to ambush you. Who knows? You might become a splendid nin. Though I would work on that attitude of yours. It is not smart to act so hostile when you are literally at someone's mercy."

"Then speak about something that isn't about how you are quite literally abducting me. Cause trust me I'm aware of this." Aya said grumbling before rolling her eyes at figuring out how she ambushed her.
"To be fair one would think to check the sword they just got from another country's leader. Mostly when they got reports of said individual having been attacked. Yet it seems that's a normal common thing to just take. You will simply have to put up with a hostile attitude for now, I think I'm allowed an hour of being a bit pissy. Mostly considering I'm probably not going to be allowed back here ever again."

Clearly amused, the tone of Aya's captor still remained friendly as well. "Very well. We can talk about other matters. And don't be so upset. It is the fault of your countrymen for not checking a returned blade indeed. But, at least, you got it back." The masked individual seemed to grow more laidback as they walked down the path. "I don't think there is any unwritten or written rule about how long you are allowed to remain hostile. Hm, would it perhaps help if I offer you something nice along the way?"

Did she get it back? For all she knew her sword was once again missing and at this point a hazard to even bring around anymore. "Cause normally people that are kidnapped usually never return or are traumatized. So I think it's fair that I get an hour of being pissy." Aya then looked back at her confusingly. "You are going to offer me something nice? Well that does not sound creepy at all, but sure who knows maybe this nice thing will knock my pissy mood down to thirty minutes."

A loud rumbling pierced through the air. It seemed that the air itself was shaking due to the imminent violence. Soon the cracking of wood and slamming of debris into the air would become audible as a huge force of water started to drill through the ground towards Aya and her masked kidnapper.

Halting, the masked individual glanced at the side. The large wave of water tearing through everything in its path was far from comforting. With the back and blunt edge of her katana, the masked individual slammed it against Aya's head to daze her before making her way out of the violent torrent of water.

No response came besides a loud audible rumbling sound that seemed to come closer with each passing second. The louder it got the more sounds started to mix in such as the snapping of wood, only for a large force of water to come into sight towards them. Before Aya would do anything though, a crack and immense pain rang through her head as she fell to the ground stunned from the sudden hit by the masked woman. She got to all fours but the water would slam into her knocking the wind right out of her as the force of the water would drag her to wherever it could before its halt.

Consumed by the mass of water, two hands seemed to grab Aya firmly - instead of a heavy pressure attempting to rip Aya's body apart. Mika held Aya closely as she waited for the perfect moment. Just before the water slammed against the mountain, Mika landed on a thick tree branch - the heavy foliage covering her and Aya.
Silently, Mika instructed Aya to stay silent while she threw a glance from where they had come from. Perhaps...

Head was still ringing and her body was very much being dragged along by the force of the water. That however was fixed when two hands grabbed her and held her tightly, pulling her along with to a tree branch. It had some element of surprise, she did her best to not be choking on water that got in her lungs from the sudden hit. Her head still felt very heavy as she slowly peered up at Mika with a small smile and a soft nod. She had such an irritation in her throat that she desperately wanted to cough up. For now though she would do her best to remain quiet.

The seconds painfully moved past as the two remained still in their place. There was barely any ambience or sound that betrayed their opponent from moving or going anywhere. Mika knew that these silent fights were perhaps dull to the ninjutsu-lovers. But the tangible tension and lack of sound or sight of their opponent meant two things. Either her ruse had worked or her opponent was also a master of stealth. Stealth fights like these could be decided by a simple misstep or reaction that was too late.
The slow and dreadful seconds became a few minutes as Mika remained vigilant. Only then did she gesture that Aya could relax a bit as the jounin herself released a soft sigh.

At this point Aya was already resting on the branch, her head was still throbbing from that hit, and she could certainly feel the bump forming. Yet silent they stayed, unmoving and not daring to make a single sound in fear of bringing this woman to them. Must have been enough of a threat if Mika didn't feel like she could take her out in a straight up fight. Or possibly Aya would have been too much of a hindrance. It was probably true though, she couldn't keep up against the crystal woman so if this person wasn't lying then she would be flailing in the water. Mika would eventually gesture that she could relax which simply prompted a nod from her as she still remained laying on the branch.

Mika waited a bit longer. Then she turned to Aya once more, whispering her next instructions. "Listen and listen well," Mika began as she softly squeezed Aya's right shoulder, "Over a few seconds, you drop from this branch and start running to the village. I will cover you. Then when we reach the village, we gather Kayleen and Sugi. From there, we will move out. In any way possible." Mika then seemed to abruptly halt and throw a look over her shoulder. She then quickly turned her head back to face Aya.
"As fast as you can. Go." With the last word uttered, Mika started to disappear rapidly from sight, yet a soft squeeze would emit from Aya's right shoulder once more.

Aya would lay still when Mika would lean in and begin giving her instructions. Aya would softly look up at her and give nods to show she understood what Mika wanted from her. So Kayleen and Sugi were back at the village huh? Must have been nice to have gotten to actually talk with the oracle. Mika would give her another squeeze before vanishing from sight. Aya would sit up and then fall from the tree branch stumbling on impact with the ground, before darting off in the direction of the village. She could function again but her head pounded the more she ran, it was rather irritating but she guessed it was better than the sharp end having hit her.

Following Aya, Mika did remain at a slight distance. From the shadows and hidden from plain sight, she wasn't entirely content with the situation. Her mind was trying to process how there was another kidnap attempt so quickly and accurately. Had someone figured out where they had decided to go? Or was there an Imperial trap set up at the Oracle for in the amazingly rare case a foreign jinchuriki visited?
Focusing most of her attention on remaining hidden and stalking Aya's process, Mika hoped that they could get away easier than the first attempt.

She kept running and running, darting around trees until the treeline seemed to end and in the distance was the village they came up from. Aya breathed in relief as she had a bit of a coughing fit. Yet she would press on until she was actually back in the village, where others were looking at her oddly for her sudden gasping for breath as she slid along a wall
[ The Isle of the Rún, Whirlpool Province | Empire of Akino ]
[ Team Mika | A collaboration between @Oblivion666 , @BlueFlameNikku and @Aliceee ]
[ With a sudden intrusion during Aya's visit at the Whisperer, Team Mika attempts to quickly flee the island. It seems that some divine intervention is at play, aiding the team or some members through one way or another. ]

Mika remained in the shadows. There were beads of cold sweat running over her skin as she panted. How long has it been? This foe was something entirely else than what she had faced before, in a long while. Hells, even the last Mizukage wasn't this menacing.
Not for one moment did Mika dare to remove her gaze from where her enemy likely was searching for them. The distraction had bought them some time but enough? No, Mika was certain of it.
All that was required was that Aya would alert Kayleen and Sugi that they should be ready and move out of the village. Before this enemy would corner them or summon reinforcements. A direct confrontation would not end well in their favour, Mika thought as she had to watch over three pupils while their enemy could go loose.

Aya would continue running back without rest, pushing herself through the streets and people as she would search for Sugi and Kayleen at the waiting spot. Rushing up and coming to a halt she would cough a bit from the exertion as she gasped for air. "Were leaving, we are getting out of here. We just have to await Mika's signal and then we leave. This area is compromised, ask questions later." Aya said as she rubbed her head, the pain was still there. Mostly because all the running was making her head throb and that only reminded her of the impact that woman did to her skull.

Sugi was waiting patiently with Kayleen, scanning his surroundings passively. That is until Aya came sprinting. The young man didn't need the explanation twice and immediately went about making sure everything was packed for departure. Kayleen doing much the same in assisting. "Leave nothing behind, no trace." He said as his eyes honed in on the tasks at hand. It worried him how frantic Aya was. She tended to lean more on the calmer side even in stressful situations. The genin could feel a single bead of sweat dripping down his forehead at the thought of what might be out there. Once finished, he'd let Aya know and wait quietly, scanning around once again with shallow breaths.

As the three pupils of Mika would attempt to ready themselves, a loud boom could be heard in the distance. People on the street seemed confused and a large plum of dark smoke seemed to rise from the north - towards the mountain of the oracle. Near immediately nearby guards seemed to ready themselves as worry and panic settled in. Before the few guards could establish any semblance of order, another loud explosion sent an audible shockwave through the small village.

In the chaos, something strange seemed to occur. A small girl stood in the midst of the chaos, grinning from ear to ear as her gaze was settling on the three pupils of Mika. Appearing familiar to perhaps Sugi, the girl was covered in odd tattoos that both seemed familiar and outlandish. Nobody oddly enough seemed to care about the presence of the girl and neither did she seem shaken about the third explosion that rocked the area.
Raising a hand, she pointed towards the right, down the street and where one would find the docks. Only to have vanished if the three pupils would look back.

Sugi hunkered down during the first and second explosions, shielding his face with Kayleen behind him as the air pressure blew past them. The genin looked around frantically, trying to make sense of the situation. It was then that Sugi's eyes widened as they fell upon the small girl. "You?" He looked at the gesture, turning to look at the street corner. But when he looked back she was gone without a trace. The red head looked at his two teammates after taking a deep breath. Mika's signal apparently absent despite shit truly hitting the fan now. "We can't stay here. Do you two trust me?" Kayleen seemed willing enough to get clear of the chaos but he wasn't sure about Aya. "If you do, then let's get moving. Dying here isn't a part of the plan." With that Sugi took off running with his gear down the street he was signaled, Kayleen on his heels. It'd take an effort to stay out of the way of stampeding groups of people, so he'd try leading the trio closer to the buildings in order to bypass most of the people, closing the distance to the docks.

Aya was quick to grab her belongings, she didn't bring much to begin with. She still had Kayleen's Sai that she needed a proper time to return when people weren't trying to kidnap her. Then as she awaited with the other two another situation came to just add to her ongoing list of problems. A loud explosion came from the mountains as a plume of smoke started rising. "She didn't….." Aya said before a second rocked the village and then all hell broke loose. Then suddenly Sugi said they had to go and if they trusted him before taking off running with Kayleen on his heels.
"What no? Sugi! Kayleen!" But her words were lost in the chaos as they disappeared into the panicked crowd of people.
"Oh you two idiots!" Aya said as she kept out of the way of people running away. Mika said she would appear, she trusted her to appear.

The panic continued as the two moved down the street. The stampede of people became less potent as the two continued. Reaching the end of the street, Mika's pupils would have a view of the sea. The calm weather didn't produce any notable sights and neither was there any vessel that seemed to leave port any time soon.
Instead, a large jet of water was shot in the air, followed by a dragon turtle jumping out of the water - heading to the beach, obviously due to the large beast's second jump out of the water. Only for a soft breeze to flow through the air, its timing appearing to be nudging the two pupils to head further, to the beach at their east.

Another explosion shook the earth, this time closer than the prior explosions. Screams and shouts of nearby making it clear that whatever was going on started to gain ground on the three pupils if they would remain in the village.

Staying out of the way of people was fairly easy when one clung to a wall as people ran in whatever direction they thought would lead them to safety. Only downside was that most of the actual hiding areas were towards explosions. Other than that ship was required to actually flee. When another went off but much closer to the town, Aya looked in it's direction before chuckling nervously as a sign from Mika wasn't coming. This woman seemed pretty okay with innocent casualties. Gripping her sword and bag, Aya now joined in the running. Sticking closer to the walls and out of the way of people trampling other people.

Sugi waited up for Aya, frantically looking around the docks just before the dragon turtle breached the water. The genin took the beastial aquantances' hint and darted eastbound down the beach, but only after waiting up for Aya. Sugi looked back towards the village behind Aya as another explosion shook their world. The young man thought back to his first mission where a man not five feet from him got his head blown off.

He stared back at the now hellish village with wide eyed dread until Kayleen began pulling on his wrist and calling his name, literally pulling him back to reality. Turning on his heels he began to run again with the three back together once again.

The chaos and panic became less audible as the three started to head towards the beach. Spotting and running aligned with the dragon turtle seemed a relatively easy task. The occasional jets of water being sprayed high together with the massive beast that jumped out of the water made it easy for the running pupils to figure where it was.
With distance growing between them and the village, it became clearer that the beast wasn't moving to rescue the pupils of Mika for some unknown reason. Instead, it became evident that it was in some sort of hurry or panic.

Only as Mika's pupils had to climb over some large rocks spread on the beach, they would be greeted with a terrible sight.
Blood seeped out of the gaping wounds of the cadaver. What was once a mighty beast of the dark blue waves was now a corpse, a feast for the seagulls that picked and moved around the dead dragon turtle - judging by the size, the mother of the pair that had once transported Team Mika to the island.
A raven was perched on top of the dead dragon turtle shell, staring intently at the pupils as its head tilted to the side - its beady eyes observing the actions of the young individuals carefully.

Before any of the pupils could move in on the dead beast, the younger and smaller dragon turtle moved with little grace on the shore. Aloud and sad sounding song from the juvenile dragon turtle chasing the seagulls away. The raven would linger but suddenly spread its wings, cawing at the pupils before starting to take off.

Aya, having caught up with her team, continued on with them towards the beach where a familiar sight in Flippers would greet them. Aya would normally be happy but in this case it was a rushed smile, until it became clear even Flippers was worried. Climbing over a few large rocks Aya would be greeted with a tragic sight of Flipper's mom being dead, as it chased away the birds preying on its deceased flesh. Aya doubted that woman caused this but same time this was oddly convenient of the situation too. Moving towards Flipper, Aya would rest her hand on his side.
"I'm sorry Flippers...I know how much this hurts, but you got to get to safety. For her sake." Aya softly said.

Sugi dropped down from the large rocks, staring unflinchingly at the massive deceased mother turtle. The newly orphaned dragon turtle's sad song echoing in his ears as the blood red tide washed in and out past the genin's feet. He didn't have to imagine Kabuto's pain, the song said it all. Fighting to keep the anguish he felt from surfacing, Sugi focused on the sole raven that'd stayed longer than the seagulls. It was odd, this many scavenging birds but only one of them was a raven? Sugi's thoughts drifted forwards out of his mouth…"An...omen?? Or..." The genin shuttered at the thought that came next as he ran over to the juvenile turtle.

"Aya's right, you can't stay and neither can we" He'd turn to Aya, expecting a disagreement. "Whatever's going on here is way beyond us and...we have to assume the worst..." Sugi let that linger in the air, making it clear that he was talking about Mika. He wanted to have some faith but the situation crushed even the thought of that. It was also too risky to send up any kind of signal, for fear of attracting danger. "Kabuto, take us out to sea with you, please. We'll all get out of here, together." Sugi stared into one of the turtle's eyes, working to drive home the caring and urgency of it all.

The large creature didn't seem interested in anything else than his deceased mother, at first. It wailed and continued the sad song while clearly wanting to drive any scavenger birds away from preying on the deceased mother. Upon Aya and Sugi's interactions, the large head of the beast lowered and clearly sought some sort of comfort or affection from them.

"We are going indeed, together."

Mika's voice resonated from behind her pupils. Landing on the sand as she descended from a large boulder, it became evident that the jounin had become somewhat exhausted. Her attire was dirtied and made it near impossible to see if she was wounded.
Approaching the three Mika clearly inspected them for any wounds. Sighting nothing that troubled her, Mika's attention shifted to the grim sight of the dead dragon turtle.
"I stalled our pursuer. But she won't be distracted for too long. And if she gets to us, we will lose." The voice of Mika betrayed her frustration and anger with their situation. Looking at the distressed young dragon turtle, Mika pointed at the large shell. "Get on its back. I have a plan." She ordered her pupils.

Sugi spun on his heels to see Mika, standing there exhausted. Mid sigh of relief the genin stopped and reached into his pouch for a kunai but stopped once he grasped one. With all the chaos going on, who's to say this wasn't a fake? The transformation technique is trivial afterall. Sugi got between Mika and the rest of the group including Kabuto. He couldn't leave anything to chance, not here. Even if this foe has overwhelming power of some kind who's to say they wouldn't pull some shit like this.

With that Sugi pulled the kunai, pointing at Mika with a stern glare. "Prove it, that you're Mika. What did I do to get out of your water prison technique during this team's first training exercise?"

The jounin stared down at Sugi as he pulled a weapon, placing himself between the group and herself. A smile started to crack as Mika placed her fists against her hips.
"Endearing. But I could also just show you what happened then. Though I won't be needing an explosive tag to blow you out of a water prison. I also don't believe we have the time for that. So, instead of impressing me, get on that damned … turtle and we're going out of here."

When Sugi even began to suggest that Mika had perished during the chaos and that they were too leave. She simply glared at him while petting Flipper's head, the glare itself indicating that wasn't an option. So when Mika did show up Aya's mood changed to relief and was indeed about to get on it's back when Sugi decided to start playing hero and stood between them and Mika while pulling a kunai out and staring at him. Aya's glare returned but with way more visible anger as her hand reached down to her katana slowly unsheathing it. She understood he had concerns but she also knew her sensei far more than he did. She also saw the attacker and highly doubted she was going to try and play sneaky. When Mika answered him though, she continued glaring at Sugi before putting the blade back in the sheath. She then climbed on top of Flippers and gave his neck a hug and pet, as if she was trying console him the best she could while he mourned his deceased mother.

Sugi lowered his weapon with a gloomy look. "Yep, you're Mika alright. Just like the instructors at the academy to weave in a complement, threat and insult together." After stowing it away completely the genin flashed Mika an honest look of relief. "You got it."

Once Sugi turned around he caught Aya's angry glare and the final moments of her sheathing her katana. He was startled but put two and two together rather quickly and immediately blurted out..."What?! I had a legitimate concern!" Meanwhile this whole time Kayleen was going through a mixture of emotions. Primarily holding back sobbs as her own little turtle sung soothingly to the big juvenile.

Ignoring Aya for the moment Sugi walked up to the dragon turtle's massive snout and put a hand on it as if to climb up. But then the genin put his forehead to the front of Kabuto's maw. He muttered something in a low whisper. "We aren't gonna let you be alone bud, ok?" With that Sugi leapt up onto his shell and readdressed Aya more or less face to face. "If you've got a problem with me, save it for when we're out of mortal danger. Then you can kick my ass all ya want."

Mika watched how her pupils got on the back of the dragon turtle. Throwing a look back over her shoulder at the direction of the small village, columns of smoke were still rising to the sky. While certain that nobody had been hurt as the explosions had been far away from the homes, it had worked like she planned.
Turning her attention back at the creature and her pupils, Mika sighed. This was going to be a long way back. Weaving the necessary handsigns, she would start to lead the young dragon turtle away with a simple illusionary projection of its mother.

The journey back wasn't the smoothest. But eventually, Mika managed to arrange transport back to Kirigakure with a ship. There was some arranging and, of course, a warranty for caution. Checking the gear of her students, Mika learned how the Akinians had been able to get the drop on Aya. Removing the seal was relatively easy for she didn't want Aya to lose the scabbard - seeing how it was tied to her clan and family.
The major problem came when the team was about to depart back to their country. The dragon turtle had grown too close with both Aya and Sugi - refusing to stay away long or far away, despite Mika's attempts. Nobody along the way had been bothered nor did the creature seem dependent on either pupil in order to gain food. It was, however, growing emotionally dependent on the two - even once causing a near incident due to attempting to climb aboard the small vessel that carried the team back to Kirigakure.

Much to Mika's chagrin, the dragon turtle would follow the team's journey all the way back to Kirigakure. The situation forced her to teach both Aya and Sugi how to form a bond, which was relatively easy - despite the low intelligence of the juvenile dragon turtle.
Now with a pact, the team would be capable of debriefing and relaxing, before the next mission or endeavour.
[ Near the border of the Akinian Empire | Sayyadian Realm ]
[ A collab between @Oblivion666 and @Aliceee ]

[ The Galassians are 'invited to a meeting with the Akinians as the former's horde is starts to head towards the Akinian border. While the Akinians have undertaken several precautionary measures, the Galassians are being met with the representative of the Akinian empire. An exchange follows before a decision is finally made - altering the fate of many. ]

The meeting place was nothing special. There was no other landmark than a huge boulder that seemed lonesome in a wide-open field. The weather was calm and lacked any kind of foreboding warning that it was going to shift.
Seated on her horse, Kiyomi patted the neck of Shozo. Peering at the horizon, there was no sign of the delegation that the Galassians would send. The odd silence between her and the accompanying Sworn Swords was tangible. Aware that her decision to ride out wasn't approved, Kiyomi had taken the reins herself. Sending an emissary would have been smart but she had read a bit on the Galassians. A certain approach was required, that she couldn't entrust to many these days. Not if she wanted to see if her plan would work out.
Shozo shook his head, to which Kiyomi responded with hushing whispers and patting the horse's neck. The fluttering of the various banners, displaying the Imperial Akinian Sun briefly became intenser as a strong wind seemed to come from the north.

It would stay silent for a bit longer before in the distance a sound began getting louder and louder. Almost as if an entire wave of destruction was running rampant in their general direction. An open field in the distance began getting overtaken with more and more people, none well geared but none that seemed to care. The massive gathering would eventually slow as a dozen riders would sally out from the horde of men and women. These figures were more noticeable, one due to the horses as most of the horde didn't field much in cavalry and what they did field was more than likely stolen.
Yet these ones had better gear, also probably stolen but more gear than the others had, while also having more reliable weapons. As they got closer, enough distance away to properly look at the Akinians, the group would stop before talking. The one to ride out was a rather tall looking woman, who had a very unnerving presence about her. Whether it was the pelt of what seemed to be a lion that she wore over her shoulder or the fact she had a smile plastered on her face as she stopped halfway and waited. Staring at the young Empress, with not even a single hint of fear.

Kiyomi observed the sight in front of her. The rumors that she had been sceptical about seemed to come true. The Galassian horde seemed to resemble the very definition of chaos itself; no order in their ranks, so far one could spot. Their gear seemingly had no uniform or code that regulated their ranks. The noise that emitted from the horde was near deafening but nothing that seemed to herald trouble. Yet, when Kiyomi threw a subtle glance to the side, she noticed that all Sworn Swords were at the ready. Even if they would be hopelessly outnumbered, Kiyomi was most satisfied that they seemed ready to fight a whole horde.
The sight of various people on horseback approaching them made it clear that it was either an envoy or the leaders. The sharp eyes of the Akinian empress searched for a leader. Among the individuals, there was no telling who had the leadership. Only until a rather tall woman rode forwards - alone with a smile.

Already Kiyomi could hear the protest of Katashi, Iroh and the others. Spurring Shozo forwards, Kiyomi rode towards the woman. Letting Shozo come to a slow halt, Kiyomi eyed the much taller woman.
Drawing a sword, Kiyomi held it slightly in the air before throwing the weapon in the ground between them. A smile graced her lips as she leaned back in her saddle, awaiting the response of the Galassian.

As the young and smaller woman rode forth, the red-haired woman stared at her as she pulled her sword out. Seemingly unafraid of what this could possibly mean, she just stayed there on her horse as Kiyomi would then throw the weapon in the ground between them. A loud laugh escaped the woman, as she grabbed her axe. Holding it as well before throwing it in the middle. "Well so far, I like you a lot more than a lot of the people that attempted to "talk" to me. So go on then…. Empress is it? So young and such a title, so what did you wish to talk with me about? I sure hope you aren't going to try and persuade me to attack someone for you."

"Indeed, Empress of Akino," Kiyomi said, relieved that the other was versed enough in Taika to speak. It would have been most awkward if they had words to exchange but didn't know what the other said. Throwing a look at the horde behind the woman, Kiyomi flashed a disarming smile. "I wanted to have a look at you folk. I am a curious Empress, after all. Persuasion and talks can come later, if I am satisfied."
Introducing a short pause, Kiyomi nodded towards the woman as a subtle gesture. "Besides, I can offer all I want. If I don't learn what you or your people want, it is going to be just amusement or annoyance. And while I am curious, I am not a clown."

If she was satisfied? A chuckle came at that comment, she knew she was outnumbered but also didn't back down from a larger threat that stared her down. The Little Empress sure had guts that was certain. Looking back at her men she just smiled and shook her head. "Well look all you wish, may not have all that fancy shiny suits that those guys do." She stated as she waved her hand at the Sworn Swords, "Yet that hasn't really made the…. oh what's the Taika word….. Eh the walking shits we've been cleaving through, really stand far above us."

The woman would then look at Kiyomi with a hint of analyzing, unsure if it was studying her posture to see if her words were believed or if she was debating striking at the woman. "More suitable land. Where we come from, it's not the…. most suitable to live properly. Mostly for the elderly and children. So we amassed and seek new land. So far we haven't found anything truly proper yet."

Patiently, Kiyomi allowed the woman to speak and didn't interrupt her. The young monarch's eyebrows briefly perked up as she understood that the Galassian was talking about her Sworn Swords. Learning about the Galassians true goal made Kiyomi's eyes gain a glint but no smirk grew on her features. "You seek new land? To plough and work as farmers?" Kiyomi asked though she didn't give much time for the other to answer, "I thought you were warriors," the Empress tone bringing a clear disappointment over, "You can't live in harsh conditions and so you decide to move away? I must say, that doesn't convince me of what I heard about you people. I thought you gave the Sayyadians a lot of trouble. Then again," she now raised her left hand and pointed at the woman's gear, "I bet that you have no real good smith. That stuff is iron, no proper steel. It will do against Sayyadian dogs but that is all," Kiyomi's tone became sterner as she continued on.
"How about I prove that I am right? If I am, I can ask something from you. If I am not? You can ask something of me. How does that sound, Lady…Leader? What do your people refer to you as, if I may ask?"

Was this woman looking to insult her? She simply stared at Kiyomi as she continued speaking, keeping a neutral look even as it was like a child poking a bear seeing if it would bite. The neutral look slowly formed more and more into a frown as she took a deep breath in and exhaled. "That was the word. Sayyadian. As for my name? Well that would be Queen Vigga. Yet before we continue, do watch who you prod. We've lived for hundreds of years in those mountains. It's not that we can't, it's that we know we deserve better. So watch whose pride as a warrior you call out. As for this smith. No. Although as you should also know, the weapon can only do as much as its owner can. You'd be surprised how well I can do with Iron. So what do you wish to prove you are right on? I like to know before agreeing to anything."

A certain excitement flared up when it was clear that the woman wasn't taking kindly to being questioned. Kiyomi had desired so and was most content, yet kept her features from betraying her emotions. "Queen Vigga," she repeated the name, trying to imitate the accent of Vigga - which failed miserably. Frowning, Kiyomi muttered it several times as if this wasn't some important meeting that could decide their fate or that of their people. "I want to prove that you could also get better. Your strongest warrior or man will swing an axe of your making. Then he will swing an axe of our steel. To prove that I could allow your people to learn more. And perhaps if we can come to an agreement, you will find lands suitable for a life that you deserve. That or you know that we have sharp steel. Works both ways, I suppose," Kiyomi said, casually shrugging to lighten the subtle threat. "I am, after all, not looking for a fight. My advisors told me to be wary and prepare for one but why? You guys have done me no wrong nor have we slighted you. So what do you say? Shall we put our axes to the test and then have a proper drink? Or shall we conclude and prepare for a fight?"

Vigga looked at Kiyomi again silently before smiling and shrugging. "Well then, this person simply states which he likes more?You made odd deals but my men do like swinging weapons around. Fakir!" Vigga shouted back to one of the dozen guards that rode with her. The more Lean of the men rode forward and simply looked at both her and Kiyomi.
"Dismount. You are going to swing our axe, then one of their axes. You then tell us which you would prefer using in battles." Vigga said as the man simply nodded as he got off his horse and awaited said axe to be given to him.

Kiyomi seemed most pleased, as if she had already won the deal. Turning half, she seemed to shout something in a language that the Galassians did not understand. One of the Sworn Swords spurred his mount and rode forth. The Sworn Sword then dismounted and grabbed an axe that hung in a ring at his weapon belt. Holding the weapon out to Fakir, the Sworn Sword seemed to be neutral about the whole affair - yet his visible expression betrayed a hint of doubt and wariness.
"Now, let's see," Kiyomi thought out loud as she leaned forward in her saddle, looking around. "We need something to test our axes on. Ah," a grin appeared on her face as she snapped her left fingers before speaking further, "How about something made out of wood? Then we can compare how deep the cuts are. Sounds fair?"

Fakir took the Axe and weighed it in his hand as Kiyomi stated to test them both out on wood too see which left deeper cuts. Vigga looked around at the open field and looked back at the Empress. "Starting to think you planned this whole encounter in your head. I'm betting you have something of that sort on you don't you now?"

Kiyomi blinked rapidly as she straightened her back, as if Queen Vigga had just accused her of cheating. "Come now, your highness," Kiyomi flashed an innocent smile, "I am certain of my case. Besides, it would be an ill omen and angering my gods if I dared to build a relationship based on lies and deceit. Your people surely have something made out of wood that can be sacrificed for our test? I have the time, so please, go ahead and send one of your riders."

A soft chuckle was Viggas response as she looked back, and pointed at the one with a more clubish weapon. The man rode forth and also dismounted. "Hand Fakir your axe. then hold your club out for him." Vigga commanded as he gave Fakir an ae and then held the club in both hands. Fakir cracked his neck as he gripped the iron axe and swung at the club. Slamming into the wood and causing the new man to hold his ground against the pressure. Yanking the axe out, he would drop it before switching to the steel axe. Once again the man readied himself for Fakir's swing, and the steel axe went through the club causing the man to move back instinctively. Fakir simply looked at Vigga and held up the steel axe before holding it back for the Sworn Sword.
Vigga gave a nod of approval, before looking back at Kiyomi. "Okay your axe won, so ask away. I do hope this isn't just to say you have the sharper weapons. We've been fighting that our whole life." Vigga said as she looked at her two guards before shooing them back to the others.

Grinning ear to ear upon seeing the club being split in two, Kiyomi raised a hand almost in a defensive fashion - as if she needed that to defend herself against Galassian iron. As her Sworn Sword took back his axe, Kiyomi spoke. "Not just sharper weapons. Besides, my people have been doing nothing but fighting, I fear. However, as I try to make clear, I am not looking for a fight. I want to ask if you want to accompany me back to my camp. We can drink as friends and discuss matters. Of course, I won't object if you want to bring your personal guard with you."

"You wish to drink and discuss? Well normally I'm never one to turn down a drink, yet there lies an issue in that. While we are messing the Sayydians country up. They still chase us. So I rather not leave my men here as sitting ducks to be attacked. You don't wish to fight. That's fine with me. Gives my men a break. However, whatever you wish to discuss needs to happen here. I won't leave them all here waiting while we drink and talk. They can fight but they need proper guidance otherwise they are…. More sloppy with how they fight."

The amusement and joy melted from Kiyomi's expression, nodding to emphasize that she understood the plight of Vigga. "Very well." Truth be told, she wasn't happy about the decision. It was breaking with her plan, to show Vigga and her guard the Imperial might. To showcase what a proper army looked like and if things would go amiss - murder her in one way or another, crippling the Galassian horde from its strongest leader.
"You seek land to settle. I am an Empress," placing a hand on her chest, Kiyomi didn't smile or smirk, "and it happens so that I could use loyal people. I already have loyal subjects but you have taken a fight with the Sayyadians? They are our rivals, enemies for a long time. We have a common enemy and goals that we can fulfill. Without a quarrel with each other, we can strengthen our people."
Pausing to let the words sink in, Kiyomi continued on, "I am not asking you to stop being queen of your people. You earned that right, one way or another. As empress, I can accept an oath of fealty from kings and queens. You will be my subject but you will receive my oath of protection and loyalty. With the gods as our witness, we can forge something stronger than steel axes."

Staring at the young woman a look of doubt and confusion spread on her face. "You…. are offering land? Huh, not many try to deal with what many call barbarians. You…. You are an odd woman Empress." Vigga said with a chuckle as she looked back at her people with a pondering look. It went by in silence for a few seconds as she looked back at Kiyomi.
"You ask for Loyalty and that's fine. I appreciate you allowing me to keep my title. However, if what you offer is serious, it's not my concern if I stay Queen." She paused for a few seconds before pointing back at her horde.
"I make a request. Allow the elderly and children to move in first. They are my top priority for keeping safe, they were the ones who kept the Galassian strong, and they will also be the ones who keep further making it strong. I then request we be allowed to keep our culture and beliefs. We obviously will not provoke any of these other subjects, unless they provoke first that is. If this can be promised. Then I can promise any enemy of yours, is forever the enemy of Galassa. We can even teach you our language that we speak, that way it's not so difficult to try and guess the accent." Vigga said with a smile, poking fun at her attempt at her name earlier.

Kiyomi's expression remained the same, giving time for queen Vigga to consider the offer. When Vigga called her an odd empress, Kiyomi gained a subtle smirk.
"You once more show wisdom that many other leaders lack, queen Vigga. Your concern regarding your more vulnerable subjects will also be my concern," Kiyomi answered, "Your beliefs and culture will be tolerated as others within my dominion. As long as they don't break my laws, your people can continue as they have in a more forgiving land," Kiyomi paused for a second.
"An army of mine isn't too far away, stationed to do my bidding. I will ride back to ensure that you will be guided with care to the lands your people may settle. None of the other clans and people in my realm will mistreat you from this day on, for you Galassians are now also Akinians."

Gently spurring Shozo to take a few steps forwards, bringing Kiyomi closer to the much taller woman, the young Empress extended a hand towards Vigga. "I swear that I will respect your people and that as long as I have your loyalty, you and yours will find peace and prosperity in my realm."

Hearing that she would indeed prioritize her more at risk people, and the statements of allowing to keep her culture along with none mistreating the Galassians. A soft smile and soft laugh came as she also rode forth to meet the young Empress up closer. Being given her word, Vigga would look at the extended hand before extending her own and firmly shaking it. "Well I highly doubt your other subjects will appreciate my people. Yet adversity has hardly ever hindered us. As long as I have your word of respect. You have mine of Loyalty."
[ ???? | Sevudia ]
[ Koike Hon ]
[ Scholae of Akino, Colonel of the Foot Companions, 13th Imperial Brigade ]

The screams echoed loudly as the various individuals kept running. The slim columns of dark smoke rising in the night were hard to see, but none of them tried to look back or inspect the site. No, they tried to get away from it as fast as their legs could carry them.
A scream nearby caused some of the fleeing men to steer slightly in a different direction. Many of them had escaped the terrible site that had been their camp. The sudden volley of projectiles followed by torrents of flames still haunted the mind of the fleeing men. The loud laughter echoed together with the shadows of men as beasts tearing through their comrades.
He looked to the right, spotting the various shadows that resembled his comrades. Much like him, they kept running as fast as they could. Some of his comrades had thrown weapons or pieces of armour away - all to run faster.

The sharp whistling of arrows sounded like angry wasps before causing some men to plummet to the ground. Lowering himself slightly, he tried to run faster. Ignoring the burning sensation in his legs, all he wanted was to survive this dreadful night. To see the light of day and find safety, that was all he desired.
Spotting something moving among the trees, his eyes widened.

The word wasn't leaving his mouth, or sharp teeth dug in his flesh, ripping and shredding it together with the fabric of his clothes.

Laughter resonated loudly. The crisp sounds of wood and other materials burning in the fire went somehow nicely together with the men's exchanges and their jokes. It almost caused Koike to see it as some campfire activity together. But the horrid smell of human skin and hair burning made it clear that this wasn't some bonfire coming together. Various of his men cleaned their weapons as others collected the corpses and threw them in the fire. The outpost had been discovered two nights ago and, within an hour, had been destroyed.
The discovery of the outpost had made some of the men eager for some killing. And while Koike wanted to focus their attention on discovering and chasing after the missing 13th Imperial brigade, he knew that the men were growing restless. The decisive victory and killing would raise morale slightly. Besides, destroying any possible Rongese outpost would only aid their war progression.

Noticing a group appearing from the darkness without being hindered by the perimeter guard, Koike half-turned to face a large man approaching him.
"Colonel, sir," Skuli's jovial tone gave away that he had enjoyed the hunt, "It is done. Every single one of them is sent to the afterlife." The large bearded captain grinned towards Koike. "I even managed to beat Torrad with an axe throw. Quite the feat, aye? Anyhow," Skuli threw a look at the burning outpost. "this was a good hunt."

"It was," Koike replied, nodding slowly, "we even captured a few sergeants, I believe. Nobody noteworthy, but we can perhaps extract information from them." He further stated, noticing a quite sizeable canine silhouette trotting. It was hard to spot blood on the dark fur, but the yellow pair of eyes seemed to radiate calmness.
"I want to leave in an hour. Before any Rongese patrol or reinforcements can cause us any problem." Koike ordered.
As a response, Skuli just nodded as he seemed pretty pleased with the sight. He was even appearing to take in the foul stench of burning corpses without any problem.

The fires kept burning for a while as Koike's troops left the site. A few of the troops were wounded, but nothing serious as the attack went according to plan.

Cleaning his blade, Koike listened to the verbal report. All of the officers of his unit had gathered. Currently, captain Tardo was speaking as his men had found tracks that seemed to lead eastwards. However, it wasn't entirely clear if the 13th Imperial brigade left behind these tracks.
"We all know that they didn't head north. Every platoon that we send that direction came back with nothing else than intel about Rongese forces," Tardo stated as some of the others had stated their doubts. "And from what we have gathered from the Rongese officers, it is clear that the 3rd Division is going to advance. With no sign of what seems to be 13th brigade units."

A silence briefly dawned after Tardo's words. Slowly, Skuli rose as he hooked his thumbs behind his belt. The tall and burly officer looked to the side as he spat on the ground.
"We all agreed to try to find the rest of the 13th. And so far, we have found nothing but vague hints and tracks. Look," Skuli's expression shifted, "I don't like to lose. But perhaps Erling led the remainder of the 13th into some shit plan. Perhaps, we are all that is left of the 13th?"
It immediately seemed that several of the officers were at the ready to argue against Skuli's statement. But the brief pause of silence was damning enough to reveal the damage of the regiment not finding any proper tracks of the 13th.

"So what then?" Captain Hallr asked, the man remaining seated. His right hand performed a gesture, signalling at the room and everyone in it. "We then just go back to the 3rd? Explain what we have done and seen?" He asked his voice stern but slightly shaking - betraying the building anger and frustration.
"It seems better than just constantly chasing after ghosts," Reyn, the chief officer of the scouts, said with a casual tone. "I don't mind games and secrets. But every more we go further east, and the more enemies are awaiting our arrival. And sure, we got some victories." The young woman threw a stern gaze at the present officers. "But we got to face reality someday. We can't keep this up."

A grunt near immediately followed Reyn's words. Torrad's expression already stated enough: he was disgusted.
"That is some weakling talk. So we are going to give up because we can't find enough to warrant further search?" His gaze locked on Reyn. "The boys have more than enough spirit to fight and carry on. Maybe if you and your petty scouts politely scamper off, we wouldn't be held back so much."

Reyn's eyes narrowed as her right hand clenched in a fist. In a matter of seconds, the two officer's body language said enough. The tension was enough to make Skuli place a hand on Torrad's shoulder while Gardo grabbed Reyn's right wrist.
"At ease," Koike said as he was still mulling over their options. It was indeed clear that the majority was willing to press on. But the lack of definite evidence of the 13th was eroding their morale. "It hasn't been easy. But we have some leads on where the 13th has vanished towards now. Vague leads, yes," Koike said as he noticed the lips of Reyn parting already to protest against him. "But right now, we will keep on searching. Captain Torrad," Koike shifted his attention to the Scylding, "have your men scout further east. Relent from ambushing Rongese supply convoys. We want to keep up the image that we are marauding while we are keeping a rest here, for now."

Torrad seemed to protest but cave in, giving a curt nod. More instructions were given as Koike wanted the perimeter to be tightly guarded and, for now, no more raids on the enemy supplies or outposts.
Once he had dismissed the officers, Koike watched how all but one left. Reyn remained in the dim, lighted space. Her back was against the wall, and the folded arms out front of her chest stated enough.
"Why not even send a small unit to alert the 3rd division?" She asked, the phrasing somewhat polite but her tone revealing she was still pissed.

"We don't know yet if Erling had anyone cooperating with him in the 3rd. Besides, the moment that the 3rd learns that the majority of the 13th just deserted, vanished or became turncoats, it will cause unrest. We don't want that." Koike gave as an answer. But it seemed far from enough to sate Reyn.
"The is all fair and pleasant, but soon enough, we will become the subject of rumour. How will you explain later why you refused to make contact?" She asked, pushing her back from the wall. Gesturing to Koike, she made an audible scoff. "You're supposed to be the White Blade, correct? Scholae? Pull that political weight and make some changes."

"It is not that easy," Koike started, but Reyn took a step closer and spoke.
"Sure it is. You explain what happened and what we tried. What we learned and what we didn't learn. Bada-boom, we don't get listed as traitors and deserters." Reyn said as she placed her fists against her hips. The dim light illuminated her face enough to have Koike witness the large scar on her face. The scar covered the left side of her face; three large extensions covered her cheek, reaching over the bridge of her nose and extending past her brow.
"We can't win against these bastards by just acting some good-natured brigands. Fuck, we can't even win by just killing them, it seems." Reyn continued as she aired more of her frustrations. "And much like you, I have responsibilities. I got what? Two dozen scouts remaining. At least, let us go. We can warn the major general of the situation once we reach the 3rd Imperial encampment."

Koike thought about it. He understood the frustrations and worries of Reyn. But at the same time, a particular pride in him relented him from caving in. Allowing Reyn to go and inform the major general would mean he had lost. That and he doubted that Erling had worked alone if he had turned traitor.
"Not now. It is best if we contact the 3rd once we have something to show for it." Koike said. His first two words were enough for Reyn to toss her hands up as a frustrated sigh escaped her lips.
"You stubborn numbskull," she exclaimed, "but fine! I will say this. If the 3rd start to become hostile, I will just have to deliver your head to clear my name."
That said, the Framían officer turned on her heels and started to walk away. Koike sighed as he closed his eyes, his fingers pinching his nose bridge.
"It would rid me of my headache, at least."
[ ???? - ????? | The Rongese Theocracy ]
[ Zhao - Grand Temple ]
[ Silence , A Vrykyl ]

I remember certain things. It is awful how we tend to forget things that were once important to us. Small and seemingly insignificant but still making who we are. I... think I used to like to sleep better. The soft pitter-patter of rain outside made me feel comfortable. But now I can't sleep. And now the sound of rain makes me feel... nothing.
It is strange.

How people can change.

I have walked these halls countless times. The white marble blends well with the decorations, and the red cloaks of the Divine Swords is a stark contrast. Much like my true self these days. Not that I show my true self, and the darkness that is my armour and skin wouldn't alarm anyone. Everyone here is aware of my existence and of what I am, and my needs are. But it is easier to blend in and pose as someone else.
These halls seem peaceful and divine. Not too strange, seeing how the Grand Temple is the pinnacle of divine aura. The place where the Divini are gathered, secluded from the rest of society and guarded by the Divine Swords, whose bickering and underground warfare does little to hamper the grand schemes of the Divini.
I keep my head down as I thread these halls. I have seen a few Divine Swords already look at me: Probably Contemporaries, radical bastards. I remember killing one last week, and his brethren refused to stand back.

But it seems that today is different. Those radical idiots didn't pursue me and cornered me. Good, and that means I can make it to my meeting without getting late.
A different breed of Divine Swords opens the large doors, and I don't acknowledge them, and these guards don't give me a second look. Out of all the different breeds within the Divine Swords, I respect and like the Divinians the most. They are dedicated to their task of guarding Divini, and that is all.
The soft creaking of wood and metal ring loudly in the next hallway. But with a faint slam of the two doors closing, silence once more returns, and I revel in it as I continue onwards.

It doesn't take me long before I reach another set of doors guarded by Divinians. The decorum of before is repeated as they open the doors for me. Probably one of them is a sensor, detecting my true form. Not that it matters, and all that does is that nobody bars me from following orders.

Reaching a dimly lighted hall, I come to a halt. Kneeling, I press my forehead against the ground. I have lived and served for how long? Three centuries? Time is worthless these days when one is no longer confined to the mere ideals of 'living'.
"I am your humble servant," I whisper, closing my eyes. I know that they are there, watching and observing me, and I feel nothing but admiration. The mixture of Divini and High Priests are extensions of the Maker, and they alone know what is best for the world.

"The Heathens are making their next moves. They have pushed us out of Lagyre and are making progress in Sevudia."

I feel a sensation ringing through my body, through my very core. It is one of the few emotions that I still can experience these days. It isn't just one voice. I have tried to uncover it before, trying to listen to the odd voice that seems to be many voices. Nowadays, I don't dare as I need to focus on following instructions.

"Gather some of your brothers and sisters. We have deemed several of these heathens a danger to our holy endeavours," the words flowed through me as I wondered which of the damned would be a threat. It seemed that my thoughts were picked up as I felt a soothing response.

"No worries. These targets are dangerous but not invincible as they lack the Maker's Grace. We want the Blue Flame to be dimmed but not yet killed. To do so, you must hunt and skin the dragon she cherishes. The Falcon she let fly, to be shot down. The Owl is to be captured and tormented. The young wolf is to be enslaved and cursed. Already the Rose is decaying, losing thorns and colour. With the Rose gone, the vigilant White Wolf will lose its fangs. Leaving the Blue Flame vulnerable. For she has lost her Seeker."

I gained visions. Faces and voices. Anger and resentment filled me as I learned something. The soothing voices spoke again, desiring to calm me down.

"Oh yes, the Owl and black wolf have already taken some of your brother's lives. But don't be distracted. We are aware that more threats are present. In the south, we have detected a threat. A demonic entity is guarding one of the Bijuu, entrapped in a weak vessel."

I want to ask a question. But once more, the soothing voices reply before I can form the sounds.

"It is a Northerner. One that is born with lightning but cursed to be abandoned by the Maker. Her guardian will pose a threat. Eradicate her in the name of the Maker. But bring the vessel back to us."

Once more, I could see faces in my mind - a young girl together with a woman. A sharp contrast between their features allowed me to identify the demonic entity and the weak vessel. I shudder with excitement.

"There is more. Another weak vessel is somewhere. We know of its existence. But something bars us from knowing who or where it is. For now, focus on these targets. Gather those we deem worthy for these challenges."

I remained silent. My emotions would notify them enough.
Gradually, I rose but kept my head bowed. The doors behind me opened slowly.

The time of the hunt on the Maker's enemies had begun.​
Last edited:
[ Operation: Happy Backpack ]
[ Sevudia ]
[ Team 11 - Team Nishi ]
[ A Collab between @Oetje , @DeliciousFood @Sakayanagi Selko and @Nim ]

[ The team sets off on another mission. And despite its cheerful name, it will seemingly be anything but. ]
Part 1

Part 2

The next morning came with the warm rays of the sun, providing a rather tranquil shift from the darkness of the night. The sound of wood burning, combined with faint crackling and popping noises would indicate the audible signs of a campfire.
Seated, Nishi attended to the fire as she had been rather busy. Sticks piercing some pink meat were stationed over the campfire, spreading the aroma of meat being slowly burned.
Once the fire was stable enough, Nishi seemed to visibly ponder over something.

Waking up, Hikari was surprised to find herself covered by a blanket. She didn't recall putting one on herself. Hearing the sounds of fire, she turned to look in the direction of Nishi over the fire, who seemed to be preoccupied with something. Folding the blanket, she got up and went to the fire, looking at the cooking meat for a brief moment. It was nice having a cooked breakfast to wake up to.
Turning her gaze to Nishi, Hikari sat down "Morning sensei. Something on your mind?" She asked, before moving her gaze back to the cooking meats. She wanted to make sure the meat wouldn't become rubber just because Nishi's mind was elsewhere.

A little hoot was enough to awaken Alsanna. The avian had since changed form, turning into a small bluejay perched on its master's shoulder. A master that was very much sushi'd in the blanket. A loud yawn warned of her awakening with a groggy Alsanna sitting herself up. The bird went on to 'whisper' to her ear while she cleared her eyes, ending with the animal taking flight once more for a vantage point and the Genin working on her messed up hair, "G'morning chickpe- Ahem," she paused, breathing in and then out, "Everyone. I trust all is fine and we're all refreshed?" she certainly looked refreshed herself. And then sniffles from a slightly stuffy nose came to be, "Fire's good now? Alrighty, then." though she still didn't move, very much content with her comfy sitting position and blanket.

Yuyuko when hearing the popping of the fire winced as she began to wake from her slumber. For all that it was worth, she at least managed to get enough rest to feel ok….well more or less as the chunin rubbed her eyes and trying to get her bearings as she could the smell of cooked meat, the food helping to wake her at least enough to hold a somewhat proper conversation as she missed most of what Hikari and Alsanna said while trying to wake herself.
"Good Morning, everyone…." The chunin said sleepily as she began to check on what she needed to prepare to be ready for the next trek of this journey while thinking of the juicy meat that she is soon going to enjoy with her peers.

The question of Hikari was met with a sideways glance from Nishi.
"Just some thoughts." The jounin replied. Attending the meat, Nishi would share out portions with everyone. "Make sure to eat well. This is the last possible beak where we can eat properly without needing to set watches."
Letting that information sink in, Nishi would allow them to enjoy the hearty breakfast before instructing them back in the previous travelling formation.

The team's journey took them over plains and meadow. The pace wasn't as fast as before as it became clearer that they were now entering territory that wasn't held by Jirian armed forces. Several breaks were held but with two people, at least, on guard duty and swapped when they could eat.

The landscape didn't change much for the next few days. Much interaction wasn't allowed as Nishi had strict rules. Together with the near tangible tension and unknown countryside, it created not the ideal atmosphere anyhow for leisurely exchanges.
On the fifth day, the team would come to a halt as Nishi made them climb a large hill. On the crest of the hill, they would be greeted with a gruesome sight.
In the distance were mountains with peaks reaching high in the sky. A valley seemed to exist but the landscape was grey - as if it had just suffered a massive forest fire. The scent of burned material and a mixture of some foul scents was blown in the faces of the team.

"And here we are," Nishi mumbled as she inspected the sight. A certain memory attempted to surface but Nishi refused to give in.
"Stay close and stay vigilant." Nishi ordered as she made the team go further - their pace once more controlled.
It didn't take long before they noticed that the trees and other flora seemed to be dead or else scorned by some kind of past fire. No animal or insect seemed around or daring to live in this wasteland either.

The trek over the next few days was not easy, but Hikari pushed herself to keep up. Arriving on a hill on the fifth day, Hikari briefly glanced around as Nishi stopped and inspected things, before they needed to continue walking once more. Following the jounin, walking at the end of the group, Hikari kept her attention focused on the area around.
As they kept moving forward, she noticed things started to appear dead and burnt. A wild fire or a purposeful act of arson in the area, she couldn't tell. But any sounds of animal life also seemed to fade away. It only made Hikari more determined to keep an ear to the ground. They wouldn't have any obvious shelter to utilize, so if anything or anyone came from behind them, she needed to be able to warn them in time.

Sniff sniff. It still smelled of charcoal and smoke, even if the latter had likely subsided. The uncharacteristically quiet Alsanna took a step forward, breaking formation for a moment, to kneel down and paw the ashy soil. Small sampling leading to her fingers brushing together led to the Genin musing in discretion. A quick whiff was even taken from the disintegrating matter she was manipulating, "Very recent fire. Too recent. We'd still see massive clusters of smoke if it were not coordinated. Or abnormal in nature." wide, somewhat vacant eyes just stared at the horizon as she attempted to grasp the magnitude of this cataclysm. How far did it reach? "Plus side, no little line of sight blockers. Down side, I'd like to avoid what did this." she pushed herself back up and dusted her pants.

The trek onwards for the next few days was luckily not as tiring as it was for earlier half for Yuyuko as she kept pace with the others...or perhaps part of it was deliciously cooked meat on that first day that Nishi shared for the others that was talking as they made their way through the plains, Yuyuko at taking the few free moments she had during breaks to take in the scenery and wondering what she could tell her father when this was over...until day 5th happened.
The crest of hill they scaled showed them just pure destruction with the remains of a great fire.
As Hikari and Alsanna begun their observations to see what could have happened, Yuyuko's hand instinctively moved to her sword, Fuurai, as she breathed and listened with her ears trying to sense for any distortion or sounds that would sound off while readying herself make a defensive move to protect her team-mates should anyone of the group gets attacked or should Nishi give an order.

Noticing that her group became more tense, Nishi seemed amused.
"Good observation," Nishi calmly stated as a response to Alsanna. "Whatever or whoever caused it is, hopefully, still exhausted. That and you guys need to relax a bit," Nishi stated as she halted near a tree.
The scorched organism received a soft pat from Nishi, bits of dust and ash descending to the ground.
"Besides, it isn't like we would be ambushed by an entire force with the flora and fauna being scorched to next year," Nishi reminded them as she turned once more towards the direction of the mountain range. "Just keep up and don't start swinging a blade at anything that might spook you lot."

The trek through the desolate wasteland was long. It provoked nothing but misery and desperation for those who wandered in it. Eventually Nishi came to a halt as she crouched.
"Now, this is something to be worried about," she mumbled as she observed a skeleton. Whoever this person had been, their majority of their flesh had been scorned away. Patches of burned material seemed to be the only remains of a gambeson of some kind. The lipless grin of the skeleton was unsettling but more so when Nishi looked up. Suddenly, she could see more signs of decayed individuals between the ash and dust.
"I guess we are now entering a more dangerous turf than before." Nishi stated out loud, while wishing that they had a sensor specialist.

Progressing further into the wasteland, Hikari definitely felt like she did not want to face whatever caused this. Be it large numbers of Rongese, or one of their ungodly beasts. Moving her focus to Nishi's instructions, Hikari kept her pace up.
Upon reaching the scorched dead bodies, Hikari glanced at them. The level of burns made one thing very clear for her "Whatever, or whoever, did that, didn't just want to see them dead." She quietly remarked, before glancing at the remnants of the other bodies that were around. To her, it stated one thing. The Rongese weren't just out for blood. They were out to drench the land with the blood and leave nothing behind.
Of course, there was still the question of who actually did it. But Hikari doubted the natives of the country would elect to burn down so much of their land, and with such aggression.

Yuyuko blinked for a moment when she heard Nishi's comment about needing to relax alittle as she realised her hand was on Fuurai's hilt the chunin elected to loosen her grip and her hand rest ok the hilt so that it can be drawn at a moment's notice and not waste energy unnecessarily. While she kept up with the others, Yuyuko considered the factors going on hearing her team-mate's comments along with taking in the surroundings as she placed a hand to her chin thoughtfully. "I am not sure….it is just a thought but perhaps this might possibly be done in an act of a scorched earth tactic. Since with how exposed this area is and with the earth so...dead,i doubt anything can even survive here,much less an army setting up a camp here which would slow the Rongoese down significantly in making any proper progress inward. However this is just speculation...as i dont believe i know enough to make a guess on this, educated or otherwise." she said voicing her thoughts while lightly checking the surroundings for more clues.

"The whole place was set ablaze, and some poor sap got caught in the torrent of flames. I'm not too concerned." nonetheless, the more callous Alsanna kneeled before the charred remains of what seemed to be a human. Gloved hands went for a brief checkup, seizing the jaw so she could rotate the skull and notice anything out of the ordinary. Although what seemed to be able to burn this place so quickly would likely leave little forensics evidence for anyone to piece together, "My hypothesis is that this was indeed coordinated, though how is anybody's guess. From ninjutsu to a creature not native to this area with a particularly effective means to incinerate everything. Or a weapon. Or natural aberration." with each suggestion her head tilted to one side, and then the other, "What I am saying is it could be anything. So, I'm not too worried. Besides, we've got a water teacher." a quick snap of her gloved fingers, and yes she made the sound, got her to point toward Nishi, "Now, given the speed of which this seemed to have burnt without even giving us warning signs ... " she paused for a moment, "There's always the possibility of the Scorch attribute, which may considerably lower our chances of survival." lips pursed, she didn't seem too thrilled.
A slow turn of her head now had the doctor of the team face Yuyuko, "Not improbable. Although not as efficient given the time of year," it wasn't close to winter, after all, and the climate was mild to say the least, given the month, "the most effective use of this tactic tends to be when the winds are violent and warmth is hard to come by. Peculiar that they'd use it now and not earlier in this war, or later."

Nishi remained silent as her pupils began to speculate about the origin of the desolation and corpses. None of them had seen war or what true cruelty it could bring. And neither could her words convey the experience of war to them.
Gesturing to her pupils to follow, Nishi spoke up.
"Just stay vigilant. If anything, it can be a whole number of reasons of why this happened or may be a reoccurring event." Nishi stated as she continued inwards. The sombre scenery kept them company for a while. There seemed no escape to the desolation, destruction and awful silence.
For the following hours, nothing but the howling wind sweeping up dust and ash would bother them. Then Nishi halted and threw a look over her shoulder.

"Something is wrong." She stated, looking around. They had gained some distance but despite their pace and time progressing, it seemed that they hadn't gain that much ground.
"Hm," half turning to face her squad somewhat, Nishi pondered on something. "Hikari. Do me a favour. Use something to prick yourself." Nishi calmly instructed and then glanced around. "Alsanna and Yuyuko, stay on standby. If my assumption is correct, we are dealing with a genjutsu barrier."

Staying alert to the best of her capabilities, Hikari kept her position among the team and continued following Nishi deeper into the lifeless land. After numerous hours, Nishi instructed them to stop, before giving further instruction to herself specifically. A potential genjutsu barrier, according to her.
Taking out a kunai from her pouch, she pricked the palm of her left hand. Slowly, the area they were in shifted. They were closer to the mountains than what they were seeing before, but the land was still dead.
Keeping her kunai out, Hikari approached Yuyuko "It is genjutsu, sensei." She said, before pricking Yuyuko's finger without any warning "Closer to the mountains than what we appeared to have done under the genjutsu." She stated.

Yuyuko on her part pout slightly when Alsanna shot down her idea but on second consideration, it made perfect sense and made her consider how much she would need to know and fit into the position of Chunin that she now holds.
With that, she relaxed her guard as she walked on with the group, watching and seeing the destruction the war wrought as the memories of the tailed beast from before came back to her.
As much as she knew it is a part and parcel of war, it felt very painful to watch as she followed the others until Nishi halted as the Chunin glanced at her and the others carefully switched her gaze between her team members regularly.
As Nishi brought up the idea of genjutsu, it surprised her as Yuyuko did not have too many experiences with Genjutsu as she prepared to prepare herself while replying to Nishi.
""Understood sensei, I will ARGH EGARDE!" she says yelping Hikari pricked her finger without any warning as while it did not really hurt, it was soo sudden that it seemed to hurt more than it actually did. "what the hell, Hikari san, you can……." she says as she slows down noting how the scenery begun to change around her.

At the mention of a Genjutsu barrier, Alsanna squinted a little. She hadn't picked up the signs, though at the same time she hadn't exactly encountered any Genjutsu barriers. Her mind was merely able to better catch on to tricks. So when the notion came to be, she first sought out details that she may have missed. Distances, smells, colours … It was likely subtle, and obviously there since both Nishi and Hikari were seeing something else. Seeming frustrated, the Genin of the bunch snapped her fingers to have the nearby avian lands upon her shoulder, "Three second intervals." she ordered, and now the bird would just stand there.
What was happening was that, like any entity capable of chakra and some technique, in this case the owl could at least transform, it let a weak burst of chakra stimulate its master's, allowing for a release of the hypnotic effects. If it were a barrier, it could potentially re-apply, hence the intervals, "Genjutsu Barrier. There's a source somewhere. Although, Master Nishi, would passing it release us of the effects, or is it consistent within a perimeter, too?" she asked, instead of experimenting.

The confirmation of Hikari was enough for Nishi. The woman didn't seem bothered that Yuyuko was less happy to be pricked by Hikari nor that Alsanna had a method of her own, attempting to break the genjutsu.
"It is most certainly that the effects will be consistent. And we are in range," Nishi thought out loud, so that her pupils could follow her train of thoughts, "How and where the barrier begins or ends is beyond any of our ability to figure out. It could be a pattern on the ground, much like a seal on its own. Perhaps some artefact imbued with chakra. Seeing we have no tangible way to explore these options, it is best to just be vigilant. For now, the genjutsu barrier seems not too complex. But just aimed to be subtle to disorientate and likely set victims up for an ambush."

Throwing a glance at her pupils, Nishi shrugged lightly with her shoulders.
"All that we can hope for is that we will be watched and deemed not a threat---"

Before Nishi could finish her sentence properly, the ash around the group seemed to come to live. Masked figures would move up, armed with steel weaponry. A few of them seemed unarmed but the jolt of lightning around one of the individual's arms was enough for Nishi; those were capable of utilizing ninjutsu.
"Relax, don't try to go for your weapons. Unless you want me to kill you before they will try it," Nishi instructed, as one of the masked ambushers stated something in a tongue unknown to them.
"Ah, yes, of course," Nishi said calmly as she shook her head and pointed at the direction they came from. "Jirou Authority."
The name of their realm made no real impact. The stance of the ambushers made it clear that they didn't either recognise what the name implied or the distrust was too much.

One of the ambushers stepped forward and barked some new instructions, gesturing with his spear at the visible weaponry of Nishi. Even as she couldn't understand precisely what he said, the gesture was quite easy to grasp.
With a motion aimed to be slow and transparent to the ambushers, Nishi would disarm herself and throw her weapons as pouches on the ground in front of herself. "Just follow the local customs. If they wanted to kill, we would have had a fight already."

Watching as the ambushers appeared, Hikari just watched the attempted interaction between Nishi and the others. It was clear the attempt to identify themselves didn't work. Hearing Nishi's instruction, Hikari followed Nishi's own pace, disarming herself by first putting down the kunai she held before, followed by her pouch and then the tanto she had sheathed on her person.
Remaining silent, Hikari kept observing the ambushers. It was the first time she saw other foreigners that did not just attack them on sight. They were clearly not trusting them yet, but she already considered it to be a good change of pace.

Yuyuko on her part had begun to tense up as the scenery changed somewhat around her before letting herself relax as Nishi begun to explain her line of thought. It all made sense until she saw the foreigners surround them quickly, most of them armed as Yuyuko herself contemplated moving to draw Fuurai but the immediately command from Nishi put a stop on that idea as the chunin relaxed, looking to see how Nishi was going to interact with them.
However it was not long before Nishi disarmed herself at least to show she was friendly and gave orders to do the same.
While Yuyuko could understand why, she did not appreciate it at all mostly because while it may seem stupid, the chunin did not like the idea of possibly losing her katana, Fuurai, at least not in such a way as she followed Hikari and Nishi's example placing down her other weapons first before then taking a deep breath and then placing Fuurai in front of her carefully, at least just out of arms reach as the chunin wanted to be as close to her personal treasure as she can get without disobeying Nishi.

An ambush, great. Out in the open too, double great. Alsanna peered around, fingers hooked and ready to do what was necessary while her owl-turned-pigeon started to unnaturally twist its head 360 degrees before 'whispering' to her ear. She clicked her tongue, Nishi's stance wasn't exactly re-assuring either. All that foreign shouting and evident gesturing did little to appease the order-bound Genin, as she slid one hand to each opposite sleeve and allowed her feather-blades to drop, keeping her arms open and forward almost in an inviting manner or a shrug. All the while, the avian on her shoulder just stared at the one that did the talking. Oh so keenly focused with its unnatural eyes.
An undesirable position to be sure, one that brought Alsanna to carefully shift her gaze between certain elements, notably Yuyuko, the Ninjutsu guy, and the talkative one giving the orders. If things went south, someone needed a plan, "Ni- Ahem, Master Nishi, how confident are you that they won't butcher us?" she kept calm, her gaze dedicated to the one with Ninjutsu in particular. Adamant, unmoving.

Nishi threw a glance over her shoulder, directed at Alsanna.
"Not particularly confident. But in that case, it will perhaps grant me some semblance of peace and quiet." Nishi calmly replied as some of the ambushers would cautiously stride forwards to obtain the weapons and pouches. Once they were certain that their 'guests' were disarmed, short instructions were barked. The gist simply being to follow and not do anything funny, kind of barking.
"Besides, we are guests. Act like it or I will have to put you down myself," Nishi casually stated, after which the boss-man among their captors sneered something. "See? Charming."
[ The 3rd Imperial Division Encampment | 11th Brigade | Sevudia, Eastern Continent ]
[Homura is a part of the reinforcements that makes its way into the encampment, along with supplies. As he arrives to his first assigned mission, the realization that he's truly a soldier begins to set in]

Homura had little to no time to prepare for how quickly everything unfolded once he graduated. He received instructions almost immediately after graduating. He was assigned to Team Eight, under his new Sensei, that was currently assigned to the Eastern front. He was to pack his belongings - necessities only, bring a light load - and meet with a convoy that would be moving along towards the Eastern Continent. Upon arrival he would receive further instructions pertaining to his current mission, and who he would be reporting to. He met up with the large convoy days later. There were eight horse carriages waiting for them. Each carriage was being drawn by two horses, and within the wagons of about half of them were large oak barrels stacked neatly in rows.

Men shouted out orders, directing men into the right wagons, and keeping everything organized. A small line was formed at the end of the convoy made up of young men, and at the head of the line was a man with a clip board ordering them into specific wagons. Homura stood in line, waiting patiently until he got to the front. He told the man his name, and shifted his weight from one foot to the other as he flipped through the pages and finally checked his name off.

"Wagon three, you're assigned to the 11th Brigade."

Since then he's been with the convoy, on a long journey towards the Eastern front. At one point they had to mount ships to get overseas, his first time doing so and it wasn't a good experience. He vomited one too many times, making a complete fool of himself. But the closer he got to his destination, the more anxious he got on performing his first duties as a new Shinobi under The Empire. He could feel the change of weather in the atmosphere as he got closer to his destination, and the landscape was quite different to that of what was back home. Dry steppe regions plagued the land and sucked the air out of the planet. But the rest of the journey once disembarking went faster than he had anticipated.

The third division encampment was large and overwhelming. There were men all over the place, each walking towards a different direction or having a different task. Those that sat around drank from tin mugs or ate chunks of bread and watched with deep sunken eyes as the convey shimmied by. Some sat within groups, amongst themselves, laughing and discussing things that were unclear and equally unimportant. He sat all the way at the back of the wagon, and watched as the driver separated from the rest of the convoy and headed towards the northern sector of the large encampment. There were palisades set up, and some scary looking men stood guard. The other men within the encampment spoke in a foreign language, somewhat familiar to his ears - yet completely indecipherable. From what they looked like however, and through the help of his own studies, he assumed them to be of Chonobi descent.

The wagon came to a full stop at last, each man inside hopped out and stretched their legs including himself. He mumbled under his breath about how much he hated sitting for too long, it always happened to make his legs feel tight and unbearable. He felt eyes on him as he stretched, the men around him - most of which were wearing red pieces of armor - watched from behind their mugs, others stopped conversations acknowledged the new comers and continued to speak amongst themselves. Some of the Chonobi men were wearing blue-white colored scarves around their necks.

"New batch of supplies," He discerned what someone said amongst the orchestra of foreign language in his native tongue, "And reinforcements."

"Yeah," Another voice replied. he followed the direction of the voices and found two men speaking to one another. They were dressed in Akinian blue, "The Empire isn't taking anything lightly."

His ears perked up at the second man's reply, what weren't they taking lightly? Homura found that the journey to the East was one of silence and isolation despite being among many other young people. Perhaps they were all thinking the same thing, simply that if the mission was dire, not all of them would be returning home. But it never truly occurred to him to ask what were the specifics of this mission. He just assumed that a soldier doesn't ask questions, and does what he is told. But that had gotten his attention, and he made a mental note to himself that he would ask his squad leader about the task when introduced. After a couple minutes of delay, another man, dressed in the same blue as the two soldiers speaking amongst themselves introduced themselves and lead the line of reinforcements into a nearby tent. Three more men were inside the tent, preparing military gear for newcomers along the table. That's when it hit Homura the most, he was a Shinobi for The Empire. This was real.
[ The 3rd Imperial Division Encampment | Sevudia, Eastern Continent ]
[ Learning the flow of Water | A collab between @Lesli and @Autumn Song ]
[Aiko is training Hylli in how Water chakra works and how to achieve mastery over it. While there is some struggle, Hylli starts to learn. ]

Jogging to the meeting place, Hylli bit her lower lip. The recent developments were stacking up at a rapid pace. It almost seemed surreal that everything had picked up, and she was barely given any chance to adjust appropriately. Not that she would allow herself to be brought down that easily, Hylli thought to herself as she reached the training field. Already spotting that several people were utilising it for personal or duo training, Hylli didn't spot Aiko, and she realised quite early did allow her to breathe a tad easier.
Planting her hands against her hips, Hylli eyed how a pair of soldiers seemed to train some weapon practice. Perhaps she should request the lieutenant or the sergeants for some more training?

"Ah Hylli."
Aiko's voice resonated as the woman approached at a calm pace. Her hands were shoved in the pockets of a jacket that appeared quite comfy. "You requested some training, if I am not mistaken," Aiko said, a curious glint appearing in her eyes. "Water Release, huh?"
Despite her pale complexion, the woman stood straight and seemed to do relatively well. She nodded towards the girl as speaking further. "How about we dive right in it? What do you know of the water nature?"

Taking aback slightly by the mere fact that they would dive right in the material, Hylli became silent. She pondered over what she had been taught at the Academy, stating her thoughts aloud to share them with Aiko. " I am aware it is a fundamental chakra nature. Weak against earth but superior against fire. I suppose it does depend on the technique and situation, of course," the last being rapidly added as if Hylli had made an error, " I have seen how you utilised water chakra to kick my and the other's butts in that one training. It certainly seemed incredibly versatile." Hylli replied, flashing a wry smile. If anything, the way how Aiko had used water release was far from easy to counter.
" I suppose it is also one of those chakra natures that can utilise natural sources? Such as, for example, using a river or pond to manipulate the water?"

Aiko waited for Hylli to finalise her response. Flashing a polite smile, Aiko raised her right index finger slightly. "Quite on point. Yes, water is supposedly weak against the earth and strong against fire elements. However," lowering her hand, she continued, "it is quite more nuanced than that. While water can defeat fire relatively well, it depends on factors. In general, a water technique can subdue fire. But a cloud of steam can prevent you from the sight of your opponent or vice versa. So tactical understanding can neutralise a disadvantage." Aiko explained.
"And you're quite correct. If there is a source of water, someone can utilise it for their techniques. Water is often considered versatile due to how it can be utilised for both offensive and defensive uses. Then again, I always found it amusing how everyone tries to define a chakra nature in a certain way or form. It is eventually all up to the combatant on how they manage their techniques."

Pausing once more, Aiko considered something else. "Normally, training and mastering a new element will be rough, and it requires patience and dedication to understand and master the basics. You do have a certain advantage with your Metal Release, and if I am not mistaken, it is one of the rare bloodline abilities formed out of three elements." Raising her hand, Aiko would raise a finger with each mentioned chakra nature.
"Fire, earth and water. Quite the combination if you ask me. I have already seen a particular skilled Hyuzu use metal release and hear from my acquaintances how powerful it can be," Aiko told Hylli. "As such, you may not know you have the mastery to use water release separately. But in essence, you already have been doing a combination of three elements all at once." A smile grew on Aiko's lips. "It is just now a matter of having you understand and separate the element to use it on its own."

Hylli was slightly surprised as wary of how much the woman knew. Of course, the Cho and Hyuzu clans are close allies. But Hylli regarded the Metal Release as something that only belonged to her clan. The fact that an outsider, even a Cho, knew this much was a bit unsettling. However, the news that she had already used water release surprised her. Aiko's words made sense, but at the same time, Hylli never thought about it in that regard.
" I already use water release," she mumbled as she briefly glanced at her gloved hands. Shifting her attention back at Aiko, a frown grew on Hylli's brow. " So how do I then separate an element and use it on its own?"

"I would say it is easy, but it isn't. It is, however, easier than what most people have to go through." Aiko replied, a mischievous wink following. "In short? You need to understand what role water release plays in the Metal release. It is a component of your Hyuzu bloodline ability. Once you understand its role, it becomes easier to figure out how to focus and separate it. Once you got a foothold? It is all practice and patience." Aiko further answered as she nodded towards the girl. "While I have a good hunch what role it plays, what do you think? Try to give a role to each element and how it can form up to Metal."

Folding her arms out in front of her chest Hylli mulled over the question. " Metal is a combination of fire, earth and water. I would say that earth is the first and probably the main component. It serves as what is being moulded and transformed, no doubt. I suppose then fire heats it, and the water element cools it down," Hylli thought out loud, throwing a curious glance at Aiko. " Metal does share a weakness with earth, that it is very vulnerable to lightning."

Clicking with her tongue Aiko would shake her head lightly. "Almost, Hylli. Yes, the earth is the main component. Metal and earth chakra is weak towards lightning. And while fire does heat it, water provides more than just cooling. Do you have your alloy with you by any chance?" Aiko asked.

" Yeah, I do," Hylli stated as she reached out for the pouch in which the specialised alloy was stored. Taking it out, she would mould it in a solid shape to show it to Aiko. " So, the earth element is the main component, and fire chakra heats it. But water provides more than just cooling..."
Slightly confused but intrigued, Hylli attempted to think more over it. But she couldn't come to the answer to what more water release could mean in her Metal release. Releasing a heavy sigh, Hylli didn't mask her frustration in front of Aiko and again stored away from the specialised alloy. " I can't think of anything else. I am afraid, however, that the mere moment you reveal it, I will feel incredibly silly or even stupid."

"No need to. It isn't that easy. But water release provides flexibility. Your alloy and affected metal by your ability can turn in a more liquid state, no? Besides cooling down, water release makes it possible for you to acquire this state. As such, you already use cooling and maintaining a liquid state. Two abilities of water chakra, in essence." Aiko replied. Allowing her words to sink in, she would flash another smile. "So now that you have learned it. It is simply a matter of focusing and obtaining the ability to separate water release from your usual metal release."

Performing the horse and rat hand sign at a slow pace, Aiko continued. "All basic chakra natures have two signs affiliated with them, in a sense, for water chakra that is horse and rat. Focusing on one of these hand signs can mould your chakra and focus on the individual element. Remember that you subconsciously are already attuned to utilising the element. But now, you need to focus on that part of the progress and seclude it. Give it a try. Keep your chakra flowing and maintain focus."

Hylli took in the information. She felt a bit silly that she hadn't been able to come up with the answer herself. But instead of sulking over it, Hylli focused on what more Aiko told her. Performing the two hand signs, Hylli nodded firmly. " Okay, showtime," she mumbled as she performed the rat sign. She could feel the flow of chakra becoming active as she held the sign. Attempting to focus on the particular feeling was odd as she searched for something she hadn't paid much attention to. Was something this simple a pathway to get a better grasp on something as a chakra nature?
Emptying her mind to focus better on a sensation that might betray what she required to latch on, Hylli felt a cold shiver down her spine.

Time moved slowly as the ambience of the camp drowned out in focus poured on the exercise. Closing her eyes, Hylli felt desperation surging as she couldn't find what she assumed to be the proper sense. Grinding her teeth, Hylli was about to surrender that she couldn't find what Aiko meant.
Then it was a faint tingle, spreading from the tips of her fingers across her whole arms. Half opening her eyes, Hylli attempted to figure out how that sensation came to be. Calming herself down, she started to focus more as another sensation sprawled from her hands to shoulders.
" Okay, I think I got it. I think, at least," Hylli said as she was too afraid to release the sign and risk losing the 'source'. " What now?" She asked as her voice trembled both of excitement and sheer panic.

"A basic water technique. Hold that sign and keep latched on to it." Aiko answered, a smile growing on her lips. Moving her hands together, she would explain what Hylli had to focus on next. "This is the wild water wave technique. You perform it by forming Dragon, Tiger and end it with Hare," she instructed while slowly performing the instructions herself.
"Move a hand towards your mouth while holding the seal of confrontation. You are going to feel a surge from your stomach. And then you should be able to expel the technique."
Inhaling, Aiko felt the surge of chakra building up from her stomach. Aiming in a harmless direction, the woman unleashed the technique as a powerful jet of water was launched and harmless crashed against the ground.
Releasing a sigh, Aiko nodded towards Hylli. "Your time, champ, show me what you got."

Hylli licked her lips as she paid attention intently to what Aiko did. Altogether, it didn't seem that hard at all. But now it was her turn, and her nerves were starting to play a number on her.
" Dragon, Tiger, Hare," Hylli muttered underneath her breath as she proceeded to form the seals in sequence from holding the Rat sign. Inhaling, she felt a charge starting to emerge from her stomach towards her throat. Narrowing her eyes, Hylli focused on where Aiko had shot the wave of water. Slightly shaken, the Hyuzu managed to replicate the technique in a less potent form.
Blinking rapidly, she stared at what she had just performed. It dawned now on her that she had just done an entirely different release than metal.
Then a big smile started to grow on her features.
" I did it," her voice softer as she rapidly turned to Aiko, " I did a water technique," the words left her lips in an excited, fast pace. "Wauw, okay! Cool! So what's next?!"

The reaction of Hylli brought back some memories. Managing to stave them off as Aiko didn't feel like being brought down those memories, she couldn't resist a smile of her own. "You practice. Once you have mastered this technique, I will try to pass on a few other useful ones. Good job," the woman told her, genuinely happy that some progress had been made without any hiccups.

" Thanks, Lady Cho, thank you so much!" Hylli said, though she was all too eager to learn more. To understand more and grasp more of the element. Then she saw the pale complexion of Aiko and remembered Kazumo's strange reaction. The joy of before was crushed and swept aside by a surge of guilt. Cringing mentally, Hylli could already picture Kazumo's disappointment for her being so selfish.
" I am so sorry, Lady Cho. I forgot," Hylli stated as she desired for the earth to swallow her whole. " Master Scylding already seemed so worried about you. I should have thought twice and asked someone else."

Aiko grew confused why Hylli's mood seemed to drop without a proper reason. When she mentioned Scylding, it became easy for Aiko to connect the dots quickly and realise what was going on. "Ah," she paused while considering what to say. It was heartwarming to see that Kazumo and Hylli had some bond going on, indeed if one considered how Kazumo hadn't been able to enjoy a proper teammate for a long while.
"Kazumo is like a son to me. And he has his reason to be concerned. However," Aiko raised a hand and squeezed Hylli's shoulder gently, "I still believe that I am master of my own doing and choices. And I also doubt that Kazumo will blame you for seeking help to grow stronger." Pulling her hand back, Aiko's eyes half-closed as she had an amusing thought running through her mind.
"He is going to need you and someone to rely on and aid him in what he is plotting. Kazumo is an excellent student. One of my best, easily. But he is shouldering too much on his own. It would help me immensely to relax if I knew that you would make sure the idiot doesn't overdo it."

Slightly relaxing as Aiko squeezed her shoulder, Hylli still couldn't get rid of the guilt entirely. It stuck with her as some sort of syrup, sticky and annoying to get rid of. " Thank you, Lady Cho," Hylli stated as she mulled over what the woman had told her. " I will do my best. But he is such a stubborn donkey. Pardon me for that, Lady Cho." Hylli said, the last sentence quite quickly added as an apology. " I will do my best. And with this newfound understanding, I think I got a better chance."
Placing her right hand as a closed fist against the open palm of her hand Hylli performed a deep bow.
"Thanks once more, Lady Cho."

Aiko felt a slight sense of relief flowing over her being. Content with how the Hyuzu replied, the respectful bow was unexpected but welcome. "Thank you, Hylli of the Hyuzu Clan. You know what? I will have a few scrolls prepared for you. Nothing major, but allowing you some self-study on a few decent but not too difficult water techniques. Surprise him with it." She said, a mischievous wink added to her words.

[ The 3rd Imperial Division Encampment | Sevudia, Eastern Continent ]
[A New Addition | A Collab W/ @Oetje]
[A new addition to the 11th Brigade comes to Meilin with a curious question she did not expect]

The day had started early. Not that there was anything irregular with it. Much like many other days, it was filled with tasks and assignments. For a moment Meilin wondered how it was again to live without the responsibilities and tasks she was saddled up with these days. How blissful the days were without arranging two dozen people being trained and getting equipment. Not required to attend to specialised training or giving training herself.
Throwing a glance at the height of the sun, Meilin made an assumption that she would have some free time if there wouldn't be anything or anyone throwing more work in her direction. A hope that usually got dashed in anyways, for there was always something to be done or experienced in the camp these days.

Clicking with her tongue the young woman placed her hands on her hips as she watched how the majority of her platoon dispersed after today's training. Most were required to get ready for the mundane tasks as well. A few lucky ones would be able to relax for today and gain some well-needed energy for tomorrow.

The morning had gone just like every other since he arrived into the encampment. The anxiety in his chest was still alive and well, but subsided with days of what seemingly felt like normality. Training, assignments given from superiors, and when lucky even some freetime. He had finished his book the night prior, and found himself with nothing to consume his thoughts with but questions. He wanted to learn more about who they were here to fight, was it the Rong? Had he been silly enough not to understand or be aware of the conflict?

Those thoughts carried over to the next morning's training, while usually he would be able to keep up with some of the Cho soldiers - fittingly named Hell's Raiders - today was a different story. He seemed a step behind, constantly losing his footing, and receiving some not so friendly words from the trainee. At last when the training came to an end, he felt like he could breathe a sigh of relief. He removed his helmet, tucked it under his arm and used his forearm to clean his face of any sweat. That's when he noticed her, off to the side, watching the group of men disperse.

He had seen her often throughout camp, often busy training others or involved in tasks of her own. He had heard an Akinian soldier call her Lieutenant Cho. Homura had no plans of approaching her prior to last night, but in a sudden rise of courage he told himself he'd take care of his tasks later and began to approach her.

As he got closer he realized how young she was, not much older than himself, "Excuse me," He found himself speaking softly, and cleared his throat, "Lieutenant Cho?"

Twisting her head slightly, Meilin shifted her attention to the individual that approached her. Turning fully towards the newest member of her platoon, his name wasn't that hard to forget. Certainly due to the similarity with the royal dynasty having a similar name, a curious coincidence that Meilin did consider amusing to a certain degree. Deciding to push those thoughts aside, she would place her hands behind her back while replying in return.
"Homura? Correct?" Flashing a friendly smile, Meilin spoke further, "You didn't do so bad today. For the first time. How can I help you?" She decided to question, allowing him to air what he had on his mind.
He could feel his cheeks reddening at both the compliment and her remembering his name. He tried to hide his frazzlement as best he could, convinced he did much better today than he had initially thought. He cleared his throat once more, "Yes ma'am, that's me."

"I didn't quite know who to ask, and I can't really understand many of the other men around here. I also don't want to make myself seem unprofessional, but out of curiosity, are we here to fight the Rong?" He braced himself for her answer, "I've looked into their culture once at the Academy, yet other than that I failed to keep up to date with them. I was just wondering if I could receive some sort of run down...if that wouldn't take too much of your time, of course?"

Curious to what the newcomer was going to ask or bring up, Meilin did for once miss the possibilities that they had in Konohagakure. Such as being able to read on profiles and knowing what she could expect. His looks didn't seem to hint towards anything she should be worried about but how many times were the covers of a book correct?
Then when Homura brought up his question, Meilin raised her right hand. Running her hand through her hair, a soft sigh escaped her lips.
"If we are here to fight Rong," repeating the question partially Meilin averted her gaze to glance at their surroundings. As if that would allow her to find the correct answer.

Once more a sigh escaped, the second one being heavier than the previous one. Lowering her hand, the features of Meilin hardened slightly. "Walk with me, Homura," she instructed him while already half turning. "No need to linger around here after a drill," Meilin began as she started to walk at a relatively calm pace. The oddest thing was that she didn't start to give a reasoning or any kind of answer to Homura's question right away.

"Honestly," Meilin threw a sideways glance at the newcomer, "you are asking the wrong person." A wry smile spread on her lips, "I am probably the biggest supporter of taking Rong and everything connected with them down. From my experience? They are worse than thugs." A cold tone could be detected with ease as Meilin did barely anything to mask her disdain for their enemy. "If you seriously want to know my opinion? It is to prevent them from harming innocent people who can't fight back. To stop them from tearing families apart. War has a place in our lives," shrugging casually, Meilin paused. "But I rightfully believe we are doing good by taking the fight to them. I…" Her voice trailed off as she looked at the direction they were walking towards. Shaking her head lightly, Meilin flashed another wry smile. "I think as long as we fight them here, they won't have much chance to do harm to those back at home."

The first sigh made the anxiety that subsided days before come exploding back into his gut and up his chest. If he didn't know any better, he'd say his breakfast was coming back up, but he held it together. He kept his face as deadpan as he could, but felt another twinge of nerves bubbling up after the second sigh. Had he asked the wrong questions? There was another curious thought that rose up in his mind, having to do with nothing that he had asked; What has the Lieutenant gone through? She was not much older than him, yet to lead soldiers at such a young age is a feat within itself, and the scar across her face told a story of its own. He found himself enchanted by his own imaginative narrative. These thoughts helped to calm him, "Right," He agreed, walking besides her just as she commanded.

He watched her with curious eyes as she spoke and realized there was no direct answer to his question. A red flag? Maybe. But his loyalty was to The Empire, and he would question no order. He made a mental note on her coldness towards the Rong. Lieutenant Cho was not someone to make an enemy out of, "Worse than thugs?" He repeated under his breath more so to himself than to her.

He nodded as she stated her opinion, and found himself unable to reciprocate her smile, "I see."

"This may not be the most appropriate thing to ask, and perhaps too personal," He cocked an eyebrow, "But what exactly is your experience with the Rong? Is there something I should be expecting out there during battle?"

"I can hold my own, I was at the higher end of my class with Taijutsu. I'm not scared of battle. But I like to know my enemy," His eyes narrowed slightly, and despite his attempt at keeping his prejudices hidden away, he could see why father warned him of the Cho. Today they are allies on the battlefield, their violence is something to learn from, but perhaps tomorrow they will be enemies of the Unkei? One thing was for sure - the lieutenant was nobody to take lightly, and anything he could learn from her would be a plus for him.

"They are a devious bunch, at best," Meilin said, the pace of the words slow as if she had to weigh them carefully before allowing them to leave her lips. "We have acquired some victories. But they have surprised us several times. And so far, while we have gained ground and defeated a good number, it just feels like we barely made a dent."
The mentioning that he had been on the higher end of his class with taijutsu made Meilin enlist a pause. Oddly enough, she could resonate with his words. Or perhaps she could do that once before, despite having graduated with very mediocre scores herself.

"Have you ever killed someone, Homura?" Meilin asked, instead of answering the question directly. "I mean in the heat of a fight. Drove steel through someone's heart? Or seen people die without you being able to do anything to prevent it?" The questions were fired off with a serene tone as Meilin came to a slow halt. "Cause honestly? I lost count on how many I killed. And yet, every single time I have to draw steel I am scared shitless." The words left with a tone that made it clear it wasn't an attempt to impress the other. It was genuine.
"I have lost people to them. Good people. So while I can say that the average Rongese footsoldier isn't as drilled or well equipped as one of ours, they fight tooth and nail. And they got worse than soldiers or their version of shinobi. Things that refuse to die or can take a hit, without seemingly being damaged. Beasts that are just as ugly as they are dreadful."

Letting the words sink in, Meilin raised a hand and patted Homura's shoulder gently. Her tone became lighter and less tense than before.
"Don't fret too much though. As long as we all stick together, we will get through."

He noted mentally what she said about the Rong and the warfare between them and the third division in the East. From his understanding, they were relentless. A dry breeze blew past, and he could feel the cold sweat from his garments between the light chain armor against his skin. That's when she asked him a question he couldn't possibly predict from her. A rhetorical question most likely. It made him shiver, unable to differentiate whether he was cold or vaguely scared.

"No...No, I never have killed anyone," He read her eyes as she spoke rapidly. She spoke on until her symphony of questions came to a climatic halt then silence for a couple seconds, where the only sound were of men around them going about their day. Men unaware of the meaningless conversation between a Lieutenant and a new recruit. Meaningless to them, but purposeful to himself. She cut the silence with her final statement, full of honesty and genuity Homura did not expect. He was not alone, she was scared to.

He cursed himself for judging her so hastily. She was human, just like him, no matter the age or the experience. In a way, her words worked to humanize her in his eyes. By god, how could he be so foolish? He opened his mouth, about to speak, and felt her reach up to touch his shoulder.

What she said brought peace to him, the corners of his mouth curled into a genuine grin, "Right, understood." He nodded, "I won't let you down Lieutenant Cho."

One thing was for sure, he was going to see battle soon and when the time came he had to make sure to survive. For himself, for his father, for his clan, and now for his Lieutenant. He cleared his throat and put his helmet back on his head. He cocked his head back, looked up to the sun with his hand shielding his eyes from the direct rays, "I should get to my tasks now before the day flies past me, see you around Lieutenant?"

A soft smile curled on Meilin's lips. She imagined that this transition from an urban or rural lifestyle was terrifying, overwhelming or anything but positive. His statement that he wouldn't let her down made Meilin nod firmly.
"I will hold you to that," she responded. When he inspected the stance of the sun and prompted a question if he would see her around, Meilin winked. "Most certainly. At ease and till later." Meilin half turned and seemed ready to walk away. But a thought shot through her mind.

"Oh, Homura," Meilin turned slightly back to the young man. "If anything, I can recommend investing time to meet up with some of the sergeants as some of the others within the platoon. They are a quirky bunch but they mean well."
Kirigakure | Tea House by the port
Collab | @Aliceee @BlueFlameNikku
A Debriefing and Additional Responsibility

The atmosphere in Kirigakure hadn't changed much. Problems still existed but most tension had ebbed away, almost like it had sought out new places to disturb. And no new attempts had been made to abduct Aya, which allowed Mika some time to organize and meet up with one of her pupils.
Remembering what she had seen as read about Sugi, the jounin went quietly over what today would be discussed. The mere fact that the two would meet at a teahouse, near the port, would be enough to indicate that this wasn't a meeting to train.
A waiter came by, asking what Mika would desire. Ordering some tea and dangoes to be prepared for two, the woman saw the waiter walk away to take her order. Releasing a soft sigh, Mika threw a look out of the window. Dozens of people passing by, minding their own affairs.

Sugi walked down a few blocks before he came upon the tea house. It wasn't one of the shops he knew the owners personally but it did currently have a few patrons that recognized the young man as he entered. A smile and a wave from one old couple and a few friendly gestures from a few dock workers that were just on their way out. One of them patted Sugi's shoulder as he exited the premises. The genin returned all their greetings before making his way to the table Mika was seated.

"Sorry bout the wait. Old Lady Sakabi's cat got itself stuck in the rain gutter again." He started before sliding into a seat across from Mika. "So...you wanted to talk...right?" He asked quizzingly. "Does it have to do with something that happened on our last mission?"

Mika's attention shifted as she heard someone coming in. The boy's apology was accepted with a subtle nod and gesture that he should take a seat. "I indeed did." Mika replied quite calmly. "And it does yes. I have had some time to go over your profile. What you have experienced and done before. How you managed to graduate from the Academy as well." Mika paused as the waiter came to bring two plates. One that had two cups, various choices out of ingredients and boiling water, to make the tea. The other plate had some dangoes on, as side-dish.
"Enjoy, it is on me," Mika stated as she started to pour some hot water in the two cups. "So, what do you think of the last operation yourself?"

Sugi shifted and twinged at the mention of the academy. "When you say it like that it's like you're surprised I graduated." The young man thanked Mika for treating him and would enjoy a helping of dangoes before pouring some tea for himself. The genin leaned back in his seat. "To be honest, it felt like a shit show." He took a sip of tea before explaining. "If we had an objective, it wasn't clear what we were supposed to do. Something or someone appeared that was far beyond our capabilities, akin to a team of genin getting sent on a B or A rank mission. Also, we're no team that's for sure."

Whether Mika expected Sugi to reign in his words or not it was certainly clear now that he wasn't afraid to speak his mind. "Sure we are all still recently acquainted but even a kid could see the tension. Aya and I don't see eye to eye on anything." Sugi's eyes drifted off before staring back at Mika intently, leaning forwards a bit. "She's protective of you, some prior relationship I bet." He'd then sigh and lean back once again, enjoying the tea. "That's none of my business of course but taking that into account as well as you looking deeper into my file..." Sugi paused for a moment. "I'll just cause you and your team problems down the line, clear as day huh?"

Mika allowed Sugi to speak freely. Leaning back in her seat, she listened to what Sugi had to say. Where she imagined that others would be pissed off on how the boy spoke to her, Mika was most amused. Of course, she had reasons of her own to allow such a stance to be taken today.
"You would have been quite correct. But you lack knowledge on various factors that would make your statements solid." Mika replied as she blew gently on the surface of the hot liquid residing in her cup. Once done, she lowered the cup slowly and continued on. "You mention Aya. You are correct that she is protective of me. Of course, this is because of some factors. But you two don't primarily clash because she is protective of me. It is because she absolutely loathes anybody joining the team."
Letting that info sink in Mika spoke up after a few seconds. "Of course, that is something out of your reach, for now. So you are incorrect that you're the problem." Mika calmly remarked. "You were right that the objective wasn't known. But you must understand that you are too low ranked to be learning the true objectives of our missions. Even I am subjugated to such treatment by the higher ups. Something or someone appearing that will force us to withdraw is no excuse. Only that we have to become either stronger or smarter. In any regards," Mika's lips lightly curled into a faint smile, "it wasn't entirely a shit show. Some good things have come out. You and Aya now are probably the only folk who managed to acquire a summoning bond with a dragon turtle. I can't think of anybody noteworthy who has acquired a freaking dragon turtle as a summoning. And some other matters. But most aren't your concern. Save it for…"

Mika placed the cup down and her right hand moved to the side, down, seemingly reaching for something. Placing a closed scroll on the table, Mika gently shoved it towards Sugi's direction.
"I have contacted the brass after examining your performances and past. I have even learned you served underneath a fellow Hayashi before being assigned to me." Mika said as she would pick her cup of tea up again. "Anyhow, the brass has decided to approve my request to elevate your status from genin to chuunin."
The smile became more prominent as she subtly raised her cup as a sort of cheer.

Sugi listened fairly to the holes his senior began to put into his statements. He couldn't deny them, he did lack information after all but the info he gained now would be useful. Especially the bits about Aya. It was good to know that likely no matter what he did Aya would never warm up to him per say, less wasted energy. The rest of the revealed factors were more or less expected. It did feel really cool to have the ability to summon a dragon turtle. The red head would loosen up into a small smirk at that realization even though he shared the creature with Aya.

Sugi squinted at the closed scroll as it was pushed to him, taking note of its appearance. He said nothing and simply stared at Mika with a bewildered expression. He calmly opened the scroll and read it silently to himself. It was all there. The declaration, the signatures, it was legit as far as he could tell. He couldn't believe it, he would've bet everything he had that he'd never be promoted by the brass; nevermind this quickly. He looked back up at Mika as he gently placed the unraveled scroll back onto the table. Then, the young man respectfully bowed his head. "Thank you, I appreciate...that you spoke on my behalf." He paused for a moment as he picked his head up. "Neime-senpai..." Sugi coughed as he regained his composure. "Neime, her name is Neime Hayashi. I told her I'd best her someday ya know, Sana and I that is."

In the back of his mind however, Sugi was aware of what kinds of doors were going to open for him now. Being promoted like this was gonna draw attention to him as well, something he'd rather do without. Not to mention if there weren't eyes on him before, there were now. He let out a sigh. "As you say though, even you aren't privy to all the information. But, I'll appreciate being in the loop a little more even if only by a single step." He took another quick sip of tea before scanning the room with a small smile on his face. "Just hope the neighborhood doesn't catch wind of..."

Sugi froze as his eyes locked onto three local kids looking over each other's heads, clearly having eavesdropped on the convo. "Oi! Don't you three dare…!" Sugi shot up out of his seat and like that the three kids laughed and started running down the road. Those within the tea shop could faintly hear the kids chanting about Sugi's promotion in the streets.

"Crap..." He cursed while scratching the back of his head as he retook his seat. "I'm gonna hear about this for a week at least..." The fresh chunnin tapped his fingers on the table. "...those were Nen, Yuji and Tsuna, the local spymasters in the making." He said with a half jest. "If they bump into you when you leave you should check your pockets by the way."

Mika took a small sip of her drink. Allowing the rich flavours to linger briefly at her palate, she also observed Sugi's response. Much to her amusement, the boy seemed to pick on her hint of what had occurred. His expression reading the scroll, which detailed the promotion and who had signed as well approved only enhanced the woman's amusement.
She didn't respond to Sugi revealing more about Neime Hayashi. In truth, Mika was somewhat curious but it wasn't her affair. Besides, she had some personal matters going on with her clan. Matters that didn't need to involve Sugi or anybody else for that matter.

"I will attempt it. Seeing you are no longer a genin, it is time to burden you with some more responsibility, after all." Mika replied upon Sugi's request of being kept in the loop. Practice had learned her that a promotion to chuunin didn't change much about learning about the intricate web of schemes and intrigue of the brass. But if he desired to learn, she wouldn't deny him it - so far it would remain pragmatic.

Raising her cup again, Mika's eyes half closed as she observed the situation that unfolded next. Some children had overheard their exchange. She hadn't cared because there was nothing secretive about it, yet Mika had a hunch why Sugi had desired it to keep such a thing a secret.
"Endearing," Mika said, her tone quite genuine as she lowered the cup once more. "I will certainly make sure to keep watch of my possessions if I encounter them." She added as a response to Sugi's warning. "However, with this promotion I will also inform you that I intend to intensify the training program I was preparing for you and Aya. Kayleen would be included too but it seems that she will be returned to her clan. Because of the recent turmoil with the Great Clans, notably the Akechi, we will have someone with us to ensure that things go smoothly. I just don't know at what time this will transpire."

Pausing, she considered something. "Though, you desire to be kept in the loop? How about you meet up with this auxiliary force? As a chuunin, you will represent our team, so I do expect you to remain focused and polite. How does that sound?"

It was about what Sugi had expected but he was pleased to be trusted with more responsibility. As if he was being taken more seriously. This being backed by the inherent promise that the team's training was going to ramp up. Someone else he'd be looking forward to.

The young man had mixed feelings about Kayleen's departure. She always seemed to mean well but from his short time with her trouble followed her closely. Not to mention anything involving the clans. Sugi would scowl at the mention of the Great Clans, not at all surprised that they're steeped in turmoil again. Someday they wouldn't be such a problem for everyone.

Sugi nodded when asked about doing the meet up with this auxiliary force. "I can handle that." He proclaimed confidently. "Is there already a planned meet up spot and time?"

"In two days. At the training field entrance. I can modify the place and time, to suit any idea you desire," Mika replied. She decided to not question or say anything when Sugi's expression betrayed his opinion regarding the Great Clans. Once more, she didn't see a need to delve in personal affairs. That and these days, it was best to not discuss political matters in public areas.
"So it is somewhat up to you. You can determine the homefield of this meeting. Not that you need to impress many. It is just one individual, as far as I have been told."

"But I am supposed to impress someone? Impress how? Or is this a flexible matter?" Sugi half asked as he leaned forwards, propping up his elbows on the table. His fingers interlaced over his mouth in thought. "Deeper in the training field, there's that myriad of ponds; where the dragonflies and fireflies frequent. There in the middle of the afternoon should be fine."

Taking a sip of her tea Mika considered the meeting place. "It is a flexible matter. Then again, you can organise this just the way you want it. I just need to know where to direct this auxiliary force and the rest is up to you." She replied, masking her amusement behind another sip of her tea. "You got some time after all to have a place to discuss the upcoming mission and logistics. Seeing we will be escorting Kayleen back to the Akechi clan, I reckon it will entitle quite some matters that can't be discussed as openly as we do here." Mika further added, placing the emptied cup on the table.

Escorting Kayleen back to her clan, of course that was the next mission. The clan discourse, Kayleen's exit from the team. "That spot in the training field should be fine. It's deeper in so most teams don't bother walking that far for training sessions. You can tell this auxiliary force to meet me there to discuss the mission details. Can't think of a more private spot that I'd have access to; short of taking a small bout out to sea."

Sugi waved farewell to the elderly couple as they waved at the table before exiting the front door. Then with a light clap he addressed Mika once more. "Well, you've got the place and time so...thanks for treating me" He declared with a smile before standing up with his arms stretched behind his head. "But if you'll excuse me I've got some preparations to take care of."

With that he started to leave before stopping a few steps from the door, he turned his head back towards his senior, still smiling as he let out a chuckle. "Have a good day, Mika-senpai."
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[ The 3rd Imperial Division Encampment | Sevudia, Eastern Continent ]
[ A nice exchange | Kyoi Hyuuga (@GlitchyBugger ) & Meilin Cho ( @Oetje ) ]
[ A collab that details some interaction between Kyoi and Meilin. ]

The day began pretty calmly. There was still a lot of activity in the camp, more so with the brigades all together. For an hour, Meilin had watched some cooperation between a few members of her platoon with that of another. There wasn't much to worry about but some extra caution couldn't hurt, she imagined.
However, the conversation with Kensuke had lingered in her mind. With his presence, she had imagined that he was here with Team 7. More so when he made the mention that Kyoi had been promoted to specialised jounin.
Unsure if it came because she had nothing planned today or because her curiosity was tempting her, Meilin decided to talk with a few of the quartermasters. One of the more chatty ones was happy to oblige to tell her that there was indeed a Hyuuga, amidst the ranks of the 12th Imperial brigade. The man continued on that it was quite rare to spot a Hyuuga amidst a brigade almost made up with Yakimara cultured people, but Meilin didn't pay much heed to it.

Venturing in the 12th's grounds, it wasn't that much different from the brigade she was from. Aside from the distinct difference in appearance of the gear, language and some minor things, it still heavily resembled what she had grown used to.
Looking around, Meilin didn't find Kyoi among the people that seemed to idle around in small groups. It dawned on her that she didn't really know much about the Hyuuga. Wandering further, she then came to the tents that were designated as the medical quarters. An area that was bustling with activity, still after the relocation of the camps in one larger encampment.
Spotting a Hyuuga suddenly, due to the distinct eyes, Meilin came to a halt. Either out of habit or some subconscious drive, Meilin raised her right hand up in the air somewhat to catch the Hyuuga's attention.

After their successful battle against the Rongese not too long ago, Kyoi had chosen to devote some of her time in the newly conglomerated camp to assisting with any medical needs. She was trained after all so why not? It doubly served as a chance to give her team some space to let them wind down and for Shikaroku and Masami, work on their inner demons.

Medical duty was a fairly nice thing to get back into all things considered, she took on the care of a number of soldiers whom had sustained lesser injuries to let the dedicated medical team treat those whom were worse off. So she whiled her time away with bandages, splints and some minor stitching, keeping an occasional eye out for any new arrivals. It hadn't quite crossed her mind that she'd see any familiar faces from other brigades until she caught sight of Meilin giving her a simple wave to draw her eye.
Her pale eyes glanced towards her previous teammate for a second as she was finishing up with cleaning and bandaging some man's leg, followed by a short pause before she looked up to properly recognise the fact that Meilin was there and gesture for her to come over with a beckoning wave of her own.

For a moment, Meilin waited as she wasn't entirely sure on how Kyoi would respond. Noticing the gesture, Meilin made her way to the Hyuuga. An apologizing smile quickly found its way to the Cho's features before she spoke.
"Hey, long time no see," she began, mildly curious and impressed that the other was also someone that worked in the medical tents, from the looks of it. "I spoke with Kensuke not too long ago. Tall guy is also apparently in camp, so I was curious if you were as well. Kensuke even told me that you were promoted to specialised jounin. Congratulations!" She just said, unsure if a casual or friendly chat wouldn't be too awkward due to their limited interactions in the past.
"Other than that, have you been doing okay? You know, with the whole," a vague gesture followed as Meilin pointed at their surroundings, "thing going on."

In response to her smile, Meilin received a remarkably warm smile from Kyoi herself despite their lack of interaction. The mention of Kensuke's presence in camp did cause her to raise a brow in curiosity though. "Indeed it has been, last I recall we were both on separate missions in the Tamiyo's land, while I would say it's a shame we didn't get to meet then it would've likely compromised both our teams if we had." Kyoi continued with the finishing touches on her current patient's leg, tightly tying it off and redirecting her attention to him.

"You're clear to go, try to avoid straining your leg too much and come back to have the bandages replaced if the wound reopens." She instructed him, receiving a nod as she gave him a crutch and helped him back on his feet to send him on his way.

"I've been doing well enough in Hiron's team and the 12th, a bit more demanding compared to my time with yourself and Kensuke but I can't complain... How about we get out of everyone else's way while we talk?" Kyoi would suggest, gesturing for Meilin to follow. "You've been doing well leading your own team, I hope?"

Throwing a glance at the patient that Kyoi spoke to, Meilin made a mental note. Perhaps it would be fun and interesting to swap some medical thoughts and notes with Kyoi? There wasn't anybody else on her team or circle of acquaintances or friends that dabbled much in medical affairs.
"That sounds like a fair plan," Meilin replied as she would follow. The question that Kyoi posed didn't meet an immediate response. For a second, Meilin pondered about what Kyoi referred to. Only to remember Hanaguro.
"My team is quite decent. It has its flaws, of course. But I have enjoyed and learned a lot from leading them. I suppose maturing as well, from how things were before," Meilin gave as answer, "but you are serving in the team of the Major General? How is he like? I heard some talk but that is an entirely different thing from really working with the person, I imagine." She would pose as a question in return.

With Meilin in tow, Kyoi led her away from the medical tents to someplace a bit quieter. "That's good to hear, not everyone's up to the task when it comes to team leadership so it's reassuring to know you've taken to it well."
Meilin asking about how it was working with Hiron had Kyoi pause to think about just what she'd dealt with so far.

"Well… He's got extremely high expectations for everyone, he's pushed the genin rather hard, but I think it's for their benefit. He's not too keen on idle chatter, very straight laced and so long as you're doing your job well there's not a problem. Honestly I'm concerned about the new addition to the team, she's quite a die-hard for the empire but there's little else to her personality outside of a touch of sadism towards any enemies. Mayhap she'll grow a bit but I couldn't say for certain, not yet at least." Kyoi sat herself down on a nearby unoccupied seat.
"But I can't complain, she certainly gets results whenever I set her to a task."

Listening to Kyoi, Meilin hooked her right thumb behind her belt. Her first comment made Meilin feel a twinge of pride surfacing but it was quickly replaced as the Hyuuga spoke of her leader. It seemed that the stories were quite true to the reality but Meilin didn't mind it that much.
"That sounds like quite a new addition," Meilin said, not sure how she would respond to anyone in her team showing signs of sadism. In fact, it seemed quite the opposite, which had its flaws as well. "So you mentor and train them as well?" Meilin asked as she sat down, opposite side of the small wooden table from Kyoi. "It is good to see results but has she shown anything that made you worried? I imagine it can be quite troublesome to deal with someone that is, hm, devoted immensely to the Empire. Not a bad thing but I imagine that there can be complications with such a behaviour?"

"I have been teaching them a bit, it's not as if Hiron has time to do it himself what with his rank so it was to be expected. As of right now, she's not a problem. Practically a fully disciplined soldier as it is, since she voiced misgivings about Shikaroku being in the team and I set her straight she seems to have reigned herself in. I think she might have some trouble when we're no longer on a battlefield, but she's quite capable, all things considered." Kyoi gave a small shrug after finishing her commentary.

"You said that Kensuke was deployed out here as well, right? With how things are going here I didn't think we'd need much more sent from home, did he say why he was out here?

That was practical, Meilin mused, as Kyoi explained that she did teach them as Hiron was too busy. It wasn't too different from her situation, aside from some nuance. The question regarding Kensuke made Meilin subtly nod, to already emphasise her answer.
"He is, yeah. I initially had anticipated that you were still under his leadership. But he is here on some higher up mission. Something secret, so I didn't divulge much more regarding that," Meilin said, a light shrug following her initial reply, "I do imagine it is because we are encountering so much resistance from the Rongese. But it might also have some other meaning to it. I don't really know or can put a pin on it but he seemed quite casual, so I don't expect anything bad."

Considering the situation once more, she opted to ask something in return.
"It could be a clan thing, right? After all, the Senju are here in a large number as well. I honestly hadn't really expected a whole army of them. Have you heard or know if there are any Hyuuga reinforcements coming as well?"

"Hmm… I suppose that's to be expected since I believe Kensuke works more or less alongside the Empress now. Secret missions are just a given that high up." Kyoi idly commented before Meilin asked what the Hyuuga were up to as a clan.

"Based on the instructions I gave before I left for the front, our focus is on what's going on within the Empire, trying to get more co-operation out of the nobles and such. Clan politicking is a completely different beast, especially when so many are deeply set in their ways and try to stamp out any attempt at getting people to work together, kind of glad I'm out here honestly."

That was indeed a thing, Meilin remembered. Working so high up had its advantages and disadvantages without a doubt. Leaning on the table slightly Meilin nodded once more.
"I can imagine, yeah, regarding clan politics. I am somewhat happy that I don't have to deal with them. The whole affair regarding the little and strict rules seem far harsher than anything I have been dealing with." Meilin replied, "Huh, though judging by your word, that means you're a clan leader yourself? I honestly wasn't aware of that. I just thought you were, well, you know, a Hyuuga."
Perhaps that was also why she had been assigned to Team 7 before, Meilin mused. It wouldn't be too weird for certain clan leaders or higher ups to work together, if it could work out.
"But don't you miss the whole mess back home, compared to the current mess?" Meilin asked, to subtly steer the topic to something different.

Meilin's reaction to hearing that she was a clan leader brought a little chuckle from Kyoi. "It wasn't quite something I planned for, but outside of the clan elders, who don't really do much, I've been more or less leading the clan since our most recent leader passed away. I will say attending the clan meetings is nice though, at the very least the other leaders treat their guests very well so the given comfort was appreciated." She then gave a slightly dismissive wave as she finished with the clan talk.

"I would say I do miss how things are at home, just gives me more reason to see this whole ordeal finished and done as soon as possible so we can all go home." She then gave Meilin a questioning look. "But how about you, I assume you're eager to get out of this country and get back to work in the empire?"

"My condolences, I didn't know, sorry," Meilin answered in a genuine tone, her curious mind almost opting to ask if they were close with Kyoi. But that was personal - something not meant for her ears. And she wouldn't appreciate it if someone.would dig or ask about her familial matters, she realised.
"I am somewhat eager, yeah. I find the eastern continent fascinating but not enough to keep me here, if I had the choice. By the gods, I even desire the boring routines that are likely awaiting us all back at home. The lack of stress or anxiety of dealing with enemies like these Ronges would also be a welcome change of pace," Meilin became silent for a few seconds.

"Then also the money. Being able to spend my hard earned salaries on luxurious things instead of knowing I work and will get payment once we return. But as you can see, luxurious or much room for shopping isn't really something we can dabble in."

"It's quite alright, not everyone gets to choose how and when they get to pass on. I would like to think this war and the many others we've had in the past are good enough evidence for that." Kyoi briefly allowed a somber expression as she spoke but it didn't last, not as Meilin continued down the vein of being able to go home eventually, to which she nodded.
"True, I look forward to the day I can stop fighting here and dealing with all the abberations that come alongside the Rongese, last I recalled they were still creeping around in our lands as well. Hopefully if we clean up here the rest will disappear into nothingness, be hunted down or give themselves up. Then I can see about buying myself something nice for once, a new outfit or a good drink perhaps. What do you think you'll do first when you get back?"

Meilin's thoughts and opinions were vastly different. In fact, she did have a sort of pleasure and wrath that were connected to the current conflict. And while she did genuinely long for home, her mission or vengeance were far from done.
"It is really getting tiring how much they can pull from their sleeves. I can understand clever conjunctions of techniques. But living undead? Uncanny beasts? I think I can't possibly disagree with you, that we will gain some rest if we clean up their presence from our people."
The question on what she would do first, a gentle smile dawned on her lips.
"I think I will spend a whole day with my siblings. Go to a park and just end with a grand dinner," Meilin began, not bringing herself to give in to the doubts and questions if she could unify her family in the end.

"Then request some free time. Perhaps to just gain some respite. A nicer place to live in and worry about trivial stuff, you know? Nothing that we have to worry about now. Stuff like cleaning clothes or if I left the fire on before I left home." Pausing, Meilin shook her head lightly. "Just actually living somewhat calmer than we do now."

"Spending time with family is a good idea, I would recommend it more than anything else, especially with the kinds of lengthy missions we get deployed for even back in the Empire's lands." Kyoi let a sigh escape at that, but gave Meilin a little smile and a nod of approval.

"Speaking of family though, have you thought of adding to your family yourself? I would say that I'm far from wife material, to be completely honest. But surely you've made some kind of consideration for courtship once you finally have the freedom to do so?" It may have been a wildcard of a question, but it was something definitely worth thinking about, at least for those younger than her. Besides, talking about something other than the current situation was more than preferable in her eyes, especially if she could get a better impression of Meilin.

The question of Kyoi did take Meilin by surprise but not causing any animosity to rise."I haven't really thought much about it. I don't really consider myself the typical housewife either. Such a fate seems really dull and lacking," Meilin frowned as she pondered for a second. There was Kazumo but she hadn't really given it much thought what they would do or become after the whole war was done.
"I am seeing someone right now. I suppose that is a start? But honestly," a casual shrug followed, "I don't know. It is all fun and good right now, save it for the fact that we got to risk our hides. But I will have to wait and see how things will play out."

Considering something, Meilin decided to return the question however. "What about you though? I imagine that being high up in the echelons of a clan means you either got an abundance of eager suitors or some arrangement ongoing, planned or such?"

Quite the ambiguous answer without a single mention of a name, though it was to be expected, especially considering that it wasn't a guarantee that everyone would survive to return home. When Meilin reversed the question onto Kyoi she shook her head. "Nothing of the sort for me for a few reasons. Firstly I've only recently been put in this position, so no other clan leaders have taken proper notice as of yet. And secondly even if they were to notice, I've kept my guard up, any attempt at using honeyed words and promises to garner my favour would be struck down. With arrangements like that there's always something that the one initiating it is looking for."

"And most importantly, a majority of the other leaders and their kin are either crusty old men or generally just not my type. Though one of my clansfolk, prior to my taking the position of leadership, was betrothed to a member of the Nara clan. I'll need to see the full details of that once we get to go home."

"That sounds a bit sad. To always have your guard up and not be able to give someone a chance. Also sounds incredibly exhausting." Meilin replied, pitying Kyoi slightly. "But I do understand if you rather not get cozy with a dusty broom. That just sounds downright awful. I suppose it is then just the option to find someone of your own choosing, if that is possible?"
Hearing about a betrothal, Meilin became slightly curious.
"Oh? I hope it will be a good match without any secret agendas. I do have to admit that the whole being betrothed idea has its romantic sides. Being promised to someone that is, hopefully, not twice your age or isn't already having grey hair," Meilin placed an elbow on the table as she supported her head. "I suppose that is the advantage of not being of noble blood. Not needing to worry about potential scandals or not able to seek out someone that is fit for your station. Or secret agendas, or well, less so."

"Of course, but it's only about as exhausting as our usual work, getting to choose my own suitor is certainly a promising thought." She would admit, seemingly none too bothered about the supposed sadness of her approach.
The hopeful comment on the betrothal she'd mentioned gave Kyoi something to talk on other than her own situation, to which she would elaborate upon. "Indeed, the two of them are actually both in Hiron's team for now, though my fellow clansperson is only a temporary addition. Based on what I've seen they're happy about the arrangement, at the very least they've not voiced any concerns or misgivings anyhow, so I'd take that as a good sign. Instead their troubles are more focused on themselves instead of one another, so I have to see about fixing that as soon as is possible… Do you know much about the Nara and their techniques?"

"Oh," a bit surprised Meilin's eyebrows perked up ever so slightly. "So they know each other? That is something else I suppose. But hm," frowning again, Meilin wondered about something. "To serve together is a bit risky, ain't it? Not that I have much to say. The guy I am seeing is also in the military. But the fact that they are happy is good. I can't imagine the sorrow of being coupled and remain unhappy for a long time."
The question how much she knew about the Nara and their techniques made Meilin grow silent for a second, visibly pondering.
"I know some Yakimara. And some of their customs or were that the Yamanaka? Probably the Yamanaka. I never had much dealings with Nara. I am aware of their shadow manipulation abilities. Never have I seen it in action myself," Meilin said as she decided to return the question. "What about you? I imagine that serving with the Nara may have given you some insight regarding their culture and abilities?"

"Very true, having them serve in the same team is unusual, but currently they're keeping one another going. I'll have to check on them individually to be sure of that." Kyoi concurred before returning to the point about the Nara.
"I've learnt a bit about the Nara in working alongside this one, but mostly just some of the Yakimara language and mannerisms, in terms of the specific abilities that they seem to have I've not seen a wide range of the shadow-based techniques. Honestly, manipulation of shadows has major drawbacks, most of it being due to light sources and the amount of light present itself. Thankfully I've found decent use of his abilities otherwise, despite his reluctance to kill he's still a very competent fighter, but said reluctance is of concern."

"That is very positive," Meilin said, imagining that it could have drawbacks - having couples working together. But if it so far made them motivate each other, then who was she to judge it?
"Oh yeah. I figure that it has a weak point like that. Honestly, it seems very interesting. The inner workings of it. And the utility of such a specialism," Meilin stated, wondering briefly how closely guarded the Nara kept their Hidden techniques, "Seeing that shadows aren't the most noticeable things or attract too much attention, in quite a lot of situations." The fact that the Nara was reluctant to kill made Meilin softly sigh as she remembered the past two genin that had been added to her team. "Yeah, it seems that is a reoccurring thing. But some battle experience may help to convince them that killing is just a necessity at times. Wauw, that came out harsher than I intended, sorry. What I mean is that killing shouldn't be enjoyed, you know? But it is far from a sin if it is done with constructive reasoning behind it. Such as defending yourself or others you care for. Else, dear gods, then we are wasting our time here quite in a grand fashion don't you agree?"

Kyoi gave a slight nod to Meilin's contemplations. "I respect the fact he's among the many others whom are hesitant, during the last great war I was in a similar position for a time so I know where he's coming from to a degree…" She then followed up with a sigh, weighing her options briefly.
"Keep this between us, but I think he's holding himself back for another reason, seems he can manifest his shadows in a more tangible way to basically turn into a shadow monster. Damn thing's so eager to kill that it tore apart a good half dozen Rongese in the previous mission before I got a chance to disable it. I'm trying to find a way to balance the two sides of this coin, but I really do need to know more about whatever this thing he's got is. Before our next mission I need to sit him down and get as much information about it as I can."

The revelation made Meilin stay silent. She wasn't sure how to respond as it sounded like some weird kind of story. But the fact that Kyoi seemed too serious for it to be some made-up story prevented Meilin to not take the situation lightly.
"That is quite grim. I would certainly sit down with him. However, I wouldn't consider it something to be used. If it is sentient and willing to murder, it could prove a threat to you or others. Perhaps sealing ninjutsu could provide a solution? Even a temporary one, at worst." Meilin replied. In truth, she wished that there was anything else she could advise. But her knowledge on any possible entities like that was rather limited.
"I can't really be of help but if I learn anything of note, I will try to update you though." Meilin further added, deciding to provide a bit of aid seeing she wasn't sure what to do if this would concern one of her team members.

"That's more or less my plan, yes. If I can't help him tame it then sealing will be the next option, and thank you in case you do find out anything for me." Kyoi gave a small smile as she responded. "To repay the favour, do let me know if you need any help with your own team troubles."

"I will certainly let you know. Right now, things should be alright." Meilin replied, a small smile adorning her lips for a few seconds. "That is until one gets bothered and then a chain reaction will start. But plenty of tasks to give and keep them occupied." Meilin added. "But seeing you offered, you can count on that I may call in that favour to perhaps buy myself some time to relax instead of managing whatever problems my team tend to get themselves into."
Now that she thought about it, perhaps it would not be a bad idea to check what everyone was doing. Rising slowly, Meilin performed a small nod with her head. "I am going to check up on them. Thanks for the pleasant time, Kyoi. If I learn anything regarding your Nara matter, I will make sure to inform you. Take care."
[ Operation: Happy Backpack ]
[ Sevudia ]
[ Team 11 - Team Nishi ]
[ A Collab between @Oetje , @DeliciousFood @Sakayanagi Selko and @Nim ]

[ The team sets off on another mission. And despite its cheerful name, it will seemingly be anything but. ]
Part 1
Part 2

Part 3

Those that ambushed Team Nishi were definitely not Rongese. They escorted the Jirians across the desolation, towards the mountains. The journey only showcased the horrors that seemed to have taken place in this area. More skeletal remains of what were once humans or perhaps animals. Scorched earth that bore marks of battle or little to provide any sense of comfort.

In the distance, there was the sight of tall fortifications. The material of the wall and towers that stood sternly in the broad mountain passage were of some fitting sombre colour as well. Atop these defences were troops that likely saw the group from afar.
"Hm," Nishi seemed to ponder about something but whatever it was, she kept it for herself as their ambushers guided them further.
Guided to the tall walls, a small gate was visible. It was quickly opened as a squadron of heavily armed guards moved out - clearly alert and if need be to assist the ambushers. Before being taken through the gate, a few of the newly appeared guards would apply blindfolds over Nishi and her pupils. Top on that, metal rings were clasped around their necks - a sudden sensation spreading through their bodies, severing their ability to mould chakra.

Once more the team was guided and by the time that the blindfolds were removed, they found themselves in a room with grey walls - only one wooden door barring the way out.
"Ah, see?" Nishi stated as she gestured to the door, "We are guests."
Glancing at the metal ring present at the neck of Hikari, Nishi was less pleased. "So they know of chakra blockers. That is less grand. But still," Calmly Nishi would drop on the ground and lean against the wall. Placing her hands at the back of her head, she seemed most pleased with the situation. "not being able to mould chakra can make things a bit difficult. Not impossible but quite difficult."

The blindfolds and the sudden metal against her neck were already unpleasant, but the added sensation that she was incapable of using her chakra only added to her wariness. But Hikari felt like all these precautions only helped indicate further that whoever these people were, they wanted them alive, at least for now.
Once the blindfolds were off, Hikari glanced around as well. Seeing the rings around all of their necks, she listened to Nishi. Moving to lean against the wall, the blonde chuunin glanced at the door for a second, before moving her gaze to the floor "Well, all things considered, I reckon it could've been a lot worse. At least we have a roof over our heads for the time being." Hikari said. There was a lot of bad with being taken like this, but they were taken alive. So at least it meant that for now, whoever was in charge wanted them alive.

Yuyuko on part did not appreciate the banter between Alsanna and Nishi as without their weapons, it meant they were now at the mercy of the captors that surrounded them which unnerved the chunin greatly. Luckily she did not need to worry about death as Nishi's hunch was right as their captors, after collecting the team's weapons, brought the team to their hideout.
However as events played out,Yuyuko became more and more worried as they soon blindfolded the group and placed a metal ring around their necks before leading them to their room.
As everyone settled into their new arrangements, Yuyuko shook her head as the feeling of being unable to mould chakra irked her out, even more so due to the curse mark Alsanna placed on her as the chunin was worried of any side effects as Nishi and Hikari took stock of the situation.
"I guess but it is still very unsettling...all things considered."

Captured and imprisoned, with a courteous black bagging to boot. Alsanna's expression radiate very little confidence of delight with the edge of her lips twitching when the inevitability of more imprisonment came to be, "Grea-" she pursed her lips, as if something had come to mind. The deal was still on, even in the most dire of circumstances. No sarcasm yet.
The collar felt all too similar to the one from Os', and the Genin would be quick to pass her digits over many peculiar angles and try various sorts of tugs on it without any sincere attempt to remove it. After a bit, she'd remark, "Slightly lower quality than home. Still effective." the medic of the team peered over at Nishi while sitting on her side of the cell, legs crossed, "Got a plan? Notions of what they want? Communication is key, and your more positive demeanour, Master, makes me question what's actually going on." there was only a slight hint of an accusatory tone, but otherwise very little fluctuated in Alsanna's Taika. If anything, it almost stung how plain she kept things, "If in need of a contingency," her gloved index pointed toward Yuyuko, "Application of chakra on a specific spot on her back can force a burst, with enough strength to break one of our collars. And summon a clone." she then retreated her hand and rested both her arms over her knees, "Although without that spark, we may need an alternative."

"Ah yes, rely on a chuunin against how many opponents? With two other low ranks and one jounin?" The sarcasm in Nishi's voice was enough to already hint what she thought about it.
Still radiating a calm and casual attitude, Nishi scoffed audibly. "Using violence right now or trying to think of how to escape is foolish. We don't know how many there are. But judging how they got the drop on us and we are on their turf? We are outmatched and outnumbered. It is good to try to keep thinking of survival but you need to turn the tables." Nishi explained. "They kept us alive. They have questions. And we came here to talk. So they get answers and we can attempt to do our mission. No need for violence. No risking our necks against a force we can't hope to defeat."

Opening her right eye half, Nishi threw a look at Alsanna's direction. "Is this comfy? No. Far from it. But it wouldn't hurt to try different approaches. You three nor even I can just resolve things with muscles. Our mission isn't to kill or beat up anything or someone. So we just wait and see how things go."
Closing her right eye, Nishi released a sigh.
"Just stop fretting. If it comes to blows, we can try to fight. But just try to remind yourselves that we aren't here to fight in the first place." Pausing, Nishi chuckled, "not that we would last long anyways."

As Alsanna talked, the blonde chuunin wondered once more what was up with her change in attitude. It definitely felt off. The thoughts she had about escape were relatively quickly dismissed by Nishi from how it sounded, and the jounin also confirmed the nature of their mission. They weren't there to fight. She hadn't said if they were meant to find these people, but it was something.
Moving her gaze to Alsanna, Hikari pondered on something before speaking up "Since we seem to have a moment or two until we'll probably be taken to talk to them, I wanted to ask. Did someone force you into acting so nice? Because the Alsanna I've come to know was not as half as polite as you're trying to be. And honestly, it feels worse than how you were before."
Hikari didn't know if this was some fool's errand from Alsanna or some kind of deal, but it was actually starting to get on her nerves. Because she could see Alsanna herself had her slip ups now and then.

A blue glare was dedicated to Nishi, one that matched the Jounin's more venomous fixations whenever one of the troupes did something wrong. Alsanna's breathing was ever so slightly louder and focused mainly in her nostrils, yet she didn't speak, interrupt in any way nor show conspicuous signs of flustering. When it seemed like she was going to say something, a mere inhale from her mouth, she just swallowed the air and peered away briefly. A moment of reflection, both on Nishi's and her own words, that would be cut short by her colleague's inquiry. This got the Genin to blink rapidly, as if returning to earth after a considerable amount of daydreaming, "Eh? Wait, what?" it took her a few seconds, a head shake and a clearing of her throat, "No!" immediately she rose her hand and lowered her head after that quick and oddly loud 'No', "Mmm, no. Pardon. I am not under any duress or being rewarded for anything." her posture was adjusted, legs properly crossed with her hands back on her knees, "It is merely a choice of mine," a quick gaze to Nishi's direction, "and I am sorry if it unnerves you. Perhaps you would like a mild sedative to calm the nerves?" a light tilt of her head followed her question.
Then, she focused back on Nishi, her voice composed without any slip up and that glare far more pacified, "I was merely proposing, Master, that we have a contingency. The idea would be to win, but to have at least someone escape, should this situation spoil beyond salvation."

As Yuyuko sat in the cave watching as the others discuss their plans on what to do, her mind was more worried on the seal on her back as without the ability to mold chakra, the chunin wondered if that might have an adverse effect on her since the seal by nature would be passively sucking up her chakra and without her mind to control it, may activate without knowing as she shook her head wondering what could be done.
As Nishi made her joke and Hikari decided to press Alsanna on how she seemed to be more nicer than she should be, not that she would know, Yuyuko decided to speak her worry as she moved closer to the group.
"ummm, i hate to interrupt and be a nuisance but well...umm, Alsanna san, perhaps i should ask if you check the seal as i have not gotten any chance to use it properly outside that one time and i worry that these collars might cause the seal to slowly suck in more chakra and trigger itself automatically without warning….unless that was not how the seal works as….even if we consider your idea,i dont want to accidentally do something unneeded."

"You worry way too much," Nishi muttered as she half opened her eyes, yet again. "And now Hikari. Our dear little dove, Alsanna, is just trying to improve her behaviour. We should encourage her while we still can." A grin spread over Nishi's lips. "I am after all so happy with her recent improvements. However, fine."
Stretching her arms, Nishi threw a look at the prison door. It was solid and there seemed little that they could do to make it budge. There wasn't any window and the smell of the room made it clear that there was no hidden ventilation present.
"Escape? My dear little pumpkin pie," Nishi began, her attitude and tone hinting faintly that the jounin was still in a good mood, "I doubt any of you could. They have a genjutsu trap laid out. Likely patrols over the area and despite what surprises you or anybody in here can conjure, it won't matter. None of us has anything to fight off a sensor. Besides, escape from what?"

Letting a short silence echo for a second, Nishi shrugged in a most casual fashion. "We are safe and dry. Haven't you girls seen these fortifications? It seems to me that this is the safest place. All we have to do is convince our captors that we mean well. And good guests don't enter a home with plans of escape, murder or violence."
Almost immediately it appeared as if Nishi remembered something.
"Of course, perhaps I already know a way out. But," winking in the direction of the genin, Nishi continued, "that is for me to know and a surprise for you three. Don't fret, my little dove."

Turning her attention to Yuyuko, Nishi frowned as her tone became a bit more serious.
"So, to explain something first, because you can't mould chakra actively doesn't mean that your chakra is stagnant. It still flows, whether you desire it or not. These contraptions," Nishi raised an index finger to tap at the steel ring around her neck, "prevent active moulding. To prevent us from using any abilities concerning chakra manipulation. Unless Alsanna made a rookie mistake and didn't design the mark properly." Throwing a sideways glance towards her other pupil, Nishi's tone became a tad sharper, "if the seal shouldn't be capable of activating. Seeing how your chakra is being suppressed in becoming active, you should be fine."
Turning her head slightly, Nishi's attention shifted back to Yuyuko.
"So you should be fine. That and---"

Nishi halted as various sounds heralded from the door. Without a doubt, their captors had decided to come in, Nishi mused to herself as she would get up. As the door was opened, various figures clad in heavy gear came in. Their weapons were drawn and it was clear that any attempt would be punished severely.
"Easy girls, like I said," Nishi softly stated as an individual with less armour entered, "we are their guests."

The most recent addition to the prison room eyed the pupils and jounin with a frown. A stark contrast from the heavily armed and armoured guards, it became evident that this was likely an officer of some sorts. He spoke with a calm voice, yet his lingo was unknown to any of the present Jirians. A soft and rather disarming smile followed on his lips as he gestured to Nishi and beckoned her to follow.
"Ah, I am going for a walk. You three stay behind. If you even do anything, I will skin you three alive," Nishi said in a friendly fashion, bowing her head slightly before following the officer out of the prison. The guards would also take their leave as the door shut behind them.

Seeing the response of Alsanna made it rather clear that she was acting in a manner she herself didn't consider natural. And simply shaking her head at the offer, she turned her gaze to Nishi as the jounin started explaining about Alsanna's behavior. Which only told Hikari that it was likely something arranged between the two of them. Turning her gaze back to the floor, she closed her eyes again.
Listening to the rest of what Nishi explained, Hikari wondered if Nishi's jolly acting wasn't for them, but rather their captors. Alsanna and Hikari have both experienced Nishi's regular behavior for enough time to know she wasn't acting like she normally did.

The door opened, causing Hikari to open her eyes and direct her gaze at the guards that came inside, armed. One of them talked in a language she didn't understand, and directed for Nishi to follow with his gestures. Hearing Nishi, Hikari only nodded once, before the door shut. Once they were alone again, she kept her gaze on the door "Let's hope Nishi can make some new friends." She muttered, without bothering to look at either of her teammates.

An increasingly narrowing glare was dedicated to Nishi, with Alsanna's discontent for this role reversal becoming clear. Both individuals playing an act did have quite the explosive contrast. Exhaling from her nostrils, she once again raised her hand and pointed her index toward Yuyuko, "Unless the purpose of the seal is to unleash raw chakra filtered into an element. One would have to also block out the seal itself if they wished to dampen the effects as they do with the main chakra system." that narrowed gaze relented with her blue optics softened toward Nishi, "I'd never mess up such a precise procedure." and then a clear of her throat, as she had gotten maybe a little too solmen there.
Then the Jounin was taken away, and the Genin of the troupe took this chance to assess the attire and composure of the entities joining them in the cell. With Hirashima gone rather swiftly and in full confidence, Alsanna exhaled from her mouth this time and rather loudly when the door closed behind her, "Fuck. Surprise us like this is some sort of graduation party." her once neat mane was ruffled and brushed to one side in particular, "If any of you guys get sick or hurt, remind me to make it a special 'surprise' edition procedure. Discover it as we go!" the sarcasm was back, along with a wave of her arm to emphasize the exaggerated enthusiasm of the last bit. She quickly mellowed, however, breathing in smoothly and in full serenity, "Ahhh. Needed to at least drop that one. Eh, I'll even say it again. Fuck."

Yuyuko on her part relaxed slightly when she heard Nishi's and Alsanna's confirmations on her seal which at least meant it was now a matter of waiting, however with Nishi being taken away and her being coy, it did not help things as Yuyuko herself felt rather restless without Fuurai and it did not help that the team itself seemed rather discontent with each other; at least by the other members through Yuyuko's eyes as she decided to pace as a way to keep herself busy.
At least it was better than worrying if Nishi has left them all to it, as the chunin ahook her head glancing towards Alsanna watching her rant, well there was not much else she could do and once the rant was over, she decided to try to ask Alsanna. "umm, Alsanna san….are you alright? I hope i did not cause any...umm problems.."

"So it's something between you and Nishi. Should've known." Hikari remarked as she turned her gaze to Alsanna, after her teammate dropped the charade "And don't worry Yuyuko. That's just how Alsanna really is. All that politeness was nothing but crap." She said with a brief glance to Yuyuko, before looking back at Alsanna.
"I don't know what the two of you got going on, but clearly you're not handling it well. Especially if you need to do that as soon as Nishi is gone." Hikari shook her head a bit "Changing how you act isn't something you can do on a whim." Hikari muttered, turning her gaze back to the floor as she thought about how she was taught to act noble for several years.
She still had those memories ingrained in her, and was certain she could put up an act if she needed to. But she did distance herself from all that on purpose.

Alsanna wagged her index toward Yuyuko, "That's Alsanna-Chan to you, love. After that back massage we may as well get familiar." and with the break of character, Hikari was quick to pick up on it, prompting the ranting Genin to chuckle, "I mean, it was either that or I had something very nasty in store. Maybe both! But the deal never stipulated I couldn't be whatever outside her gaze." she talked without much concern while her fingers dove into her vest's front pocket and taking out a couple of edible nuts for her to munch on, "Isn't it getting to you two a little bit? Nishi's behaviour and the lack of communication? Even I'm courteous enough to tell my, ahem, patients what I'll be doing. Even if their little minds can't grasp it under most conditions I find them in." a strand of her hair twisted around her index, "I disagree on the whim factor, though. I've been doing a good job for a few days! But then Boss-lady starts acting like a clown. While we're captured. By nobodies we don't know. Surely I'm not the only one slightly miffed?"

Yuyuko shook her head as she heard the two banter and clarify matters for her as much as they could….tho how helpful all of that was by the end of the day debatable as the chunin did not find much solace in the fact that they were now at the mercy of their captors.
"I guess that does clear up matters….but not by much…..and i had to be honest, Hikari san, i am with Alsanna chan on this…..because i am not happy being away from Fuurai….like...even if you tell me Fuurai is just a sword,he is my first….and so if she had told me about this, i would have sent Fuurai back to my parents at the village than risk him becoming someone's sword..." she says as her tone changes admittedly showing more personal emotion than she would like to but trying not to shout and remain calm
"If i find any of them using Fuurai and they don't give him back, i swear,i will make sure to stab the person's hands, feet, legs,arms, shoulders, knees and eyes and then cut off their ears...in that order before i take Fuurai and stab him right up that person's mouth and bottom...before i burn that person's corpse…...or pour burning candle oil down their throats…...and i…..oh...umm… sorry." she said visibly pissed and shaking slightly before taking deep breaths trying to remain calm as admittedly, she had no experience with losing her weapons and to her, Fuurai was...special...sorta.

Listening to the two of them, Hikari remained silent for a moment. She could understand the frustrations of both of them, seeing she was kept in the dark as well.
"I suppose surviving a sinking ship and a crystal wielder gave me a bit of trust in Nishi. But don't get me wrong, I understand the frustration in lack of knowledge. And I'm also not used to how Nishi is acting. I know her as more of a cold and distant person. Probably why I got sick of how she treated us outside of missions."
Hikari sighed and turned her gaze to Alsanna "putting your acting skills aside, did you not consider that perhaps the way she is acting was not for us? Even if she isn't an open book, we know her on the field. We are in unfamiliar territory, both in terms of land and population. And despite how we put it, she is in the same field, unless we'll learn she already knew everything about these people and then happily join you both in kicking her ass."

Turning her sight to Yuyuko, she approached her fellow chuunin "You do anything of the sort and I'll personally kick your ass. While I don't carry anything sentimental on me, I understand the value some things can carry for people. I've got something just like that waiting back home. And if you have something you don't want to lose, then bringing it with you to the field is already a bad idea." Hikari paused and shook her head briefly, before continuing.
"Right now, we are still in the dark about these people, except for the fact that they didn't try to kill us at first sight. So just calm down for now. If they do try and keep it to themselves, then I'll help you out." Hikari told her, before walking back to the wall and leaning back on it.

From smug smile to a squint oozing of revulsion, Alsanna's range of emotions was broader than usual after hearing Yuyuko's answer. Her lips left agape, head tilted to display her degree of confusion, and she even raised her index before dropping it to reconsider what she was going to say, "And they say I'm messed up. Going nanners over a piece of metal." a quick cocking of her eyebrows followed this clearly perplexed response of her's. Exhaling from her nostrils, the next focus was on Hikari, "There's a reason for her eccentric behaviour, yes. The issue is we, and especially -I-, do not know what it is. And the last thing I want to be is some order-taking drone. The WHY is the only thing that can be sort of interesting in this line of work." she answered, her composure a bit more collected now, with one leg over the other and hands supporting her the back of her head, "Being in the dark. Ugh, this asymmetry of information is just absolutely rampant in this camp. I end up missing out on some glorious internal drama too, as a result."

A few metallic sounds resonated from the door. Much like before, a few heavily armoured and armed guards made their entry. But instead of the same officer it was Nishi that calmly entered the place. The iron contraption around her neck was gone and she seemed quite upbeat. A grin crept on her lips as she observed the three in the prison.
"Ah, you three haven't fallen asleep. Good. Else I would have probably left you three here for some time to gain back some energy." Nishi told them as she half turned around. Gesturing to someone out of sight, she continued on a more serious tone.
"I have arranged some things. These guys hate Rong more than any of us. So once they learned that we came to team up to kick some ass, they were quite happy to talk about cooperating." Nishi explained as two soldiers came in and would hand the belongings back to Nishi's pupils.

"Good thing that they had some people that knew a bit of Taika. Else they would have most certainly started to conduct more drastic measures." Nishi continued in a casual fashion as she allowed her pupils to put their gear back where it belonged. "You three ready? I am sure you have questions but they can wait." Nishi stated as she already turned on her heels and would exit the prison. Together with the soldiers as both guides and escort, the team would make their way out of the prison complex. The fresh air would provide a rather soothing experience than the damp of the prison. Outside and without blindfolds, Nishi's pupils would be able to witness the fortress. It encompassed the entire mountain passage as various layers of defense were present in the form of walls, towers and ditches.
"I have yet to really explore the site. But it seems that these guys know how to build some stuff," despite the phrasing Nishi's tone still being serious, "and as much as I want to explore this place. We ought to return to our own camp. Briefing in the brass and allow them to set up a sort of communication with these people. Before the next assault will happen."

Turning half to her team, Nishi seemed to consider something. "Then again, I also played with the idea of having one of you being here. To just observe and win some intel. But I suppose the best option is to take all three of you back to the camp and let the general arrange the whole stuff."

Hikari pondered if she should respond to Alsanna's claim about only the why being interesting, before metal sounds made her gaze turn to the door. Nishi soon entered after some guards, and began explaining some things. What she apparently arranged, a bit about these people, the fact that some of them know Taika. They were given their things back, and Hikari briefly glanced in Yuyuko's direction, before following in Nishi's footsteps.
Continuing to listen, she glanced around at the fortress around them. It was definitely an impressive sight. She didn't know much about forts, but she figured the way it was built, plus being on a mountain, made for a very hard defensive position to beat already.

Hearing their next step and the following idea Nishi presented, Hikari shook her head "I think it would be good for one of us to stay behind and learn more about them. The time spent here could serve to also already get them more used to our presence. Not to mention, we could also try to learn their language and help bridge between us further." She stated.
"I'm personally willing to volunteer to stay. Learn about them, so by the time you come back, it will be that much easier to form a more proper communication with them."

The metal rustling and the door opening did startle the recently relaxed Genin, as she was prompted to quickly straighten her look and revert her hair to a more 'approachable' style. She was quick, but some could easily notice she was more jumpy than a normal prisoner. Standing up straight, the appearance of a collarless Nishi did immediately catch Alsanna's eye. The appeasement was established, the motive behind this whole journey far clearer now that context is given. Although all it did was provoke a squint from the scholarly shinobi, if only when Nishi wasn't directing her gaze at her. The sour mood was at least somewhat tempered by the fresh air that'd come when a tour was warranted after their things were returned. Not that Alsanna had much beyond her medic's pouch and her concealed blades.
Before she'd address things, a snap of her fingers would seek to get the attention of some nearby, whether soldiers or Nishi herself, as she'd then point toward her own collar. If no one replied, it'd come with a whistle soon enough, "Remain here? As a liaison? Sounds incredibly dull and-" her tone hadn't changed from the one in the cell, which she'd catch on eventually and shut herself up to clear her throat, "I mean … Would it not be wiser to dedicate a few, errr, non-Shinobi for this task? Spreading such resources would be unwise, in my opinion." back to the more proper and uptight speech pattern, "Although, I would suppose Hikari could fit the bill, given her combat prowess is not … Essential." she raised her hand before anyone could speak, "By that I mean she is not a medic nor a stealth unit nor is she specialized in anything. If we had to choose, she'd be the choice." then the hand lowered now that her explanation was set, "Nonetheless, are there any peculiarities in this fortress? You know, the sort someone such as myself would find some use in? A decent medical ward? A laboratory …? I'm not suggesting I'd stay, but rather I'd like to, y'know, see these things."

Yuyuko's eyes on her part twitched when she heard Alsanna refering to Fuurai as a piece of metal but at least calmed down slightly when she heard Hikari offer to help take Fuurai back.
After which, Nishi entered to which they all noticed the jonin's difference and managed to get their things back, Yuyuko of which cared little for most of her things but more happily took Fuurai back taking a cloth from her pouch to give the sheath and handle a quick rubbing to clean it, while following slightly behind the others as she kept up.

As Yuyuko followed the others, her anger for their former captors completely disipated, she took the time to marvel at the fortress slightly while listening to the plan by Nishi.
The plan at least was sound and made sense along with Hikari's offer to stay at the place.
"Just to ask tho, Hikari san, wouldn't we still need to set up communication line for our side or at least a projected plan first...especially since this is behind enemy lines so that both sides a cooperate better since i remember coordination between 2 different teams being key to any operation…..i am not sure but it is mostly a concern." she said before breathing and praying she did not say something wrong.

Nishi threw a glance at each student, as they spoke up. Inhaling softly, the jounin threw a look at the imposing nearby fortifications. The dull coloured wall seemed nearly part of the mountains themselves. The many guards that were visible made it clear that whoever led the fight against Rong was considering this a key-position to fend off Rongese assaults.

"Hikari," Nishi began in a serious tone. "You will stay then. I will speak with these people and see what I can arrange. Don't try to pry but just listen. We aren't to spy on these people but to win their trust." Half turning to better face her pupils, Nishi fixated her gaze on Hikari.
"You are the most experienced of the three. See this as a proper test and way to showcase you being the most experienced student." Nishi further said, only to turn her attention at Alsanna and Yuyuko. "Odd. You before were ready to state and defend that they had specialism, my little pumpkin," Nishi grinned as she addressed Alsanna, "it is okay though, to admit that you were wrong and I was right. You are still to learn a lot, my adorable little apple." The jounin's tone shifted, giving away that she was quite amused as Alsanna had to shift her attitude. If anything Nishi's own mood seemed to be quite better now that she could taunt her genin in such a 'subtle' fashion.
"But to answer your questions, my sweet dove, I don't know. I haven't been really given a tour. And seeing the size of this place? And its security? I can't answer that. Nor do I really desire to let you roam loose. I might even need to get you on a leash to prevent any incidents from surfacing." The voice of Nishi became sterner as she remembered something.

"You are half correct," Nishi then told Yuyuko. "Communications will be set up later and won't be much of our concern. The main force is moving. We were just able to move faster as a squad than a whole army." Nishi paused as she briefly glanced at their surroundings. "Seeing that coordination is indeed key, I would agree. But that isn't any of our concern. That is for the leadership of these people and our general to arrange. Not up to us. Right now, we should move back. But first," Nishi's hands moved together as she conjured a clone. The real Nishi raised a hand to gesture to her pupils to remain put.
"I am going to arrange for Hikari to stay here as a liaison of some sorts. Then we are going back and will just have to see what the brass wants."

Watching as Alsanna put up her act again, Hikari rolled her eyes. She didn't bother offering any counter arguments to what her teammate said, as while she was blunt to the point of being rude, she wasn't exactly wrong. At least, her specification was.
Yuyuko had her own thoughts about matters, but Hikari wouldn't need to say anything, as Nishi spoke up next. Giving Hikari the instructions, the chuunin nodded, before watching as the jounin decided to taunt Alsanna, and then explained things to Yuyuko. "Observe, and not push them for information. I'll be on my best behavior, Hirashima-sensei." Hikari stated once Nishi was done, before looking at Alsanna.

Approaching the genin of the team, Hikari seemed to ponder something before leaning closer to Alsanna's ear "I don't know what you have between you and Nishi, and I personally don't care. But if you want to become better at holding up that act, put it up at all times, not just in front of her. And I have some experience in this. Trained how to be a proper lady for several years when I was younger.." The blonde whispered, before moving away and looking at Yuyuko. "I'm glad you got your Furai back." Was all she told Yuyuko, before taking another look around.

Yuyuko on her part looked on as she kept one hand on Fuurai while listening. On the bright side, if anything, she was happy that at least she was correct to some degree and hopefully things could get better from here as she looked at her other team-mates and really making sure to remember Hikari as she wanted to at least try to get to know her fellow team-mate better, well later that is.
However Yuyuko did raise an eyebrow when she saw Hikari whispering something to Alsanna as while she knew the two had some sort of beef with the other along with Alsanna supposedly acting weirder than usual, the chunin could neither make head nor tail of it as her grip on Fuurai's sheath tightened as though hoping her brain would be able rationalise it….somehow. Her heart swelled as she heard Hikari say that as it was something she never really anticipated but it did help lift the mood as she replied. "Thank you. He is like a brother to me...and at least I want him to live an honorable life. And if next time you need help, I will do all I can. And good luck on your mission, I hope to see you back on this team, at least if nothing else to swap stories of what happened." she said as she watched her fellow team-mate look at the fortress and wondered what to do for Alsanna as she now wondered what did the genin to do to have Nishi and Hikari be so guarded against her.

The continuous jabs from Nishi and Hikari seemed to indeed reveal some physical manifestations of Alsanna not exactly enjoying herself. Twitching facial features, revision of her hairdo, other minor pacifying actions, etc. At the end of the teacher's bout of pet names, the young medic lazily pointed toward Yuyuko, "Miss Takeda is the specialized, Master Nishi," her voice was clear and well articulated, "Miss Yuyuko Takeda." she repeated once more, as if trying to teach Nishi the name like she was forcing new words into an infant's head.
Afterward, with Hikari's position determined, it was the blonde's turn to add a comment or two, which prompted Alsanna's chin to raise somewhat and her blue gaze to focus on the closer chuunin, "Hmm." she paused with her cheek tilting to create a bit more distance between herself and Hikari's visage, "You are correct, you do not know what's going on, Hikari Torimoto." her unmoving eyes stayed on the other for a few extra seconds, just lingering, until she gave a couple of taps to the blonde's shoulder and moved on.
"It's merely a sword, Miss Takeda." the medic added whether it was warranted or not, her gaze now half-lidded and her posture a bit more relaxed as it seemed the Genin was ready to move on, "Valuable or valueless. Heirloom or your own creation. It is not alive. It does not feel. It's just a sharpened weapon. Nowhere comparable to something living." monotone with that azure gaze mostly focused on the blade itself, "Well, at least this one isn't."

Hikari's promise didn't provoke much of a response from Nishi, who just assumed that the chuunin would be on her best behaviour. And else, the punishment would be far more severe than Hikari had suffered before.
Nishi didn't care much for what her pupils told each other. She just watched the exchanges and only raised a hand to scratch her cheek. What did seem to amuse Nishi, impacting her features visibly, was Alsanna clearly not amused with the pet names.
"Hm," the jounin glanced at her genin, clearly considering what new pet name she could bring to the conversation to just jab Alsanna further. "Oh, you got much to learn yet," Nishi just stated, her tone lacking in mockery or amusement. The whole topic of some sword and Yuyuko was something that Nishi couldn't care much for. In fact, she agreed with Alsanna but didn't see a reason to voice her opinion.

It was time to wrap things up.
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[ Sevudia - Balagan ]
[ Alsanna Shirafuji / Nishi Hirashima - Played by @DeliciousFood and @Oetje ]
[ Three Peculiar Artefacts remain secured in the fortress, and who better than the resident occultist to investigate? Although it leads one to question if such an individual truly has her place here. ]

Craving for Direction

The information was widespread, and the rumours were abundant. The secrets of the fortress the Jirians now ruled supreme over had been examined and determined as unique artefacts that defied the expectations of some experts. What they did exactly was anyone's guess, ranging from large scale mind control to a blade capable of cutting mountains. The usual drivel that did not seem to fuel Alsanna Shirafuji's flame. No, her interest was instantly piqued when the abnormal nature of these items was made evident with the degree of safety solicited along with Nishi's presence toward the matter. That and there really wasn't much to do in this camp. Nothing novel, anyway.

A time of day was selected, an hour before dawn. The General's responsibilities were bound to get him out of the tent, which would give some opening to the Genin. Her attire would get her only so close without posing any degree of suspicion. She would have to improvise. And it seemed she had the notions to at least make her presence more discreet. Nishi's teachings were not completely thrown down the drain. And if anything, it seemed her pupil applied herself quite rigorously when there was something tangible to gain. Her chakra signature was innately weak, although not undetectable, which she'd try to circumvent by not actually moving in any suspicious manner. Just silent enough to pass through when her distraction executed the plan.
That trusty owl had turned into a female of similar stature, and began to screech. Because it lacked clothes. Screams of fear as if she had been assaulted by a lustful guard. Flailing and crate breaking followed. Alsanna seized this chance to slip into the tent, giving little regard as to what potential triggers she may have prompted. No matter, it seemed her goal was more so to just see the artefacts than anything else. A daredevil, but certainly no fool.

The commotion outside continued. But as the genin slipped in the tent, a shadow would follow. Before the girl would be able to find any of the artefacts she was looking for, a familiar voice spoke up.
"I should applaud you for actually being tactful." Nishi nearly hissed as the tone betrayed her growing anger. "But I feel more in the mood to break your fingers and strangle you perhaps with your entrails." Gesturing to their surroundings, Nishi would point at the entrance of the spacious tent.
"Out, now. Before you will cause us both to be hanged for treason."

Quick, she was attempting to get a mere glimpse of these dreaded artefacts before a presence made itself known. A loud sigh escaped her as she raised her hands and turned around. No surprise there, the voice gave it away, "Hanged for a little tourism? Best they do for trespassing is a public whipping." slowly, her arms descended so they could cross, "Everyone's talking about a couple of fancy toys you hotshots are hoarding, and it just ..." she dramatically held her chest while the other hand was set over her forehead, "Breaks my heart that such a brutish General would have sole dibs on these fantaaaastic discoveries. I just had to see them before he melted them, or something."

Nishi's eyes narrowed as she seemed more visibly pissed off at Alsanna than ever done prior to this moment. "Out." The word was uttered slowly but with enough building anger that Nishi's hand seemed to shake while she once more pointed at the entrance. "Before I really lose my temper."
Lowering her hand, she would wait to see what the genin would do.

Nostrils flared, although the frustration seemed to be directed at something other than Nishi herself given her gaze shifting to the side while doing so. Her arms relaxed and dropped to her sides as she then abided by the command. Outside she went, without a single glimpse of the shinies she had longed to witness, "There, out."

Still glaring daggers as the rebellious teen went outside, Nishi would follow. Standing firmly in between the genin and the entrance, Nishi's anger seemed to subside - even if it was slightly. "Dear Divine, you'll be the end of me. Keep on walking before I decide that you do deserve a 'brutish' penalty for this." Nishi instructed, somewhat hushed as she would walk forwards and if Alsanna even thought of being rebellious, Nishi's right hand grabbed the girl by the shoulder and would drag her along.
"You are a bloody idiot. Just when I get the notion of you possessing brains enough to make up for the previous trouble, you sure seem to possess the talent to piss off the wrong people." Nishi said while wary of any of Yuuki's guards to return and inspect any possible intruder. "I protected you once from another jounin. General Yuuki is far from someone I can physically or otherwise protect you if he decides to punish you."

It was almost like clockwork now, one side scolds, the other takes, and then an argument would ensue. Typical teenage crap. Although the usual venom wasn't as prevalent this time around, "You're right." no eye contact, instead she slowly eased herself off Nishi's shoulder-hold and sought to rest her back against a nearby structure, lips pursed, "I'm a fucking idiot for not just asking to be sent back. Seriously, why am I here, Nishi? In what way are my skills being used efficiently? I'm not an effective medic despite my knowledge, and each time I have just the tiny, little" she illustrated with index and thumb the extent of how 'small' her point was, "opportunity to do something damn useful, nope. Some agentic force just says no. At this point I'm better off making moonshine in a cell." her jaw shifted from side to side, but her teeth didn't grit, "If I'm going to have any use here, it would at least get some value out of the fruits of our work. Not to have it all cook in FUCKING LAVA because everyone is so freaking agentic, even if they have power. Ahhh!" her hands rose to chest level and her fingers hooked. She needed a moment, "Anyway, yeah. I had a chance to bolster our forces, I got denied for no reason, so I'm not going to ask or wait this time around."

Now that they were somewhere safe from the possible wrath of the general or any of his retainers, Nishi was ready to verbally and non-verbally rip Alsanna's ear off. When the teenager began, Nishi remained silent. Even when Alsanna made it clear that she needed a moment.

Why are we here?

"I don't know why you are here."

Nishi shrugged lightly, her voice calmer than before. "Granted, there are reasons for it. And I never was a pious person. So if the Divine sends you, I am not that happy either."
Folding her arms out in front of her chest, Nishi made an attempt to mask her unease. Averting her look from Alsanna, Nishi shrugged, again.
"But I suppose, I would miss you if you would go."
The words were spoken with a certain feigned tone that betrayed the awkwardness that Nishi clearly despised. The phrase revealing what Nishi didn't like to experience. But also revealing what had happened.
"If you want to go back, I will arrange some stuff. A ticket to Kirigakure. As a thanks, I guess, for patching me up. But if you stay, I would be grateful." Now Nishi returned her gaze back to Alsanna. "Despite you being a handful, annoying and a damn pain to my sanity, I did enjoy our banter. And you have a lot of potential. Potential that will go to waste if you decide to go back to Kirigakure and repeat the same shit that you did before."

Shrugging for a third time, this time the motion having a bit more guilt and sorrow, Nishi half turned as if she was about to walk away before things would go more against her liking.
"I know how you feel. I can't say yet how or why. I don't know how much you trust me but if you go back home? I fear that you'll just become a footnote in someone's other glory. And come on. That isn't a fate fit for such a pest like you."

The inevitable chewing seemed to be expected, as a growing look of defiance barely met Nishi's gaze. But it seemed the tone was not going to be as typical. If anything, this change got Alsanna far more on her guard than usual. It wasn't defiance in her eyes, but potential hostility. From one shoulder to her entire back being against the wall, one hand on her hip and the other a few inches away from her chest, as if adopting an actually defensive posture. And with more words coming out of Nishi's mouth, the more rattled Alsanna seemed, her lips opening to show her clenched teeth and accentuating her harsher breathing.

At some point, her body got a little colder. The aversion she showed to the unexpected turned into something different. It was bitter, her body was stiff, arms made to cross and her gaze completely avoidant, "Do you-" a hand raised, she was about to pose something, before retracting. It took her a bit, but she started again, "Do you know what I did in my lonesome, Nishi? Out there in plain ol', freshly revolutionized Jirou-land? I did not stagnate … Nor did I seek clout." her clenched fists tightened a little more, making the leather of her gloves screech just a tad, "I did some things, and I was fucking awesome at them. I was free to dive into so many ideas. So many opportunities. No dickweed to tell me what to do. Arbitrarily decide this and that. Until, of course, more bullshit order came when the revolution finally settled into something tangible. And, want to know the amusing thing about my sweet, sweet downfall?" opening her arms for a grand reveal, "They pinned some garbage-level theft charge on me, when I had done soooooooooo much more. So much that'd be frowned upon. But it just shows how invested everyone is to those like me, yeah? Those that make due with scraps because no-talent administration-bound clowns decide what's right and what isn't, what's to be prioritized and what is just not worth the trouble." steam erupted from her nostrils, "Here or there, there's always some fucker ready to shoot down greatness, because it doesn't resemble their's. And not just mine."

Still standing half-turned to Alsanna, Nishi remained calm and quiet. As if by some twisted humour of the Divine the student and her master had decided to flip their emotional states.
"I think the scary part is that this I agree with you." Nishi began, her cryptic words followed with a soft sigh. "It is true that things have gone shitty. And that you haven't been allowed to explore all that you desired. But right now, I allow you to go back. If you believe that you are held back, I will make it clear that you done your service. Of course, ignoring a few matters here and there." Nishi paused. "I know how it is to be spat in the face and held down when you have ideas on how to create improvement. Not just because you are an arrogant twat that wants some clout. But I have been fighting this battle for a little while longer and I can already spoiler that if you go back home now, you won't get any better for it."

Flexing the fingers of her right hand, Nishi shifted her weight from one leg to the other.
"If you stay? Sure, not every chance you spot will be one to take. Some may end up in a pit of lava and whatnot. But out here? I can provide a chance now and then. What I ask in return is some trust and cooperation. Doesn't sound great as you and I clash. However, I will allow you to decide what you want today. More than that? Alsanna, I don't know what to tell you."

The more this conversation went, the more it became evident how Alsanna's anxiety was hitting top levels. At this point, her own Palpitating Murmurs ability could nearly exert itself in such a way that Nishi could downright see the physical signs from within. Almost. It was more so a form of energy in the air that would have made this confusing reaction from the Genin far easier to translate for the teacher. All the while this teen struggled to handle this spectrum of feelings.
"Trust." very suddenly, one of her feather-blades slid from her sleeve and was readied. Immediately it was hurled, although it'd just so narrowly miss Nishi's cheek, "From Nishi Hirashima? What the fuck are you trying to play here? Is this an attempt at manipulation? A new sort of punishment? I don't understand. You're giving too much. I didn't give you anything." her face seemed a little red, not in a flushed-kind of way. She was overwhelmed, "What do you want from me?"

The expression from Nishi's face shifted. It revealed an emotion that hadn't been shared before with her pupil. The genuinity was hard to argue against as Nishi made no attempt to hold anything back.
"If this is manipulation, then I really suck at it." Nishi shook her head lightly, the pain and frustration of before still present. "What do I want from you? Honestly, I have been struggling with that question myself. To pass on my legacy? To a brat like you? Come on." The phrasing much like the banter of before, the tone giving away that Nishi's attempt was just half-hearted at this point or perhaps a grown-in habit with their dynamic. "Because you show some intelligence? Yeah but you are also a massive pain. You don't tend to learn and fall in line like others. You are this ravage that just comes in and kicks everything down, making all the people in a room pissed off and still manage to thrive."

Enlisting a pause, Nishi wanted to say something. But the words refused to leave her, clinging on to the woman's core and fighting off any attempt to become vocalized, a reality that couldn't be taken back once given form.
"I suppose I could ask the same back then. What do you want from me at this point, Alsanna?"

None of it seemed to really put Alsanna at ease, but the hostility and redness of her being cooled down to almost nothing. One couldn't vocalize the truth, the other couldn't close a gap between the two, whether mental in this exchange, or even physical with the distance she insisted on keeping between their beings. "Tsk, make a kid if that's what you want." an eye roll followed, as if easing herself a little bit into this not-so-tense subject, even if it held its own bundle of anxiety-inducing elements. When Nishi came to actually commend Alsanna 'despite it all', it just caused the teenager to breathe even heavier than before, almost heaving. A contrast to her usual ego trips, "Stop it. Why are you saying this? It makes no sense ..." an evident restraint was shown; she was ready to lash out.
But then she was brought to think. A question was posed toward her. And it was as disorienting as the other words of Nishi, "What I want from-" there was a similar difficult to articulate on this side of the conversation too, "I think ..." the tone was completely different, cold sweats on her forehead ceased and her eyes narrowed just a tad onto an unremarkable part of the wall nearby, "I think I want to fix and improve you, like I do with everything, But I-" again, fist clenching, "I don't know how to. I can't just- Disassemble you and make you something new. I can't … I don't want to harm you. I want-" very hesitantly, she rose her gloved hand and pointed right at Nishi's core, "to solve that problem. That PAIN in there. But I don't know how."

Alsanna's reply wasn't gaining any reply. It remained silent as Nishi didn't seem keen on answering. The answer itself seemed to do anything beneficial as Nishi's lips tugged downwards. There were plenty of cynical responses ready in Nishi's mind, to be launched at her student. To choose the easy road; to ridicule the ambition of the girl and turn her away. Preventing them to gain any meaningful bond, tieing them to something Nishi dreaded more than fighting a jounin. Several times, the lips of Nishi parted but no word escaping her throat to make it clear how Alsanna's words had impacted her. Only after Nishi seemed to steel herself did she voice a response back.
"You want to solve my pain." The words slowly brought out, like she had to mull over what Alsanna could refer to.

"I don't think you can." The words leaving with bitterness and regret from Nishi. "Besides, you don't even know me. I … perhaps this isn't the time to talk." Averting her gaze, Nishi seemed to look for something. "We need to prepare for the next mission instead of talking like two idiots."

"Don't take it as something overly sentimental." her tone got dry for a moment, arms back to folding themselves and the heated bitterness still very much present, "I've started to treat your symptoms. Your alcohol consumption should be more manageable. But, yes-" her chin rose just a tad, "I don't know your entire past. But I know your character. To a reasonable extent anyway. Which is what matters." from her forearm, her index pointed at her teacher again, "I suppose I'm mostly intrigued by the notion of fixing and improving more than just the body, but the mind as well."
She snapped her fingers, "Tsk tsk. Diverting your attention. The next mission is going to be less interesting than what I was doing. If we're going to settle some things, let's not settle for a half-measure because you're starting to feel uncomfortable." there was now less of a reluctance to have the gap between the two closed, as the usual veil Alsanna presented was back, one of higher confidence and energy, "I will concede one thing to you," her index our, she'd perform a quick swing to her teacher's direction, "I'd be lying if I said I didn't … Hmm," mouth agape, she was made to pause for a quick reflection, "Value your presence. And your help. And your input. And your consistent safeguard of my person. Which leaves me wondering truly why, if we're going to be serious. So, if I'm to stick around in this dump, then let's make the most out of it, yes?"
Hands clapped together, she'd bind ring and pinky fingers together while index and major were made to point toward where they had come from, "There were abnormal objects, yeah? The sort of stuff a, y'know, witch could maybe lend some insight into? I was actually getting somewhere with my little rant about the past. I have encountered aberrations and oddities before. Heh, I actually drag one of those with me."

The words of Alsanna did little to reach or impact Nishi, who threw a sideways glance at her pupil - as if the latter was just being the one stubborn and unwilling to listen to actual reason. When Alsanna began to state she valued Nishi's presence and other matters, Nishi seemed affected. Slightly hurt even.
No attempt was made from the jounin to move or even respond to Alsanna for a few seconds, leaving a painful echo to follow behind Alsanna's last words. If anything, it seemed more than ever that Nishi either desired to guard herself and keep the genin away from her - with force if needed.
"I suppose so, yes." The words struggling nearly to leave Nishi's throat as her head subtly nodded, placing an emphasis that she would agree.

Turning fully to her pupil, Nishi hooked a thumb behind her belt. The usual demeanor of Nishi seemed to flow slowly back as Alsanna explained that she could provide some helpful insight.
"See, if you just had approached me, who knew what could happen then? I could be like, okay Alsanna," producing a small brown sack, Nishi opened it and carefully revealed a fingerbone - decorated with black lines on it. "With my supervision, I suppose we can investigate one of these oddities. Instead," Nishi deftly used the finger bone to point upwards and then in an accusing way at Alsanna, "you decided to cause a commotion and sneak into the general's tent. A plan with serious flaws. You did improve on stealth and clearly did listen to me, which is good. But not good enough. Anyhow," Nishi observed the fingerbone for a moment. "the truth is also that I need someone with actual brains to review and test this kind of thing. Sad part of said truth is that you so far are the only one with remarkable enough intellectual prowess to provide support in this matter."

Left and right went her head, she had done a bad and she had to put up with it, "Yeah, yeah, well I learned a skill, may as well use it, yeah? Besides," index pointed up, it did a few spins before pointing at herself, "maybe you should have asked me! Quell my thirst, we do cool little research aaaaaaand!" now the index pointed to the Jounin, "We both let the world know we're not just shitty little peons." she smiled with her familiar, foxy gaze.

"Using a skill to sneak up on a peer? Sure. I won't care if Hikari decides to punt your teeth out. Using said skill to sneak in the general's tent? No. That is just beyond dumb." Nishi then frowned as her head tilted slightly to the side. "I should have asked you? Careful girl. I enjoy you but careful." Nishi said, her eyebrows forming a frown, her expression clearly stating that the ice could become quite thin in a heartbeat.
"Enough though with the banter. This is serious and the first reason why I sought you out. If I hadn't caught you doing something stupid, we would have been at this point." Nishi once more reminded her pupil as she then gestured Alsanna to come inspect the rather odd artefact.
"There has been some testing and surveying of the object. It is likely very old but doesn't seem to be brittle at all. There is no stored chakra inside or anything that betrays it has a limited usage. When someone runs chakra through it, they go through these lines. I suspect that this is narrowly tied to some sort of sealing technique. Perhaps to guide and project chakra in a desired way."

"Hey, hey. If I'm not going to use it for actually important stuff, when will I?" she shrugged with an amused grin on her visage, "If I wasn't keen on making you operational, I'd certainly bear the burden of filling you cup as to regain some of your good graces!" a quick brush of her clothes was in order as it came time to inspect the longed for artefacts.
Once entered, she returned the remark almost absent-mindedly as her eyes were just far too busy seeking the objective, "Yeah yeah, we're here all the same early in the morning." when presented with the peculiar item, seemingly kept in a safe container, the Genin would get her eyes as close to it as possible and feverishly scan every little detail with wide, fish-like eyes, "What does it do, exactly? If one puts chakra? Even if it's just surface level. Give me the details." she approached her hand, fingers wiggling, but her blue pupils oriented themselves to her teacher as if to see her approval before continuing.

Nishi's brow once more gained a frown but the woman didn't move the container away from the slowly approaching fingers of Alsanna. "That is the whole problem. The testing has shown that it could be used to create some kind of portals. You need to pour some chakra and then have it conjured at a large enough space. Of course," a wry smile flowed on Nishi's smile, "there hasn't been any testing yet if this can be weaponized. But neither has it been done with the portals. It could very well be a two way portal or just a one way kind of deal." Nishi further elaborated as she would watch how Alsanna was going to handle the information and sealed artefact.
"If it is safe for use, I did consider using it on missions. The ability to traverse over large distances is one thing. To move a team across can create a whole of tactical advantages over the enemy. Certainly that the odds are increasing we will be engaging in more covert operations than before."

"M'hm." from whatever container it was kept in, Alsanna immediately seized it the moment it's more harmless nature was mentioned. Not in a nabbing sort of way, she was conspicuously careful with it. First came a little bit of thorough touching and scanning of various angles once the bone was in her grasp, "No testing of any considerable scale, huh? You don't know if it has caveats or potential for unpredictable results?" and with that Alsanna manifest only a slight bit of chakra onto the tips of her digits the same way she would when formulating runes, "Make a clone or three, please."

Scoffing lightly, Nishi made no attempt to conjure any clones. "No."
The answer was followed by Nishi gesturing to the odd and small artefact that was the victim of their attention today. "I can conjure clones and gain the experience or knowledge that they have gained. But that reach isn't unlimited. Too far and I won't receive anything. I won't know anything."
Glancing at the fingerbone, Nishi did little to hide her distrust. "The problem further with using clones is that we won't have anything reliable to move through or attempt to come back. A real living individual is capable of enduring more than a mere clone. With that logic in mind, we will likely not obtain any information and just waste energy as effort."

"So you're telling me," first she pointed at the bone with her index, then toward Nishi, "this will always teleport something too far? Do you know of its range, or are you just harbouring a guess?" her thumb raised to press against down on the pointed index, prompting a crack, "If you're afraid to partake in the experiment, do say so. I'm merely verifying the safety of it all. Surely you'd know if your clone gets shredded before it gets out of range, yes?" a slight tilt of her head, as she seemed rather collected and focused on the task, thus eliminating some of the usual attitudes.

"So far, yes. These are just guesses and thoughts." Nishi answered but then elaborated further. "But I am aware that an enclosed area can prevent a clone from transferring any knowledge or experience back. I am not talking about when someone closes the door and that is just bad luck. If this is a portal, it will likely have some kind of enclosed… pathway, of some sort. That would be impossible for me to figure out if it is going to shred my clone or not."
Pausing, Nishi once more frowned - though it lacked the usual sass that went with it.
"Now I think of it. How come you never learned the technique?"

Wide eyes remained focused, as she waited for the bone to actually form a portal now that chakra was being fed via her digits, "Because my chakra cannot form ninjutsu efficiently. Hence why I use curses to use other people's chakra instead and make clones of them. Making a proper clone, however, is difficult for me even when marking someone." no eye contact, she was completely absorbed by her experimentation and the subject of her work, "So in no way, shape or form your clone can be used as a test? Great." with a snap of her fingers, a little pigeon that had since finished its distraction skit swooped right into the tent and roosted upon Alsanna's shoulder, "There's always this, right?" she peered over at the bird, and when she did so, it suddenly stopped its 'natural' behaviour and just froze, fixating something right in front of it.

Nishi subtly nodded but didn't make any remark on the given information. Just a mental note was added to it as she gave it another consideration.
"If we want to get actual results? No. Then I fear not." Nishi replied. When a little avian moved to Alsanna's shoulder, Nishi remained silent. The rather odd shift was not really giving a pleasant vibe but neither did Nishi question it yet. The implications were enough. Noticing that the bone started to radiate some light Nishi did wonder where or when the portal would conjure.
"You want to send that through? Sure, I suppose. Though we probably lack something to conjure the portal." Nishi said as she gave in to her thoughts. "I never much dabbled in teleportation or the like of it. It's quite messy and complicated. Not to mention, even annoying because of the demanding chakra usages from what I know. However, I am aware that in order to create a portal, you need two points. We are likely to get point A. So point B must be created somehow. Either we do it, which is safe and good. Or someone else does that, which isn't nice."
Sucking on the inside of her cheek, Nishi continued to think out loud. "I can't recall any jounin in this camp being a teleportation expert. Those kinds of people tend to be quite rare as the specialism isn't that popular, I suppose. So we just have to wing it. Perhaps try to think of some place? Make an emotion surface? Something like that."

With the light starting to radiate, Alsanna returned to her inordinate focus on the matter. Every little detail absorbed, with Nishi's addition to the equation being factored in, "Imagine a whole hand having this sort of power, and four more can dictate where we go. That'd be amusing. And a fun fetch quest." she chuckled, now practicing the exercise Nishi had suggested, albeit with a little comment, "Something as fickle as a feeling … Heh, let's do something practical. My tent, for instance. Got a good sense of that place and its smell." and so she visualized every detail of it, to see if it made a difference, "And yes, this is Aristides. My summon. Summons can be called upon from their remote, native lands, so range isn't as much of an issue. Although their health is. And, well, its ability would make this experiment far, far easier if it works out."

"A quest to find some old fart's fingers or other bones?" The tone of Nishi being a mix of mockery and amusement. "I think I will pass on that, for now."
The words were barely finished or a sizzling started to occur. Jolts of energy started to emerge in front of Alsanna and rapidly expanded, crafting a violent rupture that would reveal a sort of passage. The purple mixed in with some darkness, not allowing neither Nishi or Alsanna to figure out if the portal truly led to the location that Alsanna had perhaps stipulated.
"Of course, it has to be ominous." Nishi remarked upon the darker shades of colours that contrasted their current surroundings immensely. "I suppose it is now up to your companion then. If your summon goes to the location you set out, it will have no trouble to reach us."

"One minute." she'd order the bird as the portal opened itself. Alsanna did not seem surprised or even that captivated by the portal. It was, after all, the expected effect. Before long, the critter obediently took flight, although circled around the portal for a moment before performing a heavy flap and descended into the gateway, "If it doesn't return in a minute, I will perform a summoning. Although, does the portal always take this long to form, Nishi? Or did you avoid experimenting on THAT too?"

Now Nishi's expression shifted to a familiar one; one of annoyance.
"You are such a damn brat. Don't forget that you owe me twice now. Saving you for a third time will be enough divine torment for five lifetimes, I wager. That or I will find myself a suitable punishment to make you… actually, I might then just sow your lips shut with some sealing. That might be a very good lesson for you." The threat quite easily flowed from Nishi's tongue as she inspected the portal.
Nothing of its appearance gave any features that she could use to recognise. No sort of glyphs, runes or symbols that would indicate a sort of sealing and keeping the flow of energy contained from either spreading. Nothing that also seemed to betray how the stability of the portal seemed to be guaranteed. Such lack of distinct features both intrigued and worried Nishi but she wouldn't voice these worries, yet.

An eyebrow rose and she just stared at Nishi, "If the divine cares so much to torment nobody lil' me, then I'm unsure if I should be afraid of them. Now you! Well, I'll be sure to strike a very thin balance, hehehe." a toothy grin took shape on her visage, and it'd be about that time when the bird would return! Not in its pigeon form, but in its graceful, crimson-owl appearance. It roosted once more on its master's shoulder, and started to whisper to her ear. The whispers were like echoes to those outside of the small range, echoes of nonsense of course, but the ominous nature of it all went beyond just the portal. Every little detail and sensation was transferred to Alsanna, with the ability to revisit these 'memories' at her leisure, "Well, well ..."

Nishi seemed slightly surprised that the avian of before had now adopted a new form. Or was its true form? Regardless, it seemed to inform Alsanna of what had happened. Not that Nishi could follow it. What was most important to Nishi was that the artefact was capable of performing acts of teleportation. Without luckily needing point B to be marked in any shape or form.
"So it does allow someone to go through. And if your little friend came from your tent, it lends the credibility that the method works. Now, I have additional questions." Nishi thought out loud, frowning at the fingerbone held by her pupil. "If someone creates a portal, they act as conduit more or less. To power the fingerbone and allow it to bring a portal in reality. But what if the fingerbone moves through a portal? Cause if it can't, it may just create a sort of imbalance. Much like I explained, sealings placed on top of each other can create an imbalance."

Clicking with her tongue, Nishi gestured for Alsanna to return the artefact back to her.
"But this suffices enough for now."

Silence reigned on Alsanna's side, she did not seem entirely focused on Nishi's words, though the hypothesis she posed had gone through. Though when the request was made to return it, she instead turned to toss a basic shuriken into the still open portal while the bird took flight, this time returning to the tent it had come from, "Are you kidding? We've BARELY scratched the surface! Now I've tossed in a singular, non-living, no-chakra object. And we're going to not only see if my little beast can go through from point B, but also retrieve the shuriken." in addition, she was starting to gauge how much she was being drained for keeping the portal and having things pass through, whether it'd be the bird or an inert object. The differences, the amounts it consumed overall, the difficulty of maintaining the portal. And there was so much more! "But I do agree with your first assertion. Testing with the bone would be … Risky! So we should explore the other possibilities, first."

"You would wish I was kidding." Nishi stated, though her tone lacked any sort of amusement. "I will allow this one test and that will be the end of it. I haven't yet forgotten your intrusion of before. That and I have to attend to others today as well." Nishi stated, her tone marking it clearly that she wouldn't like any backtalk from her student. Despite her experience, such a tone would matter little anyways.

The shuriken barely did anything to Alsanna, while a minute later the bird's entry through point B would come at a cost. A small cost considering the potential scales, with Alsanna's own small pool barely affected in the end, the differences were noteworthy enough to create more baselines. It had returned with the shuriken, and with that the taxing of chakra was almost the same as its first entry, but the shuriken's presence very much added this marginal extra. The young scientist smiled wide, "But what I am doing here, Nishi, would benefit us all significantly! Much more valuable than my expendable hide too! Why in such a hurry? We can always just … Explain to the proud owner of this abode that I am your esteemed consultant~" she shrugged, her owl back on the shoulder and shuriken in hand. At this point, she'd actually will the portal to close by cutting the chakra flow, "Huh, neat."

"Because that proud owner is someone I would rather not encourage to become disappointed with me." Nishi stated, the stern tone returning. "I am aware you enjoy this and find it worth the endeavour to piss some guy off. But there will be another chance and time to pry further in this affair."
Extending her hand, Nishi gestured once more for Alsanna to return the fingerbone. "We have been able to gain some answers. And with those, I will report back and argue that it should be taken with me on the next mission. For such an artefact would pose perhaps a suitable tool for us."

Eyes rolled, the slight annoyance morphed into genuine discontent, "So slow. Sooooo ineffective." like a pouty teen, she'd practically slap the bone onto Nishi's palm, lips pushed out to displayed her vexed state, "This is barely even a viable prototype, Nishi. You're calling me dumb and careless, but I do it for reasons that yield results worth me ending in the gutter. Getting us in shit over an ill-conceived product? May as well leave it until I sniff out its questionable conditions. There's obviously something in this equation that doesn't quite fit. It's … Too linear and simple, and yet it hasn't been used against us once." arms crossed, the poutiness melted into her usual musing and ramling.
"And, I will say … I don't think you've any real reason to fear anyone, or prove yourself. If anything, everyone else should fear YOU." her exposed hand that had held the bone pointed right at the Jonin, "Except me, of course. I'm just too good of a student! And useful."

Alsanna's poutings and annoyance barely had any impact on Nishi who just moved the artefact back in its small container. Her head subtly nodded, as if she just silently agreed with the girl to ensure she wouldn't keep forever going on.
A sudden shift came to be when Nishi registered with Alsanna stating that she should be feared. Slowly, Nishi's attention shifted back to Alsanna.
"I should be feared," the words moved with a certain distinct disgust. Pocketing the artefact away, Nishi seemed sorely disappointed with her student. "Being feared isn't something you just want. Perhaps one day I will actually teach you about those things. But never bring that up again. You are dismissed Alsanna." Nishi replied, already half turning as if she wanted to say something - much like how she had done so with their last training. But now she just threw a glance at Alsanna before wanting to take her own leave.

The manifestation of emotions from Nishi didn't go unnoticed, at least not to someone with such massive insight to another's physical attributes. And it didn't put Alsanna off as much as it normally would. She had insight this time, and experience too, "No. It is earned. They shouldn't fear you, they already do, if they value their lives." she had said those words as she turned around, hand on her opposite shoulder to the one Aristedes had landed upon, going for a brief neck stretching. Her pupils shifted about, as to see if there were any intriguing elements to the General's tent beyond the artefact. There was more than one, apparently, though she didn't catch a single glimpse.

The jounin didn't respond verbally. Her right hand clenched briefly in a fist as she took her leave. While heading to attend to her other affairs, her mind was working in order to fend off the emotions and keep them contained - attempting to enforce a steel, cold discipline that desired her to be rational with the imminent meetings.
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[ Sevudia - Balagan ]
[ Alsanna Shirafuji / Little S - Played by @DeliciousFood and @Lesli ]
[ The back and forth doesn't end, although this correspondence seems to lack the vivid elements of the others. All in favour of something more comprehensive. ]

Re: The State of Things

The return from that not-so-Happy Backpack mission had gone as smoothly as it could. The scenery was still elegant and the act Alsanna kept remained consistent until their arrival at the claimed fortress. Tired and disinterested from being productive for a little bit, Alsanna went for her own little quarters. An isolated spot with all her things and her notoriety helping in staving off the less desirables with their kleptomaniac tendencies. There, she'd first miss the package dedicated to her, as she sought her bed before anything else.

Rested on her back, she kicked off her weathered boots and allowed her sock covered toes to stretch. The air was getting colder, so she wasn't going to expose those poor feet. It'd be after a good ten minutes that she'd turn her head and notice the parcel. She knew what it was as she sighed. So lazily reaching without getting off her bed, she'd soon notice the seal placed upon it, "Electric trap. Huh." the Genin stared at it for a little bit before setting the package upon her abdomen so she could conjure a few hand seals. A Cyto-clone was created and made to pick up the box.

Then, it opened it, only to get a dose of electricity. And yet, it just kept trying to maintain the package open, which in turn continued to fry it. So much so it started to stink up the quarters rather quickly. Alsanna was going to see how long this could go on. And when embers started to form around the clone did the limited supply of chakra in the trap run out. The clone was burnt to a crisp and fatally wounded, though the nature of the clone itself allowed it to stand a little bit long, though she quickly dispelled it.

"And now shit's going to smell. I'm such a fucking dumbass." tapping her forehead, she opened the box and satiated some of her curiosity. The letter was skimmed, and her attention was dedicated more to the 'extra' piece. Lips were pursed at the reveal, though she didn't manifest much beyond that. Five minutes later, she put everything in the box and slipped it under her bed. She wasn't in the mood to answer, and instead went to light up some incense and overpower the foul odour she had imposed in her abode. There was no hurry.

After her altercation with Nishi and narrowly dodging a potential 'reprimand' from the General, an entity that could very much have dire consequences to her being, Alsanna returned to her little hole. Her mood was clearly foul and exhaustion from the accumulated work she had taken on was weighing on those scrawny shoulders. When her duty to address the letter was finally tackled, her mood would be projected onto the letter, although with a lack of hostility of sardonic phrasing one would usually expect. The easier solution was to keep it simple, and so she did. There was no rough draft or re-do, she knew what she was going to say and Alsanna was keen on finishing this very day.

Little S,

I am alive and well. The front is as pleasant as expected. And my desire to keep things whimsical has dwindled as of recently. All due to the scattered nature of my current endeavours. No matter, I'll merely make this correspondence more straightforward. I will part this letter into three sections: Our ongoing deal, The state of my works, and My final remarks. I apologize if this format is too dry, but I have no interest in blurring relevant information behind the veil of prose or half-obvious sarcasm.

Our Deal-
A name wasn't necessary, which makes your response fair. As to address the lack of a name for my story, even if it wasn't explicitly demanded, I will confess that I simply do not recall. Nor was I ever romantically infatuated with anybody. No individual lives rent-free in my mind in such a manner. If your intrigue is whether I have people precious to me or not, you've clearly displayed an ability to figure that out by yourself. Although, one may be obvious, another would be difficult to discern without having lived with me in the past year.

You did not ask me a question. Perhaps it is because you know most answers already? I pity such a position. Very few surprises to be made, minimal discoveries, and when they do occur, I feel as though they're generally unwelcome. Here is my new question: What side of the revolution did you support? And a why is very much welcome.

I see that my request for simple items was not met, in favour of information regarding my teacher. Very well. If we're going to keep it with this sort of theme, then I would like to expand further on the notion of information and history. Hikari Torimoto's and Yuyuko Takeda's files and medical records would be good. And Nishi's if possible. It would make my job easier.

Past and Ongoing Projects-
Status: Failed
Summary: During the Balagan assault, three Boggart creatures were unleashed by the opposition and mildly guided by 'riders' of sorts. Despite external influence, chakra was a far stronger driver. Using this factor, the creatures were lured and ultimately destroyed by General Yuuki. They displayed immense physical might and endurance, eliminating Jounin with a single hit. An attempt was made to extract the head of one of the beasts to gain insight on their tracking capabilities as their pinpoint orientation despite their blindness leads one to believe a unique form of sensory ability, likely from an organ, that would require further inspection.
Result: Subjects all terminated by exposure to massive amounts of magma originating from General Yuuki. A 'safety' measure, and a lack of vision. No salvageable piece was found.

Project: First Life
Status: On Hold
Summary: Kyriaki Fungi have been acquired in the ancient forest West of Balagan thanks to the botany record provided by 'Little S'. The immense source of life 'essence' stored in the roots and step of this otherwise unassuming mushroom is said to be overwhelming, although I currently lack the setup and tools to extract this essence made liquid without any contamination. It is hypothesized that such concentrated amounts of chakra could make way for extremely potent concoctions, although the amount gained from these mushrooms would be minimal. This is merely a prototype to test a theory.
Result: Suspended until better conditions are met. The plant is secured and sealed.

Project: The Direction
Status: Ongoing - Obstructed
Summary: Three artefacts were found in Balagan. One of which is an abnormal fingerbone. Current tests have detected some patterns of portal-generation and correlations with chakra usage. It remains unclear of its range, efficiency and potential caveats. The item itself holds no chakra, but reacts to it like a catalyst.
Result: More liberal access to the item is necessary to better understand it. Security measures are welcome, but remaining reserved on their usage is counter-productive. Especially with the potential I estimate this item to have. Some clearance would be appreciated.

Project: Team 11
Status: Ongoing
Summary: My own team, and those I rely on to stay alive. Their faults are glaring and all can be improved upon massively:
-Nishi Hirashima: Alcohol dependence has a deep impact on potential performance and mindset. I've established a dynamic to potentially ween her off the substance and have a more reliable Jounin keeping me covered. Further observations necessary for other improvements to be found.
-Hikari Torimoto: Difficult to assess and currently stationed elsewhere. Information on her history and condition would greatly aid me in finding angles. Jacks of all Trades tend to be the most dull to figure out without something more. Being more of the 'follower' type also makes for a more discreet individual I cannot properly evaluate.
-Yuyuko Takeda: The first Storm project was a relative success, but the subject herself has not put it into practice by her own admission. Further exposure to her person has revealed a concerning level of mental immaturity- She obsesses over a tool and displays disproportionally violent tendencies to any infractions placed upon the inanimate object. A psychological report on her would be useful to proceed further.
Results: Nishi has so far been successful in maintaining the rhythm so long as I hold my end of the bargain established in our dynamic. Hikari remains an oddball I hope to better grasp soon. No problems with Yuyuko, but I fear her lack of mental fortitude could lead to more accidents than I thought possible from a Chuunin.

This letter might seem a bit bulky, but I think at this point it is important to be thorough. I have far too many things going on that aren't listed here, as they're more minor in nature or merely the daily grind.
To address the 'political' issues you seem more exposed to than I ever will be while standing where I am, perhaps a revolution should have come with a new order of things? Keeping the aristocrats where they were before the great shift seems to water down the new wave of change many hoped for. One should ask themselves what makes these clans so important to a nation that's been consistently destabilized?
The Roju must not look weak. Another revolution will cripple our nation.

As long as I can keep a comfortable abode in Balagan, I'll be establishing a little lab/shop for these new concoctions I've been working on thanks to your book. Nothing too fancy, the more refined products can't be done in such sub-par areas. My idea is to provide something more to the fluctuating stocks of medicine we get to use. Also allows for more experimental prototypes to be tried out.

I can't emphasize enough how much I would appreciate some degree of clearance for many things my specialities can come to use with. Being able to investigate these relics we keep hidden away would undoubtedly at least yield insight as to what the enemy may have in store, if not a downright boon to our might. And, yes, I fully agree to being supervised. Even I recognize the potential dangers of these things.
Oh yeah, I'd like a medical license too. Can probably get the recommendations of the surgeons in the camp, or even Nishi's. Just so I don't have more fucking bureaucracy to deal with.
As an interesting side note- Pumpkin? Strange choice of condescending pet name. Nishi uses the exact same term when entering a bout of mockery. Very odd indeed.


Big A.

The letter was as simple as can be, although the box under it was far more decorated. With a pretty, red bow tied around it. Its surface was about as large as the envelope. Inside there would be a small vial with the mentioned mushroom and a seal to preserve the otherwise very fragile piece of flora. There was no trap or security measure this time, nor any instructions or intentions manifested as to why she sent that fragment of fungus.
[ The 3rd Imperial Encampment | Sevudia, Eastern Continent ]
[ Nurturing a tree, hoping it will blossom. ]
[ A collab between @RedFox and @Oetje | A meeting between Mamoru Senju and Meilin Cho. ]

[ Mamoru seeks out Meilin for her aid, regarding the odd ability that had surfaced during the last battle. Meilin obliges and does her best to provide mentorship as they investigate some aspects of Mamoru's new ability. ]

Meilin's eyes were half open as she lounged in the shadow of some crates. It was one of those rare days that she wasn't required to attend to her duties as a student of the medical corp, lieutenant of the Axebiters or anything else that revolved around being a jounin. And even despite the ambience of the war camp surrounding her, Meilin managed to find some peace and quiet. Or, at least, a semblance of it.
Releasing a heavy sigh, Meilin closed her eyes as her thoughts began to drift to the ponderings of before. Thoughts that had little to do with the war and focused on the 'what ifs' of the future.

Don't go bother her again, Mamoru. Don't bother her again. He clenched his right fist and stood still for a moment. His mind was racing since they returned from the battle, without a pause. Mamoru was afraid to use any technique since, let alone mould his chakra. A part of him knew branches wouldn't sprout from his hand every time he used a technique, but the irrationally scared part of him was hesitant to do so regardless. He wished he had someone else to approach other than Meilin, but he just could not imagine talking about this to anyone else. Especially since she was the only one to witness it.Perhaps it was for the best that those two weren't there, he thought to himself as he finally found her. He took a deep breath and slowly approached his Lieutenant."M-Meilin Sensei? Excuse me, please. Do you - can we talk for a moment, please?"

Opening her left eye slowly and only half, Meilin noticed Mamoru. A soft smile was briefly flashed as the Cho straightened herself. Nodding to already emphasise that she would be willing to talk, Meilin gestured to Mamoru to sit down near her.
"Of course. I am not doing anything intensive right now, so," placing her hands at the back of her head, Meilin eyed the Senju, "I suppose you have something on your mind? Though if you just seek some silence and peace, you did come to the right address. All we may need is some refreshments and snacks. But I could potentially fetch those later." Meilin added, hoping that her half-attempt of joking would take some tension away already.

Mamoru took the seat offered to him and chuckled. Now that Meilin mentioned it, he hasn't had his favourite tea since they came back. Remaining silent for a few seconds, he kept staring at the ground, not sure how to start." That does sound good, Sensei. I am sorry to disturb yours, but peace and silence keeps evading my mind. Ever since we came back from the battle. Despite we won, I feel - I feel like I didn't. So many things are - many things feel off, Sensei. I cannot help but wonder - where was that girl that was assigned to us? Where was Hideko? We - we needed them and they. They just." He just shrugged, not sure how to finish the sentence, looking at Meilin, hoping she understood what he meant.

One of Meilin's hands was raised and the gesture that followed made it clear that she didn't mind his presence or fact he disturbed her 'peace', at all. Noticing his staring at the ground, Meilin became both curious and worried. However, she opted it was good for him to tell her what disturbed him on his terms and pace. When Mamoru spoke of what bothered him Meilin didn't reply immediately. Mulling over the questions, she visibly seemed to ponder on it as well.
"They just disappointed? Didn't have a presence that could prevented this," Meilin casually pointed at the large scar on her face as her index finger then pointed at Mamoru, "or not having your back? Oh yeah, I get you completely. It is furriating to be assigned with people that you can't rely on. Certainly when lives are at stake. But sadly, we aren't supposed to hit them or do anything bad to them either. Even if it is quite tempting," Meilin replied as she became silent for a moment.
"Remember when you first hesitated during a fight? And it cost me? How do you imagine I felt back then?"

He listened closely to his mentor speaking, doing his best to take it all in. Disappointed? Certainly. Angry at them? Certainly. But that was as far as he went. His eyes opened wide and for a moment, he wanted to turn away."I - yes, I do remember, Sensei. I'm very sorry it happened. But now I think - maybe, just maybe, I know a fraction of what you felt. But I - I really don't know. I feel like if they were there, maybe you wouldn't be scarred. I feel like together with them, we could have protected you. But we - I failed. You're still here, so I guess I didn't fail entirely. But still - I did."

He hid his face in his hands for a moment before looking up again."Back when Hideko caused this," He pointed at his face, his scar - a grim reminder of that day clearly visible."I wasn't angry at her. Now, I am not sure. I want to trust them the next time we get out there. But how do I? That girl - I don't know her at all, but still - how can I trust someone who's not willing to get out there and stand with us? The same with Hideko. I want to trust her but." He finished with a sigh." And how do I trust myself? You saw what - what I did to those Rongese soldiers. There is no doubt---"

"There is always doubt. And I get your problem, I do. The truth is that we all make mistakes. For example," she weighed her words before continuing on. "I am a jounin nowadays. It is expected of me to be able to deal with Rongese footsoldiers. That I should not even break a sweat when dealing with them, that kind of deal right? The problem that arises is that not everyone is on the same skill or level of capabilities. You and I are far from apart. Not that I am just stronger or you are weaker. But we all have our moments, abilities and talents. It is why I was never angry with you when I got hurt. After all, I think I would rather have those scars than losing a star pupil."
Meilin opened both her eyes now as she paid closer attention to Mamoru. A smile flowed on her lips as she once more pointed at herself with her right thumb - a feigned arrogant fashion flowing from the gesture.
"Of course, I am pretty awesome. But beside the point," placing her hand behind her head again, Meilin's tone became more serious again, "You are right to doubt those two. And maybe you won't ever be able to trust them. That is the harsh reality. But don't doubt yourself. You did your best and I am still breathing. Sure, yes, I would love to not be part of the scar-face gang. But rather a scar on my face than being death or without you as my pupil."

Letting her words sink in, Meilin decided to address another matter that was related to the current subject. "Besides, we have to discuss what happened. Cause what you did and showed wasn't really… hm, normal? No, you aren't a freak so that isn't a good term. Let us say, you did something special. Unless you aren't ready to talk about that yet."

Mamoru took a deep breath as Meilin interrupted him, but as he listened to her, it was a needed interruption. It's as if she saw it all and knows it all. Of course she does, dummy. She has years worth of experience. A small smile spread on his lips, as he was referred to as a star pupil. He definitely was not feeling like one, but he knew better than to interrupt at this time. He could not help it, he chuckled as they were branded the Scarface gang and only now did he realise it. Her words about each of them being different really did remind him how he was just a few months ago. Should he face the battle he survived with the way he was back then. Better not give it too much thought. I would be just like that. Perhaps even worse. Perhaps even dead. He spoke up, rather quietly."You're right, Sensei. It will be - difficult to trust them. But possible in the end, I believe."

Meilin then pointed to the ability he demonstrated during the battle. He sighed and slowly raised his right hand, the bandages a bit torn, but he could still no take them off." It wasn't. I, in fact, know only of one person to demonstrate this ability. Lord First himself." He remained silent for another moment. " It was Wood Release. The famous ability of my clan, absent since the time Lord First possessed it. And it appears I am the one it resurfaces in, in the midst of a war. I - I just don't know how to deal with it, Sensei. I am scared."

A silence painfully echoed after Mamoru's statement of being scared. The truth was that Meilin wasn't sure how he felt. She had no abilities or talents that reflected any of her ancestors or revered heroes. Sure enough, the crystal release was rare and quite useful. But it was a different story with a release that was strongly associated with an actual kage that was both feared and respected to immense levels.
"Being scared is a good thing in this case," Meilin began, "imagine if you had been some kind of arrogant twat? Dear gods, I would have needed to deal with that then. But still, consider the downfall then. Right now, you feel overwhelmed and scared? Good. Because wood release isn't a joke. It is something that a lot of people would be interested in. And to be precise, in the release. You would just be a pawn, a mere pion. Nothing more than a mere conduct."

Allowing her warning to sink in, Meilin also thought about it. It would be somewhat expected of her to report that Mamoru now had shown the ability to utilize wood release. But what was truly beneficial for him?
"I won't report to the higher ups what I have seen or what I know. It is best to keep this somewhat under the rug. There is a whole army of Senju and a whole army of Cho around us. It is best to not give cause for them to get excited over anything else than the war." Meilin voiced as she nodded, appearing as if she needed to convince herself of the statement. "Yeah, we will first make sure you got the basics down. It will be difficult but if I manage to become a jounin without any real mentor? You'll be able to do fine. Of course, I will help but my knowledge of wood release is… well, minimal? I know that the Lord First was an accomplished user. And I have seen you perform one ability. But we will get it to work."

Again, his initial response was silence. He was relieved he wasn't yet subjected to what Meilin mentioned. Based on what she says, there are individuals out there who would go to any depths to obtain what I possess. I'd really rather avoid them. Perhaps it is for the best that we are in such chaos right now. At least it can go unnoticed. The question is for how long. His heart skipped a beat as Meilin admitted to not reporting it right now. It was perhaps for the best. He didn't want to imagine the uproar it could cause among the Senju. Or pretty much among any of the clans. Yes, it is for the best. He gave Meilin a look of admiration. Going against the rules to cover for him was something he never expected to happen. He couldn't put it into words, but he was grateful.

"I believe what I used out there was something incredibly basic. A fracture of what Lord First could do, a fracture so tiny as to be negligible. I - I called it Rampant Branches. Interestingly enough, it is an ability usable in close combat. Something I am sorely behind in. It appears Wood Release has its own, wicked sense of timing, but a perfect sense of how to manifest. I - I could try to do it again." He replied, smiling softly.

"Rampant Branches, hm, fitting," Meilin repeated as if she could tangibly weigh the name on her tongue when saying it. "Hey now, don't sell yourself sort. You are not behind in close combat at all. We just can expand it, that is all," Meilin said, though her tone gave away that she was being lighthearted about it.
For a moment, she considered how close Crystal Release and Wood release could be to each other. But considering the amount of elements both were made out of and the fundamental differences, it would be the wrong approach. Getting up, Meilin stretched as releasing a soft grunt.
"You should. But not here. The question is, where else if we don't want others to see it," Meilin thought out loud, placing her hands on her hips. An answer that surfaced immediately was to utilize her Void walking technique. But she rather kept Mamoru out of that - it was just for the better for the both of them.

"Well, let's say we go for a long walk. We aren't assigned to a task and I really doubt that we will be missed if we go on… a long walk." A grin flowed on her features. "Else, I know just the right excuses to keep us out of trouble. Come, I want to try this new stuff out." Meilin instructed, already turning half around and starting to walk.

He felt relieved that someone else liked the name he came up with, and nodded. You know, dummy, you should really stop underestimating yourself this much. Maybe just underestimate yourself a little bit, for a start. As Meilin mentioned taking a walk, he thought he started to see where she was going with the idea. "That sounds like a handy thing to have - nobody likes to be in trouble. Especially not someone who has to hide something. Like - not like I know anything about it." He replied, a small smile now firm on his face. He followed Meilin closely, a slight excitement growing within him as both him and Meilin wanted to see if he could pull it off again."I guess I'll see where we are going when we'll get there?"

They had won a considerable distance on the camp. The tranquility of the area around them was a soothing change from the war camp's ambience. Inhaling and exhaling softly, the lack of mixed scents that one could encounter in the Imperial encampment also was a pleasant shift.
Looking around, Meilin was content with the current location. It had some vegetation but nothing too dense for them to conduct some experiments and potential training. Gesturing to Mamoru, Meilin's arms would proceed to fold afterwards in front of her chest.
"This is a good spot. Now, try to utilize the Rampant Branches again. Take it easy and just know that I am here to help if something goes wrong. I am, after all, able to provide medical ninjutsu if something goes wrong. So no pressure, at all."

Mamoru observed how nature changed around them as they left the camp behind. It felt incredibly liberating to leave the camp behind for a moment. Taking a deep breath as well, he felt a warm smile on his lips. I missed this so much. More than I could ever imagine. He then turned and listened to Meilin instructing him. It was relieving to know that she can assist if things go awry.

"O-okay, Sensei. I - I'll do it." He turned away from her and took a deep breath. His mind flashed back to the first occurrence of the technique and he closed his eyes. He thought about sprouts branching out from his hand and focused on the feeling. He moulded his chakra into his right fist and focused on growth. He punched forward with his right hand and - nothing happened. Pulling his hand back, he sighed and focused harder. Another thrust forward. He felt a very slight tingle on his right hand, and the bandage bulged out at a few places. He gritted his teeth and allowed his mind to be filled with the battle. What was different? Then it hit him."It appears that it is - it is tied to emotions, somehow. See - just now, I wanted to use the technique to demonstrate it. But now." He remembered that strong desire to save, to protect - the same one he experienced back then and punched forward again. With loud, cracking noises, branches rapidly sprouted out from his hand, up to a distance of half a meter. He hissed from the pain he felt at his hand, but it subsided within seconds."I thought back to the battle - how I wanted to protect you. It's not very practical but I believe I will be able to separate the two."

The first attempts yielded no effort. But that was all fine, Meilin mused. Learning a whole new ability or release wasn't something that could be done with the snap of one's fingers. Her head slightly tilted to the side as Mamoru seemed to realise something.
"An ability tied to emotions is far from useful or even safe. In a fight, you can be facing both your emotions and an enemy. Things can go fast and it will be hard to control yourself and deal with a threat. Even high ranked people like me can't always keep our head cool." Meilin paused as she cautiously approached her pupil, her gaze locked on the branches that had appeared from his hand.
Clicking with her tongue, it was evident that Meilin became curious but still was wary.
"Then again, it is not impossible to learn how to deal with an ability that is tied to emotions. And if wood release is as powerful as people claim? Then it might be worth it."

Taking some distance, she would gesture to Mamoru to continue.
"Just try to manipulate it further. If emotions are a thing that helps you, don't be ashamed or afraid to make use of them. Right now, we just need to figure out how to use the ability. Or the basics, at least."

It is super not good for someone like me, he thought to himself as Meilin mused on emotions associated with the technique."Well, that's for sure. I cannot rely on people being in mortal danger all the time. There has to be a better way. One where I can stay calm and maintain control over myself. I also cannot rush headfirst into all enemies. " He acknowledged the fact and listened to Meilin further. Trying to manipulate what he already had was a better approach then starting form scratch. He narrowed his eyes and focused on the branches, at their entire length. With wood cracking, the branches started to merge into one much thicker one. It was rough around the edges and all the small ones didn't fully merge. Gritting his teeth slightly, he made the branches grow out into smaller ones again, and they started to grow back into his hand."It is a bit difficult to make them grow the way I want, but I believe it will grow easier easier training. I just need to think about a way for them to grow, and they obey. " Gritting his teeth slightly, the branches took up a shape of a cone, with his head at the tip of it."Like this, for example. I think the potential uses are only limited by my imagination. And chakra and stamina. Is it Is it same with your ability, Sensei?"

"No, not even close." Meilin answered, shaking her head lightly. "Crystal release is the one you likely refer to. It doesn't rely on emotions. It is cold and rigid in many ways, to give you some idea. I can utilize it in some flexible ways, of course, but it is more so that I need to be certain. Once I crystallize something, I can't just reverse it. It is done and over by then. That is why I restrain myself from using it all the time. It overtakes an element that isn't purely energy. Like water, earth or even your wood release could be an ideal victim. Or a person," the last words spoken with a certain emphasis to indicate how serious Meilin was with it.
"It is also from just one element. You are dealing with a release that combines two if I am not mistaken. Water and earth form Wood, right? Crystal just originates from earth. The process of chakra being transmuted into wood release is probably more complex and taxing than my crystal release."

Mamoru nodded and swallowed dryly. "I - I wasn't considering this. That's why I am still a bit scared. This - this power. I worry about it consuming me. I - I at least hope I'll grow into a Oak." He tried a joke to ease the situation a bit, unsure if it worked.
"But yes, it is Earth and Water combined. Which is - weird. I never trained in Water Release, and yet I can use it. It feels - it feels taxing, for sure. I - there's no way I will be able to maintain it for prolonged periods of time." He gritted his teeth again and the branches retreated back into his hand, cracking noises filling their improvised training ground as he did."I - we saw how quickly it can take a life. But I want to focused more on how it saved one."

Once more, Meilin was content that Mamoru was terrified. It wasn't good to see him scared but it meant he acknowledged that this release wasn't a joke. That it had potential to do great harm if used in a reckless way.
"It is a blood release. You may never have used water release before but it in a way, your blood already knows how to do it. Same as how I never used earth release but relied on fire. When I discovered my crystal release, I didn't need to use earth. It is already a sort of part of you, if that makes sense. That is why someone else won't be able to just copy it even if they know how water and earth works. Even if they copy your handsigns, it won't just work because they lack that essence you have."

Watching the branches, Meilin wasn't entirely sure how the release could save a life. Perhaps than by ending another. But she wouldn't voice that. It would be counterproductive to just voice everything and risk the chance of bringing Mamoru's morale down.
"We can try to adhere to a specialism later. First, the basics are a must. Without it, you can't think of doing this or that. Without control, I can't allow you to use it."
Pointing at a nearby tree, Meilin continued on. "Try to perhaps use the same feeling to touch and control existing wood. It is a stretch but certain elemental releases tend to be able to manipulate existing sources. Like how someone capable of water release is able to use existing water for a technique."

A small frown formed on his face as he was restricted from using his new ability. Why are you frowning? She's trying to save you from becoming stuck in a stump, he reprimanded himself. It was for the best. As he acknowledged the fact, he felt relief wash over him. Am I loosing my mind now? He tightened his jaw and nodded to his mentor." Thank you, Sensei. Since that - that battle, the mind is torn on this matter. Is this a blessing? I meam, Wood Release. Or is it a curse, a burden? Or - and that's what I feel so far, a bit of both? I am grateful it allowed me to - you know. Save you?" He still had a hard time acknowledging it.

He than focused back on the word essence. If it was a part of him all along, how could it have gotten unnoticed? It doesn't matter now. It's here to stay, whether I like it or not. He nodded again. " I understand. I'll- I'll give it a try." He walked up to the three and with a deep breath, he placed his hand on the trunk of the tree. He expected the surface to be cold and ragged, but his expectations were not met. In fact, it felt warm to the touch. Warm and pleasant. A small smile spread on his lips and he closed his eyes. Moulding his chakra in his hand, je imagined the branches of the tree growing in width. Slowly, with creaking, the branches grew as he imagined in his mind.
" Whoa. I - I am . I don't know what to say. While still taxing, it's so much easier. It's as if - as if." He struggled with the words, being afraid how they'd sound. It took several seconds before before convinced himself that he's with the only person he can trust right now." As if it is a part of me. An extension of me."

"Powers are often a mere subtle balance between curse and blessing," Meilin replied, "I am not sure what it is. That is up for you to decide, I guess. Seeing how it isn't destroying or altering you in any way, I suppose it is not a curse. For now." Meilin further added, leaving out the part that the curse could be an external part - such as a clan or two being willing to conduct malicious actions to acquire it.
Watching Mamoru walk to the tree, Meilin took a bit of distance. Observing her pupil she was content with the result.
"In a way, that is how it should work." Meilin paused but she then gestured to the result. "In a way, yeah, you could see it like that. Your chakra and specific bloodline ability allows you to insert a part of yourself in the existing tree. So you are quite right."

Pondering briefly, Meilin wondered to what extent that meant Wood release could alter existing sources. Her gaze slowly moved down, to the very ground she stood on.
"Wood Release is formed by water and earth, if I am not wrong. That is common knowledge. So if you can use existing wood to manipulate it, then you could also alter existing sources. Like dirt or water. To reduce the potential cost of utilizing wood release," Meilin thought out loud, tapping on the ground with her right boot. "In that regard, it is how I learned to harness Crystal Release. To utilize possible sources and convert it in the prefered release. Give it a try. Perhaps it works or perhaps not, we can't be sure until we try it."

Not a curse. That works for me. Now, somehow, I have to make sure it won't become one With a sigh of relief, he pulled away his hand and observed the tree in its current state. Whoa. This tree now contains a part of me. A part of me that will stay here, hopefully for years, or decades, as this tree grows. For some reason, he felt pride in the fact. But this, this he decided to keep for himself. Further listening to Meilin, he realised that there's an abundance of materials needed for Wood Release in most situations he found himself in in the past, and their current training site was no different. Meilin tapping her boot on the ground gave him an idea.

He knelt on the ground and placed his right palm onto the ground." Until your last sentence, I never truly understood what my mom was telling me about the gifts of earth. I always thought it to be just berries to sate your hunger, and wood to build shelter, or start a fire. It also gifted animals with sustenance, which I could hunt for. I expected more when I was younger." Gritting his teeth slightly, he sent his moulded chakra into the ground. Steering it was a lot harder than he anticipated, and his eyes rested on Meilin as he recalled training with her. Like bending my chakra along my blade, I now bend it into a line towards you. A few seconds later, the ground near her boot rised slightly, and a very thin - but still a tree rose from the ground." Now, you made me realise there might have been a hidden meaning to it. I have most of what I need around me. Earth's gifts, as she'd say. It's the most exhausting method, for sure. Even using my own body is easier."

Immediately Meilin took a few steps aside, cautiously eyeing the growing flora. Observing the newly crafted form of life, Meilin wondered if it truly worked now as the other plants. Or was it perhaps nothing more than a copy? An endurable but half-working part, manifested by something in Mamoru's chakra or blood?
"Intriguing." She mumbled, turning her attention to Mamoru. "I do think this should suffice for today. It is clear that you can alter and use basic sources for your release. Such as ground and wood. Possibly water to an extent too, I reckon. But that is something we can delve in later."
While curious to explore more and see what his release could manifest, Meilin didn't forget that he stated it to be exhausting. "Now that we know how to create and conjure it, it is possible to come up with various techniques." Pausing, she knocked a few times on the small tree that he had created. "I already have some ideas for both offensive as defensive techniques. A few utility techniques as well. It is a shame that we aren't in Konohagakure. I am sure we could gain some scrolls or insights on how the First Hokage used Wood release. That way, we could obtain a better idea on how to make it more efficient."

Now, more than ever, Mamoru looked up to Meilin. For the first time since he impaled the Rong to save Meilin, he felt some clarity of mind again. He observed the construct he created and smiled at it, exhaustion creeping up as well with it. But the kind of exhaustion that makes one appreciate the work he accomplished. Listening to Meilin being full of ideas, he could feel his excitement rise. A part of him wanted to continue the training, to see what else is possible with his new ability. Then the image of Meilin, having to carry him back on her shoulder, passed out, crossed his mind and he decided enough was enough." It is perhaps for the best to end it here. I, for one, couldn't think about any concrete idea, only abstract thoughts about techniques. So, I am more than open to any suggestions." He then remained silent and thought back about Konohagakure. What will my parents say? What will the others say? A slight tingle of panic crept up on him." Sensei? Will you - will you have to report this to my clan? They - I am sure they would want to know. And a part of me feels like they should know. But - I mean, their reaction might be not what I'm hoping for."

Meilin slowly nodded when Mamoru indicated that he found this a good place to halt their training. Perhaps that was the best option, for now, as it allowed her to mull on how to further this ability. The lack of knowledge of how the First Hokage operated with Wood Release was slightly annoying her, nonetheless.
"I won't." Meilin said in a calm fashion, "I am a Cho and despite you not seeing me as an enemy, your clan might. The mere idea that a Cho is mentoring a Senju with Wood Release is a bad idea. Don't forget that there are hundreds, if not thousands of Senju clan troops with us on this continent. So not knowing is also better for my sleep and health, if you catch my drift."
Pausing, Meilin thought of something before she spoke up again. "I will see what I can acquire in terms of information. There are bound to be a few people that may know how Wood Release further operates or can be expanded upon. At the same time," she subtly gestured towards him with her left hand, "it is in your best interest. You don't know yet how to master this bloodline ability. If you get napped now, who knows what may happen? Then again, I don't know your clan and their tendencies, so yeah. Let us not tell the Senju about this."

Feeling relief and anxiety at the same time was something he's gotten used to, but not in this intensity. His stomach twisted itself at the idea of his clansmen finding out." As much as I am devoted to my clan, I don't think they'd understand. In fact, I am afraid the exact opposite might happen. I would not forgive myself if I was a cause of a split in our forces. Especially now when we need to be as one. So - I think I get your drift, Sensei. It is best if we keep it to ourselves. " His mind flashed back to the tales he heard as a small child, and combined with what Meilin said, it all made a thought pop up in his mind."I - thank you, Sensei. I didn't know who to tell, so I kept it all to myself. I don't know who to trust with all of this other than you. My parents, obviously, but- they're - you know. He blinked a few times and it took him several seconds to speak up again. " I would greatly appreciate anything, any help, hint, tip. It is- it is unbelievable. All the tales I heard, all the legends. Might there be bits of truth about them. It's astonishing. Makes me feel like I'm a tiny man, standing on the shoulders of a giant." He gave a questioning look, as if he was seeking an answer to whether or not he was losing his mind.

Planting her fists against her hips, Meilin's features attained a somewhat amused expression at the end of Mamoru's last statement. "I get it. You have something that connects you to the First Hokage. That is nothing small. And that is coming from a Cho, imagine that," she flashed a grin, "perhaps once we have found some time to sit down and not needing to worry too much about this, all," she raised a hand to gesture towards the products of their training, "you can tell me more about the First. Right now, it is best to remain hush about it. I will share my ideas the next time that we got some time together to work on this."

He let out a small sigh of relief at the reply. The secret is safe for now. He couldn't help but smile and feel a certain sense of pride that a Cho praised him. Only if more people from my clan could be like you, he thought to himself. " This little tree should be safe here. If it is meant to be, it will grow strong one day, just like me. I - yes, Sensei. I think I will be able to talk about him in an entirely different way. Not like a child infatuated with a bedtime story but like - like. " And he just raised his hand to finish his sentence. " Perhaps now, I'll be able to come up with some ideas of my own. Not just riding along the greatness of your ideas. Shall we - shall we head back?"

Half turning to indicate that she was fine with going back, Meilin nodded to emphasise her decision. "Good. Though it is okay to still have heroes. There is a reason why people find heroes cool and all," Meilin would say as they began to walk back to the encampment. Throwing a look over her shoulder, at the small tree in the midst of the clearing that they had used. Smiling briefly, Meilin turned her head as they continued to head back to the camp.
[ Fortress of Balagan | Conquered by the Jirian Army, Sevudia, Eastern Continent ]
[ "I can see what I can do. But some people don't change. Or can be changed with a senbon in the arm," ]
[ A collab between @DeliciousFood and @Oetje | A meeting between Alsanna Shirafuji and Nishi Hirashima ]

[ Nishi seeks out Alsanna as she has some news for her pupil. But the exchange seems to go in all kind of directions. ]

The journey to the camp of the Jirian army had gone without any hiccups. The previous mission had led to some interesting developments. But nothing that required Nishi's aid or opinion. Something that she didn't desire to see changing as it meant just more responsibilities and work for her.
What had caught her by some surprise was the presence of a force, of Northerners that established their encampment close to that of the Jirians. It was clear that the two 'allies' were willing to work together but that there was some mutual distrust. Not very surprising, Nishi mused as she sat on a crate. The psychological wounds inflicted by the Great War were still festering, making it hard for a true friendship to exist between the Northerners and Jirians.

Then again, Nishi couldn't be bothered about it. Right now, she felt a faint but familiar desire surfacing - easily pushing her previous thoughts to the back of her mind. Sighing softly, Nishi knew what she wanted. But how long had it been since she had acquired any alcohol? The silly bet with Alsanna had its impacts, even if the jounin despised admitting it even mentally.
Crossing her arms out in front of her chest Nishi glanced around as other Jirian troops went about their business.
"Now where is that troublemaker," Nishi mumbled, wondering if she should perhaps seek out her pupil.

Acclimating to the change of scenery in the main camp after that previous expedition, it seemed Alsanna had quite a few things going. From her recent stunt to more conspicuous mailing going on, there was little time for idle hands. And even when it seemed she caught a break, it was time for some impromptu triage in the medical ward now that reputations were far less dictating when staffing was a bigger issue. It made for minor yet novel experiences, but was ultimately just clockwork.
It'd be when fresh air was the most needed after staying cooped up in old buildings or tents that she was the most noticeable. Never was her presence kept discreet when she found a place to roost, and the most recent being atop one of the desolate but still standing towers of the fortress, crimson owl on her lap and her ungloved hands so busy plucking some older feathers while she hummed a pleasant little tune as a form of warning for those nearby.

Deciding to seek out Alsanna, it wasn't that difficult to figure out where the 'Witch of Sevudia' was located. A few directions were all that she required as Alsanna's rather peculiar reputation made it far from a challenge to learn where she was.
Once Nishi had managed to reach the place where Alsanna was grooming an owl, Nishi's pace became even slower than the casual pace she had gone with before.
"Someone is in a good mood," the woman began, a frown almost forming on Nishi's brow that would radiate a certain wariness. "I suppose I don't even need to gift you something now," Nishi further said as she seemed to consider something. Closing the distance with her pupil, Nishi nodded as if the gesture was enough to warrant the following action.

Nishi's right hand went to one of her pouches to reveal a scroll. The red wax wasn't intact anymore, a clear sign that someone had already broken the seal and read the scroll's content.
"I broke it. But you still need to read it," Nishi calmly stated as if this wasn't some kind of breach of privacy, offering the item to her pupil, "I also have something else but that can wait afterwards, I suppose." Nishi would say, waiting for Alsanna to read the scroll and its contents before moving on.

A more powerful voice broke the gentle hum that echoed through the area. It was enough to prompt the tune's progenitor to spin her head opposite to the sound's direction only to have her cheek land on her shoulder, allowing for her half-lidded gaze to capture Nishi's frame. A very casual Alsanna continued to treat her avian summon while taking in her teacher's input, "The view makes it pleasant." she answered, directing her visage to the outside of the fortress, which gave way to quite the greenery and well-defined horizon with few mountains to obstruct, "Hmm?" she extended her hand out at the prospect of a potential gift or whatever Nishi implied, palm flat and eyes a bit more open.
It was a scroll, one that had been unsealed it seemed. Cocking an eyebrow, the young medic actually whipped the scroll to open in one motion, only for her grooming hand to catch the end the moment there'd be a tug, preventing any damage. She had done this before, it seemed. A fast reading was performed, the grooming hand now rising up and poking a couple of acquired feathers in between her hair's bun and her head before resuming her humming until she had read through it a couple more times, "Huh. Cool." the rolling of the scroll was more methodical and slow, "Recommendations too, huh? Wowzers." a light amount of sarcasm veiling a hint of joy and perhaps some satisfaction, "Guess I'm no longer the baby Genin, then, huh? Or is this like some way to average out the team so it feels more even? I can see myself going for that. Some symmetry." holding the scroll with hand, she tapped it over the other, "So … What does this entail? If this is a promotion that involves more labour for little reward, I may as well cheat the system a bit longer." when bringing up the more slimy aspects of her position, she made sure to point the end of the scroll toward Nishi. All with a grin.
"And what's the other surprise? My very own badge of authority? Gods, that'd be swell. Chuunin Inspector Alsanna, I'll be taking aaaaallll that interesting stuff, thank you very much." she rambled one, quite the positive creature she was today.

Expecting already how Alsanna would respond, Nishi remained oddily enough quiet - not replying in sarcasm or frustration back at how the girl responded to the news of being promoted. The features of Nishi even seemed rather calm, lacking the usual frown or any hints of annoyance or cold glares that seemed so natural to her being.
"You are basically now a chuunin, yes. Still a brat, of course. But that is something I can't erase with a recommendation." A light shrug of her shoulders followed, "but no. I wouldn't promote you on such a silly basis. Despite your flaws, I genuinely think you deserve this. Or well, I suppose I do until you keep running that mouth of yours."

Shaking her head lightly, Nishi's right hand seemed to briefly move to another pouch. But she then seemed to freeze, her eyes briefly narrowing. The mere subtle signs betraying a wariness that wasn't unlike any fits of wariness she had shown before.
"It is something small. Just some sort of tradition, I guess," Nishi started to explain, her hand once more moving to the respective pouch. Producing a red linen cloth, Nishi held it up towards Alsanna. A black symbol of a komainu with various odd symbols was presented in the middle of the cloth.
"Perhaps not as amazing as a new weapon but seeing you are no longer a genin, I suppose this would be appreciated or something."

Alsanna nodded at the justification given by Nishi, which led her to orient her gaze to the horizon one last time before gesturing for the bird to take off. Said avian had been acting as if nothing was really going on, almost like it was dormant. When she choo'd it, it actually poofed into a little coin she'd pocket. She now stood, starting first with a brief stretch-to-yawn ritual before turning her straightened frame toward the Hirashima, "Funny how a few words with an inclination in tone can get to so many people so easily." the scroll itself was carefully slid into her little messenger back that was made more visible now that she stood, "Although I suppose I can't call out this experience as … Devoid of recognition. At least someone's paying attention." eye contact was avoided, although the avoidance itself was veiled behind her insertion of the item into her bag.
Now came the second item, which did prompt the now-Chuunin to set one hand on her hip and the other to tap her chin, almost exaggerating the pose of an art-admirer, "Y'know, I could make a joke. But the craftsmanship and quality can't go unnoticed to someone like me," her chin-tapping hand first extended to brush her nerve endings against the fabric, "Care to enlighten me on the tradition? I'm afraid I joined the fray less for the honour and for errr ..." the second hand extended itself as to seize the edges of the cloth, which she'd then fold and graciously accept, "Unimportant reasons, or rather those you'd expect of me. No real intention of dying for country 'n' all that junk." lips pursed, her gaze frozen to nothing for a moment before she peered up at Nishi.

Nishi's gaze remained fixated on the red cloth before breaking, her gaze shifting towards her pupil. The transformation of the girl's owl in a coin did once more remind Nishi that she hadn't learned that much about Alsanna's curious summoning or companion. While in the middle of making a mental note, Nishi had to focus as Alsanna spoke up.
"The tradition? Hm, it is a bit hard to explain. Just see it as a sort of act of me acknowledging that you're worthy of this new rank. In a way, at least." Nishi replied, to the first question. After a short pause, she decided to elaborate a bit more.
"A sort of rite of age thing. Nothing really special to delve further in," she would say, as a response to the chuunin's question.

The statement that Alsanna wasn't intending to die for their country or providing any other patriotic heroism for the Authority made Nishi frown. The woman would suck on the inside of her cheek, visibly pondering on something. Only to come to a certain decision.
"Good. I won't demand that from you." Nishi said, despite it being unfit for her rank and occupation to do so, "Dying for a bit of dirt is weird. And bleeding or suffering for some old fart who came to power with murdering other old farts isn't something I am intending either."
Pausing, Nishi would look around to any suitable place to sit down. Only to come to the conclusion she was fine with standing as well. "Anyhow, congratulations on your promotion. Sadly, I couldn't manage to arrange any cake or other sweets. I suppose that has to wait for another time." A light hint of sarcasm finally returning to Nishi's tone.
"Ah. Right." a couple of nods toward Nishi's explanation of the ritual they had just performed. The quality cloth, once fully folded, was set in her bag at the same spot she had put away the scroll. Although now that she was standing, the main event Nishi had supposedly planned for was finished, the graduate would turn to face the horizon once more, and with no hesitation, hopped over the stone cover before her and sat over it, legs hanging over the long of the wall below her. Not that it'd be a dangerous fall for a shinobi, but it was still intimidating to some, "He's not that old. Actually, I was surprised to see how young he looked in the papers when I was in Os'. Loads of tarts gushed over him." a little bit of tapping of her heels against the stone could be heard, "Unless you mean the General … Which seems about as old as you, no?" squinting at nothing, she'd eventually peer over at Nishi for confirmation, "Also, magma? I thought those sorts of abilities were rare and monopolized." that comment was followed by her eyebrows raising for she had left herself quite perplexed.
She didn't ruffle her bag any further, instead reaching into her warm coat's pockets, only to whip out a couple of wrapped up 'cigar' pastries. Nothing too special, a form of thin bred mixed with a lot of sugar that could be easily be made alone with a few ingredients, even found in their rations, "Got something close enough to those." one of the cigars was waved toward the Jonin, "So you won't die for the not-old Fart. Then what are you doing here? Doesn't sound like a great longevity prospect."

Watching Alsanna sitting on the cover, Nishi already turned half around as she debated to head off and give her pupil some time. But the voice of Alsanna prevented Nishi from leaving, the latter pondering shortly on her options.
"Hm, perhaps he doesn't seem old. But so far I have yet to really meet him in person. Not that I desire that even," Nishi said as she would turn towards Alsanna. In fact, even deciding to join her student. Taking a spot to the chuunin's right, Nishi stared at the horizon for a moment, her hands placed on the stone as her legs bungled.
"And hm? Magma? Ah, General Yuuki," Nishi seemed absent minded for a mere moment before she provided an answer, of some sorts.
"In most cases, yes. Clans and that stuff. Or else you can expect various organisations being keen on getting their hand on any competent individual with a rare ability or bloodline stuff. Nothing I should ponder too much about, if I were you. You may find yourself being pulled between the regular military and one of the specialist organisations if you get some more attention to yourself."

Glancing sideways as she noticed Alsanna offering something, Nishi gently accepted the presented cigar. After a quick look, the pastry didn't seem that bad. Certainly not compared to the rather bland rations that they had to 'enjoy'.
"Close enough, yeah." Nishi said, the phrasing seeming sarcastic but the tone was actually genuinely polite. "Thanks."
Not yet taking a bite, Nishi's gaze moved back at the horizon as she seemed to mull over the last question.
"Perhaps because I have yet to try out another vocation? Also the possibility that I know too much and can become a risk. I won't be the first that is going to disappear after resigning from the military. That and I don't know. Perhaps in an odd way, I enjoy it? Some aspects, at least."

"Specialist organizations?" she asked before taking her own first, crunchy bite from her cigario roll without a care for manners, "Sounds fancy. And yet also horribly bureaucratic." with her lamenting came a second bite from her treat, "So, with all that reluctance toward Big Jirou Daddy, what did you actually do during the revolt? High profile like you … Tsk tsk, your absence can be impactful too, I'd reckon." a grin formed on her face as she pried for an answer, "I myself have the excuse of being nice and locked up, even if it happened during the time itself. But I was what? Too busy doing illegal bad bads? What's your excuse?" head tilted, she leaned in a little more.
Although she then pulled back, pupils directed upwards with the bitten end of the cigar tapping against her chin, "Y'know I'm truly wondering what you could be concerned about. It feels like people should be scared of you, and would leave you alone. What could be so strong in our disorganized, little island?"

"Ah, yes. You probably weren't taught that much about them. I forgot that the Academy started to slack horribly. Or well, being in prison doesn't warrant you to learn much about the likes of the Shiranui. The Intelligence Division and such, you know." Nishi replied before taking a near-cautious bite of the pastry.
Chewing on the bite, she listened to Alsanna. Knowing that the girl was attempting to pry something loose, Nishi just took another bite and peacefully chewed on the newest bite. Almost anagozing slow did Nishi empty her mouth before providing a response to her pupil's question.
"Excuse? You think I need an excuse?" The rhetoric questions being combined with Nishi throwing a frowned look at her pupil. "I will just leave it up to your imagination. Knowing from experience, I can already tell you can conjure a colourful tale of what I could be doing during the revolt." Nishi decided to give as an answer.
The second question seemed to take a bit longer for the woman to actually provide a reply towards. Taking a small bite again, Nishi averted her gaze to stare once more at the horizon. The answer was simple yet far from it - the confusing duality of it being also not something Nishi didn't want to answer.

"Who knows. It is of no import to you." Nishi said. "Besides, I will let you know if you are going to get another jounin to drive me to insanity. Divine already knows that you pissed one or even two jounin already. I already pity whoever may follow me if I need to be replaced."

Munch, munch, munch, her cigar was getting quite small as she nibbled away during the time she dedicated to listening, "Shiranui. Huh. That's what they're called." Alsanna then peered toward the horizon, and she too had a moment of silence, as if she was thinking of something, "Are they one of those things you don't wanna provoke by fear of, ahem, 'disappearing'? Sounds like what a self-righteous intelligence group would do. Black bag the best assets. Bureaucracy, I tell ya'." the last bit of the delight was taken in and swallowed. And then a couple of mint-leaves she'd chew on afterwards.
"Hey, I've got a great idea. How about … You stop feeding me boring, half-replies and tell me something cool when we have these kind-of okay-ish moments, yes? It's almost like I'm taking the time off very cool and stimulating things just for-" she poked the other's shoulder, "Unless you want to make this a 'I give you X for Y', which has worked well, given ..." she sniffed at Nishi right after ending her poking, "Mmmm, the lack of odour is the discreet smell of success~ And I'll piss ten more Jounin if it means I get these sweet, sweet results."

Nishi subtly nodded as a silent answer for the first question of Alsanna. There was more to the Shiranui, but that was beside the point of their current exchange. Not to mention, Nishi did share a similar opinion as she considered 'self-righteous' to be quite accurate to describe the Shiranui or any other Intelligence Division she was aware of.
"Hm, and here I thought you enjoyed a bit of mystery." Nishi replied before she took a bite from her cigar pastry once more. Again, Nishi made no attempt to provide a quick reply or addition to her previous words, calmly chewing her bite. After a few seconds she emptied her mouth, allowing her to respond properly.
"Besides, what do you have to offer? It seems you just want to learn the super, shady and secret stuff I have been involved in. For what?" Raising the small remainder of her pastry, Nishi scoffed in an amused fashion.
"Sweets? You got to do way better than that. Certainly now I can bring up that you're no longer a genin. You need to put in more effort from now on." Nishi stated before finishing the last bit of her pastry.

"I do." she was quick to reply, nodding away before continuing, "Cracking a mystery is great. When it's on a field I like. Dealing with people ..." she narrowed her gaze to some random trees near the fort, "Eh, I can do it, I just take little pleasure from it. That and I will say," a few mint leaves were then presented to Nishi, "I don't consider knowing more essential elements about my associates as a game, despite my disposition." the dryness of her voice made the seriousness of her position clear.
Although when presented with a form of challenge, she chuckled, "Albeit, I do grasp that the commercial, almost transactional nature of what we have going does have its benefit." with a smirk, her figure seemed to perk up as she'd turn her upper-frame to the older female, "Alright, sure, I'll bite. Answer me, and I'll tell you what I did to end up in the can. Officially," head tilted to the left with a wide smile on her face, "and unofficially."

Accepting the mint leaves that Alsanna offered Nishi would take one and chew on it, as her pupil spoke. A soft 'mhm' was just the indication that Nishi did pay attention to what Alsanna told her, while the woman's gaze was once more averted.
A silence echoed for a few seconds after Alsanna's suggestion before Nishi spoke on her turn. "You are aware that I can't tell you everything? Seeing that some stuff is classified? And you clearly don't possess the right rank or permission to even ask me that kind of stuff?" Nishi asked, though already suspecting what the girl would give as an answer. A soft sigh escaped Nishi as she tried to consider what to say to sate the curiosity of her student.

"During the revolt? I was working for the Mizukage. Doing some work that was and still isn't for the faint of heart. You could consider me as someone that would knock on your door if you were suspected of aiding the revolt. That sort of thing." Nishi explained, leaving out the true details and nuances that would likely intrigue her student. "Beside that? I don't think I can honestly tell you more without breaching various super agent protocols."

Lips pushed sideways until they were almost distorting her facial expression, showing considerable degrees of a perplexed reaction, "Classified? Really? Are we going to be all agentic over a system ran by a guy you aren't even a fan of?" her arms crossed, Alsanna seemed partially amused despite her reaction, "So you were like, part of the historical loser side. How did you feel about it, then? The revolt, the outcome, your position in all of it?" she downright turned to straddle the piece of stone wall they were both sitting on.
That curious grin turned into a toothy one, "Wait, so it's kind of like a twist of irony. You were the one people were afraid of if they did a big wrong, and now you're afraid of another Nishi Hirashima knocking at your door, yeah? What a spiral." biting her lower lip as if to stifle her excitement over this interaction, it took her a little to continue, "Though I suppose it's not all that hard to create better and better weapons, huh? Always someone better. At least, until you have me, of course~ Better becomes inevitable."

Nishi just nodded as a response, not further confirming if Alsanna's theories were correct or not. When Alsanna mentioned a new theory, that Nishi was terrified of someone else knocking on her door the motions of the jounin briefly froze. The eyes of Nishi half-closed as she threw a rather cold glance at her student. A near opposite to the attitude of Alsanna.
"Sure. Let us assume that is the case." Nishi would say in return before pointing back at the girl with an index finger. "So there you go. My answer. Now it is your turn to cough up why you were locked up. Although I already have some theories on why you were searched and then put behind bars."

Body language was not something Alsanna was oblivious to, as shown with her azure eyes constantly darting between various features presented by Nishi. That and, well, she did have a decent view of Nishi's internals each time her swinging foot would 'accidentally' hit the jounin's ankle. The jolt she'd feel was almost non-existent, given Alsanna had already mapped out the other's being, but it still wasn't nothing, "Ah yeah, my turn. And you've got theories too!" she chuckled with that same toothy grin from before, "Alright, let's make this a bit more fun, then. I said I didn't like games all that much either, and while true, I do like to make things fun! Which means I'll always hold my end of the bargain, but let's at least make it pleasant."
Alsanna cleared her throat, before pursuing her side of the deal, "I'll first say, officially? For theft and some degree of vigilantism, although the latter didn't hold up. Ironically I actually wasn't really a vigilante or anything of the sort, the look I chose just gave off that impression. Buuuuuut, I did steal more than a few things so I could do my unofficial pile of sin~" her index was raised up and then brought to tap Nishi's nose if she allowed it, "Now, what do you think lil' me did to end up with post-revolution authorities caring about a few chemicals and tools missing when they had so many fish to fry?"

The mood of Nishi didn't seem to improve by any significant margin but no grumbling or cynical comment left her lips either. A minor improvement, one could say. Listening to Alsanna, Nishi would ignore the fact that her student kept hitting her ankle. She had a good hunch on what the girl was doing but was confident that her thoughts and memories couldn't be pried loose like that. Else, it would have been an entirely different conversation already.
"Theft? Huh," Nishi's eyes narrowed as Alsanna raised her index to tap her nose. Moving her head away as a subtle sign that she didn't like the motion, together with a hand to wave away the attempt, Nishi spoke further.
"One theory is that you were too much of a bother to the wardens keeping you behind bars. If you already can work on my nerves, I truly am sorry for the men and women who had to keep you from being a menace from society." Turning a bit more serious and less moody, Nishi glanced at the camp down from where they sat.
"Probably messing around with stuff most people wouldn't even consider messing with. The mere fact you are so keen on learning and improving your skill in certain fields says more than enough. It is a whole new question why you haven't been snatched by some other organisations. But I suppose you have been lucky to avoid such a fate."

Nod, nod, nod, "Yeah, yeah, act as if I'm THAT bad. Nishi, some slags are like Hikari but also arrogant. Wouldn't that just be the worst? Boastful but so … Average?" she cleared her throat after saying that, "Not to shit talk her too much, at least she isn't obsessed over a fuckin' sword." another, far more exaggerated cough this time, "Noooot to shit talk Yuyuko either, but she did agree to some bizarre experiment of mine with little resistance sooooo ..." shifting her head left and right with the most restrained of grins on her face made her amusement very much obvious.
"Alright, so, no. But also yes. I did things I shouldn't. No shit. Why do you think the authorities gave a shit? Although! To help you make a better, non-shit theory, I'll give you a hint." her hand rose up in the air, striking a rather silly pose, "I was once knoooown as … The Shinsestuna Ishi! Or, like, the Good Doctor. I guess. That's what the locals called me. And I looked SO. COOL! And hey loved me." both thumbs were made to point at her own direction, "I would assume said organisations were busy clearing the mess caused by yet ANOTHER revolution in our babu-Island. But maybe now they've got a more steady foot? Maybe I should be worried, if ever solicited?"

"Ah, yes. The intriguing dynamics of my dear pupils. I forgot that was a thing I need to be bothered with." Nishi said, her tone betraying her boredom of such a topic. "I sadly can't care much for the squabbles and what not that exists between you three. I don't even desire to know what is up with the obsession of some sword or whatnot. It already sounds like it will do nothing but make me search for the bottle, again."
Pushing any potential worries and thoughts that attempted to surface in her mind, Nishi stared at Alsanna striking a silly pose. Only for a crack to appear in the woman's features, her lips slightly curling upwards - if only for a precious second before it seemed to turn neutral again.
"Possibly. I am out of those games. I could try to delve into what they are up to. But that isn't rewarding for me." Nishi, semi-thought about it before deciding to size up Alsanna. "Jokes aside, you got a brain. Some competence even. Sure, also what some would consider arrogance. But nothing too misplaced, I think."
An uncomfortable silence followed as Nishi didn't immediately finish her answer.
"You should be." Nishi's voice betraying that she was serious. "But I suppose I won't let it come to that. Or try to."

Alsanna wagged her index, "I think you should care, actually. And without the sodding bottle." the pose relented, though energy still oozed from her natural aura, "Your goal, after all, is to uplift us. Can't do that if you don't understand our dynamics. Or our quirks. But I can't blame ya' for, y'know, favouring yours truly~" an exaggerated shrug followed that outrageous claim. Her moment of fun ego-jerking made her miss the effect she had on her audience.
"So, if they ever knock at my door, you'd suddenly be able to face 'em? Huh. And now this is where I call you my hero for a third time?" snapping her fingers, she derived from the subject for a moment, "Although now I realize I hadn't actually given you something." from the side pocket of her bag she'd take out one of her feather-knives, only to passe it to Nishi, "Got my chakra on it. Shouldn't ever fade so long as the pattern stays, or at least the traces won't. I feel like it's something a sealing Jounin like you should have, no?" the quite personal item was left for Nishi to take before she resumed her more energetic subject, "So, anyway. Let's just say I didn't practice on pigs when I got good at surgery. And no, I didn't vivisect random folks. And no, I never got a medical license. But!" that same waving index kept being her main tool to convey her feelings, "Surprisingly, I was still under the snouts of the authorities, until my practices lured some, errrr, undesirables. Like, immigrant-undesirables."

"My goal is to uplift you all," Nishi repeated as she couldn't resist a chuckle. "Okay. Let's see. I got two senior chuunin that have so far not specialised in any kind of field. Nor have they provided enough to warrant my care. It is true, I am supposed to mentor you all. But there is a limit to that." Nishi already raised an index finger to gesture she wasn't done or else to gesture to Alsanna to be patient and hear her out.
"Once you are a chuunin, there is some expectation that you're capable to push yourself. I am not going to hand-hold you or them forever. If you can't provide some drive, why is it then fair to demand my time or effort? I won't be around always to just guide you or the team. At one point something can happen. Or I decide I have enough and well, I don't know. Retiring sounds appealing at times."

Nishi's nose bridge wrinkled as she considered if she would come to 'save' Alsanna if some of the specialised organisations would come for her. The desire to say no and make a cynical remark was tempting but something held her back. And that mere fact was more annoying than anything that had happened to her today.
"Unexpected," the word left Nishi's lips as she carefully took the presented feather knife. Inspecting the weapon, Nishi weighed it before pocketing it away. Her lips parted, indicating she wanted to say something. Only for her lips to close and prevent any thought to become a voiced reality.
"So you tested on the downtrodden and ill-fated?" Nishi asked, clearly not impressed but neither offended in any case, "Huh, I thought you were a vigilante? How ironic. What made you decide to even commit to such practices? Most people just tend to, you know, attempt a more legal vocation."

"Oh senior my arse. Hikari was promoted not THAT long ago, and I swear Yuyuko probably doesn't have the know-how to be senior either." brushing off the remark, Alsanna shook her head, "Not about you holding hands. It's about you being a leader. Which you're not. You're keeping yourself back, and while you are way, wayyyyy overqualified for Jounin teacher, you're not a leader. It's like a chemistry genius teaching academy students." from a sardonic tune to a far dryer and crips tone, the message she conveyed was far more weight than most of what she had said thus far, "We're also in a warzone. May wanna to be sure the other two don't end in one of those nameless graves." crossing her arms, her head turned to the bright horizon.
"I wouldn't call poor, pregnant ladies downtrodden so much as they're kind of in a shit spot. Although I did have a couple of encounters with the terminals." with mention of the latter, she'd raise her right hand and fixate her two longest digits in particular, "Some died far too quickly despite my efforts. Usually from blood loss. But I wanted to know what killed them, what made them react in certain ways, how they could be treated if I had been brought in earlier. So ..." the tips of her fingers started to emits light sparks, "Through trial and error, I made death only a, hmm, half-limiter. After all, even when dead, quite a few things can still work in the body if given the right amount of attention." her fingers retreated and balled in a fist, "My goals were selfish, I won't pretend I'm a philanthropist. I'm not. But I was revered for a reason. The fruit of my works brought something to more than a few. Not that I brought me much beyond knowledge, to be honest."

"Hm," Nishi didn't respond immediately as she kept looking at the distance. "I am too overqualified for a jounin teacher," she calmly repeated Alsanna's words. Slowly, Nishi turned towards her pupil.
"What exactly makes you think or believe that? You aren't someone who has seen what I have seen or even Kakuro. Remember that guy? Almost sliced you in half," Nishi's eyebrows slightly perked up, "correct me if I am wrong, but are you wanting me to be someone better? For what? I have flaws. Plenty. Yet, every time you have been," her gaze averted as her eyes narrowed, seeking the right words to convey her thoughts properly. Her lips formed a faint smile without any sensible joy with it.
"You have been describing me as great. Better. Needing to be feared. You even put up a whole mission of being someone different. Just for what? And," a frown would form on her brow as her tone indicated that she was being serious, "let us drop the banter for now. I am serious. What do you want?"

Alsanna snapped her fingers, "Good question. Well, questions. But mostly the why and what." hopping off her straddling position, continuing to speak as she brushed her thighs and rear, "To start with the why. Well, it's simple. Like an art connoisseur, I recognize greatness and talent! In people, anyway. It does stem from my vocation, after all. To assess one's potential and limits." as she said that, the medic made her scrutiny obvious with thorough checking out of the Jounin, "Saved my ass, like, twice too. So, I know that by improving you to the extent that I can will only be of benefit to me. Although, if you want me to drop the cynicism," she tapped her cheek with her index as the rest of her digits cupped her own chin, "I suppose I just kind of like you. And I do believe friends do these sorts of things, yes? Uplift one another? That and, well, I can't help but keep it somewhat scientific. Kind of like a project! Except the methods are pretty standard." from tapping to gestures, Alsanna did not display the anxiety she had the previous time they had to explain their positions to one another, "Now I've also answered the 'what' as a result. I want you to be better! Because it's better for me, and it's better for you. Your addiction is dangerous to both of us, so I've decided that it has to go. In turn, I do some silly good-girl adventures. Oh well. It's not like I was donating a kidney." and from gestures she went on to stretch her arms upwards, which them prompted a yawn, "Does this make more sense? If not, I can also add that it seems nobody ever wants to fuck with you. That's some mega alpha-energy right there." with that compliment, her gaze was subtly avoidant. Not enough to prompt suspicion, but enough to establish some correlation with what she may be pondering.

Nishi seemed to listen intently. Once Alsanna was done, Nishi kept staring at the girl for a few seconds before breaking her gaze. The expression of before was rapidly replaced by another emotion that came to the surface, appearing quite genuine.
"Huh," the tone seemed even, despite the worry present on Nishi's features. "I actually did expect the whole using me to your advantage. Not that I can blame you for that. I would have done the same thing if the roles were reversed," Nishi stated before turning silent briefly.
"What bothers me is something difficult to explain." Her pace seemed to decrease, slightly, "I honestly don't care if others want to step up to me or not. I don't care about the opinion of others. In general, of course. I still want to be liked, somewhat." A soft scoff escaped Nishi as she had to admit that but seemed quite rebellious about it. "However, it is more than that," narrowing her eyes, Nishi pulled her legs up. Wrapping her arms around them, she stared once more at the horizon.

"I guess that I lost something. Someone. And you remind me of her." Nishi's voice was softer. Her lips parted but she then closed them. Turning her head slightly to look at Alsanna, Nishi frowned again. "I won't lie. I didn't save you because you are my student. I suppose I just don't like to, you know," an annoyed sigh heralded a second of silence. "I can't explain this. Besides, you will make fun of it anyways." Gradually, Nishi's voice turned back to the familiar modicum of mockery and spite. Even her expression rapidly shifted back to the usual form and appearance. "That or you will use it against me. And consistently saving your rear is going to end me sooner or later anyways."

The more razzle-dazzle impression Alsanna was giving with her more whimsical tone and gestures only stopped when Nishi's non-verbal became more impactful. Most notably the leg hugging, especially at these heights! Alsanna's hands set themselves on her hips, eyes trained toward the Jounin, and when eye contact was made, the serious nature of this exchange was reflected upon the scholar's own optics. As a comparison was made with someone else, Alsanna gave the same frown Nishi so often employed, with her lips somewhat tucked in but not entirely pursed, "The worst I'd do is brush it off because it makes me feel exposed, but make fun of it? I mean if it's super stupid …" her hands opened up in the lightest of shrugs, "I'd like to know, if you wouldn't mind." the tone had lowered to something more inviting, maybe even a bit sheepish, "And rejoice, we'll probably both die if that happens. At least it'd be a wild ride."

A scoff flowed first out of Nishi before she would give an answer. "It is super stupid. Immensely stupid. The more I think about it, the more stupid I feel about it." Enlisting a short silence Nishi's eyes narrowed while staring once more at the horizon - as if that would aid her in providing the right words.
"Her name was Chinami. A year or so later born that I had been. Though she didn't make it past twenty." Nishi's fingers dug in the fabric of her pants, "Chinami Hirashima. She was my younger sister. Little brat. Posh and curious, is what I could say about her. Always questioned every decision." The woman's voice had a slight crack in it, as if she was nervous to bring up the small description.

"She used to like to poke things. I," a wry smile moved on Nishi's lips as she turned her head, once more, to face Alsanna again. "I can't really describe it. But she had this fascination with how things worked. I once had overheard my father scolding her for freaking out the maids. For poking frogs and toads all day long. Eventually, she started to do things to scare the maids. Throwing a frog or something. Something, at least, to upset them and have her be scolded."
Nishi became quiet again as she rested her gaze on Alsanna. "Don't worry though. I am not going to name you Chinami. Or have some weird craving to mould you in her image. You are a brat but not her."

From hips to below her chest, Alsanna crossed her arms as the story of Chinami was told. Her legs seemed restless, as if she wanted to leave, but her unusually focused fixation on the storyteller displayed something else. When the details came, especially with the late sister's habits, the agitated limbs ceased as the fresh Chuunin lowered her head while chuckling, "Awh shit, frogs. They were the stuff back then. First thing I dissected. In the academy. There were quite a few near my house, but none were dead or anything. Fun to try and catch." a hand rose to brush some of her hair back over her ears, "Yeah, no, that's sword-obsessed whacky teammate levels of strange. Although now I do have some insight." clearing her throat, a light sigh was allowed to escape her, "Thanks for answering. I figured a war colleague but, that is indeed reasonable. Guess that's why I'm the favourite, huh?" Alsanna smirked, "I'll ask one more thing. Then I gotta show you a little thingie thing." moving to the opposite edge of the wall they were on, and peering into the fortress' bowels rather than outside, she continued, "So, what happened? Was she of the same vocation as you, ultimately?"

Turning around, Nishi would let herself land on the safe stone flooring. She studied how Alsanna responded to the story. While the chuunin made a comment if that was she the favourite, Nishi lightly shrugged.
"I suppose that could make you feel slightly better. But no," Nishi said, her voice genuine despite the rather sarcastic phrasing, "I just favourite those who attempt to push themselves further. Hikari and Yuyuko have been clenching too much and for too long to my skirt. Or to that of previous skirts, from what I have been told, that I can't really care." Remembering something, Nishi wanted to make a joke. But she opted to just see what Alsanna was up to, until she heard the last question of her pupil.

"I killed her."

The three words forming the answer were spoken without a crack in Nishi's voice. Genuine guilt appeared on her features, if only for a moment, before Nishi once more casually shrugged. Her lips parted, only to shut as Nishi shook her head lightly.
"This is enough, for now. You wouldn't understand it."

With a twist came a cliffhanger. From subdued but still very visible shock, Alsanna was left stiff for a moment, giving Nishi a look of concern and her lips slightly parted. A good five seconds of nothing follow the Jounin's conclusion, "Bullshit. You can't just say that and then spew crap like I'm some toddler nymph." her arms remained crossed, and even tightened a little on their bind, "Brothers and sisters killing one another isn't unheard of. But there's always some reason. And I like to think it's a good one. But leaving it at that?" she shook her head, "Should've just said now wasn't the time. I'd be annoyed, but at least it wouldn't be …" her hand was presented and pointed downward with her palm flat, "This."

Nishi's expression hardened as Alsanna spoke her thoughts. Pocketing her hands away, Nishi slightly raised her chin, as she replied in return. "And some reasons are best to not be voiced. I said more to you than I have done in years to most." Shifting her weight from her left to right leg, Nishi once more frowned although something seemed to be off.
"And some killings don't have a good reason. I know you are a brat and curious. But just trust me on this. We have delved enough for now." Nishi said, her voice growing sterner.

"Well, yeah, because I'm actually good company." Alsanna rolled her eyes, steam eventually released from her nostrils, taking away the tension with it, "Let me reformulate. You don't kill your loved ones for no good reason. At least, no good reason to you, I suppose." now she took a little, as the frustration has manifested itself in more crisp gestures and movements. Peering back down into the fort's buildings, Alsanna was left to ponder.
"Alright, to make up for this shit, I need your help for something real quick." turning her head to get a glimpse of the other before nudging her head to the precipice, "There's a little present in there too. Well, sort of."

"That is quite exaggerated," Nishi mumbled, though somewhat content that the prior subject was dropped - for now. Though she wanted to leave and be on her own for a bit, Nishi's curiousity was piqued by Alsanna stating she needed aid for 'something'. While she had grown to be wary of the girl's projects, Nishi crossed the distance between them with a calm stride.
"Presents?" Nishi began as she placed her hands against her hips, slightly leaning forward to gain a better sight of what these 'presents' could be. "Are you starting a charity of some sort?"

All Nishi would see would be dilapidated buildings inside the fort, this sector in particular had eaten a few Boggart assaults and other explosives, "Charity for your dingy rear, yeah. Consider it a reward for keeping your end of the deal, and helping me, of course~" before long, she'd vault the stone barrier before her and fall into the fort, only to safely land ninja-style on the pavement. The usual, really. And afterward, she gestured for Nishi to follow, until they got to what seemed to be a storage area that had its roof fall, with the central room loaded with stone and wooden debris, "Welcome to a shit cave." she said as she opened the door to allow the Jounin in, "And my future, short-lived abode for a little idea I have." to the right was a broken door with even more debris, and on the left, an opened door that had a pretty cleared room. To its corner, barely visible from the central space, was a sort of setup made of wood that resembled the improvised Moonshine breweries some Jirian soldiers had, though it had a bit more tubes, some looking like used medical ones, and was a bit larger, like it was part of the furniture of the place, "I guess it's pretty obvious, yeah? I kinda need this shit cleared and the roof fixed. Something something earth abilities. Yeah? Can you? Pretty pleaaaase?"" puppy eyes.

Staring down, Nishi didn't follow Alsanna immediately. Releasing a soft sigh, Nishi would drop to the same pavement, with no trouble on her ends to land safely. Following Alsanna, Nishi didn't hide her confusion as Alsanna stated something about the mess being her future abode.
"Of course," Nishi mumbled as Alsanna cleared out what she required. Eyeing the mess and the fact that the roof could use a hand, Nishi raised her right hand. "Before I will exhaust any energy in aiding you, care to explain what your plan is?" Running her hand through her hair, Nishi threw a sideways glance at her pupil. "Cause I already have various objections." The jounin further stated as she dropped her hand and looked back at the debris that Alsanna wanted removed.

"Fuck objections, this is going to be soooo cool. Just, gimme a sec," she had gone to the adjacent room and was talking from there, so her voice was a bit louder and echoing. Eventually, she came back while dragging a somewhat large, rectangular piece of wood with something blue written on it, "Ta-daaa!" the 'New Moon Boutique', "So I've been gathering some ingredients here 'n' there thanks to a precious booklet of mine. And I thought, 'I made substances before, I can probably make some here too!'" she did use a silly voice for this one. The sign was posed by the door, "For a price. No charity. Oh! And I've also been concocting something you'd like. But yeah, before we go, I'd like to make a grand opening with a comfy, little shop; Y'know, to show I'm the real deal." with that, she returned to the cleared room, and then emerged with a couple of bottles. One had a red liquid in it, the other green, "Made some of these. Now I'll admit, my current residence is not … Optimal. So, having this place cleared would also make for a more sanitary and safe environment, yes? Yeeees?"

Waiting patiently to see what Alsanna would conjure to coerce her, Nishi, to aid with this project the jounin sighed. But this sigh didn't entail as much frustration or annoyance as usual. Glancing at the debris and the awful roofing, Nishi remained silent.
"I can, yes," she answered, raising an index finger to signal that there was a 'but'. "But if I hear anything of you bothering anyone. Or Divine forbid, someone else with a curse mark without my approval? I will shut it down. Forever." Nishi said as she threw a look at Alsanna. "Now, step aside. Over there, yeah." Gesturing to aid Alsanna where she had to go, Nishi turned to the debris.

Moving her hands together, Nishi inhaled before she commenced her techniques. Weaving the required handsigns, she would use a technique to mould a sort of muddy flow that started to drift the debris to a central point of the room. Once done, Nishi investigated the first part of her handiwork. Appearing content, she focused on the following part.
Again the jounin performed various hand signs before placing the palm of her right hand against the slightly stacked debris. The rocks started to shift and mould, appearing to melt with each other to form a somewhat earthy pillar that went to the roof.
"I will clean the mud in a second." Nishi stated as she would walk outside the abode, to scale the walls and make her way to the roof. Inspecting the damage and various holes, it was clear that she had to find something to 'repair' it and prevent any bad weather from being a nuisance.

Sucking on her left cheek Nishi flexed her fingers before she dropped through a hole in the roof. Tapping the ground with her boot she would then look up again. "Imagine that," she muttered while conducting another technique that required her to crouch and placing a hand on the ground. "Using jutsu for something else than combat," the words barely left Nishi's lips as a small pillar would rise from the ground to the height of the roof. Focusing on her task, a few drops of sweat started to become visible as Nishi began to direct more of the ground to the roof - the top of the new pillar starting to spread and cover the holes in the roof.

Pulling her hand from the ground, Nishi observed the now thin pillar. Forming a fist, she would knock against the pillar, which crumbled upon impact. To finish her work, the woman went to the widespread mud. Mumbling something underneath her breath, Nishi just formed a few more hand signs and tapped lightly on the various spots of mud - causing it to become hard flooring again.
"There you go." Nishi stated, beckoning Alsanna that it was safe to come back in the room. "I suppose it isn't amazing but it does what it needs to do."

"Hey, the last time I did that, it was consensual. So far, she's fine. I think." following the instructions, she first made sure the door to the other room was closed as to avoid any dust or extra debris, "Make sure nothing gets screwed in the other room, kind of need what's in there." stepping back, she soon opted to just stand outside, and quite far, as to get a view and not dirty-up her clothing. Leaning back against a neighbouring building, arms crossed and one leg over the other, Alsanna watched Nishi's magic unfold. By then, the sleepy owl had awakened, and manifested itself in its true form as it emerged from its master's pocket, and found solace on her shoulder. It too witnessed the construction work going on.

The end-result was taking form, with Nishi's exertion becoming more apparent, though Alsanna only had a view from outside, "I mean, isn't that what retired shinobi do? Use their talents for more mundane jobs?" more mint leaves were made to be chewed on as the scholar remained idle. Slowly but surely, the abode was made to look presentable, and with a couple of touches, it even seemed smooth! When it seemed safe, the younger female stepped into the renovated interior, starting with her feet tapping on the solid flooring and her gaze absorbing the new details, "Stable foundation. Good, good. Leave the decorating to me." a smile crept on her visage as she then clapped her hands together, "Good work, Nishi!" nod nod, she then gestured for the other to follow into the pristine room, where one could better see a couple of crates stacked with various potions on one side of the room, and the improvised brewery on the other. Reaching toward the distillery, a couple of nearby shot glasses were seized and a liquid was drained from the container. It was sky-blue, and certainly seemed peculiar. One of the glasses were passed to the Jounin, "Tell me what you think." there really wasn't a lot, enough for a tasting. The smell was surprisingly sweet but the stench of booze was unmistakable. It was a Roshesh, a somewhat average one as it was the previous batch, something not found often, and was hard to discern for the uninitiated given they took many, many forms, with this one being a new iteration made by Alsanna, "To adequately passable health?" she raised her glass, before chugging.

"Perhaps. I wouldn't really know," Nishi replied, throwing a look at the ceiling to be certain that it wouldn't cave in. "Hm," turning to her student, Nishi eyed the glass that Alsanna offered. Accepting it, the woman did raise the glass to take a whiff.
"Dear Divine," lowering the glass instantly Nishi's lips curled down as she squeezed her eyes shut. "That is, just, oh wauw." Opening her eyes, she was just in time to catch a view of Alsanna chugging the drink down.
Staring down at the beverage Nishi's stomach already turned as the detected odour was anything but satisfying. Closing her eyes, Nishi slightly raised the glass before placing it against her lips. The scent of the liquid caused her to shiver as the glass' content moved in her mouth. Chugging the drink, Nishi immediately lowered the glass and her features went from agony to surprise.

"Huh," slightly confused Nishi seemed to wait for something. "It is a bit too sweet for my taste. But actually, it doesn't taste that bad. Smell though?" Nishi offered the emptied glass to her student, "that is something else entirely. Bad, needless to state I believe. Bad is even to put it mildly." Pausing, Nishi tilted her head slightly. "So what? You are going to start a bar? Here?"

A look of anticipation reigned on Alsanna's expression as Nishi went for it. The hesitation, the suspense, the reveal, it was all so delectable. It was no foul moonshine, but indeed a properly designed liquor, "Like it? Good. It's a Roshesh. Well, the extra sweetness is due to a purity factor being a bit … Off." seizing the glass with the same hand that held her own, she'd put them away and then checked on the brewery. Taking a whiff and calibrating some elements, she'd nod, "Now this batch … Mmm~ I'm not a booze lass, but I do have an eye for good stuff. I haven't run a test yet, but I can FEEL an 85, maybe even 90% factor. And fuck was moulding that gelatine a shitshow." rambling on, she'd march over to the crates, as to present the various bottles, which didn't look too glorious as they were clearly repurposed from other uses, "A bar? No, no. That's how I'll end up fined and with issues. This is a pharmaceutical boutique! All with substances made to improve one's quality of life~" one of the bottles in particular was chosen. The green one, "Take this. Tsubomi's Spice. A few iterations of it existed in Akino's more rural areas." the thicker bottle was offered to Nishi, "Also known as the Poor Man's Gourmet, as it flares up taste buds to make the blandest of meals taste AMAZING. Though very addictive and corrodes the tongue's senses if overused." she cleared her throat after setting the crates back in order, "I had found a few interesting ingredients that could mimic some elements one couldn't usually find. This one in particular … Came out nice!" she then nodded, "Keep it, by the way."

Nishi wasn't sure how to respond back to her student. Despite being a former 'lover' of the alcoholic beverages, it was confusing where this was all coming from. Accepting the bottle that was offered Nishi eyed it for a second. Lowering the bottle Nishi moved her gaze back to Alsanna.
"So you are now brewing?" Nishi asked, her eyes narrowing. "I, what," raising her free hand to gesture to Alsanna to halt whatever she was doing or going to say, Nishi tried to shake the confusion from her mind. "Start with step one. What do you want to do here? And then try to elaborate on why? Cause I am starting to have a few hunches. But unless you are going to establish this 'abode' as a tavern, I am starting to really think you gave me liquid insanity."
Throwing a sideways glance at the room that Alsanna was likely using to store or perhaps brew some of the liquids, Nishi seemed visibly to consider inspecting it before placing her attention back on Alsanna.
"You can imagine how this seems right? First, doing your best to harass and basically do everything to get me off the drink. And now in essence cultivating it again and, well," gesturing to the place around them, "doing even more."

"It's a fucking potion shop, ya' dingus. I'm selling aphrodisiacs, sleeping fluids, wake-up fluids and taste drinks! The liquor is just extra." the dullest of stares was dedicated to Nishi, "And yeah, I got you to sober up. Doesn't mean we're doing some program or one sip means you're back at it. Sheesh." stepping into the renovated central room, she'd visualize her surroundings while pondering, "The Roshesh is going to be sold in an auction. I'm sure more than a few officers will band together with quite a few Gold Dragons for it, especially with the samples. It's all about making some extra dough, Nishi." nodding away, she seemed pleased about something she had visualized in the empty space she was in, "What you have is literally a taste bud amplifier. Just use a few drops on the meals you like to not get too hooked."

"Huh, really embracing the witch vibes," Nishi mumbled as she once more glanced at the bottle.Weighing the item in her hand she turned her attention back to Alsanna. "Alright." Throwing a look around at the space and seeing that her pupil seemed content, Nishi raised her free hand slightly.
"Don't get in trouble," Nishi said before she would attempt to turn towards the exit. "I will try to not enjoy this," raising the bottle of Roshesh, "not too much."

"Oh you bet I'm taking advantage of my new moniker. You try not to care, I try to capitalize!" a toothy grin too form on her visage, "But! If it wouldn't bug you …" rubbing her hands together, she'd actually follow Nishi to the exit, though not before locking the restored establishment beforehand, "Mind displaying to the brass just how nice my product is? Y'know, slip in the good word? Word of mouth? A witch is scary, but the tonics she offers are the real deal!" the enthusiasm was almost asphyxiating.

Staring at Alsanna, Nishi's usual frown came back to her brow. "You want me to do a good word, no, actually sell your stuff. Okay," Placing her free fist against her hip, Nishi shifted her weight from leg to another as she sized Alsanna up. "What is it in for me? And to make it easy for you. I don't want money. I don't need your alcohol, tonics or other supplements. What do I potentially gain from investing time and effort to spread some good word around the officers to get you customers?"

"... I'll give you shares of my inevitable franchise." she took a moment to think, and just blurted out this answer, "Yeah, I know, money, but it comes with the potential for looooads of freedom! If we make something big, not even shitty governments can tell us where we can and can't go." ambitious as ever, it looked as though she was resisting the urge to jump in place, "Business partners sounds fun, no?!"

Sighing for the many times in a row today, Nishi's eyes closed as she lowered her head. Raising her head again to look at Alsanna, Nishi's eyes seemed to search for something as she spoke up. "Business partners?" Repeating the term that Alsanna had used. "Yeah, no, you aren't selling it to me. But, I will do you a counter-offer."
Allowing a second of silence to follow, Nishi threw once more a look at the place they were in.
"If I am going to do this, I will request, nay," raising her free hand again, "demand that you follow orders. That means, no objections or snark. At least, to me or anyone ranked higher. No more trying to sneak in or getting your hands on anything that clearly but, clearly isn't yours. Do that? And we got ourselves somewhat of a deal." Extending her hand towards Alsanna, Nishi's right eyebrow slightly perked up. "Well?"

"Your loss. Money is one thing. Influence is another!" she shrugged, though it didn't stop her energy from overflowing. Taking in the counter-offer, she'd raise her hand very close to Nishi's visage, "I refuse the 'no objections' clause, as well as snark when we're on a mission with just the other two peewees." she had mellowed just a little, "You're making yourself a disservice by having me agree to being some agentic little tool. Someone has to be able to stand up to you if your judgement is compromised or faulty. But." puckering her lips, she took a few seconds before continuing, "I can agree to the rest AND, I'll agree to keeping your image intact. I'll agree to everything in front of the brass. Or the General. Or any other limpdick fuck that may be judging. But I will disagree the moment we're between us. Can't expect me to be all good over advertising. So I think this deal's more reasonable."

"Oh yeah. Money, yaay. Influence, even better," Nishi said, dragging the words out with a dull tone to mock the idea that she wanted both. Her lips pursed as she seemed to consider Alsanna's counteroffer.
"Someone standing up to me? Huh, when did that ever happen? You mean, your little tirades were… awh, that is adorable," the tone giving away that Nishi was sarcastic about it, "If it is between us, I won't care. If it is on a mission? I won't care. But on a mission or with other officers? You will be nice and quiet. Do that? And I will even become more lenient and eventually speak your mind. Eventually, perhaps, maybe… yeah, maybe."
Nodding to the extended hand, Nishi waited to see if Alsanna would shake it or not.

"Fine." she was quick on that one, "Unless it's fucking stupid. Which you're not immune to." her hand was presented though she didn't stop her gait. There was no need to make this all super official, "Oh yeah, you should probably help Yuyuko with some mental fortitude exercises. Y'know, like you did with Hikari. With the Senbon. In the arm. Yeah. I do not like relying on an unstable teammate."

Immediately Nishi's expression changed but she would eventually pull her hand back. Passing Alsanna, Nishi's free hand was gently placed on the girl's head. The gesture lasting for a solid two seconds before the jounin retracted her hand.
"Mhm, yeah," she just said, only to then shake her own head before unlocking the door. "I can see what I can do. But some people don't change. Or can be changed with a senbon in the arm," Nishi added. Opening the door she waited a second but then decided to continue onwards.
Throughout Balagan and even the surrounding camps, including Lightning-dominated areas, simple fliers with a couple of cute potion sketches were made to hang all over. The date of a grand opening was marked too, with a location revealing itself at the bottom an hour before the rendezvous. It is signed with 'Your Friendly Neighbour'. Mentions of tonics, aphrodisiacs and additives were made very clear.

Welcome to the New Moon Boutique, built and ran by yours truly, Alsanna Shirafuji. But you may also know me as The Witch, or That Bitch Doing Stuff. Today, I'm offering all of you a little tour in my boutique during this grand opening! Rejoice! Come, come!


Odd Shop

Impressed? Well, yeah, the selection isn't exactly grandiose, despite the array of bottles we have. Although, do remember, we offer special discounts if you bring your own bottle/glass/container (with a cork) as we're ultimately quite limited! We make due with what we can gather in the front, after all. (Glassmaker help wanted!) We make due with what we can gather in the front, after all. Still, it took quite a bit of effort to clear this little building of debris and fixing that ceiling. Can't say I slacked on this one, or rather my clones didn't. Heh.

Now, you might be wondering what I have on offer here. I will provide a lovely catalogue for you and your friends to venture through at your leisure, but to give a very brief summary, I provide tonics to improve your quality of life! Nothing of the medical sort, nor are they powerful opioids, barring maybe the Juice but then again you guys all drink disgustingly distilled moonshines, Ahem! So, because of their more luxurious qualities, our products are not rationed or given out. They will cost.

I can already hear some murmur it ... But how can we pay when we're in a warfront? Well! Good question. Considering we've recently had a merger with the Northerners, I thought it appropriate to have a flexible table to work with, yes? So, yes, we will be taking currencies but also trades are possible. Unfortunately we cannot put a standardized value on goods as they must be judged on an individual basis. And it is also context-sensitive, of course. Currency's liquid nature will always be favourable, I'm quite afraid. There will be no IOU's! I don't take credit. Come back when you're a little bit, Mmm, Richer!

Currency Table:

Standard Weight
Shop Weight
Standard Weight
Shop Weight

100 Copper Eggs
5 Silver Drakes
75 Units
1 Unit
1200 Copper Eggs
60 Silver Drakes
12 Silver Yen
3 Gold Dragons
1000 Units
20 Copper Eggs
20 Units
400 Copper Eggs
20 Silver Drakes
4 Silver Yen
400 Units

Always refer to this chart for appropriate pricing! Any questions? No? Good. The prices themselves usually vary depending on demand and other factors, such as region. Which means new deals can be done depending on the time and the potential bundles I can offer. Although this is a great way to transition toward New Moon's future! As we know, we're not going to stay in Balagan for long. But the Boutique will remain. You need only find any abode with the boutique's name. While the shop itself may change, we remain committed to providing the same, uncompromising service to our faithful clients.

And now, for the part most of you have been waiting for: The Products! No touching. No smelling. No getting more than fifty centimetres from the bottles. You break it, you buy it. Tenfold. And I'll tell you right now, the cheapest one gets is 100 units. Now without any further delay ...

Khasia Essence
-Indigo Ginseng

-Agros-Complex Root
-Vanilla Extract
-Distilled Water

Seeking warmth amid this cold, heartless front? Does the discomfort ruin the mood you seek out to share with your significant other? Or maybe you just want a night of reprieve with the fellow-minded? Khasia is for you, no matter your potency! Performance increased by 150%* and application is simple: Merely open the bottle in the room you share to allow Khasia to permeate your room with the essence of love~**

*New Moon is not responsible for mitigating results, experiences differ for every individual.
**Open a window after three hours of use, side effects may include erectile pains, testicular vasoconstriction, abdominal cramps and increased sweating, consult your physician before using.

Milk of Sardonia

-Saracus Bark Extract
-Poppylus Extract
-Mild Moonshine


TIRED of being unable to sleep, plagued with thoughts of the war and agonizingly homesick? Fear not, for New Moon has the Milk just for you*! Milk of Sardonia, by slowing blood flow and calming the nerves, ensures effects after five minutes of consumption, varying from relaxation to a good night's sleep**, so long as you take the right dosage! Get your sleep while you still can!

*New Moon does not guarantee the desired effects on every individual, especially with prior ailments considered.
**New Moon is not responsible for misuse of dosages, outcomes from misuse and any issues brought by prior ailments. Consult your physician before consuming.

Juice of Conquestria


-Raspberry Extract
-Powdered Chakra Metal
-Aluminium Nitrate

-Refined Rongese Royal Jelly

The enemy is always on the prowl. At night, even the walls of Balagan can't guarantee your safety. Maybe you don't trust your comrades to be at their top for this night? Then the Juice of Conquestria is for you. Up to 48 hours* of peak energy and minimal drowsiness to ensure maximum productivity** and awareness***. It's in high demand, so don't wait for a bargain!

*Contingent on size, constitution and other physical factors.

**Reactions differ, side effects can also include hallucinations, restlessness, numbness in extremities, tachycardia and chronic insomnia.
Blurred vision possible if lacking in calories. Consult your physician for more details.

Tsubomi's Spice


-Moss of Agros-Complex
-Grated Poppylus Root

The rule of standardized rations is over. Tsubomi's Spice will revolutionize gastronomy no matter WHERE you are. One drop of the spice can turn a dull and dry piece of chicken into a gourmet Teriyaki dish. Your taste buds are on FIRE* thanks to the spice, and you never get sick of it**! Stocks are very limited, so hurry up if you want to enjoy your meals for the first time in months.

*Warning: Overuse may prompt numbness of the tongue and frantic biting, leading to tongue injuries in multiple cases.
**Overuse of the spice may lead to dulled senses and a loss of taste. New Moon is not responsible for chronic ailments related to the abusive use of Tsubomi's Spice.

But last and certainly not least, we have a final product on our shelves. A limited edition and singular elixir that took this humble shopkeeper quite a journey and a week's worth of labour to produce. The fabled! The Coveted! The Rongese Roshesh Liquor!

Fermented Wild Berries
Agros-Complex Gelatine
Piece of Kyriaki Fungus Cap (<1mg)

A rare and difficult to manufacture alcohol brewed in Balagan itself. Its ingredients remain secret, but the power and taste of Roshesh is unrivaled among homemade liquors in the South. A small glass of pure Roshesh is said to be worth at least a month's wage, although New Moon cannot guarantee full purity as of now. Instead, we consider a 89% purity rating (Unique Roshesh scale based on various factors, it is 40% alcohol) to be more than acceptable for the price we propose for this SINGULAR bottle.


Many say that a normal glass of Roshesh leads to a variety of effects, but we have been able to pinpoint these consistent outcomes from reliable consumers for about 24 hours:
Similar Effects to Tsubomi's Spice

Unaffected, and sometimes slightly heightened, awareness while induced with a slight level of inebriation (Liquid Courage!)
Better blood circulation and a boon to endurance

Particularly sweet taste - All types of Roshesh are renown for their unique taste

An undisclosed side-effect revealed to the owner of the bottle
It must be noted that a single bottle is capable of yielding 5 full servings capable of producing the desired effects, although it is recommended to consume far less for celebratory purposes.

Because of the prestigious nature of this drink, we have opted to put it for auction. Indeed, bidding will also factor in traded goods for our unique, unit-based currency as to not favour those with easier access to cash. Now, we do understand that some might be sceptical, so we have prepared small shot glasses with our previous, slightly less pure batch as a test. We currently have forty of these glasses. First come, first served!

We hope to see you soon!

What's that? Yes! We do take requests! So long as what you provide is adequately thorough.
Jobs? Feel free to apply! Interviews will be swift.
Last edited:
[ The 3rd Imperial Division Encampment | Sevudia, Eastern Continent ]
[ Hylli Hyuzu | Chuunin of Team 8, member of the Axebiters ]
[ Busy times! ]

She inspected her stomach area with a broken mirror. The item wasn't large, but it provided Hylli with a way to inspect herself and groom herself more efficiently. Of course, there were ways to obtain small luxuries that weren't broken but Hylli was saving up anything she could. In order to acquire what she had in mind, she needed to resort to cheap skating ways.
Once Hylli felt content with her small grooming session, she would exit the tent. Her tentmates were already out and about their tasks. Luckily for Hylli, it was one of the rare days that she wasn't bothered with any tasks. A rare occurrence but one that she planned to make good use of. Venturing through the camp, Hylli had grown used to the bustling activities of the encampment. The luxuries of the city were nice but the odd attractive side of being in a war camp was the sense of brotherhood. Of being part of something, she mused to herself.

Walking towards one of the camp's entrances as exits, Hylli already was thinking about what she was going to do. That what she had in mind meant she had to venture out of camp - despite her companion being of no secret anymore, thanks to the stunt she had pulled in order to save Kazumo and her life.
Once Hylli had reached a clearing that seemed suitable, she sighed. Raising her right hand she saw the various subtle scars.
"So I have to draw blood every single time I want to perform a summoning? How inefficient," Hylli mumbled as she flexed her fingers slowly, a frown dawning on her brow. "Here I go, I guess," she further mumbled as well brandishing a kunai. Pricking her hand, Hylli grunted as she crouched. Sheathing her knife Hylli performed the necessary signs to perform the summoning technique. At the end of the streak, she placed the palm of her hand against the ground. Near instantly black lines crept over the ground to form intricate symbols and whatnot. Only to be followed by a large puff of smoke appearing.

A loud breathing could be detected as two large wings spread slowly. In a most theatrical fashion did the antler-crowned dragon beat his wings, driving the smoke away. The scarlet coloured eyes peered at Hylli as the large beast lowered its head. A soft blue hue appeared in Hylli's mind. The nostrils of the beast widened, releasing a loud breathing sound. The lips parted slightly, revealing the rows of sharp teeth of the beast, as if it was smirking slightly.
"Glad to see you doing rather well," Hylli said as she planted her fists against her sides. She became silent while sizing the beast up. Upon Hylli's words, the creature rose his head and appeared to take a more regal stance - as if it provoked Hylli to give it a compliment.

"You did well. No sarcasm," Hylli said, flashing a smile as she made a curt bow with her head. "You know that you're getting some fame?" The words did little to impact the dragon, who briefly looked around before fixating his attention back on Hylli. The soft hue of blue started to become yellow, causing Hylli to frown.
"Yeah, to be fair. I have yet to figure that all out. I know it is you, who does the whole," raising a hand Hylli pointed to the side of her head with an indexfinger - rotating it slowly, "colour thing in my mind. It is a bit of a shame you can't talk. But I get the feeling you sort of understand me? I just need to figure you out."

The dragon would shift, moving to lay down on its belly. A loud snort escaped the nostrils as the beast kept its gaze on Hylli as the end of the dragon's tail rattled, like some snakes do. Yawning slowly, the beast repeated the gesture of before; slightly parting its lips to reveal a somewhat terrifying smirk.

"Uhu. In any case, I did figure out your name. Somehow. Bit of a stretch but Ardvir? Cool name," Hylli began as the yellow in her mind became more intense. Raising both her hands, she gestured to the beast to calm down. His 'smirk' seemed to grow in a wide, toothed grin. "Yeah. Okay, I assume you are getting excited. No need. I just wanted to go through a few things. And well, get a change of pace."
Checking the ground, Hylli was content that the ground wasn't muddy or going to cause much trouble afterwards. Sitting on her bottom, the Hyuzu stared back at the dragon. "Just now what? I honestly am a bit lost on what to do. I could ask Hayate but I don't want to keep bothering him." Hylli thought out loud. Ardvir lowered his head to rest upon his claws, his eyes still intently staring at Hylli.

"Is it going to be like this? Me just talking our ears off?" Hylli then had to stifle back a burst of laughter. "Look at me. I am talking to a dragon. Imagine how insane this must seem to most. Aside from you being a dragon, I guess this does appear to be quite loony to anyone. Even me."
Ardvir didn't respond, just remaining where he was. Only his eyes half-closed as it yawned. Closing its powerful jaws again in a slow pace, Hylli had enough opportunity to witness the rows of deadly teeth. And catch a whiff of the dreadful smell that came from the dragon's mouth.
"Yikes. Okay, I would brush your teeth but something tells me that isn't a smart idea." Hylli said as the yellow colour in her mind shifted gradually, becoming a soft hue of blue again. The dragon closed his eyes, appearing to doze off.
"Alright. I am not that exciting. Message received. Loud and clear, jeez." Hylli mumbled as she would rise from her spot.

Closing the distance with the dragon, she would reach out. One of the beast's eyes opened slowly and merely half, to gaze upon his summoner. "Hm," Hylli's palm touched upon the scales of the beast's neck. The light-brown coloured scales seemed as hard as a rock but had certain flexibility to them - witnessing this as the breathing of the dragon made the scales go with the motion.
"Beautiful," she whispered, her hand gently moving across the scales. Wanting to take a step closer, Hylli froze when the dragon moved. Raising his head, it opened its jaw to yawn for a second time. Afterwards, it brought his head down, breathing slowly in and out.
"Hm, fair enough. I suppose a nap wouldn't hurt us."

The drills and exercises of today were brutal. Not that much surprising as their lieutenant was strict and didn't seem to be the type to approve of any belly-aching. Not that Hylli wanted to whinge in the first place. She started to notice that the exercises seemed to go better. Sure, it exhausted her nonetheless but it was nice to notice that she was getting better at it.
With the platoon being dismissed Hylli was one of the first to go about her own way. At the current moment, she didn't feel to linger around. Aside from the sergeant Dagrún and Madoc or the lieutenant, Hylli came to realise that she had to yet really bond or like others from her platoon.

Not that she imagined the others would lay awake of her opinion. And that was all fine, Hylli mused to herself. So far, her peers were rather not people she could synchronise with - both personality and drive. Heading to the other side of the training field, there were various sets of dummies, for all kinds of training. There weren't any in use, which was perfect.
Taking a small break to regain some energy, Hylli started her extra training regimen. Focusing more on technique and embedding it in her mind, she started with simple punches and hooks. Shifting to kicks and gradually mixing the two, Hylli took another break. Previous fatigue from the platoon drills was surfacing. But that was okay, she reminded herself.

Before she continued, Hylli focused on moulding her chakra. A soft sound emitted from underneath her clothes as a grey liquid covered her knuckles. Inhaling and exhaling slowly Hylli would stand in front of the practice dummy. Unleashing punch after punch, Hylli felt the vibrations going through her arms. Dust was whipped up as the punches landed with much force against the dummy. As if the two were locked in a real but odd fight, the dummy was pushed back slightly with each blow.
Landing another punch, Hylli felt exhaustion as her fist leaned against the chest of the dummy. While she attempted to pour more air into her lungs, her breathing slightly raspy, her eyes narrowed in delight. Pulling her fist back, Hylli inspected her hand. A sting could be felt as a bit of crimson taint could be witnessed from her right knuckles. Inspecting it further, it seemed to be blood.
But upon gazing at the dummy, she could see the signs of damage. The fabric had several tears that weren't present before and the straight stance of the dummy was now slightly bent - as if it wasn't able to recover from taking all the blows that Hylli had inflicted.
"Heh," slightly proud of herself, Hylli decided it was enough for today.

Sitting in front of the tent that she shared with four others, Hylli sat at a small campfire. Her tentmates were chatting away and seemed in a rather good mood. Using a wooden spoon, Hylli absentmindedly stared at the soup in her bowl. Sunken in thoughts, she wondered about several things.
Her goal was still to best Kazumo in a duel. But his abilities with Obsidian release had put him in a league that was far ahead of her current one. How was she going to beat him now? It seemed that Obsidian release allowed a lot of defensive as offensive utilities. While metal release could do the same, she had a limited amount of alloy that could be manipulated. Whereas it seemed that Kazumo's Obsidian release was something that didn't rely on the same weakness.
Frowning, she doubted that her current skill with Metal release was going to cut it. Let alone her novice rated skill with Water Release. Genjutsu perhaps? That was a rather silly thought, she reminded herself, as Kazumo was way ahead of her in that department as well.

What then? Ardvir? No. She wanted to beat Kazumo without anyone's aid. A victory with anybody or anyone aiding her would be a hallow victory. One that she didn't want.
Raising a spoonful of her soup, Hylli blew gently on the surface of the warm liquid. Putting the spoon in her mouth, she wondered about something. Then it suddenly dawned on her. Her eyes widened as the sudden warmth of the spoon send a painful sensation, causing Hylli to pull the spoon rapidly out of her mouth.

Mumbling a curse, she felt overjoyed. If she was right....

When the day came, Hylli made sure that she would have the room she required. Of course, she debated to practice outside the camp - just to be certain that Kazumo or anybody else wouldn't be able to 'spy' on her. Then again, did it matter? She felt too prideful to cower away. In fact, she would be okay if others were going to watch and waste their time as she was going to advance further!
Brandishing several of her knives, she had taken a distance from the target practices, resembling a humanoid shape.
Throwing the various knives in a wide fanned fashion, Hylli immediately formed the Seal of Confrontation. The knives started to act rather sporadic, jolting suddenly in various directions as if guided by some unseen force before each of them would land in the practice dummy.

Straightening her back, Hylli's eyes narrowed as she went to inspect how she had performed.
"Not good enough," she whispered while retrieving her weapons and returning to the previous spot. Repeating the action several times over, she noticed flaws every time. While becoming frustrated Hylli continued on and kept pushing herself. After a solid hour or so, she was leaning forward. Her gloves hands rested against her knees as she felt the cold beads of sweat running over her skin.
"Come on," she grunted, straightening her back and forcing herself to walk to the dummy. Nearly all the knives had slammed in the chest area of the target. Save it for one that was just outside the area, a bit lower at the abdomen.
"Damnit," Hylli cursed softly as she started to retrieve her knives.

She knew that Kazumo could utilize earth release - even hiding underground. Such a technique was hard to counter but not impossible. A possible way was to utilize metal to form spikes around her ankles, preventing Kazumo to drag her easily underground. But she remembered that he could just use Obsidian release to bypass such counters.
Gaining a bit of rest, Hylli whipped out a small scroll from a pouch. The small scroll detailed a few instructions passed on by Aiko on to advance water release. Interestingly enough, Aiko had made sure to mention that water release didn't just need to be direct. A good way to become a menace with a release was to be versatile; to do the unexpected without seeming obvious.

That made Hylli think. The best way to gain an upper against any sort of opponent was too bereft them of movement. Or perhaps disabling one of their senses.
Seated on the ground, Hylli stared absentmindedly ahead of herself. How could she utilize either of her chakra releases to gain such an advantage? Chewing on her lower lip, Hylli thought about it. Then a thought hit her.

A possible way was to utilize water. It was easy to spread and seeming harmless would be even better. Grinning, Hylli continued the train of thought. For could someone underground notice the presence of a potential trap by water? Possibly not. And else, it still limited their range of movement.
Getting up, Hylli rolled with her shoulders. In fact, if she could alter the water to trap a foe then that would leave them open for a barrage from a safe distance. The question was whether her knives or techniques would be able to break through the Obsidian but that was a worry for later.
Focusing on her chakra, Hylli repeated what Aiko had taught her. Holding the Rat hand sign Hylli felt her chakra starting to fluctuate within her body, rapidly going faster. Not relenting to her physical exhaustion, Hylli kept focusing further on the sensation building up in her body. Inhaling slowly, she already started to adjust the chakra building up in her body.
Spitting a small volume of water out, it felt different than before. As the liquid splashed on the ground, Hylli would ignore the thought that it was a weird thing to just spit out some sort of water and then be curious about it. Crouching close to the edge of the liquid, Hylli inspected it as good as she could. Something was off but was what she had desired?

Deciding to test the 'waters', she dipped a finger and felt how the liquid gently attempted to make the retraction more difficult.
"Excellent." Hylli whispered, deciding that she had something to work on.
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[ Sevudia | Jinsan Fortress ]
[ Hikari Torimoto | Chuunin of Team 11 / Hirashima ]

Hikari starts experiencing life as a liason in the Jinsan Fortress, and begins learning a bit about the people there.

A week had passed since the rest of the team left, and Hikari was allowed to remain in the fortress. She was given a place to stay in one of the barracks in the outermost ring, sleeping together with the local forces. It was already better than what she had hoped for, getting accommodations alongside the normal troops, who she learned went by Qinjing. She was also consistently escorted by one soldier, with the soldiers having a rotation of who kept watch over her.

The first day, Hikari just walked around and looked, with the soldiers giving her brief explanations about a few things, mostly about where certain facilities were, where she was and wasn't allowed to go, and also let her know what a couple of words meant. It wasn't much, but it was a beginning.
During the second day, Hikari asked if there was any way she could help. After some consideration, she was allowed to come and help with delivering some supplies from the storehouses to the kitchens. It was quite clear to the chuunin that they were keeping a close eye on her. And most of them still seemed reluctant to talk to her, but no one actively avoided her or was hostile towards her. They mostly seemed unsure of her. Which she understood, she was a stranger to them as much as they were to her. Something she had definitely hoped to change.

During the next days, Hikari was allowed to continue helping out. And while she helped, mostly with delivering supplies from storehouses to different places around the first, outer ring. And she was allowed to work for a longer time, during which she started to get to know some of the other common men and soldiers that helped out with these tasks. Their names, which she practiced in order to say properly. Initially, they didn't help her out with pronouncing their names, but as the days went on, they slowly started correcting her.
It was during these days that she started to learn a bit more basic Rén, with the help of both the soldiers that were looking after her, and from the men she was working with.

As the sun rose over the fortress, Hikari got up rather quickly. It was not an issue of lack of sleep or anything of that sort, rather a matter of habit. There was also the fact that numerous others in the barracks also woke up early in the morning, while those that served during the nights were just arriving back, to have breakfasts or wash up before going to get their own rest.

Once she left the room, Hikari came face to face with one of the two alternating soldiers that looked after her that did know Taika. There were not many Taika speakers in the area, and at the very least, it seemed like most that did know, were soldiers themselves. Most commoners in this outer ring seemed to only know Rén.
Offering the soldier a polite nod with her head, Hikari started to walk alongside him to the dining hall "Good morning Han." She said in Rén, one of the few basic phrases she had learned so far. Having heard it so much, she asked about it, and learned how to say that, along with 'good afternoon' and 'good evening'.

"Good morning, Torimoto." He responded in kind in Rén, before switching to Taika "I heard that you performed even more work yesterday than the day before that. Are you expecting to be rewarded for working hard?" Han asked, as they moved to stand in the line for breakfast.

"Not really. I'm just trying to earn my living here, seeing how your superiors agreed to let me stay. Sitting idly just doesn't feel right for me." Hikari said, as the line slowly moved forward, before finally getting a plate of food. Despite Hikari's attempt to greet the person handing the food with a good morning in Rén as well, he seemed reluctant to respond in kind, instead opting to just give her the plate and call out "Next" in Rén.

Once Han got his plate, Hikari walked with him to one of the tables, sitting down, with Han sitting across from her. A couple other soldiers came and sat on one side of Han, and the two began talking with Han about something Hikari couldn't understand yet. All she understood was a couple of 'yes', 'no' and a 'what', but missed a lot of context. They spoke fast, so it was hard for her to follow properly yet. And they certainly did not seem eager to bring her into the conversation.

After she finished, Hikari waited until Han finished his breakfast. His two mates seemed to head off before him, and Han turned to look at her, his more casual expression turning back to neutral one "If you're finished, then we can head out. There are a couple of places that need materials brought to them from the storehouses. Kitchens, yet again, and one of the smithys." He stated, before standing up and waiting for her to follow suit.

Nodding to what he said, Hikari stood up and began following him. After putting the dishes away, the two of them started to walk out of the barracks. The sun rose high enough to get the outer ring walls to cast a modest shadow over much of the area, but not cover it entirely.
As they approached the storehouses, Hikari spotted a face she came to know during the times she started delivering supplies around the outer ring. Wen, the day manager of one of the storehouses, and the one she got most of the orders from. He was responsible for the storehouse that contained much of the edible goods. And he seemed to be talking with someone else she did not know.

Stopping next to Wen, Hikari offered a polite nod "Good morning Wen." She said in Rén. Wen was always serious when he heard Taika, but he seemed to respond more kindly to when she spoke Rén.

And it seemed to work as well today, as Wen turned to look at her, nodding in return "Good morning, Torimoto." He responded to her, before turning and performing a quick verbal exchange with Han, and then looking back at Hikari "Good job yesterday. Good job." He said, sticking to more basic words, seemingly so Hikari could understand him despite him talking in Rén.

"Thank you." Hikari said in Rén, before turning to look at Han, and then back to Wen "Work for today?" She asked after a moment, hoping she didn't just make a mistake with the word 'work'.

Wen nodded, beginning to lead Hikari and Han into the storehouse "Twelve crates. By noon. Red mark first." He stated, glancing at her to see if she was following his incredibly simple instructions, before looking at Han and repeating them in a more proper fashion to him.

Han nodded, before watching as Wen walked away from them, in order to give orders to a few other workers that had just arrived "Twelve crates total. Start with the ones marked in red. You need to finish by noon. Afterwards, it will be lunch time." He explained in Taika to her once Wen was out of range "And then I'll answer a couple more questions, since I'm sure you got more." He added.

Hearing Han's words, Hikari nodded. She did manage to understand Wen, but it was good to know that she understood it correctly. And the further incentive presented by Han only added to Hikari's own motivation. Moving to grab the first crate, she picked up one of two red marked ones, which had a paper stuck on them, with brief writing in Rén. While she hadn't learned to read anything written yet, she did know one of the words meant 'barracks', as the note served to indicate where to bring the crate to, and repeated on all the notes.
Handing the note to Han, he went over it, before letting her know which barracks it was, and began leading her to the barracks in question.

All twelve crates contained potatoes, and all of them were filled to the bream and weighing quite a bit. It didn't help that the first two crates, the ones marked in red, were delivered to barracks kitchens a fair distance away from the storehouse. And Hikari made a few stops along the way to catch her breath.

Once she was finished, about three hours later, Hikari leaned against the wall outside of the
storehouse. Drinking some water from a canteen, before turning to look at Han, who simply returned a neutral gaze, before looking away. Turning her gaze in the same direction, Hikari saw Wen was approaching them.

Looking at Hikari, Wen offered another nod "Good job today too, Torimoto. Good worker." He told her in Rén, before approaching Han, whispering a couple of things into his ear. Looking at Hikari again, he turned away and went back inside the storehouse.

Han followed Wen's back until it vanished, before he finally turned to Hikari again "Hm. Seems he wants to see you keep up the good work, and maybe he'll ask for you to work exclusively for him. Provided you also learn more basic Rén, including some reading." He stated, shaking his head a bit "But don't get your hopes up or anything. He doesn't get to choose if you'll be able to learn any reading or writing. You're lucky enough that we're teaching what you learned so far."

Slowly standing up, Hikari nodded "I know. I'm not taking anything I learn here lightly." She said, before stretching her arms up "And I want to make sure I properly show I appreciate everything you teach me. That's why I want to keep working and helping out whenever and however I can." Hikari stated, as she lowered her arms.

Looking at her, Han seemed to contemplate something for a moment, before gesturing to her "Come." was all he said, before he started walking alongside her. He kept glancing over at her frequently, as his duty was to not let her roam around freely or interfere with other activities that she was not approved to delve into.
After about ten minutes of walking, with the sun almost directly above them, Han came to a stop. They now stood in front of one of the walls of the second ring "You are still not approved to enter there. And honestly, I can't think of any reason they would ever let you in there. But with that said, if you can get a storehouse manager to like your work ethics, then who knows. You might manage to impress the right people eventually." Han said, turning to face Hikari.

Looking at the large wall, Hikari was definitely curious about what lay beyond there. But, she didn't want to push for anything. Work and earn their trust. Until the soldiers themselves started to trust her more, she had no reason to look for anything there.
Turning her sight to Han, she shrugged "Well, I would be lying if I said I wasn't curious, but right now I just want to focus on the people I already get to interact with. Not things that are beyond my reach." Hikari told him.

"Hm." Was the response from Han, and the two of them remained there in silence for another moment, before Han began escorting Hikari away, heading back to their barracks.
Once both sat down by a table with their lunches, the two of them started eating. Another soldier came and informed Han of something, before moving along, seemingly informing a number of soldiers in the dining hall of similar things. Looking at Hikari, Han sighed "Seems I need to go replace someone in one of the towers after lunch. So you've got about twenty minutes before Bao comes to replace me." He told her.

Finishing her bite, Hikari nodded once. Bao didn't speak Taika as well as Han did, and he was younger. So asking him some questions made her feel like the answers were lacking in certain aspects.
"Okay. Yesterday I learned a bit about why you keep fighting. How you have the strong belief that this fortress, and everyone in it, are one of the last lines of defence against the Rongese. How the fact you manage to stand tall despite everything keeps giving you hope that you can keep the status quo, despite the large difference in numbers." Hikari summarized, looking at Han to see his reaction, before continuing "How long have you been fighting for, that it got to this point?" She asked.

With the question asked, Han's expression turned into a more serious one. He seemed to contemplate something for a moment "No one is exactly sure how long we've been fighting for. I know that I am, at the very least, a third generation of soldiers from my family, but that is as far as I know. I've not known my own grandparents, but I go off what my father told me."
His eyes were fixed on Hikari as he kept talking "Most, if not all the Qinjing in the fortress are in the same position. Generations that know nothing but fighting to survive. To live another day. It isn't a type of life I'd wish on anyone, but it is the only kind of life we've known." Han said with a bitter tone "My own kid is already learning how to swing a sword, and he is not even five summers old. He'll be expected to start working around the outer ring by the time he is ten, if not earlier." He said, a fist forming against the table.

Letting the silence fall between them for a moment, neither continued eating, and Hikari seemed to wonder if she should even ask anything else after that question.
"You're still young. Why did you come here? To a battlefield that has no end in sight?" Han asked her, the question slightly surprising Hikari. So far, Han hadn't asked her anything of this sort before. She only asked him about a few different things.

"It didn't really seem like a choice to me. I serve the Jirian Authority as part of its military. It was either come to Sevudia, with my team, and continue to serve, or drop out of the military. And despite some things that I went through, that definitely shook me up, I still see myself as someone who has a debt to repay. One that I probably could never repay, not in my lifetime. So, I'll continue serving as long as I can still serve." Hikari started answering, only to see Han shake his head.

"No type of debt is worth going to an endless battle for. You'll only condemn yourself to see nothing more in sight. Only battles and death ahead, of enemies and allies alike." Han stated, stopping as he noticed Hikari was looking at him with a serious stare.

"Two hundred lives. Two hundred men, lost to the sea, because of the actions of my teammate. Because I hadn't done anything to stop her. Those lives are on me. That's my debt." Hikari explained, before continuing "And young or not, I came here with many more men, and we do not see it as an endless battle. Lengthy, maybe. But not endless. The fact is, there is the Fortress of Balagan, which was formerly occupied by the Rongese. And we managed to take it."
Taking a deep breath, Hikari's expression changed back to a more neutral one "I hope that your kid won't need to live the same way you and your parents and grandparents lived."

Han kept his eyes on Hikari as she gave the rest of her answer. After she finished, Han put his hands together in front of his chest "Still somewhat naive, it seems. But, at least it seems you've got your motivation to continue pushing on. That's important." He said, before lowering his hands.
"We still have a bit of time. Got any other questions?" Han asked her.

Surprised that he offered to answer another question, Hikari pondered on it for a moment "I've heard a term in Rén that I don't know. Liúwáng. What does it mean? People mentioned it in different manners."

Upon hearing the name, Han sighed "Of all the things to ask." He muttered, shaking his head a bit "The name itself means 'Exiles'. They are elusive, and you won't find them in our midst. They're capable of using some extraordinary abilities. Best not to ask about them, as people have different opinions about them." He explained, without delving any further into the matter.
Standing up, Han gestured for Hikari to do the same "Let's start heading to where we'll be meeting Bao. There are still a few more minutes, but I want to be there early."

Nodding, Hikari stood up and started following Han. They didn't walk too far, only going into the main corridor of the barracks and stopping by the entrance doors.
"If you don't mind me asking, what's the name of your kid?" Hikari decided to ask. She doubted she could ask to meet him at any point, but since Han himself mentioned them, she felt it might be okay.

"Hm." Han didn't look at Hikari, glancing around to see if Bao was in sight "His name is Cai." He answered after a moment of silence, before glancing at Hikari "And that's as far as I'm willing to answer about him. And the end of your question quota from me for today." Han stated, before looking back around the corridor, spotting Bao. Whistling, Han caught Bao's attention, who quickly rushed to the two.
Han went over some things with Bao, who nodded quickly a few times, before Han turned to look at Hikari "Don't let me hear you gave him any trouble." He told Hikari, before heading out of the barracks.

Nodding, Hikari watched as Han took his leave, to take his place wherever he was instructed to go.
Turning her gaze to Bao, she offered him a polite nod "Good afternoon Bao." She told him in Rén, before the two of them headed out of the barracks and towards the next bit of work that Hikari had for the day.
[ The 3rd Imperial Division Encampment | Sevudia, Eastern Continent ]
[First Meeting - Collab w/ @Lesli]
Aiko and Homura meet officially for the first time, and they get to know each other a little better]​

Seated in her own spacious tent, Aiko was just done listening to various verbal reports. The tasks and operations assigned to her regiment were going as per planned. The scattered enemy forces were given no chance to regroup to form a real threat to them. The arrival of Northerners was a surprise but Aiko didn't deem that a development she had to occupy herself with.
One of the quartermasters would inform her that a new batch of recruits had arrived since a day or two. There were small gaps left by those that had fallen in battle or were still too wounded to return to active duty but Aiko wasn't entirely satisfied with the new stream of reinforcements. While the majority lived up to what she deemed good for reinforcements and replacements, the report that a few genin fresh of the Academy were assigned to her regiment was anything but an improvement to her mood.

Instructing the quartermaster to send one of the genin to her tent, Aiko would release a heavy sigh once she was alone - save it for the few silent guards inside the tent that seemed more akin to statues than human beings. The thick material of her tent dampened the sounds of outside as well preventing much of the cold to creep inside. Still, she shivered but that wasn't because of the cold. Glancing at her own pale complexion, it was nothing but a grim reminder of what was happening.
Deciding to dedicate some time to writing some letters, Aiko would start to hum a tune that was stuck in her mind. Maybe it would do her some good to have a small walk around the camp later.

Homura hated being the new guy in the 11th Brigade. After his conversation with Lieutenant Cho, he went on to do his assigned task for the day, but being so young and a recent graduate from the academy - many of the seasoned veterans recognized his freshness. They would throw tasks on to him, menial tasks like fetching them a fresh jug of water, taking an item from point A to point B, and other things that weren't his responsibility. He would grind his teeth and do what was told of him, but it was never done without a smart remark he would say under his breath when he was out of earshot.

Despite the unassigned tasks thrown onto him, he felt much better than he did on the day he first arrived. The lieutenant calmed his mind, she helped him understand that despite his own wariness and reluctance he wasn't alone. He was sitting on his cot, removing the laces of his boots when a tall man who wasn't a resident of his tent walked in. The brief opening of the entrance let the cold air in, and sent chills down his spine.

"Unkei, Homura?" The soldier spoke in a baritone that didn't seem to belong to him, "Come with me please."

Homura realized it wasn't so much a question, more so an order. He nodded, gritted his teeth, and retired his shoes. It was going to be a long day. He grabbed a cloak to keep himself warm from the cold air, and followed the Quartermaster out of his tent and silently towards another. The Quartermaster held the entrance open for him and when he walked in he was a little surprised at how many men stood guard inside the tent. They stood completely still, only their eyes moved to stare at him. On the opposite end of the entrance was a red-headed woman, sitting behind a big desk. He had no clue who she was, but he assumed she was someone important because of all the people in the tent - little did he know she was his squad leader.

He bowed slightly, "Good Afternoon," He stood up straight, noticing how pale the woman was.

The woman's green eyes observed Homura. No thought or emotion was betrayed by the almost porcelain complexion as a silence briefly plagued the interior, after Homura's entrance and greeting.
The fingers of her hands were woven in front of her, resting on the desk. Various maps were laid out in a chaotic order that hinted that some planning and learning the region's terrain was an occupation of the red-headed woman.

"Homura of the Unkei clan," the woman spoke Taika near flawless, only a slight hint betraying that her heritage wasn't Taika cultured. A friendly smile crept on the woman's lips as she gestured him to come closer. "Please, be at ease. I am the brigade's general, Aiko Cho-Hon. A pleasure to meet you."
Allowing a pause to follow, she seemed to search for something but whatever was going through Aiko's mind stayed hidden from sight nor did she seem willing to voice it.
"I have been informed you are one of the newest brave souls to reinforce the 11th Imperial brigade? But according to some report, also and I quote," her eyes lowered her gaze down to a small note, just at the right side of her hands. "To be assigned underneath the care and leadership of Team 8."

Her gaze was lifted, back at Homura. "That would be my team. Of course, the circumstances are a little bit," an apologizing smile found its way to her features, "difficult, as you have come to understand. I take it that you have already met your direct officer? But please," she unlocked one of her hands and gestured to him with a subtle signal, inviting him to speak, "do tell me about yourself. I can't remember the last time I have heard something else than this damned war we are fighting."
Raising a hand, motioning to Homura to wait, Aiko spoke something in a different tongue. It sounded short and clearly indicated an instruction as one of the guards suddenly moved. The soft sounds of his armour being moved by the guard's motion would be the only audible response to whatever Aiko had said. The guard grabbed one of the chairs and placed it near the desk, clear for Homura to take a seat. Afterwards, the guard would take the previous post again and remain silent.

A sincere smile grew across his own lips at the sound of her speaking Taika. It was almost perfect but he sensed a slight accent behind the words, mispronunciation of minor phrases. He didn't mind at all, she knew who he was and how to speak his language, and in the matter of a couple days something so minor meant a lot to him. He could count on both his hands the amount of people he met that could actually speak Taika, "Yes Ma'am, that is me." He bowed again, and stood at ease once she commanded it.

He listened intently as she introduced herself, making note that she was another member of the great Cho clan. Those strong, powerful people that spoke in harsh and short phrases. A respectable group of people, yet fearsome. She seemed friendly though and as he approached her he thought how she seemed much nicer than the Lieutenant initially did, "The pleasure is all mine, General Cho."

"Yes, that's right," He nodded, " But I haven't been able to meet my Squad leader or fellow squad mates as of yet. It's been a little chaotic."

Their eyes met as she looked up from the note, her green eyes met his grey hues and he wondered to himself if she was analyzing him just as he thought the Lieutenant was. But he failed to hide the shock that hit him when she told him she was also his Squad leader. His shoulders relaxed, and his smile broadened, "Well that's quite a surprise, I would've never guessed. Well-"

He paused as she spoke in another language and one of the statue-like men he forgot about pulled a chair up for him. He recognized the language almost immediately, if it wasn't obvious enough, as Chonobi. He thanked the man in the Chonobi language, one of the few words he actually learned, despite butchering the phrasing. He took a seat, cleared his throat and folded his hands on the table.

"Where should I start," He wondered out loud, "My name as you know is Homura Unkei, many in Konohagakure know me as Hidami or Mura but you can call me anything you'd like. I come from a noble family of the Unkei and take honor in carrying the Unkei name. I graduated a couple weeks ago, and turned Sixteen this year. I graduated near the top of my class in Taijutsu and Genjutsu but I'm sure that all of that is known from whatever information was passed onto you," He smiled briefly and then his expression stiffened, becoming almost cold.

"I grew up without a mother, she was sick and passed away when I was young. My father is a prideful man, and did things that put us in bad blood with my clan. Because of that, I grew up to have many ambitions. Perhaps some are a little more out of reach than others. I want to bring pride to my clan, and rekindle relationships between my family and the head of the nobility. I want to master my abilities of using fire. Sometimes I find that it can be a little...uncontrollable. And I want to be a top tier Shinobi for the Empire."

His features softened a bit, he relaxed into his seat, and pulled the cloak closer to his body, "I hate the cold, so this encampment hasn't been the best time for me. But I'm a soldier now, so that really doesn't matter much. Because of my age and recent graduation from the academy, many of the Taika-speaking men around here see me as a water boy of sorts. It's quite annoying, but makes me eager for battle. I want to show them I'm as much a warrior as the rest of them, in spite of the lack of experience. I've worked my whole life for this- so being looked down upon tends to strike a nerve."

"I'm sorry if I tend to talk too much," He softly chuckled and watched her closely, "What about you General? I would like to learn more about my Sensei."

Aiko leaned back in her seat as she listened to Homura. She stifled soft laughter when Homura attempted to thank the gesture in Chonobi. Not that she would deem it necessary to correct him - the mere attempt was a nice touch on its own.
"Indeed, chaos is a state of affair that is quite dominant here, I fear." Aiko mumbled, though audible enough for Homura.
As Homura began to speak about himself, Aiko remained calm and silent. She made mental notes but opted to give him the stage to say whatever he wanted to share with her. On occasion, Aiko nodded her head to indicate that he had captivated her attention. It was certainly intriguing to hear that he was an Academy student that had graduated at the top of his class regarding taijutsu and genjutsu. For a moment, she felt the need to move the conversation outside to test him out. But her current fatigue wouldn't allow her even to consider it as a real option.

"I see. So, a student that has an aptitude for taijutsu and genjutsu," a smile grew on Aiko's lips. "Good. I can certainly aid in those fields." She started as she considered how to respond to his question, only for a chuckle to escape her lips.
"Ironically, I can relate to some points. To not bore you entirely to death, I know it is like to grow up without a parent. And I was having big ambitions of my own, regarding clan and whatnot. Also," her features shifted, displaying displeasure and annoyance, "I have also been the target of such treatment when I was a genin. I fear it is just with the rank. Though bear with it, for now. Despite the lack of luxuries and the risks, you may find yourself enough work and experience to soon show what you're worth."
Aiko raised a hand to perform a dismissive wave, "And not to worry. I find life in a military encampment far from pleasant as well. It used to be a nice pace of change from living in Konohagakure. But the numerous facilities back home are something I do miss. Anyhow, let's see," Aiko briefly paused as she considered what more to tell about herself.

"I specialise in Genjutsu and close-ranged combat. Both unarmed as armed. I haven't mastered or delved much into fire release techniques. But not to worry, I can still help you with some basics and set up you with someone that knows some advanced techniques." Aiko replied, "You may even work together with one of your squadmates and platoon members, who may attempt how to control master fire release techniques better. As well genjutsu and taijutsu." Flashing a smile, Aiko enlisted another short pause.
"Other than that, I am not used that much more to talking about myself. But if you have specific questions, I would be more than happy to try to answer them."

He could feel himself bubbling up with excitement as she told him she could help him develop his already advanced skills. It made him wish, despite never admitting it outloud, that they wouldn't be encamped and instead they'd meet at normal terms where he could learn more. But he made sure to push that thought out of his head, thinking like that could only lead to trouble, and if he were to be involved in battle he knew he'd have to be focused. He found that he had to constantly remind himself that he was fighting a real war that could lead to real casualties, including his own. His shinobi journey could end sooner than he'd like, he has to keep his focus.

He listened to her speak earnestly, and leaned forward in his chair. He usually looked older for his age, but under the light he looked boyish with captivation. How good it felt knowing his experience wasn't something unknown to his superiors, though he had a feeling that was the case. It would make sense that the same men that treated him like a water boy, were too once treated that same way. He also agreed with the change of scene. Unlike many of his temporary counterparts that journeyed with him to this strange eastern land that he only read about in textbooks, he enjoyed it. He never left the Empire in his entire life, and for the first time he was seeing things he read about in person. The boat ride could have been smoother, but despite the fits of vomit he enjoyed that for what it was. But there was a part of him that was still a little homesick.

He sat back once she finished speaking, "Well General, the first thing I can think of is what would you prefer I call you? I'm unsure if you'd like for me to call you General Cho for the rest of our time working together," He said this with a polite chuckle, "I'd also like to know a little bit more about my squadmates, are they also a part of this platoon? I assume I'm the most recent graduate, I don't think any of my classmates from the academy were assigned to the same squad. I'm looking forward to training sessions with you, and the others once things become a little more...normal."

"Also," His cheeks reddened slightly, and he scratched the back of his head. He looked around the room at the soldiers inside the tent, and leaned closer to her as if his question would offend them, "I know it's been only a couple days, but is there anyone who can teach me how to speak Chonobi? I'd assume that if we end up on the battlefield, there's going to be a strong language barrier. I'm pretty good with learning new things so the basics could be good enough."

Aiko considered for a moment what the best way was to address her. A most casual shrug followed as she gave her response. "Lady Cho or anything respectful will do. I suppose, don't worry too much over it."
The question that followed from Homura didn't require Aiko to ponder either for too long. "They are, yes. I believe that Hylli Hyuzu and Yoshikuni Sadako are both your team members. Though another pupil of mine, Kazumo Scylding, has taken up to train and oversee some of Hylli's training. Hmm," Aiko once more paused as she mulled over how to describe the other members of the official Team 8.
"Kazumo Scylding is a jounin but still a pupil of mine. He isn't an official team member but more of additional reinforcement. He is very advanced in archery, genjutsu and has more tricks up his sleeve. Quite a bookworm and a grumpy one at that," a faint smile crossed Aiko's lips, "but even if it is hard to win his trust, he is a loyal ally." Then Kuni came up in Aiko's mind.
"Yoshikuni Sadako is from Amegakure. She is a tad eccentric and has yet to mature a bit more than most," Aiko said, deciding that being truthful would do not as much damage as sugarcoating the truth, "she is a chuunin. Her skills are invested in earth-release as taijutsu, and I believe she wants to specialise in sensory ninjutsu," Aiko finished regarding Kuni. "Hylli of the Hyuzu clan is a bit complex regarding skills. She specialises in genjutsu and uses her Metal Release in interesting ways. She seems to be also quite good in close-ranged combat. I haven't managed to get to know her too well. Well, due to the circumstances we find ourselves in. But she seems very polite and well-mannered. Quite eager to improve and develop herself."

The request of Homura to be taught Chonobi made Aiko chuckle and reply. However, her words were once more in Chonobi, the meaning would be lost on Homura. "Of course, that is what I said. Your platoon will teach you Chonobi. Don't fret too much, though. Taika is plenty spoken in the camp due to the other Imperial brigades being present. Quite some Yakimara can be taught if you are interested in that later." Was her answer. "It will cost some time to get a good understanding. Most newcomers that aren't of Chonobi stock or clans tend to be taught the instructions first, as a base. From there you will likely be learning more, expanding your understanding and ability to speak and listen."

He nodded, "Got it, Lady Cho," he made a mental note of the respective name. Listening intently as she listed off his fellow squadmates, he tried to think over whether any of the names she said sounded familiar. Off the top of his head he couldn't remember any of them distinctly, and one of them he was sure he didn't know of considering she was from Amegakure.

"Another book lover huh?" He smiled softly, "And a metal release? I've heard of it before, but I've never seen anyone do it in person. That would be interesting to see. I'm looking forward to meeting all of them in person." He was also looking forward to getting to know them better, picking their brains to develop his own abilities. Especially Kazumo, who seems to be the highest ranked of all of Lady Cho's pupils.

As for the language barrier, he was satisfied with the answer she had for him. Over the last couple of days that he's been here, he's relaxed plenty. The tension seemed to be released from his body, and all that was left over was the small levels of anxiety he felt of getting his first taste of battle.

"Understood Lady Cho," He nodded and grinned, "I'm looking forward to our work together, very much so. Seems like I couldn't have been paired up with anyone better."

It seemed that Homura was content with how this meeting had gone. And in all fairness, so did Aiko. Folding her hands together she would provide a short nod before replying in turn. "Good. You can find them all in the platoon you're placed within. But I will see if I can't organise a good ol' team training. It feels like ages since I have done such a thing." She half-thought out loud. "For now, I would just try to continue to settle. You'll soon enough be assigned to join missions and the like."

"Yes ma'am, it was a pleasure meeting you Lady Cho," He stood up and took a slight bow. He made his way out of the tent and back into the cold camp, where life continued to bustle away and all he could think of was of the journey to come.