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Nazari Suta
Jounin-Sensei, Team 15, Amegakure

Nazari stood in the middle of her house, with the profiles of the Genin she would take on pinned to a blank board on her wall. The Genin she had now, they were interesting and yet maybe held some potential. They could be someone if they wanted to, or maybe they would choose to stay on the sidelines. "I hope they don't mind missing a few hours of sleep," Nazari said to herself. She had sent a message to everyone in her and Kazens team, they were to meet at night. To be specific, they were to meet at Midnight and they had better be prepared for a hard start to their training or else they won't survive day one. The message had specified for them to all meet at the Tea Shoppe, it was expensive but she would pay for them all besides, she couldn't train them properly if they were tired.

Her thoughts drifted to Kazen, who would mostly like not show up or be late. There were times where she doubted Kazens ability to be a Jounin-Sensei. This was one of them, she was immature and irresponsible but the Amekage had given her a chance. Kazen could make it as special Chuunin, but lacked the maturity and constitution a Jounin needed. It was one of the reasons that she was placed as a secondary Jounin, to make sure she had a good start on learning how to be responsible. As much as she didn't like admitting it to anyone, Kazen especially, she had a very small soft spot for the crazy Jounin. And Nazari hoped that she could handle being dependable in the team and for her own sake, didn't drive Nazari to insanity.
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Hisoka Uchiha

At the Uchiha Estate

There was more tension in the room than Hisoka had felt for quite a while. Not since he had come back from the war a disappointment at least. Behind the paperdoor servants were running around to get everything ready for the big event, but inside everything was quiet. It was a quietness that clawed at your throat and squeezed it, making it difficult to speak, but the two men inside pushed on dispite the difficulties. Hisoka knew his father's subbornness, he knew his own shortcomings and yet this discussion was still going. Somewhere in his mind he knew that Meisa wanted him at the palace, but he couldn't leave. Not with the current discussion unresolved.

"- and then there certain business affairs we need to converse about. As Hokage you are, of course, interested in that."

Hisoka sighed. It was his father's favorite thing, calling him by his title. It was an accomplishment for him. His son was Hokage and should be called that. All. The. Time. If his father knew that he had disposed of this title way back in the beginning days of his rulership of Konoha, the man would kill him. But not after lecturing him some more. And throwing him off the clan again.

"Though maybe you should do well to remember that you are an Uchiha too. Not just Hokage."

"Father, we have been over this."

"And you are not listening to me. You are deaf and blind for the needs of your clan."

Hisoka's jaw tightened. Sure, because the clan had done so much for him. Because his father had always been so nice to him. No, he had to think more of the needs of his clan. His father rambled and rambled.

"A Hon on the throne. We just got rid of them finally and now you are putting them back into power. You could have picked any Uchiha kid. He would have been able to accomplish the same things. And we would have no Hon to deal with."

And he would have been your puppet, Hisoka thought.

"And the Hon is not even a complete Hon." Shozo continued. "Jiro has done the research you are trying to hide. That girl is not even completely a Hon. You know what she is?"

Hisoka did know, his father had mentioned it before, but that wouldn't matter. He would tell it again anyway.

"She is a Sato too. It is even in her name. And do you know where Sato's are from?" Shozo shot his son a very cold look as he turned away from the window where he had been standing. "Sato's are a clan from the Land oF Lightning. So not only is she a Hon, but she not even a full Land of Fire citizen. And you can bet on it that the people there will know. Soon her whole family will be here battling for the right to the throne. And then everything we have fought for will be gone. And I will "not have that. I have worked too hard. "

Hisoka's patience was wearing thin. He knew the objections. He knew the issues with the new changes and he knew the reason why he himself was not sitting on that throne today. It would not be good for the world if he was there. "If you have so many objections then don't go." Hisoka said, finally done with this whole thing. He got up from his position on the floor where he had been drinking tea.

"Don't go? You know perfectly well that that is not possible. We would be the laughing stock of the village. Not attending is the same as being removed from everything. Left out. No. I will attend. And I will count on you to be at my side. You owe your family some respect. Show the world that you are an Uchiha at heart. The Uchiha's still rule Konoha. That then at least is something we can hold on to. Something we should show." Shozo's tone was just as cold as all the previous times he had spoken, but there was pride in his words now. If anything Shozo valued the Uchiha above all. It was admirable in a way, annoying in another. Obnoxious.

"If that was all, then I politely remove myself. I have other matters to attend."

Shozo waved his son away as if he was nothing more then the ten year old brat that he had thought fire jutsu. As the Hokage reached the door Shozo spoke up once more.

"Oh and I expect you dance with the Lady Harumi tonight. This might be a perfect time to make your engagement known."
A 'Royal' Meeting, green
A collab between Roran Hawkins and Fieryfly
The Royal Palace

Kensuke meets up with Kaori and finds his sister in the amassing crowd of dignitaries. He introduces Kaori to his sister and then learns of an event that shakes him to the core.

There she was! He shamed himself in his mind for thinking she looked beautiful in the traditional kimono, and despite his mood a small smile formed on his lips.He thought of how much she would've been swearing about wearing such an antique and unfashinable piece of clothing if it wasn't for the formality of this event. Reading her bodylanguage with his dojutsu his thoughts seemed confirmed. It was not the comfortable and confident pose Kaori usually adopted. The party-goer was humbled by a party of Konoha's leaders.

"Good morning milady!" He said on a joking tone, obviously amused by her hidden discomfort. He had to admit she was hiding it well.

Kaori whipped her head around when she heard the greeting. The ornaments in her hair tinkled lightly as they moved along with her short black hair and hit her cheek. She scrowled at him, but then eased her face. This was not time to joke around. This was a very official party. A party she had never thought she would attend. And Kensuke had been late. Later than her at least and that made her uncomfortable. She wasn't used to high class parties. Hell, she wasn't used to high class anything. But here she was. In a kimono: a piece of clothing that prohibited all movement and which only use was to put her more on display. "Good morning... my lord." She replied as she walked closer to him. Her eyes moved over his attire. "You look... dandy," she said. "Is this something you do often? Dine with all the higherups of the world?"

"Not quite every day, but yeah. Occasionally I have to." He replied, offering his arm and awaiting her to accompagny him. "Don't try to use special language or anything. Most of the people present here will be kages of smaller villages, clanheads and Daimyos of all sizes and shapes. Only the later speak fancily. Just pretend that you're speaking to the Hokage and be polite and respectful." He explained to her as they went, fearing that she would continue using such fancy and uncommon words as 'dandy'. Actually, perhaps it would be better if she wouldn't speak at all, thinking of how frank Kaori could be. However, saying that would mean a death sentence for him, and he couldn't quite afford that either.

"Oh yeah, 'cause I speak to the Hokage every day." "Exactly."

Kaori sent a glare Kensuke's way, but nevertheless accepted his arm. The sleeve of her light green kimono wrapped around his upper arm and she pulled herself closer to him. Her eyes shot around. So many people. So much... pressure. What if she messed up and put Kensuke in a difficult position? What if she wasn't polite enough? So many what-ifs, but she didn't voice any of them. Instead she started about trivial matters. "My friends are going to be so jealous," she told him. "In fact they already are, I mean I met the Empress. In a swordshop. And she talked to me. How cool is that?"

"Not quite. Knowing Her Majesty she would probably throw her shoes at you if you acted too subservient." He joked, leading her towards the party. He still couldn't quite get the entire thing, and he still didn't trust a thing of it. He sincerely doubted that he could in all of a sudden see Kiyomi as his ultimate superior after seeing her for years as his friend and unofficial apprentice.

Kaori giggled and immediately felt like a little girl. She never giggled, she always laughed. She should really man up. "That would be amusing. Can you imagine? The Empress suddenly rising up from her chair to throw a shoe to a random audience member. That would be great." She was silent for a moment and chewed on the inside of her cheek. "Is your family going to be here too?" she asked then wondering how many people here he would know.

At first grinning about her remark, because she perfectly described what Kiyomi would probably do today, but then his smile faded. His family. At least, that what remained of it, a grim part of him added. "Yeah. My sister'll be here today." For some reason it was a bit awkward to talk about his sister. Mostly because he never did. "I'll introduce you to her." He then said, already looking forwards again to meeting her. Suddenly he realized that his sister was actually older than Kaori, which sent a shiver down his spine. That was in a way very awkward.

Kaori's eyes lit up. "Your sister?" She wondered out loud. "Great. What kind of person is she? Is she a lot like you?" It would be great to have some people around that she could talk with and hopefully Kensuke's sister would fit that spot. To Kaori the rest of the people in the rooms were unknown figures of high standards. People that would never talk with her in a million years, meaning she would be spending her time mostly with Kensuke and now hopefully his sister.

"Uh, well... If anything I would call her a bit silent. She never used to come out a lot. She is pretty nice however. She's taken up practical leadership over the village back home when our father died, and has done a great job at it." He replied, a bit unsure how to describe his sister. After all, he hadn't met for for a year and a half now, and that didn't quite help.

"Hmm..." Kaori looked at Kensuke's face. She was aware that there was not much family left, but he seemed rather unsure about the whole thing. She could ask more questions but the truth was that she wasn't sure if she wanted to delve into that now. It was not a subject for a party. It was a subject for the couch with a bottle of sake before you. "Well I look forward to meeting her," she finally said.

A hand tapping on Kensuke's shoulder made him turn around right before a smile appeared on his face. "Masami! It's so good to see you again!" He said, resisting the urge to give her a giant bearhug. Not that he intended to squish her, but he was simply a lot taller and wider than her, making it more of an inevitability than a choice. Masami smiled back at him, but suddenly his dojutsu seemed to notice something weird about her posture and body language, as if she wasn't entirely sincere. He shook the feeling off as she spoke.

"Likewise! Now, when were you going to introduce me to this lady here?" Masami asked, meaningfully looking at Kaori next to him. "Oh, right. Masami, this is Kaori Ito, my ... uh... girlfriend? And Kaori, this is Masami Nimatsu, my little sister and governor of the Talon Village."

"Your ... uh... girlfriend?" Kaori repeated the way Kensuke introducted her. He said it like it was a question. Weren't they dating for real? Before she would say anything else however she made a polite bow towards Kensuke's sister. Masami. She looked pretty with her blond hair and her dark green kimono. She was tall too, way taller then Kaori herself. Nimatsu were a family of giants apparantly. "It is very nice to meet you, miss Nimatsu. Kensuke spoke highly of you."

"Did he? That's very nice of him." Masami answered on a friendly tone. She took a good look at Kaori, and Kensuke quickly came to the conclusion that her sister might not be quite as much of a warrior as he and his brother had been, but that she had learned to use her dojutsu in quite a different way, one he had only just discovered. "Hey, go easy on me will you?" He said, looking at Kaori, pretending to be annoyed, before a smile appeared on his face again. It was too nice to see his sister again. Untill he realized that she hadn't come alone either. Looking at her retinue, he recognized Sensui, the leader of the guard back home, and nodded at him, and an unknown lady.

"Now, if I may, I would like to introduce you to my girlfriend." Masami said as her smile grew to immense proportions as Kensuke began realizing what she said. "Kensuke, Kaori, this is Misaki Chinatsu, my fiancée."

"It's a pleasure to meet you both."

For a moment Kaori stared. First to Masami and then to Kensuke. And then the only thing she could do was laugh because Kensuke's face was, by far, the most hilarious thing she had ever seen. The boy was awstruck. Completely frozen and caught of guard by the words his sister just uttered. His eyes wide, his mouth slightly ajar. And he stared. No word left his lips, no congratulations or other happy wishes. It seemed like had just simply gone blank. Kaori contained herself and grinned before turning back to Masami. "Since apparantly Kensuke's tongue has ran away I will say for him that we wish you the best. It is a pleasure to meet you, miss Chinatsu." She said with another small bow to the other girl. Kaori wondered if this girl also felt indimidated by all the upper class people around, or if she came from such families. Maybe that was to be expected when you were to marry a clanhead.

A single look at his sister with his dojutsu confirmed what he couldn't believe. Nothing about her said that she wasn't completely sincere. The girl next to her was ... her ... fiancée... His sister was engaged ... with a girl. His mind raced to form an opinion on what had just occured to him. He had never had anything against openly homosexual couples, he just wasn't used to them that much. It was something he didn't feel he had a right to interfere on, as it was a person's personal choice, but he had always seen it as something he'd never be involved in. Boy, had he ever realized how wrong he was... As Kaori spoke he suddenly started functioning again with a slightly reddish tone on his cheeks for phasing out like that. "Ehh, yes, we do." He replied, still completely confused.

He threw a look at both girls in front of him and came to the quick conclusion that they were laughing at his surprise. Shaking his head and sighing he knew it'd take quite a while to get used to this. Masami had never been into boys that much, but this...? No, he hadn't quite seen this coming. At all.
"So uh... Where'd you come from?"

Misaki smiled and threw a glance at Masami. She had been completely right. Her brother was a bit of a doofus. "I come from Sunagakure. I'm the third daughter of the Kage of the Village of Palms." She answered on a friendly tone.

"Oh." Yeah, that certainly didn't make things even more complicated. His sister was engaged to an outright enemy of Fire Un- Empire.

The third daughter of a Kage. Well, that was not high ranked at all. Again Kaori felt really small. Was she the only person here without rank or official title? And Misaki was the daughter of a Kage that supported the Sand. Didn't that mean they were enemies? Should they fight now? Kaori's eyes shot around, awkwardness settling down over the conversation. She had to keep this conversation going in a pleasant way. "So... how long have you guys been engaged?" She asked hopefully somehow from there getting to a safe subject.

"For not that long actually. We were officially engaged give or take a month and a half ago, but we've known eachother for almost a year by now." Masami replied, still grinning at Kensuke's helpless expression. Kensuke himself however added two and two together and finally realized why his dojutsu had informed him of his sister not being quite amused. She didn't like the oath he had sworn in the name of the village she governed at all.

"Yeah, it was when I acted as an official envoy in service of the Kazekage. Sort of. Not for an important message of course. It was something about angry farmers and a discussion about who owned what land. Because our nations don't quite like each other this was blown up to larger proportions, and we didn't want a war breaking out over that." Misaki continued while Kensuke and Masami engaged in a private and silent conversation of reading eachother's body language with the dojutsu. Kensuke was not even close to Masami's skill level at this, and he knew he was fighting a lost battle.
"It was mostly nonsense really. Anyway, how did you meet Kensuke? Masami always told me he's a bit reclusive."
Masami could read him like an open book. Regardless, he had to try. There was no more time for a private talk.

He learned that Masami was not at all amused about the latest changes in the Fire Union, all meant to estrange a village's shinobi from their homes and to sap away authority in their own lands. Already did she have to tolerate a nosy inspector from Konoha and she certainly would not let this grave diplomatic insult go that the Fire Union turned into an Empire. That would mean that in name she was no longer a respected vassal state as before, but simply a member of the state, a very unsubtle sign of an attempt of integration. Kensuke was terrified by the harsh truth that spoke out of Masami's body language, and he realized that the recent developments had a way larger impact than he had initially anticipated.

Kaori was peacefully oblivious to whatever the Nimatsu siblings were doing. She was listening politely to the story of Misaki and then ventured on to her own story which she was only glad to share. It was something she could talk about. This was something she was good at. Gossip. Something girls did regardless where they were from."We met in a swordshop actually in the presence of our lovely new Empress, who urged Kensuke to talk with me. He is a ... bit slow sometimes. But she wasn't. Either way he helped me with finding the right sword." Kaori chuckled slightly at the memory. "Later I met him during a party in one of the local clubs. And let's say we hit it off." She smiled totally forgetting that this girl was actually her enemy. "Not as fancy as an official diplomatic meeting I guess, but it was fun. He got into a bar fight. Your kimono is lovely by the way. That color looks so good on you."

"Woah, Kensuke at a party? That sounds strange. Thanks by the way. My mother used to tell me it didn't fit my eyes, but what does she know about fashion!" Misaki replied, knowing well enough that Masami was busy interrogating Kensuke.

Kensuke now also realized that Masami's engagement with Misaki was not only because they liked eachother, but because the foreign relations might aid her in her cause... Whatever that was. Since diplomacy between vassals and other vassals or even other states was officially forbidden as far as Kensuke knew, this engagement was a loophole through that. His sister was a lot more involved in the international political play than he had realized or even thought. It looked like the last few years had changed his sister, and probably the village too. He was anxious to visit his home once again, curious to see if Konoha was truly breaking its agreements in such a way as his sister seemed to be convinced of. All things considered, meeting his sister wasn't at all what he had expected it to be.
"Yeah, me and parties, that doesn't really go together all that nicely." He replied to Misaki as his private conversation with Masami ended. He could still remember a very strange evening during which he ... Yeah. He didn't want to think about it.

"I know right," Kaori replied to Misaki.. "My mother keeps telling that I should wear dark blue, but I am like, I have pitch black hair and dark eyes. That won't go well with dark blue. Not at all." Finally Kensuke cut into the conversation again, which was nice because at some point they would stop with the pleasant talk. "And you are doing fine," she said to him, her hand tightening around his arm. "You made it out in one piece and such."

"Yeah... I guess I did." He replied on a light tone.

"In any case, I still have to offically greet the reigning Council et cetera, so I'll see you both later?" Masami said on a light tone which perfectly hid her actual feelings about this entire event. "Yes, it was a pleasure to meet you!" Misaki fell in, waving a quick goodbye. "Yeah, we'll see you later." Kensuke added.

"Oh, and Kensuke, say hello to the Hokage on my behalf."

"It was!" Kaori quickly replied before the two could disappear again. Then she turned back to Kensuke. "I like your sister I think. And her fiancée is nice. Oh god, you should have seen your face!" She could laugh again at the memory. "The shock was real."

Yes, Kensuke thought, the shock had been real.

S Ō H A - G E N I N, #808080

Location: Kirigakure
With: Team Dai (12)
The rubbles, the ruins, the surroundings, the destruction. Things were never the same in Kirigakure, not anymore, not after the rampage of the six tailed beast. Standing on top of a small mountain created by the debris from the aftermath. Sōha had his hand pocketed while gazing around with the small view he had, over a part of the village. Many of the buildings, houses were abandoned. His eyes were narrowed down, feeling somewhat frustrated by how such a thing actually occured. A sigh left his mouth before he scratched the back of his hair. Seconds later, he took a few steps forward, slowly hopping down.

Sōha had been out for hours. He was literally walking around the village to see how people were doing, see the damage that had been done. Many of the Kiri-nins were helping, rebuilding the part of the village that was destroyed. It did not take long before he also stepped in, helping the villagers. Removing the debris, the rubble to make way for others. People were still trying to wrap their heads around the events that had unfolded. The look in the villagers eyes, especially the kids, the people who lost their loved ones, was painful, but he kept his feelings in check. Luckily for him, his family lived on the other side, so they were safe from the attack.

This was one of the many reasons for why he wanted to become a great Shinobi, in order to protect his village. In order to prevent such a thing from happening. He also grew to hate the six tailed beast, for what it had done. "Let me help you with that.." He uttered, to one of the villagers. A smile of gratitude was shown by the said villager, who he helped remove the rubble from his torned up house. However, behind the rubble, there was a picture, a photo of his family.

"Ah, thank you, young lad. This is what I was looking for." The man smiled towards him. It was not difficult for him to notice that the villager had not only lost his house, but also his family. And that the picture, may have been the only memento he had left of his family.

"There is no need to thank me. I'm happy to help." Sōha gave a kind but a simple respond. "I'll be on my way then." He waved the villager off, before he moved on.

Time flew by quite fast, and he decided to make his way towards his team, or his sensei. Once he was there, he could see by the look of things that he was the last one to arrive. 'Ehh...Shit.. I'm late..' He thought to himself. He was quite composed, despite what he had witnessed earlier today. Seconds later, he made his way through and over the rubbles, the debris and next to the two females before him, and his sensei, or that is what he assumed he was.

Brushing off the negative thoughts. He had to look forward, and to strive for the goals he had made for himself. A kind smile plastered on his face, making his presence known to the fellow Kiri-nins before him. "I hope, I'm not too late?" He cautiously uttered, hoping he wasn't wrong.

Looking over the male before him, and the others who were next to him, he assumed they were his team. "This is Daiki-sensei's team, is it not?" He asked, just to clarify that he wasn't in the wrong.
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  • Love
Reactions: Pyralithia
The Cho and Hon leader preparing.

A small collab between Gerontis and Lesli.

Summary :
Aiko and Zakito having a small talk, while they are making ready for the feast.

''But that is terrible! Poor Ken! How is this then fair?'' Aiko asked, sounding quite displeased as she was brushing her long red hair. She wasn't yet ready to go to the palace, as she had brought both Kei and Akimoto to the Cho compound. Though normally she would consider Figuki, the young man who usually babysit'd the two, she had decided to give him the day off. He worked a lot and she was well aware that the young Hon had probably been wanting to pay the festival in town a visit. ''It isn't his choice!

''No, it isn't.'' Zakito calmly replied as he was reading a paper. Sitting in his garb, he was all ready for more than a half hour. It was just waiting for Aiko. But he wanted to warn her of several things. Though Aiko was a capable politician, turning her looks and somewhat good reputation for the better of her clan or those who she wished to support, he wanted to warn her of several things. Such as that the sister of Kensuke had a fiancee, relative of the Kazekage. A rather grim action as it would sit very ill with almost any clan. Zakito was wondering how the Hyuuga were going to react to it as it was clear that the latter were clearly not a big fan of Kensuke. ''But you know how grim the last conflict was. I doubt that the leader of the River country will even remotely want to be near Kensuke or his sister.''

''But can't we not try to make amends?'' Aiko asked, feeling bad. She knew that it was a harsh world, but she quite liked Kensuke. He had always been respectful towards her and somewhat honest. Though she had forgiven him, she had not forgotten who had killed her first adoptive daughter. Though she had looked past that, past his hands that... Her hands trembled for a moment. But she then continued, only her eyes showing a rather cold expression. ''Seriously, can't you not make some sort of attempt to change a few minds?'' She asked, already knowing the answer, but she felt the need to ask the question. Poor Kensuke.

''No.'' Zakito calmly replied. He turned a page and felt a bit sorry. But what could he do? There was still some hostility between the two clans and after the rumours were true about the fiancee of Kensuke's sister, he was already confident that he should stay away from trying to make things better. ''If I would do that, I might lose some respect and of course harm the bonds between the Hon and many clans that are quite bitter and see this as treachery.''

''I see.'' Actually, no, she didn't want to see it. Thinking about it, she knew she had to take steps as well. Already Aiko had wondered a bit if Kiyomi was ready for the task, but with the current higher ups and probably some more support, her throne would be more than secured. Besides, Aiko was sure that she could aid some support as well that she should cut the ties between the Nimatsu and Cho clan. It would be a stain if the other clans would also view their current ties as a reason to distrust the Cho's.

Zakito said nothing. He was sure that the Hon clan would even gain more support due this, which was the bitter result of this sort of treachery. The clans and anybody that would show doubt or such could be potentially viewed as a supporter of the Sand. The old rival of Konohagakure. Though he was calm about the matter, he was a bit saddened that he couldn't do something to help his old student. Of course there were some options, but Zakito didn't want to try to do anything, such as assassinate the fiancee of his sister. It wouldn't fully redeem the Nimatsu clan nor would it probably sit well with the Sand, who would likely try to profit from such an event.

''I wonder how Akimoto is doing, you know?'' Aiko started it. She tried to think of something else. With a smile she remembered how Kei had been rather silent and calm when she had explained that they would be for a whole day in the care of Min and Teng. Akimoto however had wanted a kiss, which made Kei pout.

''I hope he doesn't try to give every tree a hug.'' Zakito replied, sounding quite amused. He closed the paper and placed it on the table as he rose up from his seat. He glanced at Aiko who seemed to put away the brush and tidy her clothes. ''I hope he actually stays like this. Or doesn't change that much.'' She thought of how their son was. The word kind and gentle were fitting for the child, but somewhere Aiko was hoping that he wouldn't be hurt because he was like that. Being kind in a harsh world wasn't always a good thing.

Offering an arm, Zakito chuckled. ''As do I hope for Kei.'' He said. He felt a bit bad that he couldn't have wished the two a good day, but he had been needed all morning at the Palace. A lot of things were needed to be done. He and Meisa had explained Kiyomi of her duties, of the news and which person she should approach and which she should keep at a distance. It had been a long morning, but they had managed to explain how things were.

Noticing that Zakito was lost in thoughts, Aiko decided to say something. ''I'm wondering how that little troublemaker is doing. She hasn't paid us a visit in such a long time and now this? Empress or not, I'll nudge her cheeks and call her a troublemaker!''

While they were heading towards the palace, arm in arm, Zakito chuckled. He still had his mask, covering the lower part of his face, he thought about the sight of that alone. ''I think she might react happier than you can imagine.'' He said, knowing how the girl felt. Hopefully, things would turn better soon. For all of them.

Kumogatarui Dobustu

Kirigakure Training Field 3

So Hatake-Sensei was giving them a little clean-up task prior to their training? Really those Kunai couldn't have just been placed there just for a task for them to do before training began, two minutes was plenty of time to search for a few kunai though. Takeshi called for her and pointed them in different directions, not wanting to cause a fuss she nodded briefly and went off to the other side of Tora, it wasn't hard to spot the one in the tree, she tugged that out of the trunk of it without trouble.

Although it took her a good minute to rummage through the bushes to find two of them and she found the last one on the floor by bumping her foot against it mid-walk. She returned to Tora and stood the designated distance away from her sensei, awaiting the next task... She didn't seem to mind that Takeshi had seven and she had four, she figured she might be able to make clever use of them anyway. "Ready Hatake-Sensei."
A kind and gentle little hero,
The nature of Akimoto Hon

A collab written between Gerontis and Lesli.
The Cho Temple, at the center of the Cho Compound,

Summary :
*Do please note that this can be considered non-important to the current events and situations.*

A simple collab between the son of Aiko and Zakito, where he spends some time with Min Cho. The captain of the Cho Guard, the official watchers and guards of the Cho clan. Hope you enjoy this collab as it has been written to already introduce one of the growing characters that has yet to take a role up in the RP, but already is maturing into what most would probably see as a character in his full rights. Enjoy.
She walked with careful small steps as she looked down. The boy had a bit of his tongue out of his mouth as he seemed to focus. Walking over the beam, while spreading out his arms to balance himself, the white haired child had also a book top of his head. His favorite book, that he had managed to sneak out of his father study room.

''Master Hon, don't go too fast.'' The woman said, with a respectful tone. Min rested her left hand on her hip as she would watch how Akimoto Hon tried to cross the beam over the pond. The child wanted to nod, but seemed to remember that if he would lose his pose and balance that the book would fall into the water. And he wanted to try to understand the book better as it didn't had the usual images, but he had managed to read some things from it. Not really a lot, but some words, as in ''dignity'' and ''respect''. Two important words that he knew.

Slowly he took step by step, trying to reach the end of the beam. His heart skipped a bit as he almost slipped, but Akimoto managed to correct himself in time. Freezing, he could feel the book on his head wiggle a bit. His eyes went up, though he couldn't see the book. Under the watchful eyes of Min Cho, who was the captain of the Cho Guard, Akimoto was receiving lessons on how to become a good and decent shinobi. Much like his father and mother, as Akimoto sort of wanted.

''Very good, master Hon.'' Min said, briefly flashing a smile. She watched how the child smiled at his own success as he managed to get off the beam. He lowered his head, to grab the book. Excited as he was, Akimoto turned around to look at the beam. He had managed to do it all by himself, which made him feel quite happy. ''Did you see that? Now you, Minnie!'' Akimoto turned around as he pointed at Min. Surprised, Min seemed to hesitate. ''I'm not sure Master Hon.'' She then made a short bow. ''I wouldn't be as graceful and balanced as you would be, I am afraid.''

Akimoto's smile curled down as he looked a bit saddened. He had received special lessons from Min and he had called her in his own childish affection Minnie as she knew so much. She had told him stories of many great heroes and shinobi and even about some other interesting things. Like how it was important to be like a butterfly, but still sting like a bee. Thus becoming an insect, Akimoto thought. ''But... but...Minnie. You're so great. I bet you can do it.'' Akimoto lowered his head, looking at the book he was holding. The book he already held dear, even though he couldn't properly read it at his age. Slowly he looked up as he stretched his arms, holding the book towards Min Cho. ''I believe you can do it, Minnie. Just like you believe I could.''

A bit surprised, Min wanted to keep herself a bit at distant with the son of Aiko and Zakito. He was after all going to be the heir of the Hon clan and only received lessons from Min as she could watch over him, on the orders of Aiko. But due moments like these, she was growing sort of fond of the young child. He had a gentle and friendly nature that she wasn't used to these days. Slowly sinking on one knee, Min had a very serious expression placed over her face. Her hands slowly took the book as she glanced at it. ''Are you sure, Master Hon?'' Min asked, though she felt quite happy by his words. For some reason it was kind of nice to hear that child had faith in you.

Akimoto nodded firmly as he stared at her with his usual serious childish expression when he was sure of something. ''Yes! Yes! Very sure!'' Min smiled as she glanced at the book. ''But wasn't this not your favorite thing?'' Min asked, wondering what the book was about. She wasn't even sure if Akimoto could read already at his age. Frowning, Akimoto thought about the question. ''Sort of. But, but!'' Akimoto flashed a wide smile. ''I believe you won't let it fall into the water. Else, else I will try to ... euhm.'' He looked around. Though he wished he could do so, he wasn't that wise, strong and fast as Min was. He couldn't probably catch her if she would fall into the water. ''I will not tell mommie if you fall into the water.'' Akimoto then whispered.

Smiling again, Min nodded as she briefly patted Akimoto's head. Rising up, she then would walk the beam. But instead of forwards, she would do it backwards. ''How am I doing it, master Hon?'' Min asked, trying to sound a bit childish. If any of her guards or anybody else would see her like this, then she wasn't sure about how she would respond, but nobody would dare to enter the Cho temple in the center of the Cho compound without a real good reason.

Akimoto clapped with his hands as his eyes widened. ''That is it! Very... cool! Cool! Cool!'' Akimoto repeated as he became excited. He held his breath several times as Min feinted that she would slip, but she then reached the end of the beam. ''See! See! I knew it!'' Akimoto said as Min made a short bow towards him. ''Thank you, master Hon. How about you try it now?'' She asked.

That was a certain frown on Akimoto's face. He wasn't sure if he could walk backwards over the beam. That was probably only what mother, father and Min could do. But what if Kei could do it? Clenching his small hands into fists, he closed his eyes. Turning around, he managed to climb on the beam as he would then walk backwards, step by step. Min slowly placed the book down as she noticed how he slowly, took step by step. She made it look like it was sort of a game, but a true skilled fighter would know how to move around. Starting with small basics things like this was just to give him a start of how he should move around, cautious and wary. Over time she would try to make it more challenging as she had done today with requesting he would bring something dear of him. Without making a sound, Min stepped on the water, silently moving towards Akimoto's back. He almost stumbled a few times, but managed to kept his balance. A lesson he had learned before.

Unaware of Min being so close to him, Akimoto wasn't sure how far he was from the end. All he could see was what was in front of him, so how should he try to determine what was behind him? Perhaps it was a cool trick that Min would teach him later? Then he could walk backwards and impress father and mother! It brought a smile on his face as he then stumbled. He started to fall backwards.

''Well done, master Hon.'' Min said with a friendly tone as he fell right into her arms from the beam. Carefully placing the child back on his feet, she smiled. ''Though please don't forget our previous game? The one with the bucket?''
Akimoto smiled as she had said 'well done'. That was a good thing. Like eating his vegetables without complaining. Growing proud again as he threw a glance at the long beam, Akimoto looked back at Min. Then he would take a step back, slowly bowing for her as in the traditional Cho manner. By also placing his right fist against his open left hand palm.

''Thanks Minnie.''

Surprised by the gesture of respect, Min felt a light blush appearing on her cheeks. ''Please, Master Hon.'' She returned the bow and they both remained silent, bowed, for several moments. Then she heard some chuckling and looked at Akimoto. He smiled at her and then slowly raised his right hand. ''Minnie, can we go out? Like, going somewhere ex-... exciting! Yes, exciting!'' He asked her. Though Min smiled, she wavered. She had been ordered to watch Akimoto while Kei would be with Teng. But she wasn't sure if she would be allowed to take Akimoto anywhere what he would consider exciting.

''I'm not sure, Master Hon, I-'' Min started, but Akimoto became excited again. ''Please Minnie? It could be a secret. Ours!'' He chuckled as he pointed at her and then at himself. ''We could go and be sneaky! Like a butterfly...and a wasp!''

''''A bee, Master Hon.'' Min corrected him, actually a bit amused. Giving in, Min decided it wouldn't be that much trouble. She wasn't even after all sure where Teng had taken Kei to. So why should she keep Akimoto at the inner courtyard of the Cho Temple? ''Fine then, Master Hon. But remember? A secret.''


He looked around, with wide eyes open and filled with curiosity. They were on the perimeter of the festival and that was far enough for Min. She rested her left hand on the handle of her weapon, her hood raised as her eyes never left from the young child that was so curious. They had visited some stands, where Akimoto had amused some vendor owners by asking them the usual questions. Did they make those things themselves? Could you eat it? But it was those childish curiosity that made people often like the child.

''Minnie! Look! Look!'' Akimoto turned around. The woman could look a bit menacing as one couldn't see her face with the hood up, as if she was ready to draw her sword and start a massacre, but he wasn't afraid of Min. She had explained that she was a watcher. Which was a very impressive thing as watchers did such cool things. And Min was simply the best watcher!

Looking at what he pointed at, Min lowered herself as she would grab a few coins. ''Here master Hon. Go and then yourself some sweets.'' Min would grab his left hand gently as she would then place the cold coins in the palm of his hand. Akimoto smiled as he looked at the coins. He then turned around, but wavered. Turning back to Min, he lowered his head a bit. ''Minnie...''

Wondering why he suddenly looked like that, Min was suspecting he would try to trick her into giving more. Probably using the excuse that he would like to have something nice on their way back to the Cho Compound. But then she looked surprised. ''Can I... Can I have a bit more? Kei loves candy as well and.. I think that it is mean if we would just buy for ourselves.''

A truly gently and kind person he was already. Smiling, Min would pull out some more coins as she nodded slowly. ''Of course master Hon. I am sure that master Cho would appreciate your kind and generous gesture.'' Min then rose up as she saw how the child made his way towards the vendor, only to slowly come to a halt. Wondering what was attracting his attention, Min narrowed her eyes as her smile vanished. More out of instinct than thinking about it, she already lifted a bit of her blade out of the scabbard. Akimoto was staring at a beggar that was searching through a bin, probably for food.

Taking short steps towards Akimoto, she knew that he was quite curious and hoped however that he would stay cautious as he wasn't one of the most reckless of personalities. But much to her dismay, Akimoto then took steps towards the beggar. Moving into action, Min cursed herself. If that man would harm Akimoto by snatching away the money or worse. She didn't want to let anything happen to him or anything that would make him regret approaching people.

But there was a group of people passing by, cutting her off from Akimoto. ''Master Hon!'' Min tried to call, hoping that Akimoto would stop his approach at least. However, as she managed to get through, she came to a halt, her jaw slightly open.

Akimoto was close by and stared at the beggar. Slowly, he looked at the few coins at his hand and back at the beggar. Then he seemed to grab a few and hold them up towards the man. Which caused the latter to look sideways at Akimoto. Min could see that the man was surprised as she was. She had expected that the young child would try to ask the man questions, but he seemed to want to share some of the coin he had gotten. Slowly the beggar turned towards Akimoto and the same time Min narrowed her eyes, slightly further lifting her sword up from the scabbard.

The man smiled at Akimoto and without exchanging words the man accepted the few coins. He counted them and looked back at Akimoto, who had his back turned to Min, but had a very serious look on his face. Nodding, the child took a step back, as if it was part of a ritual. The beggar smiled as he nodded back. Without exchanging any further words, Akimoto turned around as he walked back towards Min. His head lowered.

Suddenly he started to sob.

Min wasn't sure what she should say. She was impressed, though she was well known by now with the fact that Akimoto was probably one of the most innocent and gentle of people she knew. Slowly bending through her legs, she looked worried. ''Master Hon, are you alright?'' The boy shook his head. He raised up his hand and a few tears were rolling down his cheeks.

''I don't want any candy.. I... Please buy some for Kei.... I...'' His shoulders trembles slightly as he lowered his head again. He tried to say something, but Min placed a hand on top of his head. Slowly she ruffled through his hair as she had to hold back the tears. For some reason, she felt a sort of pride. He was after all a sort of a student for her. Or perhaps she hoped she could see and treat him as a student. ''Master Hon, you're truly a honorable person. The most honorable and generous of persons I have ever met.''

The soft and kind words didn't made Akimoto stop with sobbing. Slowly, Min lifted him up in her arms as he would bury his head away. ''Come, I will still buy you some candy. It's alright'' She whispered as her eyes went back to the beggar. The man had vanished and Min turned around.
Akihiko Ken
Team 15

Akihiko sat cross-legged on the floor with his eyes closed, as he recapped the events of the past few days. He had successfully graduated the academy and now he was officially a genin. Isn't that nice, he thought to himself without a hint of joy. He had made his first step, next would be chunin, and from there he would keep improving his skills until he was the best, and only then would the constantly raging storm of thought in his head subside. He opened his eyes as he heard the clink of a teacup touching the ground infront of him. His aunt was standing before him, a broad smile on her face. She was a distant relative, but she had been the one taking care of him ever since the death of his parents. She had a look of pride in her eyes. "So you're a genin now are you?" She asked. Akihiko looked down at the forehead protector before he answered. "Yes, I suppose I am." His aunt did not move away and Akihiko was beginning to get irritated. He did not particularly enjoy company. He looked her in the eyes and asked. "Is there something else you would like to ask? I am eager to continue my meditation," Her smile became even broader. "A letter arrived for you today, from a Nazari Suta." Akihiko took the letter and examined it. "Perhaps, it's one of my senseis." He opened the letter slowly and read it's contents. It said he was to meet his new team at midnight at a popular tea shop. "Well," he said, more to himself than to his aunt. "If I am to start my training at midnight then I should rest for now." He got up from his perch and made his way toward his bedroom. Their was no eagerness in him for his first night of training. It was simply something that needed to be done and so he would do it. He walked into his room and closed the door behind him. He wanted no disturbances. Tonight would be a long and exhausting night.
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The Amegakure's oath,
The will of the Empress.


A collab between Red Fox and Aliceee

Part II


Summary :

Kiyomi is needed to make sure that she welcomes of the more important guests of the feast in a proper fashion. And this means she is needed to guide Ryoku towards the palace, however there is a slight detour as the two start to talk about something.
Theme music
Glad with his answer, Kiyomi flashed a polite smile as she would walk next to him. She also loved the gardens. Even though the high fence still made her feel caged and somewhat cut off from her friends and actual family, Kiyomi loved the surroundings. Paying a great deal of attention to what Ryoku said, she started to dig in her mind of what she knew about him. ''I'm glad taht you are saying that, Lord Ryoku-san.'' Kiyomi said, with trying to sound as polite and friendly as she could be. She understood why he asked her such a question. Slowly coming to a halt, she looked with a rather serious look at the man. ''I don't think I'm ready yet to rule a nation of this size, power and influence yet. I'm quite scared if I may be so honest and bold, Lord Ryoku-san.'' Kiyomi knew that she had to act in according how the regency council wanted her. But could she lie in the face of such a question? This man was the first that asked her a question, a honest question, instead of licking up her boots.

''I can't thus honestly say that I consider myself prepared.'' Kiyomi said, sounding a bit a bit sad. ''I'm trained and in my core a kunoichi. A proud one, so I hope you can imagine that this doesn't come easily off my chest. But,'' She tried to smile as well looking somewhat more prideful. She even tried to sound more confident about she would say next. ''I can promise you right here, right now, that I'll strive to do my best. Every day, every hour and every moment, I shall pay attention on how I need to take care of those who entrusted me. But, would you trust the words of this young kunoichi, my dear Lord Ryoku-san? After all, '' Kiyomi paused as she smiled. ''I do consider the words of a man that has been chosen by his people as their quite worthy to take as advise.''

Ryoku returned a smile, this time a bit colder one." Your words are too kind, Your Majesty. But let me tell you one thing. My people never chose me to be their leader, or their voice. When I returned into Amegakure, the village was occupied by the soldiers of the detestable Shoji, with Soru Deshuga in a position of power. My predecessor and Sensei was killed during the occupation. I allied with him, liberated my village with his aid in a battle I will never forget ... and then, I got rid of him. In my eyes, he was not better than Lord Shoji and his followers. He is imprisoned to this day and he will do so until the end of the days. "

Ryoku paused a bit, taking a deep breath, his smile a bit warmer now. " It warms my heart to see you so full of dedication, Your Majesty. However, there is a reason I dislike politics, which is curious if you think about it. I am not in the position of the Amekage for the power, or position. I am here because my people trust me to represent their dreams and desires in a growing world. Just as you are in your position to lead the people of Akino into prosperity. However ... " Ryoku dropped his smile completely now." An Empress, such as you, should be on her watch. Always. Politics are not a place for pleasantries and kind things. It is a place of plots, deception, and often lies. Those, who are in power are deciding the way history changes. Justice is always triumphant, because the strongest become justice."

" Leading an Empire can be compared into leading a team, in which field you have plenty of experiences. You have subordinates, in our case countries. They each have their individual strongs sides and weak sides, their needs and their offerings. Finding a delicate balance between giving and taking is important, but what is more important here is clarity. And policits and clarity are not friends and it would be a mighty shame if our beloved Empress would be nothing more but a ... puppet ... tangled in strings. "

Kiyomi paid great attention to his words, tone and his facial expressions. She could remember what she had learned about Sho Deshuga. She wanted to say she was happy that the man was imprisoned, but wisely decided to keep her lips sealed. The Amekage continued and for a moment, Kiyomi wanted to drop the polite stance, with her hands folded at her back. But she heard him out. ''I see and understand what you say, Lord Ryoku-san. '' The tone of Kiyomi became as cold as it could get. Even the green eyes who were first as bright as jade, started to darken as she kept them focused on his eyes. ''I would like to make it clear that I won't accept it that somebody would either use me or anybody else as a puppet. I'm glad that you shared with me the truth of how you rose to your position as I can express more honor, but. '' Kiyomi took a step towards the man. ''I'm not a stranger to politics nor to what they might bring. I will make it clear that I meant my words. Every moment, I strive to do what is best for the nation. For those who live in the Leaf, Grass or Rain. Name it. Those who might live in different villages have now chosen to see me as their Empress. And I, '' Kiyomi narrowed her eyes. ''I'm not going to let them fall without showing that I did my best to protect them. ''

For another moment, Kiyomi kept staring back at Ryoku, not stepping backwards or turning her head away. Then she would take a step to stand next to the man, lifting up her arm. ''Now, I must really request if we could enjoy the feast together as I don't wish to... ruin this day with talking about politics. Would you honor me with walking further with me, Lord Ryoku-san? ''

Ryoku did not flinch or step back. The young Empress radiated power and determination as she spoke, and that is what Ryoku wanted to see and hear." Most certainly, your Majesty. But before that, there is somethign else that needed to be done." Without saying anything else, Ryoku dropped on one of his knees, bowing his head before the Empress." I would like to offer my deepest apologies, Your Majesty. I needed to see what is inside you - I wanted to see your determination in leading this Empire towards prosperity, not just greatness. I wanted to see how determined you are to remain the Empress, not just a puppet. And now, that I´ve seen it ..." Ryoku paused, looking up at Kiyomi."... I would like to swear the loyalty of my village and myself to the services of the Empire of Akino and the Empress. Your youthful passion will be the key for a change in the world as we know it, bringing all the nations closer to each other. You have a great deal of work before you, Your Majesty, but ... you will perform marvelously, of that I am sure. As you can be sure of my support, in any ways necessary, Your Majesty. "

Blinking rapidly, Kiyomi had almost taken a step back as the man dropped on his knees, bowing his head. For a moment, she wasn't sure how to react, until she heard his words. When he explained himself, Kiyomi looked with a bland look at the man, her eyes gaining however a glint in their eyes. Slowly, she lowered herself through her legs as she placed her hands on his shoulders. With a very serious expression, she would reply back. ''Dear Ryoku-san. You aren't required to bow before me when it is just us. I view you as somebody who I can rely on. I can't rely on men and women who lower their head. I can only rely on people who hold their heads up high, filled with pride and courage. Please, show me the proud leader of Amegakure, the man I can rely on. '' Smiling, Kiyomi offered him a hand. ''Besides, I must warn you. If your clothing get dirty, then I might fear that the maids will try to ambush you. I can't recommend something like that. ''

Ryoku was sure that she is making the right thing to do. Accepting the hand, he raised to his full height. His head also raised, his shoulders seeming somewhat wider than before. " I do thank you for your kind words, Your Majesty. I bowed because I had to bow to my Empress. History is one the move ... and you leading it, Your Majesty. Towards a brighter future. And I would like to join you and enjoy the feast ... as ... well, politics and I are no the best combination there is. And ... thank you for the tip. Ambushes by servants must be ... a very clean work, isn´t that right, Your Majesty? Lead the way, please."

Daiki Shun,
Kirigakure Chuunin | Squad Leader, Team 12


Hearing somebody approaching them, Daiki, suspected it was the third and final team member. The boy asked if he wasn't too late and if this was the team of Daiki. Rubbing his chin briefly, Daiki wondered if he could make them stop calling him sensei on the first week. Of course, it would show that they were properly raised with manner and knowing how important respect was, but he wasn't that old or outranked them by that far. For what he cared, he would be content if they would call him just with Daiki. Any title or sign of respect wouldn't be really be the same as treating him with respect.

''Yes, this is the team of Daiki. Please,'' Daiki flashed a brief polite smile. ''Daiki or Daiki-senpai is enough. Now, that we all have gathered, I will start with the introductions. Right away with explaining what we'll do today. Do pay attention, cause I don't like to repeat myself.'' Daiki instructed them. Placing his hands on his back, he gave them each a rather stern look as he would call their names when he would look at them.

''Shika.'' He looked at Shika, saying her name slowly, with a purpose of course.
''Naname.'' Daiki repeated the same with Namae, saying her name slowly and with the same serious tone.
''Sõha.'' He said, staring at the boy for a moment.

The stern look would be replaced by the previous expression, the usual calm look. ''I have said each name of you, ignoring your surname. This is because I want to make it clear that you're equal in this team. No matter your origin, your past or what so ever. We're selected to be a team and will need to rely on each other. My first task for you three is to remember the other names and speak them only in a respectful manner.'' Daiki's tone was still serious as he game them the instruction. He let in a pause, hoping that his words would sink in by each genin. ''Furthermore, I wish to express that I might not be a jounin-class, that I can be trusted. If any of you is shouldering some trouble and can't handle it themselves, then please don't waver. I'm here to help and not just make sure that each of you become a trained killer. Now,'' The serious tone from before seemed to vanish as he smiled again.

''Good, now I wish that we'll begin with the introductions. Seeing I'm already talking quite a bit, I will start.'' Daiki said, hoping that he could keep the mood high and bright with sounding friendly and making a sort of half joke about the time he had spend talking already. ''My name is Daiki Shun and I've an older brother, Takeshi Shun. Some other know him as the jounin with the nick 'The Chakra Breaker'. Though I must say that I don't have the same abilities or such as he has.'' Daiki said, wanting to talk again about himself. At least, that was what he was supposed to do. He didn't really like to talk too much, certainly not about himself or people he cared about.

''In my free time I often spend my time to study material I find interesting or training. Sometimes I try to spend time with people I care about, but to be honest, I do need some time on my own every now and then.'' Daiki then paused as he looked at his students. ''Who want to start now then?''
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Spending an Afternoon in a Festival
Kuni Sadako and Sachi Emiya

A collab between Roran Hawkins and Nim

Kuni takes Sachi out to spend some time in the festival, as Eiji is away.

"Alright then." Kuni said to herself after entering Eiji's house. She looked around a bit, trying to see if Sachi had wandered around somewhere while the nanny was still there. But she couldn't see her anywhere with a first look, so she went and opened the door to Eiji's bedroom. Approaching the small crib, Kuni smiled at the infant that was in there "Hey there Sache. How is the stupid infant feeling?" She asked before sticking out her tongue at the infant.

"YOU are stupid!" She replied as indignantly as possible for a two-year old, frowning so deeply her eyebrows nearly touched. "I will tell daddy you are mean!"

Letting out a small laugh, Kuni went and picked Sachi up "You can go ahead and tell daddy that I'm the meanest of the mean kids." She said as she turned around and looked for any sign of the nanny. Figuring she is probably at the kitchen, Kuni went and walked there, seeing the nanny cooking something "Yuina, there is the festival that just started a bit ago. I'm gonna take Sachi out so we could enjoy it. We'll be back by dinner!" She said. The Nanny turned her sight to Kuni and opened her mouth to speak, but Kuni quickly left before the older woman could.

"There is no need to stick around and listen to silly older women who will only tell you to eat properly, right?" Kuni said and gently poked Sachi's nose.

"I like vegetables." Sachi replied, before sticking out her tongue at Kuni in her turn. "Bye Yuina." She said as Kuni picked her up, but not after poking her nose. "Your finger smells."

"It does not!" She said with a fake irritated tone. After leaving the house and beginning to head towards the festival, Kuni glanced at Sachi for a moment "What would you like to do first? There are stalls where you can win toys, junk food, a petting area, and...I think theres also a podium where people can just shout stuff, but I'm not sure about that." She said, trying to think about it. After the Jounin Commander left, she saw someone drunk get on the podium and try to speak up, but he was taken away quickly, so she was curious about that.

"I want to see that guy that spits fire. Over there." She said, thinking of her father's explosive jutsu. She had seen him train occasionally, and nothing excited the young child more than explosions. That and the smell of explosions when Eiji picked her up after he was done training. Nothing could beat that smell. Maybe fire'd smell similar?

Nodding, Kuni went and approached the man who was spitting fire. It was clearly not a jutsu, as everyone around was impressed the man was doing this without any chakra, which was a bit impressive "Your father's explosiveness is a lot better than any regular fire." She said in a calm tone as she watched the man breathe out flames and slowly increase their size.

"It stinks of boos." Sachi said on a decided tone as she frowned angrily to shoo away the smell. Sometimes her father would drink 'boosss' with his friends, or a friend of her father would drink boos. It smelled bad. Especially if someone spoiled some on the ground. Booss was bad.

Kuni couldn't help but laugh a bit as she started to walk away from the man "It does stink of booze. That man is a stinky man and he has smelly fire." She said as she stopped and looked around a bit "Would you like to go and try to drop someone into the water?" She said and pointed at the man sitting on a plank with a target next to him.

"No." She replied, still looking at the man with the fire untill he drank another gulp of boozss. She was right. It did stink of boosz. As the man spat it out over a torch, spewing a large wave of fire, she suddenly realized it was the boozss that was so flammable. She should warn daddy about using candles while drinking booss, because otherwise it might become a large flame. A large smelly flame.

So Sachi wasn't going to be too cooperative with her. Not that it was too much of a surprise "Hmm, well, anything you do want to do then? There are lots of things to do and still a bit of time before dinner time." Kuni said, wondering a bit if this was how she acted when she was little. She hoped that she was a bit more easy for her own mother to raise.

"I want cookies." Sachi suddenly decided when a new smell presented itself to her. Little but the smell of explosives was more of a music to her nose than the smell of cookies. Cookies were always nice. Especially when there were bits of chocolate in them. Chocolate was nice too, but cookies better.

"Cookies it is then." Kuni replied with a slight eye roll. She was never much of a sweet tooth herself, so she thought most of the food in the festival was junk. Going to one of the food stalls, she went and bought a bag of cookies and then handed it over for Sachi "Dont eat all of them. You still need to have room for the vegetables at dinner." She said after opening the bag of cookies for the infant.

"I always have room for food." Sachi said decisively as she munched on her third consecutive cookie, ignorant to Kuni's plea for moderation. Sachi was unstoppable. "Don't eat my cookies." She said when she noticed Kuni take one, and tried taking it away. "All your cookies are mine."

Smiling at the attempt of Sachi to take the cookie away from her, Kuni raised the cookie a bit above Sachi's head "You have so many cookies though, can't you share even one?" She asked in a begging tone, pretending to want the cookie for herself "Please let me have this one cookie."

"No. Stupid Kuni." She said right after giving up her attempts to take it, and decided that Kuni was stupid. Instantly her interest in the other girl poofed away like a thought in the wind, she saw something that drew her interest. In the distance she noticed a large hairy creature with great claws and jaws, standing tied to a pole as music played. "What's that?"

Looking at the thing that drew Sachi's attention now, Kuni went and slipped the cookie back into the bag "Its a big, scary furry creature. Want to go say hey to it?" She asked with a cheerful tone. It was actually just a man in a costume, who appeared to pretend to want to eat children and let them take pictures with him for those who wanted to. Simple and entertaining "Or perhaps... Want to go call it stupid?" She asked in the same tone.

"I want to see it from up close." She said as the large thing moved around at an awkward pace. It didn't look graceful at all, and as she had learned from her father, most clumsy things weren't that dangerous unless you were stupid. Wasps weren't clumsy for example. Turtles were a bit though. From up close the thing still didn't look quite threatening. It only smelled of wet nastiness and unwashed clothes. A bit like Sanyo smelled when he didn't smell of booz, but then worse. "This thing is stupid."

"It is rather stupid." Kuni replied with a smile. There was still a bit of time left before it was dinner time, but she figured the nanny will want to see Sachi back at Eiji's place a bit before "Anything else you want to do? Because if not, we should head back home. Yuina is probably just about to finish cooking dinner." She said and watched from the distance as someone finally struck the target and the man on the plank fell into the water. It was an amusing sight to see, and she couldn't help but laugh a bit. This was a good day.

"I want to see explosions." The child said with a surprisingly perfect pronounciation. It was clear that the word was part of her daily vocabulary, and that her father had taken interest in learning her how to pronounce it correctly. Unlike boos. Regardless, Sachi was not interested much in the festival in the first place. There were things to explore and to learn, yes. But Eiji wasn't here, which instantly meant it was un-cool. Explosions were cool even without her father though, since he could make them even when he wasn't there. She liked imagining her father made all explosions in the world, like some sort of God of Explosions, like the one her father sometimes talked about. But without the explosions part.

"I dont know if there will be any explosions right now. Sorry Sache." Kuni said in an apologetic tone as she begun heading back in the direction of Eiji's house. She stopped upon seeing a stall that sold small items, and immediatly approached it "I'd like one of these, please." She said and paid for a small, hanging sparkle. After the owner lit it for her, Kuni went and showed it to Sachi "This is the best I can do for you now."

"It smells cool." Sachi said, ignoring the other girl while she stared at the ever-changing sparkly thing. During some of her father's explosions there were sparkly things too. Not like this, but quite like this. It was a pretty cool thing. Perhaps the God of Explosions would know what it is, since Kuni was clearly too stupid to know that.

Seeing Sachi's sight was locked on the sparkle, Kuni went and walked in an easy pace towards Eiji's house. By the time she arrived there, the sparkle had died out. After entering and closing the door behind her, Kuni let Sachi down to the floor and then looked at her "I hoped you had fun today, Sache. Now go to the kitchen, I think Yuina is waiting there with yummy food." She said with a smile and then messed up Sachi's hair a bit.

"You still smell." She said, and then ran inside, but changed her mind and turned around.
"Thanks for the sparkly stick." Poof. She was gone. She was only two-years old, but she was the child of two shinobi. Two peculiar and strange shinobi. And it showed.

Smiling at the sight of the quickly disappearing infant, Kuni stood up and scretched herself before looking at the kitchen door. She considered staying and having dinner with Sachi, but she also assumed the nanny didn't like her too much. Turning to face the front door, she opened it and took a step outside before looking up. The skies were becoming dark and were very clear, a rare sight for her to see "I hope you'll come back soon, Eiji-sensei. Sachi misses you." She said and closed the door behind her before beginning to walk away.

And so do I
S Ō H A - G E N I N, #808080
Location: Kirigakure
With: Team Dai (12)
He was correct in assuming the right thing. Daiki was indeed the person he was looking for, and the team he would be spending alot of time with. His hands were pocketed as he listened to what their senpai was explaining. Sōha's attention was focused on him as he spoke, and until he mentioned the names of the students, including him. He diverted his attention towards Shika first, before moving over to Naname. Both the girls looked quite nice. Though he couldn't judge a book by its cover, and the same could be said about him.

Once his name was mentioned, he nodded towards his senpai. 'Yup, I'm Sōha.' He simply thought to himself. After that, he kept on listening to the information Daiki-senpai relayed to them, and what would be the first step as a team. To simply get to know eachother, atleast the basics. In one word, it would be an introduction. Once their senpai's tone changed, he followed. His expression was serious, and his hands were not pocketed unlike before.

Sōha was understanding to what their senpai said, and agreed to it. If they were to stick together as a team, getting to know one another would be the first step. He, again, glanced over at Shika and Naname, before the mention of a certain nickname was uttered. "The Chakra Breaker." Now, he did not fully know about the tales behind the said nickname, or the origins of the said Shinobi. His father, however had mentioned him during a gathering, or during a simple family dinner. But, he was still a young boy, and there was much to learn. Even if their senpai said that there was a huge gap between him and his older brother in abilities and perhaps even power, Sōha couldn't stop but believing that he too is a talented Shinobi.

It was, however, not the right time to ask him any questions about his older brother. Once their senpai and his little, but important rant was complete, he decided to be the first one to make an introduction. It would also make more sense, atleast for him, since he was the last one to arrive at the meeting spot.

"Since I was the last one to arrive. I guess I'll make the next introduction.." He stated, before looking over at their senpai, Shika and Naname.

"My name is Sōha, and I'm the oldest son of the Nawagi family. I also have a little sister, and her name is Kagura Nawagi." He took a small pause before continuing.

There was no need for him to actually mention his parents, but those who knew the name Nawagi, would have known it through the reputation of his father, Isao Nawagi. However, he felt that it may have been neccessary to mention it anyway. "You may have heard the name Isao Nawagi throughout Kirigakure, but thats my father." He explained. Even if his family didn't have a reputation like the current Mizukage, or anything similar, people atleast knew what side he believed in. It was to aid the Mizukage at all cost. He was, perhaps only through a few Kiri-nins, known as an adept blademaster.

There was also a reason for why a wakizashi was strapped around Sōha's back. The need to mention the name of his mother was not important. He just wanted to clarify his ties to Isao Nawagi, if anyone was wondering. Seconds later, he was firmly standing there, and decided to end his little introduction by mentioning a few more things. "As for what I enjoy...." He started.

"I usually use most of my time to train and to better myself as a true Kiri-nin, but I also spend time in the Kirigakure library.." A simple smile was plastered on his face.

"Yes.. I enjoy reading. Or rather, I enjoy history. But, that's pretty much it." Once his introduction was finished, he reminisced about the expectations his father has for him, and how rocky his relationship had become with him, since he joined and graduated from the Academy.

"Oh and.. I'm thirteen years old." He forgot to mention it, even if it wasn't important. Looking over at both Shika and Naname, he knew it was one or the other, who would have to introduce themselves.

"So, who's next?" He asked them both, glancing back and forth.
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Mitsunari Takeda,
The Hidden Rain

A Summons for a King (A genin gets his assignment)

Arriving at his home, Mitsunari noticed a letter, and opened it to read.

As he read, the crazed smile on his face grew and grew.

"YES! YES! It seems I have a Sensei! Two it look like? I guess one isn't good enough for someone like me! Midnight... Oh well, I love the stars anyways, wonder if my Senseis are romantic. Hehehehe. Ooo, tea shop, high class I see. The Takeda will run supreme! I'll make this clan stand again!"

In the distance a woman could be heard saying "I see the nut's back."

Mitsunari was delighted. This was the first step... the first in a path to being somebody. To being famous, to having money.... to paying off all the bills. To actually having people respect the name Takeda, and his father!.... he still missed his father. He'd make him proud. He'd show them all who he was!

From inside the house his sister called "Mitsunari, quit being a public menace and help me clean these freakin' dishes!"

"Like hell I will! I'm going to be the greatest of the Takeda clan!"

"What did you say? I don't care what madness you've put in your head, help me out!"

Then another voice joined in, yelling as much as it could, though it was still raspy "Can you help your sister, Mitsunari?"

Mitsunari put his head down, and walked inside. He never questioned his mother.
Nazari Suta
Amegakure, Jounin-Sensei, Team 15

Nazari began making her way to the Tea Shoppe, she knew there was no hurry needed due to her making a reservation for them a few days ago. But she would feel better if she were there first and had time to prepare herself mentally for everything. She would not go easy on them the first day, no rather it would be the opposite. Work them hard, exhaust them and test their limits. That was what she had decided, this way she could tell who needed what and who would be a problem. Nazari had ideas, of how she was going to train them but it was for a later time. For now, it would be a night training and probably more night training.

She would need to see how they worked together, to figure out how they fought and how they thought. She would need to see what they could and couldn't do, if she were to help them. She Nazari had not realized she had walked around the block a few times after she had gotten to the Tea Shoppe and stopped as she came to the front of it again.
"Enjoying your walk?" The owner asked with a chuckle.

"A lot of thinking to do, preparations," Nazari said. Over the past few months Nazari had become a regular in the Tea Shoppe, she had became friends with the owner and his wife. The tea had helped to clear her head when she couldn't sleep sometimes or if she needed a new face to talk to then she would seek out the owners wife.

"Well, I suppose there must be considering you are meeting the team for the first time tonight," the owner said with a smile. That was also true, the location was as much of a help other students as it was for her. Nazari nodded, finding a seat in the usual place near the window and ordered her usual tea, the owners wife came over with the new baby and the two talked about for a bit. Eventually the wife went home to the other child while the owner stayed behind to work the last hours. It was almost Midnight.
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Mitsunari Takeda
The Hidden Rain

The King Enters (Mitsunari meets his Sensei)

Near midnight, Mitsunari walked haughtily towards the tea shop.

He abruptly opened the door, throw his cape forward in a dramatic fashion. To say he had a flair for the dramatic would be an understatement. In the distance someone said "What the hell does that lunatic think he's doing this time?"

"Mitsunari Takeda, of the Reputable Takeda clan, assigned to Team 15 has arrived!"

He looked around the tea shop to see an old man... and a beautiful woman!

That has to be her! Score! I was kinda afraid it was an old hag or something. Nope! Wonder where the rest are. Hehehehe. Where's the other one, hope she's just as pretty! This team isn't going to be half bad.... where are the rest?

Mitsunari walked up to her, and dropped to one knee infront of her, acting as if he was royalty talking to someone else royal.

"Hello my lady, I suppose it's my pleasure that sure a beautiful woman would happen to be my sensei? Miss Nazari Sutã?"

He reached his hand forward in an attempt to kiss her hand.

He really hoped this was the right tea house this time....He'd gotten lost in a couple others for the last few hours.
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Kazen Aniru
Amegakure Jounin sensei

A loud noise filled Kazen's bedroom 'Shit' was the first thing Kazen thought. She grabbed the thing closest to her -in this case a kunai- and throw it at her alarm. Kazen jumped out of bed and tippie-toed to her closet, putting on her jounin gear as fast as she could. "Why in the love of god does Na-chan want to meet up at freaking midnight?!" murmured Kazen, visibly agitated. She grabbed a candy bar and walked to her window, why take the door anyway. Before leaving her house through the open window she looked at her broken alarm. It was a depressing sight 'Now I need to buy a new alarm... AGAIN' she thought, and jumped away into the night.

She raced over the rooftops, running late as usual. Nazari'll have her head if she arrived last. They had new Genin, no idea who they were in the slightest. Kazen didn't like to do her homework, she liked the more... practical, approach. In no less than three minutes -where someone else might have took ten- Kazen dropped down in front of the tea shoppe. Some kind of crazy kid just slammed the door shut and was uttering some crazy Takada clan nonsense. He also mentioned team 15. "Great" sighted Kazen and entered the tea shoppe. She sat down at the table across from Nazari, completely ignoring the genin. She ran her fingers through her short white hair and yawned "Good morning" She said while giving the two others a wide grin.
Tora Hatake
Kirigakure Jounin, Sensei of Team 11

Kirigakure Trainingfield 3

After both her students went and stood up in front of her, each one with their collected at the spot she had told them to, Tora nodded "Alright. Now I have the exact same test for both of you. With the kunai you have, you need to throw them in a manner that will prevent me from escaping. You may add wires but no tags. You may also try and distract me while doing so. First Takeshi and then Kumoga. While Takeshi moves, Kumoga, you need to stand with your back to us until we are done."

Tora appeared to move to stand in a natural pose in front of them, and then looked at Takeshi "Act when you're ready. Kumoga, face away now, but listen carefully. Try to see if you can assume what is going on." She told her as she waited for Takeshi to act, focusing her sight on him.
Takeshi Fujiwara
Kirigakure Traingsfield 3

Takeshi listened while Tora explained the exercise. Takeshi felt somewhat bad for Kumoga, having only four while he got seven. He walked up to her "here" he said, handing her two kunai, to even the odds. He quickly attached wires to his kunai while still with his back to Tora and then turned around facing his sensei. he bent his knees slightly, he readied a kunai to throw at the slightest movement of his sensei. with his marksmanship, he should be able to throw the kunai just right to capture her in a field he created. in a quick, sudden movement Takeshi threw two kunai in one swing of his arm, launching them in a V-form at Tora. She now had wires in front of her and to her left and right. Meaning the only way she could go is further back. Takeshi threw one straight at her and jumped into the air to get a better view and see where he needed to plant his other two kunai to capture Tora.
Tora Hatake
Kirigakure Jounin, Sensei of Team 11

Kirigakure Trainingfield 3

Not moving an inch as Takeshi threw his first few kunai and made the small trap, Tora was curious to see what he had in mind when he threw the kunai directly at her and then jumped. She allowed him to vanish from her sight and caught the kunai that was thrown at her, and then turned to look up "You already failed the moment I caught the kunai." Tora said in a calm tone as she threw the kunai down at the two kunai that were in front of her, cutting the wire and allowing her to step away.

"Valiant thought, but next time, try distracting the enemy while performing such a tactic. A single kunai is not a distraction to an experienced shinobi." Tora said and then looked at Kumoga "You can turn to look at us now. After Takeshi collects the kunai he had you can go ahead and make you attempt." She said in the same calm manner, now keeping her eyes on Kumoga.
Kumogatarui Dobustu
Kirigakure Training Field 3

The task was to trap their Sensei? That didn't sound hard but seeing as it was their sensei, whom was a kunoichi of far greater skill and experience than either of them, it surely it would prove to be more of a challenge than it sounded, moreso when they had to try it alone in favour of collaborating to catch her out. At least she had time to attempt a plan whilst Takeshi took the first try at trapping Tora.

Kumoga's brief time was occupied with listening to the sound behind her after turning around along with attaching five of the now six kunai she had to her fingers by spooling a small amount of webbing from each one and looping them through the rings on the handles. The sixth she had a good plan for, one she could only enact once it was time for her to try...

The thud of Kunai hitting the ground, and the ever so faint sound of one being caught mid-air before Hatake-sensei called Takeshi on his mistake.

Which took surprisingly less time than she expected. Because now it was her turn, once Takeshi gathered his kunai up again.
She used the time she had now to tuck away the sixth kunai, seemingly as a "just in case" weapon, when as a matter of fact she spooled out a length of her webbing from the point at the base of her spine, deftly wrapping the loop with it like the others. Afterwards she took on a readied stance, making sure to keep the five kunai attached to her fingers at a minimal length with the one she'd "hidden" reeled in as close to her as she could.

"You are ready, yes, Hatake-Sensei?" She asked initially, by now Takeshi should be done with gathering his kunai again as she dangled her kunai from her fingers, a wry smile upon her face.

The little kunoichi would take off with one swift step, launching herself into the air seconds later and into a flip, seemingly wanting to merely launch herself over Tora and to the typical blind spot known as the back. This would be when the true location and purpose of the sixth Kunai would be revealed, when she was basically right on-top of Tora she'd apply a burst of chakra to the gland at the base of her spine, essentially firing it downwards, also known as right at her.​