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A collaberation work written between Lillydove, Maruki and Lesli.

Part I

Summary :
Saki has taken the initiative to assemble Team 7 together. But due Kensuke not avaible, she has decided to take her fellow team members out for a day to get to know each other a bit better. Due a festival being hosted in town, they decide to head over there.

She tapped lightly with her foot while having her hands on her back. Dressed in a more casual outfit, Saki was pondering what today would bring. She had planned to go to the festival today, that had been organised for today. Letting out a soft sigh, Saki wondered what her team members would do if she would inform them that today wouldn't be any sort of training or mission. With Kensuke invited to attend to the feast at the palace and attending to the ceremony, thus that she would need to spend time with Ezuri and Shisen. Two people she had only seen at the chuunin exams. At least, only Ezuri. Saki wondered briefly if she would get along with the two. But she couldn't let Kensuke down with such a simple task. Hopefully her team members would've received her message of a team meeting at the point she was waiting.

Shisen had recieved the message an hour after she had awoken to Shiro pawing at her stomach and Arashi growling at the door to be let out, typical morning for them. Sighing she walked out of the small house, the two ninken right behind her towards the designated meeting place. Shiro of course was bounding up ahead while Arashi, was walking next to Shisen. Shisen broke into a jog to keep up with Shiro as they reached the meeting place, she wondered about this Saki. Would she be nice? How did she fight? Did she like animals?

Glancing a bit around, Saki kept pondering about her squadmates. She then noticed at the corner of her left eye and turned her head. Seeing a person with two dogs, Saki briefly squinted her eyes. Perhaps that was Shisen? She did match the appearance. Then again, Saki didn't want to assume too quickly and decided to wait till the person was near her. She returned back to her thoughts.

Ezuri was running late again. The usual thing for him to do. He figured that Shisen and Kensuke were used to it and would look at him strangely if he were to arrive on time. Ezuri picked up his pace as he didnt really want to be late, he was going to meet a new squadmate today, a chuunin nonetheless, what was her name again? Sake, Saki? Ah whatever, he'd just ask her when he gets there. When the trainingfield came into sight he saw everyone was already there, he didnt see the tall stature of Kensuke but he heard he was somewhere else. he did notice a small, rather bouncy figure he had not seen before, perhaps the new dog of Shisen? Ezuri landed at the gate leading to the trainingfield, slowing down to a more casual pace he stuck his hands up as a greeting and ealked over to the waiting four other memebers.

Shiro had made it to Saki first and was sniffing her feet as well as wagging her tail while Shisen just stood there a bit confused by this Chuunin, she was still unsure of meeting someone new. "Suppose you are the new member? " Shisen asked. Arashi glared at the girl, baring her teeth in her aggressive greeting as she walked over and snatched Shiro up by the scruff of her neck then walked back to Shisen. She stood there, still unsure of Arashis motherly attitude towards the younger ninken.

Glancing at the girl with the dogs, Saki waited patiently, but heard somebody approaching as well. Glad that they weren't that late or even going to the wrong place, Saki waited and was about to say something, until the girl asked her a question. ''Yes, that would be me.'' Saki replied, flashing briefly a friendly smile. She was surprised a bit by the dog, who showed a rather aggresive attitude, but she decided to not react back. ''I assume that you're Shisen and you, '' Saki threw a glance at the Hyuuga who had arrived. ''That you must be Ezuri? Glad to meet you both. Saki Yamanaka. '' Saki made a short nod after she introduced herself.

"I am Shisen, yes. This one is Arashi and the smaller one is Shiro, they are my ninken, " Shisen said. Arashi then dropped Shiro and growled at Ezuri, she still did not like the Hyuuga. "Umm, Arashi tends to bite strangers and I am not sure of her behavior with Shiro around, I would be cautious " she added quietly. Glancing at Ezuri before looking to Saki, it was an interesting name.

Ezuri didnt pay too much attention to the aggresive Arashi, he knew all to well to not get too close. he smiled a little bit nervously at Shisen. at the mention of his name by Saki his smile brightened to his well known cheerful one. He figured he did look a bit silly though, wearing his goggles, although they looked more like glasses. still the poision that Koike used during the chuunin exams affected his eyes."Its nice to meet you too Yamanaka-Senpai " said Ezuri. Awaiting the next course of action.

Paying attention to how each genin spoke, Saki waited patiently. When Shisen explained that the dog, Arashi, had a bad habit of biting strangers, Saki didn't made a displeased expression. But she had a great dislike for such undisciplined behavior. ''I'll take note of that, thank you for the warning. And nice to meet you both. I do have to inform you both that Kensuke won't be with us today. He has been invited for the special feast at the palace. '' Pausing, Saki flashed a friendly smile. ''Which means that I'm sort of in charge today. Hope you both won't mind that, as I thought it would be fun to head down town and visit the festival. I hear that there are a lot of interesting stands and what not have been organized. ''

Ezuri blinked his eyes at the Chuunin, He could not remeber the last the last time he went to visit a festival. He began to like this girl being in charge. No mission right now, but a festival, nice! Ezuri shoved his googles to his forehead and tilted his head back, getting a little bottle from his pants, letting the content of it drop in his eyes before putting his goggles back on. he smiled at Saki.

Shisen nodded at what she said, it was only fair to warn her about Arashi. "Sounds like it could be fun, " Shisen said. Shiro darted over to Ezuri and yipped happily before sniffing at him then she barked before darting back to Shisen. She stood there and stuffed her hands into her pockets like she did not know what to do at the moment.

Glad that the two would acompanny her, Saki started to head towards the center of the city. It was still around a half hour walking and Saki decided to start with just a simple conversation. She knew Kensuke from the time she had worked with him, but hadn't asked how he trained or mentored his students. It was an interesting topic, at least for her. ''And? What is your opinion about Kensuke? '' Saki asked, in a friendly tone. ''I had the pleasure of working with him while he was still a chuunin and think even before that. '' Saki added, not wanting to sound like she was trying to pry too much into what their opinion was.

She followed after Saki quietly as Arashi snatched up Shiro by the scruff of her neck and followed after Shisen. Her question was an interestin one, asking about what they thought of Kensuke-Sensei. It was kind of a surprise to her when she said she worked with him before now, but still she it was nice to know such details. "He is nice enough, I think. I am not really sure of what I think about him," Shisen said. Come to think of it, she did not know that much about her sensei. She wondered if it was a good or bad thing, not knowing much.

Ezuri was a lot more talkative than Shisen and especially when he was asked about Kensuke-sensei "I like him," He said"Kensuke-sensei is very strong and wise. He is very inspiring, and while he sometimes comes over harsh with his words, at least he is honest. " Ezuri smiled widely, he did not hide his admiration for his sensei.

Saki smiled, a genuine one, though both wouldn't be able to tell that if her previous smiles weren't genuine. Still walking, she took in what they told about what they thought about Kensuke. It was certainly interesting to hear their answers. ''Oh really? That is a big change from what I know of him.~'' Saki said, thinking back to the somewhat more shy person that she had met and worked with in the past. ''Though I suppose I've not spend that much time with him lately. Hope you two really don't mind me taking charge today. I heard there were a lot of interesting stands and stuff to do down town.''

"I guess everyone changes, " Shisen said, she was not sure of what to think of that comment. Nor did she really see anything to add to her comment and so she would just let Ezuri do all the talking. He was good at rambling on like that and she prefered not to say much anyways. "Just dont get us killed, " she said.

"I'm fine with you taking charge Yamanaka-Senpai" Ezuri said "As long a sshisen is alright with it too" he threw a glance at his teammate in an attempt to catch her reaction to this. Hell, Saki could take charge anytime for all he cared, a festival is iften better than a mission! "Where do you want to go first?"

The words of Shisen made Saki think of herself. Yes, those words were indeed true. She herself was a good example of how true those words were. When Shisen said that they shouldn't get them killed, Saki smiled. ''I have yet to hear somebody died of having some fun, though I know it isn't that strange. '' Winking at the two, she let out a short laughter. ''But I suppose that I'll need to watch over you two. Else Kensuke might have my head. ''

Shisen shrugged and continued walking with Saki, glancing at her ninkens which was more entertaining than one might think. Considering that Shiro was desperately trying to get out of Arashis grip and the older ninken was not having any of it. "How long have you known Kensuke-Sensei?" Shisen asked. She was a bit curious to know how the two got to know each other.

They were nearly there and Saki thought about the question. What she knew about Kensuke? That was actually a decent question as she briefly lifted her head up. ''I knew him from quite some time ago. Kind of the more social shy person, that was either blushing a lot or not that confident. Except when on missions or being provoked too much. '' She smiled. She had good memories. Of Kensuke, Kaname and the others when they were all sort of together. ''I think I know him more then three years. Not that we have been really close friends. You could say we are more aquinted together. '' She then noticed in the distance more people, heading towards the center. There were decorations hang up and the mood was quite cheerful. It made her think of Kiyomi. How was she doing? Saki felt a bit ashamed she hadn't been able to talk with Kiyomi yet. And now the chance would be even less, as one wouldn't probably just meet with the current ruler of a whole nation.

''Hm, let's see.'' Raising a hand towards her chin, Saki frowned as she threw a glance around. ''What about if we first get something sweet and then stroll a bit around? '' Saki suggested, already looking for a stand or place where they could get something nice.
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Daiki Shun,
Kirigakure Chuunin | Squad Leader, Team 12


Daiki felt somebody tapping his shoulder, making him look over his shoulder. A younger person. Half turning around, Daiki frowned. It was pretty darn bold or stupid to just approach a shinobi of Kirigakure like that. Though Daiki didn't consider himself to be quite hostile, he found it a bit irking that the young boy had patted his shoulder. ''Well, to begin first, kiddo. I am not your pal, so next time, don't approach me like that. Got that? Understood?'' Daiki asked with a clear and firm tone. He eyed the boy and had a hunch who he was, as his face didn't match the faces that would be his students. ''If you are one of the new kids, do me a favor. Report to Lee, one of the people who oversees the repairing of the block, here to the right. Help him. After that, you can search me up again. I'm now to busy.'' Just with that, Daiki would walk away.

He was heading towards where he would meet up with his real students. At least genin who weren't directed by him, due some fault by those who had managed to infiltrate those who took care of such planning. Leaning against one of the remaining walls of the ruine, that once was a house, Daiki sighed as he threw a glance around. It had quite a sad look at it. A look that remembered him what the product could be if the revolution would go wrong. But he would first focus on his students, who should arrive now any moment, hopefully.
Takeshi Fujiwara
Kirigakure trainingsfield 3

This time Takeshi did not wait for Kumoga to take the lead and immediately called her name. After he got her attention he pointed at himself and then to the right before pointing to her and the left. He awaited confirmation if she understood it. He ran towards the left and searched around, the first two were found fairly easy as they stuck into a tree not far from each other. The third he almost tripped over as it was stuck in the ground. Picking it up he found the fourth kunai.

Tekeshi looked around and wondered how kumoga was doing, he saw another kunai stuck in the ground on the other side of some bushes, pushing them aside the sixth kunai fell out. Takeshi has found over half of all the kunai, he did not think there were any more on his side. Running back to Tora to check behind her.

He threw a glance to where Kumoga went and stuck his hands up, six fingers. Now is she found at least four, there would only one left behind Tora, which he found fairly fast as there wee less trees and bushes here than to her right and left. It was stuck in a dense bush. He grabbed the kunai and ran back to Tora as he saw Kumoga making her way over there too. Together they should have all 11.
Suzaku Uzumaki
Konohagakure ANBU

At first, Suzaku though that watching over the festival that was taking place in Konohagakure would be the most boring assignment of his career as an ANBU. As it turned out, he was never so wrong. Sitting on a rooftop in his gear, with his mask placed next to him, he enjoyed the sight the village offered. Lights shimmering everywhere, the air was filled with the chatter of people, with music and ... and something else. Something elusive. Something so positive it made Suzaku smile as he watched the streets, filled with celebrating crowds."What a nice change this is. After slicing throats and deciding the fates of countries, it is nice to see something like this. From time to time, that is. Maybe once when I will retire, I might be able to enjoy this kind of life. Until that ... duty calls."

The celebrations of the Empire of Akino forming were truly grand ones, and from what he heard, they were happening in most villages that belonged to the newly forged Empire. Suzaku was not aware of all the details and negotiatons and other political mumbo jumbo that took place, and he decided not to care about it. Some things were better left untouched, out of his knowledge. All that was important for him was to continue hes service as an ANBU operative and carry out the missions that were in the interest of both The Leaf and Akino as a whole. Suzaku was sure that just as with the Leaf, his loyalties were in the right place. So with a smile on his face, he lifted his head from the streets to the night sky that was filled with dancing stars.

" Even the stars seems to be happy. No reason for me not being happy. "
Hiroshi Akiyama - Iroh's Isle, brown
Another struggled grunt crawled its way from Hiroshi's throat as he raised his shovel. The blade piled with dirt added extra weight to a tool that was heavy on its own. Hiroshi's palms were sweaty, added to his weak knees and heavy arms; it caused him to stumble before inevitability falling onto his back. The piles of dirt sheltered him as the shovel dropped with the handle landing straight on the groin of Hiroshi. He opened his mouth to let the pain out through a roar, soon being reminded that he wasn't able to as dirt fell into his mouth.

Hiroshi thrashed around desperately before throwing his arms upwards, nails digging into the ground as he pulled himself from under the piles of dirt. Immediately did he spit the dirt out, reflexive coughs shooting through him to clear his breathing passages. He spat on the ground once the coughing ended, and then sat up against one of the sides of the ditch he was currently in. He brought his knees to his chest, letting his arms lay lifeless on the ground. Throwing his head back to look into the sky, he wondered how much progress had been made.

He looked left and right seeing that no one was in the ditch with him anymore, it had been that way for some time now. Hiroshi didn't necessarily mind though since it was a chance to show his worth. That was the thought that got him through all this, the constant non-stop digging, the burning pain in his arms and legs, the feeling of having to vomit when he started pushing himself too hard. He got through it because of that one thought and chance. 'I really hope this is the right choice', Hiroshi thought as he closed his eyes with a sigh, 'This is my chance to help change things for Kirigakure, make it better for the people. Things are decent right now, could be better, but…If this whole thing turns out to be bad, then…then I don't know.'

Eyes opening with palms planted on the ground, Hiroshi pushed himself back onto his feet. He reached down and grabbed the shovel, for some reason having the urge to just toss it, but he knew it wouldn't be good for anyone. Expressing his doubts about the revolution was also a thing that wouldn't be good for anyone, or maybe just him, he shook the thought away. Beginning to scoop up the dropped dirt from earlier onto the blade a bit at a time, he tossed it aside with the other piles of shoveled dirt. Once done with that he moved forward, beginning to dig further into the dirt to continue on with the moat. Every piece of dirt he picked off took away from his remaining strength. He knew he shouldn't have gotten back into it right away, but he wanted to finish as quickly as possible for Hayashi.

"Hey, Genin!" A voice boomed causing Hiroshi to jolt upwards, a chill ran down his spine as the voice made him feel as if he was about to be scolded. Slowly looking upwards the hazel eyes of Hiroshi came across a higher rank staring down at him. "It's been a while since Mika has been updated on this thing. You should report to her since you're the one working on it."

"I, uhm…ok." Hiroshi tossed the shovel out of the ditch before throwing his hands up beginning to climb out himself. With each movement of his arms and legs a burning pain shot through them, but he managed to get past it to get out of the ditch. Standing up, he dust himself off before picking up the shovel and handing it to the older man. He threw his thumb over his shoulder mumbling, "She's over there." Hiroshi nodded before making his way over to where the man pointed. Well, atleast he got a break from digging.
Hoshi Miwa
Jounin Commander of Amegakure

At her Office, overlooking the village

Looking at view that she could see from the office window, Hoshi smiled. Any reason they could give for the people of Ame to celebrate was good for her. She didn't completely understand why did the people in Konoha chose to change it into a kingdom, but Ryoku saw no harm in it, so she didn't either.

Ryoku and Eiji had both left, meaning that she was responsible for the village until they came back. Luckily for her, the Chuunin Exams had ended in a peaceful manner and they managed to set everything back to its place before getting the announcement about the forming of the kingdom. Ryoku had gotten an invite that invited him and his assistant, which also indicated that these are happy times for the new kingdom and everyone should celebrate.

Just before they left, Hoshi got approval from Ryoku to host a festival in the village. Nothing too over the top, but something to cheer the people of the village up and enjoy themselves. Most of the shinobi were in the village too, as Hoshi wished for them to enjoy and accept the new changes to the village and the union.

Turning to face the table, Hoshi looked at the file of Yoshikuni Sadako that was on it. She needed to ensure the girl will be fine and happy, but she also understood that the Jinchuuriki is mainly helping take care of Eiji's child, or just wander aimlessly around the village. Not exactly the best qualities for a Jinchuuriki to have, but the same time, having a peaceful routine would mean that she will stay mainly peaceful, which was the best result.

There knocking on the door, and then it opened "Hoshi-sama, the festival is about to begin. The people want a small speech from one of the higher ups, and seeing the Amekage and his assistant are out-" He didnt get a chance to finish speaking and Hoshi was already next to him "I'm on my way." She said before the man moved, Hoshi closed the door and locked it and then headed downstairs.

After a couple of minutes, she was standing in front of a small podium made for the occasion. There were many balloons and nice activities around, like small 'throw a shuriken, win a prize!' stalls and colorful food and etc. There were currently many people looking at her, waiting to hear what she has to say about this.

"My fellow citizens! When I first learned about the transformation of the Fire Union into a kingdom, I was surprised as you must be now. I did not understand, nor do I understand yet why this action was taken, but I assure you all, the moment I learn, I will go door to door to explain." She said outloud, and several people chuckled at the thought "I learned that this event is not time to be asking questions or raising eyebrows. This event means that the Union, with us among them, are in a stable and secure state!" Hoshi spoke, and several people nodded, understanding what she meant, but a few were still unconvinced.

"I want to make something clear to everyone. We joined the Union because we needed aid. And they provided it. So we help them, while they also help us. This relationship has helped up greatly during the time we were in the Union, and the village has never been in a better state! That is why our Amekage, Ryoku Samidare, wished for this festival to happen, so we will all enjoy this event just as much as everyone else in the Union." Hoshi kept speaking in a loud voice, with the people seemingly listening to every word she said.

She grabbed a cup of water and raised it "Let us celebrate for the prosperity of Amegakure, the lives of everyone in our village, and for the bright future that awaits our village and kingdom!" Hoshi said and extended her right arm all the way, making many people now cheer, grab cups of drinks and begin celebrating.

Getting off the podium, Hoshi sighed and smiled as she watched the people going around and properly celebrating now. It appeared as if she managed to relieve them of any worries for now. She made a mental note to herself to tell Ryoku that he should address the subject, and then turned to begin heading to the office, when a couple of men grabbed her arms "Hold on there, miss Jounin Commander! You dont get to tell us to go celebrate and then go back to work! Lets go and have a bit of fun before you go back!" one of them said, and Hoshi grinned "I'm sorry gentlemen, but someone still needs to look after you."

With those words the men let her go and she begun making her way back towards the office, hoping that her words wont turn up as just hollow, as she was still uncertain about the whole thing. Ryoku might've approved of this, but Hoshi still had her doubts. Ones that she hoped Ryoku will be able to clear away once he returns.
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Ryoku Samidare
The Amekage

Ryoku had mixed feelings during the road to Konohagakure. He was invited by none other than Lady Meisa and Her Majesty, the Empress of Akino. The events in the past few weeks transpired with lightning speed and Ryoku was sure that he just witnessed history writing itself, and even participated in it. The world that was ever changing made a huge leap and a new foundation was estabilished, one that needed to gain its footing in the world. And Ryoku was currently in a position where he could tip the delicate balance that was currently in the world. Either towards a prosperous future that can lead his people and the people of Akino towards prosperity or towards something uncertain.

Eiji was also invited, though it was up to him if he would accept the invitation. Ryoku left in advance as he wanted to seek an audience with the Empress herself. He had to see what was her potential, what was really hidden in her. Stories about Kiyomi Sato-Hon reached even his ears, and should they not be told by his most trusted friends and comrades, he would outhright refuse to believe in them. But being a great Kunoichi and a good Empress were two different things. She was a great Kunoichi. And soon, Ryoku will see if she will be a great Empress.​
The Amegakure's oath,
The will of the Empress.


A collab between Red Fox and Aliceee

Part I


Summary :

Kiyomi is needed to make sure that she welcomes of the more important guests of the feast in a proper fashion. And this means she is needed to guide Ryoku towards the palace, however there is a slight detour as the two start to talk about something.

Theme music


Kiyomi was rather nervous. She had standing still for a hour while the maids had done her hair, dress and what not. It felt like a big embarresment for her, that she couldn't do it herself. But the reason why it had taken a hour was because Kiyomi had decided she wanted to look like she wanted. After some long argument, she had managed to win and choose a dress herself. As well dressing herself up. With of course the absurd amount of make-up that the maids had wanted her to use. She could already hear Hiron gurmbling that she would look like a sort of doll if she would wear too much of that stuff. Something she didn't even want. Now she was standing in front of a pond, waiting for her first guest to be welcomed by her. A rather boring task, but the most important guests would receive a sort of honorable welcome by being guided through the gardens towards the palace. Lifting a bit of her dress up, Kiyomi frowned as she looked at the shoes she was wearing. Why couldn't she just wear normal clothing? Sighing, she hoped that the person that she would need to welcome wouldn't mind her personal requests.

Ryoku never experienced such a disharmony in his thoughts, even when he was deciding to work together with Soru Deshuga. The place where he was being lead now by Leaf Guards, the palace of the newly formed Empire of Akino was truly a magnificent structure. Seeing it from afar, he was already amazed by it. But what he was not amazed with was the choice of the Empress. A teenager girl? Despite hearing many stories about her, true stories, he still had his doubts. People of her age had no idea how to rule villages, let alone empires. Especially a newly formed Empire, the one of the size of Akino. But before making any decisions or judgements, he wanted to meet the Empress in person. And so he and Eiji made the journey from Amegakure to join the celebrations in the Leaf Village, while tasking Lady Hoshi to manage a celebration of her own.

Before he realized, the guards leading him disappeared and a servant was walking next to him." Excuse me, Amekage-sama. Her majesty, the Empress of Akino sent me here to meet you here. If you would follow me, I would leave you to the Empress - she is already expecting you. This way, please." Ryoku smiled back at the servant and nodded." I would be most grateful, thank you." The gardens were truly an amazing sight to behold. After a minute or two of walking and Ryoku enjoying the sights the garden offered, it seems that they reached their destination. The Empress.

Who was playing a sort of fetch, what seemed to be a sort of chakra formed ball. Kiyomi had been rather bored and she was sure that if she would try to form something of lightning or fire that the servants would jump all on top of her to make sure she wouldn't hurt herself. So she had decided to for a harmless sort of Sparkle. And then do the training that she had done during her time in Team 6, under the leadership of Hiroshi. Simply using chakra control to keep the chakra into a ball shape, she threw it up and catched it, focusing so much on it that she only heard something behind her, a bit too late. The servant gasped and Kiyomi yelped. The chakra formed ball fell on the ground and broke in harmless gathering of chakra. Looking for a moment, surprised, at how the chakra vanished with the wind. Remembering that she had heard something behind her, Kiyomi turned around. Noticing a servant, who still looked shocked and a man, Kiyomi wasn't sure how to react. Hiron's lesson of not lowering her head to somebody she didn't respect was still stuck in her system. But if this was an important person, she would need to greet him properly.

As she opened her mouth, wanting to say something, the servant announced that the man was the Amekage. Kiyomi closed her mouth again as she then saw how the servant left them alone. ''I bid you a good day, Lord Ryoku-san. I hope your journey has been a pleasant one. '' Though she wouldn't lower her head, she would grab a piece of cloth from her dress as she would perform a more lady-like bow. Her cheeks were a bit flustered as she felt a bit embarressed that they had seen her using that chakra ball training.

Ryoku smiled as she saw the chakra ball dispelling on the ground. Despite being an Emperor, she was still more Kunoichi than a politician. It gave him a slight sliver of hope that this visit will change his opinion about her. Ryoku returned her bow with his bow, a deep and respectful one." A most pleasant one, Your Majesty. I was looking forward to meeting the young Empress of Akino in person. The tales of your accomplishments as a Kunocihi are well known in my village, considered to be legends by the younger ones, and inspiration by the elder ones. I am glad to see thay you are still more of a Kunoichi than an actual "Empress", your majesty. Politicians often forget what is the best for their people, don´t you agree?"

Kiyomi didn't like that a kage bowed for her. ''Would you please not bow for me? '' She asked, only realizing a moment later who she was speaking to. ''I mean, you would do me much honor if you would please not bow, Lord Ryoku-san. '' She thought further and then came to conclussion that she was irked by the way she had to talk. Asking him to call her by her name was perhaps a bit too soon. When he asked if she did agree with him, she smiled. ''I must admit that I'm indeed for now much more a kunoichi than a politician, Lord Ryoku-san. I have my advisors helping me with making decisions and leading the nation. I also must say that I'm honored that your village has heard of my achievements. '' Briefly Kiyomi made a pause, after she made a gesture. ''Would you honor me with a walk through the gardens, Lord Ryoku-san? I like to have a bit of fresh air, before we are going to be inside with the other guests for a long time.''

Ryoku was a bit surprised by how she was in person - he imagined a completely different person." I am bowing because my morals tell me to bow, Your Majesty. Age difference is not in the picture here - you are an Empress, while I am but a Kage ... or as I like to think about myself, the voice of my people in the world. It would be my pleasure to join you for a walk." And they started, leaving the spot of their meeting. The gardens were even more amazing than he thought they can be. They played with all the colors he could imagine, the air inside them was just amazing, it made thinking easier for him.

" Running an Empire one as large as Akino is not easy task, your Majesty. But I am sure nobody knows it better than you do. Listening to so many different requets, making sure that all members of the Empire are satisfied, averting possible seeds of dissent and disorder before they can even be sown ... I am sure you and your council have your hands full of work, Your Majesty. It must be taxing to manage it. It leads me to one of the questions I would like to ask you - do you consider yourself to be prepared, Your Majesty?"

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Mika Hayashi,
Leader of the Revolution,

In the headquarters, most western isle of the Water Country, Iroh's Isle.
Mika walked through the halls. But she wasn't going to an office or such. Two armed men walked behind her, at her flanks as she marched away. Walking towards a double door, Mika placed her hands against both doors, pushing them aside. Taking a few steps, she found herself stand on a balcony. With a view on the court yard of the fort. Which was filled by now with men and woman. Common people and shinobi. Men and women who were bearing arms. Some looking grim, others with a grin as they were glad that they could do something and others had a bland look. Mika placed her hands on her back as she straighten her back. It stayed quiet for a long moment.

''You there.'' Mika began. She stared at a man, to the left in the mass. Some heads turned to see who she was talking to. ''I remember you. Dai.'' Mika said with a clear and firm tone. Another moment of silence. ''I remember that I fought beside you, just before we managed to take this fort. I have seen you charge first into the lines of our enemies. Will you again let out that warcy, that probably deafened our foes?''

The man grinned as he saluted. Some others frowned, while others grinned as well. Mika's eyes drifted among the mass, settling down on a smaller man, with a few scars on his face. ''Fumio. A name I hold in great respect. I have never seen somebody being better in throwing a rock to show how much he disagrees with tyranny. Would you do the same again, Fumio?''

The man nodded as some nodded with him. ''I can call more names. I can give you more short tales about the deeds of some men and women. About how brave each of you is. But let's be honest.'' Mika narrowed her eyes. ''We aren't all trained shinobi. We aren't all educated to fight. Some of you are grown up with a farm tool in hand, never thinking that they would however pick up the sword. Picking up the bow and spear. To fight. To protect what is dear to them and not just some hag that desires their lives!'' Mika's voice gained a more angry tone.

''Let me make this clear. They call us traitors. They rub our dignity in the dirt where and when they can! But I say enough!'' Mika raised her right hand and slammed it on the balcony. ''For too long have we accepted this tyranny! For too long have we watched how they defiled the honor and rights of our fathers and mothers. How the Mizukages have not tried to help our brothers and sisters, but left to rot in the mud! I say enough!''

Mika became silent as she saw some anger in the eyes of some. She could clearly some clenching their fist, biting on their lower lip or closing their eyes as some knew all too well what cruelty the reign of the Mizukages had brought them. ''Let's all thus think why we are here. Why we are rejecting the rule of those who wish to make us kneel in the dirt. But today, we won't kneel. We won't be pushed aside. We won't be brought down!''

More started to nodded and some let out a cheer. Mika spread out her arms. ''For have they forgotten who have build Kirigakure? Have they truly lost their minds? I say,'' Lowering her arms, Mika placed her right fist at her chest. ''Let's see how they like the dirt.''
More people nodded and cheered. Not waiting until it became quiet, Mika continued. ''Cause let them not forget how menacing we can be. Remember them that we have tasted some freedom and won't eat their dirt anymore! Who is with me?''

The question was answered with a lot of cheering as some started to lift their weapons in the air as they cheered. Some started to chant some of Mika's lines, but she turned around. One of the two men grinned. ''Nice speech, commander.'' The man saluted, placing his right hand at his chest. Simply nodding, Mika then noticed a boy heading towards her. The two guards of Mika turned around as well, one of them throwing a frown at the boy who approached them. ''Yes?'' Mika asked with a neutral tone, wondering what the boy wanted or would have to say.
Mitsunari Takeda

A Legend is Born (And a very arrogant child graduates)
The Hidden Rain

Mitsunari laughed as he walked down the streets, his hood covering his head in the rain. He started ranting to himself.

"Guess who graduated! The world's soon to best ninja is born!"

Many people gave him strange looks, but he kept walking.

"So what if I scored low in Taijutsu, that's just barbaric! Genjutsu King Baby! I can be anything I imagine! And who can stop me now! I'll be the worlds best!"

A girl looked to her mom "Mommy, I'm scared."

Mitsunari walked past a shop as he kept talking...and stopped, a clothing store... he looked at it enviously as he looked at his own clothes... stitched together time and time again, but Mitsunari's sewing skills had become top notch.

"One day... one day no one will look down on the Takeda clan! I will be the centerpiece to everything! Genin for now, the best Genin. I just need to find a great sensei, and I am Legend. Clothed in anything I want"

He turned, and kept walking towards his house, his papers folded into his clothes. His family..uh, clan, would be so happy to learn he graduated
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Kensuke Nimatsu
Konohagakure Jounin, Leader of Team 7
On the way to the Royal Palace

He frowned at the large building in the distance. It had been erected with great haste eversince the recent changes to how Konoha worked. Akino, he corrected himself. Apparently they were the Empire of Akino now. Sighing he continued on his way. In a short period of time after their return from the chuunin exams in Amegakure the Fire Union had been reformed by a massive and unexpected stepping back of all Daimyo's as political leaders. They placed the power entrusted in them into the new Empress, Kiyomi Hon, chosen by the Fire Daimyo himself to succeed him, disinheriting his own family. Kensuke was beyond suspicious of these recent events. As far as he knew the Daimyos had one thing in common; they clung to their ever-decreasing power like a dog to an old toy. There was something off in here. Something very strange was going on, and he was sure that Konoha leadership had something to do with it. Then again, he didn't really see Hisoka, the Hokage, as someone who would cause so much of a controversial situation to increase his own power, or rather that of his apprentice, Kiyomi. He had a feeling Meisa, the Hokage's assistant, had her finger meddling in this, since from what he had learned from meeting her as much as he had untill now, she didn't shun the worst means to achieve her goals.

In any case, he had been forced more or less to swear a new oath of fealty to Kiyomi instead of the old Daimyo, a very awkward and rather insulting demand. Out of contact with the clan he was the leader of to discuss matters, he hoped he hadn't made a mistake by doing so. After all, he considered Kiyomi to be one of his few friends. This entire thing would definitely make their relationship a lot more difficult and awkward, if not dangerous. Could he keep seeing Kiyomi as a friend if tensions would rise even more than now? He knew his sister would be at the party in the Palace aswell, and that she would report that his clanmembers didn't quite approve of a Hon on the throne of this Empire-business. To make matters worse, it looked like the position would be hereditary instead of elected, and he was sure that people would not like this.

He had to admit to himself that he for once really felt a distinct lack of trust from him towards the decision the Konoha government had made, but also knew that there was little he could do. He was a puppet in their court, and the only real influence he had was either in the hands of his sister or his friendship with Kiyomi. Despite everything he looked forwards to meeting his sister again. It had been a year and a half since he last saw her, and that felt like ages ago. His sister was 19 now, and it made him feel old that his sister was nearly turning 20. He had always seen his sister as most definitely a lot younger than him, despite that she wasn't even two years younger than him. They had always been on relatively good terms for a brother and sister in a family of disaster, and he was of the opinion that his duties in Konoha prevented him way too much from seeing Masami.

He kicked a pebble, checked wether or not his katana's saya was still hanging correctly and readjusted his kimono, before climbing the stairs to the new palace, following the stream of kimono-clad men and women of class and high standing going the same way.

"Whose idea was this bloody palace anyways...?"
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Shika Yukimura had never known Kirigakure to have been this cold before. Now with half of their house in rubble, she made sure to drape all the extra blankets over her father's twisted frame laying prone and despondent in his wooden armchair. It wouldn't help much, given just how ratty they were, but it was something against the wind. Shika frowned as she finished wrapping him up - their housekeeper had been missing ever since the incident and she found it hard to take care of him all by herself. There was no real need to tie him up as nowadays the armchair seemed to be as much of an extension of himself as his arms or legs but it helped calm her mind. After all, today was the day she was supposed to meet her team leader. The day she officially became a kunoichi and began taking on her village's burdens. Who knew how long she would be gone.

With a sigh, she finally began cleaning herself up. It took a long while for her to finish, given how long her hair was and today's delay hadn't helped any. Her hair still wet, Shika began slipping on her clothes and talking to her father though his eyes had already begun to gloss over. "Okay Dad, I left lunch and dinner on the kitchen table just in case. Be careful of the mess when you get it, I still haven't finished cleaning up the floor." She tied up her hair and slung her shinobi headband on her neck. Though some of her peers viewed it as a precious and priceless thing, to Shika it was nothing more than a certificate of her graduation. It was uncomfortable to wear to boot, the metal often growing cold and banging on her chest. Shika tip-toed her way along the chunks of wood on the kitchen floor before eyeing the kitchen table with second thoughts.

"Actually Dad," she grunted, barely being able to lift and move the table, "I'll just put it in front of you, okay? Whew! That was harder than I thought!" With a thump she placed it in front of her oblivious father. Shika sighed before hesitatingly giving her father a hug. It'd been a long time since she'd attempted to do so - the last time he hadn't recognized her and had fallen into a deep panic and the memories still tugged at her heart and stung her eyes. But today was a special day, the first where she'd have to leave her father alone without the help of anybody.

She could feel his protruding ribs and hear his deranged muttering but she forced her mind to go blank. "Make sure you eat today, okay? Bye Dad, be home soon!" Shika then pulled on her sandals and left her half destroyed house with a wave, fully intending on finishing her first team meeting as soon as possible. Though Kirigakure had never been the best neighborhood, the rubble and abandoned houses on her way made her aware of just how bad the incident had been.

Two weeks ago, just around when Shika had been made a graduate of the academy, the village had been ravaged by a monster of sorts. She didn't exactly remember what it'd been nor what had happened to it, as she'd been more concerned about her house and family but it had been enormous, nothing like she'd ever seen before. On top of all those things Shika had heard rumours of a rebellion sweeping the land though what their purpose was she wasn't quite sure. All in all, Kirigakure was a mess. She wished she had enough money to hire the various workers she saw fixing the wreckage - perhaps her new job as a kunoichi would allow her to do so.

Speaking of which she had completely forgot to bring along any of her equipment save for her headband. Hopefully they would not be sparring or anything of that sort, or she'd have to rely on her average taijutsu and mediocre ninjutsu. Shika scanned the area, looking for her teacher. She had been told to meet him at a ruined house in this general area but with so many of them she wasn't sure which one it was.

Shika was also surprised she was the first one here despite her delays. There wasn't any group milling around at any rate - perhaps she'd gotten the wrong address? "Hmm... Daiki Shun?" She called out tentatively to no answer. There was a younger person who didn't look like a worker leaning against a nearby wall who looked the part - she certainly had never seen someone like him in this area of Kirigakure. Shika slowly weaved her way towards him, approaching him with a small smile. "Are you Daiki Shun? I was told to come here..."
Hiroshi Akiyama - Iroh's Isle, brown
Continuing on his path to report to Hayashi, Hiroshi would soon hear voice begin to speak out. She was giving some sort of speech, evident by the statements about even those who weren't Shinobi being willing to fight. Hiroshi felt this speech wasn't one to be interrupted, not that he would ever try to interrupt one, but he felt he'd most defiantly be scolded…with a fist if he was to interrupt this one. So instead of walking further he halted and listened as she spoke good words, she knew how to get a crowd going. Hiroshi, nonetheless, still had some doubts about the whole thing.

While he was on their side, he still carried worry. He wanted freedom for everyone, yet Rika was the best thing they had in a while. He just didn't want anything to go wrong, and got nervous thinking about it. But he believed in the Hayashi, believed in the revolution, believed things could get better. That's what would keep him going throughout this whole thing. Once Hayashi finished speaking, Hiroshi took a few steps towards her. It seemed she had noticed, along with the two guards. The stares from them made it seem as if he was attempting to assassinate her, or maybe that was just him feeling intimidated.

He swallowed, taking a few steps back. "U-Uhm, nice spee-"His words were cut off as he fell onto his bum, his legs was still sore. Quickly getting back onto his feet, Hiroshi's hands swiped across his clothing as he tried knocking dust away. He found the attempt ultimately useless since it wouldn't come off. Looking back at Hayashi he cleared his throat, trying to take focus off his little moment there. "Apologizes, I, uhm…was told to come update you about the progress of the moat. We, erm, more so I have it nearly finished. Just needed a few more minutes before it was completed, leader Hayashi…sama." Hiroshi's eyes fell to the ground after he finished speaking. Right hand on his chest, he waited until she wanted him gone.
Rini Yoto
Amegakure genin,
In Amegakure.

A festival? Rini was interested, but she didn't hear a speech. A rhymtic sound was all that she heard. Her feet and the rain. Beating the ground as she kept jogging. With a hood up, she wasn't sure how far she had jogged, but she wanted to make it. She was just spending another session of training to increase her stamina, to push herself to a new limit. And then to another one. But as she continued, her legs picked up that bad habit. They started to tire out, causing some discomfort as she tried to use sheer will power to keep herself pushing forward.

''Just a bit more.'' She muttered to herself. But as she wanted to place her foot down, she met the ground. In a rather painful reunion, Rini had slipped due the wet soil and fallen. But instead of dropping on her face, she had managed to catch herself. Just a few centimeters, her eyes stared at the ground. She froze as she could see how a few raindrops fell on the ground. Frowning, she bite on her lower lip. ''One... Two.... Three.... Four..'' Without wavering, she started to perform push ups. However at twenty she felt her arms ache with pain.

Trying to do one more push up, Rini almost collapsed through her arms. Rolling on her back, she took a few moments to gain back some breath. Then she continued with her sit ups. As if she would care if somebody would spot her. She had no interest yet in the festival. She wanted to make sure she would make use of the moment to try to increase her limits. To push herself further.


''I am- Oh.'' Rini closed the door behind her. She was covered in mud, sweat and soaked. Putting out her shoes, she then tried to get to the bathroom without making too much of a mess. There was still a trail of mud leading to the bathroom. Getting undressed, Rini went into the bath to try to rub the dirt, mud and sweat from her skin. While doing so, she had a rather empty look. There was no other sound in the house. Normally, her mother would sing while trying to keep it all tidy. Her father often muttering things that always didn't make much sense to her. But today was again a day where she would only hear some faint things. Probably her desire to hear the voice of her mother, singing the same song, over and over again. Or trying to pay more attention of what was troubling her father.

Too bad she hadn't done that when she had the chance.​
Kirigakure, #09b02d
'Late late late!' Naname was late to her squad's first official meeting 'Baka baka!' she chastised herself mentally as she ran through the village. Naname wasnt one for being late, in fact she was usually early, but today seemed to have a grudge against her. First her alarm decides not to go off so she sleeps in, second her father insists she eats breakfast with him, third her sandal strap breaks so she had to run to the nearby market and buy a new pair, and finally 4th, the best of all. She was on her way to the meeting, at her speed she would still make it on time, that was when she spotted an elderly lady trying to carry her groceries through some of the rubble from the Six-Tails rampage.

Naname had slid to a stop in the middle of the road, her sapphire blue hair swaying as she looked back and forth from the elderly lady, then to her destination. Finally losing the struggle inside, she dashed over to the lady, with a shy but polite smile she offered to carry her groceries home. At first she was surprised and persisted on letting her handle it, until she tried crossing a particularly large charred beam. After Nana practically begged her, she gave up and let her carry them. That took at least 10 minutes she really didnt have, but she held no regrets, especially when she saw the smile on the lady's face when they got to her home.

The apple she had given Nana in gratitude was still in her pocket, at the reminder a smile comes to Naname's lips, even as she ran through the rubble and ruins of what was once part of their village. Honestly she wanted to help the others rebuild Kirigakure, but her Shinobi studies came first. Finally she spotted the place she was to meet her Sensei and other teammates. Within a few more moments she arrived, she slowed down as she approached who she assumed was her Sensei and another girl. Stuffing her hands into her jacket pockets she looks at each of them shyly. "Uhh....H-hello, good morning Daiki-Sensei....?" The last part came out as more of a question, trying to confirm if this man was indeed her Sensei. Her voice is small and soft, but has a nice soothing effect

Kumogakure, orange
"Your banned for a week, dont come back until you've learned your lesson!" Riku cringed as the restaurant owner shouted at him outside the Fijiraku Barbecue entrance. Rubbing the back of his head he looks down, taking the tongue-lashing in silence. "I'm so sorry Fijiraku-Dono, I'll think on my actions, thank you for showing patience and kindness toward my behavior." His tone is apologetic and low as he goes to his knees, bowing his head down low in a apologetic stance. His voice has that typical teenage boy high-pitch thing to it that he hated. Huffing with her arms folded she looks down at him for a few moments before sighing. "Alright alright, just keep that temper in check, or next time it wont be someone as nice as me baring down on you." She chides before going back into the resteraunt with a final slam of the sliding door.

Letting out the breath he just realized he had been holding, Riku slowly stands back up. 'Dang Kyo....Why did you have to go trashing my favorite restaurant?' He thought mentally as he looked up at the familiar sign. But he already knew the reason, he'd been overhearing some arrogant Chuunin's making fun of one of his classmates. At first he just ignored it, or tried to, but they were so loud and obnoxious, it was near impossible. Pretty soon he was getting angry, he knew he should of let it go, he should of known better, but emotions arent reasonable things, especially not his. That was when Kyo came to life, having no tolerance for bullies or obnoxious brats like they were, he had caused a big ruckus which resulted in Kyo breaking 2....Or was it 3? Tables and spilling food all over the section that had been sitting in. He didnt know the specifics for sure since he was already being hauled outside by the time he came to, and he never remembered much when Kyo took over.

Shaking his head, Riku sighs before walking down the street, ignoring the stares and hushed tones around him. The whole village, or at least most of it, knew of his "problem" by now. The title of "Crash" haunted him wherever he went, and days like this when Kyo went on rampages only made it worse, he wasnt even allowed in half of Kumogakure's restaurants anymore. Stuffing his hands into his pant pockets he looks up at the clouds floating through the sky. 'Guess I better head toward the meeting....I wonder how my new Sensei is gonna be....'

After about 15 minutes he arrived at the designated spot. Seeing a Jounin-judging by the mans clothing, waiting there, he assumed it was his Sensei. Approaching him he looks around, seeing he was the first one there. He gives a small wave "Umm, Riku Sashuro reporting for duty?" He tone was unsure, he didnt know these things went, he just hoped his new Sensei was a little more understanding then some of the villagers here
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Takeru Destrushia,
The Fifth Raikage

In the Raikage Office.

He sat in silence, behind the desk. He thought about what had transpired. Waki Sanosuke, the previous Jounin commander of Kumogakure and one of the respected people that had aided Takeru's reign greatly, was now assassinated. There was no doubt about it. They had after all found the body in his home. Even without signs of a fight, it was clear murder. The wounds at the body of the old man said enough. Though he wasn't afraid for his own safety, he was afraid for that of others.

It was clear that the culprit or culprits would soon try to make a bold move towards him. But he wanted to prevent that they would lure him out in a situation where they would hold an advantage over him. Thinking about how he could solve the whole matter, as he was certain this had to do with the Antare clan revolt in the north, Takeru considered something.

He leaned back in his seat and would request from an ANBU to bring a message towards Midori Sato. He would make sure that his opponents wouldn't get the chance to corner or lure him out. No, he would make the first preparations and then corner them.
A personal kind of mission,
Midori's promotion mission!

A collab between Fieryfly and Gerontis

Summary :

Midori has been summoned to come to the Raikage Office. There she learns a secret that only a few are aware off as gaining a chance to prove herself to be a truly capable kunoichi for the Cloud.

Turning a page, Takeru's went down the page. It was a most interesting book. The writer went into some details and sometimes over did it, but the subject of the culture was of the more northern civilizations, such as in the Snow country, was one that intrigued Takeru. Not wasn't it only interesting to read and learn about the culture, but it would prove useful to know what cultural differences would be between that of the Lightning and the Snow country. Differences that could mean either a success or a failure while leading the Snow country as they were now a loyal vassal of the Lightning. Turning his head a bit, he kept reading until he had enough of it. Slowly closing his book, Takeru sighed softly.

A soft growling sound was produced at his right, which caught his attention. Pain had his eyes closed, but his lips trembled. The large Tasmanian devil laid on his stomach, his head directed towards the wide doors that were closed. Chuckling, the masked Raikage leaned and gently stroked the large animal on his back. The soft growling changed into a sound that made it clear that the animal did like the attention of his owner.

Midori had been standing before the entrance of the Raikage's office for a minute or two now. She knew she was expected, the Raikage wanted to see her in his office, but she didn't particulary feel like going. Surely, the Raikage wasn't mean, he had never done terrible things to her and was generally quite nice. Yet, she didn't want to go. Not alone at least. If Reyna was with her, maybe it would be better. Or Deida-

Midori shook her head. Somehow her mind kept forgetting at random times that her teammember was no longer with her. It was with the small things. Simple thoughts that lead to Deidara. Or to... Midori didn't even want to think of his name right now. Instead she pushed her thoughts to wondering what the Raikage would want from her today. Probably something with Gyuki. That was all she was for some of them, a vassal to keep Gyuki in. Well, she thought, it is no use standing here doing nothing. To follow her thoughts she took a step forward and another one, and another one, forcing herself to get to the meeting.

Moments later she was admitted and lead to the door behind which the Raikage dwelled. She steadied her hand and raised it before knocking twice.

Straighten himself on the chair, Takeru cleared his throat after he heard the knocking on the door. ''Please come in. '' He was hoping it would be Midori as he had something to discuss with her. Leaning with his elbows on his desk, the masked man would silently wait until she would enter the office. The door would be closed behind her as a few ANBU would take their positions. Takeru didn't wish to be disturbed by anybody while he would have a meeting this important.

Quietly Midori entered after the approval. It didn't escape her notice that there where several ANBU standing behind the closing door. She pretended not to care and turned her eyes to the Raikage. Conform to what she had learned she bowed to him. ''You summoned me, sir," she said while waiting for the Raikage to allow her to raise her head.

Silently watching how the girl bowed, the two large tasmanian devils didn't snarl or would show their fangs. There was a sort of brief tension as Takeru stayed silent. A few moments passed until he spoke. ''Yes, I'm glad that you came. '' He said on a rather serious tone, instead of the usual polite one he had used against her in the past. ''You may rise.'' He told her as he then would ask her a question. ''How are you today?''

As she lifted her head Midori wondered if he wanted a truthful answer or a polite one. Did he really care how she was feeling today? She decided not to be polite. ''I have been better, sir. But I am in good health." Her body was fine, it was just her mind that was still crushed by all the death surrounding her all of a sudden.

''I'm glad to hear that Midori.'' Takeru said. He then made a gesture to the chair near his desk. ''Please, sit down. I imagine that might talk a bit easier. '' He told her, waiting till she would sit down as the serious tone made it clear it wasn't really a gesture of being polite. He couldn't see much of any after shock that was being expressed as he was well aware that the conversation they were going to have wasn't really on an ideal timing. Then again, it was better now than never.

Without complaining Midori took the chair. Her mind raced to think why the Raikage would want her to sit down. Normally she would just receive something she had to do and leave. What made this different? What were they going to talk about? She hooked her feet behind the legs of the chair and placed her hands on her lap. She would have asked all those questions long ago. Long ago when Nobushige-sensei was still alive. But that had changed. She had realized that either they would be answered in time, or they would be ignored.

''I hope that you won't mind me summoning you, but there are some important matters we will need to discuss. Let me start saying, '' Takeru began on an even more serious and harsher tone. ''That no matter what happens that you'll listen and will not act out of line. I hope it is clear that you understand that it isn't just a talk between you, a kunoichi and a jinchuriki, '' He briefly pointed at her. Then he pointed towards himself. '' And a Raikage, but between two people,'' His tone suddenly became softer as more polite. It had still the serious undertone, but it wasn't as dominating his voice as before.

''I thus would like you to not use a title, but please. Call me Takeru. ''

Midori did mind that she was summoned, but she wasn't going to say that. And she wasn't going to say that she perhaps was going to act out of line. It all depended on the subject of the conversation. Instead she just nodded along. When his last request came, however, Midori stared at him. He wanted her to call him by his first name. His first name. No one did that. People didn't call each other by their first names, that was for very close friends which she and the Raikage... Takeru, were not. They really were not. And she didn't want to be. Being on a first name basis would imply certain things and she would rather not have them. ''I hope I am not acting out of line when I say that I find that request hard to fulfill, sir. I don't believe I have the right to call you by your first name. We are neither friends, nor family after all," she said, her eyes steady on him.

He listened and stayed silent for several moments. The large devil on the right stared at Midori, his lip moving a bit up as it would reveal a nasty looking fang. ''I see. A shame, cause I was hoping we wouldn't have to be that formal. Then again, I suppose it might have its uses if you prefer to keep seeing me as your Raikage. '' Slowly Takeru's hand would move towards the lower end of his mask. He kept talking as he would slowly remove it. ''After all, I hope that you're still respectful enough towards the titel of Raikage to... not act out of line now. ''

For the second time Midori couldn't do anything else then stare. This was the face of the man that lead this country. The man that decided her faith. He looked... normal. Why did he have his face covered if he looked normal like that? If he had a nasty scar, or a burn, she would understand it. But this was just a face you could see on the street every day. ''Yes, sir," she finally managed to utter. ''If I... may ask... Why are you showing me your face now after hiding it for so long?" And why wear the mask at all, she thought behind her own question.

The man frowned as he was taken a bit by surprise. He had expected a different kind of reaction, but smiled. ''Midori. '' A loud snort would be heard in Midori's mind after the booming voice would speak up. ''Look closer. '' Gyuki had been half awake. He wasn't remotely interested in a meeting with the Raikage. He understood it was important for Midori and thus sort of important for him, but he didn't care about the village as much as she did. It wasn't what he considered home.

After living so long with Gyuki Midori didn't even blink when he spoke up and his voice echoed through her body. You got used to everything it seemed. Strange how that went, but his words were no longer as mean as they were before. They were no longer completely filled with hate. So she listened to them and looked closer to the face before her.

And drew a blank.

What was she supposed to see here? He looked kind of normal. Not very evi- Midori's eyes widened. He didn't look very evil! She remembered she had thought that before, long ago, when someone had tried to kidnap her out of a shop. He had looked normal too, with the same normal nose, and the same normal eyes. Not evil at all. Her fists clenched on her lap. ''What have you done with the Raikage?" she asked him. ''I remember you now. You are evil. What have you done to our ruler?"

Just before Takeru could say another thing, he closed his mouth. ''To be very honest, I am him. '' He told her. It seemed that she remembered him after all and though her questions would be amusing, he didn't find anything amusing about them at the current moment. ''Do you truly think that the ANBU and the higher ups of the village would fall again for the same trick, as what happened before? '' Takeru asked, raising an eyebrow. ''Now, I wonder. '' He paused. ''Will you still prefer to call me 'sir' or not. ''

''What happened before can happen again." Midori's eyes were fixed on the imposter Raikage who claimed to be the real one. ''Maybe they fell for it because they were sure that no one would try it again so soon. I don't understand how someone like you could possibly become Raikage without tricking others Kidnappers don't become rulers." Was she speaking out of line? She probably was, but it didn't really seem to matter. Was she supposed to be kind to her kidnapper? No way that would happen. ''I would call you nothing different. As is proved you are neither my friend nor family. In fact you turn out to be more my enemy from long ago, sir. Is this an elaborate plot to kidnap me again?"

Slowly the devil on the right started to growl, but he grow silent as Takeru cleared his throat. ''I hope at least I don't have to explain why I waited for so long before I would entrust you with my face. My mother always told me that my looks would get me into trouble. '' Takeru sighed. He then frowned again at Midori. Though he didn't like it that she was sort of acting out of the line, he couldn't really blame her for it. Would he react differently in her place? Probably not. Probably even worse. ''And no, I'm not even going to try to kidnap you. If you would see me as an evil person, then I must perhaps suggest that the plan already worked out, didn't it? Me as the ruling Raikage and you as the jinchuriki. Think that means you're already under my command, doesn't it? '' He asked.

Midori pressed her lips firm together. She hated the fact that he was right. If he truely was Raikage then what say did she have? She had to obey his orders to the tee. Her mother had even requested the Raikage to take her in, or something like that. Of course, her mother hadn't known who the man was. Midori swore to herself that she would not wear a mask like that ever. Her hangs were no longer clenched into fists, but where now squeezing the fabric of her pants. She didn't like this, she didn't like this at all. Why did things have to be so complicated and so weird. Why couldn't things go back to normal? Why did everyone die? ''Well then why have you summoned me, sir? Besides the fact that you wanted to show me that I now work for my kidnapper..." Her voice had become smaller, more unsure.

''To first make sure that I never meant anything evil. In fact, if you don't mind me telling it, I was together working with some people that tried to make sure that the previous rulers of the Cloud wouldn't make you do anything you would probably not enjoy. Such as perhaps being used as a timebomb? '' Takeru hoped the comment and question would have the desired effect. But he was also trying to test her out. So far he hadn't seen any signals of that the Hachibi was active, so perhaps the rumours were true. ''But I hope you understand that you can at least try to trust me. Of course, '' Takeru sighed and would then flash a smile as he understood that it wouldn't be that easy. It was clear that she wasn't going to see him as a big friend right away. ''In due time. ''

Gyuki remained quiet. He was growing a bit tense as he understood that the situation wasn't much to Midori's liking. He personally wasn't sure what to think of it, but he wasn't going to act up. However he was growing nervous as he wanted to go away. The eight tails started to sweep around as he snorted, softly instead of the usual loud ones.

''I don't understand that!" Midori's voice shot an octave higher at the last word. ''Whatever you intentions are or were, they don't explain anything about kidnapping me. Not one bit. The only thing it explains is that you are doing away with kidnapping. Trying to talk it good, wash it away with fancy words." Her attention shifted, for a moment, to Gyuki and she shared his feeling. She wanted to leave this office now. Collect her thoughts. Make up her mind. ''What have you summoned me for, sir?" she asked again. She wanted an answer, just so she knew what she had to do.

Sighing, Takeru looked a bit troubled. He was expecting that she wouldn´t accept his words right away, but had been hoping that it would go a bit smoother. But it was too late to turn around. He made a gesture with his right hand, as he started to reply back. ''So? I was genuine that I've no bad intentions with you nor had any bad intensions in the past. Perhaps the way how it happened was not the best way to handle it, but it was the safest manner for not only you, but for those who are or must I say were close with you. '' The man's voice sounded as before again quite serious as he hoped that his next words would also make it clear he had no ill will towards her. ''Else if you want to really believe it, I could always remove you from my protection and leave you open to be questioned again by Lady Asami. She might have some more use of you to continue her research. Would you prefer that, miss Sato? ''

Why? Midori looked down to her legs. Her fingers hurt from digging them into her knees, her knuckles white. Why? Why was everyone so bound on making her life harder? Why did she have to make the choice between a kidnapper and a woman who wanted to experiment with her? Why was that even a choice? She forced her breath to remain steady and bit her lip. What was she supposed to reply now? She had no clue. The people that had been close to her would have known what to do. Her sensei would have. Deidara would have. Ryo...

''No..." she muttered finally. No, she didn't want to go back to Asami. Which meant she chose the kidnapper. How was that better? ''No, I would prefer not to go back to her... sir."

''Good. I'm sorry though. '' Takeru replied as he became silent for another few moments. She seemed to be quite tormented, but the hardest part was over. After all, it seemed she had sort of accepted how the situation was. ''I guess that we can leave it for now as I do have something for you. A very important mission. Both for you as for me. You probably remember that your mother requested that you would have some security or at least be treated more humane, which led to the fact you would be directly serve under me. '' Takeru took another few moments to remain silent. He wanted to be sure that every single word would have the desired impact. If she would get a wrong impression or idea, then he would lose a lot. On a personal level.

''It is a mission that will be very important for you as I have no doubt that even with your current fame and status, that there are still people who haven't forgotten about the attack of the Hachibi years ago. An attack that caused some great damage, something that hasn't even been a decade ago.'' As Takeru would continue to talk, another pair of eyes stared at Midori. Slowly the pair of eyes would move from the left side of the desk. A small and young face of a girl stared at Midori, with big curious eyes. ''What I want you to do is to make sure that you can prove that you're not a danger and have truly tamed the Hachibi. I personally don't care if you have or haven't, but I do- ''

''She looks silly.'' The face moved away. Away from Midori's sight. Frowning, Takeru glanced down at his left. ''What did I tell you? Sshhh. Now... I wish you to escort with your team a very important person. For me. '' Again, Takeru looked down at his left and nodded. Slowly again, the young small face would appear again as she would raise up. Clenching a little doll with both of her hands, a young girl with dark brown hair and even what seemed to be even more darker brown eyes stared at Midori. ''Akira... '' Takeru slowly mumbled, clearly irritated that the young girl kept staring at Midori. Puffing her cheeks, Akira turned towards Takeru and pointed at Midori. ''But she doesn't look like a cool warrior or even strong! I want a cool hero. I want somebody who doesn't look sad.''

Oh, so there was a mission. There was a real reason why she was here. An important missoin for both of them apparantly, whatever that might mean. Midori raised her head to ask a question, but was interupted by the appearance of a little girl. Had she been hiding under the desk all this time? Meaning she had heard all of the talk? Midori wasn't sure that she liked that. Wasn't this a private matter? Who was the girl anyway that she was hiding in the Kage's office? Was she his daughter?

When the girl spoke Midori's eyebrow settled for an expression of annoyance. ''Well, ask him to not make me sad then..." she mumbled just loud enough that the girl would be able to hear it. ''It's not my fault." She was aware that she should probably not reply, but since all the rules had been thrown out of the window already it didn't matter anymore.

Before Takeru could say something, again, the girl turned around. She gained a more arrogant expression as she placed one of her hands at her side. ''Then ask him not to make you sad.'' She said with would sound as an attempt to sound she was Midori's better. Takeru sighed as he placed a hand on the girl's shoulder. ''As I was trying to say, I need you to escort my protegé as it is needed that she will go somewhere that is safer for her to be. '' He glanced at Akira with a frown that made it clear he didn't want her to argue. ''And it is important for you to do this as you'll need to prove you can be entrusted with leading a team as protecting somebody that might become a target of evil people. Such as kidnappers, if I may give an example. '' Takeru returned his gaze back on Midori as he hoped she understood his words.

''I can later send you a briefing on why it is required to make sure that she is being brought into safety, but I hope that you'll accept this as not only a personal request from me, but also as an offer to gain the possibility to lead your own team. '' Takeru told her. The young girl kept looking with a bit of an arrogant look at Midori. Slowly she took a step to stand closer to Takeru. ''I don't like her.'' She tried to whisper, but it was loud enough that Midori would hear her.

Not his daughter then. His protegé. Midori didn't even know that the Raikage had one. Was this girl really special? Midori opened her mouth to ask the questions 'why', but Takeru beat her to it by saying that he would explain later. Maybe the girl wasn't allowed to know. Knowing was a dangerous thing. Midori had figured that out early. Then she realized what it meant that she was leading a team. It meant she was the leader. She had never been a leader before! Why did he think she could do that? She pondered a bit about his request, slightly annoyed by the comment of the girl, Akira.

''Without a sensei my team only consists of me and Reyna. Are you sure that that is enough? ... sir." She asked him after a pause. She didn't know what was threatening the little girl, but were two shinobi enough to keep her safe like that?

''I am aware of that, Midori. '' Takeru calmy replied that with a polite tone. ''That is why you'll get a genin assigned. '' The man moved a bit back as he would open a drawer. Grabbing out what seemed to be a document, he would place it on the desk and then shove it towards Midori's direction. ''The mission might not seem to be important at first glance, but it is to prove you're capable of leading a team. One of the few tasks that is being entrusted to the rank of a specialized jounin. ''

A genin? She was suppossed to do her first mission with the help of a Genin. Sure, that would work great. She stared at the Raikage for a moment. Maybe he did want her to be kidnapped again. Maybe that was his plan. Get her out of the city with a weak team - not that Reyna was weak. She was super strong, but protecting someone was not the same as fighting normally - and kidnap her. But if she said no... she would go back to Asami. Midori bit her lip again and accepted the folder. She opened it, an official feeling settling down on her. This was real. Only sensei's opened folders with details about people and missions. She stared to the picture and the name. Kaya Irozaki. She had never heard of the girl before. Why hadn't she heard of her before? She was supposed to be excited for a new teammember, but she could only think of the one this Kaya would replace. The team wouldn't be the team without Deidara. Or without Raspberry-sensei. It was an honor to be selected as Specialized Jounin, probably at least, but she could only think of what she lost and not what she could gain here.

Still staring to the file Midori spoke again: ''I understand. Can I... ask, sir... " she paused for a moment. ''What... Why is Raspb- Natsuki-sensei no longer leading the team?"

Takeru had half expected the question as it seemed to dawn upon Midori that she could gain a promotion if the mission would be a success. The young girl moved closer to Takeru and slowly would burry her face against his chest. While he pat the head of the young girl, he looked with a serious expression towards Midori. ''Cause he is a valuable ANBU under my command. He has been a good sensei without any doubt, but I'm more than wary that you've managed to pick up and learn things on your own. With your current experience and assets, I'm confident that you don't need a direct sensei anymore. '' Takeru became silent for a few seconds as he thought about something. ''Though if you wish, I could try to arrange after your mission a chance to meet with him. '' Takeru suggested, hoping it was clear he had no ill will as that he wasn't heartless either.

The fact that Natsuki was not dead releived Midori. She sighed, releasing the breath she had apparantly been holding unconsciously. Someone still lived. It was not only she and Reyna. Natsuki was still around. She closed her eyes for a second and then nodded. ''I would... really like that, sir." Her voice revealed how sincere she was. ''He has been a really good sensei and I... miss him." She wasn't sure if it was smart to be open about things with the Raikage, but sometimes not talking was still too difficult.

''I'm sorry then for the change. But he is a tad better than some other ANBU I've at my disposal. '' Takeru replied, though he was aware he wouldn't need to state his reasons for his actions to her. He was her superior, but the change of the conversation made him be more polite and friendly than he wanted to be. ''About the mission, I hope you can pack some stuff together and travel tomorrow before the sun rises. I must press that I wish you and your team will do everything to keep her safe. '' Takeru glanced at the girl who still kept her face pressed against his chest. ''I can promise in return that I'll continue to make sure that your family here won't be harmed. Not as long as I can draw another breath.''

Yeah so that was the bargain. Do the mission, do you duty or you family will suffer the consequences. That was her life. Do you job or your friends will suffer and your mother will die. Subbornly Midori kept staring to the file. She was sure that Kaya was having a lovely life. She looked like she was having one. She would have none of the worries that Midori struggled with on her own. How nice. No, there was no choice here. She could not say no. So she just nodded. ''We will do our utmost best, sir." She pushed her chair slightly back. ''If that was all, I would like to leave now... I have... a mission to prepare for and I have to contact the genin."

The man nodded. ''I understand Midori. I wish you luck on your mission. '' Somebody sobbed. Looking worried and a bit saddened, Takeru paid no longer attention towards Midori. Trying to comfort the young girl, it was evidently clear that somebody else wasn't to happy either with the mission. ''I don't want... to go away...'' The soft whispering was loud enough for both Midori as for Takeru. Trying to hush her, Takeru had no longer attention for Midori as he whispered back comforting words, trying to make her stop crying.

She didn't want to go? Well that made two of them, but neither had a choice. Midori got up, made a bow towards the man who was no longer looking at her and turned around. It wasn't her concert that the girl was crying. She couldn't care less. This mission had to be completed otherwise bad things would happen. Slowly Midori opened the door and without sending a glance back she walked out of the office, closing the door behind her, shutting the sobbing away. Now she had to find Kaya. No, first she had to find Reyna 'cause Reyna would understand and would help. She was sure of that. [/COLOR]
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Daiki Shun,
Kirigakure Chuunin | Squad Leader, Team 12

He had wondered how long he would've to wait, until he noticed somebody. Judging from the looks, it was one of the two girls in his team. "Hmm... Daiki Shun?" She asked and he pushed his back from the wall. The wall crumbled a bit, but Daiki paid no attention to it. With his hands still stuffed in the pockets of his pants, he eyed her. ''Shika Yukimura, I assume? But yes, I-'' Daiki halted as he then noticed and heard somebody else approaching them.

"Uhh....H-hello, good morning Daiki-Sensei....?'' The other girl, who had just arrived, asked. Looking with a sideways glance at her, the wall behind Daiki crumbled further, collapsing. With the dust being lightly thrown a bit up in the air behind Daiki, the chuunin who was barely older than them, slightly adjusted his pose. He cocked his head a bit to the right.

''Yep, Daiki Shun.'' He confirmed, not really caring about the dramatic effect that the collapsed wall could have as it made his introduction sort of more dramatic. ''I assume that you're Naname Kamiki then.'' He glanced at Namame, after which he glanced at Shika. ''You both came on time and I'll start that I'm pleased to see that happen.'' He said with a polite tone. It shifted towards a more serious one. ''I'll start with that I want you to call me senpai, by the way. I don't think that I've earned yet the respect to be called sensei yet. Even if I am confident that I can help you, every one of you, let's first..'' Daiki thought about how he could phrase it in the best possible manner. ''Let's first see how it goes.'' He would flash a polite smile.
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Satoshi Jun,
Kumogakure Jounin | Sensei of Team 3

Rallying the team,

Satoshi enjoyed the shadow of the brick wall, which he was leaning against. Slowly he looked in the direction of a young boy, that reported for duty, but made it sound like it was a mere question. Still not moving away from the wall, Satoshi simply stared at the boy for a second before he then chuckled. ''Reporting in while sounding unsure? I have to say, that is a new one.'' Satoshi replied with a tone that made it clear that he was a bit amused. ''But judging from your tune, I suspect that nobody really ran you down how meetings like these go? Okay, I will explain it.'' Satoshi kept talking with a friendly tone, hoping that it would make the genin feel tad more confident.

''My name is Satoshi Jun, member of the Jun clan and currently Jounin-sensei of Team Jun, numbered Kumogakure number 3.'' Satoshi said with a firm voice. He then smiled in Riku's direction. ''That is how you usually report in, but then again,'' Satoshi shrugged as he chuckled. ''I'm fine with just a name. After all, you might be some kage, but I would like to know a name. Makes it a bit clear of who I'm dealing with.'' Satoshi finished. He knew well enough about the newest member of the squad and wondered briefly it was really 'Riku' as he understood that the boy had another personality. It was something that he found interesting as slightly disturbing, cause it could mean potential problems. Then again, he decided to not judge about it until he had seen happen in action. ''''So, how has your morning been, so far?''
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Hanako Asushika
Kumo, Team 3, Chuunin

Hanako left the house in a hurry as her aunt who was currently Head Clan had stopped for breakfast and the time had gone by. She was was now walking down the streets of the village on the way to meet her Sensei and was occasionally waving at a familiar face. A few moments later her sensei and what looked like a new team mate came into view, she smiled. "Greetings, Satoshi-Sensei," Hanako said, as usual her tone was cheerful and up lifting. Then she turned to the new face and offered him the same warm smile she did her Sensei. "I must apologize, I did not catch your name. Do you mind repeating your name for me?" she asked the new boy. Hanako reached out her hand, but instead of reaching for his hand she grasped his forearm and waited for him to do the same. Her grip was not rough or harsh, more like gentle and patient.

She had caught the last bit of their discussion and so she turned her head towards Satoshi-Sensei with a question, then remembered she had not introduced herselfc "Oh Great Mother! I'm sorry I forgot to give you the courtesy of introducing myself! My name is Hanako Asushika, Chuunin of Team 3 and I am your team mate," Hanako said.
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