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Peace has fallen over the nations but not everyone is content with it. There are some people who just crave the chaos, the bloodshed and the destruction.
These people are the ones who have been chosen to become the next Akatsuki.
Though this time instead of just throwing a group of crazed blood thirsty shinobi together. The Akatsuki has decided to start off a little younger this time. They would be able to groom the next generation into exactly what they wanted. Though this may be harder then they thought it would be.


Hey Guys!
So if you interested here's a few of my thoughts

First off i'm looking at about 10 slots for the new Akatsuki
I'm also completely open to some of the characters being children of the original Akatsuki
Just keep in mind though I really want to see some new abilities so not to many offspring's

Second, this is a villain based rp so I do expected it to be a little dark.
I don't want anyone getting to carried away and making it to where others may become uncomfortable.

Thirdly, I do expect there to be clashing within the group.
You can't expect to put a group of demented teens together and that everyone is going to just hold hands and get along. So have fun with it >:)

Lastly, the group will be staying at their own base.
My character will be acting as leader having been recruited before the rest
I'm open to possibly having a second in command (maybe an originals kid)

That's all I really have right now but please feel free to ask and questions or offer ideas

Here's the CS
Also if your CS has a cookie from me it means you're accepted!



Appearance (written or image):



Kekkei Genkai:




Short Bio:







Kamiko 'Kami' Himura
'Superior Child' - 'Lord' - 'Scarlet Village'




Chinoike Clan

Kekkei Genkai:

Reading, Knives, Training, Respect, Order, Storms, Fighting, Blood, Wolves

Paperwork, Messes, Insubordination, Being Questioned, Failure, Cats, Sand, Weakness

Kamiko is a very prideful person, just by looking at her one can tell that she is a woman that demands respect. The respect she craves is not one that comes with being the leader of the next Akatsuki. It is one earned from dedicating many years of her life to become the leader of the next Akatsuki. Kamiko give off an intimidating presence, she is very strict and must have all things go according to plan. Her tolerance for insubordination is nonexistent. If crossed Kamiko's sharp tongue and short temper is known to not be held for anyone.

After many years of training Kamiko has become accustom to consistently being on guard. Never one to be seen slacking off Kami still trains in her spare time. Though she has a very strict and uptight personality to most Gisei is the only one who doesn't seem to fear her. Gisei and Kamiko have been training together since they were 4. In a way the young Jashinist is her oldest and closest friend. With Gisei, Kamiko is able to let down her walls. While with others she feels the need to be the stone hearted leader she has been trained to be.

Short Bio:

Kamiko's main weapon is her Kerryugan but like any Shinobi she uses Kunai, Shuriken & Senbon

Excels in Genjutsu & Ninjutsu, Controlling Blood, Chakra Control, Enhanced Speed & Reflexes

Close Combat, Short Tempered, Children
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Name: Ryohei Nakuka


Gender: Male

Appearance: Bears a striking similarity to the third Mizukage; long dark hair that falls around his shoulders and a handsomely regal appearing face. He is a tall man, but lean and very fit from his training both in Kireigakure as a shinobi and the Land of Iron as a well-versed swordsman. He keeps his shut lightly and always carries a warm, almost sad smile. He is blind though few actually realize this.

Clan: Yuki

Village: Kireigakure

Kekkei Tōta : Ice Release/ Wood Release (Water, Wind, Eath)

Skill Set:
Kenjutsu- The umbrella term for all (koryū meaning "old style") schools of swordsmanship. Kenjutsu is based on battlefield experience and practices developed by individual warriors.

Iai- The art of drawing and striking. This particular art along with his Kenjutsu itself, alone, make him an incredibly dangerous shinobi.

Taijutsu- A method of close combat for defeating an armed and armored opponent in which one uses no weapon or only a short weapon. This also

Kyūjutsu- The traditional martial art of wielding a bow (yumi) as practiced by the samurai class. He can even infuse his chakra into the arrows themselves making it strike more forcefully, make it fly farther or make it extremely accurate.

Hojojutsu- The traditional Japanese martial art of restraining a person using cord or rope. Encompassing many different materials, techniques and methods can be used in such a way that is very similar to how sealing jutsu or sealing talisman.

2.)Zen gardens
3.) Matcha tea
4.) Temples and shrines
5.) Swordsmanship


1.) When Naoba cries
2.) Anything too sweet
3.) Fireworks(though if Naoba is around he doesn't seem to mind)
4.) Hot places
5.) The smell of blood

Personality: As far as personality, Ryohei is a calm and quiet guy who always keeps his cool. As a former slave, he doesn't have a lot of the ego that most others will probably, even though he's accomplished something truly spectacular. He's the black sheep in that he doesn't kill for fun or sport, and carries himself in a humble and wise way. It takes a lot to provoke him, but he will follow tasks to the letter and when he fights, he doesn't so much become bloodthirsty or savage as cold as ice.



1.) Excellent swordsman
2.)Has superb chakra control
3.)Hearing, sense of smell, taste and touch are all amplified
4.) Is highly intelligent
5.)Enhanced reflexes
6.) Can't be placed under visual based genjutsu.


1.)Is blind
2.)Has to do a majority of the work in close range
3.)His little sister
4.)Since his other senses are heightened, it's easier to overwhelm them.
5.)Chakra control becomes or tedious when in severely hot places

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Gesei (Gee-Say)

"Last names are for squares"


"How about you come and let me show you A**hole" *Winks*








"I've always lived with my father and the Akatsuki"

"Other Jashinist"

Kekkei Genkai:
"I'm a Jashinist! Jashin grants me strength"

Jashin, Blood, Fighting, Killing, Flirting, Getting Her Way, Kamiko, Yelling, Cursing, Drinking, Rituals

Orders, Following Orders, Cleaning, Basically anything that doesn't involve killing or having fun.

Like her father Gesei is a very foul-mouthed and disrespectful individual; she frequently uses profanity and complains towards allies and opponents alike, despite being a "highly religious" person. Gesei also has absolutely no moral restraints regarding the people she killed; She considered slaughter a religious calling, and often takes considerable pleasure in making her opponents deaths as painful as possible. Gesei is known for her bloodlust matching Hidan's, though sometime she prefers to seduce her prey. Gesei is a flirt and will use every thing at her disposal to get her way.

Gesei's only 'flaw' is that unlike Hidan she hasn't fully given up her humanity. So every once in awhile (mainly after experiments with Hidan) Gesei will break down, like a panic attack. The blood lust is just to much for her and it throws her into a state of panic. It cause her to freeze up and even lash out, sometimes at her own teammates. The Attacks are normally cause from large amounts of stress like Hidan's sessions. But there have been times where Gesei has taken a large amount of damage from an enemy and it throws her into a fit. Her only objective when like that is survival, which causes her to go into a frenzy.

Short Bio:
Like all children Gesei was raised in a safe and loving home. With a loving mother and a dotting father...*Laughs* Yeah Right!

Gesei was born only for the purpose to worship and follow Jashin in case something ever happened to Hidan. Now contrary to what most believe not all Jashinist are Immortal. Actually Hidan is the only one and it only came as a result of extensive experimenting with the Jashin religion's various techniques. With that said for Gesei to become like Hidan she has to go through the gruesome experiments in till deemed worthy. Gesei twisted personality and power is only a result of what she has been forced to endure since she was a child.

As Gesei grew the only person she's ever made a real connection with is Kamiko. Though at first she hated Kamiko because she was suppose to follow her. Gesei...Follow?! It went against everything she was taught. Her existence was only to follow Jashin and out of nowhere she's told to follow Kamiko. Outrageous! Gesei's first instinct was to rebel but Hidan had been quick to remind her that just as he had created her that he could eliminate her just a quickly. So Gesei and Kamiko have been together since the age of four. After many attempts of trying to 'accidentally' kill Kamiko, Gesei developed a soft spot for the girl. Gaining a sick pleasure from annoying the young leader, Gesei's tactic's ranged from pranks, surprise attacks and just blatant disrespect. It turned into a twisted type of friendship but a friendship nonetheless.

Two Bladed Scythe

High Pain Tolerance, Voodoo-like Curse Ritual, Accelerated Healing

Acts Without Thinking, Blood-lust Takes Over, Over Confident, Not Completely Immortal, PTSD
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Takibi Daimonji



With his unnaturally pale skin and straw-colored hair that he keeps shaved close to the scalp, one might be forgiven for thinking that Takibi might be an albino; however this resemblance is the result of the overuse of his kekkei genkai, damaging the pigment in his skin as well as causing his eyes to develop a cloudy look to them, much like those suffering from cataracts. He does not appear to be hampered in the slightest despite these changes, although he does tend to keep himself completely covered in the presence of others, but this might be more a personal preference. Much like other shinobi from Yumegakure, Takibi's face is covered in markings with his consisting of tribal lines of dark purple and black running down the right side of his face and over his left eye, crossing through a circle surrounding it. His appearance changes once his kekkei genkai is activated, with his "body" consisting of tightly collected soot and ash particles, turning his skin and eyes black.
His attire consists of black leather and cloth, with the portions made from the latter appearing cheaper and crude in assembly. This could be contributed to the leather sections being the only parts that survive his kekkei genkai when everything else burns away in the flames. The few items of value of his attire are his Akatsuki hooded coat, which has sewn-in pockets on the interior to hold his gear, and his mask, which serves as his transformation trigger and displays the cross-out Yumegakure forehead protector situated over the eyes like a glorified blindfold.




Kekkei Genkai:
Smoke Release (Kemuton) - Possibly originating from the Iburi clan due to their similarities, smoke release is a combination of fire and wind chakra that allows the user to manipulate smoke by burning built up chakra. This can be useful in a variety of ways such as: obscuring an enemy's vision and sense of smell and possibly incapacitating and suffocating them with smoke inhalation. Those with this bloodline hailing from Yumegakure can utilize this with the village's transformation ability, allowing them to become a being of smoke and soot. While impervious to damage in this gaseous form, the user cannot interact with physical objects unless they coalesce into a physical, yet still enhanced transformed form. This form, specifically known as Kemuton: Enenra, is ideal for hit and run and ambush tactics, often enhanced by Takibi's habit of setting the surrounding area on fire.

Sake and Shochu
Charred and grilled meats
Shiv making

Complicated preparations
Honorable combat
Going easy on others

Takibi likes to keep his distance from others, preferring his secrets over earning another's trust. He rarely displays his true skill unless under dire situations, allowing others to underestimate his talents even at the cost of his reputation. Despite this, he is all too willing to get in on somebody else's business and seems to derive some form of enjoyment in exploiting them for his own gain. That and he tends to find fun in goading others into an incoherent rage, but only if he is confident he can deal with the consequences.Aside from his secretive nature, he is fairly laid back and prefers to go with the flow over having plans or expectations; a carpe diem kind of guy, although he's much more active at night.

Short Biography:
It was due to their kekkei genkai that the Daimonji family rose to prominence in Yumegakure and it would be that same feature that led to their downfall. An outbreak of illness swept through the village, yet while the other clans and families quickly overcame it, the Daimonji found that it negatively interacted with their unique anatomies. Those weaker in power, such as children and the elderly, would spontaneously combust when attempting to use ninjutsu. Clan head Gozan Daimonji could not bear to witness any more of the tragedy and declared that they would seal away the kekkei genkai and step away from the ninja world. Others in the clan found the head's ideas went too far, arguing that they should not seal away what could be cured. What would begin as verbal disagreements turned into outright clan in-fighting.

It was at this stage of conflict that Takibi Daimonji emerged. The second son of the clan head and considered a prodigy unseen in generations, he was one of the few children unaffected by the aftermath of the illness. Fighting on behalf of his father's ideal to end the bloodshed, his hands would be stained by the blood of his own family, wearing away at his mind, innocence, and questioning his own ideas about peace. His trust in his father kept him going until he had finally deposed of the last of the rebellious elements. With their victory, the preparations for the sealing ritual commence, in which, either weary from the burden of guilt or secure in his son's loyalty, Gozan revealed the truth. In an attempt to seize control of the village, Gozan had manufactured the illness that had plagued them but it had backfired horrifically. Ironically, what was supposed to affect only the other clans had manifested in Daimonji alone. As punishment, the other clan's had ordered Gozan to seal away the kekkei genkai or else face retribution.

Realizing that all of the blood he had spilled was the result of a power-hungry man's failed ambition, Takibi finished the job he had begun. Those innocent and without power were spared, given to the mercy of the village while he left as a missing-nin. Over the years, the Daimonji name was erased from Yumegakure's history, the very name was deemed forbidden, and eventually forgotten.

A collection of shivs made from the broken weapons and forehead protectors of other ninja

Taijutsu, excelling in disarming and incapacitation
Hit and run/ambush tactics
Improvisation in combat
Enhanced physical attributes while transformed

Vulnerable when shifting from gaseous to physical forms
Likes to goad or enrage opponents
Shivs break easily


Kemuton: Enmaku ("Smoke Release: Smokescreen")
Kemuton: Busu Botsu Basa ("Smoke Release: Smoke, Whoosh, Rustle")
Kemuton: Chimei-Tekina Iki ("Smoke Release: Fatal Breath")
Kemuton: Bonbori Matsuri ("Smoke Release: Lantern Festival")
Kemuton: Gaki Matsuri ("Smoke Release: Hungry Ghost Festival")
Kemuton: Kemuri Bunshin ("Smoke Release: Smoke Clone")
Kemuton: Kemuri Bunshin Shunshin no Jutsu ("Smoke Release: Smoke Clone Body Flicker Technique")
Kemuton: Okuribi ("Smoke Release: Send-Off Fire")
Kemuton: Enenra ("Smoke Release: Lightweight-Fabric Smoke")
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Name: Elaina Fūma

Age: 17

Gender: Female


Village: The Land of Sound (Otagakure)

Clan: Fūma Clan

Kekkei Genkai:

While the Fūma Clan does not possess a specific Kekkei Genkai, Elaina carries on the speciality that many of the Fūma clan possess, which is the ability to use powerful chakra threads to their advantage. With this incredibly unique skill set, Elaina has developed many personal techniques which she uses to her advantage. Her unorthodox style of combat makes her a difficult opponent against anyone she faces.

Sewing, Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Tough Opponents


Impatient people, Hotheads, Weakness

Elaina loves a challenge. She is always hunting animals or developing new techniques on her off time. She is quite cautious, and has a plan for nearly every situation. While she seems quite docile, her inner personality is really quite ferocious, however she chooses to control it outside of combat. For the most part, she remains generally stoic, but in moments of irritation or anger, she can become quite rude and snappish, something her regular mannerisms wouldn't tell you at first glance.

Short Bio:

Elaina grew up in Otagakure and was raised like any other child. However, the young girl had a weird fixation with trapping and killing animals. Realizing her odd fixation, her parents took her away from the village up into the deep forests in order to try and protect her and the village people. Thus, Elaina grew up alone for a lot of her life, and she grew up hunting and finding new ways to trap prey. Eventually, she grew tired of hunting animals and found new, more sporadic prey; humans. When she was fourteen, Elaina disappeared, causing her parents to go on a search for her. However it was all a ruse, and the young hunter trapped her parents in a forest that ended with their untimely death. After killing her parents, Elaina moved on hunting other civilians, eventually moving up to shinobi before joining the new Akatsuki.

Weapons: Elaina possesses large amounts of chakra threads, as well as three large collapsing Fūma Shuriken she carries on her back and a pouch of smaller kunai knives. She commonly attaches her threads to the Shuriken in order to manipulate their path of travel, similar to the way puppet users use their threads.

Excellent Strategist, Skilled Ninjutsu User, Expert Chakra Control, Skilled at Battling Multiple Opponents


Weak Genjutsu User, Below Average Taijutsu User when compared to other Akatsuki Members
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Burakku Sutōmu

(ブラック "Black", ストーム "Storm")




Unknown; assumed Orphaned

Kekkei Genkai:
Storm Release - 嵐遁
Yin Release- 陰遁

Quiet Before Battle
Hand-to-Hand Combat
More Money

Annoying People
People With No Money

Surprisingly, Burakku is optimistic and cheery which makes betraying his prey a lot easier. He smiles in the face of danger and keeps his sanity as he watches those he defeats gravel at his feet. He's a bit on the lazy side but when it comes to combat, he is more than energetic. He's not much of the socializing type but oddly, his aura along is trusting. No one is aware that under that caring smile is a power hungry fighter. He never underestimates a challenger regardless of who they are. He seeks the perfect rival. Someone who he can stand toe to toe with without them dying moments after their encounter.

Short Bio:

Gauntlets / Kunai
As much as Burakku would hate to admit it, sometimes hand to hand isn't enough. He sports metal gauntlets on his arms that also generates energy for his storm release. However, when that isn't enough, blades are hidden to release if needed. He does carry a few Kunai here and there but often doesn't want to go through the trouble of getting them out.

Genjutsu | As much as Burakku would love to go on about how advance his Taijutsu is, his Genjutsu is his greatest ally. With it is able to lure the unsuspecting into traps and ending them quickly; as it should be.

Taijutsu | "Who need's a weapon when you've got guns like this?... Sorry."

Swiftness | He has been amended on his incredible speeds on many occasions. It would be amazing if an opponent could even catch sight of his blur if he really gets going.

Reading Others Movements | He is really skilled at reading movements and will most likely predict actions before the user attempts them.

Refusal To Cooperate In Drastic Situations



"Me, dear friends? Well, I assure you my clan would much rather I not keep using their name. I spite them still. Must be why I don't get invited to anything anymore."
Nakashima Hyūga




Hyūga Clan

Kekkei Genkai:
Storm Release

Doing Research, Reading, Experimenting, Peace and Quiet, Writing, Meditating

Interruptions, Suffering Fools, Lack of Planning, Orderly Studies, Loud Noises, Waiting Around Idly

Nakashima tends to be the perfect image of politeness, especially when it reaches levels that aggravate or irritate his enemies and allies alike. He rarely curses, some of his newfound allies having never heard a crude word from him, and only does so when truly enraged, pushed beyond all reasonable limits. More often than not, Nakashima is happily studying away at his various historical texts and researching whatever might catch his fancy. Which changes as often as the wind, considering his often scatter brained, at least outwardly, manner of acting and going about his business. To the casual observer, including his allies typically, he is an absentminded, yet brilliant, young man who seems more concerned with research and learning than actually fighting and furthering the goals of their group, at least outwardly.

In all reality, however, Nakashima is merely leaving up a front to keep people off his case, since he would much rather just be left alone to his books and his experiments than be bothered with doing the tasking and orders of those above him when he could be doing something far more interesting. He hides his internal intense disinterest, read hate, for the majority of other people. Beneath the polite, scattered exterior was biting remarks and generally unpleasant remarks about his fellows, his enemies, surroundings, just about anything worth noting. But, as far as most people are concerned, he is just a scattered scholar that is bothered by little more than just wandering about, doing his own thing, polite and generally odd, in an unhinged sort of way.

Short Bio:

Besides his favored Ninjato, a blade he carries but rarely uses for actual, direct combat and more to channel chakra, he carries the usual assortment of kunai, various explosives, and premade seals, as necessary.

Fūinjutsu, Ninjutsu, Gentle Fist, General Knowledge, Counter Assaults

Non Gentle Fist Taijutsu, non existent Genjutsu, not unusually strong or fast compared to other member


Name: Okaski Juno

Age: 19

Gender: Female


Village: leaf village

Clan: n/a

Kekkei Genkai:
Guardian Spirit: This particularly isn't something her family is born with, no. Quite frankly Juno is the only one to have this gift. See there is a spirit of some sorts, made out of a darker form of chakra, something that is not of Juno's own chakra, but she does share chakra with it, and vice versa. This spirit is both Juno's defender, and attacker. Yet she herself doesn't how to fully use it to its full potential, they are still a deadly duo

Spirit Cs



(Named after her father)

Stands to be 6'7, humanoid figure. It has razor sharp finger tips that a slightly elongated. It has the ability to choose if it wants to be seen or not. It's appearance is less than appealing, terrifying for most actually. There one way of seeing it is by using Byakugan, or sharingan, as it is made up of a darker form of chakra. When seen it is always near Juno, whether it be by rooftops, or by crawling on the ceiling and walls around her, or just standing by her. It's always there, even if Juno can't see it.

It is completely solid, and can be broken and destroyed with enough effort, whether it be through physical attacks, or through ninjutsu, but eventually it will come back. The spirit is not affected by Genjutsu. It has stiff and unnatural movements, but is extremely agile and strong, either by using blunt force or its claws, it sometimes even destroys its own limbs in the process, bringing down several trees and whatever is in its path in a couple swings, then resorting to whatever limbs it has left, fighting like a wild animal with a bloodlust.

Juno Thinks this spirit was sent from her father, watching over her. Her father, one who was skilled in the arts of taijutsu and Genjutsu, which might explain why the spirit knows different combat styles, but she can't figure out why the spirit protects her.

The spirit itself is most definitely sentient, Juno has learned this. As it is curious in most situations and seems to learn in combat. It also has different body expressions, as well as being able to speak one word, or small sentences from things it recently hears from others. Speaking in a monotone, and somewhat cold voice. It is also quite stubborn and doesn't like to be told what to do, making it hard for Juno to learn how to use it to her advantage. It only shows its true power when it see's it fit to.


Reading, chai tea, taking on new challenges, leading, naps, training, nature, sakura trees, petals.

Irrational people, Arrogance, loud noises, being helpless, being looked down on, people calling her short, the leaf village.

Juno is an interesting individual, She is normally seen as calm and quiet unless called upon, someone who would rather observe things before acting while always keeping a straight face no matter the situation. In some way, even when you think she's not paying attention, she is.

Juno is rather analytical and doesn't mind sharing her opinion despite what others think, but despite that she can be gentle and friendly towards the ones she cares for, but it doesn't mean she won't slap them upside the head for making irrational decisions.

The young woman isn't a stranger to failure though, she sees failure as a way to improve on what she lacks, its what makes her a better person, and it's better to learn from those mistakes rather than repeat them. But there is one thing she is sensitive about, that will really set her off, is telling her she is short of her family's expectations, She hopes to shatter what anyone of her family has done, and either turn the leaf village around, or bring the village down, turning it to dust under her feet.

Not Short Bio:
Juno was born into a rather respected family. Known for their highly skilled ninja. Of course this doesn't come with a bloodline limit, but through sheer training and determination. As with the reputation of having highly skilled ninja comes with the pressure that each descendant has to meet those expectations. Juno's father was a highly skilled shinobi who served right by the Hokage's side, other wise known as her grandfather. Yup that's right, her grandfather is the Hokage.

When Juno first got into the academy, her mother and her father got terribly sick, it wasn't known what type for illness it was, but it was almost untreatable, for the two. One was treated, and the other wasn't, and so her father died. The death was heavy on the family, which meant all of the family's reputation was now upon Juno. Due to the fact her mother was not capable of using chakra, Juno had no one to get her teachings from that was outside of the academy. How was she going to meet the expectations that the family had set for her?

It started a few days after her father's funeral, she started to see a shadowy figure following her around, especially after school, always in the corner of her eye. And each day afterwards the figure itself was beginning to get braver and braver, this time appearing in front of her class, standing next to her teacher, then at night outside her window. She didn't know what it was, and asked if people saw anything odd that day, referring to the ghost without being direct enough to make her seem crazy, and no one saw anything. Perhaps it was something more, from what she could see it was made out of some kind've dark energy, nothing she had seen before, and nothing she could ask about. Her grandfather didn't even know what it was.

Then one night it appeared next to her bed, her eyes shot open to see it reaching for her with one hand open, before stopping it over her head. It was then as if she had a dream, she saw things, as if someone had recorded incidents from a first person perspective, corruption that the hokage was responsible for, not everything was as it seems. End it… was all Juno could hear. She awoke the next morning with it sitting on the floor of her room. She calmly asked it "who are you?" and it responded with "you" in the most monotone voice that had a somewhat echo effect to it.

After that night, Juno came to the conclusion that it was a spirit, and it had to do something with her father, as it appearing after the funeral was no mere coincidence. Juno conducted tests out in the forest after school, and found out it was rather physical, though it took a lot, but it could be broken. And after a few minutes of losing a limb, it would completely grow it back, But no matter how many fists Juno threw at it, it never blocked, just took it, and stumbled back a few feet back before regaining its balance and standing upright again.

She found out it was very capable of fighting, and had strength and speed that was extremely terrifying, during her Chūnin exams she began to learn how to use it to her advantage and if it wasn't for that spirit she would have probably not have made it. And after passing the Chūnin exams she further learned new ways to use it, even creating jutsu's to further advance her skills with the spirit.

She began to work with the hokage, her grandfather, this is when she started to see the corruption the spirit once showed her about, perhaps peace was just a facade for the weak, it filled Juno with anger, is this what her father fought for? No she could do better, this is when she met the Akatsuki and learned about their cause, and did not hesitate to join.

Weapons: Juno likes to use senbon needles, with her understanding of the human body, she can use these to bring her foes down to their knees without getting close to them, using chakra strings to guide the needles if need be, then sicking her spirit on them for the final blow. But don't you worry, if she runs out, she has no problem taking you out with her hands.

1) Extremely agile and moves about gracefully
2) She hits hard and fast
3) Highly intelligent
4) Always aware of her surroundings
5) Resourceful
6) has an understanding of the human body

1) Pain tolerance is low
2) She sometimes tires herself out easily, especially if a battle last too long.
3) Can sometimes go on a bloodlust when pushed over the edge, especially when linked with her spirit.
4) weak to genjutsu.

theme song
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I'm calling it--I'm from the moon! >.>
Uh...Thought this was the sign-ups? o.0


Pc: Jonin

Name: Kasume
Age; 21
Gender; Female
Clan; n/a
Village; The Hidden cloud village
kekkei Genkai: Sharigan
Likes; Training, Enjoys eating , Reading comics , Drinking sake , Fighting, Money, Men, Sleeping.
Dislikes; Spiders, losing , Discouragement, being called a drunk, Hurting the weak, Watching others suffer.

Personality; Kasume is fun and rowdy but knows when its time to be serious, She tends to give sarcasm a lot when she doesn't like the person shes speaking to. Kasume has a short temper and shes the worst to be around when shes mad, She can be a lover or a fighter in different situations. She never gives up, once she has her eyes set on it, there's no changing her mind. If someone tells her know, she'll do it just cause you said no. She has a dark side to her, She loves to see the blood of her enemies, So once she starts to fight she'll never back down till she sees blood. Kasume is open minded but Won't tell you much about herself until she feels safe to trust you with her past. Kasume is a fun drunk, she's more alert and focused when drunk and has a very short temper. But she's quite the flirt and painfully honest. Kasume is Man crazy and tends to say inappropriate jokes during appropriate times.

Bio: Kasume grew up in a strict but loving house hold, She grew with Three older sisters and Two younger brothers, Her sisters were great Shinobi, They aced test and they ranked high in training. Kasume strives to be like her sister but she failed test but her training was ranked high. During her Academy years, She was calm and collected, She was friendly to everyone and everyone liked her. During the chunin exams, She trained harder and studied even harder. At the age of 13, she could use stage 3 of her Sharigan. Some chunin were jealous of her accomplishments and Tried to fight her, 5 against 1. After a beating, she came home to her mother. A gentle caring woman who would never get mad no matter what the situation, She was a peaceful person. But Her mother and her father went into war. After a month her father came home devastated due to her mother's death. Kasume became sad and discouraged but She swore on her mother's Grave she would get stronger, better and faster. Ever since that day, she has strict training rules. At the age of 15, She became a Special Jounin and went on A and B ranked missions. She remains a jonin to this day, she teachers Chunin of the Hidden cloud village and She will stop at nothing to keep becoming stronger.

Weapons: A short sword that turns into two daggers and Kunai.

Strengths; Close combat, Thinks with strategy , Hit hard and fast, Genjustsu .

Weakness; Weak towards ninjutsu, Bloodlust.


Pc: Chunin
I added some tid bits to my CS--and I fixed an error in my post. Originally I had put that Ryo' Tota was Wind, Water, and Lightning. However, I remembered it wasn't. It's Wind water and Earth., giving himIce and wood manifestations. :S

Sayuri Matsuoka



Sayuri has an pale and flawless complexion, making it appear like she's almost constructed entirely out of porcelain. She has a curvy figure, with large breasts, a thin waist, and wide hips. Her facial features comprise of long white blonde hair, with choppy full bangs and two thick choppy strands that frame either side of her face. Her eyes are icy blue.

Her typical clothing consists simply of a red long sleeved jacket with white trim on the sleeves, a pink corset like bustier and a red skirt with orange swirls. A thick red band encircles her neck and she completes this outfit by wearing sandals with black cloth around her calves. Black fishnet connects the gap between her bustier and skirt.



Kekkei Genkai:
Wind release

People | attention | flowers

Rejection| Rude people | rain

Carrying herself in an aristocratic and calm manner in most cases, Sayuri is a sinister individual who prefers to manipulate others contrary to doing the dirty work herself. Her cute and innocent look is perfect to lure men. She loves to flirt and tease others especially men and uses this as an advantage. She rarely ever shows any negative emotions, looking for any advantage and light of the situation in a pragmatic manner. Sayuri also seems to portray a motherly-like figure, but only when needed.
Sayuri has noticeable flaws, still able to show even arrogance and pettiness, such as even bickering with anyone who teases her or stole the spotlight from her. She would rather play with her individuals and kill them than go in for the kill from the start. She also has shown anger towards select individuals, which can hold off for as long as she can. In all, despite her goals, it's even apparent that Sayuri cares little for other's actual feelings and free will.

Sayuri is not afraid to use her sexuality when it comes to battle

She is extremely loyal to her friends and cares deeply for them eventhough she doesn't act like it.

Short Bio:

Giant folding fan

Ninjutsu | Intelligence | Manipulation | Ranged combat

Arrogance | Pettiness | Close combat
She can summon a tiger than can aid her in battles by creating strong gusts of wind in unison with hers.

"A Demon? Hm, suppose I am."

  • Name:
    Ryu Yamanaka

    The Demon of the Leaf
    The Blonde Devil



    Konohagakure (Hidden Leaf)


    Kekkei Genkai:
    Yamanaka Mind Techniques

  • Likes:
    Reading, Tea, Success, Working Alone/Partners, Torment

    Failure, Weaklings, Cowards, Alcohol, Large Groups, Deadweight, Loose Ends

    Ryu used to be a kind, sweet girl who sought to help others in anyway that she could. The kind of girl who would as commonly be found helping the homeless as she would gossiping with her friends over dinner. The same is not true for the Yamanaka anymore, as she has changed greatly in her experiences with the world. She is usually cold, sarcastic, and emotionless towards those she is not yet close with. Were one to manage to get close to the girl, then they'd find somebody who is friendly yet still a bit distant. Not particularly looking for any deep connection with others unless it helps her goals. The kind of girl who would hook up with somebody for a night to satisfy her needs, then expect things to remain calm and professional the very next day.

    Ryu does find joy in some amount of communication with others, casual friends and partners for the night something that she does seek out. However; were one to come between her and her goals... she would not hesitate to cast them aside. She is highly intelligent, and can be a bit of a strategist at times. She also finds joy in causing pain to others; and as such has grown quite good at torturing information out of others.

    Not Short Bio:

    Ryu has always lived a tortured life, with only pockets of light amid all the darkness and pain. She was born to Tadashi and Aika Yamanka, a couple who had an elder son before Ryu and her twin came along. On the exterior, the family seemed like a normal, happy family. However; this could not have been further from the truth. Tadashi dominated his family, via beatings, horrible genjutsu, or unspeakable acts towards his own daughters. A true monster to the eyes of those growing up in that house, and certainly to young Ryu. As the man forced her through the worst of his abuse; thanks to her standing up and trying to defend her sister. Forcing her through many mental trials, aiming to break his daughter. Such things as forcing her to pretend to be the son she was not among other things like torturing her own sibilings.

    The Devil Departs
    Whenever Ryu and her twin were only 12 years old, Tadashi was ratted out by their older brother. In his desire to flee the village before being arrested, the man murdered his wife and set fire to his household. Leaving his daughters to burn in the inferno that had been their home. However; Makazu wouldn't leave his little sisters alone and quickly swooped in to save the girls and take care of them from that point on. Ryu, finally managing to escape her fear of Tadashi emerged from her shell and reaveled herself to be the kindhearted girl she truly was. Happy times lasted for the next few years, including meeting and falling in love with a boy named Johnathon Housha at the age of 16. It seemed like her life would find itself in a good place for now, and she could escape her demons.

    A Demonic Seed is Planted
    Only a year after meeting the boy she loved so much, Ryu felt herself slammed to the ground once more. The sudden death of her older brother, shocking the girl to her core. Her protecter and savior for so long, was gone. For a few months, nothing but despiar and a desire to know burned in the girl's heart. A girl who, at the time, was showing promise as quite the Kunoichi. One day, the girl found a letter with classified documents enclosed, along with a brief writing. The documents in question showing clear evidence that the village her brother had defended, had set him up to die. For another team had caused issues with another nation; which then had began gearing up for war was the cause of the issues not handed over. In a bid to avoid war, her brother was sent on a mission to the area, then sold out by the very village he swore to protect. Despite the boy not having caused the issues, he was still selected to die as a coverup for the corrupt actions of the higher ups. The letter? From none other than her father, now a missing-nin.

    Ryu, you must understand. Everything I did to you, was to make you stronger. To prepare you for the harsh world that is our shinobi world. As you can see, the villages are corrupt, faulty. Ending the innocent lives who do not need to perish. They must burn. Leave the village, come to me and learn true strength. Then together we can burn the village. Father.

    The letter read, a call to the girl to come and meet her father. She knew that it was all lie, that he didn't believe in anything he wrote. The man simply enjoyed chaos and pain, but alas... perhaps Tadashi had a point? They had sentenced a kind soul to death, despite him doing nothing but protecting the innocent. Perhaps something needed to be done, and it certainly seemed like this false banner of 'good' wouldn't do so. What was needed was strength, and somebody with no holds barred to fix the broken world that was today. A demon was needed. After all,

    the Villages needed to burn.

    A Demon Awakens
    Three months later, Ryu was ready to make her move. She had said her goodbyes to those who she loved, despite never admitting her intentions to them. On a cool winter night, Ryu grabbed her supplies and began heading out of Konohagakure. Only to find both Suguha and Johnathon waiting at the gates, having somehow learned her plans despite careful planning on her part. Trying to talk her down, it soon became clear to the two that she would not stop her plans. It soon errupted into a clash between the three, which ended not much longer with Ryu rutheless executing her twin before Johnathon. The boy only able to stare in horror as he reailzed that the girl he had once gone was truly dead, replaced by whoever had taken her body. Not long after that point, Ryu had left village and was with her father once more. Enduring his mistreatment while learning much under his guidance, all with an eager heart to burn the village system which had once destroyed her life.

    The Devil Falls
    Amid learning from Tadashi for three and a half years, the girl formulated a plan once she was strong enough. As she wanted to burn the villages, but one other obstacle stood in her way before that goal. Her father, Tadashi, had commited unforgiving crimes to the family she had loved so much. She would kill her father, then she would seek out this... Akatsuki she had heard about. An organization which sounded like it could be useful to her needs. As such, she waited until her father slept before inflitrating his mind with her technique, using the chance to rip whatever information she wished from the monster's mind, as well as leave the man immobile. So he found himself helpless and at her hands as she tortured him to death, paying him back for every sin he had brought about to those she cared about. With Tadashi slayed, the girl set out to meet this 'Akatsuki', the only survivor of her family.

    A Final Cutting of Ties
    On her way to meet the Akatsuki, and hopefully join their ranks, Ryu was ambushed by a trio of Konohagakure ANBU. Lead by none other than her former boyfriend, Johnathon Housha, the girl was forced to fight. However, she ensured that the fight was on her terms; as in they lost sight of her once and paid dearly for their mistake. With only two ANBU left, Johnathon ordered his subordinate back to base to report what had happened; meanwhile he engaged Ryu in direct combat to try to subdue her. To bring her home, and cure whatever disease had seized her mind. To get his love back from the abyss she had seemingly been swallowed by. After a long, hard fight for both sides; Ryu turned the tables when she seemingly disappeared in the cloud of mist which had gathered. Only moments later for John to feel an attack as he was brought to his knees before the girl he had once loved.

    "I told you not to follow me, Johnathon." she said coldly.

    "I followed the girl I loved, not the demon who has taken over her body." He said, staring up at her with eyes desperately searching hers for a sign of the girl he once loved.

    "A Demon? Hm, suppose I am." the girl replied, staring at the betrayed look on the boy's face before she finished him off. A clean cut to severe his head from his shoulders. Ties had to be cut. Now to meet these Akatsuki.

  • Weapons:
    * Katana
    * Kunai
    * Senbon
    * Shuriken
    * Explosive Tags

    * Kenjutsu
    * Ninjutsu
    * Chakra Concealment
    * Yamanka Clan Hiden
    * Torture
    * Strategy
    * Stealth
    * Genjutsu Resistance

    * Taijutsu
    * Genjutsu Casting
    * Open-Fighting
    * Large Numbers (She can't handle large numbers of enemies if pinned)
    * Getting Cornered
    * Getting Caught in the Open.

    * She has a large tattoo of a Phoenix on her back.

    * She uses Water and Lightning Release.
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Totally loving all these new characters. :3


Hourglass Shinobi

The clothes he wears in the image is not what he wears now, now he wears his akatsuki cloak similar to how Itachi once wore it, alongside his cloak he wears the traditional akatsuki pants and ninja shoes. His accessories consist of his bandages around his left eye and his sunagakure headband that firmly covers both of his eyes. With all akatsuki he also has his nails painted, although black not purple, he also has his ring which he wears on his ring finger. Everything else in the image above is vacant, no longer is it worn.

Kazekage Clan
Kekkei Genkai:
Magnet Release
He has the same power as Gaara, although he uses the ability in a different way.
He has never had the ability to see anything so his likes is very limited, although it is noted that the silent breeze of a sunny day brings about a smile upon his face. It is also recorded that he has met Gaara, although it was a short amount of time Shoji rather enjoyed that time. Everything else is void, everything else is dark, he remains as such, a empty, blank, shell.
Disruptive behavior, everything else is void.
He rarely expresses his true emotion, although he smiles at times or laughs at some situations. He can be rather kind hearted which is very confusing as he is a member of the akatsuki which can be confused with trickery. His behavior is way beyond considered strange, he can be easily compared to a fox who may smile but may also have a hand in your pocket. He was entitled as a manipulation perfectionist which was one of the major reasons to why he was recruited into the akatsuki.
Short Bio:
He was artificially created by Orochimaru, shortly after the death of Rasa, The Fourth Kazekage he was stolen by his killer, Orochimaru. In search of knowledge he experimented with his body, searching for the truth to his magnetism. In the end he couldn't grasp his hands on it, although through constant research he found only one method at which he could finally grasp onto magnetism of the sand, his DNA. Through constant years of creation he finally artificially made him a subject, Shoji, the third son of Rasa. His red hair carried and the ability of manipulation of the sand did as well, however, Shoji, just like his father, was a smart man. It didn't take too long till he manipulated Orochimaru and notably twisted his mindset and sanity to something.. far beyond that of a sane individual which, gave him the open opportunity to escape. This reached the Akatsuki and shortly after he was tracked down and recruited, shortly before his joining he took refuge at Sunagakure. What he did at Sunagakure is unknown...
His Sand
His magnetism skills, although young, is recorded to be even stronger than that of Rasa's. His patience is beyond that of anyone of his age, his senses is strong, some may say as strong as his magnetism. His manipulation and trickery skills is that of a fox. Numbers against him does not work, the best approach is singular and fast. He is rarely outsmarted, although it's been done before. Because he is blind, genjutsu would be a waste of time when used against him. Although rare genjutsus may work if it manipulates the senses.
Similar to Gaara, he cannot keep up with a certain amount of speed. If he gets hit, it shocks him emotionally and may open him up for another attack to which may or may not be deadly. He shares the memories of Rasa, at rare times he may share the same voice which may overlap his actual one, this may make it hard for him to communicate.

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