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your blood on my teeth
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  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
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Horror, Dark Fantasy, Modern
Men. Machines. Gods.

We all live in Neoterra, the last surviving city on Earth. Everywhere else has succumbed to wars, famine, and the ever-rising seas. A vast ocean lies beyond our walls. In the face of uncertainty, we fall back into old habits. They are all we have ever known.

Corpos (corporations) have seized power just as they have seized our lives. Fighting back is fruitless. Cut off one head, and two more grow in its place. The divide between us and the wealthy has grown cosmically large. When we search for the skies, all we see is an endless network of steel, made to wonder whether heaven exists when all we have ever known is hell.

Meanwhile, our wealthy gods live in their lofty palaces, up in the skies where they float out of reach. Untouchable. Undefeatable. Deaf to our cries and blind to our suffering. We dream of revolution but never wage war.

But then it happened–the greatest event mankind had ever seen.

Fire and metal. They gutted the night sky, shrouded it with smoke. The palace fell to the water like an angel cast from the heavens, releasing something into the ocean's unseen depths. Just one look and you would fall prey to its power. It glows and entrances, beckoning its quarry to join its watery graveyard of fallen souls.

Somehow, we are the only ones immune.

Things have changed. We can feel it in the air. We can see it written in the sky. There is an imbalance that seeks to destroy our oppressors. Is this the change we have been seeking for so long? Is this where our freedom begins?

We can only hope… and yet, hope is such a fleeting, treacherous thing.

A/N: For an alternative and more accessible viewing experience (or maybe you just despise fancy codes), here is the link to the google doc containing all of the information presented below. Please bear in mind that the following content may contain some triggering adult themes and one maybe slightly nsfw (but fully clothed) butt pic. Proceed with caution.

Also, to the judges: I promise I spent more time writing/worldbuilding than I did coding. Pls don't disqualify me, thnx love you <3

This playlist is also on Youtube.
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  • Welcome to Neoterra
    A cylindrical city-state composed of inner and outer megastructures–also known as zones–that are separated only by a narrow strip of road.

    The city-state is vertically divided into three districts: Salvation, the Strip, and the Rift. These three districts are connected by the MetroRail, a spiraling transport tube that clings to Neoterra's outer walls.

  • The Rift

    [A/N: Hover over unfamiliar words to view their definition/translation.]

    A place of eternal night, The Rift lies closest to the ground where sunlight cannot reach it. It is where the impoverished are left to rot, where criminals and prisoners of war flee to escape punishment, where the city's overlords indulge in sinful diversions. Everything here is an assault to the senses, from the stench of garbage to the disorganized hellscape of narrow steel walkways drenched in neon; it is the perfect backdrop for the worst of crimes.

    The Haze

    Sirens are sounded in the Rift to warn denizens of Hazedrones. Every week, these drones sweep over the narrow street and alleyways like clockwork, releasing a storm of chemtrails that evaporate when they touch the ground. This vapor is known as the Haze. It is advised to seek cover during and after emission, as chemtrails can burn the skin and the vapor can render sight and breathing difficult.

    The Haze inflicts long-term effects, like permanent loss of vision and cancer, even to those who take great care to avoid it.

    The Stiffs
    Denizens of the Rift are strong believers of the Gaian Faith, but there are some practitioners who take it to the next level. These blinded by religious propaganda–also known as the Stiffs–make their home on the streets, where they preach their beliefs to anyone who would listen. Liberate your body, liberate your soul. To them, technology is the embodiment of all that is corrupted and evil.

    It is not uncommon to mistake them for corpses. Their complete rejection of science and modern life has made them hosts to many illnesses, and their exposure to chemtrails has destroyed their bodies beyond recognition.


    The continued survival of the Stiffs can be blamed on a popular drug known as Bliss. When orally consumed, Bliss numbs the senses and staves off pain without affecting one's consciousness or executive function. In some cases, it may even keep death at bay. Cheap and easy to procure, Bliss is abused all throughout Neoterra but is especially widespread in the poorer regions, where the starving use the drug to forget their own hunger.

    Originally created during the colony wars, Bliss was a useful asset to the military as it enabled soldiers to be unencumbered by mortal injury. To this day, it remains a staple among enforcers and other defenders of peace, although their consumption is strictly regulated as required by law.

    Strict regulations are in place because Bliss is not without side effects. Too much of the drug can cause users to grow acclimated to numbness. When an addict allows it to wear off without medical supervision, the sudden onslaught of sensation may come as a shock. Oftentimes, this can be deadly. The sun becomes unbearably hot, the buzz of neon lights induces nausea and grates the ears. As a result, addicts who are low on Bliss seek dark, quiet places like the Underground–an unfinished doomsday bunker that is a relic of the colony wars.

    Low Tech

    To say that tech in Neoterra is unevenly distributed would be an understatement. The Rift, especially, is held prisoner of the past, for technology in these parts is straggling far behind that of wealthier districts. People here are too impoverished, and the few who do manage to scrape together a few thousand yen would find it difficult to purchase tech legally. After all, merchants from the Strip are known to discriminate against the poor and rarely ever visit the Rift to begin with.

    It is a cruel irony, then, that the downtrodden are the most in need of augmentations to survive, despite their inability to acquire them. Many emerge from childhood needing a new organ or limb due to the treacherous nature of their surroundings, but they are forced to live with their handicaps, further making continued survival untenable.

    There are other ways to obtain tech, however, if one knows who to ask and doesn't mind skirting a few laws. Illegal clinics are hidden in plain sight, whether it be behind a ramen stall, or sequestered in the basement of a brothel. They provide an impressive array of devices, weapons, and augmentations; and they may even fix you up with a fresh organ for a price, so long as you don't question its origins. The only caveat is that clinics are run by gangs, which keep to their own.

    One Man's Trash

    People as young as seven could be found digging for scraps in landfills (also known as Treasure Mountains), hoping to find something they could sell or use as parts for their augmentations. They may even disassemble maintenance bots in an act of desperation, or steal from individuals bearing premium augs. After all, resources are scarce in the Rift, so every scrap of tech is seen as valuable.

    Locals also tend to hold onto their belongings long after they have served their purpose. Every personal item is sacred when one does not have a great deal of them.

    The Land of Lowlives

    This district is rife with criminal activity–it could be a clandestine exchange of goods in an alleyway, or a crime of passion behind the doors of the Seventh Heaven brothel, or the screams of a child being dragged into a van defaced with gang signs. This is a lawless land. To survive means to know when to run and when to hide, and where to stick the knife when all else fails.

    But there is safety in numbers. Should one possess a valuable trade, or enough grit to wield a gun, they might carve out a place for themselves among the many gangs of the Rift.

    One of the most notorious gangs is the Renegades, formerly known as the Tanigawa-kai. They are a large and powerful syndicate, owning about 40% of businesses in the Rift. The most seasoned of members are said to own cars and even premium augmentations–rare luxuries in the impoverished district.

    Those who have lived in the Rift long enough know that the Renegades weren't always this powerful. Their true reign began with the murder of the former oyabun, the last surviving son of the Tanigawa clan. The man dreamt of insurrection, going so far as to speak publicly against the government and the corporations that pull their strings. His ambition and candidness was his downfall, and before long, a bullet silenced him forever.

    His successor, Cyclone, assumed the mantle and made the Renegades what they are today. It is widely believed that Cyclone killed the oyabun himself, although it has never been confirmed.

    One frequent point of contention among mobs is the undercity Metro. Although faulty and marred with graffiti, it remains to be the fastest way to travel around the district. Damaged shuttle pods have been tossed aside in favor of motorcycles and other small vehicles, turning the MetroRail into a makeshift highway for the lower class.

    The Vandals, second only to the Renegades in power, have laid claim over the MetroRail and demand toll fees, which can come in the form of yen or techno scraps.

    The Pits

    The Pits is an indoor establishment that is popular among locals seeking cheap entertainment. The makeshift fighting ring is an artificial cavity in the ground, in which fighters engage in brutal one-on-one battles while onlookers watch from above. Fighters could be anything from humans seeking to show off their augs to handmade automatons, or even wild animals. Bets are wagered, precious inventions are lost, and sometimes victors gain monetary prizes and recognition.

    Promising individuals are recruited by scouts from the Strip. Recruits could either become professional fighters or a member of the Skywarden, the celebrity superheroes of Neoterra.

    The Strays

    The Rift is teeming with stray animals, and it is their existence that inspires a popular legend unique to this district. It is said that some of the strays possess supernatural speed and strength, rivaling humans and deadly automatons in prowess. Although they blend in well among their ordinary counterparts, these creatures possess one defining trait that sets them apart: their eyes, which glow when they are provoked into using their power.

    As for their temperament, there are conflicting reports. Some say that these animals are as vicious and aggressive as those with rabies. Others say they are harmless beings that possess remarkable intelligence, such as the ability to comprehend abstract ideas and even human language.

    Hunters can reap large rewards from syndicate groups should they succeed in capturing these elusive strays. And yet, to this day, not one has succeeded.

    The Seventh Heaven

    It is always suspect when someone from the overcity visits the Rift. It is often the case that they are taking part in illicit activities, whether it be gambling, piracy, or recreational murder. This lawless land is the perfect place to indulge in such activities without being subjected to public scrutiny.

    Brothels are the most common attraction. In particular, the Seventh Heaven has a lot to offer to those with more niche or extreme tastes. Prostitutes are auctioned off to the wealthy, who do unspeakable things to them behind closed doors. While prostitutes are paid for their services–sometimes generously, sometimes not–most do not come out of this arrangement without some form of physical or emotional trauma, causing them to blow a large sum of their income on facial reconstruction surgery and augmentations. There have also been deaths. Sudden disappearances happen all the time, and very few think to question it.


    The Search for Paradise

    Life in the Rift is hell, so it is no wonder that people seek solace in fantasies and dream of paradise beyond the walls. They say that the war did not wipe out all the other colonies, that some survived and built their cities anew. For most, this is only wishful thinking, but there are those who grow obsessed with Paradise and are convinced that it exists. Some have even managed to escape Neoterra despite the impossible odds. However, nobody knows what became of them. Perhaps they did find their Paradise–not in the other colonies, but in the afterlife instead.

    The Colonials

    The Colony Wars may have ended two decades ago, but their effects could still be felt, in large part due to wartime propaganda. Colonials receive the brunt of this. They are prisoners of war–or at least, they were, before they escaped to the Rift and buried old identities in favor of new ones. Should their true identity be discovered, they would be executed for their crimes. That is, if the citizens don't get to them first.

    However, not all Colonials managed to escape. Those who remained within the government's grasp have disappeared from society altogether. Executed, as widely believed. But something doesn't add up: there is no reason that the government should take them captive, if all they planned to do was execute them.

    The Immune

    Unlike the upper districts, the Rift was unaffected by the Fall. Not a single resident was hypnotized by the glowing creature in the ocean. It is a mystery as to why this is the case.

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  • The Strip

    Nested between the Rift and Salvation is the Strip. When viewed ordinarily, it is indistinguishable from the underbellies of Neoterra, with the only noteworthy difference being the absence of vagrants. With Augmented Reality, however, the Strip comes to life, and the real magic begins to unfold.

    Cruise along the suspended glass bridge and admire the synergy of flashing lights and looming holos. Here, biz is a constant, thriving machine. Everything is out to grab your attention, from intrusive advertisements showcasing the new Series X Bionics–only 99.99 nanobitz!–to the manufactured sound of jingling coins in pachinko parlors, to the plethora of vending machines selling anything and everything under the sun.

    Sink or swim in this land of opportunity. Start your own business or become another employee number in a faceless corporation. Either way, you are just another cog in the machine. Welcome to capitalism.


    In the Strip, everyone and their mother is equipped with Augmented Reality; in this day and age, it is necessary for day-to-day life. There are two types of AR: permanent (i.e. bionic eyes) or removable (i.e. goggles, eyeglasses). AR enables citizens of the Strip to alter their surroundings in any way they see fit, or so it is advertised. In reality, there are very few things that a person can change, and most of them are locked behind a paywall.

    Content viewed with AR can be restricted depending on an individual's location or age. Advertisements specific to one's taste and browsing habits are pushed constantly, sometimes irrespective of time or location. To make matters worse, these ads cannot be removed without a monthly subscription or, alternatively, illegal modifications. The changes that a person can make with AR are mostly cosmetic and must be purchased. These include: physical alterations such as wardrobe and hairstyle changes, familiars (AI virtual assistants), UI design, and so on.

    AR is also used to track an individual's thoughts and habits, which then affects their social credit. Enforcers may also use this to avert crime. In order to circumvent surveillance, people use mods to hide their activity. This is called going 'off-the-grid' and is considered to be a form of insurrection in the eyes of the government, punishable by death.


    Residents of the Strip are touted as hardworking individuals that keep their head down and dedicate their entire lives to the grind. This is no place for the idle. Those who work long hours are placed on a pedestal–praised with words, not a pay raise. Unpaid overtime is commonplace as the desperate scramble to win employee of the month, going so far as to entertain their bosses in izakayas after working hours. This culture has led to deaths, most of which are suicides. Those driven to the base of the barrel end up on the Rift road as beggars or splattered remains. Suicides happen so frequently that both the Rift and the Strip have become desensitized to them.

    Relics of the Old World
    When Neoterra was in its early stages of construction, the Japanese founders brought over anything they could salvage from the old world. These relics are steeped with cultural significance and history: torii gates, Buddhist temples, kabuki theaters, and bamboo groves reminiscent of Arashiyama, to name a few.

    As the population grew in number and interest in the old world dwindled, these sites were repurposed one by one. Many of them retain their original exteriors but are hollowed out to make room for new establishments. For instance, it is not uncommon to find a sushi restaurant or a convenience store nestled inside what was once a sacred shinden.

    The few structures that remain untouched by progress hardly ever see visitors apart from the occasional wayward citizen. Here, they leave secret messages in the form of objects or graffiti, which promote insurrection when decoded. These items and vandalisms don't last for more than a day, as Enforcers and maintenance bots are quick to confiscate or scrub them clean.

    There is a dedicated group that is always keeping an eye out for their messages and maintaining records. They say that a rebellion is in motion, and that anyone who wishes to fight against the system need only decode the messages to meet with their fearless leader.

    Currently, this person's identity remains a mystery.

    The Kitchen of Neoterra

    Like the rest of Neoterra, the Strip is a smorgasbord of different cultures, and this is best evidenced by the food. Here, one will find an abundance of restaurants decked with animatronics, as well as stalls selling a variety of street food along glass walkways. The Strip takes its reputation seriously and serves only the best of the best, and this combined with its high standard of living makes for steep living costs.

    The city's indoor farms are also located within this district, specifically along the inner zones. The Strip feeds all of Neoterra, from the dwellers of the ground all the way to the gods of the sky. With each year, however, it is becoming more and more difficult to meet the demands of the ever-increasing population.

    Skywardens and Enforcers

    Zipping across the skies are the Skywardens, the vigilante superheroes of Neoterra. Or at least, this is how they are marketed. In truth, they are more akin to reality stars than superheroes. Originally created to entertain the populace and quench the growing hunger for rebellion, Skywardens are advertised as ordinary people with extraordinary lives. Most of them are recruited from the Rift, with only a minority sourced from the Strip, making them relatable figures to the average citizen as well as the downtrodden.

    Skywardens are followed by camera drones that livestream their crime-fighting to hundreds and thousands of fans. Many of their stunts are staged–they are first and foremost entertainers, after all–but occasionally they may engage with real criminals from the Rift, who as a consequence see them as traitors.

    This is not something they have any control over. Skywardens do not get to choose what they do, what they wear, or what kind of weapons and augmentations they should have. They are owned by Armortek, which has them bridled with slave contracts–a fact that is concealed from the public. Not only does this corporation reap in all revenue gathered from ad-sponsored livestreams and merchandise, they also take advantage of the idolized Skywardens, using them as guinea pigs to test and promote state-of-the-art augmentations and devices. Meanwhile, the public is fooled, being led to believe that these superheroes operate on their own terms. The Skywardens make the most of their situation, however. These former residents of the Rift know all too well that a life of comfort within a cage is leagues better than the alternative. Freedom means nothing when you're out of choices.

    There is a lot that goes on to make the superhero fantasy a reality. Skywardens are commodities, and like any other commodity, there are entire teams working in the background to make them as marketable to the public as possible. Assembled in groups of five or seven, their roles within this group are carefully selected, their images perfectly primed, and their costumes designed to be iconic. Their personalities and relationships with each other are also manufactured, serving only to tell a story than to show a genuine connection. In reality, the Skywardens are constantly competing with each other for popularity, as irrelevance is penalized with banishment to the Rift.

    Law enforcement in Neoterra–also known as Enforcers–work in tandem with Skywardens. They are tasked to protect these corporate assets and ensure that missions go as smoothly as possible. Enforcers are not too happy with this arrangement–understandably so, as they do most of the work for less of the recognition. To add insult to the injury, Skywardens have made a favorable impression upon the public whereas Enforcers suffer from a negative image.

    The Geckos

    Hidden in the crevices, tucked just out of view, are the Geckos. These are denizens of the Rift that creep into upper districts by scaling the walls of the megastructure. They are so-named for their gecko hands, augmentations that allow them to cling to surfaces for long periods of time. Ever since their first appearance, gecko hands have been made illegal to civilians.

    Often seen slumming it in fire escapes or unoccupied apartments, Geckos have a reputation for being ironically slippery. Some say they are thieves. Others say they are spies. Still others swear they are insurrectionists. If witness reports are to be believed, Geckos are responsible for vandalizing old world relics and promoting insurrection. Skywardens and Enforcers are desperately trying to hunt these criminals down, but to no avail.

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  • Salvation

    In more ways than one, the people of Salvation live in their own little bubble.

    The district comprises the uppermost floors of Neoterra, its rooftop sheltered by a dome that alters the outdoor scenery to look uncorrupted by modern civilization. It depicts sprawling forests, mountains, and too-blue skies–so far detached from reality that any sense of urgency over humanity's impending doom is lost on Salvation.

    From within, this utopian district features open spaces, fresh air, winding rivers, and an abundance of synthetic greenery–a window dressing for the corruption and greed that takes place behind the scenes. It is hypocritical that Salvation should pride themselves in being the most organic of creatures–the most Gaian of all Neoterra–when they purposefully interpret religious scripture according to their whims. They live in nature but use technology to manufacture its false image. They claim to reject bodily enhancements while concealing cybernetic implants underneath synthetic skin. They parade themselves as model citizens while skirting their own laws.

    This is the land of excess. A place where one can live in a manufactured fantasy, if they can afford it.

    Palaces in the Sky

    Above the synthetic paradise are ships, aboard which the founders of Neoterra reside. They are the one percent of the one percent–people with such unfathomable wealth and influence that none can surpass them. They are believed to be immortal and even divine. Men from the Rift all the way to Salvation sing songs of praises to these unseen gods.

    They rarely emerge from their lofty palaces, and only Neoterra's best scientists are permitted to enter their homes. This is the subject of much speculation. It is often said that the gods have access to technology not yet available to the public, enabling them to live for as long as they have.

    For aeons, the gods remained untouchable, until an attack on one of these six palaces–an event known as the Fall–upended the false foundation upon which their power was built.

    The Fall

    It was the first time anyone had seen one of those ships move. It broke through the dome, shattering the illusion and lifting the veil for all of Salvation to witness. Gone was the lush ecosystem and sloping mountains they had all grown accustomed to. Instead, there was the perilous ocean, stretching far beyond the eyes could see. The ship pummeled into the water and sank like a drowning beast until not a trace of it remained, having been devoured by an ocean that hadn't been fed in years.

    But then, from its tomb, something else emerged. Something glowing and shapeless. One look at it would render the observer hypnotized and drawn to this mysterious force. Its mere presence overcame onlookers with a false sense of peace, pulling them into the water.

    Men, women, and children threw themselves over the barrier. Many lives were lost that day, and if the citizens of Salvation hadn't been ordered to stay indoors, many more would have been lost. Now, the dome has been fixed, but the public remains shaken. Nearly half of the population has been lost to the Fall, and all that stands between survivors and certain death is the dome.

    Meanwhile, the creature itself has a strong sense of self-preservation, destroying anything that dares to come close to it.

    The Raptured

    Some were restrained before they could take the fatal leap. These few–called the Raptured–are held within high security facilities. There is currently no treatment that can reverse the hypnosis, but researchers are working hard to find a cure.

    According to observations, subjects are in a constant state of hysteria and possess self-destructive tendencies. They have lost all regard for their basic necessities and, if given the opportunity, would resort to violence in order to escape confinement. When they speak, they only talk of the glow, which they call Liberty.

    Because they pose a danger to themselves and to other people, they are made to wear straitjackets and cannot leave hospital premises. They are also medicated and fed through a nasogastric tube, with androids attending to their day-to-day needs.


    AI, especially androids, are a popular commodity in Neoterra, but none are as convincingly human as the ones in Salvation. Their resemblance to humans is so striking, in fact, that the only way to distinguish an anthropomorphic android from its makers are the serial number on the nape of its neck and the electronic wristband embedded into its skin. The wristband provides an interface with which the automaton can be controlled, although voice commands are a popular alternative. Androids, especially the newest models, are highly advanced and are utilized in an extensive breadth of job sectors.


    Also known as Designer Androids, or Empties, MTs are exclusive only to the wealthiest of Salvationers. It is unknown what makes them so priceless. Collectors insist they are a kind of art; each iteration is not like the other. To people outside of Salvation, however, MechTechs are unappealing. These androids are Frankenstein-like in design–everything about them looks wrong and unsettling. They are all twisted limbs and incongruent parts, weighed down by various ornaments.

    Although they are the most expensive kind of androids in Neoterra, they are also the most useless. MechTechs are artificial but not considered intelligent. They are more akin to moving, life-sized dolls–nothing more than emotionless status symbols.

    There is a rumor floating around that claims MechTechs have a little bit of human in them, but this is impossible to prove, for Armortek prohibits the unauthorized disassembling of any of its androids.

    Trouble in Paradise

    Some considered this a challenge. Unfortunately, their pursuit for truth only led to their demise. One such instance involved a young researcher born and raised in Salvation. Her body was found slumped over the disassembled parts of a MechTech, her eyeball skewered with a pencil and her neck slit with an unknown weapon.

    It has been years since the incident, but the perpetrator remains unknown.

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    PROSTHETICS - The cheapest bionics are limb prosthetics, which connect to the ends of peripheral nerves. They only perform the most basic of functions and are crude and unsightly. Prosthetics are not usually worth buying unless one is extremely desperate, for not only are they limited in function, they also require a lot of maintenance.

    OFF-BRAND & CUSTOM AUGS - Next in line are mech-augs, which connect directly to the nervous system. The price depends on how much the augmentation has been customized; for instance, an augmented hand with retractable steel claws will go for much less than one that also has dermal armor encased in artificial skin.

    Because the human body tends to reject augs without medication–like Nerotex tablets–and frequent maintenance, overly customized augs are more likely to malfunction. Hence, it is recommended that buyers choose only three or four total features across the board.

    Off-brand augs are undocumented and will only be acceptable in places like the Rift or Salvation, where Enforcers tend to ignore most illegal activity. Should someone with an undocumented aug find themselves in the Strip, they will be apprehended and their augs will be confiscated.

    ARMORTEK AUGS (VANILLA) - Armortek currently has a monopoly on legal augmentations. Luckily, their augs are durable and of high quality, requiring only yearly maintenance. However, there is one downside. Ordinary citizens cannot purchase weaponized augmentations without a permit, meaning commercial Armortek Augs are enhancement-only. The only exception to this rule are Enforcers and Skywardens, which are allowed weaponized augmentations.

    ARMORTEK AUGS (MODDED) - Because of this, ordinary citizens may opt to mod their own Armortek Augs or purchase modded augs from dealers in the Rift. This is risky. If these individuals are discovered, they will be punished by the law.



    This technology allows individuals to live their second lives in a virtual space. This is often abused. VR junkies become disconnected from the real world, so immersed in a manufactured reality that it begins to affect their personal and professional lives. This eventually leads to a dwindling mental health, culminating to accidental death or suicide.

    However, it is not all bad. There are some spaces hidden from the government's prying eyes that allow citizens to peruse articles and books that have been banned in Neoterra.

    All of Neoterra, with the exception of the slums, feature a wide breadth of robotics. These robotics help with businesses (ex. server bots) and are also used to maintain order within the city. There are several different types of robotics used by the government, the two of the most prominent ones being:

    MAINTENANCE BOTS - Colloquially called Sweepers, they can be found all over Neoterra, scaling the walls or crossing the walkways. As the name suggests, they are tasked with cleaning the districts and repairing any faults in the building's structure. They are harmless, with the exception of those seen in the Rift.

    Because scavengers like to harvest them for parts, the undercity bots are equipped with weapons and will shoot anyone that it registers to be five feet within range. This does not happen without a warning. A five-second timer will begin after detection, after which it will deploy the weapon should the target remain within range.

    SURVEILLANCE DRONES - Used to police the Strip, Surveillance Drones can issue fines for minor offenses. In the case of serious transgressions, they will ping the nearest Enforcers and track offenders until back-up arrives.

    PERSONAL ASSISTANTS (PA) - Personal Assistants come in many different forms. The most common type of PAs are virtual assistants, which are often used in conjunction with Augmented Reality. Personal assistants in AR are highly customizable; their voices can be altered and they can take on many different shapes, whether it be animals, humans, cartoons, and so on.

    The second type of PAs are android assistants. They physically exist in the world, making them more costly than their virtual counterparts. However, because they are physical copies, they are not very portable, and the most anthropomorphic in appearance are some of the most expensive commodities in all of Neoterra.

    Both types of PA can be wirelessly connected to other Armortek devices, such as speakers, household equipment, and computers, making them efficient homemakers as well as office assistants.

    LIFE PARTNERS (LP) - Life Partners are the superior form of AI. Unlike Personal Assistants, they can do more than make appointments and place online orders. They feel more personal, more real. They possess the intelligence and self-awareness of humans, making them indistinguishable from the latter. They can be friends, adoptive siblings, or even romantic interests. In a world where loneliness has become an epidemic and meaningful relationships are hard to come by, Life Partners are steadily growing in popularity. At least half of the Strip's population is in possession of a Life Partner.

    Like Personal Assistants, LPs come in two forms: virtual and android.

    MECHTECHS (MT) - See #Salvation


    The MetroRail is the primary method of public transportation in Neoterra. This tube spirals along the outer walls, connecting the three districts and providing seamless transportation between them. One cannot see the ocean from within, as the walls of the MetroRail are overrun with advertisements. Despite this, accidents do not occur in the Metro, thanks to the existence of self-driving shuttle pods. These pods are compact and hold up to five people at a time.

    For residents of the Rift, the MetroRail looks very different. It stopped working a long time ago and is devoid of both advertisements and shuttle pods, acting only as a makeshift highway. Because of safety concerns, an impenetrable barrier stands between the Rift and the Strip, and the only legal way to travel between the two districts is through the use of hovercrafts. As a result, very few visit the undercity and vice versa. Only a handful of the Rift's locality has ever seen the upper districts with their own eyes.

    It is believed that the Rift's MetroRail was purposefully abandoned, so as to further isolate the undercity from the rest of Neoterra.

    Due to the way Neoterra is constructed, very few people are permitted to use hovercrafts. Even residents of Salvation find obtaining the license to own one notoriously difficult. Because of these strict regulations, hovercrafts are a rare sight in the city, used only by Enforcers, some politicians, and very wealthy Neoterrans.

    A robokart is a compact vehicle that is the distant sibling of the golf cart. These automated public vehicles are commonly used in the Strip and Salvation. They take passengers across large distances but cannot travel to other floors due to traffic concerns.


    Techno Scraps are a currency that is only accepted in the Rift. They are, as the name suggests, scraps of tech that have been scavenged from treasure mountains.

    Physical currency. Commonly used in the Rift but rarely used in other parts of Neoterra. In places like the Strip and Salvation, people will use yen to pay for items or services that they do not want traced. If there is no evidence, there is no crime.

    Digital currency. Commonly used in the Strip and Salvation, but very rarely used in the impoverished Rift.


    The Gaian Faith blossomed into popularity during the Colony Wars. During this time, there was endless destruction, endless suffering. Progress was made in leaps and bounds, but at the cost of the environment and many, many lives. Originally, this religion was meant to counteract the devastation caused by mankind's abuse of technology, but over the years, the Faith has been twisted and turned into a mass control tool. It became the very thing it was trying to destroy.

    It is still the primary religion in Neoterra to this day, but very few actually practice it due to its impracticality. One of the Gaian Faith's core tenets is that one should 'liberate themselves from technology'–that is, to reject scientific advancements so that humanity may return to its natural roots. According to the Faith, to be liberated from technology is to liberate one's soul from impurities.

    Although most believers do not go so far as to sacrifice their way of living, they do fossilize rare organisms or plants and turn them into charms for luck and protection. They also profess their Faith by praying in churches, attending sermons and parades, and singing songs of worship to the gods in Salvation.

    CHURCH OF THE GAIAN FAITH - Due to space constraints, most Gaian churches are uncomplicated in structure. The only exception to this is the church located in Salvation, which is made extravagant to fit in with the landscape. All churches share one commonality: the Tree of Life, which is the principal symbol of the Gaian Faith.

    The Tree of Life is always located in the center of the church. It is almost always artificial. However, some churches do have real trees, the church in Salvation being a prime example.

    Law Enforcement

    While surveillance drones do most of the drudgework, Enforcers primarily handle criminal activity in Neoterra. Most choose this line of work out of a strong sense of justice and duty, but it is this inclination to do good that prevents them from climbing the ladder where they can enact true change. The top brass are merely puppets, blackmailed to turn a blind eye to crimes committed by corpos and wealthy Salvationers. When one has all the riches that the world has to offer, the law simply becomes a suggestion, not the rule.

    The most skilled Enforcers are rewarded with positions in Salvation. It is highly coveted; who would turn down the chance to live in the wealthiest and most peaceful district in Neoterra? And yet, this is a waste of their skill, as promoted Enforcers become nothing more than bodyguards for the privileged.
    UNIFORM - An Enforcer must always wear their uniform when on duty, for not only does it protect them from injury, it also evokes fear and intimidation.

    Their uniform consists of a lightweight helmet with a built-in communication device, a black bodysuit that hardens upon impact and shields the wearer from chemical and biological agents, a titanium exoskeleton that increases strength and endurance, and finally, a set of flameproof boots with mine-detection sensors.

    However, gear could be interchanged. One could opt for an exoskeleton with cloaking technology for missions requiring stealth rather than power. Or a temperature-regulating bodysuit engineered with nanotechnology, should temperatures grow unbearably hot. There are many varieties to the standard uniform depending on the mission's requirements, and in the event an Enforcer is augmented, they will be fitted with their own custom uniform.

    To further distinguish Enforcers from civilians, they wear insignias on their upper arms and across their left breastplate, through which their rank and seniority can be assessed.

    Other Terminology

    The human body tends to reject foreign objects. To combat this, augmented individuals must take the Nerotex drug for the rest of their life. Failure to do so will result in seizures, headaches, and in worst cases, death.

    Territory located outside of Neoterra.

    [ NEXT ]


    NEOTERRA is a cyberpunk role-play where you can be whatever you want, whether it is a superhero celebrity, a crooked cop, or one of the Rift's many underdogs. There are many avenues to explore.

    Upon character creation, you can dive into one of the main story arcs, which will follow specific storylines outlined by yours truly. Else, create your own side quests with a partner or a group of like-minded role-players, where you are free to let your imagination run wild.

    The world is your oyster.

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    1. GM word is law.
    2. Keep the peace. Be respectful. OOC drama is no fun!
    3. Abide by fundamental role-playing rules. This means no godmodding, powerplaying, hijacking, and so on.
    4. This role-play will have some adult themes, but I ask that excessive violence and sexual scenes fade to black.
    5. If you want to use codes for your posts, pls make sure they're mobile-friendly, or at least provide a plain text version in spoilers.
    6. You can make as many characters as you can handle for side stories, but I ask that each person joining a main story stick to only one or two characters at a time!
    7. If you are unable to post for some reason, just let me know!
    8. You are free to suggest ideas for worldbuilding. Neoterra can only grow with your help.
    9. When in doubt, ask questions.

    Great! Now you know the rules.

    POSTING SPEED: Biweekly (once every two weeks) for main arcs. Posting speed for side quests is up to the players involved.
    POSTING EXPECTATIONS: As long as your post moves the story forward, you're good to go. Quality > Quantity.
    FACE CLAIM REQUIREMENT: Art pictures only. Alternatively, you can do away with face claims altogether and just use description.

    !-- Woah, you made it this far! Thank you for reading the entirety of my WARP submission. 😙 --!

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