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Midnight Rose

Original poster
Hey! I'm on the search again; this time I'm looking for a few laid-back fandom partners to write with! Let me know which pairing(s) catches your fancy by sending me a message here or via PMs. :)

Rules & Requirements:
- Red Star members only
- MxF romantic pairings only
- Please be semi-literate or advanced
- 2-4+ decent sized paragraphs per reply
- Please write in the third person, past tense in paragraph form
- Be willing to double and/or play multiple characters (or NPCs)!
- Please only use realistic (celebrity/model) face-claims for character appearance
- All characters must be 21+ years of age or older
- Forum threads or PMs only

Star Trek (Reboots):
- Dr. McCoy/OC
- Captain Kirk/OC
[I can double up as Kirk, Spock, Chekov, Sulu, Scotty, or Pike]

Star Wars (The Original Trilogy or Books): - I am not interested in the Prequels or The Force Awakens
- Han Solo/OC
- Kyp Durron/OC
- Jacen Solo/OC
[I can double up as Luke or Lando]

Harry Potter (The Golden Trio era or Post War):
- Remus Lupin/OC
- Oliver Wood/OC
[I can double up as Harry, Ron, Fred/George, Cedric, or Draco]

Lord of the Rings:
- Eomer/OC
[I can double up as Aragorn, Legolas, Faramir, Sam, or Frodo]

X-Men (2000/20002/Last Stand/DoFP):
- Cyclops/OC
[I can double up as Wolverine or Iceman]

Batman/The Dark Knight Trilogy/Superman/Wonder Woman: - I am not interested in Man of Steel, Batman vs Superman, Suicide Squad, or The Justice League
- Batman (Keaton or Kilmer)/OC
- Scarecrow/OC
- Superman (Reeve or Routh)/OC
- Richard White/OC
- Steve Trevor/OC
[I can double up as Batman (Bale)]

Pirates of the Caribbean (first, second, or third film):
- James Norrington/OC
- Will Turner/OC
- Jack Sparrow/OC
[I can double up as Will or Jack]

- Older Peter/OC
- Caspian/OC
[I can double up as Caspian or older Edmund]

The Princess Diaries 2:
- Nicholas/OC

This Means War
[I can double up as Tuck]

Into The Woods:
- Cinderella's Prince/OC
[I can double up as Rapunzel's Prince]

- Prince Edward/OC

- Black Hat/OC
[I can double up as Priest or Hicks]

Xena: The Warrior Princess:
- Cupid/OC
- Julius Caesar/OC

- Clark Kent/OC
- Jonathan Kent/OC

The Vampire Diaries/The Originals:
- Alaric/OC
- Damon/OC
- Elijah/OC
[I can double up as Stefan, Damon, Marcel, Klaus, or Kol]

The Black Dagger Brotherhood Series: - No Lesser/Lesser or Lesser/Human pairings
- OC Brotherhood Warrior/OC Chosen
- OC Brotherhood Warrior/OC Female Human
- OC Brotherhood Warrior/OC Female Warrior

The Dark (Carpathian) Series: - No Undead Vampire/Undead Vampire, Undead Vampire/Carpathian, or Undead Vampire/Human pairings
- OC Carpathian Male/OC Female Human
- OC Carpathian Male/OC Female Carpathian

The Vampire Academy Series:
- Dimitri/OC
[I can double up as Adrian or Christian]
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Lovely :)

Star Trek, Star Wars and Batman for me.

Kilmer happens to be my favourite Batman.
I would love to do Harry Potter in the golden trio era! I'd be happy to play Oliver wood if you could play Draco :3
Pirates sounds like a fun time, not sure which movie we should do but I can be James for you if you'll be Will for me. (:
Ooo have a few I like,but if your full up I definitely understand.