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Chaotic Lawful
Original poster
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My Life as a Kdrama

Weather: Sunny | Time, day: 08:00 (am), Monday | Location: Seoul, Namjangyu Film Studio| Sign Up

Starting point
Take 1: A new week is starting and with that a new project is launched. A new romantic comedy is about to be produced called; Love messenger. It is a drama about a poor girl who spends too much time on the internet and accidentally sasses the heir of a big company. Amused by her guts he sets out to look for her, not realising that the internet loony he chatted with is actually a shy desk-worker at his father's company. Another one of the many romantic comedies that Korea is rich of, but wildly popular and an adaptation from the internet novelist 'Peanut' who is also helping with the script.

It is the first day on the set and the paparazzi are gathering to get a glimpse of the stars of the project. Wildly anticipated is the bad boy actor Smeb, who is said to be one of the leads. However, fans are also speculating that cool dude Park Byeong Su might actually get a lead role for once. About high time, some argue, but let's not tread that ground. Today the crew introduce themselves to each other and wish each other good luck with their job. It are mostly formalities and customs to be followed for the good of the press. After all, it is the press that they have to convince of the supposed chemistry between their leads.

Speaking of leads. It seems that the secret of who the Lead Actress might be is well kept. Some whisper that it is an unknown girl who is doing her first drama, a mega-talent that impressed director Han Seo-yeon so much that she was immediately chosen upon auditioning. Others whisper that the unlikely Miyong Ran has gotten her first lead role. Something that more conservative watchers of Kdramas don't like. After all, isn't she the designated poster girl for the evil rival? It sure is hard to be an introverted female in this industry, and the comments are merciless.

The craziest rumour has to be that the director selected herself as the Lead Actress for Love Messenger. After all, the director has some experience in front of the camera, albeit as an idol and not as an actress, but she has a pretty face and a famous name, right?

In any case, the paparazzi is ready to stoke, the fans are holding their breath, and the crew has a job to do. Will Love Messenger be another one of the many romantic comedies, or will it exceed expectations? Or perhaps worse; flop? We shall find out now!

Lights, Camera, Action!
Take 1: TBA/TBU

News: I would like to give this first chapter (take 1) about two weeks before moving on. This means that I require you guys to be proactive with your character. No passive responses and standing behind, but active networking and establishing the first impressions with the rest of the cast. If you need ideas for a post feel free to drop a message in my PM box, or DM me over Discord: Nemopedia#8297.

@FieryCold, @darkflames13, @xLarius, @ScarletNova
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the director

Han Seo-yeon

Location: Namjangyu Film Studio
It was another grumpy morning in the life of Han Seo-yeon. She got out of bed at exactly six am and went about her morning routine. So far it seemed like any other day, however, she knew that today was slightly different. Today was the day that they would begin shooting Love Messenger, the new drama project that she was directing. Was she excited? Not really. The script may have a new and different story from the rest of the dramas that have already been made, but in the end it was still the same old Korean drama formula. It was good for making money, but it didn't give her much excitement as a director.

As she was eating her breakfast, Seo-yeon reviewed the script for the nth time, reading it as if it were the morning paper. The script had clearly seen better days. Its pages were full of creases and quite a number of them had dog ears. It was as if Seo-yeon had had the thing for years when in truth it's only been months since she's received it. The margins were not spared either. On them were little notes and markings that she wrote. Majority of the notes were her goals of when each scene should be completely finished with shooting.

Soon as she was finished eating and washing the plate she used, Seo-yeon grabbed everything that she would need for the day and stuffed all into her bag. She gave the contents one final look, making sure that she didn't forget anything, before leaving. As she exited her apartment, she gave Ghost a little pat on the head. "See you later, Ghost."

The studio wasn't very far from her place; a mere twenty-five minute drive at most. She turned on the radio, hoping to make the drive less boring. Unfortunately, instead of entertainment she got annoyance. At the exact moment she had turned on the radio, a talk radio was talking about Love Messenger. "I've heard that director Han Seo-yeon had cast herself as the lead. Think it's true?" the host said. Seo-yeon couldn't help but roll her eyes at the outrageous rumour. She immediately changed the station, not wishing to hear any more rumours and speculations about the drama.

It seemed, however, that she couldn't escape it. Seo-yeon switched the station three times and each one was talking about the drama. Having had enough, she turned off the radio. Driving in silence was better than listening to the drivel that was on the radio right then. Thankfully, she was nearing her destination.

Seo-yeon arrived at the studio at exactly eight am. Immediately upon arrival, she went straight toward the set they would be using, wanting to check and make sure that everything was ready to go.
Ju-hwan Wang
주환 왕 | Peanut
Clueless Scriptwriter | Location: Namjangyu Film Studio | Interactions: None

Ju-hwan Wang had no idea what to expect with the first serialisation of his story. He imagined the set to be bright and big, the cameras looming and dark, the crew constantly on the move, dressing up the stars, doing their makeup, brushing their hair. To him the imagination of a film set was a fabulous chaos. A place that worked like a solid machine, but with a slight sense of panic and romance. The young scriptwriter had no idea what to expect from his first job and time in a film studio, but within his mind a countless scenarios played out.

Dreaming away on the road was dangerous and the author managed to stop in front of a red light just in time. A close call and he had the radio to thank for that.

'Today the production of 'Love Messenger' is going to start. The anticipation for the project is high, with a star studded cast, and the reliable director Han Seo Young…'

The DJ rambled away about the upcoming drama as Ju-hwan, also known as Peanut, sunk into his car seat. It never hit him how popular his online novel was until he was suddenly approached for a dramatisation of it. Surely, he had read the comments, but he didn't realise it was this big! Now he was sitting here, on his way to the film studio and about to see his story come to life for television.

Driving into the parking lot Peanut was met with the first wave of surprise. A horde of paparazzi appeared next to his car, flashing lights as they took pictures and trying to get a word from him by knocking on his window incessantly. Shocked the man braked immediately, coming to a halt in the middle of the path as he wondered if he should step out of the car. Was this what famous people had to deal with everyday?

A rush of excitement overcame the young man again as he thought about the sudden fame he had gained. It sure felt nice that he was so beloved by the crowd. The least he could do was face them, right? Smiling to himself in glee Ju-hwan thus opened his car and stepped out, holding his hands up as he tried to calm everyone down.

"Now, now, one que--"

"This is no one!" one of the reporters interrupted him rudely, pulling away from the crowd as the journalist went to look for something more interesting. The rest of the flashing crowd seemed to agree with the statement and all backed out as well, ignoring whatever protest Ju-hwan tried to make. No one? The man was pretty sure that he was Peanut, the one who wrote the story that was about to be broadcasted. However, no one seemed to care about that.

And thus the young male was left standing next to his car. A pouty look on his face in disappointment and his pride a slightly hurt. A no one for them, it seemed. Peanut felt his heart crack a little at the thought of it. Hopefully no one had seen this fiasco.
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Park Byeong-Su


Role - Second Lead Actor
Location - Namjangyu Film Studio Testing

His alarm clock rang out, displaying the time of five am. He really should have been living in his own apartment at the age of twenty four but technically he was his siblings legal guardian. It couldn't be helped. It was either share his living space or have the uncomfortable feeling that his siblings were living by themselves. The second-oldest among his siblings was a sixteen-year old and he didn't exactly trust the second oldest sibling to get the rest of his brothers and sisters to school on time. Besides he didn't want his brother, Ki-Young to have the same high school life that he had as a teenager. His mornings were normally the same. Byeong-Su would start the day with a cup of old 'hot' chocolate before taking a brisk shower to become fully alert. He'd clothe himself in a black suit with a blue tie. He skipped brushing his hair, he was fully aware that his hair would be too irritating to tame this early in the morning. Throughout the morning he'd wake up his siblings and usher them to the breakfast table to pick up their toast to-go before he'd have to shove them out the door giving them the usual 'don't follow strangers' drill. Before returning his attention back to the script, of course he'd rehearsed it in front of the mirror practicing his pronunciations and expressions.

Byeong-Su continued reading as he continued to fill his bag with necessities. It wasn't a newly fresh pressed idea but who was he to judge. It'd end up all the same for him, sometimes he liked to critique his character finding amusement in how the protagonist always twisted the second leads feelings. The script was in clean condition, the only thing that tainted the paper was the yellow highlighter that slashed through his characters name. He set his script into his bag snatching his sunglasses and setting them on his head, while at the very same time he flipped open his small binder. His manager had it sent over for the day, pink and blue tabs poking out of it. Byeong-Su was quite relieved that he didn't have to manage the scheduling and the important e-mails from the fan mail. He was already great at multi-tasking but handling that and memorizing the script, all the while keeping up his modeling would be too overwhelming for one man.

He exited the house at a fast pace, his bag slung over his shoulder as he entered his midnight colored car. He glanced at the clock, six fifty. Byeong-Su smirked knowing that he was on schedule he started the car. He knew that one little peak at social media before he headed off couldn't disrupt his schedule too badly. Flipping through his phone chuckling as he read some of the 'ridiculous' rumors. Did other people really have time to read these to the point where they were so main spread? No matter to him, to each his own. He turned off his phone, the world didn't need him for an hour of driving.

Park Byeong-Su was late by five minutes how scandalous. He mentally scolded himself, why couldn't he wait to check social media until he had arrived? He let out a long sigh, knowing his luck there would be a late arrival. Maybe he should've spent the time checking out the neighboring businesses first. He'd heard that a new candy shop had opened up although he was a bit concerned about being found out. Perhaps he'd invite one of his co-workers or his siblings to accompany him. Although on the other hand he could also deal with the fact that he was wearing a suit instead of a normal t-shirt, he simply didn't find it appropriate to arrive at work at anything less.

He quickly shifted over a seat, deciding it was more safe to hide behind the car to check for lingering journalists. He was used to the buzz and cries of the paparazzi and wasn't willingly going to deal with that, he'd just have to walk a few blocks which wouldn't be a problem. As he walked he watched as the crowd suddenly gathered around an individual before once again separating, looking for another victim to report about. It had seemed that this couldn't have been another actor or anyone too important. Perhaps he was a cameraman although from the disappointed expression on the male's face that didn't seem to be the case. Byeong-Su narrowed his eyes scanning the area, so far he hadn't attracted any unneeded attention as he approached the pouting individual.

"Were you rejected by the media? How unusual. Usually they'd be attacking people left and right." Byeong-Su said out of the blue, his monotone voice was at a bit of a whisper. Byeong-Su had intended it to be more of a joke then anything but his voice didn't help carry that purpose. He had no intentions of attracting the paparazzi, and was moderately thankful to the 'small fry' to directing the annoying crowd in another direction. He guessed he might as well talk to the male. After all what'd he have to lose, he was already late enough. Byeong-Su glanced at his wristwatch before turning his attention back to his 'co-worker'. "And what is your purpose? You looked like you were supposed to be known." Byeong-Su questioned before raising an eyebrow. "There's also the case in which you have extreme narcissism. In that case I apologize if mistook you for someone you obviously aren't."


@Nemopedia - Ju-Hwan Wang

[bg=white]Miyong Ran

Role: Second Lead Actress
Location: Namjangyu Film Studio
Interactions: @Nemopedia Ju-Hwan Wang | @xLarius Park Byeong-Su | @darkflames13 Han Seo-yeon


The morning came early and Ran's personal maid had already woken her up for her to have quite enough time to get herself ready. A good impression. That was what Miyong Ran wanted to give when she arrived at the studio on her first day of work, so the young woman took a shower, put on some light make-up, fixed her hair and double checked that she was wearing the proper attire for her first day.

Afterwards, she arrived in the dinning room where her parents were already eating breakfast. "Good morning," she muttered to them as she took her usual seat and was served her breakfast by their butler. She ate fairly quickly because despite this not being her first time on the job, each new one made her nervous.

Upon finishing breakfast she set out in the family limo where she sat in the back as the driver made his way towards the studio. She pulled out the script that she had placed in her bag the night before, just to make sure she wouldn't forget it. She started to read through the lines again to refresh her memory though it wasn't like she would let herself forget them anyway. Perhaps, if she did a good job, she might get a role she really wanted in the future.

The drive seemed long as Ran's mind jumped to the rumors circling around the new show. Some believed that she might even be the lead, but the fans didn't seem too happy about that. Ran felt a pain in her chest as she thought about it. Why couldn't they just accept her as a different character?

Why did she have to get typecasted?

The car stopped and the door was opened. Ran stepped out and immediately the paparazzi swarmed her like flies.

"Ms Miyong? Are the rumors true? Are you the lead?"

"How do you feel about that? What do you think the fans will think?"

"The fans aren't happy about you possibly being the main lead. How do you feel about that?"

Ran got out of the chair and simply pushed her way through. "Don't shove your nose where it doesn't belong," she muttered and made her way towards the studio. She passed two men in the parking lot chatting.

"If you continue chatting here you'll be late," she commented to them and continued along her way into the studio. As soon as she went inside, Ran went right to Han Seo-yeon who was checking out the set.

"Ms. Han, it's a pleasure to finally be working with you. I look forward to working together starting today."
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A sleek car announced its arrival with a loud growl of its engine, drawing the screaming fans and paparazzi to it like moths to a flame, their heavy fists knocking upon the expensive, ink-tainted exteriors. Two broad-shouldered men, dressed in black from head to toe, almost identical in their stature you would think them to be twins, stepped out of the vehicle. Between them, a man of tall and lithe stature stood, porcelain-skinned and eyes uncharacteristically framed by wire glasses. At once, he seemed to demand the world's attention with simply his presence, as the shouts of the reporters grew louder and the cameras shuttered to no end. The two other men had no other choice but to jostle the crowd to give him room to move. The reporters screamed their questions at him, trying to out-yell each other, shoving their microphones in his face for a comment, but he simply raised his hand and waved, a well-rehearsed smile settling upon his features.

By now, Haneul knew all too well about the rumours that circulated around the K-drama: about the director casting herself as the lead actress, about the second lead supposedly taking the role all for herself--all the poorly fabricated lies people these days call "news" to entertain themselves. He couldn't say it didn't affect him in its own annoying way, especially with the paparazzi getting into his personal space like this, but after a while of hustling in this industry, you learn to grow a thick skin.

The set inside was the same chaos as the one outside of it, with people hustling and bustling to get prepped up for the day's agenda. In the midst of it all, the director and the second lead seemed to be getting acquainted with one another. His bodyguards fell back as he approached the pair, introducing himself with a slight bow of is head. "You must be Ms. Han and Miyong Ran. I'm looking forward to working with you both."

Then, to break the ice: "It's crazy outside, isn't it?"​
the director

Han Seo-yeon

Location: Namjangyu Film Studio
It seemed that people weren't as incompetent as she'd feared. The set was looking fine from what she can see. It didn't turn out to be a complete disaster as she'd originally thought. The set-up crew were just putting on the finishing touches when she came to check up on them. Seeing the decent work that they did certainly made her morning mood just slightly better.

Seo-yeon was giving directions to one of the crew members to move the light a bit higher when a voice came from behind. "Ms. Han, it's a pleasure to finally be working with you. I look forward to working together starting today." She immediately turned around and came face to face with one of the actors that she's cast. Miyong Ran, the girl who was playing the second lead. A second person stepped in and joined them. This time it was the lead actor, Kyung Haneul. He said practically the same thing that Ms. Miyong did mere seconds ago, the usual courteous first day greeting, adding at the end, "It's crazy outside, isn't it?"

"Ms. Miyong. Mr. Kyung," she greeted each with a curt nod before giving a glance to the watch she wore on her left wrist. "As thrilled I am to be working with such talented actors, I am not happy to see them late." Seo-yeon gave a pointed look at both of them. She was never one to tolerate late comers, regardless of who they are or even if they were only a minute or so late. Time is of importance to her. Every minute a person is late is a minute lost on the time they could be working.

She sighed. "But, seeing as it is the first day, I'm willing to let it slide for now. Plus, you're right, it is pretty crazy out there with the paparazzi." Seo-yeon shook her head. "Kind of sad how they operate. Camping outside the recording studio, desperate for something to write about." Seo-yeon let out another sigh before waving her hand in dismissal. It was clear that she didn't want to speak any more of it.

"Enough of that. We still have a drama to shoot."
She frowned as she remembered that two of the remaining main cast have yet to actually show. Although she highly doubted it, she still had to ask, "Have either of you by chance seen your other co-stars around?"
Miyong Ran (@ScarletNova), Kyung Haneul (@FieryCold)
Ju-hwan Wang
주환 왕 | Peanut
Clueless Scriptwriter | Location: Namjangyu Film Studio | Interactions: Byeong-su Park @xLarius, Miyong Ran @ScarletNova, Haneul Kyung @FieryCold & Seo-Yeon Han @darkflames13

Flustered a man came next to Ju-hwan, voice monotone as he said a few words. Horrified the scriptwriter realised that he had been seen in that embarrassing act. Sputtering the young male tried to look for words to defend himself, but found himself unable to gather his wits together yet.

"If you continue chatting here you'll be late," a female voice peeped up and Ju-hwan wondered just how many had witnessed the whole scene. Did she as well? Turning around to face the woman Peanut was fast to realise that this was Miyong Ran, the second lead actress. True to her public image she walked past them after seemingly scolding them, leaving the male in awe at how true the rumours were surrounding this particular actress.

However, he was still left with the rude verbal attack from the man next to him. Ju-hwan recognised him as the second lead actor, lips forming into a slight pout at the disrespect shown. Weren't they Korean? Where the slightest beat off in your mannerism could earn you the scorn of the public?

"Such an awful personality to have!" the writer threw at the actor before stalking off, clicking his tongue. He would be sure to dish out these first bad impressions flagrantly with the media.

Journalists were still all around the place, trying to get a peek in. However, this time Ju-hwan was left alone. Showing the security at the entrance his identity he was then allowed in as he got into the studio, seeing three figures standing together, one of them the actress Miyong again.

"I'm here, I'm--- Whoa, you're even taller in person!" Ju-hwan couldn't contain his excitement as he walked up to the group, eyes staring right up at Smeb, the lead actor, in amazement. He definitely had this intimidating bad boy image surrounding him, making Peanut feel even shorter than he already was. However, noticing the impatient look of director Han the male stiffened up, pulling himself together.

"I-I'm Wang, Ju-hwan, also known as Peanut, it is an honour to work with you!" Not one to forget about his manners, the male bowed deeply towards the group, his words coming out a slight squeaky due to his nerves, but luckily more understandable than he had thought it would be.

"Please take care of me!" he continued, bowing again a ninety degrees towards the group.
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Park Byeong-Su


Role - Second Lead Actor
Location - Namjangyu Film Studio Testing

Oh dear.

Was the shorter male acting out because Byeong-su had caught him at a bad time? Or maybe it was because Byeong-su had a trouble recognizing the 'small' fry. He had full intentions on nicknaming the smaller male that title in his own mind Byeong-Su just had to make sure he didn't let it slip out of his mouth. Byeong-su just stared at the shorter male as the individual seemed to be attempting at a meaningful retort. Ah, how immature but amusing.

"If you continue chatting here you'll be late" A female voice cut in. Now this was a face he could recall. Miyong Ran, what was she again? He rubbed his forehead, he should have brought some chocolate. Internally he scolded himself before turning his attention back to the female who seemed to be briskly walking away. Of course she was right, he once again mentally cursed. At least he wouldn't be concerned for the tardiness of one of his co-workers. He glanced at his other co-worker as the younger seeming male to see if he was done fuming. As expected the apparent short-fused male, (matching his height Byeong-su mentally noted) gave Park what seemed to be a pouting face. How mature he regarded sarcastically, the other male wouldn't last long like this.

"Such an awful personality to have!" His co-worker seemed to be scolding him (?) before the younger male departed. Byeong-su confirmed the fact that he had offended his co-worker before letting out an exhausted yawn. How marvelous how he had to deal with another version of his teenage siblings all over again much less at work. He smuggled himself through the crowd soon after his co-worker departed. He left his sunglasses resting on his midnight colored hair before flashing his ID. It would be hazardous to his health if he had made a scene. It was really honestly too early to be faking a smile but that is what he was to be doing this morning. As he entered he eyed every individual standing in the room.

The director, Han Seo-yeon was indeed gorgeous but had a unflattering expression on her face. She seemed to be in an impatient mood, or perhaps she was like that all the time. He'd find out sooner or later, probably whenever he'd like to or not. His eye contact shifted over to the main lead. 'Smeb' the bad boy poster boy had indeed the looks that allowed him to maintain the title. Byeong-su acknowledged the other second lead as he took a few seconds to glance at her figure. He scratched his cheek before slowing his pace. He should apologize but that would waste time. The chocolate addict would apologize if necessary later "Hwan, also known as Peanut, it is an honour to work with you!" were the only words that Byeong-su caught. Ah so the short-tempered male was the writer of the cheesy script. He should've figured, the sparkling expression plastered on the males face should have given his identity away. "Please take care of me!"

Byeong-su acknowledge them with a brisk small bow before looking at his wrist watch. He had a few hours before he had to check up on his troublesome siblings. "It will be my pleasure to work with you." He commented before yawning once again. The cold cup of 'hot' chocolate just didn't fuel his sugary needs. The Second Lead could've sworn he packed a chocolate bar in his bag, he'd focus on that later. "I take full responsibility for my own tardiness." He said, his tone droning on. If he was to work with his 'fellow' co-workers then he had no reason to fake his warm personality. It was best he didn't sugar up his attitude otherwise he may have seemed two-faced and he'd rather be labeled as the monotone fellow rather than the two-face male. The paparazzi on the other hand were a different category, if he had talked in his normal lack of energy tone then he'd have bad publicity and that was a huge no no if he were to support his siblings.


@Nemopedia - Ju-Hwan Wang (Peanut)

@darkflames13 - Han Seo-yeon
@FieryCold - Haneul Kyung (Smeb)
@ScarletNova - Miyong Ran

[bg=white]Miyong Ran

Role: Second Lead Actress
Location: Namjangyu Film Studio
Interactions: @Nemopedia Ju-Hwan Wang | @xLarius Park Byeong-Su | @darkflames13 Han Seo-yeon | @FieryCold Smeb


As soon as Ran greeted the director one of her co-workers arrived to greet them as well. Of course, he happened to say the same thing. It was a typical comment to be made in these situations, but it wasn't always great to have it happen consecutively. But, Ran was going to make the best of the greeting. "And I as well," Ran replied towards Haneul then focused her attention back on Seo-yeon.

Ran took a glance at the time, only a few minutes late. In some ways, Ran was annoyed by the director's comment but she also liked how serious this woman was taking her job. It fit in perfectly with Ran's views. "You're right. My tardiness won't happen again. I should have anticipated the crowd and planned for it. As for the others--"

Ran was cut off when one of the guys from outside arrived. He introduced himself and she finally understood that he was the writer of their script. She gave him a smile. Of course, she was going to respond to him, but the other co-worker who had been chatting outside arrived as well.

"I'm glad to be working with all of you. I'll work hard to help us make a wonderful program for audiences to enjoy," Ran then stated. She smiled at all of them, trying to be friendly despite her previous comments to some of them.
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A little embarrassed from the chiding, Haneul rubbed the back of his neck and awkwardly smiled, muttering a sincere apology. As expected of a well-known director, she took her job seriously. Haneul respected her for that. He wasn't usually this late, but he made the mistake of setting his alarm clock wrong the previous night, which he now mentally cursed himself for.

"Enough of that. We still have a drama to shoot." Director Han continued, then with a frown on her face: "Have either of you by chance seen your other co-stars around?"

As if on cue, a flustered voice piped up from behind him. "I'm here, I'm--- Whoa, you're even taller in person!" Haneul turned around to find a small, blond man staring up at him with a starstruck impression on his face. For a moment, Haneul was wide-eyed, then he stifled a chuckle as he watched the man's expression change from awe to agitated.

Stiffening up at the sight of the director, the man bowed so deeply his forehead could almost kiss the floor. Then, he introduced himself, ending with a customary: "Please take care of me!"

Haneul opened his mouth to respond when a man with jet black hair interjected at that exact same moment. Haneul instantly recognized him to be the second lead. Park Byeong-Su. The black-haired male gave a brisk bow of acknowledgement before glancing at his watch. "It will be my pleasure to work with you." He began, then yawned.

It was an understatement to say Park Byeong-Su did not make a good impression whatsoever on Haneul. The man had strutted in late only to give a brief bow without even a single apology coming from his lips. Now, he dared to yawn in their face? Miyong Ran was quick to answer congenially, but Haneul, frowning, couldn't help but say, "I hope we're not boring you, friend." Not wanting to deal with the latecomer any further, he turned to the writer, smiling. "It's a pleasure to meet you, finally. I had been wondering what the creator of Love Messenger would look like! You look younger than I thought."​
the director

Han Seo-yeon

Location: Namjangyu Film Studio
It took a great deal of effort for her not to roll her eyes as Miyong Ran apologised profusely. While she appreciates the actress' acknowledgment of her mistake and sincerity in apologising, a simple "I'm sorry it wont happen again" would've sufficed. Action always spoke louder than words in her opinion. If she really wanted to make up for it, she'd do wise to ensure it doesn't happen again.

Then there was Kyung Haneul. While he had also apologised, his was far simpler and most certainly sincere. Seo-yeon silently approved of this.

Just as Miyong Ran was about to answer her question regarding the whereabouts of their co-stars, another person joined in their merry little circle. This time it was the scriptwriter. Seo-yeon couldn't help but cock an eyebrow at his entrance. Not only was he late but he was also one who seemed easily distracted.

When he suddenly straightened up after glancing at her, Seo-yeon couldn't help but feel a little smug inside. He introduced himself and bowed deeply. Seeing him bow at a straight ninety degree angle reminded her of when she was first starting out herself.

"You're late," she pointed out bluntly. Seo-yeon paused for a few seconds wanting to see how the kid would react first before continuing, "But like I've already mentioned to Miyong Ran-ssi and Kyung Haneul-ssi, I'm willing to let it slide for the first day of shooting."

At the tail end of Ju-hwan's intro, a fifth person joined in. It was their second lead actor, Park Byeong-su. He gave a bow as well, though definitely not as low as Ju-hwan's, but that was fine with Seo-yeon. What wasn't fine however, was the yawn that followed his words. A deep frown, directed solely to Byeong-su, formed on her face. That kind of aloof attitude was unacceptable on her set. The tone he used on his next few words only ticked her off even more.

While Ran seemed to not mind the second lead's attitude and responded in a friendly manner, it was clear from Haneul's statement that she wasn't the only one who was displeased with Byeong-su's current act. She sighed. It was only the morning of their first day of shooting and already she could feel a migraine coming. A cup of coffee sounded nice right then but there were things that needed taking care of first.

First, she turned to Ran and thanked her for the enthusiasm she showed regarding their show. Then, she turned to Byeong-su and simply said, "Park Byeong-su-ssi. I will say this once and only once so listen up. I will not tolerate such an attitude on my set. Do I make myself clear?"
Miyong Ran (@ScarletNova)
Kyung Haneul (@FieryCold)
Park Byeong-su (@xLarius)
Wang Ju-hwan (@Nemopedia)
My Life as a Kdrama

Weather: Weather: Drizzly | Time, Day: 21:00 (9 PM), Thursday | Location: N Seoul Tower (Tower T3, Observatory) | Sign Up

Take 2: Security has tightened up and the filming schedule thrown over to lure off the media. This all to ensure that the cast members will reach the set in time without any trouble. However, there really is no permanent solution against sensation seekers, and surely enough the most experienced have already found their way at tonight's location.

The fourth day of filming takes place at the observatory of the N Seoul Tower giving a beautiful night view of the always lively capital. It is also the first day that the main actress finally joins the filming. Reason for her late arrival were conflicting schedules. At least the mystery is finally solved as several sourced confirm that Ji-hye Rhee, also known as G.I.R.L's Ishtar is the lead next to Smeb. Though many would argue about her being doe-eyed she certainly has a strong and dedicated fanbase as they have prepared fried chicken for the set. A welcoming treat for the crew that has to work until late in the night.

However, it wouldn't be Kdrama if there were no rumours of drama circulating around. Four days is more than enough time for journalists to uncover anything about the cast that the crowd loves to hear. Juicy stories with a possibility to shatter images. Apparently the cast is already having trouble getting along with each other as Park Byeong-su is reported to have show poor manners. Yawning in front of the director, and speaking bluntly to colleagues, are a few of the examples. It opposes the gentleman image that the second lead is supposed to have and many romcom fans are worried if the actor will be able to portray his character correctly. His colleagues have avoided any commentary, but intel has revealed that even Smeb, who ironically is known for his good manners, couldn't hold back his criticism. Are the two male leads asserting their dominance on the set just like they will in the series?

That isn't the only drama between cast members the media is smelling. Everyone who knows a little about director Han Seo-yeon knows that she had been previously part of a girl group before. Let it now be the case that the girl group she once was part of happens to be G.I.R.L, the very group Ishtar is part of! At the time of director's Han's departure the agency stated that she did so for her own career, but as G.I.R.L just happened to pick up in popularity fans started to speculate differently. Some malicious whispers say that Seo-yeon was bullied out of the group, or that she was asked to leave because of their budding fame rising to her head. In any case, rumours that no one wants floating around.

However, the most shocking piece of drama today would come from Miyong Ran, the second lead. The poor female already has to be accused of having a RBF (Resting Bitch Face), but now she has to deal with family drama as well! Where people first called her privileged, as her parents are rich, she is now being made out as heartless and a gold-digger! Apparently Miyong Ran is an adopted child whose biological parents sold the poor girl to the rich parents she has now. Now that she is gaining popularity her biological parents have found their precious 'lost' daughter and want her back, citing that Ran was never legally abandoned to begin with and that they had been forced to sell their child to the orphanage. To top it off the actress is unwilling to meet her biological parents, or to even hear them out. A heartbreaking story indeed and many are either accusing the actress of being cold-hearted, or are sympathising with her in pity. Whatever the case, lots of drama and the actual romcom hasn't even released yet!
Take 1: GM Post | The start of the romcom started off tardy. Most of the cast members ran in late because of the journalists that blocked their paths. However, these present managed to meet up eventually and introduce each other, giving each other a feel and a first impression.

News: Plenty of rumours and drama to play around with. All of the cast members start out on the set this time, so no more arriving, or being late. :D

> If you need ideas for a post feel free to drop a message in my PM box, or DM me over Discord: Nemopedia#8297.

@FieryCold, @darkflames13, @xLarius, @ScarletNova
the director

Han Seo-yeon

Location: N Seoul Tower
It's only been four days since the start of their shooting and already Seo-yeon was frustrated from all the rumours that were spreading. The media were in a frenzy upon the reveal of their lead actress, but that was anticipated given how late they've announced who it was. What annoyed her was that they've dredged up a thing of the past and made it relevant again. So what if she used to be a part of G.I.R.L? It's been years since then! Journalists wont leave her alone now because of it.

Then there was the whole drama with Miyong Ran and her family. While it had nothing to do with their work, the story about her biological parents coming back after she's started to rise in fame made her blood boil. It hit close to home. Perhaps later she could talk with Ran about it, preferably after the day's scenes were over and done with.

She took a deep breath as she tried to push aside all thoughts of the rumours. Standing by the tower's viewing windows, Seo-yeon looked out to the city. The view was breathtaking, even she had to admit that. It was definitely an ideal location to shoot a romantic scene. She could already imagine how the scene would play out. Seo-yeon didn't need to look at the script in her hand, she'd read it so many times now that she'd practically memorised each line. For a moment, she'd forgotten about the stupid rumours.

"Did you see the latest topic on Inven last night?"

Seo-yeon's grip on the rolled up script copy tightened. Just like that, all the annoyance she felt mere moments ago returned. She turned to where the voice came from and found two crew members gossiping not far from her as they stood by idly. Seo-yeon frowned and practically glared at them, though it seemed neither of them noticed as the other continued on responding to her companion, "Who hasn't? Poor Park Byeong-su..."

Ah yes. Park Byeong-su. Another victim of the media. Seo-yeon rolled her eyes at the thought. She didn't read the articles in full detail, but the headlines spoke enough for her to know that his little yawn in front of her had reached the ears of the journalists. Part of her couldn't help but feel that the actor / model deserved it.

"What do you mean? Clearly he deserved it for being so rude," one of them said echoing her thoughts just now. Petty as it may sound, Seo-yeon felt a twinge of joy knowing she wasn't the only one who thought this. However, the fact that journalists found out about it concerned her. The only way she can imagine for them to have caught word of it is if someone ratted them out. Whoever it was, when she finds out--

"Yeah, but--"
"No buts. I think Peanut did the right thing honestly answer to their question."

Seo-yeon groaned. Of course it was the young writer. She pinched the bridge of her nose as she felt an incoming headache. Taking out her phone from her pocket with her free hand, Seo-yeon searched for an article listing Peanut as the source and sure enough, she found an interviewer quoting his words. Looks like she needed to have a talk with a certain scriptwriter. Putting away her phone, she let out a sigh before walking up to the two gossiping crew members. Seo-yeon had tuned out to their gossiping as she verfied what she'd overheard from them earlier, but it seemed like they were now talking about their lead actress Ishtar.

The two finally noticed her as she got nearer and jumped in surprise. This time she fought the urge to roll her eyes. She's been standing nearby while they gossiped on only now they notice her. Seo-yeon brushed the thought aside. That wasn't important right now.

"You two. I need each of you to do some things for me," she said. Seo-yeon gave a task to each one and immediately after the two scurried off to do their respective tasks. One of them she asked to find Peanut and tell him she needed to talk to him, the other she sent on a coffee run. Something told her that wasn't going to need a lot of caffeine to get through tonight's shooting.
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Ji-hye Rhee
Location: N Seoul Tower | Interactions: None, yet​

It had been difficult to join the filming on the first day. The schedules had conflicted in such a way that she was still on tour with her group when the filming started. Luckily said tour was wrapped up now and she could catch up on all of her scenes. Unfortunately this meant that she had less time and double the work to build up a relationship with her colleagues, but Ji-hye wouldn't be Ishtar if she wasn't a master (mistress) in that.

The first step being their stomach. Asking her fans if they could fix her something delicious to eat on the set showed itself to be effective. The fans ordered a bunch of fried chicken, something that Ishtar had once upon a time mentioned to be her favourite. Of course the needed drinks were served with it as well and now she was all set! Now she just needed to strike up a conversation, flash her most charming smile and the ball was rolling.

Reading through the script Ji-hye tried hard to focus her eyes. She was beyond tired, with the tours and the interviews she had to give. Luckily the promotions of the new album were all wrapped up now, so she didn't have to go back to the studio again to practise dancing or singing. However, that didn't take away the strain and the fatigue she felt. Suppressing a yawn the female blinked rapidly, the circle lenses irritating her eyes ever so slightly. The offers she had to make for fame.

"And all done," the makeup artist smiled at Ji-hye, dusting her one last time before pulling off the cape draped around her. The idol blinked again as she lowered her script, smiling apologetically at the crew member when she realised that she had been unresponsive for a second too long. "Ah, I was so immersed in the script!" she quickly exclaimed. Which was a lie, the script read blandly and boring, but she had to pretend that she liked it. "Thank you for your hard work!" she thanked the artist before hopping out of her seat, a sincere gratitude, for she knew that everyone in this business had to make endless hours to be sure that everything was sunshine and sparkles.

Now that she was all done and fixed the female really only had to wait for the filming to start. However, the little interval in which she was free to roam around she used to network. Picking up a box of chicken and two drinks she made her way to the set, eyes gazing over the set to spot one of her colleagues. Preferably one of the two male leads, as she needed the chemistry with them the most. However, Ran could do as well, seeing as the poor actress seemed like she was in need of a friend. Enemies on the screen, besties outside. It was the sort of story the public loved.

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[bg=white]Miyong Ran

Role: Second Lead Actress
Location: N Seoul Tower
Interactions: @Nemopedia Ju-Hwan Wang


Ran scrolled through the news feed on her phone. Constantly, there were headlines about each member of the cast and main crew. Though, Ran didn't care much about what the rumors were about her fellow cast members. Instead, she was focused on the ones that were about herself. She let a sigh escape from her lips as she looked over the rumors about her.

Miyong Ran's biological parents have returned!
Miyong Ran's adopted. Parents want her back.
Biological parents want Miyong Ran back just as she shows up in the spotlight.

...And so on. They were all similar. All the same. Her fingers clenched her phone for a moment, then she breathed deeply and rolled her eyes. She put her phone in her pocket then looked out the window at the night sky and the city lights that shinned brightly.

"The city's just not as pretty as it used to be," she muttered to herself despite the lights twinkling like stars. Ran turned back to the set and glanced around, curious of what her costars were doing. She noticed their lead actress who had finally come to the shoot. She appeared to be looking around for someone, and yes Ran thought about going over to her to greet her but something held her back for now.

Instead Ran's attention went to their clueless scriptwriter. Ran had to admit that she did enjoy writing herself, though she liked acting more. However, there was something about writing that felt good. It made her feel better, and she did enjoy it sometimes.

Perhaps she had been staring over towards him a bit too long as she contemplated because others seemed to begin to question her motives of staring at the writer. Ran sighed again and left where she stood, heading over to the scriptwriter himself.

"What kind of fake name is Peanut anyway?" she muttered.
Park Byeong-Su


Role - Second Lead Actor
Location - N Seoul Tower
Byeong-su was happily munching on a piece of chocolate as he licked his fingertips. He used his other hand to flip the pages, once again scanning over the script. Remembering the morning he let out a sigh. The conversation with his siblings hadn't played out exactly like he had wanted it to. It had gone something like, "Brother you're embarassing me! What have I told you about manners?" Then something about his reputation taking a downhill fall along with so and so about how he wanted to take over the set. This was extremely ridiculous since it'd be too much trouble and he just wanted to get paid. He'd let the media think what they wanted, he let his co-workers think what they wanted. He didn't mind in the least. Now he was happily munching on chocolate and all his desires were being fulfilled. He avoided headbutts with the director, but still supplied curt nods. He glanced at his phone, daring it to bing with a notification about how his oldest had forgotten his homework once again.

He took the moment to open his agenda book. Perhaps because of these rumors he'd get less jobs and hence he'd have more time to simply fatten himself up. He curiously glanced up at the main actress Ji-hye Rhee. Perhaps she was even worse than he in that sense. Who was he to judge, it was none of his concern. The way she wrapped her fans around her finger to do her bidding. If her public servants wanted to worship her then fine. As long as she left him alone, she had all eyes on her and he had wanted nothing to do with the singer- or whatever she was. He turned his attention to the director before dropping his piece of chocolate into his hot steaming cup of hot cocoa. Originally he was going to make himself a cup of tea but he had a strange craving for the dark substance. The director seemed to be stressed to the maximum capacity seeming to flop here and there. He supposes it comes with the job of managing their peculiar group.

He stood up before approaching the director, once again in his deadpan voice. This time he gave a deeper bow than he had during their first meeting. He learned from the first encounter that she was very testy and he had no plans whatsover to listen to another lecture that he had been hearing for the past four days. "Has the set neared completion?" He interjected, keeping his cocoa in his fingers. "I'm assuming the rumors have more than interfered with your work. It has been a relaxing day if it weren't for them I suppose. On the other hand perhaps it's the reason why management jobs pay well."


@darkflames13 - Han Seo-yeon

Ju-hwan Wang
주환 왕 | Peanut
Clueless Scriptwriter | Location: N Seoul Tower | Interactions: Miyong Ran @ScarletNova | Mentioned: Seo-Yeon Han @darkflames13

The entertainment business lived the good life. Ju-hwan came to this conclusion as he bit into another chicken tender. Free food! Who could resist such a treat! Hungrily the young man enjoyed himself a few more pieces, his stomach grateful for something other than instant noodles.

Being an adult was hard. The young writer and his stomach both knew this. Munching away happily the male let himself enjoy the free meal as he went to enjoy the night view of Seoul's skyline. Strange as it was the young man had never been in the tower, or enjoyed the view. The only reference he had when writing the scene were some sleazy pictures that he had googled. However, now that he was standing there, chicken in hand and taking in the view…

Grumbling a little Peanut criticised the little details he remembered from his writing. Chomping down on a chicken he freed his hand as he wiped the grease off his shirt, lifting up the script to read what he had once written for this specific scene.

"Wrong," he chastised, frowning at his own craft. "Lights of neon crossed the road like meteors passing through the night sky?" Ju-hwan was horrified at the line he had written as he looked down into the streets. "No, no!" The urge to tear the script apart was only stopped because of a sudden figure approaching him.

A pair of blinking eyes stared at him in surprise, it was one of the assistants. "Director Han wants to see you," she told him, pretending nothing had happened. Ju-hwan choked on the chicken in his mouth, script dropping to the ground as tears formed in his eyes. "W-wha?" he coughed, wondering what that scary woman wanted from him. Discuss the scene? Criticise his writing? The male had been butchering up his script so much that he couldn't think of any other reason of why she would want to speak to him.

"I-I will see her in a bit!" He squeaked, trying to swallow down the chicken through the proper pipe. Slamming his chest in the hope that it would help his racing heart, but also prevent him from choking he gratefully accepted the drink offered. The assistant left soon after that, leaving Peanut alone in his ungraceful mess.

Letting go of a deep sigh the writer wondered if there was any way for him to get out of this. Meeting with director Han Seo-yeon didn't sound like a good way to keep his morale up. Plus, he feared for the reason the director wanted to see him for. What could be so urgent that she had someone fetch him? Wondering that Peanut was approached by another figure, dread building up once more. Thinking it to be Seo-yeon the male straightened his back as he turned around in a deep bow.

"I'm sorry! I will do better!" he exclaimed loudly, eyes pinched close as he waited for the other to speak. After a few seconds he dared to peek up and felt himself lose balance, falling to the ground like a toddler tripping over his own feet. .

"Whoa!" he gasped, blinking up at a not too happy looking Ran. At first relief washed over the writer, happy to see the second lead rather than the director, but as he watched her expression he grew intimidated. "Aaah--hahahaha" he started to laugh awkwardly as he tried to crawl up again, picking up the script as he dusted it off. "Miyong sunbae, is there something I can help you with?" Composing himself the young male tried to smooth over his embarrassing act from earlier. Why did he keep on getting himself into these awkward situations? The male scolded himself mentally as he prayed that Ran would play along with him.
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"So, here's the situation," Hwang Jung began as he briefed Haneul with the latest gossip. The man was somewhat neurotic—rigid with his rules and a touch obsessive-compulsive. In his hands was an entire folder, thick with information about the cast. They were useful tidbits that gave Haneul an upperhand in his social encounters—something that had been helping his open image despite his introverted nature.

As Manager Hwang filled him in with the details, the make-up artist prepped Haneul up for today's shoot. The actor remained seated in front of the mirror, among various brushes, liners, and powder, trying to keep still. He scrolled through news articles on his phone, looking for any mention of his name. Instead, he came across a mention of Park Byeong-Su. Immediately, he felt a twinge of annoyance, recalling their not-so-pleasant first meeting. Seemed like the boy was getting negative press now, and by no means did Haneul pity him.

"In summary: socialize, be nice, don't do anything stupid." Manager Hwang ended his spiel as he slammed the folder shut, repositioning his eyeglasses which had been threatening to fall off his nose. "Oh, and by the way, you have a photoshoot tomorrow at 8 A.M."

Haneul groaned as quietly as he could help it. He looked up from his phone and towards his manager's reflection on the mirror. "The shoot ends at 3 A.M. How am I supposed to get some sleep in?"

"Sleep in the car," Manager Hwang shrugged.

At that exact moment, the make-up artist announced that her work was done, and made towards the catering. Out slipped a sigh of defeat from Haneul's mouth as he hungrily eyed the chicken that was being passed around.

"Don't even think about it," Manager Hwang said sternly, as though having read his mind, "Can't have you all bloated for tomorrow's photoshoot. Now, go and mingle."

"Such a bully," The actor muttered underneath his breath as he stood and gave himself a once-over in the mirror. Then, he made his way towards the first person he had set his eyes on, which just so happened to be the lead actress, Ji-hye Rhee.

"The view is nice, isn't it?" He glanced meaningfully at the urban vista before them, before turning towards her with a smile, his eyes wandering towards the box of chicken in her hands. "You must be Ji-hye Rhee. Glad to finally be working with you."​
the director

Han Seo-yeon

Location: N Seoul Tower
Moments after the two girls left to work on the tasks she's set them out to do, Park Byeong-su approached her. The man of the hour, she thinks to herself. His bow was noticeably lower this time around. While Seo-yeon appreciated the show of respect, she really couldn't care less for how low he bowed. Hell, Park Byeong-su could forgo the bow if he wanted and Seo-yeon still wouldn't care. It was his work attitude that she was concerned with. From what she's seen so far, he's been able to deliver what she asks for on camera. Still however, it seems to her that he doesn't really care about any of this. That's her one and only concern with regards to him.

"Has the set neared completion?" he asked as he held onto the cup of cocoa in his hand. Her eyes couldn't help but be drawn to the steaming cup for a second. She started wonder if her own cup of hot drink would come soon. Byeong-su went on with making a remark regarding the rumours and then about her job. Not liking the last of his statement, Seo-yeon chose to ignore it and only made a response regarding the rumours, "They are indeed quite troublesome." She heaved a small sigh before continuing, "Nevertheless, we have a show to film. The setup is done, we're just waiting for the rest of the actors to finish up with makeup." Her eyes drifted back to the cup in his hands as she pointed at it. "Finish that quick, but not too quick. We wouldn't want you to scald your tongue. And please be careful not get any on yourself."

Seo-yeon turned to leave with the intent to check on the other actors but was stopped as a thought passed her. She turned back to Byeong-su and began to speak, "Hey, uh, about that rumour about you." Seo-yeon cleared her throat and looked him directly in the eyes as she went on. "Look. I'm not happy about it, yes I will admit that part of me thinks you deserve it, but that's irrelevant." She rolled her eyes as the last few words left her mouth. She was going off track, struggling to find the right words. Admitting something went wrong under her supervision was always hard thing for her.

"What I wanted to say was that wasn't meant to happen. What happens in here should've stayed in here. I'll be talking with Peanut about it later." All of a sudden she couldn't bear to hold his gaze any longer. Her eyes turned down to the script in her hand while free hand unconsciously started rubbing her other arm--something she unknowingly does whenever faced with a situation she's not used to. Her voice took on a much softer tone as she finally said, "I'm sorry it happened."
Park Byeong-su (@xLarius)
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