mxm starters (plot with me!)

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Original poster
Hello! I'm Saturn, and I've yet to find an rp partner on here that doesn't immediately ditch because of how I write.

My preferences

  • Please be at least semi-literate, I usually post one medium paragraph or multiple small paragraphs.
  • Please be under 18, like I am. I'm not all that comfortable with rping with red-star partners.
  • please help me make a plot, I have a vague idea of what I want to do for each scenario, but I like at least planning out the beginning.
My writing style
Shiro looked at Keith, alarmed. "I don't think Lance would use you, Keith. It's your choice to get with him, but I know you can't help feeling like this. I just want you to know that I will be by your side, no matter what. Yes, Lance flirts with everyone, but have you seen how he reacts when someone returns the favor? He quickly ends the conversation and leaves. He doesn't take flirting with someone as a way to get with them. He genuinely cares about all of us, you included. Don't push him away that easily, you never know if you'll regret it."

  • blind character x healthy character
  • suicide attempt with established relationship
  • friends to lovers
  • Stockholm syndrome
  • walking in on the character's crush/roommate masturbating
  • aphrodisiacs
  • deal with the devil
  • vampire x human
  • both wanted the same book, only one copy left
  • flirted to steal the other's wallet so they could put in their number
  • hero x villain
  • short x tall
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I'm willing to do your first pairing. If you're interested send me a pm. I understand that you're looking for redstar partners, but I'd like to explore this idea with you.