Murphy's Jazz Lounge and Restaurant IC

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Original poster
Online Availability
All day 'er day .. jk I sleep ... I'm doing research now so I'm online a lot and check here periodically
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
Peter McAllister was toweling off after his shower. He figured that it was best he cleaned up before things started get busy on Friday night at Murphy's. Luckily he didn't have far to go to get to work. Peter had a shower installed in an old store room just off of his office. Which also contained a workout station, a small wardrobe closet, and a rollaway bed in case he needed to crash at the office. That workout station was his piece of mind in that it allowed him to focus on things other than work, but if any unpleasant surprises came up prior to opening he wasn't too far away to deal with them. Peter slipped into his navy three piece suit and then gave a quick run through with a brush. He took one look in the mirror and said, "It's showtime." With that he said a short prayer and then crossed himself. After that he cut off the light and started to make his way down the hall.

Just as he passed his office he heard his phone ring. Peter stopped in his office and answered, "Murphy's this is Peter McAllister how may I help you?"

A voice replied, "Hey Mac this is Charlie. The phone call finally came I know you need all the help you can get on a Friday night but…"

Peter interrupted and said, "Charlie what did Mr. Brooks and I both tell you? No matter when that call came you were to be with your family. Don't worry about it we got it covered. You only get to be an Uncle for the first time once. I don't expect to see you back here until Tuesday night. Got it?"

Charlie with great relief in his voice replied, "Thanks Mac."

Peter said with a smile, "No problem Charlie you and your family enjoy this time and God Bless your sister see you Tuesday."

Peter hung up the phone and immediately called Eddie. When Eddie answered Peter said, "Eddie this is Mac. Listen Charlie's sister went into labor I need you to show up tonight in jeans and a t-shirt. You're not bussing tables tonight your bustin' suds."

Eddie replied, "I gotta go home and change I might be a few minutes late. Gotta catch another bus and change and you know."

Shaking his head Peter said, "No problem Eddie get here as soon as you can."

Hanging up the phone Peter heard his email notification on his phone. Peter opened up the app and saw an email from Diane Powers. Diane was the owner of the swanky and upscale Robin's Nest on the upper east side. The subject line read "Interview?" Peter was curious and opened the email. Diane stated in the email that her manager was about to take a job in L-A and she wanted to know if Peter was interested in an interview. Peter was somewhat surprised considering he had even thought about going anywhere else. He was perfectly content at Murphy's and the Brooks family had treated him and the staff very well. Robin's Nest though was the number one restaurant in the area, and where even the A-listers had to call ahead by two weeks. Peter merely replied, "Give me the weekend to think it over."

Peter left his office and made his way to the main floor. He saw a couple of the staff already milling in and he made sure that he said "Hello" to them. Peter entered the kitchen and saw some of the kitchen staff getting ready he said in a boisterous voice, "What day is it?" And those in the kitchen replied, "Money day!" Peter let out an, "Oh Yeah!" He walked through the kitchen and gave out a couple of high-fives along the way to a dry erase board near the employees locker area. Peter wrote on the board, "BROOKS PARTY 10PM", and then proceeded to write a few numbers underneath it. The numbers would soon have the names of the staff who would be taking care of the party. Peter would wait and see who was coming in and who he felt deserved the privilege of working the party. Mr. Kirk Brooks was a multi-millionaire in the media game owning several TV and Radio stations, and Murphy's at first was a hobby. Something to diversify his portfolio, but then Peter came along and it was now one of his prized possessions. His daughter Janet had gotten her first big break in a play opening up that night, and Kirk was bringing some friends and castmates to Murphy's after the show for appetizers, desserts, and cocktails. Those who worked a Brooks party, and did their jobs well, could expect a huge tip and more importantly Mr. Brooks would remember who they were for which meant many wonderful things down the road.

Looking around the kitchen Peter noticed Dom wasn't there. Peter looked at his watch and said, "Dom don't do this to me not tonight."

As it was … Dom was doing that … whatever that was. He was going to be marginally late. He wasn't sure how he'd smooth it over with Peter (this time), but he was a charmer, he'd find a way. When he first started working at Murphy's he was punctual, hardworking but still carefree at the same time. Nothing appeared to be amiss with him, he kept up appearances well, but lately he'd show up late or he'd seem distracted. It wasn't frequent enough to catch attention or set off alarm bells, but it was becoming an unusual habit.

Sure, anyone who knew him outside of Murphy's would know he was a bit of a lost cause sometimes, he couldn't make an appointment without missing or near-missing it, eye tests, parties, family gatherings … he wasn't necessarily timely, but Murphy's was the exception. He knew he was lucky to have the job, he never once took it for granted until a couple of weeks ago it seemed.

To say last night had been rough was a bit of an understatement really. It wasn't necessarily just last night though. Two months ago the landlord upped the rent, not by much, it had been manageable but it was Lucas' medical appointments that were making a real dent in their finances.

It turns out that doctors were hella expensive.

To make matters worse, Dom was doing that macho-manly-man thing where he assumed all responsibility and completely glossed over any problems rather than admit that he was in fact struggling.

It also seemed that the doctors didn't help much … the doctor insisted they persist with treatment, it would get worse before it gets better but if they didn't do anything it would only get worse and worse and worse. It didn't feel like things were going particularly well right now but Dom really didn't know what his alternatives were.

One month in and … he'd already maxed out his cards and taken out a loan he wasn't entirely confident he'd be able to pay back. Lucas had been in the process of applying to get aid to help pay for treatment but … it was an ordeal to say the least. Dom was stressed, like beyond stressed.

Something was wrong but… he hadn't told his coworkers about his situation at home. It wasn't because he didn't trust them, he did, it just didn't feel right to unload all this personal drama on them. So he didn't. They probably had their own shit to deal with so they didn't need his problems and his boyfriends problems as well.

Lucas was in college today, he'd be fine. Dom was more than happy to go to work and just … have a break, but at the same time he felt guilty at just how relieved he felt when he was away from Lucas sometimes. He couldn't explain it. He loved him, he was utterly in love with him, but … he was happy to catch a break. Work could be more relaxing than home life sometimes.

Was he a horrible boyfriend?

He wasn't sure, he was really fuckin' tired.

Last night Lucas didn't take his sleeping tablets … it had been a long night. Dom was exhausted before the day had even started. He'd begged Peter for some overtime, he needed the cash, and Peter had been gracious enough to agree to find some odd jobs for Dom to do … then some big important thing came up (Dom couldn't remember what exactly it was in his sleep-deprived-haze) and it seemed all too perfect for everyone involved. Peter would have a hardworking Dom on the premises, Dom would have a little extra cash. In all the chaos that had been that morning in Dom and Lucas' apartment … Dom was 10 minutes behind schedule and SPRINTING down the street.

"Sorry Pete, won't happen again I swear." Dom apologised, skidding over to the manager, panting to catch his breath and finger-combing his hair into a somewhat presentable state.

"Soz, I uh … got held up this morning … traffic … pedestrians. Total nightmare."

That was a load of bullshit but hopefully Peter would let it slide… Dom didn't even have a license and he couldn't afford a car so OF course traffic was a pointless excuse.
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