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" Hey, if we think positively, some positive things are bound to happen," Linda replied, hoping to make herself feel a little better.

" Well, this is going to be a problem. We have four corriders and there are only three of us. Do you think we should go back and get the guys or wait for anyone else to follow? I mean- I guess one of us can take a corrider a piece, but that still will leave one behind."

@Jeremi @penguin055 @MirrorCorridor

Lucifer moved out of the way as the corpse fell to the floor. He looked over at it. " Who would stuff a corpse in a fridge? I would say I lost my appetite, but to be honest, I'm still hungry. Penny, pass me an alcohol," he said, as he went to examine the corpse on the floor. He wasn't sure if it was anyone he knew- but he really hoped that it wasn't someone from his group. He also looked over at James. " Hey, can you sniff the corpse to see if you identify it?" He asked. He had noticed that the man was always smelling things.

@Darkseide @Gands @Jeremi @Kitchen
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" Hey, if we think positively, some positive things are bound to happen," Linda replied, hoping to make herself feel a little better.

" Well, this is going to be a problem. We have four corriders and there are only three of us. Do you think we should go back and get the guys or wait for anyone else to follow? I mean- I guess one of us can take a corrider a piece, but that still will leave one behind."

@Jeremi @penguin055 @MirrorCorridor

Lucifer moved out of the way as the corpse fell to the floor. He looked over at it. " Who would stuff a corpse in a fridge? I would say I lost my appetite, but to be honest, I'm still hungry. Penny, pass me an alcohol," he said, as he went to examine the corpse on the floor. He wasn't sure if it was anyone he knew- but he really hoped that it wasn't someone from his group. He also looked over at James. " Hey, can you sniff the corpse to see if you identify it?" He asked. He had noticed that the man was always smelling things.

@Darkseide @Gands @Jeremi @Kitchen
"I think we can split up, and if we really need to check out the fourth corridor, we can just come back later," answered Domon. "The thing I'm concerned about though is that we'll all be going alone. Who knows what kind of danger we could come across." The young man's face was stern and serious for a moment, but then it returned to a more casual expression. "Whatever. We've come this far already, so I think we should all be fine on our own. But if any of you run into anything you can't handle alone, just call out for me, and I'll come running." Domon then headed towards the first doorway on the right. "I'll go this way."

@Jeremi @LuckycoolHawk9 @MirrorCorridor
"I think we can split up, and if we really need to check out the fourth corridor, we can just come back later," answered Domon. "The thing I'm concerned about though is that we'll all be going alone. Who knows what kind of danger we could come across." The young man's face was stern and serious for a moment, but then it returned to a more casual expression. "Whatever. We've come this far already, so I think we should all be fine on our own. But if any of you run into anything you can't handle alone, just call out for me, and I'll come running." Domon then headed towards the first doorway on the right. "I'll go this way."

@Jeremi @LuckycoolHawk9 @MirrorCorridor

18 rolled her eyes. "Or we all go into the same door in case something is out to murder us." She responded following Domon into the room.


Inside they found a small bedroom with a corpse laying on top of the bed. "That's not gruesome at all." 18 responded going in for a closer look.​


" Hey, if we think positively, some positive things are bound to happen," Linda replied, hoping to make herself feel a little better.

" Well, this is going to be a problem. We have four corriders and there are only three of us. Do you think we should go back and get the guys or wait for anyone else to follow? I mean- I guess one of us can take a corrider a piece, but that still will leave one behind."

@Jeremi @penguin055 @MirrorCorridor

Lucifer moved out of the way as the corpse fell to the floor. He looked over at it. " Who would stuff a corpse in a fridge? I would say I lost my appetite, but to be honest, I'm still hungry. Penny, pass me an alcohol," he said, as he went to examine the corpse on the floor. He wasn't sure if it was anyone he knew- but he really hoped that it wasn't someone from his group. He also looked over at James. " Hey, can you sniff the corpse to see if you identify it?" He asked. He had noticed that the man was always smelling things.

@Darkseide @Gands @Jeremi @Kitchen

Before Warpath could get any closer to inspect the corpse it exploded in a puff of red mist. The same thing happened to the body the group found in the bed room. Both groups could hear laughter echoing in their respective area. Whatever they had just inhaled was certainly nothing good.

@Darkseide @Gands @LuckycoolHawk9 @kitchen

Blake noticed that another person had directed their attention towards him. Senna. She was here and expressing her worry for him. He heard this comment before, this talk that he shouldn't be putting himself out there so recklessly. But... what can he do? This world was cruel. He had no choice on this matter. It pained him to see people die, but it also pained him to see people in such a terrible mood. Especially her.

"... together. That's right... we'll get through... together. Yet, I don't know what I'll do if... anyone gets hurt from this point onwards. If it comes to that, I'll make the pain go away, I'll take care of... the bad things."
He sounded like he had calmed down once he was settling his thoughts in response to both Senna and Schala, but even these words were skewed from how he saw things from the beginning. Before the deaths happened. Before the betrayals happened. That optimism was only a facade to hide that pain early on, but even that wasn't going to smooth it over. Not for him, but probably for Senna. She missed something. She missed a smile of his, he could see that. But that was a fake smile. He knew it well. There was no true meaning to it, not now.
But she felt terrible without it, and he didn't want her to feel so terrible. Blake could see that.
Senna needed him to smile. Blake could see that.
She needed it to feel secure. Blake could see that.
"... say, Senna..."

"... I'll still look out for people. There's no need to do anything. I'll take care of it. I'll make it end. So how about you smile for me? I'm smiling for you, you missed that, right?"
That smile of his looked alike to the earlier times he's smiled, but with his words, it felt a bit twisted. Blake was smiling, but not for the same reasons. There was a smile, but it wasn't the same.
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @ppl​
Frowning, the girl's body would tense slightly as Blake would utter his next few words. Senna wasn't sure what to make of them, but something was off. What he was saying didn't feel right. He would make the pain go away? How? Senna almost wasn't sure she wanted that question answered. She felt like the situation they were in was beyond their control. What exactly could Blake do to fix everything? She worried that any such act would turn out suicidal. The very thought made the muscles in her stomach tighten painfully.

"But at what cost?" Senna mumbled, "What would it cost to make the pain go away for everyone? Your life? Your--" Senna furrowed her eyebrows. "...your sanity?"
The loss of his sanity was something Blake already seemed to be tainted with. At least he had a grip on himself when this situation first started. Whether or not he was putting on an act even then Senna didn't really know, but at least at the start he hadn't been losing his mind.
"You don't have to pay a price like that. Even if more people die, not everyone is going to die. I can feel it. So, whoever makes it through this, you have to rely on them to help you get through this. Don't try to push through it yourself. Please. For me..."
Senna removed her hand from his face for a moment, flinching slightly when he would smile. How in the world would he know that's what she had been thinking about? Regardless, the sight of the male's smile brought her less comfort than she had hoped for. It didn't feel right, not one bit.
"I didn't say that. How did you--?" Senna sighed before reaching out to pinch his cheek. "I take it back, okay? If you can smile that easily on command, it makes me wonder whether or not your smile all along has been... fake. Don't smile anymore unless it's your real one, got it? I don't care how long it takes for you to feel like smiling for real. Whenever it happens, it'll be worth the wait. What I really want now is--"
Senna paused to think it over. "I just want you to be okay. Don't lose yourself. As long as I know you're okay, I won't have a problem smiling for you. You can't fool me right now, because I know you're not okay. I don't want to see this horrible place change anyone. Don't let this place win, Blake."
@Gummi Bunnies @york @errbody​
"You've never manage a business, have you? You call me a puppet master, I call it managing my assists."


Turning to the Hold Knight, Clark got up Road, light touching her hand as he stood up. Trying to smile, Clark reinsured the knight.

"Thank you Ries. You don't have to say anything. It's okay I'll be fine. "

Clark wasn't sure if that was the truth. For the first time since his father Jonathan died, Clark felt lost. He wasn't able to be the man he father wanted him to be. Clark, However, he really was.

"Kent. It's Clark Kent."

Clark's voice was soft as he looked at group near him, Lana's blood still soaked all over him. Clark could tell Road was sharing something that wasn't easy. Even though he was in pain, it's only fair to do the same

"To tell the truth. Clark Kent isn't my birth name. I'm adopted, I think told you all that. That's name the gave me when they found me. My real name..."

Clark stopped. He was human, well, in his eyes. As much as he loved his birth parents, Clark always first human, than Kryptonian. However, these people had earned to know the truth.

"It's Kal-El."

The young girl was able to grab Lex's hand, However, he quickly revered her move. Tables were turn, and Setsuna ended up were she want to put Lex.. Looking at Shirou, Lex let the young girl's arm.

"Do me a favor? Call her off. Now."

Clark would speak soon after.

"I'm going to say behind. I can leave Lana like this. I saw a bed room near us. I'm going put her there. I just need to say my goodbye . None you need to join me, but I turn you away."

Lex could help but mocked his former best friend

"If you most. I must admit, i'm sadden that you're not going to carry Lana like your own personal cross on the way to your personal Via Dolorosa."

@Josh M @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @thatguyinthestore @Crow
For most of the time that Senna had something to say to him, Blake didn't seem to be fazed by it, his smile never leaving his face. He didn't want to stop smiling. She wanted to see his smile, so he couldn't deny her that wish. However, he stopped once she pinched him by the cheek. What was wrong with his smile? He felt confused as to why she felt uncomfortable by it. She missed it, he knew, but she also didn't want his smiles at the moment.
It was confusing. He felt the mess of static in his head as he tried to organize these thoughts. He was trying to keep everything safe and sound, and something about that didn't settle right with Senna. Why was that? He was trying. There wasn't anything wrong with that. If he couldn't at least achieve that back before this all started, why not now?

"... why are you alike to my sister, Senna? You both said the same thing to me at one point. It hurts, you know?"
Possibly recovered from the surge of pain, Blake steadied himself onto his feet, his facial expression gone blank. Digging through his mind for an answer, he ended up delving into memories that mirrored this very situation... or so he thought. He remembered the conversation that led him down the path as a self-proclaimed vigilante. He went and did those things when others told him not to, but he rather do those things because nothing else was going to change.
"It's always the same thing I hear... 'don't do this on your own, Blake,' ... 'just stick by everyone and it'll be alright' ... 'you're making everything worse' ... but when I do that, I got the shitty end of it. I couldn't stand watching all of the bad things in life happen, seeing others ruining lives of other people, seeing my own two sisters terribly treated by my parents... I began all that I can to undo that pain. Back then, I would've avoided taking up the gun and do those bad things to ensure a happier life, I would've stayed in line."
The more he spoke, the more Blake was practically searching for his purpose again. Why was he even around anyways? What was his primary purpose? To protect everyone? To eliminate the bad things? To obtain that happier future that was always been an empty lie? Just as he would think more on it, he stopped to let it all sink in, or to remind himself of something as static echoed in his head.
A soft chuckle escaped his lips.
"But... you should know... that I was never okay to begin with. I was never okay with thinking about how many times I let people be harmed, be hurt, be killed. Letting others smile, laugh, or even blush with what I've said or done so far here, it fulfills my purpose on making people happy... and by that, it makes me feel happy and forget all about that terrible stuff..."
Almost like a dog that only knew how to respond to loving and caring actions, Blake didn't seem to react well with what Senna was telling him. Any normal person would realize that they were losing it, and admit it so. Blake wasn't seeing anything wrong or that his sanity was slipping. He needed to be reassured that things would be under his care. It was his obsession after all. An obsession that he was resorting to use so many times to cope... but it soon became a crutch by how he relied on this. It was like Senna's way of saying that he should cling onto hope and work alongside the others, braving through these tragedies... it was more of the likes on shooting Blake's whole world apart that he would be preventing these tragedies that they would otherwise live through... He didn't want that.
"Senna... everyone's safety... it's what makes me go on. I can't stand it, and soon enough, it could happen again. I could prevent it, and even then... I-I... are you denying me that chance? Are you not okay with what I want to do? I... I can't do this... I can't... I can't..."
Images flashed in his head. He remembered all of the murders of innocent folk back home, but he was ushered away by his parents because he was too young. He remembered the death of his first love before he could even talk to her, but her friends and family refused for him to see her one last time after the fact. He remembered seeing his parents abusing his two younger sisters, but he was shut out and treated as not part of the family before he could drag them out. He remembered all of the murders thus far since he got here, but all he could do now was use up their chances of finding the traitor each time someone was killed.
He couldn't stop thinking about it, because even when he tried to think about something else, it came up anyways. Like someone was forcing him to remember all of this now.
"... I can't stand it anymore. Don't you understand?! Why can't I try? I'll try and try and try, and I want to see something good come out of it! Even if it's meaningless to try, I'll continue... a-and... I won't be fine until this is all over!"
Letting the trauma get to him, Blake only realized now that he practically snapped in front of Senna. Wait, he wasn't supposed to do that. Not in front of someone that he wanted to protect so preciously. He couldn't believe partially that he was starting to give into the guilt that he put onto himself all of those times, but he couldn't help it. It was his true nature after all.
"... sorry."
Shaking his head at himself for snapping like that, Blake inhaled a deep breath to calm himself.
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Releasing her hold on Blake's cheek, Senna would fold her her arms against her chest. It would be easy for him to tell that she had purposely pulled away. The soul reaper almost felt bad for touching him now, knowing she had hurt his feelings. He even went so far as to compare him to his sisters, causing Senna to wonder just what kind of relationship he had with his sister. Did his sister often cause him discomfort? If he had impaired Senna to his sister, did that mean she caused him discomfort too? It wasn't as if she meant to do such a thing...


"I'm sorry, Blake, it's not like I'm trying to make this harder on you. I swear."

Senna closed her eyes for a moment, the features on her face contorting painfully for a moment when she would hear the male's words. She took in a deep breath, recalling a few of her own painful memories. It seemed Blake had a poor relationship with his parents, and Senna could relate. She definitely understood what it was like to draw the short stick in life. Unlike Blake, however, she never let the abuse she suffered control her.

And so, Blake continued to talk. With every word that escaped from his lips, Senna only felt as if he were mentally slipping more and more. She tightened her arms even closer to her chest, feeling a bit anxious due to his words. It was hard for her to see anyone like this, especially Blake. He was even... raising his voice at her. But worst of all, he was saying that he couldn't do this. With that kind of attitude, there's no way he would last much longer.

Senna's features turned stern for a moment. "Blake, how could you say such a thing? Why would ask if I'm denying you the chance to protect others? I never said that! You're putting words in my mouth. I only asked if you would try to rely on others too. I know you live for protecting others, but you'll never be able to save everyone on your own. Don't shoulder the burden yourself."



Momentarily snapping for a moment herself, Senna reached out and slapped Blake. She gasped after doing so, retracing her hand and holding onto it with her other hand. The orchid haired girl wore a shocked expression afterwards, showing she was surprised by her own actions.

"Blake I-- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to--"

Senna held her head down, averting her gaze from his. "I know you're in pain, and that the fact you've had such a hard life only makes this harder for you. T-Trust me, I understand what it's like to have parents who hurt you. I understand what it's like to have a bad life. But the fact you've had a bad life... that just gives you more of a reason to stay strong and keep fighting. So that way, when you get out of all this, you can find a new reason to live."

@Gummi Bunnies @york @peeps​


Blake was speechless once he was slapped across the face. He wasn't expecting that kind of response. Not at all... Genuine shock marked all over his face, Blake didn't exactly move once it was done. For once, he wasn't sure on what to do from here. His mind had gone completely blank, leaving him with blank answers on how to respond to this...

Even he knew that continuing this conversation spelled more tension, the thoughts of his delusional vision of saving everyone fading away for a moment. There was no need to continue this... nothing bad has happened yet.


"... I deserved that, didn't I? We need to leave. C'mon."

Silently running his fingers on the slapped cheek, Blake blankly stated to Senna that they needed to leave. There was no other business to attend to here. They could only move on...

Can I really move on like this? I can't let this happen because of them, you know that well.

Even with his blank composure, Blake silently continued to berate himself in his own thoughts.

@Josh M @Kaykay @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @thatguyinthestore @Crow
After Blake would say little in reply to his slap, Senna wasn't sure what to say either, especially when he would question whether or not he deserved the slap. The girl would open her mouth to say something, only to close it again without uttering a sound. If the slap had helped snap him back into reality in some way, Senna was certain it had been a good thing. But if it had only caused him pain, then she was probably in the wrong. Regardless, Senna wouldn't answer his question. She instead folded her arms behind her head and glanced off to the side awkwardly.


"Sure, let's go," Senna replied, turning to leave and head for the West Hall. She would walk without the usual cheerful skip in her step, but kept her back straight as if trying to walk taller.

I wish I were up higher right now. I'd give anything to be on the top of a building or a tall ladder right now. All my problems go away when I'm up high. I really need my problems to go away right now. I... might have messed up big just now. I probably made Blake hate me. I don't want to be hated by one of the only people I have on my side.

Glancing down at her arm, Senna would touch the hair piece bracelet Miku had given her.

I guess I should just... stop bothering Blake with pep talks. But I care about him. I care about Miku. I want to see them be okay, but that isn't something I have any control over. I'll just have to keep being the strong one. If Blake loses his mind, I'll protect him. At the end of all this, I have a feeling I won't find much happiness. I don't have a place where I belong. No friends. No family. I have nothing, but Blake has sisters, a family, and a world where he comes from. He's a good person. He deserves to find happiness. Surely if someone like me, who has nothing, can be happy... someone like him can be happy too. I just know it.

@Gummi Bunnies @york @everybody​
Schala Zeal
@Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Schala seemed to have fallen silent again, quietly having let go of Blake at some point, as Senna tried to reason with him... It seemed that she understood his actions all too well... As she herself, had been in the same position for a large majority of her life; pushed aside, manipulated... And trodden upon, by those who sought to take advantage of her.

Yet, still, in the end... She wanted to desperately make things right again, to make up for all those years she had lived under her mother's rule... With no choice but to stand aside, and let her power be abused, exploited by her mother's lust for power, and malicious intention.

In the end, instead of saying anything immediately, she stuck close to Blake, quietly giving Clark a rather sad look before she left the room with Blake, and the others.

It was a good while before Schala managed to think of something to say, something that she hoped would... At least offer a little help, if anything at all.

"We can not always ave... Everyone we wish to... But... What truly matters... Is that we've done the best you could..." She said softly.

She was not sure if it was the best way she could have worded it... But it was truly, how she felt, thinking back on what had happened at the Kingdom of Zeal.

Despite all that her mother had done, and despite all the pride, and superiority the Kingdom of Zeal itself felt, from harnessing a power that was not theirs to begin with... Schala had tried her best to save them... Yes... Even her mother herself, as irrideemable as she might seem.

It was hard to say what became of them after the disaster at Ocean Palace... But with any luck... They would all find their peace in their own way...

James Proudstar Warpath

" Lucifer, Damnit ! we were hoping for food, not leftovers ! Fine, I'll check the scent, if there is any. "

Warpath does in fact check the body for scent, or was about to when it exploded, covering them all in likely contaminated blood. Thoroughly disgruntled, he quietly rises and goes to the sink. Starting to wash himself off, he takes off his t-shirt, rinsing it and uses it to wipe what he can off himself.

"Guys, I don't think I have either the appetite nor the trust in this place to eat. Let's just move on, shall we ? Goddamned freaking funhouse "

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Darkseide @Jeremi @kitchen
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"Can't say I have. Mostly just used my quick wits in duels and such," Joshua responded before shaking his head, "Can't say I would want to, given what you seem to be like..." It seemed so strange, the way that Lex seemed to hate everything that Clark seemed to stand for. The two apparently once knew each other as friends once... but now, it seemed the bonds of fellowship were broken between them.

"Honestly, a little sad to see..." Though it wasn't as if he had any room to talk. It wasn't as though many of his companions from his days as a mercenaries, whether they were from his motherland or not, stuck close by him or wouldn't fight him on the opposite side of a war.

At the mention of real names, the myrmidon thought for a moment, eyeing the depressing crowd before finally speaking up, "Well, if we're being honest with each other and might pass on soon, no harm in it. I am Joshua, son of Queen Ismaire and heir-apparent of the House of Jehenna... and I'll stay here as long as you need me, Clark Kent."

@Josh M @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @thatguyinthestore @Crow

Azura reached over and took Joshua's hand in hers wordlessly, golden eyes not leaving Lex in their cold stare.

"I'll stay if it's needed ." Azura spoke up. She knew the feeling of loss well, having seen Queen Makoto-a women who welcomed her with open arms like her own child even ig their countries were at war-perish along with many civilians. Even if that love was different than what Clark may have felt for the woman in his arms it was still a painful loss to bear.

Hm, Joshua was an heir that took the path of a mercenary. She found it interesting and glanced at him momentarily before returning her gaze elsewhere.

@Josh M @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @thatguyinthestore @Crow @Everyone @Anybody I missed
Azura reached over and took Joshua's hand in hers wordlessly, golden eyes not leaving Lex in their cold stare.

"I'll stay if it's needed ." Azura spoke up. She knew the feeling of loss well, having seen Queen Makoto-a women who welcomed her with open arms like her own child even ig their countries were at war-perish along with many civilians. Even if that love was different than what Clark may have felt for the woman in his arms it was still a painful loss to bear.

Hm, Joshua was an heir that took the path of a mercenary. She found it interesting and glanced at him momentarily before returning her gaze elsewhere.

@Josh M @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @thatguyinthestore @Crow @Everyone @Anybody I missed
As the royals joined hands, crimson eyes joined golden in glaring down the villain who had caused Clark's suffering. For a moment, the mercenary prince thought of striking at the man, thinking perhaps the bald gentleman needed to learn what it was like to lose someone or something meant to be a part of you... then decided against it. Not that Lex didn't deserve it, of course.

It was more that Clark deserved the honors, and besides, there were ladies about who didn't need to see that sort of thing.

@Josh M @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @thatguyinthestore @Crow @Everyone @Anybody I missed​
"Ask Shiruo."

Not turning his head, Clark gave a quick, to the point answer. However, Someone else

"These people are your friends? Do you even know anything about these people? Do you know who that Dead Woman is? Did anyone tell you anything about themselves? Can you name where everyone is from? Heck, Do even know Clark's last name. These people are acquaints at best. Hell, it's only been like a day and a half, and you're also gone training. An animal can only be trained so much. "

Lex Luthor couldn't help but scoff. It would be clear to everyone now Lex had been spying on them from the start.

"Let me introduce myself. I am Lex Luthor, and I don't patients for men children. I was never a fan of "Of mice and men".

@Josh M @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @thatguyinthestore @Crow
Zerberus was not surprise by Lex appearance. He did not seem to be interested what was Lex was saying as he was closing his eyes and seemed to be focused on something else. The creature was staring at Lex as if it was trying to stare into his soul. The creature was twitching violently and seemed to give an odd glow as it continue staring at him.

"First thing, my name is Zerberus..... Second thing, you think i don't know my own friend's name? Its Clark Kent or Kal-el. "
"You've never manage a business, have you? You call me a puppet master, I call it managing my assists."


Turning to the Hold Knight, Clark got up Road, light touching her hand as he stood up. Trying to smile, Clark reinsured the knight.

"Thank you Ries. You don't have to say anything. It's okay I'll be fine. "

Clark wasn't sure if that was the truth. For the first time since his father Jonathan died, Clark felt lost. He wasn't able to be the man he father wanted him to be. Clark, However, he really was.

"Kent. It's Clark Kent."

Clark's voice was soft as he looked at group near him, Lana's blood still soaked all over him. Clark could tell Road was sharing something that wasn't easy. Even though he was in pain, it's only fair to do the same

"To tell the truth. Clark Kent isn't my birth name. I'm adopted, I think told you all that. That's name the gave me when they found me. My real name..."

Clark stopped. He was human, well, in his eyes. As much as he loved his birth parents, Clark always first human, than Kryptonian. However, these people had earned to know the truth.

"It's Kal-El."

The young girl was able to grab Lex's hand, However, he quickly revered her move. Tables were turn, and Setsuna ended up were she want to put Lex.. Looking at Shirou, Lex let the young girl's arm.

"Do me a favor? Call her off. Now."

Clark would speak soon after.

"I'm going to say behind. I can leave Lana like this. I saw a bed room near us. I'm going put her there. I just need to say my goodbye . None you need to join me, but I turn you away."

Lex could help but mocked his former best friend

"If you most. I must admit, i'm sadden that you're not going to carry Lana like your own personal cross on the way to your personal Via Dolorosa."

@Josh M @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @thatguyinthestore @Crow
He watched as he saw his friend...he was broken.....The creature behind him sees his anger rising and backs up. Zerberus clutches his Key-blade. His heart....was once again consumed by the darkness.....

"You know.....I don't care if Clark Kent or Kal-el doesn't like what going to happen...but Lex... watch your back....because I might be there to kill you..."

The creature that was standing next to Zerberus started to glowed white. It began to morph into something bigger. When it was finally done changing, it was much more terrifying. Instead of the regular dark colors it had on its body, they were bright colors. The creature almost resembled a lion, except there were chains and anchors on the front legs. Zerberus pats the head of the creature. The creature glowed blue as it then stares at Lex.
Light Hide.png

"I hope that you can make the right choice and leave...or you might end up just like this.....a monster...."
@Josh M @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @thatguyinthestore @Crow
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The young girl was able to grab Lex's hand, However, he quickly revered her move. Tables were turn, and Setsuna ended up were she want to put Lex.. Looking at Shirou, Lex let the young girl's arm.

"Do me a favor? Call her off. Now."

Clark would speak soon after.

"I'm going to say behind. I can leave Lana like this. I saw a bed room near us. I'm going put her there. I just need to say my goodbye . None you need to join me, but I turn you away."

Lex could help but mocked his former best friend

"If you most. I must admit, i'm sadden that you're not going to carry Lana like your own personal cross on the way to your personal Via Dolorosa."

@Josh M @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @thatguyinthestore @Crow

Well. RIP Setsuna.

With a hard thud, she was slammed down by Lex as she had intended to do to him, causing her to let out a sharp breath of pain. But she would not cry out. She would not fall so easily. Struggling in the grip until the moment it was released, she was quick to attempt another move on the man, aiming a kick this time around. Despite knowing that her attempts would likely bear fruitless, she had been given a mission, and she intended to fulfill it or die trying. She'd fight til her mana- already low from going so long without replenishing -was completely depleted and she was left to know nothing but pain if that was what it took.

When she had said she would do anything for her master, she meant anything. And whether he knew it or liked it or not, Shirou was who she saw as her master, if only for the moment. He was certainly better than the last monster that had forced her under his control, to carry out his whims against her own will. Though she wasn't sure where he ranked against Kyoushirou.

Not the time to think about trivial things such as those, though. Her entire focus was on bringing this 'Lex' down.

@Josh M @Kaykay @Thoseremainingahh​
Lucifer looked over at him. " I doubt we are going to find any good food in here anyway. Penny, take the alcohol with you. Otherwise, maybe we will get another chance to cook," he replied to the other man.

@Gands @Darkseide @Jeremi @Kitchen

Linda sighed. " I guess we should figure out where the source of that laugh is coming from at the end of the day," she replied to Android 18.

@Jeremi @penguin055 @Bedroom
James Proudstar Warpath

" Lucifer, Damnit ! we were hoping for food, not leftovers ! Fine, I'll check the scent, if there is any. "

Warpath does in fact check the body for scent, or was about to when it exploded, covering them all in likely contaminated blood. Thoroughly disgruntled, he quietly rises and goes to the sink. Starting to wash himself off, he takes off his t-shirt, rinsing it and uses it to wipe what he can off himself.

"Guys, I don't think I have either the appetite nor the trust in this place to eat. Let's just move on, shall we ? Goddamned freaking funhouse "
Penny would shrug.

"Seems reasonable to me. Who would want to eat with a corpse next to them? At least the liquor is fine. It's strong enough to kill germs."
Motioning for the others to follow him for a change, he'd lead them onwards out of the room, and then let one of the others take over.​
James Proudstar Warpath
" Right, lets go. Penny, pardon me for asking. What do you do."
James followed the other two out of the kitchen, now shirtless.

Penny would stare at the now shirtless man, wondering if the body had affected the man's mind...

"I do mind. I do what I want. You apparently like to take of your clothes. I think I speak for all of us, when I ask that you keep the rest of your clothes on."
If James was a male Stripper, Penny's feelings on their survival chances were dropping. Though maybe the Stripper could distract whatever was killing them all briefly.​
Lucifer looked over at Penny and shrugged. " Actually, I am kind of indifferent to him of taking all his clothes off. I mean, James, you do whatever you want to do," he said. It would be far from the first time that Lucifer had seen a man in his full glory, but he wasn't about to say that to Penny.

@Darkseide @Gands @Kitchen
James Proudstar Warpath

" Sorry boys, the damned thing had blood all over it, likely bad blood! I am not going to wear it anymore. "

The shirt was stuffed into his belt.

Darkseide@LuckycoolHawk9 @Kitchen
James Proudstar Warpath
" Sorry boys, the damned thing had blood all over it, likely bad blood! I am not going to wear it anymore. "
The shirt was stuffed into his belt.
Penny just stared at James.

"Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. And that's why you didn't bother to wash it out in the sink with cold water."
He'd shake his head
Lucifer had became so used to blood that he didn't even notice that his blazer had gotten ruined. He sighed and took it off. Luckly, his shirt was fine, as were his pants. He rinised the blazer and draped it over his shoulder. " I really don't mind-," he said, slightly admiring James's physique.

@Darkseide @Gands @Kitchen
James Proudstar Warpath

James just laughs at Penny for a bit.

"Really ? We are in danger of all dying in this place and you are worried about clothing ? Pal, you have some odd ticks. "

Darkseide@LuckycoolHawk9 @Kitchen
James Proudstar Warpath
James just laughs at Penny for a bit.
"Really ? We are in danger of all dying in this place and you are worried about clothing ? Pal, you have some odd ticks. "
He'd throw up his hands, a look of disgust on his face.

"Male Strippers. I'm stuck with male strippers! Who have no decency or common courtesy!"
Shakes his head.
"You're both nutters"
Lucifer looked over at him. " I doubt we are going to find any good food in here anyway. Penny, take the alcohol with you. Otherwise, maybe we will get another chance to cook," he replied to the other man.

@Gands @Darkseide @Jeremi @Kitchen

Linda sighed. " I guess we should figure out where the source of that laugh is coming from at the end of the day," she replied to Android 18.

@Jeremi @penguin055 @Bedroom

18 was having a coughing fit as she tried to respond. "I think we have bigger problems. We just got infected by something...knowing this place..." She trailed off noticing something on the table that she then proceeded to snatch up. "Better get back to the others." With that she started to retrace their steps to where Lucifer and the others were.

Lucifer had became so used to blood that he didn't even notice that his blazer had gotten ruined. He sighed and took it off. Luckly, his shirt was fine, as were his pants. He rinised the blazer and draped it over his shoulder. " I really don't mind-," he said, slightly admiring James's physique.

@Darkseide @Gands @Kitchen

"You were hit too?" 18 and her group arrived into the kitchen. "We need to find the rest of the team...I found something that might help us out."

@Darkseide @Gands @LuckycoolHawk9 @penguin055 @Kitchen
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