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Jason had a lot of 'splaining to do, he did. He had fallen asleep at the crime scene investigation and had missed the outcome of the vote, though at this point all he wanted was to get back to his own Gotham and finish this bullshit for good. Jason stood up with a stretch and yawned a bit before looking around.

"Hmmm, yup. Definitely should have been paying attention." He said to himself as he took note that everyone had abandoned the lab area. Well Jason decided to make his way to the East Hall just out of instinct that people would somehow be there.

And look! He was right. There was a group of people there, actually and........ Lex Luthor? Oh this just got interesting. Jason hated this guy almost as much as he hated Batman. Not for personal reasons, no no, this guy was always just a stuck up and smug prickscicle with a Messiah Complex.

Appearing behind Luthor, Jason placed his gun inches away from the back of his shiny bald head.

"Lex don't you have a magazine cover to be on or another award to lose to Bruce Wayne? Or y'know, something that involves killing the kid over there." He said before motioning his head to Clark.

@Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon

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"So, that's that?" Cagliostro sighs. "This is it, huh? No one turning into a zombie on the whim save for Road, he's just getting away?"

Lex knew about this supposed Akuma virus, it seemed.


"He's a step ahead of me, that I can say. Looking into the Akuma Virus ahead of time before he could plausibly know of it..." Cagliostro looks at the zombified Road, then back at Hakuei and Alucard. "That bastard Luthor... for all you know, he could be lying once again. For all you know... Road... well... the Akuma Virus is a part of her natural physiology, but for it to merge with this T-virus, who knows what'll truly happen afterwards. That Luthor... he pisses me off..."

Cagliostro sighs, then looks at the duo of Hakuei and Alucard. Cagliostro's mood wasn't very bright.

"Anything else to look around for before we head out? Surely this room has something."

Cagliostro then glances at Clark and Shirou, expecting a fight to break out.
@Josh M @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @Crow @york @EASTHALL
Cagaliostro would look but find nothing.

Just as Lex predicted, after Road missed grabbing him she fell to the ground with a hard, most likely satisfying, thud. A sound that seemed much more heavy then her tiny body should've been able to produce. For a moment, she lied on the ground and her skin continued to melt away before she convulsed harshly. It came with a deep intake of air, which followed with the Akuma virus going into remission, as it was predominately in her body.


With the heavy inhale Road's skin began to smooth out and return to it's usual, dark hue. The girl found herself on her feet in a moment before hopping back quickly, until she was away from Lex far enough and against the wall to use it as support. Her face shimmed with sweat - more from the pain her body had undergone, as opposed to actual exertion. Her body tingled, as her nerves tried to figure out what in the blue hell was going on with the body, but somehow Road only grinned at the bald man again.

"Mark my words. I am going to peel you like a banana. Even if it kills me."

The girl began to move towards the group again, as things settled. Though, settled was a relative term, really.

First, Road's gaze went to Alucard and Hakuei - ensuring their safety visually - before throwing her eyes at Clark and Shirou with Cagliostro. Without another second passing, Road appeared between the two, with a strange expression on her face as playing 'peacekeeper' was the most foreign thing in the world to her. It was her dislike of Luthor that drove her though. With her back to Clark, she eyeballed Shirou before looking over her shoulder at Clark.

"You have every reason to want to rip someones spine out their mouth, Clark-" the first time she'd not referred to him by the name 'country' or 'bumpkin' "-but lets all save that kind of brutality for when we can get our hands on the phallus headed sociopath. Once he's dealt with, everyone can kill whoever they want."

Road was not 'phallus headed' but /her/ calling anyone a sociopath was just more of the pot and kettle idea.

@Josh M @Verite @Sen @Hana @Crow @Kayay

Clark seemed to be his world. Everything was going on, and he didn't seem to care. Holding Lana, Clark shouted and shook his lost love.

"Noooo no! Lana! Oh god.... no. Please..."

It had been a few minutes, but everything seem to hit him at once. Lana's blood soaked Clark's close and hands as some of the closer people could even smell the iron in the air. Clark gently put her down, Standing and staring , her blood dripping off him. His eyes met with Shirou

"Damn you, Shirou. Just damn you."

"Damn". That would time Clark cursed since they all came together. It wasn't yelled, but softly and noticeably. Clark didn't move at first. Clark's eyes were red, and he seemed destroyed. Looking at Lana, his eye went to Shirou.

"Get out of my sight before I do something I'll regret.."

Surprisingly, Clark didn't attack, however his fist was balled up, just glaring at Shirou. Turning away, he'd go back and kneel next to Lana.

@Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon
Cagaliostro would look but find nothing.

Clark seemed to be his world. Everything was going on, and he didn't seem to care. Holding Lana, Clark shouted and shook his lost love.

"Noooo no! Lana! Oh god.... no. Please..."

It had been a few minutes, but everything seem to hit him at once. Lana's blood soaked Clark's close and hands as some of the closer people could even smell the iron in the air. Clark gently put her down, Standing and staring , her blood dripping off him. His eyes met with Shirou

"Damn you, Shirou. Just damn you."

"Damn". That would time Clark cursed since they all came together. It wasn't yelled, but softly and noticeably. Clark didn't move at first. Clark's eyes were red, and he seemed destroyed. Looking at Lana, his eye went to Shirou.

"Get out of my sight before I do something I'll regret.."

Surprisingly, Clark didn't attack, however his fist was balled up, just glaring at Shirou. Turning away, he'd go back and kneel next to Lana.

@Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon

Damn. Y'know Jason was a dick, but he wasn't enough of a dick to make a remark about something like this. Instead he kept his gun aimed at Lex, his tone of voice changing from snarky and peppy to serious in a matter of seconds. He pressed his gun against his head with a good amount of force.

"On your knees. Now!"

@Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon

Damn. Y'know Jason was a dick, but he wasn't enough of a dick to make a remark about something like this. Instead he kept his gun aimed at Lex, his tone of voice changing from snarky and peppy to serious in a matter of seconds. He pressed his gun against his head with a good amount of force.

"On your knees. Now!"

@Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon
Raising his hand's, Lex mused.

"You think this is the first time a gun's been pulled on me?"

Surprising fast, Lex slammed his foot into Jason's shin. The man stumbled slightly away, Lex kicked him away and into the ground. Pulling out his gun, Lex shot Jason on instinct on his right hand, just in case he went a weapon. Walking his way to Jason, Lex punted him the Stomach. As the man reeled, Lex knelt next to him.

"You know, nothing is sadder than someone that think they're better than they are."

Kicking Jason in the jaw, Lex knelt over him again, and taking his mask. Lex rapidly punched Jason in the face, Blood covering his knuckles. Before any real damage happen, Lex stopped. Standing and cleaning himself off, Lex looked at Jason. A look an owner would give a dog who misbehaved .

"What did you say about Clark earlier? You never see him coming? Huh? Guess you didn't see that either."

@Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @thatguyinthestore
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For a moment, Road considered taking Clark into the Dream. Seeing if he needed to get anger out. At least there no one would be in danger there. However, she decided against it as Jason was suddenly taken to the ground by Lex. This wasn't right. Luthor had something. Something was giving him the edge here. It seemed he knew the groups intentions before they intended to do it. He even predicted Road coming through space-time to infect him with the Akuma virus.


Road had tried to call out before Lex began beating the man's face. Yes... Luthor had something. Arkham Knight wasn't such a pushover. That switch that could double them over was a misdirection to some hidden item that kept him so calm.

Something else took her attention though - Clark, over Lana and lashing out towards Shirou.

To understand Road, and therefor, the family of Noah, one must understand that they were not made through normal means. They were the remnants of Noah's strongest feelings, infused with the power of Lucifer. Millinium Earl was Noah's heart, Tyki was his pride, the twins were his joy, Skin was his rage, Lulu-Bell was his love and Road was his dreams. Which included his dreams of love lost. Such an act caused Road to suddenly drop her head, and although her expression was neutral... something had began leaking down her face.


This was something she'd expected to happen from Alucard and Hakuei, if things between them kept escalating and one of them was lost... She hadn't expected it from Clark.

The Noah vanished, forgetting about Lex and Arkham for a moment and reappearing behind the fallen Man of Steel, on her knees before her arms wrapped around his body and she hid her tears against his back. Ironic, how one of the few who didn't seem to care about any of them, besides a handful, would be the one cry for his lose. The feeling of Noah, who had bargained with Satan against God in order to save the humanity he loved only to watch the majority die took her heart in that moment, but she said nothing in that moment. But in that moment... no living being in that room would disrupt Clark's sorrow without dealing with Road first.

"You're... a real loser. What kind of hero let's everyone die country-bumpkin... stop not protecting people... I can't stand it. All you've done is talk about the saving everyone, and... saving no one. Knock it off."

The voice of the Noah, was noticeably weak.

@EastHall @Josh M @Sen @Hana @Verite @C.T. @Kaykay @thatguyinthestore
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As Jinx's attack Clark would aim his heat vision at Jinx's bullet. It did work, However Shirou's attempt was a success. Hitting Lana in the chest. Blood oozed on he floor. As the blood it the floor, Lex coved himself with a gas mask as a mist came from the air vent

"I lied Shirou. The traitor were going to kill four. Now they'll just kill one Congrats. Now that mist you see? I've now infected you all with the T- virus. Consider this a my insurance.'


Walking to the Knight Riesbyfe, Lex snatched the rosary as he turned to Clark. Lex's smirk devilishly , leaving the view of the group. The young man of steel stood still, shocked. Rushing to her as soon he could, Clark would untie her, she still alive, but her breath was heavy

"Stay with me Lana. Don't worry Lucio! I nee-"

Lana lifted her hand, softly putting it on his face. A slight smile appeared, masking the clear pain.

"It's okay, Clark. You're going to be okay. "

Clark's teared up as the two stared at each other. The breathing from Lana got started to get more heavy. Gasping, Lana fought to say one final sentence.

"I love Clark, Just promise me you won't let this world bring you dow--"

Lana stopped. The lights went out and Clark couldn't her the beating of her heart. Clark's froze as everyone would him yelling. Lex watched nearby, Smirking.

@Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon
That hadn't been the expected result, but in the end it only all the more made firing the correct choice for him. Three of them were saved for killing one unrelated woman. Shirou didn't move at all as the gas invaded the room, rather seeming almost completely unbothered by the substance.

Rather, he watched Clark hold Lana in his arms. That was his fault, his doing. It wasn't like he wanted to kill people and spread misery at random for no reason, but when it came down to it he wasn't afraid to pull the trigger on anyone. Though, there were those who would instead call that cowardice. Unlike the time he'd fired upon their enemy, Shirou figured Clark had every right to try and off him. Not that Shirou would just let that happen, but it wouldn't be unexpected.
Cagaliostro would look but find nothing.

Clark seemed to be his world. Everything was going on, and he didn't seem to care. Holding Lana, Clark shouted and shook his lost love.

"Noooo no! Lana! Oh god.... no. Please..."

It had been a few minutes, but everything seem to hit him at once. Lana's blood soaked Clark's close and hands as some of the closer people could even smell the iron in the air. Clark gently put her down, Standing and staring , her blood dripping off him. His eyes met with Shirou

"Damn you, Shirou. Just damn you."

"Damn". That would time Clark cursed since they all came together. It wasn't yelled, but softly and noticeably. Clark didn't move at first. Clark's eyes were red, and he seemed destroyed. Looking at Lana, his eye went to Shirou.

"Get out of my sight before I do something I'll regret.."

Surprisingly, Clark didn't attack, however his fist was balled up, just glaring at Shirou. Turning away, he'd go back and kneel next to Lana.

@Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon
But still, it didn't happen. Even after Shirou murdered the love of his life right in front of him, he didn't strike. It must have been tempting, real tempting. In the end, though, he was glad that at the very least it didn't come to blows.


He only had a single word for Clark. Who would want words of comfort from the man he undoubtedly hated right now? Keeping his head held high, he walked over towards the bar, helping himself to a drink himself before sitting down.

"Then? Game's over. You've got that neat little controller to beat us on a whim. So what was the point of that gas just now, huh?"

His tone and expression were no different from normal, seeming to be only curious in nature.

Though really, the blood covering him seemed anything but.

@Josh M @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @thatguyinthestore
Raising his hand's, Lex mused.

"You think this is the first time a gun's been pulled on me?"

Surprising fast, Lex slammed his foot into Jason's shin. The man stumbled slightly away, Lex kicked him away and into the ground. Pulling out his gun, Lex shot Jason on instinct on his right hand, just in case he went a weapon. Walking his way to Jason, Lex punted him the Stomach. As the man reeled, Lex knelt next to him.

"You know, nothing is sadder than someone that they're better than they think they are."

Kicking Jason in the jaw, Lex knelt over him again, and taking his mask. Lex rapidly punched Jason in the face, Bloof covering his knuckles. Before any real damage happen, Lex stopped. Standing and cleaning himself off, Lex looked at Jason. A look an owner would give a dog who misbehaved .

"What did you say about Clark earlier? You never see him coming? Huh? Guess you didn't see that either."

@Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @thatguyinthestore
For a moment, Road considered taking Clark into the Dream. Seeing if he needed to get anger out. At least there no one would be in danger there. However, she decided against it as Jason was suddenly taken to the ground by Lex. This wasn't right. Luthor had something. Something was giving him the edge here. It seemed he knew the groups intentions before they intended to do it. He even predicted Road coming through space-time to infect him with the Akuma virus.


Road had tried to call out before Lex began beating the man's face. Yes... Luthor had something. Arkham Knight wasn't such a pushover. That switch that could double them over was a misdirection to some hidden item that kept him so calm.

Something else took her attention though - Clark, over Lana and lashing out towards Shirou.

To understand Road, and therefor, the family of Noah, one must understand that they were not made through normal means. They were the remnants of Noah's strongest feelings, infused with the power of Lucifer. Millinium Earl was Noah's heart, Tyki was his pride, the twins were his joy, Skin was his rage, Lulu-Bell was his love and Road was his dreams. Which included his dreams of love lost. Such an act caused Road to suddenly drop her head, and although her expression was neutral... something had began leaking down her face.


This was something she'd expected to happen from Alucard and Hakuei, if things between them kept escalating and one of them was lost... She hadn't expected it from Clark.

The Noah vanished, forgetting about Lex and Arkham for a moment and reappearing behind the fallen Man of Steel, on her knees before her arms wrapped around his body and she hid her tears against his back. Ironic, how one of the few who didn't seem to care about any of them, besides a handful, would be the one cry for his lose. The feeling of Noah, who had bargained with Satan against God in order to save the humanity he loved only to watch the majority die took her heart in that moment, but she said nothing in that moment. But in that moment... no living being in that room would disrupt Clark's sorrow without dealing with Road first.

"You're... a real loser, country-bumpkin... stop not protecting people... I can't stand it. All you've done is talk about the saving everyone, and... saving no one. Knock it off."

The voice of the Noah, was noticeably weak.

@EastHall @Josh M @Sen @Hana @Verite @C.T. @Kaykay @thatguyinthestore


Hakuei cursed her oversight when it came to blowing the mist away from Road, or at least trying to keep the so-called T-Virus away from her friend. It looked like it was reacting horribly to whatever was already in the Noah's body, and how terrible it was to see her friend's body look as if it had been eaten away at?

She grimaced, tasting something vile in her mouth as she looked at the gloating expression that never quite left Lex Luthor's face.

If only they could take away what kept him so assured with himself...

She was surprised when Road suddenly appeared in front of Clark, who had looked like he was about to strike out at Shirou. The embrace was even more surprising.

Who would have thought it would be Road, who clashed with most of the others, that would offer comfort to Clark in his loss...


"I'm both startled and yet not surprised at the same time..."

The tears escaping Road's eyes caused concern for her friend, but Hakuei couldn't interrupt the Noah's time with Clark. It seemed personal, and she felt like it would be intruding to ask about Road's wellbeing in front of a grieving man. Maybe not just yet.

Noticing the bat hovering by her, the princess quirked a brow.

"You can turn back now, Alucard. How are you feeling?"

@Sen @Azuremoon @Josh M @Crow @EastHall
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Schala Zeal
@Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @Josh M

Even despite all her efforts to delay the inevitable... Schala could only watch as Lana was shot, with a haste spell being far from enough to reach her in time before the bullet did, let alone heal her now. While she had the ability to, they simply did not have enough time to do that.

To make matters worse, while having honored the deal to a degree, Lex had hit them all with some sort of strange gas, containing the T-virus no less. It was far too late to prevent it from entering her body, but yet, she wasn't too sure how long it would take for its effects to take hold, but seeing Blake collapse in pain at the press of a button from Lex, before the room plunged into darkness... She seemed to have lost all hope again.

Hope in making it out of this alive... And even moreso, hope that they could even accomplish their mission, or even put an end to this madness, and once again... She felt a yearning... For all that was, and all that will be, to fade away...

So she could finally be at peace, free of all pain and sorrow... Free of all thoughts or emotions... In a place, where she could dream a dream of hollow white.

A blank dream.

Moving blindly through the area, she reached out, trying to hold onto something... Anything, for comfort, like she had after the Ocean Palace disaster, something to keep all her troubles at bay... Something that could help her clear her mind.

Coincidentally, she happened to have wrapped her arms around Blake, and though she didn't quite know it was him... She held him close, almost like she would with a large stuffed animal... Or perhaps... Her younger brother.

Closing her eyes, she held him tight... Tuning out her surroundings as she slowly, but surely... Began to clear her mind of any and all thoughts, attempting once more, to reach that state she had once been in... Before this had all been interrupted by Umbrella, before all of... This that had happened...

It was odd to think... That for some time since she had been freed by SHIELD, that she had such high hopes that they would somehow succeed... Hopes that had abruptly faltered, in the face of what she could only think of, as the cold, hard, reality of the situation...​


Blake momentarily stopped once he felt someone wrap their arms around him, ceasing his temptations to kill Lex here and now. Looking back over his shoulder, he recognized the girl that was suddenly close to him. He caught her name being Schala, and he didn't really get to talk to her before... he began to think so differently of this situation. It pained him, it pained him knowing that he wasn't doing anything of worth for their situation, that his attempts were in vain.



Blake mumbled quietly to himself, his mind clouding up once more. He didn't even realize on what was happening around him, but he wanted to reassure himself on something. He refused to think that this was the end, there had to be something to pull from this...

"... I'll protect... everybody... Protect everybody... forever... and ever.... and ever... I refuse to let anyone... die... anymore... Never again."

Reaching a breaking point, Blake didn't even realize that he was acting drastically different than before, the pain getting to his head and furthermore obscuring his optimistic and hopeful sights with the terrible corrupt thoughts.

@Kaykay @york @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @Josh M
Azura had zoned out when the group would leave the elevator,hand slipping out of Joshua's as she had been reminded of the Nohrian castle from her childhood and her return years afterwards. When she had came to she headed towards the east hall, but when she got there she realized that Joshua wasn't with her, and before she could attempt to go back and get him, the Nohrian had walked in on the end of what appeared to be a tragedy that had taken place. Eyes moving from Road and Clark's form to the downed Jason, then to the bloody Shirou, they finally landed on Lex Luther.

Golden eyes wary, the princess stood tall as she kept a firm grip on her Naginata. She had nothing to say for the most part, and would need someone to fill her in at some point.

@Josh M @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @thatguyinthestore @East Hall


Blake momentarily stopped once he felt someone wrap their arms around him, ceasing his temptations to kill Lex here and now. Looking back over his shoulder, he recognized the girl that was suddenly close to him. He caught her name being Schala, and he didn't really get to talk to her before... he began to think so differently of this situation. It pained him, it pained him knowing that he wasn't doing anything of worth for their situation, that his attempts were in vain.



Blake mumbled quietly to himself, his mind clouding up once more. He didn't even realize on what was happening around him, but he wanted to reassure himself on something. He refused to think that this was the end, there had to be something to pull from this...

"... I'll protect... everybody... Protect everybody... forever... and ever.... and ever... I refuse to let anyone... die... anymore... Never again."

Reaching a breaking point, Blake didn't even realize that he was acting drastically different than before, the pain getting to his head and furthermore obscuring his optimistic and hopeful sights with the terrible corrupt thoughts.

@Kaykay @york @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @Josh M
Cupping her ears, Senna winced as a sharp ringing would sound in her ears. The girl then squeezed both of her eyes shut. To the soul reaper, it felt as if a gunshot had gone off in the room. Suggesting their situation wasn't as alarming as a gunshot would've been an understatement. So much chaos had erupted that when she had tried to focus on what exactly was occurring, her head injury acted up, leaving her with the deafening ring in her ears and throbbing atop her head.

Opening at least one eye so she could try and connect with her surroundings yet again, the orchid haired girl would notice Blake at first--seeming to be losing a grip on his sanity. Dropping her hands off both sides of her head, Senna stepped in front of Blake. She then held out her arms as if intending to block him should he take any further actions. Thank goodness Schala had been holding him back.


"I don't want you to step in and get hurt, Blake. Please don't. Anyhow, you and I both know this killing needs to stop. You don't have to protect everyone. It's not a burden you need to place on your shoulders alone." Senna paused, reaching out to touch the side of his face. She looked in his eyes, trying to hold his attention. "We're going to get through this together, okay? I just know we will!"

Unable to help herself, Senna could feel her amber eyes well with tears. It wasn't because of the pain of her head injury either. At this point, Blake was struggling just to make it through this. It was almost as if he were trying too hard, so hard that he was losing himself. It hurt Senna to see it. It always pained Senna to see beautiful people or places start to slip away. It was just like that time when Ichigo's world and his friends were in danger. It hurt every fiber of Senna's soul to see such tragedy.

"I miss it," Senna mumbled, not explaining herself.

I miss the smile you had on your face when we first came here, before all of the people started dying and all of the bad things started happening.

"I already miss it."

@Kaykay @york @Verite @C.T. @Gummi Bunnies @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @Josh M
Linda was about to protest. She was not goddamn damsel in distress in need of constant saving. She could hold her if she had too- except she hadn't. She led and quickly realized that she still had Ada's gun and held close to her. It was the only thing left of the woman. Someone had blown the poor woman up and it had shaken Linda to her core.

Linda looked over at the stairwell and wondered what was upstairs. " Well, hopefully whatever it is, it is friendly..somehow I doubt it though," she said aloud.

@penguin055 @Jeremi

Lucifer paused and noticed that they were in a kitchen. Maybe he could find some more alcohol, he was running low again.

Lucifer ignored the humming of the fridge and looked over at the meat and then back at James. " Do you think you could whip up some food again? I'm kind of hungry," he said, looking over at him. He also went looking for alcohol in the fridge.

@Gands @Darkseide @Jeremi
For a moment, Road considered taking Clark into the Dream. Seeing if he needed to get anger out. At least there no one would be in danger there. However, she decided against it as Jason was suddenly taken to the ground by Lex. This wasn't right. Luthor had something. Something was giving him the edge here. It seemed he knew the groups intentions before they intended to do it. He even predicted Road coming through space-time to infect him with the Akuma virus.


Road had tried to call out before Lex began beating the man's face. Yes... Luthor had something. Arkham Knight wasn't such a pushover. That switch that could double them over was a misdirection to some hidden item that kept him so calm.

Something else took her attention though - Clark, over Lana and lashing out towards Shirou.

To understand Road, and therefor, the family of Noah, one must understand that they were not made through normal means. They were the remnants of Noah's strongest feelings, infused with the power of Lucifer. Millinium Earl was Noah's heart, Tyki was his pride, the twins were his joy, Skin was his rage, Lulu-Bell was his love and Road was his dreams. Which included his dreams of love lost. Such an act caused Road to suddenly drop her head, and although her expression was neutral... something had began leaking down her face.


This was something she'd expected to happen from Alucard and Hakuei, if things between them kept escalating and one of them was lost... She hadn't expected it from Clark.

The Noah vanished, forgetting about Lex and Arkham for a moment and reappearing behind the fallen Man of Steel, on her knees before her arms wrapped around his body and she hid her tears against his back. Ironic, how one of the few who didn't seem to care about any of them, besides a handful, would be the one cry for his lose. The feeling of Noah, who had bargained with Satan against God in order to save the humanity he loved only to watch the majority die took her heart in that moment, but she said nothing in that moment. But in that moment... no living being in that room would disrupt Clark's sorrow without dealing with Road first.

"You're... a real loser. What kind of hero let's everyone die country-bumpkin... stop not protecting people... I can't stand it. All you've done is talk about the saving everyone, and... saving no one. Knock it off."

The voice of the Noah, was noticeably weak.

@EastHall @Josh M @Sen @Hana @Verite @C.T. @Kaykay @thatguyinthestore


Hakuei cursed her oversight when it came to blowing the mist away from Road, or at least trying to keep the so-called T-Virus away from her friend. It looked like it was reacting horribly to whatever was already in the Noah's body, and how terrible it was to see her friend's body look as if it had been eaten away at?

She grimaced, tasting something vile in her mouth as she looked at the gloating expression that never quite left Lex Luthor's face.

If only they could take away what kept him so assured with himself...

She was surprised when Road suddenly appeared in front of Clark, who had looked like he was about to strike out at Shirou. The embrace was even more surprising.

Who would have thought it would be Road, who clashed with most of the others, that would offer comfort to Clark in his loss...


"I'm both startled and yet not surprised at the same time..."

The tears escaping Road's eyes caused concern for her friend, but Hakuei couldn't interrupt the Noah's time with Clark. It seemed personal, and she felt like it would be intruding to ask about Road's wellbeing in front of a grieving man. Maybe not just yet.

Noticing the bat hovering by her, the princess quirked a brow.

"You can turn back now, Alucard. How are you feeling?"

@Sen @Azuremoon @Josh M @Crow @EastHall

As the bat landed beside the woman, its body elongated until it was the height of man, unfurling its wings to reveal Alucard. Rather flashy, but normal for the dhampir. The recent infection seemed to have tired him out, dark circles appearing under his eyes, like heavy bags. "I feel a little strange, I do not think this virus fares well with my blood." Vampire blood was very dominant, and for once the dhampir was glad that it might slow down the effects of the infection, even though it meant him being a monster.
Well, all of them were monsters now. However, this was also concerning...


"What about you, Hakuei? Are you alright? If you're unwell, I can give you a health potion..." he murmured, placing a hand on her shoulder - something he would never do under normal circumstances - as he referred to the red bottles of liquid that he had given to Road earlier. Needless to say, he was worried about his companion. This was rather odd, though he had felt concern about those he had teamed up with before, never was he so... vocal about it. Or at least be so obvious.

As for Road however... he wanted to give the girl some time alone with Clark. Clearly she was having a private moment, and the dhampir knew it was not his place to interrupt either. But looking at Lana and Road as well, he knew that his potions would do them no good. They could only heal minor injuries or fatigue - but something of that effect would never be able to heal even with his help. Better to call his familiar for that later - but for now, he wanted to give Road some space. If she wanted help, she could come to him. He knew she would.
@Hana @Azuremoon @Josh M @Easthall​
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Reactions: Azuremoon
Linda was about to protest. She was not goddamn damsel in distress in need of constant saving. She could hold her if she had too- except she hadn't. She led and quickly realized that she still had Ada's gun and held close to her. It was the only thing left of the woman. Someone had blown the poor woman up and it had shaken Linda to her core.
Linda looked over at the stairwell and wondered what was upstairs. " Well, hopefully whatever it is, it is friendly..somehow I doubt it though," she said aloud.
@penguin055 @Jeremi

Lucifer paused and noticed that they were in a kitchen. Maybe he could find some more alcohol, he was running low again.
Lucifer ignored the humming of the fridge and looked over at the meat and then back at James. " Do you think you could whip up some food again? I'm kind of hungry," he said, looking over at him. He also went looking for alcohol in the fridge.
Penny would hold up bottles of liquor.

"Looking for these, Lucy? I believe I beat you to them. Whiskey, Vodka, 151..."
Whistles at the 151
"Jack Daniels and Milagro. This should be fun."​
James Proudstar Warpath

"Gentlemen, check the fridge, but be careful. That seems like an odd humming noise to me. "

James started to check the rest of the cupboards for spices and cooking implements. He was just a little wary still of surprises.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Darkseide @Jeremi

Blake momentarily stopped once he felt someone wrap their arms around him, ceasing his temptations to kill Lex here and now. Looking back over his shoulder, he recognized the girl that was suddenly close to him. He caught her name being Schala, and he didn't really get to talk to her before... he began to think so differently of this situation. It pained him, it pained him knowing that he wasn't doing anything of worth for their situation, that his attempts were in vain.

Blake mumbled quietly to himself, his mind clouding up once more. He didn't even realize on what was happening around him, but he wanted to reassure himself on something. He refused to think that this was the end, there had to be something to pull from this...
"... I'll protect... everybody... Protect everybody... forever... and ever.... and ever... I refuse to let anyone... die... anymore... Never again."
Reaching a breaking point, Blake didn't even realize that he was acting drastically different than before, the pain getting to his head and furthermore obscuring his optimistic and hopeful sights with the terrible corrupt thoughts.
@Kaykay @york @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @Josh M
Cupping her ears, Senna winced as a sharp ringing would sound in her ears. The girl then squeezed both of her eyes shut. To the soul reaper, it felt as if a gunshot had gone off in the room. Suggesting their situation wasn't as alarming as a gunshot would've been an understatement. So much chaos had erupted that when she had tried to focus on what exactly was occurring, her head injury acted up, leaving her with the deafening ring in her ears and throbbing atop her head.

Opening at least one eye so she could try and connect with her surroundings yet again, the orchid haired girl would notice Blake at first--seeming to be losing a grip on his sanity. Dropping her hands off both sides of her head, Senna stepped in front of Blake. She then held out her arms as if intending to block him should he take any further actions. Thank goodness Schala had been holding him back.


"I don't want you to step in and get hurt, Blake. Please don't. Anyhow, you and I both know this killing needs to stop. You don't have to protect everyone. It's not a burden you need to place on your shoulders alone." Senna paused, reaching out to touch the side of his face. She looked in his eyes, trying to hold his attention. "We're going to get through this together, okay? I just know we will!"

Unable to help herself, Senna could feel her amber eyes well with tears. It wasn't because of the pain of her head injury either. At this point, Blake was struggling just to make it through this. It was almost as if he were trying too hard, so hard that he was losing himself. It hurt Senna to see it. It always pained Senna to see beautiful people or places start to slip away. It was just like that time when Ichigo's world and his friends were in danger. It hurt every fiber of Senna's soul to see such tragedy.

"I miss it," Senna mumbled, not explaining herself.

I miss the smile you had on your face when we first came here, before all of the people started dying and all of the bad things started happening.

"I already miss it."

@Kaykay @york @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @Josh M
Schala Zeal
@Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @Josh M
@East Hall

For a while, Schala just stayed there, holding onto Blake... Until finally, her thoughts began to settle, and... She was ready to face what was happening again. Slowly but surely, she pulled herself together, still torn about what had happened with Lana, but nonetheless, it was what Blake had said next, that finally caused something to click in her.

A rush of a foreign, but yet... Somehow familiar, set of emotions, before she finally opened her eyes, realizing what she had done in her moment of panic.

Normally she'd panic and let go, but... Looking into Blakes eyes, she saw something... Familiar there, that very same look her younger brother, Janus, once had on his face in her dreams.

A look of determination, to prevent the past from repeating itself, to defeat the undefeatable... To protect not just the present... But the future, from a terrible tragedy...

There was a long moment of silence from Schala, before she finally spoke, her voice, nothing more than a gentle whisper now...

"... You do not have to bear this burden alone..." She said suddenly, a kind, but yet... Sad smile, crossing her face.

"I... ... We... Must stand together to... Stop this... Once and for all..."

There was a slight pause, as Schala herself seemed to have begun to come to a realization of sorts, suddenly, finding the strength in her, to keep going... To finish what they've started, no matter what it took...

"I can not promise you we can stop any more deaths... But... We can't just... Give up... Not with what we have at stake..." She trailed off, distinctly recalling all that she had heard about the tesseract.

Though she still could not fathom the full extent of its power, she knew that its potential, could be used by Umbrella to disastrous ends... She knew that if she let it stay there, she would be sentencing this world, to the same fate as her own kingdom.

"... We'll find the tesseract... We'll... Save this world... And then... ..." Another pause.

It seemed that Schala wasn't too sure about what would happen after, but soon enough... The answer came to her, one that just somehow felt... Right to her.

"We'll go home..." She said quietly.

Perhaps it was a bit optimistic of her to believe that they were guaranteed to go home if they completed their mission that SHIELD had assigned them... But... It was the last thread of hope she had to hold onto.

For her... Home no longer lay in the fallen Kingdom of Zeal, where her mother had once ruled with an iron hand.

No... Home was the very place she had been pulled from during one of Umbrella's experiments...

A place of which she knew not the name... Nor purpose...

But there... There she could finally be at peace... Free from all that had once pained, or troubled her.

A place she could truly call... Her own.​

As the bat landed beside the woman, its body elongated until it was the height of man, unfurling its wings to reveal Alucard. Rather flashy, but normal for the dhampir. The recent infection seemed to have tired him out, dark circles appearing under his eyes, like heavy bags. "I feel a little strange, I do not think this virus fares well with my blood." Vampire blood was very dominant, and for once the dhampir was glad that it might slow down the effects of the infection, even though it meant him being a monster.
Well, all of them were monsters now. However, this was also concerning...


"What about you, Hakuei? Are you alright? If you're unwell, I can give you a health potion..." he murmured, placing a hand on her shoulder - something he would never do under normal circumstances - as he referred to the red bottles of liquid that he had given to Road earlier. Needless to say, he was worried about his companion. This was rather odd, though he had felt concern about those he had teamed up with before, never was he so... vocal about it. Or at least be so obvious.

As for Road however... he wanted to give the girl some time alone with Clark. Clearly she was having a private moment, and the dhampir knew it was not his place to interrupt either. But looking at Lana and Road as well, he knew that his potions would do them no good. They could only heal minor injuries or fatigue - but something of that effect would never be able to heal even with his help. Better to call his familiar for that later - but for now, he wanted to give Road some space. If she wanted help, she could come to him. He knew she would.
@Hana @Azuremoon @Josh M @Easthall​

The princess watched Alucard's shift from the shape of a bat to that of a man with a small hint of curiosity in her eyes. Magic was magic in her world, but one had to wonder how a man as tall as the dhampir could turn into such a small thing. Still, as his appearance became clear to her, she immediately noticed the dark shadows underneath his eyes. Hakuei frowned, narrowing her eyes. Those hadn't been there earlier to mar the moon-pale complexion he had.

"There must be some way for us to reverse whatever this is."

If only because seeing the usually unaffected dhampir bothered her so much, Hakuei would help the others find a solution any way she could.

Her eyes flickered to where his hand rested on her shoulder, and the princess blinked at his words. They hadn't done much fighting since the biters and meeting Milton, but any form of revitalization after fighting or expending magoi was to be welcomed. She tried for a smile, though after witnessing Lana get killed in front of them and worrying for both Road and Alucard left the smile a bit strained.

"Perhaps both of us could benefit from your potions. I'm worried about how it's affecting you."

Hakuei took a moment to wonder if she was also supposed to feel something from the so-called mist. Her attempt may or may not have succeeded, but if it failed... Was she going to change into some beast or lose her mind?

@Sen @Josh M @Verite @Crow @Azuremoon @EastHall
For a moment, Road considered taking Clark into the Dream. Seeing if he needed to get anger out. At least there no one would be in danger there. However, she decided against it as Jason was suddenly taken to the ground by Lex. This wasn't right. Luthor had something. Something was giving him the edge here. It seemed he knew the groups intentions before they intended to do it. He even predicted Road coming through space-time to infect him with the Akuma virus.


Road had tried to call out before Lex began beating the man's face. Yes... Luthor had something. Arkham Knight wasn't such a pushover. That switch that could double them over was a misdirection to some hidden item that kept him so calm.

Something else took her attention though - Clark, over Lana and lashing out towards Shirou.

To understand Road, and therefor, the family of Noah, one must understand that they were not made through normal means. They were the remnants of Noah's strongest feelings, infused with the power of Lucifer. Millinium Earl was Noah's heart, Tyki was his pride, the twins were his joy, Skin was his rage, Lulu-Bell was his love and Road was his dreams. Which included his dreams of love lost. Such an act caused Road to suddenly drop her head, and although her expression was neutral... something had began leaking down her face.


This was something she'd expected to happen from Alucard and Hakuei, if things between them kept escalating and one of them was lost... She hadn't expected it from Clark.

The Noah vanished, forgetting about Lex and Arkham for a moment and reappearing behind the fallen Man of Steel, on her knees before her arms wrapped around his body and she hid her tears against his back. Ironic, how one of the few who didn't seem to care about any of them, besides a handful, would be the one cry for his lose. The feeling of Noah, who had bargained with Satan against God in order to save the humanity he loved only to watch the majority die took her heart in that moment, but she said nothing in that moment. But in that moment... no living being in that room would disrupt Clark's sorrow without dealing with Road first.

"You're... a real loser. What kind of hero let's everyone die country-bumpkin... stop not protecting people... I can't stand it. All you've done is talk about the saving everyone, and... saving no one. Knock it off."

The voice of the Noah, was noticeably weak.

@EastHall @Josh M @Sen @Hana @Verite @C.T. @Kaykay @thatguyinthestore
Well, this was something. Clark couldn't help but be caught off guard. Letting the woman hold him, Clark seemed to ignore her words at first, before a chuckle. He couldn't help it. He was in so much pain, but he couldn't help but smile slightly.

"You're not good at this whole consoling business, are you?"



Hakuei cursed her oversight when it came to blowing the mist away from Road, or at least trying to keep the so-called T-Virus away from her friend. It looked like it was reacting horribly to whatever was already in the Noah's body, and how terrible it was to see her friend's body look as if it had been eaten away at?

She grimaced, tasting something vile in her mouth as she looked at the gloating expression that never quite left Lex Luthor's face.

If only they could take away what kept him so assured with himself...

She was surprised when Road suddenly appeared in front of Clark, who had looked like he was about to strike out at Shirou. The embrace was even more surprising.

Who would have thought it would be Road, who clashed with most of the others, that would offer comfort to Clark in his loss...


"I'm both startled and yet not surprised at the same time..."

The tears escaping Road's eyes caused concern for her friend, but Hakuei couldn't interrupt the Noah's time with Clark. It seemed personal, and she felt like it would be intruding to ask about Road's wellbeing in front of a grieving man. Maybe not just yet.

Noticing the bat hovering by her, the princess quirked a brow.

"You can turn back now, Alucard. How are you feeling?"

@Sen @Azuremoon @Josh M @Crow @EastHall
Azura had zoned out when the group would leave the elevator,hand slipping out of Joshua's as she had been reminded of the Nohrian castle from her childhood and her return years afterwards. When she had came to she headed towards the east hall, but when she got there she realized that Joshua wasn't with her, and before she could attempt to go back and get him, the Nohrian had walked in on the end of what appeared to be a tragedy that had taken place. Eyes moving from Road and Clark's form to the downed Jason, then to the bloody Shirou, they finally landed on Lex Luther.

Golden eyes wary, the princess stood tall as she kept a firm grip on her Naginata. She had nothing to say for the most part, and would need someone to fill her in at some point.

@Josh M @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @thatguyinthestore @East Hall

As the bat landed beside the woman, its body elongated until it was the height of man, unfurling its wings to reveal Alucard. Rather flashy, but normal for the dhampir. The recent infection seemed to have tired him out, dark circles appearing under his eyes, like heavy bags. "I feel a little strange, I do not think this virus fares well with my blood." Vampire blood was very dominant, and for once the dhampir was glad that it might slow down the effects of the infection, even though it meant him being a monster.
Well, all of them were monsters now. However, this was also concerning...


"What about you, Hakuei? Are you alright? If you're unwell, I can give you a health potion..." he murmured, placing a hand on her shoulder - something he would never do under normal circumstances - as he referred to the red bottles of liquid that he had given to Road earlier. Needless to say, he was worried about his companion. This was rather odd, though he had felt concern about those he had teamed up with before, never was he so... vocal about it. Or at least be so obvious.

As for Road however... he wanted to give the girl some time alone with Clark. Clearly she was having a private moment, and the dhampir knew it was not his place to interrupt either. But looking at Lana and Road as well, he knew that his potions would do them no good. They could only heal minor injuries or fatigue - but something of that effect would never be able to heal even with his help. Better to call his familiar for that later - but for now, he wanted to give Road some space. If she wanted help, she could come to him. He knew she would.
@Hana @Azuremoon @Josh M @Easthall​
As all these people stared and talked about Clark, it was unnerving. Taking a deep breath, Clark spoke. Mostly tspeaking to himself, other clearly could hear him and respond., Clark's spoke clearly, and so was the pain.

"I've known Lana since I was five. She lived across the street from us. Most our childhood, she wore a neckless kryptonite neckless. I never knew what I was when I was a kid, so every time, I felt sick for no reason. . So everytime I got near her, I was literally weak in the knees."

Laughing again, Clark looked down.

"I had a telescope in the barn. I loved looking at the stars, studding the constellations. I always had a feeling I wasn't like anyone else. Anyway, Lana was on her porch, so sometimes I would just look at her. I know that's weird in retrospect, but It was the closest I could get for a long time. I thought she and I would end up together in the end. I was sure of it.. So sure of it..."

Clark just stood still after that. Nothing he wanted to add.

@Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon
Last edited:
For a moment, Road considered taking Clark into the Dream. Seeing if he needed to get anger out. At least there no one would be in danger there. However, she decided against it as Jason was suddenly taken to the ground by Lex. This wasn't right. Luthor had something. Something was giving him the edge here. It seemed he knew the groups intentions before they intended to do it. He even predicted Road coming through space-time to infect him with the Akuma virus.


Road had tried to call out before Lex began beating the man's face. Yes... Luthor had something. Arkham Knight wasn't such a pushover. That switch that could double them over was a misdirection to some hidden item that kept him so calm.

Something else took her attention though - Clark, over Lana and lashing out towards Shirou.

To understand Road, and therefor, the family of Noah, one must understand that they were not made through normal means. They were the remnants of Noah's strongest feelings, infused with the power of Lucifer. Millinium Earl was Noah's heart, Tyki was his pride, the twins were his joy, Skin was his rage, Lulu-Bell was his love and Road was his dreams. Which included his dreams of love lost. Such an act caused Road to suddenly drop her head, and although her expression was neutral... something had began leaking down her face.


This was something she'd expected to happen from Alucard and Hakuei, if things between them kept escalating and one of them was lost... She hadn't expected it from Clark.

The Noah vanished, forgetting about Lex and Arkham for a moment and reappearing behind the fallen Man of Steel, on her knees before her arms wrapped around his body and she hid her tears against his back. Ironic, how one of the few who didn't seem to care about any of them, besides a handful, would be the one cry for his lose. The feeling of Noah, who had bargained with Satan against God in order to save the humanity he loved only to watch the majority die took her heart in that moment, but she said nothing in that moment. But in that moment... no living being in that room would disrupt Clark's sorrow without dealing with Road first.

"You're... a real loser. What kind of hero let's everyone die country-bumpkin... stop not protecting people... I can't stand it. All you've done is talk about the saving everyone, and... saving no one. Knock it off."

The voice of the Noah, was noticeably weak.

@EastHall @Josh M @Sen @Hana @Verite @C.T. @Kaykay @thatguyinthestore



Hakuei cursed her oversight when it came to blowing the mist away from Road, or at least trying to keep the so-called T-Virus away from her friend. It looked like it was reacting horribly to whatever was already in the Noah's body, and how terrible it was to see her friend's body look as if it had been eaten away at?

She grimaced, tasting something vile in her mouth as she looked at the gloating expression that never quite left Lex Luthor's face.

If only they could take away what kept him so assured with himself...

She was surprised when Road suddenly appeared in front of Clark, who had looked like he was about to strike out at Shirou. The embrace was even more surprising.

Who would have thought it would be Road, who clashed with most of the others, that would offer comfort to Clark in his loss...


"I'm both startled and yet not surprised at the same time..."

The tears escaping Road's eyes caused concern for her friend, but Hakuei couldn't interrupt the Noah's time with Clark. It seemed personal, and she felt like it would be intruding to ask about Road's wellbeing in front of a grieving man. Maybe not just yet.

Noticing the bat hovering by her, the princess quirked a brow.

"You can turn back now, Alucard. How are you feeling?"

@Sen @Azuremoon @Josh M @Crow @EastHall


As the bat landed beside the woman, its body elongated until it was the height of man, unfurling its wings to reveal Alucard. Rather flashy, but normal for the dhampir. The recent infection seemed to have tired him out, dark circles appearing under his eyes, like heavy bags. "I feel a little strange, I do not think this virus fares well with my blood." Vampire blood was very dominant, and for once the dhampir was glad that it might slow down the effects of the infection, even though it meant him being a monster.
Well, all of them were monsters now. However, this was also concerning...


"What about you, Hakuei? Are you alright? If you're unwell, I can give you a health potion..." he murmured, placing a hand on her shoulder - something he would never do under normal circumstances - as he referred to the red bottles of liquid that he had given to Road earlier. Needless to say, he was worried about his companion. This was rather odd, though he had felt concern about those he had teamed up with before, never was he so... vocal about it. Or at least be so obvious.

As for Road however... he wanted to give the girl some time alone with Clark. Clearly she was having a private moment, and the dhampir knew it was not his place to interrupt either. But looking at Lana and Road as well, he knew that his potions would do them no good. They could only heal minor injuries or fatigue - but something of that effect would never be able to heal even with his help. Better to call his familiar for that later - but for now, he wanted to give Road some space. If she wanted help, she could come to him. He knew she would.
@Hana @Azuremoon @Josh M @Easthall​


The princess watched Alucard's shift from the shape of a bat to that of a man with a small hint of curiosity in her eyes. Magic was magic in her world, but one had to wonder how a man as tall as the dhampir could turn into such a small thing. Still, as his appearance became clear to her, she immediately noticed the dark shadows underneath his eyes. Hakuei frowned, narrowing her eyes. Those hadn't been there earlier to mar the moon-pale complexion he had.

"There must be some way for us to reverse whatever this is."

If only because seeing the usually unaffected dhampir bothered her so much, Hakuei would help the others find a solution any way she could.

Her eyes flickered to where his hand rested on her shoulder, and the princess blinked at his words. They hadn't done much fighting since the biters and meeting Milton, but any form of revitalization after fighting or expending magoi was to be welcomed. She tried for a smile, though after witnessing Lana get killed in front of them and worrying for both Road and Alucard left the smile a bit strained.

"Perhaps both of us could benefit from your potions. I'm worried about how it's affecting you."

Hakuei took a moment to wonder if she was also supposed to feel something from the so-called mist. Her attempt may or may not have succeeded, but if it failed... Was she going to change into some beast or lose her mind?

@Sen @Josh M @Verite @Crow @Azuremoon @EastHall

Well, this was something. Clark couldn't help but be caught off guard. Letting the woman hold him, Clark seemed to ignore her words at first, before a chuckle. He couldn't help it. He was in so much pain, but he couldn't help but smile slightly.

"You're not good at this whole consoling business, are you?"

As all these people stared and talked about Clark, it was unnerving. Taking a deep breath, Clark spoke. Mostly tspeaking to himself, other clearly could hear him and respond., Clark's spoke clearly, and so was the pain.

"I've known Lana since I was five. She lived across the street from us. Most our childhood, she wore a neckless kryptonite neckless. I never knew what I was when I was a kid, so every time, I felt sick for no reason. . So everytime I got near her, I was literally weak in the knees."

Laughing again, Clark looked down.

"I had a telescope in the barn. I loved looking at the stars, studding the constellations. I always had a feeling I wasn't like anyone else. Anyway, Lana was on her porch, so sometimes I would just look at her. I know that's weird in retrospect, but It was the closest I could get for a long time. I thought she and I would end up together in the end. I was sure of it.. So sure of it..."

Clark just stood still after that. Nothing he want to add.

@Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon


"Teehee~ what a sweet story~ when I was that young, I had to worry about my premature death-"

Cagliostro coughs for a bit, then reverts back to a rougher, more serious voice.

"I mean, even if you're a fool, it's good to let it all out, Clark Kent. I guess I'll let Road handle the rest. She may not seem like it in your eyes, but she's a good ally to have."

Cagliostro allows Road to continue her conversation with Clark Kent.

"Childhood... friends... I don't get it..." Cagliostro utters. "He lost a person to protect, but at least he had someone to protect. Now that I think of it, I never did. Well, not like I needed to anyways. Bonds sure are quite a burden-"

Cagliostro then looks at Alucard's dark circles as he speaks.​


"I feel a little strange, I do not think this virus fares well with my blood."​

"There must be some way for us to reverse whatever this is."


"Alucard!" Cagliostro exclaims. "The virus got to you of all people... I guess dispelling it didn't work... looks like it's time..."

Cagliostro places a few empty vials and flasks on the table in the room. Just what was Cagliostro up to?

"...it's finally time for me to get to work! The T-virus will not best me!" Cagliostro then looks at Hakuei. "I haven't had an assistant before. Hakuei, would you like the honour of filling the role of the cutest, genius, beautiful alchemist's assistant~?"

Cagliostro then looks at Alucard.

"Alucard, anything you're allergic to~."

@Josh M @Verite @Crow @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @EastHall​

The princess watched Alucard's shift from the shape of a bat to that of a man with a small hint of curiosity in her eyes. Magic was magic in her world, but one had to wonder how a man as tall as the dhampir could turn into such a small thing. Still, as his appearance became clear to her, she immediately noticed the dark shadows underneath his eyes. Hakuei frowned, narrowing her eyes. Those hadn't been there earlier to mar the moon-pale complexion he had.

"There must be some way for us to reverse whatever this is."

If only because seeing the usually unaffected dhampir bothered her so much, Hakuei would help the others find a solution any way she could.

Her eyes flickered to where his hand rested on her shoulder, and the princess blinked at his words. They hadn't done much fighting since the biters and meeting Milton, but any form of revitalization after fighting or expending magoi was to be welcomed. She tried for a smile, though after witnessing Lana get killed in front of them and worrying for both Road and Alucard left the smile a bit strained.

"Perhaps both of us could benefit from your potions. I'm worried about how it's affecting you."

Hakuei took a moment to wonder if she was also supposed to feel something from the so-called mist. Her attempt may or may not have succeeded, but if it failed... Was she going to change into some beast or lose her mind?

@Sen @Josh M @Verite @Crow @Azuremoon @EastHall

"You can certainly try a bottle," Alucard offered, withdrawing one for Hakuei. "It may not help with the infection, but it certainly will rejuvenate you. Being here for so long, you must be tired." As expected of mortals, or something like that. Alucard was used to travelling long distances, he could go for miles without tiring, and moving so fast that no man would ever see him or know he was there. The glass bottle of red liquid - not blood - was common in the halls of Castlevania, sold by the strange one that sat in the library, or hidden in the crevices of the building itself. It tasted like nothing, but it was like liquid strength. It didn't seem to have any side effects.
Well, this was something. Clark couldn't help but be caught off guard. Letting the woman hold him, Clark seemed to ignore her words at first, before a chuckle. He couldn't help it. He was in so much pain, but he couldn't help but smile slightly.

"You're not good at this whole consoling business, are you?"

As all these people stared and talked about Clark, it was unnerving. Taking a deep breath, Clark spoke. Mostly tspeaking to himself, other clearly could hear him and respond., Clark's spoke clearly, and so was the pain.

"I've known Lana since I was five. She lived across the street from us. Most our childhood, she wore a neckless kryptonite neckless. I never knew what I was when I was a kid, so every time, I felt sick for no reason. . So everytime I got near her, I was literally weak in the knees."

Laughing again, Clark looked down.

"I had a telescope in the barn. I loved looking at the stars, studding the constellations. I always had a feeling I wasn't like anyone else. Anyway, Lana was on her porch, so sometimes I would just look at her. I know that's weird in retrospect, but It was the closest I could get for a long time. I thought she and I would end up together in the end. I was sure of it.. So sure of it..."

Clark just stood still after that. Nothing he want to add.

@Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon

A long time ago, when Alucard still had human emotions ruling him, he would have felt jealous if he was standing here. Now he did not feel much, emotions suppressed for the goal of peace for the world and the fall of Dracula every time he rises. He never had a childhood friend, he cared mostly of his mother and at the time, his father. He didn't really understand what it meant to have one, or to have someone to care for like that. He stared at the man and the woman he loved with a passive face, unable to comprehend the feelings behind such a thing. He could respect it, yes, but the dhampir's mind couldn't completely wrap around this 'human' thing. He could only watch on from afar.

Having something to protect could make you stronger, he had read that before. But not having anything to protect meant there was nothing to lose. If Alucard died, nothing would be lost. The world would simply continue moving on, and nobody would mourn for him. Sometimes, he didn't mind that was the truth. The demons that worshiped him sided with his father, after all. Perhaps he could have a spot of lunch with the Grim Reaper, who never seemed to mind his presence, despite him having opposed the great vampire king.

"Alucard!" Cagliostro exclaims. "The virus got to you of all people... I guess dispelling it didn't work... looks like it's time..."

Cagliostro places a few empty vials and flasks on the table in the room. Just what was Cagliostro up to?

"...it's finally time for me to get to work! The T-virus will not best me!" Cagliostro then looks at Hakuei. "I haven't had an assistant before. Hakuei, would you like the honour of filling the role of the cutest, genius, beautiful alchemist's assistant~?"

Cagliostro then looks at Alucard.

"Alucard, anything you're allergic to~."

@Josh M @Verite @Crow @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @EastHall

"Pardon? ... None that I am aware of, no."

Allergies? Him? He almost laughed.

"I sincerely hope you are not drawing my blood, Cagliostro. Vampire blood can be contagious..."

@Hana @Crow @Josh M @Azuremoon @Verite
Well, this was something. Clark couldn't help but be caught off guard. Letting the woman hold him, Clark seemed to ignore her words at first, before a chuckle. He couldn't help it. He was in so much pain, but he couldn't help but smile slightly.

"You're not good at this whole consoling business, are you?"

As all these people stared and talked about Clark, it was unnerving. Taking a deep breath, Clark spoke. Mostly tspeaking to himself, other clearly could hear him and respond., Clark's spoke clearly, and so was the pain.

"I've known Lana since I was five. She lived across the street from us. Most our childhood, she wore a neckless kryptonite neckless. I never knew what I was when I was a kid, so every time, I felt sick for no reason. . So everytime I got near her, I was literally weak in the knees."

Laughing again, Clark looked down.

"I had a telescope in the barn. I loved looking at the stars, studding the constellations. I always had a feeling I wasn't like anyone else. Anyway, Lana was on her porch, so sometimes I would just look at her. I know that's weird in retrospect, but It was the closest I could get for a long time. I thought she and I would end up together in the end. I was sure of it.. So sure of it..."

Clark just stood still after that. Nothing he want to add.

@Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon

"Teehee~ what a sweet story~ when I was that young, I had to worry about my premature death-"

Cagliostro coughs for a bit, then reverts back to a rougher, more serious voice.

"I mean, even if you're a fool, it's good to let it all out, Clark Kent. I guess I'll let Road handle the rest. She may not seem like it in your eyes, but she's a good ally to have."

Cagliostro allows Road to continue her conversation with Clark Kent.

"Childhood... friends... I don't get it..." Cagliostro utters. "He lost a person to protect, but at least he had someone to protect. Now that I think of it, I never did. Well, not like I needed to anyways. Bonds sure are quite a burden-"

Cagliostro then looks at Alucard's dark circles as he speaks.​


"Alucard!" Cagliostro exclaims. "The virus got to you of all people... I guess dispelling it didn't work... looks like it's time..."

Cagliostro places a few empty vials and flasks on the table in the room. Just what was Cagliostro up to?

"...it's finally time for me to get to work! The T-virus will not best me!" Cagliostro then looks at Hakuei. "I haven't had an assistant before. Hakuei, would you like the honour of filling the role of the cutest, genius, beautiful alchemist's assistant~?"

Cagliostro then looks at Alucard.

"Alucard, anything you're allergic to~."

@Josh M @Verite @Crow @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @EastHall​

"You can certainly try a bottle," Alucard offered, withdrawing one for Hakuei. "It may not help with the infection, but it certainly will rejuvenate you. Being here for so long, you must be tired." As expected of mortals, or something like that. Alucard was used to travelling long distances, he could go for miles without tiring, and moving so fast that no man would ever see him or know he was there. The glass bottle of red liquid - not blood - was common in the halls of Castlevania, sold by the strange one that sat in the library, or hidden in the crevices of the building itself. It tasted like nothing, but it was like liquid strength. It didn't seem to have any side effects.


A long time ago, when Alucard still had human emotions ruling him, he would have felt jealous if he was standing here. Now he did not feel much, emotions suppressed for the goal of peace for the world and the fall of Dracula every time he rises. He never had a childhood friend, he cared mostly of his mother and at the time, his father. He didn't really understand what it meant to have one, or to have someone to care for like that. He stared at the man and the woman he loved with a passive face, unable to comprehend the feelings behind such a thing. He could respect it, yes, but the dhampir's mind couldn't completely wrap around this 'human' thing. He could only watch on from afar.

Having something to protect could make you stronger, he had read that before. But not having anything to protect meant there was nothing to lose. If Alucard died, nothing would be lost. The world would simply continue moving on, and nobody would mourn for him. Sometimes, he didn't mind that was the truth. The demons that worshiped him sided with his father, after all. Perhaps he could have a spot of lunch with the Grim Reaper, who never seemed to mind his presence, despite him having opposed the great vampire king.


"Pardon? ... None that I am aware of, no."

Allergies? Him? He almost laughed.

"I sincerely hope you are not drawing my blood, Cagliostro. Vampire blood can be contagious..."

@Hana @Crow @Josh M @Azuremoon @Verite

"Thank you."

She simply took the vial of potion from the dhampir, gingerly withdrawing it from his hand and staring down at the shiny red liquid swishing inside. For once, Hakuei didn't know what to say with Alucard. Both of them were among the unfortunate audience of this tragic play, where Clark and Lana were the perfect players of the roles Lex Luthor had set up out of malice. They had just witnessed a tragedy with their own eyes and seen a strong man shatter like glass, their friend was possibly also crumbling at the edges with him, and what were they to do? They were possibly monsters now, they had been tainted by whatever treachery lay in that mist.

Hakuei sighed and uncorked the bottle, taking a small sip. She did not drain all of it, the strange taste only a distant thought in her mind. The rush of stored energy within the potion came as expected, yet she still felt weary from seeing what she had.

"... I think Lady Riesbyfe should also try this."

The silver-haired knight needed it more than the princess did at the moment. She could still feel Riesbyfe leaning heavily against her now that all was said and done and Lana was dead. With a nod towards the knight, Hakuei offered the rest of the health potion to her. She had only taken a couple of gulps.

Listening to Clark's words about his youth with Lana, the princess could only bow her head out of acknowledgement to his grief, somber and solemn-eyed. She couldn't understand the feeling of losing a lover, but losing a loved one had been an experience she already passed through.

Noticing the dhampir looking silently towards them, she could only wonder at what he was thinking about. His face was passive as ever, but one could only take a look at his eyes to know he was in deep thought. The emotions weren't clear to her, but she still spoke to him anyway.

"Have you ever loved anyone, Alucard?"

They weren't able to continue their discussion when the alchemist came. Hakuei glanced at him before letting the subject drop.

Cagliostro's intervention was an almost welcome distraction no matter how terrible the thought was, and Hakuei nodded tentatively towards the alchemist.

"If it's anything that can help us solve this, I would gladly help. But Lady Riesbyfe could stand to be watched by someone else."

@Sen @Azuremoon @Verite @Crow @Josh M @EastHall
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