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Lucifer looked at the dimly lit hallway. " Looks we have to split again to cover all possible routes. If anyone cares to know, I am going to the right. I imagine you can pick your own paths," he said.

Linda looked over at him. " If Lucifer is going right, I will be going left. If you want to follow me, by all means, do so. It's your choice though."

@Jeremi @Gands @penguin055 @Darkseide @Westhall (Lucifer to right, Linda to left)
"That you did." She remarked, adjusting her gun to fire again...but stayed away from actually pulling the trigger just yet. That it was someone personal to Clark didn't much faze her. The fact that if or when he came back to full strength, he wouldn't be fond of her. That did faze her. Would that be enough to push even a boyscout over...she weighed the risk. Whether baldy was telling the truth or not changed the outcome. If she killed this Lana and it was all for nothing but a lie...the judgement would be more severe.

If it stopped two of their own from dying...less so.

But second guessing herself on every little thing wouldn't get them anywhere either.


"What kind of crappy drug are you on? Everyone is a diamond that hasn't been found yet? What a bunch of bs. The street I live on? The neighbor across likes little girls, if ya get what I mean. Hardly a day goes by where ya can't catch him with binoculars. 4 doors down? Druggie, rumor is she sliced her mom just for refusing to give a little cash. Killers...and yes, even me. Killing for the greater good. Ya want to live in your fantasy world, that's fine, but I live in reality. Not everyone's a diamond in the rough. Idealistic speeches are one thing, but are ya willing to save the one if it does mean two others die? Doesn't add up."

@Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @Josh M @york
Lucio turned to Jinx, his coy smile becoming more genuine as he listened to her rebuttal.


"See, keepin' my head up is one thing, but even I know that no matter what turns out in this deal, someone is gonna have to go the next round. It might not be two-- could be only be one of us, if someone ends up...going with the deal -- but someone is still gonna die unless we get a miracle, or we find a way to get outta this deal Luthor has us in."

"Me, personally? If I have to go, I'd go knowing that I'm not the one who took another persons life away. That is my own way of seeing it. And, man, as much as I want to, I can't convince everyone else here to think the same way. We aren't all from the same neighborhood, you know? Can't call everyone here 'innocent', but they do it for their own reasons and they get whats comin' to them-- for better or for worse. Can't say what its gonna be 'till it comes. I'd say a person who goes through the effort to change themselves from the bad is better than a person who's just born good."

Lucio shrugged, seemingly deflecting Jinx's negative response in one fell swoop.

"And thats alright! Different people, who cares? You jus' do you, Jinx!"

"You do you."


The girl's fist clenched and the candle that had dropped towards the back of the neck of this revealed 'Lana Lang'. The candle stopped right above her spin and flung back up towards the other two and Road fell back to the ground. Why had she spared Lana? It was not to save Clark's feelings. It was not to take the moral high-ground. Hell, she didn't even disagree with Lex. In fact, she'd been on the other side of this. She'd kidnapped the Holy Knight Lena Lee and won over that Allen Walker by merely dressing the girl like a doll and threatening her soul.


In this battle, she simply didn't want to give Lex the pleasure. *He* was what she'd felt down this hall. This man correlated to *something* from her world, and the mere aura of his misdeeds were trying to pry the darkness out of her. She could trap Clark in her Dream and nail that filthy Knight-lady to the ground like their damned false prophet hung on that cross. A grin slowly began to sprawl across the small girl's lips before the right side of her face pulled back and she spasmed before shaking her head.


Road's fate was left in her world. She didn't need to follow the darkness to achieve her self-worth, and this man - regardless her admiration for his ability to face them all with a grin, despite his filthy humanity. If even she'd encountered Lex hours later Road might have betrayed all of them just for the fun, but her meeting with Alucard, Hakuei and... possibly even Clark - and Lucio... had changed her. With her arms at her side, Road stepped forward, that evil grin gone a determined look on her face.

"I think, seeing as our dear, filthy knight and boy scout are unable to speak - I will suggest a third option, Mr. Luthor. I kill you. All of us be damned."

"How's that trade sound rich boy? Sure... we all die, but the last thing I'm gonna see and hear is your inner wuss begging to be spared, or pleading Umbrella to kill me faster"

This was a gamble, and Road had a good poker face. Her lips were pulled back into a grin that had given the Noah their title as demons. Devils. The grin of a Millennium Earl. Lex was no Tyki, no matter how much she wanted him to be. She was sure he valued his life far too much for it to be wasted here.

Road suddenly flickered out of existence. The words she'd spoke might lead one to believe she actually was going to risk their lives, but she didn't. Instead, when she reappeared, it was behind the group, with Clark, a good distance away in response to this Lana-girl's pleads. Her threat still stood, and Road really wanted to see this man fold, like a cowards.

"Luu-..." she suddenly called out -to Lucio of all people- "I'm sure Clark will be fine but... I don't know, can your music help him? Make him better faster or something?"

@Josh M @Sen @Hana @CrunchyCHEEZIT @C.T. @Crow @Verite @Kaykay @york @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

@Josh M
Lucio would be lying if he said he wasn't surprised that Road decided to speak to him after everything that happened not too long ago. His face was a mixture of surprise and guilt, being reminded of the things he said to Road. Truthfully, that was a moment in which Lucio lost a lot of the respect he built up with the group. Hard to say if everyone -- let alone Road herself -- is gonna put it behind them. Because Lucio wont.

Still, heads up.

Glancing down at Clark and back up at Road, he nodded.

"'Course it can help him! If we ever make a move on Luthor, you know I'll get everyone up and goin'. S'what I'm all about!"

@Azuremoon @Sen @Hana @Josh M @Verite @Hospes @Kaykay @Crow @york @C.T.

The hall was huge and if they looked up they'd spot that there was an upperfloor area in the dining hall as well. While the main area didn't have much of interest in it to the right of the fireplace they'd find another door that lead them into a hallway.


The hall was dimly lit, but you saw that you could head to the left or the right.​

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Gands @penguin055 @Darkseide @Westhall

Lucifer looked at the dimly lit hallway. " Looks we have to split again to cover all possible routes. If anyone cares to know, I am going to the right. I imagine you can pick your own paths," he said.

Linda looked over at him. " If Lucifer is going right, I will be going left. If you want to follow me, by all means, do so. It's your choice though."

@Jeremi @Gands @penguin055 @Darkseide @Westhall (Lucifer to right, Linda to left)
Domon walked into the hallway, noticing even more artwork on the walls. It didn't catch his interest, however, so he simply looked it over for a moment. "I'll head left with the lady. I don't think it's safe for an unarmed woman to walk around here alone."

@Jeremi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Gands @WestHall
"Can't say what its gonna be 'till it comes. I'd say a person who goes through the effort to change themselves from the bad is better than a person who's just born good."
"Ya think so, huh?" Her tone was less mocking and more genuinely questioning at this point. "Interestin' idea you got there...but on the other hand, it isn't just black and white either. You always gotta have the one who's willing to do the bad things for the greater good. Not just my street, not just my world, not just my universe...all universes need people like that. The ones, like me, willing to sink their hands into the dirt so others, like you, can keep theirs clean. Basic role I serve on my team...aside just being fun. Y'know how it goes. Er well...maybe that's just me there. Heh heh heh/"
" Shirou, right? I don't think could be nearly as bad Lex Luthor even if you tried. Lex isn't a man you can trust. I married him, I know him. He'll stab you the back and in the front for good measure. I know he's lying to you. What you need to figure out is simple; is he lying about only two people dying if I don't die, or that no one will die if you do kill me? Lex Luthor isn't human."
"And if he's telling the truth? Not like he's trying to sell us on him as a saint spreading joy and peace, he's asking us to kill somebody. Somebody he hates apparently. What does he get out of lying? I don't see it. And when it comes down to it, I'm standing here and thinking: hell, I'd rather be the one who killed one instead of letting two die. And if I'm wrong completely and baldy over there really is lying through his teeth..." She shrugged.

"Well not like any of you have any great respect for me anyways. So if you don't mind..." Jinx lifted her gun once more.
If going to die. I rather die for something good."
"Doesn't get much better than this." Jinx stared into the other's eyes for a few seconds before trying to shoot again. Just her doing her.

@Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @Josh M @york
Pouring the Whiskey into a cup, and handing to Shirou, Lex shook his head.

"Proof. I don't have proof that will make you happy. You're going to trust me. As much as Clark and Lana will call for not. Can you afford not to trust me? That's a question should ask."

Lana rolled her eyes heavily as she looked at Shirou.

" Shirou, right? I don't think could be nearly as bad Lex Luthor even if you tried. Lex isn't a man you can trust. I married him, I know him. He'll stab you the back and in the front for good measure. I know he's lying to you. What you need to figure out is simple; is he lying about only two people dying if I don't die, or that no one will die if you do kill me? Lex Luthor isn't human."

"And Clark is?"

"Clark is more human than anyone of us.."

Lana's word's cut into Lex like a hot knife in butter A visible distance look was clear on Lex's face. Taking a breath, Lex coldcocked Lana in the face . Blood lightly covering Shirou's face.


Spiting blood, Lana seemed to take that punch like a champ.

"I'm fine. Shirou, I don't want to die, but.... let's be frank, I think I'm already dead. As you can see, we're not all Clark. I don't expect to be spared. If going to die. I rather die for something good."
Shirou paused for a moment, only moving to take out a cigarette and light it up. Inhale, exhale. A puff of smoke drifted towards the sky as he raised his gun.

"Only two, huh?"

So it was likely more would die. Of course, he could be lying about sparing any of them, but in that case it didn't matter whether he fired or not. She certainly couldn't defend herself from this man if he killed them all anyway. That left only one thing to do.

"...Is that so. Didn't know you very long, but that's a respectable attitude ain't it. Adios, Lana. Oh, and yeah. The name's Shirou. Shirou Yusa."

Everyone else's opinion on the matter was ignored.


He pressed the muzzle to her heart and pulled the trigger, an explosive noise ringing out as a .50 caliber bullet buried itself into Lana's chest. The blood from before became indistinguishable form the absolute bloodbath that covered the redhead now. Just at about the same time Jinx fired. Seemed the two had had the same idea at the same time.

Shifting his gaze Lex's way, a smirk appeared on his blood-stained face.

"So? What's it gonna be? Gonna be honest, or are we all gonna die here together?"

@Josh M @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon
James Proudstar. Warpath

James had been quiet through the dining hall his nose open for scents, his eyes for things out of place. Part of him was still suspicious, and part of his mind dismissed Lucifer as to obvious. Still, time will tell...

" Right behind you Lucifer "

@Jeremi @penguin055 @LuckycoolHawk9
"Ya think so, huh?" Her tone was less mocking and more genuinely questioning at this point. "Interestin' idea you got there...but on the other hand, it isn't just black and white either. You always gotta have the one who's willing to do the bad things for the greater good. Not just my street, not just my world, not just my universe...all universes need people like that. The ones, like me, willing to sink their hands into the dirt so others, like you, can keep theirs clean. Basic role I serve on my team...aside just being fun. Y'know how it goes. Er well...maybe that's just me there. Heh heh heh/"

"And if he's telling the truth? Not like he's trying to sell us on him as a saint spreading joy and peace, he's asking us to kill somebody. Somebody he hates apparently. What does he get out of lying? I don't see it. And when it comes down to it, I'm standing here and thinking: hell, I'd rather be the one who killed one instead of letting two die. And if I'm wrong completely and baldy over there really is lying through his teeth..." She shrugged.

"Well not like any of you have any great respect for me anyways. So if you don't mind..." Jinx lifted her gun once more.

"Doesn't get much better than this." Jinx stared into the other's eyes for a few seconds before trying to shoot again. Just her doing her.

@Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @Josh M @york
Shirou paused for a moment, only moving to take out a cigarette and light it up. Inhale, exhale. A puff of smoke drifted towards the sky as he raised his gun.

"Only two, huh?"

So it was likely more would die. Of course, he could be lying about sparing any of them, but in that case it didn't matter whether he fired or not. She certainly couldn't defend herself from this man if he killed them all anyway. That left only one thing to do.

"...Is that so. Didn't know you very long, but that's a respectable attitude ain't it. Adios, Lana. Oh, and yeah. The name's Shirou. Shirou Yusa."

Everyone else's opinion on the matter was ignored.


He pressed the muzzle to her heart and pulled the trigger, an explosive noise ringing out as a .50 caliber bullet buried itself into Lana's chest. The blood from before became indistinguishable form the absolute bloodbath that covered the redhead now. Just at about the same time Jinx fired. Seemed the two had had the same idea at the same time.

Shifting his gaze Lex's way, a smirk appeared on his blood-stained face.

"So? What's it gonna be? Gonna be honest, or are we all gonna die here together?"

@Josh M @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon
As Jinx's attack Clark would aim his heat vision at Jinx's bullet. It did work, However Shirou's attempt was a success. Hitting Lana in the chest. Blood oozed on he floor. As the blood it the floor, Lex coved himself with a gas mask as a mist came from the air vent

"I lied Shirou. The traitor were going to kill four. Now they'll just kill one Congrats. Now that mist you see? I've now infected you all with the T- virus. Consider this a my insurance.'


Walking to the Knight Riesbyfe, Lex snatched the rosary as he turned to Clark. Lex's smirk devilishly , leaving the view of the group. The young man of steel stood still, shocked. Rushing to her as soon he could, Clark would untie her, she still alive, but her breath was heavy

"Stay with me Lana. Don't worry Lucio! I nee-"

Lana lifted her hand, softly putting it on his face. A slight smile appeared, masking the clear pain.

"It's okay, Clark. You're going to be okay. "

Clark's teared up as the two stared at each other. The breathing from Lana got started to get more heavy. Gasping, Lana fought to say one final sentence.

"I love Clark, Just promise me you won't let this world bring you dow--"

Lana stopped. The lights went out and Clark couldn't her the beating of her heart. Clark's froze as everyone would him yelling. Lex watched nearby, Smirking.

@Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon
Last edited:
As Jinx's attack Clark would aim his heat vision at Jinx's bullet. It did work, However Shirou's attempt was a success. Hitting Lana in the chest. Blood oozed on he floor. As the blood it the floor, Lex coved himself with a gas mask as a mist came from the air vent

"I lied Shirou. The traitor were going to kill four. Now they'll just kill one Congrats. Now that mist you see? I've now infected you all with the T- virus. Consider this a my insurance.'


Walking to the Knight Riesbyfe, Lex snatched the rosary as he turned to Clark. Lex's smirk peevishly before leaving The young man of steel stood still. Rushing to her as soon he could, Clark would untie her, she still alive, but her breath was heavy

"Stay with me Lana. Don't worry Lucio! I nee-"

Lana lifted her hand, softly putting it on his face. A slight smile appeared, masking the clear pain.

"It's okay, Clark. You're going to be okay. "

Clark's teared up as the two stared at each other. The breathing from Lana got started to get more heavy. Gasping, Lana fought to say one final sentence.

"I love Clark, Just promise me you won't let this world bring you dow--"

Lana stopped. The lights went out and Clark couldn't her the beating of her heart. Clark's froze as everyone would him yelling. Lex watched nearby, Smirking.

@Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon

"... no."

Blake tried his best to not attack Lana, but it turned out that people in their group gone and killed her anyways. Was he that stupid to not do anything at all? To prevent this from happening? No, the world was cruel. He heard those words from a certain someone he couldn't remember at the moment, but he could've sworn that he heard those words ever so clearly all those years back.

"PWM activate. Battle protocol 02!"

He didn't seem to catch onto the fact that they were also infected by some virus, but he was started to be blinded by the anger that he held in for a time. He didn't know the whole story revolving between Clark and Lana, but he could resonate in the same anger that Clark was probably feeling right now. The feeling of losing someone because of another. He feared that happening to his sisters, but with this, he feared and loathed the idea of anyone that he grew close to here to be hurt.

Gripping onto the hilt of his projected sword so tightly, Blake fiercely charged after Lex, not thinking so wisely on the fact that he was leaving the area.


Hollering at the top of his lungs, Blake felt a tinge of static buzz in his ears, almost like how he felt when arriving into the hands of Umbrella not too long ago. He ignored it though, he had much more important things to attend to apparently.

@Kaykay @Josh M @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon
Pushing a button, Lex put Blake on the floor in a world of pain

"Don't worry. I'm not really leaving. No. I'm just getting myself another drink. Victory is sweet, so why now a drink?"
"Ya think so, huh?" Her tone was less mocking and more genuinely questioning at this point. "Interestin' idea you got there...but on the other hand, it isn't just black and white either. You always gotta have the one who's willing to do the bad things for the greater good. Not just my street, not just my world, not just my universe...all universes need people like that. The ones, like me, willing to sink their hands into the dirt so others, like you, can keep theirs clean. Basic role I serve on my team...aside just being fun. Y'know how it goes. Er well...maybe that's just me there. Heh heh heh/"

"And if he's telling the truth? Not like he's trying to sell us on him as a saint spreading joy and peace, he's asking us to kill somebody. Somebody he hates apparently. What does he get out of lying? I don't see it. And when it comes down to it, I'm standing here and thinking: hell, I'd rather be the one who killed one instead of letting two die. And if I'm wrong completely and baldy over there really is lying through his teeth..." She shrugged.

"Well not like any of you have any great respect for me anyways. So if you don't mind..." Jinx lifted her gun once more.

"Doesn't get much better than this." Jinx stared into the other's eyes for a few seconds before trying to shoot again. Just her doing her.

@Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @Josh M @york
Shirou paused for a moment, only moving to take out a cigarette and light it up. Inhale, exhale. A puff of smoke drifted towards the sky as he raised his gun.

"Only two, huh?"

So it was likely more would die. Of course, he could be lying about sparing any of them, but in that case it didn't matter whether he fired or not. She certainly couldn't defend herself from this man if he killed them all anyway. That left only one thing to do.

"...Is that so. Didn't know you very long, but that's a respectable attitude ain't it. Adios, Lana. Oh, and yeah. The name's Shirou. Shirou Yusa."

Everyone else's opinion on the matter was ignored.


He pressed the muzzle to her heart and pulled the trigger, an explosive noise ringing out as a .50 caliber bullet buried itself into Lana's chest. The blood from before became indistinguishable form the absolute bloodbath that covered the redhead now. Just at about the same time Jinx fired. Seemed the two had had the same idea at the same time.

Shifting his gaze Lex's way, a smirk appeared on his blood-stained face.

"So? What's it gonna be? Gonna be honest, or are we all gonna die here together?"

@Josh M @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon
As Jinx's attack Clark would aim his heat vision at Jinx's bullet. It did work, However Shirou's attempt was a success. Hitting Lana in the chest. Blood oozed on he floor. As the blood it the floor, Lex coved himself with a gas mask as a mist came from the air vent

"I lied Shirou. The traitor were going to kill four. Now they'll just kill one Congrats. Now that mist you see? I've now infected you all with the T- virus. Consider this a my insurance.'


Walking to the Knight Riesbyfe, Lex snatched the rosary as he turned to Clark. Lex's smirk peevishly before leaving The young man of steel stood still. Rushing to her as soon he could, Clark would untie her, she still alive, but her breath was heavy

"Stay with me Lana. Don't worry Lucio! I nee-"

Lana lifted her hand, softly putting it on his face. A slight smile appeared, masking the clear pain.

"It's okay, Clark. You're going to be okay. "

Clark's teared up as the two stared at each other. The breathing from Lana got started to get more heavy. Gasping, Lana fought to say one final sentence.

"I love Clark, Just promise me you won't let this world bring you dow--"

Lana stopped. The lights went out and Clark couldn't her the beating of her heart. Clark's froze as everyone would him yelling. Lex watched nearby, Smirking.

@Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon

"You two - stop-!"

She tensed up as she saw Jinx take a shot at the defenseless woman. Almost jostling Riesbyfe who was still leaning for support against her, Hakuei flung out a hand holding on to her fan. Coinciding with Clark's heat vision, the princess sent a sharp gust of wind to throw the bullets off its path.

She could, however, do nothing as Shirou placed his own gun against Lana's chest.

The shot still rang in her ears after it was made.

Eyes wide, she lowered a trembling hand that held tightly on to Paimon for support. The djinn was strangely silent, no feelings coming forth through her bond with her. She wasn't breathing, eyes straying to the blood that pooled on the ground around Lana.


As the mist came out, though, Hakuei narrowed her eyes and flicked at the mist that tried to surround her. Infected by the mist?

Lex was a fool if he thought she was going to let that just happen when she had command over the winds.

Unleashing a blast of wind, Hakuei blew apart the forming mist from herself and the people next to her, forcing it back into the air vents from whence it came.

"Scatter that mist, Paimon!"

As Jinx's attack Clark would aim his heat vision at Jinx's bullet. It did work, However Shirou's attempt was a success. Hitting Lana in the chest. Blood oozed on he floor. As the blood it the floor, Lex coved himself with a gas mask as a mist came from the air vent

"I lied Shirou. The traitor were going to kill four. Now they'll just kill one Congrats. Now that mist you see? I've now infected you all with the T- virus. Consider this a my insurance.'


Walking to the Knight Riesbyfe, Lex snatched the rosary as he turned to Clark. Lex's smirk devilishly , leaving the view of the group. The young man of steel stood still, shocked. Rushing to her as soon he could, Clark would untie her, she still alive, but her breath was heavy

"Stay with me Lana. Don't worry Lucio! I nee-"

Lana lifted her hand, softly putting it on his face. A slight smile appeared, masking the clear pain.

"It's okay, Clark. You're going to be okay. "

Clark's teared up as the two stared at each other. The breathing from Lana got started to get more heavy. Gasping, Lana fought to say one final sentence.

"I love Clark, Just promise me you won't let this world bring you dow--"

Lana stopped. The lights went out and Clark couldn't her the beating of her heart. Clark's froze as everyone would him yelling. Lex watched nearby, Smirking.

@Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon

"You two - stop-!"

She tensed up as she saw Jinx take a shot at the defenseless woman. Almost jostling Riesbyfe who was still leaning for support against her, Hakuei flung out a hand holding on to her fan. Coinciding with Clark's heat vision, the princess sent a sharp gust of wind to throw the bullets off its path.

She could, however, do nothing as Shirou placed his own gun against Lana's chest.

The shot still rang in her ears after it was made.

Eyes wide, she lowered a trembling hand that held tightly on to Paimon for support. The djinn was strangely silent, no feelings coming forth through her bond with her. She wasn't breathing, eyes straying to the blood that pooled on the ground around Lana.


As the mist came out, though, Hakuei narrowed her eyes and flicked at the mist that tried to surround her. Infected by the mist?

Lex was a fool if he thought she was going to let that just happen when she had command over the winds.

Unleashing a blast of wind, Hakuei blew apart the forming mist from herself and the people next to her, forcing it back into the air vents from whence it came.

"Scatter that mist, Paimon!"


"As I thought. People like you cannot be trusted."
As soon as the dhampir spotted the mist, he brought his cloak to his nose and mouth, hoping to at least falter its effects for a while. He held his breath just as Hakuei summoned a great wind, blowing the mist around them away. Looking at the others, others at the other end of the hall where the winds could not reach, the dhampir decided to help them. He might get killed, he might prematurely end his mission, but the dhampir was suddenly overcome with the need to protect those who had been stuck with him in this situation since the beginning.

Covering himself with his cloak, the man shifted into the form of a giant bat, bigger than any bird and any of his kind, a wingspan that covered almost half the room when outstretched.

With a screech, the bat took flight, holding in its breath as it flew across the hall, flapping its wings to dispel the mist around those not near Hakuei.


Road flashed her eyes at Shirou - her first interaction with them yet - looking up only in time to see Lana fall and the gas begin to fill the room. At first, she didn't worry. Why would she? It seemed to be a repilca of her world's Akuma virus. She soon learned otherwise. The effects on the Noah, at least the immediate, were different for her. A pattern of black skin marks, shapped like stars began to spread along her body - her visible skin being covered, From head to toe. Then came mild cell degradation versus her healing factor.

Road's body spasmed in the quick shock of pain and she fell to her knees with her head pressing against the hall floor before doubling onto her side. The pain spasms did not cease instantly but slowly repressed themselves thanks to her healing factor. Road pushed herself back up - it all felt like needle tips were within her skin. It made her lips pull back in more spasms. Her elbows almost went out, but she found her feet somehow to find Clark over his fallen love.

Road's mouth tasted like copper and she despised it more than the things Lucio had said to her in the other room.


Something about the T-Virus had activated the Akuma Virus in her, and it was affecting her as if she was human. Her body was slowly eroding, and if she wasn't a Noah she'd already be an Akuma. That would've been ironic.


"You two - stop-!"

She tensed up as she saw Jinx take a shot at the defenseless woman. Almost jostling Riesbyfe who was still leaning for support against her, Hakuei flung out a hand holding on to her fan. Coinciding with Clark's heat vision, the princess sent a sharp gust of wind to throw the bullets off its path.

She could, however, do nothing as Shirou placed his own gun against Lana's chest.

The shot still rang in her ears after it was made.

Eyes wide, she lowered a trembling hand that held tightly on to Paimon for support. The djinn was strangely silent, no feelings coming forth through her bond with her. She wasn't breathing, eyes straying to the blood that pooled on the ground around Lana.


As the mist came out, though, Hakuei narrowed her eyes and flicked at the mist that tried to surround her. Infected by the mist?

Lex was a fool if he thought she was going to let that just happen when she had command over the winds.

Unleashing a blast of wind, Hakuei blew apart the forming mist from herself and the people next to her, forcing it back into the air vents from whence it came.

"Scatter that mist, Paimon!"

It was unfortunate Road had moved Clark and she hadn't still been near Hakuei and Alucard. Hakuei had acted quickly and might've saved them. Road didn't hide behind them this time. This virus might infect by proximity.

Instead, Road vanished again, this time making true on her threat. At least halfway. The Noah reached the bald man, confident in his victory, coming through space through another one of her doorways. All it would take was one touch. If she could grab him, the cellular weakness would release the Akuma virus into the man. Eye for an eye.

The Door, in her weakened state ate away at her body and when she appeared she looked as if the T-Virus had already turned her into a zombie.


@Josh M @Sen @Hana @C.T. @Verite
Pushing a button, Lex put Blake on the floor in a world of pain

"Don't worry. I'm not really leaving. No. I'm just getting myself another drink. Victory is sweet, so why now a drink?"
Like a truck had ran into him, Blake collapsed the moment that he felt the unbelievable pain strike through his body. It was almost like having his entire body worn out in a single second, not even giving him the breather to feel numb. On his hands and knees as his projected sword slid across the room, Blake still struggled to get himself together, to stand up and fight... but it was too much for him.

He wasn't a hero after all, only a killer who kills killers...

Every time he tried getting up, he would lose his strength and roughly fall to the ground again. Foolish enough, Blake continued trying anyways, not even considering the fact that he was probably slowly killing himself.

The more and more he tried, the pain intensified. Not only did this pain reduce his strength to nothing of note, Blake's judgment numbed away every time the pain radiated in him. All he could think about was how he was going to kill Lex. About how he was going to tear Umbrella apart. About how he was going to get rid of every threat possible.

Because he wanted to protect people. That was his justification for such thinking.

Someone should probably stop Blake before this gets worse.

@easthallpeeps @mobile post​
As Jinx's attack Clark would aim his heat vision at Jinx's bullet. It did work, However Shirou's attempt was a success. Hitting Lana in the chest. Blood oozed on he floor. As the blood it the floor, Lex coved himself with a gas mask as a mist came from the air vent

"I lied Shirou. The traitor were going to kill four. Now they'll just kill one Congrats. Now that mist you see? I've now infected you all with the T- virus. Consider this a my insurance.'


Walking to the Knight Riesbyfe, Lex snatched the rosary as he turned to Clark. Lex's smirk devilishly , leaving the view of the group. The young man of steel stood still, shocked. Rushing to her as soon he could, Clark would untie her, she still alive, but her breath was heavy

"Stay with me Lana. Don't worry Lucio! I nee-"

Lana lifted her hand, softly putting it on his face. A slight smile appeared, masking the clear pain.

"It's okay, Clark. You're going to be okay. "

Clark's teared up as the two stared at each other. The breathing from Lana got started to get more heavy. Gasping, Lana fought to say one final sentence.

"I love Clark, Just promise me you won't let this world bring you dow--"

Lana stopped. The lights went out and Clark couldn't her the beating of her heart. Clark's froze as everyone would him yelling. Lex watched nearby, Smirking.

@Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon


"You two - stop-!"

She tensed up as she saw Jinx take a shot at the defenseless woman. Almost jostling Riesbyfe who was still leaning for support against her, Hakuei flung out a hand holding on to her fan. Coinciding with Clark's heat vision, the princess sent a sharp gust of wind to throw the bullets off its path.

She could, however, do nothing as Shirou placed his own gun against Lana's chest.

The shot still rang in her ears after it was made.

Eyes wide, she lowered a trembling hand that held tightly on to Paimon for support. The djinn was strangely silent, no feelings coming forth through her bond with her. She wasn't breathing, eyes straying to the blood that pooled on the ground around Lana.


As the mist came out, though, Hakuei narrowed her eyes and flicked at the mist that tried to surround her. Infected by the mist?

Lex was a fool if he thought she was going to let that just happen when she had command over the winds.

Unleashing a blast of wind, Hakuei blew apart the forming mist from herself and the people next to her, forcing it back into the air vents from whence it came.

"Scatter that mist, Paimon!"


"As I thought. People like you cannot be trusted."
As soon as the dhampir spotted the mist, he brought his cloak to his nose and mouth, hoping to at least falter its effects for a while. He held his breath just as Hakuei summoned a great wind, blowing the mist around them away. Looking at the others, others at the other end of the hall where the winds could not reach, the dhampir decided to help them. He might get killed, he might prematurely end his mission, but the dhampir was suddenly overcome with the need to protect those who had been stuck with him in this situation since the beginning.

Covering himself with his cloak, the man shifted into the form of a giant bat, bigger than any bird and any of his kind, a wingspan that covered almost half the room when outstretched.

With a screech, the bat took flight, holding in its breath as it flew across the hall, flapping its wings to dispel the mist around those not near Hakuei.


Road flashed her eyes at Shirou - her first interaction with them yet - looking up only in time to see Lana fall and the gas begin to fill the room. At first, she didn't worry. Why would she? It seemed to be a repilca of her world's Akuma virus. She soon learned otherwise. The effects on the Noah, at least the immediate, were different for her. A pattern of black skin marks, shapped like stars began to spread along her body - her visible skin being covered, From head to toe. Then came mild cell degradation versus her healing factor.

Road's body spasmed in the quick shock of pain and she fell to her knees with her head pressing against the hall floor before doubling onto her side. The pain spasms did not cease instantly but slowly repressed themselves thanks to her healing factor. Road pushed herself back up - it all felt like needle tips were within her skin. It made her lips pull back in more spasms. Her elbows almost went out, but she found her feet somehow to find Clark over his fallen love.

Road's mouth tasted like copper and she despised it more than the things Lucio had said to her in the other room.


Something about the T-Virus had activated the Akuma Virus in her, and it was affecting her as if she was human. Her body was slowly eroding, and if she wasn't a Noah she'd already be an Akuma. That would've been ironic.

It was unfortunate Road had moved Clark and she hadn't still been near Hakuei and Alucard. Hakuei had acted quickly and might've saved them. Road didn't hide behind them this time. This virus might infect by proximity.

Instead, Road vanished again, this time making true on her threat. At least halfway. The Noah reached the bald man, confident in his victory, coming through space through another one of her doorways. All it would take was one touch. If she could grab him, the cellular weakness would release the Akuma virus into the man. Eye for an eye.

The Door, in her weakened state ate away at her body and when she appeared she looked as if the T-Virus had already turned her into a zombie.


@Josh M @Sen @Hana @C.T. @Verite


"Hey Baldy!" Cagliostro mocks Lex Luthor's lack of hair. "Do you honestly think that a little virus can stop the number one cutest, genius, beautiful alchemist?"

Cagliostro covers her mouth and nose as she began to set the viral mist on fire along with Hakuei and Alucard's winds, producing burning winds to incinerate and sweep.

"I despise those who lie!"

Using her alchemic abilities, Cagliostro nano-analyzed and deconstructed a good deal of the viral mist, causing the virus to turn into mere molecules and atoms, as well as having a look at the virus' chemical structure and composition from a molecular level.

Next, Cagliostro conjures her partner Ouroboros once again.

"Now Ouroboros, take it away!"

Ouroboros then rose into the air, firing a black hole-like pillar onto the floor to suck in and decimate any of the remaining T-virus in the mist.

But it was too late - the virus had claimed others, like Road. Did it?


"Road'll be A-OK~ Count on me to find a remedy to this~" Cagliostro bubbled, then grimly growled. "After we get out of this predicament, that is! In mere seconds, we're going to have to fight zombies.

And of course, Lex is still human, he has room in his heart to lie."

Cagliostro looks at Road for a bit as she acted on Lex Luthor.

"What is she doing? She- oh! I'm starting to like Road. Well, more than I did a while back, anyways.

@Josh M @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @Crow @Kaykay @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Hospes @Azuremoon @york

The sound of swerving hardlight skates broke the tense moments of silence that stood between Lex and the group. Lucio emerged from behind Blake, slowly moving ahead and flipping his Sound Amplifier up and down. His expression was a mixture of steadfast determination and exhaustion. A coy smile was curled across his face, but it was the question of whether it was actually smiling in the face of Luthor himself, or smiling in the face of desperation.

"Nope, nada, nooooooo can do, man!"
When the group previously arrived in the re-decorated lobby, Lucio had gone down the East Hall like everyone else. For a talkative, bombastic guy, he was entirely silent when the rest of the group initially arrived to the scene of Riesbyfe and Clark-- the two strongest heroes of the team, fallen to the ground like puppets. Lucio came in late, otherwise he knew he'd be on the ground with the two of them.
The scene left him silent during the first half of the debate. Many had forgotten the DJ was even there. But, now, he emerges.
"Lemme get this straight, if you don't mind," Lucio responded, staring up at Lex in defiance. "So, the one thing that's stopping our team from whoopin' you back down into whatever costly mansion you crawled out with that fake suit, is this deal, right? See, I don't do wordy speeches-- that jus' ain't my noise, hm? It has no soul, no rhythm that gets people goin', so I'll jus' say my piece again, real quick for you.."
Lucio paused, catching something in his throat. He gave a hopeful glance to Clark and Riesbyfe, nodding and reinvigorating himself.
"...Aight, so, I lied about the speech part. Jus' this once...ahem..."
"Bein' here...with all these people...it opened my eyes up to the possibility of death."
"It's messed up. Everythin' about this is messed up. It ain't right. But, hey, we keep our heads up in this team! This isn't jus' because this woman is important to Clark, either! This is because I know that people, deep down, gotta be free, and under you, this woman isn't free. And, learnin' from the things I said..."

He glanced back to Road for a moment.
"Everyone, no matter who they are, has value. Everyone is a diamond that hasn't been found yet. Every life has got somethin' going for them, even if I'll never see them again in a million years. I forgot that for a lil' bit. Biggest mistake of my life, and if I don't end up dying after this then I'll be thinkin' about it for a loooong time after the shows over. But, I learned; and if I can, I'd do anythin' to let one live free, rather then die here like some kinda puppet."
"So, no. I say no. Let her live!"

@Gummi Bunnies @C.T. @Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @Josh M @york @East Hall​

"That you did." She remarked, adjusting her gun to fire again...but stayed away from actually pulling the trigger just yet. That it was someone personal to Clark didn't much faze her. The fact that if or when he came back to full strength, he wouldn't be fond of her. That did faze her. Would that be enough to push even a boyscout over...she weighed the risk. Whether baldy was telling the truth or not changed the outcome. If she killed this Lana and it was all for nothing but a lie...the judgement would be more severe.

If it stopped two of their own from dying...less so.

But second guessing herself on every little thing wouldn't get them anywhere either.


"What kind of crappy drug are you on? Everyone is a diamond that hasn't been found yet? What a bunch of bs. The street I live on? The neighbor across likes little girls, if ya get what I mean. Hardly a day goes by where ya can't catch him with binoculars. 4 doors down? Druggie, rumor is she sliced her mom just for refusing to give a little cash. Killers...and yes, even me. Killing for the greater good. Ya want to live in your fantasy world, that's fine, but I live in reality. Not everyone's a diamond in the rough. Idealistic speeches are one thing, but are ya willing to save the one if it does mean two others die? Doesn't add up."

@Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @Josh M @york

Alucard sighed. "I simply want to move on from this dilemma, it is causing far too much chaos. I will even volunteer to grab this woman, if not for the man's control on me... so he says." Having someone being able to cause him pain just like that knight... he frowned a little. "But I am not convinced Lady Lana is what Sir Lex claims she is, we know Umbrella is capable of many things."

"Personally I would sacrifice her - this has happened far too many times to me to count, my goals destroyed by fakes."

"But if you would all rather save her, then that is of no loss to me either. We are all targets to these traitors either way."


"I'm much more merciless than you are," Cagliostro speaks to Jinx, "but to perform action without neccessary analysis is something I will never do. It is the sign of an ignorant fool."

Cagliostro pulls Jinx towards her discussion with Alucard, Road and Hakuei.

"Well, Jinx, your selected option has two sides as well. The other side to it - as the traitor will not act on a kill, there will thus be less evidence of this traitor to work with, making them a little harder to deal with in the long run as they go about killing the two that would've been slain in the other option. In the second option, the traitor will leave evidence behind for us to investigate."

"A fake, you say?" Cagliostro ponders at Alucard's words. "Clark Kent should be able to tell, which would explain why Lex Luthor is trying to suppress him."​

@C.T. @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crow @Azuremoon @Sen @Hana @Josh M

@Verite @Kaykay @york @Klutzy Ninja Kitty



The girl's fist clenched and the candle that had dropped towards the back of the neck of this revealed 'Lana Lang'. The candle stopped right above her spin and flung back up towards the other two and Road fell back to the ground. Why had she spared Lana? It was not to save Clark's feelings. It was not to take the moral high-ground. Hell, she didn't even disagree with Lex. In fact, she'd been on the other side of this. She'd kidnapped the Holy Knight Lena Lee and won over that Allen Walker by merely dressing the girl like a doll and threatening her soul.


In this battle, she simply didn't want to give Lex the pleasure. *He* was what she'd felt down this hall. This man correlated to *something* from her world, and the mere aura of his misdeeds were trying to pry the darkness out of her. She could trap Clark in her Dream and nail that filthy Knight-lady to the ground like their damned false prophet hung on that cross. A grin slowly began to sprawl across the small girl's lips before the right side of her face pulled back and she spasmed before shaking her head.


Road's fate was left in her world. She didn't need to follow the darkness to achieve her self-worth, and this man - regardless her admiration for his ability to face them all with a grin, despite his filthy humanity. If even she'd encountered Lex hours later Road might have betrayed all of them just for the fun, but her meeting with Alucard, Hakuei and... possibly even Clark - and Lucio... had changed her. With her arms at her side, Road stepped forward, that evil grin gone a determined look on her face.

"I think, seeing as our dear, filthy knight and boy scout are unable to speak - I will suggest a third option, Mr. Luthor. I kill you. All of us be damned."

"How's that trade sound rich boy? Sure... we all die, but the last thing I'm gonna see and hear is your inner wuss begging to be spared, or pleading Umbrella to kill me faster"

This was a gamble, and Road had a good poker face. Her lips were pulled back into a grin that had given the Noah their title as demons. Devils. The grin of a Millennium Earl. Lex was no Tyki, no matter how much she wanted him to be. She was sure he valued his life far too much for it to be wasted here.

Road suddenly flickered out of existence. The words she'd spoke might lead one to believe she actually was going to risk their lives, but she didn't. Instead, when she reappeared, it was behind the group, with Clark, a good distance away in response to this Lana-girl's pleads. Her threat still stood, and Road really wanted to see this man fold, like a cowards.

"Luu-..." she suddenly called out -to Lucio of all people- "I'm sure Clark will be fine but... I don't know, can your music help him? Make him better faster or something?"

@Josh M @Sen @Hana @CrunchyCHEEZIT @C.T. @Crow @Verite @Kaykay @york @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

@Josh M

"M-My thanks, Miss Cagliostro, Miss Ren," Riesbyfe breathed as she continued to brave through the pain, breathing heavily as she leaned on Hakuei as instructed. Her breath was somewhat ragged, but it was still going, so at least that counted for something. It'd be quite a shame if she were to die at the hands of such a man who would resort to these kinds of tactics. An embarrassment to the other Holy Knights of the Church she'd be indeed.

She closed her eyes, as though attempting to conserve energy, though she couldn't help but focus her attention on what everyone around had to say of the matter, between Cagliostro, Hakuei, Shirou, Lucio, and others. Certainly, even Riesbyfe had to be able to find some validity within a piece of everyone's speeches. Knowing the deadly game that they were participating in for some time, as well as the interference of Lex Luthor, it was inevitable; no matter which choice the group would ultimately decide with, at least one more person would lose their life soon. And though it was her duty as a noble knight to protect as much as her power allowed, the truth was in this moment, she was powerless.

Riesbyfe Stridberg hated this feeling.

She hadn't felt this weak since only just when she'd first awakened from her slumber and Umbrella had implanted those infernal devices into her and everyone else, forcing her to fight on their behalf. She was tired of it. Tired of it all, but she couldn't do anything about it. She could only hope for the best, and achieve the best possible outcome with the hand that she was dealt. Even if it meant enduring the sacrifices that would have to be made.


"Indeed... There is little that the fire of anger cannot destroy, Lex Luthor," Riesbyfe grunted, "But there is also little else that it can do. It cannot build something out of what it has destroyed. Only forgiveness... Only love will set you free. I... I know this, not only as a woman of faith, but as a human, as an individual," she spoke defiantly as Lex rambled on for a small moment after brushing off her quote. It felt cliche, melodramatic, even by her own standards, but it was how she felt, here and now.

"I implore you once again... You do not have to do this. Too much blood has been shed, and it is all on Umbrella. You give us two choices that result in the loss of at least one life either way, but despite all the power that we have, only you have the power to end this without death. There is no need for any of this. There is no harmony to this meaningless conflict. And conflict without purpose is nothing but noise."

"I know not of the true extent of your relationship with Clark, but... I know him to be a good man. Naive, but... I've not met anyone as pure-hearted as he. He does not deserve this, and neither do you, whatever suffering you might have endured in the past... But even after all that, if you cannot... if you will not change your mind... Then I can only hope that everyone here will make the right decision. For even I know not what it might be."

With that, attempting to recover her strength, she moved her hand to the kryptonite rosary wrapped around her, attempting to crush one of the many green beads in her metal hand to the best of her ability. If she couldn't spare everyone pain by herself, she could only hope she'd at least be able to spare Clark whatever physical pain was afflicted to him by these green rocks.

@Azuremoon @Sen @Hana @Josh M @Kaykay @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crow @york @C.T. @EastHall

"Yet Umbrella was also able to turn Lady Azura into a traitor, which judging from her personality and those around her, is not usually of her nature. I suspect this organisation has access to technology many of us do not know much of." Alucard glanced at Lana. "As long as a fake does not slip up in replicating speech patterns and behaviour, anything can be believed."


The dhampir recalled the Succubus of Castlevania, whom had taken the form his mother. If not for a misquote in her attempt to rewrite Alucard's morals, the half-breed would have noticed at all.

"He may be so blinded by his love for this woman that seeing a lookalike renders his abilities to tell her apart useless. Look at him now, he is desperate."

He spoke in a low voice, only so that the alchemist, Hakuei, Road and Riesbyfe would hear. "If I were Sir Lex, who wanted to make Sir Clark suffer, would not employing a fake be a sufficient plan? Assuming we were to assist Sir Clark and save her, sacrificing more than one of us, would Sir Clark not feel guilty that he had been part of this decision? Even more so if she wasn't real - that it was all for none? And if the real Lady Lana was elsewhere, learning of his suffering, would she not also suffer?"


He was talking a lot, wasn't he? "Let me conclude that if Lady Lana is a fake without our knowledge, picking both options would make Sir Clark suffer either way. Save her, but sacrifice his own allies only to find out it was useless? Or kill her, effectively mentally scarring him by using a fake? He wouldn't know, would he? She appears to look the same, if we are assuming she is a fake."

"Simply my input."

@Crow @Azuremoon @Hana @Verite @Josh M
"Well hey, I'd take that," Shirou laughed. "Like some kinda macabre field trip. I mean, your proof's a bit shoddy. But alright, alright. For arguments' sake, let's say ya can and actually would keep your end of the bargain."

He pointed the barrel of his gun at his own head before continuing.

"The hell would be the point of that? None of the traitors kill us if we shoot her. Fine and dandy. But liaison or not, you're not a traitor. Gotta be in the group first to be a traitor against it. And if your little device is as potent as you say it is, then no reason you don't just kill us after we kill her. So like I said before. Proof. Whatcha got to ensure our safety from yourself, huh?"

His gun arm fell to his side, staring down the bald man. He heard everyone else speak. Lucio's positivity and desire to not allow any sacrifice. Jinx's stern rebuttal. Road's insane proposition. Riesbyfe's plea to humanity. In the end, everyone had their own opinion about this "deal." Colored by the life they'd tread, the routes in life they'd taken. Everyone was the main character of their own story, and valued different things. Had a different order of priorities.

Shirou was no different, which was why he raised his gun and rested its cold steel against the woman's temple.

"So c'mon, prove it. Get rid of that control and I blast her brains out. Unless you're saying, that controller isn't all you've said it is?" A sneer crossed his face as his eyes seemed to almost glow red.

After all, this deal didn't make any sense to begin with. If he was on their side and didn't want to harm them, this splitting of group morale didn't make any kind of sense. If he was the opposition and had control over all of them, he could just have them all dead on the spot. In other words, he was either insane or bluffing. Or, perhaps, even both.

As Lana seemed to almost verbally bite at him, Shirou couldn't help but chuckle. Certainly a spirited woman. He could appreciate that. Made it all the more painful to shoot her if it came down to it, but in the end he valued his and his allies' lives more. Strangely, he felt like he could handle Clark more easily than he could handle this bald egomaniac. There was no logic or basis for that feeling, but somehow, he felt like he knew that as though it were an indisputable fact.

"Yeah, all in one. I shoot ya, and save two of our lives. Would you say you're 'cool' with that? Think I'm no better than Lex here? Whatcha think, lady?"

@Azuremoon @Sen @Hana @Josh M @Verite @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crow @york @C.T.
Lex reaction to Roa's threat might some people. Looking Road in the eye, Lex called the woman's bluff.


"By all means, if you're willing Russian roulette, spin the chamber and let's see how it plays!'

The words come off so weird sincere. Like he was goading the woman, daring her to try. Like he wanted her to.

"I'm a Luthor, Riesbyfe. We have a habit of killing what we love. Also, if you take that neckless off before I say so, everyone dies. You should have guessed that."

Those word hung in the air as Lex dismissed the Woman's words. Going to the Bar, Lex fixed two whiskeys, One for him, and one for Shriou.

Pouring the Whiskey into a cup, and handing to Shirou, Lex shook his head.

"Proof. I don't have proof that will make you happy. You're going to trust me. As much as Clark and Lana will call for not. Can you afford not to trust me? That's a question should ask."

Lana rolled her eyes heavily as she looked at Shirou.

" Shirou, right? I don't think could be nearly as bad Lex Luthor even if you tried. Lex isn't a man you can trust. I married him, I know him. He'll stab you the back and in the front for good measure. I know he's lying to you. What you need to figure out is simple; is he lying about only two people dying if I don't die, or that no one will die if you do kill me? Lex Luthor isn't human."

"And Clark is?"

"Clark is more human than anyone of us.."

Lana's word's cut into Lex like a hot knife in butter A visible distance look was clear on Lex's face. Taking a breath, Lex coldcocked Lana in the face . Blood lightly covering Shirou's face.


Spiting blood, Lana seemed to take that punch like a champ.

"I'm fine. Shirou, I don't want to die, but.... let's be frank, I think I'm already dead. As you can see, we're not all Clark. I don't expect to be spared. If going to die. I rather die for something good."

@Azuremoon @Sen @Hana @Kaykay @Verite @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crow @york @C.T.

Clenching her hands under her chin, Senna would frown. She didn't like this situation and couldn't help but feel tense. "This doesn't feel right. We shouldn't be talking about killing anyone right now. Enough people have died already. We shouldn't allow for anyone else to die if we can help it."
@Josh M @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Kaykay @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @EastHall
Lucio turned to Jinx, his coy smile becoming more genuine as he listened to her rebuttal.


"See, keepin' my head up is one thing, but even I know that no matter what turns out in this deal, someone is gonna have to go the next round. It might not be two-- could be only be one of us, if someone ends up...going with the deal -- but someone is still gonna die unless we get a miracle, or we find a way to get outta this deal Luthor has us in."

"Me, personally? If I have to go, I'd go knowing that I'm not the one who took another persons life away. That is my own way of seeing it. And, man, as much as I want to, I can't convince everyone else here to think the same way. We aren't all from the same neighborhood, you know? Can't call everyone here 'innocent', but they do it for their own reasons and they get whats comin' to them-- for better or for worse. Can't say what its gonna be 'till it comes. I'd say a person who goes through the effort to change themselves from the bad is better than a person who's just born good."

Lucio shrugged, seemingly deflecting Jinx's negative response in one fell swoop.

"And thats alright! Different people, who cares? You jus' do you, Jinx!"

"You do you."

Lucio would be lying if he said he wasn't surprised that Road decided to speak to him after everything that happened not too long ago. His face was a mixture of surprise and guilt, being reminded of the things he said to Road. Truthfully, that was a moment in which Lucio lost a lot of the respect he built up with the group. Hard to say if everyone -- let alone Road herself -- is gonna put it behind them. Because Lucio wont.

Still, heads up.

Glancing down at Clark and back up at Road, he nodded.

"'Course it can help him! If we ever make a move on Luthor, you know I'll get everyone up and goin'. S'what I'm all about!"

@Azuremoon @Sen @Hana @Josh M @Verite @Hospes @Kaykay @Crow @york @C.T.

"Ya think so, huh?" Her tone was less mocking and more genuinely questioning at this point. "Interestin' idea you got there...but on the other hand, it isn't just black and white either. You always gotta have the one who's willing to do the bad things for the greater good. Not just my street, not just my world, not just my universe...all universes need people like that. The ones, like me, willing to sink their hands into the dirt so others, like you, can keep theirs clean. Basic role I serve on my team...aside just being fun. Y'know how it goes. Er well...maybe that's just me there. Heh heh heh/"

"And if he's telling the truth? Not like he's trying to sell us on him as a saint spreading joy and peace, he's asking us to kill somebody. Somebody he hates apparently. What does he get out of lying? I don't see it. And when it comes down to it, I'm standing here and thinking: hell, I'd rather be the one who killed one instead of letting two die. And if I'm wrong completely and baldy over there really is lying through his teeth..." She shrugged.

"Well not like any of you have any great respect for me anyways. So if you don't mind..." Jinx lifted her gun once more.

"Doesn't get much better than this." Jinx stared into the other's eyes for a few seconds before trying to shoot again. Just her doing her.

@Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @Josh M @york
Shirou paused for a moment, only moving to take out a cigarette and light it up. Inhale, exhale. A puff of smoke drifted towards the sky as he raised his gun.

"Only two, huh?"

So it was likely more would die. Of course, he could be lying about sparing any of them, but in that case it didn't matter whether he fired or not. She certainly couldn't defend herself from this man if he killed them all anyway. That left only one thing to do.

"...Is that so. Didn't know you very long, but that's a respectable attitude ain't it. Adios, Lana. Oh, and yeah. The name's Shirou. Shirou Yusa."

Everyone else's opinion on the matter was ignored.


He pressed the muzzle to her heart and pulled the trigger, an explosive noise ringing out as a .50 caliber bullet buried itself into Lana's chest. The blood from before became indistinguishable form the absolute bloodbath that covered the redhead now. Just at about the same time Jinx fired. Seemed the two had had the same idea at the same time.

Shifting his gaze Lex's way, a smirk appeared on his blood-stained face.

"So? What's it gonna be? Gonna be honest, or are we all gonna die here together?"

@Josh M @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon
As Jinx's attack Clark would aim his heat vision at Jinx's bullet. It did work, However Shirou's attempt was a success. Hitting Lana in the chest. Blood oozed on he floor. As the blood it the floor, Lex coved himself with a gas mask as a mist came from the air vent

"I lied Shirou. The traitor were going to kill four. Now they'll just kill one Congrats. Now that mist you see? I've now infected you all with the T- virus. Consider this a my insurance.'


Walking to the Knight Riesbyfe, Lex snatched the rosary as he turned to Clark. Lex's smirk devilishly , leaving the view of the group. The young man of steel stood still, shocked. Rushing to her as soon he could, Clark would untie her, she still alive, but her breath was heavy

"Stay with me Lana. Don't worry Lucio! I nee-"

Lana lifted her hand, softly putting it on his face. A slight smile appeared, masking the clear pain.

"It's okay, Clark. You're going to be okay. "

Clark's teared up as the two stared at each other. The breathing from Lana got started to get more heavy. Gasping, Lana fought to say one final sentence.

"I love Clark, Just promise me you won't let this world bring you dow--"

Lana stopped. The lights went out and Clark couldn't her the beating of her heart. Clark's froze as everyone would him yelling. Lex watched nearby, Smirking.

@Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon

"... no."

Blake tried his best to not attack Lana, but it turned out that people in their group gone and killed her anyways. Was he that stupid to not do anything at all? To prevent this from happening? No, the world was cruel. He heard those words from a certain someone he couldn't remember at the moment, but he could've sworn that he heard those words ever so clearly all those years back.

"PWM activate. Battle protocol 02!"

He didn't seem to catch onto the fact that they were also infected by some virus, but he was started to be blinded by the anger that he held in for a time. He didn't know the whole story revolving between Clark and Lana, but he could resonate in the same anger that Clark was probably feeling right now. The feeling of losing someone because of another. He feared that happening to his sisters, but with this, he feared and loathed the idea of anyone that he grew close to here to be hurt.

Gripping onto the hilt of his projected sword so tightly, Blake fiercely charged after Lex, not thinking so wisely on the fact that he was leaving the area.


Hollering at the top of his lungs, Blake felt a tinge of static buzz in his ears, almost like how he felt when arriving into the hands of Umbrella not too long ago. He ignored it though, he had much more important things to attend to apparently.

@Kaykay @Josh M @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon

"You two - stop-!"

She tensed up as she saw Jinx take a shot at the defenseless woman. Almost jostling Riesbyfe who was still leaning for support against her, Hakuei flung out a hand holding on to her fan. Coinciding with Clark's heat vision, the princess sent a sharp gust of wind to throw the bullets off its path.

She could, however, do nothing as Shirou placed his own gun against Lana's chest.

The shot still rang in her ears after it was made.

Eyes wide, she lowered a trembling hand that held tightly on to Paimon for support. The djinn was strangely silent, no feelings coming forth through her bond with her. She wasn't breathing, eyes straying to the blood that pooled on the ground around Lana.


As the mist came out, though, Hakuei narrowed her eyes and flicked at the mist that tried to surround her. Infected by the mist?

Lex was a fool if he thought she was going to let that just happen when she had command over the winds.

Unleashing a blast of wind, Hakuei blew apart the forming mist from herself and the people next to her, forcing it back into the air vents from whence it came.

"Scatter that mist, Paimon!"


"As I thought. People like you cannot be trusted."
As soon as the dhampir spotted the mist, he brought his cloak to his nose and mouth, hoping to at least falter its effects for a while. He held his breath just as Hakuei summoned a great wind, blowing the mist around them away. Looking at the others, others at the other end of the hall where the winds could not reach, the dhampir decided to help them. He might get killed, he might prematurely end his mission, but the dhampir was suddenly overcome with the need to protect those who had been stuck with him in this situation since the beginning.

Covering himself with his cloak, the man shifted into the form of a giant bat, bigger than any bird and any of his kind, a wingspan that covered almost half the room when outstretched.

With a screech, the bat took flight, holding in its breath as it flew across the hall, flapping its wings to dispel the mist around those not near Hakuei.


Road flashed her eyes at Shirou - her first interaction with them yet - looking up only in time to see Lana fall and the gas begin to fill the room. At first, she didn't worry. Why would she? It seemed to be a repilca of her world's Akuma virus. She soon learned otherwise. The effects on the Noah, at least the immediate, were different for her. A pattern of black skin marks, shapped like stars began to spread along her body - her visible skin being covered, From head to toe. Then came mild cell degradation versus her healing factor.

Road's body spasmed in the quick shock of pain and she fell to her knees with her head pressing against the hall floor before doubling onto her side. The pain spasms did not cease instantly but slowly repressed themselves thanks to her healing factor. Road pushed herself back up - it all felt like needle tips were within her skin. It made her lips pull back in more spasms. Her elbows almost went out, but she found her feet somehow to find Clark over his fallen love.

Road's mouth tasted like copper and she despised it more than the things Lucio had said to her in the other room.


Something about the T-Virus had activated the Akuma Virus in her, and it was affecting her as if she was human. Her body was slowly eroding, and if she wasn't a Noah she'd already be an Akuma. That would've been ironic.

It was unfortunate Road had moved Clark and she hadn't still been near Hakuei and Alucard. Hakuei had acted quickly and might've saved them. Road didn't hide behind them this time. This virus might infect by proximity.

Instead, Road vanished again, this time making true on her threat. At least halfway. The Noah reached the bald man, confident in his victory, coming through space through another one of her doorways. All it would take was one touch. If she could grab him, the cellular weakness would release the Akuma virus into the man. Eye for an eye.

The Door, in her weakened state ate away at her body and when she appeared she looked as if the T-Virus had already turned her into a zombie.


@Josh M @Sen @Hana @C.T. @Verite
Like a truck had ran into him, Blake collapsed the moment that he felt the unbelievable pain strike through his body. It was almost like having his entire body worn out in a single second, not even giving him the breather to feel numb. On his hands and knees as his projected sword slid across the room, Blake still struggled to get himself together, to stand up and fight... but it was too much for him.

He wasn't a hero after all, only a killer who kills killers...

Every time he tried getting up, he would lose his strength and roughly fall to the ground again. Foolish enough, Blake continued trying anyways, not even considering the fact that he was probably slowly killing himself.

The more and more he tried, the pain intensified. Not only did this pain reduce his strength to nothing of note, Blake's judgment numbed away every time the pain radiated in him. All he could think about was how he was going to kill Lex. About how he was going to tear Umbrella apart. About how he was going to get rid of every threat possible.

Because he wanted to protect people. That was his justification for such thinking.

Someone should probably stop Blake before this gets worse.

@easthallpeeps @mobile post​

"Hey Baldy!" Cagliostro mocks Lex Luthor's lack of hair. "Do you honestly think that a little virus can stop the number one cutest, genius, beautiful alchemist?"

Cagliostro covers her mouth and nose as she began to set the viral mist on fire along with Hakuei and Alucard's winds, producing burning winds to incinerate and sweep.

"I despise those who lie!"

Using her alchemic abilities, Cagliostro nano-analyzed and deconstructed a good deal of the viral mist, causing the virus to turn into mere molecules and atoms, as well as having a look at the virus' chemical structure and composition from a molecular level.

Next, Cagliostro conjures her partner Ouroboros once again.

"Now Ouroboros, take it away!"

Ouroboros then rose into the air, firing a black hole-like pillar onto the floor to suck in and decimate any of the remaining T-virus in the mist.

But it was too late - the virus had claimed others, like Road. Did it?


"Road'll be A-OK~ Count on me to find a remedy to this~" Cagliostro bubbled, then grimly growled. "After we get out of this predicament, that is! In mere seconds, we're going to have to fight zombies.

And of course, Lex is still human, he has room in his heart to lie."

Cagliostro looks at Road for a bit as she acted on Lex Luthor.

"What is she doing? She- oh! I'm starting to like Road. Well, more than I did a while back, anyways.

@Josh M @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @Crow @Kaykay @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Hospes @Azuremoon @york
Schala Zeal
@Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @Josh M

Even despite all her efforts to delay the inevitable... Schala could only watch as Lana was shot, with a haste spell being far from enough to reach her in time before the bullet did, let alone heal her now. While she had the ability to, they simply did not have enough time to do that.

To make matters worse, while having honored the deal to a degree, Lex had hit them all with some sort of strange gas, containing the T-virus no less. It was far too late to prevent it from entering her body, but yet, she wasn't too sure how long it would take for its effects to take hold, but seeing Blake collapse in pain at the press of a button from Lex, before the room plunged into darkness... She seemed to have lost all hope again.

Hope in making it out of this alive... And even moreso, hope that they could even accomplish their mission, or even put an end to this madness, and once again... She felt a yearning... For all that was, and all that will be, to fade away...

So she could finally be at peace, free of all pain and sorrow... Free of all thoughts or emotions... In a place, where she could dream a dream of hollow white.

A blank dream.

Moving blindly through the area, she reached out, trying to hold onto something... Anything, for comfort, like she had after the Ocean Palace disaster, something to keep all her troubles at bay... Something that could help her clear her mind.

Coincidentally, she happened to have wrapped her arms around Blake, and though she didn't quite know it was him... She held him close, almost like she would with a large stuffed animal... Or perhaps... Her younger brother.

Closing her eyes, she held him tight... Tuning out her surroundings as she slowly, but surely... Began to clear her mind of any and all thoughts, attempting once more, to reach that state she had once been in... Before this had all been interrupted by Umbrella, before all of... This that had happened...

It was odd to think... That for some time since she had been freed by SHIELD, that she had such high hopes that they would somehow succeed... Hopes that had abruptly faltered, in the face of what she could only think of, as the cold, hard, reality of the situation...​


Road flashed her eyes at Shirou - her first interaction with them yet - looking up only in time to see Lana fall and the gas begin to fill the room. At first, she didn't worry. Why would she? It seemed to be a repilca of her world's Akuma virus. She soon learned otherwise. The effects on the Noah, at least the immediate, were different for her. A pattern of black skin marks, shapped like stars began to spread along her body - her visible skin being covered, From head to toe. Then came mild cell degradation versus her healing factor.

Road's body spasmed in the quick shock of pain and she fell to her knees with her head pressing against the hall floor before doubling onto her side. The pain spasms did not cease instantly but slowly repressed themselves thanks to her healing factor. Road pushed herself back up - it all felt like needle tips were within her skin. It made her lips pull back in more spasms. Her elbows almost went out, but she found her feet somehow to find Clark over his fallen love.

Road's mouth tasted like copper and she despised it more than the things Lucio had said to her in the other room.


Something about the T-Virus had activated the Akuma Virus in her, and it was affecting her as if she was human. Her body was slowly eroding, and if she wasn't a Noah she'd already be an Akuma. That would've been ironic.

It was unfortunate Road had moved Clark and she hadn't still been near Hakuei and Alucard. Hakuei had acted quickly and might've saved them. Road didn't hide behind them this time. This virus might infect by proximity.

Instead, Road vanished again, this time making true on her threat. At least halfway. The Noah reached the bald man, confident in his victory, coming through space through another one of her doorways. All it would take was one touch. If she could grab him, the cellular weakness would release the Akuma virus into the man. Eye for an eye.

The Door, in her weakened state ate away at her body and when she appeared she looked as if the T-Virus had already turned her into a zombie.


@Josh M @Sen @Hana @C.T. @Verite
As Lex side steped, Lex smirk at Road.

"Don't worry. My projection saw this happening to you. Give it like a minute, and you're body should hard reboot. You'll be fine. I've been looking at this Akuma virus. I have to say, it's rather interesting."

As the T-virus was cleared from the room. Lex took off his mask.

"Now, thank you all for that. I'll be around with all for the foreseeable future. Now you can leave, or you stay here. I'm assuming Clark won't being any time soon."

Turning to Blake, Lex shook his head.

"Some people just can't take a punch."

Maybe that was the pot calling the kettle black. Lex Luthor is did have a famous glass jaw.

@Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon
As Lex side steped, Lex smirk at Road.

"Don't worry. My projection saw this happening to you. Give it like a minute, and you're body should hard reboot. You'll be fine. I've been looking at this Akuma virus. I have to say, it's rather interesting."

As the T-virus was cleared from the room. Lex took off his mask.

"Now, thank you all for that. I'll be around with all for the foreseeable future. Now you can leave, or you stay here. I'm assuming Clark won't being any time soon."

Turning to Blake, Lex shook his head.

"Some people just can't take a punch."

Maybe that was the pot calling the kettle black. Lex Luthor is did have a famous glass jaw.

@Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon


"So, that's that?" Cagliostro sighs. "This is it, huh? No one turning into a zombie on the whim save for Road, he's just getting away?"

Lex knew about this supposed Akuma virus, it seemed.


"He's a step ahead of me, that I can say. Looking into the Akuma Virus ahead of time before he could plausibly know of it..." Cagliostro looks at the zombified Road, then back at Hakuei and Alucard. "That bastard Luthor... for all you know, he could be lying once again. For all you know... Road... well... the Akuma Virus is a part of her natural physiology, but for it to merge with this T-virus, who knows what'll truly happen afterwards. That Luthor... he pisses me off..."

Cagliostro sighs, then looks at the duo of Hakuei and Alucard. Cagliostro's mood wasn't very bright.

"Anything else to look around for before we head out? Surely this room has something."

Cagliostro then glances at Clark and Shirou, expecting a fight to break out.
@Josh M @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @Crow @york @EASTHALL
Just as Lex predicted, after Road missed grabbing him she fell to the ground with a hard, most likely satisfying, thud. A sound that seemed much more heavy then her tiny body should've been able to produce. For a moment, she lied on the ground and her skin continued to melt away before she convulsed harshly. It came with a deep intake of air, which followed with the Akuma virus going into remission, as it was predominately in her body.


With the heavy inhale Road's skin began to smooth out and return to it's usual, dark hue. The girl found herself on her feet in a moment before hopping back quickly, until she was away from Lex far enough and against the wall to use it as support. Her face shimmed with sweat - more from the pain her body had undergone, as opposed to actual exertion. Her body tingled, as her nerves tried to figure out what in the blue hell was going on with the body, but somehow Road only grinned at the bald man again.

"Mark my words. I am going to peel you like a banana. Even if it kills me."

"So, that's that?" Cagliostro sighs. "This is it, huh? No one turning into a zombie on the whim save for Road, he's just getting away?"

Lex knew about this supposed Akuma virus, it seemed.


"He's a step ahead of me, that I can say. Looking into the Akuma Virus ahead of time before he could plausibly know of it..." Cagliostro looks at the zombified Road, then back at Hakuei and Alucard. "That bastard Luthor... for all you know, he could be lying once again. For all you know... Road... well... the Akuma Virus is a part of her natural physiology, but for it to merge with this T-virus, who knows what'll truly happen afterwards. That Luthor... he pisses me off..."

Cagliostro sighs, then looks at the duo of Hakuei and Alucard. Cagliostro's mood wasn't very bright.

"Anything else to look around for before we head out? Surely this room has something."

Cagliostro then glances at Clark and Shirou, expecting a fight to break out.
@Josh M @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Hospes @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @Crow @york @EASTHALL
The girl began to move towards the group again, as things settled. Though, settled was a relative term, really.

First, Road's gaze went to Alucard and Hakuei - ensuring their safety visually - before throwing her eyes at Clark and Shirou with Cagliostro. Without another second passing, Road appeared between the two, with a strange expression on her face as playing 'peacekeeper' was the most foreign thing in the world to her. It was her dislike of Luthor that drove her though. With her back to Clark, she eyeballed Shirou before looking over her shoulder at Clark.

"You have every reason to want to rip someones spine out their mouth, Clark-" the first time she'd not referred to him by the name 'country' or 'bumpkin' "-but lets all save that kind of brutality for when we can get our hands on the phallus headed sociopath. Once he's dealt with, everyone can kill whoever they want."

Road was not 'phallus headed' but /her/ calling anyone a sociopath was just more of the pot and kettle idea.

@Josh M @Verite @Sen @Hana @Crow @Kayay

Lucifer looked at the dimly lit hallway. " Looks we have to split again to cover all possible routes. If anyone cares to know, I am going to the right. I imagine you can pick your own paths," he said.

Linda looked over at him. " If Lucifer is going right, I will be going left. If you want to follow me, by all means, do so. It's your choice though."

@Jeremi @Gands @penguin055 @Darkseide @Westhall (Lucifer to right, Linda to left)
Domon walked into the hallway, noticing even more artwork on the walls. It didn't catch his interest, however, so he simply looked it over for a moment. "I'll head left with the lady. I don't think it's safe for an unarmed woman to walk around here alone."

@Jeremi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Gands @WestHall

"Don't worry, I was going to head with her anyway." 18 responded and followed Linda and Domon down the left corridor. Soon enough they'd find themselves in a small open area of the corridor. There were a few chairs and what appeared to be a tea set on the table. No doubt this area was used as some sort of quiet recreational area.


Further along they found stairs to the upper floors. Suddenly however they heard a creaking sound coming from above them. "Sounds like we're not alone."

@LuckycoolHawk9 @penguin055

James Proudstar. Warpath

James had been quiet through the dining hall his nose open for scents, his eyes for things out of place. Part of him was still suspicious, and part of his mind dismissed Lucifer as to obvious. Still, time will tell...

" Right behind you Lucifer "

@Jeremi @penguin055 @LuckycoolHawk9

Lucifer and Warpath following the right path found themselves inside a kitchen.


The first thing they noticed was the large refrigerator emitting a peculiar humming sound and some form of...mystery meat laying on the kitchen table. The stench indicates that it's not fresh.​

@Gands @Darkseide
A loud crashing sound came from above. It got closer as the dark feelings of anger grew stronger. Then at the peak of the dark feelings, something came crashing down into the room where mostly everyone was in. There was lots of smoke before the thing showed itself...It was Zerberus! He looked normal at first in the smoke... but as it begins to clear up..there was definitely something different about him. His keyblade was on his back, which was strange because he usually would have it in his hand. His body was covered by a black aura and his eyes were glowing yellow. He was wearing different clothes too. He was wearing a black hoodie and black pants, which made it seem like the dark aura was being emitted from it. He looked more ominous than before. He also seemed like he was not effected by the gas. This ability was Dark Impulse, which took him lots of training for him to achieve this powerful ability. This would explain why he was mysteriously gone for a long time.
Dark Ipulse.jpg

"Finally...I'm done with training....so....what did I miss?"

A strange creature was standing beside him...It had the same yelllow glowing eyes as Zerberus. It was twitching and looking around for any enemies nearby. Zerberus looked pissed off strangely. Maybe it was the energy surround his body was causing it. He walks to the group with his hands shoved into his pockets.The creature followed behind him.

"I'm guessing you already found the exit? If not...why do I sense hatred here? Was someone going to fight?"

@Josh M @Sen @Hana @Azuremoon @Crow @Kaykay @Verite @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Hospes @Azuremoon @york @Anyone
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