Mun's Test Zone

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"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Sed consequat, leo eget bibendum sodales, augue velit cursus nunc, quis gravida magna mi a libero. Fusce vulputate eleifend sapien. Vestibulum purus quam, scelerisque ut, mollis sed, nonummy id, metus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Sed consequat, leo eget bibendum sodales, augue velit cursus nunc, quis gravida magna mi a libero. Fusce vulputate eleifend sapien. Vestibulum purus quam, scelerisque ut, mollis sed, nonummy id, metus.

Credit: Fiery Cold
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"The youngest Daddy."

Nathan Richards is 35, an up and coming politician and the youngest daddy to ever grace this show. He likes French cuisine, hates kids and loves his own reflection. His past is littered with lost undergarments and ruined dignities (theirs not his), but he's ready to settle down. What he looks for in a mate is intelligence, spontaneity in bed and a healthy interest in him. He hates being belittled and he absolutely despises praise for other political figures. Biggest Kink: Paddling, switch and voyeurism.

Credit: Fiery Cold
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Name: Rashida Meskhenet

Race: Hathmet
Descended from the devout followers of Hathor, the Hathmet represent the time when Ra transformed Hathor into Sekmet and set her upon the humans who plotted against him. When in their neutral form, they are peaceful loving creatures, but when enraged they become brutal beasts of war and carnage, only able to be stopped if subdued with alcohol. However in recent years with the development of antidepressants and technology, the Hathmet are able to control their rage and use it to their advantage.
This will make much more sense if you read this.

Age: 25

Role: Detective

Years: 6


GDBee Arts
[Rashida prefers loose clothing, like sports leggings, t-shirts and hoodies. However she isn't opposed to dressing formally every once in awhile. Her footwear of choice is almost always tennis shoes though but if she's in formal wear, then she'll wear sneaker heels. ]


Behavioral Analysis:
Rashida is a tough nut to crack but and values order and justice over spontaneity and wishy washy feelings. Despite this, she does not hold herself on a pedestal and does not consider herself a one woman army, she has the capacity to admit her faults (it's kind of like pulling teeth though) and work with a team to get things done.

Personal: "I think I'm okay, I mean I'm not awesome, but I'm not an asshole either. Sure sometimes I can get a little testy, but who doesn't?"

Concealed Hand Gun (Affectionately named, Calcium. When she first started out, Rashida snarled 'Have some calcium motherfucker!' at her first target and her teammates later gifted her the gun, with the word 'Calcium' engraved on the barrel.)
High Tech Gauntlets (So she can punch things longer without bruising her knuckles)

Zoolingualism: She can speak to all animals except for carnivores. During this process she must speak in the 'tongue' of the animal (so if it's a sheep, baa baa etc.). But when transitioning back to human speech, she has a tendency to mix up her words and needs about three minutes before she can pass on the message in human tongue.
Enhanced Strength: She has the strength of a bull, but mind you, she is still breakable. She may be able to headbutt a man across the room but punch through bricks she cannot.
Berserker Physiology: Even with the antidepressants, if you piss her off enough, she will fly into a blind rage and she won't stop until you subdue her the old fashion way. Get her drunk or kill her. Unfortunately, the issue with a blind rage is that...Nobody's her friend but everyone's her enemy so it's best to steer clear or try to herd (Get it? Herd?) her in the direction of the bad guys. Also when in this form her combat training flies out the window and she just starts swinging (and kicking...and headbutting...and biting...and--you get it.).

Hand to Hand Combat - She is skilled in Krav Maga and Boxing.

Light Weapon Proficiency - Just because she has sharp horns and above average strength it doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy a good gun slinging! (Limited to hand guns)

Undercover Training - Rashida is often the first to volunteer for undercover operations as she is trained for it, and enjoys playing the bad guy on occasion.

Team Building - Hey, she may look rough around the edges, but Rashida enjoys a good ice breaker game to bring the gang together.

Non Verbal Communication - You know those hand signals you see police doing in movies when they have to be super silent? Yeah. Rashida is the queen of silent signals.

Conflict Resolution - Rashida considers positive team relationships the key point to success in the career, so when people are pissed at each other she will not tolerate it, but she will come up with fun way to get them working together again.

Special Traits:
  • Unlike most female Hathmet, Rashida has horns because technically, she is not 100% female, but intersex. She however, identifies as a female and prefers feminine pronouns.

Negative Traits:
  • Rashida has anger management issues (not related to her race, but it affects it) and has to take antidepressants to keep her from punching a hole through the wall...Or a coworker.
  • She smells like a barn. Well a cow to be exact and she hates it so she drenches herself in perfume, which really only makes the smell worse. It also makes it easier for people to smell her coming.

History and Lore:
Rashida wasn't born in the city and unlike most members of the BMCI, she did not initially want to join. Like most Hathmet families, the Meskhenet's were farmers. They ran a very successful business and produced the tastiest chicken, lamb and pork, as well as the crispest vegetables. After all, zoolingualism ran in the family, so they could sweet talk their livestock to their deaths so they died happy healthy animals. Rashida was a rambunctious girl, who although she knew how to run the farm very well she did not envision herself running in when she got older. She didn't know what she wanted to do, but she knew it involved excitement and traveling. Unfortunately for her, her anger management therapist disagreed and constantly pushed her towards more laid back activities like knitting and tending crops. It was true that Rashida had had countless incidents where she'd blown her top and fucked shit up (and people. Lots and lots of people) but she still didn't want to resign herself to a life of boredom and corn husking.

Initially, her parents encouraged her in following her dreams because her younger sister, Shani was willing to take over the farm instead. Shani was a spontaneous Hathmet, who didn't share most of the views of her species. She was a 'spread the love' type of girl and made business deals with people that her parents found unsavory. Like Minotaurs. Despite the huge similarities between Hathmet's and Minotaurs, Hathmet's find Minotaurs to be brutal, simple minded and beastly. Shani however thought Xanthe, a Minotaur who specialized in vegetables, was a great potential business partner and mate. This didn't sit well with her parents however, so they disowned Shani and forced Rashida to become the owner of the farm and business. What they didn't expect, was for Rashida to be horrible at business management and when they saw that the farm was endanger of being shut down, they swallowed their pride and prejudice and invited Shani and her new minotaur mate back to the farm to run in indefinitely.

With this new development, Rashida set off to the city to find her true calling and got a job as a bouncer at a club called Honesty. It was a club for creatures that were far too disturbing looking to appear as anything but human. The owner of the club, a selkie created the place so creatures could feel comfortable in their own skin. It was a relatively popular club but like most popular locations, it got some negative attention from other more humanoid creatures who wished to persecute the non humanoid beings who frequented the place. That's where Rashida came in. Her job was to keep people safe, stop fights and kick the ass of jerks that tried to harass the club goers. And for awhile, she enjoyed the job. It was a great way to release pent up anger in a relatively safe way (safe as in, the people she was beating up where douche bags anyway so who cares about their well being). However one night during a prominent club goers birthday, the party was interrupted when a cherub interrupted the party and began wreaking havoc. Apparently she had done some vile illegal shit at her job in the DCG and wanted to have one last hurrah before the authorities took her ass down. Unfortunately, her way of having fun came at the cost of many people's safety and it was up to Rashida to incapacitate while the BMCI were on their way. So Rashida unleashed her rage (well one of her coworkers had to rile her up and push her in the cherub's general direction first) and ended up stomping the cherub's ass out. Fortunately a cherub is more durable due to her angelic composition so she lived. The arresting BMCI officer expressed his awe at Rashida's 'control' of the situation and suggested that she apply to the BMCI as an officer. At first Rashida didn't want to leave her job as a bouncer, but her hand was forced when her boss, Grace, fired her with the only reason being "You're skills are wasted here. Go kick ass as a cop, you crazy heifer."

And so Rashida did. Training was hard. Very hard, because Rashida didn't appreciate being told what to do at first, but eventually she learned to respect her instructors and mentors. She didn't graduate top of her class (because she'd lost her temper twice during training and thoroughly wrecked everything with a five foot vicinity) but she did graduate in the top ten. She started off as an officer but soon worked her way up the ranks to detective, a position she loves and doesn't plan on leaving anytime soon.

Theme Song:

FUN FACT: She is a vegetarian.
FUN FACT: She wears leather though.
FUN FACT: She doesn't share her parents heightened prejudice towards Minotaurs but she is wary of them.
FUN FACT: She sharpens her horns every four months with whetstone.

The Tale of Hathor
All Gods, be they Egyptian, Roman or Greek, stand for something. Be they major or minor, they all represent an integral part of human life and they are fiercely protective of those who adore and follow them. Sometimes the love of a following is so strong that a minor God can ascend to a higher plane than even their predecessors, as did Hathor the cow goddess of joy, feminine love and motherhood.

Unlike most deities, Hathor did not grace humanity upon her birth. She was the daughter of Ra, the god of the sun but did not join him to guide humanity or look down upon them. Instead she stayed in her home of the Milky Way and played with her sister, Nut, goddess of the sky. Hathor believed that all she needed in life was her father Ra, who visited her at night and Nut, who visited her during the day. But as Hathor grew, she became curious of her family's apparent obsession with humanity. She did not quite understand the allure of the clumsy, short lived creatures, but she found herself oddly protective of them and forgiving of their shortcomings. The female humans interested her the most and she was in awe of all they could do but confused as to why they had no deity to look out for them. When questioned about this Ra simply shrugged. "I am the watcher of all, but I cannot focus on one group in particular. Why don't you coddle them if you're so worried?"

And she did. Hathor left the safety of the milky way and joined her father, sister and other relatives in staring down at the Earth, but she focused mainly on the women and their children. She graced the women with gifts that made motherhood easier and more redeeming and they thanked her with temples and offerings. She amassed a large following after a while, which irked her father. He was after all, the God of all. He had temples, and followers yet they often deviated and began to worship other Gods. In an action foreign to him, Ra let his eye rest on the women of world and saw that their trust and faith in his daughter never wavered. He was proud…But jealous and in a fit of childish anger he did something unthinkable.

A large group of humans were planning to destroy his first temple and desecrate the tombs of his first followers, and he wanted to punish them but he couldn't afford to leave his post. Hathor, however could. Ra knew that his gentile daughter would never shed blood on purpose, so he decided to give her a push. He took a bit of fire from the sun and thrust it inside of Hathor's belly. The cow goddess seemed to shudder for a moment before shrieking and transforming into a crazed creature named Sekhmet. She fell upon the earth with a mighty CRASH and began laying waste to humanity. Good, bad, in between, it did not matter. She slaughtered anyone in her path even the women she loved so dearly.

High above the earth, Ra watched this scene unfold with smug satisfaction. His daughter's actions horrified her followers and they were considering deviation. All he wanted was for her to feel what he felt when his followers abandoned him, but what he didn't count on was Nut. Although she was also Ra's daughter, Nut was powerful in her own right, being the goddess of the nighttime sky but also representing an important tool in human conception. Nut used her powers to enlighten the minds of her little sister's followers, and to show them that their existence was not without trials and tribulations that would enrage them as well and make them crazed. Understanding this, Hathor's followers vowed to never leave Hathor no matter how she comported herself and they stood strong against her fury.

Ra did not know of Nut's interference but he was impressed by the followers of Hathor so he decided to stop Hathor's rampage by pouring large amounts of blood colored beer on the ground, which Hathor quickly lapped up as she had grown accustomed to draining the blood of her victims. Hathor drank so much that she fell asleep and Ra brought her back to the milky way, and when she woke up she was the kind Hathor once more.


From then on, whenever Hathor became irritated she flew into a rage and tormented her relatives so much that they kept alcohol on hand to subdue her.

Down on Earth, the followers of Hathor altered their tapestries and depictions of Hathor to include her form of womanly fury, Sekhmet. Wanting to include this integral part of their chosen goddess, the followers became known as the Hathmet, women known for their violent carnage when upset.

The men of the earth were awed by their changed women and some of them even joined the Hathmet. But some of themremained wary. Eventually their wary turned to fear and that fear turned to hatred and oppression. They sought to break the women before they could show their inner rage and this made Hathor fear for her follower's well being so she blessed some of them with the horns, strength and slight appearance of a cow, so that they may protect themselves.
Name: Lucy
Undercover Alias: Cupcake Malvolio

Race: Magic Cat
(Technically she is a former witch's familiar but she is able to take on humanoid form by using the charmed collar that her mistress gave her.)

Age: Appears 22 but she's around 96 years old.

Role: Deep Cover Reserve

Years: 9

Appearance: Humanoid Form

GDBee Arts
Natural Form

[In humanoid form, Lucy likes clothes that make her look cute but are easy to move in. She adores hair ornaments and wears one everyday no matter what. Her hair is always well styled and her make up is always on point. She wears two beaded yellow bracelets on her tail and never seems to take them off. She also wears a special black choker with latin words written on the side that touches her skin. This is the charmed collar that allows her to take human form. As a cat, her fur is always immaculately neat, her charmed collar does not appear in this form.]

Personality: ENTP 'The Debater'

Behavioral Analysis:
Lucy is an important asset and reservoir of information on the Malvolio goblin mafia family. However she seems to have on going visits to Human Resources because she likes to rile up her female coworkers by stating that she is prettier than they are. She also seems to have an issue with not being praised for a long time, we have attributed this to her being a cat.

"I'm pretty, well groomed and smart. What's not to--MOUSE!" (Lucy dashes off in the suspected direction of the rodent in human form. Some yelps are heard echoing through the corridor, and Kaden can be heard scolding Lucy for running through the halls like a madwoman and Lucy returns sporting a dejected look.) "Okay, so sometimes I can get a little distracted, but overall I'm awesome. Do you know anyone else who's been in deep cover for this long without getting found out?"

Standard Pistol - But she hates using it and has to be reminded to carry it when she's at headquarters.

Claw Enhancement: Lucy is able to strengthen her claws so that she may maul people longer and more effectively. This only makes her claws stronger however, not unbreakable. She can shred most skin and wood but not metal, stone and most creature's scales.
Zoolingualism: She can speak to all animals except those that are cold blooded or avian.
Feline Manipulation: Lucy can command cats. She can call them to her side and command them to do her bidding. This power is limited to domestic cats however and if they aren't within twenty feet of her, they will ignore the call. The most cats she has ever commanded has been ten. When cats are under her command their eyes seem to dull and they meow eerily. This makes it hard for Lucy to use them for stealth operations.

Stealth - What kind of cat person would she be if she weren't stealthy? Lucy knows how to tread silently and keep to the shadows on her missions.

Undercover Operatives - Rigorously trained in undercover operations, Lucy knows how to spin a lie so that she can still keep up with it. She knows the do's and do not's and when to call it quits.

Lock Picking - Not very legal, but still a useful skill. She can pick most doorknob locks.

Acrobatics - Lucy is a superb gymnast and not just for fun. She can backflip, forward roll and cartwheel her way out of a slippery situation with little to no error.

Manipulation - It might be because she's a cat, but Lucy knows how to manipulate people. Round dilated pupils? Check. Crinkled brow? Pitiful voice? Double check. Lucy knows how to get what she wants, but while this tactic works on most outsiders and humans, BMCI members who know her, are not so easily fooled.

Grace - She almost never stumbles. She's as graceful as a swan and she walks like a model in human or cat form.

Special Traits: Since she is technically a cat, her special trait would be being able to assume human form, although that's due to the charmed collar.

Negative Traits:
  • Feline Habits: Grooming herself, coughing up hairballs, chasing spots of light. If a cat does it, odds are Lucy does too and she's not shy, so don't be surprised if she hacks up a ball of nastiness while being briefed.
  • Mean Spirited: Lucy thinks she's better than all cats and most people. She has a tendency to rile female coworkers up by picking at their features and comparing herself to them and involving male coworkers. ("Ignace have you ever noticed that I have sleek and glossy black hair, while Rashida looks like she stuck a wad of gum on her head?") This usually ends in a trip to HR or being chased around headquarters by coworkers like Rashida.

History and Lore: [here is where you mix history and the lore of any non human creatures or demigod creatures. This is their story, the things they have been through, the trials and tribulations, etc.]
Rough outline

Lucy was born in 1920 in an alley. She was the third kitten of five siblings and her mother affectionately dubbed her, Squid because of her ink black fur. Lucy spent most of her time rough housing in her box with her other siblings; Scruffy, Blue, Bear and Puddle while they waited for their mother, Dots to return from hunting. One night however, Squid (Lucy) wandered out of the box in pursuit of a mouse that she thought she saw. However as soon as she reached the mouth of the alley, an old woman scooped her up and took her away.

The woman's name was Marigold and she was a witch in need of a familiar. She had just moved to the states from England where she had fled persecution from Witch Hunters. Without a coven or other support system, Marigold had resolved to create a familiar to be her companion. However, in her haste to escape England, Marigold had forgotten her most important spell book which included a spell on how to create a familiar. Thankfully, she remember an alternative method, which involved brewing a magical potion in a cauldron and submerging an animal that she wanted to make her familiar. It had taken her days to find the right animal, and she had finally settled on Squid after seeing how the kitten emerged triumphant each time she wrestled with her siblings. It was a poor reason, but Marigold was lonely and desperate for companionship.

Marigold assumed that Squid (who she later named Lucy) would be grateful to her for bestowing on her the honor of being a witch's familiar. With this honor came the gift of speech and heightened intelligence, but Lucy didn't care about any of that at first. What she cared about was being kidnapped, dunked in a steaming hot cauldron and being forced to spend all of her time with an old hag. She constantly expressed these sentiments to the witch who did not appreciate it and retaliated by withholding Lucy's meals and making her forage for ingredients in volatile environments. This created an unhealthy relationship between the two as Lucy wanted to leave the woman but as a familiar she was bonded to the woman and physically could not move more than two miles away from her without succumbing to immense pain.

On the day of September 4th 1936, Marigold was ambushed by Witch Hunters when she went shopping for groceries. Apparently some misfortune had fallen upon the civilians of the area and they chose to blame these happenings on the newest addition to their small town. The Witch Hunters assaulted Marigold just as she was perusing the aisles for the freshest carrots. Lucy was snuggled up in her bag during this but at Marigold's cry of alarm, she jumped out and took off. She wasn't able to go far though, as the bond made her keep close. The Witch Hunters either did not see her or didn't consider her a threat if her master was in chains. They planned to burn Marigold in their large portable clay oven (burning witches at the stake was an ancient and cumbersome task apparently). To award their spectacular capture of the witch, the townspeople insisted on showering the hunters with gifts and while they were doing so, Lucy snuck up to the cage and received her mistresses commands. She was to steel herself against the crippling pain and retrieve a shape changing charm from their house. With that, Lucy would be able to take on human for and use Marigold's cauldron to alert a neighboring witch of her capture. Lucy did not want to do this as she didn't want to suffer from the pain of distancing herself from Marigold, but as a familiar she was bound to the woman's words.

Lucy was right in the middle of writhing from pain in the middle of the street, when the hunters killed Marigold and their bond as familiar and master was broken. Lucy was...Conflicted. On one hand she remembered her mother and siblings and figured that Marigold got what was coming to her. On the other hand, Marigold had been her only companion for sixteen years and she kind of missed her. She was also at a loss of what to do since she couldn't see herself returning to a normal life as an alley cat with all the things she knew and her magical abilities. Remembering Marigold's last words, Lucy continued on her way to the house and took the charm, despite her mistress being dead. She thought that the magic would have died with the woman and really just took it as a memento of her love hate relationship with the witch, but she was surprised when she turned into a human as soon as she slipped the collar on. Well...Sort of human. She still had cat ears and a tail, but overall if she wore a dress and a hat, she could pass as an actual human. Lucy was thrilled but that feeling didn't last for long as she heard the voice of angry people in the distance. It seems the townspeople had come to destroy the dead witch's dwellings. Panicking, Lucy tried to take the charm off but found that it wouldn't budge. She thought that she would never be able to revert to her true self again, but as soon as she thought about her natural form, she turned back into a cat. She found that if she thought about her human form, she could take it and she thought about her cat form, she could take on that one too.

Lucy left that town in her cat form but as soon as she reached the next town, she assumed her human form and for the next fifty four years, she lived like that. She'd stay in a town or a city for awhile but if anyone ever got suspicious of why she always wore head wear, she would move. However one day unbeknownst to her, she was followed home by a strange man who went by the name of Joel. He had introduced himself to her earlier that day and commented on her "luxurious black hair" and "soulful eyes". She'd politely excused herself of course and headed back to her hotel room with the intent of leaving town immediately. She got a bad feeling from Joel that she couldn't explain and didn't want to figure out why later. However only ten minutes after entering her room, the door was blasted open and she was flung across the room by a powerful force. Joel strolled into the room like he owned the place and grinned at her as he took in her half human appearance. "I knew there was something about you." He hissed in delight and pointed an odd looking scepter at her. Suddenly she was forced back into her cat form and Joel grabbed her by her scruff and shoved her into a cage with runes carved into bars. Whenever she tried to take her human form or figure out a plan to escape, the runes glowed and she suddenly felt nauseous and dizzy.

They left Chicago that night and returned to Joel's home in Roanoke, Virginia where Joel revealed his true identity as a supernatural being known as The Collector. Although he appeared human, if Lucy was granted the opportunity to stare into his eyes, she would swear up and down that she saw something flash behind them. The Collector was a twisted man who captured small magical creatures and stole magical objects and sold them to either very rich humans or equally rich supernatural creatures.

On June 5th ​1990, The Collector's shop was graced with the presence of Leah Malvolio, a goblin with plans to take over Little Fairy, Illinois. The next day was Leah's son's birthday and she wanted to get him something that was unique and long lasting. At first, a scepter with alleged weather controlling powers caught her eye but she soon found herself staring into the dull eyes of a black cat. To be honest, Lucy was just staring at her with spite but Leah who had a soft spot for animals, thought she was staring at her with hope. The Malvolio matriarch inquired about Lucy and The Collector spun a tale of her being an immortal (not true) feline with high intelligence (at least that was true). Lucy briefly wondered why he hadn't mentioned her ability to take on human form but soon found out why. After being in the cage for so long, she could no longer achieve the transformation and was stuck as a cat, which bothered because even though she was born a cat, she had loved her days masquerading as a human and now...She would never be able to grasp that happiness again. So Lucy resigned herself to being some goblin brat's cat.

Leah took Lucy home that day and kept her in her room until the day of her son, Dane's birthday. When Lucy met the kid, she expected him to mistreat her or throw a fit for receiving a grown cat for his birthday, but he surprised her by cuddling her and demanding to visit the pet shop to find a gorgeous collar for his new pet. It turns out that Dane, although he was the heir of a Goblin mafia, inherited his mother's soft spot for animals and treated Lucy like a queen. He named her Cupcake, pampered her, gave her the best foods, and gifted her with toys every day. Lucy actually found herself liking the kid, but the only problem was that he kept her nauseatingly close. He always locked her in his room for fear that she would run off one day and get hit by a car. One day however he accidentally left the door open and Lucy took that moment to reclaim her freedom. The Goblin dwelling was a large mansion on the outskirts of Little Fairy, Illinois, so it took her awhile to find the exit but when she did, she witnessed Dane devouring a brownie. And not the chocolate kind. Horrified, Lucy high tailed it off the property and headed in to town. She was ball of panic at witnessing a gruesome murder and exhilaration of finally being free, that she wasn't paying attention to where she was going and ended up in the halls of the MIPD, where she met a wizard who mistook her for a lost pet.

He brought her back to his office and started to type up 'missing pet' fliers when Lucy took a chance and began to clumsily type a plea for help. Thankfully, the wizard was able to decipher her copious misspelled words (you try typing with cat paws) and used his magic to restore power to Lucy's collar. Lucy took on human form and weaved her tale of woe and horror to the wizard, who listened with rapt attention. When she finished telling him everything, he surprised her by offering her a job. He wanted her to return to the Malvolio's in cat form and act as the MIPD's spy. In return, she would get an apartment paid for by the MIPD, as well as training and food. If Lucy had been in her right mind she would have coughed a hairball into his lap, but she was so thankful for having her magic back she agreed immediately and returned to Dane Malvolio's side as a spy for the MIPD.

(Upon seeing that Lucy returned without a scratch, Dane granted her more freedom.)

Theme Song:

Fun Fact: You can easily distract Lucy with a laser pointer, but if the event ends in embarrassment or reprimand for her, she will get her revenge.
Fun Fact: Lucy loves water in her human form but will claw the crap out of you if you try to bathe her in cat form.
Fun Fact: The BMCI had a fish tank but Lucy kept 'snacking' so they hid it from her.
I've always been interested in the flour baby assignment that most highschoolers get. And I've always resented my highschool for being too cheap to do the assignment. So now, all I can do is make an rp that revolves around taking care of a bag of flour! But to add a twist, all characters have an archetype that drives their personality! And because I like inner rp drama, I'm pairing characters that wouldn't give each other the time of day or would be at each other's throats. So without further ado, here's the premise!

Ashville, New Jersey has recently had an epidemic of students who have kids at young ages and either screw the kid up or abandon them, so Ashville High School had made it their mission to spread baby care awareness and provide the kids with an example of how hard it is to take care of a tiny human!

Each student, no matter what grade now has to take a mandatory health class all about Sex and Reproduction. Unlike their other classes, this class doesn't have regular letter grades, but instead a Pass or Fail evaluation. And if they fail this class, they can't graduate until they pass it but you can only take the class once a year. Are you seeing the issue here yet?

So you are a student in Ms. Melanie's Sex and Reproduction class and maybe you're a repeat offender or a newbie, either way it's time for the flour baby assignment which greatly impacts whether you pass the class. In the past, students have paired up with their friends and had massive falling outs when one accidentally 'killed' their baby, so Ms. Melanie has resolved to pair kids herself.
Choose an Archetype and then scroll down to see your partner!
If the Archetype is purple, it is boys only. If it's orange, girls only and if it has no color, it can be for any gender.
The Rebel: You don't go with the flow. Fuck the system!
The Jock: Athletics are your thing.
The Head Case: You're...Not all there and think in abstract ways.
The Obsessive Compulsive: You want something done a specific way, with a specific method, in a specific..Specificity.
The Nerd: You're a smart fart-y.
The Goth: Everything is dark and some people think you're a vampire.
The Wallflower: Aww, you're so shy and kind of forgettable...What was I talking about again?
The Teacher's Pet: You're a goody two shoes who kisses the teacher's ass.
The Cheerleader: Give me a A! Give me an S! Give me a...Etc.
The Queen Bee: It's in the name. Your the head honcho of the school.
The Fashion Forward: You never have a bad hair day and you're always up on the latest trends.
The Social Butterfly: You don't have a niche because the world is your niche!
The Class Clown: A joker who never seems to take anything seriously.
The Femme Fatale: The seductive lady *sexy cat noises*
The Valley Native: Oh my gawd. Like that is so like fetch!
The Bro: Duuuude. Awesome! Ch-yeah *guy noises*
The Hippie: Flower crowns and drum circles are your thing.
Bully: Unlike the Queen Bee, you don't bully people to cement your status, you're probably just an asshole.


The Femme Fatale + the Wallflower = A Baby Girl!
The Bro + the Fashion Forward = A Baby Girl!
The Obsessive Compulsive + the Valley Native = A Baby Boy!
The Jock + the Head Case = A Baby Boy!
The Rebel + the Class Clown = A Baby Girl!
The Hippie + the Queen Bee = A Baby Boy!
The Social Butterfly + the Bully = A Baby Girl!
The Cheerleader + the Teacher's Pet = A Baby Boy!
The Nerd + the Goth = A Baby Girl!

  1. Be kind in the OOC.
  2. This is not a romance rp, so don't make it the focus of all interactions. You can however have relationships
  3. If you have a problem, tell me and we'll figure it out.
  4. Real FCs only please.
  5. The definitions I put for the archetypes are just to give you a grasp of the character. It is up to you to make your character well rounded and dimensional.
  6. No special snowflakes please.
  7. Put 'Don't cook the baby' in your CS, if you read the rules.
  8. Each pair gives their flour baby a name, but if you can't decide, I'll name it with a name generator.
  9. If you kill your flour baby, you fail the class. :< So don't kill your baby.
  10. There may be pairs, but please interact with other people too! Maybe two pairs might want a play date for their flour children!
  11. The rp either takes place in Ms. Melanie's class, in the halls of Ashville or at the character's homes.
  12. You can have up to two characters.
  13. This is meant to be a comedic rp, so have fun!

Post Requirements
Third Person, past tense.
At least five lines, not sentences.
EX: "Gary, where is your baby?" Ms. Melanie demanded, arms crossed. The student in question, shuffled his feet anxiously and avoided her gaze. Ms. Melanie's face contorted in annoyance. She had just about had it up to here with these kids and them not taking the assignment seriously. "So?" She prompted. "Where is your baby?" Gary finally mustered up the courage to speak and his next words almost made Ms. Melanie throw the textbook at his head. "Well...My mom wanted to bake a cake..."

That's what I mean by five lines.

Character Sheet
Name: (First Middle Last)
Age (12-18)
Gender: (Male, female, trans etc)
Grade: (9-12)
Sexual Orientation

Personality: (At least 6 traits, mix of good and bad)
Likes (5 min)
Dislikes (5 min)

Repeat or New in class?
Partner: (Name and Archetype)
Baby's Name:
Fun Facts: (At least 3)

{You can add more information to this sheet, just don't exclude what I asked for)



Welcome to the Sugar Sweet Resort where you will be trying to win yourself a daddy! You are competing against nine other sugar starved hotties, so you have to use your looks, smarts and strength, to take them out and bag yourself a hot dad. Speaking of daddies, the three handsome men you can shoot for are lounging by the pool waiting for you beautiful contestants to arrive. The first vote off is tonight, so be sure to make a s p l a s h when you arrive.


Nathan reclined in his pool chair, scrolling through his phone. The producers had scolded him about using his phone too much on set, but hey, he was a busy guy and if the babes really liked him, they would understand. Or not. Honestly Nathan had enough money to get himself a mail order bride from Russia, but he preferred someone who had a firm grasp of the English language and less chances of being some traumatized sleeper cell crazy. Of course there was a chance that he wouldn't be the daddy chosen by the winner, and...He didn't like that that was an option. Unlike former seasons of Sugar Sweet, the other two daddies were actual competition seeing as this was a show about sugar daddies and he was by far the youngest here. He knew that he wasn't allowed to sabotage anyone, but he could at least get a head start on the competition.

Shedding his shirt and toeing off his flip flops, Nathan approached the pool and slipped in, making sure to swim in an area with enough sunlight to make his skin look as if it was glistening.

Benjamin rolled his eyes at Nathan's 'bold move' (according to the cameraman standing waaay too close to him). Ben wasn't about to pull a muscle in the pool just in the hopes of attracting one of the contestants. He was a skilled hunter, so he knew that the best bet was to wait until one of the prey--err, sugar babies--came to him. Then he would pounce. For now, he would relax and have a civil chat with his competition/friend, Henry.

"Hey, Jacobson! Since you're a surgeon do you do uh...Cosmetic enhancements? Like making someone look like they took a bat to the face?" He inquired. His latest client was on trial for a quadruple homicide and needed any jury sympathy he could get, even if it was completely fake.

Despite the decisions of the other two dads on the show, Henry had a completely different approach to it all. He wasn't going to show off to every person who came to him and he certainly didn't feel like taking a swift move and getting half naked before they even came in. Henry already started to get a vibe that Nathan was trying to get a head start, but he didn't really care either way. He was already irritated about him having to skip out on coffee since the cameras so eagerly wanted to get started. He nearly had a full cup in his grasps before they told him he had to get rid of it and go down to the beach. The male hoped that no one would catch an attitude with him behind the scenes because it was their fault that he would possibly be moody or angry if tested even the slightest bit.

Henry was laying down beside the pool reading a magazine that he was on the cover of. Doctor/Surgeon magazines always got his good sides when they wanted to feature him in certain issues. His head lifted up when Benjamin called out at him and asked him a question. "So you're asking me to do the reverse of what I normally fix?" he smirked a laughed a bit at that, but nodded nonetheless. "Sure, I bet I could make someone look bad if they asked for something special like that.. But I wouldn't have the foggiest idea as to why." he shrugged before flipping the page in the magazine while one leg swished back and forth in the chlorine filled water.​
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Despite the decisions of the other two dads on the show, Henry had a completely different approach to it all. He wasn't going to show off to every person who came to him and he certainly didn't feel like taking a swift move and getting half naked before they even came in. Henry already started to get a vibe that Nathan was trying to get a head start, but he didn't really care either way. He was already irritated about him having to skip out on coffee since the cameras so eagerly wanted to get started. He nearly had a full cup in his grasps before they told him he had to get rid of it and go down to the beach. The male hoped that no one would catch an attitude with him behind the scenes because it was their fault that he would possibly be moody or angry if tested even the slightest bit.

Henry was laying down beside the pool reading a magazine that he was on the cover of. Doctor/Surgeon magazines always got his good sides when they wanted to feature him in certain issues. His head lifted up when Benjamin called out at him and asked him a question. "So you're asking me to do the reverse of what I normally fix?" he smirked a laughed a bit at that, but nodded nonetheless. "Sure, I bet I could make someone look bad if they asked for something special like that.. But I wouldn't have the foggiest idea as to why." he shrugged before flipping the page in the magazine while one leg swished back and forth in the chlorine filled water.​
Name: Katrina Mendoza
Fairy Name: Sebille

Race: Fairy (Changeling)

Age: 22

Role: TBA

Years: 4 years in the Asylum


[This is her regular form, and she's about the size of a 16 oz water bottle. However in her glamoured form, she looks like this;
She wears altered doll clothes in her fairy form and despises wearing nature-centric garb (i.e wearing acorns for hats or leaves for dresses). She's a modern girl and she leans more to short shorts, tank tops and flip flops. If it's super cute and chic, she'll wear a dress.]
Credit for Both Images

Katrina is a cheerleader and a personal guru mixed all smashed into one tiny person. Before you consider interacting with Katrina, you need to know THREE THINGS. Number one, Katrina is LOUD. When something happens to Katrina, everyone in the nearest vicinity hears about it. She's the type to sing way too loud in the shower and broadcast her daily happenings to her friends regardless of who's around.

Number two, Katrina LOVES HERSELF, when she was in high school she had to write about her role model and instead of writing about her parents or a celebrity, she wrote about herself. Yeah, she can be a little narcissistic and yeah, she answers to comments of "You're so pretty!" with "I know." but she's still great friend material. Kind of.

Anyway, the third thing you need to know about Katrina is that she is IRRESPONSIBLE. She may dish out advice all the time and berate you for a bad decision, but trust that her answers to various situations would get you messed up, if you listened to them.

Despite all of this, if you want to be Katrina's friend, know that she will be your biggest cheerleader. She loves to encourage her friends and help them tackle their problems. Sometimes--Well most times, her answers to simple problems tend to be a bit crazy and illogical, but she means well and after a bit (a lot) of coaxing, she will apologize for getting you fired/beat up etc.

Weapons: TBA

Natural Fairy Gifts:
  • Glamour - The ability to disguise herself as a human. She can also disguise others (only non humans) as humans but only with great concentration. (Can be used in human or fairy form)

  • Flying - Obviously a tiny creature with wings can fly. And Katrina can fly quite fast and with little effort, as she is quite small in fairy form. (Only fairy form)

  • Enhanced Condition (Human Form Only) - She's stronger, faster and has more stamina than the average human, but not like 'superhero' strong more like 'navy seal' strong.
Fairy Dust Manipulation (Fairy Form Only):
  • Using fairy dust to daze others (30 secs max)
  • Using fairy dust to induce sleep (Kick in after 5 minutes and can last for up to 6 hours.)
  • Using dust to lift objects (50 lbs or less)

Clothes Making - Katrina is quite picky when it comes to what she puts on her body. She learned how to make clothing from her human mother and she's especially good at it because she can use her fairy form to access hard to reach areas.

Organization - Filth and clutter are two of Katrina's biggest pet peeves. Give her a few hours with a messy room and when you come back, you'll find clothes sorted by color, pencils lined up according to height etc.

Tech Savvy - If there's one thing she knows, it's how to navigate social media and electronics.

Dancing - Katrina is a spectacular dancer. She can move to any beat and loves learning new dances.

Special Traits:
Katrina is a changeling who was supposed to be reclaimed by her fairy family at the age of sixteen but due to unfortunate circumstances, that never happened and she continued living as a human. So...I guess her special trait would be her ability to empathize with humans instead of treat them as play things.

Negative Traits:
Katrina can only eat fruits, honey and vegetables. If she consumes anything other than that she will revert to her fairy form, break out in boils, her throat will swell and she'll need constant medical attention. The only remedy to this is a steady diet of lukewarm water and honey.

Katrina is allergic to iron and steel. These metals can severely burn her or kill her if she is in contact with them for too long.

Katrina considers herself the most fashion savvy person in the asylum and has a tendency to become the fashion police when she spots a 'crime of fashion'. The first thing she notices about an opponent is their outfit and she will provide them with fashion advice whether they want it or not. She can also be kind of intrusive with her peers at the asylum by gifting them with better clothing and tossing out the clothes she doesn't see as worthy of keeping.

History and Lore:
"What a lovely child we have, Nox." The four winged, red skinned fairy wearing cooed over their child floating in a mass of fairy dust. The fairy infant was asleep thankfully and would not wake the human neighborhood with her shriek like gurgles. "A lovely child indeed, but a soon to be terror." The tan orange, two winged fairy replied gazing at his spawn with pride. "Let us not dally now. I've found a human family with a newborn. They are so exhausted that they will not blink at the switch. Come now, Nox let us descend."

They only meant to leave their fairy child for sixteen years. By that time she would be manageable and they would be able to switch her with the human baby they had taken in her place. However a misfortune be fell them in the form of an iron cage and a wicked captor. The human child that they were meant to return, was abandoned in the fairy wood and possibly eaten by a troll. Oh well, this isn't the human child's story. This is the story of Katrina, a changeling who was supposed to be raised by humans for the first sixteen years of her life and reclaimed by her parents for the rest.

When she was a baby, Katrina knew that she wasn't a human, because she remembered the red and orange faces of her parents and didn't not identify those colors in the faces of the brown parents she woke up to. This was unsettling at first and after shrieking and wailing for her real parents, but never receiving a reply, she allowed herself to be comforted by the brown ones. That's what she called them for a time, but eventually she began to call them "Mommy" and "Pop Pop". After only three years of living with Mommy and Pop Pop, Katrina began to forget who and what she really was. She embraced human life fully and thought that nothing else could be better.

It was only until her high school graduation that Katrina realized her true nature and it was purely by accident. Like all recent graduates of Greensville High, Katrina snuck into the Greensville swamp lands to leave her mark on one of the trees in the area. (It was a stupid and dangerous tradition created by the first graduates of Greensville High who wanted a tradition for the sake of having a tradition). Katrina was right in the middle of gouging a large 'K.M' in a tree when suddenly a creature burst from the bushes and tackled her. It was a hobgoblin who had had just about enough of stupid humans who defaced her home every year and she had planned to take a chunk out of Katrina as a warning to all humans, but when her teeth met Katrina's flesh, she ended up tearing off Katrina's glamour. Both human and hobgoblin were horrified but the latter soon recovered and although she was confused as to why a fairy was masquerading as a human, she felt it was her duty to bring Katrina's treacherous ass to justice. So the hobgoblin snatched Katrina up and began her journey to the middle of the swam where the other fae folk lived. Fortunately for Katrina, she shook herself free of her shocked stupor and her captor and clumsily flew to safety. She tried to return home but as soon as her parents saw her they tried to squish her and when they failed they screamed "Take the house just leave us alone!" and fled. Katrina was heartbroken and frightened of herself, so she did the only thing that seemed logical at the time, and ran away.

Not two days after she ran away, Katrina was found by a Striker and brought back to the Asylum where she's remained til this very day. Over the years, she learned how to re-glamour herself but could never bring herself to leave the asylum and reunite with her parents who she realized, weren't her parents at all.

Theme Song:

Race: Katrina is a Dust Fairy, a fairy that uses their dust to induce sleep or a stupor. These fairies tend to be the mostly non confrontational but malicious, as they like to knock humans out before messing with their lives. Dust fairies tend to be up to ten inches tall, with four arms, medium length antennae and two to four wings. They have skin varying from tan orange to pitch black. Unlike some fairies, they like to wear clothes made out of butterfly wings. EX of a Dust Fairy. They have a habit of switching human babies out with changelings and raising that child to it's sixteenth year before returning it and taking their own child back. The reason for doing this is unknown but it is assumed that because Dust juveniles are generally boisterous and a general nuisance, their parents don't want to deal with them until they're older.

Fun Fact: Katrina has a custom dollhouse in her room that functions as a real house.
Fun Fact: Katrina likes to pet Buras and braid his fur when she can.
Fun Fact: Katrina also likes to berate Rune about his lack of hair care.

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Location: Resort Pool
Lulu had never ridden in a limo before, except that one time at her cousin Porky's funeral (His name was actually David but he always had pork in each meal so everyone called him Porky, oddly enough that's actually why he died. The doctor said his cholesterol was so high that his arteries looked like sausages.) Anyway, since a limo ride was such a rare occasion, Lulu took advantage of the opportunity. By the time she arrived at the resort, she had taken at least forty pictures for instagram, and sixty three for facebook. The driver almost drove them into a ditch because the flash kept blinding him, then when he put up the partition Lulu caught an attitude with him for being 'petty'.

"How you gon' be a driver if flashing lights bother you?" Lulu complained as she glided her way past the cameramen and down the path to the pool. "What does he just drive into wall every time an ambulance or a fire truck passes by? Ugh unprofessional!" As she walked, Lulu unzipped her pink jumpsuit, revealing an extremely revealing swimsuit. As soon as she reached the pool, she threw up her hands and posed for the cameras. "Hii everyone! I'm Lulu Belinda Adams, but you can call me Lulu, boo!" Lulu scanned the area until her eyes landed on Henry and she sashayed over to him. "Hey boo-boo! Gimme some sugar!" She joked before she lunged forward and planted her lips firmly on his. She pulled back after a minute and grinned at everyone. "That's right baby! I'm here to win it and I ain't shy!" And with that she grabbed a nearby chair and planted herself next to Nathan. There was another contestant sitting next to them with Benjamin and Lulu recognized him as Rarity Vanity, one of the few contestants who would probably give her a run for her money (haha!) when it came to being a drama queen. Lulu wrinkled her nose and looked Rarity up and down. "What's good boo?"


Location: Resort Pool
Interactions: --
The first contestant to enter was a delightful looking twink and before Nathan could go over and snag him for himself, the guy came to him! His introduction was sort of lack luster, but Nathan wasn't one to judge on first impressions. When the guy--Charon-- splashed him, Nathan grinned and waded over to him. "I'm not a fan of video games, although that could be because I never had the right partner. Perhaps you could give me a tutorial when you have the chance?" He purred. "But until then, how about you tell me more about yourself?" He asked, his gaze lingering on the younger man's upper half. He was certainly well muscled for a gamer.

As time went on more people arrived and gave introductions varying from flamboyant and detailed to ridged and stilted, but Nathan wasn't turned off by any of them. He would give them the benefit of the doubt until they either pissed him off or showed they weren't interested in him. So far...The latter seemed to be occurring and it was kind of pissing him off, but looking at Charon made him feel a lot better because god was he a pretty thing! He was about to ask if the guy worked out when a stunning woman with dyed white hair walked in and proceeded to eye fuck him. Well at least it looked like she wasn't and Nathan did not mind at all. When she spoke to him he grinned and beckoned to her. "I am, but I'd have even more fun if you joined me. You too Charon." He said, swimming backwards and waiting to see if they would in fact join him.


Location: Resort Pool
Interactions: --
"Precisely." He confirmed to Henry, already thinking about the angle he would pain for his client. But his thoughts were interrupted when the contestants began to arrive. As they each gave their introductions, some less enthusiastic than others, Benjamin already began deciding who he wanted. The ones who deviated to Nathan as soon as they arrived, he put on the bottom of his list. He figured they leaned more towards the younger guy and he wasn't going to try and compete in a competition he couldn't win unless he somehow located the fountain of youth. Sure he could get plastic surgery, but that could only do so much. One of the first contestants to arrive, Jaylan was awkward and adorable, although Benjamin was kind of worried about the guy's profession. 'Serving established families?' wasn't that a fancy word for servant? He made a mental note to ask him about that later, and instead beckoned him over. Another contestant entered and gave a flashy introduction. Rarity Vanity...Interesting name. Ben thought and raised his eyebrows when the guy boldly approached him and struck up a conversation. "Well hello there, darling." He said, smiling widely. "I thought this resort was missing something and now I know it was you." Kind of a corny remark, but Benjamin didn't really give a shit. "What's that accent by the way, darling?"

Another contestant entered the pool area, this time a feminine looking guy, but he quickly gave his introduction and promptly buried his nose in a book. Benjamin chalked it up to him being nervous, and gave his attention to Rarity.


This morning at exactly 3:00 AM five notorious villains broke out of Revelation; A Supermax Prison for villains. Authorities believe that the escaped villains had outside help, as Supermax is nearly impossible to break into or out of. The Genesis Syndicate were notified as soon as the prison alarm system was triggered, and Captain Vitality, a senior member of the Syndicate stated that the Syndicate would do anything in it's power to "bring those fuck faces to justice."

Local law enforcement encourages citizens of Genesis City to call out tip line, if anything suspicious is witnessed.

Remember; If it looks shifty, it probably is. Call 1-800-SHIFTY to report any concerns involving the escaped villains.

Here is a list of the escaped villains, complete with their powers and photos.

Slot One - Reserved by Salty

Slot Two - Reserved by Beowulf

Slot Three

Slot Four

Slot Five

Common Terms (That Will Either Make You Seem Cool or Like a Dick)
Habits /nothing like nuns/
- Slang term for regular humans with no super powers or physical alterations that would classify them as remarkable.

Remarks /kinda sounds like they failed a test/
- Short for remarkable and used to describe beings who have super powers.
Ughs /not fashionable footwear/
- A popular yet derogatory term used to describe Remarks that are physically altered to the point that they barely look like humans.
Cat(s) /meow/
- Members of the Syndicate, a league of superheroes who combat crime in the city.
Fish /glub glub/
- A remark who has decided to use their powers for their own personal gain instead of evil or joining the Syndicate. Fish is short for selfish.
The Rev /*shudders*/
- Slang for the supermax prison built for villains.

Formal Terms (That Make You Seem Like a Cop or a Narc)
S.O /the govt is so unoriginal/
- Stands for Standard Organism and refers to regular people with no powers.
R.O /row row row your boat/
- Stands for Remarkable Organism and refers to people with powers who look like humans.
A.O /eeyy oohh listen what I say oohh/
- Stands for Abnormal Organism and refers to people with powers who don't look like humans.
R.B /rub me >.>/
- Stands for Rogue Bot and refers to robots who rebelled against their inventors.
Syndicates /sin-dick-cats/
- Members of the Syndicate, a league of superheroes who combat crime in the city.
Revelation /*shudders*/
- A supermax prison built for villains.

City and Citizen Information​

Genesis City is the home of over 1 million people with 20% of those people being remarkable. Unfortunately, not all of those remarks are good, and about 12% of that 20% are evil. That leaves us with 8% percent good, but then take away all the fish, who either have shitty powers or don't want to become crime fighters and that leaves us with a whopping, 6.2% for the remarks that are good and want to fight crime. That 6.2% forms the Syndicate, a league of superheroes who use their powers to fight the many villains in Genesis City and the occasional 'robots made by good people to serve people but became self aware and went rogue.'

The Syndicate was established in 2010, fifteen years after Genesis was created and seven notable people were elected to be the front runners of the Syndicate. The Syndicate HQ lies in the center of the city, right next to City Hall and cannot be reached by unauthorized vehicles. To enter the HQ you must submit form A-b 2.3 to City Hall and then take a background check and then--Or you can say fuck it and climb the fence and risk being tased by a Secret Service officer.

Aside from the superhero HQ, Genesis is like any other city that has a high level of meta-humans. There are stores all over the place and a complicated subway system that a tourist would get lost in. The only thing truly different about the city is the extreme lack of standalone houses and a surprisingly low poverty rate due to Project Tiara, that Syndicate member, Princess started. Project Tiara is a project that provides affordable housing for poor people and sets them up in minimum wage jobs all over the city. It's adorable. And also considered charity so Princess gets a big ass tax break every year.

Another way Genesis differs from other cities is that it has it's own prison on the outskirts of town. Revelation prison is a supermax that was built solely to house villains that couldn't be placed in a normal prison. It's a terrible place where all of the convicts are placed in solitude and fed through a slot. The guards are either remarks or habits equipped with heavy artillery.
Once you get sent to Revelation, you never come out. Unless you break out.

The political system in Genesis is reportedly democratic, however all of the mayors of Genesis have been descendants of Malachi Gold, the founder of Genesis City. Even odder though, all of the mayors are named after the founder and the current one is Malachi the Fifth. Malachi is an all around friendly guy who makes dad jokes and thinks memes are hilarious. He always wears colorful suits and is married to an 80 year old woman named Barb which is super gross but whatever, we don't kink shame here.

Superhuman Lore
Superhumans become super either by inheriting dominant mutated genes or getting powers from scientific experiments or experiencing extreme trauma that activates a dormant mutated gene.

The Syndicate
And now, your first look at the members of the Syndicate, as told by Dr. Sterling. Pardon the cursing and clear bias, but these people did ruin her life.

Captain Vitality

Alias: Captain Vitality
Power: Energy Manipulation
"Our biggest threat. Captain Vitality used to be a villain who absorbed the energy of others so that he could remain young. For a long time, the Syndicate pursued him and the only reason they were able to catch him was because the only thing more powerful than his lust for youth was his...Well...Lust. In fact his alias used to be Lust Lord. Anyway, he was caught but instead of sending him to prison, the Syndicate cut him a deal: Either work for them or rot in prison as an ugly old man forever. He chose the former of course and became the 'leader' of the Syndicate."


Alias: Princess
Power: Enhanced Strength
Age: Late teens - Early 20s
"A girl who speaks with the royal 'we' and you would only call annoying as shit, if she couldn't crush your head between her palms. Princess has the strength of ten men and she is the face of the Syndicate. She isn't really the brains of the operation, but she does have the most fans. Princess is in no way actual royalty, but you wouldn't know it by the way she carries herself and acts around her fans (aka "the unwashed masses"). She is the biggest, most passive aggressive, sneaky bitch in the whole world."


Name: Louisa Mills
Alias: Sleight
Power: Illusion Manipulation
Age: Early 20s
"Sleight is a master illusionist but started out as a fish before she came to join the Syndicate. She is actually a petty thief turned vigilante turned Syndicate member. Her power is obviously, to create illusions to disguise herself and the world around her. I don't know this for sure, but I'm pretty sure she uses her illusions to disguise herself, so there's no guarantee she's actually a skinny blonde...Or a girl."

The Scream

Alias: The Scream
Power: Sound Manipulation
Age: Late 20s - Mid 30s
"Ironically, he never speaks to anyone but in the field he can yell loud enough to cause an earthquake. Maybe it's because he never spoke, but he was the nicest member of the seven. Most of his fans are middle aged housewives."

Razor Sphere

Alias: Razor
Power: Spherical Form
Age: Mid 20s
"The Scream's little brother and a true shit head. He's reckless, rude and the kind of stupid that thinks he's a genius. His power is turning into a human sized ball of death equipped with sharp blades (if he's holding knives) and moving about as fast sonic the hedgehog. Also he's a freaking psycho, so he knows his way around a knife fight. He has a large following of teenage girls."


Alias: Doug
Power: Psychic Persuasion
Age: Early 30s
"This guy might look like a free loading, no tax paying degenerate, but he's a truly evil son of a bitch. To outsiders, he's this martial arts expert habit who trained hard enough to rise in the ranks of the Syndicate, but on the inside he's a remarkable too. But he's the worst kind. His power is psychic persuasion. The Syndicate uses him to 'interrogate' people and he always seems way too eager to proceed. Oh, what makes him so horrible? He makes the 'participant' 'interrogate' themselves. Also, Doug is the second most popular Syndicate member because he's 'down to earth' and 'relatable'."


Alias: Cassandra
Age: Late 30's - Mid 40's
"The head bitch in charge. She's blind as a bat, but don't underestimate her, she's crazy smart and the true leader of the Syndicate. I've only seen her once and was unable to study her so I don't know her abilities. She does not go into the field and therefore has no fans, as everyone thinks Captain Vitality is the leader."

Try your hardest not to be a meanie weenie in the OOC.

Try to be UNIQUE with character creation.

This is to be a FUNNY rp. It's not gonna be gut busting laughter all the time though, and there will be some sad moments but mostly funny moments. Think...A Series of Unfortunate Events meets Avengers.

I reserve the right to reject you.

Please do not be upset when I review your character and seem harsh.

On the subject of character creation though; You have three tries to correct your character. Meaning if I say "Sinister Bob needs more depth to his character" and you add one line to your already too short personality section, then that's one attempt lost and so on. After all three attempts are up, you have the choice of either scrapping the character and submitting a new one or getting pissed and leaving.

BANNED POWERS LIST: (Don't even try to use them, cause they're banned) Immortality, Death Manipulation, Life Manipulation, Time Manipulation, I got's every power fustercluck (this list subject to additions).

Posting Requirements: Third Person, Past Tense and at least eight sentences per post. Don't post an entire novel though in an IC post but don't give me a three line blurb either. Also! We're doing things different here, so there will be no waiting for the IC to appear because it's already been made! So as soon as I accept you, you can post! :)

Try to not have the same power as another player.

Character Sheet

Name: [the name of your character]

Alias: [Everyone should have one]

Race: [Any organism that I mentioned in the Glossary is fine]

Age: [17+]

Years in Prison: [How long were your rotting in Revelation?]

Appearance: [so anime is okay as long as it's not too cartoony, I'd like to stick to a more realistic anime, that doesn't look like a cartoon. But prefer ideally realistic art style not real people. Also include with a picture or description, what they were for their supersuit.]

Crimes: [You don't have to list every single one, but give a brief rundown]

[Give me at least five adjectives and a short description of how your character fits into those adjectives. This description can include any instances.
Here is an example;
Vindictive: Princess hates being one upped or slighted and she has the memory of an elephant. When she believes that someone has wronged her, she resolves to get them back. One time when she was at a gala, her friend accidentally stepped on her dress, tearing the entire back off and revealing Princess' backside to the entire room. The next day Princess 'accidentally' put nair in her friend's shampoo and then the next month at another gala, she 'accidentally' yanked her friend's wig off revealing her patchy bald head.]

Institution Review: [Now in one to two sentences in the pov of a prison guard, describe your character.]

Weapons: [Could be just about anything]

Powers: [2 powers max. and they should be somewhat related. Provide a brief explanation for each]

Skills: [these are not powers, but skills. Where your character is trained in, and this may be physical as well it may be mental. Three major skills, three minor skills]

Weaknesses: [If you're a fire manipulator, you're weak against water etc. I need at least three.]

Negative Traits: [whether this is physical or mental, I want two negative traits that balance out your character. These are not power weaknesses.]

History: [Here is where you tell me about your character's childhood, adulthood, trials tribulations and most importantly, how and why they got caught.]

Theme Song: [optional, but I do like them, and would prefer them]

Misc: [anything I forgot]
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IDEA: A dying king in a palace of liars and fiends. He has many illegitimate children scattered across the land. As his last command, he gifts them all with a right to the throne.

The king is dying (from being poisoned over a course of several months) but uses the only people he trusts (a small private army) to send word to his children, who he implores to take the throne from the evil minister who ripped it from him. He gives the bastard children the right to take the throne, because he thinks his legitimate children and queen are dead. Meanwhile the minister plans to kill the queen and her two children (who have fled) but the assassin sent after them decides spare them. And either strikes a deal or swears loyalty.

The 12 bastards of the king are spread out all over. (Some can be related or w/e)

Locations: King's Country a continent embodied of The Castle, Copper Town and Roe's Wood.

The Castle - Where King Alexander lived with his Queen and two kids. Higher nobles, and the Glorious Order reside there. [more on Glory religion later]

Copper Town - The industrial town below the castle that serves as a boundary between Roe's Wood and The Castle. This is where most lesser nobles and middle class commoners live. Copper Town is where most merchants sell their wears but also where public entertainment (circuses etc) is held. This is also where public executions would be held but the gallows haven't been used since King Alexander ascended the throne. Copper Town received it's name from the former monetary items that were used in trade. (The money used now are Royal Pieces but no one ever thought to change the town's name)

Roe's Wood - the land around King's country and Copper Town, it is a rural land dotted with farms, villages and numerous small forests. The Roe's Wood people provided King's Country with fruits, vegetables, roe deer, rabbit and boar. Inside of Roe's Wood but closest to the entrance of Copper Town is an aviary where the King's favorite bird, the peacock are kept. There are over 100 peacocks kept there and are cared for and maintained by a family headed by a man who was hand picked by the King to care for his favorite bird.
The clusters of forest scattered around Roe's Wood are home to the area's namesake, the roe deer. These deer are relatively peaceful and are the main food source for everyone in King's Country. There are laws about the hunting of roe deer, in order to keep them thriving. [laws to be added later]. In addition to the deer, rabbit and boar live in the forest as well as wolves and foxes. Bandits often live in these small forests as well.

Scarlet Port and Bay - A dangerous town on the southern outskirts of King's Country. This town is filled with the worst scum and the wickedest people. Pirates, criminals, assassins and their families reside here. In the past, criminals would hide here after escaping from prison or thwarting the knights sent to drag them to the gallows. Years ago, King Alexander's father, King Rowan would send his knights to retrieve these criminals but after awhile, the criminals began to form their own societies and strongholds and soon the knights couldn't come within a mile of the place without being slaughtered. After King Rowan's death, King Alexander grew tired of losing his knights and stopped all travel and trade to Scarlet Port and Bay.

Djinn City
A wondrous oasis city ruled by the former assassin, Rami al Hakim. The land was given to Rami by former King Rowan, as a reward for serving him for so long. However the land was not the only gift, King Rowan gave Rami his daughter's hand in marriage. Djinn City is a city advanced in technology (think steampunk), most of the citizens are well versed in theatrics, science and alchemy. Although Djinn City is inside of King's Country, it is it's own kingdom.

Widow's Cliffs
A land almost purely inhabited by women, Widow's Cliffs is home to those women who have lost their husbands and have no one to support them in leading their families. The Widow's here are mostly self sufficient and only rely on each other to survive. These women live near the dangerous cliffs of King's Country but have managed to adapt to their static environment. They provide fish and jewelry to the Kingdom.

The Thunderous Valley
A valley surrounded by mountains that grasp at the heaven's. The Thunderous Valley are home to the a fearsome warriors who eradicate all who seek to plunder their valley for riches. The people who live there call themselves 'the Thunderers' and they resent being considered a part of King's Country. There society is equal parts male and female and they do not recognize gender hierarchies. Everyone is equal in the Valley and decisions are made by voting. All members, even the smallest children get to vote and that has been the way since anyone can remember.The Thunderers live in long cabins made of stone, and they dress in wool and leather clothing. They keep cows and sheep, which they herd with their thunder dogs. Thunder dogs, are dogs that resemble wolves and are fiercely loyal to their masters. In addition to herding, the dogs are used to protect the Valley from intruders and to discourage the Thunder Bird and it's hatchlings from devouring the Thunderers. It is unknown whether the Thunder Bird and it's Hatchlings lived in the Thunderous Valley before the Thunderers, however the bird is a wicked beast who used to swoop down and take several Thunderers as a meal for it's children. After many years of trying and failing to kill the bird, the Thunderers decided to offer the five plumpest and juiciest of cows and sheep to the bird every month. So far this has worked, but they fear what will happen when the hatchlings of the Thunder Bird reach maturity.

A Tale of Old 1 (put roman numerals though)​
Before King Alexander, there was King Rowan, a man who ruled with an iron fist and a faithful heart. But his heart did not beat or bleed for his people, instead it only felt for the Glorious Order. The Glorious Order was a league of men who worshiped The Glorious One, a god as old as time. When the Glorious One spoke to the Glorious Order, King Alexander obeyed, no matter what the task. If the Glorious One wanted more riches, King Alexander would send his knights to plunder the land. If the Glorious One wanted more roe deer to feed it's devout followers, King Alexander would command the peasants of Roe's Wood to deliver him 100 deer every month.

The peasants of Roe's Wood both feared and despised King Alexander and the Glorious Order. Their King who was supposed to love and protect them, was running them ragged. The roe deer were become less and less and migrating to less volatile lands. The people were dying of starvation and disease because they could not care for themselves if they had to meet such an absurd quota. The people tried to speak to the King, they tried to get him to see their plight but he was deaf to their cries and blind to their suffering.

One family living in Roe's Wood decided one night that they would not stand for this abuse any longer. They rallied their companions and traveled from village to village, gathering people for a rebellion. They decided that if the King would not listen, then they would create a new King and they would destroy the Glorious Order. The people were angry, and sad but thankfully, able to listen to reason. Their children begged them not to wage war against the King who would most definitely slaughter them with his knights. "Instead of fighting," one child inquired, "Why can't we leave?" This stumped former rebels. Why couldn't they? There were no guards around the perimeter of Roe's Wood! There was only the threat of the people of Scarlet's Port, who hated King Alexander and his people. But these Roe's Wood rebels were no longer King Alexander's people, they were their own people!

So the majority of the Roe's Wood rebels left their land, bidding farewell to the staunchly faithful neighbors who refused to abandon their king.

The people--They could no longer call themselves inhabitants of Roe's Wood or even rebels-- traveled for days, looking for a new King. But alas they found no one, but they couldn't return to Roe's Wood and they couldn't live in Scarlet's Port, a nest of violence and carnage. And just when they were about to tumble into despair and regret, a small voice piped up. "Why can't we make our own kingdom? Where we can be happy, because we all love each other!" Why couldn't they? All they needed was land, and that wouldn't be too hard, they had been traveling through seemingly uninhabited lands for months.

The people came upon a valley. A beautiful place with huge mountains, and a crisp, clean river and beautiful green grass! After testing the soil, they found that it was rich with nutrients just begging for seeds! And there were ram living in the mountains! It all seemed perfect!

Why do they resent being part of the king's country?
The first inhabitants of the Thunderous Valley were Roe's Wood people who did not agree with King Rowan's (King Alexander's father) rule and his blatant faith in the Glorious Order. King Rowan seemed to ignore the plight of the common people and expected them to provide resources despite the numerous hardships they were facing. After many attempts to plead their case to King Rowan, a small amount of Roe's Wood inhabitants left their lands and began to search for a new home with a better ruler.

If they resent being a part of the country, could there be rebellions in the past? Or is this rather new and the king, whichever one, made them not like it? Either way, if they are so openly resentful of being a part of the kingdom, wouldn't there be military forces there to keep them in line?

So even, if their culture is equal. Every man and woman does the same amount of work. Don't they separate the work between men, woman, and children? I'll be honest and say body dymorphism does mean there is an inherent difference biologically to male and female. Also, do they hunt their own food? What's the labor like? Do they grow their own food and eat it, so completely sedimentary? Why hasn't the king dealt with the Thunderer yet?

And then the question is, what's the population size? How are they managing to maintain feeding everyone and giving sacrificial cows and sheep to the bird creature?

Info about Thunderers and belief in wisdom of children

Info about Thunder Bird and Hatchlings

More places to come...

In the beginning there were no monsters, only wicked folk and carnivorous animals. Doubt in the glorious order began to fester and the order sought to prove their truth to all. Basically they used alchemy to create a light show to scare people, but the light show awoke the great sleeping beasts; The Thunder Bird and its Hatchlings, the Hydra, the Cockatrice and the Griffon.
Royal Pieces (Money)
TBA (explain later)


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"The Thunderous Valley I"

Before King Alexander, there was King Rowan, a man who ruled with an iron fist and a faithful heart. But his heart did not beat or bleed for his people, instead it only felt for the Glorious Order. The Glorious Order was a league of men who worshiped The Glorious One, a god as old as time. When the Glorious One spoke to the Glorious Order, King Alexander obeyed, no matter what the task. If the Glorious One wanted more riches, King Alexander would send his knights to plunder the land. If the Glorious One wanted more roe deer to feed it's devout followers, King Alexander would command the peasants of Roe's Wood to deliver him 100 deer every month.

The peasants of Roe's Wood both feared and despised King Alexander and the Glorious Order. Their King who was supposed to love and protect them, was running them ragged. The roe deer were become less and less and migrating to less volatile lands. The people were dying of starvation and disease because they could not care for themselves if they had to meet such an absurd quota. The people tried to speak to the King, they tried to get him to see their plight but he was deaf to their cries and blind to their suffering.

One family living in Roe's Wood decided one night that they would not stand for this abuse any longer. They rallied their companions and traveled from village to village, gathering people for a rebellion. They decided that if the King would not listen, then they would create a new King and they would destroy the Glorious Order. The people were angry, and sad but thankfully, able to listen to reason. Their children begged them not to wage war against the King who would most definitely slaughter them with his knights. "Instead of fighting," one child inquired, "Why can't we leave?" This stumped former rebels. Why couldn't they? There were no guards around the perimeter of Roe's Wood! There was only the threat of the people of Scarlet's Port, who hated King Alexander and his people. But these Roe's Wood rebels were no longer King Alexander's people, they were their own people!

So the majority of the Roe's Wood rebels left their land, bidding farewell to the staunchly faithful neighbors who refused to abandon their king.

The people--They could no longer call themselves inhabitants of Roe's Wood or even rebels-- traveled for days, looking for a new King. But alas they found no one, but they couldn't return to Roe's Wood and they couldn't live in Scarlet's Port, a nest of violence and carnage. And just when they were about to tumble into despair and regret, a small voice piped up. "Why can't we make our own kingdom? Where we can be happy, because we all love each other!" Why couldn't they? All they needed was land, and that wouldn't be too hard, they had been traveling through seemingly uninhabited lands for months.

The people came upon a valley. A beautiful place with huge mountains, and a crisp, clean river and beautiful green grass! After testing the soil, they found that it was rich with nutrients just begging for seeds! And there were ram living in the mountains! It all seemed perfect!

Credit: Fiery Cold
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The World Image Galley






Thunderer Child Representative

Name: Lorelei Kyth

Age: 26

Appearance: (Pictures preferred! Otherwise, be brief)

Occupation: (What your character does for a living. Heirs can still have an occupation too, but don't necessarily have to)

Nationality: (Non-Heir characters only - what Nation is your character from)

Formal Title: (If any. Keep in mind, "Heir of [Nation]" can be a title if you want)

Five Words That Describe Your Character: Humorous, Reliable, Truthful, Understanding, Patient

Notable Skills: (4 maximum. Brief explanation allowed)

Potential Nations:
Windhaven, Fairlea (pointed eared humans, laid back hippie pot smokers)
Port Vanksy, Lucinda's Freehold (pirates with seal puppers)
Amberhall, Amberholm (wealthy green city)
Lura-Zah, Lura (desert priestesses)
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Name: Rashida Meskhenet

Race: Hathmet
Descended from the devout followers of Hathor, the Hathmet represent the time when Ra transformed Hathor into Sekmet and set her upon the humans who plotted against him. When in their neutral form, they are peaceful loving creatures, but when enraged they become brutal beasts of war and carnage, only able to be stopped if subdued with alcohol. However in recent years with the development of antidepressants and technology, the Hathmet are able to control their rage and use it to their advantage.
This will make much more sense if you read this.

Age: 25

Role: Detective

Years: 6

[Rashida prefers loose clothing, like sports leggings, t-shirts and hoodies. However she isn't opposed to dressing formally every once in awhile. Her footwear of choice is almost always tennis shoes though but if she's in formal wear, then she'll wear sneaker heels. ]


Behavioral Analysis:
Rashida is a tough nut to crack but and values order and justice over spontaneity and wishy washy feelings. Despite this, she does not hold herself on a pedestal and does not consider herself a one woman army, she has the capacity to admit her faults (it's kind of like pulling teeth though) and work with a team to get things done.

Personal: "I think I'm okay, I mean I'm not awesome, but I'm not an asshole either. Sure sometimes I can get a little testy, but who doesn't?"

Concealed Hand Gun (Affectionately named, Calcium. When she first started out, Rashida snarled 'Have some calcium motherfucker!' at her first target and her teammates later gifted her the gun, with the word 'Calcium' engraved on the barrel.)
High Tech Gauntlets (So she can punch things longer without bruising her knuckles)

Zoolingualism: She can speak to all animals except for carnivores. During this process she must speak in the 'tongue' of the animal (so if it's a sheep, baa baa etc.). But when transitioning back to human speech, she has a tendency to mix up her words and needs about three minutes before she can pass on the message in human tongue.
Enhanced Strength: She has the strength of a bull, but mind you, she is still breakable. She may be able to headbutt a man across the room but punch through bricks she cannot.
Berserker Physiology: Even with the antidepressants, if you piss her off enough, she will fly into a blind rage and she won't stop until you subdue her the old fashion way. Get her drunk or kill her. Unfortunately, the issue with a blind rage is that...Nobody's her friend but everyone's her enemy so it's best to steer clear or try to herd (Get it? Herd?) her in the direction of the bad guys. Also when in this form her combat training flies out the window and she just starts swinging (and kicking...and headbutting...and biting...and--you get it.).

Hand to Hand Combat - She is skilled in Krav Maga and Boxing.

Light Weapon Proficiency - Just because she has sharp horns and above average strength it doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy a good gun slinging! (Limited to hand guns)

Undercover Training - Rashida is often the first to volunteer for undercover operations as she is trained for it, and enjoys playing the bad guy on occasion.

Team Building - Hey, she may look rough around the edges, but Rashida enjoys a good ice breaker game to bring the gang together.

Non Verbal Communication - You know those hand signals you see police doing in movies when they have to be super silent? Yeah. Rashida is the queen of silent signals.

Conflict Resolution - Rashida considers positive team relationships the key point to success in the career, so when people are pissed at each other she will not tolerate it, but she will come up with fun way to get them working together again.

Special Traits:
  • Unlike most female Hathmet, Rashida has horns because technically, she is not 100% female, but intersex. She however, identifies as a female and prefers feminine pronouns.

Negative Traits:
  • Rashida has anger management issues (not related to her race, but it affects it) and has to take antidepressants to keep her from punching a hole through the wall...Or a coworker.
  • She smells like a barn. Well a cow to be exact and she hates it so she drenches herself in perfume, which really only makes the smell worse. It also makes it easier for people to smell her coming.

History and Lore:
Rashida wasn't born in the city and unlike most members of the BMCI, she did not initially want to join. Like most Hathmet families, the Meskhenet's were farmers. They ran a very successful business and produced the tastiest chicken, lamb and pork, as well as the crispest vegetables. After all, zoolingualism ran in the family, so they could sweet talk their livestock to their deaths so they died happy healthy animals. Rashida was a rambunctious girl, who although she knew how to run the farm very well she did not envision herself running in when she got older. She didn't know what she wanted to do, but she knew it involved excitement and traveling. Unfortunately for her, her anger management therapist disagreed and constantly pushed her towards more laid back activities like knitting and tending crops. It was true that Rashida had had countless incidents where she'd blown her top and fucked shit up (and people. Lots and lots of people) but she still didn't want to resign herself to a life of boredom and corn husking.

Initially, her parents encouraged her in following her dreams because her younger sister, Shani was willing to take over the farm instead. Shani was a spontaneous Hathmet, who didn't share most of the views of her species. She was a 'spread the love' type of girl and made business deals with people that her parents found unsavory. Like Alas. Damjana (pronounced Daa-mee-yah-nah), an Ala decided to leave her home in the Deep World and take residence in the lands where the Meskhenets had their farm. As an ala, Damjana began wrecking the nearby lands with her weather powers but Shani, the ever loving, free minded young woman befriended the Ala. Their friendship eventually turned into a romance and the Ala agreed to protect the farm from trouble and making sure the business stayed afloat. This didn't sit well with her parents however as they wanted Shani to marry a proper Hashmet, so they disowned Shani and forced Rashida to become the owner of the farm and business. What they didn't expect, was for Rashida to be horrible at business management and when they saw that the farm was endanger of being shut down, they swallowed their pride and prejudice and invited Shani and her new ala wife back to the farm to run in indefinitely.

With this new development, Rashida set off to the city to find her true calling and got a job as a bouncer at a club called Honesty. It was a club for creatures that were far too disturbing looking to appear as anything but human. The owner of the club, a selkie created the place so creatures could feel comfortable in their own skin. It was a relatively popular club but like most popular locations, it got some negative attention from other more humanoid creatures who wished to persecute the non humanoid beings who frequented the place. That's where Rashida came in. Her job was to keep people safe, stop fights and kick the ass of jerks that tried to harass the club goers. And for awhile, she enjoyed the job. It was a great way to release pent up anger in a relatively safe way (safe as in, the people she was beating up where douche bags anyway so who cares about their well being). However one night during a prominent club goers birthday, the party was interrupted when a cherub interrupted the party and began wreaking havoc. Apparently she had done some vile illegal shit at her job in the DCG and wanted to have one last hurrah before the authorities took her ass down. Unfortunately, her way of having fun came at the cost of many people's safety and it was up to Rashida to incapacitate while the BMCI were on their way. So Rashida unleashed her rage (well one of her coworkers had to rile her up and push her in the cherub's general direction first) and ended up stomping the cherub's ass out. Fortunately a cherub is more durable due to her angelic composition so she lived. The arresting BMCI officer expressed his awe at Rashida's 'control' of the situation and suggested that she apply to the BMCI as an officer. At first Rashida didn't want to leave her job as a bouncer, but her hand was forced when her boss, Grace, fired her with the only reason being "You're skills are wasted here. Go kick ass as a cop, you crazy heifer."

And so Rashida did. Training was hard. Very hard, because Rashida didn't appreciate being told what to do at first, but eventually she learned to respect her instructors and mentors. She didn't graduate top of her class (because she'd lost her temper twice during training and thoroughly wrecked everything with a five foot vicinity) but she did graduate in the top ten. She started off as an officer but soon worked her way up the ranks to detective, a position she loves and doesn't plan on leaving anytime soon.

Theme Song:

FUN FACT: She is a vegetarian.
FUN FACT: She wears leather though.
FUN FACT: She doesn't share her parents heightened prejudice towards Minotaurs but she is wary of them.
FUN FACT: She sharpens her horns every four months wit

The Tale of Hathor
All Gods, be they Egyptian, Roman or Greek, stand for something. Be they major or minor, they all represent an integral part of human life and they are fiercely protective of those who adore and follow them. Sometimes the love of a following is so strong that a minor God can ascend to a higher plane than even their predecessors, as did Hathor the cow goddess of joy, feminine love and motherhood.

Unlike most deities, Hathor did not grace humanity upon her birth. She was the daughter of Ra, the god of the sun but did not join him to guide humanity or look down upon them. Instead she stayed in her home of the Milky Way and played with her sister, Nut, goddess of the sky. Hathor believed that all she needed in life was her father Ra, who visited her at night and Nut, who visited her during the day. But as Hathor grew, she became curious of her family's apparent obsession with humanity. She did not quite understand the allure of the clumsy, short lived creatures, but she found herself oddly protective of them and forgiving of their shortcomings. The female humans interested her the most and she was in awe of all they could do but confused as to why they had no deity to look out for them. When questioned about this Ra simply shrugged. "I am the watcher of all, but I cannot focus on one group in particular. Why don't you coddle them if you're so worried?"

And she did. Hathor left the safety of the milky way and joined her father, sister and other relatives in staring down at the Earth, but she focused mainly on the women and their children. She graced the women with gifts that made motherhood easier and more redeeming and they thanked her with temples and offerings. She amassed a large following after a while, which irked her father. He was after all, the God of all. He had temples, and followers yet they often deviated and began to worship other Gods. In an action foreign to him, Ra let his eye rest on the women of world and saw that their trust and faith in his daughter never wavered. He was proud…But jealous and in a fit of childish anger he did something unthinkable.

A large group of humans were planning to destroy his first temple and desecrate the tombs of his first followers, and he wanted to punish them but he couldn't afford to leave his post. Hathor, however could. Ra knew that his gentile daughter would never shed blood on purpose, so he decided to give her a push. He took a bit of fire from the sun and thrust it inside of Hathor's belly. The cow goddess seemed to shudder for a moment before shrieking and transforming into a crazed creature named Sekhmet. She fell upon the earth with a mighty CRASH and began laying waste to humanity. Good, bad, in between, it did not matter. She slaughtered anyone in her path even the women she loved so dearly.

High above the earth, Ra watched this scene unfold with smug satisfaction. His daughter's actions horrified her followers and they were considering deviation. All he wanted was for her to feel what he felt when his followers abandoned him, but what he didn't count on was Nut. Although she was also Ra's daughter, Nut was powerful in her own right, being the goddess of the nighttime sky but also representing an important tool in human conception. Nut used her powers to enlighten the minds of her little sister's followers, and to show them that their existence was not without trials and tribulations that would enrage them as well and make them crazed. Understanding this, Hathor's followers vowed to never leave Hathor no matter how she comported herself and they stood strong against her fury.

Ra did not know of Nut's interference but he was impressed by the followers of Hathor so he decided to stop Hathor's rampage by pouring large amounts of blood colored beer on the ground, which Hathor quickly lapped up as she had grown accustomed to draining the blood of her victims. Hathor drank so much that she fell asleep and Ra brought her back to the milky way, and when she woke up she was the kind Hathor once more.


From then on, whenever Hathor became irritated she flew into a rage and tormented her relatives so much that they kept alcohol on hand to subdue her.

Down on Earth, the followers of Hathor altered their tapestries and depictions of Hathor to include her form of womanly fury, Sekhmet. Wanting to include this integral part of their chosen goddess, the followers became known as the Hathmet, women known for their violent carnage when upset.

The men of the earth were awed by their changed women and some of them even joined the Hathmet. But some of them remained wary. Eventually their wary turned to fear and that fear turned to hatred and oppression. They sought to break the women before they could show their inner rage and this made Hathor fear for her follower's well being so she blessed some of them with the horns, strength and slight appearance of a cow, so that they may protect themselves.

Shani, Damjana and the Calf
Coming Soon...
Synopsis: Shani and Damjana adopt a Minotaur calf from the Deep World much to the ire of Shani's parents.

Name: Lucy
Undercover Alias: Cupcake Malvolio
Race: Magic Cat
(Technically she is a former witch's familiar but she is able to take on humanoid form by using the charmed collar that her mistress gave her.)
Age: Appears 22 but she's around 96 years old.

Role: Deep Cover Reserve

Years: 9

Appearance: Humanoid Form

GDBee Arts
Natural Form

[In humanoid form, Lucy likes clothes that make her look cute but are easy to move in. She adores hair ornaments and wears one everyday no matter what. Her hair is always well styled and her make up is always on point. She wears two beaded yellow bracelets on her tail and never seems to take them off. She also wears a special black choker with latin words written on the side that touches her skin. This is the charmed collar that allows her to take human form. As a cat, her fur is always immaculately neat, her charmed collar does not appear in this form.]

Personality: ENTP 'The Debater'

Behavioral Analysis:
Lucy is an important asset and reservoir of information on the Malvolio goblin mafia family. However she seems to have on going visits to Human Resources because she likes to rile up her female coworkers by stating that she is prettier than they are. She also seems to have an issue with not being praised for a long time, we have attributed this to her being a cat.

"I'm pretty, well groomed and smart. What's not to--MOUSE!" (Lucy dashes off in the suspected direction of the rodent in human form. Some yelps are heard echoing through the corridor, and Kaden can be heard scolding Lucy for running through the halls like a madwoman and Lucy returns sporting a dejected look.) "Okay, so sometimes I can get a little distracted, but overall I'm awesome. Do you know anyone else who's been in deep cover for this long without getting found out?"

Standard Pistol - But she hates using it and has to be reminded to carry it when she's at headquarters.

Claw Enhancement: Lucy is able to strengthen her claws so that she may maul people longer and more effectively. This only makes her claws stronger however, not unbreakable. She can shred most skin and wood but not metal, stone and most creature's scales.
Zoolingualism: She can speak to all animals except those that are cold blooded or avian.
Feline Manipulation: Lucy can command cats. She can call them to her side and command them to do her bidding. This power is limited to domestic cats however and if they aren't within twenty feet of her, they will ignore the call. The most cats she has ever commanded has been ten. When cats are under her command their eyes seem to dull and they meow eerily. This makes it hard for Lucy to use them for stealth operations.

Stealth - What kind of cat person would she be if she weren't stealthy? Lucy knows how to tread silently and keep to the shadows on her missions.

Undercover Operatives - Rigorously trained in undercover operations, Lucy knows how to spin a lie so that she can still keep up with it. She knows the do's and do not's and when to call it quits.

Lock Picking - Not very legal, but still a useful skill. She can pick most doorknob locks.

Acrobatics - Lucy is a superb gymnast and not just for fun. She can backflip, forward roll and cartwheel her way out of a slippery situation with little to no error.

Manipulation - It might be because she's a cat, but Lucy knows how to manipulate people. Round dilated pupils? Check. Crinkled brow? Pitiful voice? Double check. Lucy knows how to get what she wants, but while this tactic works on most outsiders and humans, BMCI members who know her, are not so easily fooled.

Grace - She almost never stumbles. She's as graceful as a swan and she walks like a model in human or cat form.

Special Traits: Since she is technically a cat, her special trait would be being able to assume human form, although that's due to the charmed collar.

Negative Traits:
  • Feline Habits: Grooming herself, coughing up hairballs, chasing spots of light. If a cat does it, odds are Lucy does too and she's not shy, so don't be surprised if she hacks up a ball of nastiness while being briefed.
  • Mean Spirited: Lucy thinks she's better than all cats and most people. She has a tendency to rile female coworkers up by picking at their features and comparing herself to them and involving male coworkers. ("Ignace have you ever noticed that I have sleek and glossy black hair, while Rashida looks like she stuck a wad of gum on her head?") This usually ends in a trip to HR or being chased around headquarters by coworkers like Rashida.

History and Lore: [here is where you mix history and the lore of any non human creatures or demigod creatures. This is their story, the things they have been through, the trials and tribulations, etc.]
Rough outline

Lucy was born in 1920 in an alley. She was the third kitten of five siblings and her mother affectionately dubbed her, Squid because of her ink black fur. Lucy spent most of her time rough housing in her box with her other siblings; Scruffy, Blue, Bear and Puddle while they waited for their mother, Dots to return from hunting. One night however, Squid (Lucy) wandered out of the box in pursuit of a mouse that she thought she saw. However as soon as she reached the mouth of the alley, an old woman scooped her up and took her away.

The woman's name was Marigold and she was a witch in need of a familiar. She had just moved to the states from England where she had fled persecution from Witch Hunters. Without a coven or other support system, Marigold had resolved to create a familiar to be her companion. However, in her haste to escape England, Marigold had forgotten her most important spell book which included a spell on how to create a familiar. Thankfully, she remember an alternative method, which involved brewing a magical potion in a cauldron and submerging an animal that she wanted to make her familiar. It had taken her days to find the right animal, and she had finally settled on Squid after seeing how the kitten emerged triumphant each time she wrestled with her siblings. It was a poor reason, but Marigold was lonely and desperate for companionship.

Marigold assumed that Squid (who she later named Lucy) would be grateful to her for bestowing on her the honor of being a witch's familiar. With this honor came the gift of speech and heightened intelligence, but Lucy didn't care about any of that at first. What she cared about was being kidnapped, dunked in a steaming hot cauldron and being forced to spend all of her time with an old hag. She constantly expressed these sentiments to the witch who did not appreciate it and retaliated by withholding Lucy's meals and making her forage for ingredients in volatile environments. This created an unhealthy relationship between the two as Lucy wanted to leave the woman but as a familiar she was bonded to the woman and physically could not move more than two miles away from her without succumbing to immense pain.

On the day of September 4th 1936, Marigold was ambushed by Witch Hunters when she went shopping for groceries. Apparently some misfortune had fallen upon the civilians of the area and they chose to blame these happenings on the newest addition to their small town. The Witch Hunters assaulted Marigold just as she was perusing the aisles for the freshest carrots. Lucy was snuggled up in her bag during this but at Marigold's cry of alarm, she jumped out and took off. She wasn't able to go far though, as the bond made her keep close. The Witch Hunters either did not see her or didn't consider her a threat if her master was in chains. They planned to burn Marigold in their large portable clay oven (burning witches at the stake was an ancient and cumbersome task apparently). To award their spectacular capture of the witch, the townspeople insisted on showering the hunters with gifts and while they were doing so, Lucy snuck up to the cage and received her mistresses commands. She was to steel herself against the crippling pain and retrieve a shape changing charm from their house. With that, Lucy would be able to take on human for and use Marigold's cauldron to alert a neighboring witch of her capture. Lucy did not want to do this as she didn't want to suffer from the pain of distancing herself from Marigold, but as a familiar she was bound to the woman's words.

Lucy was right in the middle of writhing from pain in the middle of the street, when the hunters killed Marigold and their bond as familiar and master was broken. Lucy was...Conflicted. On one hand she remembered her mother and siblings and figured that Marigold got what was coming to her. On the other hand, Marigold had been her only companion for sixteen years and she kind of missed her. She was also at a loss of what to do since she couldn't see herself returning to a normal life as an alley cat with all the things she knew and her magical abilities. Remembering Marigold's last words, Lucy continued on her way to the house and took the charm, despite her mistress being dead. She thought that the magic would have died with the woman and really just took it as a memento of her love hate relationship with the witch, but she was surprised when she turned into a human as soon as she slipped the collar on. Well...Sort of human. She still had cat ears and a tail, but overall if she wore a dress and a hat, she could pass as an actual human. Lucy was thrilled but that feeling didn't last for long as she heard the voice of angry people in the distance. It seems the townspeople had come to destroy the dead witch's dwellings. Panicking, Lucy tried to take the charm off but found that it wouldn't budge. She thought that she would never be able to revert to her true self again, but as soon as she thought about her natural form, she turned back into a cat. She found that if she thought about her human form, she could take it and she thought about her cat form, she could take on that one too.

Lucy left that town in her cat form but as soon as she reached the next town, she assumed her human form and for the next fifty four years, she lived like that. She'd stay in a town or a city for awhile but if anyone ever got suspicious of why she always wore head wear, she would move. However one day unbeknownst to her, she was followed home by a strange man who went by the name of Joel. He had introduced himself to her earlier that day and commented on her "luxurious black hair" and "soulful eyes". She'd politely excused herself of course and headed back to her hotel room with the intent of leaving town immediately. She got a bad feeling from Joel that she couldn't explain and didn't want to figure out why later. However only ten minutes after entering her room, the door was blasted open and she was flung across the room by a powerful force. Joel strolled into the room like he owned the place and grinned at her as he took in her half human appearance. "I knew there was something about you." He hissed in delight and pointed an odd looking scepter at her. Suddenly she was forced back into her cat form and Joel grabbed her by her scruff and shoved her into a cage with runes carved into bars. Whenever she tried to take her human form or figure out a plan to escape, the runes glowed and she suddenly felt nauseous and dizzy.

They left Chicago that night and returned to Joel's home in Roanoke, Virginia where Joel revealed his true identity as a supernatural being known as The Collector. Although he appeared human, if Lucy was granted the opportunity to stare into his eyes, she would swear up and down that she saw something flash behind them. The Collector was a twisted man who captured small magical creatures and stole magical objects and sold them to either very rich humans or equally rich supernatural creatures.

On June 5th ​1990, The Collector's shop was graced with the presence of Leah Malvolio, a goblin with plans to take over Little Fairy, Illinois. The next day was Leah's son's birthday and she wanted to get him something that was unique and long lasting. At first, a scepter with alleged weather controlling powers caught her eye but she soon found herself staring into the dull eyes of a black cat. To be honest, Lucy was just staring at her with spite but Leah who had a soft spot for animals, thought she was staring at her with hope. The Malvolio matriarch inquired about Lucy and The Collector spun a tale of her being an immortal (not true) feline with high intelligence (at least that was true). Lucy briefly wondered why he hadn't mentioned her ability to take on human form but soon found out why. After being in the cage for so long, she could no longer achieve the transformation and was stuck as a cat, which bothered because even though she was born a cat, she had loved her days masquerading as a human and now...She would never be able to grasp that happiness again. So Lucy resigned herself to being some goblin brat's cat.

Leah took Lucy home that day and kept her in her room until the day of her son, Dane's birthday. When Lucy met the kid, she expected him to mistreat her or throw a fit for receiving a grown cat for his birthday, but he surprised her by cuddling her and demanding to visit the pet shop to find a gorgeous collar for his new pet. It turns out that Dane, although he was the heir of a Goblin mafia, inherited his mother's soft spot for animals and treated Lucy like a queen. He named her Cupcake, pampered her, gave her the best foods, and gifted her with toys every day. Lucy actually found herself liking the kid, but the only problem was that he kept her nauseatingly close. He always locked her in his room for fear that she would run off one day and get hit by a car. One day however he accidentally left the door open and Lucy took that moment to reclaim her freedom. The Goblin dwelling was a large mansion on the outskirts of Little Fairy, Illinois, so it took her awhile to find the exit but when she did, she witnessed Dane devouring a brownie. And not the chocolate kind. Horrified, Lucy high tailed it off the property and headed in to town. She was ball of panic at witnessing a gruesome murder and exhilaration of finally being free, that she wasn't paying attention to where she was going and ended up in the halls of the MIPD, where she met a wizard who mistook her for a lost pet.

He brought her back to his office and started to type up 'missing pet' fliers when Lucy took a chance and began to clumsily type a plea for help. Thankfully, the wizard was able to decipher her copious misspelled words (you try typing with cat paws) and used his magic to restore power to Lucy's collar. Lucy took on human form and weaved her tale of woe and horror to the wizard, who listened with rapt attention. When she finished telling him everything, he surprised her by offering her a job. He wanted her to return to the Malvolio's in cat form and act as the MIPD's spy. In return, she would get an apartment paid for by the MIPD, as well as training and food. If Lucy had been in her right mind she would have coughed a hairball into his lap, but she was so thankful for having her magic back she agreed immediately and returned to Dane Malvolio's side as a spy for the MIPD.

(Upon seeing that Lucy returned without a scratch, Dane granted her more freedom.)

Theme Song:

Fun Fact: You can easily distract Lucy with a laser pointer, but if the event ends in embarrassment or reprimand for her, she will get her revenge.
Fun Fact: Lucy loves water in her human form but will claw the crap out of you if you try to bathe her in cat form.
Fun Fact: The BMCI had a fish tank but Lucy kept 'snacking' so they hid it from her.

AGE: 16


"My mom forced my siblings and I to move here cause she's a selfish cunt."


"Six months and no, I have not learned to love this backwater shit hole."


"Well I had actually planned to join the soccer team or even the volleyball team but my mom was on this like weirdo 'fresh start' cleanse or something? So she refused to let me join any sports clubs and instead told me to join something 'intellectual'. I think she meant the literary club or the tea ceremony club, but I joined the Ghost Club instead. And of course that pissed her off but she couldn't say shit because technically, the club was intellectual just not in the way she wanted. So I became a member of the ghost club, merely because it was like a big FUCK YOU to my mom.

But I dunno...Eventually, I started to become interested in the occult and supernatural. After everything that happened with my dad, I started to believe that there was a way to get in touch with ghosts and stuff. And I mean, the other members of the club are pretty cool too, if not a little creepy and weird. Being in the club had made me more aware of things too, I mean, I'm not seeing ghosts or whatever but it makes me more open to possibilities. Honestly the whole ghost spin is the only thing that makes this town bearable."

Aonuma Mariko (37)
"I hate her. She's a selfish loser who brought me to this shit town against my will. She abandoned my father and I will never forgive her."

Aonuma Tomoko (18)
"My older sister thinks she's the best thing since sliced bread. She's two years above me and has perfect grades, perfect hair, perfect everything. Our mom says she has no favorites, but Tomoko is definitely her favorite. The only good thing about my sister is that she hates the town too."

Aonuma Kichirou (13)
"My dad's...Situation, seems to have hit Kichirou the hardest. He was never that outgoing, so he spends most of his time playing by himself outside. When he does come inside though he constantly pesters me with questions that have no correlation to...Anything. Weirdo."

Aonuma Sachiko (13)
"Sachiko is Kichirou's twin but she's more outgoing than him. She's already made a bunch of friends and spends most nights at her friend Tsubame's house. When she's home she's always going in my room and stealing my clothes, the little prick. She never does it to Tomoko though cause she dresses like a spinster."




Name Etymology
Ao = blue
numa = swamp

Momo - Hundred
ka - flower

Their Introduction of Walking into the Ghost Club Down Here:

Momoka ambled down the hall with her club info sheet in hand. She had just met with her teacher to talk about her mother's 'request' hmph, more like shitty demand. Her mom had given her the ultimatum the night before but to ensure that she actually picked an 'intellectual' club, her mother had called her homeroom teacher and outlined what clubs Momoka could and could not join. All of the sports clubs were on the 'no-no' list. "Old hag." The teenager snarled under her breath, startling another student who veered from her course to do anything but walk by Momoka. Outwardly Momoka sneered at the girl but inwardly she was kicking herself. When the Aonuma's had first come to the town, Momoka had done her hardest to push people away and be the epitome of an undesirable companion. But now that it was clear that she would never go back to the city, she regretted her antisocial actions as most students steered clear of her. Hopefully, joining this 'ghost club' would change all of that. When she'd informed her teacher of her choice, the man had raved about how reputable the club was and how the club president was a star student and blah blah blah. Momoka had kind of tuned out, impatient to get the club sheet in her hands.

Coming to a stop in front of the room highlighted on the form, Momoka slid open the door and stepped inside. There was only one person in the room, Mitsuhide Yoichi, the club president and aforementioned 'star' student. When Momoka had first come to the school, she'd been given the run down on who was who by some happy go lucky social butterfly teacher's pet. She'd never spoken to the guy, but she knew of the rumors surrounding him. Momoka wasn't sure if she believed the rumors but the town was pretty creepy and the guy was the president of the ghost club, for god sakes, so maybe it was true. That made the club even more appealing to Momoka.

Waving the club information sheet, Momoka approached and gave the room a once over. "You know I was expecting more of like a haunted house theme, but creepy library-esque is good enough. Anyway, I'm Aonuma Momoka, and I'm here to join, so can I get the forms I need to fill out?" She asked, dropping the club info sheet on the table.



» age :

» eye colour :
Dark Brown

» hair colour :

» height :

» weight :
157 lbs

» appearance :
Charlie is not a dainty lady, nor is she someone who could compete in a bodybuilding competition. She is a satisfying mixture of both muscular, with a bit of curve and a few pockets of fat. She has a slender neck and long slender fingers good for intricate work. She walks with confidence and her head held high no matter what the circumstances. She is sure footed and never one to second guess the direction in which she goes. Her voice is quite low to the point that she is often mistaken for the opposite sex until her appearance is revealed. She doesn't use her voice as much because she believes talk is cheap. Her hair is full of volume but unfortunately does not grow very long. Never one to care too much about her appearance, Charlie has kept her hair in the exact same style for the past six years. Due to a lack of care, her edges are a bit rough and look as though they are reverting to her hair's natural state. A few locks in the back have fused together to form sparse dreads, as Charlie does not run a comb through her hair as much as she should. The only proof of their being make up on her face is in the dark appearance of her eyebrows and eyelids which she has smeared with charcoal liner.

When it comes to outfits Charlie tends to wear mesh over plain dark tops, cargo pants and steel toed boots. She leans more towards tunics and she has the habit of wearing one jacket over all of her outfits until said outerwear wears away and she has to replace it. To protect her hands, she wears finger-less biker gloves over thin cloth gloves. She carries a small backpack with a few essentials as well as sentimental items. Her items consist of water bottles, a basic first aid kit, pain killers, snacks, charcoal and her little sister's diary which she reads when she's feeling nostalgic. As for weapons, Charlie is a brawler, so she uses brass knuckles or nightsticks. If her hand is forced, she'll use a knife or a gun but she prefers the knuckles and sticks.


» personality :
[3-4+ paragraphs on your character's personality.]

» extras :
[Optional. Remove if you do not wish to include. May be used for history or other information you wish to be known about your character.]


» prompt :
[Write a post of whatever length you believe is suitable (keep in mind the detailed nature of the roleplay) of your character going through a life-changing moment. It can be anything. For example, how your character got their name, loss of a loved one, or a break-up... whatever moment you feel deeply impacted your character.]

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Face claim: Nagisa from Free!
Field chosen: Sports
Full name: Hikaru Kim
Nickname(s): Hika-kun
Age: 16
Birthday: April 1st​
Ethnicity: 1/2​ Korean - 1/2​ Japanese
Sexuality: Gay

X-Treme Sports
Hikaru loves extreme sports, considering them the gourmet form of regular sports. He loves the adrenaline that they provide him with and can't go more than a week without doing something x-treme sport related.
Although he isn't the best singer, Hikaru likes to go out with his friends and sing songs together.
He's never been formally trained but Hikaru is just one of those naturally talented dancers. He just hears the music and lets his body move to the beat. (This excludes slow dancing)
Tree Climbing
He's been doing this since he was a child and still does it. He likes feeling the bark on his hands and reaching the top and looking around at the world.

Hikaru has been swimming since he was a baby and he loves it. He's a strong free style swimmer, but this is the only sport he doesn't do competitively. This is probably the only time when he swims at a reduced pace and just enjoys his surroundings for hours.

He does it in places that don't require it and places that do require it.

Animal Care
As the child of two vets, Hikaru knows how to deal with animals and he loves caring for them. His favorite animal related past time is dog walking.

☹ Pigeons
When he was seven, his horrible older sister secretly poured bread crumbs in his hood and laughed as he was assaulted by a hailstorm of voracious pigeons.
☹ Mannequins
When he was five, he was running through a store and accidentally bumped into a mannequin which promptly fell on top of him, trapping him under its dead weight. To this day he remembers it's lifeless eyes boring into his soul as he struggled to get out from under it. His brother who had been watching, finally helped him after laughing for about five minutes.

✔ Savory Foods (but he'll eat anything)
✔ Penguins
✔ Otters
✔ Seals
✔ Sea Lions
✔ Jolly Ranchers (Favorite)
✔ Pop Music
✔ Playing in the rain (and mud)
✔ Dares
✔ Stuffed Animals
✔ Korean BBQ (Favorite)

✘ Rude People
✘ Close Minded People
✘ Getting sand in his clothes
✘ Horror Movies
✘ Complete Silence
✘ Mind Games
✘ Being picked on
✘ Being underestimated
✘ Being shushed

Hikaru is a ball of sunshine and near constant energy. He loves to have fun and he hates buzzkills. He's a motormouth and develops a healthy interest in his friends lives. He doesn't like when his friends are upset and will do his hardest to return them to their formerly happy state. Personal space is a foreign concept to him and he will hug you moments after meeting you. He can be a bit of a class clown which can get old to some and if he's yelled at or asked to stop, he will...For maybe an hour. Unfortunately, Hikaru has ADHD and rarely takes anything for it. When he does take his medication, he becomes the opposite of himself, often virtually silent and sluggish. He only takes this medicine when he needs to take a written test or do something that being hyperactive would screw up.

Hikaru is somewhat of a daredevil but has his limits. He won't do anything that is blatantly detrimental to his health, but he will do something like cover a brownie in hot sauce and whip cream and eat it in one bite. Or create a giant pile of snow below his two story window and jump out of it. He doesn't like being advised against completing his dares and can get a bit huffy when thwarted in his quest to make his life more interesting. He is independent, but he always appreciates company on his athletic endeavors and he will resort to begging and pleading to get someone to go on a week long camping trip with him. He isn't really one to hold grudges unless someone repeatedly does mean things to him, in which case he will shun them until they apologize.


Self Introduction:

Relationships (with other characters):
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[fieldbox="HIKARU, #f7bc0a, solid"]

Face claim: Nagisa from Free!
Field chosen: Sports
Full name: Hikaru Kim
Nickname(s): Hika-kun
Age: 16
Birthday: April 1st
Ethnicity: 1/2 Korean - 1/2 Japanese
Sexuality: Gay

X-Treme Sports
Hikaru loves extreme sports, considering them the gourmet form of regular sports. He loves the adrenaline that they provide him with and can't go more than a week without doing something x-treme sport related.
Although he isn't the best singer, Hikaru likes to go out with his friends and sing songs together.
He's never been formally trained but Hikaru is just one of those naturally talented dancers. He just hears the music and lets his body move to the beat. (This excludes slow dancing)
Tree Climbing
He's been doing this since he was a child and still does it. He likes feeling the bark on his hands and reaching the top and looking around at the world.
Hikaru has been swimming since he was a baby and he loves it. He's a strong free style swimmer, but this is the only sport he doesn't do competitively. This is probably the only time when he swims at a reduced pace and just enjoys his surroundings for hours.
He does it in places that don't require it and places that do require it.
Animal Care
As the child of two vets, Hikaru knows how to deal with animals and he loves caring for them. His favorite animal related past time is dog walking.

☹ Pigeons
When he was seven, his horrible older sister secretly poured bread crumbs in his hood and laughed as he was assaulted by a hailstorm of voracious pigeons.
☹ Mannequins
When he was five, he was running through a store and accidentally bumped into a mannequin which promptly fell on top of him, trapping him under its dead weight. To this day he remembers it's lifeless eyes boring into his soul as he struggled to get out from under it. His brother who had been watching, finally helped him after laughing for about five minutes.

✔ Savory Foods (but he'll eat anything)
✔ Penguins
✔ Otters
✔ Seals
✔ Sea Lions
✔ Jolly Ranchers (Favorite)
✔ Pop Music
✔ Playing in the rain (and mud)
✔ Dares
✔ Stuffed Animals
✔ Korean BBQ (Favorite)

✘ Rude People
✘ Close Minded People
✘ Getting sand in his clothes
✘ Horror Movies
✘ Complete Silence
✘ Mind Games
✘ Being picked on
✘ Being underestimated
✘ Being shushed

Hikaru is a ball of sunshine and near constant energy. He loves to have fun and he hates buzzkills. He's a motormouth and develops a healthy interest in his friends lives. He doesn't like when his friends are upset and will do his hardest to return them to their formerly happy state. Personal space is a foreign concept to him and he will hug you moments after meeting you. He can be a bit of a class clown which can get old to some and if he's yelled at or asked to stop, he will...For maybe an hour. Unfortunately, Hikaru has ADHD and rarely takes anything for it. When he does take his medication, he becomes the opposite of himself, often virtually silent and sluggish. He only takes this medicine when he needs to take a written test or do something that being hyperactive would screw up.

Hikaru is somewhat of a daredevil but has his limits. He won't do anything that is blatantly detrimental to his health, but he will do something like cover a brownie in hot sauce and whip cream and eat it in one bite. Or create a giant pile of snow below his two story window and jump out of it. He doesn't like being advised against completing his dares and can get a bit huffy when thwarted in his quest to make his life more interesting. He is independent, but he always appreciates company on his athletic endeavors and he will resort to begging and pleading to get someone to go on a week long camping trip with him. He isn't really one to hold grudges unless someone repeatedly does mean things to him, in which case he will shun them until they apologize.


Self Introduction:

Relationships (with other characters):
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