Mostly Seeking Fantasy—Horror, High, Dark etc.

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Sleepy Wraith
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Fantasy, Horror
Hi! I'm Apparition! My pronouns are he or they and I'm in my twenties; I only one-on-one RP with people who are 18+. I don't usually communicate using Discord with people I don't know well but feel free to PM me anytime! Throw all your ideas at me! They won't hit me, considering that I'm a ghost, so no worries there. Be patient with me as life often barks and scratches at my heels and my brain isn't the best.
  • I love writing fantasy, horror and more. I can probably be convinced to RP anything if compelling enough. Generally I avoid settings that are bit too modern, not usually what I enjoy very much.
  • I absolutely adore building lore.
  • I also adore monstrosities, body horror, and much more.
  • Magical beasts, be them enemies or friends or characters, are also my forte.
  • I like complicated relationships, tragic romances, outcasts finding solace in each other, and characters getting in situations which lead them to rework or break their principles...the list goes on.
  • If a romance is the main focus of the plot, it should be dramatic and maybe messy. Or not really the focus.
  • I really love non-European fantasy but I also won't turn away from European fantasy.
  • The darker and stranger, the better.
  • I mostly play LGBT+ characters.
  • My writing length is very adaptable. If you're someone who wants really long posts, I can do that at the cost of my response speed. I'll reflect who I am writing with most of my time.
  • I don't shy away from writing gore, body horror, and violence but I won't write gruesome detail unless I know for certain my partner is okay with that.
  • I like rebellions against power, even if they don't end well. Characters trying to improve the world, against the odds.
  • It's important to me that my writing partner feels comfortable, so if there's any issues or anything you want to tell me before we write together, let me know!
  • I can write a bit of humour in sometimes, if I feel it's an appropriate addition.
  • I have really bad memory, so I do appreciate the occasional reminder.
  • I don't mind actor face claims but I also don't do them. I'm a hobbyist artist and I really enjoy drawing my own characters or, in many cases, just using a written description of them.
  • I can't read small text very well or other styling! I ask is that you adjust text sizes if you like to use tiny fonts so I don't have to zoom in to read your writing.

RP Slots Available: Two
Contact: PM

Characters: I can try to write pretty much any type of character as long as you don't mind me experiencing the growing pains of trying to properly get into their head. I WILL make up a new character just for our RP if needs be. I'll update this here to go into what I'm familiar with later. I like playing shapeshifters, those shunned by society for one reason or another, people running from their past and so forth. I don't shy away from killing off my characters if it will add something interesting.

Angst/Fluff: 70/30 with fluctuation*
Pantser/Plotter: 90/10
Conflict/Downtime: 70/30
Wanted: dungeon delving, monster hunting, medieval werewolves, something relating to elves, long haired men

*It should be noted that all numerical values are estimates. Don't take them too seriously.

Introduction: I'm Apparition! My pronouns are he or they and I'm in my twenties; I only one-on-one RP with people who are 18+. I don't usually communicate using Discord with people I don't know well but feel free to PM me anytime! Throw all your ideas at me! They won't hit me, considering that I'm a ghost, so no worries there. Be patient with me as life often barks and scratches at my heels and my brain isn't the best.
  • I love writing fantasy, horror and more. I can probably be convinced to RP anything if compelling enough. Generally I avoid settings that are bit too modern, not usually what I enjoy very much.
  • I absolutely adore building lore.
  • I also adore monstrosities, body horror, and much more.
  • Magical beasts, be them enemies or friends or characters, are also my forte.
  • I like complicated relationships, tragic romances, outcasts finding solace in each other, and characters getting in situations which lead them to rework or break their principles...the list goes on.
  • If a romance is the main focus of the plot, it should be dramatic and maybe messy. Or not really the focus.
  • I really love non-European fantasy but I also won't turn away from European fantasy.
  • The darker and stranger, the better.
  • I mostly play LGBT+ characters.
  • My writing length is very adaptable. If you're someone who wants really long posts, I can do that at the cost of my response speed. I'll reflect who I am writing with most of my time.
  • I don't shy away from writing gore, body horror, and violence but I won't write gruesome detail unless I know for certain my partner is okay with that.
  • I like rebellions against power, even if they don't end well. Characters trying to improve the world, against the odds.
  • It's important to me that my writing partner feels comfortable, so if there's any issues or anything you want to tell me before we write together, let me know!
  • I can write a bit of humour in sometimes, if I feel it's an appropriate addition.
  • I have really bad memory, so I do appreciate the occasional reminder.
  • I don't mind actor face claims but I also don't do them. I'm a hobbyist artist and I really enjoy drawing my own characters or, in many cases, just using a written description of them.
  • I can't read small text very well or other styling! I ask is that you adjust text sizes if you like to use tiny fonts so I don't have to zoom in to read your writing.
RP Slots Available: One
Contact: PM

Characters: I can try to write pretty much any type of character as long as you don't mind my experiencing the growing pains of trying to properly get into their head. I WILL make up a new character just for our RP if needs be. I'll update this here to go into what I'm familiar with later. I like playing shapeshifters, those shunned by society for one reason or another, people running from their past and so forth. I don't shy away from killing off my characters if it will add something interesting.
Angst/Fluff 70/30 with fluctuation*
Pantser/Plotter 90/10
Conflict/Downtime 70/30
Wanted dungeon delving, monster hunting, medieval werewolves, something relating to elves, long haired men

*It should be noted that all numerical values are estimates. Don't take them too seriously.

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Updated but I still consider this thread a WIP.

I tentatively have one RP slot open!

I want to add:
- an ideas section once my brain starts working with me
- brief descriptions of some of my characters
- possibly add the fandom section back, or an inspiration section
- add more to wanted section
I have opened an additional slot and opened this thread back up~

There are some things I want to redo here but everything still works. Feel free to message me with any questions..
Still searching!! A bit busy so fellow members of the Slow Writing Club are especially welcome~