Monsters and Monster Hunters

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Monsters were demonized almost immediately after they were discovered. Once humans, they were all changed somehow during their lives be it by an accident, experimentation, or anything else you can come up with. (There is no set age for when these changes can occur, children and elders can become monsters too) Though they retain their personalities as they had them when they were human, they are very much different. Physically, mentally, and in power. Because of how different they were, and because the public didn't understand them, they were shunned from society, and heavily discriminated against.

Many people believed Monsters were be dangerous, and indeed some were. To counter this, a new job opened up. Monster Hunters. At first, they were only meant to dispose of monsters who had harmed people, but the station quickly became corrupt. Now, Monsters live in terror of Monster Hunters.

Your characters can be either Monsters, Monster Hunters or regular humans! Please let me know if you're interested.

(Note: I have heavily edited this post, because I really didn't like how some of it was worded. I apologize for the original quality, but I was tired.)
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I may be interested in playing a monster that's a genetic experiment, juust need a but more world lore to understand the scientific capability of humans in this RP
  • Thank You
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Thanks for your interest, that would definitely be very interesting to see! The scientific capabilities of humans would be fairly advanced, definitely enough for experimentation to be possible. In general, specifics of the world that relate to character creation will be fairly flexible, though the setting itself is meant to seem mostly modern.
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Awesome, thank you! I'm very glad to have people interested. I'd like a few more people before starting to make the actual roleplay though. :)
You can count me in.

Edit: Oh yeah, how dramatic are the physical changes we're thinking of? Do they remain mostly humanoid, change dramatically(like massive freakish monster thing), or does it just vary depending on the individual?
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It varies from individual to individual, for sure, and would probably depend on how they transformed. Physical changes can be slight or extreme.
It varies from individual to individual, for sure, and would probably depend on how they transformed. Physical changes can be slight or extreme.
Alright, that's kinda what I figured but I thought I'd ask. Okay, one more. Can they change between forms?(think Sandman from spider man) I'm guessing that also depends on the individual?
Yes that would also depend on the individual. To expand on that question, there would be monsters who could pass as humans most of the time, they would just have to hide whatever physical thing gave them away.
Including Lime, we have 4 players... How many are you looking for until you post the OOC page?
Five would be a good number I think, and we can add more players as we go along.
You are very excited about the murder part of this should I be concerned? Lol, just kidding.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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I will murder every single one of you and wear your skin.
  • Nice Execution!
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I'll keep an eye on this one :D