Medieval,Renaissance and or Modern Rp

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I'll just go over quickly what kind of partner I'd Ideally like to have... but just keep in mind,I'm not very picky,so basically if you are trying,I'm cool with it...

  • Grammar...You try,
  • Pushing the story forward...You Try
  • Coming up with a story...You try
hopefully that gets the point across.

As far as plots/story lines go,I'm fine with whatever.I have Ideas but I'd rather keep this short and sweet as well as Let you get some of your Idea's in as well...So Ideally for me..
  • Let's figure out a story...
  • Something that isn't too dramatic,I want it to be at least 80% logic driven.
  • I'd prefer not to use magic...
And if we do Modern...I'd kinda just like some peace and quiet...Probably slice of life

And Last and pretty much the least,My Main Oc's an anthro,but like everything else I can adjust to whatever...

Good day!^^
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I am quite interested in the Genre you are wanting the story/plot . Slice of Life and logical based stories are always quite fun to have because it doesn't take as much brain power, as it does to create a good response or addition to the story if it involved magic or unrealistic physics. I do hope you're as interested in writing with me, as much as I am as interested in writing with you.

Hear from you soon. :)

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Sounds good! ^^
I'll pm you later or something if you want,"I've got to get going for now." But I Look forward to writing with you as well. Good Day and talk to you soon!

Sounds good! ^^
I'll pm you later or something if you want,"I've got to get going for now." But I Look forward to writing with you as well. Good Day and talk to you soon!

Wonderful! Can't wait to being our adventure!