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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Michale CS

Ignorance of grammar is not an excuse.
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
Evenings, Pacific Time
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Urban Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Modern, Horror, Magical... pretty flexible.
"Any dream worth having is a dream worth fighting for."―Charles Xavier

"I don't like bullies; I don't care where they came from." - Captain Steve Rogers

The year is 2026. It has been three years since the people of Earth defeated Thanos. Since then, it has become apparent that people with superpowers are becoming more numerous. The Governments of Earth, as a rule are becoming more uncomfortable with citizens who have superpowers. The Sokovia Accords are in place and signed by nearly all governments. Recruitment of enhanced humans has become an arms race of sorts. "Recruiters" representing governments, and all sorts of private enterprises are out in the field looking for new "assets".

There are however plenty of people who believe that people regardless of powers deserve the same freedoms everyone else lays claim to. Among them there are people from all walks of life and all power levels. The characters in our story are destined to be a group. Not X-men, not Avengers, they are to be what comes next.
I won't go into details about who our bad guys are yet. Suffice it to say our opening act will be somewhat confusing for our characters at first, and maybe more than a little chaotic. It is the intention to build a group of heroes. A team concerned with doing the right thing. One that may not want to have bright colorful costumes with capes that might do things that may not even be considered heroic in the eyes of some (i.e. X-Force, Secret Avengers).
When making characters, our story-line is not appropriate for the top tier characters; we're looking for a happy medium, powerful but not over the top. I will do my best to make sure that every character will have a niche. Everyone wants to be "the best at what they do. Initially, this is one character per player, until we hit our stride then we will revisit that and make a determination then.

This campaign requires characters who only recently came into regular use of their abilities, regardless of how long they may have had them. Original characters are allowed, as well as canon characters, alternate versions, gender-swapped, etc. insomuch as it makes sense and fits the requested power level. Characters of a higher power level will be asked to scale back their abilities to fit the bill or will be turned away.

I am taking over this RP from @Gands who recently passed way from complications of COVID-19 and this campaign is in memorium to him.

To those who were in this game before @BrokenWings @Camleen @Epiphany. @LuckycoolHawk9 @Nomad-22 @ShiroKiyoshi @Soverign you are cordially reinvited, and @Ringmaster wished to join as well. Consider this to be a few days time after the last posts we did in the previous thread. I will be putting Fandral, Eden Haller and Corvus into an NPC status rather than have Gands' characters drop out of his roleplay even postmortem.

DM post 4b (Repost from Gands, RIP)

It is at this point that Dr. Hank McCoy speaks up, after clearing his throat.

" Let me answer that at least in part. My name is Dr. Henry McCoy. I have been active in this business, the world of enhanced people for many years now. As for the opposition, their members vary considerably. Some will use the updated technology of Dr. Bolivar Trask that was discredited and originally used during the Nixon Administration. We have not as yet discovered all of the names of our opponents in this. There have always been among mankind, those who fear differences. Enhanced people and mutants have now emerged as such a threat to this faction of people that a portion of them do not fear using deadly force. "

" As for training, we have on our staff several highly skilled individuals who will help bring you up to speed.

First, there is myself. My body is strong, agile and quite capable in combat. I am in possession of six doctorates and my mental faculties are are at the high end of life on this planet, mutant or otherwise.


Second and as yet in no order of importance. Hope Van Dyne, also known as the Wasp. An expert in several fields of science in her own right, an extremely competent Heroine.


Next our resident hand to hand combat expert Melinda May. A former Shield agent who could be compared favorably to just about anyone who was in that agency during her time there.


Fourth, in charge of logistics, supplies and helping Melinda with training, Fandral Ullerson. Formerly of Asgard, Fandral is an excellent cook, an unsurpassed expert with Melee weapons and skilled in all forms of combat.


Next in charge of training for teamwork, Jubilation Lee. A member of my own team, the X-men, she has my personal recommendation.


Last of our full time staff, Masad and Shield trained, daughter of a dear friend, Eden Haller. In charge of Security.


Others on our part time staff include Lady Sif of Asgard, Bobby Drake of the X-men, Clint Barton formerly of Shield, Phil Coulson formerly of Shield, and Gabrielle Tesla, technologist.

For the moment, bring any questions or needs you have to me. For yourselves, eventually, eventually once you've trained a bit and sorted things out I expect one of you will be a team leader. Our staff is here to train you, teach you. Not fight your battles for you.

Our facilities have been funded by a combination of people, many of which were at that meeting earlier. King T'challa of Wakanda, Pepper Potts-Stark, Danny Rand of the Rand Corp, Dr Stephen Strange, Dr. Charles Xavier, and Dr. Reed Richards.
This facility was designed by Tony Stark but never initiated.

A Few days later...

"Look alive, people!"
Melinda May walks into the mess hall at the end of dinner. "We have a hot lead on a former HYDRA facility liberated by the US government a few years ago. We believe there are specific anti-superhuman weapons being developed at this location. We've got no idea how far along they've come in the process, so we're taking a sizeable team to go check the facility out."

She turns on a heel and starts marching out. "There's a quinjet waiting outside. We leave in 15 minutes with whomever we've got on board then."

[ OOC - Everyone who puts in a post between now and January 24th in the evening will be included in the mission. If you miss this one, I'll have things to busy you on the base while the others are on the mission

EDIT UPDATE - If I do not have a majority by the time the end of Jan 24, I'll let it run one more week. If by Jan 31 I do not have a majority of players, I will assume a lack of interest - after bugging the heck out of you all on Discord
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Nemesis had already finished dinner and was about to head back to her ship when Melinda May arrived. The ravager tilted her head as she listened to the announcement. Underneath her hood, Nemesis grinned. "Finally something useful to do."

Standing up she put on her new mask that covered the lower half of the face below the eyes. Subsequently the Armenian mutant followed after May, not wanting to waste further time playing guest. Not long after she was wielding her Kree Sniper while approaching the quinjet. Admittedly she rather admires the flight craft's design.

It's not the Koher but impressive all the same.

Stepping inside Nemesis checked her rifle and gear once more. Considering that they faced possible opposition with anti-superhuman weapons it paid to be prepared. I got a few surprises waiting to be unleashed. Might as well be whoever these rats are. She thought to herself.

If May was present, Nemesis would then ask her through her mask filter that digitize the voice.

"Alright what's the rules on this mission? If you want prisoners for questioning or to salvage their weapons and equipment it would best to tell me."

From her experiences as a ravager, clients can get pretty specific about what they want done in an job, whether it be sabotage or theft.
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What to do what to do. His room in this place wasn't what he expected. In his Reptilian Form Creed had turned his biovore specialty to use. Crafting organic structures he turned his room into a dark comfortable place. Normally he would convert a mass amount of biomass into usable construction material. Like a spider using silk to make a web or line their home he did the same with biomass. His bed altered to have thick casing for protection. The walls sprawled with organic shapes. All of the shapes being bioluminescence. The lights didn't survive this part and broke after the first night of crafting so they were replaced. It is always dim in his room yet unlike many would think it was clean and smelt of vanilla. Smells he personally likes and made the structures give off in small amounts. That and he added vines from several trees and mimicked the structure to make his room a pocket jungle. The only thing off would be the bird and wildlife sounds he has playing at all times.

Laying there he had no intention of waking up early. Sleep he enjoyed greatly. And by no means was he -Training time! Wake the fuck up!- Sighing the mutant stood and hopped out of bed "Guess she gave me some annoying habits" starting off to the training levels he had woken up early enough to have the place to himself. Splitting his tail he practiced against multiple opponents. Holograms moving faster than humanly possible. But that was the point. Train for above average, above the normal soldier. Because eventually they will meet that one enemy this training was for. With his tails he struck like lighting trying to keep up. He started training a few days ago with three enemy targets. He was at five but found confinement only hindering his skills in this form. Speed, agility both found little purchase. A loud error horn blared as he looked down seeing one hitting him in a blind spot "Damn, thought I dealt with you" Lifting an arm to smack the holo projected target they vanished. An announcement blared, a toothy grin was the result "Lets hope a few days of intense training helped" Leaping in the pool he swam off any residue or matter he expended then dried. Rushing through the corridors he stopped and looked at the time 'Holy hell I was training all day! Food first, then mission" Going into the mess hall he seemed to inhale food. Restoring his reserves of biomass to use in battle. Smiling at those present he chuckled "Last one on the jet gets to do dishes when we get back!" He then bounded out of the building. Running by or jumping clean over individuals in front of him.
Walker, not requiring food, was simply present in the mess hall. He had taken a seat at one of the tables and flipped through the pages of a book. It was a history book that detailed the events of the American Revolution. It was a rather curious event to him.

Just as he was enjoying the book his previous sparring partner, Melinda May, stepped into the room. He caught her out of the corner of his eye. Her demeanor was different and he didn't even have time to analyze her body language before she spewed out the details of their mission. Likewise the mutant known as Creed consumed his food almost whole before bounding down the halls to the jet.

Walker followed behind. Walking. He didn't mind doing dishes. He was the only one of the group who did not sleep. It would help pass those eight long hours. Stepping onto the ship Walker would note that the other assassin in the group was also joining them.

There was still time for others to join. So, Walker waited. He would speak when they were ready to leave.
Struggling to swallow the food in their mouth, Nine raised their hand, hoping to catch Ms. May's attention. Once they managed to wrestle the bolus down, "Pardon me, do we have any information on who exactly has control of this instillation?"

Once they receive, or don't receive an answer, they'll move towards the quinjet.
The last few days have been a surreal whirlwind of training. An intense upbringing of scholastic excellence along with martial training provided some useful framework but college and her law career hadn't prepared Chen for the demands of this new 'job'. Fighting one to many opponents possessed of potentially lethal powers, using her own horrifically lethal powers, was something she had no experience with. As her rather humiliating fight against the Human Torch had demonstrated.

At least Chen was starting to get the hang of it now. Starting to.

Melinda May's rallying call came as a surprise and she scrambled up from her chair in reflexive obedience at the other woman's initial command. The mission briefing was...well, concerning. There was a facility that intelligence suggested anti-superhuman weapons manufacturing and the going-in position was to send the kind of people those weapons were aimed at to investigate further? The Chinese woman shook her head in faint disbelief but fell in with the others as they started moving out.

Around the base, and in training, Chen had adopted a long-sleeved cheongsam blouse, woven of black silk with gold embroidered borders. A pair of black leggings and practical shoes completed the look, along with a simple white face-mask to conceal her identity if they went into the field. She pulled the mask out right now, to confirm she had it with her, before tucking it away again. Time enough to put it on once they left the quinjet.

The sight of Nemesis' Kree Sniper caused Chen to take a surprised step back on first glance. She remembered the other woman's remarks about killing being on the table, and the warrior's question on rules for the mission only reinforced Chen's misgivings.

"I think our team might make a better first impression without a body count," she offered politely, to Ms. May but clearly in response to Nemesis' question. "In fact, we should try to minimize damage all around, given we don't know what's in there. Some of the property and the people may provide useful information to our sponsors, after all."

@BrokenWings @Michale CS
Their question in the dining hall resulted in an affirming nod but Chen added, "Hopefully we can get a full briefing on the way? If we only have fifteen minutes before liftoff, we should get what we need and get aboard the ship as soon as possible."

Once aboard the quinjet, though, Chen gestured towards Nines but addressed Melinda May when she said, "They asked a good question earlier. If this was a former Hydra facility seized by the United States government, but we think it's instead manufacturing weapons, who is supposed to be in charge of this place? Do we have any ideas of how this facility was repurposed without the government finding out?"
Drake Campbell

Drake had gotten all the introductions and had trained with Juiblee for a bit earlier.... though he hadn't expected sparring to get so intense. Maybe it had to do with the fact that his father had made sure he had taken breaks and that he rarely used his powers. It had been weird. Then again, he couldn't remember the last time had been normal. He was pretty sure it had been never. What a weird thing to realize surrounded by others like him.

He pushed his food around, having a bit or two on occasion. He wasn't really hungry. Drake wasn't sure he belonged. When May came in, he realized that he had to make a choice. Stay here or go on the mission. He wasn't sure how useful he would be, but he knew that he would kick himself if he stayed behind and someone got hurt. Or worse, someone died. He wanted to be where he could be the most useful and finished his food. "
If I remember correctly from what my father told me, the questions are usually answered on the Quinjet....." he replied, heading there.

@Michale CS @Everyone​
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Somehow, Gwen wasn't around when the Quinjet departed. However, she was approached by someone who had a unique mission for the Ghost Spider...
jessica drew sword.png
"There's someplace I need to check out. And I need someone who can be as sneaky as me to accomplish that. You in? Oh, I should introduce myself, I'm Jessica Drew, agent of SWORD, also known as Spider-Woman. So... spider-girls night out?"


"Alright what's the rules on this mission? If you want prisoners for questioning or to salvage their weapons and equipment it would best to tell me."

From her experiences as a ravager, clients can get pretty specific about what they done in an job, whether it be sabotage or theft.
"I'll explain that once we're all on the plane." May replied.
Smiling at those present he chuckled "Last one on the jet gets to do dishes when we get back!" He then bounded out of the building. Running by or jumping clean over individuals in front of him.
Suddenly... leapfrogging over him, literally, was Tigra. "Not it!" Greer laughed as she got in ahead of him and plopped herself into a seat, kicking her feet up and crossing her legs over the headrest of the seat in front of her.

Walker followed behind. Walking. He didn't mind doing dishes. He was the only one of the group who did not sleep. It would help pass those eight long hours. Stepping onto the ship Walker would note that the other assassin in the group was also joining them.

There was still time for others to join. So, Walker waited. He would speak when they were ready to leave.
Struggling to swallow the food in their mouth, Nine raised their hand, hoping to catch Ms. May's attention. Once they managed to wrestle the bolus down, "Pardon me, do we have any information on who exactly has control of this instillation?"

Once aboard the quinjet, though, Chen gestured towards Nines but addressed Melinda May when she said, "They asked a good question earlier. If this was a former Hydra facility seized by the United States government, but we think it's instead manufacturing weapons, who is supposed to be in charge of this place? Do we have any ideas of how this facility was repurposed without the government finding out?"
"Officially? Army Corps of Engineers. Actually? Someone else. Homeland Security threw forty million at this facility three years ago and then it dropped off the books, supposedly decomissioned. We had an LMD on site until two weeks ago. They're putting on a good face even internally of being DARPA, but there's no record of a project there. Honestly..." She turned to face them all.

"...there's a distinct possibility it's just a black budget project that we don't want going forward. This is a double-edged sword. One, if we get captured or killed here... There's no recourse. It doesn't exist. Two, it doesn't exist, so if we go in there and some off-the-books weaponry goes missing or explodes? They have no recourse unless they want to out themselves as working on anti-superhuman weaponry a few years after superhumans literally saved the whole universe and brought everyone's loved ones back. Public sentiment is by and large not on their side. That being said, if any of you have an overly patriotic streak and want to out yourselves from this mission you can. You can stay in the facility, and we'll... find something for you to do. There's always maintenance."

He wanted to be where he could be the most useful and finished his food. " If I remember correctly from what my father told me, the questions are usually answered on the Quinjet....." he replied, heading there.
@BrokenWings @LuckycoolHawk9 @ShiroKiyoshi @Epiphany.

**** In a cargo bay underneath a facility, somewhere... ****

"What do we do with this one? It's not on the books. Looks ancient."

"Hell if I know. Find a way to charge it. We'll have to fabricate an adapter, I mean look at that plug!"



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  • Sweet
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**** In a cargo bay underneath a facility, somewhere... ****

"What do we do with this one? It's not on the books. Looks ancient."

"Hell if I know. Find a way to charge it. We'll have to fabricate an adapter, I mean look at that plug!"

Circa nineteen-fifties to be precise. In many ways, a precursor to the Iron Man that would eventually rise but bulkier. Far larger to accommodate what upgraded tech would eventually downsize, though its purpose was for something else entirely than mere terrorists. Its quarry was the monsters that sprung from the strange places, that fell from the skies and emerged from the depths of the seas. A patriotic symbol in its own way as Captain America before him, though there were few if any who'd remember him.

Within his shell, an artificial intelligence repaired and upgraded for the modern era would be processing before ultimately deciding to go with it.

This was fine.

Unless they decided to scrap him, they would take him right where he needed to be most.
"Nothing new then." Walker replied as he casually took a seat. "This is a typical request. You mentioned that we were going to scout the facility, but is our only objective to simply see what is inside? If so, on my own I could give you a detailed report if given the day. If there was an ulterior motive I suggest leaving the scouting to me. I can rejoin parties as necessary if they are having difficulty."

Walker, as usual, spoke in a very monotone voice. He wasn't strutting about like a peacock and showing off. No, unlike most of the group, espionage is what Walker was quite literally trained to do. He was very confident in his ability and understood his limits and strengths thoroughly. If the group had two objectives he believed focusing on the second and leaving recon to him was the most efficient way.

"Oh, I am indifferent to the use of lethal force as well. If you deem it necessary I will use it. This goes for acquiring assets for interrogation also." Walker added.

@Michale CS
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Nemesis shrugged her shoulders when May stated her question will be answered on the jet. She barely paid any attention to the little race between Creed and Tigra, not caring one bit about it. Of course if there was no answer she fully intended to improvise. Of course the intergalactic mercenary couldn't help but notice Chen's reaction to her weapon and question.

The Armenian was taking a seat when the lawyer then made her own comments. Rolling her eyes in response she muttered. "First impression are you serious? I don't recall this being some kind of play."

Finally when May proceeded to answer the question asked by both Nine and Chen. Hearing the information, anger built up within Nemesis. Anyone looking in her direction would note that the merc's eyes underneath the hood narrowing.

"Typical governments, either they're incompetent or deliberately letting that group do that for their own gain."

She remarked bitterly for all to hear. As for Meldina May's offer for them to leave Nemesis shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not even from this land, so no objections here." It was then Walker spoke up, giving his suggestion. Turning to his direction Nemesis nodded, somewhat impressed.
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Drake Lasket

Drake noticed that there was an official record and it was different from who actually owned it. It really shouldn't surprise him that the government lied to them. Hell, nobody wanted to talk about what really happened in the past. So, there was no record of whatever was going on. That made sense to him, as the public did love the superheroes and something like this would be met with riducule.

He had no doubt that May was right about it being a black budget project that they didn't want to go forward. As much as the government like to pretend that things like these would never be used against them, theft was so common. He couldn't count the number of times that the good guys "lost" a dangerous artifact and it reeked havoc. He was silent, musing for a moment about how the fact that he knew that some people were bitter about their loved ones coming back, but he bit his tongue and decided to not mention that. " I think I might be more useful on the mission than helping with maintenance, besides, never did trust stuff like this. I could probably cause a slight short circuit of the electronics to make it so our other ally could get in easier," he replied. He hadn't exactly been paying attention to whoever the last person in the jet was, so he had no clue who was doing the dishes when they got back... and he didn't care.

@Michale CS @Nomad-22 @ShiroKiyoshi @BrokenWings @Epiphany.
Hearing May's explanation did little to soothe her nerves. So first impressions may not matter after all, if this whole mission would be kept a secret. On the bright side, Chen lacked the reservations she thought she saw on a few faces of her teammates. Not about killing, she still had no intention of killing anyone. But she was Chinese. The notion that the government didn't tell everyone everything was intuitively obvious to her and, unlike the Americans, she had no expectation that the government should be transparent.

"So, is there a final word on our approach?" Chen asked, once the questions and comments settled down. "Do we take prisoners where possible? Is there guidance on when lethal force should be used? Should we limit damage to the facility, so that our team and our sponsors can salvage as much as possible? Or should we plan to just blow it up?"

"Or are these answers dependent on what we find in there?" She turned a thoughtful look towards Walker. "If so, and if this gentleman can provide us with the intelligence needed to make a decision on our approach, by all means let's send him in first."

It felt mildly unheroic to volunteer someone else for something dangerous. But then, he'd volunteered first. And while Chen's powers were versatile, they were in no way subtle.
  • Ah Seen It
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"Nothing new then." Walker replied as he casually took a seat. "This is a typical request. You mentioned that we were going to scout the facility, but is our only objective to simply see what is inside? If so, on my own I could give you a detailed report if given the day. If there was an ulterior motive I suggest leaving the scouting to me. I can rejoin parties as necessary if they are having difficulty."

Walker, as usual, spoke in a very monotone voice. He wasn't strutting about like a peacock and showing off. No, unlike most of the group, espionage is what Walker was quite literally trained to do. He was very confident in his ability and understood his limits and strengths thoroughly. If the group had two objectives he believed focusing on the second and leaving recon to him was the most efficient way.

"Oh, I am indifferent to the use of lethal force as well. If you deem it necessary I will use it. This goes for acquiring assets for interrogation also." Walker added.
She remarked bitterly for all to hear. As for Meldina May's offer for them to leave Nemesis shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not even from this land, so no objections here." It was then Walker spoke up, giving his suggestion. Turning to his direction Nemesis nodded, somewhat impressed.
" I think I might be more useful on the mission than helping with maintenance, besides, never did trust stuff like this. I could probably cause a slight short circuit of the electronics to make it so our other ally could get in easier," he replied. He hadn't exactly been paying attention to whoever the last person in the jet was, so he had no clue who was doing the dishes when they got back... and he didn't care.
"So, is there a final word on our approach?" Chen asked, once the questions and comments settled down. "Do we take prisoners where possible? Is there guidance on when lethal force should be used? Should we limit damage to the facility, so that our team and our sponsors can salvage as much as possible? Or should we plan to just blow it up?"

[IMG alt="ShiroKiyoshi"]https://data.iwakuroleplay.com/avatars/s/9/9233.jpg?1531530574[/IMG] ShiroKiyoshi
"Or are these answers dependent on what we find in there?" She turned a thoughtful look towards Walker. "If so, and if this gentleman can provide us with the intelligence needed to make a decision on our approach, by all means let's send him in first."

It felt mildly unheroic to volunteer someone else for something dangerous. But then, he'd volunteered first. And while Chen's powers were versatile, they were in no way subtle.

"Our plan is to infiltrate the facility covertly, determine the depth and breadth of the weapons system programs, and make a call from that point as far as force is concerned. If it's just a research facility, acquire or destroy the research and leaving would be an option. If it's a munitions factory... we may need to take stronger steps. I can provide any of you familiar with firearms with an ICER, which is a non-lethal firearm. Observe." She turned and quickly fired a shot off at Greer, who had been looking down at her phone and only half-paying attention. Her head lolled to one side and the phone dropped into her lap. "That's for not paying attention during briefling. With her natural healing factor she'll be functional in ten minutes, maybe less. On a normal human, that'll last for up to an hour give or take."

"We'll arrive in about forty minutes, and if you want to send someone to scout ahead that's fine, but I don't do solos; pick a partner, Walker. Greer can be stealthy as I assume most of the others can. You two will scout, then report back at a rendesvous point we'll determine once we're boots on the ground."

She looked at all of them again, cocking her head. "If there are no more questions I'll be in the rear of the plane with ICERs and other SHIELD issue gear that you may or may not want to gear up with."

@Nomad-22 @Soverign @LuckycoolHawk9 @Epiphany. @ShiroKiyoshi @BrokenWings @Camleen @Ringmaster
More questions and further suggestions. Nemesis had no intention to add to it right now. Instead she waited in attentive silence before their handler proceeded to give some answers. Subsequently the mercenary raised a eyebrow when Meldina showed her non-lethal firearm, clearly not impressed. Swifty that changed when Meldina demonstrated its effectiveness upon the cat lady.

A sudden chuckle escaped Nemesis at the sight of Geer rendered unconscious. That was rather amusing to watch. Suppressing further laughter she waited until the briefing was over before heading to the plane. Without coming any closer to the weapons and gear table she reached out with her right hand. Instantly an ICER flew into her awaiting hand before holstering it.

Might as well get some enjoyment out of this weapon.

No additional questions for May, the ravager walked back into the transport, taking her seat. Seeing Tigra still knocked out, caused Nemesis to snicker some more. "It's your own fault for dropping your guard stripy one." Amusement aside she remarked to the rest.

"Let's go already. Hate missing a challenge."
  • Sweet
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With the demonstration Creed tilted his head saying to Tigra who sat in front of him "I would rather not get hit with those" He could adapt to try and counter them but he would rather avoid unnecessary evolutions. Plus May was giving a very effective scare yat teaching tactic Creed had hoped never to be the focus of. Able to kill people and evolve from physical damages was all well and good. But he had yet to find a way to adapt a way to block intimidatingly stares.

As the presentation went to a close the lizard like creature tapped Tigra with his tail "I am going to make sure you don't get into trouble. Or at the very least don't get me into trouble" He said smirking. Though Tigra knew her stuff he more worried for if anyone could keep him in line she could. But also she was his first friend here . And if he trusted anyone more than the rest she would be it. The biovore then looked at May "I assume killing is out of the question normally. I will just warn you I will try to not do that. But if it gets bad....I will do what I need to" He said calmly. The eyes flickered and the murderous intent of apex wanted control before being quashed with Creed's restraint.

Though if it were out of nervousness, this is more likely, but he split his tails tapping one shoulder of Tigra while he looked away innocently. Then tapping the other and repeating the process. Though childish in many ways he had few chances to laugh or really have fun. Plus this kept him busy while they got to the mission point. Then he hoped he would be up to the task.
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@Michale CS
The demonstration of the ICER on Greer was, well, amusing was one word but concerning was another. Chen made a note of the Agent's willingness to use force on her own teammates and quietly decided to avoid antagonizing the woman if she could.

That said, once May headed to the rear of the plane, Chen followed along. Once they'd arrived at wherever the gear being handed out was, the Chinese woman smiled politely and said "I'm not well versed in firearms but my powers are decidedly lethal. I would appreciate having an option to avoid killing people if I can help it."

If May passes her a gun, she clipped it on to a belt and tried to look like giving her a weapon was a responsible thing to do.

Nemesis' demonstration of telekinesis drew two lifted eyebrows from Chen but she said nothing, merely noted it. One never knew when the knowledge of her team member's abilities might prove useful.

By the time she returned to her seat, presumably Creed was toying with Tigra already with...tails? Multiple tails? The time she'd spent among these people should have acclimated her already but she was struck once more by how surreal being surrounded by the Enhanced was. As strange to her as her presence might be to normal people, were she to reveal her powers in public.

Chen took her seat, watching their antics but not interrupting. They were less than thirty minutes out by now. She drew out her white face-mask and made sure it adhered properly to her face. It made a stylish contrast to her black silk blouse and leggings. And it also offered the potential for not immediately handing the opposition footage they could use to track her civilian identity down and ruin her career.

Thinking about such things didn't help the nervousness and anxiety she felt as much as she might have hoped. So Chen took a series of slow breaths, tried to calm her racing heart and control her composure so she didn't add to her teammates' anxiety by telegraphing her lack of confidence.
Drake Lasket

Drake had seen ICERs before, but he hadn't really gotten a chance to use them. When it came down to it, people with powers didn't need them. That being said, he had a feeling this was a do no harm mission. So he made sure to take some standard Gears and the ICERs

After that demonstration on Greer, he had no plans to not pay attention. That seemed like a stupid idea. He listened and decided there wasn't anything to input as he boarded the plan until a nagging thought came to his kind. "So, is there a possibility that we might deal with people who have powers and the ICERs aren't effective on?" Damn it, maybe he had just jinxed them. He waited for the answer, mentally cursing his own curiosity.

@Michale CS
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"Understood." Walker replied to May's order.

He noted the effects of the ICER and while the weapon seemed simple to use if his only objective was observation then its noise was a problem. He elected to use his own knowledge of martial arts and assassination techniques to deal with targets quietly for this mission. Walker examined his teammates. Out of all of them Nine was the only one who demonstrated a mentality and skillset he was familiar with, but her willingness to kill worried him that she might jump to conclusions. Something he aimed to avoid in a pure scouting mission.

Chen was a civilian and had done her best to make that part of her identity clear to the group. Her diplomacy and speaking ability were of great value, but not for this task. Walker had not seen her powers in action, but the way Chen spoke of them it did not seem like they would aid him in his task. Creed's evolving body would be better suited to forced entry so he decided to leave him with Chen. Combined they were a formidable sword and shield.

Walker, having no previous experience with Drake, cocked his head. He listened to breathing and the rhythmic sounds of the man's voice. The anxiety. The fear. These were good qualities. If trained. Should they come in contact with danger it is highly unlikely this person would try to fight, but rather escape with Walker and report to the team. However, similarly, if they are forced in a situation to fight, would he still try to run? Is his anxiety simply caused by May's willingness to use a display of force or is that his reaction to any display of force? Walker had no way of determining this. He would have to monitor Drake's behavior for future missions.

This left Greer. While not clear on her abilities her outward appearance and discussions about her life gave hints to her capabilities. If she is anything like the animal she resembles then she has many useful skills for infiltration. However, she is extroverted and bubbly. A personality that -- while embarrassing to admit -- Walker has a hard time working with. Her attitude toward debriefing seemed to be lax as well.

The choices felt... limiting.

"If I am to choose a partner I will take your recommendation." Walker said as he looked across to the unconscious Greer. "I'll inform her when she wakes up."

Walker could not make an informed decision. It concerned him. He'd never been with such a team in his life. His eyes narrowed as he stared at the sleeping Greer. Creed's tails periodically creeping into view. These tails brought Walker out of his head and he turned to Creed. "Not to worry. I will treat her with the same care you would have."

Walker then turned to May, "I assume it is different here on Earth, but typically we would have a medium link our minds in Aereos so that we could communicate effectively on the field. Are we to use cellphones?"
The choices felt... limiting.

"If I am to choose a partner I will take your recommendation." Walker said as he looked across to the unconscious Greer. "I'll inform her when she wakes up."

Walker could not make an informed decision. It concerned him. He'd never been with such a team in his life. His eyes narrowed as he stared at the sleeping Greer. Creed's tails periodically creeping into view. These tails brought Walker out of his head and he turned to Creed. "Not to worry. I will treat her with the same care you would have."

Walker then turned to May, "I assume it is different here on Earth, but typically we would have a medium link our minds in Aereos so that we could communicate effectively on the field. Are we to use cellphones?"
May simply smirked and handed Walker an earpiece. "Everyone gets one of these. Secure encrypted channel, you can subvocalize and it will pick it up. If you need body armor it's hanging up over there."

No additional questions for May, the ravager walked back into the transport, taking her seat. Seeing Tigra still knocked out, caused Nemesis to snicker some more. "It's your own fault for dropping your guard stripy one." Amusement aside she remarked to the rest.

"Let's go already. Hate missing a challenge."

May might have chuckled slightly, it was hard to tell. She handed Nemesis the earpiece and offered the ICER and body armor, which... looked to them like it may have been infused with some Kree technology - something that was surprising. It looked well beyond what they thought this planet was capable of.

Though Tigra knew her stuff he more worried for if anyone could keep him in line she could. But also she was his first friend here . And if he trusted anyone more than the rest she would be it. The biovore then looked at May "I assume killing is out of the question normally. I will just warn you I will try to not do that. But if it gets bad....I will do what I need to" He said calmly. The eyes flickered and the murderous intent of apex wanted control before being quashed with Creed's restraint.

Though if it were out of nervousness, this is more likely, but he split his tails tapping one shoulder of Tigra while he looked away innocently. Then tapping the other and repeating the process. Though childish in many ways he had few chances to laugh or really have fun. Plus this kept him busy while they got to the mission point. Then he hoped he would be up to the task.
"Killing civilians or those non-aggressive opposition is... severely frowned upon and will be disciplined. Defend yourself as appropriate." She handed Creed his earpiece. "I see you're providing your own armor."

That said, once May headed to the rear of the plane, Chen followed along. Once they'd arrived at wherever the gear being handed out was, the Chinese woman smiled politely and said "I'm not well versed in firearms but my powers are decidedly lethal. I would appreciate having an option to avoid killing people if I can help it."

If May passes her a gun, she clipped it on to a belt and tried to look like giving her a weapon was a responsible thing to do.
"There's a laser sight on that, button on the upper left. When you return from this mission, you're being enrolled in a training regimen with that." She said as she passed her the ICER and her earpiece. "Also, consider a brief burst of your power above your target. I assume you can generate enough light to possibly blind your target temporarily? If not, consider it... homework."
After that demonstration on Greer, he had no plans to not pay attention. That seemed like a stupid idea. He listened and decided there wasn't anything to input as he boarded the plan until a nagging thought came to his kind. "So, is there a possibility that we might deal with people who have powers and the ICERs aren't effective on?" Damn it, maybe he had just jinxed them. He waited for the answer, mentally cursing his own curiosity.
"Well, yes. There's weapon systems being worked on here. Drones are also a possibility and you cant ICE a drone." May passed him his earpiece and ICER if he wanted it.

Moments later...

Creed stretched and stood up. "Musta dozed off. Ow. My shoulder's a little sore. Must have slept on it wrong. What's so funny?" She looked at her erstwhile partner as she stretched, took her ICER and earpiece from May. "Guess we're on scout duty eh?"
@ShiroKiyoshi @Nomad-22 @Soverign @Epiphany. @LuckycoolHawk9

He was fully charged, and left alone. Looking around this room he saw all of the other marvels of his time. The Mark II Mandroid armor, several sets of it, along one wall. A prototype sonic blaster in a display case. His own weapon systems were mainly offline as they had been deliberately disconnected. His self-repair protocols were also taken offline. It seems his captors had taken every precaution. One thing they couldn't take away was his strength, both in material strength and physical. That sonic blaster and his own fists would have to be his weapons of choice if he chose to make a break for it.

He was considering his path when he saw the red light above the hangar door start flashing, and the warning klaxons begin. With a quick eavesdrop on the local communications network, he quickly found out it was a perimeter alert. Nearby air traffic, they were sending a team to investigate.

Currently there were only two men in the room with him now, currently tinkering on a couple of the Mandroid armors.


Back outside the Blackbird...

Research Center.jpg
Once they were congregated outside, she brought up the map of the area for them, with a picture taken earlier in the day, it was just after nightfall now, to minimize possible civilian involvement and to increase the chance for stealth. "As you can see, you two have your work cut out for you infiltrating. Assess their defenses, try not to engage until you can give us a sitrep." She addressed Walker and Greer, who had finally figured out she'd been ICEd but didn't seem to hold a grudge about it.

"I will wait on the plane to help with exfiltration and overwatch on their communications and any reinforcements they might bring once this goes hot. The rest of you, wait for Greer and Walker's sitrep before charging in." That last seemed to be directly said to Creed, but it was hard to tell, she was tough on everybody.
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