Marvelous Madcaps [OOC]

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Who would you bet on in a fight?

  • Thor

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Rocket Raccoon

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Killua

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Todoroki

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Beerus

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Batman

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • Rose Wilson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Erza Scarlet

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Saber

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Usopp

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Major Armstrong

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Small Foxx

Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Douche
  6. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
High Fantasy. Medieval. Supernatural. Romance. Action. Drama. Adventure. Modern. Thriller. Dystopian.

  • Madcap.
    Adjective and Noun meaning amusingly eccentric, zany, eccentric, ridiculous, unconventional, weird, madman/madwoman, maniac, lunatic, psychotic, oddity, hothead, daredevil, crackpot, loony, nutjob, cuckoo, dingbat, wackadoodle... You get the picture.

    Once upon a time, there were some people that did some things.

    In a world where heroes and villains seem to have peeled themselves from the pages of graphic novels and inserted themselves into our lives, it feels like everyone expects extraordinary people to do extraordinary things. To them, it seemed as though anyone with the intellect of Tony Stark or the strength of Our Lord and Savior Steven Grant Rogers should definitely use it for good, to serve humanity and thwart evil-doers.

    Unfortunately for all the assumers making asses outta themselves, not everyone wants to fall in line with their black-and-white model of good and bad, heroes and villains. Being incredibly skilled or having powers beyond human capability shouldn't mean you're automatically obligated to use it for everyone else. So what if you would make an excellent superhero with your laser eyes? Maybe you just wanna sit on your ass and use your laser eyes to pop your popcorn and chase off those raccoons that keep tipping over your trashcans every night. And maybe you do want to be a hero. Problem is, everyone wants you to do it on their terms, not yours. Truth is, they don't actually care about you. They ask not what they can do for you, only what you can do for them. And that's pretty shitty.

    Sure, the Avengers are great, and so is Spider-Man. The sorcerers of Kamar-Taj hold it down magic-style. But who's fighting the man? Sometimes it's not enough to grin and bear it. Sometimes you gotta wreck some shit to build something even better.

    In true Marvel fashion, this is a story about a group of people who have come together to fight oppression. People who see the flaws in the world they live in, see the evil that lurks behind honeyed smiles, the darkness preying on the light, and they want to do something about it because they can. They aren't fighting alien invaders or murderous robots. Their target is far more dangerous: humanity. They don't hate humans (ok, maybe one or two of them do), and it isn't their goal to wipe out humanity or subjugate them. It is their goal to launch an attack against a worldwide oppressive regime (and maybe save a few kittens from storm drains) and to remind people that their lives matter. They exist in a world on fire, where existing as anything but human is a crime. They are here to right the wrongs, no matter how big or small.

    The Madcaps are not the Avengers or any of the other great teams. The Madcaps have some absolute powerhouses and could maybe even wreck the Avengers like it's just another Tuesday. But power isn't everything. As the story begins, their connection to each other will be threadbare. They came together six months ago by happenstance or fate, depending on how you look at it. Maybe a few of them are close but, as a whole, the team is a bunch of strangers.

    They don't know what each other is capable of and all they know about each other is what they've seen, which I imagine is very little. They're not the Get-Along-Gang either. The Madcaps share a common desire to see justice in the world, but some view just as cracking skulls and sparking the flames of revolution while others view it as taking to the courts and doing good deeds to win hearts and minds. It will take time for them to get their shit together truly become a functioning team but when they do, who will stand a chance against Earth's Mightiest Maniacs?

    TDLR; go back and read it (ง'̀-'́)ง
  • ☆This is a zero-tolerance zone, okay? I will not tolerate bullying, rudeness, or people just being dickwads in general. Please remember that drama belongs between characters, not between writers.

    ☆If you're experiencing problems with another writer, please contact me so we can handle it efficiently and maturely. The last thing we need is for the threads to dissolve into a flame war.

    ☆This roleplay is based in an alternate Marvel universe. As such, I am okay with, and encourage, characters that are amazingly amazing, maybe even downright goddamn cliche. You want a character that can bend the very laws of physics? GO FOR IT, BRO! Just please keep in mind that your characters are not immune to cause and effect.

    ☆That being said... Nobody's characters are untouchable. I will not accept godmoding, extreme powerplaying, or metagaming. Please use the two commons when writing: sense and courtesy. Just because your character can snap their fingers and explode the heads of every NPC within a 5 mile radius doesn't mean that they should. Will our characters get around to doing dumb shit that will end up messy for them? Absolutely. But it won't be a constant thing happening.

    You may have up to 3 characters.

    ☆Do not be afraid to make suggestions! This isn't just my story -- it's our story! I would love to hear from my fellow writers on what you guys think would make this even more fun.

    ☆I'm honestly 1000% okay with people having the same powers or skills.

    ☆NO CANON CHARACTERS. You may apply for characters with a connection to Marvel-canon characters, but I will be picky about them and I will not accept blatant rip-offs of canon characters, nor will I accept canon characters under any circumstances.

    ☆Please use real-life people for your character face claims. I don't care if you use Beyonce, but please. Real-life face claims. Thank you.

    ☆Since this roleplay is an open world, and there are multiple characters, I don't expect all of our characters to be around each other all the time -- they aren't all attached at the hip. Tagging characters is a must that way we know who your post is directed at <3
    1. Ameline Aurieux [Small Foxx]
    2. Victor Winters [Quake]
    3. Isaiah Winters [Quake]
    4. Charlotte Ocampo [Polaris North]
    5. Yua Hiraoka [MrCalcium]
    You can make your character sheet as elaborate or as plain as you want, but here's a list of things that have to be on it:

    • Picture (of your character)
    • Name & Alias
    • Age & Birthday
    • Species
    • Preferred Pronouns
    • Occupation prior to Madcaps
    • Personality (at least a good paragraph or 2)
    • History (at least 3 or 4 paragraphs covering childhood, angsty teen years, trying to adult, and trying to adult as a discount Avenger; good information to include would also be their whereabouts and doings during such events as The Battle of New York, Thanos' First Invasion, The Blip, etc)
    • Powers, or, if human, Skills
    • Equipment (remove if non-applicable)
    After characters are created and accepted, please be aware that you may have to alter a few parts of the history to account for connections to other characters -- though, this only applies if the connection is important enough to mention.
  • Considering that our AU includes mutants, Inhumans, and everything in between, the timeline is kind of... there. Nothing that Fox or Sony has ever produced is in any way canon in this universe. I spit on their films. PTUH! Okay, the Deadpools, Logan, and The Gifted are really fucking good, though. Anyway. Consider this an MCU-AU. The events of the films from Iron Man up to Endgame are canon, as are the events of everything from Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones,*gag*Iron Fist, The Defenders, The Punisher, Agents of SHIELD, Agent Carter, and *shiver* Inhumans.

    But, for your convenience, here's a basic-as-shit timeline!

    1942: With the help of (*in my Reinhardt voice*) German engineering, the American Government has created the first perfect super-soldier – Steven Rogers, aka Captain America aka Our Lord and Savior aka Owner of America's Ass. Months later he crashes a ship and becomes a particularly delicious superhuman popsicle after a battle with a Nazi that unironically calls himself Red Skull.

    1962: A group of particularly extraordinary mutants that unironically call themselves X-Men divert the Cuban Missile Crisis which, the majority of the population are unaware of, was brought on by mutants. The Hellfire Club is disbanded and Brotherhood of Mutants begins. Why couldn't they call themselves The Fellowship of Mutants? I don't think Emma Frost and Angel Salvadore had a say in that. United States government begins massive cover-up to hide the existence of mutants.

    1965: Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters is officially registered as an accredited school and begins to enroll students and recruit mutants to fight crime. UA got nothing on them.

    The 90s: Captain Marvel space stuff.

    2008: Sometime in mid-February, the Hulk "breaks Harlem" in a battle for the ages against Abomination, a creature that is the first prime example why the government can't be trusted to train or create supers. Then Bruce Banner disappears, taking The Other Guy with him. Around that same time, Tony Stark is kidnapped before reappearing in May. A few months later Tony Stark murders (is it murder if it's self-defense?) Obadiah Stane before coming out as Iron Man. Cheeseburger sales hit an all-time high.

    2010: Shit almost goes to Hell in a handbasket because Tony Stark's father is a thief and Whiplash came for blood. Justin Hammer went to jail because he sucks – and teamed up with a supervillain. And Tony Stark/Iron Man beat his new nemesis, Whiplash. But where's the bird? The good news is that Tony's bestie, Rhodey, decides to steal one of his suits, call himself War Machine, and is now a hero. Relax, citizens. There's a man called War Machine to protect you; doesn't that make you feel safe?

    2011: Humans find out that they are definitely not alone. As if playboys with missile-laden suits of armor, rumors of people developing the ability to shoot lasers from their eyes, and giant green monsters weren't enough to worry about, humans found out that the Vikings weren't crazy. Thor crashed down to Midgard after being exiled and had a grudge match with his adopted brother, Loki (our true King) that nearly leveled a small town in New Mexico. Then they all just disappeared. OH! SHIELD also found Captain America and decided to defrost him and ensure that he becomes their weapon against the fight for... whatever it is SHIELD fights for.

    2012: Loki came back and he's pissed. He wants to rule over humans because he believes humanity is incapable of doing anything worthwhile on their own. He's not entirely wrong. But, humans are humans. The Avengers, SHIELD's super-secret boyband, is formed and consists of: Iron Man, Thor (who decided to chase Loki to Midgard and help the puny humans), Bruce Banner/Hulk (who was seduced out of hiding by–), Natasha Romanova/Black Widow (who was previously spying on Tony Stark and destroying Happy Hogan's ego), Clint Barton/Hawkeye (who's basically their dad), and Captain America. They beat back Loki's invasion and win the Battle of New York. Insane. Why didn't the mutants help? They're perfectly fine sequestering themselves from the world; their kind tends to wind up going missing when they expose themselves.

    2013: Once again, people go after Tony Stark and his tech. He has a lot of shit going on, the Vice President turns out to be shady, exploding super-soldiers are running around, Tony does dumb shit (like challenging a supervillain to come and fight him at his house and then acting surprised when they attack his house). It's messy. The panic attacks and PTSD aren't helping matters. But, because he's a hero, he saves the day. And then he destroys all of his suits and fixes his chest – HOORAY. And apparently, War Machine is now Iron Patriot because that sounds less like his sole mission is to invade and conquer. Later on that year, we see many places in the world experience unnatural phenomenon as the worlds, not the stars, the worlds align. Dark Elves apparently aren't dead (thanks, Bor) and they try to take over the entire universe. Loki, Thor, his biceps, his genius girlfriend, her intern, her intern's intern, and some old guy manage to defeat them! Though there's a giant bilgesnipe from Jotunheim running around Earth now...

    2014: SURPRISE, BITCH! IT'S HYDRA. Yes, HYDRA. While the government thought that Captain America had ended them decades ago, they were surprised to find out that HYDRA has been infiltrating SHIELD and every level of government since the 40s. It wasn't that hard, given that the government actually hired some of them... Operation Paperclip wasn't their best idea. But who cares. It's also when Cap's best friend, Bucky comes back as a sort of mind-controlled zombie assassin: The Winter Soldier. It's frightening, though most citizens didn't even know what was going on, just that secret organizations and supers were fighting again, and now there's a black guy with metal wings and a jetpack flying around with Captain America. Nick Fury is "dead". SHIELD fell and many agents sought refuge working for the government or, even better, Tony Stark. Those that didn't work for Stark continued on in the shadows, aided by the many faces of Koenig. There's also some shit going on in space with a Kree guy, Ronan, and a dipshit human that goes around calling him Star Prince or something.

    2015: Tony Stark seems to be incapable of not messing shit up. This marks the year that his murderbot got smart and realized that humans were shitty creatures destroying the world. So he decided to help them do it faster. The Avengers refused to stand for it and they beat him, though at the expense of several lives and livelihoods, as always. And then Hulk launches himself into space and Thor goes home with the technology that created Murderbot. An amazing potential hero dies when it should have been Hawkeye, and the Avengers gain a 17-year-old witch... Or is she a mutant? Back in the US, there's a tiny man with ants running around calling himself Ant-Man. Scott Lang, a brilliant hacker and burglar, got his hands on Hank Pym's tech, which is better than Stark's, and decided to be a superhero in the best way – tackling down corporate greed. Hey! He managed to beat Falcon! In Queens there's also a kid running around in a crappy spider costume calling himself Spider-Man. But he's doing good. He's doing real good.

    2016: The Avengers botch a mission that ends up killing refugees, children, and others when they accidentally toss a bomb... at a hospital. The legality of their operations is then called into question. The Sokovia Accords are drawn up! Anyone and everyone wanting to do superhero shit (especially supers, and especially Avengers) have to sign and abide by the new rules or retire. Or be imprisoned in a facility in the middle of the ocean: The Raft. The Avengers split up because at least 4 of them know better than to trust the governments to oversee people with super abilities. They fight a lot, have a showdown at a German airport. Tony Stark thinks it's brilliant to let a 15-year-old Friendly Neighborhood Night Monkey fight seasoned assassins, heroes, soldiers, and warriors. Rhodey becomes a paraplegic. Bucky tries to clear his name because he's not going around killing people – it's another man in a wig. #TeamCap gets imprisoned on The Raft until Cap breaks them out, but not before he and Bucky put the smackdown on Tony. Meanwhile, T'Challa/Black Panther is actually doing something productive and he manages to catch the man who orchestrated the entire splitting up and destroying of the Avengers. Later, Cap and his team hideout all over the world. Bucky is kept in Wakanda where their advanced technology helps fix what HYDRA broke.

    AND IN CHINA there's a wizard fight. Sorcerers from Kamar-Taj engage in an unholy battle to decided whether or not a timeless entity will be allowed to merge with our world. Doctor Strange, a cocky and narcissistic surgeon that found something better than god – MAGIC – becomes the new Sorcerer Supreme after successfully wielding the Eye of Agamoto to annoy the shit out of said timeless entity (Dormamu) until a bargain is struck that makes Dormamu go away and wish he'd never met Strange. Unfortunately, the misunderstood and misled Kaicilius had to die. Tragic. Alex, play In the Arms of An Angel. And there's another wizard running around killing other wizards because there's too many wizards.

    OH AND BY THE WAY. The X-Men went viral when someone from Xavier's accidentally uploaded their mutant-filled mansion birthday bash to all of their social media accounts. And that's how mutants were outed. There was a press conference a week later that saw the President of the US bumble his way through an attempt to educate the general populace about the X-Gene until Charles Xavier started uploading informative YouTube videos.

    And then 2016 got even better. Three months after mutants are outed (let's say it happened in August), the UN draws up the Registration Act. The Registration Act requires any and every being, whether human or not, that has any kind of powers or special abilities or special equipment or special skills to register with their local government, to then be uploaded into a federal and international database. Because that seems like it'll work out just fine. Unlike with the Sokovia Accords, this didn't apply only to people that wanted to fight crime and be heroes. Have powers, must register. Unfortunately, the fine-print decrees that non-human beings have absolutely zero constitutional rights and any being deemed too dangerous or powerful would be labeled a WMD (weapon of mass destruction) and considered the property of their respective government. AND THEN ALONG CAME SENTINEL SERVICES. **please read 'factions' tab for more info on these asshats

    Stuff is happening in space, but now it's here too! Nobody on earth knows why mysterious blue goop started bubbling up and swallowing things and it's impossible to analyze. To be discussed later. Spider-Man is still around and now he thinks he's the shit because he has a teched-out suit and he went toe-to-toe against Falcon and Winter Soldier and Ant-Man and won. But let's not talk about how Cap handed his ass to him. He manages to take down Vulture, a notorious arms dealer, but he's just doing friendly neighborhood Spider-Man stuff. Nothing to see here. The real action is in space! Hulk finds Thor, they fight, they laugh, they instigate a revolution led by a pile of talking rocks, the Kronan called Korg (please, take a pamphlet). But why is Thor on the slave planet of Sakaar? Because his big sister that makes him look like the adopted one is back now that dad's dead, and she wants the world. Thor can't beat her so he saves his people and releases Surtur, who destroys all of Asgard. Ragnarok, bitches.

    2018: Deep in the heart of Africa, Wakanda is being better than the rest of the world and M'Baku is being fine as hell. They've got their shit going on. And then Thanos comes. Bruce Banner has been beamed down to Earth after Thanos and the Black Order murdered Loki, Heimdall, and half the remaining Asgardian population. A whole lot of shit goes down and then suddenly... Poof. Half the world disappears, leaving M'Baku to rule Wakanda, just as he's always wanted. RIP T'Challa.

    2023: After a battle for the ages, every person that ever went missing (on account of The Blip) miraculously returns. Captain America is an old man. Tony Stark is dead. Black Widow is dead. Hawkeye is slightly more murderous than before. Thor breaks the rules of monarchy so New Asgard can be led by the last Valkyrie before he heads to space. Past Gamora takes the place of Future Gamora. Professor Hulk is still around. Wakanda is now open for business. A-Force might be a thing. There's a lot to take in. Oh, and then Peter Parker was outed by some guy calling himself Mysterio (thanks, Italy) after a massive battle in London. The world is basically on fire.

    And because there's so much going on in the MCU tv shows, rather than put them all in the timeline, here's this:

    • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. – Season 1 (May-December)
    • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. – Season 2 (February-May)
    • Daredevil – Season 1 (January)
    • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. – Season 3 (March)
    • Jessica Jones – Season 1 (August)
    • Daredevil – Season 2 (August)
    • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. – Season 4 (September)
    • Luke Cage – Season 1 (September)
    • Iron Fist - Season 1 (January)
    • The Defenders – Season 1 (March)
    • Inhumans – Season 1 (May)
    • The Punisher – Season 1 (May)
    • Runaways – Season 1 (July)
    • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. – Season 5 (February)
    • Cloak and Dagger – Season 1 (March)
    • Jessica Jones – Season 2 (April)
    • Luke Cage – Season 2 (May)
    • Iron Fist – Season 2 (May-June)
    • Daredevil – Season 3 (June)
    • Runaways – Season 2 (July)
    2019 (Pre-Blip)
    • The Punisher – Season 2 (April)
    • Cloak and Dagger – Season 2 (June)
  • Alright, so you've read the timeline and you're wondering what's going on with the supers. I get it. Well, here you go!

    SHIELD: Currently a super-secret organization (more than before) back from the future and trying to change it. SHIELD was unknown until the events of Civil War before being publically disbanded and disavowed by the US government. They continued on in secret with the Actually-Alive-Coulson at the helm. Returned to the public eye with a new image under the Directorship of Jeffery Mace. After he died, Coulson took the reins once more. After Coulson died (actually dead-dead this time), Alphonse Mackenzie was appointed Director. Currently operating out of The Lighthouse, a secret bunker under Lake Ontario. **Non-playable faction; open to characters being former members.**

    AVENGERS: The Avengers are the most well-known team of heroes in the world. They are more-or-less disbanded at the moment, though their current members consist of Spider-Man, Professor Hulk, Falcon, Hawkeye, Ant-Man, The Wasp, Captain Marvel, Doctor Strange, Valkyrie, Rescue, and Black Panther. **Non-playable faction; not open to characters being former members**

    TRASK INDUSTRIES: A private (secretly funded by the government) corporation posing as a pharmaceutical company. It was founded in the late 1930s and since then they've done everything they can to get their hands on any kind of super they possibly can, particularly interested in mutants. They engage in experiments that violate all kinds of laws of humanity, and their goals are often unclear. They view humans as superior and everything else as lesser beings to be manipulated and harnessed as tools, weapons, toys, and whatever they deem fit. They are ruthless and uncaring. If a mutant isn't taken by the X-Men or Brotherhood upon awakening, you can bet your ass that Trask got them. Unless said mutant manages to hide and evade. **Non-playable faction; open to characters being former members or victims**

    An organization that is as of yet unknown. Their purposes? Unclear. They pose as a pediatric company. In reality, they breed mutant children using stolen genetic samples. The children they raise are kept in captivity, sold to Trask, or sold off to the highest bidder. **Non-playable faction; open to characters being former members or victims**

    SENTINEL SERVICES: In 2016, when mutants "came out", many politicians that'd been previously unaware of their existence demanded that there be a branch of law enforcement dedicated solely to capturing, subduing, and imprisoning "rogue" mutants. Sentinel Services has been around for seven years and they have a nasty habit of capturing innocent mutants, charging them with the crime of existing. But nobody says anything because it's hard to prove when you've got the government at your back. Rumors are that they sometimes supply Trask with mutants. There are several departments within Sentinel Services, but the most infamous one is the MRD -- Mutant Response Division. The MRD is basically SWAT... Or an inverted X-Men. **Non-playable faction; open to characters being former members or victims**

    All three of these groups go hand-in-hand. Most people that are members of one are members of the others as well. Since the public discovery of mutants, they have made it their mission in life to spread propaganda and fear-mongering. They detest all mutants, nuhumans, inhumans, and superpowered beings, but hate the mutants most of all. They are driven by fanatic religion, rejecting the belief of evolution. While the Church of Humanity and Friends of Humanity are pro-human, anti-mutant factions that are likely to be found protesting somewhere, the Purifiers are the militant ones. Purifiers are on par with the Klan; they enjoy hunting down mutants for sport (no matter the age). Some are even members of Sentinel Services. **Non-playable faction; open to characters being former members or victims**

    WATCHDOGS: They're a bunch of fucking assholes. Most of them are former military, former SHIELD, etc, but they've got a stick up their ass about most supers. They don't mind humans genetically enhanced by steroids and experiments and cybernetics too much, but they hold a special hatred for the likes of aliens, inhumans, mutants, and nuhumans. The Watchdogs are a militia that rolls around kidnapping targets with all the skill of an elite black ops team. They then either torture and kill them or sell them to places like Trask Industries. The government doesn't really seem to care. **Non-playable faction; open to characters being former members or victims**

    SORCERERS: They're basically The Night's Watch, except almost nobody knows they exist. Most sorcerers have stayed in the shadows and elect to defend the world against threats emerging from other dimensions and those that are inherently mystical or supernatural. It is possible for literally anyone to be a sorcerer, no matter the species. Sorcery can be learned from tomes or just something in a person's blood. **Playable faction.**

    X-MEN: They are an elite group of mutants that specialize in protecting mutants from humans, humans from mutants, and everyone from the Brotherhood. Half of them are under 21 and former students of Xavier's. They don't have too much to do besides search and rescue since the Brotherhood ghosted them. Unlike the Avengers, they don't like the spotlight. You won't see them doing television interviews or anything; they get their job done and they leave. **Non-playable faction; open to characters being former members or students**

    BROTHERHOOD OF MUTANTS: They really can't stand humans, and who can blame them. Most of them suffered greatly at the hands of humans and turned to the bosom of the Brotherhood for a safe haven. They believe the world would be better off without humans and have, on many occasions, attempted to make humans aware of mutantkind, only to be thwarted by the X-Men. They disappeared from everyone's radar in 2015 after dropping a baseball stadium on the White House lawn. Rumor has it that they've got a private island somewhere in the middle of the Pacific... **Non-playable faction; open to characters being former members (or victims)**
  • MUTANTS: Mutants are also called Homo Sapien Superior. Many papers have been written on them and the X-Gene has been studied extensively, although the government is keen on keeping this information under wraps. Mutants were once considered myths, though they aren't rare at all. Before, Xavier's and the Brotherhood were quick at snapping up budding young mutants before they could be discovered by humans. They lived a life of secrecy, hiding what their genes made them capable of. But, after the Brotherhood disappeared, they came out. Not because they wanted to, though (refer to 2016 on timeline). They still try to remain secretive, but more and more feel emboldened enough to be out as they are. **Playable species.**

    INHUMANS & NUHUMANS: Inhumans were even more secret than mutants once upon a time. Nobody even knew they were a possibility. But, after water supplies and a large quantity of fish oil vitamins were contaminated with Terrigen Mist, people with Inhuman genes began to go through Terrigenesis all over the world, though those sans Kree gene didn't survive the process. SHIELD recruited many, some decided to just hide, and others were kidnapped... The newly awakened ones are called Nuhumans. And then you have the bloodline of the OG Inhumans. After their home was overtaken, the Inhumans that have been living on the moon migrated to Earth and were granted a large piece of land in Hawaii to restart their kingdom anew. But not all people of Attilan trust their royal family to break away from the oppressive and degrading caste system that started the coup in the first place; and can they really trust humans, especially from the government? **Playable species.**

    HUMANS: Not much to say here. **Playable species.**

    ENHANCED HUMANS: They come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Their powers were obtained in many different ways -- blessed by some deity or cosmic entity, getting struck by lightning during a blue moon, getting bitten by a radioactive raven -- but the majority of them are the subjects of illicit, unethical, and often illegal experiments conducted by either the government or private corporations. **Playable species.**

    AESIR & VANIR: Asgard was home to many Aesir and Vanir, though both are often mistaken as Asgardians (it's wrong because Asgardian isn't a species, it's more of a nationality). They look like humans but they can lift up to 2 tons, weigh thousands of pounds, can punch Hulk through five buildings, have an immense amount of stamina, and are incredibly durable. Not because they are all warriors, but just because it's how they're designed. They currently live in New Asgard, formerly known as Tønsberg, a small fishing village on the coast of Norway. **Playable species on case-by-case basis.**

    ALIENS: I won't even try to list them all, to be honest. Here you go. **Playable species on case-by-case basis.**
  • Anomaly Registration Act and Sokovia Accords, ordained by 177 countries, have decreed the following:

    Registration & Classification — Known (or suspected) mutants, inhumans, nuhumans, enhanced individuals, and any being deemed alien are required to be subject to a jury of their peers and are to be tagged and cataloged in an international database. It is by federal requirement that such individuals must reveal the nature of their species and the extent of their ability. The classifications are as follows:
    • OMEGA: Omega "anomalies" are classified as those who may or may not pass for human; power levels are extreme and capable of causing wide-spread destruction, potentially on a worldwide scale. To be considered Weapons of Mass Destruction.
    • ALPHA: Alpha "anomalies" are classified as those who pass for human; power levels vary and are often dangerous. To be considered Weapons of Mass Destruction.
    • BETA: Betas "anomalies" are classified as those who cannot fully pass for human; power levels vary.
    • GAMMA: Gamma "anomalies" are classified as those who cannot pass for human; power levels vary but are rarely dangerous.
    • DELTA: Delta "anomalies" are classified as those who may or may not pass for human; power levels vary and are unseen.
    • EPSILON: Epsilon "anomalies" are classified as those with very little if any power and cannot pass for human; powers are all but useless.
    ⛔Those enhanced by anomalies are prohibited from using anomalies in public or private spaces other than their own domicile without a permit.
    ⛔ Those enhanced by anomalies are prohibited from gathering in groups larger than three without permits; the only exception is if the anomalies are classified as Epsilon.
    ⛔ Those enhanced by anomalies are prohibited from protesting; this is seen as an act of aggression and treason; all desired appeals must be formally submitted to local, state, or federal government.
    ⛔Those enhanced by anomalies are required to register with their nearest Sentinel Services branch; likewise, anyone that knows of an unregistered anomaly is required by law to report them.
    ⛔ Those enhanced by anomalies are required to reveal that they are anomalies, what their anomaly is, and what their classification is in order to secure homes (owning or renting), jobs, pets, firearms, adoptions, and vehicles — and it is legal to deny them based on this information, though it can be appealed.
    ⛔ Those enhanced by anomalies are prohibited from using an anomaly to commit vandalism or destruction of property is a felony, accident or not.
    ⛔ It is not currently illegal for anomalies to have children with each other, but there are those pushing for that; it is, however, illegal for them to purposely have children in an attempt to create a more powerful anomaly.
    ⛔ The possession and creation of enhanced or extraterrestrial technologies is strictly prohibited; all such technology must be immediately submitted to your nearest Sentinel Services branch for confiscation.
    ⛔ Any type of harm caused by the use of anomaly, accident or not, are to be held criminally liable.
    ⛔ It is not considered child neglect to abandon or kick out a child for having an anomaly, but it is considered criminal negligence for the danger it may pose to others.

    Failure to comply will result in immediate legal action. Punishments include: fines, revocation of permits/licenses, serving time in an anomaly detention center, serving a life sentence on The Raft, and death.
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    Recruitment begins! We're officially open for business, guys. Once we reach 5 character acceptances the In Character thread will be posted and we'll be off on our adventure.

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Anya Ameline Aurieux

  • Alias: Cybele
    Age: 25
    D.O.B.: 5/21/98
    Place of Birth: Baton Rouge, LA
    Sexual Orientation: Demisexual
    Species: Homo Sapien Superior

    Height: 5'2"
    Weight: 132lbs
    Hair: Green, waist-length, 3B
    Eyes: Green
    Scars: Many, covering her body
    Body Mods: Various piercings; tattoos tba

  • Anya is a wild-spirited individual that refuses to be contained. She can come across as shallow, prideful, and elitist. And she absolutely is all of the above, but those qualities do not detract from her positive traits. She displays an unmoving sense of compassion for the disenfranchised and is just as likely to give money to the homeless as she is to remark on someone's poor color coordination abilities. Her way of speech is flowery, much to the chagrin of those around her; it's not an attempt to make others around her feel stupid – even if they don't believe it.

    When she's in a foul mood, angered or otherwise, she's not the person you want to be around. The more upset she is, the more volatile she grows. Anya is prone to channeling her negative emotions through violent means. She does her best to reign in her temper, easily told by a tense jaw, fake smile, and tapping fingers. Once her violence subsides, she likes to grow flowers and find peace in solitude.

    Otherwise, Anya is incredibly friendly. For the most part. As uppity as she can be, Anya does have a deep love for life, and she admires those that choose to live theirs to the fullest. She often expresses her affection for others through showering them with gifts because she doesn't know any other way to do it.

    L I K E S
    Music; Art; Combat; Eating Reading; Candy; Flying; Parkour; Musicals; Quoting; DIY videos; Baking; Lava cakes; Instrumental cover songs; Dancing; Wine; Cute summer dresses; Nature; Soccer; Body art

    D I S L I K E S
    Bologna; The smell of Pinesol; Black licorice; Watching horror films alone; Being without her stuffed panda; Disorder; Nihilism; Feeling useless; Black licorice; Advanced darkness; Doctors; Being examined or stared at; Being all alone; Empty night skies; Itchy clothes; Being stereotyped; Being belittled; When people undermine her authority; Being told what she can or can't do

    Q U I R K S
    ➳Reciting random facts
    ➳Quoting random things
    ➳Scratching her hands when she's nervous
    ➳Babbling when she's hiding something from someone she cares about
    ➳Cooking when stressed
    ➳Not looking where she's walking

    G O A L S
    Slaughtering her enemies. Abolishing the Registration Act and the Sokovia Accords.

    F E A R S
    Dying in her sleep –
    Because she is so dead to the world when she finally lays her head down to rest, she fears that something bad will happen and she will end up killed in her sleep.

    Fire – She's fine with fire that is held under control as with stove fires and such. However, she all but shuts down when a fire gets out of control.

    S E C R E T S
    ∞ She used to be in the Brotherhood and was known as The Big Apple Psychopath; She was never identified by the NYPD.

  • Her life was never meant to be simple. From the very beginning, she was doomed.

    She was born to a wealthy family that was balls-deep in the United States government; her father was a geneticist for Trask R&D, her mother was a weapons developer for Hammer Industries, her elder sister was an agent of SHIELD, and her brother was a lawyer fast-tracking his way up the political ladder. Needless to say, her family expected her to pursue a career that would allow her to work closely with the government, wanted her to reach a position of power and influence. Unfortunately for them, Anya had absolutely no desire to follow such a path.

    During her formative years, her time was spent studying intensely and fashioning herself into a masterful socialite. With her big green eyes, there was little she couldn't do; it was almost too easy for her to wrap adults around her dainty little fingers. She enchanted her parents' peers with her knowledge and grace, all the while pulling invisible strings. To her family she was a disgrace; Anya was considered vapid and lazy, believed to be training herself to be a trophy wife. Unbeknownst to them, Anya had been carefully culling secrets from everyone she could. Knowledge was a weapon, and secrets were the most dangerous knowledge of all.

    Despite pushing back against her parents' will, she wasn't that rebellious. She toed the line so very carefully. There were a lot of things she wanted to do but could not; the things she wanted would ruin her family's image and she would have hell to pay. Besides, she had a secret of her own: Anya was a mutant.

    Her family thrived on supporting that "Human First" mentality, even before the rest of the unwashed masses realized that they were not, in fact, alone in the world. The Aurieuxs believed that sentient non-human beings -- "anomalies" -- were beings that needed to be captured, monitored, and tagged. Her father dissected them for a living, her mother created weapons to use against them, her brother challenged their rights and supported politicians that wrote bills subtly condemning "the others", and her sister spied on them. Family dinners were not spent discussing who was going to the Superbowl that year.

    Anya's family always ran a blood test at birth, every year up until the age of eighteen, to ensure that their bloodline remained "pure". Fortunately for her, the doctor delivering the tests had some semblance of a heart and would constantly report negative findings. To believe that the Aurieuxs wouldn't subject their own flesh and blood to the same horrors as they did others would be the equivalent of believing in the Tooth Fairy. But the fact couldn't be hidden for very long. Anya was seven when her mutation manifested and eleven when her family finally found out; it was hard to explain why she'd woken up with moss-green hair and her room covered from ceiling to floor with vines and flowers. Her father personally carted her off to one of Trask's secret facilities where she underwent numerous forms of tortures and was the subject of countless experiments.

    Three years later, at the age of fifteen, Anya made her great escape. She had been part of a program that worked jointly with Alkali-Transigen. she was what they called a Hound. Anya was part of a group of mutants that had been trained to hunt down, detain, and even kill other mutants. They'd made her into a weapon. As they scrambled to get the World Security Council to agree to release the Hounds instead of the Avengers (or a fucking nuke) in New York, Anya aided in leading the breakout. They lost a lot of friends in the fight for freedom, but they weren't alone. By a stroke of luck, their prison break occurred at the same time as The Brotherhood's break-in. Trask was overwhelmed and that particular facility was permanently shut down.

    Following that, Anya stayed on as a member of The Brotherhood and fell back into her old ways, though this time she was far more violent than before. Trask had a lingering effect on her that would remain for the rest of her life. Between her own personal experiences and watching the world around her, she had a growing disgust for humanity and sought to change things. When she felt The Brotherhood wasn't as effective as they could be, especially after they retreated to a private, mutants-only island, Anya stayed behind and fashioned herself into a vigilante.

    During the events of The Black Order's attack on New York, Anya made no attempt to aid in defending New York although she was nearby. From what she could tell, that whole thing seemed like a "human problem". When The Blip occurred, she was among those that remained on Earth. Actually, she thought it was better that way. More peaceful, even. She had very little empathy for the lives taken, being more concerned with the environmental growth; Anya enjoyed seeing pods of whales passing through the now-clean Hudson. Over the course of those five years she mostly wandered and did some vigilante work here and there; with so many world leaders missing, enforcing the Accords and Registration was made more difficult. Sentinel Services was still fairly new when The Blip came about, so they were a bit scrambled as well. All-in-all, it was a good thing for her.

    Now, with everyone back and in recovery, life for "anomalies", who previously lived openly post-blip, has been made more hellish than before, as if they somehow played a part in the event that rocked the universe. And Anya ain't having that shit.

  • E C O K I N E S I S

    Ecological Empathy –
    [Passive] Anya has the ability to innately sense the state of the world around her, though it is entirely localized. She can tell where there is pollution, which plants are dying, who is sick, and if something is simply off. She can immediately identify various flora and fauna by touch or a single glance and their uses. She can sense the overall well-being and conditions of their immediate environment and natural setting stemming from a psychic sensitivity to nature, including all biomes (forests, deserts, tundras, wetlands, mountains, etc). A tree naturally falling or predator catching their prey in a nearby forest is felt by her, leaving her feeling calmly relieved. Unnaturally, it leaves with a sense of hurt. She can detect natural changes as well (raise in temperature, humidity, etc).

    Slowed and Halted Aging – [Passive] She stopped aging when she was eighteen, her cells constantly rejuvenated by drawing in life and energy from nature around her. However, because she's so young, this isn't very obvious yet.

    Nature Enhancement & Manipulation – [Master] Anya can manipulate plants, even the ones that she is not in physical contact with. She can also generate plants from her body as well as from nothing at all. She can enhance or diminish the health of the plants. She can sap the life force from plants around her to heal and empower herself as well, though she hasn't learned to redirect the life force to heal others yet. She can sense the sentience within plants that others cannot, able to speak to them as well as enhance their sentience.

    Elemental Transformation – [Expert] She has the ability to transform into a flurry of lily petals. During this transformation, she can still control her movement and retain sentience. However, she can only turn into a burst of petals, not a full flower. The only full flora transformation she can make is into various trees including weeping willow, oak, and dogwood.

    Zoolingual – [Adept] She can morph into any animal if she's eaten its meat first and she can understand and communicate with them. She bonds with animals faster than most but she cannot command them, no matter how intense the bond.

    Earth & Metal Manipulation – [Expert] She can manipulate the earth and its minerals with ease, having trained long and hard under the tutelage of a friend, Petra. She has yet to be capable of generating them from nothing as she can with plants. She can create small earthquakes and open up the earth a bit as well. However, her abilities limit it to being localized. She can also manipulate different types of metals except for copper.

    Water Manipulation – [Expert] She can manipulate and control different liquids so long as there is water in them and she can create water from nothing. She is capable of controlling and generating large volumes of water as well as altering the state and temperature of it. Combing her ability to manipulate plants, water, and earth allows her to create devastating attacks. It also keeps her from suffering thirst or hunger.

    W E A K N E S S E S
    Bad Arm;
    She knew a mutant once upon a time who could heal and who also didn't know about her healing factor. She had broken her arm and the young mutant tried to heal her while Anya's own body was in the process. Doing so didn't work out so well and now when her left arm is hit with enough force it goes numb for days.

    Insomniac; She cannot sleep. She might get tired, but she cannot sleep for any longer than three or four hours a day. It's on the last seven days of every month when she just shuts down, her body entering a state of self-preservation as she recharges completely. It's these seven days when she's at her weakest. You could throw her done a flight of stairs and she still wouldn't wake up. She can stave off that sleep for a few days if she must, but she'll sleep for every day that she missed.

    Allergy; She's highly allergic to copper. Touching it causes her skin to burn.

    Clean Eater; Anya can't properly digest food or drink that isn't wholly organic. In fact, it rarely makes it past her gullet. Trying to eat/drink foods as simple as bologna or Dominos' pizza causes her to become violently ill.

    In the Air; Pollution is another major blow to her strength. She's basically a flower and, therefore, is weakened in areas where pollution is high. She does her best to draw in energy from nature around her to keep her on the top of her game, but Anya tends to avoid venturing into smog-filled cities.

  • tba

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Name: Iphigenia "Iffy" Marika St.John AKA "Rainbow"
Age: 23
Birthday: March 4th
Preferred pronouns: She/her
Occupation: Student/Waitress
Species: Mutant
Personality: Iffy is a sunny little thing, the kind of girl who doesn't seem to let anything get her down - even when the customers are crazy and the tips are bad and she's got three papers due Monday morning. Or at least she tries to make it look that way. She keeps up a chirpy front despite struggling with dark feelings a lot of the time; she's a believer in "fake it till you make it", and putting one foot in front of the other. She's also helpful and generous with time, energy and money and material, although she's pretty hard up herself. But there's always someone having a tougher time than her, so she'll put a smile on her face while she tries to make things better for everyone around her. Because once everyone's happy, she'll be happy too. Right?
She's also flexitarian, teetotal and a non-user of recreational substances but isn't obnoxious with any of it. She makes up for it with a prodigious sweet tooth and a habit of hate-eating entire pints of ice-cream.
History: Iffy didn't have the nicest childhood. Her parents were okay on the surface, nice middle class people - her father always busy with work, her mother kind and generous and always put together. A nice little nuclear family. Except for the fact that mom was certifiable and abusive, and dad kept himself at work as much as he could to get away from the crazy, leaving little Iffy to soak up the yellings and beatings.
It was hard to keep mom calm when she was having an episode, so the best thing to do was try to keep her happy and not set her off. Harder than it sounds. Sometimes Iffy had to keep silent for hours or days, losing herself in books and her studies - getting a bad grade was a sure ticket to a pounding. She spent a lot of time being super helpful and cheerful, a perfect daughter to a perfect mother, constantly terrified of the inevitable moment she'd do something wrong and it would all start up again. Sometimes the beatings would even come as a relief.
As she got older she started pushing back. The screaming would go both ways. Sometimes it got physical. She'd flunk exams on purpose, daring her mom to do something about it. Things got... intense.
And then her powers kicked in, spectacularly and almost lethally. Her mom was having a full-on psychotic break, screeching about ghosts and black cats and heavens knew what else; Iffy was screaming back, desperate to stop it somehow; and suddenly a blindingly bright psychedelic light show came cascading from Iffy's chest, glowing right through her clothes like they weren't there, bright enough to silhouette bones through flesh.
It worked. Mom stopped. She'd been hit with a sensory overload and gone into shock, almost a coma.
She went to hospital. She'd never agreed to getting treatment for her madness, but this was physical, or at least that was the excuse.
She got better, a little, but she was never the same. Peaceful, for the most part. Not really all there. She hung on like that for a while. Dad quit his job to look after her. He seemed happy to do it. Happier than Iffy had ever seen him. He said as much - it was a bit like when they'd first got married, when she'd been healthy and they took walks and enjoyed their time together. A life Iffy'd never experienced, never seen, never even heard of before.
Something snapped inside her. She left. They didn't try to keep her. Dad sent her money, told her when mom died. She didn't go back for the funeral. Apparently there had been lots of flowers.
She got into college, found a job, made friends. Started making a life for herself. And then - and then, yet another bs thing happened to her.
Full Spectrum - As Rainbow, Iffy can generate and manipulate massive amounts of radiation across the full EM spectrum - so yes, her hero name is a little misleading. She can actually generate everything from radio waves through to gamma radiation; she's never pushed the limits of her power, but she seems to draw the necessary energy from her own physical body mass. This theoretically places her maximum burst at about a thousand megatons but, aside from completely turning herself into energy it would also mess up the planet pretty badly, so she's not going to push it any time soon. The real practical limits to her power are her ability to control the radiation and her desire to avoid collateral damage.
As basic extensions of her power, she can go invisible by bending light and really screw up wifi. She doesn't have anywhere near the fine control or mental processing bandwidth necessary to change the contents of radio transmissions or anything like that; she's basically limited to boosting/distorting/cancelling such signals.
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Name: Victor Winters / Frostbringer

24/ January 2nd

PGP: He/ Him/ His

Occupation prior to Madcaps: Sorcerer


Older and more level headed, Victor is the elder Winters brother. He is both logical and intelligent, capable of thinking multiple steps ahead. This makes him both the leader and brains of the Absolute Zero duo. While he can sometimes come off a bit cold, he has a soft spot for his brother, often bailing him out of trouble or siding with him on important decisions. A small part of Victor knows Isaiah resents him for his natural affinity to ice magic, so he is a bit more gracious with his young brother than he normally would be with others.


Victor was born an anomaly. Blessed with ice magic at a very young age, the boy was separated from his family at the age of ten and raised in a sanctum for sorcerers and those with magical gifts. Quiet and alone, Victor turned his attention to the magical arts, believing if he passed all the tests and exams he'd be able to return to his family as soon as possible. This couldn't have been further from the truth.

Victor spent his teen years studying and practicing magic, all the while yearning for his family. He often wondered what had become of his baby brother, and a part of him hoped that his brother was just a regular human. Hopefully he could live a normal life.

When Victor turned eighteen, he was given a test to determine if he was ready to become a full fledged sorcerer. However the boy never got to actually finish his test. On his way to the testing location, Thanos' snap occurred, wiping the universe of half its population. Countless sorcerers disappeared before his very eyes, including Victors mentors, peers, and nearly every other occupant of the sanctum.

Terrified and unsure of what had occurred, Victor left the temple, anxious to find his way home and see his family. However, on his way out, he stopped in his tracks. So many sorcerers had disappeared. And yet Victor knew in his bones that there would still be many threats that no was left to defend against. With pain and fear swelling in his heart, the young ice mage turned back towards the sanctum, tears running down his cheeks. He desperately wished to see his family, but his mind told him that he had a duty. He had to defend those that remained from the otherworldly threats that would no doubt attempt to take advantage of the peril the universe now found itself in. Locking the doors of the temple, Victor took his stand at the Gates, watching and waiting for the next threat.

For the next five years, Victor defended his sanctum and its associated locations from countless threats. Working with the remaining sorcerers from other sanctums around the world, Victor and his associates did what they could, just barely managing at times.

While no threat was easy, Frostbringer achieved quite a few great accomplishments during his time as the head of the Sanctum. He recovered the mystical Banner of Leonidas, a magical object capable of driving people into a murderous berserk rage, from the Dimension of the Four after fighting a great being known as Kha-zul-rah who had its sights set on galaxy level anarchy. He retook the Hong Kong Sanctum after its head sorcerer caused a mutiny and decided to use it for his own selfish purposes. Frostbringer also created an ice prison in the mountains over three days that would imprison the mystical glass known as the Goblet of Torghoreh, a magic object that could not be moved due to striking dead any being that touched it. These were only a few of his accomplishments, but at the end of 5 years Victor had aged in maturity and experience at a rate unheard of from other sorcerers.

When everyone was "un-blipped,'' Victor was recognized as a full fledged sorcerer by his mentors and fellow sorcerers. However the past years had taken its toll on Victor. He longed to see his family, and so left the Sanctum, promising them he would return should a great calamity befall the Earth.

Upon arriving home, Victor met his brother, Isaiah, for the first time in over 13 years. The two butt heads for some time, but slowly began to get along as the months went by. Eventually they set off into the world together. Victor was anxious to make up for lost time, and seeing that his brother had been gifted with his glacial gift, figured there was no one better to teach him than himself.

Victor and Isaiah spent the next year working together, combating everything from street thugs to powerful mutants. While their teamwork was rough at first, they slowly began to mesh their powers together, eventually forming the duo that would come to be known as Absolute Zero.


Victor Winters is an ice sorcerer, capable of summoning powerful ice creatures from other dimensions and manipulating glacial powers at a high level. The stronger of the two brothers, Victor uses his powers in tandem with Isaiah, supporting him with devastating ice attacks that make the pair a force to be reckoned with. Below are six of his most used/greatest abilities.

Glacial Tempest:
Frostbringer summons two powerful ice tornadoes capable of bringing destruction on large amounts of enemies.

Permafrost Barrier:
One of his most used techniques, Frostbringer summons temporary ice walls from the ground to protect him from projectiles and close range attacks. These walls are weak to heat based attacks and immediately start to melt upon summoning. Despite their weak defense, Frostbringer is able to summon them in quick succession, allowing him time to kite away from danger.

Freezing Point:
Frostbringer immobilizes his feet in ice, dropping the temperature of the area around him to 0 degrees in a circular radius of 30 feet around him. While this skill is easily avoidable in an open area, it becomes incredibly dangerous in buildings and enclosed spaces.

Arctic Rising:
The most basic of Frostbringers attacks, the ice sorcerer summons glacial shards from glyphs above his head, sending them out as dangerous projectiles towards his opponents.

Polaris Gateway:
Frostbringer summons an ice door behind him, summoning forth an ice creature to assist him in battle. These creatures include basic ones like polar bears and ice tigers to greater creatures like ice giants and even a Cryophoenix. Depending on what he summons, Frostbringer is drained of his ice powers for different amounts,with the polar bears being the least and the Cryophoenix being the most taxing.

Hibernation of the Ice King:
Hibernation of the Ice King is Frostbringers last resort technique for self preservation. In dire situations where death or extreme injury are imminent, Frostbringer can summon a powerful ice cocoon from within himself to encase his body and others around him in Perfect Ice, a freezing solid incapable of melting or being broken open. Upon releasing the spell, Frostbringer falls into a deep slumber. The longer the spell is held, the longer he ends up sleeping for in order to restore his magic abilities. During this period, any spells or magic he's cast disappear and he is completely defenseless.


Name: Isaiah Winters / Kid Cold

Age: 20/ December 11th

PGP: He/Him/His

Occupation prior to Madcaps: Unemployed

Ambitious and hot headed, Isaiah is the younger member of the brothers duo Absolute Zero. Having developed his abilities at a later age, he is a bit jealous of his brothers natural affinity for their ice element, and as such is always trying to one up him in any way possible. Apart from his brother, Isaiah pretty much does whatever he wants. He's gotten in trouble with the law a couple times, but always manages to talk his way out of tight situations.


Unlike his gifted brother, Isaiah wasn't born with powers. A seemingly normal kid at first, the young Isaiah idolized his brothers ice magic, always wishing he could do the same. When Victor was taken away by the Sorcerers, Isaiah rebelled against his parents hard. He desperately wanted to see his brother, and often cursed his parents for not having given him powers as well.

As the years passed, Isaiah thought about his brother less and less. He was just some smug, ice cube wielding prick. Angry and hot headed, Isaiah spent his teen years doing everything he could to get in trouble. Constantly getting into street fights, there was rarely a night when Isaiah didn't return home without cuts and bruises.

When Thanos' snap devastated the universe, both of the Winters brothers parents disappeared. Isaiah hadn't seen it firsthand, but had come home to an empty house and burnt dinner cooking on the stove. Afraid and unsure of what to do, Isaiah tried to reach out to his brother. However, he had not seen him in many years, and had no real way of contacting him. Realizing he was on his own, Isaiah did what he had to do to survive. The first six months were rough. Isaiah stole wherever he could, often barely getting what he needed.

One night, while attempting to steal from a street gang, Isaiah found himself ambushed in a dark alley. A vicious beating occurred, leaving the young Winters boy a crumpled heap on the ground. Just as he was about to be finished off, Isaiah's body began to grow cold. Large pieces of ice like armor grew from his body, encasing him in an ice cocoon. Despite their best attempts, neither bullets nor blades could break the powerful casing that protected the unconscious young boy.

When Isaiah woke up, his body ached with intense pain. And yet, he was alive. Realizing he too had been gifted with some form of ice powers, Isaiah slowly spent the next five years learning about himself and his newfound power.

When the "unblip" happened, Isaiah had grown into a much different person. He was still rash and hot headed, but he had grown stronger and more capable. Happiness had returned to his life with the return of his parents, and within a few days, his brother showed up for the first time in countless years. At first Isaiah was incredibly angry with his brother, but after a long explanation and a lot of yelling and even some tears, Isaiah slowly began to understand Victor's point of view. He hadn't completely forgiven him, but they had slowly begun the path of becoming brothers once more.

Victor and Isaiah spent the next year working together out on their own, combating everything from street thugs to powerful mutants. While their teamwork was rough at first, they slowly began to mesh their powers together, eventually forming the duo that would come to be known as Absolute Zero.


Isaiah Winters is an ice brawler. Capable of encasing himself in ice armor, Isaiah uses his powers to fight his opponents in close quarters combat. While his ice abilities are rather limited and basic in comparison to Victor, Kid Cold works well with his elder brother to create devastating combos of glacial destruction. Below is more detailed description of his ice magic: The Aegis of the Frozen Ones.

Aegis of the Frozen Monarch:
Kid Cold encases himself in heavy duty ice armor similar to that of a great knight, capable of withstanding powerful blows and devastating explosions that would fell a regular man. This armor is weak to magical attacks.

Aegis of the Frozen Queen:
The second suit of armor, Kid Cold summons an ice cloak that nullifies weak magic spells and reduces the damage he would take from more powerful spells. While lighter and faster, this armor set is more susceptible to physical attacks.

Aegis of the Frozen Joker:
The most uncommon of the three armor suits, the Aegis of the Frozen Joker has no physical appearance, however it's ability is incredibly powerful. Instead of protecting Kid Cold's body, the last Aegis safeguards his mind, making him immune to telepathy, mind control, and other powerful abilities that would damage his mind.

Kid Cold is able to switch between his armor suits freely, but if one is destroyed, he is unable to resummon it for quite some time, effectively removing it from the fight at hand. As such, the young ice brawler has to be smart about his combat and which suits he uses.

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Name & Alias:
Charlotte Ocampo | Thunderbird

Age & Birthday: 25 | April 26

Preferred Pronouns: She/Her

Species: Mutant / Homo Sapien Superior

Occupation prior to Madcaps: Writer | Comic Book Artist


Charlotte doesn't take a lot of things to heart. Well, not seriously in a sense that she doesn't dwell on mistakes for too long because that's in the past and there's no way to change it, unless you had some wicked time powers or something along those lines. She's always been known to keep her head up and move forward. Or, so it seems on the outside. Charlotte is aversed to showing any sorts of weaknesses so she typically ends up internalizing a lot of her problems. She uses the mask of complete and unending optimism to hide the doubts she feels within. Ironically enough, Charlotte has always been open to people when they need someone to listen to their problems, for someone to vent to. She won't say she's particularly good at comforting people but she's a very good listener and not one to judge on someone.

Often seen with a smile on her face, Charlotte is rather amicable most of the time as long as the other party isn't purposefully trying to be assholes. She has a generally welcoming atmosphere for anyone to relax to no matter the circumstances. However, even she has her limits and has been known to excuse herself to be alone every now and then.

Unlike the nature of lightning, Charlotte is composed during fights or doing any sort of hero business. She knows when to strike and has been known to keep her cool. This is mostly because she doesn't want to needlessly hurt anyone with something as potent as high voltage electricity because she loses control of her emotions - which is a very real danger.


Charlotte was born with the power of the heavens at her fingertips. Indeed, she awakened to her powers at a very young age - an incident she often thinks fondly about due to the fact that it was due to childish stupidity that she managed to learn about her natural affinity to controlling and generating electricity. Her parents had, surprisingly, kept their cool about the discovery. Knowing, however, that Charlotte was not normal, they had to take precautions so she wouldn't accidentally blow the fuse off because she threw a tantrum. Thankfully, she was a behaved child and only destroyed her room once before learning to never do it again.

She was taken to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters when they were visited by a staff member regarding the child. Once more, her parents were very understanding about it and listened intently on what Charlotte was - a mutant, they claimed. And so, the family moved closer to the school and she started going there. It was more so that she could learn how to control the powers so that she wouldn't go haywire when push comes to shove. And indeed, Charlotte learned. At a very young age, Charlotte had started to wield her electricity with particular focus.

And she was completely detached from the happenings with the Avengers. Though, she often listened curiously to the news of the band of heroes. Charlotte often wondered why the X-Men weren't getting quite as much media coverage but it was explained to her that it wouldn't be ideal as mutants were a secret to society. Knowing the implications of that, she understood why it would be for the best to remain under the shadows.

Her parents had requested for her to leave the school on 2015. They had given enough time for Charlotte to control her abilities and that they wanted to move on - her father had a promotion elsewhere and would like to take Charlotte with them. They had agreed but told her that she was welcome back anytime. There were teary farewells and she promised to visit someday before leaving with her parents to move to New York City - the place of battle a few years back. They didn't mind though. Apparently aliens and murderous supervillains were a natural thing already so there wasn't much to worry about there.

Come 2016, the Registration Act was passed and Xavier's school was outed and Charlotte was torn between wanting to hide and wanting to follow the law. In the end, Charlotte decided to keep her head down for the most part. It's not that she didn't trust the government, it's just that... well... who was she kidding, she didn't trust the government at all. Thankfully, her connection to the Xavier's school wasn't unearthed and she could have passed for a human thanks to her careful control of her powers.

The Blip took her parents and her editor. It was jarring, to say the least, for the closest people to her to just... disappear. She had been talking to her editor then, excitedly telling her about the new manuscript she had just finished. The atmosphere was nice and they were getting along when her editor just... vanished. Poof. Gone. She tried calling her parents next. Nothing. Her five years were spent in a blur. While things couldn't go back to normal, she knew that comic books would help the children cope up with their own losses. So she began churning them out but she felt empty. She went around in those five years using her powers for good but still under a disguise as to not draw attention to herself.

When her parents and her editor came back, somehow, she was overjoyed. But the years of her being a vigilante hero was still on her mind and she continues under the guise of Thunderbird.



Charlotte has the ability to generate and manipulate electricity to her will. Her body essentially acts as a battery which enables her to create electricity and she is free to do whatever she wants it to. She can also manipulate electricity from other sources - making her strongest near generators and power plants. Her electricity has a pure white appearance. Using her control over electricity, she is able to enhance her own speed to superhuman levels, leaving a trail of electrical sparks behind her. Charlotte will absorb any electrical output directed towards her which she will use to amplify her own electricity to use. This makes her resistant to electrical attacks and she can recharge herself by electrocuting herself from outside sources. Charlotte's sensitivity to electrical fields allows her to pinpoint how electricity travels and if there are any devices that use electricity. With enough focus, she can short-circuit these objects.

Of course, even it has its own downsides. Charlotte has a limit it what she can absorb into herself before having to release it. Once she goes over the threshold of what she can absorb, Charlotte must immediately release all of her stored electricity. As her body is still rebooting from the discharge, she can't create her electrical field and thus is not able to generate electricity for attacking. She can still absorb electricity in this state but it is very painful and can even make her pass out. Natural conductors are enough to be able to veer her own electricity off course and thus she has to focus so that the electric path would stay the same. This also means that if she's submerged underwater, she would electrocute anything inside if she dares use her power - aside from herself.​
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I've got an FC and idea for the character... now to find a cool and unique power! Hope to have my sheet ready by tomorrow
Hopefully, I can have mine finished by tonight and start taking a look over the submitted characters so far!
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Alright I am just finishing up writing the power for my character then it is formatting the sheet and then I will get it posted!
Work has been hell, but all I have left is her history and power section and Anya is done!

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    Name: Yua Hiraoka
    Alias: the Trickster
    Species: Mutant
    Age: 22 | May 25th
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Preferred Pronouns: She/Her
    Occupation before she joined Madcaps: Unemployed
  • Personality: Yua's personality is a whole lot and then a bunch. This woman has some unstoppable energy coursing through her veins and she is constantly pumped full of adrenaline and excitement. There isn't a day where she won't be happily going around trying to infect those around her with her energy and her rather joking nature. She has a hard time sitting still and will usually be seen moving around in one way or another, be it running circles around an area or just playing with something in her hands constantly.

    She also tends to be rather rebellious, not being the most rule abiding citizen as she loves to look up the boundaries of what she can and can't do and even then, she will usually cross those boundaries regardless, messing with those around her through any means necessary. She is always excited to try and mess with even the biggest of authorities to try and get some good laughs out of it and tends to pull people around her into her schemes.

    Overall though, she is quite a kind person, often being open to talk with those around her or to help them out with anything that is troubling them. Have a drink with her or let her take you to dinner, she will make you feel comfortable enough so she can make sure you don't distrust her enough.

    Yua's childhood was a rather hectic one to say the least. As a young child she was always managing to get herself into some form of trouble, usually being for the fact she liked to mess with the kids that lived in her neighborhood in Osaka. Be it through pranks, name calling or intentionally making them get themselves in trouble, she was well known for it among the young children. Her parents knew of it as well but often did not see the harm in it, even when rather often, Yua showed some signs of something… special. It was as if messing with people was a special power of hers, and it was, but no one realised it at that time.

    It was when Yua got into her teen years when she noticed her powers being present. She would be out and about, hanging out with some friends one day, when she discovered some of her true capabilities. When one of her friends left to get a drink from a vending machine, she hid behind a tree to scare them. When she did however, it caused something in that friends of hers to never want to go outside at such a time again. As the guy himself described Yua's appearance at that moment was as if a demon from hell was staring at him, ready to take him down into the layers of burning hellfire and make him suffer there for eternity.

    This is when Yua began experimenting a lot more with it, realising the potential this had to help her in life. She had these powers to manipulate and trick not only people, but the rules of the universe itself. She could make people see things that she wanted them to see and they would believe it was, she could move her body in ways that probably not many other people could and she was able to trick anyone into falling for her lies. For a long time she used her powers for her own advantage but it was a dreaded day that she realised that maybe, just maybe, she should stop doing that.

    It was when the Blip happened that Yua lost those around her. Though it did upset her it wasn't… life changing for her. Of course she wondered what happened to those around her but she knew that it was impossible to find it out on her own. So she went ahead and would go around to try and find information on what could have happened. For a year or so after she still stayed around Osaka but after having found nothing it was clear she had to move on to something bigger to try and find what she was looking for, the United States of America. Oh how many wonderful but also awful things she had heard about this place, but if any place was gonna hold people with information on anything it was this metropolis of cultures.

    Through some manipulating and convincing she managed to score herself a boat ride to the North American continent, arriving in the US, about a year and a half after the Blip. This was not only where she learned that the Blip was something that happened all over the world but also that she wasn't the only person with powers. She wasn't actually human, she was something that was referred to as a Mutant. It was rather shocking to her but she knew it had to be something she had to keep hidden. From having spoken to some actual humans, she learned that Mutants were not the most liked beings in this place. Luckily she was easily passable as a human and she could make use of her powers for those doubting her story.

    She was there was the un-Blip happened and apparently people who disappeared before were brought back, which must have included her parents. However as badly as she'd want to go back to Japan, she just couldn't. She felt she had a sort of duty to fulfill in this place, to stand with other Mutants and help them out, though she still has not revealed the cards of what she truly is capable of to anyone. In the approximately four years she has been in the US, she has learned a lot about her power and has learned to master it even more deeply.
  • The Trickster​

    As described in her backstory, Yua is a trickster with the capabilities to trick not only, the humans and mutants around her, but also the limitations of herself. It is a power that she can control skillfully, having capabilities that make her a real force to be reckoned with, despite her somewhat harmless appearance.

    First off, her power makes her extremely unpredictable. No one knows how she will act, how she reacts to things, what she is thinking, what she will do or how she even moves. It makes her quite dangerous as there is no way to really know how she fights, which is where she has the advantage of having such a random and unpredictable fighting style that it is hard for people to understand what she is doing. Even the thoughts in her mind are completely unpredictable to the point when anyone tries to read them they will only get to read a bunch of gibberish.

    Due to Yua lacking any sort of strength she mainly uses her smaller frame and speed to trick opponents. She can move in ways that bend the rules of the human body, being able to dodge things such as projectiles or strikes by making her body is warp into strange forms such as her arm bending strangely. She can also manipulate opponents into seeing her as a different creature, such as when she scared a childhood friend with taking on the appearance of a demonic creature.

    She can also trick her own body into doing things it normally would not be able to do,which gives her almost unnatural dexterity. She is very agile and swift on her feet, can do acrobatic tricks that most could not replicate and is very knowledgeable of her body, knowing the limits she has. Her movements while fighting an opponent is more as if she is trying to joke around and mess with them and not truly fight them, often trying to trick them into hurting themselves before she could even touch them. This would happen with her manipulating their mind into thinking she is for example right in front of them, while in reality being behind them with in front of her opponent being something like a wall they would run in to or the likes.

    One of the weaknesses in her power comes with her warp dodging. While she has a higher perception of things that happen around her, both visually and audibly, if she can't see or hear it coming, she won't be able to dodge it. She also cannot completely warp multiple parts of her body at once, so when projectiles are coming from multiple directions she cannot dodge everything at once.

    Another one of her more present weaknesses is her lack of strength. Next to her power, she has no real way of being able to properly fight people so if she is up against an opponent which can see through her tricks, such as seeing through her movements or being immune to the tricks her power plays on their minds, she is defenseless because it leaves her with no real way to fight back.

    While not per se a very prevalent weakness, she sometimes is plagued with her loss of memory or is overcome with her outbursts of anxiety while fighting. This causes her to become very unstable, either forgetting what she was doing in the first place or she will turn very violent to anyone around her, even those she sees as allies. It causes people to not trust her as much due to both the nature of her power but also the risk of her outbursts plaguing not only herself but also them.

    A weakness for her disguises is that while she can take on the appearance and mimic the speech of a creature or another person, she won't suddenly know everything about them. So unless she herself knows something about them, it's not too hard to expose her disguise whenever someone is having suspicions about it.

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    • Is a big fan of cooking, may it be food from her home country or just a nice steak dinner, she loves to cook and will do it for others as well.
    • Her favourite styles of music is usually something more towards rock or metal.
    • With her love of music, comes her love for singing. She will often sing when she is alone, too embarrassed to do it around others.
    • She has issues with short term memory loss, which mainly started occuring after she began experimenting more with her power. Another thing that has started to trouble her is random outbursts where she gets very anxious and begins rambling to others or herself.
    • Speaks fluent Japanese and English and conversational Chinese.
    • Alcohol tends to be her spirit animal.
    • Her clothing style is usually something very wacky. Oversized clothing, weirdly colored clothing or strange clothing combinations, she is a fan of trying to figure out new fits for herself. Also dyes her hair in different color combinations.
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Woo finally. Hope everything is all a-okay! Tried to follow along with the timeline wherever I could.
Sending out PMs for character sheet reviews! If you guys could go ahead and make a quick edit to include species that would be great; I should have included that but I kinda oopsed it out while coding x.x
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Oh btw @Small Foxx . Will there be something like a Discord? Or just keeping it to the threads?
@Small Foxx

Sheet pretty much completed, how's it look?
Don't forget to check the announcements, guys! [and the links tab ;)]
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