Manifest Destiny Character Thread and OOC

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Jack Robinson

Original poster
@Auntie Phaz @Pvris @ThatGuyOverThere @DrowsyPangolin

So here's the deal with characters: go wild. If you want your character to have some sort of supernatural ability, they can have it. They just have to have a reason for having it. People aren't really born with magic in this world. They have to seek it out, and it's usually either tied to an object or to the actual person. If tied to the person, then they risk killing themselves by drawing too much energy from within to cast the spell. If drawn from an object, then they can do things such as store life energy in the object so they don't run out. We can talk through all of this in PMs or down below.

Anyway, here's your character sheet. I will not be playing a traditional character per se, but rather I will be playing Sheriff Billy Summers, as well as literally every other NPC in the game.

Appearance (description, picture, or realistic drawing, please):
History (couple paragraphs):
Personality (don't reveal too much):
Race (this will affect how others treat you):
Weapon of choice:
Powers (if any):
Strengths (give at least three):
Weaknesses (as many as you want, but at least three):

Thank you for joining Manifest Destiny! I want to make this as enjoyable an experience as possible for all of you, so feel free to ask me any and all questions you may have.
Name: Billy Summers
Age: Mid 30s
Gender: Male

History: Billy Summers was born and raised in Jaxon, New Mexico. Abandoned by his parents during the 1849 Gold Rush, Billy was raised by a disgraced Catholic priest who taught him the ways of the cloth, as well as the mysteries of the supernatural, a taboo subject in the Catholic church. Billy learned much of the world at a young age, and by eighteen, he was accompanying the priest on quests to exorcise demons, fend off wendigos, and hunt skinwalkers. Billy and the priest were finally separated when they encountered the legendary Chupacabra. After a ferocious battle, Billy was left with a horrible claw mark on his face and a broken arm. The priest was missing, as well as the Chupacabra. All that was left of either of them was a broken talon of the beast, and the two revolvers of the priest, which had been sanctified and blessed by the Pope himself in Rome. Billy now wears the talon around his neck, and wields the revolvers with pride and a sense of responsibility.

Billy then returned to Jaxon, where he became a sheriff's deputy under the command of Sheriff Jehoshaphat Riggs. Billy learned all about law enforcement and spent several years working with the sheriff and keeping order in Jaxon County. Billy was happy with his humble life. He was a devout Catholic, a man with a strong moral base who knew what was right and wrong, and would do anything to preserve his notion of a greater good. Some thought him psychotic. Perhaps he is. But he was good at his job, no question about it.

When the Sully Incident happened, Billy, Sheriff Riggs, the rest of the deputies, and a platoon of army soldiers set out to Sully to investigate what had happened. Billy doesn't really remember what happened afterward. He remembers seeing Sully on the horizon, and smelling some horrible stench. But after that...nothing. He woke up in the middle of the desert, hat gone, bruises all over his body. And Sheriff Riggs was gone, as well as everyone else. Billy returned to Jaxon, became acting sheriff, and requested reinforcements. He's been waiting for them ever since, as he's eager to return to Sully and discover what happened to his compatriots.

Personality (don't reveal too much): Billy is a devout Catholic, has a strong sense of right and wrong, and holds his morals above everything else. He will do anything for justice.
Race (this will affect how others treat you): White
Weapon of choice: Two sanctified revolvers.
Powers (if any): Billy's revolvers are holy, meaning they can slay many unholy beasts and will burn the hands of anyone unworthy of wielding them.
Strengths (give at least three): Skilled with the gun, knowledgeable of the supernatural world, good tracker.
Weaknesses (as many as you want, but at least three): Has amnesia of his ride to Sully, struggles with deep human relationships, not very understanding of others' emotions.
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Name: Adam Henderson
Age: 28

Gender: Male

Appearance (description, picture, or realistic drawing, please):

History (couple paragraphs):
Adam Henderson served his term at Westpoint and had a few battles under his belt. His parents were plantation owners and though he didn't agree with slavery, he couldn't bring himself to go agaisnt his family. When he was accepted into Westpoint he saw his escape. There he met a woman by the name of Pauline Smith and started a young lover's relationship. Adam believed their love would last forever but little did he knew she was actually a courtesan. Even though she had some love for him, she refused to give up her life.

On the day he went to meet her in a hotel room after being discharged due to his term being up, she saw her in bed with another man. Devastated, he didn't realize his revolver was pointed at the man. He couldn't hear their screams as he pulled the trigger on the man. He walked himself out calmly and to the local police. He was sentenced to be hang due to the man being from a wealthy family who wanted blood however Brass from the Union stepped in and told him that he had killed a confederate spy so instead they arrange for him to become a US Marshal and the Sheriff of a distant town in the wild west.

However his term over Gilded Springs didn't last too long when he received word he was needed elsewhere. But in the short time he was over Gilded Springs he was able to turn it around. A part of him didn't want to leave however the message read that he needed to go or face being hanged. So he packed up hoping he could do some good elsewhere. And the soldier in him couldn't disobey an order.

Personality (don't reveal too much):
Adam Henderson is a kind soul who tries to look for the good in people. He is quick to aid the defenceless. Always strives to be polite even if the person is rude as can be. He's quick to offer a smile when you're down. Adam is overall a nice guy.

Race (this will affect how others treat you): White

Weapon of choice: Winchester Model 1873 Rifle

Powers (if any): None

Strengths (give at least three):
Adam possess a great deal of patience and empathy to see both sides. He also served time in the military where he learned to be discipline. During his time he became a great marksman favoring the rifle. He is surprisingly strong for how lanky he appears and can run faster than the average person.

Weaknesses (as many as you want, but at least three):
Due to his chivalrous nature he has a hard time turning a blind eye to women. This also tends to blind him to when women are taking advantage of him. He also has a bit of a hero complex believing he has to save as many people as he can.

Virgil Cooper



Virgil typically tries to disguise himself as well as he can. He wears a very broad hat made of ragged felt, which he usually pulls down as low as possible. His lower face is hidden beneath a black bandana. He always wears a long, leather duster that has clearly been battered by the elements. The collar of the duster is pulled up to further hide Virgil's appearance. Underneath the duster he wears a faded plaid shirt. His twig-like hands are concealed beneath thick leather gloves. He wears a simple pair of canvas pants and heavy, well-worn miner's boots. Virgil is quite large, standing well over six feet in height with broad shoulders. Of course, due to his construction consisting of straw and sackcloth rather than blood and bone, he is considerably lighter than one might think.

History :
Virgil was born a slave on a small cotton plantation in Georgia. His early life was filled with endless hours of work, though his experience in bondage wasn't as harsh as some he had heard about. Regardless, he celebrated his liberation from servitude and began making plans to set out as a free man after the war. Georgia was far from a land of opportunity for a black man after the war, so Virgil set his eyes west.

After setting out on his journey, Virgil quickly realized that he was working at a severe disadvantage. His time as a slave had made him strong, but it had taught him little else. He had never learned to read, so his work was mostly restricted to physical labor. In addition, he learned that racial prejudice was not a peculiarity unique to the South, and found many companies unwilling to hire or adequately pay a former slave. Still, he spent many years working numerous jobs. For a time he was a coal miner, at another point he worked on the railroad. Still, he got little satisfaction out of the work, and struggled to make ends meet. To him, it began to feel like he wasn't "free" at all, but rather just a different kind of slave.

The weight of this realization made Virgil begin to question what exactly he was working for in the first place. After an incident on the railroad, the ex-slave left his job and set out further west, seeking some place he could call "home". In his travels, he began brushing shoulders with some of the West's more unsavoury characters: bandits, crooks, swindlers, and all other sorts of undesirables. He had never much considered the criminal life before, but he was willing to make concessions if it meant filling his belly. As it turned out, in many cases, Virgil's knowledge of the railways outweighed any racial distaste his comrades might have had for him. It was around this time that he met Harmon Sachs, who turned out to be a "kindred spirit" of sorts. The two of them wandered along through the desert, always searching for that elusive "home".

On one particular afternoon, the pair of them stumbled upon a train, broken down on the tracks… and loaded with valuable cargo. It seemed luck was on their side. The train was defenseless, save one conductor who wasn't much of the fighting type in any case. Virgil and Harmon set out from the tracks with more than enough bullion to buy that "home" that they'd been searching for. Of course, they'd have to wait until suspicion died down, thus, they constructed a fool-proof plan to stash their loot near the town of Sully, New Mexico.

What came next was a blur. He remembered digging, the discovery of some bones, and then the otherworldly voice of a Native medicine-man. Virgil couldn't understand a word the man said, but he knew a curse when he heard one. Unfortunately, the realization came too late. The medicine-man's words twisted the two of them into monsters of straw and sackcloth. They were bound to the land as unwilling guardians… but the determination of scoundrels is truly something special.

Personality :
Virgil's size and appearance tend to intimidate others, despite this, he's rather soft-hearted, at least for a bandit. In fact, Virgil is rather well-known amongst his fellow scoundrels for the personable and friendly demeanor he maintains, even amidst a robbery. He is initially rather quiet, especially as he is now, and tends to leave most of the speaking to Harmon. Once a person gets to know him, though, they often come to enjoy his company. With all this in mind, though, it is important to remember that Virgil is no stranger to violence, and though he might find it disagreeable, he will fight if the need arises. Ultimately, Virgil's life has been centered around finding a place where he can belong, and when it comes down to it, he is willing to do almost anything to reach that goal.


Weapon of Choice:
A large railroad pickaxe

Powers (if any):
The form that Virgil was cursed with has its benefits. As he is no longer a man of flesh and blood, he is free from most human fragility. Though his body may be broken, so long as it isn't wholly destroyed he can be stitched back together. The exception to this is fire, which is capable of destroying the entire body in seconds. For this reason, Virgil is very wary of open flame.

The transformation has also left Virgil with the ability to communicate with crows, or at least, one particular crow. The bird, which he has named "Dinah" is with him at nearly all times, and seems to understand any commands he gives it. Virgil, likewise, is able to understand the crow's replies.

Strengths :
Immense Physical Strength, Friendly Personality, Determination

Weaknesses :
Illiterate, Flammable, not particularly good at scheming, poor handling of firearms
Name: Harmon Sachs
Age: 26
Gender: Male


Harmon appears, at a glance, to be a man of average height and build. He dresses in attire that is somewhat unseasonable for the climate. His heavy coat, once navy blue and now something closer to the color of mud, hangs around his knees, with a hem and sleeves that have become worn and tattered by the elements. Elbow length leather gloves recede into the baggy, torn sleeves. Dark trousers cover his legs underneath, swallowed by heavy riding boots all the way up to the knee. Over his normal attire he is never seen outside without a midnight black shawl, scuffed and full of patched over bullet holes. It covers his head like a hood, and conceals the shape of his body like a poncho. A patterned scarf is wrapped underneath, a facewrap the same as any trail hand would use to keep the dust out of his nose. In Harmon's case, however, it covers a sickly colored skin of burlap. The shadows conceal the stitches he's unfortunate enough to call eyes. The constant winter-wear concealing his body is there to hide the occasional protrusion of straw, which, together with a moderate skeleton of of wood, holds up the scarecrow's structure. Owing to his nonstandard construction, Harmon is lighter than a man. Not quite enough to take flight in a stiff breeze, but enough to make inclement weather a matter of reasonable fear.

Harmon would say he came from the dirt, but the slightly less convenient truth is that he was the last son born to a sweet mom and pop who raised cattle in Kansas. He grew up with his brothers, learning to tend the family land and live an honest life. He had a mostly normal youth in that regard, the Sachs family never had much of a reason to leave their land besides to take cattle to station. The only strife they knew was the pressure of other ranches, and the railroad companies themselves looking to capitalize on the cattle boom in the way a small, sleepy family had no desire to. When Harmon's father finally passed, the offers came rolling in. As the youngest boy he had little to inherit, his own parcel of land fetching a pretty nickel shortly before the rest of the family folded on the old business. Out of necessity more than any particular grudge, the Sachs boys split from one another, off into the wide world.

The money didn't last. Harmon frittered his savings away as he traveled west, working chump jobs for chump change as the land grew ever more inhospitable. The promise of the Black Hills Gold Rush never tempted him... but the luster of gold sure did. He was a young man when he robbed his first train, joining a band of railway workers in seizing a shipment of raw gold dust headed to the coffers of some bank that didn't need it like they did. He'd turned into a bandit before he'd even thought about it, but fortunately for him he was a hair better at it than the rest of his co-workers. One by one the lampooned dust burglars of the Dakota Territory were brought to justice. The newspapers and the lawmen had their laughs about the fellows who decided to throw it all away for scraps that, split between them all, barely topped their month's wage. Harmon and a handful of others managed to disappear with their cuts. He didn't keep ties, just kept his head down and headed west.

He drifted from band to band, performing minor heists just to get by and only ever running with those who weren't possessed of suicidal ambition, as he calls it. As a thief of necessity, he had no desire to break the biggest bank or smear the name of the greatest bounty hunters. It was then that he first crossed paths with a man by the name of Virgil Cooper. Between gigs, wandering the desert together to set up home somewhere else... the two would-be bandits stumbled upon the chance of a lifetime. A broken down train, its engine blown and irreparable, sitting helpless on the tracks. As if their catch was not miraculous enough most of the crew had simply left the engine behind, to embark on the few-day walk into the nearest town. The conductor was eager to wave them in, to implore them to pass his plight on to the nearest station. He was less enthusiastic with a pistol in his face, but a cooperative sport nonetheless. The duo left with more bullion than they could bear across the heated desert, and with the law soon to be on their heels they hatched an ingenious plan, to bury their loot, disappear, and return once the chase had been given up. They dismounted, and outside the town of Sully, New Mexico, they dug deep and greedily to hide away their plunder.

Luck was not on their side. As the two brushed past bits of cloth wrapping and fragments of ancient, degraded bone, a voice came to them. The shouts of an angry Apache medicine man. Their shovels sullied the graves of twelve score Apache warriors, committed to the holy mound they sought to conceal their crimes in. Before guns could be drawn, the man cast upon them in a language that neither knew but both would come to understand.

"For violating this land I sentence you to safeguard it forevermore."

Skin turned to straw and burlap. Spokes held them fast to the dirt. Eyes split down to stitches in their new, woven skin. Days burned, nights chilled, birds roosted disrespectfully in their new hats.

But they had other plans.

Seemingly aloof and calculating, Harmon is a slow talker who never seems to be in a hurry until it counts. He understands the importance of demeanor, whether it was keeping a heifer calm or sweet talking the cab runner into handing over the keys, he projects an easygoing calmness that never quite seems to match with the hawkish eyes and swift judgment underneath. Harmon's no bad man, he never turned his back on his family or took a life without remorse... but he is instead a man who has been accosted by transience all his life. Family, comrades, fortune, all came and went and left behind someone who isn't so much incapable of connection as he is unafraid of loss. He's a harsh realist, and a plain talker. His words are cut and dry, but they don't usually cut the feelings of others without intent.

Race: White (Scarecrow)

Weapon of choice: Harmon carries a Model 1865 Spencer Carbine as well as a rare LeMat revolver, one of the last to see production and chambered in .44 caliber cartridge. The pinfire revolver, intended for Confederate hands and filtered into hands of western bandits by those who refused to surrender, features a 20 gauge shotgun barrel. For close encounters.

Powers: As an animate scarecrow, he is capable of limited self repair by sewing ruined limbs back on or stuffing depleted body parts with fresh straw.

Strengths: Cool-headed, cautious, Sometimes downright lucky.

Weaknesses: When his luck breaks, he ends up cursed for life or worse. Physically frail due to straw construction, additionally vulnerable to fire. As a person, Harmon is a man of weak commitment. Not through any conscious cowardice but rather an aversion to standing out, he tends to follow the path of least resistance without consideration for the future. Which is why his family land is a cattle path and he's a hopeless bandit forever cursed to protect some dirt.
Name: Lin Wang
Age: 25
Gender: Female
History: Lin was born in a town near Shanghai to a middle class family, the only child to survive childhood. Her father practiced traditional medicine and taught martial arts. She had a relatively normal life until about 1853. The Taiping rebellion was now in full swing and the rebels were on the offensive, at the time it seemed they could march right through the countryside and take even Shanghai. Her father decided to leave while they could, having enough money to get the three of them to San Francisco, where he hoped to get a job in a gold mine.

They booked passage aboard an American clipper ship bound for California. Lin found life aboard the ship unpleasant. Few immigrants brought families with them, leaving her mostly alone. Upon arriving in the United States, they found that the Gold rush had largely run its course. With few options, her father started working menial jobs for various employers. In his off time, he taught Lin some of his martial arts techniques and how to use one's life force (Qi) for healing. He never taught her how to use it for harm. He hoped that she could use these skills better herself and the community.

Unfortunately for everyone, as she grew older, Lin frequently visited local gambling dens. When she was 20, she ran afoul of the Hong Sing Tong for failing to pay the debts she had accrued gambling. They threatened her family unless she worked for them as a prostitute in an opium den. She agreed, not having much of a choice. Still, such a job was a difficult thing because the Tong often hooked their working girls on opium. Between the debt, the drugs and her propensity for gambling, there would be no escape by honest means.

Lin hatched a plan to escape before she completely lost herself. She would go along, acting meek and submissive until she was alone with a client. Unless her first client was some sort of kung fu master, she felt confident she could subdue him and slip out. She would meet her parents and flee to Los Angeles. Her first client was an older man. She poured her anger, malice, and hate into her strike, unknowingly channeling her Qi into a destructive strike. This blow was enough to kill her client, after this happened she panicked and tried to cover it up before she tried to slip away. She ended up injuring two bouncers on her way out.

Lin and her parents managed to escape the city and move to Los Angeles. She felt ashamed of all the trouble she had caused and swore off gambling. This period of relative stability in their lives lasted for about five years when Hong Sing thugs managed to track them down. In a nighttime ambush, both her parents were killed, her father giving her time to run away. Los Angeles was not far enough to escape the wrath of the Tong. She grieved the loss of her family as she ran East. Her flight from the Tong took her over the mountains towards the deserts of the New Mexico territory. Though the journey was harsh, she managed to ingratiate herself with a Federal Marshal who took her in as a housekeeper. She had spun a sob story about how her family was killed in an Apache raid. She would likely still be there today if it wasn't for three men who showed up to claim the Tong's bounty. She fled once again, taking with her a leaflet from the Marshal's house. She had a new destination now. The small town of Jaxon, hoping to serve in exchange for protection.

Personality: Tends to be quiet and reserved, generally only speaking when she feels it's necessary. She is rather selfish and tight with money, until she spies a Mahjong table. She can also be very manipulative, playing innocent to appeal to other's baser instincts and get what she wants.
Race: Chinese
Weapon of choice: Martial Arts, 1851 Colt Navy revolver
Powers: Qi manipulation, which requires her to touch or strike the target in specific acupuncture points. She is capable of using her Yin Qi to disrupt another person's Qi flow to cause extra harm. She can also redirect her own into a person's body to heal up to a point. This technique is useful for speeding up the body's natural healing abilities and stabilizing wounds that might otherwise prove mortal.
Strengths: A competent martial artist and Qi user. She is also capable at most traditionally feminine duties such as cooking, cleaning and sewing. She is also adept at simple medical procedures and acupuncture.
Weaknesses: She has a pronounced gambling addiction with Mahjong being her game of choice, but often settling on some form of dice or poker among non-Chinese. Her past still casts a shadow over her life. She still has a $850 bounty on her head payable by the Hong Sing Tong in San Francisco. Her most potent fighting abilities rely on her natural Qi, extended use of these techniques tires her physically. It is theoretically possible for her to kill herself by expending the last of her Qi on an attack or act of healing another.
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Nashoba, AKA "Rowan McCabe"



Rowan stands tall and strong, his dark brown gaze level and honest as always. His hair is black, left to grow out naturally with subtle waves and curls. His eyebrows have grown in thick and give his expressions a certain level of intensity. Due to his heritage, his facial hair is very slow growing. He hasn't gotten around to shaving what little has grown in yet. His skin is warmly tanned. He is built lean and quick, with just enough muscle on him to do damage in a fist fight.

As far as apparel goes, he wears a very old flannel shirt that has seen many a few scuffles and has been stitched back together more times than he'd care to admit. The brown leather duster he wears over this shirt has seen equally as much wear and tear. His jeans are worn out on the knees, and slightly frayed around the hems at the bottom. He wears a pair of dark brown riding boots as well.

Nashoba did not know his father. It was said that his mother had relations with a white man, one of many who had attacked the tribe one bloody night. He was treated like an alien to the tribe, though since many of the warriors had been lost during the raid, he was still considered an able body for work, training, and fighting back against the white men who dared to strike them at night. He had an older half-brother, Nokoto, whose father had been killed in a skirmish long before the raid. Many of the other boys took out their fury on him when it came to learning combat, and he learned quickly that defending and dodging was the only way that he'd stay alive long enough to land a strike hard enough to disable his opponent.

He was very much an outcast of the tribe, and his mother rarely looked him in the eyes. He turned his quest for guidance to the spirits, and in a sweat lodge he received the answers to all the questions he didn't know that he needed to ask. He was brother to the coyote that wandered the vastness of the plains. There was no reason for him to stay in a place where he was unwanted. He could do as he wished if he allowed himself to wander and stray from the path others were attempting to force him down. So he packed what he could and left, aiming to find a way to survive on his own at the age of fifteen. He followed the tracks of the coyote, and found ample food and water along them.

Following the trail, he edged near the towns of the west and observed, never getting close enough to be seen. He knew that he would have to blend in with the men who had attacked them so long ago now. In one of the towns he neared, he was lucky enough to meet an older Pueblo woman who had left her own tribe for the white man's lifestyle. She had learned their tongue and had children of her own, the first people he had met that appeared similar to himself. It was strange living with them, as it was the first time anyone had shown him a gentle hand. The woman taught him English, and the children taught him how to behave and dress like a white man. Reading, writing, and speaking were all part of his training. He was a surprisingly quick learner. He left when the woman said that he could pass as one of them.

The trail of the coyote led him along the railroad, and that was where he met men of the unsavory type, and learned how to make some quick money. For every bond they stole, he was able to duplicate it exactly. He had a skilled hand and a silver tongue, two things that he found would make his career. Here, Rowan McCabe was born. He used a number of disguises, finding ways to make his skin appear lighter and hiding his long hair underneath his hat. He became a chameleon beneath the beating sun and easily made enough coin to purchase a horse and further widen his field of operations. He kept in touch with the good criminals he met, building a network of sorts where people could find others with the skills they needed for whatever job needed to get done, minimum risk.

He also remained in touch with the woman who had helped him so many years ago, whose husband had been killed working on the railroad. In these letters he sent her money to repay her kindness. Then her replies stopped coming. Apparently the military had marched through her town and everyone had disappeared without a trace. He sought more information, and found himself following the call to gather in the town of Jaxon in hopes of discovering the fate of that woman. He's switched back to being called Nashoba, using his true appearance as well in order to avoid any complications.

Rowan is a reasonable man. He thinks things through carefully and shows kindness to those who show it to him. While he may be reasonable, he doesn't back down and won't act meek for the sake of other's pride. He follows his guide without fail as it has not led him down the wrong path yet.

Half-Native, Half-White.

Weapon of choice:
A hatchet, 8" daggers, a single pistol, and his trusted rifle.

He occasionally receives dreams from Coyote, gaining guidance in his endeavors during times of great change and doubt.

He was granted a great deal of endurance from Coyote, able to withstand the hot days and cold nights and go long without food and water.

Most importantly, Coyote gave him the sense of trouble. It was best to heed the warnings that sent chills down his spine.

Rowan is quick and clever, two things one must be in order to survive on one's own. He possesses a silvered tongue and a cunning hand, enabling him to perform the more so illegal arts with ease. And his sense for trouble has gifted him an innate ability to book it when things start to look bad.

Rowan is not an honest man and it does weigh on his conscience quite a bit. He tends to think too highly of people who do end up showing him kindness, thinking that they probably wouldn't do any harm since they already put in the effort to show kindness. He can't stand the sight of man's death, and frequently experiences a weak stomach when such situations cross his path.

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Name: Polly
Age: 24
Gender: female
Appearance (description, picture, or realistic drawing, please):

Dark-skinned with dark, defiant eyes. She carries a constant air of petulance and willfulness. She keeps what clothes she can wrangle as loose as possible to combat the dry heat or the vicious nature of the American Southwest. Her feet are bare, but it doesn't much matter. They've been made tough by years of prior work in more kinds of weather than people think exist.


History (couple paragraphs):

She came from Mississippi... No, she came from Ghana, or at least that's what her mother used to tell her. Truly, she was just another slave on another plantation for quite some time. Polly was named by the same proud woman that taught her how to live life with a "free mind" even while her hands worked themselves to bleeding. Her father though she loved him was sold away when she was the ripe age of seven. Just old enough to remember and be resentful of his forced absence. However, before he left, he taught her she was beautiful and held worth above what their owners said she was... a meager 100$ with her features and gender.

This little dark girl grew strong hearing stories of valor and victory gained through tribal strength and togetherness. However, her days were spent working to exhaustion which watching her brethren be rent apart through artificial casting and sometimes physically. And she fed off it as surely as her meager rations and her mother's breasts. It got her into trouble time and again too.

More often than not, she did her parents' will, behaving and picking cotton or peanuts or whatever else was the harvest. There was only so much trouble a field mouse could cause before it was caught and killed. Polly caused her fair amount of trouble too. Pulling just a bit too hard at the stalks of plants that her "masters" cared more about than human life, not holding the reigns of the beasts of burden that helped with the work, feeling that something on the cursed land should have a little freedom of choice, and other such deviations that brought her deeper satisfaction than the pain of the welts on her skin.

Of course she refused to allow herself to be killed. Everyone else might have been used to such treatment, but she would never accept her master's harsh judgment and punishing hands as natural life. Eventually she tried running. No, eventually she had to. Because it was her turn to go as her father did and as her siblings and friends and others all did before her. Some arrangement with some other white man in some other cage with no walls.

As much as she was warned away from certain death, she could never be called smart. Her head was too hard for any real learning to get into it. No, Polly wasn't smart but she had common sense, and she could listen. All she had to do was make it through Louisiana. The Mason-Dixon? Something like that. Overseers liked to talk about Honkies and other ilk of the North trying to mess up a good thing. She didn't know what that was, but the river. Oh that big beautiful river. If she could cross it, she could be free. They never chased past that river. She had heard the stories whispered hush-like in the night.

A rattler could give the same biting sting as a whip, but at least she could get away from a snake in the grass. And a gator wouldn't mind you if she stayed well enough out of his way. There was no leaving the plantation if not by shear force of will and a little insanity to go with it. She was young and untamed. The fires of her ancestral land kept her blood red hot. It'd keep her warm in that cold, dark water as her cousins taught her to swim in the secrets of the night.

There was this railroad she was supposed to find, but she never did as hard as she tried. Everything was too hushed about it. Anybody that got far enough away to know was killed when they were caught just to keep the information from getting back to the rest of the brood. By sneaking her way into a load of produce going to market behind the cart boy's back, she made it far enough away from the main house to slip away into the trees. She had a good start. So she disappeared into the swamps for a time.

Not quite north, not quite west. If she couldn't find this train way then she would just have to make her own. She took a wild path. Indeed sometimes the hoot owls would warn her away from a direction or the birds would help her figure just which way the wind was coming from when things got too quiet. Otherwise she followed the water. Water always led from more water. That was back when she mostly picked her way through forests and muck, avoiding white men and hoodoo folk that became one with the swamp.

As it was now, Polly found herself on land as dry as a gators skin. Even the bushes just uprooted and rolled away because it was so hot in this place. But it was still better than being another man's slave. She was searching for people and places where all men were free like it was supposed to be.

Personality (don't reveal too much): Headstrong, Prideful, Observant, Cautious, Feisty

Race (this will affect how others treat you): African/ Black

Weapon of choice: Anything she can get her hands on

Powers (if any): None, although she has witnessed the occult in her travels

Strengths (give at least three):
  • Stamina (She can move for a long time and stay still even longer),
  • Speed (She can outrun men, dogs, and horses and frequently does whenever she hears either),
  • Dexterity (She's learned to make her body do whether it be hungry, thirsty, or fit to be tired),
  • Strength (You don't work the work of many men all your life and come out weak)

Weaknesses (as many as you want, but at least three):
  • Does not work well with others (She's been alone a long time, since before Emancipation and spent all of that time away from people for the most part),
  • Selective kleptomaniacal tendencies (She has taken to stealing to support herself in wanderlust),
  • Unforgiving nature (She only needs to be crossed once before she loses trust in another),
  • Sleeps heavily (She has developed the habit of sleeping in daylight and moving in the night; The effects have left her borderline insomniac and prone to bouts of exhaustion so strong she'll sleep full 24 hours without so much as a snore)


  • She believes in a great creator and relies on him, but will not submit to any white man's religion
  • She has encountered other people since leaving her home plantation, but either has stayed hidden or bolted post haste to avoid capture
  • She is unaware of the outcome of the Civil War and will probably take some convincing to believe it. As it is she runs from all white men, and the mere sound of dogs and horses indiscriminately
  • Cornering her is a bad idea, she fights like a trapped animal
  • She cannot read or write, so everything she knows, she must remember
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Name: Anna Silvasi

Age: 29

Gender: Female


  • Five foot ten.
  • One hundred and fifty-eight pounds.
  • Lean physique.
  • Hazel eyes.
History: Originally from the city of Transylvania located in the central, mountainous region of Romania; Anna was born to a family of Gypsies. From a young age she wanted to prove that she could hunt and help her father instead of taking on the duties of a woman. To show that a female could continue the Silvasi tradition, their legacy. She had been the oldest of three daughters in their family.

To her surprise, upon reaching a more mature age her father had actually decided to teach her the ways of the famed Silvasi hunters. The man had not been convinced that his daughter would continue with the art, as he liked to call. To his surprise Anna took to the practice just like he had as a child. When he deemed her ready to actually begin he gifted her with a silver Kilij.

"To protect you from the evils of this world"
He had said when the weapon was handed to her.

It was on Anna's third job; just as she had left her family, that she failed. Her life changed for eternity. Infected with the curse or disease as some called it, she began to suffer the symptoms that she knew too well. She found herself quickly coming to enjoy certain aspects of these...changes; her strength increased, her speed and stamina had become greater, her senses heightened. Abilities she could use while she hunted others.

Then her first shift came and by the end of the night she had unleashed the beast's full potential by shedding human blood. She had become just like the plague she hunted, a murderer. Something that at the time, she hated, it scared her. Everything didn't seem as grand anymore; when she changed and didn't know what was happening or what she was doing, when she had no control.

She hadn't wanted to keep track of the death toll, not that she could with barely any memories, but a deadly battle with her father and the death of her family by her own cursed hands had been enough to change the vibrant woman into the uncaring monstrosity she had become. It had been blood she couldn't rid herself of. And a permanent reminder had been carved into her face, a constant sign of how little family could mean when it came to life or death.

Anna believed that she had the right to become the cold uncaring woman she now was. She believed she had seen anything and everything that one needed to see to not care about anything, anyone. In the end it was survival of the fittest and she knew that she was more than capable of surviving. She didn't seek thrills and excitement anymore. Whoever provided the most coin had her attention and in the new world she had found that a lot of people were willing to pay for dirty work that she would gladly handle for them. Bloodshed satiated one part of her, while the other half was satisfied with the money and the comfort that a heavy pocket provided.

Personality: Anna is blunt and upfront, cold and uncaring. She more often than not states what she thinks and how she feels. Despite her typically defensive and distancing demeanor she is honourable and respectful to those who she believes deserve it. Anna doesn't like to talk about personal things whether it's involving herself or others. She is a professional and when she's hired to get a job done she will, no matter the circumstances

Race: Romanian

Weapon of choice:

  • Colt Dragoon
  • Silver and engraved Kilij given to her by her father.
Powers: Anna's blood is cursed, infected. Back home the name given to these beings was Vârcolac. She is not quite sure what the people on this side of the world call this curse but it is something that she has come to terms with and accepted as part of her life, she uses the positives to her advantage, and deals with the negatives as they come. This infection is controlled by the phases of the moon, it makes her blood boil as it forces her form to change into a large brutish creature that resembles a combined monstrosity of man and beast.


    Thanks to her cursed blood Anna has physical strength that reaches beyond what is considered humanly possible. A physical strength that is evident in both of her forms but is greater in her larger, more monstrous counterpart.
    Being what seems to be partially canine gives Anna extremely heightened senses of hearing, scent and also sharper vision with a slightly better sense of sight at night and in the dark.
    Anna is able to regenerate at an above average rate. From simple scratches and broken bones to deep, life threatening wounds. The severity of the injury does determine how long it takes for her to heal. She cannot regrow limbs.
    Although control can be gained, when Anna is put under situations where emotions get passed a certain threshold they can easily trigger a shift. Typically under severe fear and anger she could most likely trigger a shift.
    The scent of fresh blood is extremely appealing to Anna's sensitive nose. If enough is consumed she can enter a state of pure primal destruction and hunger. Not stopping until she is satiated or knocked out.
    One of the ways to weaken an unholy beast (as some like to call it). It burns upon contact with her skin, prolonged exposure severely weakens Anna. Practically eliminating any enhanced abilities she may have. Even bringing her below what a human is capable of.
    The second weakness that is rather particular to her specific curse, a plant that is capable of killing her. Wolfsbane has a putrid smell, blocking her sensitive nose. If ingested it can cause severe illness. If the sum is large enough, it could poison and kill a Vârcolac.
Other: Anna has many scars that adorn her body. A series of claw marks run down her back. A large bite mark adorns her right shoulder. She has a few severe burn marks on her right hand. Some blade marks are scattered around her body, most distinctly, across her left thigh and down her right bicep, a couple of small slashes on her left forearm, top side; finally a small blade mark goes down diagonally from the top of her right cheekbone down to her jawline.
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Any chance people would be down for a Discord Chat for this RP?
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If enough people would be interested, I will make one.

Also, I'm thinking we will start the RP either Wednesday or Thursday. Everyone good with that?
I'm good to start whenever :)
Hi there! I'm very eager to take part in this RP? I hope I'm not too late, but if I may ask, could I possibly squeeze a character in? I've noticed there are no Mexican characters, and I'm thinking that may be my niche here.
So has everyone posted an intro yet?

Also, I think a Mexican character would be awesome in this RP.
  • Thank You
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This looks really cool, got right into writing up a Mexican character, sorry in advance to those who were working on Mexican characters as well. Hope you like him! :)

* * * * *


José del Refugio Arango García aka. Cuco or Chacorta
Age: 24

Gender: Male


Cuco was born and raised in the territory of Sonora, México. He went to school and led a fairly uninteresting childhood until 1866, when the French reached his home state. México and France had been at war for years at this point, but the deep incursion was unexpected, and many Sonoran troops had gone eastward to engage the enemy where he was more numerous. Only 15 at the time, Cuco joined his uncle's army José García Morales, and faced the invader in combat. He distinguished himself in battle, and was involved in the capture of the imperialist general, Refugio Tánori in Baja California.

Following Tánori's execution, it was Cuco's wish to be the one to deliver his enemy's insignia and last words to his family. He travelled west to the border with Sinaloa, and found the Ópata tribe in order to do this. Despite their differing ideologies, Cuco and his uncle had always respected Tánori, who bested them on more than one occasion, and during this visit, Tánori's grandmother offered to mourn alongside him. She gave Cuco a cactus brew that induced visions, and he came to learn of the futility of man's struggle against himself in the face of truth. This knowledge blasted open the barriers of Cuco's subconscious, and woke him to reality.

Since then, Cuco has struggled to maintain a job or a relationship and turned to banditry, particularly leading incursions into the territory of New Mexico. He has contacts throughout the Mexico-U.S. border, and even amongst some Apache tribes in the U.S. But it wasn't banditry that drew him to Sully, New Mexico. It was a dream, or more accurately, a vision. An episode of clairvoyance that he can't quite understand, but that drew him across the border like an open flame draws a moth, for one can only fight his destiny for so long.​


A nihilist by nature, Cuco's constant proximity to war and death during important, formative years of his childhood, as well as the revelation to him of the all-encompassing, supernatural truth of the world have pushed him away from Catholicism (the religion of his childhood), and from the idea that anything or anyone out there might care about man to begin with. Other than that, Cuco is actually quite charming, he is amusing, fanciful and charismatic, and loves to play around with children, animals, or anyone wanting to have fun really. However, he also has a bit of a mean streak, he is quick to anger, very jealous, and prone to violence, which has earned him a second nickname among people who dislike him: "Chacorta" (from 'Mecha Corta' lit. short fuse).​

Race: Mexican (Mestizo)

Weapon of choice: Cuco carries two identical pistols: Laura and Amanda, named after his two lovers. He doesn't keep track of which one is which.

Powers: Sudden bouts of clairvoyance. Though these cases are never clear or easy to interpret, Cuco chooses to follow his visions even when his instincts implore him to do the opposite. It still hasn't backfired at least.


+ Shoot First. Cuco understands how things work in the Wild West despite being Mexican, don't wait for the gringo to shoot you first.

+ Shoot True. This shouldn't even be a rule, freaking hit the guy you shot if you don't want to die.

+ Big Smile. There you go, you won, and you're still the most handsome son of a gun around. Good job!​


+ Womanizer. It's one thing to be charismatic, but to be a womanizer… well, let's just say women always complicate matters.

+ Prone to anger. Goes hand in hand with shooting first and shooting true, but it does mean sometime you shoot folks who didn't need to be shot. Whoops.

+ Boastful. Hey man! I've killed over a hundred Frenchmen and bedded at least that many girls. It's not boasting if it's true.​
If your still accepting got a great character in mind, will have bio up shortly.