Manifest Destiny (A Supernatural Western)

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Jack Robinson

Original poster
"It's quite simple, chief," the man in black said, "You want the white man gone. I can help you. I can give you guns, sure, but anyone can give you guns. What I can give you...what I can give you will make the white man's guns obsolete. What I can give you will make you a god."

Jaxon County, New Mexico, the year 1875, ten years after the Civil War. The era of the Wild West is in full swing. The government and its laws are mere suggestions to the countless outlaws, natives, and newly freed slaves who roam the American Wasteland. As the United States, fresh from waging war on itself, looks westward for expansion and new beginnings, the native tribes are caught in the middle. One way or another, they're going to have to face the Americans as they traipse across the country, shedding blood and plopping down settlements whenever they want. Some advocate violence. Some call for peace, for assimilation.

One tribe called for something much more sinister.

Chief Kuruk of the Bodaway Apache had enough of bickering, of peace talks, and deals with the white man. Instead, he vowed to destroy the white man completely. With this knowledge in mind, the United States ordered the death of Chief Kuruk. The US army attacked the Bodaway Apache, slaughtering almost all of them, including Chief Kuruk. The soldiers, led by Major Lionel Adams, then reported back to the town of Sully, a few miles east of the Bodaway village. Major Adams sent a telegram to his superiors, reporting that all was well, and that "the natives have been pacified."

A few days later, Adams's superiors received another telegram from the town of Sully. This one simply read, "HELP."

Since then, no one has heard from the town of Sully nor Major Adams and his troops. It has been two months since their mysterious disappearance. The government has simply not had time to look into the matter, as native tribes previously thought peaceful have begun rising up, and there have been rumors of "wendigo attacks" in the night on villages both white and native. Bands of outlaws pledging loyalty to the Skeletal Cowboy Robert Bones have built forts all across the frontier, and it is impossible to go from town to town without running into a band of the malevolent marauders. What with this and the Reconstruction in the South going on at the same time, the government is spread thin, and unable to cope with the chaos.

That's why they've contacted you.

General Horatio Hannibal, chief of the forces stationed in the American West, has asked for any able bodied man willing and able to serve their government to report to the town of Jaxon in Jaxon County, New Mexico, about twenty miles south of Sully. There they are to join the new sheriff of Jaxon, Billy Summers, in an expedition to investigate Sully, discover the whereabouts of Major Adams and the townspeople, and report back to General Hannibal himself. The reward? Land and money. The risk? Unknown.

Regardless of race or gender, General Hannibal needs people. This is your time. Will you forge your future in the west and discover your manifest destiny? Or will the darkness which pervades this wasteland make its way into you?

Hey guys, so I love the old west and I love mysteries and the supernatural, and so a weird west RP is something I've always wanted to do! Weird west is basically the old west plus supernatural elements, so a lot of things are possible! This is an alternate timeline (obviously) so tons of things are possible, and your characters can and hopefully will be as diverse and unpredictable as the old west itself.

I'm going to go ahead and make something clear: when it comes to having magical abilities, I'm all ears. You just have to come up with a reason as to why you have these powers. Most of these abilities would, I believe, originate in Native American folklore or something. Most magic will be satanic in nature. So keep that in mind. Other than that, express interest and ask questions below!
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My original idea was buffalomancer, but they either would have been mostly wiped out by the time this takes place or not around most of New Mexico at any point in history.

Honestly, resurrecting dead cattle or bison sounds cooler. That's what I'll go with if more people get on board.
Still looking for people!

We have three at the moment, just need two or three more!
I'd have to see the rules and character sheet, as well as what the writing level and posting frequency is going to be before considering hopping on board. Where will be chatting the majority of the time and will the rp take place on a thread here on Iwaku?
I'd have to see the rules and character sheet, as well as what the writing level and posting frequency is going to be before considering hopping on board. Where will be chatting the majority of the time and will the rp take place on a thread here on Iwaku?
Right makes sense. The character sheet will be on the character thread (when I make it). Writing level will be intermediate, about three or four paragraphs per post. Posting speed would be at least once a week. No posting order. Chatting and RP itself will be on Iwaku.

As for rules, well, standard rules apply. I like to think most of them fall under one common rule: Don't be an ass. That would mean no bullying, no godmodding, no perfect characters, and no excluding people.

When it comes to making characters of different genders and minorities (considering the setting) all I have to say is that you are more than welcome to do whatever you want. Just know you will face discrimination within the roleplay from NPCs and whatnot based on what decisions you make. Another quick note, transgender characters will probably not play a role in this roleplay, again, considering the setting. Magic cannot be OP, and if you want to make a magic character, confer with me and we will has hit out.

That's all I could really think of off the top of my head, but I hope this was helpful for you and for anyone else considering this roleplay.
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Just so you know, I'm interested in this roleplay. I haven't played a wild west setting RP in a long time and I'm excited for it.
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Hmm, I think I'll pass. ^^ Would simply prefer more paragraphs on average is all. The rp looks great though; good luck on it! :)
I would be interested. Don't know if I want to go with a preacher man that has supernatural powers from a bargain with the devil or just a US Marshal that's just a regular guy that's about to get mixed up with something he shouldn't have.
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Howdy, definitely interested! Got a few different potential character ideas.
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Excellent! @DrowsyPangolin @Auntie Phaz @ThatGuyOverThere @Pvris I will make a character thread ASAP as well as an OOC thread, so you guys can go ahead and start chatting and planning things out and making your characters. Feel free to ask me as many questions as you desire!

NOTE: For anyone else still interested, we will be taking new characters until the start of the RP, so feel free to join. We will not begin until everyone has made their characters.
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Sounds like fun, thinking of making a Chinese martial artist.
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Alright, I'm interested. Rowan McCabe, a man of questionable intent, reporting for duty. He'd be half native, half white. He's a rumored conman and forger.
If you're still accepting I am totally interested. Been a long time since I've done a Western and I had way too much fun last time. Will send a PM to you @Jack Robinson about a character concept.