Magma Core High for the Supernaturally Gifted

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Galactic Princess
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
  5. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Futanari
Dear, _____

Congratulations! You've been accepted to Magma Core High School of the Supernaturally Gifted. Our specially picked staff welcomes you to the school with open arms! Here at Magma Core many children between the ages of 14 and 19 study main classes such as The Short History of Supernaturals and Mortals, The Science of Alchemy, Astronomy and Astronomical Readings, and many more. Students will be required to take a number of classes based on their species and breeding background. For those who can not make it to outside classes during sunlight hours, our teachers will work with you to make sure you get all the information from the lesson.

Every student will be paired with a dorm mate and be assigned a dorm, the beds are first come first serve on turf depending on your roommate and their species. Every room has two beds, one for each student, two wardrobes, two trunks that can be imprinted on and locked as well as unlocked by your student ID card. You each will also have one shoe rack, a nightstand, and a complimentary lamp. Every toom had one outward facing window. The bathrooms are connected to your dorms, but be warned, while you share a bedroom with your dorm mate you also share your bathroom with the dorm next to you.

Most rules will be gone over on your arrival day. The Entry Orientation will be held in the Auditorium/Theater, there will be signs and helpers around to aid students in finding their dormitories and the Auditorium. All students are required to be in uniform and at Orientation by 12:00. Those who are sensitive to heat are suggested to arrive on campus at 04:00 so that staff can properly aid you in getting to your room and acquiring the proper heat resistance equipment to make your life here on campus more comfortable.

First-year Students are required to purchase one day uniform, this consists of a silver-lined white cloak. For female students, those who identify as such or anywhere in between, and those who want to wear a female uniform, you are required to acquire and wear;
- 1 Silver and black knee-length plaid skirt
- 1 White button-up shirt
- 1 Silver woolen vest
- 1 Silver and black tie
- 1 Pair of silver stockings
- 1 Pair of black half-inch heeled dress shoes with silver buckles - facing outward.
- 1 White hooded cloak lined with silver silk that reaches your ankles complete with a clasp of silver.

For first-year male students, those who identify as such or anywhere in between, and those who want to wear a male uniform, you are required to aquire and wear;
- 1 Pair of silver dress pants
- 1 Black belt with silver buckle
- 1 Black button-up shirt
- 1 Silver woolen vest
- 1 Silver and black tie
- 1 Pair black polished dress shoes with silver laces
- 1 White hooded cloak lined with silver silk that reaches your ankles complete with a clasp of silver.

You are also required to have a plain red clip on your tie at all times.

Second-year students required to have joined a club by their second semester, and wear the pin to that club on your tie at all times in exchange of your red tie clip! Exchange all of your silver accents from your first-year uniforms to gold. Your cloaks will now have a gold clip.

Third-year students are required to change their gold accents to a ruby-red color. Your cloaks will now have a rose gold clasp with a ruby set in the center.

Fourth-year students are required to change their ruby accents to an emerald-green color. Your cloaks will now have a rose gold clasp with an emerald set in the center.

If you are an Honors Student your wardrobe will be different to show your esteemed grades and grace! Your required uniform is as followed;
- 1 Black hooded cloak lined with white fur on the edges, they will also have a light blue silk on the inside and have a sterling silver clast set with a diamond.

Female Honor Students, those who identify as such or anywhere in between, and those who want to wear a female uniform, you are required to aquire and wear;
- 1 Light blue and white silk plaid skirt, knee-length
- 1 Black button up top
- 1 Light blue woolen vest
- 1 Light blue and white tie
- 1 White or light blue stockings
- 1 White half inch heeled dress shoes with diamond buckles - facing inward.

For Male Honor Students, those who identify as such or anywhere in between, and those who want to wear a male uniform, you are required to aquire and wear;
- 1 pair of light blue dress pants
- 1 White belt with diamond buckle
- 1 White button-up with light blue woolen vest
- 1 Light blue and white tie
- 1 Pair of White polished dress shoes with light blue laces.

You are required to have your honors clip on your tie at all times if wearing the male uniform or if wearing a female uniform your honors hair pin or head band in/on at all times, with the exception of school-related activities that require them to be taken off the avoid damage.

If you do not rsvp by March 10th we will assume you are not showing and your spot will be taken by another student. Please send a reply asap!

After we get your reply you will have a list of classes sent to you for you to choose from, as well as a contract for you and your parents to sign stating you won't break any school rules, and if you do, our Vice-Principal and Head of Security and School Punishments, Delilah Rubyfang, will see to your punishment in a fair and timely fashion.

We hope to see you this fall! Your arrival date is to be March 31st.

~ Your Principal
Venesha Firehawrt

~ And Your Vice Principal

Delilah Rubyfang

1- NO BIGOTRY, I will not tolerate any bigotry of any kind. You will not make someone uncomfortable for being who they are. You will be kicked immediately from this if you do so. This means any sexual orientation, relationship preferences, or romantic orientation even a specific way of life are not to be made fun of or rudely prodded at. This is your ONLY warning.

2- NO OP CHARACTERS. If I ask you to calm down on your character's powers and such, then do so or leave. If I think your character is too overpowered or unfair to others I will voice it and if you do not make an actual effort to fix your character or to make things more reasonable then I will kick you out of the rp. NO BUTS

3- Characters are likely to have some pretty crazy views, personalities, backgrounds and their own demons to battle with. Please be mindful that there might be something in this rp that could potentially trigger someone. I do not want anyone to feel triggered, please don't join if you're sensitive to such things. Also- to those who might fancy playing characters in detail with such topics, you are free to, but you MUST put a trigger warning with a label on both character sheet for said character and any posts that might touch on said triggering topics.

4- I will be assigning the dorms, please don't fill out the dorm section of your character sheets until I get to the dorm assignments

5- THERE WILL BE EXPLICIT LANGUAGE, Im not one for sugar coating. I do curse, a lot, and im terribly sorry if you can't handle it. I really am, but please don't @ me about it, because I won't stop. :) Just don't join if you cant handle it.

6- No killing any other character, though violence and fighting are allowed.

7- If you make me or anyone else in this rp uncomfortable by any of your actions, behaviors or what you say even if it doesn't pertain to the rp, if it is in chat and makes someone uncomfortable. You will be warned once if you fail to keep your inappropriate comments, actions, or anything that is making us uncomfortable to yourself. If you harass any other member of the group or act in a behavior that makes them uncomfortable out of chat, I will kick you from this rp and they will be directed to a moderator of this site to file a complaint and report you for your actions.

8- Your replies must be at least 1 thick paragraph per-character per reply.


10- Characters may only have 3 powers, not all of them have to be prominent you can say that they learn one or two later on.

11- Crushes are just that.... crushes, they can change and you don't need consent to crush. You must ask permission and get a confirmed statement saying that your character and another character are dating/in a relationship. You are not allowed to have two of your own characters dating each other.

We will be filling out spots for Teachers, Staff and Students of grades 1-4 :) Any questions at all can be directed at me and I will answer them either here or in discord!

Discord Link to Join!~ We hope to see you there!