ALWAYS OPEN OPEN SIGNUPS Magic Unbound: The Academy Between Worlds SU

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
I'll make a second character rn just for orange 🫡🫡
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I am making one that's primary orange :D

Name: Anwen Kier

Guardian Name: Spirit Guardian

Magical Epithet:

Anwen stands at 5'6, and despite her youthful face has a somewhat curvaceous figure. Even so, she rarely wears anything purposefully revealing; from her home world, she is used to dressing warmly. In a warmer environment, this will still translate to long, neat dresses or practical outdoor wear. The greatest issue with the assigned uniform for her are the shoes; she misses her boots. A lot.

Transformed, she is an inch taller, appears older, and dons quite the bold form-fitting suit.

Auric Colors: Orange (primary), Green (secondary), Black (tertiary).

Academic Affiliation: Hollowgarde Academy

3 Sentence Vibe Check:

A 17-year-old curious, whimsical, and helpful ambivert who can be a bit too self-sacrificial, and fears being unneeded, abandoned, or forgotten. She hails from a pre-industrial society rich with magic, which is habituated by humans, spirits, and the rare fantastical creature (e.g. pegasus). Her world has managed to pull through an apocalyptic event, yet is still plagued by a spreading curse of entropy; Anwen seeks to discover the cause and resolve it, a goal aided by her powers of spiritual healing (restoration) and elemental magic (destruction).

Your ideal posting speed: One per week (-ish).

Companion: Maerithryvvin. Affectionally "Maer".

Once a great dragon, Anwen found him dying taken by the curse, and this at a time, when she was suffering the same fate. Still, she offered to heal him, despite being weakly due to having overused her abilities, having gradually drained her own life force. The dragon said they were both doomed to die. Yet, she did not give up, and cajoled him into weaving their very beings together. Their souls and spirits bonded; Maer had given up his failing body, and Anwen had nearly died after days of feverish illness. But then, came the moment of her gracing. What could it be but fate? For this was what lent them success, and ensured their survival.

Maer can now manifest physically as a small, young drake, though usually does not. The dragon has also decreed Anwen's powers will be limited until she learns how to properly use them. He has enforced a magical block on her through their soul-bond. Anwen doesn't understand it, really, but doesn't mind much – as long as she can still do what she's supposed to do.


Anwen was born with Spirit Sight, which grants her the ability to see spiritual beings and energies. She can also interact with these to an extent.

She was community-reared, and is good with children. She enjoys reading, story-telling, teaching, and games.

Anwen is practiced with: fishing, cooking, sewing, hunting (with traps), first aid, dog sledding, orienting in snowy and forested areas.
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We can all be sad beans together.
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hello lovelies,
have a gander at the class roster


handy dandy shorthand:

- numbers equal your year, ie. 1c is freshmeat. this is their first year at wolpurgiswora university.
- letter equals your semester, counted backwards, ie. class 1c are first years in their first semester.

the tldr: read the paragraph below to get the 411 on the IC thread(s) and then find yer character's name below for further shenanigans

class 2b comprises of: ophelia of stril, lyssander sud @Nemopedia, yuneksia @Nougat, sun yuling @Ariel, and tallis @Hecatoncheires
class 1c comprises of: daniela @PolyesterH, alice of @Hyphae, alex of @Cwispy, Anwen @SilverPaw

- there will be IC threads for each class, as they will take subtly different paths at wolpurgiswora

- in addition to those two threads, there will be an all-encompassing IC 'Wolpurgiswora University" thread which will contain character, plot, and story-specific objectives. these can take anywhere from 1 to 10 posts to complete, depending on the character and objective in question. think: random encounters, detention cut-scenes, hall of chanting communions, cafeteria gatherings, etc. completion of objectives will grant gemheart rewards (usually) to be "spent" IC

- interested parties who'd like to have their characters featured in the initial GM post have until wednesday, june 14th to post their character sheets and complete their own boogaloo. character submissions will be accepted beyond that period but note roster/graphic updates will come every month or so! once yer boog is sent in, yer free to hop into your assigned class thread!

got questions? i got answers in like 9 hours bc im posting this and passing out kek

Tell me about a time when you felt truly safe.

What are three responsibilities that you hate?

What's one annoying aspect of the community on your home world that you wish you could change?

What does everyone seem to do better than you?

Do you feel like you have the life you deserve? If not, what do you deserve?

Are you an only child? Do you have siblings? How do you think this has affected you over the years?

Describe the contents of a jewelry box – your own – or your mother's. Write about each piece and any memories or thoughts they inspire.

Tell me about a time when you felt truly safe.

What are three responsibilities that you hate?

What's one annoying aspect of the community on your home world that you wish you could change?

What does everyone seem to do better than you?

A magical storm is raging northbound towards your location and you have time to grab exactly one object before you evacuate. What object do you choose and why is it so important to you?

Are you an only child? Do you have siblings? How do you think this has affected you over the years?

Describe the contents of a jewelry box – your own – or your mother's. Write about each piece and any memories or thoughts they inspire.

Tell me about a time when you felt truly safe.

What are three responsibilities that you hate?

What's one annoying aspect of the community on your home world that you wish you could change?

What does everyone seem to do better than you?

Tell me about an enraging experience you had that everyone else thought was no big deal. Why was it so infuriating?

Are you an only child? Do you have siblings? How do you think this has affected you over the years?

Describe the contents of a jewelry box – your own – or your mother's. Write about each piece and any memories or thoughts they inspire.

Tell me about a time when you felt truly safe.

What are three responsibilities that you hate?

What's one annoying aspect of the community on your home world that you wish you could change?

What does everyone seem to do better than you?

What has been your proudest moment? How did you see yourself at the time?

Are you an only child? Do you have siblings? How do you think this has affected you over the years?

Describe the contents of a jewelry box – your own – or your mother's. Write about each piece and any memories or thoughts they inspire.

Tell me about a time when you felt truly safe.

What are three responsibilities that you hate?

What's one annoying aspect of the community on your home world that you wish you could change?

What does everyone seem to do better than you?

Do you believe everyone has a purpose? Do you believe you have a purpose? If so, what is it?

Are you an only child? Do you have siblings? How do you think this has affected you over the years?

Describe the contents of a jewelry box – your own – or your mother's. Write about each piece and any memories or thoughts they inspire.

Tell me about a time when you felt truly safe.

What are three responsibilities that you hate?

What's one annoying aspect of the community on your home world that you wish you could change?

What does everyone seem to do better than you?

Who knows you better than anyone? Do you trust them with that knowledge?

Are you an only child? Do you have siblings? How do you think this has affected you over the years?

Describe the contents of a jewelry box – your own – or your mother's. Write about each piece and any memories or thoughts they inspire.

Tell me about a time when you felt truly safe.

What are three responsibilities that you hate?

What's one annoying aspect of the community on your home world that you wish you could change?

What does everyone seem to do better than you?

Tell me about a time where you surprised yourself, good, bad, or ugly.

Are you an only child? Do you have siblings? How do you think this has affected you over the years?

Describe the contents of a jewelry box – your own – or your mother's. Write about each piece and any memories or thoughts they inspire.

Tell me about a time when you felt truly safe.

What are three responsibilities that you hate?

What's one annoying aspect of the community on your home world that you wish you could change?

What does everyone seem to do better than you?

Who loves you with all their heart and soul? How does their love make you feel?

Are you an only child? Do you have siblings? How do you think this has affected you over the years?

Describe the contents of a jewelry box – your own – or your mother's. Write about each piece and any memories or thoughts they inspire.

Tell me about a time when you felt truly safe.

What are three responsibilities that you hate?

What's one annoying aspect of the community on your home world that you wish you could change?

What does everyone seem to do better than you?

Do you expect people to act in their own self-interest or in the interest of others?

Are you an only child? Do you have siblings? How do you think this has affected you over the years?

Describe the contents of a jewelry box – your own – or your mother's. Write about each piece and any memories or thoughts they inspire.

in addition to the tiny character boogs above, pls fill out the following:

What is the name of your home world? Note: Leaving this blank in your submissions means you're granting me permission to come up with a few options for you to choose from. You're more than welcome to put "WIP/Brainstorming" here, just know I'd eventually like to write them into the IC and make them "Canon."

What's the current state of your home world?

Choose one dominate and auxillary auric color (sans white, black, and brown) to designate to your home world.

What stereotypical group-role does your character fit into? Where would they like to be instead, if they don't like where they fit currently?

What major arcana tarot card best represents your character?

Do you know when to give up?
Ophelia knows her answer almost instantaneously, blue eyes shimmering and full lips quirking up into a confident smile, "When hiding with the orphans," she says, casting a look over at Lyssander who avoids her eyes with the roll of his eyes, "took my guards a week to finally find me," she fondly shares.

"The week I felt unsafest," Lyssander supplies, hiding the words under a muffled cough before he receives Ophelia's wink with something that borders fond disdain, another roll of his eyes following. "Any time before meeting her majesty would be a time I felt safe," Lyssander finally gives his own answer, the hint of a smile crossing his expression as Ophelia gasps quasi-offended for they both know the absolute lie told in that.

"The prelude to the Advent, bearing the ceremonial flag, blessing the Pond of Youth," Ophelia listed off her most hated responsibilities easily, not hiding her disdain for the traditions impressed upon her that she held no interest in. It was clear she could name many more, if only she was so reminded of it by Lyssander, but he could only nod at the mention some of the duties the princess had listed.

"The fast before the Advent and keeping O in check is a combination of horrors," was his only addition to it, then realising that he had only named two, of which one was disputed by the royalty whose hand swatted the back of his head, he added; "the harvest prayers are also hard to bear." which wasn't a real responsibility but still a nuisance because it came with another period of fasting and marches.

"The fasts," Ophelia exclaimed, groaning so loudly it might as well have been a roar.

"The prophecies," Lyssander added, his lips turning into a scowl as both Strill guardians throw their heads back, their voice morphing into one union as they groaned out their shared frustration;

"the prayers!"

"Studying," Ophelia says without hesitation, her eyes taking on a blank expression as she stares ahead of her, dazed at the prospect of more late-night studies she would have to suffer.

"Getting rid of her royal ignomarus," Lyssander smirks, before Ophelia threatens to sock a fist into his face, which he pretends to dodge. The fist never lands and the threat of violence doesn't come to fruition as Ophelia throws her chin up.

"Staying alive, you clutz," she bites to him, which Lyssander meets with an incedulous look as he throws his hands up, wordlessly telling her; 'and what is this? which the princess dismisses with the flick of her hand, "wouldn't last through a single procession, or a physical aptitude test designed for toddlers," Ophelia changes Lyssander answer, allowing no back-talk this time.

"Yes and yes, and my purpose is to not become a blight," Lyssander answers first for once, his words coming so rapid that even Ophelia has to take a moment to completely register them, this time her turn to roll her eyes at her morose counterpart.

"Yes, but we hold the design of our fate in our own hands, blight or not," Ophelia answers with conviction, her eyes narrowing at her dear friend who gives her a lazy smile that really looks more like a pull of his lips.

"Lyssander is the closest thing I have to a brother!" Ophelia shares with some enthusiasm, earning a gagging sound from Lyssander who wordlessly disagrees, but whose expression shows that he absolutely abhors the idea even more.

No, no real ones," Lyssander answers with a deep sigh, "the orphans of Stril were my siblings, of which O is no part of," he clarifies, his words putting special emphasis on Ophelia's exclusion who doesn't fight Lyssander on the claim for once, "in Ophelia's case it is for the best that she has none. The centre of attention would have shifted," Lyssander jests, distracting the blondine with the jab.

"Oh, you insufferable, I'm still older!" Ophelia retorts weakly, though both of them were glad for the vehement denial on Lyssander's part.

The jewellery box of the queen-mother was more like a treasury, uncontainable for a simple box, but filled to the brim with gems and minerals impossible to validate against a price.

There was the Lapis Lazuli that her mother had brought as part of her dowry, the blue and gold speckled mineral was supposed to represent the marriage between the kingdom of Stril and the tribes of Naragi.

Then there was the glowing Ruby stored within that was passed down amongst the heirs of Stril of which it was said that only the true heir of Stril could make it glow and warm. It would be a trial that Ophelia one day would have to go through.

And there was the sunstone, a mineral that was said to have come with Ophelia when she was born out of her mother's womb. The absolute proof that she was Stril's daughter and the reincarnation of the first.

But Ophelia's favourite stone was the flat cooling blue disc that Lyssander had given her after that the guards had found her amongst the orphans. He had claimed that it was his greatest treasure, his parents' legacy even if he didn't know his parents and he had given it to her, so that they could find one another once more. They had found one another soon enough, but childishly Ophelia had stored the stone away in the treasury, even if she wasn't sure of its actual value.

What is the name of your home world?

"Stril is the kingdom citadel where,"

"Our world is known by many names, Stril being just a part of it. Some call it Naragi, after the misted lands in the east famed for its aquatic environments. Others call it Veer, for the illustrious dragons that once ruled the sky and still reside within the folds of our world. We," Lyssander had interjected the enthused explanation of Ophelia, placing special emphasis on the word 'we' as if to distinguish himself from the earlier mentioned groups, "we call its whole Sablier, of which Stril is the greatest kingdom and the strongest region of all. came Lyssander's solemn brief, almost text book to what their educators back home had taught the both of them.

What's the current state of your home world?

"Stril is doing wonderfully. As the strongest kingdom on the planes of Sablier the water tasted like honey and our maidens walk with gold in their braids trying to emulate the beauties of the throne. Even the poorest of Stril don't have to suffer for our harvests are plentiful and able to feed orphans, the sick, and the elderly," Ophelia started off in zeal, this time not stopped by Lyssander as she continued to beam in pride, "our relations with the tribes of Naragi are prosperous, with plenty of opportunity to venture into their misty lands and taste their riches and learn of their secrets, though it is a shame to say that Veer has sadly fallen for it has been a while since dragons have last been signalled," the princess continues, practically gleaming in pride as Lyssander has nothing more to add.

"Sablier is strong, standing on the axis of change with the return of their heir," is all he says, not positive nor negative in tone as his eyes rest on Ophelia, the one on whom the decision rests.

Choose one dominate and auxillary auric color (sans white, black, and brown) to designate to your home world.

Sablier as a whole would brim green, giving and caring for its inhabitants, but the individual folks and kingdoms vibe another colour. Stril in itself vibes orange, for its strong sense of innovation and collaboration, while the tribes of Naragi are often more inclined to vibe indigo, for the tribes are an intuitive folk that relies on their own perceived senses within the thick mists. The fierce people of Veer are said to have brandished a flaming red aura, having ruled the skies for eons before their disappearance.

One area stands out by its pure black energy, however, which is the area named Hell, a cursed area that none speak of and of which neither Lyssander or Ophelia know much of.

What stereotypical group-role does your character fit into? Where would they like to be instead, if they don't like where they fit currently?
Ophelia is the connector, the jock and the overachiever all in one. She is the popular friend within the group, the leader and the charismatic one that everyone naturally flocks towards to for guidance, and the one that brings all together.

Lyssander is the brain to Ophelia's brawn, the organiser to her chaos and in part, he is also her caretaker in that he ensures that Ophelia doesn't push herself too hard and too far as the heir of Stril and doesn't burn out before her time.

What major arcana tarot card best represents your character?
Ophelia is the Emperor of the major arcana, the leader, the powerful.

Lyssander is the magician, the odd duck of the bunch that cannot be missed for he has an essential role to play.

Do you know when to give up?

"No," Lyssander answers for Ophelia, to which the princess huffs and tries to argue against it, "no," Lyssander repeats again, this time as a command towards the princess as if telling her to not even attempt to talk-back.

"No?" Ophelia furrows her brows at that, her lips pursed as she tries to figure out how to fight against the single-worded denial.

It earns a smile from Lyssander whose brow quirks upwards as another single-worded response comes, "precisely," as if that explains it all, and in a way it does with how Ophelia continues to fight against Lyssander in a mental battle of wits.
Ophelia knows her answer almost instantaneously, blue eyes shimmering and full lips quirking up into a confident smile, "When hiding with the orphans," she says, casting a look over at Lyssander who avoids her eyes with the roll of his eyes, "took my guards a week to finally find me," she fondly shares.

"The week I felt unsafest," Lyssander supplies, hiding the words under a muffled cough before he receives Ophelia's wink with something that borders fond disdain, another roll of his eyes following. "Any time before meeting her majesty would be a time I felt safe," Lyssander finally gives his own answer, the hint of a smile crossing his expression as Ophelia gasps quasi-offended for they both know the absolute lie told in that.

"The prelude to the Advent, bearing the ceremonial flag, blessing the Pond of Youth," Ophelia listed off her most hated responsibilities easily, not hiding her disdain for the traditions impressed upon her that she held no interest in. It was clear she could name many more, if only she was so reminded of it by Lyssander, but he could only nod at the mention some of the duties the princess had listed.

"The fast before the Advent and keeping O in check is a combination of horrors," was his only addition to it, then realising that he had only named two, of which one was disputed by the royalty whose hand swatted the back of his head, he added; "the harvest prayers are also hard to bear." which wasn't a real responsibility but still a nuisance because it came with another period of fasting and marches.

"The fasts," Ophelia exclaimed, groaning so loudly it might as well have been a roar.

"The prophecies," Lyssander added, his lips turning into a scowl as both Strill guardians throw their heads back, their voice morphing into one union as they groaned out their shared frustration;

"the prayers!"

"Studying," Ophelia says without hesitation, her eyes taking on a blank expression as she stares ahead of her, dazed at the prospect of more late-night studies she would have to suffer.

"Getting rid of her royal ignomarus," Lyssander smirks, before Ophelia threatens to sock a fist into his face, which he pretends to dodge. The fist never lands and the threat of violence doesn't come to fruition as Ophelia throws her chin up.

"Staying alive, you clutz," she bites to him, which Lyssander meets with an incedulous look as he throws his hands up, wordlessly telling her; 'and what is this? which the princess dismisses with the flick of her hand, "wouldn't last through a single procession, or a physical aptitude test designed for toddlers," Ophelia changes Lyssander answer, allowing no back-talk this time.

"Yes and yes, and my purpose is to not become a blight," Lyssander answers first for once, his words coming so rapid that even Ophelia has to take a moment to completely register them, this time her turn to roll her eyes at her morose counterpart.

"Yes, but we hold the design of our fate in our own hands, blight or not," Ophelia answers with conviction, her eyes narrowing at her dear friend who gives her a lazy smile that really looks more like a pull of his lips.

"Lyssander is the closest thing I have to a brother!" Ophelia shares with some enthusiasm, earning a gagging sound from Lyssander who wordlessly disagrees, but whose expression shows that he absolutely abhors the idea even more.

No, no real ones," Lyssander answers with a deep sigh, "the orphans of Stril were my siblings, of which O is no part of," he clarifies, his words putting special emphasis on Ophelia's exclusion who doesn't fight Lyssander on the claim for once, "in Ophelia's case it is for the best that she has none. The centre of attention would have shifted," Lyssander jests, distracting the blondine with the jab.

"Oh, you insufferable, I'm still older!" Ophelia retorts weakly, though both of them were glad for the vehement denial on Lyssander's part.

The jewellery box of the queen-mother was more like a treasury, uncontainable for a simple box, but filled to the brim with gems and minerals impossible to validate against a price.

There was the Lapis Lazuli that her mother had brought as part of her dowry, the blue and gold speckled mineral was supposed to represent the marriage between the kingdom of Stril and the tribes of Naragi.

Then there was the glowing Ruby stored within that was passed down amongst the heirs of Stril of which it was said that only the true heir of Stril could make it glow and warm. It would be a trial that Ophelia one day would have to go through.

And there was the sunstone, a mineral that was said to have come with Ophelia when she was born out of her mother's womb. The absolute proof that she was Stril's daughter and the reincarnation of the first.

But Ophelia's favourite stone was the flat cooling blue disc that Lyssander had given her after that the guards had found her amongst the orphans. He had claimed that it was his greatest treasure, his parents' legacy even if he didn't know his parents and he had given it to her, so that they could find one another once more. They had found one another soon enough, but childishly Ophelia had stored the stone away in the treasury, even if she wasn't sure of its actual value.

What is the name of your home world?

"Stril is the kingdom citadel where,"

"Our world is known by many names, Stril being just a part of it. Some call it Naragi, after the misted lands in the east famed for its aquatic environments. Others call it Veer, for the illustrious dragons that once ruled the sky and still reside within the folds of our world. We," Lyssander had interjected the enthused explanation of Ophelia, placing special emphasis on the word 'we' as if to distinguish himself from the earlier mentioned groups, "we call its whole Sablier, of which Stril is the greatest kingdom and the strongest region of all. came Lyssander's solemn brief, almost text book to what their educators back home had taught the both of them.

What's the current state of your home world?

"Stril is doing wonderfully. As the strongest kingdom on the planes of Sablier the water tasted like honey and our maidens walk with gold in their braids trying to emulate the beauties of the throne. Even the poorest of Stril don't have to suffer for our harvests are plentiful and able to feed orphans, the sick, and the elderly," Ophelia started off in zeal, this time not stopped by Lyssander as she continued to beam in pride, "our relations with the tribes of Naragi are prosperous, with plenty of opportunity to venture into their misty lands and taste their riches and learn of their secrets, though it is a shame to say that Veer has sadly fallen for it has been a while since dragons have last been signalled," the princess continues, practically gleaming in pride as Lyssander has nothing more to add.

"Sablier is strong, standing on the axis of change with the return of their heir," is all he says, not positive nor negative in tone as his eyes rest on Ophelia, the one on whom the decision rests.

Choose one dominate and auxillary auric color (sans white, black, and brown) to designate to your home world.

Sablier as a whole would brim green, giving and caring for its inhabitants, but the individual folks and kingdoms vibe another colour. Stril in itself vibes orange, for its strong sense of innovation and collaboration, while the tribes of Naragi are often more inclined to vibe indigo, for the tribes are an intuitive folk that relies on their own perceived senses within the thick mists. The fierce people of Veer are said to have brandished a flaming red aura, having ruled the skies for eons before their disappearance.

One area stands out by its pure black energy, however, which is the area named Hell, a cursed area that none speak of and of which neither Lyssander or Ophelia know much of.

What stereotypical group-role does your character fit into? Where would they like to be instead, if they don't like where they fit currently?
Ophelia is the connector, the jock and the overachiever all in one. She is the popular friend within the group, the leader and the charismatic one that everyone naturally flocks towards to for guidance, and the one that brings all together.

Lyssander is the brain to Ophelia's brawn, the organiser to her chaos and in part, he is also her caretaker in that he ensures that Ophelia doesn't push herself too hard and too far as the heir of Stril and doesn't burn out before her time.

What major arcana tarot card best represents your character?
Ophelia is the Emperor of the major arcana, the leader, the powerful.

Lyssander is the magician, the odd duck of the bunch that cannot be missed for he has an essential role to play.

Do you know when to give up?

"No," Lyssander answers for Ophelia, to which the princess huffs and tries to argue against it, "no," Lyssander repeats again, this time as a command towards the princess as if telling her to not even attempt to talk-back.

"No?" Ophelia furrows her brows at that, her lips pursed as she tries to figure out how to fight against the single-worded denial.

It earns a smile from Lyssander whose brow quirks upwards as another single-worded response comes, "precisely," as if that explains it all, and in a way it does with how Ophelia continues to fight against Lyssander in a mental battle of wits.

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The response comes quickly. She speaks with quick

"I was a young girl. There were gunshots the block down from me. I hid under a small handmade blanket that my grandmother gave me. My parents saw me covering under the quilt, they had just got home. They sat down next to me and gave me a hug. I knew my dad was strong, I knew my mother was there. They'd do anything to protect me. It was a nice, warm place."

She looks down, quietly breaking eye contact. There's mountains that go unsaid, it's unbecoming of a woman who's supposed to be a hero to talk about how a part of her regrets leaving them behind to go fight in a shadow war they didn't even know was happening. But how could she not? She was the one that was supposed to make everything right.

She's silent for a little bit after being asked the question. Wordlessly, she grips her left thigh and forces herself to speak.

"Schooling used to get in the way of what I needed to do. Now, the main problem is holding down a job. I work a union job, manual labor. It pays me well enough to support myself. I got there through trial and error, never being able to stick to a job because people always needed my help."

She snaps herself out of the thought process, continuing on.

"I have to hide from my dad, these days. He was a private investigator, doing odd jobs. He still is, technically, but I keep hearing stories from some of the people I talk to. We have our own online communities back home. They talk about my dad, though they don't know he is my dad. Just that he's looking for his daughter, and the things he ran into trying to find me. I keep writing to them. I keep telling them to stop, but they never get them. Somebody has to stop him from getting them."

The sense of discomfort radiating off her only intensifies with every sentence. The words are like bricks, stacked precariously with fresh mortar of the subjects packing them together.

"Staying hidden is a burden. There's lots of monsters and such that want me dead. I have plenty of people that follow my lead. They recognize me for what I am, butter than my dad does."

The tension in her voice doesn't abate as she talks.

"It's not that most people don't think the supernatural is real, they are willingly ignorant of it. Those that aren't havevery varying opinions of us. They hide from it because it's so dangerous. I just wish people were brave enough to see it and they trusted me to protect them."

Her mannerisms snap. Her tone doesn't explode, but it does become harsh.

"Nobody has done anything better than me worth doing unless they were just doing it for longer. Destiny's on my side and will see me through my struggles. Next question."

She's holding her thigh in a near death grab at this point. It's only after a moment if silence she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.

As she keeps her eyes closed, she stays quiet for a long moment before opening them. She gives a smile that doesn't quite reach the eyes. It creeps slowly out of her voice.

"It was when I was chosen. I had blossomed, one of the few people globally. I don't have a headcount for how many blossomed people there are back home. But I was special. A woman appeared to me, not long after I had gotten my bearings. She told me that I was going to be the person to fix the broken world I was born into. They assured me fate was on my side, and gave me their blessing."

Her voice becomes lighter, louder, prouder, and more excited.

"It was when my participation in the war began in earnest. It's been years since then. We didn't have magic like you have here, but we did have our powers. We had our charms. I was so ready, saving the world was a dream come true. The hardships were worse than I expected, and I certainly did not want to see half of the things I did. But I don't regret my service over the last 6 years."

"...I have a younger brother. He's probably graduating at this point. I told him a long time ago that I would do what I can to keep him safe. I've been keeping my promise, away from him."

She leans back in her chair, seeming to zone out a bit. Her fake smile sticks with her throughout the situation.

"I wont get to see his graduation. But it's alright. I know he's safe because of what I'm doing."

"We're poor. We don't have jewelry but the ring she wore all the time. I don't have any strong feelings about it. I do have this brooch, though."

She takes it off her chest, staring at it. Her face reflects off of the gems and metal slightly.

"I don't know what the colored gems mean, but to me, it's like the proof of my life. The choices I've made and the nobility of them. My diligence and my destiny were recognized, and thus I was assigned this."

She puts it back on, her smile now looking genuine.

What is the name of your home world?

She looks confused.

"It's... just Earth. I'm from Chicago."My name is Spiranaut. You shouldn't be surprised. Everyone else forgets about me.

What's the current state of your home world?

"It has a lot of nation states. Magic is very hidden and under the table. Forces of darkness permeate almost all levels of society, certain supernatural creatures seem very connected to them. It's my job to take care of them and protect communities from malevolent supernatural forces. There's a lot of political stuff going on but I never had a mind for politics and it seems very boring and everyone seems so angry all the time."

"I think we'd be better off if we could just sit down and talk with each other."
Words can't convey how I feel and what it's like. I'm trying so hard and every effort runs through my hand like sand.

Choose one dominant and auxiliary auric color (sans white, black, and brown) to designate to your home world.

"Oh, I think Red and Indigo make sense! I don't know why but it sounds right."It's nice to know that she can listen.

What stereotypical group-role does your character fit into? Where would they like to be instead, if they don't like where they fit currently?

Her eyes practically glisten as she talks.

"I'm the chosen one. I'm at the head and I get all the cool things done because that's what destiny set out for me. My struggles are great but thats the role of a hero!"The reality, of course, is that although she is the front line fighter, she's not ontologically better at things than others. She just has an unfortunate ego. When everything tells you their importance, it gets to that. It drowns out everything you need to listen to.
What major arcana tarot card best represents your character?

"Tarot Cards? I know this weird guy who kept going on about them. Seemed like a cook to me."The Fool. Despite being a veteran she is very innocent. The only reason she's had success is fundamentally luck.She is competent at least, at least in using her powers from her native world. The upside down draw also represents her.
Do you know when to give up?

"A hero, let alone a chosen hero, never gives up!…evidently not. That's going to bite her.
Shoot, I missed out?
Shoot, I missed out?
" interested parties who'd like to have their characters featured in the initial GM post have until wednesday, june 14th to post their character sheets and complete their own boogaloo. character submissions will be accepted beyond that period but note roster/graphic updates will come every month or so! once yer boog is sent in, yer free to hop into your assigned class thread! "
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Hmm. I think it's the first memory I ever had. I was small and … at the beach, in the arms of someone strong. I remember the sound of crashing waves and the silver moonlight on black water. I passed through a veil of curtains and was laid down.
Alex scratches the back of his head.
Must've been somewhere in Florida.

School, obviously. But my mom doesn't want me to end up like her, so I promised I wouldn't drop out.
A long pause transpires.
Cutting onions. Absolutely the worst. And another thing. The customer is. NOT. ALWAYS. RIGHT. No you can't get your burger on a lettuce wrap, I don't care that you're "gluten sensitive"!
I mean… I'll still do it, but not before I complain about it.

Alex stares blankly, the wrestle of indecision clearly short-circuiting his mind.
Define… annoying? Nevermind, I'll pick something easy. Sure, I could go on about corporate greed, the inefficiency of governments across the world, the dying gasp of our planet, or even rampant paranoia and infighting. But…
Alex leans forward and buries his head between his hands, breathing hard through his nose.
Just one thing? Never again would someone place an order, RIGHT BEFORE I CLOSE! Ten minutes– fine – I haven't cleaned the flattop, I can do most of the menu. But there is a special place in hell for people that come in and want food at the last freaking minute.

Life in general. Alex shrugs. Next.

Hands swimming through the air, jaw wrestling with words that fail to start or end, Alex deflates in their seat.
What kind of dumb question is that? I don't know what I deserve. But my mom? She deserves better… My sweet Camelia, she deserves better than me, that's for sure. If I could, I'd give them a life free of debt, free of anxiety. All that shit. Yeah. I'd give anything for that.

I have an older sister. She kind of thinks I'm el diablo.
Alex pauses briefly to adjust the neckline of his shirt.
I mean that literally. She used to have dreams about an evil version of me doing terrible things. We used to sleep in the same room so, as a little kid, I'd wake up to her gasping and crying out in her sleep. I'd go over to her and shake her awake, worried about her. When she woke, she would look at me like the nightmare never ended.
Alex shrugs.
But clearly, as you can see, I'm a well adjusted, normal human being.

Alex's mother was not an ostentatious woman by any stretch of the imagination, but over the years she'd come to collect her own small treasury by way of lovers and family.

There was a locket that bore the image of her own parents. They were migrants, fleeing from Puerto Rico, a poverty stricken country riddled with abandoned armaments, constantly crippled by climate disaster.
She still held onto her old wedding ring. It was a simple band, sterling silver– a symbol of both bliss and heartache. She would never wear it in public, but sometimes Alex would glimpse her admiring it on her hand, perhaps wishing she was somewhere in the past.

And then there was the silver and blue rosary. A gift from Alex's grandmother that would one day go to him, or his sister. Despite Alex's mothers' distinct disdain for the Church, she never got rid of it. There was a hope that one day it would be gifted to him, and perhaps make him a little more faithful.

What is the name of your home world?
Earth C-10-18. Alex says automatically. Confusion dawns on him. Have I always known that? Must be the interdimensional shenanigans.

What's the current state of your home world?
Oh, ya know, the usual. Our planet is dying a slow and hot death. Someone, somewhere, in a position of power is just salivating above a big red button, eager to annihilate everything in a nuclear fire. Racism, greed, rampant corruption.
Alex reclines and folds his hands together.
Everything is fine.

Choose one dominate and auxillary auric color (sans white, black, and brown) to designate to your home world.
Earth C-10-18, despite the hardships of its cosmic history, is verdant green. Even now, with its primary wards negligent in their duties as caretakers, the planet gives all it can to its wayward children. And that green, in turn, is inverted by the humans who call Earth C-10-18 home. Twisted into a symbol that trades everything in terms of numerical value, green has now come to symbolize money, the obscene lifeblood of the planet. This inversion creates a pit of black, in which the destiny of the planet swirls into unless something can be changed.

What stereotypical group-role does your character fit into? Where would they like to be instead, if they don't like where they fit currently?
Alex is the devil's advocate. He remains firmly against the majority, hyper-vigilant against the tendency of groupthink. Alex imagines himself as a leader, in the end, because if everyone could see the world the way that he does, everything could change.

What major arcana tarot card best represents your character?
The Devil.

Do you know when to give up?
So I do this thing that my girlfriend calls "Alex's Path of Most Resistance".
He recalls the saying with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

But to answer your question… Yes? No? Camelia always says "pick your battles". And sometimes, like a big dumb idiot, I pick all of them.
i am living for the boogs 💃
If it wasn't for the fact that I am sick and currently gearing up for a soft opening for where I work, my boog would've been here sooner. I eagerly await MORE BOOGS! *looking at all of you who have yet to boog*
  • Sympathy & Compassion
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If it wasn't for the fact that I am sick and currently gearing up for a soft opening for where I work, my boog would've been here sooner. I eagerly await MORE BOOGS! *looking at all of you who have yet to boog*
AAAAAAA get better tho!!
  • Thank You
Reactions: Cwispy
Sorry for the delay, I sliced my thumb open cooking a couple of days ago and needed stitches.
Hope I didn't miss anything

"When my mom hugged me, and my dad praised me, the times we celebrated…whenever we could smile easily."

"…" Maer has no answer forthcoming.

"Gutting fish; it's booooring and you're left with the stink foreeeever. Organizing my place or things the way someone else wants it done." She shifts uncomfortably before mentioning the last one. "The Cleansing Rituals. I don't know yet how they make that awful purification potion, but it's," a full-body shudder overtakes her, "yuuuuck!"

"I am far too old to take on responsibilities which I hate."

Anwen seems to struggle with the answer. "The marriage arrangements and ceremonies can get very…convoluted."

"What is a society which promises to include everyone yet quietly shuns 'anomalies' if not hypocritical?" On the other hand, it is very clear what Maer finds despicable.

"Um…Fighting, I guess. B-but, Maer is helping me now." The albino sheepishly scratches her head, embarrassed at an apparent 'failing' of hers.

"Caring." The answer is curt, and might seem indifferent, but Anwen can feel a light note of apology in it.

"When I was told I shouldn't even try, because of this or that, and that it was for the best, because that's how things are."

"Then why weren't you angry when upon saving me, your kin wished to keep away from you?"

"…That's different," she says, melancholy. "They were afraid, Maer, and confused."

"That's supposed to be an excuse?"


"Oooh, I have several!" she begins, clearly excited. "Rowan, the eldest, so serious and dutiful. Sarin, the town beauty, and real clever too! Cerise, one of the best whale-hunters, and you'd never know it. Fin and Leigh, always up to something. Nuri, putting a smile on everyone's face, that precious boy. Altan, journeying across the Great Seas…" she seems like she'd continue on for a while, but was stopped by the interviewer for a clarification. "How many did my mother and father have? Four." She blinks in confusion at the next question. "Oh, no, it's not just about the blood relations, you see–" Anwen goes on to explain how everyone is raised together, and that they're all family. Then, she goes off on a tangent about arranged marriages between different villages, and that yes, it is tricky figuring things out within the same village, but that the elders always know who to put together.

A humble wooden box of remarkable craftsmanship. Caringly etched engravings grace each side. Within are several items:

A pearl necklace. One of her grandfathers had collected the pearls himself, and created this for his wife. She then passed it onto her first daughter, Anwen's mother.

An aquamarine ring. Gifted to her mother by her father.

A seashell bracelet which Anwen made as a child for her mother.

A fine ivory comb, the handle delicately carved into floral designs.

A polished stone with an exquisite floral painting, fashioned into a pendant.

What is the name of your home world?

Blank. (Yes, pls help with the name.)

Some world notes:

Anwen was born in one of the northern-most clans, where they subsist mainly on hunting, fishing, and some trading. With deepest snowfall come strange mists and shadowy beings, and those careless or unfortunate enough are forever lost. Taking down large sea creatures can be an effort requiring the cooperation of the whole village, or even multiple villages. Rewards are aplenty but so are the deaths.

In the central area lie old ruins and forgotten technology; many explorers and would-be inventors try to make their living with the discoveries unearthed there. Yet unknown dangers lie deep beneath. Scattered, small communities live there in camps. Permanent bases are few and far between, and even then, one day, what you thought of as safe is gone – destroyed, demolished, or taken by the depths.

On the eastern and southern plains live groups of nomadic people. Some say they are the freest, but it is a life of being always on the move. They claim the vital role of messengers; whether they arrive on horse-back, or send their intel on the wings of trained birds, or through whispers of the wind, visions in a dream, or otherwise.

Further east can be found even stranger, scarcer group of mystics. Some term them prophets, some simply mad, but not much is known of them, as they live relatively secluded, and they rarely making contact with the rest of the world.

The western-most areas of the world which are still populated are the frontiers against cursed monsters. While they do eventually turn to dust due to the nature of the curse, they seem determined to take as many other living beings with them as they can before they go. While the curse does appear elsewhere, it does seem to occur most frequently and intensely there. The most valiant warriors and the most determined of researchers gather westwards.

What's the current state of your home world?

Struggling against an entropic curse. The curse has many manifestations, but only one end for those affected: sooner or later, they turn to dust. Before that happens, beings may exhibit unusual aggressiveness, lethargy, an ailing body or mind, and episodes of wanderings, for example.

It is unknown what the cause of the curse is, but there are several tales and theories; that it is from a spirit's grudge long-forgotten, because of a mad and undying sorcerer, or due to the local cosmic forces that be seeking to reap a world they see as theirs.

Choose one dominate and auxiliary auric color (sans white, black, and brown) to designate to your home world.

Primary: Blue. Auxiliary: Indigo.

What stereotypical group-role does your character fit into? Where would they like to be instead, if they don't like where they fit currently?

The Inspirer, and the Dreamer, Anwen will be the first to advocate for teamwork, though she's also inclined to offer support to individuals even when (or sometimes, especially when) they don't 'fit in'. She may have unlikely ideas, but somehow, her determination and belief can make the unlikely happen. Also, the Caretaker. That one person who will strive to look after everyone else in their group, and those outside it, too. Anwen likes this role, and just wants to be better at it.

But who watches the watchers? Maer is the one who does what he can to ensure Anwen's wellbeing. He will push for selfishness where she does for pure altruism, and counters her self-sacrificial tendencies with a desire for self-preservation. He's the Pragmatist to her Idealist.

What major arcana tarot card best represents your character?

The Empress. Anwen has always had a special connection to nature, what with being able to see and interact with the spirits inhabiting it. She's feels strongly about protecting her world, and finding a way to save it before it's too late. She's quite open to options how to do it, as long as they aren't especially harmful.

Maer is much closer to the meaning of Empress reversed; the destructive and punitive aspect of nature who doesn't give a whit about humans or any other of its inhabitants.

But in the end, they're two sides of the same coin, after all.

Do you know when to give up?


"I had given up so long ago…but then came along this slip of a girl. Now, I dare dream once again. Sometimes, it terrifies me. But, oh, how sweet it is, and how freeing…"
Apologies for the delay. Wanted to get this out as soon as I got back from my camping trip, but I was far too tired after a couple of days with almost no sleep, and then as soon as I'd managed to somewhat recover from that, I realise I've come down with a cold! Anyway, I figured I wouldn't delay this any longer, but my brain's still pretty foggy so if my writing is incoherent just hit me up and I'll fix it up when I can.

Alice doesn't respond right away, silently fidgeting as she tries to figure out how to answer the question – what she's comfortable with letting into the open. After a long silence, she finally manages to work herself up to the point of speaking.

"Probably sometime back when I was a kid, back before I was involved in all this magical girl stuff… you know, back when I was little I used to dream of becoming a magical girl – becoming a defender of the people, fighting crime, and getting to hang out with my idols – it seemed like the perfect life. And then that dream came true. No longer was I just Alice, a nobody with no special place in the world or grand destiny, I was Pharma, a magical girl, someone with the power to truly make a difference. Except dreams never do play out in reality as they do in your head. My magic never ended up being used to save lives, but it sure did ruin a lot of them. I…"

Alice cuts herself off, berating herself internally. Once she'd gotten started, she'd ended up saying a lot more than she'd ever intended to and saying anything more would help no one, herself least of all. It occurs to Alice that she never really answered the question, at least not fully, but she doesn't attempt to rectify this, instead just sullenly staring at the wall.
Alice could think of plenty of responsibilities she hated. When she'd been working as a magical girl, she'd hated developing things for R&D she knew would be used to hurt people. After she ran, she'd hated constantly having to look over her shoulder and never being able to see her friends or family.

"I don't like being around gangs, I don't like moving to new cities, and I wouldn't ever want to be employed as an enforcer."

Whatever she thought inside the relative safety of her own mind, Alice was far too paranoid to speak aloud anything that might connect her to her past or more suspect activities, even if these people apparently already knew exactly who she was. Besides, strictly speaking, what she'd said wasn't incorrect either, just not what she'd originally thought.
"There are plenty of things I would change if I could; drugs, violence, sickness, poverty, war, but I don't really think that changing the community could fix any of those things in the long run…"

Alice looks like she has more to say on the matter, but after a moment she instead deflates, shrinking into herself without speaking any further.
For the first time since the questioning began, Alice doesn't seem uncomfortable with the question asked of her, managing to answer without her usual delay to think things through and even managing to make eye contact for more than a fraction of a second before breaking it.

"There are plenty of things everyone does better than me, most things actually. I'm not good with people for starters, I sometimes struggle with things other people find easy, and more often than not I seem to be the only one that doesn't know what's going on. That isn't to say there's nothing I'm good at, there are a few things I'm okay at, but even then, there are always plenty of people who can do so even better. Maybe I'm the best in my home world when it comes to designing drugs, but that's my magic doing most of the work, so it doesn't really count and, in any case, since there are apparently a whole bunch of worlds out there, I really doubt I'm actually the best at that."
Were they talking in terms of objects with sentimental value? Alice didn't really have anything that fit that description, at least not that she was still in possession of to grab in the first place. If they meant more generally, then Alice could say her EID, but her use of that device was suspect, to say the least, so she wouldn't be bringing it up.

"Money I guess, since it's the hardest to get of the things I need to survive. But I usually keep all of my stuff well packed and ready to go in case I need it so grabbing it all really shouldn't be a problem in this scenario."

Alice didn't particularly like answering questions in ways she knew they probably weren't intended, but it wasn't like she had a better answer to give, so this was probably for the best.
"I don't have any siblings, no. Maybe it made me more introverted or something? I don't know what it's like to have siblings so I can't really say how not having them has affected me… sorry."
Alice has never been one for accessorising, not particularly liking to stand out even before blending in had become a necessity for her. As for her mother, well Alice knew better than to speak about her – given Alice's position and circumstances, it'd be better for both of them that way.

"I don't really wear jewellery and I'm not really familiar enough with my mother's to talk about it."
"Sorry, I don't really understand the question. Do you mean like Earth, or is there another kind of designation I'm unfamiliar with?"
"I've only ever been to my home world – and here, I guess – so it's kinda hard to say comparatively speaking… It's probably, okay? We have medicine and food and stuff, so if you can find a way to make enough money then it's probably better than a world without those things, but at the same time we haven't really solved poverty, terrorism, substance abuse, trafficking, human experimentation, and whatnot, so it could be a lot better… I don't think most people are happy."
Alice's already somewhat oddly coloured eyes light up with the tell-tale glow of AR as she pulls up her notes into her field of view, reminding herself of what the different auric colours were supposed to mean.

"Like I said, I'm not really familiar with any world except my own so it's hard to compare… Blue and indigo maybe? I'm not really sure sorry… If anything, brown fits better than anything else, but you said not that."
Being paranoid, introverted, and habitually wary of others, Alice is typically rather reserved within group settings; that said, in cases where she can be engaged in group task or conversation – whether that be through familiarity, obligation, or appealing to her curiosity – Alice's naturally analytical and process-oriented mind generally causes her to gravitate towards a management role, even though she has little desire to lead or be led.
The Moon.
"I'm not sure… How am I meant to know if I don't know something like that? I've given up on things before, but I also think there are things you probably shouldn't give up on… Actually, just weighing up the costs and benefits of giving up is already pretty subjective, so I'm not sure there is even a set point where you should or shouldn't give up?"
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