Mafia 2.0: Day Thread Game #7

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

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Overall Policies

Do not discuss the game with other players outside of the in-game PMs and day phase thread, at all. You are free to discuss it with people who are not playing.
Do not edit or delete posts. No, not even to correct typos or to remove double posts. While I know that this is frustrating, it is too easy to cheat otherwise. If the current "hall monitor" (@Shizuochan) or I catch you editing or deleting posts, we will revert your edit or undelete your post.
Do not talk in night chats during the day phase, and vice versa. This should be fairly self-explanatory.


Inactive means no activity in the day thread or responding to night action reminders.
If you are inactive for 1 full cycle, you will receive a warning.
If you are inactive for 2 full cycles, you will be roleblocked.
If you are inactive for 3 full cycles, you will be killed. I will state at the beginning of the discussion phase that you were removed for inactivity. If you have a power role and there are any vanilla team members alive and active, one of them will randomly receive your role.

The game will start with me using a RNG to assign roles to players. I will then PM each player to let them know what their role is and ask them for their first night action if they have one. Once you receive this PM, the game has officially begun.

The game consists of three phases: the night phase, the discussion phase, and the voting phase. The discussion and voting phase are referred to collectively as the day phase. The night phase will take place solely in PMs, while the discussion and voting phases will take place on a public thread. Each phase will be 72 hours long, starting and ending at 5:00 PM MDT. A maximum of two single-day extensions each may be requested for the discussion and voting phases. The discussion phase will also end early if requested. I may also extend or end the day phase if I believe discussion is still active or has ended, respectively. You are still allowed to discuss during the voting phase.

At the start of the night phase, I will PM each person with a night role asking how/if they would like to use their night action. Once the night phase ends, the night actions will resolve and I'll enact any results. For example if person X is killed, then at the end of the night I will inform X that they have been killed, and add/remove them from any PM chats as necessary. Most PMs are between the player and myself only, however some players have the ability to communicate with others at night: if this is the case, it will be stated in their role description.

Next comes the discussion phase. Every discussion phase will begin with me announcing who (if anyone) died the previous night, that it is now the discussion phase, and when the discussion phase will end. In the discussion phase everyone is able to talk about who they think is what role, who they want to lynch, and whatever else may be relevant to the game. I may jump in with rule clarifications if I believe someone is confused about the rules. At the end of the discussion phase, I will announce that the discussion phase is over and that it is now the voting phase, along with when the voting phase will end.

In the voting phase everyone may vote on who they want to lynch. In order to vote you must publicly announce in the day phase thread that you are voting to lynch X player. People are allowed to cancel or change their vote, but keep in mind that you are not allowed to edit or delete posts. If someone is voted on by the majority of players (majority = (Total Living Players/2)+1, rounded down when total players is odd) before the end of the voting phase, then that player will be lynched. I will post announcing that X player has been lynched, state their faction (town, mafia, or neutral), and add or remove people from PMs as necessary. If nobody receives a majority of the vote before the end of the voting phase, I will announce that nobody has been lynched. When either somebody has been lynched or the voting phase ends, I will announce that the voting phase has ended and the night phase has begun. I will also state when the night phase will end.

Any questions people have during the game can be asked in this thread, in the day phase thread if it is currently the day phase, or via PM. I would prefer that you ask any role-related questions via PM to prevent cheating, though this is not strictly necessary.

The game ends once either all the town or all the mafia are dead. Once this happens, the game will end and I will announce the results in the discussion and voting phase thread. The results consist of who won and a complete role list. After the game is over, the discussion and voting phase thread will be archived, and players may discuss their thoughts on the game in this main thread. We will generally start planning the next game and pick the next GM and "hall monitor" at this time.

Mayor: The mayor may reveal themselves anytime during the day phase. After they are revealed, their vote counts as 3 votes.
Detective: The detective may visit one person every night. They learn the faction--town, mafia, or neutral--of the person they visit.
Doctor: The doctor may protect one person from being killed every night. They have two self-heals.
Medium: The medium can communicate with the dead. They will be part of the dead chat. While they can always see the dead chat, they are only allowed to talk to the dead at night. After they die, they will be able to send one message. They may choose who to send this message to at any time. The message will be sent at night.
Lookout: The lookout may visit one person each night. They will see who visits that person. The Lookout has a night chat with the Tracker.
Tracker: The tracker may visit one person each night and see who that person visits. The Tracker has a night chat with the Lookout.
3 normal townies

Mafia and Neutral
2 Mafiosos: The mafia vote on who to kill each night. They may decide who visits the target. If they do not choose, one of them will be randomly picked.
Consort: Mafia-aligned. The consort may visit one person each night. The person they visit can not use their night ability and will be told that they were blocked. If there are no other mafia alive, the Consort becomes a Mafioso.
Executioner: Neutral. The executioner gets a randomized town-aligned target at the beginning of the game. Their goal is to make sure that person is lynched. If their target dies at night, they become a Jester. The Jester's goal is to be lynched. Both the Jester and the Executioner are immune to night kills.
Survivor: Neutral. The survivor's goal is to survive throughout the game. They get three self-heals that they can use at night.
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Plz...! Idontwannadie! ;_;
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Anguissette
You raise some good points.

Considering it now, I think I'm leaning towards investigating neo. I don't see any actual evidence (or anyone claiming they have any) but it would be good if we could mark another person on the side of the angels.

Lookout and/or tracker on neo tonight please?
Yes, please watch me. If we can have some evidence that I'm not mafia from our trackers, that'd be great.
Alternative if we're not sure which roles we've lost is to focus doctor and lookout on Elle, to make sure that if she dies we at least learn from it.

Pen, is your counterpart still alive?
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'' to make sure that if she dies we at least learn from it.''

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Sorry for being a bit incommunicado. Was staying in a caravan and the cell data was worse than expected so getting onto the internet was a struggle.

For my two cents, I'm a fan of investigating Elle and watching Neo. I find it odd to give out a roleclaim and (vague) accusation quite this early, but then again maybe that's a little more standard around here compared to my previous haunts.
Still, until she can provide a lot more backup info I'm very skeptical of it all.
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For the record XD I just wanna clarify I'm not actually allowed to show screencaps of convos *LOL* otherwise this would be so much less awkward.
Ok. The dead may speak as much as they want. Such is my experience as previously dead. And, the medium may look at said chat all they want too. Elle, has Kim said anything or Dipper clarified?

Pen, is your counterpart still alive?
Oh, heh. Nah, that part about me being lookout? Sorry bout that, but that was indeed a lie.

That said, with just two dead so far, and Dipper acting like he is, it's highly likely at least one of the two are still alive. I can do the math, if you want.
And why would a townie lie?

You don't necessarily have to explain your full reasoning, but I'm trying to understand why a town (non neutral, non mafia) would[/I lie about their identity at this stage.
@neobendium it's clear you have a power role/one with a night action. You might as well claim.
@neobendium it's clear you have a power role/one with a night action. You might as well claim.
No it's not. As Joan said, in her game she informed people that they were roleblocked regardless of whether they had a night power or not. Unless Starlighter chooses to reveal exactly how she's going about notifying people there is no proof of anything .

As for Elle, either she's had a raw deal from Dipper or she's lying, and I'm leaning towards the latter for a couple of reasons.

1. Why did she not say what Dipper's lead was when she first claimed medium? It seems a bit odd for a townie to go "I have useful information" and then not say anything unless asked.

2. The vagueness of the information honestly makes it seem like Elle picked the first replier to accuse.

I don't think this would be a mafia play, but I do kinda smell jester all over this.
And why would a townie lie?

You don't necessarily have to explain your full reasoning, but I'm trying to understand why a town (non neutral, non mafia) would[/I lie about their identity at this stage.

Easy. My reason is that there was none. My false roleclaim was, if anything goal-driven, some amount of reverse psychology stunt to get the maf off my back, where they seem to like it, given recent games. I do suppose some of my "reason" for doing it was wanting for something to happen. The game was going slowly at that point, but the reason for that was obvious. Even still, I decided this game needed some movement, and yet, here it is to get back at me.

For the record, it wasn't exactly "at this stage" I roleclaimed. This was some time ago, when the pacing and discussion was, as I mentioned, much slower.
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Ah, ok, Kimberlyn has a 2/11, or 18.2 % chance of being either lookout or tracker. This of course excluding Dipper, because why would he claim detective if town at all? Even then, at least one of them is still alive.
No it's not. As Joan said, in her game she informed people that they were roleblocked regardless of whether they had a night power or not. Unless Starlighter chooses to reveal exactly how she's going about notifying people there is no proof of anything .

As for Elle, either she's had a raw deal from Dipper or she's lying, and I'm leaning towards the latter for a couple of reasons.

1. Why did she not say what Dipper's lead was when she first claimed medium? It seems a bit odd for a townie to go "I have useful information" and then not say anything unless asked.

2. The vagueness of the information honestly makes it seem like Elle picked the first replier to accuse.

I don't think this would be a mafia play, but I do kinda smell jester all over this.

That was actually cause I wasn't sure how much info I could give and was trying to find some clarification.

Honestly, y'all... If I could screencap I would but I'm not allowed. Dipper just hasn't given me a lot to work with. Pretty sure I can only use the dead chat at night??

I also don't think Neo is suspicious at all. Tbh the only one coming across like Jester to me is Pen... I dunno why you'd lie about a role claim and then admit you lied unless your target was killed and you now needed a good lynching to win. I will say I was executioner last round and I'd definitely pick a better lie than random vagueness from Dipper the Cryptic lol.
And Neo being the first to reply and who Dipper suggested was just a freakish coindicence in timing XD
Sorry for double posting... Just saw Pen's question - no one's said anything more in the dead chat.

Last post was my own, Monday at 7:13PM and I said 'Nice. Will definitely do!'

To what Dipper said about watching Neo (mind this was before knowing I could ask more than one question in dead chat)
@neobendium it's clear you have a power role/one with a night action. You might as well claim.
I don't really want to say anything at this point, just because claiming leads to mafiosos knowing who people are and that makes it easier for them to commit their heinous crimes- if we keep them in the dark as long as possible, I think it'd be better for us.

Also...I'm still a little suspicious about Elle, but I'm more inclineed to trust her than I am Pen. Pen just seems to be goofing off and being confusing at this point, so either this is another version of the A.O.Taku maf play, or she's the jester either Dipper or Kimberlyn were her targets. I have no idea....everything's so confusing TT_TT

Oh, yeah, I have a quick question for star, or anyone who hasn't more experience than I do: what happens if the Exec or Jester gets their goal? Is it like a "sidequest" type thing that doesn't much effect the ending outcome, or does the game just end with neither town or mafia successful?
I don't really want to say anything at this point, just because claiming leads to mafiosos knowing who people are and that makes it easier for them to commit their heinous crimes- if we keep them in the dark as long as possible, I think it'd be better for us.

Also...I'm still a little suspicious about Elle, but I'm more inclineed to trust her than I am Pen. Pen just seems to be goofing off and being confusing at this point, so either this is another version of the A.O.Taku maf play, or she's the jester either Dipper or Kimberlyn were her targets. I have no idea....everything's so confusing TT_TT

Oh, yeah, I have a quick question for star, or anyone who hasn't more experience than I do: what happens if the Exec or Jester gets their goal? Is it like a "sidequest" type thing that doesn't much effect the ending outcome, or does the game just end with neither town or mafia successful?
It's usually a sidequest thing - as long as they complete their goal they win regardless of a town or mafia win.
No it's not. As Joan said, in her game she informed people that they were roleblocked regardless of whether they had a night power or not. Unless Starlighter chooses to reveal exactly how she's going about notifying people there is no proof of anything .
If someone is roleblocked, I would notify them even if they did not have a night action.
Pretty sure I can only use the dead chat at night??
As a general clarification, all PM chats should be used only at night, or to ask questions that might indicate your role. I would prefer that the latter be done in a separate PM, but it's not strictly required.

Oh, yeah, I have a quick question for star, or anyone who hasn't more experience than I do: what happens if the Exec or Jester gets their goal? Is it like a "sidequest" type thing that doesn't much effect the ending outcome, or does the game just end with neither town or mafia successful?
What RJ said is spot on - they win so long as they complete their own objective, and the game will carry on for the town and mafia.
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Also...I'm still a little suspicious about Elle, but I'm more inclineed to trust her than I am Pen. Pen just seems to be goofing off and being confusing at this point, so either this is another version of the A.O.Taku maf play, or she's the jester either Dipper or Kimberlyn were her targets.
I see. I'm sorry my lack of seriousness has caused confusion, I'll keep it to a minimum.

If I were to describe my play until recently, it'd probably end up somewhere around A.O.Taku's play, I'll agree to that, but without a maf alignment. I see the absolutely ridiculousness of the strategy now, and I hope you all can forgive me for my reckless play. Is there any way I may regain your trust?
@Elle Joyner

The time has come for the town to assemble and cast their votes! To vote for a player to be lynched, @mention me and clearly indicate which player you are voting for; you may also publicly abstain in the same manner. Currently, 7 votes are required to lynch. The voting phase shall end on Tuesday, April 10th, at 5:00pm MDT or when enough votes have been collected to lynch.

Yes I know this is 20 minutes early, but y'all seem ready for it, so.
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