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Hello everyone! My name is Mae and I'm new to this corner of the internet, and desperate for a couple stories. I'm still accustoming myself to the website, but I came here to RP, so I suppose there's no point in delaying, huh? Let's get to it!

~ About Me ~
As stated above, my name is Mae and I'm new to the site but not new to RP. I was taught to RP when I was twelve and continued to do so until I was fourteen. Unfortunately, high school caused me to abandon the craft for a couple of years, save one or two private roleplays with school friends. I have, however, recently rediscovered the stress relief that writing can be and as a high school senior... Yeah, I need that.

I'm seventeen years of age and live in the EST time zone. My time is limited to a couple short windows per weekday, as I am an AP student, a scholarship applicant, and assistant for our school's musical production. That being said, I will attempt to post multiple times a week, or at least once. My posts vary in length with my partners, but my average capabilities tend to be from two to five paragraphs depending on the point in the plotline and what I have to work with. (I can do six or seven in certain situations, though, and some of my introduction posts are pretty lengthy.)

I would love a partner who is willing to talk OOC, both in terms of planning the story further and in terms of just chatting. Part of my reason for joining this community is that I wanted some more writing friends. I'm a bit socially awkward, but I love to talk and I adore almost everyone, so no need to be shy. :)

~ My Habits and Preferences, Revisited ~
1) I will attempt to post a couple times a week, but there are periods where I might not be able to post as frequently. I'm a high school senior who is currently engaged in scholarship submissions, college preparations, and assisting with my school's musical production. RP is my stress relief, but it's unlikely that it can be an everyday thing. That being said, please try to post at least once a week.

2) I usually post anywhere from two to five paragraphs depending on how much is happening in the story. I try to match my partner's posts, but I really can't go any higher than six or maybe seven on a regular basis. That being said, if you're a fan of one-liners, I'm probably not a good partner for you.

3) I'll let you know if I'm planning to be gone for a decent length of time. Afford me the same courtesy, please. I really won't hate you for it.

4) No sexual content. I'm sorry, I'm not comfortable with it. On this note, let me know if you have anything you'd like to avoid, whether it's a major trigger or a small squick.

5) I'm under the EST time zone, in case you're someone who prefers a certain amount of overlap.

6) Reminder that
I am seventeen. (I will be eighteen in about two months, however.) I have RPed with people older than me in the past, and I'm okay with it, but I understand that some adults prefer to avoid RPing with minors. Also, I'm open to RPing with anyone younger. Age is not an indication of ability. :)

7) We will use a simple CS. In 1x1s, I prefer learning about the other character as we go rather than an info dump at the beginning.

~ Plotlines ~

Two Black Cadillacs
Realistic | FxF | Wife x Mistress*
Based on the song Two Black Cadillacs by Carrie Underwood.

[Wife] knows that she and her husband aren't spending enough time together, but she can't fault him for it. He is, after all, on the rise in his company and he more than provides for her. She lives not just in comfort, but in luxury. So, really, she doesn't have the right to complain. It's not like he's cheating on her or anything. Right? Right!?


While her husband is away, [Wife] decides to forward a text to his work phone for him. Only... That text is from a woman who is strangely familiar with her husband. Angry and afraid, she dials the number, only to find that her husband's [Mistress] of eight months is just as clueless as she is. [Wife]'s anger is reassigned to her husband, and the women agree to keep quiet about their newfound knowledge and meet up to figure out just what the hell has been going on.

They decide to pursue revenge worthy of a country song behind the man's back.

Neither expects that their man's affair will lead to an affair of their own.

The Interlude
Realistic | MxF or MxM | Actor* x Student
[Actor] grew up acting for television and film, just like his late father. Even though it was more for his mother than anything at first, he quickly grew to love the craft, finding a certain solace in it that he couldn't find in his relationship with his perpetually-grieving mother. He thrived on the experience of putting on a new face, becoming a new person. Life was great, and he was living.

Then tragedy struck.

After watching the accidental death of his friend and colleague on the set of their latest film, [Actor]'s life is thrown upside down. Suddenly, acting is nothing but pain, and he disappears from the public for nearly two years - not long enough to be forgotten, but long enough for rumors to circulate. Despite attempting all forms of therapy available to him, he cannot regain his sense of solace.

It's his agent that offers him a solution.

At age twenty, [Actor] finds himself attending a small-town university and living with his agent and his agent's wife as he tries to find himself again and recover from his loss. He can't fathom how any of this could help, not when far too many people recognize him on his very first day. But he keeps his head down and does his work, quietly sitting in the back of his classes and not paying any mind to the stares.

[Student] watches him from afar with his/her friends, not quite sure what to make of the meek, withdrawn young man. Clearly, he's hurting, but he/she isn't sure what they can do about it. So [Student] simply watches, until one day, a professor approaches him/her, advising them that [Actor] needs a tutor and that he/she is considered the best option. [Student] is wary, but cannot deny [Actor] the help that he/she knows that he/she can give him and agrees.

A story of friendship, love, and healing amidst pain and preconceived notions rocks the campus.

How to Retrain a Demon (or, What Have I Done?)
Fantasy | FxF or MxF | Angel x Valentina*
Heaven is grasping at the straws to manage the increasing demon influx on Earth, as well as the increasing capabilities of those demons and monsters that keep cropping up across the whole damn world. The archangels are started to get frustrated, having been told not to intervene and to leave it to the lesser angels. But, dammit, the lesser angels can't handle it!

One resident of the Golden City comes up with a rather... unorthodox solution to their problem. [Angel] proposes that to understand demons and the monsters they let lose, one must employ a demon. And he/she has a good idea who they want that demon to be.

Amidst raised eyebrows and ridicule, [Angel] obtains permission from the archangels to bring the one known as the Devil's Daughter to the Golden City, with the condition that [Angel] must be the one to reform her, and that if things go badly, it's on his/her head. And so Valentina is brought to the Golden City. [Angel] is determined to succeed, but his/her efforts can't account for certain factors, namely Valentina's resistance and the ridicule of the other angels. And he/she is kind of thinking that he/she hasn't quite thought this through.

Because how the hell do you reform a demon?

Upon Solar Winds
Sci-Fi | MxF or MxM | Human* x Alien

A ways into the future, humans establish interplanetary space travel and venture out to establish new colonies for the sake of exploration and expansion. The USS New Horizons is not the first colonizing expeditions; indeed, at this point, the colonization process has been formalized and is generally swift. No one expects anything to go wrong, simply because nothing has gone wrong before.

Naturally, mankind is made to pay for their naivety.

A ship-wide malfunction in dead space causes the passengers of the New Horizons to run for the escape shuttles. As per protocol, passengers are to use communications to reconvene on the nearest established base or colony where they will be hosted until further notice. All goes as planned for the majority of shuttles, but as per Murphy's Law, one of the shuttles decides to malfunction, resulting in a rough landing on an unknown planet. All passengers of the shuttle but one die of the resulting injury.

[Human] is the sole survivor, and he is by no means in good shape.

Having come to space for adventure and new experiences, the irony of his situation is not lost on him as he lies in the wreckage, immobilized in the burning sunlight of the planet. Just before he loses consciousness, a shadowy figure blocks the sun. He does not have the facilities to understand what this means.

[Alien], who is from a respected and honored family, finds [Human] in the wreckage of the shuttle, clearly on the verge of dying. Being part of a species that is in contact with two other alien species, [Alien] instantly recognizes that the creature before him/her is a sentient being despite their differences and calls for help. [Alien] feels obligated to stay at the young man's side throughout his recovery, easing him into the truth that extraterrestrial life exists and that he must build a new life for himself on this new planet. (The space travel that [Alien] is accustomed to is short-range, as the other two species live within the same solar system as his/her own people.) When [Human] is well, [Alien] takes him into his/her own home, intending to help the man build a life for himself and deal with the pain of losing all that he has known.

Gradually, a rapport grows between them, even as [Human] struggles to assimilate to his new truths.

Song of the Sea
Fantasy | FxF or MxF| Pirate x Princess*
The kingdom of Eridan has a model royal family. The king is regal and demands respect. The queen is beautiful, poised, and wise. The crown prince is athletic and charming and completely capable of running his father's kingdom. And the princess is... The citizens don't like to talk about the princess much, unless it's to imply that maybe - just maybe - she's not actually the progeny of the king and queen. After all, how could such admirable individuals produce such a strange girl?

Despite growing up in such a setting, [Princess] is disenchanted with the life of royalty. She clashes with her mother and father, who have certain expectations and ideals that they want her to live up to, expectations and ideals that defy her very sense of self. As she ages, she grows increasingly frustrated with her parents, who are inclined to hide her away as though embarrassed by her. [Princess] tolerates the judgement in hopes that one day they'll accept her as she is.

Suddenly it becomes apparent that they won't.

When [Princess] learns of the plot to send her away where she won't scar the family image, she decides that she's had enough and won't allow herself to be beaten down any more. So she packs up her things and leaves in the night, heading down to the harbor. Before the next day passes, [Princess] has been accepted onto a ship under an alias, the only place beyond the king's reach.

[Pirate] is one of the high-ranking members of the ship. He/she has been aboard for years, and is thus entrusted with training this spitfire of a young woman. [Princess] experiences freedom and acceptance for the first time, even as she grows to learn more about herself, her family, and her kingdom.

([Princess] may or may not have some sort of powers. Haven't decided yet.)
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