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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
  3. 1-3 posts per week
Online Availability
Usually the morning
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Transgender
  5. Futanari
  6. Primarily Prefer Male
Fantasy, SciFi, Modern, Magical, Horror, Dark Comedy, Yaoi, Furry, Gothic, Robotics, Action, Adventure, Mystery, Crime, Faction, Romance, Yaoi/Yuri etc. Fandom - OC x OC, Canon Character x Canon Character, Canon Character x Crossover Canon Character
If an RP is crossed out it means I'm currently playing that with someone else. HOWEVER if they don't reply to me for a while I'll open it back up for someone else.

Hello everyone! I've been on IwakuRoleplay for a little over a year (RPing a lot longer than that) and I'm looking for some more RP partners. I have a few criteria, but I'm usually willing to go with any ideas people throw at me. There are a few things I can't/won't write.
  1. I can't play a romance with M/F. Not because I dislike it (I love reading them) but I've found that I get bored quicker, and I'm not very good at it. Apologies.
  2. I won't play romances with any characters below the age of 17. This means no high school RPs if the characters are in the lower grades.
  3. I only RP on threads. Private message RPs make me uncomfortable (I'm fine hashing everything out through PMs or keeping in touch through them.) this is mostly due to bad experiences with PM RPs in the past.
  4. The only problem I have with sex scenes is Urine or bodily function fetishes-ew-
Speaking of romance…

I like to concentrate on the plot rather than the romance or sex in these stories. That doesn't mean I'm adverse to sex scenes at all. In fact I quite like having the ability to write scenes that are darker in nature, or have backgrounds that I can expand upon easier. That is the whole point of Libertine after all.

I play switch. That means no top or bottom roles. Both characters will play both. One of them might be top more often, or bottom more often, but I enjoy writing characters that don't have a set stereotype.

No naïve and shy characters (when it comes to sex). They can be one or the other or even be frightened of sex, but I can't carry out a sex scene with a character that basically just lays there while my character does all the work.

Criteria for RP partner.
  1. Please be willing to hash out ideas with me and to input your own. All of the ideas below can be changed so we're both happy.
  2. Please don't make me carry the whole story by myself. I'm both aggressive and passive depending on what is going on in the story, but I want to know you're invested as well.
  3. Let me know if you're getting bored, or have a great idea of where to go with the story, or if you are uncomfortable with anything. I want to know trust me! Most of my ideas are just basic plots seriously.
  4. I like to be in touch throughout the RP (we can use PMs).
  5. I try to reply once a day, and will let you know if I am too busy to do that by PM or on my profile.

Alright let's get away from that heavy stuff. Anything else I'm fine with. (This means dark, comedy, blood gore etc.) Here's some ideas I've been playing with. They are broken up into genres and sub-genres (Furry section is broken up into genres as well)

*= I have a character created already (It's a basic character outline. History etc. hasn't been created yet. Will wait for your character and your input first)

Crossed out title= this means I am RPing already with someone for this story.



Dark Comedy (Definition 1. A comedy having gloomy or disturbing elements, especially one in which a character suffers an irreparable loss. 2. A comedy characterized by morbid or grimly satiric humor. Examples: Discworld Novels, Deadpool, M*A*S*H )

Ghosts – Several hundred years ago a king sacrificed his people in order to get the power of the underworld. Unfortunately there was a side effect to the spell, he was able to get amazing powers, but he ended up sacrificing his life as well. Trapped in the underworld as a spirit the king was certain he'd never return to the world above. Until he was summoned by a foolish wizard. He was easily able to over power and kill the wizard, unfortunately he was caught within the powers of the wizard's friend. Now he has to deal with the fact that he can't use his otherworldly abilities at all unless this mortal okays it. This is seriously just a small outline. I'd like to play the king, but I don't have a character made for him. We can hash out details or changes to this. It can also be modern or medieval.


*Experiments – A crime organization has upped the stakes of a territorial war when they begin human experiments on volunteers (and not so much volunteers). Soon they have become the foremost Crime syndicate in the city. Though some other groups have tried to replicate their experiments they have been unsuccessful. The law enforcement however, has been a little bit more successful. Creating a team of super powered humans in an effort to combat the syndicate, but the syndicate wasn't as perfect in their experiments as they want their rivals to think. One of their early failures is still on the loose and he's just run into a member of the new law team. I have the failed experiment created already. We can work out the kinks, and powers. This can be a modern sci-fi or take place far in the future.

Name: Wahyu Wiebe
Gender: Male
Age: 28 years old
Species: Enhanced human
Appearance: Most of his body is covered in scars or tumors due to his healing ability (which copies past injuries everytime it works). Half his face is also covered in them. Causing him to cover it with a mask. Hi
Eyes: Graphite-grey
Hair: Ash-blonde short, only on a portion of his skull.
Height: 6' 0"
Body Build: Built like an acrobat, tonned muscles, but not over the top. His muscles tend to be in his upper arms and legs.
Personality: A smartass. Wahyu is sharp tongued, happy-go-lucky. Or at least he seems to be, and for the most part that's true. But he's also deeply vulnerable emotionally. He tends to think the worst about himself and the people around him. He does have some hope or sentient beings however, which causes him to at times do very kind things for others. His defense mechanism is to either physically or verbally attack the person causing him pain. He gets excited about things very easily, he also gets angry about little things. Wahyu would be considered a slut, but he doesn't get close emotionally to people he sleeps with. He's also very shy about showing his body to anyone and refuses to take off his clothes in front of people for any reason (even during sex). He's determined, and very loyal once he likes someone. He doesn't follow social convention or rules. He's considered rude and abrasive when most people first meet him.
Power: Incredibly enhanced healing, slight enhanced speed, and strength. Incredible acrobatic ability. (Might add more depending on what we decide to do.)
Likes: Spicy food, television, violence, cartoons, slapstick, romance, soap operas, he's a geek when it comes to comics and sci-fi. Martial arts, sword fighting.
Dislikes: Manipulative people, martyrs, god-wannabes, the new Star Wars trilogy (I, II, and III), child abusers, animal abusers.

*Soulmate Mark - Around the world people are either born with a mark on their skin, or they end up with one later, that will give a hint to who their Soulmate is. It'll burn on skin contact. Most people meet their Soulmates in normal circumstances, shaking hands, through friends, etc. But it doesn't always happen in such an easy way. The Commander of the city of Acrait's forces is in an ongoing battle with the underground Crime Lord known as Mister Phoenix. He's had plenty of strange encounters with the man's forces, but having an assassin appear in their building in the day time is a new kind of strange. Finding out that the assassin is his Soulmate after catching him is a whole new bag of trouble. I know, silly premise. But the idea hit me the other day and I decided to put it up here. I have a character for the Assassin already.

Name: Wahyu Wiebe
Gender: Male
Age: 28 years old
Job: Assassin for Mister Phoenix
Appearance: Most of his body is covered in scars or tumor. Half his face is also covered in them. Causing him to cover it with a mask.
Eyes: Graphite-grey
Hair: Ash-blonde short, only on a portion of his skull.
Height: 6' 0"
Body Build: Built like an acrobat, tonned muscles, but not over the top. His muscles tend to be in his upper arms and legs.
Personality: A smartass. Wahyu is sharp tongued, happy-go-lucky. Or at least he seems to be, and for the most part that's true. But he's also deeply vulnerable emotionally. He tends to think the worst about himself and the people around him. He does have some hope or sentient beings however, which causes him to at times do very kind things for others. His defense mechanism is to either physically or verbally attack the person causing him pain. He gets excited about things very easily, he also gets angry about little things. Wahyu flirts a lot, but it's never serious. He's also very shy about showing his body to anyone and refuses to take off his clothes in front of people for any reason (even during sex). He's determined, and very loyal once he likes someone, he can turn out to be like a puppy dog. He's clingy. He doesn't follow social convention or rules. He's considered rude and abrasive when most people first meet him. He's given up on finding his Soulmate, thinking they'd be better off without him.
Likes: Spicy food, television, violence, cartoons, slapstick, romance, soap operas, he's a geek when it comes to comics and sci-fi. Martial arts, sword fighting.
Dislikes: Manipulative people, martyrs, god-wannabes, the prequel Star Wars trilogy (I, II, and III), child abusers, animal abusers.
History: Ran away from home at 18, was going to join the police force, but ended up running into some trouble. He desperately wants to find his Soulmate, and at the same time wishes it would never happen. Because of this he ends up wrapping most of his body in clothing. He ended up homeless, running errands for random people. A few years ago he became an assassin for the crime boss of the city in an attempt to get more money. Unfortunately most of his missions have gone haywire.


*Rivals – In a school created to teach fighting (Either for the army or a group of mercenaries) the students are taught both magic abilities, guns, and swords. Many have an affinity for one specific element and one weapon. But there are dark secrets both inside its walls and outside in the real world. For two of the students, who have been rivals for their entire school career, they'll have to put at least some of their differences aside in order to figure out what went wrong with the graduation test and what it has to do with the rest of the world. I only have a vague idea of what this should be like. I have the character already created. He's a bit of a bully and would be considered a top student if he cared enough about it. I'm thinking his rival would probably be an outcast as well that could be a top student as well if not for something (either he doesn't care or has a problem with one subject).

Name: Serafeim
Nickname: Sef
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Appearance: Bigger build, with broader shoulders. His muscles are lean from sword fighting.
Hair: Golden blonde. Short slicked back or messy
Eyes: Chartreuse (green)
Height: 6' 2"
Element: Fire
Weapon: Bastard sword
Personality: He's a bully, but only to those equal to or older than himself. He tends to protect those whom he considers weak, or younger. He's good with kids, but bad with adults. He hates authority and tends to be blunt to the point of being rude. He doesn't really care about others feelings and will say point blank what he is saying. As a consequence he doesn't get along with very many people. His grades are low due to getting in trouble with the teachers. But he is someone who tends to see things for what they are. He isn't easily manipulated, but he can become obsessed if he has a problem or riddle in front of him. If he's interested in something he doesn't let go easily. Independent, he has quite a temper. Though getting him truly angry is difficult he always acts a bit grumpy and superior. He sees most people as idiots that he could care less about.
Likes: Sword fighting, fire, fighting, being out in the sun, the trumpet
Dislikes: Authority figures, those who pick on anyone weaker, manipulative people, idiots
Basic History: Sef was put in charge of the student run security force in the hope that he'd stop picking fights with older students. Instead Sef took the position seriously, though most people assume he took it to be able to bully people more. Often times the student run force is more likely to look into grievances then the main security force. He's well-liked by the students that are part of the force, but hated by the rest of the school. He has only one person he considers an equal, his sparring partner.

Fandom RPs
For fandoms I either do Canon Character x Canon Character (crossover or a part of the same fandom), or Original Character x Original Character never a mix of the two.

*Star Wars – I'd love to do something with OC Jedi, fallen Jedi sith etc. I have no plot in mind, but I think my character from the Experiment idea would work as well here with a bit of tweaking. Or I can create a completely new character! Also, I am adding that the timeline should either be during Star Wars: The Old Republic era, between episode III and IV or a very very long time after this newest trilogy.

Transformers – I'd like to do a Megatron x Optimus Prime and I'd like to play Optimus Prime. I'd do either G1 or Prime, Animated (only if we do a story about Optimus getting the Matrix of Leadership). But no Bay movie! Sorry fans of those >< We can even do a made up Transformers universe. No OCs.

Harry Potter – I'd like to play Severus Snape with a crossover of something else. Not sure what, but there you go. Crossovers: Marvel or DC comics (or movies), Discworld, Sandman, Anime/Manga(Ask if I know it, I can't list all the ones I know here). No OCs.


Criteria for Furry RPs
  1. No pet RPs. I just don't find the idea of one or the other character acting as a pet to the other interesting
  2. These will still be Switch And plot will still be the main thing rather than sex.
  3. Again, a character can be shy or naïve, but please not both.

*Smugglers – Humans have made it beyond their small planet and galaxy and are now a part of a large galactic community. Including in the aliens that they meet are anthropomorphic animals. The society that these animals have built is based on high class art, sculpture, diplomacy, and parties. Though once a species of savages the animals have grown and shown a planet of high culture and class. Of course not everyone fits the stereotype. And in the deepest reaches of the black market there is a smuggler vessel that has a crew member of this species. The anthropomorphic animals tend to stick with their own genus of animal, this is because the combination of the genus sometimes has produced sick off spring, but a combination of family or above definitely does. Whether mentally or physically. I have a character created for this already. He is an anthropomorphic fox. Your character can be another anthro or another species of alien.

NAME: Mitra Ravinder Glaisyer

NICKNAME(S): Kit, Ravi, Glad Slayer

AGE: 22

RACE: Anthropomorph


APPEARANCE: Red Fox/Fennec Fox, he has a deaf right ear and burn marks on his right shoulder. His ears are bigger than anyone else in his family. This is due to the fact that his mother was a Fennec Fox and he inherited her ears and height. He reaches only about 5' 1" full grown His eyes are a dark gray bordering on black. He tends to wear scarves for warmth and either a baseball cap or something else that is comfortable for working



Images by liveAmmo DeviantArt link: http://liveammo.deviantart.com

PERSONALITY: Mitra enjoys being around people (as long as it's not a crowd). At first glance he seems incredibly friendly if a little abrupt. He's often rude, which caused by the fact that he has no ability to sensor his thoughts. He's bluntly honest about what he's thinking. He's entirely too stubborn for his own good. He'll dig his feet in and not let go of an idea even if it turns out it was wrong.

He tries to be optimistic. Most of the time this works out, he has endless curiosity and is always sticking his nose in things. But this also means he's willing to learn from others if he doesn't understand something.

He's in love with travelling, and tends to star gaze if he's thinking. He enjoys looking at maps and learning about other planets and areas. He has studied hard throughout the years to become an expert navigator.

He tends to sleep in if he doesn't have anything to do; he prefers a hammock or the higher areas of the ship. Mitra is in an incredibly bad mood if he's woken up from his sleep too early and he usually lashes out at the person responsible. He then proceeds to feel incredibly guilty, and it's one of the few times he's will to apologies.

His right ear will start twitching if he feels vulnerable, or weak. He dislikes it when people sneak up on him on his deaf side, and so favors that side a little more. He also feels uncomfortable in crowds, he starts to become snippy if he has to talk to more than a few people at a time.

He dislikes people who are hypocritical or who lie directly to him. Despite his stubborn streak and optimism he has a bit of self-esteem issue deep down. He always blames himself and will hide any guilt he feels deep inside his psyche; until he becomes incredibly depressed. Being around the other crew members the last ten years has helped this problem, but it's still there underneath all the cheerfulness.

HISTORY: Mitra is the result of a one night stand between a female Fennec Fox and a male Red Fox. It was thought that he wouldn't live past the birth, despite the Fennec Fox and Red Fox being in the same animal family and genus (Canidae, Vulpes) it is still a difficult pairing. But he was born with only one slight defect, he has turrets with his right ear which twitches when he is thinking deeply or nervous.

His mother had no wish to raise a child and abandoned him with his father's family. Her reasoning was that his father was far richer then her so he should be the one to raise Mitra. The family was incredibly upset by this irresponsible gesture; they probably would have treated Mitra at least a little better if he'd shown any sort of love art. Though he was excellent at sculpting he preferred to copy things he saw directly in reality instead of adding any creativity.

Instead he seemed to be far wilder then his cousins. Mitra loved to climb the trees around Yaedon, he collected as many maps as he could at a young age and started to study star charts instead of going to any of the balls or parties. He worked hard, not for a life of luxury, but because he enjoyed it. He felt far more alive when he was covered in dirt.

As a consequence, his father's family became more and more disgusted by him. He had only the loving relationship with his Father to help him develop social connections. He did try for a little while to become friends with his cousins, but when 'play time' ended with his right ear being slammed into a doorway by a large group of children he started to distrust others (he became deaf soon after). He was constantly told that everything that went wrong with the family was his fault. Eventually he would escape by sleeping in trees. The nickname 'Glad Slayer' was given to him after he ruined a ball by tracking quite a bit of mud and dirt into the main room.

It escalated to an unbearable point. The last act of cruelty was when his aunt locked him in a shed and set it on fire. His father was able to break in and throw him to safety, but died himself in the fire that gave Mitra his scars.

Upset he made his way to the space port and snuck on board one of the ships that was stationed there. At that point he was only ten. He hopped from ship to ship until he was forced to stow away on the a smuggler vessel in order to escape the pirate ship he had previously been on. He was caught after a few days and ended up in an argument with the Captain. Mitra insisted that he had done nothing wrong and that he could help the ship out so it really was a positive for them as well. He was made the cabin boy/deckhand for the voyage; at least until they could drop the kid off at another port.

Fortunately he got to know the crew extremely well on that trip. When he was supposed to leave the ship he refused , unable to leave the first people besides his father to be kind to him.

*War – A utopian society of furries is on the verge of civil war, but most don't realize it. On the outside the cities of the world have become pristine walled off areas. However, in deep seedy underbellies of the main capitol are those who have been left to fend for themselves and they are sick of it. This could be a prey vs predator type thing (like in zootopia, but darker). Or it could be something else, maybe those of mixed blood etc. This is the same character I made for Smugglers, but with slight differences. Or I can make a new character for this one. Up to you.

Dark Comedy (Definition 1. A comedy having gloomy or disturbing elements, especially one in which a character suffers an irreparable loss. 2. A comedy characterized by morbid or grimly satiric humor. Examples: Discworld Novels, Deadpool, M*A*S*H )

Wards – There is one space station that is central to the galactic community of furries. It is ruled by three species. Lions, Elk, and Wolves. Other species have their own standing in the community, but at the bottom of the barrel are foxes (considered sly, and untrustworthy), and the Boar (considered temperamental). The three leading species have set up a security force to take care of the large space station, but recently a string of murders have been happening around the station and there are whispers in the lower Wards about a new criminal element. It is causing quite a bit of fright from the middle class of citizens and fights between different species have broken out. Everyone needs a scape goat. Okay, this will be a Dark Comedy, and though I'd like to play a fox (what can I say they are my favorite) If someone else wanted to play one I'd be fine with that.

Knights – The world has been split up into five Kingdoms. The southwest and northwest are aligned, and the southeast and northeast are also aligned. The middle kingdom is neutral territory and considered a meeting ground for all sorts of people. In each of these kingdoms are Knights that control their specific area. They are like celebrities and often lead any battles that happen out in the field. I'm not sure where this is going, but it seems interesting. Characters can be knights from any kingdoms or the same kingdom (though if we do that I suggest the middle kingdom).

Dark Comedy (Definition 1. A comedy having gloomy or disturbing elements, especially one in which a character suffers an irreparable loss. 2. A comedy characterized by morbid or grimly satiric humor. Examples: Discworld Novels, Deadpool, M*A*S*H )

Magic – In the magical world of Errendell Bears and Lions are considered the physical guard against outside attacks and smaller thinner species are considered the magical driving force. Everyone wants to go to the Magical University on the hill, but only those that are privileged have every been able to. They are chosen by special spheres of magic that will then follow the wizard/witch/sorcerer etc. From then on, providing advice and back up. The Spheres have only ever chosen the upper class. But in an unprecedented bit of luck a Sphere has chosen a lower class farmer. Things are about to get interesting. That's all I've got for this one. We'll need to hash out the world a bit, and I wouldn't mind if It expanded (eventually) into something more world shattering.
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I am interested in the Furry Fantasy..
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Yay, perfect! Was that the Knights one or the Magic (dark comedy fantasy) one? Either way PM me so we can figure out the details!
Crossed some plot lines out, but still open.
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I am interested int he rivals one. I have a character who is basically a genius with a gun.
@gen101394 perfect! Pm me his profile an we will go over details.
I am interested in the Magic plot. Send me a PM so we can talk about the details? If you're still looking for roleplays.
Added another story idea
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