M.A/I.D: Her Majesty's Assault/Intelligence Division

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maid /mād/ noun, a female domestic servant.

There are many ways to serve someone and service never means the same thing to two people. Servitude is a fickle matter that is measured in different degrees. To some servitude means going to a nine to five. Others find a deeper emotional resonance with the word "servant." A mother might see herself as a servant to her children's whims - sacrificing parts of herself for their well-being; however, one can go a level deeper. Some will slay others in service to another.


These three words are the motto of Her Majesty's Assault/Intelligence Division (M.A/I.D). A bloodline of maids dating back to before Christ walked the Earth. Always loyal and always deadly. However, they have not always went by the acronym M.A/I.D and have a much darker origin. Regardless of their genesis, it is evident that they have drifted throughout the shadows of history always acting in service to several influential figures. Not once were they asked to question why they served, nor did they care to. Service was all they knew. Typically, new maid candidates would be plucked from desperate situations. Need money? Sell us your daughter. Orphan? Come with us. Homeless? It's okay, we have somewhere warm you can stay.

The triple-s motto of M.A/I.D defines the three facets of their day to day existence. Servitude the majority of a member of M.A/I.D's activities. Whatever influential figure the Shadow Queen deemed worthy of M.A/I.D is subject to having most of their daily needs attended to. These include: cooking, cleaning, shopping, security, and other miscellaneous chores. Additionally, if push comes to shove, a member of M.A/I.D is expected to sacrifice them-self for their masters continued existence. Yet, sacrifice can take many forms. A M.A/I.D is expected to sacrifice both body and mind. Whether it be jumping in front of a bullet or losing ones humanity - sacrifice is sacrifice. Finally, and what really makes a member of M.A/I.D separate from their non-acronymed counterpart is the act of slaying. Prior to being dubbed as M.A/I.D during the second world-war, members focused on more deceptive forms of slaughter. Poison, traps, daggers in the back, psychological warfare, and all manners of low-handed dirty methods. A new form of warfare and a changing world spurred M.A/I.D to adopt more active roles in combat. In-addition to the methods of old, now members of M.A/I.D are expected to be proficient marksmen and martial artists.

How might these combative-maids be used? Historically, they have been used to kill rivals of influential figures in underhanded and quiet methods. Now-days, depending on who they are in service to, they have become a mysterious force of active-enforcers. Local rebellions, drug operations, terrorists, opposing political parties, and even more have become subject to the wrath of M.A/I.D. Despite their effectiveness, M.A/I.D will not last without change.

Slowly and gently M.A/I.D has begun to fall apart. Competent, loyal, and capable candidates were becoming increasingly more challenging to find. Even with the authority of kings, queens, presidents, dictator, or tsar candidates were simply not what they use to be. The new world of this "Information-Age" values ones individuality over infallible service. How can you ask someone to give up their own aspirations and dreams? Simple, you don't give them a choice.

You have lived your entire life unaware of your origins. You were placed into a false home with a false family. You had a normal childhood. You are normal. But what was inside you altered everything. In an effort to preserve M.A/I.D, vat-grown girls were placed into families loyal to the Shadow-Queen. These girls were given normal childhoods, but they did not know that the learning institution they were sent to at the age of sixteen would be a one-way trip.

Maidsong Girls Academy

On your first day, you were injected with a "vaccine." From that day forward, despite your individuality, you would live and die as a maid. This injection contained an unknown chemical that generated a psychic bond between you and other vat-grown girls with this specific injection. A forced sisterhood and an infallible service. From that day on you learned everything from how to pour tea to how one can calculate the drop of a bullet over a prolonged distance. It all seemed so... natural? All of this strange education seemed right - as if you had done before. You are part of team-six who are nearing the end of their apprenticeship. A final test awaits, but something has gone terribly wrong. Those drugs come with a particular side-effect.

You begin to see something unseen lurking beneath the Earth's service.

Something dark...

Something terrible...

The Shadow Queen, with this knowledge, has initiated a new decree.

Our Service To Humanity

Team six are the most promising of the maid-candidates. Proficient in both service and combat. Rather than being assigned to one of the Earths many leaders, the Shadow Queen has decreed they become her personal maids in reaction to the unspeakable darkness brewing beneath the Earths surface. You are now on your way to meet with your new master to fulfill her decree: "Our service to humanity."

What is beneath the surface? What dark horror awaits? Why are we seeing these things? What is the origin of M.A/I.D?

You might have these questions. Maybe you will get answers. Never forget that service comes first.

What is this RP: You will roleplay being part of an organization that distributes teams of combat-trained maids to influential people. The reason for this is not known; however, it can be assumed their is an ulterior motive. You are part of a new generation of maids who were given a drug to promote sisterhood and servitude. This drug has a latter side-effect that causes those with it to begin to "detect" an unimaginable horror lurking beneath the Earth's surface.

What technological level is this: Current-day technological level with pieces of highly-advanced technology rarely present.

Is there a supernatural element: I intentionally left this vague. The unimaginable evil lurking beneath the Earth's surface may or may not be supernatural. It might not even exist.

Is this all female: Yes and no, all of the maids (who will be the core-cast) will be female. However, if someone wants to join as a male character and can provide a solid reason then go-ahead.

What activity level do you want: I would like to shoot for a post or more every week. Although, more posts the better.

What literacy level: Semi-lit, I would like to shoot for a solid paragraph every post. Please avoid one-liners.
Lore: ADDITIONAL INFO - WORLDBUILDING M.A/I.D: Her Majesty's Assault/Intelligence Division - The Archives
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This looks really interesting. I'd like to take part!

I'm looking to get more involved here aside from my one RP I've got so far since signing up a few days ago so I'd love to join this.
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This looks really interesting. I'd like to take part!

I'm looking to get more involved here aside from my one RP I've got so far since signing up a few days ago so I'd love to join this.

I am glad to have piqued the interest of Stukov himself. As of this moment, I am writing up the lore in complete. Feel free to forward any questions to me or character concepts.
I am glad to have piqued the interest of Stukov himself.

Yes, and we share a common goal; to make this Roleplay a reality. Nice to see someone who recognized my avatar :P I do have a few questions.

What's your stance on faceclaims / appearance images? Are you okay with anime or do you prefer real faces when submitting a character?
Any weapons that these M.A.I.D's use?
How powerful are they in terms of abilities? How far can we go in terms of power level?
I am glad to have piqued the interest of Stukov himself.

Yes, and we share a common goal; to make this Roleplay a reality. Nice to see someone who recognized my avatar :P I do have a few questions.

What's your stance on faceclaims / appearance images? Are you okay with anime or do you prefer real faces when submitting a character?
Any weapons that these M.A.I.D's use?
How powerful are they in terms of abilities? How far can we go in terms of power level?

I prefer anime face-claims for this roleplay due to the subject matter having a somewhat "anime" vibe. However, you will find that I tend to subvert anime tropes typically and flip them around.

As for the second portion of your question, these questions will be answered in the lore page in great detail; however, I will provide some light information here to better hone us in on the universe.

Weapons that M.A.I.D members utilize are varied and come in many shapes and forms. The weapons they keep on their person while preforming day to day weaponry are common items a maid might possess with duel use. For example, a feather duster which has fibers that can be activated to stiffen to fine points. This can be used as melee, or if your M.A.I.D studied "forbidden" martial arts, she can throw these sharp fibers as projectiles. Another example that is more "conventional" is a parasol that doubles as a gun with bullet resistant fabric.

I will detail the supernatural element of this universe within the lore which allows for some "enhancements" to a persons physicality. Members of M.A.I.D (this generation in particular) were vat grown to be genetically superior. Furthermore, in the lore it mentions that a vaccine was given to the girls when they entered Maidsong Academy that had an effect which generated a psychic bond between the girls. This allows for precise coordination in combat. Such as giving each-other perfect covering fire and executing tactical maneuvers in sync with no prior planning.

Essentially, what I am getting at is that members of M.A.I.D are still fallible humans who can just get shot and die; however, there genetic perfection, training, and psychic bonds puts them slightly above current era special forces. They cannot dodge bullets, but they can quickly discern the enemies angles of fire and quickly eliminate them in order of greatest threat to least threat. So, just think of them all being on the level of action movie stars such as "John Wick."
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So they're still killable but basically augmented to be stronger, faster and more intelligent than your average human? I see! I look forward to seeing the sheet so I can experiment with various things. I'm hyped!
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The lore page is posted, but will be updated with specific information on more-M.A/I.D focused things soon (such as ranks, divisions, skills, weapons, and authority structure)
Shameless bump....

Additionally, updated lore with current state of world affairs and profiles of four academy instructors. It will be important to be familiar with said instructors because the CS will ask which one was your "home-room" teacher, which will influence the skill-set of your character, but not make them exclusively bound by those skills.
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Lore page has been updated with rankings and "commands" that can be invoked. Some scary stuff inside.

By the way, to prospective members, lurkers, or whatever you may be - I do not bite, please join. :)
Alright, now that we have two people interested I will work on finishing up the lore to a level in-which you can make characters. The character sheets should be up by this evening or early tomorrow
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The lore-page has been updated with the Standard Issue Equipment of M.A/I.D - all items described are completely original so I advise taking a look. I have not made the optional equipment, but it will be more "standard" including bull-pup firearms, grenades, and so on. Therefore, my next task will be to make the CS page which will have some guidelines of its own and will specify what abilities you can give your M.A/I.D to make them distinct (Because I do not want people to feel limited to skills like 'good at hand to hand' or 'good at guns' ... so I am going to have a bit of a 'wild' set of options available.)
  • Sweet
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Good and "bad" news.

The character page is almost done, so I have posted it. It lacks two more parts (The "Options" list and Character Sheet itself). Do take a look...

On another note - I am looking for at-least two more players, but more are welcome.

Good and "bad" news.

The character page is almost done, so I have posted it. It lacks two more parts (The "Options" list and Character Sheet itself). Do take a look...

On another note - I am looking for at-least two more players, but more are welcome.

Looking forward to seeing the character sheet once you finish it, take your time. Glad to see some of the source material and ideas of how these M.A/I.D's work and their capabilities, makes it easier to figure things out.
Hey just want to say the amount of lore is amazing. I hope more people will express interest in this soon
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Hey just want to say the amount of lore is amazing. I hope more people will express interest in this soon
Thank you very much. I feel if we are patient and persistent we will get a nice group of people.
The CS page is complete. Please note: prior to the RP beginning I will assign someone to be squad-leader. I will not take this position to allow RP to not be simply railroaded.

And I have made an OOC to speak with one-another... I will also post updates here notifying when I make lore additions.

@Polarisia @Infested Terran
  • Nice Execution!
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