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Original poster


Hello~ I'm Lulunopia though you can call me Lulu or Lu if you would like. First off I'd like to say thank you for looking at this thread and I hope that after reading through this you would like to rp with me. Now onto a little about me. I turned 18 slightly recently and am so happy to finally be able to do stuff I couldn't do before. Like drive, although I still need to take the road test. If you can't tell I'm a bit hyper and love to talk with people online, I'm really shy in person though. I have been rping for about 3 years now but, have been writing since I was 13. I'm even working on 2 books with plans for more. Random fact, my favorite color is purple if you can't already tell.

When it comes to writing in an rp I can write anywhere from 2 paragraphs to a novel sized post depending on what I'm given. My schedule is a bit clear right now so I'm on a lot but starting the 20th I will be busier as I'm starting school. Other than that I'm at work or hanging out with friends. For the most part, I can play either gender though I'm better at writing female characters as I am a female. I can play up to 3 characters in one rp, more than that and I have a hard time. Now I believe that's all there is to know about me. If you want to know anything else just ask! I'm very open for the most part.


Writing: Okay so I'm pretty lenient with this but, I will not accept anything less than one detail paragraph as I cannot give a good post back if I don't have anything to work with. Now when it comes to grammar and stuff like that I only ask that you be literate and try your best. I myself sometimes make mistakes but, if you are making mistakes in every sentence than we will have a slight problem.

Length: As I had already said I like my partner to be able to post more than one detailed paragraph, though that is the bare minimum I would like. This may sound rude but, If I don't have anything to work with it makes the rp hard to work with and even boring.

Communication: Communication is key to me. I like to know the person I'm rping with, well at least know there writing style. Please, please, please communicate details with me. Bounce ideas back at me. I don't want to be the only one with the ideas, it's kinda weird when my partner doesn't have anything to say and just agrees with everything I say. While sometimes it's okay to agree I would like to hear feedback.

Availability: Okay so while this is important, I understand life gets in the way and I would like to be told when you won't be able to post for a while. Though I will admit a few times I have disappeared before. This was only because life went bad in an instant and I couldn't get on to tell people. Currently, I have a job and am going to be starting school soon. Toward the winter I will be starting college so my schedule will be a bit weird.


Only Because I Must

The year is 2020 and the supernatural world is in chaos. The werewolves and vampires have broken their peace treaty and are in a full out war. In the mess Character B gets attacked by a group of vampires, turning him/her into one. Character B lost and confused stumbles onto werewolf territory where Character A finds him/her. Character A explains to Character B that he/she is a vampire and offers him/her a spot in there ranks. Character A being the beta of his/her pack, he/she has to watch Character B and live with them. Will love blossom or will Character B fall to darkness?

Waiting Too Long

In a school for benders there live two teachers. Character A is the English teacher while Character B is the Defense teacher. Character A and Character B have crushes on each other but, neither know the other has a crush on them. Though in a world of benders it isn't all cupcakes and rainbows. The world is at war with itself. One side wants there to be a single leader, a man named John Harrington. While the other side wants the council to remain the way it is. The headmaster of the school James Yonn is one of the strongest benders and hasn't chosen a side. Character A follows the headmaster faithfully while Character B has there doubts. Will they fall to the wrong path or will they stay on the side of good.

Hell's Wrath

Introduction: The year was 2015. The world had descended into another World War, although it had ended just as quickly as it had started. The governments of the world had dove into chemical warfare, for this was no longer a fair fight. Scientist all over the world were delving into chemicals that could potentially end the war with only a few bombs being dropped. The U.S was the first to drop their bombs. The Xelapin Virus as it was called. At first, it seemed as though the war was coming to an end as the Virus was killing people in only a day. It was ignorant bliss until reports came from all over the world telling of people coming back to life. The world was then set into a panic.

Naturally, survivors had fled to areas that were once less populated or to places the government had deemed safe. The north, the backwoods of the south, even west beyond the Rocky Mountains. Soon these places began to build up in population and all it took was one person becoming infected for all of it to turn south. After only one year the areas that were once safe were now the most populated areas of infected. Now the large cities and backwoods areas are no longer safe.

As the year was coming to an end people started to settle down and build settlements and colonies. People were making homes, economies. These settlements had their own ecosystem. Their own farms, water sources, animals. Everything they need to survive. Though with all this good there is bad. The settlements tend to hold secrets that are unknown to the people there. They live in ignorant bliss. Although there is one settlement that has no secrets. In the capital, there is a settlement working towards making a cure but nothing has come of their research so far.

The year now being 2017 the world is not as it used to be. Some people took to cannibalism saying the animals they hunted could become infected too. This was never proven to be true, but that didn't stop the rumor from spreading like wildfire. Some survivors began to band together, create groups and families in broken down cities, finding comfort in numbers. Some roam alone staying in one place then moving to another, some even jumping from one settlement to another.

Plot: A small group of survivors has been traveling together for a month but, problems begin to arise. Food is running low and people are falling sick all around them, some from the virus others from the common flu. Not to mention the threat of the cannibals and other hostile groups. With these threats, the group needs to make a decision. Take the risk and keep traveling or settle down and hope for the best. This is where our story begins


Original -
  • Apocalypse Survivor x Apocolypse Survivor
  • Angle x Demon
  • Demon x Demon
  • Nerd x Bad boy
  • Nerd x Jock
  • Shapeshifter x Hunter
  • Witch/Wizard x Princess/Prince
Fandom -
  • Harry Potter
  • Lord of the Rings
  • Fairy Tail
  • Naruto
If you have any idea that's not here feel free to tell me about it!
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I could do a fairy tail plot or maybe make a plot.
Hello, I would be willing to..
  • Only Because I Must
  • Fairy Tail
  • Harry Potter
  • Nerd x Baddie/Jock
  • Angel x Demon
I am a big push over for Fairy Tail and Harry Potter.
  • Love
Reactions: Lulunopia
Hello, I would be willing to..
  • Only Because I Must
  • Fairy Tail
  • Harry Potter
  • Nerd x Baddie/Jock
  • Angel x Demon
I am a big push over for Fairy Tail and Harry Potter.
Shoot me a pm and we can discuss what we're going to do ^-^
If your're still looking let me know :)
Hells Wrath and any apocalyptic stuff I really like. I have a couple ideas too, but Hell's Wraty sounds pretty bomb(get it...get it? I'll seee myself out)

Schedule wise I'm pretty limited. Weekends I'm solid I can post. Weekdays however I'm in pretty intense training right now for my job so only evenings if that.

Cuz of these time constraints imma be a bit slower about pumping out detailed posts/characters. However if you're willing to work with me I'll work with you. Lol. The strictness of my schedule will change October-November ish
  • Like
Reactions: Lulunopia
Hells Wrath and any apocalyptic stuff I really like. I have a couple ideas too, but Hell's Wraty sounds pretty bomb(get it...get it? I'll seee myself out)

Schedule wise I'm pretty limited. Weekends I'm solid I can post. Weekdays however I'm in pretty intense training right now for my job so only evenings if that.

Cuz of these time constraints imma be a bit slower about pumping out detailed posts/characters. However if you're willing to work with me I'll work with you. Lol. The strictness of my schedule will change October-November ish
I would love to do the Hell's Wrath plot with you. My schedule is filling up fast as well so no worries. I'll usually be on evenings and some mornings but, this is only because I'm starting my last year at High School(Wish me luck) as well as having a part-time job. So I can understand having a busy life. Just let me know if you need to leave for a bit and I'll do the same ^-^