CHARACTERS Lucky's Characters

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You Are Far Too Nice, Mercy Has a Price
Original poster
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  7. One post per week
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  1. Male
This is where I am going to put my NPCS for my roleplays/ future things. I'll make a link to them

Starlight City NPCS-Page 1 ( If I make more, I will be editing them in)

Other PCs- Page 1 ( 5 in 1)

Collateral NPCs-Page 2


Role: The Nobody
Name: Orion 'Axelrod' Blake
Age: 23 02/23/93
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Working as a bartender/ in his school's library
Appearance:Orion is rather tall, standing at 6'3 inches tall, 150 pounds and he has brown hair and light brown eyes. He is often seen wearing a white t-shirt and blue jeans. He has a full beard that makes him look closer to his late 20s than 23.
Personality: Orion is a really nice guy who is mostly socially awkward when it comes to making new friends and even interacting with his old ones. He also has the bad habit of believing promises to the point where it is borderline dangerous when he is rejected. Despite being socially awkward, he is a hopeless romantic and a helpless flirt ( he can't flirt to save his life, but shush, don't tell him.). He also tends to remain determined on one task, so when that task is destroyed, well, he doesn't know what to do. That is how he in his current situation, he aspired to be a NYPD officer and a firefighter and failed both tests. He refuses to acknowledge that he is intelligent and often pushes it off and doesn't realize he has a fear to commit.
Borough of Residence: Brooklyn
Likes: Singing, dancing, acting, reading, writing, playing piano, drag racing
Dislikes: Slackers, procrastinating, drinking, nosy people and that's about it, Christmas
Family: Connor Blake ( Father- deceased, died of alcohol poisioning ), Aidan Blake ( Brother- Alive, serving in military, Missing), mother is unknown. He was adopted by his uncle.
Relations: He met the others through high school.
Bio: Orion was born to a very wealthy family and he was sheltered from a young age. He didn't know living until he met his high school friends and he felt very alive when he did. When he was with them, he was more open and did things. He participated in clubs and spent time with them. He is currently in college since he took about three years off before starting and is currently in his junior year. He is going for his masters in- something.

Misc: Orion misses his father and visits his grave. He was the one who found the body. He got his nickname for the insane turns he can do in a car.

IC Sample:

It was a cold and brisk afternoon at the end of December, the last day before Christmas break had just ended and it was early. His father wouldn't be proud to know that he hadn't finished his project and had gotten a B for finishing it after lunch. He just hoped that his brother was there soon, he had to be held back for a school project. He was alone at the moment and he watched his footing,very carefully as he would put it. He arrived home.

The key clinked in the door as he opened it. There was something foul in the house, had they gotten more rats again? He wasn't quite certain about that. He walked into the living room and saw his father and looked at him and took a deep breath as he looked at him.

"Dad, are you okay?" He asked. He watched him and there was no response. He walked over and did what he did in the past, felt for a pulse. But this time, there was no pulse. His father was dead and he sweated. He took the phone and called the ambulance. When the ambulance arrived, they declared him dead within a few minutes.

His world came crashing down around him, it was all over. If you would ask him now, that was the day everything had come crashing down. His brother had joined the military and then went missing, it was the start of all his problems.
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Face claim: Stock photo

Character Name: Skylar Inkston
Age: Unknown (looks 23)
Occupation:Whore of Bayblon
Strengths:It can read human minds.
  • It's a telekinetic being, which allows it to influence and move objects and people with its mind.
  • This creature also has power over the will of demons
  • She is very skilled with a sword, and sweet talking
Weaknesses:This creature can be destroyed by being impaled with a stake or branch of cypress from Babylon by a true servant of Heaven
General Appearance: Skylar is a rather attractive young lady in a devilish kind of way.She is about 5 foot 7 inches. She has brilliant caramel gold eyes and pale skin. Her brown hair is usually in a messy over the shoulder braid. She's usually can be found wearing classic styles of make-up and some kind of skin tight clothing and 6 inch heels.
General Personality: Skylar is a confident, seductive girl. She is sneaky and persuasive, and determined. She usually does what ever is best for her. But she isn't always serious, she may also be flirty and outgoing, or inappropriate.
History:Skylar has been alive since, religion was created. She was suppose to be the sign to the end of days. The Whore of Babylon, the false prophet. It was so much more fun in Europe's Dark Ages. She had condemned so many souls. She taken pleasure in it, but every so often she has to return to hell for a rest. But now she's back to disrupt the peace.
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Face claim: ????
Character Name : Brandon Knight/Misfortune (God of Magic and Misfortune)
Age: 7 Eons
General Appearance:He has medium length brunette hair with a tander cut 45 degree to a 90 along with a light brown beard sculpted around his face and light gray eyes. He usually wears a black muscle shirt and a pair of black jeans under his brown cloak. He is six feet three inches, slightly muscular and has a wand in his backpocket.
General Personality:Misfortune is an incredibly sadsitic man who takes great joy out of seeing others in pain. His moral compass is broken which makes it so he feels no regret for his actions ( Think Angelus from Buffy) He can act kind but rarely does so and is a master of sarcasm
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Face claim: ???? ( If anyone finds it, DM me)
Character Name: Christian Howard/Chase Hunter
Age: 24
Occupation: Supervillain
Strengths:He can summon other vampire-werewolves and control them. He has heightened senses, superstrength and can also regenerate his body parts if hurt.
Weaknesses:Flame bullets, beheading, draining his powers, is human for a short time after summoning other hybrids
General Appearance: He has spiked brown hair and is quite well-built. He has dark brown eyes, ( Dark red when he is in hybrid form) he wears a pair of jeans, a muscule shirt and a black leather jacket. He has a scar over his right eye. He also wears a black fedora and white sneakers. In his monster form, he has dark red eyes, vampire fangs and tuffs of facial hair ( fur) on his face. He also looks meancing.
General Personality:He has a dark and malevolent personality. He takes a joy out of killing and torturing people and loves to have thrills in his life. He is a player and never stays with the same girl ( and let them live.) He also can be quite kind if he wants to trick people.
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Faceclaim: Jesus Castro
Character Name : Max Knight (Replica/Clone of Robert Knight AKA Legendary
Age: 18
Strengths:He has the unpredictable power of seeing three different futures at once. He is also a master of all forms of magic and is a water sage. He also has lightning powers and teleportation, he regenerates
Weaknesses: His psychic power is unpredictable at best, His water sage powers are diffcult to use away from large bodies of water. His magic is based on the energy he can exert in one day. He is also incredibly weak and can be killed by the element godarium. Teleportation takes concentration. Regeneration does not work instantly. It can take from a hour to a year.
General Appearance:He looks to be of hispanic origin. He has piercing brown eyes hidden by sunglasses. He has dark brown waved hair and has a full goatee under his mouth. He is quite well-toned and stands at about six feet seven inches tall. He typically wears a white shirt, a pair of blue jeans and sneakers. He also carried a sword.He wears a black wrist band on both arms.
General Personality:He has a very friendly and open personality to most people.He is very intelligent and can be quite calculating. He also has a curiousity about strangers and can be quite calm and collected.
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Face claim: Brant Daughtery
Character Name :Gabriel Jackson
Age : 18
Strengths:- Apprentice Hidden Blade ( Twin Blades when he gets older
-Combat/ Taser Knife
-G38 Sniper ( Yet to use)
( Knows how to use these weapons_
Weaknesses: He's human.
General Personality: Gabriel is a shy individual when you first meet him, barely talking and often choosing to remain silent. He is a recalcitrant individual towards society, tending to break the rules for fun rather than sport. He also is quite flirty and always interested in women, but has a hard time talking to them due to his shy nature.
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Face claim: ???? ( Same as Chase Hunter, if you know, DM me)
Character Name: Anthony Carter
Age: 22
Occupation: Mercenary
Strengths:He has control over Fire. He can wield any dagger of his choice, but cannot wield a weak sword or swords that do not originated from his city. He owns the Blade of Darkness, the counterpart to the Shield of Triumph
Weaknesses: He's human and water hurts him a lot.
General Personality:He pretends to be laid-back. He jokes and uses sarcasm as his mask. He truly has a dark and psychotic personality. He is a mercenary and serial killer who uses emotional weakness to hurt his victims.
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Faceclaim: Charlie Hunnam
Character Name: Nathaniel Harris ( Future version of Matthew)
Age: 32
Occupation: Scientist
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Face claim: Jencarlos Canela
Character Name : Blake Jones/Lucky
Age: 24
Occupation: Scientist
Strengths:Well, he has some incredible luck, but other than that he is human. He can use a sword and misc weapons. He dabbles in science potions. He owns the medallion of Fortuna
Weaknesses: Guns, being burned alive, drowned , stabbed, murdered, magic, anyone who has superior strength to him can break his bones. He is also suspectible to any human injuries. Losing the medallion grants him terrible, terrible luck.
General Appearance: He looks like one of those cookie cutter business workers. He usually wears a colored ( sometimes white) shirt tucked in with a blazer over it along with dress pants and a black pair of dress pants along with black loafers. He also his hair style that is black and constantly pushed back that greatly contrasts his blue eyes and his muscular physique. He also can looks quite nice ( with a six pack) if you catch him in his work out or weekend clothes and also always wears a digital black watch. He also has a black aftershadow of a beard that is constantly there.
General Personality: He can be quite dry and sarcastic and incredibly negative about everything his life. He is quick to find flaws in others and blame others before he would take the blame himself. He also has a romantic side when it comes to girls when he can play the nice guy act when he is anything but that. He also can be demanding, but under all that is a guy who just wants to fight in.
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Face claim: Alex Black
Character Name:William 'Will' Harris
Age: 17
Strengths:He still has his main ability of ice which changed after he found out the truth, however, it is more controlled now. He can make small little sculptures and use it to travel. It is still however most powerful when he has an uncontrollable sneeze which freezes rooms. He also has super fast speed. He also can learn arcane magic and can pick it up due to his regeneration. Will can now fly if he concentrates. Will also now can go invisble. A locked ability is to shapeshift into other people. He is skilled at combat.
Weaknesses:Fire is his main weakness along with electricity. Contact with either of these two elements will result in his body repeating the original process that killed him. He cannot heal and as such, bullets and other weapons can kill him. The speed depletes his energy. Shapeshifting takes a lot of power and often makes an imperfect copy. Being invisble drains his energy
General Appearance:He now has brown curly hair with the most beautiful light green eyes that resemble emerald. He is clean-shaven and is six feet tall. He typically wears a blue t-shirt, a gray leather jacket and a black pair of jeans. He also wears tied sneakers and a tree necklace around his neck. He carries a sword and shield by his side along with a tome he can use for his arcane magic.
General Personality: Unlike his previous personality, he now has a kind and generous person. He is more kind and not a destructive person. He now pays attention to the details of life and can be slightly OCD. He can still be naive, but he is now more of a romantic and is extremely loyal to his ( girlfriend or boyfriend.) Will is also smarter than his previous self and tends to go into random rants. Will also however has a hard time admitting his feelings if he is in love and will isolate himself away from the person he likes. Once in a while, he gets to be in a mischievous mood and pulls some pranks.
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Faceclaim: Illias Petrakis
Character Name: Matthias Thorn
Age: 25
Occupation : Warrior/King's guard
Strengths:He has the gift to in fights always. The down side to this gift is that he can only win if he realizes it is a fight/ battle.
General Appearance: Well, to say the least, he is drop dead gorgeous. He is very muscular and has blond hair that is short and spiked. He has blue eyes along with a sword he carries by his side. He usually wars green plated armor and knee guards along with medieval combat boots. He also has a scar under his lip from his only lost fight.
General Personality: He is a slightly arrogant man who loves to get involved in fights wherever he goes. He often acts rashly and does not think of consequences to his actions at all. He is known to be quippy and sarcastic.
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Faceclaim: Young Luke Mitchell
Character Name: Andrea Jackson Dragonheart
Age: 17
Occupation: Student
Strengths: Like his grandfather, he can manipulate energy and use it to his advantage and control magic. He also can cast dreams and walk into dreams like his mother and other grandfather. He also can turn into a hybrid, but this gene is inactive. He also has the leech ability
Weaknesses: His energy being drained from using his powers too much, staying in a dream for too long makes him unable to enter reality. He also can be killed by all human means
General Appearance: Andrea is tall for his age, towering most of his classmates with his 6'8 inch frame. He isn't a hunk, but he isn't lanky, he's a happy medium. He has the same sandy blonde hair as his father along with his green eyes and he often wears a t-shirt, a blue jacket and some jeans and sneakers without much thought about anything.
General Personality: Andrea is a sometimes outgoing and sometime shy child. There are times where he can barely get out a sentence without being flustered and other times he is the guy who makes the first move. He often is curious and forgetful, but otherwise nothing special
Face claim: Chris Lykins

Character Name :Henry Jason Gray Jr.
Age: 16
Occupation : Student
Strengths:When he comes in contact with another person, they allow him to see a new color. It does not injure or harm then. It can make the person who was contacted to lose that color or to see it amplified. He is good at material arts
Weaknesses: Basically, if it kills a human, it kills him.
General Appearance:He has black hair, wears a gray leather jacket, an assortment of mismatched clothing, black shoes. He is six feet tall. He has ice blue eyes and is somewhat muscular
General Personality:He has an angsty personality. He does not feel much and tends to avoid people, He keeps to mostly himself, even though he does have a crush on a girl in his school.
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Face Claim

Character Name:
Daniel Cornine
Age: 28
Occupation: English Teacher
Strengths:Of Daniel's two psychic abilities, his most prominent one is precognition which allows him to see visions in short bursts, while his other ability is cryokinesis, which allows him to slow down time to freeze objects around him. A locked power he has is to make his thoughts into reality( the ultimate achievement.) He also can slow down time in short busts like his brother. He also has Hacking, speed reading, Natural charisma, immune to most illness
Weaknesses:His precognition powers leave him open to attacks as he is in a trance, using cryokinesis slows down time for him, slowing his reflexes and leaving him open to attacks. If he unlocks his cool power, he can only do one object a day and it lasts for a few hours. Slowing down time only lasts for a an hour, he is also weak to godarium
General Appearance:He has black hair that he keeps quite well groomed and often has it pushed forward most of the time, light blue eyes that have a reflective property and a very handsome face with a distinguished nose and a broad jaw. He is clean shaven. He typically wears blue muscle shirts along with black jeans and sneakers. He is quite well-built as he had trained himself to be in peak shape. He usually wears a piece of circular emerald sea glass with a golden string around his neck. He is six feet tall.
General Personality:He has four different sides to himself. When he is with good students and kind co-workers that he trusts, he is a very kind and caring and gentle person who enjoys life and is talkative. When he is around new people, he is mostly shy and awkward. When he is around bad students or people who dare to question him, he is the biggest and strictest prick you will ever meet who will get easily angered, shout, hurt and even kill to make a point. When he is around family, he is nice and gets into playful fights.
History:Daniel Knight was born to Lily Cornine( A psychic at the time before the bitch died and became a dark angel) and Khronos and the second he was born, his mother literally threw him to his uncle Michael and told him to raise the boy as she had better things to do and skipped town. Michael in turn gave the child to Terra to raise. Terra raised him as his own and Daniel developed his powers at a young age with the first being precognition. Through him, he helped Terra to find Adam, Derek and Jason as Lily abandoned them too. He helped to raise his brothers and even warned Adam about Jason's kidnapping and his death and his alternate personality. On his twentieth birthday, he left town and pursued an English degree. After teaching at a school, he came back to this school.

Face claim: ???
Character Name : Leo Howard/ Dream Caster
Age: 20
Strengths: Strategic- He is very good and fast at making plans about his life.

Dream Jumping- He can jump between dreams quite easily and has done so in the past. This has little effect on him.

( Only when Staff is in hand)

Dream Casting- He can make dreams that can help him. These however drain his energy and he can only make small items to be helpful. Can't create sentient beings yet.

Nightmare Casting- He can make nightmares to distract his enemies. This however is difficult and drags him closer to his dark side. He refused to use it.

Dream/ Nightmare Explusion: He can dispel Dreams and nightmares. This however literally eats up most of his energy and he needs a lot of time to heal.
Weaknesses: He's squishy and human
General Appearance: He is six feet 3 inches tall, he tends to wear white t-shirts and black jeans and sneakers along with a black fedora on his head. He is also semi-muscular and wears a watch on his left wrist. He also has some stubble and wears glasses
Fears: Losing his staff and not having controls over his dreams. Dying. Losing the love of his life and his friend. Being forgetten.
General Personality: Leo is one of the most friendly and open guys that you have ever meet. He loves to meet new people and has a thrill in having a sense of adventure. He is a bit of a dreamer and is rarely a realist, but he will have his back if you believe in him. He also tends to not think before he acts and is a hopeless romantic, but can't flirt to save his life.

Face claim: ????
Character name: Daniel 'Lucky' Knight
Age: 7 eons
Occupation: God of Ice

Face claim: Franggy Yanez

Character Name: Jak Thorn
Age: 36
Occupation: Alpha Werewolf
Strengths:Jak is also a brown wolf with silver stripes along his back. He has yellow eyes when he is in wolf form. He can become eight to ten feet long. Jak can communicate mentally when he is a wolf to other animals and humans through his mind.
He is the alpha werewolf of Earth so he can call other werewolves. He is also extremely strong when he is in wolf form along with extremely fast speed.
Weaknesses: Silver is his ultimate weakness. He can also be killed by guns and fire. Jak is incredibly weak to magic and can't do much to combat it. He also will do anything to protect his son.
General Appearance: He has dark brown hair, eyes that are yellow but he wears gray contact lenses to cover up his eyes, he has a muscular build, he tends to wear a blue t-shirt, ripped jeans and black sneakers.
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Character Name: Mason Gray
Age: 22
General Appearance: Mason is a light skinned male with dark brown hair and sports a thick beard. He also tends to wear heavy coats along with jeans.
Inabilities:Hearing, he is deaf.
Face claim: Travis Van Winkle
Character name: Leonars Solio
Other characters ( AKA used once, were images for some unfinished writing)

Christmas Story characters

Charcter Name: Elijah Claus
Face claim:???
Elijah is the next in line to be Santa Claus.... as long as he fills the elf's council's stupidly complex request.


Nicholas Claus-The oldest of the latest Santa Claus. The current Santa Claus who is losing his magic for unknown reasons.

Face claim: Nick Carter

Angel- A man born on Christmas Day

Angelica- Twin sister of Angel. Lover/Love interest of Nick. (Faceclaim: Bree Daniels)

Character Name : Cerin Cornine
Age: 27
Occupation Businessman
Strengths:Emotional manipulation- Cerin has the unique ability to quite literally manipulate people's emotions to fit his own desires without saying a word.
Skilled manipulator- When his powers fail to work, he isn't above sweet-talking to make deals and get his way without moving a muscle
Physically fit- He is in peak human physical condition.
Fire-arms- Cerin can dual wield pistols and knows the in and outs of most guns
Magically adapted- Cerin can used elemental spells, but doesn't often use them ( see weaknesses)
Doppelganger effect- Cerin can make a doppelganger of himself, either out of material in the area or another person.
Weaknesses:Emotional manipulation does not work if the target is aware of his powers and has a way to combat him.
Despite being physically fit, he can have random bursts of short-breath and exhaustion if fighting for too long.
Despite being magically adapted, using elemental spells drain him of his energy and take a lot out of him.
His doppelganger is incredibly fragile and can be destroyed in one hit and also loses effect if the person is hit.
He's human, so you know those traditional human weakness
General Appearance: Cerin stands at 6'2 feet tall with light brown hair and dead blue eyes that seem to ellict no emotions. He tends to wear business suits wherever he goes and is rarely seen out of them. He has scars on his right arm from a fire he was in in his younger years and also wears a watch. He also has a birthmark on his chest that seems to resemble a dying flame.
Talents: Cooking- Can cook really well
Close quarters combat- He excels at it.
Smooth-talker/ charmer- He can smooth talk and charm both men and women. He doesn't honestly care.
Inabilities:Displaying emotions.
Admitting he is wrong.
Does not get along with children.
Terrible at being a decent human being.
Fears:Losing his power and control
General Personality: On the surface, Cerin comes across as a charming man and can joke around and seems friendly and can easily interact with anyone he encounters and seems to enjoy company and friendship. He can easily listen to your problems and will be willing to give advice and is a generous man.
Inner Personality: Underneath the surface, Cerin is an emotionally manipulative high functioning sociopath who only cares about one person-himself. He will use whatever you tell against you and you won't even know he is doing it until it is much too late. It takes a while, but his true colors are easily shown


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