Lost and Hurt

  • Thread starter Jae- The nonexistant
  • Start date
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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Violet paused at the edge of the street, glancing behind her. A car rode slowly up the road and she cursed silently, sprinting forwards again. Her lungs burned, but she had no choice. She reached Liam's yard as the people noticed her. The car stopped and people jumped out. Violet stopped, feeling a hand on her shoulder pull her down. She elbowed the man in the gut and rolled forwards, running up to the door and closing the door. The people began talking in the yard, knowing there were others in the house. She paused at the door, taking a deep, shaky breath. That was close..
He heard the door open and shut loudly. He ran toward the stairs and saw Violet standing in front if the door, breathing heavily. "Vi! Are you ok! What are you doing going out their by yourself?" He said as he ran toward her and turned her around and wrapped his arms around her "Please don't ever scare me like that again..." He said.
Violet froze a moment, caught of guard. "Umm..yeah..okay.." she said quietly, her head dropping to rest gently on his shoulder. "I won't."
Amey laughed at the movie, giggling and doing her antics.
Jake was busy listening. Something sounded unusual..then he heard Liam say Violet's name just barely over the sounds of the movie. He relaxed a little.
Violet paused. "Uhh..don't go outside..by the way..Trust me, please." she said, hugging him gently.
Rene`s face whent grim at his remark. "I ain`t scared of the bite baby..." She smirked, and whent to look at the clouthes he had said. "Stay here... i guess i could" She started talking to herself. "He seems... decent i guess.." She whent down to the kitchen and made a fast sandwitch, then walked around, she came into a room with two kids wathcing a movie. "Hey there... do you kids live here...?" She was a bit surprised to see them.
Jake turned. "Uhh..." He glanced at Amey, who had turned to. "Ask Liam." He said, looking at her emotionless.
Amey turned around, sitting on her knees in Jake's lap. "Who are you?" She asked, smiling and tilting her head a little. "I'm Amey!" She giggled.
He looked at Violet as she spoke and just looked at her "What do you mean 'Don't go outside'?" he said as he held her waist in his hands. He was extremely happy yo see her but rather very very worried for her. He let her go and looked at the window then took a small peek. He saw a van and several guys "Shit. I told you not to go out their Violet." he whispered in a tone. He ran upstairs and went into the media room and opened the door "Jake, Amey and Rene, yall need to hide now. I'll let yall know when it's safe." he said as he looked at Rene and then walked out and went into his room and grabbed his pistol and some mags. He ran downstairs and looked at Violet "Go and hide with the others I'll be back for I promise." he said.
Violet's hand slipped into her pocket and she held it tightly. "Liam..no." She said quietly, standing in front of the door. "You can't.." She was defiant, standing surely.
Jake jumped a little when he heard the words hide. "Umm..Okay Liam." He said, picking up Amey.
The moment she saw Laim's face, she spoke. "Where's Vi?!"
Jake held her and started towards the back of the room. "Amey, shhh.." He covered her mouth gently and hugged her close.
Amey struggled a little, but gave up, whimpering a little and wanting her sister.

When Liam returned, she leaned against the door. "Liam, you're staying here. In about three minutes they'll be gone." She said, her face expressionless. She wasn't giving an explanation, or letting him pass.
He looked deep into her eyes and set his hands on her shoulders and then on each side of her face "What are you afraid of about me going out their?" He said as he rubbed hisbthumb on her cheek and grabbed her hand with his ither hand and held "I promise, I won't let them hurt you. i'll.come.back. I promise." He said.
Violet still stayed there, but she seemed to lose defense a moment. "I-I won't let you join this too..They'll leave in a minute or two, but I can't let you join this." She moved her gaze to the floor, but only her eyes moved. "I..I don't want them after you too. You're so kind..and nice..and...I don't want anything to happen." She said quietly, closing her eyes a moment. "I can't let you go," She said, the same tone as earlier, but there was something else. "alone." She finished. "I'm going out if you are. I can fight..I've been at them before."
He closed his eyes and shook his head. "No, you're staying in here. For Ameys sake. Please, I know what I'm doing. Please, I'll have them leave sooner then you think." He said as he looked out the window. They were from the government. He had no choice, he had to do the unthinkable, reveal his past. He set his hands on Vi's waist and kissed her gently and softly on her lips. He stepped her aside and opened the door. The men turned aroubd and pulled their guns "Freeze Motherfu...Liam?" Ine of the guys said "Shit.." Liam said as he knew the guy "My god, you're still a live? I thought you were dead?" He said as he walked up and hugged him "Lower your weaopns guys. It's fine, you are amongnsr the worlds best agent the government ever had. Trust me, I know. He trained me." He said as he faced him. Liam looked back at the window and then back at him "Nice to see you too, John." He said as he looked at then men. "A woman ran into your house and I beleive we need her. Do you mind if w may come..." He stopped as Liam shook his head "No can't let you do that. I'm sorry." He said as John looked at him and his men "Why not? What is she? Your fuck buddy?" He said as he laughed but Liam showed none in return "Oh? Your fu..ahaha no way?" He said as he looked straight into Liams eyes. "Please, just leave. And for your info...don't make assumptions you can't prove." He said. He could see John wasn't too happy about that but he knew it wouldn't end well. He shook his head and turned around and left in the Van. Liam sighed and walked back in the house and looked at Violet.
Violet let him pass, surprised by his kiss. She blinked as the door closed and backed up slowly, sitting in a chair. Did he..just..yes... She pulled her hood gently back over her head, pulling her knees up to his chin and sighing. Closing her eyes. She zoned out a little as Liam walked back in and she didn't realize he was there. Her hand held the knife tightly as she thought back to some very terrifying memories.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" He yellled.
"Shut up." The man kicked the other into the door and walked towards the young girl. A loud scream eminated from the air and blood filled his vision.
"Go! Your mother is outside!" the kicked man said, struggling to stand. The young girl, another girl, and a boy moved to a back room and hovered over a woman who held a knife..a very familiar knife..

Violet sighed softly.

Amey started speaking again. "Where's Vi? Where did Liam go? Why are we hiding?" She looked at Rene. "Who are you? Do you know Liam? Why are you here?"
Jake covered her mouth. "Amey. Calm." He said softly, hugging the nine year old gently, close to him to calm her and keep her quiet.
He looked at Violet and then saw the knife as it was clinched in her hand "Vi? Honey, let the knife go. They're gone, I promise." He said as he walked toward her. He didn.'t know what to think but just kept walking toward "Vi? Are ypu ok?"
Violet didn't move. Instead, she seemed to curl up tighter, the back edge of the knife pressed lightly on her leg, the outward edge slightly covered in dried blood from someone long ago. She stayed silent, unknowing that Liam was in the room again.
"Stop." she said almost silently, a very quiet whisper, but the authority and danger behind it sounded as if she was talking to someone who was deadly. Definitely not Liam.

There was a scream..and then the lights went out..
Another memory. A fresher one, the details more vivid, and the rush of emotion stronger. Not anger, but fear. Hurt.
The flames burned bright against the night sky. Jake held Amey tightly as she slept in his arms. They were all cut up, but they didn't move towards the waiting ambulance. Violet watched as three men slunk off into the darkened fields, Jake watched as the emergency crew searched the car...
He heard what she said but didn't stop "Vi, look at me. It's alright." he said as he continued toward her. He kept the knife in his vison but also on her. He reached out and touched her shoulder lightly and kneeled down slowly "Vi? What's wrong?"
Violet jumped as he touched her. The knife raised, but fell from her hand. "S-sorry.." she said quietly, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. "just..dozed off." She said quietly. "Is everything okay outside?"
He grabbed her hand as he rose her hand guicker than any normal person can do, and he knew she knew that. "Yes they are gone." He said as he looked at her "What...were you thinking?" He said as he looked deep in her eyes.
Violet blinked a little, surprised at his unusual speed. "J-just..a memory." she said quietly, looking away carefully. "It..it's nothing." She was afraid, if he knew about them. They would be in bigger trouble.
He took a good look at the knife and knew exactly what it was. He looked back at her, his eyes widened and let ger arm go and stood up and walked backwards and laid against the wall. "You're...oh god..." He said as he put his hand over his mouth. He knew right then and their who they exactly were. He set his head in his hands and shook it. "I knew your parents...well my parents did...I-I was their the day your parents were...killed." He said as he turned ans looked out the window. "I was with the government. I joined when I was just a kid. I had know idea what was happening till I found out. I told my father and we were going to help but we were...too late.." He said as a few tears rolled down his face. "God...I didn't know..." He said as he started to cry.
Violet looked at him and stopped. He..was..that means..but that's..Amey! She narrowed her eyes suddenly, standing to her feet. "Are you still with the government? Is that why there weren't any gunshots? What do you want with us? It was our parents who did it!" She said in a slightly angry, part fearful tone. "They were the ones who did everything! We..we had nothing to do with it!" She said. "And Amey, she doesn't have it anymore." She looked at the door. We need to leave as soon as possible....before he has time to get reinforcements.. She thought silently. They won't get us..not..not again. I promised mom and dad.... She looked back at Liam. "And why...why did they have to burn..?" She asked suddenly, softer. "A bullet in the head, a simple kill dart, but no..they..they had.." She looked down. "The car crash. All planned. They burned. I heard them..their screams...and now," she looked up again, "I want to know why."
He grabbed her and put her up against the wall "Violet! Calm down!" He said as he looked at her, pictures of their family flashed in his head. "No I'm not in the gpvernment. They thought I died when they were with your family. We tried to help them but the government was on every move we made. I was on the inside. We were going to get yall out but I was too late." He said as he looked at her "I'm not going to let them take you or Amey. I promise. I'd rather die them have them take you." He said as he held her in his arms. "I promise. You have nothing to be afraid of." He said as he looked at her "And what doesn't Amey have anymore? What doesn't she have that they want?" He asked in a gentle tone.