Lost and Hurt

  • Thread starter Jae- The nonexistant
  • Start date
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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Violet nodded at Liam and grabbed Amey's wrist as she passed, pulling her down beside her. "Sit still please." She warned, finally taking a bite of the ice cream.
Amey giggled but sat down, now swaying to invisible music.
Jake watched Liam carefully until the door closed. What was that? He wondered, but decided not to mess in Liam's business.
He saw the van roll up and set a packet the blinked, his eyes widened, he knew what it was "Get back, now!! It's a bomb!" He said as he rushed and grabbed the woman and swung her back away from the car but before he could move away it blew up, flying him in the air "Uuggghhaa!" He yelped as he slammed to the ground. "Now I'm pissed." He said as he got up pulling his gun out as the guys came out and started firing at them and hit them to the ground "Get up!" He yelled at her as he fired on both sides knocking them down. They started retreating but Liam started shooting the Van as the drove off and shot the tank and blew it up and walked over to them and pulled a guy out who was hurt badly and laughed "Who are you!!" He demanded "hahahaha wouldn't you like to...." The guy stopped as he died. "Damn it!!" He said as he got up and walked to the woman and grabbed her and drug her and slammed her against the wall "Who were they? And who are you!?" He yelled as he stuck the hot barrel under her head "Don't lie to me or I'll paint my wall with your brains!" He said as he cocked it "Answer me!"
Rene smirked at him. "Lets see who blows first..." She moved a bit her gun so he could feel it was pointed to his private area. "I... just.. have a .. hard ...jo..b..." She fell against the wall and her hand droped, the gun fell to the ground and you could notice a shard of class from the explosion sticking out of her stomach about 12in in. She wasn`t bleeding as much as she should. "My... fucking... car..." was the last thing she said. She passed out.
He let her go as she laid their unconsciously and sighed "Ahhh....wow..." He said as he saw the shard of glass in her stomch and grabbed it and yanked it out. He looked at it and threw it away, and looked down at her and grabbed her and set her in his arms. He kicked the door open and yelled for Jake "JAKE! OVER HERE NOW!" He yelled as he was walking up stairs and into his room and poked his head out from behind the door "Get me several bandages, stitches and a pan full of water oh and bottle of vodka please." He said as he closed the door "They are all in the kitchen!" He finished and looked at the girl and ripped her shirt open but not all the way, just enough to see here stomach and touched it to see how deep. "12 inches....strong this one is." He said as he looked at her.
Jake hesitated, but started for the kitchen, grabbing each supply and starting back. "I'm comin'!" He yelled, starting up the stairs.
Amey jumped to her feet. "Hi Li- Who's that?"
Violet grabbed Amey's wrist. "Let's go out back." She could tell Liam was busy, so she picked Amey up and started towards the back yard, taking a quick glance back.
Jake burst into Liam's room. "Here ya go dude. Who's this?"
He looked back at Jake and shrugged "I don't know. But I'm going to find out." He said and grabbed the supplies. And looked at her then at him "You'll need to leave. Trust me." He said ad he set his hand on his shoulder and walked him out. And shut the door and got to work, he dug in the wound grabbing the shards of glass from her stomach and cleaned her wound then started to stitch it up. It took him about an hour and a half to do the procedure but got it done. He handcuffed the woman to the bed and sat their till she woke up with his gun in his hand.
Jake came back downstairs and went outside, finding Amey running around from Violet. "Ay. I'm back."
Amey was laughing as she ran behind Jake. "You not get me Vi!" she yelled, giggling.
Violet stopped in front of Jake and caught her breath. "Amey." she said in a fake-ghost voice. "I'm cooommiiiiiinnnng!"
Amey ducked a little. "Noo!" She giggled.
Jake sighed playfully. "You two at it again?"
Rene slowly moved her hand to her head. "Crap... my head..." She tried to take her other hand to her stomach but she could move it. "Hand cuffs..." She moved her free hand to her back and grabed a knife she always hide in her jeans. "Where am i..." She asked finally opening her eyes, she saw liam and sighed. "It´s just you, i thought i would have to... never mind..." She let the knife fall to the ground. "M car... it´s a goner right... "
He nodded his head and cocked the gun and walked towards the window and saw them playing. He opened the window and spoke out "Jake, I need you to go into the media room and turn on a movie for Amey, and no matter what you hear, do not let her out. Do you understand me?" He said as he looked at Violet before closing the windows and the curtains. He walked over to a stereo and turned on some music but not to loud. He walked over to a dresser and put on some black gloves, looking into a mirror. "I want you to tell me who you are and who do you work for.." He stopped as he turned and walked toward her and continued "...and who those guys that shot at you and I. And if you lie to me, your pretty face of yours won't be so pretty anymore. And I hate doing this. I really don't want to bring up my past. But you just might have out the closest people I love in my life in danger. Now who are you!?" He said shooting the gun several times at a metal plate by the beside her, making the barrel of the very hot and rose her shirt and stuck the barrel on her wound that was on her stomach "Answer me, now!"
Rene closed her eyes buther face showed no pain. "Don´t worry your not in danger... just at the wrong place at the wrong time..." She opened her eyes and looked at him. "I don´t care who you are, and i´m not going to ask... so just let it go... i´m no one and i work for no one.. and those men were no one... and its like i live off my face... it´s just a bonus..." She smirked and he didn´t notice she had picked the cuffs. "I´m just trying to make a living..." She kicked him backand he slamed against the window, it cracked a bit. "And im not scared of a gun!" Shejumped at him like if he were her pray and snatched the gun out of his hand, rolled on the floor and pointed it at him. "Thanks... for helping me out..."She walks for the door without lifting her gaze from his. "Fuck... are ou kidding me.. you locked the door from the outside... how the hell did you do that..." she turns to see the knob leaving an opening for an attack.
As she kicked him of the bed and of get he chuckled "Didn't see that coming." He said as she turned around and started walking toward the door and ran after her as she spoke and grabbed her head and smashed it against the door making her drop to her knees and got behind her and wrapped his arm around her throat and squeezed and laid back and wrapped his legs around her waist and pulled him. He was squeezing her thoat in a death grip, his past went through his mind like a slide show in a 1920's movie. His face turning red, his veins popping out, he was almost crushing her wind pipe. He felt her throat collapsing so he let go and kicked her straight in the face and got up and picked her up and looked at her "Look....I'm not usually like this...my past still haunts me...I-I use to work for the government..and yes I mean the actual Government..." He said and let her arms go and sat on the bed and was almost in tears "...they made me torture people like you, slaughter them....but I left...thinking I was dead and I thought you might have been one of them..." He said whipping his face off and stood and walked to the door and turned the nob and pulled up and it opened "The door wasn't locked it's just really messed up." He said trying not to smile but a grin showed. He held out his hand "I'm sorry...." He said as a few tears ran down his face but nothing else followed.
Rene´s eyes were wide open. "No.. i´m sorry... i didn´t even want to come to this neighborhood..." She took his hand and stood up, this time not being afraid to show the pain she actually felt. "It was n accident... and i don´t blame you..." She smiled a bit.
Jake nodded and picked up Amey. "Let's go."
Amey nodded. "Okay!" She giggled and let Jake carry her to the media room.
Violet stared at the now empty window for quite a while before following them. She picked up her jacket and slid it on, pulling the hood back over her head. "Jake, I'll be back. I forgot something." She said before walking out the door. The next moment she was full-out sprinting towards somewhere she knew well.
Jake hesitated, but let Violet go. "Be careful Vi." He mumbled, locking the media door behind him. He turned on a movie and set Amey in his lap as they started watching the movie. He turned the volume up so Amey couldn't hear anything else.
"Where's Vi going Jake?" Amey asked loudly.
Jake just shrugged.
Violet broke through the door and closed it gently behind her. As she expected, the house was a mess, but she sighed and rubbed the back of her neck before heading into a room on the left. Memories lined the wall and she looked around before starting towards a specific one. So much pain..yet so much happiness..
He held her hand in his as he saw the pain she felt in her eyes. He pulled her close and walked her to his bathroom and turned on the hot water and went into his closet and grabbed a few clothes for her. "I really was about to kill you, no matter what you would've thrown at me." he said as he set them on the sink counter and looked at her and grabbed a carton that was full of chemicals and set it on the counter "But this in the running water and lay in it and it'll help with the soreness that you endure." He said as he still had her hand in his and let go. "Let me know when you have finished or you may fill free to roam my house. But do not go outside." he said as he left the room.

He went toward the media room and opened the door. The were watching Despicable Me 2, he saw Amey laughing and giggling, along with Jake. He bent down toward Jake "Uh...where's Vi?" he said as he looked around for her but couldn't find her at all. "Jake, where's Vi!?" he said with a little tone.
Rene nodded and slinched a bit as he let go of her hand, but it wasn`t from the pain. "Yes Sr." She said with a smile and then winked at him as she started taking her clouths off. "I don`t think you would have managed.." She said dropping on the floor a few handguns and a hand full of knifes. "I uh... It`s a habbit..." She turned around as he left.
Jake turned as Liam entered. He sighed. "Liam. She'll be back. She had to go get something." He said.
Amey was so absorbed in the movie she hadn't realized Liam even entered.
Violet picked up a picture off the wall, sighing and tucking it into her pocket. She picked up a knife, the initials burned on the handle. S.M.P.
He looked at Jake and his eyes widened "What do you mean she left to go get something? She can't go out on her own! She doesn't have anything to protect herself with?" he said as he ran his hand in his hair and then closed his eyes. "I hope she comes back like you said. If she isn't back with in the hour I'm going after her." he said and looked at Amey and gave her a kiss on the cheek "You like that movie huh, sweetheart? Well it's yours now. I'll be back and we can watch together." he said as he left the room.

He started toward his room but stopped and walked down stair, past the hallway and into the kitchen. He opened his refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of cold water for Rene and passed a mirror and saw how torn his shirt was and how much blood it lacked upon it. He sighed and shook his head "One hell of a day." he said as he jogged through the hallways and up the stairs to his room. He walked in and knocked on the bathroom door and entered but didn't look at her, he set the bottle of cold water beside her "Thought you'd like something to drink." he said as he continued to his closet and took off his shirt. All the scars on his back revealed to those around to see. Scratches, scars, gun shot wounds, stabs, everything revealed itself. Their was some fresh wounds on his back and chest and stomach from earlier. He looked for a good shirt turning around showing his front side of his body, scars showed as well. They are is past, that's what he always says to himself, a past he wish he can forget. He caught a the sight of Rene and looked away as quick he could. He saw a shirt for him and put it on and walked out and stopped halfway for the bathroom door. "If you want their is some clothes that might fit you, some of my exes clothes, she doesn't live her anymore. So feel free to roam through it." he said as he walked out and sat on his bed and started taking off his pants to put on some gym shorts that was laying on his dresser.
Violet sighed and turned, taking a few things out of a drawer. She pulled the hood over her head further before stepping out the door. They didn't have anything more valuable in the house. She closed the door, starting back at a quick pace.

Jake nodded. "Don't worry..she'll be fine." He said confidently, though his eyes portrayed slight fear.

Amey giggled. "Okay Liam!" she said, smiling happily before turning back to the movie.

Violet turned the corner and paused, stepping back into the shadows as a man passed by. That was close..I need to hurry..Amey.. She sighed before starting into a sprint.
Rene nodded and steped out of the bath feeling much more better. She smirked as he looked at her body `men`she thought. "You wanna see me in your ex`s clouthes?" She laughed as she put back her clouth, she had washed them in the bath and put them on the boiler, they where nearly dry, torn, but dry. "Let me help you with that..." She smiled and pushed him gently against the wall when he turned towards her. "It`s my turn to play doctor..." SHe said with a slight tone of amusment. She took the healing set he had used on her and started cleanin his wound, he had recieved less damage than her, but he was still cut up. She looked away a bit as she slightly blushed, she couldnt hel thinking he had a great body. "I... uh... yeah.. i... "
He nodded as she began cleaning his wounds he paid no attention but looked outside, hoping that Vuolet would come back soon. He was worried about her. 'Please be ok..' He thought to himself. He heard Rene speak and he looked at her and saw that she was blushing "Why the red face?" He said as he got up and put his gym shorts on and looked back at her, with his shirt in his hand "Never seen a mans body before?" He said as he put his shirt on "Don't worry, I'm not gonna bite." He remarked as he walked over to her and patted her shoulder and saw her shirt and pants. "Go try on some of my gym shorts and shirt. You'll be stating here for a while til things die down." He said as his hand slid down and brushed her hand as he walked out the door "Their's food and drinks downstairs in the kitchen. Help yourself." He said as he walked out an closed the door.