Looking for Steampunk, Biopunk and more

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Resident Biopunk Enthusiast
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Douche
  6. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
  2. No Preferences
Fantasy, magical, medieval, scifi, romance and action!

Hey there! Please, put down your gears, dials. The coal goes in the back and the diesel goes in the silo. We keep the magical crystals in the vault in case they explode and your fabricated beasties can be kept in the stables.

Everyone in order? Very well.

*readies his monocle*

Greetings fine young ladies, strapping young men and those not as easily classified! I am Lurcolm! I am an extreme fan of alternative technologies such as Steampunk, Dieselpunk, Magipunk, biopunk and more!

(Though the above mentioned are my favourites, in no specific order)

Two very important things you need to know about me:

I nag and I talk a lot of lewd. The former is very easily avoided by just telling me to shut the fuck up, and the latter is only added so you understand if I give some compliments in the far crass spectrum simply because I like having that unique charm. It works most time, up until it doesn't. Then it gives me problems. Hence the reason I'm mentioning it at all

Again, if you don't want me to do that, just notify me beforehand? That's less than fifty words for a healthy roleplaying relationship!

...And read the rules. Just saying.

  • Okay, so I'm used to a very good RPer, bless her evil little laugh. I expect quality posts of at least a hundred-ish words, and you should expect the same from me. Okay?
  • With that being said, that's not set in stone. I just want something to work with.
  • Worldbuilding isn't a must, but a very preferred
  • PM me with RP requests. It's just easier for me.
  • I'm a very to-the-point guy, and I tend to get suspicious easily, too. So please, just do me a favour and state very clearly what your intentions are for contacting me? Don't bother with that formality bullshit, we're both proper adults who come here for writing.
  • That said, be nice and I'll be nice back. I like talking to my partners and building friendships to them.
  • I'm from South Africa. Looking for someone from here too, since I'm to date the only South African on this website that I know of. I'd like to change that. I'm from Gauteng, for those who actually live here and read this.

All of these fandoms will be played in the same universe, but with only original characters and preferably with a different plot.

This world is the Leviathan book series. It's this dope as all fuck story about the First World War, where Germany and Austria-Hungary are these Dieselpunk "Clankers" and France, Russia and the UK are these biopunk "Darwinists"

*drools a little*

A fun little steampunk game! I love every minute of it!

Just some random settings I've thought of, over some time
  • A Magipunk wild west era, with magical crystals powering everything from trains to guns and dynamite!

So I decided to go ambiguous as fuck with the plots and (usually) unclear whether or not it's any form of 'punk or not. This is simply because I want you to contribute to it. This is a jointed effort, after all.

I decided to go out of my comfort zone on this one, so any and all pairings are welcome (Though MxF with me as male is preferred)

Just a strange little thing that popped in my head the other day:

My character is either a scientist, tinker, life crafter or other such smarty-smart things. Yours is a vampire. My guy stumbled on yours by chance feeding. Whatever happens next depends on the two personalities, really.

Either of our characters are poor/of common birth. They steal something nice and expensive from wherever it is they work, but they get caught. They try to escape, but gets cornered with the other's character in the vicinity. This character is of the higher classes.

The higher class saves the lower class, but there's a debt to be payed now.

But will the debt be the only thing binding them, in the end?

Either one of our characters are ambassadors for a widely different and alien land. The other's character is some sort of noble/blue blood/leader of this strange land.

Preferably, romance blossoms.

Ahh~ Nothing like feeling the wind in your face, be it misty from the sea's waters, or freezing from extreme altitudes, when on a voyage in your mighty ship!

Be it an ironclad ship, travelling the great oceans and battling horrors unfathomable with mechas, cannon and magic, to high flying airships doing battle with avian beasties, fierce storms and gales, and the ever present risk of falling down and going *SPLAT*

Be it pirates, explorers, merchants or navy, setting sail is quite the eventful business~
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Do you have more of a plot with the great unknown. If not I've got a lot plots in medieval fantasy that can go any of the punk ways listed above.
The point was for us to develop it ourselves, and for you to PM me if you're interested
Still looking!
If you're cool with it, I'd love to discuss a steampunk setting with you.

Hit me up in a PM when you have the chance.
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