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Hey y'all :)) I go by many names, yet people call me Seven. So without further ado, as the title had mentioned, I am looking for- more like craving for, MxM/FxF RP. Now, I also am willing to take on MxF, though in such a way you'd have to convince me >:) I fear that I'd have to bore you by now, so cutting to the chase, here are some things listed in points instead:

About Me:
1. I have the experience of AT LEAST six years of RPing. No, I'm not asking you to equalize me, newbies are welcomed too but...I'm just saying xD (oh, and I can code. I'm just way too lazy to do it for this one :p )
2. I can RP on other platforms if you want to rp offsite, such as skype, discord, or kik.
3. Talking about off site, I do appreciate OOC talking and plotting together. I love plotting, making head cannons, as well as getting to know my partners :) (though the latter isn't as important but-). I want you to contribute too, tell me things you like, tell me things you don't like. In short, I want this to be a comfortable experience for both!

Extra: Not sure why I'm saying this, but I also tend to make you fanarts and aesthetics and stuff if I like our rp enough ;D (so you know how crazy I am with RPs that is)

4. Lastly, fair warning that I am quite a busy person IRL. I may "disappear" for a few, but I will tell you beforehand. I do not expect that frequent of a respond, too, considering it's only fair with how I'd be :"D
5. Oh, and one more: If in some point of RP you want to quit: PLEASE TELL! I'll also tell you if I lose interest, and that's fine! That's normal! I feel like that's way more polite than just suddenly ghosting... That being said, if you have something you don't like, do tell before we enter this phase :/

Now, here are my RP preferences:
1. I play original plots mostly and some few fandoms (which are listed). And I only accept OCs, sorry :"D
2. I like details. Give me paragraphs. While my details usually range around 1k words ish per post, I can make exceptions here and there :)) after all, quality over quantity~ (NOTE: also, if beaten by a fantabuloos plot, then yes, I am willing to write casual for you. I am very flexible :D )
3. I am very flexible (as said). I am open to any genre and plot. I am willing to play smut but please don't make that the center of the whole story (unless it is by a pre-discussed plot). Oh, and also no furries (sorry).
4. For MxM and FxF...I'd like if both of our characters are...what's that word? Versatile? Basically I do not want "I am strictly uke/seme/sub/dom/panda" kind of deal. I feel like characters should be more defined by many other things rather than who takes in the D, really.
5. I don't expect you to double, but it'd be a blessing if you can. Or at least pull off minor/side characters. If you can't it's fine, but mind you that I will definitely sprout out minor charas/sides every once in a while >:3
6. You can code? Great! You can't code? Also fine! Look at how lazy I am (lol)

Lol surprise surprise! I do not have a preset plot! Well, actually I do have some, but I'd prefer discussing it with you personally rather than just selling it out in the open... So just answer these questionnaire when you reach out to me so I know where to start! :)) I'll also be answering so you know a bit about myself too~

1. MxM/FxF (/MxF)?
Me: Either.
2. Your preferred Genre?
Me: Anything, really.
3. Sub-genre?
Me: Anything~
4. Setting?
Me: Errr....I do have a thing for Medieval/Victorian Age/Renaissance or basically whatever oldies you give me where they wear fancy suits and dresses... But I'm also fine with current urban settings (ESPECIALLY if combined with great plot). Note: I also have this really interesting (wow shameless) SciFi futuristic plot so try me up ;D
5. Cravings?
Me: Nothing in particular~ try me >:D
6. Preferred Age of character?
Me: Nothing below seventeen (though lately I've been wanting to try an older age spectrum...eh)
7. Limitations/Triggers?
Um. No furries, weird fetish that involves poop and poop's liquid friend. I have no particular triggers but if you do, please tell. This question is important.
8. Discord/Skype/Kik?
LOL I'll still ask this of you even if you want to rp onsite, because I want to plot with you and chats are better! If you're uncomfortable with giving out yours first, just leave this with your platform of choice and I'll be the one sending my ID to you to add~ :)

I think that's it before my post gets too creepy and long. Don't be scared to PM me or comment below (though PMs are appreciated~). Have a nice day~ :))

(will be updated because ISTG I don't remember anything right now)
Friendly Reminder: No Canon Characters :)

- Harry Potter
- Mortal Instruments
- Miss Peregrines (though I'm not so experienced in these, maybe adapting the setting would be cool :) )
- Maze Runner
- Hunger Games
- Lord of The Rings
- And I would LOVE YOU FOREVER if we can play spin off of classic tales like Grimm's Fairy Tales, or perhaps Charles Dicken's/Mark Twain's/ALL THOSE GOD CLASSICS. (Like can you imagine gay Prince and The Pauper set in 21st century? Or yet another spin off of Hamlet?)

- Resident Evil
- Assassin's Creed
- Silent Hill
- Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts (Hm...luring to the anime theme. Convince me.)

- Marvel/DC (particularly...Xavier school anyone? :) )
- Sherlock (maybe just adapting the theme...Not sure how we can insert OCs in a world where the tree Holmes exist xD)
Um, hello! ^_^

Would you be interested in a FxF roleplay, maybe set in a Victorian setting with possible fantasy themes? It's something I'm craving right now, aha.
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