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Goddess of Death
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
Online Availability
Sporadic. I'm online every day, but depending on work it may be early morning or late at night.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Female
  2. No Preferences
Fandom for right now, or something more mature.
Hello! I'm currently looking for smut-heavy/smut-centric RPs, though of course they don't have to lack a plot by any means; whether they do or they don't doesn't matter all that much to me.

Diving right in, here's a small list of criteria I'm looking for in a partner:

  • Able to respond several times a week - somewhere around 4 or 5 would be ideal. More is nice, but I'm not looking for rapid-fire and I doubt I'd be able to keep up with several posts a day. Fewer is fine as well, but there's a risk I'd lose motivation for the RP and no one wants that!
  • Plays either over E-mail or PMs. E-mail is, first and foremost, my preference, but I'd be willing to go to PMs if you absolutely refuse to leave the site.
  • Post lengths are, on average, three paragraphs or longer. I prefer longer posts to shorter ones, and three paragraphs is generally the lowest I'll go. I can understand two meaty paragraphs once in a while if there's a transition going on.
  • Willing to play the male or futa role. I'm generally okay with doubling, but I'd rather not in this scenario. It's a serious craving, but you can ask.


There isn't much I won't play; at the moment, I'm mostly looking for fantasy, science fiction, or mythology. I prefer my mythology to be ancient - and it isn't solely Greco-Roman. Norse, Celtic, Arthurian mythos, or even original pantheons are on the table.

  • Mythology Pairs:
    • God/Goddess x Worshiper
    • God/Goddess x Priestess
    • God/Goddess x Sacrifice

I'm willing to play historical fantasy, urban fantasy, and worlds not based on our own are also perfectly fine (they may just be my preference, actually). Flat-out historical is also fine; my favorite periods are ancient times (we can choose the location), Renaissance Italy, Viking Age, a vaguely Medieval period, 1920s, Tudor/Elizabeth England, a vaguely Royal Court, or Victorian England.

  • Historical Pairs:
    • Senator x Emperor's Wife
    • Senator/Emperor x Prostitute
    • Priest x Parishioner
    • Priest x Nun
    • Priest x Married Parishioner
    • Viking x Foreign Woman taken on a raid
    • Viking x Shield Maiden
    • Married Noble x Unmarried lady/servant
    • Knight x Lady/lady knight
    • Knight x Married Queen
    • Futa hidden away from society x (un)married woman

So far as science fiction is concerned, something along the lines of scientific experiments, space travel/exploration, and advanced technology are what I'm after.

  • Sci-Fi Pairs
    • Science Experiment x Scientist
    • Space Pirate x Pilot/Military/Academic
    • Native of a new planet x the last remaining survivor of the exploratory team
    • Alien x Pilot/Military/Academic

I'm not all that into modern or slice-of-life, though with the proper twist, you might interest me. So far as fandoms are concerned, the only fandom I'm really looking to play is the Witcher (with both canon and original characters). You can find more details at my post here.

I am also willing to play in the Dragon Age universe; I am exclusively looking for someone to play Solas to my f!Trevelyan and/or Abelas to my f!Lavellan. I can play Anders, Fenris, Alistair, Zevran, or Morrigan in return; you can try to ask for someone else, but I make no guarantees. I absolutely will not play Cullen. We don't have to double if you'll play Solas or Abelas for me exclusively and yes, I would prefer a great deal of smut as with all else in this ad.

I am willing to play strictly OCs in a fandom universe. Those universes are:
  1. 1) A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones
    1. Targaryen x Targaryen
    2. Targaryen x Stark
    3. Targaryen x Martell
    4. Targaryen x Tyrell
    5. Lannister x Stark
    6. Lannister x Targaryen
    7. Martell x Targaryen
  2. Harry Potter
    1. Professor x Professor
    2. Witch/Wizard x Muggle
I know many more fandoms, and if you think you'll luck into a pair I want to play, feel free to check out my massive list. I'll get into the nitty-gritty details of pairs and everything down below.

Kinks - Here is a link to my f-list, and I'll list my favorite kinks and additions under the cut. Please have a look! And for the record, there's no need to include every single kink on the list; just tell me which interest you or which you want to play and I'll do my best to be accommodating.

  • Multiple Penetrations (In the same orifice and in all orifices at once)
  • Breeding/Pregnancy
  • Corruption
  • Face-fucking
  • Heat/Estrus/Rut Cycles
  • Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics/universes
  • Hermaphrodites
  • Masturbation
  • Monsters
  • Pseudo-Rape
  • Tentacles
  • Voyeurism/Exhibitionism
  • Xeno/Alien
  • Cervical Penetration
  • Cum Inflation (to a degree)
  • Aphrodisiacs
  • Knotting
  • Lactation
  • Oviposition
  • Affairs
  • Blackmail
  • Imprinting on someone other than one's partner/mate
  • Glory Holes
  • Desperate Sex
  • Offered to a deity, but rescued by said deity before being killed
  • Priestesses Corrupted
  • Gang-bang
  • Virgin turned Sex Addict
  • The only woman in the village used to sate everyone's desires
  • Breeding Factory

I absolutely will not touch any sort of toiletplay (scat, watersports, or vomit) or pedophilia. I don't like to play rape, though dubious consent and pseudo-rape are very much on the table. Incest is very, very iffy, and would have to be presented in a very specific way for me to want to play it; bestiality is also a very grey area. I prefer sentient creatures who can think and reason at least somewhat, though ask and we'll see.

A More...Monstrous Side

For the most part, I'm looking for assorted monster/creature types to play opposite? Any animals listed below would be in anthropomorphic form unless it's something we've discussed. I also would be wanting to play the female character (surprise surprise), though I hesitate to say completely submissive. And on that note, have another handy list to look over :D

  • Orcs
  • Minotaurs
  • Centaurs
  • Satyrs
  • Werewolves/werecreatures/Werewolf Pack
  • Vampires/Vampire Coven
  • Witches/Wizards/Sorcerers/Sorceresses/Covens
  • Tentacle Creatures (plant-based, water-based, alien, etc)
  • Aliens
  • Imps
  • Spiders/Driders
  • Dragons
  • Demons/Incubi/Succubi
  • Futa (applicable to any species)
  • Insects
  • Cats
  • Dogs
  • Birds
  • Snakes
  • Bears
  • Rabbits
  • Deer
  • Mermen/mermaids

I'll be frank - I have no ready-made plots, but if you tell me what you're interested in playing, I'd happily work something out with you! Any pairing mentioned above can be m/f or futa/f or f/f less otherwise noted. These pairs and creatures aren't the only ones I'm willing to play, so please feel free to ask if you have something in mind! And if you are interested, please either send me a PM or an e-mail. You'll find my address here.

And please, when you contact me, have some idea of what you'd want to play! All messages that say, 'wanna rp' and nothing else will be ignored and deleted.
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Bump! And for the record, really looking for a werewolf pack RP.

Pretty much everything's still on the table though!
Hello! I'm currently looking for smut-heavy/smut-centric RPs, though of course they don't have to lack a plot by any means; whether they do or they don't doesn't matter all that much to me.

Diving right in, here's a small list of criteria I'm looking for in a partner:

  • Able to respond several times a week - somewhere around 4 or 5 would be ideal. More is nice, but I'm not looking for rapid-fire and I doubt I'd be able to keep up with several posts a day. Fewer is fine as well, but there's a risk I'd lose motivation for the RP and no one wants that!
  • Plays either over E-mail or PMs. E-mail is, first and foremost, my preference, but I'd be willing to go to PMs if you absolutely refuse to leave the site.
  • Post lengths are, on average, three paragraphs or longer. I prefer longer posts to shorter ones, and three paragraphs is generally the lowest I'll go. I can understand two meaty paragraphs once in a while if there's a transition going on.
  • Willing to play the male or futa role. I'm generally okay with doubling, but I'd rather not in this scenario. It's a serious craving, but you can ask.


There isn't much I won't play; at the moment, I'm mostly looking for fantasy, science fiction, or mythology. I prefer my mythology to be ancient - and it isn't solely Greco-Roman. Norse, Celtic, Arthurian mythos, or even original pantheons are on the table.

  • Mythology Pairs:
    • God/Goddess x Worshiper
    • God/Goddess x Priestess
    • God/Goddess x Sacrifice

I'm willing to play historical fantasy, urban fantasy, and worlds not based on our own are also perfectly fine (they may just be my preference, actually). Flat-out historical is also fine; my favorite periods are ancient times (we can choose the location), Renaissance Italy, Viking Age, a vaguely Medieval period, 1920s, Tudor/Elizabeth England, a vaguely Royal Court, or Victorian England.

  • Historical Pairs:
    • Senator x Emperor's Wife
    • Senator/Emperor x Prostitute
    • Priest x Parishioner
    • Priest x Nun
    • Priest x Married Parishioner
    • Viking x Foreign Woman taken on a raid
    • Viking x Shield Maiden
    • Married Noble x Unmarried lady/servant
    • Knight x Lady/lady knight
    • Knight x Married Queen
    • Futa hidden away from society x (un)married woman

So far as science fiction is concerned, something along the lines of scientific experiments, space travel/exploration, and advanced technology are what I'm after.

  • Sci-Fi Pairs
    • Science Experiment x Scientist
    • Space Pirate x Pilot/Military/Academic
    • Native of a new planet x the last remaining survivor of the exploratory team
    • Alien x Pilot/Military/Academic

I'm not all that into modern or slice-of-life, though with the proper twist, you might interest me. So far as fandoms are concerned, the only fandom I'm really looking to play is the Witcher (with both canon and original characters). You can find more details at my post here. I am willing to play strictly OCs in a fandom universe. Those universes are:
  1. 1) A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones
    1. Targaryen x Targaryen
    2. Targaryen x Stark
    3. Targaryen x Martell
    4. Targaryen x Tyrell
    5. Lannister x Stark
    6. Lannister x Targaryen
    7. Martell x Targaryen
  2. Harry Potter
    1. Professor x Professor
    2. Witch/Wizard x Muggle
I know many more fandoms, and if you think you'll luck into a pair I want to play, feel free to check out my massive list. I'll get into the nitty-gritty details of pairs and everything down below.

Kinks - Here is a link to my f-list, and I'll list my favorite kinks and additions under the cut. Please have a look! And for the record, there's no need to include every single kink on the list; just tell me which interest you or which you want to play and I'll do my best to be accommodating.

  • Multiple Penetrations (In the same orifice and in all orifices at once)
  • Breeding/Pregnancy
  • Corruption
  • Face-fucking
  • Heat/Estrus/Rut Cycles
  • Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics/universes
  • Hermaphrodites
  • Masturbation
  • Monsters
  • Pseudo-Rape
  • Tentacles
  • Voyeurism/Exhibitionism
  • Xeno/Alien
  • Cervical Penetration
  • Cum Inflation (to a degree)
  • Aphrodisiacs
  • Knotting
  • Lactation
  • Oviposition
  • Affairs
  • Blackmail
  • Imprinting on someone other than one's partner/mate
  • Glory Holes
  • Desperate Sex
  • Offered to a deity, but rescued by said deity before being killed
  • Priestesses Corrupted
  • Gang-bang
  • Virgin turned Sex Addict
  • The only woman in the village used to sate everyone's desires
  • Breeding Factory

I absolutely will not touch any sort of toiletplay (scat, watersports, or vomit) or pedophilia. I don't like to play rape, though dubious consent and pseudo-rape are very much on the table. Incest is very, very iffy, and would have to be presented in a very specific way for me to want to play it; bestiality is also a very grey area. I prefer sentient creatures who can think and reason at least somewhat, though ask and we'll see.

A More...Monstrous Side

For the most part, I'm looking for assorted monster/creature types to play opposite? Any animals listed below would be in anthropomorphic form unless it's something we've discussed. I also would be wanting to play the female character (surprise surprise), though I hesitate to say completely submissive. And on that note, have another handy list to look over :D

  • Orcs
  • Minotaurs
  • Centaurs
  • Satyrs
  • Werewolves/werecreatures/Werewolf Pack
  • Vampires/Vampire Coven
  • Witches/Wizards/Sorcerers/Sorceresses/Covens
  • Tentacle Creatures (plant-based, water-based, alien, etc)
  • Aliens
  • Imps
  • Spiders/Driders
  • Dragons
  • Demons/Incubi/Succubi
  • Futa (applicable to any species)
  • Insects
  • Cats
  • Dogs
  • Birds
  • Snakes
  • Bears
  • Rabbits
  • Deer
  • Mermen/mermaids

I'll be frank - I have no ready-made plots, but if you tell me what you're interested in playing, I'd happily work something out with you! Any pairing mentioned above can be m/f or futa/f or f/f less otherwise noted. These pairs and creatures aren't the only ones I'm willing to play, so please feel free to ask if you have something in mind! And if you are interested, please either send me a PM or an e-mail. You'll find my address here.

And please, when you contact me, have some idea of what you'd want to play! All messages that say, 'wanna rp' and nothing else will be ignored and deleted.
Message me and maybe we can figure something out?
Still looking!

And please, if you want to RP, please send me a PM or an e-mail!
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