Looking for a General or Lieutenant (Fallout 4)

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Look out on the ruins of Boston and what is it you see? Diamond city? A great green jewel arisen from the remnants of an old baseball stadium with a stable economy, food production, water supply, electricity and a military force alongside an even rarer resource in the wastes: an education?
Goodneighbour? A reinforced set of alleys for the downtrodden and the outcasts with what would be a gang in charge if it didn't have the best interest of its people in mind?
Bunker hill? A shining spire reaching for the sky serving as both a reminder of the past and a beacon for the present smack in the middle of every major trading route in and out of the city, the true artery of Boston?
Or perhaps you see the Slog, Warwick homestead, Abarnathy farm or any of the other minor settlements scattered across the wastes trying to carve a place for them to survive?

Aye, the commonwealth is all those things, and yet... so much more. Do you know what it is you truly see? What you're seeing are the foundations for a nation, all it needs is a little push.

The story
The minutemen have destroyed the institute, the great, looming boogeyman of the Commonwealth went up in a puff of smoke and radiation. Despite this, however, the Wealth is far from a safe place; raiders still terrorise the settlements, Gunners still expand their domination through sheer force and supermutants still roam the land doing gods know what to every poor, unfortunate soul to cross their path. The minutemen's work is far from over.
The general (that's either you or me, depending on your preference), has decided to consolidate the power of this citizen army and help build a nation, piece by piece.

The technicals
- This is a long term, often slow paced, role play focussing on diplomacy, realistic construction and strategic decisions in a war against three (or perhaps even more) immediate foes. As such a certain level of skill will be required, so if you please, do send me a sample of your work.
- The set-up will be an exchange of control from chapter to chapter; i.e. I control a chapter, then you, them me again, and so on.
- The situation regarding certain locations is up for debate which we can discuss in private.
- Realism is key, walking around with a minigun, a fat man, a missile launcher, a flamer and a thousand rounds for each is a big no-no and a well placed round will take you out.

Nothing is written in stone, if you have issues with anything mentioned then bring them up, I'm sure we can work something out that appeals to the both of us.
Please send me a message if you're interested.