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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Wondering Soul

Original poster
Hiya there! I'm pretty new to this sight, so you might want to take that into consideration about some things. That being said, I have several years of roleplay and even more in just general writing experience. However, all of my roleplay experience has been on a very strict family-friendly sight. Only because I wasn't entirely sure how to branch out and find other roleplay sites, and just was stuck in the ways. With that on the table, I will say I am here because I want to diversify my writing and roleplays. For reference to potential rp partners, I'm not looking for any sort of hardcore sexual themes. I'm not crazy about overly explicit content, but that does not mean I am entirely against it either. I just like a nice balance. I've just gotten tired of everything not PG being off the table, and having to simplify anything violent and language related as well.
So, now that that block of text is done. Let's get into my abilities and interests. ^.^
― I am a heavily mirror poster. I average around 250 - 400 words, but I can write much more ranging in the 1000+ range provided my partner does.
― I can play any gender, and I'm comfortable with roleplaying as many characters that are needed.
― I fancy myself having pretty decent grammar and spelling, but I am human and I can make a mistake from time to time. I always proof read multiple times though, and put my utmost effort into it.
― I will try to respond as frequently as I can, but my work can be demanding. There will be days with rapid fire responses, and the occasional where I can't post at all. I ask for some understanding with this.

That's it for me, below are some exceptions. If you have any questions about myself and my abilities, please feel free to ask. I often forget things, and just probably forgot to mention it here.
― I ask you have a similar average post size as myself. Of course I understand writers block, but somewhere around 100 - 200 words a minimum is what I'm looking for. If you are growing tired or bored, just let me know please.
― I ask for a decent level of maturity, basically because as my aforementioned wanting to branch out.
― At least one post a week, or let me know if you can't. I'm very understanding about odd or demanding schedules. I won't bite, just let me know.


Now, for the fun part. My interests. c: I have no concrete plots in mind, just general settings I would love to toss some ideas around. I am currently craving a revolution based plot. I'm either thinking a medieval or a sort of underground grungy cyberpunk setting for this. I have some ideas for both, so please if you'd be interested please let me know.
• Medieval Settings
╴Knights, Revolutions, War, Assassins, Fantasy, Thieves, Realistic, ETC
• Deities
╴Mythology, Gods/Goddesses, Angels, Demons, Fantasy, ETC
• Crime Stories
╴Agents, Spies, Detectives, ETC
╴Adventure, Fantasy, Historical
Con Artists
╴Heists, Fugitives, High Stacks, Thieves
╴Sci-Fi, Revolutions, Cyborgs, AI, Detectives, ETC
• Fantasy Settings
╴Medieval, Modern, Mythical Creatures, ETC
• Historical Time Periods
╴Edwardian, Victorian, The Old West, ETC
• Humans w/Powers
╴Superheros, Villains, Fugitives, Lab rats

Bold = Craving anything to do with
Underlined = Craving within listed topic
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Hey! I just put up a character named Enid, who fits into the fantasy and medival realm! I'd love to help you branch out or just experiment. :) Shoot me a pm if you're interested !<3
I have a crime-story/vigilante-plot idea, it's not super developed, but if you're interested, send me a pm and we can try to plot something!
I've just come back, but I'd love to talk about a fugitives plot, whether you have one or we can collab!
Shoot me a message if you're still looking :)
hey hey! I'd be up to doing something in the con artists field, I have an old idea that could work for that :). Message me if you're still open!
I could do a medieval fantasy plot.
I have a Neverland centered role-play that involves the pirates if you're interested.
Okay, awesome. I'm actually pretty new to this site as well, and I'm not sure where to take it from here.
I will message you and we can discuss :)