Long term partners? [M x F or F x F]

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Original poster
Hello~ my name is Venere!
Venus in English! So you can call me whichever
I am 17 going on 18 but I don't mind what age you are as long as you have constant posts, grammar, and decent length posts.

About me
Like I had said before I am 17 going on 18, so I will be an adult soon! (According to this site at least haha) I am going to be a senior in high school, so when schools days come back around I will not be on as much! I am also poor in health so I may seem off some days or not on at all.
I am pretty flexible when it comes to rping new things but if you keep doing something that makes me uncomfortable I will leave our rp.
I also am very mothering so if anyone needs someone to talk to I am always here for you! Just name a PM *Serious* and I will answer immediately <3

This will just be a small list of things that I will love you for following!

>Ask me questions!
>Tell me if somethings wrong
>Add in input
>Share ideas with me

>Not follow my 'personal details'
>Play my character
>Tell me you will write multiple posts then only send me 2-3 small paragraphs

Underlined= I play that character~
Bolded= I don't care who plays who~

PINK= I really want to do this RP!

  • Princess/Prince x Servant girl

  • Princess x Servent boy

  • Kidnapped Princess x pirate

  • Best friends

  • Bully x Victim

  • Vampire x Human [Modern or Medieval setting]

  • Killer x Detective/Cop/Killer

  • Arranged marriage [Modern or Medieval setting]

  • Ghost x Human

  • Angel x Demon

  • Lost angel x human demon

  • Scientist x Religious
  • Waitress x Chef

If you have any questions PM me or comment to this thread and I'll get to you as soon as possible!
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I really liked you and your style (you hit me like a fun person to rp with) but i didn't like any of your plot ideas. Can i add somei had?
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Reactions: Venere
You can see my interests and plot hooks here Partner Request: Need more RP!
But we could also plot something together if you like, so tell me which one you prefer and we can go with that
Hey there Venere, I think we would get along well. I actually like a lot of the pairings you've listed and I'm pretty sure it would be easy for us to come up with some plots together. I hope you don't mind but I'm slowly trying to get back into the roleplaying world so I might be a little rusty.
Hey there Venere, I think we would get along well. I actually like a lot of the pairings you've listed and I'm pretty sure it would be easy for us to come up with some plots together. I hope you don't mind but I'm slowly trying to get back into the roleplaying world so I might be a little rusty.
I don't mind at all! I'm also a bit rusty so it's all good ;) just send me a PM of all the things you like and we can discuss!
Hey Venus! I don't know if you're still looking for partners, but I'd love to try out the KillerxDetective/Cop and ScientistxReligious parings! Also, do you mind if we try out FxF? It's my strong suit, but I'm also just as happy with MxF.

Hope to hear from you soon!

-Stay gucci
Hey Venus! I don't know if you're still looking for partners, but I'd love to try out the KillerxDetective/Cop and ScientistxReligious parings! Also, do you mind if we try out FxF? It's my strong suit, but I'm also just as happy with MxF.

Hope to hear from you soon!

-Stay gucci
Hello! Yes I'm still interested! Send me a PM and we can talk more about it!
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Reactions: Mobley Eats
mind if we do princessXservant boy? if so let me know :)
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Reactions: Venere
Hello *^* Not sure if you've gotten an offer for this one yet, but I'd be happy to do Kidnapped Princess x Pirate. However, I have done this plot before as the pirate, and I was wondering if you'd mind if I played a female? I'm not sure how realistic that would be from a historical standpoint, but I'm looking to expand my horizons (as I've played the dominant/aggressive male in straight pairings like these quite often). If not, that's fine, too.

I will warn you, I'm also 17 going on 18, but I'm entering my Junior year. My schedule is going to get hectic fairly quickly, and my response rate will unfortunately decrease. If that's fine with you, I'd love to be your partner!
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Reactions: Venere
Hello *^* Not sure if you've gotten an offer for this one yet, but I'd be happy to do Kidnapped Princess x Pirate. However, I have done this plot before as the pirate, and I was wondering if you'd mind if I played a female? I'm not sure how realistic that would be from a historical standpoint, but I'm looking to expand my horizons (as I've played the dominant/aggressive male in straight pairings like these quite often). If not, that's fine, too.

I will warn you, I'm also 17 going on 18, but I'm entering my Junior year. My schedule is going to get hectic fairly quickly, and my response rate will unfortunately decrease. If that's fine with you, I'd love to be your partner!
Of course! :) do you mind PMing me and we can talk more?
Bully x Victim

Can i play as the Victim? I know that i might be setting myself up for something here.... but the way i see it. I'm rather willing to try anything at the moment.