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Aero Blue

he hears his master's voice
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. One post per week
Online Availability
5-11 EST weekdays, anytime weekends.
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Douche
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Female
Superhero, urban fantasy, space opera, crime thriller, supernatural
"Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."
• Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina


Oh, my sons and daughters, how good it is to see you all again so soon!
What's that you say?
The devil? Me? Surely not!
Am I God? Good child, I take offense to that!
But how astute it is of you all, my dear children, to realize that - yes - you are dead. Oh, I'm afraid so, or perhaps I'm pleased to inform you. My condolences, or congratulations; whichever you deign to accept. You are all here, in my happy little cradle.

And we will be such a happy family.
Because now, you are free to live. And to let live.
To save them.
And to kill.
And to reap.
Congratulations. Welcome to the family.


It is the Fourth Millennium of the Common Era, and God is dead.

And as He in whom we trust has died, so too has the Government.

To the expected choruses of 'we told you so' from the Fallen of millennia past, the Megacorps rule. This is to be expected. They've channeled the Old Technologies, after all.

The Great Heavenly Mind that once only God controlled. The supercomputer that altered the paradigms of society itself, that defined the boundaries of time and space, was the harbinger of sun, of wind, of storms, of ice, of lightning, that was the key to Heaven and Hell alike.

They control the Inputs now.

The rich exchange assets and curry favor to buy a sunny day on their daughter's wedding, to seek absolution and Heaven for their depraved murderous son. Hell is no longer the domain of the Damned, it's the domain of the Poor.

You had, unfortunately, died.

You were of the Damned, on a one way ticket to Hell.

Until they, the BlaspheMind - skilled, relentless, hopeless hackers of divine justice - turned you into an Anomaly. Removed from Heaven, removed from Hell.

Neither Angel in Paradise.

Nor the Screaming in the Inferno.

But employed.

Liberate the Heavenly Mind, make it Just once again. By your Mercy.

Or by Fire and Brimstone.


• The setting is [[Cyberpunk]] - simply described as: Technology drastically advanced, Social Order has done the opposite.

• This take on the Cyberpunk setting is very Theistic. As the Intro has alluded, God is an operator of a supercomputer that the Megacorps have exploited, and that hackers can tap into.

• As well as being Theistic, there is an element of old fantasy. Elves, trolls, orc, dwarves all exist in this world, and have aged alongside humans to exist in the Fourth Millenium.

• Your character is Dead, but in neither Heaven nor Hell. Some strange unexplainable deep space where you've been more or less forcibly recruited into the Family - operatives with the goal to, en verbatim, 'Liberate the Heavenly Mind'. Free the device of God from the Megacorps.

• Heaven, Hell, and Underworlds/Afterlifes of many other religions will essentially be Virtual Spaces, where one can hack into.

• In the real world, by remotely hacking into the Heavenly Mind (or some other alternative virtual space), You will have access to great supernatural powers, generally uniquely tailored to your character. Now, granted, this is mainly to say that through Hacking, power can be achieved.

It's likely that, due to your status as a member of the Family, an Anomaly, you can channel power directly from one of these sources. This is, admittedly, not yet cemented.

• More lore and world details to come in the full package. This is proof of concept.

• This Roleplay will be both insular, yet great in scale. The world itself is of an ambitious scope, as is the objective. But the stories of 'the Family' should be of dominant importance.
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K so like gunna be honest here. The Boo Girlie does NOT do well in sci~fi stuffs but have always found cyberpunk like sooooooo super intriguing! So....

Yeah interested but will wait for OoC to see if like I can understand the techie~tech techincalizing of it all k? :3
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