ALWAYS OPEN Little Blackbird | Sign Up & OOC

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Minor Being of Mayhem
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Fantasy, Science Fiction, Historical Fiction, Paranormal, and Horror
Little Blackbird

This is a dark gothic fantasy story based in the town of Arkley known and yet not for its odd citizens and mysterious past. The town was founded around four hundred years ago by three families - The Whitmores, the Flemings, and the Mulvahils. Each family is known for their own special brand of peculiarity - The Whitmores like outsiders a bit too much, the Flemings seem to flinch at the sight of the sun, and the Mulvahils are far too obsessed with bodies of water. The truth of the matter is that they are not human - never have been, really. Then again, few in this little town are humans and those that are were practically cast out from normal society for one reason or another.

This town of otherworldly creatures and odd little humans rarely sees travelers or tourists save for once a year. At the tail end of the autumn season, Arkley hosts a grand festival open to any and all called the Festival of Spirits. It is a magnificent three day event to honor the founding families and all those who have passed on. There is music, performances, costumes, and contests! And at the end of it all: The Whitmore Masquerade; where at the end, guests of honor are asked to bring the festival to a close by taking a candle to Maybelle's Grove and honoring the first person to die in Arkley. Most never notice the ghostly blackbird that watches them as they traverse the forest. They never notice their hosts slipping away into the shadows. And they never notice when a young girl cries in mourning. Most never make it past the first hour of the hunt.

You see, long ago a young girl named Maybelle died. Her father couldn't let her death go and made a deal with something even monsters considered abnormal. It brought her back in the form of a phantom, doomed to forever haunt the forest she died in. Its price for this boon? The man's family would forever be beholden to it. Every year on the night she died, all members of the Whitmore family past the age of sixteen must complete a sacrifice or the creature would take their souls away.

  • The Basics

    I'm fairly new to this site, but not new to running these types of groups. In fact, this is an overhaul of one of my first ever groups and actually one I had plans to turn into a book, but dropped before writing. I have a lot of information about this world and a general plot for us all to follow, but I have plans to change things around based on the characters you create and the actions they take. I would like this role play to help you explore more into your characters in a dark fantasy setting. There is going to be violence, gore, death, and so much tragedy that this will probably be incredibly edgy.

    The rules are the same general ones you'd find everywhere - No godmodding of any kind, no perfect characters, follow the site rules, and don't bully or harass people ooc. As for posting, I would like at least two paragraphs for each post and one post every two weeks at the least. A member of a founding family counts as a citizen. However, you can have up to four characters currently.

    The story is loosely planned to follow the idea of your characters, the travelers and the citizens, getting to know each other over the course of the festival. The travelers will realize that people are hiding something, but can't quite figure out what. Each traveler character will enter a raffle where a few will be selected to take the walk to Maybelle's Grove where they will be hunted by the characters of the Whitmore family. From there, they will work to get out of the forest while the others are told what is happening and try to get in to help. The citizens will either work to stop them or help them. Or, at least, that's the general idea.

    This is a dark victorian/gothic-esque fantasy setting...which was kinda based off Bloodbourne. This means that things will get dark and dreary. Know this before deciding - there is no happy ending and someone will lose. So, if you want what I'm hoping will be an emotional ride full of future emotional damage for your characters, look no further.

  • Character Info

    There are many playable roles and there should be enough founding family members for everyone to have one. The founding families all play a rather vital role and are all in on the hunt, though the Whitmores are the only ones to actively participate in it. The three families are very much designed to be morally gray or downright evil in some cases, but I encourage you to forge your own path for your character. There are NPCs that can still push the plot where it needs to go.

    Oh! Before I forget, your characters can also be supernatural creatures. I even have a list ready to go as I would like them to follow a less modernized version of the creatures. You are, of course, free to add to the list. Just give me the rundown of your idea and we'll see about getting the creature to fit into the world.

    You can have up to four characters. I will make npc's if we do not have enough people to enter the forest.

    The Founding Families:
    There are three families that built Arkley - The Whitmores, the Flemings, and the Mulvahils. Each family has their own dark history and their own curse to bear. The Whitmores are beholden to a creature called Decay that turned them into shapeshifters. There will be four roles available for this family. The Flemings are cursed with vampirism that any who join the family is infected with as it is bound not to their blood, but to their name. There will be two roles available for this family. The Mulvahils are the descendants of the last true siren making them an endangered species. There will be two roles available for this family.

    The Travelers:
    There are people born outside of Arkley who have traveled here for one reason or another. There is no limit on this role.

    The Citizens:
    These are people who were born in Arkley or came here and decided to stay. They know or suspect the truth of this festival. Some might even be in on it - this is a rather tight knit town, afterall. There is no limit on this role.

I have the lore, species, and magic systems all written out. I am working on putting it all together into something that actually looks nice. Below is the link to the google docs which has everything you need to know. I will also link the other threads here when they are up.

Song Playlists:​

All Character Roles
Below is a list of all roles and the characters filling those roles. Feel free to reserve any spots!

The Whitmore Family
Myron Whitmore | Son of Waverly Whitmore (@MissyMay)
Amarantha Withmore | Daughter of Minerva Whitmore & Forrest Monaghan (@SilverPaw)
Armand Whitmore | Son of Ambrose Whitmore & Anais Bouchard (@Bahiyya)
Majna Whitmore | Child of Serena Whitmore(@StarlightStarbright)
Horace Whitmore | Child of Waverly Whitmore (@The Lotus Archives)

The Fleming Family
Nikolas Fleming | Son of Sydney & Theresa Fleming (@cry)
Rivka Fleming | Daughter of Claude & Neil Fleming (@cowboyclown)

The Mulvahil Family
Gladiolus Mulvahil | Daughter of Lacey & Edgar Mulvahil (@Ai-in Ayan)
Nerina Mulvahil | Daughter of Lucia & Carmela Mulvahil (@Princess Rose)

Felix Fletcher | Merchant Thief (@MissyMay)
Laverne Wycliffe | Journalist's Apprentice (@MissyMay)
Penelope Albrecht | Novelist (@cry)
Jamil De Bosque | Performer/Drag Queen (@StarlightStarbright)
Mizuko Ryu | Traveling Noble (@The Lotus Archives)
Onne | Guardian (@The Lotus Archives)
Olenn Jordenson | Stable Keeper (@Luther)

Mina Delagney | Constable (@MissyMay)
Hyacinth Adventurine | Butler/Bodyguard (@Ai-in Ayan)
Amir Bijan | Owner of the Achaemenes (@The Lotus Archives)
Oleander Valcourt | School Teacher (@cry)
Baron Grady | Surgeon (@Luther)

Character Info & Sheets
You are open to make whatever type of character your wish so long as they at least loosely fit into the setting and can explain why they are the way they are. You can make a time traveler, you can make a woman literally haunted by the ghosts of her past, you can make a sarcastic man cursed to be a hairless cat. You can even make the mortal reincarnation of one of this worlds gods... though I do ask that you request something like that first. The only limit is your imagination and the world setting. If you want to add or make up a new species, please ask me and we can create some info for it. I also changed the rule so that you only have to make one character if you want to, but four is your maximum limit as of right now. My only ask is that you avoid making overpowered characters without reason or weakness.

I'm not particular about how you set up your character sheets. I only really care about a name, age, story role (traveler, citizen, founding family), a detailed backstory and the answer to the three questions. I would prefer semi-realistic art, realistic art, or real people as face claims. Below is a basic character sheet you can use.

Feel free to ask me any questions. I'll answer asap.

If your character is a traveler, would you be okay with them entering the forest after the festival?

If your character is a citizen, do they know the truth of the festival and how do they feel about that?

If your character is a member of a founding family, would they attempt to help or hinder the travelers?

@SilverPaw @fauxklimt @Dusk
Just in case you guys are still interested or want a look at the lore (google docs) before committing,
I also changed the rule on the character limit so you only have to make one, but can still make up to four.​
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At the very least, is there a template we may use?
Here you go! I tried to make it easy but I've never made a shared character sheet code before. Tell me if you run into any problems! It should be mobile friendly, too. You can view them here before using them.
That's actually a good idea, and I've edited my post in the info thread to use the template, follow the theme. :3
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So, I believe most characters are done and the info thread is now up. If there are no objections, I plan to create the IC thread Sunday or Monday! Of course, I will always be accepting characters! If you aren't done creating all the characters you want by Sunday, no problem. Take your time.

Now, I actually wanted to ask something about the main character Whitmores. How do we want to write their relationships to start? Things can change over the course of the rp, but they all grew up under the same roof.
So, I believe most characters are done and the info thread is now up. If there are no objections, I plan to create the IC thread Sunday or Monday! Of course, I will always be accepting characters! If you aren't done creating all the characters you want by Sunday, no problem. Take your time.

Now, I actually wanted to ask something about the main character Whitmores. How do we want to write their relationships to start? Things can change over the course of the rp, but they all grew up under the same roof.
I shall @fauxklimt as I don't believe they've said anything in this thread since they've submitted their character. Might be a good idea to @ those that haven't submitted their characters quite yet in the info thread as well. Everyone should be encouraged to follow this thread and the future IC thread.

Anyways. Majna herself tries to be agreeable with everyone. Majna is shy in a nervous way, not in a loner way. The only person she is actively too intimidated by to make any direct effort in a close relationship would be Ambrose, who based on your and @Bahiyya's input, may in fact attempt to blossom a daughter/father relationship. He has his work cut out for him, haha.
But to summerize I think Majna would get along with all of the other Whitmores. I think Majna and Myron would especially get along (disregarding Majna's deep admiration for her brother to the point that she made a whole new personality based off of him), as Myron and Majna have a similar warmthness to their personality I feel.

Also, Majna is the youngest of the Whitmores currently at 15 years of age. She is sort of the "baby" of the family. You don't make the baby of the family sad.

However, a huge part of Majna is her multiple personalities, so I feel that developing any type of relationship with Majna directly ties in to whether those people understand that she has other people in her body called headmates, and whether they get along with those other headmates. Faris is very aloof, justice-seeking, and survival-oriented while Hermin is a feisty boy with tons of energy. Not all of the Whitmores are going to like such qualities.

This roleplay takes place in a general Victorian environment, and the study of mental disorders had not fully developed into what it is today. Majna wouldn't even be diagnosed with "DID" because the term DID is a much more recent replacement for the term "MPD" or Multiple personality disorder. And I don't even think that term exists during the Victoria era. In short, many of the travelers and some citizens of Arkley are probably going to think Majna is insane or call her childish for "playing pretend." And it wouldn't be farfetched if some of the Whitmores felt the same way about her too.

There's also the other conflict of Majna not being a Whitmore by blood, so some of the Whitmores might not even see Majna as a true Whitmore and therefore not a part of the family.

But yeah. TLDR: Majna is a sweet little flower but her headmates are much hard to approach. Her relationship with everyone else ties in to whether they understand that Majna has two silly goobers in her head that take over her body or not, and whether they're chill with those goobers. Otherwise disregarding the goobers she's very agreeable. She's the Whitmore baby as the youngest and that will likely entice the older Whitmores to "protecc" her, if those Whitmores even view Majna as part of the family.
[Cries] I am finally done with the backstory. Tell me if I need to change things for this dude.

Name: Hyacinth Adventurine
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Species: Faerie/ Water
Sexuality: Demisexual
Occupation: Butler/ Bodyguard
Role: Citizen
  • The forest
  • Ceremonies
  • Exploration
  • Potion making
  • The hunt
  • Loud people
  • Disrespectful ones
  • His Faerie form
  • Witchcraft [The ones where his abilities are nulled]

Hyacinth is a very cheerful man, most of the time approachable and benevolent. Children, however always see right through him, being scared and telling their parent at how 'scary' or 'sinister' he was. Luckily for him, children were rarely believed. His favorite pastime would be to cause minor inconveniences or mischief around the town. Though people have their suspicions, they can't prove it was Hyacinth.

In idle times where he is not needed by the family, he would be out and about following Gladiolus to see what mischief the young master would sink her toes into.

Even with his nature as a faerie, Hyacinth is, first and foremost, a butler. He would obey any orders and requests from his master without any questions even if it was against his ideals. He would only talk about what is on his mind behind closed door.

The boy, not having a name then, was not born in the town but was offered as a gift to one of the founding family in that area. He did not know who was supposed to take him and he only knew that he was not going to live long. He knew that a slave like him was going to be killed and his corpse would be preserved to make money off. He had the 'most exquisite wings anyone has ever seen'.

With charms and iron burning into his skin, his wings spread by chains to show the 'buyers' what they are buying, his hope was dwindling.

The first person to actually come near was a pair of humans. One was an old man, reeking of magic, the other was a girl his age group. "This is the first time I have seen a fae in all of their glory," the old man commented with a frown.

"I do not think he should be in a cage. He is in pain," the girl stated, moving closer. "Grand papa?"

"Don't worry, my little flower," the old man started before they walked away.

The boy did not really think about the two as he slept the night away. When he woke up, there was no burning sensation from the iron chains and no ache from the charms. He only felt warmth. He felt like he was protected. Opening his eyes, he saw someone carrying him out of the place. A blindfold was then placed on his eyes.

"Thank my daughter later when we get out," the man stated as soft rustles were heard and thumps from something. He heard something akin to a melon being smashed into the ground. "Do you have a name, boy?" he asked.

"No," he whimpered.

"We will name you later on, then," the man sighed. By the time they got out, the boy found himself near the lake. The danger was not over. He needed to get away but to where? He does not know where he originally came from nor does he have a real purpose. He only wanted to live. As he was having these questions in his head, the human carrying him met up with the old man and the red haired girl from earlier.

Being thankful to his rescuers, he unconsciously promised himself a lifetime of servitude. The human merely smiled before patting the boy. "You will have to announce that again when you really are ready," he stated ominously.

He was then under the Mulvahil Family, under the tutelage of the servants, the employees and even the main family themselves. He found home.

Time was kind to the faerie, now named Hyacinth Adventurine. His training involved everything under the sun to become the perfect butler. The Mulhavil family also did not ignore his origin or his kind. They had older faeries tutoring him of their ways and practices and even teaching him how to wield magic effectively. He was also given a bit of knowledge about the town but not all.

By 18, he was already presented as Miss Glad's personal butler. He was prepared for a bratty and high-strung person like the ladies in the house. He was prepared for tantrums and a bossy attitude. He was not prepared for a fiery gremlin looking for trouble. So many times he has to get her out of it and so many times he was punished.

Over years, he had grown to like the fiery little lady. It was better to join her and keep the damage low than try to tell her 'no'.

If your character is a citizen, do they know the truth of the festival and how do they feel about that?
Yes. He has been with the founding family for most of his life, thus, already knowing what is happening in the forest during the hunt. He will also agree with Amarantha Whitmore and the Fleming heir that the rituals should proceed no matter what and that no amount of intervention can stop it.

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Redrew Majna!

I am much more pleased with this design than the previous design! Especially the dress! It's much more fitting of a Victorian Noble I feel.

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Oh! And I would like to present this before I get ready for my 12 hour Amazon warehouse night shift!
They are oh so silly~
@MissyMay I have a couple more questions I thought up!

Does Rosale have a shop? Or is she more of a work out of her home for specific requests and/or goes to other's homes for measurements or the like? Either work just wanted to know prior to anything I have Niko do in regards to tailoring.

For the travelers, is there anything specific that those characters would be expected to do in the festival besides entering the drawings? Obviously, partake in the general festivities, but is there anything else that they need to do/know in specific?

For Penelope in particular, is there anything that she might exhibit as a Whitmore that a regular Shapeshifter wouldn't? The inky-black shapeshifting, I assume, but anything else? I imagine she looks more like Lynley than Waverly, so just wasn't sure what your/our plans were for anything regarding her.

Also, I'll be adding Niko and Penelope to the The Anthology as soon as I can ^^
I was actually debating on drawing the Whitmores too! I wanted to draw them dancing.

I feel like she works from her house and travels (or probably sends Niko since she's getting older) to other people homes to take measurements and make plans. They'd probably travel to her house for fittings.

The travelers really only need to get a custom mask! I would like each of them to interact with some of the NPC's to get some hints that the festival isn't all fun and games, but that's completely optional.

As for Penelope. the mark! Each Whitmore is marked by Decay and it can't be removed but the mark can be anywhere on the person. So, she'll be recognized as a Whitmore if anyone from the family sees that. Plus, Waverly might very well see the resemblance between Lynley and Penelope and make some connections.

I actually was thinking about an idea that Myron is the one to accidently discover Penelope's mark, but assumes she's Ambrose's daughter instead of his dads. They'd probably figure out the truth eventually, but I think it'd be funny. We can absolutely brainstorm some ideas together though!
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I was actually debating on drawing the Whitmores too! I wanted to draw them dancing.
Oooooh! If you do draw that, please please @ me! I wanna see the Whitmire goobers dance!

BTW everyone, after I am released from my Amazon night shift I'm gonna dump a lot of fun facts and ideas about Majna and perhaps Jamil! Be prepared, hehehehe!
Now, I actually wanted to ask something about the main character Whitmores. How do we want to write their relationships to start? Things can change over the course of the rp, but they all grew up under the same roof.
Majna herself tries to be agreeable with everyone. Majna is shy in a nervous way, not in a loner way. The only person she is actively too intimidated by to make any direct effort in a close relationship would be Ambrose, who based on your and @Bahiyya's input, may in fact attempt to blossom a daughter/father relationship. He has his work cut out for him, haha.
But to summerize I think Majna would get along with all of the other Whitmores. I think Majna and Myron would especially get along (disregarding Majna's deep admiration for her brother to the point that she made a whole new personality based off of him), as Myron and Majna have a similar warmthness to their personality I feel.

Also, Majna is the youngest of the Whitmores currently at 15 years of age. She is sort of the "baby" of the family. You don't make the baby of the family sad.

However, a huge part of Majna is her multiple personalities, so I feel that developing any type of relationship with Majna directly ties in to whether those people understand that she has other people in her body called headmates, and whether they get along with those other headmates. Faris is very aloof, justice-seeking, and survival-oriented while Hermin is a feisty boy with tons of energy. Not all of the Whitmores are going to like such qualities.

This roleplay takes place in a general Victorian environment, and the study of mental disorders had not fully developed into what it is today. Majna wouldn't even be diagnosed with "DID" because the term DID is a much more recent replacement for the term "MPD" or Multiple personality disorder. And I don't even think that term exists during the Victoria era. In short, many of the travelers and some citizens of Arkley are probably going to think Majna is insane or call her childish for "playing pretend." And it wouldn't be farfetched if some of the Whitmores felt the same way about her too.

There's also the other conflict of Majna not being a Whitmore by blood, so some of the Whitmores might not even see Majna as a true Whitmore and therefore not a part of the family.

But yeah. TLDR: Majna is a sweet little flower but her headmates are much hard to approach. Her relationship with everyone else ties in to whether they understand that Majna has two silly goobers in her head that take over her body or not, and whether they're chill with those goobers. Otherwise disregarding the goobers she's very agreeable. She's the Whitmore baby as the youngest and that will likely entice the older Whitmores to "protecc" her, if those Whitmores even view Majna as part of the family.
By the way, I am eager for feedback on the info above from those who own a Whitmore OC!
Ok! Character Factoids time!

Majna (And Faris and Herman)
- Majna was bald when she was found on Whitmore property and nursed back to health by Serena. The Marque Noire shaved all of the children's hair off. It took years for Majna to grow her hair to the length and volume it currently is.

- Majna is allergic to Mangoes. Mangoes are commonly tied to latex allergies, but Majna is actually not allergic to latex. She's specifically allergic to the mango skin, which houses the urushiol chemical. She's also far more reactive to poison ivy and poison oak because of this.

- Majna actually doesn't remember much of her time with the Marque Noire. Faris, her first headmate, was originally a function fragment and a trauma holder with no distinct personality of their own. They still hold most of those memories concerning the Marque Noire. Even despite this Majna still has instinctive fears that unconsciously remind her of her experiences.

- The city that the Marque Noire resides in: Marque, is 40 to 50 miles away. Majna ran from that city to Arkley in around 10 hours. She barely managed through that journey with the power of dissociation and adrenaline.

- Herman refuses to front when the body is going through mentstration. He already hates the other "girly" things about the body, and he refuses to handle the worst thing that comes with having a Müllerian body.

- Herman also doesn't front within the Whit Pigment Art Shop very often, despite the shop belonging to Armand. Herman doesn't have the patience for assisting a store. He'd much rather go play outside.

- Majna and her headmates all wish that the body was a shapeshifter like the rest of the Whitmores, but none of them can agree on what animal they would want to shapeshift into. Majna wants to transform into a sheep, Faris wants to transform in a cassowary, and Herman wants to transform into a tiger, like Armand. The three of them had a full on argument over this topic in the headspace that resulted in Majna disappearing from the front for three days straight (Herman made fun of Majna for her choice in animal and Faris did not help.)

- I like to think that Armand may have made a different mask for Majna and each of her headmates for the The Day of the Chrysanthemum. He possibly themed them after the animals each headmate wished they could shapeshift into. Majna and her headmates would switch between these masks depending on who's fronting. @Bahiyya let me know what you think of this one.

- Majna may have more headmates that even she doesn't know about. Faris and Herman are simply the headmates that have made themselves known and actively front.

Jamil (Faye-Boulous)
- When Jamil joined the military, he specifically joined one of the Hussar regiments. He met his first love there, who helped him explore his identity. This first love later died in battle, and although Jamil was heartbroken for a time, he has moved on from the grief and is thankful for the experience that man gave him.

- The feathers attached to Jamil's headdress when staging as Faye-Boulous are from a blue-and-yellow macaw. It was a gift from one of his fans.

- The mole under Jamil's mouth is actually fake. He uses make up to dot it in. He think it looks gorgeous on him.

- Jamil hates the church and will actively diss anyone wearing religious robes or headdresses. When he was disowned by his family and kicked to the curbside, he went to church after church for assistance but was rebuked for his "sinfulness" and denied aid. Jamil feels that all priests and monks are the scum of the earth because of such experiences.

- Jamil's mentor: May-Morable, died a few years ago. He was killed in cold blood and the murderer was never found due to police negligence. Such an event was how Jamil learned to never fully trust authorities.
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Now, I actually wanted to ask something about the main character Whitmores. How do we want to write their relationships to start? Things can change over the course of the rp, but they all grew up under the same roof.
There's also the other conflict of Majna not being a Whitmore by blood, so some of the Whitmores might not even see Majna as a true Whitmore and therefore not a part of the family.
Armand doesn't really say it aloud, but the way that he sees it, he kind of wonders what's so good about being a true Whitmore if it means having to kill someone every year. That's why he's never had an issue with Majna's presence, and he does try to bar Majna and the system from the true meaning of being a Whitmore. As for some other facts:
  • His Decay's Mark is located at the nape of his neck.
  • Armand regards his grandmother Vella with respect, but only out of duty. He doesn't understand her unkindness, and sometimes he feels guilty about being one of the exceptions to her usual disposition.
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Now, I actually wanted to ask something about the main character Whitmores. How do we want to write their relationships to start? Things can change over the course of the rp, but they all grew up under the same roof.
There's also the other conflict of Majna not being a Whitmore by blood, so some of the Whitmores might not even see Majna as a true Whitmore and therefore not a part of the family.
  • Armand regards his grandmother Vella with respect, but only out of duty. He doesn't understand her unkindness, and sometimes he feels guilty about being one of the exceptions to her usual disposition.
Y'know Speaking of Vella, I don't know why but I feel like Vella HATES Majna. Like, she might be willing to sell Majna back to one of the crime syndicates in Marque if the deal is lucrative enough. I could be wrong though. I don't know I just feel like Vella can't stand Majna. She might remind Vella of something she missed when she was younger, I don't know.
Hi I'm interested in joining and I was interested in making a character that was the bastard son of one of the Whittmores and I was wondering if that's okay
Hi I'm interested in joining and I was interested in making a character that was the bastard son of one of the Whittmores and I was wondering if that's okay
I believe all the Whitmore slots are taken, and there's already a traveler character that's a Whitmore, but there are still Flemming and Mulvahil slots open! We could also use a traveler or citizen or two. You can have up to four OCs!

Ultimately I would wait to see what the owner, @MissyMay , has to say. They may be open to your idea!
Hi I'm interested in joining and I was interested in making a character that was the bastard son of one of the Whittmores and I was wondering if that's okay
I'm afraid @StarlightStarbright is right. All the Whitmore spots have been claimed and we already have a traveler that is a bastard child of a Whitmore. There is still a spot in both the Fleming and Mulvahils families, plus I'm open to discussing any other character ideas you might have!
Hi I'm interested in joining and I was interested in making a character that was the bastard son of one of the Whittmores and I was wondering if that's okay
I'm afraid @StarlightStarbright is right. All the Whitmore spots have been claimed and we already have a traveler that is a bastard child of a Whitmore. There is still a spot in both the Fleming and Mulvahils families, plus I'm open to discussing any other character ideas you might have!
Oh hey, MissyMay! What do you think about the factoids I dropped and my thoughts about Vella and Majna's relationship?
Hi I'm interested in joining and I was interested in making a character that was the bastard son of one of the Whittmores and I was wondering if that's okay
I'm afraid @StarlightStarbright is right. All the Whitmore spots have been claimed and we already have a traveler that is a bastard child of a Whitmore. There is still a spot in both the Fleming and Mulvahils families, plus I'm open to discussing any other character ideas you might have!
Oh hey, MissyMay! What do you think about the factoids I dropped and my thoughts about Vella and Majna's relationship?
I like the mask idea!

Oh, yeah. Vella probably doesn't like Manna very much. I'm not sure she'd be willing to sell her back to a crime syndicate cause that would mean she'd have to deal with poor people, probably. She's all about the class system. If you want, Manna could remind her of a childhood friend! She really turned spiteful after her sixteenth birthday.
Hi I'm interested in joining and I was interested in making a character that was the bastard son of one of the Whittmores and I was wondering if that's okay
I'm afraid @StarlightStarbright is right. All the Whitmore spots have been claimed and we already have a traveler that is a bastard child of a Whitmore. There is still a spot in both the Fleming and Mulvahils families, plus I'm open to discussing any other character ideas you might have!
Oh hey, MissyMay! What do you think about the factoids I dropped and my thoughts about Vella and Majna's relationship?
I like the mask idea!

Oh, yeah. Vella probably doesn't like Manna very much. I'm not sure she'd be willing to sell her back to a crime syndicate cause that would mean she'd have to deal with poor people, probably. She's all about the class system. If you want, Manna could remind her of a childhood friend! She really turned spiteful after her sixteenth birthday.
Aaah, yeah. I figured it could have been possible because The Marque Blanche (which has taken over The Marque Noire) would have possible offered a deal such as "You give us the girl, and we'll put in a good word about this little town. Get the tourists flowing, y'know what I'm saying?" Most crime syndicates have a front so they'd be able to easily advertise Arkley and get people coming and going through the town.
But like you said that would require Vella having to like, actually interact with some shady dude in a trench coat, which she probably wouldn't be inclined to do.

Also yeah! Love the idea of Vella seeing her childhood friend in Majna! Haha, gives me a few ideas too, like what if said childhood friend was actually Majna's late grandma or something? Or what if the childhood friend had to leave because they were married off to someone outside of Arkley? Just little silly stuff.
Sorry guys, I had plans to get the IC thread up today but I got sick. It's making it really difficult to think and write. I'll hopefully have it up sometime later this week.
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Reactions: StarlightStarbright
Sorry guys, I had plans to get the IC thread up today but I got sick. It's making it really difficult to think and write. I'll hopefully have it up sometime later this week.

Aw, don't worry, just rest, and get well~