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living defeated is dying daily

Location: Whit Pigments || Interaction: Majna (@StarlightStarbright)

He knew how much Majna treasured him. He especially knew how much Herman treasured him, and that kind of hurt just much as it kept him going everyday. The admiration reminded him that there were still things here to look out for, to care for. Armand loved his family as whole, no doubt. But Majna...she was the only one who did not carry the looming pressure of having to end a life to keep one's own. And because Majna at least did not have that pressure, it was easier being with her and her headmates, it was easier talking with them. It was why he so fiercely protected her from that side of their lives. However, it was also why it hurt...because should Majna find out the things that were and are done to uphold the family, he wasn't sure he could bear it if Majna's view of Armand changed. He tried not to think about it too much.

The widest of smiles appeared on his face when she looked at him with excitement, hands clapping. He hugged her tight. Majna called his attention to a new painting on display, and telling from her timid expression, Armand could surmise that the work was from the one and only. He gave her a faux-serious look and nodded. "I will give a close and sharp look at this piece." He ushered her back into the shoppe and set down his bag behind the shoppe counter before he went over to give the painting a look.

Art...was like breathing for Armand. If he didn't have that and Majna...he was liable to do anything. And he loved that Majna was growing to her own expression, Majna was very talented. And as sheltered as he tried to keep her, he did not shelter her when it came to art. Caged expression was not expression at all. When he got a look at the painting, he really focused on what he was looking at, taking in all the different parts. He was quite taken with it—the colors, the abstract concept, but the real meaning that he knew was behind it. No one who didn't know Majna would be able to make the real life connection, but sheer talent that was displayed would render that irrelevant. It was a beautiful expression—plain and simple. "Majna, and do not take this as my simply being your elder brother, but this? It is beautiful. Truly." So much that, he made sure Majna was not looking when he went on to change the price tag from 0€ to 20€.

They began their duties, and it wasn't long before they were getting their first customer of the day. "Welcome in, first of the day," Armand said to the man. He noticed then the man caught some interested in Majna's new painting, so he talked it up a little. "New addition, that one. And just as fine."

✦ Bahiyya
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Reactions: Ai-in Ayan
Gladiolus Mulvahil
Silver Hart | Interactions: @cry @Princess Rose @cowboyclown

It took her by surprise. The red rose flashed before her before she could even process who was talking. Regaining herself, she could not help but chuckle. "The pleasure is ours, lord Fleming. And the day was made better by your appearance," she started, taking the rose from him and delicately placing them on the table, the twinkle of mischief in her eyes.

"But do you really mean it to offer these particular beauties as a sign of confession?" she started off, rising from her seat. Gladiolus placed her hand on her chest, right above her heart. "It pains me when you tell me this is out of obligation than anything else."

Taking his hand on hers, she hummed, swaying them for a bit. "The chrysanthemums have bloomed.// For the fated completed their loom. I give thee a carnation of white, and my name sake's to be your light..." She smiled then, turning and leaning towards him, their position looking like he was embracing her. "I do apologize for your loss, love," she whispered.

She stayed like that for another second before they met eyes with Minera. Realizing that she might be overstepping, she covering her embarrassment with a giggle, she lets go of one hand and spun, opening her arms wide before bowing - a show that she was just 'practicing' some dance steps. "But really, what are you two doing here?" she asked, eyes on her cousin before looking back at Nikolas. "Knowing both your tendencies, meeting strangers is not of your front." Bringing some distance between her and the Fleming heir, she pinched her cousin to make her talk. "Answer me, my love."

She kept the smile on her face as she waved at Myron when she felt his eyes on them. Really now, they were not causing trouble for the time being. Grabbing Nikolas' cousin attention by waving at her, Glad motioned for the priestess to join them. "Now, we just need to complete the Whitmore cousins and this might be an interesting meeting." Her smile turned more impish, imagining the impossible.

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Reactions: cowboyclown
Nerina Mulvahil

The Silver Hart
Gladiolus (@Ai-in Ayan ) Nikolas (@cry )

Nerina let a mischievous smile tug at her lips as she looked back at her cousin, she was really happy that she had arrived when she did. It kept Nerina from feeling like the odd one out at the cafe. She rolled her deep sea green eyes and looked at her cousin, "I don't know just felt like a good cup of tea and I felt like getting out of the house for a bit." she said coyly as she picked up her cup of lavender tea and sipped it slowly. She gave an air of she was bored with the atmosphere until Nikolas made his way into the Silver Hart. Nerina could feel her heart nearly stop at the sight of the Fleming male. She felt her cheeks flush red somewhat showing through her caramel-colored skin as he handed her a rose. She was in somewhat of a daze and let out a yelp when she felt a sharp pinch to her arm. Her eyes went back to her cousin a small bit of fury underlying there before her eyes softened ans she turned back towards Nikolas, "So far it has been a perfectly pleasant day Lord Fleming, at least I can not speak for my cousin, who seems determined to be a menace if not anything else." She subtly rubbed her arm and tried not to let the anger into her face as she did so.
City Square | Interactions: Mao-Lang

''Like silk on the breeze, we are cast into the wind of fate, to sink or to raise upon an endless and unseen tide…of chance perhaps?''

Came the soft, almost barely a whisper muttering as his bamboo stylus danced out the calligraphic strokes of his words upon the soft white clay on his black bamboo tablet. He would have to write the words onto parchment when they arrived. He had never traveled this far from the Imperial Court before and had not been expecting any additional company on his journey across the world. Yet the company had chosen to find him in the forms of a woman and her husband. Who when seeing the small doll like figure dressed in fine silks, board the Trans-Siberian railways alone. Felt drawn to taken the child sized Mizuko under their wing. Often coming to check in on him throughout the day and invite him to have tea and to dine with them. It had passed the days quickly and Mizu had been able to try many new treats and teas that he hadn't before heard of, and to Mizuko that was a worth the endless fawning that Mrs Orlais had been keen to. A woman of nobility she and her husband Mr. Orlais, were a handsome couple who had traveled to China and then far East on their honeymoon and had met Mizuko on their way home to Paris, Mrs. Orlais had refused to accept that someone as small as Mizuko was able to travel alone without a guardian and had taken it upon herself to ensure Mizuko was booked across from their cabin, in his own first class cabin so she could tuck him in and make sure he was safe when he got off. While grateful for Mrs. Orlais, it was her husband Petre who was far more adamant in their treatment of the small stranger. Their kindness had gone so far as to hire a coach to take the boy to Arkley, an offer they had refused to allow Mizuko to refuse. ''Refuse and I will escort you myself.'' Petre had told him over dinner the last night of their two week journey. It was that night that Mizuko had also decided to travel to Paris after his journey to Arkley. Much to the alation of the Orlais who had continued to invite the boy to Paris.

'"Sir..Sir we will be arriving soon!''
The words pulled daydream from his mind as he blinked at the Stagecoach Attendants words the words not translating in his mind and causing him to appear as though he had spaced out.
''Are you ok Sir?''
""Hm what was that sir? I was caught in thought.''
Came the zephyr-like response as Mizuko looked up at the young blonde human with his bright green eyes and his red dress coat. The small strangers' large black eyes held a depth that Arten did not expect to see on a being that small.
''We will be arriving soon in Arkley Sir."
He repeated through his thick north slavic accent. This time Mizuko gave a nød of understanding as he smiled and offered another gentle expression.
'"Thank you Master Arten.''
His words were faint, quite enough to be missed over the notice of the coach. Arten had grown to appreciate the traveler in the several days that they had traveled together. He was soft spoken and seemed fond of his large black cat that he spoke to often about poetry and their travels. The coach was silent once more as Mizuko returned to his daydreams only to be drawn out by the large black feline named Mao-Lang jumping onto his lap and purring. The two shared a look that told Mizuko he should get ready for they were now arriving in the city centre. Silently nodding to himself Mizuko closed the cover of his bamboo and clay tablet and placed it back into his bag by the time Arten had poked his head back in to tell them of their arrival. After thanking Arten and the Driver several times and tipping both a gold coin and a yuan bao, a small dumpling made of gold blessed to draw in good fortune. Mizuko stood alone in the city Square of Arkley and took in sights and smells as Mala brushed against his legs.

''Well Mala, where shall we go to first?''

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Reactions: Ai-in Ayan
Rivka Fleming
Location | Silver Hart | Interactions: Niko (@cry), Glad (@Ai-in Ayan), Nerina (@Princess Rose)

Rivka couldn't help but smile watching Myron and Jamil interact with each other. She may have spent the last decade in a temple surrounded by religious people- but she knew a meet-cute when she saw one. She gave Myron and small wave and mouthed, 'I'll be back, have fun' with a cheeky smile. Wanting to give them a touch more privacy she looked around and saw to her surprise her cousin along with the Mulvahil cousins. When Glad waved her over she paused, she did say that she would give the young couple their tea but….

She glanced down at her pocket watch Blessed be, I have plenty of time she thought. The young couple will get their tea when Time dictates it so, she figured. Rivka steps out of line and walks over to the table and stands next to Niko. The Priestess gently gives his shoulder a little nudge. "Niko! It really warms my heart to see you giving out flowers today. Now tell me, are they only for people who you think are attractive or do you have any flowers left for your old cousin?" she teased. Despite her teasing, the Fleming was more than proud to see her cousin upholding traditions, especially on a holiday. The one thing about being back in Arkley that she appreciated more than anything was getting to be around old family and friends.

Upon hearing Glad's comment, she let out a chuckle, "I'm afraid if we had a reunion with all of the Whitmore cousins, we wouldn't all be able to fit in the cafe," she joked (While she had never said so out-loud, Rivka had always liked how Glad had a sharp sense of humor). She started fiddling with the corner of her headscarf, "So, you two have been sitting here for a while, yes?" she asked Nerina and Glad. "I've been a bit preoccupied this morning with work, but I must know, have you seen any interesting travelers? I feel like every year more and more people come. I can't keep them all straight in my head." she asked coyly always one to want to know a piece of gossip if there is any to share.

The Festival of Spirits always had its allure to Rivka- she always found it so fascinating that despite living in a somewhat small town, the festivities still managed to attract people from far and wide.

  • Love
Reactions: Ai-in Ayan
Nikolas Fleming
Silver Hart | Character Sheet

There was a sense of camaraderie amongst the Arkley heirs. Each of their families had their own traditions, norms, and customs, but an easy sense of understanding ran through them all. No matter how different they were or what their families got up to in their long lineage lines, the expectations were all the same. Do their families proud. Nikolas had run his course of juvenile sneaking out of the Fleming estate or forgoing poetry lessons for stints about the marketplace. With the one grounding, unhurried, part of his existence no longer here beside him, he found that his connections with others had lacked somewhat. It was nice to see the Mulvahil heirs still looked upon him with surprise and fondness in their eyes.

Niko extended his arms somewhat to accept Gladiolus's ( @Ai-in Ayan ) embrace. "Is it truly out of obligation if it was your hand that received a rose first out of everybody in this establishment?" He asked, a quirk of a smile on his lips as he moved his arm to rest lightly on the red-haired woman. The ease of his movements stiffened at the sound of Gladiolus's soft ritual words, and his soft smile clenched at the kind apology. A younger, still wounded, part of him wanted to tell her to leave him alone about her passing. That he did not want to hear apologies or words of encouragement, but he refrained. Gladiolus was merely offering sincerity, and it would do neither of them any favors for him to ruin the exchange between them now. Still, he did not thank her, merely nodded his head in acceptance after they parted from their embrace.

The ease with which Gladiolus moved on to teasing her cousin was something to behold, and Niko felt a bit better at watching Nerina's ( @Princess Rose ) cheeks pinken and her words sharpen. "I found myself with a bit of extra time before preparations for the ceremony. I promise that there were no prior discussions of running into the both of you," he said, raising his free hand in a pledge of sincerity. "Really, it is the two of you I should question about being here. Why are suspicions thrown at Nerina and me for a coincidental encounter?" Niko chuckled lightly, rolling his eyes playfully at the pair of them.

At the approach of Rivka ( @cowboyclown ), and the familiar bump to his shoulder, Niko bumped the smaller woman back. They had grown closer since... Briar's passing, and it pleased him to see her amongst the patrons of the Silver Hart. Though, he did frown petulantly at her immediate need to tease. Many people did not see how playful Rivka was due to her religious ties, but Niko knew the truth about his cousin. "Between you and Gladiolus, you would think that I walk the town in search of young women to prey on. Have I truly tarnished my reputation in such a way?" As he spoke, he drew another red rose from the bouquet, offering it to his cousin with a lack of showmanship that stemmed from not needing to impress a family member.

The mention of travelers had Niko turning to look about the establishment, spotting a handful of unfamiliar faces. A few tables over sat a young woman with a shock of dark hair ( @MissyMay ) and Myron was currently preoccupied with a rather unique-looking individual ( @StarlightStarbright ). The walk from the Wild Rose had also revealed a handful of excited, new, faces, but Niko had never taken much stock into the travelers. He preferred familiarity, enjoying instead the excitement that colored Rivka's face more so than he did actively engaging with travelers. "That may be more of a Mulvahil question, dear cousin. Lady Nerina has had a lovely day," he flashed a quick smile to her, as if they were in on the same joke, "Seen anything interesting today?"

Oleander Valcourt
The Town Square | Character Sheet

Perhaps Oleander was a bit too nosey, a bit too quick to single out a random Fae amongst the many weary travelers that enjoyed the Festival of Spirits. Really, though, who could blame him? He was dreadfully bored at the notion of heading to the pub for drinks and laughs when he could instead sate his curiosity about the town. Amarantha, ( @SilverPaw ) in particular, was a bit peculiar. The firearms that she had been gazing at prior to his call were an odd ware to cross on a good day, let alone should it land into Whitmore hands. What would a noble lady with strong ties to Arkley possibly need a gun for, anyway? Surely, not to load the blasted thing with silver before the height of the festival.

Still, Amarantha's odd tendencies were no real concern. What was a concern was the silver-haired woman's quick tongue and pension for being unsubtle. Oleander smiled, a flash of white teeth showing against the olive of his skin tone. "Me a jokester? Hardly, my lady. You know that I would never play about your timely arrival and how worried I was to tell this tired traveler about the wonders that Arkley can provide. Should you have been lost as well... Well, that would have been a happy coincidence for the three of us, eh?" There was a playfulness to his words, but also a somber seriousness that made it difficult for those who did not know him to tell what emotion he was properly conveying. Oleander wouldn't call himself mysterious, necessarily, but he was a pain in the ass to get a straight answer out of.

It appeared that Amarantha's eyes were even sharper than her tongue, and he appreciated her quick question toward the traveler ( @MissyMay ) regarding his arm. While it could be anything, most likely nothing more than a casual itch, he wanted to know if there was a real reason behind the movement. While he preferred for Amarantha to not turn her cunning eyes toward him, there had been a reason why he had singled her out beyond her influence. Even so, he let the Whitmore take the lead on that line of questioning, instead opting to nod his head in faux excitement as Amarantha began to detail a handful of areas that might be of interest in Arkley.

While Amarantha's answer was delightful, it wasn't entirely helpful. The traveler did not offer up his name or what he hoped to be doing in Arkley, instead merely admitting his confusion. It seemed that, for one reason or another, the red-haired Fae was not entirely keen on offering up information to the first person who asked. A pity, if you asked him. It was the loose-lipped individuals that were the most fun. How carelessly they revealed all of their inner secrets and ambitions, merely because he had a pretty face and the forethought to ask.

Oleander's smile sharpened, and he laughed lightly at Amarantha's sudden change of pace. "Oh, my dear," he said with a click of his tongue. "I hardly know the pretty young man's name, let alone if he's interested in getting a drink with me at the Achaemenes." Perhaps the Whitmore's meddling would be beneficial, in the end, as he still had a nagging want to figure the other Fae out. It wasn't as if their kind were unheard of amongst Arkley's natives, but it had been quite some time since he himself had felt the need to signal someone out. Fae dealings were tricky at best, but Oleander wanted to hear a bit of what the outside life was like these days amongst the Faerie.

Mina Delagney
Arkley Jailhouse | Interactions: Onne (@The Lotus Archives)

She listened to his speech with narrowed eyes. It took a lot in her to not simply roll her eyes at his whole spiel. And mother thought Mina was disillusioned with reality. Did the man really think that because Arkley had no walls that it would fall to a siege from a single man? The sheer amount of magic and supernatural species that inhabit the town would make a fight deadly for an army let alone one man. She looks him over once again and amends her last thought - supernatural man.

"I think the only jest here is you. This so-called 'hollow' power is the faith and trust of my people. It is not a physical thing that can be faked so easily. And for someone who believes power is hollow, you seem to think you have a lot of it. Do you really believe you can stand against the combined strength and might of the people of Arkley?" Her lips quirked up into an amused smile. She knew a lot of supernatural people couldn't sense the presence of others like them, but did her red eyes not give her nature away? Mina responded with a calm, almost cold confidence, "I am absolutely certain that even should you get out of that cell and I should die my final death, you will not leave this town alive. There are things and people here that even I fear… you should too."

Her mind wanders briefly to the curse that lingers over the Whitmore family; the wendigos that are only moments from snapping and devouring; the fae that are likely older than the trees and mountains; the sirens that can lure anyone to their death. Mina realizes she likely isn't paid enough to deal with this man let alone those problems.

Her eyes snapped to his with a sudden intensity at the mention of that cursed fae. "Morwenna?" She nearly sneered, her voice holding contempt. It seems that damn woman has stolen something from the man, but he did not seem to find it before she found him. She decided to ignore the comment calling her a child for her own sanity. Her attention was still caught on that thief of a woman - Mina will never forgive her for stealing her dagger that her aunt had given her and selling it to a stranger.

"I cannot allow you to kill her," She muttered with poorly concealed disappointment. "...while in this town." She adds on, giving him a glance. "Besides, she's not here right now. She's off on some little adventure, likely tricking people or making pacts with them to own their souls. But," Mina started to think. "If she has stolen from you, you may retrieve your possession so long as I am there to make sure you only take that item. Then I ask that you be gone from my town. If you seek Morwenna, talk to one of the numerous magic users here for tracking spells and kill her outside of my jurisdiction."

With the festival underway, the Constables had so much already to deal with than a murderer on the loose. It was already bad enough to learn that Morwenna was on a thieving kick again. That meant she'd have to place a warning out to the people of Arkley to keep an eye on their items. Mina glanced at the man again, tempted to ask him to actually hunt her, but decided against it.

"A few hours at most - maybe six." She didn't keep track of time, but she could tell the sun was in the sky. She'd have to throw on a veil or grab her hat if she was to follow him to Morwenna's shop.

"What did she take from you?"

Felix Fletcher
The Town Square | Interactions: Oleander (@cry) and Amarantha (@SilverPaw)

He remained silent as he observed their interaction with keen eyes. They might very well be his key to blending in with the crowd - a lost tourist simply here to enjoy the festival. His hands twitched at the thought that they may know the best places to find valuables, but knew he had to refrain himself from taking anything. Or… anything too big? There were well over a hundred other travelers like himself that could be suspects. If he kept close to a lady of one of the noble families and another who appeared to be a trusted member of the community, no one would suspect him. He shouldn't, really. He could sense the magic of this town. They may still very well figure out that it was him and he couldn't risk that.

"Ah," He offered a bashful laugh. "I think I may be allergic to a flower used here or something. I should be fine so long as I avoid touching any of the floral arrangements." He lied, offering her a smile. He'd rather not bring attention to himself by mentioning the strange, almost sickening presence of something other within this town. No one else seemed to notice it. Honestly, Felix shouldn't be too shocked that he might be going crazy. But… It seems so real. Maybe he could make some subtle inquiries about it. Ask why some flowers appear to lay on the floor dead when the rest are blooming and bright. Maybe ask when the metal of that fence has rusted while the rest is perfectly intact.

He almost didn't know how to react when the woman implied that the man, Oleander he learned, should take him on a date. He offered Amarantha a raised eyebrow in response. She didn't even know if Felix was trustworthy to be around her friend - were they friends? - let alone go on a date with him. Frankly, he wasn't trustworthy if you asked him. He has stolen from his dates before.

"Pretty?" He grinned at Oleander. "I've been called many things but that is a first. I'll admit I wouldn't mind you calling me that again, but Felix also works if you're more inclined to that." The fae offered the man his name. Perhaps he shouldn't have, but it's not like Felix was his real name anyway. Or perhaps it was? He never did figure out his true name or where he came from.

"I certainly wouldn't mind spending some time at the, ah, Achaemenes, was it? I have three days to get to know this town, so I wouldn't mind spending today getting to know you."

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  • This Gives Me Plot Bunnies
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Reactions: Ai-in Ayan and cry
Jailhouse | Interactions: Mina@MissyMay

His emotionless expression shifted slightly as she spoke. A slight faintly noticeable twitch in the corner of his mouth. The smile threatened to grow larger as Mina mentioned he should be fearful, just like her. Fear, or the lack of fear is what had gotten him to fight his beloved and now there was no room for fear amidst the storm of rage and devoted duty. ''Faith and trust are solid as long as they are not tested beyond their measure. If they fell from you what power would you be entrusted to? The power is conditional and thus it is hollow, that does not mean it is not of worth. Towers are hollow after all yet invaluable.'' The depths of his philosophical thought process revealed itself as he continued. ''Me? A lot of power? No, just enough to achieve what I must. Even if I should fail, another will come for all I am is the fruit of a tree. In this way I am not alone, just a single voice amidst the chorus of a far away forest. Death is not a concern for the forest will continue beyond the life of a single tree, and it's will shall be enacted one way or another.'' Devoid of sarcasm or rage, he spoke with soft and deep certainty, seasoned by ages of conflict and death. His smirk twitched as he caught the colour of her eyes finally and connected her comment of a final death together. He was too large to look into her eyes unless he was seated, thankfully he was now and could look her over truly. He hadn't considered looking at her as more than a halfling but in that moment the other side of his mouth twitched and a serene half smile grew on his face as dawning and understanding shimmered in his emerald eyes. Yet he waited to speak for several moments as he considered how to answer her questions and ask his own in one go.''So you are not a halfling or a child…but you speak of death as though you've met before..and the scent of the undeath is on you. What sort of creature are you? You kind must be new, this scent was not around last I was awake. Regardless, consider this my Undead constable. What horrors would unleash if someone stole not only you and your mates magical artifacts and grimoires on forbidden Fae magic but the sarcophagus and body of your mate? What evil would you commit to have them returned? What sacrifice would you make to the old ones to see it done?'' He asked genuinely curious as to her answer and allowed her to consider it and understand that he was willing to make those sacrifices. ''To kill her is the last of my concerns. First I must return my love and our belongings to our resting place.'' The mention of a tracker spell made his smile grow. ''I do not need a spell to track myself, I am bound to them and their holders regardless of distance. Drawn like a sleeper to the dream.'' He added as he reached a large hand up and touched the deep crimson string that floated in the air in front of him. His gaze slowly shifted over to Mina as curiosity danced in his eyes. Did she see the string? Could she? Most beings he had met could not see them but he had always held out hope that someone would see them as well. ''Six hours…then by the accord I am honor bound to comply with you for 42 more hours. After which I will be leaving this cell and resuming my hunt. I would rather not have to do anything that would violate the treaties between the forests and the halflings.'' The last word halflings stuck on his tongue and for a moment he looked perplexed as he considered what if this settlement wasn't one of the halfling races. What if the ancient treatises no longer held value in this new age, so many what ifs filled his mind before he spoke again after several long moments of a thoughtful silence. ''What race made this settlement?'' He asked, a slow and steady fury settling to a rolling simmer behind his suddenly cold words and sharpened emerald eyes. Had humans grown smaller in his slumber? Had the wizard not been human or half human? Had he been lied to all those ages ago? Again the what ifs filled his mind before mindlessly he spoke aloud as though he spoke not to Mina or himself but to the universe itself. ''What is the current year?'' He asked, the rage slipping from his thoughts as a sense of wonder and dread replaced it and left Its mark In the soft frown that darted and then died across the once more emotionless canvas of his Fae like features. The grand burial tomb he had constructed had been consumed by the forest, and roots had invaded sections of the structure, the idea left a sickening yet exciting sensation in his stomach. What had he missed? The wizard had not returned and so he had slept through the unknown ages, what if he had missed his return?

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Reactions: Ai-in Ayan
Nerina Mulvahil

The Silver Hart
Gladiolus (@Ai-in Ayan ) Nikolas (@cry )Rivka (@cowboyclown )
Her eyes went back to Niko once more as she observed the interaction between him and Glad. She clenched her teeth upon Glad's mention of Niko's former object of affection. She huffed lightly when everything was turned to her again. "Had I had any planning in this; this be far from where we would rendezvous."

The short-haired redhead's eyes went to the other Fleming as they approached the trio currently at their table. She almost huffed seeing the priestess now at their table teasing her own cousin. At her comment about Niko handing out flowers, she nearly flushed once more but she maintained her composer, much to her own surprise. Nerina folded her hands over her stomach and let out a small chuckle, "If we had all the Whitmore cousins here we would need a much larger venue." She looked over to where Myron was being entertained by the newest traveler to their town. She gave a soft nearly inaudible sigh knowing that the night of the Hunt would be approaching and there was a good chance that the flamboyant one probably would not survive.

She let her eyes travel back towards the Fleming cousins. She reached for her cup of tea once more, "I have been here for a spell, been giving myself entertainment with observing the people who come here." She paused briefly before letting out a chuckle before she sipped her tea. Nerina could feel her cheeks flush a small bit as Niko spoke to her. She looked at him and smiled softly before she placed her cup down speaking as she did so, "The most interesting person so far is that character over there speaking to Lord Myron." She motioned towards where Jamil and Myron were currently conversing. She was always interested in the many people who showed up in their small town, as the cast every year changed but the Arkley residents rarely did, occasionally outside of the normal festival time, they would acquire new residents but that act in itself was rare.

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Reactions: Ai-in Ayan
Amarantha Whitmore
The Town Square ➽ The Achaemenes | Interactions: @cry Oleander, @MissyMay Felix, @The Lotus Archives Amir

Amarantha thought Oleander somewhat strange, but then, he was a Fae. "You could call it a happy coincidence that it just so happened the three of us met," she allowed politely. She didn't necessarily agree with it, or understand what the man had meant, but was also unbothered by either.

"An allergy?" she hummed curiously, watching the traveler. "You best say if it gets worse, dear," she gave him her best faux concerned look.

Oh, the traveler's name. So that's what bothered Oleander. Amarantha shrugged, unconcerned. "A pleasant fellow whom you met, and to whom you offered your company. A good reason in and of itself, no?" she asked rhetorically. The stranger did follow it up with an introduction, and Amarantha clapped in delight. "Felix! A pleasure," she grinned. Thankfully, he didn't think to offer her his hand in a formal greeting, so she had no need to touch him.

She pouted at Felix's decision of the location. "Oh, very well, the Achaemenes it is," she acquiesced, though did not hide that she was a tad disappointed. Amir did have the most interesting books at his disposal, but when that man decided to meddle, there was no end to it.

"Let us," she nodded at the two, and turned towards the Achamenes. Her steps were measured, purposeful, but in no rush. "So, Felix. Was it wandering around that brought you to our lovely town? Or were you on business nearby, and happened to pass by? It does not seem you decided to visit for any particular purpose – beyond curiosity, of course, which is perfectly fine," she chuckled, even as she prodded the traveler for information. The man was a tad evasive. Personally, it wouldn't bother her if he remained so. As long as she could give him a reason to stay in the town long enough, and get him interested in their events, that was good enough.

In time, they arrived at Achaemenes, Amir's pub. The building was heavily influenced by the man's Persian origins, both its exterior and interior. As Amarantha opened the door into the cozy, yet lavish building, they could all smell Amir's latest culinary creations. The rich scent of freshly baked deserts was the distinct thick syrupy sweetness of baklava. "Good day, Amir," she greeted. "We should like a more secluded corner, if you do not mind." She waited either for the owner to escort them, or to give his permission for them to proceed

When they were settled in a corner of the tea room, she ordered. "One of those delightful treats of yours, please," she smiled. "And whatever today's tea blend special is, as well." She doubted he would appreciate her mentioning his 'secret' arcane collection with an outsider there. A shame, but this time, she would have to miss out on such readings.

  • Love
Reactions: Ai-in Ayan
Mina Delagney
Arkley Jailhouse | Interactions: Onne (@The Lotus Archives)

Her mouth twitched into another deep frown, but she was at least grateful that he seemed to recognize the fact that she's no halfling (whatever those are) nor is she a child. Mina is a grown woman, thank you very much. Scent of undeath? He really didn't know what she was. She frown turned thoughtful for a moment before shifting back into a frown. He might simply be from a place where other creatures do not exist. It happens - she's known a few who've wandered into Arkley unaware that they weren't alone in this world. But new? No, he knew of the existence of other creatures then. She assumed he must be old - like Morwenna or Amir.

Her eyes took in his general appearance and came to the conclusion that he must be a fae. The man in front of her was no wendigo as far as she could tell - his blood didn't smell like Dacey or Amir or Jessie. Offhandedly, she couldn't help but wonder what his blood would taste like - it smelt like the forest did. Her fangs ached once again and she couldn't hold back a sigh. She was probably going to have to go bother Amir or Myron after her shift again.

"They call us vampires," Mina offered the man. "We're practically the living dead, but we're stronger and faster and immortal at the price of an insatiable bloodlust. We're rather nocturnal creatures and many of my kind are not… nice. Be wary of others like me, we tend to bite." It was not a threat, but a genuine warning. If he had no knowledge of her species, she couldn't reasonably let this man go without knowing. He seemed to think he was a very strong person or that he was ultimately replaceable - none of her business which one he believed most. Either way, for the duration of his stay in Arkley, he was under her jurisdiction and she was sworn to protect him - old fae or thief it matters not. It's such a pain to clean up and hide bloodless bodies around this time of year.

She thought over his next words and thought over what already exists within Arkley. The three wendigos that might snap at any point. The founding family that is bound to decay and must make yearly sacrifices (not to mention cause untold amounts of drama and grief upon the town). The frankly terrifying amounts of magic that flows through the blood of the inhabitants. Mina thinks this over and knows deep down that whatever these magical artifacts may cause or this man may unless would really be no different than normal, but she'd rather not deal with it. "I personally cannot imagine unleashing anything evil upon innocents who have done no harm nor can I imagine the one I love would ever wish me to. But I would likely stop at nothing if only criminals and evil doers stood in my way. As I said before, find your books and artifacts and your mates body, find those that stole them, and leave. Arkley has enough trouble without others bringing more to it. If you can make that deal with me, and promise that no one who has not provoked you will be harmed, then you will be free to go."

"Pity," She muttered under her breath when he mentioned he wouldn't kill Morwenna. That was one problem of many that this town had that would have been solved. She offered him a look of confusion as he spoke of a treaty. Again, what was a halfling and why would they make a treaty with a forest? If he meant the Hemlock forest, then most of that was owned by the town of Arkley or the Whitmore family. As far as she knew, and she better have been kept up-to-date on this, neither had any sort of treaty with anyone. Her confusion only deepened as he asked what species made this settlement and what year it was.

"Human?" She answered, unsure of what he meant. As far as she knew, the Whitmores and the Flemings were human at the time of founding, but not the Mulvahils. She wouldn't be telling some stranger that Arkley had the only known sirens in existence though. "The Whitmore, Fleming, and Mulvahil families founded Arkley some… three hundred or four hundred years ago, the creatures that inhabit the town came later." Or, at least, she thinks so. She'll admit she didn't pay much attention to the history of the town when her mother explained it to her. "It's 1878," She paused, actually not too certain of that. The passage of time became strange to her after her turning, "Probably."

Mina couldn't help but wonder why vampires still got headaches despite being technically dead.

  • Love
Reactions: Ai-in Ayan
Gladiolus Mulvahil
Silver Hart | Interactions: @cry @Princess Rose @cowboyclown

Listening to what the three heirs had to say, her eyes moved back to the owner of the shop and raised a brow at what the large woman was doing with Myron. Her smile turned to a smirk as she noticed the subtle signs of flirting. "Who would like to have an accord with me that Little Myron would not even notice that the gentle lady is flirting with him?"

Turning to the female Fleming, she grinned. "Everyone is quite interesting," she answered. "Granted that we have yet to know a few of them. I would say the more pompous they walk, the more you are eager to have them be invited to the forest upon the end of our celebration." She was already thinking of the mischief of all three before her. Who they might target and how they will end their victim.

Glad's attention went back to the person she just held and tilted her head, amused by his way of joking. "Lord Fleming, it is quite the opposite really. You are not the one looking for a lady, they are the one looking for you to prey on. I am surprised you are not yet hounded by love-sick ladies thirsting for attention." She kept her smile still and never really faltered.

She knew she was stepping over something but that did not stop her. Nerina could not really do anything aside from glare and pinch her or get her back later. Growing up like they were sisters, personal space was inexistent to them already even if her cousin desperately wanted to. Hugging the younger one, she just rested her chin on Nerina's fluffy hair. "I apologize for being a menace. I cannot just keep still with all the festivities," she stated sincerely. "Everything is refreshing. It's surreal, breathtaking," she murmured with a sigh.

Hyacinth Adventurine
Achaemenes | Interactions: @Luther @The Lotus Archives

The owner of the bar was someone he really never liked to interact with but that did not stop him to. Both Nerina and Gladiolus loved coming here and talking to the old man. Hyacinth, in turn, would also have to open his mouth and keep his friendly facade on even if the old owner knew he was merely there because of his wards.

When the Twin of Myron Whitmore came down, Hyacinth's lips twitched in amusement before bowing in greeting and letting them interact, moving a bit away to inspect the pastries on display. He was not going to listen in to a private conversation.

"... How perfect."

This had the butler's attention, red eyes on the disheveled looking man on one of the seats. He had seen the poor man quite a number of times when he was out for errands. Moving closer, he poured the man a glass of water and handed it over for him to drink with the ever present smile. "On the contrary, dear traveler. This is merely for show," he corrected, eyes moving around and then landing back on the pair still conversing. "What brought you to our little town, sir?" he asked.

He was going to sit across the man and try to poke him more but the Lord Horace thought otherwise. Hyacinth was already being called out to follow. Turning back to the man with the world on his shoulders, he bowed once again. "And I am once again called for my duties. I do hope you enjoy the festivities, dear sir."

With that, he was following the white haired young man to the Silver Hart. He did not have to say anything as Horace never really talked to anyone aside from his twin brother. He had always thought that his bond with Myron was quite peculiar. It was bordering to obsession more than anything else. He had once joked about this to Glad back then that if given the chance, Horace might actually just lock up his twin to keep Myron safe. Hell, Horace would marry his if Myron said yes. Gladiolus threw a pillow at him then but never commented nor did she correct him.

  • I'm SHOOK
Reactions: The Lotus Archives
Olenn Jordenson
Character Sheet | Achaemenes | Interactions: Open, @The Lotus Archives @Ai-in Ayan

Olenn seemed to feel even more tired as he sat and waited for his presence to be noticed. He would've sat there all day brooding whether or not he received service. He looked up when he caught the attention of a red eyed being, seeing the other walking over to him.

The water being poured into his glass sounded like a current of a water rapid. It crashed hard against the solid walls of the cup, the contents splashing about in a small whirling pool, just itching to break free. Part of him wished the glass had been only a bit thinner. Perhaos then the water would Smash through it and achieve what both it and himself desired. Some sort or release to this consignment of agony. But for now, the booze would have to do.

Olenn snorted at the wish of the butler. Enjoying the festivities would be the last thing he would accomplish this day. Hed rather black out and have to be dragged back to his bed. He rolled gis eyes and sipped down the glass of water. "Dont you have anything stronger you can start me out with?" He muttered.

Jail | Interactions: Mina @MissyMay

Seeing her confusion a sense of dread filled him, did she not know of the treaties? The thought concerned him, she didn't know what a halfling was, perhaps they had died out in his slumber. Perhaps he had been mistakenly calling humans halflings the entire time. His own confused look stared back at Mina as she spoke on and offered her warning. Vampires…they were new to him. His silence stuck to the walls of the cell like glue on one's skin, uncomfortable and sticky. His gaze unyielding as he attentively listened to her words which all fell to the roadside as she said the year. His face dropping from a look of confusion as shock and panic swept over him and the wave rocked him to the point where he trembled slightly before he noticed and steeled himself with a few steading breaths. His next words falling from his mouth like a ship into the sea for the first time. ''Over a thousand years…a thousand years…nearly eleven hundred years…maybe more?'' His breath came rapidly for a moment before he turned to Mina, a wild glint in his eyes and a devilishly curious grin. ''I'll make you a deal Mina, because you speak true, my beloved would not desire harm upon innocents, but his merciful nature ended with them and the beasts of the woods. Aid me in recovering my lover's body and our belongings, and I will harm none who are not involved or those who choose to return them, as has been my mode of conduct thus far for doing otherwise, would be pointless and draw unnecessary attention. However, when we find the one who lead them to take my lovers remains, I will claim their soul and offer their body to your God or temples...if you still have either now.'' The last words lingered as he considered the idea of what if humanity had abandoned the gods and temples of old. ''Do humans still have temples…do vampires have temples? What gods remain?? Regardless, aid me, and I will aid thee. Hear ye Vampire, a deal with my kind is sealing. While I am unsure if your kind are bound by the old laws or if anyone still is. I will hold to the honour of my kind. So please tell me more of this settlement and the world, for ignorance is not something I can afford after eleven hundred years of sleeping.'' Something seemed to have changed in the man's demeanor, like a child waiting to go play in a brand new playground he buzzed with excitement. Part of him was wondering about the names she mentioned but figuring he would find out more later his mind became filled with questions about what had changed in the thousand plus years he had slumbered.

Traveling | Interactions: Hyacinth, Myron, Jamil

He would have to find a way to thank Amir, for forcing him to interact with people when he didn't want to, and even worse he would need to play delivery boy. Looking back to Hyacinth as he silently walked behind him he couldn't help but be grateful the man didn't want to engage in pointless banter, Horace could respect that quality about the bodyguard. As they walked past the city square and headed towards the Silver heart Horace would notice a change in the air of Arkley. His eye revealed traces of magic that he had not seen or felt before, it was like being in the forest and knowing a predator was watching you. Being a denizen of Arkley he was used to magic and dangerous individuals but this was something he had never felt before. Instinctively gripping the box tighter, he would Look to Hyacinth, Horace's eyes holding a silent alarm and an uncommon look of urgency that quickly died as quickly as one could blink but was a disparity from Horace's general apathetic appearance. ''We should hurry.'' The words weren't exactly to Hyacinth as much as they were a command to both of them. Taking a second to command his legs to move Horace would increase his pace to the silver hart not looking back until he had come to face the doors of his twins establishment. Taking a second at the door to clear his mind and take a breath he would turn to see if Hyacinth was still with him before he nodded and opened the door.

Entering the Silver Hart Horace quickly scanned the establishment for the person he had come to deliver the package of baklava too. Seeing his brother fine and engaged in conversation brought an unconscious light to his eyes. As it confirmed his brother was okay, and that whatever was in the city had not targeted his brother. Yet how long that would last, he didn't know. Seeing how many people he knew where here he could only internally roll his eyes before he walked through the establishment towards Myron. ''Brother I come with gifts!'' He cheered as he raised the box to show his brother that Amir had sent his daily selections of Baklava for Myron and his guests. Seeing the figure next to his brother Horace would offer the man a smile as his eyes scanned the figure before him. ''A new face? Welcome to Arkley. My name is Horace.'' His words were well rehearsed and as he opened The box of baklava to offer his brother and the man a piece. There was no hint of the intense and painful fire that burned at his collar and deep within his core amidst the cool and refined expressions he displayed like a masterful actor on a stage.

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The Achemineas | Interactions: Olen, Amarantha and party

As more people came and left Amir would notice each entry into the Achemineas. Each one was greeted with a smile and an offer of baklava either at the door when they read his sign or as they sat down. However something struck him as odd as Olen entered. He didn't notice the sign of baklava…had he missed it? Hearing his interaction with Hyacinth, Amir smiled. '"Oh of course we do, my friend, but before booze, water and baklava. House rules, they are free after all so why not enjoy, hmm my friend?"' Amir countered with a roguish smile and a warm hearted whimsy before offering a gentle and silent thank you to Hyacinth as he left the Achemineas with Horace in tow. Turning his full attention into the sulking man in the corner Amir would grab a plate with a sampling of each of his baklavas and bring them over to the man. ''You must tell me my friend, what do you desire, hmm?'' He asked, his eyes settling on the man's face and into his eyes. His gaze only breaking when the chime rang out and a voice called out to him by name. Smiling, he turned his attention to Amarantha and company before chuckling at her request.

''Welcome, welcome azizan! Of course, I have just the place. Let me show you.'' He replied before turning his attention back to Olenn. "I will be right back, please, do eat. No use puking up good booze after all.'' With that he left the plate of baklava with Olenn and walked off to grab more before leading Amaranth and party down the hall and into a private tea room and like most of his tea rooms was laden with shelves on nearly every wall covered in books. As they all settled down Amir would grin as he revealed a plate full of today's baklava and place it on the table. ''Of course, there is plenty for all but I will bring more, yes?.'' He explained feeling slightly proud of today's selection of both baklava and Chaii. With a whimsical grin the man would circle around the table in the tearoom to a tall and elegantly carved side table. With his back turned he blended together the various spices and herbs he needed to make the Chaii of the day. Moving with a cool precision Amir made the process look effortless before he turned around and set the tea kettle and a frosty silver container full of sweetened whipped cream onto the centre of the table and offered everyone a wink. ''By the time you finish your first baklava, the Chaii will be ready. There is cream if you wish. Is there anything else you desire of Amir, hmm Azizan?''

Shopping | Interactions: open

With a happy and child-like pep in his step Mizuko would traverse the city square. His eyes bright and a bobble in his gait as he hummed an infectious tune to himself and the large black cat that followed him, which meowed and purred in reply to Mizuko's hums and gentle singing of his native tongue. With a dance-like step he wove his way through the crowds following without a sense of direction he explored the market of Arkley and marveled at the wares they sold. While he didn't exactly need anything from the stalls he found himself buying several small trinkets from the merchants who like everyone assumed he was a child. With a bow and a wave to each he would continue his journey. Unaware of the dangers around him, Mizu continued to hum as he glided from the markets and made his way to the shops. Hearing a protesting meow from behind him, Mizu let out a soft chirp before he spun around and dropped to look at the large black maine coon. "Do you want me to carry you?'' He hadn't finished speaking before he swooped up the large cat that when stretched out was nearly as long as he was tall. With a bit of difficulty he gathered the whole of the cat into his arms and stood up and rubbed his face into the purring mound of fur. With his arms full he could only stare pitifully at a door that needed to be pulled for a while before a gentleman opened the door to the Silver Hart for him. After thanking the man Mizu would step into the Silver Hart and tilt his head. ''I smell tea.'' He mused to the cat that looked comically large compared to the boy who carried it.

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Mina Delagney
Arkley Jailhouse | Interactions: Onne (@The Lotus Archives)

A thousand years? That may very well mean that he's the oldest being in this town… and the last of everyone he might have known. She watched his face shift from stoic to something filled with grief. Her eyes couldn't help but catch the slight tremble and she felt her throat close up in shared grief. Mina simply couldn't imagine what it may be like, but she does remember what it felt like to be alone even if only for much less time than him. She blinked harshly as the faerie seemed to compose himself and she cursed herself for the sympathy she nearly showed. His story was tragic, but she didn't know him.

She listened quietly to his proposition and felt the twinge of sympathy rise up again before she squashed it down. She tilted her head to the side, thinking about the deal but finding no fault with it. These outsiders meant nothing to her and her duty only lies with keeping them safe within the town of Arkley. Should a few turn up 'missing' just like the dozen or so that will walk into the forest in only a few days' time, well… It would change nothing, would it? She would still be called to help hide the evidence of their existence or maybe toss their belongings onto the side of the road hours away. An animal attack - tragic, but predictable.

"Very well," Mina agreed to the deal softly, "I'll help you recover the remains of your lover and find those responsible so long as you leave the innocent out of this fight. Though," She couldn't help but wonder just if they had the same gods. "We have no temples nearby. The nearest would be hours away." She supposes they could probably make an altar to whatever Predecessor. For all she knows, the Whitmore's may very well have one to their patron… Decay, she believed? Though, in truth, she'd rather avoid their home. She, frankly, despises Lord Whitmore and is tempted to go for his throat every time he's near her.

"You'll find that most worship the Predecessors," As far as she knew, they have been around as long as the Mirror has existed and most books claim they've been around for eons. She tends to avoid anything involving them, really. She was never devoted, but after being turned into a vampire, she couldn't even hold the necklace her aunt had given her. It was a beautiful gold necklace, worn with age, but well love, with the symbol of her chosen deity - Love. The first time she tried to wear it after she was turned, it burned at her skin but she couldn't bear to take it off. It left an angry red mark on her neck after the chief finally convinced her to take it off. She swallowed, feeling like her neck had begun to burn again. "Vampire's don't have temples, we're… well, we were once human. I can't really tell you how we came to be, but it's rumored that we're all victims of a curse. We are not bound to the old laws, though the faerie's that still roam the world probably are. But I promise I will help you," She met his eyes with an earnest sincerity, "and I do not break my promises."

She glanced down in thought, tilting her head to the side at his last request. She really wasn't the best for giving a history lesson on Arkley. She barely paid any attention to the stories people told of its founding and only attended those ridiculous ceremonies at the end of each festival day once years ago. And frankly, her birth parents barely taught her anything beyond court etiquette. It was only thanks to her aunt that she could even read and write. He could go find a historian if he wanted some in depth knowledge, but she could give him useful information. Things needed to survive in the modern world.

"I'm not the most knowledgeable, I'm afraid. I'm just a constable in a small town in the middle of the English countryside." She thought for a moment, "But I do know of each creature that inhabits this town. I can tell you about them." Well, all of them except for the sirens. That is a secret she will take to her grave… again.

"I told you have the vampires, which are the most numerous beside the shapeshifters. The easiest way to describe them is that they are two beings in one - an animal and a human. They're harmless really, but hard to distinguish from our human citizens. Next in terms of population are the faerie. I imagine I don't have to tell you much about them," She paused, wondering if they have changed in a thousand years. Well, if they did, she would fill him in later. "And the last to worry about in town are the wendigos," She paused, glancing at him. Mina wondered if they existed back then too. They were possessed by evil spirits from beyond the Mirror which is where the Faerie hail from as far as she knows. "They're mostly harmless, but there are moments when the thing they share their body with takes over. I recommend running if you're around them at that moment."

Mina walks over to the desk in the corner of the room to pick up a set of keys from the drawer, before pausing. "There are only three in town to worry about - the local doctor, Dacey, the graveyard keeper, Jessie, and the owner of the Achaemenes, Amir. So far, they've all shown little to worry about but I keep an eye on them anyway." She made her way back to the jail cell that held the man before taking a moment to stare at him.

"Do I at least get to know some sort of name? I know you faerie are finicky about that sort of stuff, but I promise names mean nothing to vampires."

Rivka Fleming
Location | Silver Hart | Interactions: Niko (@cry), Glad (@Ai-in Ayan), Nerina (@Princess Rose)

Rivka laughed at Glad's joke about the strangers going into the forest before quickly covering her mouth with her hand to make it a quiet giggle. She gave a soft sigh, "I really do like the festivals. I think it makes the town come together more strongly," she said with a coy smile.

The priestess didn't delight what happened in the forest, but she was a woman of the Gods and what the Gods want goes. Anything divine or having to do with the dead isn't up for her to question. After all- she is but a humble servant.

Another more secret part of her missed these festivals. This was only her third time seeing them as an adult and before then she was a young girl who didn't remember much.

A part of Rivka missed her life as acolyte- living in the temple with all of her other Priestess-in-training friends. She had fond memories of festivals at the temple like Beltane and Yule. She missed napping in the corner sunny window of the manuscript library before services or "borrowing" wine for a dormitory party.

Rivka's heart will always be in Romania, in a stone temple hidden in the hills- but she doesn't regret her decision coming home. In fact, the Felming remembers clear as day the message she got from her oracle cards that Time wanted her to be home.

Normally, the letters she sent to her Fathers were always filled with stories and jokes, pressed flowers and drawings she made. The last letter she sent them before returning home was the first and last one that was ever truely serious. The letter she wrote to her Fathers' was also still fresh in her mind.

I really enjoyed my Time here, I did. I don't want you to ever think that sending me away to Time's Temple was a bad idea, because I think that it was the best thing for me. That being said, if you still want me… I think I'd like to come home now.

She shook her head a little, clearly it off old memories of temples and hymns. It was a bit hard making friends after so long, but she is a Fleming, and Flemings always do their best. "I think I'm must excited for the ball. People tend to be a bit more relaxed and themselves. It'll be interesting to see all of our new visitors there," she looked over at the two Mulvahil cousins. "You two are planning on going right? I think it'd be important to go, y'know- so the other Founding Families get a chance to balance out all of the Whitmores," she teased.

Hyacinth Adventurine
Achaemenes | Interactions: @The Lotus Archives @MissyMay @cry @cowboyclown @Princess Rose

Much like the pub they came from, the Silver Hart was also full of travelers and guests alike. He merely wrinkled his nose at what he smelled before watching his companion move like a puppy who found his owner for how many year. Hyacinth followed dutifully for the time being as he also scanned the establishment for his own master.

''Brother I come with gifts! A new face? Welcome to Arkley. My name is Horace.''

Being a bit distracted by the different people moving around, he froze for bit, slowly looking at Horace with a raised brow. He was bullshitting and all those who knew the hot-headed twin knew this. He will have to give him credit for hiding his grumpy attitude. Coughing a bit, he had to hide the chuckle he felt in his chest. He then smiled at the guest who was interacting with Myron. "Much like the gentleman stated, welcome to the town and a good day," he merely stated before nodding his head. "Master Horace, Master Myron..." he paused for a bit, not really knowing how to address the person. "... our dear guest," he finally stated before bowing. "I shall take my leave. I found my dear master," he smiled before curtly turning around and getting away from the two.

Gladiolus was with the Fleming heirs and her cousin Nerina. He was quick to be behind his ward, hands on her wrists and carefully unlatching Gladiolus from her cousin. "You have been a very hard person to find, lady," he whispered, twirling her around until she was facing him before the butler bowed deeply. "Master Gladiolus," he first greeted with the friendly smile he always used. He then turned to the others and did the same. "Lady Nevira, Lady Fleming, Lord Fleming."

  • Love
Reactions: The Lotus Archives
Myron Whitmore
The Silver Hart | Interactions: Horace (@The Lotus Archives) and Jamil (@StarlightStarbright)

As soon as the familiar voice reached his ears, his eyes lit up with joy he rarely felt much anymore. Myron turned his head so fast that it left him a little dazed, but he offered a grin to his brother all the same. He reached out to take one of the baklava pastries before setting it down gently on a napkin nearby. He wasn't particularly hungry at the moment, but it would be a good snack in an hour or two after the morning rush died down.

He offered Hyacinth a wave in greeting and goodbye, amused to see him already off to his master. Myron made note to send them more tea and some of the pastries from Amir as another person would be joining the table. He also made a note to send Amir a thank you - perhaps some tea? It never felt right to send nothing back. He might be able to send it back with his brother if he wasn't staying. If he was, then they could go together later to the Achaemenes.

"Horace," He greeted his twin. "How has your morning been? It feels like it has been days since I last saw you." Myron offered his brother a regretful smile and hung his head slightly. "I'm sorry I've been too busy to spend time with you. This time of year gets so hectic for me." They spend so little time together unlike when they were younger. He misses it dearly, but he understands that his brother grew up. He's trying to grow up too, but it's hard when it feels like something is weighing him down.

He grew silent for a moment before meeting his brother's eyes with an earnest look. "I think I can get this afternoon free if you want to go out to the market before the story of the Fleming family is told. Though," He trails off thinking, "Father wanted me to come home immediately after that - something about how it's dangerous with all these strangers about. You know how he is." Frankly, Myron doesn't see why he wouldn't be safe. It's not like the constables were busy much and he'd be with his brother. If there was anyone in the world that could keep him safe, he was sure it would be Horace.

Felix Fletcher
The Town Square/The Achaemenes | Interactions: Oleander (@cry) and Amarantha (@SilverPaw)

He glanced at both of these strangers he met and couldn't help but feel… strange. Oleander felt very much like him, but the woman - Amarantha - felt odd. She even felt different from the other townsfolk and they felt distinctly inhuman. It took him a long moment to realize why and he nearly jolted away from her when he did. Felix was luckily able to hide his sudden movement by bumping into a stranger, but his eyes couldn't hide his alarm.

The noblewoman presence left that lingering, itchy feeling everywhere she walked. He wondered if she was the source of it, but then why would it also be at the doctors office. Not only that but it felt diluted and old. It made him distinctly uncomfortable, but he had been in plenty of uncomfortable situations before. He put back on his charming smile before anyone hopefully noticed and followed the lady to the pub.

It was a beautiful building, Felix took note, but not what he had expected for this location in the world. The Achaemenes felt a world away from the one outside and he, strangely, no longer felt that itch within the walls. Stranger and stranger. He took a seat at the table, though he felt lost on what to order in such a place. He supposes he could ask the owner of the pub - Amir from what Amarantha said.

"Business," He answered the noblewoman with a grin. "Recently concluded business, though. I decided to stay for the festival after I heard people talk about it. I've traveled quite far, but rarely get to stay for local events." Not a lie, necessarily. He had done as that woman wanted, but now he had to wait for his payout. He would have left last night had he been given the chance.

"I'm a merchant," He offered her freely, gently tapping the table with his fingertips as he leaned back in his seat. "Or, well, more like I work for a merchant. I travel around and handle deal making with potential partners since my employer is unable to make the trips due to his age." Felix lies with ease, having come up with this story long ago. Most people were far too nosey when it didn't affect them and they never hesitated to tell others. He learned long ago that a consistent story kept him out of jail and surviving.

Silver Hart | Interactions: Myron

Seeing his brother's smile brought a light to Horace's face, the masked smile he wore grew to his eyes as it slipped into a full authentic glow without his awareness. A result of the sudden wave of joy that rippled through him as the pain that clawed at his being subsided and was replaced by a soothing warmth that seeped to his very bones, causing a reflexive hum to escape him.

It wasn't that he ignored the world around him when it came to his brother, it was that the world felt far less important than his twin and as he took his selection of baklava Horace would close the box and set it on a nearby counter or was it a table? Neither mattered to Horace for the moment it left his fingers and was on a solid surface his care of its fate would end. His focus remained on his brother as he waved hello and goodbye to Hyacinth. As he spoke his apologies, Horace's smile would weaken slightly, he didn't like the way it seemed to hang on his bright and otherwise cheerful brother and as his head dipped Horace would find himself feeling guilty for the weight that hung over his twin. ''My day is better now.''

As their eyes met Horace would offer him a warm yet heavy hearted smile. The look in his brother's eyes twisted it with Horace's eagerness. '"No my dear brother, it is as you say, this time of year is busy, for all of us. Please don't let it trouble you. I promise to make it up to you once this is all over.'' He had spoken automatically, but he had meant every word. When the festive season ended he would make up for the time he has missed with his brother.

Hearing the offer of going to the market together Horace would find no reason to deny his brother and with what he had felt when he passed through the market earlier he nearly spat his words. ''I will be sure to clear my schedule. Please..'' He caught himself tackled with a sense of dread and panic. Even though he showed no signs of his inner turmoil. He heard himself say aloud ''Please be careful, while I hate to admit it, I agree with father.'' To his brother he was an open book of preselected emotions and the hatred he felt for their father was among the most authentic and its raw heat was evident as the word came heavy with a scathing venom. ''I will be with you though so we can enjoy ourselves but we should still be careful.'' He wanted to hug his brother, he wanted to make sure he knew he was safe and that Horace would protect him but he was quickly reminded of the way their father would scold and belittle him for coddling his brother and the painful sessions of his belt and branch. So he gave a smile and remained where he was for a moment.

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