LiriON | VR-Fantasy-Game with Guilds and Stuff.

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Hiho, everyone!

There's this Idea that's been floating around inside of my head for several days or maybe even weeks now. It's the Idea of making a fun roleplay centered around a virtual reality game with a completely made up string of letters for a name. LiriON / Lirion Online.

It's a game that you enter through a futuristic full-dive device that puts you in a dream-like state where you can explore the medival fatasy-world of Lirion, take part in raids or compete in different kinds of PvP-modes. People in the game form guilds with their friends or if they are alone join an existing guild. For our guild I would love to center more around the PvP-part of the game but of course that doesn't exclude going on raids occaisionally.

If you think that's a great Idea and you want to start off by making your own character there are a few things you should know. Any player can choose two classes that you can combine. For example you can play an Elementalist-Archer who can fire away with epic fire-arrows. Since LiriON is not an existing game your abilities aren't limited to anything but your own creativity. Just don't exaggerate it too much. And by the way, diving into the world as a female character when you're actually a man can feel pretty weird at times. =p

After you're done with creating your character it's time to jump into the game. Of course you should learn the basics first but after a short while you will be able to group up with other people in the PvE-Area of the game or go to the cities where you can enter the Arena and compete in competitive PvP. Then of course there are battles between guilds where you can earn rewards and gain influence (I don't know what that means, yet. :p).

Yes there's a reason for the color to be back to white because now I want to talk about organisation and stuff. I have to admit that I have never done a group-roleplay before but the nature of the prompt I'm giving here makes a group-roleplay seem like the right thing to do. Maybe it'll work out and we're even able to make some friends, here. :) Also: I haven't used this site too much before. Actually I mostly roleplayed using google docs and with partners I found on sites like Reddit and so. That's why I would love to have someone who knows the rules of making threads and doing grouproleplays here. Yes I've read through all that already but it's another thing when you have experience with doing these things.

If you're interested in trying something like this I would love if you left a little post in this thread where you express your feelings about my Idea and tell me your expectations on the roleplay. It would also be awesome if you told me who you are and stuff. A simple "I'm Interested" doesn't really tell me if you want to make a great roleplay and already have creative ideas flashing in your mind or if you just think: "Fuck yeah, SAO!"

I'm looking forward to your answers on my post and I think I'll be around for a little while in case of upcoming questions.

Greetings to everyone - Joey!

El Psy Congroo
Hey, I've wanted to do something like this.

I'm interested.
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Interested I will watch and see if it gets more interest.

Edit: How big are we thinking for the RP player wise?
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I think I could be interested in this.
And indeed.. fuck yes SAO. I do love Asuna, and all.
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Hello hello~ VR gaming roleplays like this are what really catch my interest, so I'm very glad that you're putting this together! If you need any help with BBCode things and such, I'm more than happy to do that!

It might be best if you did explain the kind of system you'll be using for keeping track of what people can do. (Stats and such, if that's what you're going for.) I think each character needs to have limits. You might also want to keep everyone at level 1 in the beginning or something, just for the sake of keeping everything equal in the beginning. Of course, you can still have all of your skills and such, but I think it would take time for a guild to actually be successful unless you kinda built up to the formation and the execution of the creation of the guild.

Speaking from experience, it's normally nicer to have everyone start as just individual characters, then just 'happen' to group together and form different parties, then form a guild. If you start with the guild, it's sometimes kind of hard to get everyone to collaborate and function underneath a singular character.

Also, for the leadership of the guild (if you decide to start with the guild already formed), how will you decide who will be the leader and then the officers and then the members?

I really like this idea and I'm more than willing to jump on board. I just think that a few questions and details need to be thought about before the formation of this roleplay.

If you wanna chat about anything, you're welcome to PM me or I can give you my Skype information~

Thank you! ^ ^
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yeah by all means if i can pitch in and help get things figured out, im game. get it? 'game'?


just PM or something if ya'll want, i'll help with whatever i can!
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Hello hello~ VR gaming roleplays like this are what really catch my interest, so I'm very glad that you're putting this together! If you need any help with BBCode things and such, I'm more than happy to do that!

It might be best if you did explain the kind of system you'll be using for keeping track of what people can do. (Stats and such, if that's what you're going for.) I think each character needs to have limits. You might also want to keep everyone at level 1 in the beginning or something, just for the sake of keeping everything equal in the beginning. Of course, you can still have all of your skills and such, but I think it would take time for a guild to actually be successful unless you kinda built up to the formation and the execution of the creation of the guild.

Speaking from experience, it's normally nicer to have everyone start as just individual characters, then just 'happen' to group together and form different parties, then form a guild. If you start with the guild, it's sometimes kind of hard to get everyone to collaborate and function underneath a singular character.

Also, for the leadership of the guild (if you decide to start with the guild already formed), how will you decide who will be the leader and then the officers and then the members?

I really like this idea and I'm more than willing to jump on board. I just think that a few questions and details need to be thought about before the formation of this roleplay.

If you wanna chat about anything, you're welcome to PM me or I can give you my Skype information~

Thank you! ^ ^
I wouldn't really be all interested with a rp with stats and EXP.
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Well, I'm putting my tabs on this baby.

Personally, I'm not too fond of stats systems as they're difficult to keep track of, for both GMs and players alike. Granted, the GM takes more burden, but... just a little advice. I tend to avoid them altogether.

While I would personally avoid statistics...

Our Online Life Has Taken A Turn?!?

I tend to add stuff such as weaponry, known skills at the stated point of the game and all that jazz. Numbers are tough cookies to crack, but skills and equips are the real important stuff.

Here are a few possible Class-Upgrade Systems I have in mind.

The usual and the most linear. One class can upgrade into two different possible classes. Each of these classes can in turn choose to upgrade into two other possible classes. In games such as Dragon Nest, there's no turning back once you've picked your path, so choose wisely!

Granblue Method:
Freely changing classes is not only possible, but a must to advance to the next tier. For instance, in order to access the Knight Class, you need to fully master the Warrior and Fighter classes, in order to access the Paladin Class, you need to fully master the Knight Class and Magician class, and so on. Just a mix of classes in order to access the higher-tier ones.

Aura Kingdom Method:
Just grab your class, and when you reach a certain level, you can acquire a 'subclass', which is basically the skillset of another existing class.

Don't Upgrade at all:
You stay as you are. You start as Knight, you end as Knight. Personally, I find this mildly dulling unless you're allowed to switch classes.

Mabinogi System:
There is no class system. You just have skills that you can be 'better' or 'worse' at.
Well, I'm putting my tabs on this baby.

Personally, I'm not too fond of stats systems as they're difficult to keep track of, for both GMs and players alike. Granted, the GM takes more burden, but... just a little advice. I tend to avoid them altogether.

While I would personally avoid statistics...

Our Online Life Has Taken A Turn?!?

I tend to add stuff such as weaponry, known skills at the stated point of the game and all that jazz. Numbers are tough cookies to crack, but skills and equips are the real important stuff.

Here are a few possible Class-Upgrade Systems I have in mind.

The usual and the most linear. One class can upgrade into two different possible classes. Each of these classes can in turn choose to upgrade into two other possible classes. In games such as Dragon Nest, there's no turning back once you've picked your path, so choose wisely!

Granblue Method:
Freely changing classes is not only possible, but a must to advance to the next tier. For instance, in order to access the Knight Class, you need to fully master the Warrior and Fighter classes, in order to access the Paladin Class, you need to fully master the Knight Class and Magician class, and so on. Just a mix of classes in order to access the higher-tier ones.

Aura Kingdom Method:
Just grab your class, and when you reach a certain level, you can acquire a 'subclass', which is basically the skillset of another existing class.

Don't Upgrade at all:
You stay as you are. You start as Knight, you end as Knight. Personally, I find this mildly dulling unless you're allowed to switch classes.

Mabinogi System:
There is no class system. You just have skills that you can be 'better' or 'worse' at.
I like the Granblue one
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Oh and I guess I'll add - some of these VRMMO RPs have this thing where you're allowed to mildly customize your character's backstory to trigger different kinds of NPC responses and all that.

That can be explained with...

"Whatever device this thing runs on scans your brain and decides your in-game backstory. This affects your NPC responses and starting skills."
Oh and I guess I'll add - some of these VRMMO RPs have this thing where you're allowed to mildly customize your character's backstory to trigger different kinds of NPC responses and all that.

That can be explained with...

"Whatever device this thing runs on scans your brain and decides your in-game backstory. This affects your NPC responses and starting skills."
That's invasive of my personal mind.
Oh and I guess I'll add - some of these VRMMO RPs have this thing where you're allowed to mildly customize your character's backstory to trigger different kinds of NPC responses and all that.

That can be explained with...

"Whatever device this thing runs on scans your brain and decides your in-game backstory. This affects your NPC responses and starting skills."
I think that is certainly intriguing, especially considering that I always have an issue with getting starting skills and such. I was in a roleplay one time where your backstory determined what kind of skills you got and it worked exceedingly well since the skills were personally tied to the character.

Also, about the stat system, that was only an idea I was throwing out~ I'm glad that y'all are voicing your opinions on the matter, so thank you very much! (Star doesn't enjoy when people just blindly agree for the sake of simplicity.)
Well, I'm putting my tabs on this baby.

Personally, I'm not too fond of stats systems as they're difficult to keep track of, for both GMs and players alike. Granted, the GM takes more burden, but... just a little advice. I tend to avoid them altogether.

While I would personally avoid statistics...

Our Online Life Has Taken A Turn?!?

I tend to add stuff such as weaponry, known skills at the stated point of the game and all that jazz. Numbers are tough cookies to crack, but skills and equips are the real important stuff.

Here are a few possible Class-Upgrade Systems I have in mind.

The usual and the most linear. One class can upgrade into two different possible classes. Each of these classes can in turn choose to upgrade into two other possible classes. In games such as Dragon Nest, there's no turning back once you've picked your path, so choose wisely!

Granblue Method:
Freely changing classes is not only possible, but a must to advance to the next tier. For instance, in order to access the Knight Class, you need to fully master the Warrior and Fighter classes, in order to access the Paladin Class, you need to fully master the Knight Class and Magician class, and so on. Just a mix of classes in order to access the higher-tier ones.

Aura Kingdom Method:
Just grab your class, and when you reach a certain level, you can acquire a 'subclass', which is basically the skillset of another existing class.

Don't Upgrade at all:
You stay as you are. You start as Knight, you end as Knight. Personally, I find this mildly dulling unless you're allowed to switch classes.

Mabinogi System:
There is no class system. You just have skills that you can be 'better' or 'worse' at.
Also, I think a mix of the Granblue and Regular systems would be suited more toward the original idea.

Taking the elements of having to learn some skills (we'd have to come up with a preset number before you can 'evolve' your class of course), you'd have to learn a certain number of skills before you can move into a higher combination of the classes that you have partially mastered.

Taking from the element of being unable to go back once you choose a class would be the most interesting. This also opens up the window for a character to accidentally choose the wrong class~ (This is definitely what I would do with my character if this takes off) I also enjoy the idea that there are two evolutions of the base classes, even though it's a common idea, there is always room for customization.
Looks interesting. I'd be up for something like this, probably

There are some people that are interesting in doing a roleplay like this. I'm not sure if that's surprising or not but I'm happy about this, after all.

I agree with the fact, that it might be a good idea to start at zero, level 1 in this case, and have our little community form by itself and don't squish everyone in a preset role. That's a really good point.

Also for the skillsystem. It was more or less inspired by Guild Wars 1 but I liked the Granblue one a lot, too. Combine two random things and give it a new name. Get creative and make something out of it that you always found awesome or something that's rather uncommon.

As for numbers, I wasn't planning to make too much of a juggling-act out of it. Sure, we can have damage-values, exp and pricetags for our items but well, I wasn't hoping for something where a fightingscene takes up 2 hours to get all the computations done.

Also, sorry for looking into this so late. Had to do some stuff for university, today.
If I did my counting right there are 7 people, 8 including me, that are interested in participating in such a roleplay. I'm not quite sure about how many is a good number for this kind of roleplay. If I think of it in a way that everyone is taking turns with writing, this might already become a bit of a waiting-game, depending on everyones schedules.

If someone of you has more experience with group-roleplays like this it would be great if you shared your suggestions on this topic, too. Yes, this is my first time hosting, even participating in a roleplay with more than 2 ( I guess I've done 3 before ) people so I didn't plan to be overly formal about everything. But maybe we have to be to prevent everyone from going wild and ending up with a pile of chaos.
I might be in the minority, but I'm a big big fan of a posting order. Just keeps things more.. organized.

In my opinion.
I think it all has it's pros and cons. Either chaos or hours of waiting. And I'm not 100% sure what's the best way to hold a dialogue in a setting like this.

Also: Is it most common to roleplay in forumthreads or do people also use stuff like google-docs?

@Crow: I like the Idea of your character-custumization-feature. It motivates people to create an interesting character!
If I did my counting right there are 7 people, 8 including me, that are interested in participating in such a roleplay. I'm not quite sure about how many is a good number for this kind of roleplay.
That is normally a good amount for this kind of RP. But personally, I was looking for a smaller RP so I might not join.

Just a suggestion. You said you wanted to have guilds in the game? What if the 7 people formed into 2 guild that were at each others throats. Of course there would be more than just 4-3 people IC but the founders or whatever would be the 3-4 players.

I might be in the minority, but I'm a big big fan of a posting order. Just keeps things more.. organized.

In my opinion.
Personally, I don't like turn order. It slows down the RP. I would agree to having you have to wait at least 1-3 posts before you post again or something in that range. However probably won't be doing this RP. So my opinion doesn't matter.
Also: Is it most common to roleplay in forumthreads or do people also use stuff like google-docs?

They use Forum threads to roleplay.

I might be in the minority, but I'm a big big fan of a posting order. Just keeps things more.. organized.

In my opinion.
Personally, I don't like turn order. It slows down the RP. I would agree to having you have to wait at least 1-3 posts before you post again or something in that range. However probably won't be doing this RP. So my opinion doesn't matter.

This, really. Personally, if we really, really, want to do this, pull an 'everyone posts at least once before the GM makes another post'.

Even then, this should only apply for large rosters, say, 7 or more characters. Small rosters don't have too much of a need for this.
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