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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
I'm up for any kind of relationship for Yongrui. He's sort of a blank slate in terms of story arc because I don't really have a goal for him. So he's lingering and going with the flow till I have a goal for him.
And as for Iva I'm also game for anything. She's kind of having a 'break free from the chains of slavery' story arc going on but through obedience and just trying to survive.
I also have other character ideas in mind but I have yet to flesh them out or to figure out a story arc for them.

And no, we don't have a discord server. We just hang out around here.

Neat! I feel like although their situations aren't 1:1, she'd see enough of herself in Iva to be able to empathize with her, which definitely could make for some nice character moments. If they get any good opportunities to interact, she would probably end up taking a liking to Iva and want to help/support her in any way she can. Depending on what kind of influence Emilia is on her I suppose that could eventually lead to a bit of conflict or tension between her and Yongrui. XD

As for her relationship to Yongrui, I don't think they would be super close. Emilia is definitely hesitant to trust strangers, so she would be weary and suspicious of him. That said, they could perhaps have some kind of working business relationship. She is a collector so maybe she's turned to him in order to get her hands on particularly rare books or artifacts? Or something along those lines. ^^

And alright, thanks for telling me! :D
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Oookay, think I've got it all wrapped up nice. Please let me know if there's anything that needs a tweak or rework!


Kanaan Thorne, "Heartpiercer Kanaan"


A man of average height and athletic build, pale red eyes and still paler skin, clad in bat-leather armor affixed with plates of black iron here and there.

Somewhere in the outer Wilds of Lescatia

Lescatia Military

A gifted soldier in the Lescatia Military, Kanaan has always been a sucker for Prince and Country. His eyes have always been unerringly set on one thing, the position and title of First Spear, to the Prince and in turn to the Great Country of Lescatia. He chooses not to openly vie for the Prince's favor however, preferring to let skill and willingness to follow orders snag one's attention.

To that end, a man with no real skills to speak of honed mind and body unceasingly for near a lifetime. The outer territories and the blood-soaked wilds were his teacher. The black iron bogs his armorer, and the nigh endless hordes of undead and monstrous beasties, well…at least there was never any shortage of opponents nor test subjects as he fumbled through the intricacies of fleshcrafting. For that, maybe a proper instructor would have been beneficial.

To this day, most of any off time from his duties has been spent killing any creatures or abominations not in the care of some noble that Kanaan can find, hoping to put a real edge to his spear. One can almost smell trouble brewing outside the borders though, and lately the Military has been a much tighter ship. Kanaan's own personal fun will have to be reluctantly shoved to the back burner.

Skills and Abilities:
  • Fleshcrafting, maybe intermediate proficiency. Not nearly enough skill to birth the horrors that a master could accomplish.
  • Some paltry magic, mere self-enhancement spells to improve physical combat prowess. Such things hardly count as sorcery.
  • Unarmed, Kanaan is formidable. But with his spear in hand? The man is hunger-driven beast and unrelenting hunter rolled into one. While he has the self-awareness to choose his fights carefully, it is doubtful that many people would want to find themselves staring down his blade.

Interesting Tidbit:

  • Kanaan's spear is a lovely little exercise in fleshcrafting, an unliving human skull and spinal column lovingly entwined around a long haft of black iron. Jutting out through the broken top of said skull, is an overly long spearhead of bone. I mean, you may as well attach a whole sword to the end of the handle and it'd be pretty close to what Kanaan is swinging around.
Being technically a form of undead however, the spear always maintains an insatiable hunger, drinking up any blood its tip is bathed in and transforming it into an unnatural sharpness and durability unmatched by standard black iron.​
  • It is unclear whether the name "Heartpiercer" was given to him, or if he decided on the moniker for himself. He would be the type for the latter…

How much time has Kaanan spent in the Border City?
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Oookay, think I've got it all wrapped up nice. Please let me know if there's anything that needs a tweak or rework!


Kanaan Thorne, "Heartpiercer Kanaan"


A man of average height and athletic build, pale red eyes and still paler skin, clad in bat-leather armor affixed with plates of black iron here and there.

Somewhere in the outer Wilds of Lescatia

Lescatia Military

A gifted soldier in the Lescatia Military, Kanaan has always been a sucker for Prince and Country. His eyes have always been unerringly set on one thing, the position and title of First Spear, to the Prince and in turn to the Great Country of Lescatia. He chooses not to openly vie for the Prince's favor however, preferring to let skill and willingness to follow orders snag one's attention.

To that end, a man with no real skills to speak of honed mind and body unceasingly for near a lifetime. The outer territories and the blood-soaked wilds were his teacher. The black iron bogs his armorer, and the nigh endless hordes of undead and monstrous beasties, well…at least there was never any shortage of opponents nor test subjects as he fumbled through the intricacies of fleshcrafting. For that, maybe a proper instructor would have been beneficial.

To this day, most of any off time from his duties has been spent killing any creatures or abominations not in the care of some noble that Kanaan can find, hoping to put a real edge to his spear. One can almost smell trouble brewing outside the borders though, and lately the Military has been a much tighter ship. Kanaan's own personal fun will have to be reluctantly shoved to the back burner.

Skills and Abilities:
  • Fleshcrafting, maybe intermediate proficiency. Not nearly enough skill to birth the horrors that a master could accomplish.
  • Some paltry magic, mere self-enhancement spells to improve physical combat prowess. Such things hardly count as sorcery.
  • Unarmed, Kanaan is formidable. But with his spear in hand? The man is hunger-driven beast and unrelenting hunter rolled into one. While he has the self-awareness to choose his fights carefully, it is doubtful that many people would want to find themselves staring down his blade.

Interesting Tidbit:

  • Kanaan's spear is a lovely little exercise in fleshcrafting, an unliving human skull and spinal column lovingly entwined around a long haft of black iron. Jutting out through the broken top of said skull, is an overly long spearhead of bone. I mean, you may as well attach a whole sword to the end of the handle and it'd be pretty close to what Kanaan is swinging around.
Being technically a form of undead however, the spear always maintains an insatiable hunger, drinking up any blood its tip is bathed in and transforming it into an unnatural sharpness and durability unmatched by standard black iron.​
  • It is unclear whether the name "Heartpiercer" was given to him, or if he decided on the moniker for himself. He would be the type for the latter…

How much time has Kaanan spent in the Border City?
Well Lurcolm did mention he could be assigned to Karo's character as a bodyguard, though another possibility could be having him sent to Border City as part of a security detail to bolster the City's defenses and deter any uptick in crime due to civil unrest. Could allow for some varied interactions with the City's leadership as well as the other characters throughout, as he goes about his duties. That would allow for him to be either just arriving, or for him to have been there a little while on this assignment.

I'm totally open to any and all ideas on connecting Kanaan with anyone else's characters!
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If ya'll wanna pair your two charries up that'd work. We could handwave a whole number of reasons, but if both work in the Border City, Konrad could just go "This guy wants to prove himself just plunk him with my advisor until I can figure out how he can really help"
@ImaginationGoneWild I'm booping Les but I think for now just go ahead without em. We'll figure this shit out as we go along from there
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If ya'll wanna pair your two charries up that'd work. We could handwave a whole number of reasons, but if both work in the Border City, Konrad could just go "This guy wants to prove himself just plunk him with my advisor until I can figure out how he can really help"

Yay, awesome! <3
What are the ifs and buts? I'm happy to amend anything that's necessary to make her work. ^^

Also yes to pairing them up. That's kind of what I was thinking when I asked how long he's been in the Border City @Taka . XD Mostly because I think it would make a fair bit of sense, and because having them interact with each other would lessen the workload on Lurcolm a bit. But then, I also didn't want to take away Anira's opportunity to interact with someone other than Konrad, so Taka, if you rather want to stick with that I'd be alright with it. ^^

I did get an idea for a second character last night. Will get him posted in a moment. ^^ He's an outsider and as such perhaps a bit freer to interact with anyone that doesn't have anything to do at the moment. -w-
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Leonid Eldon Bryce of House Fenris

Belkovia, a sizable kingdom to the southwest of Lascatia.

Belkovian Aristocracy, House Fenris

Lord Ulric and Lady Katarina of House Fenris had long struggled to bring a child into the world. For years they prayed to the gods above, hoping that they would one day bless them. And they did. After a decade of trying without success, Katarina finally gave birth to a healthy baby boy. They named him Leonid, after the great and mighty lion that stalks the savannah in the far south, and raised him to be the heir of their wealth and fortune. There was only one catch. Leonid was born under the menacing glow of a blood moon. For any ordinary child that would already have been considered an ill omen, but for those of the cursed Fenris bloodline, it was a fate that equaled death. Family tradition had it that any infant unlucky enough to be born under such circumstances be drowned, or otherwise disposed of. Ulric and Katarina would have none of it. They loved their son dearly, and would have done anything to keep him safe. And so, despite knowing full well that there would be consequences, they decided to raise him to the best of their abilities.

Leonid was fourteen the first time he turned into the creature. He has no memory of it, but when he woke up naked and covered in another man's blood, he knew that he must have done something terrible. Afraid that there would be a repeat of the incident, they withdrew Leonid from social events and generally tried to keep him out of the public eye as much as possible. Nevertheless, rumors about his condition were spreading fast, and even within his own household most of the servants feared him. His parents did the best they could under these circumstances, providing him with all the love and care a child could wish for, but ultimately it was a lonely existence. And so one day, not wanting to continue feeling like a burden to the people he loved most, Leonid made the difficult decision to leave his family search for a cure beyond the borders of Belkovia.

Already from the beginning, he had his eyes set on Lescatia. It is the land from whence the house of Fenris had once been banished, and where many generations ago that wretched curse was wrought upon them. Blending in with the many refugees that have made their way to Lescatia from Ithicar and other war-torn territories, he has only just arrived at the Border City, where he hopes to find the answers he seeks.

Interesting Tidbid:
  • In his feral form Leonid becomes a large, hulking, wolf-like beast 364254c82fcc98f8c08444b46cc8db9a.jpgwith elongated arms and long, matted black fur. His hands are humanoid, but topped off with long, slightly curved claws. His face, though covered in skin and fur, has a somewhat skeletal look to it, with jagged teeth protruding out of a wide maw. His vision, though present, is weak, and he relies primarily on smell and sound to get around.
  • Currently Leonid has very little, if any control of his feral form, and most of the time he doesn't even remember turning. The bloodlust that fuels it is ever present, even when Leonid is in his human form. Faintly yet constantly it scratches at the back of his mind, and though he has mostly learned how to keep it under control with prayer, meditation and sheer determination, every once in a while his composure slips, and the beast within him is unleashed.
  • Because his condition triggers when he feels very strongly, he has learned to regulate his emotions well and very rarely allows himself to become angry. For that very reason, he has also never been intimate with anyone.
  • Most animals tend to get uneasy in his presence — as if they can sense the monster lurking inside him. This makes him sad, because he likes them very much.
  • Leonid has received training with both polearms and swords, and is decent at wielding a bow. Though skilled for someone who has only seen a limited amount of combat, he still has much to learn. That said, his enhanced senses make him an excellent hunter and tracker.
  • Personality wise most would describe him as open, friendly and rather easy to get along with. His greatest flaw is that he's perhaps a little too trusting and eager to please, but he has a good heart, and is fiercely loyal to those he considers friends.
(I promise, no more characters after this. XD Probably. Though if anyone would like to make a friend or traveling companion for him I wouldn't say no to that. There's nothing so satisfying as a dynamic duo. ^^)
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If ya'll wanna pair your two charries up that'd work. We could handwave a whole number of reasons, but if both work in the Border City, Konrad could just go "This guy wants to prove himself just plunk him with my advisor until I can figure out how he can really help"
Sweet! Feel free to throw Kanaan into whatever Konrad doesn't feel like doing lmao.

As for us, @Gladis I can either have Kanaan just coming into the Border City and heading over to whatever passes as the city's administrative building for details on his new placement and orders, or if you were thinking of having your chara already know Kanaan to some degree we can say he's been there a little while. Whichever you think you can work better with and will contribute better to rp I'm up for!

If we're worried about anybody not getting enough interaction I can always have Kanaan doing some rounds through the city to check up on Amira or Olwen too.
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If ya'll wanna pair your two charries up that'd work. We could handwave a whole number of reasons, but if both work in the Border City, Konrad could just go "This guy wants to prove himself just plunk him with my advisor until I can figure out how he can really help"
Sweet! Feel free to throw Kanaan into whatever Konrad doesn't feel like doing lmao.

As for us, @Gladis I can either have Kanaan just coming into the Border City and heading over to whatever passes as the city's administrative building for details on his new placement and orders, or if you were thinking of having your chara already know Kanaan to some degree we can say he's been there a little while. Whichever you think you can work better with and will contribute better to rp I'm up for!

If we're worried about anybody not getting enough interaction I can always have Kanaan doing some rounds through the city to check up on Amira or Olwen too.

Oh that is a very good question, haha. ^^ Honestly, either alternative could be interesting. Which would you prefer?

If they've been together for a while, I think Emilia would primarily have used him as security --- though I wouldn't put it past her to send him on random errands as well. Probably stuff that's way outside his typical skill set, but she needs to get done one way or the other. I think it would amuse her. XD If it's their first meeting, perhaps he arrived at the Border City pretty recently and has already been assigned to her by Konrad? That way he could seek her out... wherever she spends her days. So probably some kind of administrative building, or her estate.

Either way we're going to have to figure out something for them to do. Perhaps @Lurcolm has anything specific in mind that would help move the plot forward? I'd be open to pretty much any kind of assignment given to her by Konrad. ^^ Otherwise I could see her maybe handling the preparations for some kind of dinner party or meeting, which in turn could be a pretty good opportunity for most of the characters to meet and interact with one another. Or if that doesn't work, perhaps she takes Kanaan along on a trip through town. They could drop by the orphanage she's supporting. Or perhaps she's been tasked with overseeing something related to the refugees. Or she could ask him to drop by Yongrui's to pick up a tome. Ooooor... she's been tasked with investigating something or someone. Even if she has nothing to do she'd make her own fun. She doesn't strike me as the kind to sit around and do nothing simply because she has not been given any orders. So just having them interact until they're needed somewhere would work too. ^^

But yeah, there's honestly a lot of options here. And I'm sure you could probably come up with ideas I haven't. ^^
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@Taka Actually I think I might have an idea for how to set the scene, if I'm permitted to do that @Lurcolm? It would kind of rely on them having spent a bit of time together, though. ^^
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@Taka Actually I think I might have an idea for how to set the scene, if I'm permitted to do that @Lurcolm? It would kind of rely on them having spent a bit of time together, though. ^^
All good with me!

There, a post. ^^ Tell me if anything needs changing! (Or I took too many liberties, I may have been overly excited with setting things up >.>')

Also if you would like to know what the book is, to make writing your post a bit easier:
It's an original manuscript of a famous playwright from Ithicar. He or she passed away several decades ago, but their legacy has lived on. I assume that with the invasion of the Hungols most of their work was lost, so the fact that one of them showed up in Lascatia... well, for Emilia at least, that's exciting. XD Basically the news that the former director of the theater where the playwright created most of their masterpieces was amongst the recent waves of refugees reached her, and hoping against hope that he might have managed to save some of their library, she would've sent Kanaan to locate the man and convince him to sell whatever he might have had. Or something along those lines, anyway. Feel free to tweak it in any way that suits you. ^^
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  • Love
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Hi there!

So, I would possibly be interested in joining (if you're still accepting new people) and I'm wondering if the choice for my character has to be between vampire or human, or if other folkloric inspirations would also be permissible? I currently have an idea for a rusalka inspired character, who I figured was maybe brought into the city as a 'gift' to one of the vampire nobles (either one I play myself, or if anyone would be interested in connecting our characters, that could work as well). If that doesn't work I have a couple of other ideas as well. Some kind of priestess or religious figure could be interesting (if that's applicable to this setting) or otherwise more of a rogue/spy type character. ^^
I somehow never replied to this

Alright so the Prince cares about Lescatia. He's racist, I mean he is a vampire, but he enjoys things that help him or at the very least don't cause him problems. As for religious sects... well the Prince is egomaniacal enough to tolerate cults worshipping him. Otherwise the only caveat he has is "I don't fucking care as long as they're not interfering"

He likes leaving the humans alone cuz he knows that vampire fuckery will eventually break something if it's done just for the sake of it
Hi there!

So, I would possibly be interested in joining (if you're still accepting new people) and I'm wondering if the choice for my character has to be between vampire or human, or if other folkloric inspirations would also be permissible? I currently have an idea for a rusalka inspired character, who I figured was maybe brought into the city as a 'gift' to one of the vampire nobles (either one I play myself, or if anyone would be interested in connecting our characters, that could work as well). If that doesn't work I have a couple of other ideas as well. Some kind of priestess or religious figure could be interesting (if that's applicable to this setting) or otherwise more of a rogue/spy type character. ^^
I somehow never replied to this

Alright so the Prince cares about Lescatia. He's racist, I mean he is a vampire, but he enjoys things that help him or at the very least don't cause him problems. As for religious sects... well the Prince is egomaniacal enough to tolerate cults worshipping him. Otherwise the only caveat he has is "I don't fucking care as long as they're not interfering"

He likes leaving the humans alone cuz he knows that vampire fuckery will eventually break something if it's done just for the sake of it

Oh alright, that's fair. XD I mean I never ended up making her so it doesn't really matter, lol. But yeah that's good to know. ^^ I guess... Leonid might get in trouble if he's found out but drama is fun. X,D

Also I may have to rename him, I didn't realize how close it is to Cleonid until after I'd posted his CS 🥲
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  • Love
Reactions: ImaginationGoneWild
Hi there!

So, I would possibly be interested in joining (if you're still accepting new people) and I'm wondering if the choice for my character has to be between vampire or human, or if other folkloric inspirations would also be permissible? I currently have an idea for a rusalka inspired character, who I figured was maybe brought into the city as a 'gift' to one of the vampire nobles (either one I play myself, or if anyone would be interested in connecting our characters, that could work as well). If that doesn't work I have a couple of other ideas as well. Some kind of priestess or religious figure could be interesting (if that's applicable to this setting) or otherwise more of a rogue/spy type character. ^^
I somehow never replied to this

Alright so the Prince cares about Lescatia. He's racist, I mean he is a vampire, but he enjoys things that help him or at the very least don't cause him problems. As for religious sects... well the Prince is egomaniacal enough to tolerate cults worshipping him. Otherwise the only caveat he has is "I don't fucking care as long as they're not interfering"

He likes leaving the humans alone cuz he knows that vampire fuckery will eventually break something if it's done just for the sake of it

Oh alright, that's fair. XD I mean I never ended up making her so it doesn't really matter, lol. But yeah that's good to know. ^^ I guess... Leonid might get in trouble if he's found out but drama is fun. X,D

Also I may have to rename him, I didn't realize how close it is to Cleonid until after I'd posted his CS 🥲
yeah names being way too close for comfort happens more often than you think, lmfao. Edit as you please I'm still trawling through my backlog
@Taka Actually I think I might have an idea for how to set the scene, if I'm permitted to do that @Lurcolm? It would kind of rely on them having spent a bit of time together, though. ^^
All good with me!

There, a post. ^^ Tell me if anything needs changing! (Or I took too many liberties, I may have been overly excited with setting things up >.>')

Also if you would like to know what the book is, to make writing your post a bit easier:
It's an original manuscript of a famous playwright from Ithicar. He or she passed away several decades ago, but their legacy has lived on. I assume that with the invasion of the Hungols most of their work was lost, so the fact that one of them showed up in Lascatia... well, for Emilia at least, that's exciting. XD Basically the news that the former director of the theater where the playwright created most of their masterpieces was amongst the recent waves of refugees reached her, and hoping against hope that he might have managed to save some of their library, she would've sent Kanaan to locate the man and convince him to sell whatever he might have had. Or something along those lines, anyway. Feel free to tweak it in any way that suits you. ^^
Alriiiiiiiiiight. I like the posty. I like the ideas. It's a green light from me as long as @Taka aggrees to it as well
@Taka Actually I think I might have an idea for how to set the scene, if I'm permitted to do that @Lurcolm? It would kind of rely on them having spent a bit of time together, though. ^^
All good with me!

There, a post. ^^ Tell me if anything needs changing! (Or I took too many liberties, I may have been overly excited with setting things up >.>')

Also if you would like to know what the book is, to make writing your post a bit easier:
It's an original manuscript of a famous playwright from Ithicar. He or she passed away several decades ago, but their legacy has lived on. I assume that with the invasion of the Hungols most of their work was lost, so the fact that one of them showed up in Lascatia... well, for Emilia at least, that's exciting. XD Basically the news that the former director of the theater where the playwright created most of their masterpieces was amongst the recent waves of refugees reached her, and hoping against hope that he might have managed to save some of their library, she would've sent Kanaan to locate the man and convince him to sell whatever he might have had. Or something along those lines, anyway. Feel free to tweak it in any way that suits you. ^^
Alriiiiiiiiiight. I like the posty. I like the ideas. It's a green light from me as long as @Taka aggrees to it as well
Yep I'm all good to go, gotta take care of a couple things around the house and then I'll get to writing up a post of my own!
Hi there!

So, I would possibly be interested in joining (if you're still accepting new people) and I'm wondering if the choice for my character has to be between vampire or human, or if other folkloric inspirations would also be permissible? I currently have an idea for a rusalka inspired character, who I figured was maybe brought into the city as a 'gift' to one of the vampire nobles (either one I play myself, or if anyone would be interested in connecting our characters, that could work as well). If that doesn't work I have a couple of other ideas as well. Some kind of priestess or religious figure could be interesting (if that's applicable to this setting) or otherwise more of a rogue/spy type character. ^^
I somehow never replied to this

Alright so the Prince cares about Lescatia. He's racist, I mean he is a vampire, but he enjoys things that help him or at the very least don't cause him problems. As for religious sects... well the Prince is egomaniacal enough to tolerate cults worshipping him. Otherwise the only caveat he has is "I don't fucking care as long as they're not interfering"

He likes leaving the humans alone cuz he knows that vampire fuckery will eventually break something if it's done just for the sake of it

Oh alright, that's fair. XD I mean I never ended up making her so it doesn't really matter, lol. But yeah that's good to know. ^^ I guess... Leonid might get in trouble if he's found out but drama is fun. X,D

Also I may have to rename him, I didn't realize how close it is to Cleonid until after I'd posted his CS 🥲
yeah names being way too close for comfort happens more often than you think, lmfao. Edit as you please I'm still trawling through my backlog

I've done this to myself, actually. XD I have one character named Ari, another named Aria and a third named Ariana. At least they're all in different rps. 🥲

I mean if @Lesbingus is alright with I can keep him as is and we just... Lampshade it if they get around to interacting. XD Otherwise I'll figure something out. ^^

Also do tell me if I need to edit anything about him. o^o

@Taka Actually I think I might have an idea for how to set the scene, if I'm permitted to do that @Lurcolm? It would kind of rely on them having spent a bit of time together, though. ^^
All good with me!

There, a post. ^^ Tell me if anything needs changing! (Or I took too many liberties, I may have been overly excited with setting things up >.>')

Also if you would like to know what the book is, to make writing your post a bit easier:
It's an original manuscript of a famous playwright from Ithicar. He or she passed away several decades ago, but their legacy has lived on. I assume that with the invasion of the Hungols most of their work was lost, so the fact that one of them showed up in Lascatia... well, for Emilia at least, that's exciting. XD Basically the news that the former director of the theater where the playwright created most of their masterpieces was amongst the recent waves of refugees reached her, and hoping against hope that he might have managed to save some of their library, she would've sent Kanaan to locate the man and convince him to sell whatever he might have had. Or something along those lines, anyway. Feel free to tweak it in any way that suits you. ^^
Alriiiiiiiiiight. I like the posty. I like the ideas. It's a green light from me as long as @Taka aggrees to it as well
Yep I'm all good to go, gotta take care of a couple things around the house and then I'll get to writing up a post of my own!

Yay, awesome! Heading to bed now but I'm excited to read it tomorrow. ❤️
  • Love
Reactions: ImaginationGoneWild
Hi there!

So, I would possibly be interested in joining (if you're still accepting new people) and I'm wondering if the choice for my character has to be between vampire or human, or if other folkloric inspirations would also be permissible? I currently have an idea for a rusalka inspired character, who I figured was maybe brought into the city as a 'gift' to one of the vampire nobles (either one I play myself, or if anyone would be interested in connecting our characters, that could work as well). If that doesn't work I have a couple of other ideas as well. Some kind of priestess or religious figure could be interesting (if that's applicable to this setting) or otherwise more of a rogue/spy type character. ^^
I somehow never replied to this

Alright so the Prince cares about Lescatia. He's racist, I mean he is a vampire, but he enjoys things that help him or at the very least don't cause him problems. As for religious sects... well the Prince is egomaniacal enough to tolerate cults worshipping him. Otherwise the only caveat he has is "I don't fucking care as long as they're not interfering"

He likes leaving the humans alone cuz he knows that vampire fuckery will eventually break something if it's done just for the sake of it

Oh alright, that's fair. XD I mean I never ended up making her so it doesn't really matter, lol. But yeah that's good to know. ^^ I guess... Leonid might get in trouble if he's found out but drama is fun. X,D

Also I may have to rename him, I didn't realize how close it is to Cleonid until after I'd posted his CS 🥲
yeah names being way too close for comfort happens more often than you think, lmfao. Edit as you please I'm still trawling through my backlog

I've done this to myself, actually. XD I have one character named Ari, another named Aria and a third named Ariana. At least they're all in different rps. 🥲

I mean if @Lesbingus is alright with I can keep him as is and we just... Lampshade it if they get around to interacting. XD Otherwise I'll figure something out. ^^

Also do tell me if I need to edit anything about him. o^o

@Taka Actually I think I might have an idea for how to set the scene, if I'm permitted to do that @Lurcolm? It would kind of rely on them having spent a bit of time together, though. ^^
All good with me!

There, a post. ^^ Tell me if anything needs changing! (Or I took too many liberties, I may have been overly excited with setting things up >.>')

Also if you would like to know what the book is, to make writing your post a bit easier:
It's an original manuscript of a famous playwright from Ithicar. He or she passed away several decades ago, but their legacy has lived on. I assume that with the invasion of the Hungols most of their work was lost, so the fact that one of them showed up in Lascatia... well, for Emilia at least, that's exciting. XD Basically the news that the former director of the theater where the playwright created most of their masterpieces was amongst the recent waves of refugees reached her, and hoping against hope that he might have managed to save some of their library, she would've sent Kanaan to locate the man and convince him to sell whatever he might have had. Or something along those lines, anyway. Feel free to tweak it in any way that suits you. ^^
Alriiiiiiiiiight. I like the posty. I like the ideas. It's a green light from me as long as @Taka aggrees to it as well
Yep I'm all good to go, gotta take care of a couple things around the house and then I'll get to writing up a post of my own!

Yay, awesome! Heading to bed now but I'm excited to read it tomorrow. ❤️
Her name is Cleolind, so it's not that close, so all good in my book, lol.