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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Still here! But I'm sick. -,-
I liiiiiiiiiiive

Sorry for vanishing guys
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T'is the holidays! \o/
yeah just struggling with the new job
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Radio check. ya'll good?
Yes! Still here, just a bit busy. : 3
All still good?
Yush! I'm going to try and prepare my post tomorrow.
But I'll wait till the others have replied first. : 3
Hey y'all, I'm wondering if it's too late for a little uh, new blood? 👀 Sorry.

I'm kinda thinking of playing as either someone's personal bodyguard, if anybody's interested, or a noble mage (the Prince may need to keep a bit of a tighter leash on that though). Anyways let me know! And if not I thank you for your time anyway!
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Fresh Blood! \o/
Hey y'all, I'm wondering if it's too late for a little uh, new blood? 👀 Sorry.

I'm kinda thinking of playing as either someone's personal bodyguard, if anybody's interested, or a noble mage (the Prince may need to keep a bit of a tighter leash on that though). Anyways let me know! And if not I thank you for your time anyway!
Welcome welcome!
By all means make whatever you want. Only if I *really* can't work with it will I reject a character
War Mages is a possibility, as is a bodygaurd. If I recall @Karo's character could have a bodyguard character sent via the Prince's meddling, and the Prince is currently busy training warmages in the RP so that works too
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Hi there!

So, I would possibly be interested in joining (if you're still accepting new people) and I'm wondering if the choice for my character has to be between vampire or human, or if other folkloric inspirations would also be permissible? I currently have an idea for a rusalka inspired character, who I figured was maybe brought into the city as a 'gift' to one of the vampire nobles (either one I play myself, or if anyone would be interested in connecting our characters, that could work as well). If that doesn't work I have a couple of other ideas as well. Some kind of priestess or religious figure could be interesting (if that's applicable to this setting) or otherwise more of a rogue/spy type character. ^^
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Oookay, think I've got it all wrapped up nice. Please let me know if there's anything that needs a tweak or rework!


Kanaan Thorne, "Heartpiercer Kanaan"


A man of average height and athletic build, pale red eyes and still paler skin, clad in bat-leather armor affixed with plates of black iron here and there.

Somewhere in the outer Wilds of Lescatia

Lescatia Military

A gifted soldier in the Lescatia Military, Kanaan has always been a sucker for Prince and Country. His eyes have always been unerringly set on one thing, the position and title of First Spear, to the Prince and in turn to the Great Country of Lescatia. He chooses not to openly vie for the Prince's favor however, preferring to let skill and willingness to follow orders snag one's attention.

To that end, a man with no real skills to speak of honed mind and body unceasingly for near a lifetime. The outer territories and the blood-soaked wilds were his teacher. The black iron bogs his armorer, and the nigh endless hordes of undead and monstrous beasties, well…at least there was never any shortage of opponents nor test subjects as he fumbled through the intricacies of fleshcrafting. For that, maybe a proper instructor would have been beneficial.

To this day, most of any off time from his duties has been spent killing any creatures or abominations not in the care of some noble that Kanaan can find, hoping to put a real edge to his spear. One can almost smell trouble brewing outside the borders though, and lately the Military has been a much tighter ship. Kanaan's own personal fun will have to be reluctantly shoved to the back burner.

Skills and Abilities:
  • Fleshcrafting, maybe intermediate proficiency. Not nearly enough skill to birth the horrors that a master could accomplish.
  • Some paltry magic, mere self-enhancement spells to improve physical combat prowess. Such things hardly count as sorcery.
  • Unarmed, Kanaan is formidable. But with his spear in hand? The man is hunger-driven beast and unrelenting hunter rolled into one. While he has the self-awareness to choose his fights carefully, it is doubtful that many people would want to find themselves staring down his blade.

Interesting Tidbit:

  • Kanaan's spear is a lovely little exercise in fleshcrafting, an unliving human skull and spinal column lovingly entwined around a long haft of black iron. Jutting out through the broken top of said skull, is an overly long spearhead of bone. I mean, you may as well attach a whole sword to the end of the handle and it'd be pretty close to what Kanaan is swinging around.
Being technically a form of undead however, the spear always maintains an insatiable hunger, drinking up any blood its tip is bathed in and transforming it into an unnatural sharpness and durability unmatched by standard black iron.​
  • It is unclear whether the name "Heartpiercer" was given to him, or if he decided on the moniker for himself. He would be the type for the latter…
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Emilia Verdan

Nightreach, a small rural Lascatian village.

Vampire Nobility

Born and raised in the small village of Nightreach, Emilia grew up in a community held in the iron grip of the sadistic vampire lord Alistair Verdan. Every once in a while, in exchange for maintaining the safety of the people within his domain, Alistair would demand that his subjects send one of their most beautiful maidens to his castle. Emilia was chosen as one of these unfortunate girls, destined to suffer and eventually die by the hands of their sadistic ruler. However, she was determined not to let this be her fate. Utilizing her beauty, cunning and charm, she captivated Lord Verdan, becoming first his concubine and then his wife. So infatuated was he with her that upon their marriage he granted her the gift of immortality — something he had refused all his previous lovers.

Even so she was not happy. Alistair's inherent sadism and thirst for power did not wane with their union; rather, it intensified, and as the years went on her resentment and disdain for the tyrant grew. She was desperately longed to escape her miserable life, and so when she eventually she discovered that Alastair had been hoarding forbidden magical knowledge for years, she saw her chance. Risking everything, she gathered the evidence she needed to expose his crimes to the vampire Prince. Consequently, Lord Alistair Verdan was stripped of his powers, lands, and status, and then condemned to an eternity of isolation and imprisonment.

Haunted by the decades of subservience and abuse under Alistair's control, Emilia severed her ties to the remnants of her husband's domain and sought refuge in the Border City, hoping to create a new life for herself by aiding the Prince and his followers. Her intelligence and strategic thinking has earned her a place of influence among the nobles, and she currently serves as a key advisor to the city's leadership. Years spent navigating the twisted court of her former husband have honed Emilia's skills in diplomacy and manipulation. She is adept at deciphering people's motivations and using their weaknesses to her advantage, employing her intellect and charm to navigate the political landscape of the city.

Interesting Tidbid:
  • Emilia is remarkably fastidious about her appearance and surroundings, often meticulously organizing her belongings and ensuring everything is in perfect order.
  • She possesses a strong aversion to the scent of jasmine, a fragrance that brings back memories of her past life under the control of Lord Alistair. Consequently, she avoids places or situations where the scent might be prevalent.
  • Emilia has a penchant for cryptic riddles and enjoys challenging herself and others with mind-bending puzzles. She often leaves encoded messages for trusted allies or friends as a means of communication or amusement.
  • She finds solace in music, and indulges in playing the piano or violin during her leisure time.
  • Despite her refined demeanor, she has a habit of tapping her fingers rhythmically when deep in thought.
  • Emilia is an avid reader and collector of rare manuscripts. She frequents libraries and bookstores, seeking out obscure texts on subjects ranging from history and philosophy to the esoteric arts.
  • She has a one eyed black cat named Nox, and an albino raven named Luna. They both serve as her familiars. Nox is a fae creature capable of taking on many different forms, including that of a black panther. However, the simple house cat is his preferred state of being.
  • Being only slightly more than a century old, she is incredibly young by vampire standards.
  • She is the wealthy doner of an orphanage and one the Boarder Cities primary learning institutions, amongst other things.
  • Emilia has dabbled in shadow and blood magic, though words remain her preferred weapon of choice.

(I hope this is alright, tell me if anything needs changing. ^^)
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I luv them both!

Awe, thanks <3 I had a different idea at first, but then settled on a vampire noble anyway. I quite like how she turned out. ^^ Provided she gets accepted, would you like to figure out what her relationship to Yongrui is? Since they're both vampire nobility I feel like they'd at the very least know of each other, but they may have interacted more than that. ^^

I also think she could potentially have some interesting interactions with Iva.

Do you guys have a discord server or something?
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I'm up for any kind of relationship for Yongrui. He's sort of a blank slate in terms of story arc because I don't really have a goal for him. So he's lingering and going with the flow till I have a goal for him.
And as for Iva I'm also game for anything. She's kind of having a 'break free from the chains of slavery' story arc going on but through obedience and just trying to survive.
I also have other character ideas in mind but I have yet to flesh them out or to figure out a story arc for them.

And no, we don't have a discord server. We just hang out around here.