Legendary Heroes Of Narthus

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Cush Almighty

I Will Kill Yuji Itadori Myself
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
Online Availability
28:21 to 25:30
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Intermediate
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Fantasy, modern fantasy, Magic.

This story takes place on the land of Narthus, the cradle of Heroes. Many Heroes have left their mark on this land and are regarded as legends. These Heroes are known for fighting in wars, conquering, saving villagers and defeating great monsters so on. Only the strong can be considered heroes.

This land is home to many religions but all almost agree on their genesis. First, there was only the void and in that void existed Alega and Opha, Mother, and Father of all creation. Alega created all life and made it in many forms. She too is responsible for all nature spirits and gods themselves. Opha, on the other hand, was the sculptor of the planet and every light in the sky. He too created life in the form of Monsters by corrupting Alega creations. Alega and Opha eventually killed each other and became the energy that allows all magic to be possible.

Centuries later, the first great empire of Veyim arose which stretched across all of Narthus at its height. What came next is not well documented but it is referred to as the great catastrophe and Veyim was destroyed, its people scattered across Narthus and beyond. It is said in a myth that Demons were the cause of the great catastrophe but many attributes Veyim's fall to earthquakes, droughts, barbarians and plain old corruption. They were known for their understanding of magic and its applications. With their destruction, they left behind artifacts with one such artifact capable of bringing the dead back to life.

After the 3000 years ago with the secret of its destruction unknown until now. The tales of Demon were true and now they have returned, entering Narthus from tiers in space. They refer to their homeland as Gehenna, the underworld of Narthus. They are cruel and possess incredible power making up for what they lack in numbers. This threat is so great that all countries have put a halt to conflicts and are attempting to defeat the Demon threat.

Think Middle Ages. Narthus is a lush green land with mountains scattered across the land. Its desert area is large and extremely hot but thankfully it has plenty of oases support life. Thier is also small swampland in the lower region and the uppermost region is covered in ice and snow.


(First name is fine)


(Basically nicknames.)

(How old do you appear?)


(Description and/or Picture.)

Eye Color

Hair Color



(1 paragraph minimum)


Character Traits
(At least 8 descriptive words. + for positive traits and - for negative traits)




(Any enchanted weapons?)


(Anything special?)


(How did this Hero die?)


1. All Iwaku rules apply
2. No taking controlling, killing or anything of the sort involving someone character.
3. Play whoever you wish in IC but leave that attitude there. Let all try to get along in OOC
4. 2 paragraph minimum and no 1-4 liners ever. I
5. Let all try to remain active and post at least once a week.
6. Try not to be a prick. Basically, rule 2.
7. Try to have a good time.

(Forgive me if this is all too wordy)

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Urail Barathrum

A country that is long gone. It existed in the desert of Narthus. Pansa managed to conquer the entire desert region of Narthus. It too tried to expand into the rest of Narthus unsuccessfully. Pansa was best known for its well-trained soldiers and stores of rare gems. The richest of Pasna was said to be the greater than all neighboring lands combined. The royal family's bloodline is 6 generations old. The first emperor was said to be half human and half god.

Urail The Bastard, Treacherous Prince Of Pasna, Red Eyes Of The Rebellion





Eye Color

Hair Color


200 pounds

Urail has a menacing and dour appearance. There is a natrual gloom to him as if a cloud of darkness is following him. Even for Urail's demeanor, he's actually a civil, optimistic, and honorable man. This honor of his eventually led him to his end. Urail hates injustice and hypocrisy and fought it in the later half of his life. He's reasonable and calm most of the time and enjoys a beautiful scenery. Urail tries to stay honest but will lie and betray even friends for the greater good. Actions such as those make him question his integrity and if he deserves happiness.

Character Traits


Spear Proficiency - Has mastered the spear capable of fighting from a safe distance and able to deliver armor piercing thrust and slashes.

Peak Human Strength - Able to destroy a rock with a well-placed punch or kick. Combined with his spear he's able to knock down rows of people with a swing or thurst.


A weapon Urail stole from the palace before he left. It was used by his great, great grandfather which he forged for the bones of a dragon. The spears handle is 5-foot long and red with its foot long thick double edge blade made with the dragon's teeth.

A black armor with red details. The armor almost vanishes the dark. This armor was a gift from Hulun when Urail reached 18. It looked very similar to a trenchcoat with the long flaps that protected his legs. His armor is high end and able withstand the best of crafted weapons. It has been imbued with magic and engraved with a magical star pentagram. An armor able to resist the power of weak magic.

Urail, The Prince who forsook his great country to put an end to its constant expansion and oppression of innocent people. He's a Prince born from low blood as his mother was nothing more than one of many wives. His birth was on a moonless night, considered a sign of misfortune in Pasna. His eyes are an unnatural red color, a remnant, and proof of his divine bloodline. As one of the heirs to the empire, Urail's life was in constant danger. The other wives made plenty attempts to kill him when he was a child with poisons. To ensure Urail would avoid such a fate he was entrusted to a sorcerer by the name of Hulun who lived on the outskirts of Pasna.

Hulun was esteemed sorcerer who possessed great power and had lived for a hundred years. He had served Urail's father and Grandfather for decades before moving to the outskirts of Pasna to escape the court and city life. Hulun raised Urail like he was his own son. He was stern and demanded perfection. Hulun taught him how to read, write, hunt, cook, ride a horse, and to wield a myriad of weapons with Urail favoring the spear. He possessed an aptitude for the spear and achieved master with the weapon by 12.

Once he was 13 and strong enough to protect himself he returned to the palace to learn how to govern and rule if he was to be Emperor. Urail left behind many friends when returning to the palace. While living on the outside, he learned how hard life was an average citizen and even harder for those who where conquer and made slaves. Pasna was a harsh empire that overtaxed its citizens, attacked allies, and let its citizens suffer. He promised himself he would become king and fix his cruel empire from the inside out.

At 16 Urail had made a name for himself on the battlefield as Urail The Bastard. He was known for ruining enemy plans and shutting them down completely. Many men had cursed Urail by calling him a bastard which became his nickname. At 18 and fully grown, Urail's father had died and one of his brothers had risen to the throne and continue Pasna harsh practices. Urail tried to reason with his brother and court, but was called a fool and told him "The commoners are wild dogs and need strong masters to rule over them". Eventually, Urail decided he could no longer stand by and watch them abuse their power.

Urail set the palace ablaze the night he left Pasna's capital city and didn't return for years. While gone, Urail formed and trained his own rebel group to take over Pasna. A group of 20,000 soldiers with the support of his own generals and the great sorcerer Hulun at his side. They waged war against Pasna using dirty tactics for many years. In Urail's name, the Noble's were killed, their's slaves freed and the unjustly imprisoned unlocked from their chains. Urail killed his own siblings, their advisors, and any supporter all in the name of the people. In the end, he truly earned his title as "Bastard'.


Urail was born under a moonless night and on such a night the treacherous Prince that was hated and loved died. In his 38 years, he had done much. He was waging a hard fight against Pasna, their civil war was nearing an end with the Gods on Urail's side. Hulun, the esteemed sorcerer had left Urail's service to chase his own whims. His original generals had fallen to sickness, a blade or a lucky arrow and replaced with people he fully couldn't trust.

In his tent, Urail laid his head down beside his wife and drifted into a peaceful sleep under the moonless night. That night a group of assassin made it past his guards and stabbed Urail and his wife to death. It is said that Urail withstood the stabbing attacked of his attackers and strangled him before succumbing to his wounds. It is later found out his own Generals betrayed him. They were promised richest and status by the new king of Pasna that they never received. They were executed a few years after killing Urail.

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Rayne Mormonet


Magic Hunter, Feabow, Elf-blooded Archer

Thirty Four



Eye Color:

Hair Color:



(1 paragraph minimum)


Character Traits
(At least 8 descriptive words. + for positive traits and - for negative traits)



(Any enchanted weapons?)

(Anything special?)


(How did this Hero die?)

Luther Engrem
The Last Dragon

Age: 21 | Gender: Male | Eyes: Green | Hair: Silver | Height: 5'11 | Weight: 213


The Last Dragon

Great Adjudicator


Character Traits
(At least 8 descriptive words. + for positive traits and - for negative traits)



(Any enchanted weapons?)

(Anything special?)


A secret order hidden deep within the mountains of Narthus. Here, a group of warriors train in solitude. For centuries this order has been the supreme justice of the land. It has served and protected this country from many threats. However, none more prominent than the dragons. They were the reason for the creation of the order. Nine knights managed to channel the power of these legendary beasts, and turned their power against them. But that was nearly two hundred years ago. What have they done in that time?

Though the order itself lies in ruins of old, there are still some who remain, sworn to protect the realm from any threat. They still train in the ways of the Dragon. Of course, not every person is capable of channeling that power. Only a select few possess a Draconic spirit. They are taken from their families at birth, yet no one speaks of this event. They realize it is the high honor, but somethings are best left kept from the public eye. Such a family once belonged to Luther. He had only been born two days prior, but it made little difference.

For nineteen years, Luther raised by his mentor. Conditioned and trained in the ways of the Dragon Knights. He proved to be a promising individual, though a little hasty. He trained and meditated and trained more. This was his life until he was twenty. He wondered why he was here though. What was his purpose? Every time he asked he was always met with the answer, "To protect this realm." When he asked "From what?" his mentor replied, "From anything and everything that seeks to harm it." It had been like that since he was first able to speak. But now, there was a threat to this land. And the he stood idly by.

For all his life, his country was at war. It was the grisliest spectacle, but in spite of this his mentor did nothing. He said this was not a matter for them to be concerned of. They must be at the ready for a much larger threat. Should they exert themselves over something as trivial and a dragon were to attack, why it would be catastrophic. Luther, however was not one to sit back and let such potential be wasted. And without any words, he left, seeking to end this war.

He did what he could to try and stop this war, but neither side was looking to give way. If Luther was to end this strife, he needed more power. Power to earn respect. He searched for any and all remnants of the old beasts, searching for their knowledge and history. AS he understood more, he began to comprehend his powers more as well. Eventually he found it. The Ruins of the Order of the Dragon Knights. Inside tomes and grimoires scattered the ancient halls of their library. Deeper in he found forbidden knowledge. Truth of the Draconic Spirit.

Indeed, dragons do die, but their spirits are eternal. When a dragon dies its spirit travels to a new creature. Ususally this spirit chooses to reside within its offspring. If not that, than a relative dragon-kind. This line goes along until the line between dragon and other creatures is blurred. Along this line is one such race. Humanity. And when one possesses such a spirit, they are, for all intents and purposes, a dragon. They just need to unlock the full power residing within their soul.

But the elders of old wanted to keep this a secret. They sealed away this knowledge, and let a great power sleep, even in times of need. Luther's fury grew, and as if he knew all along, he felt his body shift, fangs grew, wings sprouted, eyes burned like a green fire.

The Dragons had returned.

After, records tell of a Dragon who halted the great civil strife, as the two armies charged at one another. His sheer presence forced the two sides to cease in sheer awe of his power. He commanded the two to immediately halt their fighting. They would discuss things more civilly, with him as their adjudicator. After that, the great Dragon was often used as a mediator for polarizing decisions.

The Death of the Last Dragon was another marker recorded in the annals of history. After several millennia, the Last Dragon was old, and his time on this plane was drawing to a close. A jealous king sought to end his life early, and brought an army with him. When challenged, the Dragon gave them a choice. He would either use the last of his life to destroy this sinful kingdom, or he would duel this vile weasel of a king. All the soldiers, who were already hesitant to draw their blades upon this great beast refused to listen to their king. With nothing else to do, the king drew a blade, and the dragon did something he had not done for many many years. He reverted to his human form, drew a blade and raised it to duel the mad king.

The king did his best, but he was weak, and cowardly. Luther dueled without mercy, yet he withheld his ancient magic. It was a fair duel, and Luther was triumphant. But before he struck the final blow, the king threw a poison laden dagger at him. It struck his shoulder, and with a fury he struck the mad king dead. But the elderly dragon was not far behind, with the poison and his old age, there he died. All the soldiers saluted him, and gave him the burial of their former king. Thus ended the life of the Last Dragon.

Gerald Heinrich


A country based in the frozen north of Narthus. A harsh and unforgiving land for those who are unprepared. This country was home to one of the fastest expanding empires there was, known as the Vathage Empire. Though, little remained of it after it reached the peak of it's power. It's now a small off country ruled by another. Barely even a shadow of what it used to be.

The King with the Iron-Will, The Vanquisher, The Ironclad Knight.



Eye Color
Hair Color

Gerald was not a caring or kind man. He was, at times, cruel, arrogant, and unsatisfied with what he already had. He saw the world as nothing more than another stepping stone to achieving true glory. Though, what he did for his people when they were in need, speaks volumes about his character.

He enjoyed his life the most when he was either on the battlefield, or feasting and celebrating after a fierce battle. Those are the times he can be seen smiling and laughing more than any other time. He was at home in the mist of battle. Some would say that it was the only thing he would ever think about.

Character Traits


-Gerald is more than experienced with a sword. He was rarely bested in combat, especially Obsidian Reaver by his side.
-He has knowledge in militaristic warfare and the tactics revolving it.
-Though not as well as he would a sword, Gerald has some experience in hand to hand combat, mainly self-taught, however.
-Thanks to his time as a king, he has some skills in diplomacy. However, most discussions ended with war or Gerald strong-arming the person into giving him their land, one could say he has his own twisted idea of what he calls 'diplomacy'.
-Gerald has enough training to know how to properly fight and ride on horseback, for learning how to ride on horseback was almost required, for nothing was stronger than the deafening charge of a cavalry line.

Under enough pressure and stress, Gerald is able to enter a berserker-like state. With adrenaline coursing through his body, he is able to preform great feats of strength and resist the sting of pain. Afterwards, he will be exhausted and will be weakened, forced to rest.

The only enchanted weapon in his arsenal is his Obsidian Reaver. The steel from this two-handed blade is as black as night. This never-aging sword seem to never dull, nor has any weapon been able to place a scratch on the blade. The Ivory pommel on the weapon is engraved with his royal sigil. It was the tool to his success in battle. His symbol as king.

Heavy Vathaginian Plate Armour. Made to be durable and reliable. The armour also has an under layer of chainmail as an extra layer of defense, though, this makes walking around quite noisy. No one is going to be caught off guard by a surprise attack from him.

Gerald was considered by his enemies as a cruel warlord, by the men fighting at his side, a hero, by his people, a saviour. Though, he was just a man seeking to impress others. After since he was a young lad, he wanted to impress those important to him with what he could do. It never worked, especially with his parents. As soon as he was able to leave the care of his apathetic parents, he did. He realized that nobody would care about what he did, at least, that was what he thought. The only person he should be striving to impress, should be himself alone.

He never did enjoy the thought of a calm life. What he needed was something to challenge himself in. Something that could allow himself to be impressed by. He found this something on the battlefield, where one man faces off another to see who's stronger. In the beginning, he almost lost his life on more than one occasion. Scraping by his teeth alone. This only fuelled him. If he were to die, it would only be because he wasn't strong enough.

After spending years on the field of war, he rose in power and popularity. A war hero he was called. This wasn't enough for Gerald, though. He wanted more. He knew that he could better than this. So, he continued fighting for his current King until he gained a following. A mix of citizens and soldiers. It wasn't surprising that a civil war soon broke out in Vathage. On one side was that King, the other side was people who believed that Gerald should be King instead. What better way to prove himself than to overthrow the most powerful person in his empire.

The Civil war lasted five years. Five long years of war and bloodshed. It was only until then that Gerald laid waste to the King's keep and beheaded the King himself and claimed his throne as his own. He then had a whole empire under his name. For the first time he could say that he was satisfied. He was impressed by himself from when he has accomplished.

After becoming king, he has acquired a queen shortly after, which would change his life. Suddenly, what days used to be spent alone are now with a woman who truly loves him. Beyond all of that, a kingdom of loyalists that look forward to seeing him every day. Now, he looks for challenges not because he wants to test his strength, but because he wants to show the eyes of his kingdom that he's capable of overcoming any obstacle, because he wants to impress the people that he has long forgotten came in his kingdom because they admired him.

Soon, he set forth to expand his borders. His empire growing as he conquered neighbouring country after country. War after war he won. His victories continued until the last war he had with a equally vast empire. If he were to conquer them, there would be no more standing in his way. He sallied out with his vast legions of troops. This battle would end up being the most famous of all in his legend.

It was in the deciding Battle between Gerald's Vathage Empire and another. Gerald sent half of his legions in his army to flank the opposing force. He only needed to hold out until the hammer came. Only that it never did. Gerald witnessed the people who admired him fall one by one. This would be the only case where he was not seen smiling in battle. His forces were overwhelmed. Gerald's famous last words in battle before he fell to sheer force of numbers were. "Where are my Legions? Where are they?" He screamed to the gods, as if seeking an answer from them. What happened to his legions and why they failed to arrive is something he would never know. Despite dying with a blade in hand, he wasn't satisfied with how he was going out. The last thing he saw was the sun in the sky, before a blade took it's place and ended his life.

His empire soon crumbled afterwards. With their military and King defeated, there was nothing stopping the fall of the glorious Vathage Empire. Reduced to not even nearly a fraction of what it used to be. The Legend of the King was soon put to an end. His tale was soon reduced to legend, then it fell into myth, and finally, rumours. Rumours of a Warrior-King's grave, who's blade is buried alongside the king. Who's story is nothing more than a myth. A grand tale.
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