Lady Di's idea thread. Open with new ideas!

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I'm still getting used to this site so bear with me if things are out of place or don't make sense.
But the main point of this thread is that I'd like to start a couple RPs. First things first, I prefer m/f and I prefer playing the female. I normally write upwards of 2 paragraphs, and I would like to say my posts are fairly descriptive. I prefer when the storytelling and idea work is 50/50, its best when we both come up with twists and additions to the plot.

Also I tend to deal with mature subjects, not necessarily smut, and so I prefer someone who can deal with that.

Feel free to either comment here with your interest, or PM me.

Ideas are under the spoiler things in genre order, I think.

First idea: ### is chased from her pack for refusing the Alpha's right hand man. She collapses on the edge of ^^^'s territory, and here's where the trouble begins. The two packs don't get along, at all, and because ### comes from one pack, and ^^^ comes from the other, ^^^'s pack don't accept her at first. Of course, this presents a problem for ^^^ because he knows ### is his mate. And ###? She doesn't believe in the concept of mates, all she thinks is that she is just incredibly attracted to ^^^. And she is soon approached by her old pack with a tempting offer, if she'll help them destroy ^^'s pack from the inside, she can come back home.

Second idea: This is kind of based off of the TV show Bitten. A has been away from her pack for almost two years. Being a werewolf is difficult enough, but being one who was turned forcibly makes it that much harder to fit in. So she ran away in the middle of the night, leaving behind her whole package including B, who she was in some form of a relationship with. In the time that has passed since she left, the old Alpha has died (we can decide how and how this affects our characters) and now everything has changed. A returns home for a while, running from hunters and a mutt, thinking she could just lay low. But B wants answers, wants to know where she's been and why. And wants to know just how she could have run away from him and them.

It was one of those summer romance things that ended up lasting a year. He was the guy with tattoos that was far too charming for her to possibly say no. She was the girl who wore floaty dresses and nude heels and had him wrapped tight around her dainty little finger. But when they fought, it was all claws, because both of them liked to play games. He'd start flirting with other girls, so she'd start flirting with other guys. Until one day, she thinks she sees something. Something which breaks her heart. And no matter how many times he tries to explain, or make her understand, she ignores him until he gives up.

For almost another year, they don't see each other. They don't bump into each other. They avoid places the other might be. And now she's with someone else, who is the complete opposite of him. And it's boring as hell. So boring that one night, she can't take it and decides to walk home. But it's a longer walk than she thinks, and almost the moment she begins to regret her decision he shows up and orders her to get in his car, saying he'll take her home. But a car ride was how it all started last time.

They come from entirely different worlds. She's the daughter of a professor, who moved to this place when her daddy got a job here at the university. He's good with his hands. (either like a boxer/cage fighter or a more practical job like a carpenter/rancher. Something physical but this won't be my character so its up to you.) They meet in the local bar and flirt a little. She leaves with his number and he leaves with a lipstick stain on his cheek.

She doesn't call for a week or so and he doesn't think about it until he sees her at the bar again, having an angry conversation on her phone. So he decides to improve her night and sends a drink her way. It works.

A young actress is cast as the female lead in a new musical off-Broadway. However, the dance numbers are unlike anything she has had to do before, forcing the director to schedule in more rehearsals between her and her male lead, an extrodinary dancer breaking into the musical scene. Tensions soon rise as the young actress declares things the young dancer has been doing all his life as impossible, and the dancer is struggling with remembering his lines in time for the next rehearsal. Yet the two of them share an amazing chemistry both on and off set. And soon tongues are wagging which gives the director an idea. What could be easier than a fake relationship for the duration of the run?

I also really want the following pairings:
Witch(female)×Vampire(male)-either modern or 20s speakeasy
And something with exes getting back together for the holidays/some event or reason to please their families. That was kind of a half-formed ramble, sorry.

And I really want a historical arranged marriage, either in a medieval AU that I already have a character for or some other time period.
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Well first off welcome to Iwaku. I could take a look a look at your plots and even have quite a few of my own.
Okay so I've put some of my plots up there but there are more to come if anyone is interested!
Still looking for things to do! More ideas going up tonight including arranged marriage medieval style.
If you're up for an RP send me a pm. I'm interested in the opposite attract RP.
Still bored. Feel free to send me a PM!
Still itching to do another of these ideas.