Knight on Time

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Once the doors opened Mariland stepped out first and looked around. There wasn't much to see but she would always ensure his safety first and foremost.
He stepped out after her, then stepped around her. "My humble abode is this way." He led her to the door that led to his apartment before opening it. Inside, it wasn't really that bad. It was larger than it had looked, with a large living room and decent-sized kitchen. The furniture was a sky blue which went nicely with the white walls. Other doors presumably led to a bedroom and a bathroom. There was a third door.
She followed him and allowed him to enter his home first. She stepped in and found it to be quite cozy. It was a perfectly acceptable home. The first thing she did was carefully remove her boots so she didn't track dirt everywhere.
Joel didn't bother. He just walked on in. "Don't forget to shut the door behind you!" He said over his shoulder as he made his way to the fridge. All that running and explaining had left him hungry.
She nodded and the knight pulled the door shut behind her. With the door shut she seemed to relax slightly and stepped further in. She let him go into the kitchen and decided to sit in the living room. For the time being she was just starting to take everything in again and take a moment to rest.
For as nice as his apartment was, his fridge was barren. Joel was making himself a peanutbutter and jelly sandwich. Mounted on the wall was a 75-inch television. "You, uh...wanna watch tv?" He asked, pointing at the black screen with a butter knife.
Mariland tilted her head. "Do you mean rectangle?" she asked clearly sounding confused. She didn't really understand why he used two letters to describe this thing.
"Yup. The black rectangle." He finished his sandwich and tossed the knife into the sink. "Look, there's a remote...I'll just show you." He left his sandwich on the counter. Joel picked the remote up off the table and turned the tv on. The news channel was on.
She was slightly startled when he turned the device on but she looked at it. "Fascinating." she said as she watched the people on the screen. Her reaction was much like a dog, pure fascination in the device. She let him return to what he was doing and sat taking in what she could.
He put the remote back on the table and went back to his sandwich, eating it slowly. Joel looked through his cabinets to see if he could find anything that Mariland would want. Nope, nothing.
Mariland stared at the TV and frowned. She didn't recognize any of the places they were talking about. It seemed like the world was so much more violent than what she had been used to. She sat quietly as she took it all in.
He quickly finished his sandwich, wiping the crumbs off his hands and onto his pants. "Hey...are you good?" He moved around to sit next to her.
She seemed to be pulled out of her thoughts and she looked at him. " not know any of these places. It seems things were more peaceful when I last was awake." She answered him with a slight frown. "Your world is very dangerous."
Joel nodded slowly. "Yeah...I guess you could say that." He thought for a second. "You have to give us credit, though. We haven't had a war in a long time. Coming up on one hundred years."
"And yet it feels far more lawless." She said with a frown. "I fear I will find protecting you more of a challenge than I expected. Wars are easy to deal with. But seems so.....hmmmmmm....." She seemed to be thinking about what she'd seen so far.
"I don't really have any other experience to compare it to, so....I don't know what you're thinking or what your time was like. At all. Unless it's anything like any of the videogames."
"It is difficult to relate. But you could live comfortably in a cabin near a village and be quite content. Few worries of murder and theives were either quite talented or easily dispatched." She answered. "I do not know what....videeeoh games are....."
He chuckled. "They're games, just on a screen, like the tv. Or a smaller screen, like a phone." He pulled his phone out of his pocket and held it up so she could see it, glossing past the fact that her time was more peaceful than his.
"I'm afraid I still cannot understand it. But perhaps someday soon you could show me." She said. "I do find examples make things easier."
"In that case, I might just have to get you your own cell phone. Show you how to work it. It'll have to be sooner rather than later, though. I don't think you're going to be allowed at work with me."