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poor little meow meow

Name Levi Dewei Wong-Muller
Age 23
Sexuality Gay
Ethnicity 1/2 Chinese (Mother), 1/2 German (Father)
Nationality Canadian
Occupation Studying biology; works part-time at a greenhouse

Levi is, as his old dance instructor so lovingly described him, 'petite', standing at only 5'6", and with the traditional build of an ectomorph. With thick, black hair that reaches his shoulders, some may describe him as effeminate, which doesn't bother him. He's secure in his masculinity, and is able to embrace all of his feminine qualities with loving arms. He cares deeply about his appearance, to the point of vanity; he is quite fashion-savvy, and is always well dressed, and well groomed. His left ear is pierced in multiple places (lobe, upper lobe, helix, conch).

Levi is polite and friendly, but also incredibly introverted. He would much rather spend time alone with his plants and cats than with other people, but is sociable enough. He's not a fan of small talk or verbose commentary, and much prefers to get his point across succinctly. This, along with a chronic resting bitch face, can make him seem icy to those who do not know him very well.

He is artistic, though not visually. He was trained in classical dance from the ages of 8 to 18, and was not only made very flexible by it, but learned how to express himself through movement. He is also quite a talented writer, preferring poetry over literature.

He's a night owl, and doesn't sleep much. He's always afraid he will miss something exciting. He is very family-oriented, and fears disappointing them every waking second of his life. Because of this, it took him many years to come out to his parents, fearing their rejection, but they were surprisingly accepting in the end. He is hard working, ambitious, and has little patience for the lazy.

Despite his introversion, he is also quite needy, at least when it comes to those he loves. He craves affection and attention, and gets very withdrawn when he doesn't receive it. He's sensitive, but keeps his emotions close to the vest; because of this, he occasionally has violent outbursts of emotion that can last for days.

Though he fancies himself as someone who can gracefully admit when he's wrong, the truth is that he is quite hard-headed and opinionated, and finds admitting wrongness wounding.


Name Emil Gen Wong-Muller
Age 29
Sexuality Bisexual
Ethnicity 1/2 Chinese (Mother), 1/2 German (Father)
Nationality Canadian
Occupation Bouncer; Security Guard for a hospital

Because of his history as a bouncer he's become quite muscular and larger in build. He's proud of his height, especially because of his Asian heritage, standing at a satisfying 6'5". He has a generally neat appearance, despite preferring it to be rougher. Emil has a few tattoos scattered on his body, one on his back, stretching from his shoulder blades to mid-back, displaying a native looking design. Another on his left tricep, showing 4 different cards of various suits. And the last one trailing down his thigh, showing a metallic looking lion.

Emil is a naturally irritable person, not having a lot of people he gets along with well. He finds interacting with certain individuals exhausting and not worth his time. He is quite prideful as well, not willing to admit when he makes mistakes easily. He has a soft spot for only one person in his life, but that person doesn't care for him as Emil cares for them.

He is rigorous when it comes to work, becoming a bouncer after dropping out of college, he's worked in this industry for 8 years, loving the times when he got to kick someone out that was an absolute douche bag. He doubles as a security guard for a hospital.

He's not a morning person, being more irritable than usual, and doesn't talk before a shower and coffee. One thing he hates the most is when someone wakes him up, and depending on who it is may react adversely.

A kick to the teeth is good for some / A kiss with a fist is better than none.

To anyone who knew Levi and his brother Emil, their differences were almost comical. Not only was Emil nearly a foot taller than Levi - which had been a sore spot when he was younger, but no longer - but the two of them sat on polar opposite ends of the emotional scale. Where Levi was calm and level-headed, Emil was destructive and loud, and if you had asked Levi as a teenager if he could see himself living with his brother once he moved out of his parents' house, he would have scoffed at you. At the time, there was no way he could tolerate his outbursts.

But things changed. Emil wasn't angry all the time; in fact, there were plenty of times when he was pleasant to be around. They laughed, they joked, they goofed around; sometimes they were even able to sit down and have serious conversations without one of them turning their hands up in frustration. In fact, the older that Levi got, the more he enjoyed his brother's company, and admired him in several ways. When the price of rent in their city rocketed, it only made sense to Levi that the two of them room together, instead of wrestling with unpleasant roommates.

For the most part, the living arrangement worked. Levi was still in school for another year, studying environmental sciences, and Emil worked as a bouncer, which meant that they rarely saw each other - but they still got to see each other more than they would if they lived separately, which was a bonus. Though they occasionally butted heads, the chores got done, and the apartment wasn't a pigsty, and so Levi was happy.

The only real problems came when Emil got angry. Levi was very used to his outbursts, and was generally able to either placate him or ignore him completely, but there were times when Emil needed something to be angry at - and that something normally ended being someone: Levi. Sometimes he just yelled, to the point that Levi felt the need to apologize to their neighbours, but sometimes he threw things, or threatened to hit Levi. Thankfully, despite being quite a small man, Levi wasn't afraid of Emil, and could usually put him in his place, but it was unpleasant to deal with nonetheless.

With such a short fuse, Levi occasionally found himself counting the seconds to his brother's next breakdown - and tonight, curled up on the couch with his laptop, a textbook, and his cat, he expected it to be soon. It had been over a month, and that was unusual - almost worrying. He made sure that everything was clean, so that there would be nothing for Emil to lash out about in that regard, and even left him some leftover take-out, despite the fact that he was still hungry.

Even leaving few things in the apartment for Emil to get upset about, Levi knew that there were things outside of the apartment that he couldn't control. It was late at night on a Friday, which meant that Emil would be home from work soon; Levi would normally be in his room at this time of night, but his light was burnt out, which meant he needed to camp out in the living room if he was going to be doing any studying. He found himself sparing the occasional glance at the front door, waiting for his brother to get home, and hoping for it to be in a calm fashion, and not a violent one.
Emil felt awful that day, he'd had no action at all, nothing happened at the bar. No one got too wild, no one started a fight, no one tried to force their way in. He feels bored and irritated, he was going to get in his car when he saw his Alek flirting and kissing another guy. He grinds his teeth together hard, hearing it himself. He gets in his car with a door slam, blind with rage now. He didn't know what to do or how to get out this anger so he just began driving.

His driving wasn't in any way safe, driving recklessly and without judgement. He was only thinking of how that other guy had the guts to touch something that wasn't fucking his. And yet, in the back of his mind, even though he refuses to believe it, Alek didn't belong to him, nor did he even love him. It was all something he kind of made up on his own, he doesn't even remember exactly when he fell for the guy, he just knows he fell hard for him. He has pursued him for around ten years now, having met him in college. The two became friends shortly after, and somewhere along the lines he developed this soft spot for him. He remembers when he confessed though, despite it not really being a confession, it was more like he kissed the guy out of the blue.

And he remembers the feelings he had after certain words were said to him, words engraved in his heart and mind forever. He couldn't forget them, and in that moment, after the words had been spit at him and stung harshly, he felt vulnerable for the first time in an extremely long time, he even cried, he hadn't cried since he was around 5 years old. He still hates that he cried then, the tears felt like fire on his cheeks, the sensation sticking with him.

He finally realizes he'd reached the apartment complex, having driven there instinctively. Emil gets out with a growl, locking the car door behind him. He walks up the stairs, a grimace on his face. Sometimes he hates coming home, sometimes he just wants to leave his brother, but he couldn't for some reason, plus it was more convenient to have a roommate he knew so they could split the rent.

He walks in the door, hanging his keys on the hanger they had next to the door. He felt like yelling, screaming, hitting, and anything else, but he restrained himself for now, walking to the kitchen, but if there was one misstep from his brother he knew he would explode. He was a mine waiting to be set off.
When Emil finally did get home, there was no explosion like Levi had anticipated, but he could tell just from his posture that he was just one spark away from blowing up. Though his cat jumped off the couch to greet his brother, Levi did no such thing; he remained exactly where he was, barely sparing Emil a glance. Sometimes he would go off if Levi even looked at him the wrong way, and he didn't want to play that game, right now. Right now he was studying, and he was going to try to get through this awkward interlude without an altercation.

"How was your shift?" He asked, without looking up from his laptop. His voice was tight, and tone monotonous. "There's leftover Thai in the fridge, if you want it. Got your favourite." He did that intentionally, so that there would be no way for Emil to be upset because he got what he liked, despite the fact that he wasn't home, and there was no logical reason for Levi to order what Emil liked. He briefly wondered, then, why he put up with this - but that was a question he couldn't rightly answer. Emil was his brother, and Levi loved him, even when he acted like a petulant child.
Emil growls out in response, not in the mood to talk, he mutters to himself a few times, about something. He wants to get rid of his anger, but didn't know how he wanted to yet. He didn't want to feel like this anymore, he hates feeling angry and yet he somehow always ends up this way. He takes out the food from the fridge putting it on a plate and shoving it into the microwave. When the cat came over, rubbing his legs he pushes it away with his foot. The cat doesn't stay away though, getting fur on his pants, "Levi, come get your fucking cat, unless you want him to be added in with my dinner." His voice was low and threatening, not up to disagreement.

He glares at the microwave as his food spins around in the microwave. Emil silently waits for his brother to get the cat, he swallows hard, resisting another outburst. When the microwave beeps when his food is ready he pulls it out, basically slamming it down on the counter top. It was a small way to get out his frustrations but it helps a bit.
Ah, and there it was. Of course this time it would be the cat. Sighing loudly, Levi put his laptop to the side and slipped off the couch, making small kissing sounds to draw his cat - Felix - over to him. The cat being, well, a cat, ignored him, instead focused on the person who had food. Levi didn't particularly want to get that close to Emil, right now, but it was either that or he actually kick Felix, and he wasn't having that. When the cat actually saw Levi, thankfully, he came over, rescuing Levi from being within arms reach of Emil if he lashed out.

Scooping Felix up into his arms, Levi scratched him behind the ears, and looked Emil up and down with unimpressed eyes. "He's just a cat," he said. "He likes you. That's all." He was about to turn around, to just leave it at that like an intelligent, capable adult, but before he could stop himself, he added, "And be careful with the counter. I don't want to lose our security deposit because you can't control your temper."

Levi rarely ran his mouth, but he was tired and stressed from finals, and irritated with his brother. That didn't change that this was by far the worst time for him to decide to snap back.
Emil smiles, not a pleasant smile though, more one with intent to harm. He sets down his fork, moving towards his brother, almost like a lion would stalk their prey, when he reaches him he takes both his wrists, forcing him to drop Felix. "What the fuck did you just say? Hmmm? I'd like you to repeat it again." His smile still there, "And you better say it right or otherwise it's going to be hell." He pushes his younger brother to the wall, keeping a iron grasp around his brother's slim wrists.

He licks his lips, " But I think I have something muuuuuch, much better planned for you tonight. I'll make you regret that you ever spoke at all." Emil pushes against Levi, pinning him completely. "Never mind about repeating it... I don't care. I need to get this out right now." He pulls Levi's wrists above his head, changing it so now he was only pinning them down with one hand. He leans in close to his younger brother's ear, whispering in a rough, angry voice, "I'm going to violate you in ways you never expected.." He keeps his brother's arms pinned above his head with a snake-like grip.

He uses his now free hand to touch Levi's dick through his clothes, groping it roughly. Emil moves his mouth to the raven's neck, biting and sucking roughly, almost drawing blood. "You'll probably hate me after this, but I don't give a fuck..." He continues back where he left off, leaving bite marks and hickies in his wake.
Levi wasn't entirely sure what he expected Emil to do, but the eerie smile on his face did nothing but send chills up his spine. When Felix leapt out of his arms, he tried to bolt away with him, but Emil was faster than him. "Knock it off. You were just being -"

He was cut off by Emil's full weight coming down against him, pinning him to the wall of their kitchen. This was utterly bizarre, and he struggled in his brother's grip; unfortunately, this was a fruitless effort, because soon his hands were above his head, and he had little leeway to squirm out from underneath him. At the words 'I'm going to violate you', Levi stopped moving altogether, his eyes flying open in surprise. Out of all the outbursts Levi had endured, none of them held a candle to the aggressiveness of this one - and it was chilling.

"Stop fucking around," he growled, trying one more time to yank his arms away. "Stop - what the hell?" The rough hand on his cock made him jump in surprise; they had gotten into several fights before, all of which he had lost, but none of them involved groping hands. For a second he thought it was accidental, but the hand stayed, and then there were teeth on his neck, and this was definitely far from unintentional.

"Look, I don't care who cock blocked you at work, but this is bullshit," Levi scowled, hissing through his teeth when Emil bit him with particular ferocity. "Get - get a fleshlight or something, don't -" The sound that bubbled up from his throat was humiliating, making his cheeks heat. It had been a frustratingly long time since Levi had been intimate with someone, to the point that even this unexpected, unwanted, and unpleasantly rough attention was enough to get a reaction out of him.

In an effort to get Emil to back off, Levi all but rammed his knee between his legs, breathing heavily. There wasn't much weight behind his movement, but he hoped to make an impact nonetheless. "What the hell, Emil?" For once in his life, he was at a loss for words.
Emil was completely disregarding his brother's words, satisfied when he heard the noise he got from Levi. He smirks against his skin, until Levi kneed him in the groin. He flinches in pain, just for a second though and his grip tightens even more around Levi's wrists. "Oooh boy... you keep making this worse for yourself. Maybe next time you should think a little more before you bitch at me." He moves his hand that was fondling his brother's dick to his shirt, tugging at it roughly pulling it up to his captured wrists, releasing his wrists with one hand, only to use his free one to catch them again, under the shirt.

He pulls the shirt off, discarding it who knows where. He begins his vicious biting and sucking on Levi's skin, moving down to his midsection, roughly doing the same to his brother's nipples. Emil begins pulling his brother's pants and underwear down with his free hand, not worried about how his brother is feeling at this point, just trying to get rid of this feeling of contempt in the best way he thought he could. He basically ripped off Levi's pants and underwear, discarding the offensive clothing. He soon does the same for himself, just as rough with himself as he was with Levi. His cock was still limp, but he begins grinding against Levi.

"I hope you hate me after this. It'll make this so much more fun for me." He growls out, using his free hand to begin touching Levi's ass, inserting two fingers without any kind of lube, knowing it'd hurt like hell. He says in a low, whispering tone into his ear,"Hate me, little brother. Come to despise me for touching you like this. Violating, hurting you like this." He begins licking and biting at his brother's ear.
The dangerous tone in Emil's voice made Levi feel almost ill; he couldn't even feel relieved when his brother's hand left his dick, because it was obvious things were only going to get worse from here. In the split second that his wrists were released, he tried to slip away, but his stunned reflexes weren't fast enough. He shouted when Emil's teeth found his nipples, struggling wildly despite his knowledge that it was futile. Somehow, the fact that he was now buck-ass naked wasn't even the worst part of this; he even found a moment to be glad that he was only wearing pajamas, and that Emil hadn't ruined any of his nice clothes.

His entire mind went blank when Emil stripped himself - suddenly fully realizing what he meant by violating - and jerked his head away when he started to grind against him. He didn't even want to look at this. A strangled scream escaped his throat at the sudden intrusion of his brother's fingers, making him kick out violently and clench around him. He had never before in his life been so thankful that he played with his ass on a regular basis, because if it hurt this much for him, he couldn't imagine how much worse it would hurt for a virgin.

"F-fucking --" He couldn't string together a coherent thought, filled with rage and confusion and hurt and also a startling wish that if Emil had wanted him as a sexual companion all this time, he would have just asked. It was Levi's most well-kept secret that he had inappropriate feelings for his brother; he would have said yes, if he had just approached him.

But somehow he knew that this wasn't the result of Emil being attracted to him. This was the result of something snapping inside of his brother, and his need to dominate. In a horrible, morbid way, that only made this worse.

"If you just... if you just stop, we can --" Levi almost whimpered when Emil began to bite at his ear, sagging in his grip momentarily before bouncing back; it was one of his most erogenous zones, and he found it pleasurable despite his fear. "If all you want is head or something, I'll give it to you if you just let me go."
Emil paused for a moment at his brother's words, his breathing sharp and unstable. For some reason those words struck him like a bullet. He stops completely, moving his fingers out. Levi's scream having also caused hesitation. He collapses against his brother's naked body, releasing his wrists and pinning him to the wall with his own body. He felt effected and he didn't know why. This wasn't who he wanted, but maybe it could provide comfort for his heart.

And in that moment, only the second time since he was extremely young, he begins to feel warm tears drop from his eyes. He holds his brother close to him, not saying anything. He rests his head against the wall.

For as long as he can remember, the only person he ever showed this kind of vulnerability to was his brother. He was really the only one that was never the source of his anger, and yet he took it out on him. And he knows he'll continue in the future. it's a given, especially because of Alek and the rage he feels from that.

His pride wouldn't let him apologize though, yet he stays in place, not letting his brother go and not moving himself. he just stays there silently.
Levi was fully prepared for Emil to continue his assault, given that he had shown no desire to stop despite Levi's visceral protests, and was therefore stunned when he did. He grimaced when he pulled out his fingers, and stood there dumbfounded, not moving, even when he was granted control of his arms. The only thing to pull him back to reality was the sudden sensation of warm, wet tears falling against his skin.

Emil was crying. He had come home from work, yelled at him, sexually assaulted him, and now he was crying.

He wasn't sure if they were crocodile tears or not, and frankly, he didn't care. He should have just left him on the floor, went to clean up, call his parents - call the police - but he was going to do none of those things. Emil was still his brother, and Levi still loved him. He was in shock, had absolutely no fucking idea what just happened, but Emil was sobbing, and that pulled shreds of sympathy from his heart.

With a heavy sigh, Levi pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration, and awkwardly patted Emil on the back. "Come on, stop," he muttered. You don't deserve to cry, he thought. I should be the one crying. "Get off of me. Put your clothes back on. Let's talk." He didn't particularly want to hear about Emil's problems right now, but he sure as hell wanted an explanation.
Emil pushes away from his brother, eyes closed and breathing heavily, trying to regain composure. He slides his clothes back on, refusing to look his younger brother in the eye. He knew Levi was probably fed up with him, and you can tell by his tone of voice, and a surge of anger courses through him, but this wasn't the time for it. he hadn't intended to do anything he just did, it was way further than he'd ever gone before.

Emil goes to get two cups of coffee, making them in a short amount of time before he sits on the couch. Waiting to be told his brother was going to the cops or something. it's what he expected at least . If he were in his brother's situation he wouldn't have even stuck around this long.

Emil doesn't want to talk about Alek, he's never even told Levi about him before.
Levi waited for Emil to be safely on the other side of the apartment before he picked up his own clothes, noting bitterly that he had ripped one of the seams in his pajama bottoms. After slipping on his clothes, he excused himself to the bathroom, where he lingered for over ten minutes. He examined the teeth marks on his neck, which were slowly bruising an ugly purple. Not only were these going to hurt tomorrow, but he also had to go to work; the idea of having to explain away the marks turned his stomach. Despite it being early summer, he would need to wear a high collared shirt tomorrow.

He debated calling the cops several times, but always ended up deciding against it. He knew it was a despicable thing to do, forgiving Emil - and he didn't forgive him, exactly - but he didn't want to get his brother arrested, not really. It was better him that he took his anger out on, then some poor innocent sod at the club. Levi, at the very least, could handle it.

It didn't matter that he could barely form coherent thoughts right now, or that his body trembled like he hadn't eaten for a week. It didn't matter that he felt the bitter tang of nausea in the back of his throat, when he thought about the look on his brother's face when he told him he would violate him. He had grown up with Emil; he could handle this.

Eventually, after washing his face and regaining his composure, Levi rejoined Emil in the living room. He hesitated to sit down next to him, but noticed that he had made him coffee; he took it as a small gesture of penitence, and picked the mug up as he carefully sat down opposite to his brother.

He didn't speak until after he had taken a few sips of his coffee. "So," he started, finally sparing Emil an icy glance, "mind explaining what the hell that was about?"
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Emil diverts his attention , looking towards Levi's computer, "How's school going?" He is avoiding the question. He didn't want to talk about it, not really. And why does it matter to tell him if he doesn't care?

He continues sipping on his coffee, falling silent again. He didn't want to deal with this situation, know he went too far with his anger, just because he had sexual frustration pent up and was already angry and Levi just happened to be the first person he saw.

Emil mumbles quietly to himself, words unintelligible. He remembers that this wasn't the first time he'd cried in front of his brother, he did the other time too, he'd come back to their parents' house, since at that point he couldn't afford to move out. He felt the same anger yet more sorrowful back then, and when he saw his brother he instigated a fight, per usual, but similarly, without the sexual assault, Levi said something that caused him to stop, and he began crying. He had somehow avoided telling him about why he was crying that time.
Levi's icy gaze turned incredulous when Emil deliberately avoided answering him. He opened his mouth to reply, but shut it quickly when he realized there was no way he could say anything pleasant right now; the last thing he wanted to do was trigger Emil into another rampage. Running his hand over his face, he muttered something under his breath, and took a few seconds to calm down before continuing.

"It's fine," he replied tersely, brushing some of his hair behind his ear. "Finals are coming up. Then I'll be done." This only reminded him that he should have been studying right now, but instead he was dealing with this mess. It frustrated him. After another few seconds of awkward silence, Levi shifted so he was facing Emil, and sighed.

"Look," he started, running his fingers over one of the bruises forming on his neck, "I don't know what happened at work to make you attack me, but -- that was really fucked up, Emil. I..." He tore at the skin on his lips with his teeth, thinking. "If this is just because you're pent up, or something... you could have just asked. I would have..." His tongue darted across his lower lip, tasting blood. He couldn't believe he was about to admit this - but Emil started it. "I would have said yes, if you just asked. All right?"

Though he would have liked to say that he would no longer say 'yes', if by some chance that was what Emil wanted, Levi knew that he would. He knew that, despite the assault, despite the breach of trust, he would still drop to his knees for his brother.
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Emil thinks over everything his little brother said, standing up and ruffling Levi's hair. A small smile plays on his lips, "I'm sorry little brother..." His gaze trails away, "I'll try to make it up to you somehow." Then he runs his fingers through his brother's hair one more time, before walking away.

He goes back to the front door, rustling around in the bag he'd brought home. He pulls out a box and goes to Levi's room, he'd noticed before he went to work today that Levi's light wasn't working, so before work he'd dropped by a store to grab some light bulbs.

He replaces Levi's light bulb, barely paying attention to the simple task, staring off into space, thinking. he doesn't know why he attacked his brother, he's not who Emily wants at all. Levi is right about him feeling pent up though, he hadn't had sex in months, taking on too many hours over the last few months.

When he finishes screwing in the light bulb he steps down from the chair he'd used to get there. As he leaves the room he flips the switch to make sure it works and the light flicks on quickly. He turns it back off and returns the chair back to where he got it.

He doesn't say a word to Levi before going to bed. he wasn't sure if Levi had noticed Emil in his room or not, but it didn't matter. He lies down, thoughts still swirling in his mind.
After making his inappropriate confession, Levi found himself holding his breath as he waited for Emil to respond. The silence was deafening, and the faint nausea that had been building in his gut started to rev distressingly. He was about to open his mouth and shout, 'just kidding!', when Emil stood up and ruffled his hair, just like he used to do when they were younger.

Levi stared at him, flabbergasted, his dark eyes wide. Once again, it seemed like he was deliberately avoiding everything Levi had just said, but more frustratingly, his mood had done a complete 180. This wasn't uncommon - in fact, it was infuriatingly common - but it was completely unexpected right now. "I - what?" All Levi could do was watch as Emil turned and left, leaving him even more confused. He sat there on the couch, not moving, for at least five minutes, trying to figure out what had just happened.

He had no idea what Emil meant by 'make it up to him', and he honestly didn't believe that he could make things up to him. An apology was a start, but he barely even acknowledged what he had done, and the gravity of it. Was that in response to his awkward confession? Was that his way of saying that he felt the same way? No, it couldn't have been. Only Levi was disgusting enough to harbor those kinds of feelings for his brother.

Eventually, the nausea became too strong to ignore, and Levi bolted off of the couch and into the bathroom, just barely reaching the toilet before violently losing his dinner. He heaved several times, until there was nothing left in his stomach, and he began to sob. He couldn't pinpoint exactly what he was sobbing for - Emil's attack, confessing his inappropriate feelings, stress from finals, or perhaps all three - but the tears wouldn't stop for a good ten minutes. Levi had never felt so confused, or so wounded, in his life.

He wasn't sure quite how long he was in the bathroom for, but by the time he left - surprisingly composed, after what he had just done - the lights were off, and Emil was in bed. The only other sign of life was Felix, who had been crouched outside of the bathroom door, waiting for him to open it. He dejectedly picked up his cat, who thankfully was feeling quite affectionate right now, and shuffled into his own room, wanting to collapse into bed and hopefully forget everything that happened tonight.

Somehow, he doubted that he would be successful in that endeavor.
Emil doesn't sleep at all that night, he just thinks, which makes him even less of a morning person that morning. When he stands, he is thinking of how in the hell he could have done any of that to his brother, and then not apologize for it. He pulls on some pants, not worried about a shirt yet, because he's only scheduled to work at the bar later, which didn't start until a lot later, he is more so worried about running into Alek again. Especially because of the adverse reaction he had last night.

When he'd been thinking throughout the night he was thinking of many things, mainly Levi, how to make it up to him, what he thought about his feelings, everything. He found, it'd be ok to have sex with his brother, he'd get his tension out and also not have to worry about any actual feelings of love like that being involved, or at least that's what he assumed his brother meant, that he is just physically attracted to Emil. He could see that, he is pretty sexy. He walks into the kitchen while thinking this, starting some coffee. He notices the food he'd left out last night, picking up the plate and throwing away the food before placing the fork and plate in the sink. "God dammit, and that was my favorite too..." He sighs, going back to watching the coffee pot working away at the coffee, since he had nothing else to do.

Emil plans to talk with Levi later, not sure exactly how to bring up the matters, but knowing his response last night wasn't good enough. He just hopes nothing happens to hit that mood switch he seems to have. He doesn't know why he has such intense mood swings, it's not like he's a girl, having noticed it's common in women to have drastic mood swings, but he is the only guy he's seen to have the same intense mood swings.

He's hungry and not sure what to make, looking in the food pantry, but not coming to a decision, so he decides to go see if Levi is up so he can pick.
At some point in the night Levi did fall asleep, though it was a fitful sleep; he found himself waking up several times drenched in sweat, which made him wonder if he was just getting sick. On some level he knew that was just him trying to shift the focus of the assault onto something else, and that it wasn't a healthy coping mechanism, but he didn't care. If thinking he was coming down with the flu helped him manage things, he would pretend to be coming down with the flu.

He had been asleep for around three hours by the time Felix really started to become insufferable in his desire for food, which was worse than not sleeping at all, in Levi's opinion. He still managed to drag himself out of bed, stopping in the bathroom before facing the day - and Emil, whom he could hear shuffling around in the kitchen. There he used the facilities, and splashed water over his face, trying to wake himself up; he also inspected the bite marks on his throat, and grimaced when he realized that they had become incredibly angry over the night. There was no way he could cover these up with makeup; he was definitely going to have to wear a high-collared shirt, and suffer under the heat lamps in the greenhouse.

When he left the bathroom, he noticed Emil right away, who seemed to be coming to see him. He looked like a deer caught in headlights for a few moments, as he tried to decipher the look on his brother's face. He almost brushed right past him and back into his room, but decided better of it; this was his apartment too, and he wasn't going to be bullied by his asshole brother into hiding out in his bedroom for the rest of the day.

"Good morning," he said stiffly, his voice hoarse from the disaster that was the previous night. "Sleep well?"
Emil sees the bites he'd left on his brother and grimaces, reaching his hand over to touch one gently, "I'm such a fucking asshole..." He mutters this, "What do you want to eat for breakfast? I can't decide." He won't look Levi in the face, feeling like he didn't deserve to. "Also, does your light work now?" He wants to get everything out of the way before the aforementioned switch gets flipped. He doesn't know how to approach the matter though, he scoffs, 'Ya remember how I tried to screw you, my little brother, last night? Well, since you said you're alright with it we should do it properly sometime, when it wouldn't be considered rape, and it can't have any feelings with it, just sex.' He can't say that, no way.

He turns around, forgetting he'd asked a question at all. Emil was deep in thought again, going back to watch the coffee pot, as it was a habit he developed a while ago. He sighs heavily, leaning on the counter behind him. He feels Felix rub on his legs and leans down to pet the cat for a minute.
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